Can Salisbury Win A Fourth Straight Title? By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
he toughest thing to do in sports is to repeat as champion, so what Salisbury School has done, win the last three New England Prep Elite tournaments, is nothing short of remarkable. Can the Crimson Knights make it four in row this coming March? They very well could. Coach Andy Will, the architect behind the titles,
Avon, Cushing Ready To Mount A Challenge
has filled in well the roster spots lost from last season. Boston University commit Jack DeBoer and Providence recruit Tyce Thompson should bolster the offensive attack that does the return the likes of Cole Poliziani, Anthony Vincent and Jordan Kaplan, the three goal scorers in last March's
title win over Dexter, 3-1. Junior Nick Sorgio, last year's back-up, appears ready to take over as the #1 guy between the pipes. Although there are several teams capable of winning it all, we will go with Salisbury (23-4-2) as the preseason #1 team in the HNIB News
Boys Prep pre-season poll, as someone will need to knock them off. One team that could be capable of doing it is the Knights' Founders League rivals - Avon Old Farms (14-12-0), which boasts no less than eight Division I commits on (Continued On Page 12)
HNIB Boys Prep Top 15 Poll TEAM
1. Salisbury 2. Avon Old Farms 3. Cushing 4. Phillips Exeter 5. Gunnery 6. Kimball Union 7. Dexter 8. Nobles 9. Westminster 10. Kent 11. Belmont Hill 12. St. Mark’s 13. Albany Acad. 14. Berkshire 15. Williston
23 4 14 12 25 4 24 4 20 6 26 7 20 6 21 5 15 11 11 12 17 7 23 4 16 12 15 11 13 11
2 0 4 2 2 1 5 1 2 2 8 3 2 2 2
SALISBURY CAPTAINS with the NEPSIHA championship hardware after the Crimson Knights won their third straight New England Elite crown last March. (Jamie Callery photo)
BROOKS SENIORS with the 2015 NEPSIHA Small School trophy after win over Belmont Hill in title game last March. (Jamie Callery photo)
ST. MARK’S is the defending NEPSIHA Large School champions thanks to a title game win over Westminster. (Jamie Callery photo)
NoveMbeR 24, 2015 | HoCkey NigHT iN bosToN News |
HNIB News • Volume 32 - Number 2 HNIB NEWS Staff -PuBlISHEr EmErItuS-
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lance lofaro (1946-2014)
Gary demopoulos Kevin doyle michael fornabaio Jon turner Yardley dom Nicastro Nathan fournier fran Sypek
-EdItorGary demopoulos
-SalES/advErtISINGGary demopoulos Jamie Callery
-GraPHICS/SCHEdulESGary demopoulos Jamie Callery Kevin doyle
hnIB news 795 Turnpike St. no. Andover, MA 01845 978-682-2425 Twitter: On The COver
Photos of Prep Hockey’s five 2015 New England Champions: Boys Elite (Salisbury), Boys Large School (Brooks), Boys Small School (St. Mark’s), Girls Division I (St. Paul’s), Girls Division 2 (Rivers).
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Printed at Gannett Offset nOrwOOd, Ma - INDEX Boys Prep Poll 3,12 HNIB News Staff 4 Founders League 5-6 Keller Division 7-8 Lake Region 10-12 Boys Prep East 14-16 Boys Prep West 17-20 Holt Conference 22, 24-25 Eberhart Division 25-27 Boys Holiday Tourneys 28-29 Mid-Atlantic Prep 30-31 Midwest Prep 32 AHI/NE Wolves 34-35 Seacoast Prep Story 36-37 Girls D1 Prep Poll 38, 43 Girls D1 Prep 39-43 Girls ISL Prep 44-46 Girls D2 Prep Poll 47 Girls D2 Prep 49, 51-53 Girls Mid-Atl/Midwest 54 Girls Holiday Tourneys 55
FOUNDERS LEAGUE By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
oming off a pair of down years, at least by their standards, Avon Old Farms (14-12-0) looks like it will be back with a vengeance this winter, as veteran coach John Gardner returns a ton of talent, bolstered by an impressive incoming group. The Winged Beavers boast no less than seven Division I committed players on the club. Avon returns five of its top six scorers from last year, led by junior Patrick Harper (47 pts), committed to BU, and senior Jamie Armstrong, a Northeastern commit. Seniors Dan Winslow (20 pts, Quinnipiac), Tyler Carangelo (26 pts) and Matt Horton will be key, as will returning juniors John Giatrelis, Josh Vertentes and Mike Perrone. Add to that list newcomers like juniors Matt Allen (Providence), Matt Barnaby and Sam Timonen, post-grad Jake Witkowski and sophomore Tyler Madden (Colorado College). Sophomore defenseman Ben Mirageas has already committed to Providence. He is back with seniors Brendan Killoy and Jake Gresh, and junior Ryan Ashe. New senior Adam Krashik is a UConn recruit. Freshman Cullen Young hopes to contribute. In goal, Avon welcomes senior Matt Ladd (who recently de-committed from D1 Niagara), along with returning junior Brandon Schellin. Also returning the bulk of its team is Choate (18-7-3). Coach Pat Dennehy has a mobile and
greg KrisBerg • KenT
Avon Old Farms Loaded With Talent Strong Goaltending, Defense Power Kent
Dan WinsloW avon olD farms
Tyler Carangelo avon olD farms
PaTriCK harPer avon olD farms
Jamie armsTrong avon olD farms
skilled blue line group, and a bunch of forwards ready Graduation has hit Loomis Chaffee (21-5-1) hard, for breakout seasons. but don't expect the Pelicans to drop too far. The Wild Boars return no less than seven varsity Junior forward Justin Grillo (30 pts) will be a forblueliners, anchored by senior Brendan Less, a ward cornerstone for coach J.R. Zavisza. New sophoDartmouth commit. He headlines a group that more Joe Cipollone, already committed to Vermont, includes seniors Albie Austin, Alex Mostovoi and should have an immediate impact. Nick Gambardella, juniors Billy Overby and Craig Post-grad defenseman Wilson McCloy (a Williams Uyeno, and sophomore Faisi Al-Saif. Senior Henry Marshall (30 pts) is the offensive catalyst and has committed to Colgate. Seniors Alex Kolowrat and Brendan Murphy, junior Bobby Goggin (13 pts) and sophomore Jack Hoey (15 pts) are all back as well. Look for post-grads Lloyd Hill and Chris Brunner, and new junior Eric Linell to chip in as well. Post-grad Kurt Moss will be in the saTChel ClenDenin Kyle DelmaesTro TeDDy simson KenT KenT KenT mix for the starting goaltender's job. Kent (11-12-2) took a small step backwards last season, but looks to rebound on the College recruit) will be key on defense in front of strength of solid goaltending and team defense. returning senior goalie Tim Birarelli, who played On the blue line, senior Greg Krisberg (27 pts) is 1,212 minutes last winter. (Continued On Page 6) amongst the prep's top rearguards. Senior Brian Kelly and juniors Kyle DelMaestro and Carter Dwyer are three more defensive veterans for coach Dale Reinhardt. The offense will work around returning seniors Teddy Simson (22 pts) and Satchel Clendenin (17 pts). A quartet of new guys to the program looking to contribute right away are juniors Jack Bloem, Andrew Rinaldi and Augie Burkhardt and sophomore Jeremy Routh. In goal, senior Jackson Norris (2.91) and junior Peter Negron (2.87) give the Lions an experienced 12 punch between the pipes. Tim Birarelli • loomis Chaffee goalie
November 24, 2015 | HocKey NiGHt iN boStoN NewS |
saLisBury’s JorDan kaPLan
wesTminsTer’s connor LLoyD (16) reTurns for His senior season.
(PHoTo By JosePH meeHan)
(Continued From Page 5)
Winners of the last three New England Elite titles, Salisbury (234-2) has reloaded for a run at an unprecedented fourth straight crown. The Knights lost their top four scorers, but there is still plenty back, as well as experience on defense. A well-balanced attack will feature returning seniors Cole Poliziani (24 pts), Jordan Kaplan (17 pts), Tom Lee (15 pts), Anthony Vincent (15 pts), Luke Israel (15 pts) and Edgars Treijs (14 pts). Amongst a group of newcomers coach Andrew Will expects to contribute are BU-commit Jack DeBoer and Providence commit
(PHoTo By Jamie caLLery)
(PHoTo By JosePH meeHan)
Three-Time NE Champ Salisbury Ready To Defend Tyce Thompson, both underclassmen. Spearheading the blue line in front of returning junior goalie Nick Sorgio are seniors Dayne Finnson (12 pts) and Nathan Ellis. "Once again we will be looking for solid contributions from all four of our scoring lines," Will said. "We're excited to see who steps up to contribute to our offensive production. We return a number of our defensemen from last year's team so we have experience and skill on the back end." Despite losing 13 to graduation, Taft (10-15-0) head coach Dan
Murphy is excited to see what the new season brings. "We should have a strong team this year with a nice mix of returners and new talent," he said. Up front, senior Sam Nestor (24 pts) and junior Matteo Mangiardi (19 pts) will be offensive cornerstones. Bolstering the forward lineup will be post-grad Will Dittrich, new juniors Jay Lavallee, Dylan Govers and John Michael DiGorio (all from the Montreal area) and freshmen Jordan Tonelli and Sean Courtmanche. Senior Drew Hickey (12 pts) will have a key role on defense, helped out by new junior Brandon Kim and freshman BIll Dobensky. In goal, junior Andrew Farrier (2.88 gaa) has potential to be amongst the league's best netminders.
Drew Hickey TafT
saLisBury’s coLe PoLiziani
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
The Founders League's only new coach this winter is at TrinityPawling (8-16-2), where alum Robert Ferraris takes over the reins. A key will be the return of 14 players from last season. Sparking things offensively will be senior John Litscher (27 pts), senior Tyler Gwyn (19 pts) and junior Jordi Jefferson (20 pts). Senior Trey Aiello is another key returner up front. Post-grad Ryan Deering, junior Zach Mazur and freshman Joey Musa are newcomers looking to make an immediate splash. Senior Casey Winn and junior Chris Taylor are two key returners on defense for the Pride. New sophomore Kyle Miller hopes to help out. Junior Justin Lampert is a returning netminder ready to challenge for the top spot between the pipes. Westminster (15-11-2) looks to build on a strong finish to last year's season that saw the Martlets advance all the way to the New England Small School title game. Playing strong defense will be a key. The Martlets should be able to put the puck in the net, led by returning seniors Taggart Corriveau (41 pts), already committed to St. Lawrence, (Continued On Page 19)
Belmont Hill A Title Threat
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News good group returns to the fold for Belmont Hill (17-7-8), which advanced to the New England Large School title game last winter. Senior leadership will be a key for the Hillies. Coach Jeremiah McCarthy will build his Benson (9 pts), Garrett Coley, Peter offense around a quartet of returning forwards DiFrancesco and Reid Howland, junior Griff that should put up some decent numbers. Clark and sophomore Tao Ishizuak. Junior Seniors Christian Faggas (30 pts) and Eric Butte Brandon Lafata returns to the prep school wars (18 pts) will compleand should help ment the junior duo out, along with of Christian O’Neill new junior (22 pts) and Sam W i l l i a m Hesler (22 pts). Bloomstrom and O’Neill recently freshman Alex committed to Duncan. Princeton, while Senior Kyle Hesler has commitHoffman, junior ted to Dartmouth. Matt Connolly The Belmont Hill and sophomore defense will feature Ben Ginsberg are a nucleus of four back on the blue seniors, led by Yale line for the recruit Brian Governors, helped Matthews, a co-capout by new juniors tain. Also back are Tim Reilly and co-captain David Collin Fabian. Giunta (14 pts), Freshmen bluelinRicky Cronin and ers Cam Cam Connors. Boudreau, Brett The Hillies also Rudy and Olle have returning Akermark hope to starter Matthew Belmont Hill junior stars CHristian o’neill (l) and sam Hesler. make their mark. Barrow back in the New junior nets. Sam Best, who backboned his Woburn HS team Second-year coach Larry Cockrell continues to a Mass. Super 8 berth a year ago, will be a to build the program at Governors Academy solid option in goal. (5-19-1) and will blend a good group of returnDeveloping secondary scoring will be key to ers and newcomers to put together this year's any success at Lawrence Academy (7-16-2), outfit. where coach Robbie Barker is confident his club Looking to build on last year's offense that will have solid defense and goaltending. struggled are returners like seniors Brandon
Governors, Lawrence Look For Success
Juniors Craig Needham (28 pts) and Sam Swanson and sophomores Timmy Kent (21 pts) and J.J. Harding (18 pts) will be primary weapons offensively for the Spartans. New junior Austin Magera (Sacred Heart commit) and senior Jake Rainer should have key roles. On the blue line, senior Liam O'Sullivan and junior Jamie Swiggett (13 pts) will be anchors. New sophomore Jack Cameron looks to chip in right away. New junior Owen Zdunski will fight for the starting goaltender's job. Milton Academy (12-14-2) will rely on its strong returning core to pick up a few more wins this winter. Up front, coach Paul Cannata will look for leadership from senior Trevor Turnbull, senior captain Andrew Dumaresque and junior Jack Bliss. New sophomore Tyler Campbell, from Manitoba, will add depth. Senior Collin van der Veen and junior Buddy Mrowka will anchor things defensively for the Mustangs. The goaltending job could go to new sophomore Ethan Domokos. (Continued On Page 8)
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November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
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Nobles Ready To Defend Crown St. Paul’s Loses 6 Of Top 7 Scorers (Continued From Page 7)
caM BuRke • NoBLeS
LiaM o’SuLLivaN LaWReNce acad.
Defending league champion Nobles (21-5-1) will be in the mix again returning a number of key contributing players. "How hard we work and how well we work together will go a long way in determining how successful we will be," said coach Brian Day. The Bulldogs will boast no less than three Division 1 commits up front in senior Luke Stevens (29 pts, Yale), senior Mike Fahie (32 pts, Brown) and junior Cam Burke (Notre Dame). Senior Danny Jacobs (15 pts) will be another key option up front. New sophomore Patrick Moynihan, who recently committed to Boston College, hopes to have immediate success. Veteran presence on defense will include senior Pat Murray (13 pts), junior Ryan Heath and sophomore Trevor Spence. Senior Austin Bonasia and junior Harry Sherman both got varsity experience as backups in goal last winter. Losing six of its top seven scorers, there will be some rebuilding at St. Paul's (13-10-6). Coach Mark Bozek says returning players taking on larger roles will be a key. Junior Colin McCaughey (22 pts) will be counted on for production in the offensive end of the ice, while leaders on the back end project to be seniors Giacomo Messina and Liam Flaherty, both of whom had injured shortened seasons last winter. Scoring depth and a strong blue line core will be strengths for St. Sebastian's (13-10-3) as the Arrows look to challenge for the league title and a post-season berth. Junior R.J. Murphy (39 pts) will be the catalyst up front for coach Sean McCann. He has committed to Harvard. Helping out will be seniors Paul McAuliffe and Peter Mullin. Defensively, senior Jack McCool (11 pts) and junior Eric Jeremiah (17 pts) will log a bunch of minutes, as will senior Mike Mackintire. Although it lost three of its top four scorers, including Monte Graham to the USHL, Thayer (15-12-3) still returns a pretty solid nucleus that
Lawrence Academy • Groton MA Co-ed • Boarding and Day Students Grades 9–12 Financial assistance is available.
should have the Tigers very competitive in the Keller Division. Senior Ty Amonte (40 pts) will be a catalyst in the offensive zone. Other key returners include senior Robert Carmody, junior Casey Carreau (27 pts), junior Mike Seoane and sophomore Tristan Amonte. In seniors Kyle Peterson (28 pts) and Colin McCabe (19 pts), coach Tony Amonte should have one of the division’s top defensive duos. Sophomore Cam Lemanski is coming off a pretty solid freshman season. Thayer also returns a starting goaltender in senior Mike Royer.
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daNNy JacoBS • NoBLeS
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Lot Of New Faces At Brewster Holderness Names Thompson Coach
tyler slUsarczyk holderness
logan clarke holderness
ryan steele holderness
KUA Will Be Tough Opponent david Fiset-ross Brewster
teagan meehan Brewster
alex reissis Brewster
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
rewster Academy (8-15-1) coach Jay Anctil welcomes a bunch of new faces to Wolfeboro this winter so team chemistry will certainly be a key component to any success. The Bobcats do return leading scorer David Fiset-Ross (17 pts) to lead the offensive attack. Returning seniors Jeremy Beaudoin and Teegan Meehan will be keys as well. Post-grads Anthony Cieri and Mike Kutcher and new junior William Brochu will have big roles as well. Senior Matt Fuller and senior Sam Provost return as reliable blue liners for Brewster. Finnish native Saku Leppanen, a new junior, will need to be watched. The goaltending duties will fall on returning senior Jordan White and post-grad Alex Reissis. Holderness (7-23-0) is under new management, with former assistant Alan Thompson taking over as head coach. Having three of his top four scorers from last year's club back will be a help right away. That trio includes senior Logan Clarke (28 pts), senior Tyler Slusarcyzk (25 pts) and senior Ryan Steele (15 pts). New sophomore Ethan Bliss and freshman Tanner Ensign look to help out.
