Guertin, Concord A Cut Above Rest Of D1 Appears Balanced By Kevin Doyle • HNIB News
ne team arrived a year or so ahead of schedule. The other’s youth corps gained valuable experience on the big stage. And, when Bp. Guertin and Concord squared off for the State title last March at The Verizon, a rivalry that had gone a bit dormant was rekindled. It comes as no surprise that the coaches who responded to our informal poll question were split pretty much down the middle but most agreed that Bp. Guertin and Concord were perhaps a bit ahead of the pack in what projects to be a very balanced division. So, we’ll ride with defending champ Bishop Guertin at No. 1. Coach Gary Bishop has pretty much seen it all during his distinguished career but even he seemed a bit surprised by the Cardinals’ late title charge. With top-shelf talents like Justin Pearson, BG is a known commodity on everyone’s radar. No. 2 Concord will be especially deep on defense. Senior Ben Nelson, a second-team All-State selection last year, returns as the division’s most accomplished keeper and will be protected by a quartet
of veteran defensemen. Long-time coach Duncan Walsh also welcomes back five of his top six scorers. No. 3 Bedford embarks on its second D1 season hopeful of building on a successful debut campaign. The Bulldogs roared out of the gate with a nine-game winning streak and fell to BG in the semifinals. A talented nucleus returns for coach Marty Myers. No. 4 Exeter reached the quarterfinals last year and the blue-collar Blue Hawks look to be a tough test once again. Coach Jim Tufts has sound senior goalie Bryson Desjardins and the talented forward tandem of junior Jake Vadeboncoeur and senior Evan Royer. New coach Ryan Piper steps up from his assistant’s role to take over No. 5 Pinkerton, a semifinalist last season. His familiarity with personnel should make for a smooth transition.
Cardinals Won’t Surprise This Winter BISHOP GUERTIN (13-12-0) The Cardinals (13-9-0 in NH) caught fire at the end of last season to secure an improbable State Championship. While veteran coach Gary Bishop’s squad arrived
1. Bisho Guertin 13 2. Concord 16 3. Bedford 14 4. Exeter 12 5. Pinkerton 14 6. Londonderry 7 7. Memorial 11 8. Bishop Brady 3 9. Alvirne/Pelham 5 10. St. Thomas 10
9 7 6 10 4 11 7 15 13 9
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BishoP Guertin PlaYers CeleBrate the 2015 new hamPshire D1 state tiitle win (Jamie Callery photo) over ConCorD.
Justin Pearson • BishoP Guertin
a year ahead of schedule, it will surprise no one this winter. Flashy senior Justin Pearson (3014-44) returns as one of the Granite State’s elite scorers. Junior Jordan Caito (17 points) and sophomore Ryan Flynn (10 points) add reliable supplemental scoring. Seniors Joe Leahy and Joe LaValle, juniors
austin KinG
DecemBeR 9, 2015 | HOckey NigHt iN BOstON News |
Austin King and Chase Blazak and sophomores Nick Gould and Liam Nye will looked to for increased production. Seniors Cam Hult (4-11-15) and Joe Goudey, junior James Young and sophomore Jared Zeichek are the core of the defense in front of junior goalie Thomas Norton.
Cam hult
HNIB News • Volume 32 - Number 3 HNIB NEWS Staff -PuBlISHEr EmErItuS-
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Gary demopoulos Kevin doyle michael fornabaio Jon turner Yardley dom Nicastro Nathan fournier fran Sypek
-EdItorGary demopoulos
-SalES/advErtISINGGary demopoulos Jamie Callery
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hnIB news 795 Turnpike St. no. Andover, MA 01845 978-682-2425 Twitter: On The COver
(Top) NH Div. I champ Bishop Guertin. (Bottom left to right) the Hanover NH girls win their sixth straight state title, Messalonskee grabs its second straight Maine Class B title, Christian Brothers Academy won the 2015 New Jersey Private crown.
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Printed at Gannett Offset nOrwOOd, Ma - INDEX New Hampshire D1 Poll 3 New Hampshire D1 3, 5-7 HNIB News Staff 4 New Hampshire D2 Poll 8 New Hampshire D2 8-12 New Hampshire D3 Poll 12 New Hampshire D3 12-13 Maine Class A Poll 15 Maine Class A South 15-17 Maine Class A North 18-19 Maine Class B South 19, 22 Maine Class B Poll 20 Maine Class B North 20-21, 28 Vermont Metro Poll 24 Vermont Metro 24-25 Vermont Lake Poll 26 Vermont Lake 26-28 Conn. DI Poll 30 Connecticut Div. 1 30-35 Conn. D2 Poll 35 Connecticut Div. 2 35-38 Conn. D3 Poll 38 Connecticut Div. 3 38-39 Rhode Island Poll 40 Rhode Island D1 40-41 Rhode Island D2 41-43 Rhode Island D3 43 New Jersey Poll 44 New Jersey Hockey 44-48 NE Girls Hockey 49-55
Concord Should Mount Serious D-1 Title Threat
Bradley murPhy • concord
CoNCorD (16-7-1) Veteran coach Duncan Walsh says this of the Crimson Tide, State finalists a year ago: “I feel we are right in the mix with the returning players we have.” Indeed they should be. Senior goalie Ben Nelson (14 wins, 1.92 gaa, .910 save pct.) will look to improve the numbers that earned him second-team All-State honors a year
PINKertoN aCaDeMY (17-4-2) New coach Ryan Piper inherits a team laden with speed. He cites team chemistry and senior leadership as the key to success for the Astros, a semifinalist last season. Piper expects senior center Tyler Poole, junior center Aaron Harmon and junior wing Tim Cronin to power the offense. Junior wing Liam Rooney and sophomore center Patrick Hare should take on regular roles.
ago. The defense returns intact with senior Jaret Foote, juniors Matt Chorlian and Dan Lebell, and sophomore Liam O’Brien. At forward, five of the top six scorers return – seniors Bradley Murphy (13-13-26) and Matt Norris (7-9-16), junior Alex Marceau (8-6-14), and sophomores Drew Livingston (7-714) and Colin Kastle (5-8-13).
Ben nelSon • concord
Pinkerton Will Be In The Mix
Senior Shamus Doherty and junior Zach Pendenza return as the top defensemen in front of senior goalie Jordan Puzzo.
Nashua North Forms Co-op Wth Souhegan North SouhegaN (new) This first-year co-op is the joining of the Division One Nashua North and Division Three Souhegan programs and will be known as the Saber Titans. John Coughlin is the new coach. He is hopeful players from the two schools mesh quickly, develop chemistry and emerge as a cohesive, competitive group. Key players from Souhegan – which won the 2014 D3 title – are senior forwards Joe Nutting, James Wilson and Robbie Duarte, senior defenseman Jon Ehrlich, and junior forward Kevin O’Brien. Top returnees from North – a D1 qualifier last year – are senior goalie Sean Chipman, junior defenseman Jacob Holmes, senior forward Evan Conners and junior forwards Brendan Martin and Jeremiah Latham.
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Zach PendenZa Pinkerton
Jordan PuZZo Pinkerton
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Young Salem Will Stress Team Defense SaLeM (20-1-1) The Blue Devils (17-1-1 in NH) graduated nine from last year’s club that saw its first loss end its season in the playoff quarterfinals. Coach Mark McGinn says his young, inexperienced squad “will have to dedicate to team D to keep games close.” Top returnees are junior defensemen Alec Svenson and Alex Zaninni along with senior forwards Jacob Sylvester and Andrew Bistany and sophomore forward Matthew Pappaardo. Junior goalie Paddy Capsalis, sophomore defenseman Sebastian Farah, junior forward Alex Breen and freshman forward Mitchell McGinn are among newcomers with a chance to contribute.
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Keep An Eye On Bedford
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Young Hanover Will Compete
BeDfORD (13-5-0) Coach Marty Myers says commitment to two-way hockey will be the key for the Bulldogs in their second D1 campaign. That means all five skaters competing in the defensive zone, resulting in less pressure on the goaltenders. “Offensively we need to have more than just one goal scorer; every line needs to be a threat on putting the puck in the net,” Myers added. Key returnees include senior forward Nate John, a hard-working physical presence at 6-2, 200 pounds; creative senior forward Tyler Gamble, a proven scorer; and senior defenseman Alex Abad, who’s strong on the puck and has a big shot from the blue line. Skilled junior Jack McDonough and talented sophomore Colin Voloshin add to the mix up front.
HAnOveR (12-11-0) The Marauders will be young – only one senior returns – so veteran coach Dick Dodds will be looking for his club to improve on a daily basis while building confidence and momentum toward the post-season. Sophomore Seth Stadheim (13-7-20), junior Jonathan Goff (10-4-14) and junior Jake Acker (7-10-17) are the top returning forwards. Senior Eric McCoy and junior Patrick Logan will anchor the defense in front of returning junior goalie Luke Ratliff (2.18 gaa, .900 save pct.).
Avalanche Seek Playoff Berth AlvIRne-PelHAm (5-13-0) The Avalanche are in their second co-op campaign and coach Brian Gould says the club is “looking to be competitive and make a push to the playoffs.” Returning senior goalie Curtis Richall anchors the defense. Junior Bobby Haverty (11 points) and sophomore Matt Peprizio (5 goals) are the top returnees on the blue line with senior Cam Richall (7-11-18) and junior Brendan Parent (12-7-19) leading the forwards.
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Defense A Strength For Exeter eXeTeR (12-10-1) Long-time coach Jim Tufts welcomes back a strong core group from last year’s quarterfinal club. The Blue Hawks project to be especially strong on defense from the goal out. Senior captain Bryson Desjardins returns in goal. Protecting the cage will be four senior defensemen – captain Kyle Lorenz, Brandon Mello, Nathan Rumford and Tim Faulkner. The talented forward tandem of junior Jake Vadeboncoeur and senior Evan Royer will lead the offense. New senior Andrew Crist and sophomores Ben Baldasaro and Anders Dachsteiner provide depth.
Could Brady Be A Sleeper? BISHOP BRADY (3-15-0) With veteran experience at both forward and on defense, coach Russ Franey’s club could emerge as a sleeper. What are the Giants’ keys to earning a playoff berth? “Solid D zone coverage and a strong offensive attack,” says Franey. The top returnees at forward are all underclassmen – juniors Patrick Early and Nate Bowler and sophomores Cody Nolin, Keegan Vincent, Max Lamora and Joshua Holden. Senior Rich Rosato and junior Leo Avakovs add to the mix. Senior Paul Wiley, junior Matt Brousseau and sophomores Stephen Donelan and Colby Garcia form the core of the defense in front of sophomore goalie Colin Dexter.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Little Green Seek Playoffs MANCHESTER CENTRAL (4-12-2) The 2014 State Champion Little Green will look to bounce back from a down season and move back into the playoff structure. Coach Brian Stone will build around a small core group of veterans. Stone said the keys to being successful are simple: “Complete team
defense, grinding and traffic in front of net to score more goals.” Top returnees are senior forward Logan Pacheco and junior forward Cody Lappas. Look for sophomore Sam Hebert, who can play both forward and defense, and freshman goalie Kennan Alnahas to be key contributors.
Upperclassmen To Power Trinity TRINITY (5-13-0) Coach Mike Connell will rely on his upperclassmen to foster a teamfirst atmosphere as the Pioneers seek a bounce-back campaign. Top returnees are senior forwards Patrick Swanson, Drew Merrick and
Tyler Chipman and veteran junior goalie Curtis Wirbal. An incoming freshman crop of forwards Ryan Huppe and Eric Favreau and defenseman Jake Cole should provide immediate depth.
Harwood New Coach At St. Thomas Aquinas ST. THOMAS AQUINAS (12-9-1) New coach Peter Harwood takes over a team that graduated eight and will feature a mix of veteran and new players seeking to establish an identity. Top returnees are sophomore Ryan Gaulin at forward and senior Michael Torr, a four-year regular on defense. Also returning with experience are juniors Brock Crowley and Ransom Roberts and sophomore Joe Grella at forward and junior Tucker Whitcomb on defense. Senior Tom Beliveau and sophomore Aidan McLoughlin will compete for time in goal. Freshman forward Baxter Kimball could make an impact. * Londonderry, Manchester MeMoriaL and nashua south wiLL new haMpshire division i fieLd again this winter. no inforMation was avaiLabLe on these teaMs as of press tiMe
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December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Spaulding Gets Nod In Close Field N By Kevin Doyle • HNiB News
o clear favorite emerged from our informal pre-season Coaches Poll, meaning that a multitude of close games will likely be the norm this winter. Several teams have the makings to play deep into March. That said, 2015 finalist No. 1 spaulding gets the nod out of the gate. The Raiders are experienced at every position, most notably in goal with juniors Brayden McGary and Ben Toussaint. No. 2 Windham has all but three players back from last year’s club that opened its first standalone campaign with a 10-game winning streak. Junior goalie Christian Bassi will look to duplicate an outstanding sophomore year. Offense won’t be an issue for No. 3 Dover, the defending State Champion, led by senior Kieran Lombard. The Green Wave must replace graduated All-State goalie Luc Ravenelle along with their top four defensemen. No. 4 Merrimack welcomes back a large group from the club that took Dover to OT in last year’s semifinals. No. 5 Keene boasts a number of talented three-year juniors. This
could be a breakout year for the Blackbirds, who move to their new home, the Keene Ice Center. No. 6 Kingswood returned to prominence last season and will look to take the next step under second-year coach Mike Potenza. No. 7 Bow dressed a dozen freshmen and sophomores on last year’s tourney team and should not be overlooked while No. 8 Lebanon is as deep as any team in the division at forward with 10 veterans. No. 9 Winnacunnet projects strength in goal and on the blue line while No. 10 somersworth/Coe-Brown returns its top 10 forwards and defensemen and could be the sleeper of the bunch.
1. Spaulding 20 1 0 2. Windham 14 6 0 3. Dover 17 4 0 4. Merrimack 14 5 0 5. Keene 11 9 0 6. Kingswood 11 7 2 7. Bow 11 8 0 8. Lebanon 12 7 2 9. Winnacunnet 9 10 1 10. Somers./Coe 3 15 0
Dover iS the DefenDing nh DiviSion ii Champion.
Green Wave Must Retool DOver (17-4-0) Steve Riker and his staff are tasked with re-tooling a defense that graduated All-State goalie Luc Ravenelle and its top four defensemen from a State Championship club.
Steven ConStaS Dover
Oyster River Wants To Contend Oyster river (5-14-2) The Bobcats will feature strength on defense as they look to bounce back into contention. A fair number of seasoned forwards also return for Coach Griff Richard. Senior captain Grif Snow and classmate Jeff Powers are the top defensemen. Junior Aaron Thibault and sophomore Tyler Harvey return with experience while sophomore Jake Kaplan provides depth. Junior Liam McNamara gets the nod in goal. Senior forward Porter McManus (12 points) is the top returning scorer. Juniors Devin Kaya, Michael Donovan, Matt Bishop and Sam Dreher all logged regular time a year ago. Junior Dylan O’Connell and sophs Sam Davies and Ethan Kesler step up from the JVs.
Kieran LombarD Dover
DeceMbeR 9, 2015 | Hockey NiGHt iN bostoN NeWs |
Senior goalie Nick Martinen (.952 save pct.) played well in limited action a year ago. A half-dozen players will compete for time on the blue line and Riker said the goal will be to limit opponents to no more than three goals per game. The offense will feature talented senior Kieran Lombard (15-21-36) along with senior Griffin Guerra, who returns after a year away from the program, junior Steven Constas (7-12-19) and sophomore Eric DeGregorio (4-10-14). New freshmen Jameson Goodridge (F) and Alex Post (D) add depth.
Goffstown Names Slocum As New Head Coach GoFFStown (9-9-1) New coach Ben Slocum inherits a young team and a program that is traditionally successful. “Because this is going to be a young team, my primary focus will be good team chemistry with the incoming freshman and upperclassman. As a coaching staff we want to build off the strengths of each player,” Slocum says. Slocum will build around a core group senior captain and forward Sam Greenwood, junior captain and defenseman Nick Nault, senior forward Ben Roy and senior goaltender Colin Holt. A large freshman class projects to have an immediate impact.
Veteran Windham Team Excited wInDhAm (14-6-0) The Jaguars enjoyed great success in their first season as a standalone program, winning their first playoff game and advancing to the semifinals. Coach Jerry Manchester is excited about this year’s prospects as only three players graduated. Junior goalie Christian Bassi had a stellar sophomore campaign, posting four shutouts to go along with a 1.74 goals against aver-
age. Senior Mike Tardif (11 points) is back on defense, a group that should be bolstered by the return of junior Chris Martel from the Boston Jr. Rangers. Senior Chad Desautels (15-10-25) leads the forwards. “As a team we'll be focused on improving communication, staying out of the box and executing on special teams,” says Manchester.
Owls Hope For Next Step tImBerLAne (4-14-0) Coach Steve Costa will count on the leadership of senior forward Alex Passifiume (8-18-26), and senior defensemen Ryan Lewis (11 points) and Jared Spang as the youthful Owls look to take the next step. Key returnees include junior center Kyle Wood (10 points), sophomore center Jake Heckman (10 points) and sophomore defensemen Matt Lanceleve and Andrew Bedard. Depth will be culled from a large group of freshmen and players moving up from the JV team.
Train Where The Pros Train
Pembroke-Campbell Is Young PemBroke-CAmPBeLL (3-15-0) Coach Marc Noel’s club will again face the challenges associated with youth and will learn on the fly. A pair of players from Campbell will lead the way. After being sidelined by season-ending injuries early in both his sophomore and junior seasons, senior Trevor Roche will be looked to for scoring. Noel said “Trevor has been a leader in the locker room. All of his teammates look up to him and like him.” On defense, Jake Tremblay will be counted on as a leader in the back end and will team with Roche to form the core of P-C’s special teams.
Bearcats Return Top 6 Forwards SomerSworth/Coe Brown (3-15-0) The Bearcats return their top six forwards and top four defensemen in front of new senior goalie Hunter Michaud. “If we can fine-tune our systems then we should be OK,” said coach Bryant Lausberg. Key returnees include forwards Will Ohrenberger, Joel Boulange and Casey Pridham along with defensemen Cole Gagne and Joey Morrisette. New defensemen Brett Dodier and Jake Spainhower provide depth.
781.938.1330 29 Draper Street . W WOBURN OBURN . MA 01801
DeCember 9, 2015 | HoCkey NiGHt iN boStoN NewS |
Winnacunnet Seeks Return To Playoffs Good Group Back For Kingswood
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winnacunnet (9-10-0) A number of key players return for coach Chris Myers as the Warriors seek another tournament berth. Chief among them is standout senior keeper Morgan McGirl. Junior defenseman Jack Rademacher provides a sturdy net-front presence while seniors Brian Affaunt and James Nash will spark the forwards. Look for new forwards Rich Hardon and Conor Allyn to add to the attack.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Kingswood (11-7-2) Only four players graduated from the team that advanced to the quarterfinals and were an HNIB Top 5 selection. The Knights will look to continue that progression under coach Mike Potenza. There is depth at forward where seniors Sam Bonenfant, Jake Vatalaro, Austin Chasse and Owen Gonya and new freshmen Sam Danais and Matt White project as immediate contributors. Senior Peter Marshall will lead the defense.
Veteran Junior Class Leads Keene Charge hunter Gallant keene
nathaniel darWin keene
Gaetano delonGe keene
Griffin kane keene
Spaulding Returns Wealth Of Experience Spaulding (20-1-0) Though perhaps a bit short on numbers, the Raiders returns a wealth of experience from last year’s State finalist. Coach Paul George anticipates continued improvement throughout the season. There is strength from back to front, starting with junior goalies Brayden McGary and Ben Toussaint, who both have doubledigit career wins and deep postseason experience. Skilled senior captain Kam Trepanier will shift from forward to defense as needed. Senior captain Kerry Winfrey provides quickness on the blue line. Seniors Drew
Brody McdouGal sPauldinG
Healey and Nick Bennett provide a physical presence at forward. Senior Brody McDougal and sophomore Ashton Langis complete the veteran nucleus on defense.
keene (11-9-0) The Blackbirds look to build on last year’s quarterfinal appearance behind a number of three-year juniors. Assistant coach Chris McIntosh noted that, for the first time in several years, Keene has a natural goalie instead of a converted skater. Keene should also benefit from its new home, the $9.2 million Keene Ice Center. The junior trio of Hunter Gallant (12-17-29), Nathaniel Darwin (8-19-27) and Gaetano DeLonge (7-4-11) will lead the offense. Sophomore Owen Haas (16 pts) is back as well. Junior Griffin Kane anchors the defense. Conditioning and speed are key elements of the Blackbirds’ game. We have a lot of great athletes on our team and we are looking for them to outwork and outskate their opponents each night. If we can spend more time down low in the opposing teams zone we will be a tough team to beat,” says McIntosh.