Newcomers Shawn Moore, a junior, and Joshua Bliss, a sophomore, hope to be immediate contributors on the defense in front of a pair of untested junior goaltenders. "We will have to play tough defensively and limit Grade A scoring chances," Thompson said. Defending champ Kimball Union (26-7-1) went unbeaten in league play a year ago. The Wildcats graduated some strong players, so it will be important for the incoming guys to rise to the challenge. (Continued On Page 11)
Ben Finkelstein kimBall Union
elijah harris kimBalll Union
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Patrick shea kimBall Union
Postive Momentum For New Hampton (Continued From Page 10)
The cupboard certainly isn't bare. Senior forwards Patrick Shea (committed to Maine), Jack Doherty and George Sennott all are gifted offensive players. They will be bolstered by the arrival of post-grad Jack Griffin and new sophomores Roope Hirvonen and Andranik Armstrong. A pair of battle-tested seniors - Ben Finkelstein, a St. Lawrence recruit, and Dennis Cesana - will anchor things defensively for coach Tim Whitehead. Junior Sean Thomson and sophomore Bryce Dolan join the rotation. The Wildcats do return their starting goaltender in senior Elijah Harris, who has committed to Brown. New sophomore Hugo Turcotte will look for minutes. Looking to build on last season where it made the Lakes Region final and the post-season, New Hampton (13-17-3) will have to overcome the loss of its top two lines. Still, there is lots of positive momentum, with a new rink coming on campus in 2016. Top returners up front for coach Casey Kesselring are seniors Ty Turgeon and Dom Thomas, who will get
some help in the scoring department from the likes of new seniors Jakov Novak and Josh Pope-Ferguson, and juniors Chris Lemay and Lukas Uhler. The Huskies have a pair of impressive juniors patrolling the blue line in Mark Leach and Luke Albert. New junior Max Osborne should contribute right away, as should post-grad Kaleb Godbout. In goal, senior Jacob Burhans was New Hampton's primary netminder a year ago and is joined by returning junior Thomas McLarnon. An impressive returning nucleus could mean big things up at Proctor (17-15-1), if the Hornets can get solid goaltending and improve their team defense. UMaine bound forward, senior Jake Pappalardo, is coming off a huge 62-point season and will spearhead the offense, along with proven veterans like senior Jack Hall (33 pts), senior Derek Tillotson (27 pts) and junior Tate Singleton (20 pts). Add to that group postgrad Jack Scannell, sophomores Ryan King and Patrick Cotton, and freshman Myles Abbate.
mark LeaCh New hamptoN
Chris Lemay New hamptoN
(Continued On Page 12)
From physics to power plays and Bach to backchecking, Vermont Academy plays to win across academics and athletics in the natural arena of Vermont.
HEAD COACHES : Boys: Chris Davidson — national championship player and winner of six conference titles as a coach at St. Michael’s Girls: Stephanie Boulay — NCAA division 1 starting goaltender and former coach at Wesleyan University VA plays an extended season of 25+ games!
Coed, 9-12 and PG 240 students 450 acres
College-prep curriculum Learning Skills Center 23 athletic offerings
Andrew Millikin
Southern Vermont
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
McQuade Era Begins At Tilton Vermont Hopes To Keep Moving (Continued From Page 11)
Junior Reilly Walsh (45 pts), committed to Harvard, is one of the top two-way blueliners in prep school hockey. Junior Matt Slick (22 pts) is another offensive-minded rearguard for coach Mike Walsh. Post-grad Owen Kuhns will only help. In goal, senior Connor Simpson projects to be the #1 guy. Longtime head coach Pat Norton has moved on to the college ranks at Tufts, so his trusted assistant - Brooks McQuade - moves up to the head coaching position at Tilton (15-15-3), where the Rams expect to have their usual tough club. Not a lot of production returns at forward, where seniors Mikeal Hebert (14 pts) and Justin Robertson (10 pts) lead a group that consists of seniors Conor Ryle, Ryan Freker and Nick Waring, and juniors Jack Morretti and Jason Bogacz. Scoring help will come from post-grads Ryan Meade and Ryan Smith, and new juniors Andy Somerville, Cal Johnson and Griffin Connor. Senior Zach Frament (17 pts) will be a leader on defense for the Rams, where Matt Cappucci, Anthony Dom and Alex McGaw also return. Postgrad Shawn Peckham and junior Josh Lennon will provide immediate blue line help as well. In the nets, new junior Ryan Bonnvie will challenge incumbents Alexander Gerasimenko (a senior) and Zach McWihinnie (a junior). Building chemistry between the solid foundation and new faces will be a top priority for Vermont Academy (1913-2) to keep moving in the right direction. Despite losing Justin Cole to the USHL, coach Chris Davidson has some talent up front, led by senior ace Houston Wilson (52 pts), and fellow seniors Jeremy Nadeau Fortin (29 pts) Houston Wilson and Jack Raleigh (24 pts). Amongst the Vermont AcAdemy
reilly WAlsH Proctor
derek tillotso n Proctor
ZAcH FrAment tilton
mAtt cAPPucci tilton
ryAn BonnVie tilton
ryAn meAde tilton
sHAWn PeckHAm tilton
conor ryle tilton
the newcomers ready to jump right in are junior Nathan Smith and Tyus Tummings. With Will Riedell leaving for the NAHL, senior Samuel Savard will be an anchor on the blue line for the Wildcats. New junior Mike Belliveau and sophomore Jake Meikle will have key roles on defense. Returning senior goalie Josh Bolding (2.90) gives Vermont Academy a solid presence in the nets.
- Boys Prep Poll Story (Continued From Page 3)
the roster. Patrick Harper (Boston University), Jamie Armstrong (Northeastern) and Dan Winslow (Quinnipiac) are key returners up front for an offense that should be able to score a bunch of goals. This may be Avon Old Farms' year for a return to glory. #3 Cushing (25-4-4), an Elite Tournament participant last season, could be a serious threat provided the Penguins can get the new young players to gel with the existing roster, and get solid goaltending after the graduation of Joey Daccord. A solid group of newcomers is ready to show what it can do. If defense is as important as most think, then #4 Phillips Exeter (24-42) will be in the hunt. The Big Red return seven blueliners, including Colgate-recruit Trevor Cosgrove and Peter Christie. It will come down to offense, as 95 of the 135 goals Exeter scored last year has moved on. There is a new head coach at #5 Gunnery (20-6-2), where former associate coach Craig Badger moves up to the big chair. His team will be backboned by Army recruit Trever Koslowski. #6 Kimball Union (26-7-1) went undefeated in Lakes Region play last season and the Wildcats appear solid enough to be a threat again. KUA is led by forward Patrick Shea (Maine commit), defenseman Ben Finkelstein (St. Lawrence commit) and goalie Elijah Harris (Brown commit).
NoVeMber 24, 2015 | HocKey NigHT iN bosToN News |
erwick Academy (10-160) welcomes a new head coach in Jeoff Jarnot, who in the absence of depth at forward, will rely on some solid defensive play to lead the way for the Bulldogs. Junior Byron Welch (15 pts) will be key cog up front, as will junior Derek Muse. Senior Anthony Cosentino can play well at either forward or defense. On the blue line, seniors Keith Jordan and Sam Twombly will be cornerstones for Berwick, in front of post-grad goalie Matt Kenneally, out of Rhode Island's Bishop Hendricken HS. Once some of the new young players get up to speed, then Cushing (25-4-4) should be a pretty strong group as the Penguins aim to qualify again for
anthony Cosentino BerwiCk
Cushing, Dexter Ready For Big Years Jarnot Takes Over As Coach At Berwick
Brent hill Cushing
the New England Elite Tournament. With high-scoring David Cotton and Bailey Conger having moved on to the USHL, holdovers
saM twoMBly BerwiCk
Rigor Rigorous ous colleg college-preparatory e-preparatory curriculum 8 bus-r bus-routes outes serving ser ving students in MA, NH, and ME Competitiv Competitive, e, cchampionship hampionship athletic pr programs ograms Graduates Gr aduates competing in top D1 and D3 pr programs ograms Nationally recognized da dayy school sc hool in Southern Southern Maine
www.berwi www .berwi ckacademy ckacademy.. o rg
Matt kenneally BerwiCk
Jeff Morgan Cushing
Dakota MulCay Cushing
up front from last winter's potent club are seniors Brent Hill, Jeff Morgan and Max Brainin, junior Marc McLaughlin (a St. Lawrence commit) and junior Dakota Mulcay. On defense, coach Rob Gagnon will look for leadership from seniors Matt Dillon, Ethan Roswell and Ben Barton. They will hold down the fort in front of goaltenders Joey Halstrom, a junior, and Gavin Dykeman, a senior. Among a host of new players looking to grab a roster spot in preseason workouts are forwards Jacob Kamps (a Vermont recruit) and T.J. Walsh (committed to Boston College), junior forwards Ashton Fry and Alex Andreucci, junior defenseman Villa Saarilaoma and sophomore blue liners Noah Kim and Cam Berube. Dexter (20-6-5) advanced all the way to the New England Elite title game last winter. To even think about getting there again, the team will need to replace the offensive production lost and get solid goaltending. Coach Dan Donato still has a bevy of weapons up front, led by senior Patrick Daly (54 pts), senior Kevin Hock (36 pts) and senior Jack Donato. Sophomore Jay
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Ben Barton Cushing
Pat Daly Dexter
O'Brien, recently committed to Providence, had a productive freshman campaign a year ago. Newcomers looking to blend with this group include John Femia, a junior, and sophomores Jack Halloran and Jack Nesbit. On defense, blue-chipper Luke McInnis has gone to the USHL, which leaves key blue line duties to senior Ryan McDougall, junior Sean Keohane, a Dartmouth College recruit, and sophomore Jack Rathbone, who just committed to Harvard. Who emerges as Dexter's starting goalie will be a key for the squad. (Continued On Page 15)
Tortorella New Coach At Andover Exeter Solid On Defense
Kevin hocK dexteR
(Continued From Page 14)
There is optimism at Hebron (15-11-4), where the Lumberjacks have a nice mix of returning veterans and new faces. Special teams were a strength last winter and project to be again this year. At forward, senior Ryan Boucher (22 pts) will be a go-to scorer for coach James LeBlanc. Joining Boucher will be post-grad
sean Keohane dexteR
Dominic DeRosa and juniors Phil Gilmour and Erik Friberg. Post-grad Colin McKay (9 pts) and sophomore Sean Kimura (14 pts) are key holdovers on the blue line. New junior Steve Tettoni will be an added plus. Post-grad Zach Robbins will be in the mix for the starting goaltender's position. New head coach Paul Tortorella is excited to get the season going at Phillips Andover (8-15-3), where he anticipates a team that will have more depth this winter. Key elements up front for the Big Blue will be senior Collin Nugent (39 pts) and senior Tyler Levine (35 pts). Post-grad Billy Stahley, and new juniors Jonny Edelson and Kevin Kastholm (both from Illinois) will be counted on offensively as well. Senior Payton Jancsy (11 pts) will be Andover's quarterback in the defensive zone. Post-grad Misha Song comes highly-regarded, becoming the first player born in China to be drafted in the NHL (New York Islanders, 6th round). New junior Jack Legler will see time as well. Between the pipes, post-grad Zach Robbins will fight for time. Graduation took a big bite out of the offense at Phillips Exeter (244-2), where 95 of last year's 135 goals scored have moved on. So, the forward group as a whole will need to step it up. Having seven experienced defensemen back will help out. There are some forwards back, namely seniors Devin Moore (30 pts) and Ben Solin (30 pts), along with juniors Brad Ingersoll and Colin Shapiro. Coach Dana Barbin has replenished the forward ranks with the likes of postgrads Ryan Petti, Christian Thompson, Steve Upton and Matt
Payton Jancsy PhilliPs andoveR
Ryan BoucheR heBRon
Cushing Olympians, including Meghan Duggan ‘06, 2-time Olympic silver medalist and captain of the 2014 U.S. Women’s Olympic Hockey team
Approximate number of Cushing boys’ and girls’ hockey players who have gone on to play Division I hockey in college
(Continued On Page 16) November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
48 24 25
Cushing athletes who have been drafted or gone pro
NEPSAC championships in the past 17 years, in 6 sports
Average number of Cushing athletes each year who go on to play in college
With rigorous programs in academics, athletics, and the arts, Cushing is an independent, coeducational boarding school for students in grades 9-12 and post graduates, and is located one hour west of Boston.
Brooks, and juniors Ryan Moore and Matt McShea. On the blue line, senior co-captains Trevor Cosgrove (28 pts), a Colgate recruit, and Peter Christie (13 pts) will be the cornerstones. Both are 4-year varsity players. Other seniors back on defense are Jordan Haney, Derrick Spencer (Williams) and Jacob Dupont. In goal, senior Nick Moore and post-grad Joe Lazzaro will team up to get the job done for the Big Red. A battle-tested senior class, with multiple four-year varsity players, will lead Tabor (14-11-4) as the Seawolves look to grab a post-season berth. Coach Gerry Dineen has talent up front, paced by senior Ben Taylor, who has committed to
Peter CHristie exeter
trevor Cosgrove exeter
Ben solin exeter
ryan Petti exeter
devin Moore exeter
Veteran Tabor Cast Looks To Improve Brown, and sophomore Max Sauve, already committed to Vermont. New junior Jeremy Cote, also committed to Vermont, will contribute right away. Senior rock Michael Ryan, a Union recruit, will be the key component on the Tabor blue line
and will get some help from new junior Brendan Casey. A starting goalie will emerge from pre-season workouts. With some good speed up front, Winchendon (11-13-2) will look to compete for a playoff spot. Up front, look for senior Anthony Scarcella (28 pts) to be a focal point for coach Jarrett Sampson. He leads a returning group that also includes sophomore Ben Thomas (21 pts) and seniors Maxim Cote (15 pts) and Matt Chisholm. New guys to keep an eye on are juniors John Mulera (a Providence college recruit), and Mike Hardman, and sophomore Matt Fawcett. Looking to make an immediate impact on defense for Winchendon are junior Brian Scoville, who has committed to UMass-Amherst, and sophomore Dante Vasconcellos. Second-year coach Doug Friedman has bolstered his roster with an influx of players, giving Kents Hill (9-19-0) some muchneeded depth as they aim to improve. A pair of seniors – Conor Cassidy (21 pts) and Matt Henderson (20 pts) – return to power the Huskies offensive attack, aided by a host of newcomers like post-grads Isac Nordstrom, Ryan Spillane and Cam Stewart, and juniors Nicho Savignac, Nils Janson, Remi
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
antHony sCarCella WinCHendon
Allard and Justin Taylor. In goal, senior Bill McLaughlin expects to have another excellent year between the pipes. Senior Joel Pottruff (15 pts) is a solid two-way rearguard. Postgrads Sean Holly and Tim Tierney will we welcome additions to the blue line.
Conor Cassidy Kents Hill
Matt Henderson Kents Hill
Potential Is There For A Nice Albany Academy Season By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
I barclay Gammill berkshire
matt koopman berkshire
kyle koopman berkshire
dan driscoll berkshire
n year one of his tenure, coach Brett Riley put together a solid season for Albany Academy (16-12-2). All signs point to the potential for an even better campaign in 2015-2016. Returning senior Kevin O'Neill (55 pts), a Yale recruit, and two-time captain Nick Boyagian (46 pts), back for a post-grad year, will drive the Cadets' offense. A host of talented newcomers have arrived to bolster the forward lines in post-grad Jack Quinlivan, a recent Maine commit, post-grad Alex Aguirre, seniors Evan Pace, Race Bennett and David Cohen, junior Brendan Schneider and sophomore Jericho Petkovich. Post-grad Alex Vukota returns for another year on the Albany blue line. He will be joined by several defensive newcomers, including brother Nick Vukota. Also in the fold are Justin Geary, Parker Schultz and Egan Wolford. The goaltending will be handled by senior Giancarlo Ventre and newcomer Jacob Acton. With solid returners at each position, expect Berkshire (15-11-2) to be tough to beat, as the Bears usually are. In senior Barclay Gammill (41 pts) and junior Northeastern commit Matt Koopman (35 pts), coach Dan Driscoll has a solid one-two scoring punch up front. They will get help in the scoring department from seniors Jared Renzi and Connor Shelleck, and juniors Ryan Keelan and Jack Lloyd. Post-grads Chris Googins and Sean Verrier add to the attack. Seniors Dan Driscoll (14 pts) and Chris Maratea will be leaders on the Berkshire blue line. Juniors Kyle Koopman and Drew Pitcher are two more experienced bodies in the defensive zone. New junior Kyle O'Connor adds depth.
The Bears also have a pair of experienced netminders in seniors Sam Merrill and Jimmy Graham. Brunswick (26-7-0) had a breakthrough season last winter and
nick vukota albany academy
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
although the Bruins lost some key guys, there is enough in the returning nucleus to keep them highly competitive. (Continued On Page 18)
Jack Quinlivan albany academy
Solid Nucleus Keeps Brunswick In The Hunt Gunnery Promotes Badger To Head Coach
In addition to providing pr viding a great great education, Cardigan responds to the developmental needs of boys through a distinctive program that fosters their intellectual, physical, ph ysical, emotional, and spiritual spir itual growth. gr wth. It is through this approach, centered around the School’s six core values, that Cardigan molds boys into responsib responsible esponsible esponsib le young oung men. men
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(Continued From Page 17)
Coach Ron VanBelle will get some serious production from senior Jack Stephenson (36 pts), senior Colin Slyne (26 pts) and junior Christian LeSueur (25 pts), who recently committed to Dartmouth. Veteran seniors Max Fuld (33 pts) and Colin Bernard give Brunswick two skilled performers on the blue line. Senior Brian Ketchabaw is a returning goaltender for the Bruins. Canterbury (8-17-4) was hit hard by graduation, so this is a club that should get better as the season goes along. Seniors Travis Schneider (28 pts) and J.D. Pogue (16 pts) will lead things offensively for coach Paddy McCarthy. The Saints do welcome back senior Tim Decker between the pipes. An experienced defense and depth at every position is what new head coach Craig Badger will start out with at Gunnery (20-6-2), one of the elite programs in prep school hockey the past few years. Key holdovers for the Highlanders at forward will be senior Cameron Donaldson (32 pts) and senior Chad Varney (16 pts). A bevy of new junior forwards ready to contribute includes Gustaf Westlund from Sweden, Ethan Destefani, Albert Washco, Noah Williams and Lucas Prestamo. A trio of seasoned seniors will take care of matters in the defensive zone. Josh Gagne (17 pts), Connor Dahlman and McKay Flanagan (10 pts) all should see a lot of minutes. New junior Alex Wilkins is hoping to have a big role. In goal, senior Trevin Kozlowski, committed to Army, is coming off a tremendous junior campaign for the Highlanders. (Continued On Page 19)
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Northfield Hopes To Mesh Quickly Millbrook Optimistic With 16 Returning Players CameroN doNaldsoN GuNNery
GusTaf wesTluNd GuNNery
(Continued From Page 18)
Northfield Mt. Hermon (14-15-1) finished just a shade under the .500 mark last winter and will look to good team chemistry and good team defense to be in the hunt this winter. Top players for coach Tom Pratt project to be senior forward Oliver Chau and senior defenseman Jamie Dorsey. Freshman defenseman Mike Kennedy will look for some minutes. There is optimism at Millbrook (11-19-3), as the Mustangs return 16 players from last year's outfit. Coach Vincent Sorriento thinks his team will be successful if they continue to improve and mature. Senior forwards Luka
Train Where The Pros Train TrevIN KozlowsKI GuNNery
Piccolo (28 pts) and Massimo Luciani (27 pts) will get the job done in the forward lines. New junior Tim Drevitch and brother Kevin Drevitch, a sophomore, should step in to major roles. Senior Jed Raby and junior Alex Sheehy are a pair of experienced defensemen. Post-grad Ryan Walsh will be counted on heavily. (Continued On Page 20)
Founders League Preview (Continued From Page 6) and Johnny McDermott (28 pts), a Boston University recruit. Seniors Connor Lloyd (22 pts) and J.P. Schuhlen (18 pts) and juniors Jack Flanagan (18 pts) and Cal LeClair are also back for coach Tim Joncas. A solid nucleus on defense boasts senior Kevin O'Leary, junior Peter Horsfall and sophomore Patrick Dawson. Goaltending will be a strength with the return of seniors Stephen Gasior and Nick Sanford. Hoping to make some noise in the Founders League are both Hotchkiss (12-11-3) and Deerfield (4-19-3), coached by Brendan Creagh. There was no information on either team available as of press time.
781.938.1330 29 Draper Street . WOBURN WOBURN . MA 01801
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
ross siGal PomfreT
Jamie dorsey norThfield
Josh labonTe PomfreT
Williston A Tough Customer Again Josh Labonte and Ross Sigal. In the nets, new junior Kristian Hansen and freshman Peyton Durand will battle incumbent David Altman will battle for time. An impressive incoming class will mesh with a solid nucleus of returning players to power Williston (13-11-2), whose schedule boasts six of the eight teams that made the New England Elite Tournament last winter. Up front, senior Jack Kelly (24 pts) and juniors Nick Schofield (23 pts) and JoJo Carbone (14 pts) will be vital to any offensive success
massimo luCiani millbrook
Tim dreviTCh millbrook
the Wildcats have. Talented newcomers include post-grad Ben Ventura. and juniors Brendan White, J.T. Chamberlain, Nick Day, Owen Sylvia and Steven Gower. Defensively, seniors R.J. Guardia and Brad Budman will be counted on heavily by coach Derek Cunha. Expect post-grad Michael Seibold to have a key role. Freshman bluelinerr Kevin Lassman hopes to chip in. In goal, senior Shane Mason was a workhorse last year, playing 1,267 minutes.
kevin dreviTCh millbrook
More Depth Could Mean Improvement For Pomfret (Continued From Page 19)
Coach Matt Goethals got some on-the-job training in his first year behind the bench at Pomfret (7-18-0) and fully expects his team to be improved this season. There will be more depth as the Griffins have brought in a bunch of talent. Seniors Andrew Shields, Andrew Douglas and Carter Miller, along with junior Chris Wright, are returning up front. Newcomers ready to challenge includes juniors Jon Beniers, Brandon Mitchell and Ben Alofsin, sophomore Reece Sowka and freshman Tucker Sheehan. Senior Raph Guillebon is the top skater back on defense for the Griffins. He will get help from post-grad Matt Kenyon and new juniors
r.J. Guardia WillisTon
JaCk kelly WillisTon
shane mason WillisTon
niCk sChofield WillisTon
JoJo Carbone WillisTon
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
J.T. Chamberlain WillisTon
HOLT CONFERENCE By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
ack for a second stint behind the bench at Hoosac (4-22-3) will be Gary Rabinowitz, who piloted the
A.J. przysTAwski kingswooD
Rabinowitz Back Behind Hoosac Bench school to a then New England D2 Prep title back in 2007. He will serve as co-coach along with Ryan Bailey. Two forwards the coaching staff will rely on for scoring are Yan Bouchard (13 pts) and Eric LeBlanc (11 pts). Newcomer Alexander Demin, from Russia, will add some talent up front. Noah Lane (9 pts) will key the defensive group for the Owls, joined by newcomer Benjamin Viens. Joining the Holt Conference this year will be Kingswood Oxford (5-16-2). The Wyverns will need to
stay healthy and play strong defensively in order to be successful. Coach Ben Adams does return his leading scorer from a year ago in senior Brendan Lanteri. Senior Keenan Kyle is another key return-
Josh chApmAn nyA
er in the offensive end of the ice. New junior Drew Nemirow and freshman Sean Hurley hope to contribute. (Continued On Page 24)
nick Demers nyA
Jeremy Thelven nyA
player development is a winning strategy.
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NovemBeR 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN BostoN News |
NYA Returns 8 Of Top 10 Scorers (Continued From Page 22)
Defensively, senior A.J. Przystawski, injured for most of last year, will be back to lead the way. Senior Ben Steele will provide quality minutes. The goalie projects to be senior Zach Hoffman. Returning eight of its top 10 scorers and all eight of its defensemen, there is optimism in the air at North Yarmouth Academy (11-14-2). A couple of guys coach Eric Graham will count on for some big production are senior Josh Chapman (41 pts) and junior Bobby Murray (23 pts). New forwards hoping to get some minutes include junior Andrew Ray and sophomores Brent Rickett and Brennan Flatt. Heading that list of returning defensemen is senior Nick Demers (14 pts). Juniors Johnny Busolin and Tristan Plummer, and sophomore Sam Johnson will be ready to go as well. Oh yes, The Panthers also return experience in goal with junior Jeremy
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Thelven, a two-year starter, back in the cage. There is a new bench boss at Moses Brown (2-24-0), as Steve King was named head coach right before the start of the season. The new coach is calling this a rebuilding year, as the Quakers look to improve on last season’s record. A lot of last year’s scoring production has moved on, so offense could be an issue. That task will fall on returning seniors Anthony D’Arcangelo and Josh Stone, and sophomores Jake Studley, Adam Towey and Jack Steckler. Sophomores Jake Proccacianti and Chase Harrington are two returners on the Moses Brown blue line. That group wil be bolstered by the additions of juniors Henry Alienello and Rob Lombardi, and freshman Luke Dow. Three new goaltenders – Connor Bitterman, Hunter Gervais and Brandon Sherman – battled it out for playing time in pre-season workouts. Pingree (11-15-3) is hoping to continue to build off the success the team had last season. A good core of returning players will help that cause. Senior Mike Riley (23 pts), junior Zack Mitchell (23 pts) and sophomores Sean O'Connell and Alex Delvento (15 pts) all should increase their point production from a year ago. Freshman Connor Sweeney looks to help out. On defense, coach Gino Khachadourian can lean on a couple of senior veterans in Matthew Cavanaugh (15 pts) and Ryan Lovell (10 pts). along with sophomore Kyle Emery (9 pts). Freshman Alex Suny hopes to crack the rotation. (Continued On Page 25
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Mike riley Pingree
ZAcH MitcHell Pingree
Alex Delvento Pingree
Henry Alienello Moses Brown
Worcester Will Be On Young Side (Contnued From Page 24)
Goaltending duties will fall on returning junior Matt Suny and new sophomore Chris Moniz. Depth will be an issue at Portsmouth Abbey (8-12-4), even with the return of a solid core of veterans. Coach Paul Ranalli will have a young team again. Juniors Dom Cappadonna and Matt Plumb and Dan Sliney figure to be key forwards for the Ravens. Freshman Jacob Tivey hopes to help out. Senior Jack Murphy anchors the defense, while junior goaltender Bailey Sturgis returns from last winter’s club. Rye Country Day (9-16-1) will rely on strong goaltending and team defense in the early going while the team gets its offensive attack in place. Returning forwards – seniors
Tyan Jaeger and Billy Grossman, junior Jesse Lefebvre and sophomore Will Dodge – will form the offensive leadership for coach Erik Kallio. A pair of juniors, Alex Berger and Frank Tedeschi, will be defensive cornerstones in front of returning goalies Eddie Massaro (junior) and Eddie Abrams (sophomore). Youth will be served at Worcester Academy (10-13-1) as the Hilltoppers will boast a young team that will develop as the season goes on. Sophomore Joe Ripa (20 pts) returns as the team's leading scorer from a year ago. Coach Guy Angers will also rely on senior Mickey Riley (10 pts) and sophomores Mitch Pelletier and Chris DelMaestro. A bunch of newcomers looking to contribute are junior Antonio Avallone, sophomores Jack Moffitt, Pete Capone, Glen Maxwell and Louis LaChappelle, and freshmen Chase Orr and Jake Hughes. Seniors Jordan Chagnon (10 pts), Lucio Nicoletti and Marcello Nicoletti give the Hilltoppers much needed experience on the blue line. Fighting for goaltending minutes will be returning sophomore Devin Barresi and new juniors Mike Devine and Olof Djurberg.
ST. MARk’S TO ThE NEw ENGLANd (Photo by Jamie Callery)
St. Mark’s Has What It Takes
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
It was quite a first year behind the bench for coach Carl Corazzini, whose St Mark's (23-4-3) club won the New England Small School title. A good group returns from that championship club. Senior Zach Tsekos (54 pts) will spearhead the offense; he is a Sacred Heart commit. Other keys up front for the Lions are senior Luke O'Brien (51 pts), senior Derek Osik (25 pts) and senior Owen Allen (25 pts). Senior stalwart Peter Housakos (36 pts) will be counted on heavily on the St. Mark's blue line. A host of newcomers, including junior Michael Nantais, sophomore Logan Stewart, and freshmen Colby Bailey and Henry Thrun, will battle for playing time. And last, but certainly not least, is returning senior Ryan Ferland in goal. Corrazzini labels his netminder one of the best in New England. 25
Brooks Hopes To Match Last Year’s Success BB&N Still On Young Side
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
xpect a great battle again in the Eberhart Division, which saw two of its teams - Brooks (Large School) and St. Mark's (Small School) win New England prep titles last March. For Brooks (21-5-4) to have a similar type season, the Bishops will need to replace League MVP
and All New England goaltender Max Prawdzik. Junior Johnny Trotto, last year's backup, will get the chance during pre-season workouts. Coach Dave Ries does return some production in the forward ranks, Seniors Vito Bavaro (24 pts), Jack Goodwin (22 pts), Henry Cormier (22 pts), Alex Vincent-Quici (13 pts) and Paul Capozzi (11 pts) are all prep hockey veterans, as are junior Danny Philbrick and sophomore Max Rand. New juniors Lewis Evans and Niko Price, and freshman Mitchell Nenninger look to contribute. On defense, senior Colin Stevens (17 pts) will anchor things, along with senior Ford Hatchett and junior Max Kahn. Freshmen Owen Borek and Michael Hughes hope to crack the blue line lineup. With a year more of experience and some new older guys, BB&N (918-1), which may have had the youngest team in prep hockey last winter, could see a much-improved and balanced attack. Senior leaders up front for coach Terrence Butt are Chris Butler, Mark Addonizio and Joe DeSimone. New junior Bernie McGovern should pay immediate dividends in the scoring department. Ford hatchett BrookS
Sihak Lee BB&n aLex vincent-Quici BrookS
Bernie McGovern BB&n
Veteran defenseman Mike Bibbey, a senior, will be vital to the Knights defensive unit. New junior Joey Gilbert will be an added plus. Senior returner Sihak Lee will be workhorse in goal for BB&N. Strong goaltending and up-front depth will be the keys to success for Groton (11-11-3) this winter. Coach Bill Riley expects his team to be challenged with a great schedule. Senior forward Mike Brown (55 pts) will be on of the Eberhart's top forwards. He will get offensive help from senior Matt Winter, coming off an injury-plagued jun-
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
ior season, and sophomore Chris Brown (36 pts). New sophomore Santeri Hartiainen from Finland will bring his talents each game. Returning junior Matt Mullen and new junior Tim Bukowski will have important roles on defense for the Zebras. Senior Matt Efros is back in goal. He got the bulk of the minutes in the nets last season for Groton. Middlesex (6-14-2) fully expects to be improved this winter, buoyed by a host of new faces in the lineup. A trio of seniors - Tabor Smith, Matt Banks and Chase Davenport will be catalysts up front for coach Joe Mallen. Junior Joe Feeney is a newcomer who hopes to contribute. Book-end seniors Matt Daly and Nick Kender will highlight the defense for the Zebras, while coach Mallen is confident in a big season from junior Derek Goguen in goal. (Continued On Page 27)
Roxbury Latin Turns Reins Over To Cataruzolo (Continued From Page 26)
Great senior leadership, fast forwards and strength on the blue line are the calling cards of this year's Rivers (14-12-5) squad, not to mention the return of a pair of experienced goaltenders. Up front, senior Christian Capello will be a vital cog offensively for coach Shawn McEachern. A strong defense will feature the likes of junior Michael Young, a UConn recruit, senior Frank Boles, committed to Holy Cross and senior Mike Gurska. Sophomore Aidan Porter and senior Peter Ciccarelli both got some varsity time last winter for the Red Wings between the pipes. Former assistant Dave
Cataruzolo moves up to head coach at Roxbury Latin (14-8-2), taking over for long-time mentor Mo Randall. "A more balanced scoring attack will be necessary in order to reach our full potential," Cataruzolo said. Senior Ronnie Lestan (38 pts) will have a huge role up front for RL, as will junior Max Ginsburg (22 pts) and sophomore Jimmy Duffy (21 pts). Defensively, sophomore Mike Callahan (16 pts), one of the league's top rearguards as a ninth grader last year, recently committed to Providence. Junior Bryan McGrath (.914 save %) should get the call in goal for Roxbury Latin. Improvement could be in the cards for St. George's (7-13-2),
which has a solid core of juniors and seniors. Coach Justin Cerenzia is fully optimistic that it can happen. He's glad to be back behind the bench after missing the majority of last season after a freak injury during a game. If senior Frederic Gregoire can stay healthy (he's missed most of the last two seasons) he will be one of the division's premier forwards. Junior Toby Almeida (20 pts) and sophomore Matt Toner (15 pts) are two other offensive weapons for the Dragons. Two freshmen to keep an eye on are Zane Cowan and Lukas Washco. Senior Tim Baumann (14 pts) and junior Colin Felix (20 pts), who has committed to UMass Amherst, form quite a solid tandem
on the blue line. Freshman Nico Menconi looks to have a role. St. George's is also blessed with a pretty good goaltending tandem in senior Colin Seeley and junior Shane Conlon.