Brayden McGary
Beau arsenault PortsMouth/neWMarket
Johnny WitkoWski PortsMouth/neWMarket
Widi Takes Over For Portsmouth-Newmarket portSmouth-newmarket (5-12-1) New coach William Widi takes the helm for the Clippers and will stress special teams excellence and team defense while looking for players willing to take chances to make plays. Senior Johnny Witkowski (13-9-22) and junior Beau Arsenault (9-1221) will power the offense, aided by senior Jack Alden (11 points) and senior Jared Vincent (12 points). New sophomore Luke Squire should have an impact. Senior Luke Lacroce (4-7-11) is the top defenseman and sophomore Lance Lavoie returns in goal after a busy rookie campaign. Look for freshman Holmes Strong to step right in on the back line. December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Strong Core Back For Champs BeLMoNT-GILForD (18-2-0) A strong core group returns for the defending State Champs. What’s the key to the Bulldogs positioning themselves for a repeat shot? “Buying into the system, good leadership (and) making the most important thing the most important thing,” says coach P.J. Londer. There is ample firepower among the forwards, powered by senior center Caleb Drouin (22-22-44), senior wing Dillon Treamer (17-14-31), sophomore wing Mile Defosses (9-8-17) and sophomore forwards Harrison Parent (7-8-15) and Hunter Dupuis. Junior James Buckley (10 points) returns as the leader on the back line. New freshmen Troy Gallagher, Alex Muthersbaugh and Conner Dupuis could make an immediate impact.
BELMONT-GILFORD capTaINs aND cOachEs wITh ThE 2015 NhIIa DIvIsION 3 sTaTE TITLE haRDwaRE. (Gary Demopoulos photo)
NH DivisioN 3
Belmont-Gilford The Coaches’ Choice By Kevin Doyle • HNIB News
Lebanon, Merrimack Both Return Many LeBaNoN (12-7-2) The Raiders return 10 experienced forwards but how they fare will likely hinge on their commitment to team defense. “All five guys on the ice must commit to back checking, blocking shots and staying position,” said coach Gary Smith. Senior goalie Chad Fazio posted nine wins a year ago to go along with a 2.06 gaa and .916 save percentage. Seniors Nate Kriplin and Noah Gaudette return as the top pair on the back line. Junior Carter Adams leads a large group of untested defensemen. Offense shouldn’t be an issue. Juniors Nate Gariepy (11-17-28) and Nate Damren (9-8-17) and seniors Cal Garland (11 goals) and Brendan Kelley (10 points) lead the way. Seniors T.J. Barber, Nick Haidari, Cam Perron and Cormac Coyle, junior Peter Elder and sophomore Ian Garland return with experience. MerrIMacK (14-4-0) A large contingent returns from the club that took State Champion Dover to OT in a semifinal loss. The Tomahawks have depth at forward and on defense as they look to build on that experience. At forward, coach Matt Davis will look to senior captain Aaron Tupper, senior assistant captain Ryan Downie, junior assistant captain John Tiano and sophomore Stephen LiCata to lead the way. The defense will be built around senior Tyler Brewster, who can shift to forward as needed, and senior Kyle Feeney. Sophomore Gregg Amato returns in goal. Sophomore transfer Regan Sedlar, from Manchester Memorial, should step in.
ontraction has hit the division with Manchester West dropping hockey and 2014 State Champion Souhegan entering into a co-op arrangement with D1 Nashua North. Still, expect competitive play to be the norm with the usual suspects leading the pack. No. 1 Belmont/Gilford, the reigning champion, was a nearunanimous choice by coaches as the team to beat. Coach Jay Londer’s club is plenty deep and experienced. No. 2 Berlin/Gorham was less than a minute away from the State title last year before the hockey gods intervened. The majority of that team returns for coach Mike Poulin. Sitting at No. 3, Kennett welcomes back the majority of last year’s semifinal club, including nine forwards and the entire
defense. No. 4 John Stark/Hopkinton, last year’s other semifinalist, graduated nine but still returns several highend players. No. 5 Moultonborough/Interlakes graduated just a single player and is one of the division’s most disciplined team. No. 6 Kearsage/Plymouth should only benefit from an expanded talent pool in its first co-op campaign. The playoff format will remain the same with six qualifiers and the top two seeds drawing byes.
1. Belmont/Gilford18 2. Berlin/Gorham 16 3. Kennett 14 4. JohnStark/Hopk 15 5. Moultonboro/IL 8 6. Kearsage/Plym. 7
2 4 6 3 10 9
0 1 2 1 1 0
Lack Of Depth An Issue For Cougars coN-VaL(4-14-0) The Cougars will once again battle youth and a lack of depth. “We’re a very young team. We need to focus on our speed but can only run two lines,” says coach Mark Leger. ConVal will lean heavily on senior captain Cameron Henke, a four-year varsity regular. Sophomore Matt Kolk looks to build on a solid freshman campaign and Cam Tracy leads those moving up from the JVs.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Kearsage/Plymouth Come Together
Mountaineers Want To Finish The Job
KEARSAGE/PlYmOUTH (7-9-0) Coach Mike Fisher and his staff will be tasked with joining players from two schools nearly an hour apart into a single cohesive unit pulling in the same direction with the shared goal of growing into a perennial contender. Returning with experience from Kearsage are senior defensemen Duncan MacIntyre and Elliot Tucker, junior defenseman Maddie Folcik, junior forwards Jakob Arnold, Doug Breault Jr. and junior goaltender Cody Rowe. Joining the Cats from Plymouth are senior goalie Richie Caron, senior center Andrew Chabot and junior defenseman Gordie Hoyt. “Having two experienced goaltenders backstopping the team defense will be a key to building the team out from the goal during the adjustment period,” says Fisher.
BERlIN-GORHAm (16-4-1) The Mountaineers were so very close – 41.8 seconds to be exact – to claiming the D3 crown last year. A large returning core group hopes to take the next step. An ambitious schedule includes dates with D1 foes Pinkerton and Salem and D2 programs Keene and Lebanon. Coach Mike Poulin said “we have to control our end of the ice first. From the goaltender out, we need to take care of our own zone. The offense will come.” Seniors Justin Vien (17-17-34) and Trevor Labrecque (15-7-22) and junior Owen Dorval (9-15-24) fuel what projects as a high-octane attack. Sophomores Hunter Fauteux (8-9-17), John Arguin (610-16) and Cam Cochran (6-9-15) provide quality depth. Senior defenseman Nate Trull (8-11-19) is a strong two-way presence while senior Brenden Williams (1.96 gaa, .928 save pct.) returns in goal. Sophomore Noah Schoenbeck steps in on the blue line.
SANBORN (3-14-0) “We are looking forward to our second varsity season. We have a solid mix of returning and new players. Positive leadership from our returning players will be key this season,” said coach Kevin Merrick. Key returnees at forward include seniors Andrew Metz and Erin Thompson, junior Liam Dolan and sophomore Nick Frost. Senior Brennen MacDougall and sophomores Luc LeBlanc and Hunter Holmberg are back on defense in front of junior goalie Corey McLaughlin. Sophomore defenseman Dylan McManus and a large freshman group of goalie Austin Conely, defensemen Aiden MacDougall and Owen Snively and forwards Dalton McCann, Zach Merrick, Jake Pike and Ethan Paul will provide depth.
Justin Vien Berlin
BrenDen williams Berlin
nate trull Berlin
owen DorVal Berlin
Entire Defense Back At Kennett KENNETT (14-6-2) After advancing to the semifinals last winter, the Eagles (13-5-1 in NH) return a roster that is very nearly intact but must overcome the graduation losses of All-State goalie Josh Kondrat and All-State forward Robby Moody. Nine forwards and the entire defense return for coach Mike Lane. Senior center Nick Ansaldi begins the season just two points shy of 100 for his career. Sophomore center Colby Couture stood out as a freshman. Four-year senior defenseman Dan Nusbaum is a team leader on the ice and in the room. Sophomore Mackenzie
colBy couture kennett
mackenzie murpHy kennett
Murphy also returns on defense. Five incoming freshmen will be asked to contribute. “Keys to success will be team play in all three zones. It needs to be a collective effort,” Lane says.
Generals Plan On Competing Hard JOHN STARK-HOPKINTON (15-3-1) The Generals lost nine to graduation from last year’s semifinalist. Still, coach Denis Kolehmainen figures stout team defense and the ability to roll three lines will keep JSH in the mix. Returning senior forwards Callahan Loos (20-21-41) and Jake Blanchette (19-21-40) are among the division’s best. Juniors Tim Sawitsky, Aidan Molnar and Tim Meserve and sophomores Joel Hawkes and Nick Gagne also return. Senior Alex Lajeunsse and juniors Justin Brown and Cam Bourque form the nucleus of the defense while junior Moses
Greene gets the call in goal. Eight freshmen will vie for regular time.
DEcEmBEr 9, 2015 | HocKEy NigHt iN BostoN NEws |
* For more nH inFo, cHeck out
MAINE CLASS A By Nathan Fournier • HNIB News
oming into the 2015-16 season, there seems to be plenty of good teams in Class A but not one team that's truly head and shoulders above the rest. “(There's) lots of strong talent across the state,” Biddeford coach Rich Reissfelder said. “There are five or six teams that have a legitimate shot at that championship.” The defending State Champions, the Scarborough Red Storm, look to repeat and legendary coach Norm Gagne has the horses to do it. He has a good group of forwards and defensemen coming back, but will have to replace the graduated Ben Bragg in goal. Brandon Wasser was key last season when Bragg missed some time. Falmouth looks to be a contender once again in Class A South (formerly Class A West) and coach Deron Barton lost 2015 Travis Roy Award winner Isac Nordstrom to graduation. He will rely on a strong junior class to carry the bulk of the workload this season. The Biddeford Tigers are on the upswing and will look to build off from last season. Reisfelder hopes Kerry Crepeau and Ricky Ruck will have the same chemistry as they did last year. Just like Scarborough, they will have a new goaltender this season. The other two teams that should be very competitive in the South
Scarborough, St. Dom’s Teams To Watch Lewiston, Bangor, Falmouth Will All Challenge
Scarborough iS the defending Maine claSS a chaMpion (Photo By MiChAeL MCDonough)
are Cheverus who went to the West regional final last season and Thornton Academy. The Golden Trojans have had some lean years recently, but are looking to get back to their winning form from the beginning of the decade. Noble/Wells has been very competitive the past two seasons and have the fire power to get back to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston for another regional semifinal appearance. In the North (formerly the East),
the top three teams, St. Dominic Academy, Lewiston, and Bangor, have reloaded while Edward Little has built their program up and have a veteran squad that will challenge for home ice advantage in the first round of the playoffs. After making I to the Class A State Championship three out of the past four years, St. Dom's will have a new bench boss in Bobby Parker. Parker has two veteran goalies and young players like forward Noah Toussaint and defense-
Defending Class A Champs Primed For Repeat Try
Jack callahan Scarborough
SCArBorougH The defending Class A State Champions are primed to defend their title as they have a good core returning back. Up front they have seniors Matt Caron and Cam Nigro. Help leading the charge are juniors Cam Smith, Skylar Pettingill, Kyle Jacques, Thomas Marshall and Justin Perry. On defense, they are returning Sean McDonald, Jack Callahan and Colin Hayward. In goal, they will have replace Ben Bragg. Senior Ross LeBlond moves up from the junior varsity team and sophomore Brandon Wasser was Bragg's backup last season. December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
man Gavin Bates. The Saints look like the top team in the North as the defending regional champion. Their rival Lewiston looks to be tough with a strong senior class and having talented juniors and sophomores that contributed in 2014-2015. Coach Jamie Belleau believes the keys to the season are chemistry, consistency and goaltending.
1. Scarborough 14 2. St. Dom’s 17 3. Lewiston 14 4. Falmouth 14 5. Bangor 13 6. Biddeford 10 7. Cheverus 13 8. Edward Little 10 9. Noble/Wells 16 10. Lawrence/Skow 11
5 3 6 6 7 7 6 10 4 7
3 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1
Youth Served At South Portland soutH PoRtLand (10-9-0) The Red Riots will be a team that will be looking to get better as the season goes along. They will only have one senior and three juniors on the roster. One of the juniors is goaltender Joe Grant who will likely get majority of the starts. Sophomore Jay Halvorsen will be the other goalie on the South Portland roster. Coach Joe Robinson said the team will struggle to score goals and will rely on seniors Tyler Goldberg and sophomores Aidan Schifano and Max Winson. Robinson is high on freshman defenseman Mitchell Adams.
Ice Cats Depend On Upperclassmen Lake Region/FRyebuRg academy/oxFoRd HiLLs The Ice Cats will be heavy on seniors and juniors at all three positions. Defensively they will have seniors Kaleb Currier and Nick Lepage who will have top minutes while junior Cam Hill will see his share of minutes. In goal, Trent Spaulding will carry number one minutes. Up front, Dave Lepage will rely on returning juniors Huxley Lovering and Simon Misner to spark the offense while newcomers Jordan Ohayon, a junior, and Jared Chisari, a sophomore, will have to be secondary options.
Biddeford Ready To Make Its Move
Joe grant South Portland
riCKy ruCK BiddeFord
Good Group Back For Thornton tHoRnton academy (2-16-0) After winning back-to-back Class A State Championships in 2011 and 2012 the Golden Trojans have been rebuilding. They return a healthy dose of players from last year's squad including five seniors which include Owen Eliott, Tanner McFaren and Logan Picard as forwards while Dayton Wintle and Zach Foss are the two senior defensemen. Coming up from the junior varsity squad is defensemen senior Dalton Moore and junior Evan Balzano. Coach Jamie Gagnon has three sophomores who contributed last year as freshmen in Chandler Bilodeau, Nolan Millett and Reagan Wintle.
tanner mCFarren thornton aCad.
dayton Wintle thornton aCad.
Chandler Biilodeau thornton aCad.
Beaney Takes Over As Coach PoRtLand/deeRing The Portland/Deering Bulldogs have a new coach this season with plenty of experience as former University of Southern Maine coach Jeff Beaney has taking over the reigns. His experience of coaching a D3 college team will help the Bulldogs who have made the playoffs the past two seasons. He will rely on junior Mason Martel while sophomores Cam King and Joe Pichette will look to step up their games. Beaney doesn't have too many seniors on the team, but Phil McCallum is
expected to bring leadership. Both goaltenders are back from last year in senior Alex Girsch and junior Sam Segal.
Cam King Portland/deering
December 9, 2015 | HockeY NigHt iN boStoN NewS |
biddeFoRd (11-5-2) The Tigers have been steady the last few years and are ready to be back as one of the top teams in Class A South. Biddeford returns two key components at the forward position in senior Kerry Crepeau and junior Ricky Ruck. Also helping up front is senior Joe Anders while Cody Sevigny will be a key cog on the blue line as a senior. The Tigers always had very goaltending and they will have a new starter this season in Tom Green who has impressed coach Rich Reissfelder the last couple of seasons when he made spot starts.
Noble/Wells Will Be A Factor nobLe/WeLLs (16-4-0) The Knights are coming off two strong seasons that brought them to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston for the Western (now known as South) Class A regional semifinals. They look to make it three years in a row as they bring back experience which is led by senior forward Noah Pease who had 11 goals and 25 assists last season. Senior defenseman Tyler Whitten chipped in with two goals and 16 assists while junior defenseman Evan Whitten had six goals and 10 assists. Sophomore defensive stalwart Ethan Marsh had a solid freshman year with four goals and six assists. Nate DeWolf had a strong freshman campaign as a forward had 12 goals and 10 helpers.
Cheverus Will Be In Thick Of Things
Junior Class Propels Falmouth FalMouTh The Yachtsmen will once again be a contender in Class A. They will have to replace Travis Roy Award finalist Isac Nordstrom who's doing a post graduate year at Kents Hill. They will be led by a junior class that includes Chris Camelio (12 goals, 22 assists), Rob Armitage (8 goals, 14 assists) and Henry Norris (12 goals and 4 assists). Junior defenseman Reece Armitage had three goals and nine assists. Senior Hogan Tracey stepped up his game in the playoffs and will see top four minutes this season. Spencer Pierce will see more time in goal as a sophomore as coach Deron Barton likes his upside.
Cheverus The Stags went to the Class A West (now South) Regional Final before losing to the eventual state champions, Scarborough. They will get better as the season goes along as coach Dan Lucas wants his team to be a good skating team. Senior left winger Luke Trickey will be the top returning offensive player while Michael Hatch will see big minutes as a sophomore. Jason Halverson is a sophomore goalkeeper who see bulk of the minutes in his first year of full-time varsity action.
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player development is a winning strategy.
Co-op Seeks Playoff Berth MassabesiC/oob/ bonny eagle (6-10-2) Massabesic/Old Orchard Beach/Bonny Eagle look to be fighting for a playoff spot after a 610-2 record last season. They will be a young team with junior Tanner McClure leading the way. Sophomore Cam Roy will be a big part of Massabesic/Old Orchard Beach/Bonny Eagle's offense while Brandon Caron is a promising newcomer.
Marshwood/Traip Co-Op Hopes To Generate Some More Wins Marshwood/Traip (4-18-0) The Hawks look to build off of a 4-18 season in 2014-15. Senior Alex Weeks is a veteran goalie who can steal some games. Freshman Max Redfield is the other goaltender on the team. He will have a veteran defensive core in front of him in seniors John Lyman and Brandon Cagnina while Evan Cole and Andrew Grenier are juniors. Up front newcomers, freshmen Henry Honkonen, Jarid Tomblin, Liam Reeve and Max Redfield will see plenty of ice time.
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DeCeMber 9, 2015 | HOCkey NiGHT iN bOSTON NeWS |
Bandits Look For Another Good Year Lawrence/skowhegan (11-6-1) The Bandits had a very good season as they went 11-6-1 last season. They return a heavy senior class with Alex Paul, Samuel Haver, David Washburn, Todd Gibbons, Jonathan Cook and Brady Martin. They also have some key juniors in Curtis Martin, Dawson Gagne, Gunnar Hann and Nolan Despres. They have four sophomores in Sean Savage, Cole Bloom, Nick Reeves and Sam Craig.
Strong Goaltending Powers Bangor Bangor (13-7-0) Goaltending will be the key to the success of the Bangor Rams. Derek Fournier is one of the better young goaltenders in the state as he saw a lot of time in his sophomore year. Trevor DeLaite and Cam Cota will be the keys to the Rams offense as seniors while Charlie Budd and Ben Lane will find ways to contribute as sophomores. Ben Crichton will be the defensive leader on the team.
gavin BateS St. doM’S
auStin roy St. doM’S
Brendan donovan St. doM’S
ryan lutrzykowSki St. doM’S
ridge Servidio St. doM’S
St. Dom’s Will Contend Under New Coach Parker st. dominic academy The Saints are coming off another Class A State Championship appearance, but they are still looking for their first state title since 2000. They will have their third coach since longtime coach Bob Boucher retired from coaching in 2005. Bob Parker takes over from Steve Ouellete who resigned over the summer. St. Dom’s should be one of the contenders in Class A North.
They have senior forwards Austin Roy, Ryan Lutrzykowski and Isaac Lapointe. Junior Noah Toussaint made great strides last season. On defense, they will be led by Brendan Donovan and sophomore Gavin Bates who quickly became one of the Saints best defenseman last season. They return two goalies in senior Ridge Servidio and junior Kyle Welsh.
Lewiston Should Score Some Goals Lewiston (12-4-1) The Blue Devils will be one of teams that are on the shortlist that will be competing for the state championship in Class A. They could be a team that scores a lot of goals this year with seniors Kyle Morin, Brendon Croteau, Griffin Wade and Reid Pomerleau leading the charge. Juniors Jeromey Rancourt and Jean-Luc Dostie while sophomores Joe Bisson and Dustin Larochelle will provide scoring depth. On the back end seniors Brady Cusson and Jonathan Sturgus will lead the defensive charge as seniors with junior Cole Ouellette, sophomores Ryan Bossie and Jayden Wilson also contributing this season. In goal, Sam Zashut and Jacob Strout will man the pipes.