Bryan McGrath roxBury Latin
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November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
BOYS PREP HOLIDAY TOURNAMENTS AVON OLD FARMS CHRISTMAS HOCKEY CLASSIC Thursday, December 17th Gm. Time Rink 3:00p Loomis Chaffee vs. Kent Avon 1 5:00p St. Paul’s vs. Avon Avon 2 7:00p Gunnery vs. Berkshire Avon 3 9:00p Tabor vs. Trinity Pawling Avon 4 Friday, December 18th 5 9:00a Gunnery vs. Loomis Chaffee Trin 6 9:00a Berkshire vs. Kent Avon 7 11:00a St. Paul’s vs. Tabor Trin 8 11:00a Trinity Pawling vs Avon Avon 9 3:00p Berkshire vs. Loomis Chaffee Avon 10 5:00p Gunnery vs. Kent Avon 11 7:00p St. Paul’s vs. Trinity Pawling Avon 12 9:00p Tabor vs Avon Avon Saturday, December 19th 13 8:30a 4th Place vs 4th Place Avon 14 10:30a 3rd Place vs 3rd Place Avon 15 1:30p 2nd Place vs 2nd Place Avon 16 3:30p 1st Place vs 1st Place Avon
Time 9:00a 11:10a 1:20p 3:30p 5:40p 7:50p 9:00a 11:10a 1:20p 3:30p 5:40p 7:50p 9:00a 11:10a 1:20p 3:30p
Time 9:00a 10:45a 12:30p 3:00p 4:45p 6:30p 9:00a 11:00a 1:00p
EDWARD G. WATKINS BOYS INVITATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Thursday, December 31st Rink Northfield vs. Lawrence Ac. Cushing Cushing vs Canterbury Cushing Dexter vs. Culver Cushing Thayer vs. Gunnery Cushing Canterbury vs. Northfield Cushing Cushing vs Lawrence Acad. Cushing Friday, January 1st Culver vs Thayer Cushing Dexter vs. Gunnery Cushing Canterbury vs Lawrence Ac. Cushing Cushing vs Northfield Cushing Gunnery vs Culver Cushing Dexter vs Thayer. Cushing Saturday, January 2nd Fisher 4 vs Iorio 4 Cushing Fisher 3 vs Iorio 3 Cushing Fisher 2 vs Iorio 2 Cushing Fisher 1 vs Iorio 1 Cushing JOSHUA WEEKS NEW YEARS TOURNAMENT Sunday, January 3rd GM Rink 1 Tabor vs. Kents Hill Tabor 2 KUA vs. Winchendon Tabor 3 Hill vs. Milton Acad. Tabor 4 Winchendon vs. Kents Hill Tabor 5 Tabor vs Hill Tabor 6 Milton vs KUA Tabor Monday, January 4th 7 Game 1 Tabor 8 Game 2 Tabor 9 Championship Game Tabor
(Championship game will have top 2 seeded teams from Day 1. Other games TBA)
NICHOLS-BELMONT HILL TOURNAMENT Monday, December 28th Time Rink 9:00a Belmont Hill vs. Brunswick BHill 11:00a St. Francis vs. Hebron BHill 1:00p Nichols vs. Millbrook BHill 3:00p UCC vs. Rivers BHill 6:00p Hebron vs. Belmont Hill BHill 8:00p St. Francis vs. Brunswick BHill Tuesday, December 29th 9:00a Nichols vs. UCC BHill 11:00a Millbrook vs. Rivers BHill 1:00p Hebron vs. Brunswick BHill 3:00p Belmont Hill vs. St. Francis BHill 6:00p Rivers vs. Nichols BHill 8:00p UCC vs. Millbrook BHill Wednesday, December 30th 9:00a 1st Blue vs 2nd Green BHill 11:00a 1st Green vs 2nd Blue BHill 2:00p 4th Place vs 4th Place BHill 4:00p 3rd Place vs 3rd Place BHill 6:30p Championship Game BHill
FLOOD-MARR HOLIDAY TOURNEY Friday, December 18th Time Rink 9:00a Deerfield vs Milton Milton 11:00a Salisbury vs. Kimball Union Milton 1:00p Nobles vs. Phillips Andover Milton 3:00p Hotchkiss vs. Westminster Milton 5:00p Kimball Union vs. Milton Milton 7:00p Salisbury vs. Deerfield Milton Saturday, December 19th 9:00a Hotchkiss vs. Nobles Nobles 11:00a Westminster vs. Phillips Andover Nobles 1:00p Milton vs. Salisbury Nobles 3:00p Deerfield vs. Kimball Union Nobles 5:00p Westminster vs. Nobles Nobles 7:00p Phillips Andover vs Hotchkiss Nobles Sunday, December 20th 8:00a 4th Place Owenvs 4th Place Harding Milton 10:00a 3rd Place Owenvs 3rd Place Harding Milton 12:00p 2nd Place Owenvs 2nd Place Harding Milton 2:00p 1st Place Owenvs 1st Place Harding Milton VERMONT ACADEMY SHOWCASE Saturday, January 2nd Time Rink 11:30a Kingswood vs. Tilton RPI 1:30p Wyoming Sem. vs Brewster RPI 3:30p Hoosac vs. Vermont Acad. RPI 6:15p Kingswood vs. Brewster RPI 8:15p Wyoming Sem. vs Tilton RPI Sunday, January 3rd 11:15a Hoosac vs.Brewster RPI 1:15p Wyoming Sem vs.Vermont Ac RPI 3:15p Hoosac vs. Tilton RPI 6:00p Kingwood vs. Vermont Ac. RPI
LAWRENCEVILLE TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time GM Rink 1 Northfield vs. Nichols Loucks 9:00a 11:00a 2 Lawrenceville vs. UCC Loucks 3 Belmont Hill vs. Taft Loucks 2:00p 4 Choate vs. Canterbury Loucks 4:00p Saturday, December 19th 9:00a 5 Northfield vs. Taft Loucks 9:00a 6 Nichols vs. Belmont Hill Baker 11:00a 7 Canterbury vs. Lawrenceville. Loucks 11:00a 8 Choate vs. UCC Baker 2:00p 9 Northfield vs. Belmont Hill Loucks 4:00p 10 Taft vs. Nichols Loucks 6:30p 11 Choate vs. Lawrenceville Loucks 8:30p 12 UCC vs. Canterbury Loucks Sunday, December 20th 8:00a 13 4th vs. 4th Loucks 10:00a 14 3rd vs. 3rd Loucks 12:00p 15 2nd vs. 2nd Loucks 2:15p 16 1st vs. 1st Loucks
BB&N HOLIDAY SHOWCASE Wednesday, December 30th Time GM Rink 9:00a 1 BB&N vs Roxbury Latin BBN 11:15a 2 Pingree vs. Moses Brown BBN 4:00p 3 BB&N vs. Moses Brown BBN 6:15p 4 Roxbury Latin vs. Pingree BBN Thursday, December 31st 10:30a 5 Moses Brown vs. Rox. Latin BBN 12:45p 6 BB&N vs. Pingree BBN
LAWRENCE ACAD./GROTON HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT Thursday, December 17th Time 3:30p 4:30p 6:30p 7:30p
Culver vs. Holderness Dexter vs. Groton Proctor vs. Pomfret Cushing vs Lawrence Acad. Friday, December 18th 9:00a Dexter vs. Proctor 11:00a Culver vs. Lawrence Acad. 11:30a Holderness vs. Cushing 12:30p Pomfret vs. Groton 5:00p Holderness vs. Lawrence Acad. 5:30p Cushing vs. Culver 6:00p Proctor vs. Groton 7:00p Pomfret vs. Dexter Saturday, December 19th 9:30a 7th Place Game 9:30a 5th Place Game 10:00a 3rd Place Game 11:30a Championship Game
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
BOYS PREP HOLIDAY TOURNAMENTS 2015 WILLIAM W. BARBER, JR. MEMORIAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time GM Rink 5:00p 1 Middlesex vs Worcester MIDD 5:00p 2 St. Mark’s vs Ports. Abbey ST.M 7:00p 3 Stanstead vs. Governors MIDD 7:00p 4 Kents Hill vs. Vermont ST.M Saturday, December 19th 8:30a 5 Los. Gm. #1 vs Los. Gm. #3 MIDD 8:30a 6 Los. Gm. #2 vs Los. Gm. #4 ST.M 10:30a 7 Winn. Gm. #1 vs Winn.Gm. #3 MIDD 10:30a 8 Winn. Gm. #2 vs Winn. Gm. #4 ST.M 1:30p 9 Los. Gm. #5 vs Los.. Gm. #6 ST. M 1:30p 10 Winn. Gm. #5 vs Winn. Gm. #6 MIDD 3:30p 11 Los. Gm. #7 vs Los. Gm. #8 ST.M 3:30p 12 Winn. Gm #7 vs Winn. Gm#8 MIDD 2015 ST. SEBASTIAN”S. HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time GM 2:00p 1 Thayer vs. Winchendon 4:00p 2 Albany Acad. vs. St. Seb’s 6:00p 3 Rivers vs. St. Andrews 8:00p 4 Williston vs. Northwood Saturday, December 19th 11:00a 5 Los. Gm. #1 vs Los. Gm. #2 1:00p 6 Los. Gm. #3 vs Los. Gm. #4 3:00p 7 Winn. Gm. #1 vs Winn.Gm. #2 5:00p 8 Winn. Gm. #3 vs Winn. Gm. #4 Sunday, December 20th 9:00a 9 Los. Gm. #5 vs Los.. Gm. #6 11:00a 10 Winn. Gm. #5 vs Winn. Gm. #6 1:00p 11 Los. Gm. #7 vs Los. Gm. #8 3:00p 12 Winn. Gm #7 vs Winn. Gm#8
Rink STSeb STSeb STSeb STSeb STSeb STSeb STSeb STSeb
Time 6:00p 8:00p 10:00a 12:00p 2:00p 4:15p 6:15p 8:15p 8:30a 10:30a 12:30p 2:30p
2015 ALBANY ACADEMY. RIDER CUP TOURNAMENT Friday, December 11th GM 1 Albany Acad. vs. Rice 2 Gilmour vs. Lawrenceville Saturday, December 12th 3 Hill vs. Wyoming Sem. 4 Princeton Day vs. Hoosac 5 Loser Gm. #1 vs Loser Gm. #2 6 Winn. Gm. #1 vs Winn. Gm. #2 7 Loser Gm. #3 vs. Loser Gm. #4 8 Winn. Gm. #3 vs. Winn. Gm. #4 Sunday, December 13th 9 Los. Gm. #5 vs Los.. Gm. #7 10 Winn. Gm. #5 vs Winn. Gm. #7 11 Los. Gm. #6 vs Los. Gm. #8 12 Winn. Gm #6 vs Winn. Gm#8
2015 BROOKS/PINGREE TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time Rink 4:00p Brooks vs. Hebron Brooks 4:00p Pingree vs. Millbrook Pingree 6:00p New Hampton vs. NYA Brooks 6:00p Kingswood vs. Tilton Pingree Saturday, December 19th 9:00a Brooks vs. New Hampton Brooks 9:00a Pingree vs. Kingswood Pingree 11:00a Hebron vs. NYA Brooks 11:00a Millbrook vs. Tilton Pingree 5:00p New Hampton vs. Hebron Brooks 5:00p Kingswood vs. Millbrook Pingree 7:00p Brooks vs. NYA Brooks 7:00p Pingree vs. Tilton Pingree Sunday, December 20th 9:00a TBA Brooks 9:00a TBA Pingree 11:30a TBA Brooks 11:30a TBA Pingree
PHILLIPS EXETER INVITATIONAL Saturday, December 5th Time GM Rink 6:00p 1 Exeter vs. Gunnery Exeter 6:30p 2 Tabor vs. Kent Exeter Sunday, December 6th 12:00p 3 Gunnery vs. Tabor Exeter 2:30p 4 Kent vs. Exeter Exeter
Follow the Prep School action all season long at:
hOtchKIss fOrwArd rOBertO ceLLINI Is checKed By MILtON’s BUddy MrOwKA IN LAst yeAr’s fLOOd MArr tOUrNAMeNt.
KIMBALL UNION’s J.J. LAytON trIes tO eLUde NOBLes fOrwArd MIchAeL fAhIe dUrINg cONtest BetweeN the twO PreP POwers At the 2014 fLOOd MArr tOUrNAMeNt.
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
MID ATLANTIC PREP By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
n experienced blue line crew and a young group of forwards is what awaits Hill School (17-11-1). Coach Chris Bala says his team will have to be strong defensively. In the forefront of the defensive core will be the senior trio of Mathieu Simard, Trent Thomas and Andrew Troy. They will be
Jake Cerullo Hill SCHool
Experienced Blue Line Buoys Hill School Defending MAPHL Champ Portledge Rebuilding counted on to hold down the fort. Senior Michael Novello is a top forward back for another season for the Blues. Post-grad Jeff Coutu and new juniors Antoine Levesque and Brandon Picard will also be key up front. Senior Jake Cerullo gives Hill a solid presence between the pipes. LaSalle College HS (16-8-2) returns the bulk of last year’s club, 15 players to be exact, so that will be a plus for the Explorers. Seniors Jeff Gratz and Coty Thomas will give coach Wally Meuhlbronner a nice, one-two scoring punch up front.
On defense, seniors Matt Echelmeire and Taylor Smith will be cornerstones, while senior goaltender Harrison Feeney is back as well and will be a team backbone. Veteran head coach Etienne Bilodeau’s Lawrenceville (6-15-1) will rely on the play of two experienced goaltenders and good depth up front as the Big Red look to improve on last year’s six-win season. Senior co-captain Monty Cunningham and Zack McCloskey are the two goalies who will help a defensive core hit hard by graduation. Up front, senior Misha Mrothchek (34 pts) will be a catalyst, along with senior Jon Coffey (32 pts), senior Felix Chamberland and junior Steve Bray (15 pts). New senior Jake Neeb will look to contribute. Senior Leighton Galvin, Andrew Kapell and Pito Walton are returning defensemen for Lawrenceville. Post-grad Connor Krause and new junior Peter Burke will be key on the blue line as well. Defending league champ Portledge School (13-5-0) will be in somewhat of a rebuilding mode this winter and rely on youngsters and newcomers to get the job done. Returning sophomore Ross Mitton (20 pts) will be counted on up front by coach Jon Sandos. New junior Scotty Osani and freshman Jake Giannone could have key roles. Freshman Marshall Warren, who has already committed to Harvard for the 2019-2020 campaign, will be huge on defense for the Panthers. In goal, returning junior Anthony Porrino (12-4-0) should see a lot of action. (Continued On Page 31)
Hockey Night In Boston 2016 Mid-Atlantic Festival June 17-19 Northford Ice Pavilion Northford, CT * Players from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Mid-Atlantic Region * For more information, please go to: 30
NoveMBeR 24, 2015 | HoCkeY NIgHT IN BosToN News |
Princeton Day School Must Generate Scoring (Continued From Page 30)
Princeton Day School (3-15-2) will be young and must find a way to create more scoring opportunities. A key will be the ability of the talented sophomore class to make a significant impact in their second season of varsity hockey, according to head coach Scott Bertoli. Senior forward Connor Fletcher, a captain, will need to be a leader up front for the Panthers. Freshman Coby Auslander could help out. Junior goalie Logan Kramsky gives PDS strong play between the pipes, while new defensemen Brian Frister (sophomore) and Chip Hamlett (freshman) will be counted on. Sophomores ready to make the next step are Eric Sherman, Nic Petruolo, Tyler Coffey, Ryan Lisk and Russell Friedman. There will be a new head coach at Wyoming Seminary (22-18-1) where Michael Dennis takes over the helm. He welcomes a plethora of new players to the program. Key holdovers at forward are seniors Brandon McCulloch, Tanner Wilding and Alexandre Sode, and junior Jake Rosner. Looking to make a splash are new juniors Nick Iliopoulos, Fred Allaire, Marc-Antoine Suave, Nick DiLisi, Valteri Virta, Etienne Lachance, Julien Houde, Charles-Antoine Rousseau and Alex Lazier. The Knights welcome back five rearguards in seniors Riccardo Fania,
Dennis New Coach At Wyoming Tyler Wilding and James Lyle, and juniors Richard Zemenek and Alexandre Sabourin. Hoping to crack the rotation are juniors Gabriel Belanger, Jere Korhonen and Hundert Bournival, and sophomore Joshua Moses. Three new goalies vying for playing time are juniors Simon Bowyer and Spencer Stirewalt, and sophomore Nicolas Gamarra.
BOYS & GIRLS ICE HOCKEY Wyoming Seminary is a dynamic independent day and boarding school in Northeastern Pennsylvania composed of a passionately dedicated faculty and a talented mix of students from Pennsylvania and around the world. • Close to NYC, Philly & DC • 150 courses • 25 AP courses • Personalized college counseling • Nationally ranked athletic teams • Small classes • STEM school • Vibrant campus community • Division I Independent; 35-40 game schedule participating in 5-6 highly scouted tournaments • Players hail from across the United States, Canada and Europe • Players from the boys team have gone on to play in the NHL, AHL, ECHL, OHL, QMJHL & USHL • Alumni are currently playing at Alaska-Anchorage, American Intl., Bentley, Boston U., Brown, Chatham U., Elmira, Hamilton, Harvard, Hobart, Middlebury, Neumann, Northeastern, Norwich, St. Michael’s, SUNY Cortland & Potsdam, and UMaine
Schedule your visit today! Call 570-270-2160 November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
MID-ATLANTIC/MIDWEST PREP Here's a look at a few prep programs from outside the New England area. Gilmour Academy (22-26-9) will look to make some noise in the Midwest Prep Hockey League with its physical style of play. Coach Mike Chiellino will bank on solid offensive production from senior Chase Sriprajittichai (36 pts) and senior Noah Kostick (34 pts). Two new seniors ready to step right in as well are Brady Rawn and Nick Hawkins. On defense, senior Devon Daniels (27 pts) will be a key performer, both offensively and defensively. A pair of new goalies looking for time are juniors Michael Carr and Kasper Urbaniak. A 49-game schedule awaits Shady Side Academy (19-24-4), another member of the MPHL. Coach Jonathan Johnson thinks he will have a good mix of veteran experience and highly-skilled newcomers. Senior Wyatt Glover (45 pts) will be an offensive catalyst for the Indians, who also welcome back junior Milo DeFay (33 pts) and sophomore Alex Ziatek (23 pts). New junior Cole Stine and sophomores Spencer Smith and Chase Villani will have roles in the attack.
Shady Side Will Embark On Rugged Schedule
matt d’angelo Shady Side aCad.
John mCdonagh Shady Side aCad.
Plenty Of Offensive Firepower at Stanstead Defensively, senior Matt D'Angelo (11 pts) and senior John McDonagh (37 pts) will be cornerstones on the blue line. New sophomore Jarrett Fiske will be in the goaltending mix. Quebec's Stanstead College Prep (33-14-5) plays in the MPHL as well, and also will see some New England preps on the schedule. A potent offensive attack for coach Dan Poliziani includes returning players like senior Jeremy Descheneaux, senior Brad Brule, junior Liam Stagg
FiliP duSek StanStead
Wyatt glover Shady Side aCad.
Jeremy deSCheneaux StanStead
and senior Antoine Belisle. A host of new guys ready to crack the lineup include post-grad Will Lawrence, seniors Connor Welsh and Alex Bourhas, and juniors Tomas Psenicka, Devin Heffernan and Ryan Horvath. Burly junior Filip Dusek (6'4") from the Czech Republic, anchors the blue line for the Spartans. Helping him out will be new junior Connor Senken. Returning senior goalie Matthew Chan will form a solid goaltending rotation with new junior Antil Jaara, who hails from Finland.
tomaS PSeniCka StanStead
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Connor WelCh StanStead
Left) Dexter Sniper ryan Donato fireS eLite tournament titLe game againSt SaLiSbury. (beLow) St. mark’S bLueLiner JoShua LoveriDge trieS to corraL puck in front of weStminSter’S brian Smyth in new engLanD SmaLL SchooL championShip game LaSt march.
Shot During
* All Photos By Jamie Callery
(bottom Left) Danny phiLbrick of brookS muScLeS miLLbrook’S kieran kenneDy off the puck. (bottom right) northfieLD’S owen SanDercox fLipS puck paSt thayer’S caSey carreau in hoLiDay tournament action.
NovemBer 24, 2015 | HoCkey NigHt iN BostoN News |
American Hockey Institute Shows Solid Growth By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
hen the American Hockey Institute was first unveiled back in 2011, the program started with one independent junior/prep hybrid team that was successful right off the bat. Now, several months into year five of operation, AHI now boasts four teams under its everexpanding umbrella – the same independent junior/prep team that marked the start of the organization, teams in the Eastern Hockey League’s Premier and Elite divisions, and a half-season U-16 club that participated in the EJEPL – all playing as the New England Wolves. That is pretty solid growth in just a short period of time. “We feel AHI has made great strides since its inception in 2011,” said American Hockey Institute’s Director of Player Development Jon Fontas. “Our vision from day one was to provide the best environment and facilities where all student hockey athletes could develop and compete at the highest level while receiving the necessary exposure to help them achieve their goal of playing college hockey. “Each year we have been able to refine our product not only from a hockey standpoint but also with the other major components of our
Junior/Prep Program Now In Year 5
model, which include: academics, food/lodging, off-ice strength and conditioning, as well as traveling to away games on our 44-passenger bus.” The independent junior/prep team and the EHL Premier Wolves call picturesque Waterville Valley, NH as their home base, while the Elite squad and U-16 components play out of the Laconia (NH) Ice Arena. American Hockey Institute has its own arena in Waterville Valley, along with housing in close proximity to the facilities. That alone is a big plus in attracting quality hockey players. “First and foremost, we believe we have a one-of-kind hockey development model where players benefit greatly by the state-of-the-art training and vast hockey resources that we make available to them in Waterville Valley,” Fontas said. “Also, the beautiful ski resort town of Waterville Valley provides an all-in-one campus setting where everything is within walking distance of their living residence and has the feel of an Olympic Village. “This environment allows the players to train,
develop and focus without any outside attractions and there is no doubt that Waterville Valley is the ideal place for the highly-motivated student hockey athlete to experience.” With that in mind, the American Hockey Institute is moving toward having full season U18 and U-16 teams starting in the 2016-2017 season, based out of the Waterville Valley complex. These Midget level teams will play in the North American Prospect Hockey League, a high profile league that plays 5-6 Showcases at different locations in the Midwest and on the East Coast. The league is made up of 40 teams from 22 different organizations that compete at the Midget Major (U18) and Midget Minor (U16) levels. The league is considered USA Hockey Tier I level. “We are very excited about the potential of adding a U16 and U18 team to AHI next season,” Fontas said. “Our vision when we began AHI was to create a hockey prep school with the emphasis on an intensive accelerated hockey
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
(Continued On Page 35)
U18/U16 Full-Season Clubs In Plans For 2016-2017 Season Fontas said. The implementation of the U16/U18 component would just add to the American Hockey Institute’s ever-growing umbrella. “We have been impressed with the type of student hockey athletes we are attracting to AHI,” Fontas said. “We not only have excellent hockey players come through our program but individuals who possess great character and passion, but are also motivated to do whatever it takes to get to the next level.” The American Hockey Institute administration is proud of its player advancement record of placing players in college with a hockey commitment over the first four-plus years. Over 35 players have been placed in Division 1, 2 and 3 programs, including players to schools like UNH, Maine, Bowdoin, Colby, St. Anselm, Southern New Hampshire, University of New England, Salem State, Fitchburg State, Plymouth State and Suffolk. NEW ENGLAND WOLVES GOALIE Kurt GuttING thIS SEASON bEtWEEN thE pIpES.
(Continued From Page 34)
program with a quality education at this level. Although we have been successful with our post-graduate EHL Junior and Independent team model we fell the Midget level players are the next step to round off our organization and give us a unique hybrid Prep/Junior hockey program and will act as a feeder system to our U19/U20 teams.” Fontas feels that the new Midget teams and the NAPHL would be a good fit. “AHI would be the only organization in New England that will be participating in the NAPHL, which would be a unique experience for our players,” he said. “Our objective and teaching/coaching philosophy at AHI has always been to develop our players, provide great exposure/competition and advance them to the highest level of hockey and we feel at the U16/U18 levels the NAPHL is the best vehicle to accomplish those goals.” In addition to NAPHL contests, the Wolves would supplement their schedule with various independent games and local showcase events to complete a 40-45 game schedule at both levels. The American Hockey Institute currently has a partnership with Waterville Valley Academy, which has a long-standing tradition with its own Academy for Snow Sports. Waterville Valley Academy has been AHI’s education provider for the last five years. The post-graduate component allows player to register for two college courses through nearby Plymouth State University for three transfer credits each. The classes are taught by WVA professors at American Hockey Institute’s campus. WVA’s Academy for Snow Sports has evolved into a full-time private school with several academic options to custom fit the highly-motivated student athlete. This would allow for a quality academic schedule to be built around an intensive hockey program. “Therefore, our objective for our high school players that will be on the U16 and U18 teams will be similar in that they will also attend classes through the WVA on campus in a non-traditional classroom setting,” November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
New Seacoast College Prep Program Starts Fast GM Mike Addesa, Coach Kurt Mallett Impressed Early
seacoast coLLeGe PreP’s trevor maLLett moves in on the net durinG a recent contest aGainst the middLesex bLack bears. seacoast is off to a Great start as a first-year ProGram. (Courtesy photo)
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
hen the Rinks at Exeter, a double-sheet facility located in Exeter, NH, got a new ownership group early in 2015, one of the first things they wanted to do was get a junior program back in the facility. The mission became a reality quickly, and the Seacoast College Prep program was born, ready to begin play with the 2015-2016 season. Like a few similar type programs that have started in the last few years, Seacoast College Prep not only focuses on hockey, but has a strong educational component as well. The team has had much success on the ice already. Seacoast travelled to Montreal in mid-November to take part in the Mathieu Darche Tournament and emerged the winner, being Hill Academy, 1-0, in the title game on a goal by Hungarian native Zsombor Garat. The win upped Seacoast’s overall record to 194-1 in a schedule comprised of a mix of opponents that includes junior teams, prep teams, college JV teams, and participation in a variety of Showcases. The ownership group connected with veteran coach and NHL Scout Mike Addesa, who was named the program’s General Manager. Addesa, who has over
four decades of experience both in coaching and running teams, quickly named Kurt Mallett as the team’s head coach. Then, it was time to recruit. “A big question we got at first was ‘who was going to be on your schedule?’ “ said Mallett. “That was one of the biggest parts. Once we got people to understand how well connected Mike is in the industry, things got easier. Once people were convinced we would have a good schedule, it was not a tough sell.” A key to that schedule was to get Seacoast involved in several Showcase Tournaments. In addition to the Darche Tournament, the team will be at the Northeast Hockey Showcase at Tilton School over Thanksgiving Weekend, at the Selects Academy Showcase in December, and at both the UNH Showcase and Lake Placid Invitational (hosted by Northwood School) in January. “We had to find the right showcases,” Mallett said. “Mike had the blue print as to who we might target.” “I think in some ways, when I agreed to be a part of it, that I tried to make it clear to all parties involved that I wanted to establish a high standard,” said Addesa. “I wanted to make an investment in academics and have strength and fitness and nutrition as part
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
of each day as well. I wanted to take a lot of years of experience to build a comprehensive and all encompassing program. That is what we have been able to do.” The vast majority of Seacoast College Prep’s roster is of players who have already graduated high school. The few players on the team that are still in high school did not play for their high school teams. “It is not our goal to disrupt the high schools,” Mallet said. “We support everything the high schools are doing.” Each player is required to take two on-line courses each semester, as well as work 10-20 hours per week. A typical week will see a player have off-ice workouts on Monday, practice and a Spin class on Tuesday, skills and off-ice workouts on Wednesday, yoga and practice on Thursday, and off-ice workouts on Friday if there is not a game scheduled. Both Mallet and Addesa decided early on they wanted to recruit a unique player, where character (Continued On Page 37)
Zsombor Garat seacoast PreP
HNIB JUNIOR PREP FEATURE (Continued From Page 36)
was just as important as on-ice talent. Many of the players were not household names, but have blossomed in the Seacoast program. Two such players are forwards Mike Taormina and Josh Beck. Both played high school hockey in programs south of Boston and have become intregal players in Seacoast College Prep’s offensive attack. “Mike is an intense forward and a great leader,” Mallett said. “He brings it to the rink every game. Josh is a unique kid. He never really played at a high level program. He has opened a lot of eyes.” Goalie Paul Leger, who blanked Hill Academy in the title game at the Mathieu Darche Tournament and was named MVP, is from Quebec who played some at Kimball Union. “He is just dialed in and a good leader,” Mallett said. “It has really been terrific,” Addesa said. “I’ve seen some consistent progression. A lot of the little things you have to do well to be a good player, we are doing them. The kids are learning how to do things at a quicker rate. They are making better decisions. We treat it like it’s Hockey 101.” And the scouts are starting to take notice. “There is a good buzz about us out there,” Mallett said. “A lot of Division 3 scouts want to come and see us play. And some D-1 scouts as well. If you look at our families and talk to them, you can find that the program has exceeded their expectations.” “We have kids on the team from California, Texas, Virginia, Pennsylvania,” said Addesa. “We took a weekend to go see the Icebreaker Tournament (a D1 college hockey tournament in Portland). For a lot of them, it was the first Division 1 hockey games they had seen in person. This is as fine a group of kids I have ever been around. There are no cliques,
Several Showcases Loom On The Horizon Selects Academy, UNH, Lake Placid On Tap
MIke taorMIna seacoast PreP
PauL Leger seacoast PreP
Josh Beck seacoast PreP
no petty bickering. They are enjoying themselves and enjoying the process.” As for the future of the program, possibilities are endless.
“It has really been terrific. I’ve seen some consistent progression... I am proud of the program.” -Seacoast GM Mike Addesa “The fact that we pulled this off when we started, it is something that can be very successful,” said Mallett, who scored over 200 points during a four-year career at Salem State and played professionally for several seasons in the ECHL. “There is a lot of potential to grow. If we end up with more than one team here, I can’t really say.” Seacoast College Prep could be looking at the formation of a U-18 team, and possibly a womens junior team. “I am proud of the program itself,” Addesa said. “I am proud of the job Kurt has done and proud of the kids.” To get more information on the Seacoast College Prep program, go to
Pat DeBLoIs seacoast PreP
“Seacoast College Prep is the most comprehensive college preparatory junior program to date, designed for the serious minded student/ hockey player that will be friendly to high school coaches and ultimately a culmination of comprehensive youth development. We encourage you to contact us to learn more information about our program, objectives and opportunities” - Mike Addesa & Kurt Mallett
Program Highlights: • On-ice skills development & system training • Monitored off-ice strength training including yoga & cycle spin classes • Disciplined life skills culture that includes mentorship in nutrition, lifestyle and education “There are many reasons why I chose the Seacoast College Prep junior program over other junior programs in the area. Due to the efforts of the coaching staff, I have talked with more college coaches and been on more college visits this season than in my three years of prep school hockey and one year of juniors combined. Also, the practice and training schedules are more serious. Our workouts, spin class, yoga and stretching sessions help us get stronger and stay at the top of our conditioning throughout the season. Finally, with the way the program is set up, the organization is focused on advancing players to the college level and is focused on each and every player’s success.” Contact Kurt Mallett for more information: (207) 408-4106
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Experienced Williston Starts In Driver’s Seat Keep An Eye On Upstart New Hampton
GIRLS PREP D-I TOP TEN POLL 1. Williston 2. Nobles 3. Loomis Chaffee 4. Kent 5. New Hampton 6. Pomfret 7. Tabor 8 Choate 9. Westminster 10. St. Paul’s
20 24 17 20 17 17 18 15 13 22
1 3 6 1 7 4 5 7 4 4
4 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 6 2
Pomfret, Tabor Will Be Strong
ST. PAUL’S won iTS firST-ever GirLS new enGLAnd diviSion i TiTLe LAST yeAr.