JeroMey rancourt lewiSton
Edward Little Can’t Be Taken Lightly edward LittLe (9-9) The Red Eddies look to be a contender. They are a veteran squad as the team returns seven seniors. Up front they will be led by seniors Liam Benson, Matt Grenier, Matt Verrill and Zach Guimond. They have a solid junior class that includes Max Giard, Cody Woodward, Ryan Raby and Eli McBride. On defense they will be led by seniors Tyler Couture and Ben Steele, while sophomores Alex Landry and Aaron Kane will also contribute. Devin Dumont could be one of the better goalies in Class A this year while sophomore Ben Feldman will also see time on the varsity team this season.
Ben Steele edward little
Follow the Maine hS action all SeaSon long at: www.hniBnewS.coM 18
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Eagles Could Be In Playoff Hunt mt. aRaRat/lISBON/mORSe (3-15-0) The Eagles look to be a team that will be challenging for one of the final playoff spots this season. Junior forward Tyler Halls will be the key offensive player on the team as he had five goals and seven assists. Juniors Tyler Lacascio Mark Abreu will look to step up their contributions this season as they had eight and seven points respectfully. Junior Ryley Austin will be a leader on the defensive corps as he had four goals and six assists while senior Andrew Gardiner will provide steady defense. Noah Austin is slated to start the year as a top six forward as a freshman. New coach A.J. Kavanaugh expects sophomore Matt Lawrence to log key minutes on defense.
New Co-op Looks To Be Competitive
Cam Wilson Cony/monmouth
Rams Return Solid Nucleus CONY/mONmOUth/hall-dale The Rams look to be in the playoff picture this season. They return a very good goaltender in Tom Small while sophomore Dalton Bowie will be the backup. Cam Wilson and Nate Foye are junior defensemen that are returning. Drew Keithly will be an offensive leader up front along with Brett and Tyler Sproul. Sophomore Avery Pomerleau will also provide some offense. They will hope newcomers like senior Riley Boivin, junior Cole Lockhart while freshmen Reed Hopkins and Michael Boivin will provide secondary offense.
GaGe Chenard Windham/Westbrook
WINdham/WeStBROOK (7-10-2) Maine will have a new co-op team this season as Westbrook joins Windham after a 0-171 campaign last season. The new influx of talent will help as Windham/Westbrook will try to compete in the middle of the pack of Class A North. Tyler Johnson had 11 goals and 15 assists for Windham last season. Sophomore Keagan Pock chipped in with nine goals and four assists for Windham while senior Gage Chenard had seven goals and three assists. Senior defenseman Alex Whelan had four assists for Windham this past season. Goalie Alex LeBlanc (goalie), Greg Boutte (defense) and Jacob Coro (forward) are three players that are expected to play a role who came over from Westbrook.
• Maine Class B south •
Brunswick Moves Down; York Is Young BRUNSWICK The Dragons moved down to Class B South from Class A North. They should be right in the mix for the Class B South Title with three senior forwards in Jameson Cyr, Matthew Deveaux and Jacob Towle. Sophomore Michael Deveaux is expected to contribute as a returning player. Three freshmen forwards Jacob Doring, Jack St. Pierre and Michael Eno will find ice time this season while Ben Black will provide depth as a senior. On the blue line, senior Nate Granholm while Andrew Eno, Max Burtis and Quinn Solberg are all returning sophomores. In goal, newcomer sophomore Riley Kirk will see bulk of the action in goal. YORK The Wildcats lost some key cogs due to graduation and will be a younger team in the 2015-16 season. New coach Jim Powers hopes junior forwards Nick Giles and Henry McCaddin can carry the offensive load while sophomores Joe Graziano, Mark Engholm and Spencer Pickett provide secondary scoring. Sophomore Keenan Gamache looks like he will be taking the reigns in goal from Eric Lindbom who graduated. On defense, Colin Palmer will be logging plenty of minutes as a junior while Thomas Carr will see increased minutes as a returning sophomore. DecembeR 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN boStoN NewS |
MAINE CLASS B By Nathan Fournier • HNIB News
an anyone stop the Eagles? Messalonskee That's the question heading into the 2015-16 Class B season as the Eagles are looking for a threepeat. There will be plenty of challengers both from the North (formerly the East) and the South (formerly the West) as Class B is very deep on both sides. “Messalonskee will return as a powerhouse, fourth year running,” Presque Isle coach Carl Flynn said of the Class B North contenders. “I expect Waterville to challenge them as well as Winslow.” Class B South may be the deepest conference in the state. “The league is going to be wide open,” Cape Elizabeth coach Matt Boutte said. “There are probably 5-6 teams that have a realistic shot of finishing first overall in the regular season.” Messalonskee returns one of the best players in the state in Jared Cunningham. Brendan Nale had a breakout season last year as a sophomore. The Eagles have a superb offensive defenseman in Dylan Burton. The teams in the North that can provide the best challenge looks to be Waterville and Winslow. The Purple Panthers have a very good offensive core as they have six forwards who finished the year with
MAINE CLASS B POLL TEAM 1. Messalonskee 2. Gorham 3. Yarmouth 4. Waterville 5. Kennebunk 6. Winslow 7. Camden Hills 8. Brunswick 9. Brewer 10. Cape Elizabeth
W L T 20 14 11 13 16 14 14 11 9 10
1 6 8 5 3 7 5 8 8 9
0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 1
Messalonskee Goes For 3 In A Row
20 or more points. They had two defensemen with 20 or more points. Their rival Winslow looks to build off their 12-6 record from last season. Brewer looks to get back into the top four in the North. Tyler Friel is an experienced goaltender and the Witches have a nice core of upperclassmen at the forward position while having a good defensive core.
MArCh Of 2015 (Photo Courtesy MiChael MCDonough)
Coach Lance Ingerson expects the team to be good defensively. Camden Hills moves from the South to the North and they have been competitive the last few years and that doesn't expect to change. Coach Karl Enroth likes to play an offensive game and he has the players to continue to score goals.
Maine Class B north Preview MessaloNskee (20-1-0) The Eagles are the two-time defending Class B Champions and are in good position for a three peat. They return Jared Cunningham who has been one of the better players in high school hockey. He had 32 goals and 47 assists last season. Junior Brandon Nale had 37 goals and 41 assists. Juniors Dylan and Dustin Brown are expected to provide secondary scoring this year. Defensively senior Dylan Burton is the quarterback as he had 11 goals and 38 assists. Juniors Sam Bell and Connor Smith will have bigger roles this season on the back end. They will be inexperienced in goal with two freshmen in.
Will Eagles Soar Again?
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Windjammers Make A Move Camden hills The Windjammers move to Class B North from Class B South (used to be Class B West) as schools around the state shift because of realignment in other sports. What they have in 2015-16 is depth. Jonah Cameron and Chase Matteo each had 23 points last season as juniors. Also expected to contribute offensively is senior Austin Gallant (11 pts), sophomore James Orne (12 pts) and Kieran Lydon (11 pts). They have two solid goalies in senior Zach Hand (1.90 gaa), and junior Jet Magri (2.37 gaa). Seniors Nicholas Tassoni and Nicholas Czuchra will lead the defense and Matt Prescott will also contribute.
drew gardner JoHn Bapst
Kodi legassie JoHn Bapst
tyler wHeeler JoHn Bapst
Another Playoff Run For John Bapst? JOhn BapsT (10-6-2) The Crusaders look to build off of last year's playoff appearance. Logan Ellis and Nate Reese are two returning senior forwards while Tyler Wheeler is a junior and Kodi Legassie looks to build off his freshman campaign last season. They will be young on defense with junior Cam Dyer and sophomore Drew Gardner leading the way.
Old Town/Orono To Keep Building
JonaH Cameron Camden Hills
CHase matteo Camden Hills
niCK CzuCHra Camden Hills
Brewer Ready To Challenge Brewer (9-8-3) The Witches will have one of the better goalies in the state in senior Tyler Friel as they will be one of the teams trying to knock off two-time defending Class B state champion Messalonskee in Class B North. Dylan Severance and Caleb Eggert are two seniors up front who will be providing some offense with Zach Duncan and Tyler Hersey as juniors will provide depth. Freshmen Daniel Beal and Trey Baker will find their way into the line-up this season. On defense Brewer will be led by senior Jack Schroeder and junior Trey Wood. They will rely on Zach Steiger as a freshman to learn on the job.
Upperclassmen Will Lead Presque Isle presque isle (4-14-0) The Wildcats look to get back into the playoff picture and they will look to their upperclassmen for a deep playoff run. Jillian Flynn, who recently committed to the University of Maine, will look to backstop the Wildcats back to the playoffs Cam Madore will be the main threat offensively. Jake Stevens and Thomas Patenaude are both freshmen that will help the Wildcats offensively. * For
maine Class B inFormation,
go to www.HniBnews.Com
Old TOwn/OrOnO (9-9-1) Chris Hoxie returns as one of the top scorers. Makayla Brown will be centering the third line as coach Denis Collins describes the senior as a coach on the ice. Juniors Matt Fowler and Austin Sheehan return after both being injured last season. Junior Nick Boutin is the playmaker of the team while Jacob Gallon moves from forward to defense this year. In goal, the Black Bears will rely on senior Chase Albert. Collins is also excited for freshman defenseman Olivia King who Collins said is one of the best girls' in the state.
Waterville Solid On Offense waTerville The Purple Panthers return some offensive skill. Senior Nick Denis had 14 goals and 18 assists while Michael Oliveira had 11 goals and 19 assists. Juniors Jackson Aldrich had 12 goals and 13 assists, Justin Wentworth had 11 goals and 13 assists, Dalton Henderson had 13 goals and 11 assists. On defense senior Andrew Roderigue had nine goals and 17 assists. Juniors Matt Jolicoeur had 10 goals and 10 assists while Zach Smith had a goal and six assists.
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www.. b erw ic kac ad e my. www my. o r g
DecemBer 9, 2015 | HOcKey NigHT iN BOSTON NeWS |
Kennebunk Poised For A Big Year KennebunK The Rams had a very successful year in 2014-2015 when they made it to the Western Class B regional final before losing to Gorham. They look poised for another deep playoff run this season as they have four senior forwards returning in Boden Beveridge (39 pts), Patrick Gassman (31 pts), James Ross (21 pts) and Gavin Balmier. Sophomore Brenden Whitten (17 pts) had a solid freshman campaign. On defense, they return three upperclassmen, despite losing Joe Mooney to junior hockey, in senior Donovan Connor (18 pts), Miles Eaton (16 pts) and Camden Connor. Eaton and Connor are both juniors. Spencer Desroshers take the reins in goal as the junior backed up Mike Leblanc who graduated.
Capers Want To Be A Contender Cape elizabeth (10-9-1) The Capers will look to be one of the contenders in Class B South. Offensively, they will be paced by Ben Ekedahl as the junior had five goals and 13 assists as a sophomore last year. Senior Matt Riggle had seven goals and eight assists while Alex Glidden had seven goals as a freshman. Eli Babcock chipped in three assists on defense as a sophomore. Junior Gavin Spidle will be joining the varsity squad as he moves from defense to forward. Ethan Gillespie who swung with the junior varsity and varsity teams last year will see a bigger role this year on defense.
Moore Tabbed To Lead Gardiner Gardiner (6-12-0) The Tigers will be led by a new coach in Sam Moore as they try to build off a 6-12 2014-2015 campaign. With a young team, they will be led by junior forwards Tristan Hebert and Ryan Kelly while Michael Poirier will see plenty of minutes in goal. Moore is high on freshman forward Warren Karlberg.
Cooper may yarmouth
Noah Bird Gorham
Clippers Must Replace 10 Seniors Yarmouth (11-8-1) The Clippers are looking to build off last year's success that saw them go to the regional semifinals. They lost ten seniors from last year's team, but have plenty of talent coming back. Offensive defenseman Walter Conrad had 11 goals and 22 assists last season as a junior. He's coming off a broken ankle which he suffered during preseason soccer action. Up front, senior Patrick Grant will look to build off a 12 goal, 17 assist campaign while fellow senior Noah Grondin had 10 goals and eight assists. Cooper May led the team in scoring as a freshman as he had 13 goals and 23 assists. Bill Jacobs, a junior chipped in with 12 goals and 5 assists. In goal, sophomore Dan Latham will see his first varsity action this season.
Defending Regional Champs Ready Gorham After back-to-back Class B State Championship appearances, the Rams could be in the thick of things again in Class B South. Noah Bird returns in goal as the junior was sensational last season as a sophomore. Carl Bear will be the key offensive player as he enters his senior season. He will have junior Carter Landry and sophomore Lucas Roop as his supporting cast. On defense, senior Willy Baxter will lead the blue line.
Greely, Maranacook Ready To Go GreelY The Rangers are looking to get back to the top of Class B South after a couple of seasons of rebuilding. Offensively senior Colby Williams will be looking to build off his five goal junior campaign. Nathan Gervais will be centering a top two line. Jack Saffian was the team's most improved player last season. Junior defensemen Colby Robinson and Ryan Sullivan will log big minutes for Greely. In goal they bring in junior transfer Joe MacDonald from Westford Academy in Massachusetts. Another junior is Josh Lawless who should see some time as well. maranaCooK/Winthrop (1-15-0) The Hawks look to bounce back from a 1-15 season. Zachary Godbout is a returning senior while Lindsey Smith and Austen Jones are returning forwards. Coach Chip Jones hopes his team is more assertive on the ice. He also hopes to see his team learn on the fly and achieve the team's goals
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
ou can’t get much better for a state championship game than what the Metro Division got last year, when Essex won the title in a thrilling, 3OT win over 2014 champion South Burlington. Essex (17-1-2) will start the season in the #1 spot in HNIB News Vermont Metro pre-season poll, but by a slim margin. There was some talk that #2 Spaulding (14-4-2) might be the team to beat. Coach Clay Bell’s Crimson Tide returns some solid players, and the team was pretty good last winter. It remains to be
Which Of 8 Teams Will Be Left Standing? seen if Spaulding can pull it off. #3 BFA St. Albans (13-8-1) is always in the hunt and you can bet coach Toby Duculon will have his troops ready with their disciplined approach to the game.
Although they lost some top talent, #4 South Burlington (15-6-2) has been to two straight state finals and will a solid feeder program, will be right in there.
TEAM W Essex 17 Spaulding 14 BFA-St. Alb. 13 So. Burlington15 CVU 12
L 1 4 8 6 8
T 2 2 1 2 1
EssEx Hs won tHE 2015 VErmont mEtro titlE in dramatic fasHion witH a triplE ot win oVEr soutH Burlington.
Defending Metro Champs Still Strong
EtHan BartlEtt EssEx
ESSEX (17-1-2) Fresh off an exciting Metro state title win in triple overtime, the Hornets go into this new season ready to defend. A good group is back for veteran head coach Bill O''Neil to work with. Up front, Nick McGovern and state final OT hero Alex Guimmo are back to lead the offensive attack. Senior tri-captain Erik Short returns between the pipes to give Essex a solidfying force there. Defense appears to be a strongpoint with tri-captain seniors Ethan Bartlett and Austin Thibeault back, as well as Dom Lessard.
austin tHiBEault • EssEx
Talented Spaulding Should Make Serious Run At Title SPAULDING (14-4-2) More than few Metro coaches are labeling the Crimson Tide as the team to beat this winter. Could be that Spaulding has some talented players at each position and should be well-balanced. A solid scoring attack will be spearheaded by the likes of junior Denver Heath (24 pts) and junior Brad Romeo (15 goals). Senior Ryan Allen and junior Chandler Cressey are two more vital cogs. Defensively, coach Clay Bell can rest easy with junior Luke Krupa (15 pts) patrolling the blue line; he was an All-State selection a year ago. Sophomore Matteo Perantioni plays a sound physical game. And in goal, the Tide has a strong goalie tandem with senior Justin LaPerle and junior Cody Gosselin.
Brad romEo spaulding
dEnVEr HEatH spaulding
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
cHandlEr crEssEy spaulding
Rebels Reload; Will Be In The Mix
Colchester Must Put Pucks In Net COLCHESTER (6-16-0) The Lakers will go as far as their offense will take them. While they have a couple of natural scorers, coach Greg Murray says his team will need to get its share of garbage goals in front of the net to be successful. Junior Tate Hamblett (18 pts) and sophomore Luke Dion (8 pts) will be looked to for offensive production. Senior captain Garrett St. Pierre (13 pts) will be Colchester's backbone on the blue line. Sophomore Robbie Davis missed several games last winter with an injury but is ready to go. Freshman Cameron Rolston should have a solid role on the club. In goal, junior Jake Rocheleau (2.16 gaa) saw the majority of time between the pipes last winter.
Brendan Lahue South BurLington
Senior Trio Powers BFA Charge BELLOWS FREE ACADEMY (13-8-1) Always amongst the challengers for the Metro Division crown, this year will be no exception for the Bobwhites. Coach Toby Duculon feels that team composure and self discipline will be keys. Up front, BFA will rely heavily on a trio of seniors to lead the way in Matt Needleman, Sam Shorey and Hunter Kirouac. On defense, cornerstones project to be seniors Owen Ladd and Tanner Cioffi.
“Seacoast College Prep is the most comprehensive college preparatory junior program to date, designed for the serious minded student/ hockey player that will be friendly to high school coaches and ultimately a culmination of comprehensive youth development. We encourage you to contact us to learn more information about our program, objectives and opportunities” - Mike Addesa & Kurt Mallett
Young CVU Hopes To Battle CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNION (12-8-1) Another team that will be young is the Red Hawks, who will need their young forwards to finish more. Also, coach Mike Murray has to fill holes from several key graduated blue liners. Guys ready to do the job up front are junior Joe Parento and sophomore Tyler Brooks. Sophomore Richard Hall will be a mainstay on the CVU blue line. Murray said his team will need one of several goaltending candidates to grab the starting job. Returning sophomore Tyler Brooks and incoming freshman Blaine Moore will be among the group.
All But 2 Back At Rice RICE MEMORIAL (4-17-1) With only two players lost to graduation, this could be the year that the Green Knights make a big move to the upper echelon of the division. Coach Leonard Badeau says his team must "trust the team's systems and process." Badeau added that every returning player will have a key role with the club. * Rutland will also be in the Vermont Metro Division again this year. No information was available as of press time
SOUTH BURLINGTON (15-6-2) There will be some holes to fill, but coach Sean Jones feels his feeder program is the best in the state so the talent should be there. Senior Brendan Lahue and junior Michael Flaherty will be called upon to lead the offensive attack for the Rebels. Senior Kyle EhlerVock is a blue line mainstay. "We will continue to focus our success from out net out," Jones said. "We return experience up front and will look to a couple veteran defensemen to help the younger guys mature."
Program Highlights: • On-ice skills development & system training • Monitored off-ice strength training including yoga & cycle spin classes • Disciplined life skills culture that includes mentorship in nutrition, lifestyle and education “There are many reasons why I chose the Seacoast College Prep junior program over other junior programs in the area. Due to the efforts of the coaching staff, I have talked with more college coaches and been on more college visits this season than in my three years of prep school hockey and one year of juniors combined. Also, the practice and training schedules are more serious. Our workouts, spin class, yoga and stretching sessions help us get stronger and stay at the top of our conditioning throughout the season. Finally, with the way the program is set up, the organization is focused on advancing players to the college level and is focused on each and every player’s success.” Contact Kurt Mallett for more information: (207) 408-4106
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Stowe Will Face Challenge
inners of the last two Vermont Lake Divison titles, Stowe (16-7-1) gets the nod as the pre-season #1 team in the HNIB News Lake Division pre-season poll. The Raiders return one of the top forwards in Vermont in senior Chad Haggerty, who scored 58 points last year, as well as goaltending starter Dylan Whittaker. If Stowe falter, there are a host of
TEAM W LT Stowe 16 7 1 U-32 12 7 1 Middlebury 13 7 2 Northfield 7 14 0 Harwood 13 4 4
teams capable to taking home the crown. #2 U-32 (12-7-1) returns a solid defensive nucleus, and also a top scorer in senior forward Lucas Eldred (41 pts). Keep an eye on them. #3 Middlebury (13-7-2) reached the quarterfinal round of the playoffs last year and have a solid returning nucleus for coach Derek Bartlett. #4 Northfield (7-14-0) suffered some growing pains last winter, but that year of experience could prove wonders this season. A good returning group is also what will power #5 Harwood (134-4). North Country joins the Lake Division this season, dropping down from the Metro.
Two-Time Champs Tough To Beat STOWE (16-7-1) The two-time defending Lake Division champions know they will be in for a serious battle this winter as they strive for another crown. A big plus for the Raiders is the return of senior Chad Haggerty, who piled up 58 points last season and will be among the Division's top forwards. Seniors Chris Cinque and Jack Schneider will have key roles for coach Chris Eaton, who has won state titles in each of his first two seasons behind the bench. Senior Cole Whittaker anchors the blue line, while senior Dylan Whitaker is a returning starter between the pipes.