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
f the last few years have shown us anything in New England Girls Division I prep hockey, it is that the talent pool is getting wider. Where in the past only a few teams could be considered as potential champions, now there are numerous solid teams that could lay claim to a title. In a top ten poll, there isn't a lot separating most of the teams, which should make for an exciting season on road to playoff weekend in early March of 2016. A team that went undefeated until the semifinal round of the New England tournament last year, and returns all but one player from that squad, it would be hard to go against a team like that. So, we will go with Williston (20-1-4) as the #1 team in HNIB News Girls D-1 Prep Pre-season poll. The Wildcats also boast eight seniors that will provide the necessary leadership, including Boston College-bound forward Delaney Belinskas, Providence College recruit Rachel Rockwell on defense, and UConn commit Morgan Fisher in goal. #2 Nobles (24-3-2) was ousted in the quarterfinal round last winter, very uncharacteristic for the
Bulldawgs, so you can bet they will be full of fire this season, led by Boston College recruits Caitrin Lonergan and Bridget McCarthy, and junior Becca Gilmore on the front lines, and Lucinda Quigley (a Brown recruit) on the blue line. No one can look past this club. Another team boasting several Division I recruits is #3 Loomis Chaffee (17-6-3). The Pelicans, also a quarterfinal ouster last March, will be powered up front by recruits Linda Essery (Yale), Sharon Frankel (Princeton) and Bailey Coyne (Northeastern), and from Paige Capistran (Northeastern) on defense. The key for Loomis will be goaltending, as All New England first teamer Brittani Bugalski has graduated. #4 Kent (20-1-1) enjoyed a memorable season in 2014-15, making it to the semifinals before an unbeaten season came to the end. The Lions will have Wisconsin recruit Alyson Baldwin back in goal, and that will be key. If Kent can replace the offensive production lost to graduation, it will be in the mix. You want a darkhorse, how about #5 New Hampton (17-7-3)? The Huskies have been improving each of the past few seasons and may be ready to
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
make the challenge this year. They, too, have some top talent, with the likes of defenseman Cayla Barnes (Boston College recruit, USA U18 team), defenseman Julia Lee (Brown), and forwards Taylor Curtis (Harvard), Sierra Lee (Brown) and sophomore Savannah Norcross (Boston College). Keep an eye on this team. A finalist last winter, #6 Pomfret (17-4-2) returns some talent, but will have to replace some players lost to graduation. The Griffins will also have a new coach, as former Williston assistant Erin Davey takes over the helm. If the incoming class can play up to its potential, #7 Tabor (18-5-1) will be hard to defeat. The Seawolves return starting goalie Lizzie Hanson and defensemen Abby Ellis (Union College recruit) and Victoria Young (Holy Cross commit). Up front, Martha Peppes has committed to UNH, while newcomers Rachel Moore and Olivia Finnocchairo have committed to Boston College. #8 Choate (15-7-3) was a playoff team a year ago, but will need its younger players to step up if the Wild Boars hope for a return trip to the post-season. (Continued On Page 46)
Zavisza Returns To Coach Alma Mater Brewster Names Fernandez New Coach ali SuGar berKShire
Katie harGrave berKShire
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
here seems to be a lot of parity this winter in the Girls Prep Division I ranks, which should make for an exciting sea-
son. Looking to get back into the playoff picture is Berkshire (9-10-2), which will feature a new head coach this winter in Becky Zavisza, a Berkshire alum who took Pomfret to the New England final last year. “I am excited to be back coaching at my alma mater and having the opportunity to help develop the student-athletes here,” she said. Zavisza will inherit a good group of returning forwards in seniors Kate Klimaszewski, Kylie Wilkes and Ali Sugar (committed to Franklin Pierce), juniors Erin Dillon, Maddie Beitler and Molly O’Neil and sophomore Caroline Sugar. Newcomers ready to crack the lineup are sophomore Katie Hargrave and freshman Holley Riva. Juniors Maggie Curran and Antonia Matzka, and sophomore Kelly Mauer are back on defense for the Bears. New junior Claire Lemker, from Minnesota, joins the blue line group. New sophomore Jaime Allan will vie for the starting goaltender’s job. Brewster Academy (9-15-0) will also be under new management, with Brooke Fernandez taking the controls of the program
Kaylee DufreSne brewSter aCaDeMy
Marina JozoKoS brewSter aCaDeMy
fter serving as an assistant last year. Fernandez, who says that every team member will have an impact this season, will count heavily on returning seniros Kaylee Dufresne (23 pts) and Marina Jozokos (26 pts). A playoff team a year ago, Choate (15-7-3) is banking on young talent being able to step up, especially on the back end. Forward leaders for coach Nicole Stock will be senior Amanda Reisman (committed to Williams) and junior Kristina Schuler. New senior Sabrina Huett, a Dartmouth recruit, and freshman Kaitlyn O’Donohoe look to be big contributors. Defensively, sophomore Lexi Takshima will log a lot of minutes. Junior goaltender Cam Leonard has committed to Penn State.
Sara abrahaMSon CuShinG
DierDre Mullowney DeerfielD
With many experienced returners back in the fold, expect some improvement at Cushing (818-3). The Penguins should be able to put the puck in the net. Up front, coach Courtney Sheary welcomes back top scorers Ronnie Callahan (committed to Syracuse) and Blossom Truel, both juniors and senior Brianna Bermingham. Junior Kristina Cheverie is another returning forward. Joining the forward group will be freshman Sara Abrahamson. Juniors Emma Kowalka and Remy Bragg will be defensive cornerstones. Cushing will have two solid goalies in returning junior Chiara Pfosi (from Switzerland) and new sophomore Gloria Bilafer. Building team chemistry will be a key at Deerfield (8-13-2), where the Big Green will have about half a new roster. If Deerfield can
bloSSoM truel CuShinG
KriStina Cheverie CuShinG
Solid Returning Cast Has Cushing Excited get some adequate scoring, it will be tough, as the team should have solid defense and excellent goaltending. Senior Taylor Morash and junior Meghan Halloran will spearhead the offense for coach Genevieve Pitt. New senior Isabel Perry and freshman Mary Edmonds hope to contribute to the attack. On defense, senior Katherine Goguen and sophomore Ali Dougal are back with experience. Freshman Dierdre Mullowney comes in highly-regarded. Fellow freshman Ali Fujiyoshi will help out. Deerfield is solid between the pipes with the return of Harvard commit Emily Yue, a senior. Hotchkiss (7-15-1) looks to be competitive in the always-tough Founders League. Veteran coach John Cooper is banking on his team playing a solid two-way game. (Continued On Page 40)
MeGhan halloran DeerfielD
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Katherine GoGuen DeerfielD
Kent Coming Off Memorable Season (Continued From Page 39)
Goal scoring comes from the likes of senior Avi Romoff and senior McKenna Ingerson, two key returners at forward. New sophomore Steph O’Brien
and freshman Abby Hillebrecht will chip in as well. A pair of seniors, Kess Notargiacomo and Calla Khilnani, will anchor the Bearcats defense. Freshman Maddie Rego hopes to grab some blue line minutes.
lizzy Gross Kent
A memorable season for Kent (20-1-1) last winter fell just short with a loss in the New England semifinals. So, it is not hard to figure out what will drive the Lions this year. Coach Shawn Rousseau returns a quartet of top forwards that will power this year’s attack in seniors MacKenzie Ebel (19 pts) and Alexis Banquer (10 pts), junior Keely Moy (26 pts) and sophomore Tina Paolillo (11 pts). Three newcomers ready to have an immediate impact are sophomores Lizzy Gross and Jesse DeVito, and freshman Haley Uliasz. Junior Jessye Ebzery and sophomore Ashley MacDonald will be leaders on the blue line. Kent also welcomes three new players on defense in sophomores Melanie Anderson and Delaney Szlezyngier, and freshman Meara Burns. Senior goaltender Alyson Baldwin is back, and she has committed to Wisconsin. (Continued On Page 41)
Alexis BAnquer Kent
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
A strong returning core and substantial depth should keep Loomis Chaffee (17-6-3) up in the top echelon of Division I this year, provided they can fill the shoes of graduated goalie Brittani Bugalski, a New England First Team All Star now at Northeastern. A trio of committed forwards return and will power the Pelicans offensive attack in senior Bailey Coyne (Northeastern), junior Sharon Frankel (Princeton) and junior Linda Essery (Yale). Coach Liz Leyden’s three captains all reside on the blue. Seniors Paige Capistran (Northeastern), Abby Marmer and Michaela Giutarri give the Pelicans a solid presence on defense. The goaltender’s job will fall to either Julia Benjamin or Taylor Stadeli. With talented players returning at both forward and defense, included several college committed players, this could be a banner season for New Hampton (17-7-3), provided it can get solid goaltending play, as both netminders are new to the squad. Scoring punch for the Huskies will come from juniors Taylor Curtis (38 pts, Harvard recruit), Sierra Lee (20 pts, Brown recruit) and Taylor Shelden, sophomore Savannah Norcross (26 pts, Boston College recruit) and senior Elizabeth Cho. More firepower will come from new senior Morgan McGinn and freshman McKenzie
Julia benJaMin looMis Chaffee
Loomis Chaffee Will Be In Playoff Mix Haberl. Defense will also be a strongpoint for coach Craig Churchill, with the group anchored by junior Cayla Barnes (40 pts), a member of the USA U-18 team and a Boston College commit. Junior Julia Lee is committed to Brown, and seniors Krista Evans and Jayne Lewis also return. Add to that mix sophomore Caelin Flaherty and freshman Lauren DeBlois. New Hampton’s two new goalies are junior Cierra San Roman and freshman Olivia Sollows.
Caelin flaherty new haMpton
aManda aalto northfield
alisa Canney northfield
Melissa alexander northfield
Andover Wants Repeat Success Northfield Mt. Hermon (11-13-4) will have a young squad, so developing team chemistry will be crucial, according to head coach Ted Kenyon. Seniors Ellen Arena and Alyssa Roof (can also play defense), junior Alli First , and sophomores Melissa Alexander, Ellie Follows, Sophie McLaughlin and Maya Swamp form a pretty good returning group for the Hoggers. Freshmen Alisa Canney and Ally Watrous provide solid depth for the forwards. Sophomores Ellinore Todd and Stephanie Voge will have key jobs on defense. Freshman Jilly Crane looks to get right in. New sophomore Grace Smith and returning sophomore Amanda Aalto will be in the goaltending rotation. It was quite the turnaround season for Phillips Andover (16-6-3) last year, one that can be duplicated provided the Big Blue can replace a lot
Miranda nestor andover
elizabeth holubiak andover
Meggan rodriguez andover
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
of offensive production lost to graduation. That task will fall on junior Kaitlin Hoang (22 pts) sophomore Elizabeth Welch (14 pts), and sophomore Charlotte Welch (27 pts). Several other forwards return, including seniors Jenn Davis and Maddie Murphy, junior Courtney Masotti and sophomores Tookie Wilson and Elizabeth Tso. Post-grad Jackie Diffley, committed to St. Lawrence, will pay immediate dividends, as should new junior Meggan Rodriguez. Freshmen looking to get a spot include Meghan Ward, Jackie McCarthy, Emily Batchelor and Jackie Ng. Coach Martha Fenton welcomes back five varsity defensemen in seniors Miranda Nestor, Kasey Welch and Kelly McCarthy, and sophomores Sarah Rigazio and Elizabeth Holubiak. (Continued On Page 42)
Jenn davis andover
New England Finalist Pomfret Has Spots To Replace (Continued From Page 41)
Phillips Exeter (13-8-2) will go as far as its incoming class with take it, as the Big Red project to have many new faces on the roster. Senior forward Kirsten Nergaard, committed to Yale, will drive the offense for coach Melissa Pacific, along with returner Deziray Desousaa.
Johna Vandergraaf anchors the defense in front of returning goalie Allegra Grant. Some key players from last year’s New England finalist have graduated from Pomfret (17-4-2), so the team will rely on its strong senior class to keep things running smoothly. The Griffins also have a new coach, as former Williston assistant Erin Davey has taken
over behind the bench. Senior veterans Lauren McMaster and Elisabeth Berard will spearhead the offensive attack, along with sophomore Mariella Catalano. New sophomore Angelica Mushenko looks to chip in. On the blue line, senior returners Lauren Ferraiuolo and Alex Wallin will be the cornerstones of the Pomfret blue line. Senior Remy Wells will takeover as the starting goaltender. (Continued On Page 43)
LaureN McMaster PoMfret
eLIsaBetH Berard PoMfret
aNgeLIca MusHeNko PoMfret
aLex WaLLIN PoMfret
Junior Women’s Hockey League 2015-16 Directory NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY ACADEMY 3430 Mountain Road, PO Box 1197, Stowe, VT 05672 Phone: 802-253-1590 Head Coach: Bill Driscoll e-mail: Web:
ATHOL MURRAY COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Box 100, Wilcox, SK S0G-5E0 Phone: 306-732-1241 Head Coach: Janice Rumpel e-mail: Web:
WASHINGTON PRIDE 10005 Dickens Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-257-8966 Head Coach: Kush Sidhu e-mail: Web:
BOSTON SHAMROCKS 190 Main St., Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: 781-864-7676 Head Coach: Josh Hechter e-mail:
PACIFIC STEELERS #154-3650 Mount Seymour Parkway P.O. Box 30058 Parkgate North Vancouver, B.C. V7H-2Y0 Head Coach: Jeff Eaton e-mail: Web:
THE EDGE SCHOOL 33055 Township Road 250, Calgary, AB T3Z-1L4 Phone: 403-246-6432, ext. 441 Head Coach: Carla MacLeod e-mail: cmacleod@ilearn.edgeschool. com Web:
WARNER HOCKEY SCHOOL Box 150, 409 3rd Ave., Warner AB T0K-2L0 Phone: 403-642-3931 Head Coach: Mikko Makela e-mail: Web:
BALMORAL HALL SCHOOL 630 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C-3S1 Phone: 204-960-8100 Head Coach: Gerry Wilson e-mail: Web:
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
OKANAGAN HOCKEY ACADEMY Suite 201, 853 Eckhardt Ave. West, Penticton, BC V2A-9C4 Phone: 250-809-5318 Head Coach: Jim Fetter e-mail: Web: COLORADO SELECT PO Box 270196, Littleton, CO 80127 Phone: 214-435-4978 Head Coach: Karen Rickard e-mail: Web: CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY ACADEMY 8710 County Road 17, Rockland, ON K4K 1T2 Phone: 613-266-4718 Director of Hockey: Guy Girouard e-mail: Web:
Tabor Needs To Reload (Continued From Page 42)
Like Pomfret, Tabor (18-5-1) lost some key players to graduation, and the Seawolves will rely on the newcomers to gel early. Senior Erica Lunn and junior Martha Peppes (a UNH recruit) are a pair of solid returners at forward. There is a lot of talent in the new group. Senior Rachel Moore and sophomore Olivia Finocchiaro have both committed to Boston College. Sophomore Kelly Browne will be an immediate threat and is a D-1 prospect as well. Freshman Olivia O’Brien will be a plus. Union College recruit Abby Ellis and Holy Cross recruite Victoria Young will handle things defensively for coach Eric Long. Jackie Leone is another solid returner. Junior Lizzie Hanson is a returning starter in goal.
abby ellis TaboR
kelly bRoWne TaboR
to Boston College. Other seniors up front ready to go are Hannah Touzos, Meg Rickard, Lizzy Sheline and Lauren Helm. Providence recruiter Rachel Rockwell and Izzy Tegtmeyer are returning seniors on the blue line. In goal, Williston will have one of the prep’s top netminders in senior Morgan Fisher, a UConn commit. Only three players graduated at Winchendon (9-14-3). Six seniors and six juniors are back in the fold for coach Jacques Delorme. Newcomers hoping to see some time include junior forward Arianne Charette, sophomore forward Marisa Cabral, freshman forward Kiley Robles, freshman defenseman Katie Campoli and freshman goalie Cesira Barrett.
MoRgan FisHeR • WillisTon
Jackie leone TaboR
Taft (6-15-2), under the guidance of second-year coach Gretchen Silverman, looks to be more competitive this winter and some increased numbers on the roster. Senior co-captain Maggie Leidt will lead the offensive attack for the Rhinos. Senior co-captain goalie Becky Dutton has committed to Harvard for the 17-18 campaign. Returning senior Kate Tewksbury will backbone the Taft defense, while incoming sophomore Sarah Ince will step right in on the blue line. It was a rare playoff miss for Westminster (13-4-6) last winter, so the goal is obvious for 2016: get back to the post-season. The Martlets won the New England D1 title in 2014. Leading the way offensively for coach David Pope includes seniors Sarah Migliori (Brown), Catherine Crawley (UConn), Emma Stevens, Hayley Martini and sophomore Lilly Holmes (Vermont). Freshman Jillian Parsons hopes to contribute. Senior defensemen Sarah Melanson (Amherst College) and Ashley Carbone could also play some at forward. Sophomores Ashlee White and Emma Lange are varsity returners on the blue line. Freshman Hannah Carbone is in the mix In goal, junior Leah Klassen is a returning netminder. Williston (20-1-4) lost just once last year, a 1-0 defeat to eventual New England champion St. Paul’s in the New England semifinals. With all but one player back from that group, the Wildcats will be feared. Coach Christa Talbot Syfu is expecting great leadership from the team’s eight seniors. Senior Delaney Belinskas will key the forward group; she is committed
RacHel RockWell • WillisTon
NovembeR 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN bosToN News |
HannaH Touzos• WillisTon
ISL Boasts Both Defending NE Champs
Julia Nearis BrooKs
GaBi hillNer BrooKs
By Gary Demopoulos• HNIB News
t was certainly a year for the ISL to gloat in 2014-15, as the league boasted both New England Girls Prep champions – St. Paul’s in Division I and Rivers in Division 2. It should be another competitive year in the loop. Brooks (7-15-1) is hoping to improve on last season’s record and become a playoff caliber team again in Division 2. Coach Lori Charpentier will have one of the league’s top forwards in sophomore Julia Nearis, who will lead the attack. Other key retuners are juniors Gabi Hillner and Mairi Anthony, and sophomore Emma English. Winning the special teams battle will be key if BB&N (14-13-2) plans on having a successful season. The Knights are looking for their fourth straight winning season. “I think this year’s team will add a combination of talent and work ethic which will propel our club to a successful campaign,” said coach Ed Bourget. Junior Shannon Griffin (36 pts) will be an ace up front for the Knights, as will fellow junior Kate Piacenza (28 pts). Senior co-captain Lily Santonelli wants to be a key contributor as well. Eighth-grader Molly Griffin could crack the lineup. Returning seniors Sarah Kavoogian and Evvy O’Neil are back as well. On the blue line, senior co-captain Sara Lopez-Wheeler (7 pts) and junior Nell Fusco (7 pts) will be the cornerstones. New freshman Jameson McKenna joins the group. Senior Sarah Nowiszewski will add depth. Sophomores Kim Vetrano and Carly Newell are both back between the pipes. Each saw considerable action last winter. Scoring was hard to come by for Governors Academy (6-15-0) last season, as they were shut out no less than 10 times. The task this year is to remedy the offensive drought, as coach Babe Ceglarski expects to have a solid defen-
Nell Fusco BB&N
shaNNoN GriFFiN BB&N
lily saNtoNelli BB&N
sarah lopez-Wheeler BB&N
BB&N Seeks 4th Straight Winning Season sive corp. The task of cranking up the offense will go to junior forwards Erin Daly and Courtney Pierre, and sophomore Hannah Walsh. More help will come from junior forward Flora English who returns to the Governors. Senior Abby Nearis anchors the blue line, while freshman Victoria Wilson projects to be the starter in goal. Groton (8-14-3) hopes to show some improvement. An offensive mindset and commitment to three full periods will go a long way. Returning senior Sophie Wilder will headline the forward ranks for coach Randi Dumont. New sophomore Angelina Joyce and freshman Freddie Tobeason will be looked upon for production. On defense, senior Anna Thorndike will be aided by the arrival of freshmen Halle Livermore and Bridget Cornell. In the nets, Hamilton College recruit Sammy Johnson, a senior, will get the job done.
haNNah Walsh GoverNors
Flora eNGlish GoverNors
Kyla Floresca laWreNce acad.
JordaN MoNBouquette laWreNce acad.
LA Should Be Tough A veteran cast that includes 10 seniors will keep Lawrence Academy (16-9-2) in the hunt for the league title and a possible playoff berth. There is a multitude of scoring options up front for coach Kevin Potter, led by junior Laura Lundblad (29 pts). The Spartans will be without senior Nicole Saber (16 pts) until February with a knee injury. Seniors Kyla Floresca (14 pts) and Brittany Levasseur, juniors Kelsey Ryan (16 pts), Emily Lanci (11 pts) and Jordan Monbouquette (10 pts) and sophomore Corinne McCool (10 pts) all return as well. Senior co-captains Brittany Colton (12 pts), a UMaine recruit, and Taryn O’Neil will be blue line leaders, along with senior Hannah Ghelfi, heading to Michigan on a golf scholarship, and junior Rachel Walsh. The Spartans are also experienced in goal with the return of seniors Marissa Anderson, a Williams College recruit, and Kaitlyn Rooney.
NovemBer 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN BoStoN NeWS |
(Continued On Page 45)
GIRLS ISL PREP (Continued From Page 44)
Milton Academy (11-13-3) looks to continue its improvement. The Mustangs will still be young with just three seniors on the roster. Senior Kellie Quinn and juniors Jen Costa (28 pts) and Maria DiMartinis (24 pts) will be the offensive catalysts. Two young freshmen ready to show what they can do are Christine Cadigan and Sadie Lestage. Defensively, coach Ryan Stone will lean on senior Anne Malloy (20 pts). Freshmen Mary Kate Thompson and Julia Johnson should see some solid minutes. In goal, returning starter Hannah Congdon (2.17 gaa) will be backed up by freshman Maggie Emerson.
Potent Nobles Eyes Another Title Run D2 Title Road Still Goes Through Rivers
nobles bRaintRUst (l to lUCinda QUigley, Kelly piCKeRing ChaRlotte abReCht.
CaitRin loneRgan nobles
Always in the running for the league title and New England championship is Nobles (24-3-2), which was ousted in the quarterfinals last March. Finding the right line combinations and developing timely scoring will be early-season tasks for head coach Tom Resor
Jen Costa Milton aCadeMy
R): and
Senior Caitrin Lonergan (57 pts), the reigning ISL MVP and recent commit to Boston College, will be key for the Bulldawgs, either at forward or defense. Scoring will also come from the likes of senior Bridget McCarthy (41 pts, Boston College commit), seniors Kate Annese (Boston College) and Tess Dupre, juniors Becca Gilmore (56 pts) and Danielle Brown (23 pts), sophomore Katie Tresca and freshman Courtney Hyland. Brown University commit Lucinda Quigley, senior Charlotte Abrecht, junior Bridget Doherty and sophomore Stephanie Nomicos form the core of the defensive unit. Nobles also returns starting goalie Kelly Pickering (0.72 gaa), a sophomore. Rivers (19-8-1) won the New England Division 2 crown last year and returns a bulk of last year’s roster, which doesn’t bode well for its opponents. Senior Sam Estes (20 pts) will spearhead a Red Wings attack which will also feature senior Mady McEachern, juniors Lorraine Byrnes and Missy Segall (19 pts), and sophomores Kasey Cunningham (12 pts),
MaRia diMaRtinis Milton aCadeMy
hannah Congdon Milton aCadeMy
MaRy Kate thoMpson Milton aCadeMy
anne Malloy Milton aCadeMy
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Missy segall RiveRs
Jenna Letterie (10 pts) and Emily Smith (9 pts). Hoping to contribute will be newcomers Camille Phelan and Kaitlin Shaughnessy. Seniors Eli Branka and Alice Pingeon (11 pts) are defensive anchors for coach Malcolm Spurling. New players Leslie Swartz and Meghan Lally will have roles. And, both goalies from last winter’s title team return in senior Clara Pingeon and sophomore Meghan Gazard. (Continued On Page 46)
St. Paul’s Relishes New Role As The Hunted, Not The Hunter
MIA delroSSo St. GeorGe’S
HAyley doNeG Hey St. GeorGe’S
Three returning forwards that will have big roles for the Pelicans are seniors Lilly Castro, Jess Cloutier and Sam Nolan. A bevy of new forwards have arrived in Concord, including sophomores Bella Kang and Olivia Lin, and freshmen Bridget Babcock, Brett Stoddard, Clare O’Leary and Josie Varney. Freshman Paige Galle looks for time on the blue line. Two new goaltenders – junior Peri Donaldson and sophomore Jess Arbuckle – will be in the mix for the starting job.
St. George’s A D2 Threat (Continued From Page 45)
A strong returning group has optimism in the air at St. George’s (8-82), which graduated only three players. Seniors Olivia Soares, Victoria O’Heir and Erika Martin will be depended on for production by coach Hannah O’Brien. Sophomore Madison Tregenza is another key returner up front. The defense will be built around the junior triumvirate of Mia DelRosso, Carolyn Drowne and Hayley Doneghey. The Dragons also possess one of the league’s top netminders in senior Beth Larcom, who has committed to Harvard. New head coach Casey Pickett will lead the charge at St. Mark’s (814-3) this winter. While she gets her program going, she will rely on the play of senior goaltender Marcia LaPlante and returning sophomore forward Lindsey Dumond. A pair of freshmen forwards – Julianna Gong and Faith Jennings – are expected to step in and contribute. Fresh off its first-ever New England D-1 title, St. Paul’s (22-4-2) is now front and center in the prep hockey world. “After winning the championship last year we understand the target we have on our backs,” said coach Heather Farrell. “We are returning some very talented players and will rely on many of our newcomers to step in and play right away.”
CArolINe SKIll tHAyer
KAtIe MeeHAN tHAyer
With more depth, Thayer (3-18-2) is banking on improvement and being more competitive in the Division 2 ranks. Junior Darby Melia (14 pts) and sophomore Caroline Skillman (7 goals) will be go-to forwards for coach Brian Cibelli. New junior Katie Meehan should pay immediate dividends. Newcomer Amy Le will help as well. Senior Meg Sandblom will be the quarterback on the blue line for the Tigers. Newcomer Emily Smith hopes to win the starting goaltender’s job. No information was available as of press time on Middlesex, which is coached by Kate Hession.
Girls D-1 Top Ten Poll (Continued From Page 38)
2014 New England champion #9 Westminster (13-4-6) was the odd man out come playoff time last winter, showing just how much parity there is in the D-1 ranks. The Martlets certainly can reappear in the postseason. Senior forwards Sarah Migliori (Brown) and Catherine Crawley (UConn) have committed. And, defending champ St. Paul's (22-4-2) closes out our first Girls D1 Top Ten poll. If the Pelicans can successfully replace the talent lost to graduation, they, too, will be in the hunt. JulIANNA GoNG St. MArK’S
lINdSey duMoN d St. MAArK’S
Follow Girls Prep Hockey All Season at:
NovembeR 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN boSToN NewS |
Rivers Sets Sights On Repeat Job By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
ith the bulk of last year's New England champion club back in the fold, including both goaltenders, Rivers (19-8-1) will begin the 2015-2016 season as favorites to repeat. The Red Wings get the pre-season #1 ranking in the HNIB News Girls Division 2 Prep poll. Sam Estes, Missy Segall and Kasey Cunningham will lead what should be a balanced scoring attack for coach Malcolm Spurling. #2 Worcester Academy (18-8-2) has been a playoff club the past two winters, and the Hilltoppers should make it three in a row this winter. Can they challenge for the top spot? Yes, Jennifer Manning, Micaela Sindoris and Timary Malley will power the team, with Hannah Lowe a rock on the blue line. A championship game appearance was the result of Julie Pesta's first season behind the bench at #3 Southfield (16-7-2). With one of the division's best goalies in Kelly Lavelle, and UNH-bound Meghara McManus up front, expect Southfield to be a force. If coach Peter LaVigne can replace the offensive production lost to graduation, then #4 Canterbury (15-7-1) will be right there. The Saints will get produc-
GIRLS D-II PREP POLL 1. Rivers 2. Worcester Acad. 3. Southfield 4. Canterbury 5. Berwick 6. Proctor 7. Gunnery 8. St. George’s
19 8 1 18 8 2 16 7 2 15 7 1 23 3 3 15 9 2 8 11 1 8 8 2
Worcester, Southfield Tough Obstacles
ion from the likes of Maddie Blauth and Emily Martino. #5 Berwick (23-3-3) advanced all the way to the New England semifinals last winter and you can bet coach Patrick McNulty will have his Bobcats ready for another run this winter. Talented players at each position will keep #6 Proctor (15-9-2) involved all season and a probable playoff club. Alexis Fagan is a top forward and both goalies are back. If #7 Gunnery (8-11-1) is to challenge, it will do so with another new coach, as Kiernan Joyce takes over behind the bench. With Harvard-bound goalie Beth Larcom between the pipes, expect #8 St. George's (8-8-2) to make some noise in the ISL as the Dragons look to secure a
post-season playoff berth. Other teams that could crack the poll this winter include Hebron, Brooks and Millbrook.
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
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return to the post-season was the highlight of last winter for Canterbury (15-7-1) and you can bet the Saints are looking for a repeat trip in March of 2016. A key will be to replace the scoring lost to graduation.
eMily Martino Canterbury
Saints Want Return Playoff Trip Coach Peter LaVigne has a number of options to pick up the scoring pace. Senior Maddie Blauth (28 pts) returns to lead the forwards, a group that also includes senior Mary LaVigne, juniors Emily Martino (24 pts), junior Mary Kate Martino (13 pts), and sophomores Ariella Hass (16 pts), Gillian Schullery and Victoria Body. Newcomers hoping to help out are sophomores Clara Tomann and Stephanie Proteau and freshman Nikki DeCola. Senior Maura White (15 pts), junior Kara Santoro and sophomore Gabby Vitelli are all returns on the Saints blue line. Freshman Erin Mushlit is new to the program. Juniors Chelsea Allain and Sinead O’Donnell are returning goalies. While freshman Jami Procanik is a new arrival. Half of Greenwich Academy’s (4-12-2) roster will be freshmen and sophomores, according to coach Moe Tarrant, who says his team has upgraded the scoring and that defense will be the strength of the club. Offensively, senior co-captain Charlie Johnson and junior Meaghan Keating will be cornerstones for the Gators. New sophomore Stephanie Lane has a penchant for scoring goals, which will help. Senior co-captain Kate DeFrino will anchor the blue line. Newcomer Bobbi Roca will see time either at forward or defense. In goal, freshman Courtney DeNaut already has varsity experience.
NovembeR 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN boSToN NeWS |
A strong offensive core returns at Hebron (19-9-0), which is coming off a nice 19-win campaign of a year ago. Up front, coach Katie Ftorek will again bank on the scoring prowess of sophomore Eliza (Continued On Page 51)
Kiana Melvin Hebron
GIRLS DIVISION 2 PREP HOCKEY Continued From Page 49)
Beaudin (35 pts) and junior Lauren Rousseau (20 pts). Senior Kiana Melvin (12 pts) is a top blue liner and will log a lot of minutes on the Lumberjacks blue line. Newcomer Taylor Leech, a senior, will be a huge addition on defense. New goalie Emily Town will be in the hunter for the starting position between the pipes. Holderness (12-14-0) welcomes a new head coach in Chris Day, who is back for his second stint behind the Bulls bench. Days says he is looking to build on the growth the program had last year. Sophomore Grace Parker and junior Nicole Johnson are two key holdovers up front. A couple of upand-coming freshmen – Darby Palisi and Lauren Steele – look to dent the scoresheet. Senior Kyra Borsoi, juniors Jordyn McGuire and Sydney Parker, and sophomore Phoebe Day form the nucleus of the Holderness defense. In goal, senior Annie SmythHammond is a returning varsity performer. Added offensive punch and a solid work ethic should be enough to get Kents Hill (0-15-3) a number of victories this winter. A pair of seniors – Sarah Arseneau and Riley Kirk – will be joined by junior Allison Frechette and freshman Hannah Johnson to give coach Meghan Toomey some options up front. On defense, senior Emma McDermott is a top returner. New freshman Nevin Sabatini looks to
tAyLor HAm miLLBrooK
JiLL KooP miLLBrooK
Day Returns To Holderness Bench
tAyLor LEEcH HEBron
Millbrook Hopes For Playoff Run
BrEAnnA BABiArz miLLBrooK
EmmA mcDErmott KEntS HiLL
Follow Girls Prep Action All Season Long Weekly Polls, Highlights, Photos
get some key minutes. Senior Sophie Boulet gives the Huskies a solid presence between the pipes. A New England finalist in 2013, Millbrook (11-10-0) is looking to get back to the post-season. Coach Ed Allen is looking for a good amount of energy from his club. Up front, seniors Breanna Babiarz, Carly Weigold and Taylor Ham will be called on the carry things offensively for the Mustangs. A blue line leader for Millbrook should be senior Jill Koop. New North Yarmouth Academy (8-11-2) coach Amy McNally says she has a team that is determined, committed and tight-knit group that will focus on a strong work ethic. Returning senior Keeley Bartolini will be an offensive catalyst for the Panthers. Freshman Emily Demers should have a big role. Veteran senior Jenna Block will be a blue line leader. New junior Callie Sturgeon will help out defensively. New junior Savannah Shaw will vie for key minutes in the NYA nets. (Continued On Page 52) November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
GIRLS DIVISION 2 PREP HOCKEY (Continued From Page 51)
Despite losing nine players from last year’s squad, the outlook is still good at Pingree (7-15-0). The Highlanders must improve offensively, as they scored only 30 goals last winter. Junior Abby Dirks (co-captain), who spent half the season last year on defense, is a full-time forward this year and will be counted on to contribute, as will sophomores Riley Jordan and Jacqui Van Stry. Three freshmen ready to help the cause are Mackenzie Vasque, Alex Robertson and Rachel Tammaro. On the blue line, seniors Nicole Khachadorian (co-captain) and Cara Cahill will be the cornerstones. Freshman Izzy DiAdamo provides solid depth. Back for a third varsity year in
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Pingree Still Has Positive Outlook
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the nets for coach Sarah Carpenter is junior CeCe Purcell. Portsmouth Abbey (12-4-1) made some good strides last year and hopes to keep the momentum going. Coach Kate Reardon has a pair of solid scorers to count on up front in senior Madison McCann (25 pts) and sophomore Abbey Luth (22 pts).