North Country Drops to D2 Lake NORTH COUNTRY (4-16-0) The Falcons return to Division Two this year and coach Ryan Jacobs will be looking for ongoing development throughout the season. Jacobs expressed confidence in both of his well-seasoned returning goalies, senior Dylan Simoneau and junior Dana Marsh. The defense features senior Matthew Paul and junior Mitchell Austin, who are both likely to log serious minutes. Skilled sophomore Brady Parent and senior power forward Henry Delabruerre are the top returning forwards. Juniors Dawson Cots and Alex Geroux join them.
From physics to power plays and Bach to backchecking, Vermont Academy plays to win across academics and athletics in the natural arena of Vermont.
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Andrew Millikin
Southern Vermont
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Depth A Plus For Hartford HARWOOD (13-4-4) Good depth will be a big help for the Highlanders as they look to duplicate last winter's success. Much of the Harwood offense will depend on the play of returning juniors Eli Rivers (28 pts) and Connor Dow (25 pts). Senior goalie Dean Touchette is back, which is a plus for coach Dave Morse. Another key returner is junior defenseman Ryan Garrand. lUcas elDreD U-32
Dalton James U-32
U-32 Returns Host Of Players U-32 (12-7-1) A host of returning players have the Raiders optimistic they can be a serious player in the Lake Division title race. "We have to treat every game like it is a playoff game and come to the rink ready to go," said coach David Pickel. The Raiders do boast a solid nucleus of forwards who should put up some decent numbers, led by junior Lucas Eldred (41 pts). Seniors Nick Grace (17 pts) and Colby Brochu (20 pts) and junior Connor Barrett (19 pts) are all capable of denting the scoresheet. On defense, seniors Dalton James (11 pts) and David Woolaver (10 pts). along with junior Matt Hynes (10 pts) are a trio of solid returning blue liners. A pair of sophomores - Connor Carbo (who saw the majority of action), and Ray Hynes - will give U-32 more than adequate goaltending.
Hartford Will Spread Out Offense HARTFORD (6-14-1) A more balanced approach will be the focus this winter for the Hurricanes. Last year, the team's first line accounted for 90% of the offense. Up front, coach Todd Bebeau will look to senior Nate Lemieux (35 pts) and junior Ben Rouillard (34 pts) to provide some decent scoring. New senior Kyle Weeks, a transfer to the school, hopes to have a role. Junior Jordy Allard (15 pts) leads the defense and will get involved offensively. Junior Richie Morrill has varsity experience between the pipes.
Middlebury A Team To Watch MIDDLEBURY (13-7-2) The Tigers made it to the quarterfinals last winter and with a good core of returning players, getting solid goaltending will be key. Seniors Colton Leno (19 pts) and Tyler Crowningshield (23 pts) are an excellent 1-2 scoring punch for the Tigers. Looking to make an immediate impact up front are freshmen Henry Hodde and Jake Peluso. Junior Andrew Gleason (20 pts) is a solid two-way defenseman, while new sophomores Ziven McCarty and Brian Kiernan look to help out on the blue line. Coach Derek Bartlett has the luxury of returning two experienced netminders in senior Sawyer Ryan and junior Doug Delorenzo.
Thunderbirds Will Rely On Defense MISSISQUOI (14-5-1) Playing good team defense will be important if the Thunderbirds hope to challenge for the Lake Division crown. Two forwards coach Chris Hatin will rely on up front are seniors Logan Day and Jacob Babcock (11 pts). Newcomers Ryan Laroche, Braylen Parent and Joel Gagne - all freshmen - are ready to make some contributions. Senior blue liner Mason Lafountain (14 pts) and senior Morgan Rainville (15 pts) are a pair of two-way threat defensemen. December 9, 2015 | HOckey NigHt iN bOStON NeWS |
Gained Experience Huge For Northfield
Milton Must Find Goals
noRTHField (7-14-0) The Marauders had a bevy of players gain significant varsity experience a year ago so that alone will be an asset for this winter. "However, it is very important for us to understand last year is over," said coach Paul Clayton. "With D2 Vermont boys hockey as competitive as it is, if we do not raise our expectation and level of play, the outcome will be no better." Sophomore forwards Garrett Bean (18 pts) and Jackson Clayton (17 pts) will be leaders for the offensive attack. Fellow sophomore Cory Doney (25 pts) is adept at either forward or defense. Newcomers ready to move right in are forwards Mitch Goodrich and Nolan Bean, defenseman Bryce MacDougall and goalie Matt Aubut.
milTon (12-7-4) Replacing some key scoring will be a priority for coach Trevor Wegar, whose team hopes to have some solid defensive play. "If we can manufacture scoring opportunities and goals then we will be much better off," Wegar said. "Now, it will be up to these current players to step up, own roles and get the job done. The job of producing offense will fall on juniors Brendan Green and Liam Fersing, along with freshman Cam Barnier. Junior goalie Eric Roy has the experience, as he played in every game last winter. New freshman defenseman Josh McQuinn looks to crack the rotation.
Solid Numbers A Boon For Bulldogs
Colonels Seek Turnaround
BURR & BURTon (11-13-0) With 13 returning players, as well as a good influx of newcomers, Burr & Burton could make some noise. “We have some depth which will help us if we get some injuries,” said coach Kevin Fleurie. Up front, senior Jack Ams is back to power the offense, along with junior Max Ingison and sophomore Jay McCoy. Look for new sophomore Alex Carpenter to have some input offensively. The Bulldogs also have three regular defensemen back in senior Mason Winslow, junior Kevin Maguire and sophomore Henry Kornaros. Junior goalie Kevin Souls is back as well and will battle with sophomore Jeremy Fleming.
BRaTTleBoRo (6-14-0) The Colonels power play clicked at an impressive 35% last season and coach Eric Libardoni feels the unit will need to deliver like that again this season. "We look for improved goaltending and an emphasis on great team defense," he added. Senior Braxton Lynn (20 pts), junior Declan Lonergan (17 pts) and junior Daniel McMahon (12 pts) are offensive catalysts. Defensively, senior Evan Perkins (19 pts) is solid, as is junior Bradley Fellows. The Colonels welcome back two goaltenders as well in senior Nick Perusse and sophomore Durin Hoyer.
sT. JoHnsBURy (10-12-1) The young Hilltoppers hope to be amongst the group of teams capable of challenging for the Lake title. They will work hard on developing their skill. Coach Richard Emery will rely on the scoring prowess of seniors Jaret Rutledge, Spencer Persam and Mihail Sourgisdakis to carry the offensive attack. Senior Michael Provost projects to be solid on defense
BURlinGTon (3-15-0) For the Seahorses to improve in the standings, they will have to work hard and have good team chemistry. Seniors Jack Lenihan, Clark Stevenson and Grabt Headrick will lead the offensive attack for coach Lou DiMasi. Senior Connor Plante will be key on the Burlington blue line.
Hilltoppers Hope For Big Season
Hard Work Key For Burlington
Maine Class B North Hampden academy The Broncos have plenty of veterans returning and a new coach for the 2015-16 season Eric MacDonald will rely on senior captains Jordan Dysart and Vincent Gilmore to provide the offense if the Broncos want to improve on their 7-10-1. Marcus Dunn will also be a key contributor this season. Cody Romano and Zachary Perry will look to contribute as new players to the offense. They have three returning defensemen in Seth Shawley, Chandler St. Clair and Caleb Tribou.They will have three newcomers in Nevin Daviault, Rece Poulin and Jacob Weston. Hampden will rely on sophomore A.J. Meo in goal. WinsloW The Black Raiders will be one of the teams trying to knock off Messalonskee in Class B North with a veteran lineup. Jacob Trask, Jimmy Fowler, Andrew Beals will be the players coach Andre Dube looks to offensively, while Jacob Grenier, Jacob Houghton, David Selwood and Dameron Rodrigue will also be key contributors in 2015-16 season.
DecemBer 9, 2015 | HocKey NigHt iN BostoN NeWs |
Fairfield Prep Tabbed To Return To Prominence
DARIEN plAyERs cElEbRAtE AftER wINNINg thE school’s fIRst D1 stAtE tItlE IN 46 yEARs lAst MARch (photo couRtEsy stEvEN buoNo)
By Michael Fornabaio • HNIB News
t was a year unlike any in recent memory last year, when Connecticut's Division I tournament came down to an upstart Catholic school, an upstate public school, and two public schools from Fairfield County with long championship droughts. The latter two met for the state championship, and Darien beat Greenwich in a 1-0 thriller for the Blue Wave's first title in 46 years.
1. FairfieldPrep 10 11 2. Xavier 14 6 3. Darien 23 2 4. Notre Dame (WH) 9 10 5. Notre Dame (F) 12 10 6. New Canaan 12 8 7. Hamden 11 11 8. Ridgefield 15 8 9. Greenwich 21 3 10. Simsbury 13 10
0 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 2 0
Long gone were the big downstate Catholic schools, the traditional public-school powers from New Haven County. Fairfield Prep and Notre Dame-West Haven, two of the state's top programs over the past couple of decades, both finished under .500. So what do the state's coaches expect for an encore? Well, they went right back to Fairfield Prep, but there's a bit more diversity than usual in the top half of the poll. Xavier, that Catholic-school semifinalist, is right behind, and Darien drew support as a possible repeat winner; according to the CIAC's championship database, the only public school ever to do that in Division I is Hamden. The rival Notre Dames have usually been in the mix in recent years. ND-West Haven lost some top players (like most teams) but are still seen as dangerous. NDFairfield felt it had earned a win in the quarterfinals but had an overtime goal disallowed against
Glastonbury. New Canaan had a transition year with new coach Pat Gore after legendary Bo Hickey retired. They've got lots back on defense. It's the opposite at Hamden, which has a new coach in Todd Hall: Only one defenseman returns. Ridgefield has been a perennially competitive team in a conference that, until last year, hadn't produced a state champion since 1998. Greenwich is another; the Cardinals had an outstanding season with only one regular-season loss, to Xavier. There were lots of teams vying for spots in the top 10, like Glastonbury, looking to replace several key players, and like upstate programs on the upswing, East Catholic and Northwest Catholic. For starters, Simsbury is a team that seems to have intrigued a lot of coaches up that way. The Trojans returned a lot of experienced players.
Defending Champs Have Holes To Fill DaRIeN (23-2-1) The Blue Wave won their first state title since 1969 last season, an emotional run that saw top players like Jack Pardue and Will Massie turn into town legends. They've graduated, along with several other keys, and they saw coach Chris Gerwig depart for a job with the Connecticut Oilers. Assistant coach Mac Budd takes over, and he's confident that the team has enough to stay in the mix. Sam Knowlton is back for his fourth year on defense, and he'll have to be the anchor for a group that's inexperienced. In net, Massie last year succeeded the excellent Michael Colon brilliantly; it'll likely fall to David Voigt or Brendan Bumgardner to keep up that chain. There's some depth at forward, including the return of skilled Jake Kirby and tough Riley Mullin and Jay Dickson for their senior seasons, along with junior Max Romeyn.
St. Joseph Looks To Build On Last Year St. JoSePH (11-10-1) The Cadets are hoping to build off last year, the first for coach J.R. Bria. He expects a hard-working team, competitive in a conference that's tough at the top. He's hoping for a strong defensive team, too, with a sophomore goalie in Ryan Wilson. Junior Andrew Van Etten has skill and poise on defense. Junior Adam Usinger should be a top forward, strong and speedy with a good shot. Captain Nick DiSabella brings some grit to the forwards.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Greenwich Focused gReenwicH (21-3-2) One goal away from a state championship, the Cardinals return several key players. "The players got a taste, and it helps their focus," coach Bob Russel said. "I know they worked really hard in the offseason." Several young players are expected to contribute, too. Senior K.C. Cunningham, who scored the overtime goal that beat Glastonbury in the state semifinals, is back, as are seniors Cal McKinney and Michael Mozian. Four defensemen return, including seniors Colin Kelly and 6-foot-2 Aiden Connerty. Goalie Bryan Archino graduated; seniors Danny Gazaille and Nick Bozzuto take over.
Justin blAnCHette fAirfield PreP
CHris KrAl fAirfield PreP
will sCHliCHtig fAirfield PreP
JACK mCgowen fAirfield PreP
Prep Seeks Rebound Season faiRfield PReP (10-11-0) Every year the Jesuits see a lot of players depart, and almost every year they seem to turn a corner and remain among the state's elite. They never quite turned that corner last season. It didn't help that forwards Justin Blanchette and Chris Kral were injured last year; they're back for their senior years, Blanchette as a co-captain off a 21-point season. Coach Matt Sather and the Jesuits will look to players like senior Will Schlichtig (a co-captain)
and Colin Smalkais to step up, with contributions expected from juniors Chris Brown, Brennan Henry and Jack Cavanaugh and sophomores Devin Blanchette and Skyler Celotto. Co-captain Jack McGowen headlines a defense corps that's young aside from him and senior Geoff Hadden. Sophomores Cole Casl and Matt Kernaghan will step into big roles. Junior Chris Ligas and sophomore Jack McGee saw limited time behind Jack Taubl last year; they'll take over in net.
Glastonbury Looks To Youth For Leadership K.C. CunningHAm glAstonburY
HArrison CHumA ridgefield
Former Alum Hall New Head Coach At Hamden HS Hamden (11-11-1) Todd Hall, among the program's best players and a former pro, takes over from the retired Bill Verneris. Especially with seven of eight defensemen departing, he's not positive what to expect from this team, but -- "I know it's cliche," he says -- all reports have been that they've worked very hard in the summer. Though standout Jeremy Routh went to Kent, senior Christian Ugolik and junior Jake Blackwell return from the top line, and senior forwards like Brendan Berube and Anthony Greco will play important roles, too. On defense, a lot of former JV players will have to step up as juniors and seniors. Junior starter Stephen Riccitelli returns in goal, along with senior Collin Burke. Steven Turner has some experience in USA Hockey camps as well.
glastonbuRy (19-5-1) The Tomahawks put together a nice season and reached the state semifinals, playing three overtime games in the state tournament, coming a quick whistle away from beating Greenwich in the semis. They've graduated several top-notch players from that team, though, looking for young players to raise their game. That includes in net, where skilled junior Griffin Jagel takes over from Kyle Thibodeau. Several forwards are back, like skilled seniors Adam Yaeger (29 pts) and Zach McGrail (9 pts) , along with gritty senior Jared Roy and hard-working junior Tanner Walker. On
rYAn boYle glAstonburY
AdAm YAeger glAstonburY
defense, coach Ken Barse's team has a strong senior in Ryan Boyle and juniors Nate Amara and Joe DeLuca will be important players as well.
Always Strong Ridgefield In The Mix Ridgefield (15-8-0) A lot of young players have waited their turn patiently, coach Shaun Gallagher said. They'll fill gaps left by some top graduates and complement a good group of returning players for the Tigers. Among them: senior co-captain Jimmy Wilkinson, skilled and a leader for a group that includes seniors Kyle Horsa and Alec Knupp, who'll be counted on for offense, with juniors Jack Stafford and Teo van Wees. On defense, senior co-captain Will Peters and junior Harrison Chuma are good in both ends. Junior Sean Keegans takes over in goal. He could get help from one of several players that could return to the team from other programs.
December 9, 2015 | HockeY NiGHT iN bosToN News |
Northwest Catholic Now Lions Northwest CatholiC (10-11-0) The Lions -- a new school nickname -- had another competitive year in their second Division I season, and some young players got their feet wet, too. They'll bring some experience back for coach Don Melanson.
Senior Mike Camasso will be key for the Lions; they see him as a goalie who can steal wins for them, and he brings lots of game experience. Seniors J.J. Foster and Nick Alzugaray bring an array of skills to the defense corps. Junior Anthony Ceolin can produce offense, and classmate Tucker Alissi is a good two-way forward. Junior Ryan Sherba brings a good allaround game over from Tri-Town.
Rams Have Reloading To Do
matt Vizi notRe Dame (F)
tyleR engliSh notRe Dame (F)
tuCkeR aliSSi noRthWeSt
Ryan SheRba noRthWeSt
Lancers Have Team-First Mentality Notre Dame-FairFielD (12-10-0) A controversial disallowed goal away from the state semifinals last year, the Lancers return an assortment of good players and what coach Steve Hetherman calls a team-first mentality that'll help bring along the younger players. Captain Seamus O'Rourke, second-team all-state last year, returns to lead the defense, along with big senior Matt Vizi and sophomore John Garvey. There's good skill and some grit returning up front. Tyler Henchcliffe, Mark Russo and Mike Antoniou, all alternate captains, produced, and senior Tyler English and junior Brian Gallagher are also effective players. Junior Billy Scovill is a competitor in net.
Simsbury Loaded With Experience simsbury (13-10-0) A lot of upstate coaches are eager (or perhaps, for some, anxious) to see what the Trojans look like this year. With some consistent scoring, they could be a team to be reckoned with. Coach Tom Cross' team has experience throughout the lineup, including junior Drew Marquis in goal. The defense in front of him includes juniors Wil Rooney and Hagen Wunderle, returning off 10-point seasons. The offense has Zack Levin and Ben Levin back on the wings after they combined for 45 points last year. Senior Jake Arnold and Riley Chapman are back in the middle.
New CaNaaN (12-8-3) Coach Pat Gore graduated 12 players from his first season as head coach, including six out of eight defensemen. He's hopeful that some newcomers will step in and help the team immediately as the Rams try to be a more consistent team. New Canaan has two of its top scorers returning, senior Kyle Mettler with his hard shot, and swift-skating junior Tyler Hill. On defense, senior James Francis brings size and agility, and junior captain Drew Morris is a top defensive defenseman. Juniors Peter Windas and Liam Mooney return in goal.
Cushing Olympians, including Meghan Duggan ‘06, 2-time Olympic silver medalist and captain of the 2014 U.S. Women’s Olympic Hockey team
Approximate number of Cushing boys’ and girls’ hockey players who have gone on to play Division I hockey in college
48 24 25
Cushing athletes who have been drafted or gone pro
NEPSAC championships in the past 17 years, in 6 sports
Average number of Cushing athletes each year who go on to play in college
Riley Chapman • SimSbuRy
With rigorous programs in academics, athletics, and the arts, Cushing is an independent, coeducational boarding school for students in grades 9-12 and post graduates, and is located one hour west of Boston.
Wil Rooney • SimSbuRy
DecembeR 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN bosToN News |
Wildcats To Test Division I Waters Suffield/Granby/WindSor lockS (20-5-0) The Division II champs move up after an excellent season, hopeful that the Wildcats can keep the roll going in Division I, though they have several top graduates to replace. Senior Colin MacDougald had 35 points last year and leads the team. Juniors Jake Bourdeau and Austin Rupp had good years last season. Juniors Craig Montemerlo and Vinnie Breda are keys on defense. Coach Nick Boorman has to replace three-year starter Shane Kertanis, who graduated.
Xavier Expects Solid Season Xavier (14-6-3) The Falcons' only loss after Jan. 10 last season came in the state semifinals. It was quite a run for a team that had an up-and-down, 3-5 start. And the Falcons have a good core back, though they'll look for some players to step up their offensive game. Senior Cam Pollock returns at center off an 11-goal, 20-point season. Junior Gordon Gurnell and senior right winger John Sadak will play key roles for coach Dan DeConti. Junior Jared Guidobono, who played behind graduated brother Ben last year, takes over in net. Junior Brett Reid put up 16 points on defense last year, and classmate Austin Reid will also be a key defenseman.
Gordon Gurnell Xavier
Colin MaCdouGald Suffield/GranBy
Jake Bordeau Suffield/GranBy
Brendan SorenSon WeSt Haven
Team Defense Key For Westies WeSt Haven (8-11-2) Longtime stalwart goalie Mike Savino has graduated. It's a big loss, but the Westies have junior Brendan Sorenson and sophomore Logan Cole to take over in net. Team defense will be important for coach Joe Morrell's Blue Devils, led by senior Hunter Cole, who'll protect the front of the net. Junior Alex Lynch adds offense from the blue line. Seniors Tyler Paine and Jeremy Borelli had good seasons last year, and juniors Peter Richetelli and Max Lynch will contribute.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NIgHT IN bosToN NeWs |
Wide-Open D-2 Field Cheshire Solid Defensively Should Be Entertaining By Michael Fornabaio • hNIB News
fter Suffield/GranTOP 10 POLL by/Windsor Locks won 15 of its last 16, taking the TEAM WLT Connecticut Division II title and 1 Cheshire 9 11 2 moving up to the top level, it leaves 2 No. Branford 17 7 1 Division II more or less where it 3 North Haven 9 8 5 usually is: competitive, playing an entertaining regular season and 4 Conard 16 8 0 conference playoffs to get to a 5 Fairfield 15 8 0 wide-open CIAC tournament. 6 Branford 18 6 1 Most coaches see a lot of the 7 Hand 6 13 2 usual candidates in the mix; there's 8 Guilford 9 11 1 turnover, as always, but most of 9 East Haven 6 15 0 last year's top Division II teams are 3 18 0 seen as programs that can keep the 10. So. Windsor division's reputation alive. North haveN (9-8-5) In coach Mike Silengo's first year, the team was highly regarded to start and never quite got on a roll. That's exemplified by all those ties late in the year, and its two first-round postseason losses, to Branford and Cheshire. The team comes in again highly regarded by several teams around the state. All-state forward Tyler Luedee and goalie Anthony Graziano are among those gone to graduation, but underclassmen played key roles last season.
- Division i -
Notre Dame (WH) Still A Formidable Opponent
Doug CalienDo notre Dame (WH)
Joe ansalDo notre Dame (WH)
Notre DaMe-West haveN (9-10-2) The playoff champion of their tough league (though the team they beat, Hamden, returned the favor in the state tournament a few days later), the Green Knights return a good senior core, though a couple of all-state players left for prep schools. That experienced group includes defensemen Doug Caliendo and Paddy Connors, plus goalie Conor Hylton, who coach Tim Belcher notes was one of only two to beat statechampion Darien last season. Forwards Joe Ansaldo, Cal Hoban and Christian Masselli have all contributed as underclassmen and can produce even more as seniors. Juniors Matt Muro, Vinny Paolillo and Greg Caturano also help make the Green Knights experienced all-around.
CheshIre (9-11-2) The Rams have five senior defensemen and a returning senior No. 1 goalie in Jake Verneris, with a capable backup in junior Tom Bishop. So that takes care of one end. Replacing a whole lot of graduated scoring? That could be the story of Cheshire's season under new coach Anthony Giusto. But that back end should be solid, led by senior captain Griffin Cunningham, who chipped in 11 points as well as his defensive work. Senior Sanjay Montagna is an alternate captain up front, a playmaker who'll have help from junior Billy McKinley, who scored 26 points last season. Juniors Vinnie Solla and Matt Federico will step into bigger roles.
Billy mCkinley CHesHire
niCk latella east Haven
Joe aloi east Haven
Yellowjackets Will Utilize Speed east haveN (6-15-0) In their second season back in Division II, the Yellowjackets have some speedy, talented players who'll look to build off last year. There's some experience particularly on defense, with seniors Joe Delbero and John Monaco and junior Matt Latella. Senior Nick Latella and junior Joe Aloi are back up front for coach Lou Pane.
Still Young Amity Looks To Improve aMIty (4-15-1) The Spartans had their growing pains last year with what coach Gary Lindgren figured was their youngest team ever. It still only has four seniors, so young players will still be finding their way. Amity does have experience on the back line with senior Anthony Uscilla, a two-way defenseman who played a lot in the playoff runs of two years ago, and senior Nick Gallucci, who also plays forward; junior Mac Deane provides offense from the blue line, and classmate Zach White is another key on defense. Senior Graham Hughes is a co-captain at forward, leading a group that includes two-way junior Nick DeGennaro, junior Jeremy Cable and senior Tim Johnston, a solid defensive forward. Junior Tyler Johnston and sophomore Tyler Cole split time in goal last year; sophomore Michael Holloway looks to be improved and could compete for time.
FolloW ConneCtiCut Hs HoCkey at WWW.HniBneWs.Com
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Bucks Move Up After Winning D3 State Crown Last Winter E.o. Smith/tolland (23-3-0) The Bucks went all the way last year in Division III, moving up after a brilliant championship season. Coach John Hodgson has a lot to replace, most notably in goal, where Matt Schoen departs (he's doing a post-graduate year at Phillips Andover). There's also two-thirds of the scary top line, Pete Mayer and Josh Barnes, graduated. But there are some good players back, including junior forward Nick Mayer, who scored 21 goals in his second season on the first line, and junior David Apgar is also back up front, along with senior Jimmy Petrella and junior Owen Doremus. The defense returns standouts Kyle Penney and Jake LeFevre for their senior years and Matt McNeal for his junior season. Sophomores Jake Ciraco and Eamon Judkins will likely compete for time in net.
Real People, Real Learning, Real World.
luca DiPaola NewiNgtoN/beRliN
aaRoN lasseN NewiNgtoN/beRliN
Matt RobeRts NewiNgtoN/beRliN
Solid Co-op Squad Has Depth nEWington/bErlin/manchEStEr/cromWEll (15-8-0) The team returns some good depth up front, led by Luca DiPaola, who scored 49 points as a junior last year and has been a top offensive player for a few years. Senior Nick David joins the team from the co-op's newest member, Cromwell, adding to a group that returns speedy junior Paul Ciarcia and junior Alex Borselle, a good all-around centerman. Aaron Lassen is back for his senior year on defense after a 26-point season last year, a solid two-way defenseman like junior Matt Roberts. Though goalie Cam Criniti has graduated, coach Dave Harackiewicz thinks the team's younger goalies have potential to grow into the role.
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trumbull (6-14-0) Looking to get back to the playoffs, the Eagles have to develop a young defense after graduating a couple of key blueliners. Their only senior is captain Sam Guttman, and he and junior Jake Liebowitz will be leaders on defense in front of junior Will Guttman, stepping up into the top spot in net for coach Greg Maxey. Junior Brady Jensen returns as one of the team's top forwards, a top scorer the past two years.
Branford, Wilton Must Replace Graduates branford (18-6-1) The Hornets won their conference tournament for the third time in four years but ran into eventual champion Suffield/Granby/Windsor Locks in the semifinals of the CIAC tournament. They graduated some top talent, so coach Adolph Brink has a young team that'll look to develop its depth, particularly on defense. Some forwards return after playing key roles, like juniors Scott Klouda and Zach Withington, along with sophomore Will Benni. Junior Justin Edwards takes over for the graduated A.J. Brink in goal. Wilton (9-12-0) Coach Brett Amero's Warriors graduated 12 players last year, so they'll be a young team, though he expects a hard-working team as well. It'll be led from the back by a couple of senior defensemen, Henry Hovland and Jake Tucker. Three goalies will compete for time as the team tries to develop some goal-scoring. Junior forward Alec Biegen and sophomore John Fung could step into those roles.
DEcEmBEr 9, 2015 | HockEy NigHt iN BoStoN NEwS |
Solid Forwards Propel Conard
North Branford Creating Buzz
CoNard (16-8-0) The Chieftains have some holes to fill, but coach Greg Raymer says he has nothing, really, to complain about: The team went from 4-16 two years ago to the semifinals last year. Very experienced on defense last year, the cycle has shifted, and Conard's deeper up front this year, with junior Zach Polo, senior Jordon Fongemie and senior Matt McCormick all returning. The team will need to fill a hole in net, but Grayson Lacroix will be back to lead the defense. They'll face a bulked-up schedule, too.
North BraNFord (17-7-1) Runners-up to Suffield/Granby/Windsor Locks in Division II last year, the Thunderbirds wound up fulfilling that potential that a few coaches saw in them. There's lots of buzz about them again, though they graduated Alec Martone (30 assists) and saw goalie Will McEwen transfer to Xavier. Coach Ralph Shaw has a few contributing forwards back, like Adam Burkle, the team's' secondleading scorer last year with 29 points, a senior with good hands. Seniors Dominic Raccio and Mike Pantera will step up. On defense, seniors Tanner Opie and Matt Chamberlain will lead the way. The team has junior Tyler Odice in goal, and sophomore John Lovelace transfered in from Xavier.
Fermi/Enfield Must Reload Fermi/eNField/eaSt graNBy/StaFFord (15-8-0) The team has goalie Sam Roy back after he stopped 91.2 percent of shots as a junior. That'll help, because the team will need young players to step up into the holes left on defense and up front by a couple of all-state players. Coach Frank Genovese's team has a couple of dependable senior centermen in Matt Votta (10 goals last year) and Thomas Vose (13 assists). Senior Andrew Crane and junior Zak Magyar (who'll also play defense off a 22-point season as a power forward) complement them on the wings. Sophomore Cam Gaylor has smarts on defense.
Zach polo conard
Jordan Fongemie conard
nate capriglione new milFord
Green Wave Excited About Season NeW milFord (14-8-2) The Green Wave had a nice season in coach Scott Capriglione's first year, reaching their conference tournament's final for the first time since 2008. They've got some good players returning, among them top defenseman Avery Hook, a senior. Senior Justin Thompson will complement him on defense. There's also depth coming back at forward, like powerful senior Riley Zimmerman; juniors Payton Meyer and Hunter Colburn, who can both produce offensively; and youngsters Nate Capriglione, a sophomore, and freshman Zack Hook, who will both contribute. Losing their goalie to junior hockey, the Green Wave could have senior Chris Montalvo and freshman Ben Marano competing for time in net.
New Faces At Watertown/Pomperaug WatertoWN/PomPeraug (6-14-0) There are a lot of new faces for coach Vic Vicenzi, with a new starter in goal: Junior Alex Nocera moves up from No. 2 behind the graduated Carl LaRosa to No. 1. There will be a lot of competition elsewhere, though the team will rely on all-around senior centerman Brian Manzer, gritty senior right winger Nick Catuccio, junior left winger Ryan Dunfee (moving up from the blue line) and senior right winger Rob Sasso in the offensive zone. Senior Jake Harwell, a newcomer, should be solid on defense.
Milford Will Be Competitive milFord (10-10-1) Milford, like a lot of teams, needs to replace a graduated goalie, but coach Sal Follo has enough back
South Windsor New To D-2 South WiNdSor (3-18-0) Moving down after an eight-year run in Division I, the Bobcats will be young after a few years of massive turnover. They have a chance to be competitive there, particularly with senior goalie Scott Skenyon, who has been a mainstay for coach Neil Rodman for a few years. "He doesn't really take a shot off in practice," Rodman said.
that his team can remain more than competitive with some consistency. Captain Brandon Argyros returns after a 20-point season as a junior. Forwards like seniors Jacob Comeau, Luke Gibbs and Tommy Sampson and junior Andrew Gobany all contributed last season. On defense, senior Nash Ericson has a good shot, and junior Doug McLenithan and sophomore Jake Burwell bring a physical game
DECEmBEr 9, 2015 | HoCkEy NiGHt iN BoStoN NEWS |
Fairfield Can’t Be Taken Lightly FairField (15-8-0) The Mustangs took six of their losses against Division I teams last year. Some quality players return for coach Tom Roche, including senior defenseman Charlie Pippert and senior goalie Mike Grace, who split time last year with graduated Kyle Greenhut. The team was waiting to hear a final decision from senior Jake Fuss, a top defenseman last season, whether he'd return or play junior hockey. Seniors Kevin Boldrighini and Owen Emmoendorfer are back up front. They'll aim for an even stronger finish this year.
Follow the action at 37
Staples/Weston/Shelton Earns Role As Slight Preseason Pick By michael fornabaio • hNiB News
onnecticut's Division III turned into a two-horse race last season; they met in the state final, and E.O. Smith/Tolland, the preseason favorite, got it done. The Bucks have moved up to Division II, though, leaving behind some teams that were very young last year, some teams that looked to be just as good but couldn't quite get over the hump, and some young programs that grew into very competitive varsity teams -not to mention the other horse in that two-horse race.
1 Staples/Weston 12 2 NewFairfield/Imm.14 3 Housatonic/NW 13 4 Woodstock Ac. 11 5 Masuk 21 6 Westhill/Stam. 13 7 Sheehan 13 8 Hall/Southington 5 9 Newtown 4 10. NFA Redhawks 11
10 9 7 11 4 9 10 16 17 10
0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
And though staples/Weston/shelton, which had some very talented underclassmen last year, is a slight favorite to start, it's not unanimous.
City Rivals Westhill, Stamford Join Forces Westhill (13-9-1)/ stamford (3-17) Hard to believe, but these city rivals have entered into a co-op to survive. Junior goalie Christian Compolattaro, who led Westhill to the Division III semifinals last year, should be a big key for the new team. The combined group has a core that should include, at forward, senior Chris Clemenson and juniors Nick Rich, Owen Kilian and Griffin Smith. There's a few returning defensemen, too, including seniors Dylan Longo, Gunner Eriksen and Matt Tuccinardi, along with junior John Nilsen and sophomore Cooper Healy.
- Division II -
Hand Only Graduated Three haNd (6-13-2) The Tigers only graduated three seniors, and coach Ken Mitchell's team will hope for a balanced attack with help from an experienced defense led by senior Jeff Rider (13 points last year). Senior Luke Brown and junior Matt Rice pace that offense; they combined for 37 points last year. The Tigers have both goalies back, senior Cole Sarna and junior Robert Smith.
Jeff RideR Hand
• Connecticut D3 Team Capsules •
Finalist Masuk Reloads For Another Run masuk (21-4-1) Off their first trip to a CIAC final, the Panthers graduated 10 players, including their top four defensemen and two goalies and some highoctane offense. They reload with players like Brian Denham, who had three points in the semifinal win over Westhill; like junior Elijah Begin, who used his size to help him score 38 points; like senior Pat Andros, a good skater; like junior Adam Montague, a penalty killer who still had 19 points. Three goalies, Brandon Palmer, Brock Butkovsky and Tag Weiss, will compete for the starting job for coach Andy Townsend; the defense will be very young. Nfa/st. BerNard/BacoN academy/ stoNiNgtoN/lymaN memorial (11-10-0) Jim Motyka, who started the BCL program and helped them to a state final (and then the successor program, BCR, to another final as an assistant), takes over as Redhawks coach. He's hoping things come together for a team that had a pretty good season, then graduated its top two scorers, among others. Senior captain Mitchell McCullough is back to lead the defense, a corps that includes junior Hunter Desaulnier. Senior Logan Morin, junior Bryan Guetens and sophomore Maren Lancaster are keys at forward. Ben Amor takes over in net. NeW fairfield/immaculate (14-9-0) The Rebel Mustangs have a young but skilled lineup; coach Larry Vieira figures they should be competitive once the kids get used to the pace. Some other coaches think they'll compete deep into March. Junior Sean Conciatore came in from the Connecticut Oilers program, joining classmate Chris Kennedy in goal. Seniors Christian Benzing, Liam Henderson and Joe Lane come back up front. Would-be senior Peter Masi left for prep school, but senior Kai Kindred returns to lead the defense. hall/southiNgtoN (5-16-0) Coach Brian Cannon's Warrior Knights have a little bit of everything back, led by senior captain Jared Florian, whose all-around game has improved to match his offensive abilities. Seniors Caelan Booth, Kyler Cubbage and Jack Rivers are keys at forward, with seniors Kevin Carr and Paul Gambardella leaders on a deep defense corps. The team has junior Colby Glidden and sophomore Drew Booth back from club teams on defense, and sophomore Miles Aranow will be a playmaking addition up front. Three sophomore goalies will compete for time, Zach Monti, Adam Faust and Harry Freda. lymaN hall/haddam-killiNgWorth/cogiNchaug (4-16) Senior goalie Zach O'Toole will be the backbone to coach Rich Minnix's team, which is young everywhere else. The team will rely on junior Hunter Boileau to score goals, and on a defense corps led by juniors Chris Blanchard and Markus Trahan. Freshman Kyle Roberts should step right into an important role.
December 9, 2015 | HOckey NiGHT iN bOsTON News |
Jason diamond housatonic
chris richards housatonic
Zack Burnham Woodstock
neWtoWn (4-17-0) Last year's massive turnover after a Division III championship means the Nighthawks have a year's experience for a still-young team. Coach Paul Esposito is excited about some newcomers to add depth to the returning core. That core includes junior centerman Scott McLean, who scored the championship-winning goal two years ago, back from injury. Junior Domenic Cartelli and sophomore Devin Marsh produced from the wings last year. Junior Sean Ferris scored 10 goals last year; he returns with a defense corps that includes senior Matt Pelisson, junior Scott Bauer and sophomore Ben Harrison. Senior Nick Chalous and juniors John McCann and Kyle Murphy are expected to compete in goal. noRWAlk/mcmAHon (1-18-1) There's a bit of optimism for Norwalk, with an all-state defenseman back for his junior year, Will Haskell, along with some other experienced players and talented newcomers. Junior Derrick Lue will help Haskell on defense. Senior captain Matthew Cavanagh should be solid in the middle, with Patrick Auz, a junior, on the wing. Goalies Phil Uva, a senior, and Kevin Eleza, a sophomore, are back for coach Dan Feighan. HousAtonic/noRtHWesteRn/WAmogo (13-7-2) Lots of coaches have high expectations for this team, which had a solid year last year but graduated key players in many spots. It does bring back senior winger Jason Diamond as captain off an 18-goal, 36-point season, and junior winger Finn Bambery should improve off a good season last year. Senior centerman Chris Richards returns from injury with classmate Seth Sherwood centering the second line. Coach Dean Diamond's team has to replace goalie Eric Chin but has a solid sophomore defenseman back in Cam Wilhelm. sHepAug/litcHfield/nonneWAug (12-12-0) It turned into quite a season for the co-op, which reached the Division III semifinal behind Andrew Loya, one of the state's best players. But he and five others graduated, leaving low numbers for coach Michael Gorra's team. Junior goalie Will Slohm returns a year stronger. Captain David DeMeo will be a leader and a point-producer up front, joining senior Dimity Wanag, who comes in from the Lady Bulldogs program. Senior Griffon McIntyre brings poise on defense, and junior Creighton Moore's role will expand.
Woodstock AcAdemy (11-11-0) The Centaurs graduated only two seniors last year, which was only their second as a varsity program. Lots of rival coaches feel Year 3 has lots of potential. There's experience everywhere in a deep senior class, with Tucker Johns back in goal, with the skilled Zack Burnham and Jordan Lamothe up front, and with a trio of senior captains -- Jon-Luc Cournoyer, Doug Gerrity and Connor Bavosie -- to play effective defense. Coach Mike Starr feels the schedule, which includes a couple of Division I teams and a pair of meetings with last year's Division III champ, E.O. Smith/Tolland, will be a challenge Rockville/Bolton/coventRy/RHAm (7-15-0) The co-op moves down to Division III after two years playing up, a difficult task for a team that went despite being the Division III runner-up two years ago. A few good players return, including captain Paul Bates ("fearless," says coach Christian Stevenson), who'll play forward and defense. Junior Connor Morton can become a scoring threat, and senior defenseman Kevin Bishop returns from a year playing junior hockey. Senior Connor McGrath has been a two-year starter in goal, but junior Anthony Piazza may give him a push. stAples/Weston/sHelton (12-10-0) Third-year Wreckers coach Todd Sharinn jokes that he has heard all the high expectations that others have for his team, but he'll withhold his own optimism until they get on the ice. They had no seniors last year, and they should have lots returning, including senior defenseman Ian Offenberg, the team's captain, and senior forwards Jesse Greenspun, Ryan Johnson and R.J. Gupta. Sam New comes back after a big offensive year as a freshman. Sophomore Zach Bloom and junior Angus Fuori are expected to split time in goal. tRinity cAtHolic (4-16-0) The Crusaders, thin in numbers, drop to Division III under a new coach, former assistant Mike Bernard. They'll be looking for a new goalie, but they'll have some players back in junior forward Connor Scanlan, senior forward Daniel Bernard, sophomore forward Kyle Bernard and senior defenseman Jordan Skiba. tRi-toWn (10-11-1) The team has come close the past couple of years, reaching a semifinal and a quarterfinal. Coach Jesse Peters is hopeful this could be the year they break over the top with senior captain Tommy Burgess, a gritty defenseman who'll quarterback the power play. Sophomore Connor Roberts will add a physical element back there, too. Senior Jay Skorulski can score goals, and junior Sam Greenberg is a good two-way forward. They'll need to replace goalie Phil Nicolescu. lymAn HAll/HAddAm-killingWoRtH/cogincHAug (4-16) Senior goalie Zach O'Toole will be the backbone to coach Rich Minnix's team, which is young everywhere else. The team will rely on junior Hunter Boileau to score goals, and on a defense corps led by juniors Chris Blanchard and Markus Trahan. Freshman Kyle Roberts should step right into an important role
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
HNIB RHode IslaNd Top TeN poll TEAM
1. Hendricken 2. LaSalle 3. Mt. St. Charles 4. Burrillville 5. Cumberland 6. No. Smithfield 7. So. Kingstown 8. E. Greenwich 9. Smithfield 10. Prout School
18 18 11 18 22 20 15 17 10 13
4 2 11 3 5 4 8 6 16 12
2 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
Hendricken Starts New Year In Top Spot
By Dom Nicastro • HNIB News
aSalle may have been the top dog at the end of last season in the Rhode Island State Championship Division with a win over Bishop Hendricken. But we’re giving the nod in the preseason poll for the 2015-2016 season to Bishop Hendricken The team returns some solid players from last year’s team that came oh-so-close. LaSalle (18-2-4), meanwhile, lost a host of seniors, including Championship Series MVP -Goalie Ryan Walsh. Hendricken (18-4-2) returns a decent amount of offense, including Pat Creamer, who had 21 goals. The only question mark for the team is in net, where all-
Cimini Division
Top 3 Scorers Back For Hawks BISHOP HENDRICKEN (18-4-2) The Hawks lost a couple of players who left for prep school, but there is enough returning to warrant them a serious threat in the Cimini Division. They do return their top three scorers. Forwards to keep an eye on for coach Jim Creamer are senior co-captain Reilly Miller (27 pts), senior Andrew Hopgood (21 pts) and junior Pat Creamer (32 pts), who could also play defense. Hendricken will be young on the blue line, so a lot of responsibility should fall on senior co-captain Clayton Audet, junior Cam Duprey and sophomore Matt Rickard. With all-state goalie Matt Kenneally having graduated, the netminding duties projects to go to a pair of seniors - Wyatt Alberigo and Joe Palmer - both of whom were back-ups last winter. As many as three freshmen could see time on the forward lines.
Good Nucleus Propels Smithfield SMITHFIELD (10-16-2) The Sentinels have a good nucleus back up front with seniors Matt Simons and Charles Walsh, and juniors David Goolgasian, James Varin and Tin Vennema returning. New sophomore James Belleavoine should help as well. Senior David Gaulin and sophomores Tyler Piekarski and Logan Clavet will be key on the blue line, along with new sophomore Mike Gardner. “Good team chemistry will be key,” Sentinels coach Robert Jackson said. “If we can stick together and gel we can be competitive. We are young defensively so we will have to be sure to keep the puck out of our net. We need production up front from all three lines. We have to score goals.”
stater Matt Kenneally has graduated. It certainly was a down year for #3 Mount St. Charles (11-11-2) but you can be sure that the Mounties plan on returning with a vengeance this year and be a challenger in the Cimini Division. #4 Burrillville the D1 State Champ, returns a lot of firepower from a year ago, as well as goalie Bryan McConnell, who was named the Series MVP after allowing just one goal in the two games. #5 Cumberland finished 22-5-0 overall last winter. Its leading scorer is gone, but it does bring back No. 2 (Jake Salisbury) and No. 3 (James Cabral). They will miss the graduated Leo Lake in goal
New Coach Mello Returns To Alma Mater LASALLE (18-2-4) After winning their first state title in 38 years, the Rams will be in a bit of a rebuilding mode this season. Not only did they lose five of their top six scorers, they have a new coach, as former Rams goalie James Mello takes the helm. Expected back to be involved in the offensive scheme of things are senior Matthew Manown (19 pts), junior Evan McGreen (11 pts), senior Ethan Robson and junior Logan Liljeberg. Senior Thomas Pawlitschek is a key holdover on the LaSalle blue line. Seniors Taylor Peltier and Alex Chase are in line to get some minutes in goal replacing the graduated Ryan Walsh, who was the Championship Series MVP last season. Six freshmen were on the varsity roster heading into the season.
Mounties Look For Rebound Season MT. ST. CHARLES (11-11-2) The Mounties lost their top four scorers to graduation. Bill and David Belisle’s team brings back captain Colin Cannata along with juniors Tyler Rudek, Jacob Glod, Danny Allen, James Belisle and Joe Sanchioni. and sophomore Brian Simpson. They should provide scoring punch for Mount, which suffered a down season for them last winter. Junior Jack Boisvert and sophomore Bruno Balkhum are leaders on the blue line. A pair of seniors – Ryan Hanaway and Zach Noke – should look for minutes between the pipes. CRANSTON CO-OP (0-18-1) Mike Boyajian’s team was winless last year. The team only had two double-digit point getters -- Austin Alzate (13 pts) and Travis Collins (12 pts). Alzate is expected to return while Collins graduated. Senior goalie Anthony Lancellotti graduated. He played the most minutes of the goaltenders last year. Defender Nicholas Kopsick is back after a solid season. He had nine assists last year.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NiGHt iN boStoN NewS |
- Division I EcclestonDefense Key For Coventry COVENTRY (5-13-0) Ken Bird’s Coventry team returns captain Ryan Clifford, a senior goalie. Three senior defensemen – captain Kurt Marquis, Adam Hassell and Robert Turner are back as well. “We need to definitely play good defense because that’s the strength of our team,” Bird said. Two seniors Cam DiMaria and Kendall Albanese will provide support at forward. They are surrounded by sophomores -- Patrick Eaton, Robert Thayer and Jake Albanesa.
Skippers Look To Be In The Mix NORTH KINGSTOWN (10-12-1) Head coach Bob Nabb’s club returns to the ice this season led by 30-point-scorer Sean Stamp, a junior. The Skippers also bring back Ben Wilson (senior, 16pts), Reilly Damm (senior, 14 pts), Mike Macchioni (sophomore, 10 pts), Steve Murphy (junior, 9 pts) and goalie Jarod Parkins (senior, 3.95 GAA). On defense, three-year starters Anthony Antonocci and Chris George return. Juniors Matt Emerson and Nate Wilhelm, sophomores Jack McCormack and Robby Green and freshman Braxton Fish will all be looking to compete for playing time as a top four defensemen. As many as four new goalies look to make the club. PROUT SCHOOL (13-12-0) John Gaffney’s Prout squad fared well in Division I last season. Senior goalie AJ Gemma is a key returnee along with junior center Zachary Gauvin, senior center Nick Fogerty, junior defenseman Jack Dudzik, junior defenseman James Burke, senior forward Luke Ahearn and senior forward/defenseman Zack Settle. New freshmen include Michael Castelli, Kyle Hart, Christopher Leander, Kyle McCutcheon and Michael Morrison. Sophomores Kyle Smith, Connor Bios and Alexei Ruggieri could also contribute. Gaffney said the keys to success will be defense, timely scoring and playing fast-paced hockey.
Clippers Hungry For Return To Title Series
Jake SaliSbury Cumberland
CUMBERLAND (22-5-0) The Cumberland Clippers are hungry this season after a year that ended in the Division 1 finals with a loss. Coach Mark Andreozzi brings back senior goalie Justice Belmont, who steps in for three-year starter Leo Lake. Defensively Andrew Rzemien (junior) Derek Bross (senior), Sal Ciolino (senior), Tyler Parker (senior) and Ben Brakenwagen (junior) will be key to help solidify the defense. Sophomore Andrew Fahy provides depth. Offensively, Jake Salisbury (senior), Brandon McMillen (senior), Bryan Colburn (junior), James Cabral (junior), Ryan Whalen (sophomore), Trevor Whalen (senior) and Jake Dobrenz (senior) will be relied upon for offensive contributions. Newcomers include Austin Cabral (junior), Jack Malloy (sophomore) and Manny Cabral (freshman).
Solid Core Group Will Have Broncos In Hunt BURRILLVILLE (18-3-1) The defending Eccleston D1 champions have a good scoring nucleus back as they try to go for a second straight crown. The Broncos also could have a host of freshmen playing varsity minutes this winter. Up front, senior Tyler Kearney (39 pts), senior Riley Tupper (32 pts) and junior Tyler Gustafson
(18 pts) all are coming off solid seasons. Senior Pat McConnell (12 pts) and junior Chris Messier (15 pts) should be key to the Broncos blue line and have shown they will get involved in the offensive zone. The Broncos also have both goalies slated to return inn juniors William Robinson and Bryan McConnell.
BARRINGTON (7-13-1) Barrington was competitive all season, being outscored only by one in its league at 47-46. The team is looking for some offensive firepower this year under new coach Timothy Hall, as it loses its top scorer Derek Carlson (20 points). Sophomore Kyle DeFreitas (8 goals)
should be an offensive catalyst. Goalie Colin Glegg also returns after finishing last winter with a 2.98 GAA (2.67 in the league). He’s a senior now. Barrington was swept by Burrillville in the playoffs last year.
Division II Preview
Lot Of Firepower Back For State Champs NORTH SMITHFIELD (22-5-1) Defending state champions North Smithfield return under coach Paul Nadeau poised for another great run. Senior forwards Kyle Evangelista, Riley Boucher, Noah Menard and Matt Pasquariello are back. They are joined by returning defensemen Matt Barrette, a senior, and sophomore Adam Blakemore. Goaltender Sean Murphy is a newcomer and a “hard worker,” his coach said. “He has an excellent mindset for a goalie, and he seems eager to take over as the starter. Nadeau said the team needs to move on from
noah menard north Smithfield
riley bouCher north Smithfield
last year's success and focus on “playing to our highest potential this season.”
DeCemBer 9, 2015 | HoCKey NIGHt IN BoStoN NeWS |
RHODE ISLAND HOCKEY EAST GREENWICH (19-8-0) The Avengers lost in the semifinals to South Kingstown should be in the mix once again. Max Hagenburg will captain the team after his 22-15-37 season. Fellow seniors John Ferguson (33 pts), Paul Dunwoody (24 pts) and Ross Trinque (27 pts) are back as well.
John Ferguson east greenwich
SOUTH KINGSTOWN (15-8-1) Ed Curran’s Rebels had a strong season last year at 13-3-1 as the state’s runner-up. Center Colan Gulla, a senior, is back along with fellow seniors Liam McGill (F), Liam Foley (D) and DJ Deblois (D). Bobby Sprague, a sophomore center, and Josh Pelton, a sophomore forward, are newcomers to watch. “We need good team defense to support a probable freshman as our No. 1 goalie,” Curran said.
Division ii
Don’t Underestimate East Greenwich Senior captain defenseman Chris Pearson added 14 points, and sophomore Drew McCall will help him power the blue liners. Junior goalie Jake Horoho finished with a 12-4 record and had a .923 save percentage one year ago. Newcomers Earl Mernick (junior), Cooper Englehart (junior) and freshman Jack Fox should contribute, and sophomore goalie Isaac Carlson was solid one year ago. “We have two very good goalies,” East Greenwich coach Sean Fahey said. “The development of a young defense will be key, and we have our top four scorers returning.”
Maturity A Key For Patriots PORTSMOUTH (9-8-1) Mike Monahan’s Patriots were solid last season. Evan Alvanas (15-1429), Josh Arkins (7-21-28) and Ben O’Hearn (15-9-24) are a solid returning trio. Aiden O’Brien, Matt Faria and Evan Steeley are all seniors who will provide leadership and scoring. Mike Alves and Luke Mailloux are new freshmen that could make an impact. The team has two sophomore goalies, and 18 returning players, a majority of which are sophomores as well. “How much they've matured,” Monahan said, “will be a key to our return to the playoffs.”
Narragansett Teams Up With Chariho NARRAGANSETT (12-8-3) Chris Lussier’s boys come into 2015-2016 trying to build upon a successful campaign from the Narragansett side. They are in a cooperative program now with Chariho. Connor McKnight is a welcome sight back. He scored 39 points. Fellow senior defenseman Brian Morvan (32 pts) is also a force. Junior Kevin McKnight added an 8-11-19 season and returning sophomore goalie Brendan Moricas was 3-1 with a 2.12 GAA last winter. “We’re very excited about our first year co-op with Chariho High School and the opportunity that it brings to our program,” Lussier said. PILGRIM (0-18-0) Steve Henn’s Patriots is looking to get on the winning track this season after a winless mark last winter in Division 2. Junior forwards Patrick Reilly and Ty Morgan are back. Senior defensemen Dean Russo and Nolan McCusker are strong blue liners coming back. They’ll play in front of MJ Rocheleau, a sophomore goalie. Newcomers Ronnie Minear (injured last year), a junior forward, and Morgan Almon (forward) lead the cast of returnees. Freshmen forwards Jack Clements and Matthew Pacheco and classmate defenders Blake Roberti and Ryan Pietros should make noise. “We are looking to build this program from the ground up,” Henn said. “We will be a hard working team with a lot of returning players. We are looking for improvement in all areas, including our strength in net. We have a good young nucleus of freshman to build with, but we are not looking toward next year. We are looking to make some movements this year.”
DeceMber 9, 2015 | HocKey NigHt iN bostoN News |
• Rhode Island dIvIsIon 3 •
Panthers Armed, Ready To Defend Title JoHNSoN/NoRTH pRoVIDENCE (18-7-0) Co-head coaches David Centracchio and Manny DaCosta return to lead the team that won the Division 3 state title last winter. The Panthers bring back sophomore goalie David Kelly (playoff MVP). Senior forward Jake McCollough (23 pts has “superior speed.” Other returning point-contributors include forwards Justin Harvey (27 pts) and Brandon Tanguay (29 pts), and senior defensemen Michael Petracca (14 pts), Shawn O’Brien (13
pts) and Justin Gomes (11 pts). Senior forward Brian Iannuccillo, junior forward Andrew Costa and sophomore forwards Nathan Nye, Amara Gibau and Justin Blais look to make an impact. “This team needs to find a leader,” the coaches said. “Last year's three senior captains drove the team through the playoffs. Balanced scoring from three lines is again going to be key. Having experienced defense should help the goal-tending.”
Toll Gate Primed To Move Up Standings
Lincoln Moves Back To D2 For Better Compete Level
ToLL GATE (2-15-1) Senior defenseman Sean Vittum (18 pts) is back for coach Mike Champagne, along with junior forwards Kyle Palumbo (11 pts) and Connor Sullivan, sophomore forward Will Fox (11 pts), senior defensemen Nolan O'Brien and Jake Stachurski, and senior goalie Brendan Aunchman. Freshmen defensemen Camden Palumbo, Ryan Sabol, and Teagan Stringfellow, forward Jack Dean, and goalie Austin Sequeira could make an impact as newcomers. Coach Champagne said improved team defense, balanced scoring, improvement of younger players and depth will be keys.
PSW Ready To Go pCD/ST. RApHAEL/WHEELER (13-9-1) Gary Leonard’s PSW hockey team is looking for another winning record this season. Key returning players include senior forwards Griffen Leonard (24 pts) and Zach Librizzi (12 pts), junior defenseman/forward Patrick Flemming (24 pts), senior defensemen Dylan Boisclair (9 pts) and Jake Bourski (6 pts). Junior Justin Simmons and sophomore Justin Paik will compete for the starting role in net. Each saw significant time last last season. The team is looking for sophomore Dennis Gastel to develop as an offensive leader and for junior DJ Demers to have a breakout season. Defensively, it will look to junior Dylan Malo to add depth to the defensive corps. Freshman Cameron Yee looks like he may step right into a key role.
LINCoLN (1-18-0) After a tough season in the Eccleston Division with just 13 players, Lincoln coach Garrett Riel takes his team to Division 2 this winter with high hopes. The team welcomes back senior center Ben Hevner (8-2-10), junior center Dylan Anderson (4-4-8), sophomore right-winger Jack Halloran (4-2-6) and junior goalie Daniel Fraser (.803 save pct.) Freshman center Nick Perella debuts this season with the Lions. Success keys will be good team chemistry, learning the system and applying it to each and every shift. “It was very hard to compete with three or four defensemen and barely two lines,” Riel said. “At the end of the season we beat Barrington for our only win on the year. They had beaten us by at least six goals in the previous two games.”
Co-op Will Go With Defensive System RoGERS/MIDDLEToWN/R.HILL (8-7-3) Defensemen Mac Leys and Wes Coogan, forwards Tom Corey, Todd Gianetis, Ben Hernowitz, Hunter Armstrong and Cam Edward are back. Goalies John Nolan and Peter Dickinson are strong. “We look to play hard and smart, defensive minded and stay within our systems,” coaoch Chris Winnes said.
WEST WARWICK/EXETER/ WEST GREENWICH (18-2-0) The West Warwick/Exeter-West Greenwich Knight-Wizards lost just one regular season game and fell in the state-title game to Johnston/North Providence. Senior defenseman Dan Skorski is back. Senior forward Alex Ventura returns along with senior goalie Jared Olson. Freshman forward Matt Heneault could make an impact. Coach Peter Ethier said his team needs to play hard for a full 45 minutes one shift at a time. MouNT HopE (6-15-1) Mount Hope slides down to Division 3 this year. Senior forward Jake Calouro (11 pts), senior defenseman Nate Cordeiro and junior forward/defenseman Austin Hogan are back. Freshman forward Cam Rancourt could become an excellent forward, coach Steve Ouellette said. Freshman defenseman Jacob Holt is a big, strong player who “should be able to make an impact in the league. Freshman forward Keegan Hanley is small but is able to "take a hit to make a play.” WARWICK (11-11-0) Mike Boyajian’s Hurricanes finished .500 at 9-9 in the regular season and 2-2 in the playoffs. They were swept in the semi-finals. Key returning players include junior center DJ Kowalik, junior winger Jake Mitchell, sophomore center Noah Kane, sophomore winger Collin Csoszor, junior defenseman Greg Fontaine and senior winger Dylan Tindle. Sophomore goalie Josh Belleville and freshmen Tyler Scotti, Kiernan Habershaw and Shaun Bibby could contribute. EAST pRoVIDENCE/ToLMAN (7-10-3) Coach Kevin Croke’s cooperative team brings back many key players, including senior forwards Brynne Costa (22 pts), Jacob Crombie and Cody DeCastro, sophomore forward Colin Feeney, and junior defensemen Cameron Maxwell and Rachael LaValley. Junior forward Zach Pangborn, freshmen blueliners John Voll and Tyler Azevedo, and sophomore goalie Alex Peters could contribute. The Townies welcome Tolman co-op players senior Brandon Squadritoe, Tyler Pitassi and Josh Cabral. * For More rI InFo, go to www.HnIBnews.coM
DeCember 9, 2015 | HoCkey NiGHt iN boStoN NeWS |
• Garden State Top 10 Poll •
#1 CBA Ready To Defend Private Throne Middletown North Heads Publics
By Jon Yardley • HNIB News
ith a combined 10 private state titles in the last 11 seasons, CBA (3 titles, including one co-championship) and Delbarton (7) have made New Jersey a virtual two-horse race since 2005. While both will be strong again in 2015-16, several dangerous contenders lurk farther down the rankings. The big boys are at the top, however, beginning with defending private champion CBA (23-5), which is looking for a share of its third straight private state title (the Colts shared the 2014 crown with Morristown-Beard). Having rallied for a dramatic win over Delbarton in last year’s state final, key returners like Ryan Bogan on the blue line, Michael Cernero in goal, and Cristian Winters and Derek Contessa up top have CBA primed for another run. As always, obligations to both the Gordon and Shore Conferences will preclude CBA from playing non-league games, but their Shore opponents include two of the state’s top public schools. After winning an unprecedented six consecutive state titles from 2008-13, Delbarton (23-51) has gone back-to-back years without a title, that hole especially painful after blowing a 3-0 lead to CBA in last year’s final. Returning four of the top nine forwards in a deep rotation, head coach Bruce Shatel expects his squad to handle
the typically tough non-league schedule that includes Massachusetts powers Malden Catholic and Catholic Memorial. Senior defenseman Andrew Petrillo, a Vermont commit and last year’s Gordon Conference MVP, will lead the blue-line corps in front of returning goalie Troy Kobryn. Up front, Delbarton returns four productive seniors, led by Anthony Farinacci and Tyler Kobryn. If any team has been a consistent thorn in the side of the top two, it is Don Bosco Prep (11-9-4), which reached the state final in 2013 and won the Gordon Cup in 2014. The Ironmen have the state’s top goalie in junior Alexei Masanko and steady leaders in senior defenseman Luke Campomenosi and senior forward Chris Mazzella. If underclassmen like sophomore forward Mickey Burns, junior forward Ryan McLinsky, and junior defenseman Chris McGee can rise to the occasion, Don Bosco is plenty capable of challenging for this year’s title. For a public school, Middletown North (18-5-4) is absolutely loaded. Heck, for anybody they’re loaded: the defending Public B champions boast not one, but two Division I commits on their forward line in Northeasternbound Bobby Hampton (54 points in 16 games) and Quinnipiac commit Khristian Acosta. Add in seniors Vince Tomasetti and Kevin Felice and goalie Anthony Manfredi, and the only question is on the blue line, where senior Ryan Davidson is the main holdover from the top four. Expectations are sky-high after the school’s first state title, but the Lions just might have enough firepower to match them. It’s a bit of a jumbled pack after the top four, but private schools continue to have the edge. After a strong run to last year’s private semifinals, Bishop Eustace (14-7-1) returns third-leading scorer Aron Maguyon up front and third-year starter Cayden Primeau, a junior already verbally committed to Northeastern, in goal. With a veteran roster, any significant contributions from coach Mike Green’s underclassmen will make the Crusaders favorites for a second consecutive National Division title. Still an outsider in the private-school ranks, Morris County power Morristown-Beard (16-7-4) could challenge for the title two years after their surprise co-championship with CBA. The Crimson are loaded with veterans on defense, led by senior Danny Port and twins A.J. and Christian DiCesare, while Alex Borowiec keys the offense. Another team that peaked in last year’s postseason, Bergen Catholic (14-12-1) remains a young team after reaching the Gordon Cup final and the private state semifi-
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
nals last season. The Crusaders’ top talent is junior defenseman Diarmad DiMurro, while classmates Jack Shannon and Bryan Hallenbeck captain the team in front of goalie Sal Farruggia. Always a bit of a wildcard, South Jersey power St. Augustine Prep (9-8-4) moves up to the American Division this year. Senior Anthony Deruchie and juniors Carson Brière, Andrew Carpenter, and Matt Cassidy should pose a serious threat to any team in the state. Another Morris County power, Morristown (13-12-3) checks in at No. 9. The experienced Colonials still have eight players from their 2014 Public B state championship team on a squad with 12 seniors, led by Bradley Greik and Jakob Deares up front and Kyle Beyer on the blue line. Despite losing a lot of talent, Red Bank Catholic (18-6-3) rounds out the Top 10 thanks to the returns of dangerous forwards Evan Hoey and Alec Mintz, while Cole Kirchner leads the defense.
1. CBA 23 2. Delbarton 23 3. Don Bosco 11 4. Middletown N. 18 5. Bp. Eustace 14 6. Mo-Beard 16 7. Bergen Cath. 14 8. St. Augustine 9 9. Morristown 13 10. Red Bank Cath 18
5 5 9 5 7 7 12 8 12 6
0 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 3 3
NEW JERSEY HS HOCKEY By Jonathan Yardley • HNIB News
GORDON – AMERICAN CBA (23-5) – As CBA aims to replicate its three straight state championships from 199496, head coach Ryan Bogan (who played on the 1994 team) will build from the back, where senior goalie Michael Cernero (.915) and the coach’s son, senior defenseman Ryan Bogan (12-42-56), return along with classmates Joe Marsicano (2-11-13) and Chris Hayes (1-1213). Up front, seniors Cristian Winters (27-2148), Anthony Cucich (11-14-25), and James Stanger (4-8-12) and juniors Derek Contessa (16-17-33) and Corey Clifton (10-17-27) lead a deep attack. Delbarton (23-5-1) – As if stewing all offseason about a blown lead in the state final wasn’t bad enough, two underclassmen high in the Green Wave’s forward rotation – Anthony DelGaizo and Penn State commit Steven Agriogianis – left the program for junior hockey, although DelGaizo remains enrolled. But Delbarton will still be able to score. Four productive seniors all return in in Anthony Farinacci (13-20-33), Tyler Kobryn (12-21-33), Danny Farr (12-19-31), and Jack Chatwin (1114-25), while head coach Bruce Shatel welcomes impact freshmen John Farinacci and Jack Malone. On defense, Andrew Petrillo and promising sophomore Jalen Kaplan are joined by Taft transfer Hunter Macy in front of junior goalie Troy Kobryn, a three-year starter. Don Bosco Prep (11-9-4) – After finishing second in the Gordon Conference American Division last year, ahead of CBA, Don Bosco Prep’s season ended abruptly, with upset losses in their first games of both the Gordon Cup and the NJSIAA private state tournament. Head coach Greg Toskos can rely on junior goalie Alexei Masanko (.903) and senior defenseman Luke Campomenosi to provide steady hands at the back, with junior Chris McGee also a returning key and freshman Nolan Barrett a big blueline addition. The question could be up front, where Chris Mazzella (15-14-29) will need help from junior Ryan McLinsky (6-5-11), sophomore Mickey Burns (2-5-7), and freshman Tyler Sedlak. Bergen Catholic (14-12-1) – After a strong finish last year, reaching the Gordon Cup final and the private state semifinals, the Crusaders will hope to build toward a similar run this year. Head coach Brian Monteverdi returns only three seniors and lost talented upperclassmen Sasha Miniouchine and Evan Wisocky to club hockey.
Gordon Conference Strong Once Again
Sal FaRuGGia beRGen catholic
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But Bergen Catholic should get added leadership from a strong junior class led by standout defenseman Diarmad DiMurro and junior captains Jack Shannon (defense) and Bryan Hallenbeck (forward). Senior Sal Farruggia is expected to start in goal, with senior Brian Anderson on defense and senior Ryan Lopiccolo, junior Pierre La Monica, and sophomore Nicolas Arcaroli among the contributors up front. St. Augustine Prep (9-8-4) – While the Hermits often have a more inconsistent roster than other top teams, when everybody’s on hand, they are a tough opponent and reached the Gordon Cup semifinals last year. Head coach Tim Fingerhut welcomes back good offensive production from senior Anthony DeRuchie and the junior trio of Carson Brière, Andrew Carpenter, and Matt Cassidy. Senior Caelan Brière and juniors Nikko Poulianas and Max Gravenstine lead the defense in front of junior goalie Giovanni Albano.
Bishop Eustace Looks To Repeat In National GORDON – NATIONAL Bishop Eustace (14-7-1) – After winning the Gordon Conference National Division title in a photo finish with rival St. Augustine Prep, Bishop Eustace matched the best finish in school history by reaching the private semifinals before falling to Delbarton. Junior goalie Cayden Primeau (.897) returns to backstop an experienced squad. Aaron Maguyon (11-20-31) will be expected to carry much of the scoring load, supported by junior Michael Colella (7-714) and senior Matt Hinke (0-8-8). Senior Luke Olivo (0-5-5) and juniro Sean Lippincott (1-6-7)
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anchor the defense. Head coach Mike Green also welcomes three freshmen in Nick Gardyasz, Dylan Saracino, and Anthony Tropea. Pope John (10-12-2) – After earning just two league wins while playing in the American Division, the Lions drop down to the National Division this year and could challenge for the division title. Seniors Richie Halevy (7-7-14) and Josh Mead and sophomores John Spetz (84-12) and Eric Vanderhoff all return offensively for head coach Ryan Brown, allong with juniors Artem Buzoverya and Joe Rocco. On the blue line, seniors Giuseppe Ippolito and Bobby Spetz and juniors Garret LaLonde and Mykita Volubuyev will take on increased roles, aided by the addition of freshman Steven Spetz. Sophomore George Bennett and freshman Matt Schoer are both contending to start in goal. St. Peter’s Prep (9-11-2) – With only three seniors, the Marauders will be a young squad under Mike Goodrich this year. Senior captain Chris Picinic has moved from defense to forward, while junior Matt Koziel (3-10-13), who can play both, could be the team’s top skater. Senior Scott Andreas takes over in goal, while juniors Nick (9-7-16) and Matt (0-7-7) Gallo contribute up front and on defense, respectively. Gloucester Catholic (3-10-3) – Another team with a fluctuating roster, the Rams will hope senior defenseman Devin Joyce, sophomore forward Ryan McArthur, and senior goalie Dominik Newman can lead a young team to success this year. Seton Hall Prep (2-19-1) – As the Pirates try to get back toward the middle of the Gordon Conference pack, first-year head coach Mike Atkinson will rely on senior Keith Bishop (712-19) and sophomore Stephen Buck (9-11-20) for leadership this season.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
NEW JERSEY HS HOCKEY Middletown North (18-5-4) – Early favorites to repeat as Public B champions, the Lions averaged more than six goals per outing in their final 16 games after Bobby Hampton (35-19-54) became eligible following his transfer from CBA. Linemate Khristian Acosta (32-42-74) is four points away from the school record of 137 career points. Seniors Vince Tomasetti (16-32-48) and captain
Brendan LieBross FreehoLd Township
Shore: Many Talented Clubs Will Tangle Kevin Felice (15-16-31) also return, as does senior Anthony Manfredi in net. Senior Ryan Davidson and sophomore Kyle Goworeck key a talented, yet relatively inexperienced blue line that also includes freshman John Hallard. Red Bank Catholic (18-6-3) – After beating Middletown North and obliterating St. John Vianney en route to last year’s Shore Conference championship, Red Bank Catholic lost some of its top talent. The Caseys still have the high-scoring senior tandem of Evan Hoey (31-21-52) and Alec Mintz (21-27-48), enough to trouble any conference opponent. Senior Cole Kirchner leads the defense in front of senior goalie
Freehold Township Must Be Watched Matt Benjamin, while head coach Ken Carlson will look for important contributions from juniors Matt Tringola and Rob Goehring and sophomores Brian Anderson and Noah Sepe up front. St. John Vianney (16-6-2) – After a thrilling run last year, St. John Vianney fell hard in the Shore Conference final, and the Lancers graduated Mike Gelatt and Matt Kidney, two of the top players in school history. But juniors Max Allen (12-14-26), James O’Keefe (8-19-27), and Derek Golkin all return, while freshman John Gelatt, the third in a sequence of brothers, could make an instant impact up front. Two other freshmen, defenseman John Kennedy and goalie Jeremy Connor, will also see the ice right away. Freehold Township (12-9-3) – Overshadowed by three division opponents that reached state finals last year, head coach Mike Celano’s Patriots should still be players in Public A. Freehold Township did lose rising senior Zach Berzolla (Colorado College) to junior hockey, but junior goalie Nick Raiola and junior defenseman Julian Kislin (9-23-32), himself a Northeastern commit, both return. Up front, junior Max Halvorsen (19-27-48) will lead the offense alongside classmates Brendan Liebross (12-14-26) and Tyler McNamara (11-9-20). Kyle Nestepny leads a talented class of newcomers. Howell (22-5) – After an unprecedented season that saw them lose by a goal in the Public A final, Howell lost forward Kyle Hallbauer, the state’s leading scorer, to graduation and linemate Lee McCarthy to the USPHL. The Rebels will still be capable of pulling out wins thanks to junior
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Bobby Dovenero in goal and Anthony Galliccio (23-16-43) and Lee McCarthy (22-39-61) up front, but they will need to mature over the course of the year to maintain hopes of a playoff run. Middletown South (18-6-1) – While they skate in Shore B, the Eagles were dynamite down the stretch last year, upsetting rival and eventual Public B champion Middletown North late in the regular season and reaching the Public B quarterfinals themselves. They’ll start as division favorites this year, as head coach Tony Nemati welcomes back juniors Ryan Lambert and Gavin Gulash and senior Alex Demaio up front. Senior Alex Latham leads the defense, while freshmen Clay Simonsen and Adam Bloodgood will vie to fill the goaltending spot vacated by Owen Liskiewicz, who is bypassing his senior year to play junior hockey. Elsewhere in the Shore Conference’s three ‘A’ divisions, key returning players include Brendan Ban from Rumson-Fair Haven (9-9-1), Alex Phipps from St. Rose / Donovan Catholic (9-111, 13-9-3), forwards Zach Noble (31-36-67 in 17 games) and Pat Hoffman and defenseman Patrick Romano from Toms River East (512-1), forward Nick Pica (20-3353) from Toms River North (11-94), goalie Jake Lakatos and forward John Maloney from Brick Township (12-6-1), Justin Hulse from Brick Memorial (1-21-1), and forward T.J. Hawkins and defenseman Tommy Rossi from Southern Regional (17-5-4), which will find it hard to match last year’s landmark run to the Public A semifinals. Other possible contenders include Point Pleasant Borough (11-7-3) and Jackson Memorial (13-7-2).
Big North Conference: St. Joseph Montvale In The Hunt St. Joseph Montvale (17-7-2) – Once a proud power, St. Joseph Montvale is raising expectations once again after reaching the private quarterfinals last year. Up front, plenty of firepower returns in seniors Ryan Grieco (16-13-29), Matt Cocciadiferro (12-12-24), and Nick Krasniqi (12-11-23) and juniors Pete Lombardi (19-14-33) and Dom Posta (13-14-27). But the Green Knights have been forced to deal with unexpected absences on the blue line due to two transfers and illness that could sideline senior captain Ed Klein; Cole Garabed, Brian Quinn, and the new trio of sophomore Chris Thomasian and freshmen Adam Antal and Connor Grieco will be tasked with stepping up. Junior Pat Lynch is expected to take over in goal for Robbie Massimi, who keyed last year’s upsets, supported by Alex Casino. Glen Rock (21-4-3) – Seemingly always a power both in the Freedom Division and in the Public B ranks, Glen Rock should be a favorite once again. A shut-down defense is anchored by senior goalie Matt Rosario (.911, 1.97), with seniors Tom LaMacchia (1420-34) and Eric Spada and junior Brendan Murray key on the blue line. Up front, junior Jake Kinney (16-30-46) is chasing the school points record jointly held by older brother Jimmy, while Justin Rosario (14-18-32) also provides plenty of production. Paramus Catholic (14-8-3) – Heavy favorites in the Patriot Division, the Paladins have excellent goaltending in senior John Pitera (.911) but will need some new faces to contribute on defense. Up front, seniors Athony Caporrino (13-13-26) and Matt Rainey (1418-32) should have no problem putting the puck in the net. Tenafly/Cresskill (11-10-2) – After playing without a co-op part-
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Glen Rock, Ridgewood Will Compete ner for the last four years, including an appearance in the Public B final in 2011, Tenafly welcomes back Cresskill as a partner this year, and the Tigers will move up to Public A as a result. They should be competitive behind the top two in the Freedom Division, led by junior Kyle Picinic (.923) in goal and senior defenseman Daniel Jayson (1616-32), who never seems to leave the ice. Up front, senior Nick Rosato returns with a big sophomore class led by sophomore Julian Tallier (12-25-37) alongside Andy Chang and Nic L’Heureux. Don Bosco Prep transfer Matt Brown and freshman Socrates Raftis could be key additions. Ridgewood (10-9-3) – The Maroons should once again be contenders in the Patriot Division, led by senior sniper Brendan Buckley (9-6-15), with classmate Matt Cafarella (3-11-14) moving up from defense to join him and junior J.P. Kelly (10-14-24). If senior Cooper Telesco (21-9-30) can return from offseason injury, Ridgewood could thrive in the second half of the season. Senior captain Harry Bahrenburg (7-5-12) anchors the defense in front of firstyear starter David Woodford in goal. Ramsey (25-4-1) – After backto-back appearances in the Public B
championship game, head coach Bob Toy joined one of his greatest senior classes in leaving, but the Rams should still be strong in their first season under Dean Portas. While replacing Alex Whelan (4731-78) is impossible, Ramsey does return four experienced seniors capable of filling their top lines in Garrett Mast (10-12-22), Kyle Debel (9-21-30), Anthony Steffe (20 assists in the last two years) and Frank Steffe (14-9-23 in 2013-14). Defense may be Ramsey’s strong suit this year, as senior defenseman Brandon O’Callahan (5-12-17) and senior goalie Tyler Harmon are probably the team’s most talented players. In the Patriot Division, standout senior defenseman Joey Ferrante (16-11-27) and Fair Lawn (12-121) should be in the thick of the race. Joey Ragno (11-13-24) and River Dell / Westwood (7-14-2), Alex LoPresti (9-10-19) and Passaic Valley/Cedar Grove (10-12-1), and Clifton (6-14-3), led by goalie Tyler Gibson, all aiming to reach .500 and qualify for the state tournament. In the Freedom Division, the top three will be hard to catch. Northern Highlands (10-11-1) returns some scoring in junior Dylan Koh (12-8-20) and sophomore Joe Konvit (8-10-18), while
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Paramus/Lyndhurst/ Hackensack (4-17-3) is hoping to move up the standings behind seniors Evan Kelly (21-21-42) and Thomas Foschini (7-20-27) and a strong crop of newcomers. Consistent Pascack Valley/Hills (9-10-6) will be looking to make the state tournament for a fifth time in six years, while Northern Valley/Hasbrouck Heights (5-18) continues to rebuild the program. In the nine-team Liberty Division, two teams have high hopes of unseating Ramsey at the top of the standings. Lakeland (158-3) could threaten for the division title behind senior goalie Sean Komjian (.919) and senior forward Danny Mullin (110 career points). Senior Shane Davison and junior Andrew Heck also return at forward, with Chris Wands and Kyle Andreniuk on defense. Ramapo (512-5) returns virtually its entire roster, led by senior forwards Stephen Schwab (19-18-37) and Graham Key (16-13-29) and senior defenseman Alex Pazos (4-23-27), while senior Cort Fodi is ready to take the reins in goal. The others start a little farther back, with Indian Hills (14-8-2) led by returning forwards Jon Hoogendorn (17-6-23) and Matt Paiotti (9-12-21). Mahwah (12-111) will try to follow the lead of senior Marty Kapoian (15-15-30), while West Milford (9-11-3) hopes junior forward Chris Dressler (2916-45) can make a quick recovery from an offseason injury. Wayne Hills (13-8-2) could struggle to replace the scoring of Danny Reidel but should still have the edge over rival Wayne Valley (4-18-2). Finally, two programs that used to exist independently but did not play varsity hockey last year have combined to form DePaul Catholic/Morris Catholic for 2015-16.
• NJ Morris County •
Defense Powers Morristown-Beard Randolph Needs Consistent Scoring Morristown-Beard (16-7-4) – The Crimson take aim at a third straight Mennen Cup title for the second time in eight years (2009-11) and appear to have the defense to do it. Of their top five players at the back, four are seniors in goalie Danny Porth and defensemen A.J. and Christian DiCesare and Marc Tietjen, joined by junior Sam Schappel. Up front, senior Alex Borowiec (12-18-30) and sophomore Brayden Patricia (11-9-20) lead the way, with freshman Gavin Puskar one of the key additions. The Crimson have scheduled four Gordon Conference opponents, including county rival Delbarton, on top of the challenging Mennen Division schedule. Morristown (13-12-3) – After reaching three consecutive state championship games from 2012-14, Morristown finally suffered a relatively early exit in last year’s quarterfinals. It may have just set the stage for this year. The Colonials return 12 seniors, including eight from the 2014 state champinship team, and will be among the favorites in the Mennen Division and the Public A state tournament. The senior trio of Bradley Greik (20-10-30), Jakob DeFares (13-9-22),and Christian Rodriguez (911-20) lead the way up front, with three more in Kyle Beyer (4-24-28), Justin Leifer (5-6-11),and Nick Swiontkowski (4-6-10) on the blue line. Underclassmen do provide the goaltending, with both sophomore Evan Szary and junior Harrison Brown capable of backstopping wins. Randolph (19-5-3) – After winning seven Public A titles in the last 10 years, Randolph is expected to win. All the accolades rarely come easy, however, and this year will likely be no exception. Senior Dan Janson (1812-30) is a proven scorer, and classmate Chris Holowko (4-11-15) can set him up, but head coach Rich McLaughlin will need a balanced scoring effort to compete in the Mennen Division. Senior captain Bryan Early (411-15) will lead the defense alongside imposing junior Jack Zimmer, with junior Luc Swedlund hoping to take over in goal after making four starts last year. Morris Knolls (14-9-1) – Morris Knolls has earned a top-four seed in 12 of the last 13 years (they were fifth in 2008), and there’s no reason to believe the two-time state champions won’t contend in Public A once again this year. Senior Danny Cangelosi (11-10-21) and juniors Chris Conway (7-9-16) and Alex Welch (7-8-15) lead the offense, with defenseman Robbie Schweizer part of the blue-line corps in front of goalies Jon Szynalski and Jonathan Cavallone. Chatham (15-4-5) – After winning the Mennen Division by 1.5 games last year, Chatham was hit hard in two of its biggest games of the year, falling 5-0 in the Mennen Cup final and 4-0 in the Public B semifinals. Head coach Frank Gilberti resigned after clashing with parents, and Brendon Herr takes over a team in transition. Seniors Ryan Barnett (1814-32) and Austin Pierce (6-9-15) are back to lead the offense, with senior Mark McNally (1-6-7) joined by freshman Kieran Krauss on the blue line. Another freshman, Jake Brown, could see early minutes in goal. Kinnelon (11-11-3) – Having established itself as a regular in the ultracompetitive division, Kinnelon – the smallest school in New Jersey to offer a non-co-op hockey team – will likely run into depth issues this year. Head coach Jeff Myhren does return Pat (9-9-18) and Sean (3-12-15)
Justin leiFer Morristown
Bryan early randolph
Jared Finnerty Madison
Grant and Steven Gakos (6-8-14), while junior Sean Hoffmann is expected to get the bulk of the starts in goal. Montville (12-8-2) – After winning the Haas Division in 2013-14 and both the Halvorsen Division and Halvorsen Cup last year, Montville finally stayed put in the same division, returning to the Halvorsen as favorites under third-year coach Meg Hishmeh. Senior forward Emerson Emery starts the year with 94 career points, while junior defenseman James Reynolds heads the back line. Untested juniors Matt Irizarry and Jakub Czaja will compete to earn the starting spot in goal. Roxbury (12-10-2) – Roxbury will be one challenger in an unpredictable division, with juniors Nick Zaragoza (10-18-28) and Dylan DeGraw (11-9-20) and sophomore Billy Hefferle (15-6-21) leading the attack. Junior Connor Mutz returns in goal, while sophomore defensemen Shane and Dillon Miller join returnee Johnny Facchini on the blue line. West Morris Central (13-10-1) should be one of the division favorites after returning 12 players, including senior Anthony Piombino (13-12-25) and senior Tim Polglase (.930) in goal. Madison (27-2) enjoyed a dream season in 2014-15, going 27-2 and only falling to powers Morristown and Ramsey. The Dodgers move up to the second-tier Halvorsen Division this year for the first time since Morris County adopted its tiered format in 1985-86. It will present a stiff challenge, especially after rising sophomore Jack DeBoer, a BU commit, transferred to Salisbury. Still, head caoch Dave Hansen returns junior goalie Kavi Sinha, senior forward Michael Gleason (22-28-50), junior forward Charlie Cleaves (12-24-36), and senior defenseman Jared Finnerty (4-1418) and has scheduled aggressively, adding extra games against publicschool powers in addition to league-scheduled crossovers against the Mennen Division. Mendham (11-15-1) and Pequannock (2-16-1) will be aiming to knock off one of the top teams and qualify for the state tournament. In the lower two divisions, co-ops Park Regional (9-10-3), Mount Olive/Hopatcong (6-13-3), Mountain Lakes/Boonton (2-16-1), and Newton/Lenape Valley (6-17-3) will compete with stand-alone schools Sparta (10-7-5) and Jefferson (17-3-4), the latter just up from the Charette Division. The fourth-tier Charette Division continues a running battle between several lower-profile programs, led by Par Hills/ Parsippany (13-7-3) and High Point/Wallkill Valley (5-16), set to be challenged by Vernon (9-9-3), Gill St. Bernard’s (4-13-2), and Morris Hills (1-20). * For more new Jersey coverage, please go to
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
• Rhode Island Girls HS Hockey •
LaSalle Must Restock On Offense Jamie comeau LasaLLe
Natasha savaage WarWick co-op
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
hode Island girls high school hockey crowned two state champions last winter, one in the Emma bracket (D1), and the other in the DeCosta bracket (D2). LaSalle (19-1-0 in state play) is the defending Emma champion and will go for its fourth state title in five seasons. The focus this winter will be on team defense, as the Rams lost over 150 points to graduation. Coach Sean McNamara will have depth up front, though, as he welcomes back a group that includes seniors Katelyn Trask, Alison Altshuler and Madeline Mahoney, juniors Elizabeth Horgan and Alyssa Almeida, and sophomores Eliza Mahoney and Kathryn Dooley. Four freshmen who should step right in are Emily Duffy, Jillian Egan, Jennifer Rickard and Taylor Vecchione. On the blue line, senior Arianna Boscia (40 pts) will be vital both defensively and offensively. Sophomore Jamie Comeau (11 pts) is a standout as well. New sophomore
Samantha Ahaesy will contribute. Senior Victoria Hartley (1.64 gaa) will be joined in the goalie department by freshman Kaitlyn Oakley. Defending DeCosta champion Warwick Co-op (9-7-0) boasts 11 seniors on its roster, and the veteran team will be looking for its third state title in a row (the Lady Titans won the D1 title in 2014). Coach David Tibbetts should have three lines that can put the puck in the net. Senior Kelsey Holmes will be a strength on offense, as will senior Caroline Henn and senior Madison Balutowski. Newcomer Nicole Procaccini will look to crack the lineup. Junior Natasha Savage anchors the blue line for Warwick Co-op. In goal, sophomore Mary Greenwell and freshman Rebecca Yaseen will battle for time. With players from Lincoln and Cumberland joining the fold, Mt. St. Charles (5-12-0) will have an immediate influx of talent and not have to worry about numbers. Coach (Continued on Page 50)
Junior Women’s Hockey League 2015-16 Directory NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY ACADEMY 3430 Mountain Road, PO Box 1197, Stowe, VT 05672 Phone: 802-253-1590 Head Coach: Bill Driscoll e-mail: Web:
ATHOL MURRAY COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Box 100, Wilcox, SK S0G-5E0 Phone: 306-732-1241 Head Coach: Janice Rumpel e-mail: Web:
WASHINGTON PRIDE 10005 Dickens Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-257-8966 Head Coach: Kush Sidhu e-mail: Web:
BOSTON SHAMROCKS 190 Main St., Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: 781-864-7676 Head Coach: Josh Hechter e-mail:
PACIFIC STEELERS #154-3650 Mount Seymour Parkway P.O. Box 30058 Parkgate North Vancouver, B.C. V7H-2Y0 Head Coach: Jeff Eaton e-mail: Web:
THE EDGE SCHOOL 33055 Township Road 250, Calgary, AB T3Z-1L4 Phone: 403-246-6432, ext. 441 Head Coach: Carla MacLeod e-mail: cmacleod@ilearn.edgeschool. com Web:
WARNER HOCKEY SCHOOL Box 150, 409 3rd Ave., Warner AB T0K-2L0 Phone: 403-642-3931 Head Coach: Mikko Makela e-mail: Web:
BALMORAL HALL SCHOOL 630 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C-3S1 Phone: 204-960-8100 Head Coach: Gerry Wilson e-mail: Web:
DeceMbeR 9, 2015 | HOckey NigHt iN bOStON NewS |
OKANAGAN HOCKEY ACADEMY Suite 201, 853 Eckhardt Ave. West, Penticton, BC V2A-9C4 Phone: 250-809-5318 Head Coach: Jim Fetter e-mail: Web: COLORADO SELECT PO Box 270196, Littleton, CO 80127 Phone: 214-435-4978 Head Coach: Karen Rickard e-mail: Web: CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY ACADEMY 8710 County Road 17, Rockland, ON K4K 1T2 Phone: 613-266-4718 Director of Hockey: Guy Girouard e-mail: Web:
Barrington Ready For Another Solid Year (Continued From Page 49)
Anthony DiLorenzo expects as many as 15 incoming freshmen looking to battle for time. Senior Kathrine Cunningham and sophomore Kaylee Doucette can play either forward or defense and will be counted on by the Mounties. Senior Mel Foster is a key blue liner, and senior Cassidy Simanski returns between the pipes.
DiLorenzo is looking forward to competing in the RIIL with this group. Barrington (13-4-2) has a new coach in Allison Faria and the team looks to get back to its championship ways, having won three straight until last season. Young forwards ready to produce are sophomores Grace Flaherty, Carissa Rego and Mary
Arkins. New sophomore Claudia Kriz should see time. Barrington is solid on defense with seniors Allison Kelsey and Casie Castello. Freshman Madelyn Cox looks to make her mark. A new goalie to the program is sophomore Erika Keller. With three of the division's Top 10 scorers back, things could be looking up for the Smithfield/Coventry Co-op (2-12-1). Junior Samantha McCarthy, senior Shannon Reilly and junior Aly Beaton will put a lot of pucks in the net. Senior Allie Khalsa and junior Erin Drumm are also back up front for coach Frank Varrecchione. Senior Sami Patti and junior Bella Stevens will be defensive cornerstones. New freshman Mia Gardner should take over in goal. Newcomers ready to contribute include sophomores Katherine Martin, Mikayla Brill, Sydney Nobrega and Marissa Faccio, and freshmen defensemen Erika Rooney and Cara Burgess. Rebuilding a defense and having solid team chemistry will be important if Narragansett/South Kingstown/North Kingstown (15-5-0), also know as the South County Storm, looks to have another successful season. Keys up front for coach Dave Cannon project to be Emma Rial (21 pts), Jill Gonsalves (17 pts) and Allie Lindo (14 pts). Katie George and Grace Gibbons are new to the big club. The Storm lost three defensemen to graduation, so the club will depend heavily on returning blue liner Tea Williams (19 pts). In goal, Alexis Marciniak was named First Team All State last winter. The Cranston/East Greenwich Co-op (0-18-0) suffered a winless campaign a year ago, and this young team will be hungry to get a couple of victories this season. Leading the way will be the junior trio of Nicole Sacco, Mairin Heffernan and Brittney Bidwell at forward, and junior Zoe Habenburg on the blue line, the team's four captains. Freshman Abbey Simpson, Rylie Bessette and Alexia Bessette look to contribute, while freshman Lindsay Brady will join the blue line. Freshman Hanna Slaby will help solidify the goaltender position.
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
he big question in New Hampshire girls high school hockey this year is: Can anyone unseat Hanover? A 6-3 win over Bishop Brady/Trinity last year in the state title game earned the Marauders their sixth straight state title. The trek for #7 will begin will some holes to fill due to graduation. But, Hanover (19-2-1) will have senior forward Matti Hartman back in the fold. Hartman is a national-level player who made the USA U-18 team. She will be joined up front by fellow seniors Eliza Laycock and Kelly Brigham. Offense shouldn't be a problem for veteran coach John Dodds. Three blue liners graduated, so there will be more of a focus on junior returners Juliana Taube and Sarah MacCormick. Both goalies have moved on, so freshman Cici Barton will have big shoes to fill. Bishop Brady/Trinity (12-6-0) has a good nucleus back despite losing top scorer AnnMargaret Disciscio to prep school. Coach Dan Earley's club should be in the mix to get back to the title game. Senior captain Sophie Palangas headlines a returning forward
• New Hampshire Girls HS Hockey •
Can Anyone Challenge The Hanover Dynasty?
Meagan accaRDi BeRlin
Rylie Binnett BeRlin
Jensyn DanDeneau BeRlin
roup that includes junior Brianna Brack and sophomores Katlin Bardellini and Mary Anne Wiley. Freshman Sidney Harrington looks for minutes. Sophomore Ashlyn Brown will be a key on the blue line. Bishop Brady/Trinity also returns experience between the pipes in senior captain Sarah Plourde, who made 44 saves in last year's state title game loss to Hanover. A solid core of veteran players will keep Berlin (17-3-0) up near the top of the standings. The offense will be powered by junior Rylie Binnett (33 pts) and senior Jenna Arguin (17 pts). Freshman Kailey Price hopes to contribute.
Defense is a strength with the veteran presence of seniors Meagan Accardi (24 pts) and Jensyn Dandeneau (20 pts), both very capable offensive players as well. Freshman Jillian Lefebvre joins the rotation. In goal, coach Tanya Rosenberg can turn to either returning senior Chelsey Caron, or new freshman Lauren Frenette. A program that has shown a tremendous amount of growth, Souhegan (9-9-0) is looking to keep the upward trend going. Seniors Elizabeth SilvaChandley and Kaylyn Forest and junior Eliza Cullen are a trio of
experienced forwards that coach Kelli Braley can count on. New freshman Shannon Paquette hopes to help out. On defense, the Sabers have junior Anna Tobin and sophomores Maggie Dix and Julia Charest. Sophomore Makayla Lachance returns in goal. In only its second year as a program, Kingwood Regional (2-9-0) will see increased numbers as the roster has ballooned from 12 to 17 players. "What we lack in experience we need to make up for in effort and determination," said coach Thomas Cayon. "Team play is crucial." The Knights will depend greatly on senior forward Shannon Riley, sophomore defenseman Claire Richard, and sophomore goalie Nikki Cayon, who played every game last winter. New senior forward Shelby Lindsay and junior Lauren Pomerleau hope to contribute. Returners Sofia Marshall and Abbie Dempsey look to take the next step.
• Maine Girls HS Hockey •
Lewiston Goes For Repeat Crown
total of 16 varsity teams will take part in Maine girls high school hockey this winter, broken down into 8-team North and South divisions. Scarborough (16-1-3) is the defending state champion and the Red Storm will look to be the class of the South Division. Coach Caitlin D'Amour feels she will have a quick team this year and hopes to use that to the team's advantage. The nucleus of the team that will lead the way has Sami Shoebottom and Lucy Bogdanovich at forward, Lily Nygren and Courtney Brochu on the blue line and McKenzie Comier between the pipes. "Our systems and power play/penalty killing will highlight our speed as we're a fairly young team and not as physically strong as other teams," D'Amour said. "We will be focusing on opening up the neutral zone, using our points and playing aggressively in the corners and in front of the net." With its entire group of forwards returning, expect Falmouth (16-5-0) to be right in the South hunt, provided the defense can do the job. (Continued On Page 53)
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |
Falmouth, Scarborough, Greely Teams To Watch In Maine skill, and should battle Greely. "I expect us to be a playoff team if we perform up to our ability and play together," said coach Shon Collins. Juniors Mariah Vaillancourt (16 pts) and Haley Frohlich (14 pts), and sophomore Saige Arsenault
(Continued From Page 52)
Seniors Camden Carrier (35 pts) and Sarah Hutcheon (23 goals) will be vital to the offensive attack for coach Rob Carrier, as will juniors Evie Clement (22 pts) and Devon Sarazin (18 pts) and sophomore Abi Lebel (23 pts). On defense, senior Martina St. Angelo (14 pts) and junior Caroline Proctor are more than capable of handling blue line duties, Two freshmen injected into the lineup are Sarah Noyes and Kayla Sarazin, a duo that will improve as the season goes along. In goal, freshman Julia Bonnvie joins returning juior Ally Hurdman in the rotation. There is not a lot of depth at Biddeford (8-10-1), which will rely on the development of its younger players, who will contribute right away. Up front, senior Suzette Lamoureux and junior Emily Thorndike return and will be joined in the scoring department by new juniors Calea Roy and Angie Fitzgerald, sophomore Katie Monson and freshmen Paige Laverriere and Catherine Nunes. Senior Taylor Turgeon (10 pts) was an all-conference honorable mention selection last winter and is an anchor on defense for coach Ashley Potvin. Sophomore Paige Boudreau will be key as well. Freshman Brooke Reissfelder looks for time. Junior Rebekah Guay returns in the net and was first team all conference last season, so that is a plus for the Tigers. The Cape Elizabeth/Waynflete/South Portland Co-op (7-101) will have no seniors on the roster this year. Defense and goaltending should be strengths, according to coach Bob Mills. Junior tri-captains Kate Ginder (24 pts) and Eliza Connolly will be blue line cornerstones.
martina St. angelo Falmouth
Sarah hutcheon Falmouth
Junior tri-captain Hannah Bosworth (29 pts) will be counted on for offensive production. Freshman Sophia Venditti comes in highly-regarded to the offensive attack. Look for new sophomore Abby Joy to be a fixture between the pipes. Defending state champ Lewiston (20-0-1) will be tough to unseat in the North Division. Leading the Blue Devils attack will be seniors Corinne Laberge and Monica Field, juniors Chloe Morin, Emily Bemis and Brianna Girardin, and sophomore Jordan Mynahan. Freshmen Jessica Clavet is ready to help out. Coach Ron Dumont’s defense in front of returning sophomore goalie Meagan Gosselin will be young. Sophomore Jaylin Cloutier is a key returner, while the team needs to break in blue line newcomers like sophomore Anna Dodge and freshmen Bree Bergeron and Katie Lemieux. Perennial power Greely (15-4-1) is confident it will be right in the mix for the Northern Division crown and a challenger for the state title. Consistent intensity and positivity will be keys, according to coach Nate Guerin. Senior Danita Storey and sophomore Courtney Sullivan will power the Rangers offensive attack. Junior Ellie Schad will be a defensive leader, and junior Nica Todd will be key between the pipes. Leavitt/Edward Little/Poland (16-3-1) posseses a lot of depth and
(12 pts) are offensive catalysts for the Red Hornets. Freshman Taylor Callier should have a role. Keys on the blue line for the Red Hornets will be holdover juniors Angel Drouin and Kaylee Younk. Leavitt/Edward Little/Poland will break in a pair of new goaltenders.
• Vermont Girls HS Hockey •
Metro, Lake Titles Up For Grabs
By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News
ith exceptional balance from top to bottom, expect Essex (17-61) to be in the fight for first place in the Metro Division and a state title contender. Coach John Maddalena feels that depth will be a team strength. A pair of forwards counted on heavily will be senior Amanda Sinkewicz (11 pts) and senior Sarah Tobey (8 pts). Two freshmen to keep an eye on are Olivia Miller-Johnson and Maddy Young. Senior rock Avery MacGillivary (11 pts) will anchor the Hornets defense in front of returning senior goalie Vika Somons (2.00 gaa). BFA St. Albans (10-9-2) will look to get back to its championship ways. Coach Luke Cioffi says his returning players must take a leadership role. Seniors Elena Brigham (12 pts) and Riley Yandow (19 pts) are key returners up front, while senior Aliza Ellis returns to the program from juniors. Emma Hill is also back up front. Newcomers hoping to crack the lineup are McKenna Remillard, Lizzie Hill and Julia Ellis. Seniors Erin Shuttle and Makenna Larrow are book-end defensemen for the Comets. Four blue line newcomers include Peyton Dukas, Linsey Larrow, Presley Boyce and Elizabeth Dukas. Jessica Giroux will battle for time in goals. (Continued On Page 54)
DeceMber 9, 2015 | Hockey NIGHT IN boSToN NeWS |
NEW ENGLAND GIRLS HS HOCKEY (Continued From Page 53)
Spaulding (10-9-0) will be very young and will need some of those younger players to step up and do the job if the Crimson Tide are to challenge. Junior Jessica Scott (39 pts) and sophomore Lauryn Bedard (10 pts) will be offensive catalysts, while senior Jordyn Binaghi is key on the blue line. "I think it is going to be a very competitive league from top to bottom this year," said Spaulding coach Brad Bessette. South Burlington (7-14-0) will look to challenge. Coach Jake Orr is looking for improvement as the season goes on. Key players to look for include
sophomore forward Katie Young, senior defenseman Casey Johnson and senior goalie Erin Church. New freshman Kate Hall hopes to make a splash. Defending Lake Division champ North Country had to move up to Division I, but lost the majority of last winter's title club and as of press time were struggling to field a team. A schedule would consist of mostly D2 opponents, and as a result, the Falcons have forfeited the right to play for a D1 state title, according to coach Tracy Muzerall. A move down to the Lake Division is what Burr & Burton (12-7-1) will face this winter. Coach Ed Lewicki is excited about the upcoming season and seeing
Burr & Burton Moves To Lake the continued growth of the team's younger players, despite losing seven key players. Senior center Aggie Bisselle (44 pts) should be among the state's top forwards. Junior goaltender Molly Dingley is also back. She recorded all 12 wins between the pipes last winter. Underclassmen looking to contribute include Natlia Sowulewska, Rachel Tegen, Madison Oliva, Cat Greenberg, Hannah Hedberg, Audrianna Bryant, Jenny Kiernan and Annalise Bartlett. Replaced five graduated players, including two of all-star caliber, is that task that faces coach Aaron Miller at Rice Memorial (11-8-1). He says scoring will be by committee. Look for Anna Connerty and Michaela Forgione to be key returners for the Green Knights. Newcomers to keep an eye on are Tatum Shappy and Brianna Brosseau.
sadie Kuhn woodstoCK
With a big increase of players on its roster, Woodstock (0-15-1) should be able to see some improvement. Defense needs to be strengthened, as the Wasps allowed almost 50 shots per game last winter. Returning sophomore goalie Annabelle Lessard is back and battle-tested. New sophomore forward Sadie Kuhn will help out on offense, as will sophomore Lauren Forgione. Coach Ian Coates welcomes eight new freshmen to the club.
Connecticut HS Girls Players To Watch
moRGan peteRs etb
Giana bRuno new Canaan
samantha talmadGe hamden
maGGie hallisey etb
madison bishop etb
Read about the
ConneCtiCut GiRls hs teams at
December 9, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News |