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Juniors Remy Chester and Diana Oakes will the leaders on defense for the Ravens, in front of returning starter in goal – Jena Villeneuve. A good nucleus back from last year’s 15-win club could mean another playoff appearance for Proctor (15-9-2). Senior Alexis Fagan and junior Addy Shannon are intregal to the Hornets offense, which get a boost from the arrival of newcomers Bridget Fagan (junior) and Laura Horsley (sophomore). A deep blue line group will be led by seniors Taylor Methven and Jamie Dee, and sophomore Kiara Vazquez. (Continued On Page 53)
KiaRa Vazquez PRoCtoR
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
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alexiS Fagan PRoCtoR
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tayloR MethVen PRoCtoR
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(Continued From Page 52)
Coach Corey Cooper also welcomes back the team’s two goaltenders from last winter in the senior duo of Ari Tortellot and Lexi Tilton. Rye Country Day (5-9-0) will have just a pair of seniors in the lineup when the puck drops on the new season. One of those seniors – captain Charlotte Fleischman – will spearhead the offensive attack for coach Courtney Doucette. Junior Olivia Weaver and freshman Catherine Appleyard will have key roles as well. Eighth-grader Elizabeth Friedberg wants to be an immediate contributor. Freshman Katherine Holtby will be a key on defense for the Wildcats. Eighth-grader Olivia Friedberg, Elizabeth’s twin sister, looks for time on the blue line. In goal, freshman Annie Hauser already has some varsity experience. Southfield (16-7-2) advanced all the way to the New England D2 title game last winter and despite graduating some key players from that club, should have enough to challenge again this winter. At forward, senior Meghara McManus, committed to UNH, will be the offensive leader for coach Julie Pesta. Sophomore goalie Kelly Lavelle gives Southfield a solid choice between the pipes. A group of freshmen looking to contribute right away include forwards Cindy Giandemenico, Lea
Julia PEllEtiEr WorcEstEr acadEmy
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FrEdEriquE crEightoN VErmoNt acadEmy
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Southfield, Worcester In Playoff Hunt Marrs and Cathering Gowing, and defensemen Elliette Leahy and Cait Freda. Under new head coach Ben Tefft, Tilton (5-150) strives to be tough defensively. The Rams have many new faces on the roster this season. Junior Riley Nichols and sophomore Tia Raspante will be offensive catalysts. New senior AnnMargaret DiSicsio brings her scoring talents. On the blue line, senior Stasia Bogacz and sophomore Morgan LeBaron are key holdovers. Post-grad Bri Gallagher will be a welcome addition to the Tilton defense. In the nets, coach Tefft will have two options, returning sophomore Ally Joly and new junior Mary Clare Hanley. At Vermont Academy (8-16-1), coach Stephanie Boulay has a good number of returning players. She says strengthening up special teams will be a focus in the early going, along with neutral zone transitional play. Junior forward Chloe Aurard (from France) is already committed to Northeastern. She and junior Brianna Wood and sophomore Frederique Creighton will drive the Wildcats offense. New sophomore defenseman Lotti Odnoga hails from Hungary. Junior Anais Aurard and freshman Sarah Jacobelli will handle the goaltending chores.
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Winsor School (4-8-0) has a new coach in Krystyn Elek who hopes to have the Wildcats be a going concern in the EIL. Scoring should come from returning senior Maslen Ward and junior Michaela O’Connor. New senior Ann McDonald will help out as well. Senior defenseman Grace Eysenbach and senior goalie Hailey Yetman will be keys for Winsor on the back end. With depth up front, strong defense and excellent goaltending, everything points to another successful season at Worcester Academy (18-8-2), a playoff team for the past two seasons. Senior co-captains Jennifer Manning (30 pts) and Timary Malley (15 pts, also could play defense) will be involved offensively, as will senior MaryKate Drinkwater (15 pts) and sophomore Micaela Sindoris (20 pts). Two veteran newcomers ready to add to the scoring are post-grad Michaela McNamara and senior Elizabeth Barberio. Coach Kevin Zifcak will have the very capable senior Hannah Lowe and senior Moira Mullaney handling things on the blue line. Junior goalie Julia Pelletier is a more-thancapable netminder with a lot of prep school game experience already under her belt.
michaEla mcNamara WorcEstEr acadEmy
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
ElizabEth barbErio WorcEstEr acadEmy
nce again making an appearance out east at the Watkins Tournament hosted by Cushing, Indiana's Culver Academy (4-26-5) looks to improve on last winter's sub-par campaign with what will be a young team. Head coach Elizabeth Bennett, the former mentor at Winchendon, will look to a trio of seniors to be the leaders, those being forwards Olivia Hirschy (14 pts) and Natasha Wanless, and the impressive defenseman Bailee Brekke (20 pts), who has committed to Dartmouth. Ohio's Gilmour Academy (3015-10) is already off an running with the 2015-2016 season and looks to continue to grow from last season. The Lancers will need to produce enough on offense as coach Rick Filighera feels the team will be able to keep the puck out of the net. Seniors Sofi Fehn and Kelly Madden, junior Rachel Allen and freshman Annmarie Fitzgerald return for another season at forward. The offensive group will be infused with the arrival of freshmen Ellie Heller, Morgan Miller and Maura McKeown. On defense, seniors Claire Werynski and Amanda Abounader, along with sophomore Kiana Gilbraith, are back and varsity-tested. New junior Julianna Popp and sophomore Morgan Tefft will be in the mix. In goal, senior Adysen Cohen returns for Gilmour. A relatively new program, Hill School (12-8-2) has been growing and coach Ari Baum feels the club is ready for a breakthough campaign this winter, having strengthened both the defense and forward groups. New forwards to the team ready to contribute right away are juniors Kristine Earl, Kendall Mason, Katie Sciales and Emma
Hill Ready For Breakthrough Season Northwood Expands Women’s Program
Stillwaggon, and sophomore Elizabeth Buck. The Blues do return a trio of seasoned defensemen in juniors Marissa Letizio (15 pts), Laura Garvey (9 pts) and Alexis Grippo (23 pts). The group will be bolstered by the likes of new sophomore Nicole Guidi, sophomore Alyssa Finaly and freshman Hannah Comstock. Freshman Madeline Taubkin could take over as Hill's starting goaltender.
Bailee Brekke culver acad.
is primed for another solid season, as coach Scott Welch says his club as a great mix of senior leadership. The forward lines feature some talent, led by college commits Rachel dePerio (26 pts, Union), Marissa Higgins (17 pts, Holy Cross), Abby Welch (Penn State) and Michele Robillard (17 pts, Mercyhurst). A trio of newcomers freshmen Abigail Chiaviat and Madeline Moell, and Katy Knoll will provide adequate depth for the Vikings.
Jordan naidricH lawrenceville
Lawrenceville School (9-9-0) finished up last winter at the .500 mark and hopes to get above that this year. A trio of returning forwards will be counted on by coach Nicole Uliasz in senior Jordan Naidrich (12 pts), senior Katie Leininger and junior Emma Polaski. Look for new sophomore Malla Leveson and freshman Claire Leahy to have an impact. Senior Allie Olnowich backbones the blue line for the Big Red. Freshman Kate Monighan looks to contribute. Post-grad Devon Strachan hopes to win the goaltender's job. A member of the North American Prep Hockey League, Nichols School (25-4-5) of Buffalo
allie olinowicH lawrenceville
Senior Tatum Gieti will have a role. New junior Hanna Markel could emerge as the Huskies top goaltender. Portledge School (12-5-4) will rely on the play of veteran senior goalie Emily Appenzeller (1.80 gaa) to carry a young team that must replace five key players lost to graduation. Senior Holly Ackerman (26 pts) will be in charge of things offensively for coach Phil Hills. Sophomore Shay Mahon is also
devon StracHan lawrenceville
Bridgette Prentiss is a cornerstone on the Nichols defense. New junior Allison Attea will be relied on, as will freshman Caty Martinez. Freshman Katelyn Kantor will battle to earn the #1 job in goal. The program at Northwood School now features two teams, with Northwood Blue (29-25-4), coached by Andrea Kilbourne-Hill, playing a scheduled similar to years past. Senior and Union College commit Bridgit Sullivan is an offensive catalyst, as is sophomore Moe Tsukimoto. New senior Kiana Watson will fit right in. On the blue line, junior Saara Keranen and sophomore Sierra Benjamin are key returners. New
NovEmbEr 24, 2015 | HockEy NigHt iN bostoN NEWs |
Brooke HuBert Portledge
back. A trio of eighth-graders Brooke Hubert, Emma Hayes and Ava Salerno - should development quickly. Anchoring the defense for Portledge is senior Payton Matthews (10 pts). Freshman Tamara Pilson will add depth to the unit.
Time 2:30p 4:20p 6:10p 8:00p 8:00a 9:50a 11:40a 1:30p 3:20p 5:10p 7:00p 8:50p 8:00a 10:00a 12:00p 2:00p
EDWARD G. WATKINS HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Thursday, December 17th Rink Cushing vs. Brewster Cushing Worcester vs. Berkshire Cushing New Hampton vs. Culver Cushing Winchendon vs. Northwood Cushing Friday, December 18th Culver vs. Brewster Cushing Cushing vs. New HamptonCushing Worcester vs Northwood Cushing Winchendon vs. Berkshire Cushing New Hampton vs. Brewster Cushing Cushing vs. Culver Cushing Northwood vs. Berkshire Cushing Winchendon vs. Worcester Cushing Saturday, December 19th Fisher 4 vs Iorio 4 Cushing Fisher 3 vs Iorio 3 Cushing Fisher 2 vs Iorio 2 Cushing Fisher 1 vs Iorio 1 Cushing
HARRINGTON INVITATIONAL Friday, December 18th Gm Time Rink 1 8:30a St. Mark’s vs. Nobles Nobles 2 10:30a Lawrence vs. Pomfret Nobles 3 12:30p Westminster vs. Williston Nobles 4 2:30p Milton vs BB&N Nobles 5 4:30p Pomfret vs. Nobles Nobles 6 6:30p Lawrence vs St. Mark’s Nobles 7 8 9 10 11 12
Saturday, December 19th 8:30a Westminster vs Milton 10:30a BB&N vs Williston 12:30p Pomfret vs. St. Mark’s 2:30p Nobles vs. Lawrence 4:30p Williston vs. Milton 6:30p BB&N vs. Westminster Sunday, December 20th
13 8:00a 4th Place vs 4th Place 14 10:00a 3rd Place vs 3rd Place 15 12:00p 2nd Place vs 2nd Place 16 2:00p Championship Game
Milton Milton Milton Milton Milton Milton
Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles
ST. PAUL’S GIRLS HOLIDAY HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time Rink 11:30a Holderness vs. St. Paul’s Ingalls 11:45a Kents Hill vs Northfield Gordon 2:30p Proctor vs. Holderness Ingalls 2:45p Governors vs. Kents Hill Gordon 5:30p Northfield vs. Governors Ingalls 5:45p Proctor vs. St. Paul’s Gordon Saturday, December 19th 9:00a 3rd vs. 3rd Gordon 11:00a 2nd vs. 2nd Gordon 1:00p 1st vs. 1st Gordon
PHILLIPS EXETER NEW YEAR’S TOURNAMENT Sunday, January 3rd Time Rink Rink A 10:45a Milton vs. Stanstead Rink B 11:00a Brooks vs. Kingswood Rink A 12:15p Exeter vs. Proctor Rink B 12:30p Rice vs. Vermont Acad. 6:30p Exeter vs. Milton Rink A 6:45p Kingwood vs. Vermont Rink B 8:00p Brooks vs. Rice Rink A 8:15p Proctor vs. Stanstead Rink B 8:45a 9:00a 10:15a 10:30a 3:15p 3:30p 4:30p 4:45p
Monday, January 4th Rice vs. Kingswood Milton vs. Proctor Exeter vs. Stanstead Brooks vs. Vermont 2nd vs. 2nd 3rd vs. 3rd Championship Game 4th vs. 4th
Rink A Rink B Rink A Rink B Rink A Rink B Rink A Rink B
WINCHENDON SCHOOL 2016 INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Saturday, January 2nd Time Rink 8:00a Cushing vs. BB&N Winch 9:45a Lawrence vs. Winchendon Winch 11:30a Northfield vs. Cushing Winch 1:15p Williston vs. Lawrence Winch 3:00p BB&N vs. Northfield Winch 4:45p Winchendon vs. Williston Winch Sunday, January 3rd Time 9:00a 11:15a 1:30p
3rd vs. 3rd 2nd vs. 2nd Championship Game
Rink Winch Winch Winch
TAFT PATSY K. ODDEN TOURNAMENT Thursday, December 17th Time Rink Taft vs. Loomis ODDEN 8:00a Tabor vs Andover MAYS 8:30a Kent vs. Lawrenceville ODDEN 9:45a MAYS 10:15a Choate vs. Hotchkiss Taft vs. Andover ODDEN 1:45p 2:15p Tabor vs. Loomis MAYS 3:30p Lawrenceville vs. Choate ODDEN 4:00p Hotchkiss vs Kent MAYS Friday, December 18th 8:00a Taft vs. Tabor ODDEN 8:30a Loomis vs. Andover MAYS 9:45a Hotchkiss vs. Lawrenceville ODDEN 10:15a Kent vs. Choate MAYS 1:30p First/Second Place ODDEN 1:30p Third/Fourth Place MAYS SOUTHFIELD TOURNAMENT Friday, December 18th Time Rink 12:00p Southfield vs. KUA SOUTH 2:00p Millbrook vs. Groton SOUTH 4:00p Gunnery vs. Rivers SOUTH 6:00p Middlesex vs. Kingswood SOUTH 8:00a 8:00a 10:00a 10:00a 12:30p 2:30p 4:30p 6:30p
Saturday, December 19th Millbrook vs. Southfield Rivers vs. KUA Middlesex vs Gunnery Groton vs. Kingwood Millbrook vs. Rivers Kingswood vs. Southfield Gunnery vs. KUA Middlesex vs. Groton
DEERFIELD HOLIDAY INVITATIONAL Friday, December 18th Time Rink 8:00a Rice vs.Deerfield DEER 9:45a Vermont Acad. vs Rothesay DEER 11:30a Nichols vs Stanstead DEER 1:15p Rothesay vs. Rice DEER 3:00pm Deerfield vs. Nichols DEER 4:45pm Stanstead vs. Vermont Acad. DEER 8:00a 9:45a 11:30a 1:15p 3:00p 4:45p
Saturday, December 19th Nichols vs. Rothesay Deerfield vs Stanstead Rice vs. Vermont Acad. Rothesay vs.Deerfield Vermont Acad. vs. Nichols Stanstead vs. Rice
Lawrence academy’s emiLy Lanci rushes up ice with winchendon’s moLLy Gray in tow durinG winchendon invitationaL tournament Last January.
November 24, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |