2015-16 HNIB News Issue #4 - Massachusetts HS Hockey Preview

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Super 8 Champ St. John’s Ready For Challenge Publics Burlington, Hingham Expect Big Seasons


ST. JoHN’S PreP PlAyerS CelebrATe THe SCHool’S fIrST-ever MASS SuPer 8 CHAMPIoNSHIP lAST MArCH wITH THeIr TD GArDeN. eAGleS kNoCkeD off 4-TIMe CHAMP MAlDeN CATHolIC. (JAMIe CAllery PHoTo)





HArborMeN (JAMIe CAllery PHoTo)

AfTer THe

By Kevin Doyle • HNIB News

ust about a year ago St. John’s Prep and Hingham met at Wilmington’s Ristuccia Arena, an early test for perennial powers looking to rebound from sub-.500 seasons in 2014. Prep won, 3-1. While well-played, there were certainly no indications that both teams – the Prep in Division 1A, Hingham in Division One – would be hoisting State Championship hardware on the TD Garden ice three months later. You simply never know. Which serves as preamble to what looks to be an intriguing season across Division One. Unlike seasons past, when a few teams stood above the rest, that isn’t the case this winter. The decision by many of the division’s highest-profile underclassmen to move on to the Junior ranks or Prep school has leveled the ice. So, we’ll go with what we know to be true. No. 1 St. John’s Prep (18-5-1) of the Catholic Conference closed last year on a 10-game roll by playing the grittiest hockey of any team. The Eagles were unfazed by the 1A stage and bounced B.C. High, Springfield Cathedral and Malden Catholic in succession. Senior goalie Kyle Martin returns for coach Kris Hanson along with nine seasoned forwards and a quartet of defensemen. And, in a tasty bit of déjà vu all over again, the Eagles open the season against – you guessed it – Hingham on Dec. 19 at Pilgrim (7). Coach Bob Conceison’s No. 2 Burlington (163-4) club of the Middlesex Freedom returns 13 players likely on a mission following an early exit in the North quarterfinals. The Red Devils boast abundant depth, particularly in the back end where senior defensemen Josh Boulos and senior goaltender Nick Howard are the linchpins of what figures to be an especially stingy defense. No. 3 Hingham (16-8-3) also rode a strong second half to last year’s title and returns great balance. The Harbormen are spoiled in goal with quality seniors Matt Personeni (1.88 gaa) and Andrew Ehler (2.76 gaa). Senior captain Will Jones will anchor the defense and senior captain Billy McNally (15-25-40) returns as the focal point of the offense. Expect coach Tony Messina’s crew to be in the 1A hunt.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

(Continued On Page 5)


HNIB News • Volume 32 - Number 4 HNIB NEWS Staff -PuBlISHEr EmErItuS-

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(Top) St. John’s Prep players celebrate Super 8 title with their fans at TD Garden. (Bottom L to r) Watertown and D3 title, Reading Girls D1 title, Westwood D2 title, Falmouth Girls D2 title and Hingham D1 state title.

Hockey Night In Boston 2016 Summer Festivals/Showcases For more infomation, go to www.hnibonline.com

DECEmBEr 16, 2015 | HOCkEy NIgHT IN BOSTON NEwS | HNIBnews.com

- INDEX Mass. D1 Poll 3,5 HNIB News Staff 4 Mass. D2 Poll 6 EMass D3 Poll 7 Catholic Conferene 8-9 Catholic Central Large 10-11 Middlesex League 12-14 Bay State League 16-17 MVC/Dual I 18-19, 21 Hingham Capsule 18 Old Colony League 20 Catholic West 20-21 Cape Ann League 22-23 Northeastern Conf. 24-25 MVC/Dual II 26-27 GBL/Big 3.. 27 Hockomock 28-29 Atlantic Coast 30 Patriot League 31-32 Tri-Valley League 34-35 Eastern Athletic 35 Catholic Central Small 36 MVC/Dual III 37, 39 Commonwealth 39 South Shore League 40 D3 Indepedents 40-41 Mayflower League 41 South Shore Conf. 42 Central Mass. Preview 43-45 Western Mass. Preview 45-47 Mass. Girls Polls 48 Girls Northeastern 49 Girls Catholic Central 50 Girls Catholic Conference 51 Girls Central West 51, 53 Girls Middlesex 52-53 Girls Bay State 54-55, 57, 62 Girls MVC/Dual 56-57 Girls Independents 58 Girls SEMGHL 59-62


BC High, Malden Catholic Will Be In The Mix Again #8 Arlington Has Veteran Cast; Don’t Count Out Pope Francis (Continued From Page 3)

If any program equipped to overcome massive losses to graduation and transfer, it may be No. 4 Pope Francis (22-1-2, formerly Springfield Cathedral) of the Catholic West under the watchful eye of coach Brian Foley. The newly-minted Cardinals will look to Providence-bound junior forward Riley Prattson and Northeastern-bound junior defensemen Danny Petrick, along with Devan Tongue at forward. Checking in at No. 5 is defending Middlesex Liberty champion Woburn (16-4-4), a 1A quarterfinalist last year. Coach Jim Duran welcomes back nine seasoned forwards and four defensemen from that squad. Fourth-year senior sniper Evan McDonald and exciting junior Justin Alves form what should be one of the state’s most exciting forward duos. No. 6 B.C. High (13-7-2) of the Catholic Conference is yet another club boasting good balance from back to front. Three seniors are key to success for Coach John Flaherty – standout goalie Brandon Payzant, highly regarded defenseman Billy Roche (18 points), and gritty forward Kayser Raei. No. 7 Malden Catholic (19-22) saw its quest for a fifth consecutive 1A title end at the hands of St John’s Prep in the title game. Expect the Lancers to play a more conservative style with junior goalie Kyle Casey (0.71 gaa, .967 save pct., 5 SO) central to their chances There is no deeper team than No. 8 Arlington (16-4-4), which returns 20 from last year’s North Sectional finalist. The Spy Ponders will contend for the Middlesex

HNIB MASS. DIV. I TOP 20 POLL TEAM W L T 1. St. John’s Prep 18 5 1 2. Burlington 16 3 4 3. Hingham 16 8 3 4. Pope Francis 22 1 2 5. Woburn 16 4 4 6. BC High 13 7 2 7. Malden Cath. 19 2 2 8. Arlington 16 4 4 9. Central Cath. 16 7 2 10.Austin Prep 21 3 1 11. St. Mary’s 13 8 3 12.Milton 13 7 3 13.Marshfield 10 10 4 14.Barnstable 15 6 1 15. Andover 11 5 6 16. Cath. Memorial 6 10 4 17. Duxbury 14 6 5 18.Newburyport 15 6 1 19.Wellesley 15 3 4 20. Reading 7 8 7


Liberty crown and push for a 1A berth. No. 9 Central Catholic will look to extend its dominance of the MVC-DCL One and once again qualify for 1A play behind exciting sophomore forwards Jake Wise and Cam Gendron. No. 10 Austin Prep (21-3-1) of the Catholic Central Large returns a seasoned core group from last season’s 1A semifinalist. Coach Lou Finocchiaro will rely on sophomore goalie Dylan Regan and junior D-men Ryan Verrier and Collin Murphy. No. 11 St. Mary’s (13-8-3) of the Catholic Central Large rode a strong second half to the North quarterfinals last year. No. 12 Milton (13-7-3) of the Bay State Herget will feature a stout defense. No. 13 Marshfield (10-10-4) of the Atlantic Coast returns a large veteran cast. No. 14 Barnstable (15-6-1) of the Old Colony welcomes new coach Tim Grace. No. 15 Andover (11-5-6) of the MVC-DCL One is a sleeper thanks to an influx of transfers.

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December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

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aking a quick look at upcoming season in Massachusetts Division 2 hockey, it looks as though things will be wide open. There isn’t much that separates the top teams from each other, which should make for a quite exciting season. A pre-season #1 pick could be any one of a number of teams as the puck drops on the 2015-2016 season. We’ll take a stab at it and go with Medfield (16-3-1) as the preseason #1 in the HNIB News Division II Top 15 Poll. The Warriors were a state finalist in 2014 and advanced to the D2 South semifinals in 2015. They have at their disposal what could be the division’s premier 1-2 offensive punch in seniors Matt Treiber and John McLean. #2 Peabody (10-9-3) was a tournament team last winter and with a host of seniors back, including the majority of the team’s defense, and goalie Aaron McDonnel, this coud be the year for the Tanners to shine. Perennial power Canton (16-71) starts in the #3 spot. The

MASSACHUSETTS Div. II Top 15 W 1. Medfield 16 2. Peabody 10 3. Canton 16 4. Marblehead 16 5. NorthReading18 6. Medway 15 7. Tewksbury 16 8. Haverhill 11 9. Westwood 22 10. Coyle Cassidy 15 11. Winthrop 16 12. Conc.-Carlisle 14 13. BishopFeehan12 14. Masconomet 14 15. No. Attleboro 13 6

L 3 9 7 6 5 7 5 8 2 6 4 7 7 7 7

T 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 2 4 1 1 1

Medfield, Peabody Head Wide-Open Field #3 Canton, #4 Marblehead Must Be Watched

WESTWOOD iS ThE DEfEnDing MaSSachuSETTS DiviSiOn 2 chaMpiOnS. ThE WOlvErinES TOOk carE Of nOrTh chaMp cOncOrD-carliSlE TD garDEn. (JaMiE callEry phOTO)

in STaTE TiTlE gaME aT

Bulldogs lost a top forward to prep school, but got a defenseman back from the prep ranks. And, senior three-year starter Justin Slocum is back between the pipes. Another team to watch from the Northeastern Conference is #4 Marblehead (16-6-0). The Headers have some firepower in Braden Haley and Tim Kalinowski, and a solid leader on defense in P.J. Roy. If they get good goaltending, watch out. Cape Ann heavy North Reading (18-5-0) does have a starting goaltender back in Nick Ponte, as well as five defensemen and the scoring of Pat and Mike Driscoll. The Hornets will be in the mix. #6 Medway (15-7-1) is the second Tri-Valley League team in the poll. The Mustangs do have a big sophomore class, and perhaps the premier goalie in the division in senior Mike Parnell. Talk about losing firepower, that is what happened at #7 Tewksbury (16-5-0). The Redmen do return some solid blueliners, however, and senior Craig Raymond replaces three-year starter Kyle Paquette in goal. A strong second half of the season last winter propelled #8 Haverhill (11-8-5) all the way to the D2 North title game. With senior rock Mike Gleason back

between the pipes, and a handful of scorers back, the Hillies should be heard from again. And let’s not forget reigning Division 2 state champion Westwood (22-2-1). The Wolverines lost some key talent from last season’s title team and start at #9, but don’t be surprised if you see them move up the poll during the course of the season. Looking good in the Eastern Athletic Conference is #10 Coyle Cassidy (15-6-1). The Warriors will be led up front by seniors Robbie Holyoke and Kyle Perry. Another team that could move up is #11 Winthrop (16-4-2) from the Northeastern Conference. The Vikings will play their usual smothering defensive style game, and will look to Charlie Page and Mike Norris for scoring punch. Defending North sectional champion ConcordCarlisle (14-7-4) will be young this season, but many of those younger players got some good experience in post-season play a year ago. The Patriots will be in the MVC/Dual County II race. Rounding out the Pre-season Top 15 poll are Bishop Feehan (12-7-1) at #13, Masconomet (14-71) at #14 and North Attleboro (13-7-1) at #15.

DeCeMBer 16, 2015 | HoCkey NigHt iN BostoN NeWs | HNiBnews.com


South Powers Hanover, Norwell Lead The Way Defending State Champ Watertown At #4


By Dom Nicastro • HNIB News

anover gets the preseason nod as the No. 1 team in the HNIB News EMass Division 3 Pre-Season Top 15 Poll. Last year, the Indians finished 18-4-2, losing to Norwell in the South sectional finals. It was just a year before that Hanover made it to the state championship. Jonathan Abban’s team will build around senior goalie Noah Clapp, one of the captains along with senior forward Landon Hasenfuss. Abban may disagree here. He said Norwell is the team to beat in Division 3 South. We think they’ll be great again, and we’ve got them at No. 2. Only a loss to Watertown stood in the way of Norwell’s quest for a state-championship final. The South Shore League champions under Jim Casagrande scored 105 goals last winter and return Cam Labadie, a senior forward captain, and Jake Glennon, senior defenseman captain. Wayland looks like it may be the team to beat on the North side. Senior winger Jake Brady (717-24) and senior center Joe Christakis (8-1321) are solid returnees, and junior goalie Andrew Ludwig returns. In 21 games, he posted a 2.23 GAA and a .901 save percentage to go along with three shutouts. Although they lost arguably the division’s top goalie, Anthony Busconi, you can’t argue Watertown a spot in the top five. The Raiders are always ready come postseason time after playing in the tough Middlesex League. Tyler Gardiner, a state-title hero, is back as a captain. Cohasset could give Hanover and Norwell a run at the top of the South. Philip Mahoney’s Skippers were consistent all season at 15-3-5. Senior goalie Liam McHugh leads the way for the returnees. Weston returns two big scorers. Bryce Grundy scored 25 goals and added 14 assists, and Mark DeBenedictis had 17 goals and 22 assists for the 11-9-2 squad. Lowell Catholic is never to be counted out. Tom Curran’s team is the four-time defending league champ. The Crusaders return captain



Dylan Poirier, who scored 46 pts. Andrew Fisher, a defenseman, captains the team along with Poirier. Northeast Regional didn’t lose too many last year. They were 16-4-0. Jeremy Scafidi’s Knights bring back senior captains Noah Forte (forward), Gino Lanciani (forward) and Andrew Silvestri (forward). Junior goaltender Anthony Giuliano is another key returnee. Shawsheen looks to make noise in the strong Commonwealth Athletic Conference just like Northeast. It finished 16-5-2 one year ago. Senior forwards Zach Buckland and Derek Abreu are back this winter along with sophomore forward Matt Irwin. Bishop Stang got it done last year, losing to Hanover in the quarters. Ken Gouveia’s team finished 9-11-3. Senior forward Kade Kaminski (16-19-35) and senior defenseman Mike Skarbek (7-9-16) return. Bedford always cause a s stir in Division 3 North. They were 13-7-3 last season. Forwards Mike Barr (senior), David Bartkus (junior), Josh Parella (junior) and Sam Ryan (junior) should power the offense. Losing 10 seniors could hurt, though.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

EMASS DIV. III Top 15 Poll W 1. Hanover 18 2. Norwell 21 3. Wayland 14 4. Watertown 15 5. Cohasset 15 6. Weston 11 7. Northeast 16 8. Shawsheen 16 9. Bishop Stang 9 10.Bedford 13 11. Bourne 13 12. Southeastern 14 13. Old Rochester16 14. Dracut 9 15. Rockland 13

L 4 2 6 3 3 9 4 5 11 7 6 9 6 9 10

T 2 3 3 7 5 2 0 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 7


Prep Eager To Defend Crown St. John'S PreP (18-5-1) The Eagles' surged to the program's first 1A championship on the strength of a season-ending 10-game winning streak which they capped by dumping Springfield Cathedral (now Pope Francis) and four-time defending champion Malden Catholic in the semifinal and title games, respectively. A strong core group returns for coach Kris Hanson, wiser, more experienced and eager to being their defense. Unflappable senior goalie and captain Kyle Martin (2.00 gaa, 2 SO) put the exclamation point on the championship last year with 35 saves against MC. Senior captain Seth Murray (15 points) and sophomores Paul Edson and Tim Usalis, who both took regular shifts throughout last season, form the core of the defense in front of Martin. The Eagles' gritty first line from a year ago graduated. Senior captain Kyle Lynch (10-10-20), junior Kyle Hentosh (7-12-19) and junior Billy Falter (8-10-18) and seniors Mitch Shaheen and Scott Newton will take on expanded roles on offense. Depth will come from a deep JV program that cranks out an assembly line of players.

New Era Begins At CM

SetH murray St. JoHn’S PreP

Conforth Takes Over As Coach

Kyle lynCH St. JoHn’S PreP

CatholiC MeMorial (6-10-4) The Knights have a new coach for the first time in nearly four decades as Montreal native Mark Conforth takes over for Hall of Fame coach Bill Hanson. Although Hanson's teams claimed 20 Catholic Conference titles and 17 State championships -- including 13 of the first 25 1A Tournaments -- the Knights missed the tournament in three of the past

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five years and last year's record was the worst in more than 30 years. Cornforth has some solid building blocks upon which to build a foundation. Steady senior Brandon Collett returns in goal. Talented junior wing Billy Smith (10-1222), senior captains Paul Hardiman (12 points), Billy Czar and Curt Bletzer, senior Gunnar McKenzie and junior Harry Morrill pace the offense. Hulking Frank Cosolitio (3-10-13) will bring physicality to the back line at 6-5 and 223 pounds. Junior Josh Petrucci can shift from forward to defense as needed.

Kyle HentoSH St. JoHn’S PreP

For more information or to RSVP, please contact the admissions office at 978–448–1530 or admiss@lacademy.edu. For directions, visit us online at www.lacademy.edu.


Billy SmitH CatHoliC memorial

DECEmbEr 16, 2015 | HoCkEy NigHT iN bosToN NEws | HNibnews.com

Paul Hardiman CatHoliC memorial


Different Look For MC Malden CatHoliC (19-2-2) The Lancers' Drive for Five stalled against St. John's last March. Now, with graduation and the decisions by several players to move on to the Junior ranks, MC takes on a decidedly different look this winter. However, opponents overlooking coach John McLean's team would be playing a fool's game. Junior goalie Kyle Casey (0.71 gaa, .967 save pct., 5 SO) will be key to MC's chances. Senior Pat Harrington (11 points) and juniors Matt Yianacopolus and Brendan Maloney return with experience on the back line while seniors Nick Botticelli (14 points), Cam Walter (7-8-15) and Corey Goldstein and juniors Joey Guarino and Justin Collins are the most seasoned forwards.

BC High Hopes To Fly High nick Botticelli • Malden catholic

Billy Roche Bc high

Pat haRRington• Malden catholic

B.C. HigH (13-7-2) The Eagles never quite found their stride last winter in a season that ended with a 1A quarterfinal series loss to SJP. Coach John Flaherty said hard work, discipline and defense will determine the direction of the team. Standout senior goalie Brandon Payzant will once again anchor the defense along with highly regarded senior defenseman Billy Roche (18 points), who epitomizes Flaherty's preferred team-first approach. Junior Ryan Campbell and sophomore Jayson Dobay also return on the back line. Offense will come from senior forwards Kayser Raei, CJ Marshall and Mitch Grenier and junior Ian Murphy. Depth will be cultivated from those stepping up from the JVs and a large incoming freshman group.

Xaverian Has Needs To Fill Xaverian (17-7-1) Graduation and the decision to move on leaves last year's South Sectional finalist with many needs this winter, most notably scoring and goaltending. Coach Dave Spinale will look to a solid returning nucleus to step up. Defense projects as a strength as seniors Matt McGlynn and Nick Shaw and juniors Henry Bruckner and Jack Tufts all return with experience. Seniors Cam Piorkowski and Justin Laporte, junior Andy McInierney and sophomore Jared Beniers will be counted on to fill the void on offense. December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Austin Prep A High Energy Bunch

ryan Verrier auStin PreP

CaM barbargallo auStin PreP

Pat lunDy auStin PreP

St. Mary’s Hopes To Challenge

Dylan regan auStin PreP

Collin MurPhy auStin PreP

aUStIN PrEP (21-3-1) The league champs return a talented core group from last year’s Division 1A semifinalist, even with some big losses to junior hockey, and long-time coach Lou Finocchiaro anticipates the Cougars will be a high-energy bunch. Up front, Junior forward Louis Finocchiaro (11 points) is looking for a breakout season and seniors Pat Lundy and Peter Giangrande also return with experience. New sophomores Peter Burns, Alex Mafeo and Matt Sacco add depth. Juniors Ryan Verrier and Collin Murphy anchor the defense in front of sophomore goalie Dylan Regan, who enjoyed a strong freshman campaign. New sophomore Cam Barbagallo figures to take a regular shift on the blue line.

St. Mary’S (13-8-3) The Spartans surged in the second half a year ago, reaching the North quarterfinals. Of this year’s team, veteran coach Mark Lee said: “We will need to outwork our opponent and be the most disciplined team consistently.” A trio of talented juniors – Dante Maribito (17-12-29), Mike Zampati (11-16-27) and Eric Pedro (12-14-26) – will lead the offense. Senior Conor Foley returns after missing most of last season due to injury and senior Malden Catholic transfer Tom Frati adds depth Senior Mark Zampanti and juniors Andrew Kreamer and Andrew

brenDan whalen Matignon

LoRusso anchor the defense. Junior Andrew LoRusso, who played six games a year ago, takes over as the regular goalie.

MiKe norton Matignon

Dante Maribito St. Mary’S

anDrew KreaMer St. Mary’S

Seniors Key To Matignon Success MatIGNON (12-9-2) Second-year coach Chris Kelly says the Warriors will lean heavily on their senior class with an eye toward tournament qualification. Chief among them are center John Lapiana and defenseman Brendan Whalen. Also back with experience are junior defenseman Sean Mahan, sophomore wing Mike Norton and veteran goalie Ben Parker. Freshmen Will Jennings, Gerry Brazile and Griffin Duncan figure to move into key roles.


DeceMber 16, 2015 | HocKey NigHT iN boSToN NewS | HNibnews.com


Lot Of Roster Turnover At Arlington Catholic Arlington cAtholic (16-8-2) The defending North Sectional champion and State finalist will stress a decidedly gritty, two-way style in Coach Dan Shine’s 38th season. Sixteen players were lost to graduation and transfer but Shine has seen encouraging signs in pre-season. The Cougars’ veteran defense returns its top four – senior captain Kevin Morrissey and juniors Cam Geary, Anton Metelev and Mike Balboni. Junior goalie Matt Anderson split time last year while senior Dan Lordan will push for time. Senior captain Matt Solviletti (6-6-12) returns as the top forward. Junior Jack Bertolami and senior Andrew Griffin add to the mix. “The kids are really working hard – they want to prove they belong,” said Shine.

cougars need to Replace 16 Players From last year’s Roster Matt solvitelli aRlington catholic

Experience Should Help Bishops Archbishop WilliAms (3-13-4) The Bishops endured more than their share of close losses last season, leading to a somewhat deceptive final record. A large number of players return and coach Derackk Curtis is hopeful last year’s on the job training yields this year’s wins. Key returnees include senior center Lyne Cullen, senior wing Reed Macovsky, sophomore center Matt Shea and defensemen Pat Twombly and Alex Dandretta, both seniors. Juniors Liam McCarthy and Jimmy Murphy and sophomore Jake Berry will compete for regular roles.

caM geaRy aRlington catholic “Seacoast College Prep is the most comprehensive college preparatory junior program to date, designed for the serious minded student/ hockey player that will be friendly to high school coaches and ultimately a culmination of comprehensive youth development. We encourage you to contact us to learn more information about our program, objectives and opportunities” - Mike Addesa & Kurt Mallett

kevin MoRRissey aRlington catholic

Program Highlights: • On-ice skills development & system training

Mike BalBoni aRlington catholic

• Monitored off-ice strength training including yoga & cycle spin classes • Disciplined life skills culture that includes mentorship in nutrition, lifestyle and education “There are many reasons why I chose the Seacoast College Prep junior program over other junior programs in the area. Due to the efforts of the coaching staff, I have talked with more college coaches and been on more college visits this season than in my three years of prep school hockey and one year of juniors combined. Also, the practice and training schedules are more serious. Our workouts, spin class, yoga and stretching sessions help us get stronger and stay at the top of our conditioning throughout the season. Finally, with the way the program is set up, the organization is focused on advancing players to the college level and is focused on each and every player’s success.”

Pat twoMBly aRchiBishoP williaMs

Follow all the Mass. hs hockey action this season at: www.hniBnews.coM www.hniBnews.coM

https://seacoastcollegeprep.teamapp.com Contact Kurt Mallett for more information: (207) 408-4106 kurtm@therinksatexeter.com

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Everything Points To A Big Arlington Season Arlington (16-4-4) Youth that concerned veteran coach John Messuri before last season matured in a hurry as the Spy Ponders advanced to the North Sectional title game. They begin this season among the division's deepest, most experienced teams with 20 players back and will compete for the Middlesex Liberty crown. Leading the way will be stellar junior forward John

Piggott and multi-talented senior Jeff Gorman, who can play both forward and defense. Junior Jeff MacDonald is among those returning on the blue line while juniors Mike Curran, Kevin Ouellette and Peter Scheschareg and senior Marcus Messuri are all quality forwards. "If our young goalies play well, we will be very good," Coach Messuri said.

Solid Tanners Will Be A Going Concern JOhn PigOTT • arLingTOn

Winchester Moves On With Lavin Winchester (8-9-4) New coach Bob Lavin shifts from Acton-Boxboro and takes over a team that will rely on team speed and an aggressive forecheck to succeed. The Sachems have depth at forward where seniors Andrew McCarthy and Dan O’Connell and junior John Keane return and new freshmen Mike Drew and John Lepore should contribute immediately. Defense remains a work in progress.

Jeff MacDOnaLD • arLingTOn


WoBurn (16-4-4) The defending Middlesex Liberty Division champion Tanners bounced back from a rare off season in 2014 in a big way last winter, advancing to the quarterfinal round of the 1A Tournament. Coach Jim Duran welcomes back nine seasoned forwards and four defensemen from that squad. At forward, fourth-year senior sniper Evan McDonald and exciting junior Justin Alves project as one of the state's top tandems. Other returnees up front include seniors Timmy Doherty, Andrew Palmer and Chad Connolly, juniors Luke Anderson, Christian Brinkley and Marc Gatcomb, and sophomore Alex Brinkley. Senior Tyler Shaw, Timmy Concannon and Brian Keaton and junior Connor Power are back on the blue

evan McDOnaLD WOburn

TyLer ShaW WOburn

line. Key to the Tanners' chances will be replacing goalie Sam Best, who transferred to Governors Academy.

Allard Now In As New Coach For Belmont Belmont (5-11-4) Former assistant Fred Allard takes over for the retired Dante Muzzioli and welcomes back 20 letter-winners to the most experienced Belmont squad in a decade or more. Leading the way will be senior forward Dave Bailey (10 goals), senior defenseman Trey Butler and a pair of goalies in junior Cal Christofori and sophomore Kevin Dacey. Sophomore forwards Dennis Crowley and Tim Bailey could make an impact. "The team has put the time in during the off season to properly prepare," said Allard, adding there is "strong team chemistry."

ScOTT DOugLaSS LexingTOn

nicO freLick LexingTOn

Jack JenneSS LexingTOn

Minutemen Eye Elusive Playoff Berth leXington (6-12-0) The Minutemen made significant strides last year and will be shooting for a return to post-season play under second-year coach Steve King, who said success will depend upon improved consistency in all phases. Lexington will lean heavily on captain Jack Jenness at forward and assistant captains Scott Douglass in goal and Nico Frelick up front. Douglass was the team MVP last season. King said depth will come from a large sophomore class.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Melrose Must Replace Scoring

liaM o’neill readinG

Matt thoMSon readinG

Steve Guttadauro MelroSe

Strong Junior Class Leads Rockets reADing (7-8-7) It was a rare tourney miss last winter for the Rockets. Hopefully we have a little burr in our sides after last year,” said coach Mark Doherty, who says he will have a junior-laden club. Juniors Matt Thomson and Kevin Tobin will drive the offense, along with senior captain Liam O’Neill and senior Jay Gallagher. Senior Jason Ewing returns as well. Look for freshman Michael Tobin to have a role. Four juniors – Nick Miele, Nick Tango, Anthony D’Avolio and Jake Conte – all return on the blue line. Joining the group is senior Pat Jordan, a transfer from St. John’s Prep. In goal, junior Sean Dyson should take over the #1 job. Junior Devin Bruzzese returns as well.


Melrose (12-7-3) The Raiders return a large group with varying degrees of experience. Coach Vin Mirasolo said they must replace the proven scoring and the leadership of last year’s senior group. Junior Matt Bowers takes over as lead goalie after playing well in a backup role a year ago. Seniors Jake Kleis and Alex Burton return as the leaders on defense while senior Zack Phipps can play either defense or forward. Senior Steve Guttadauro (17 points) is the top returning scorer. Juniors Cal McDonald (four goals), Conor Crovo (back from injury), Matt McKenzie, Shane Correale and Jack Aylward and sophomore Jack Wells also return and senior transfer Kyle Sikora (from Austin Prep) adds depth. WilMington (8-10-4) The Wildcats lost significant numbers from last year’s club. Coach Steve Scanlon said they must create more punch on offense while working to improve overall team chemistry. Senior center Brian Cavanaugh (8-14-22) returns as the leading scorer. Senior Eric Steeves and junior Josh Buske, both wings, are also back. A large sophomore group moves up from the JVs looking to make an impact and includes forwards Tom Worob, Bobby Lord and Nate DiMeco, defenseman Jared Aucoin and goalie Ryan St. Jean.




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DeCembeR 16, 2015 | HoCkey NigHt iN boStoN NewS | HNibnews.com



Burlington Stocked With Experience Red Devils Return 13 Players BURLINGTON (16-3-4) The Red Devils boast strength in numbers as coach Bob Conceison welcomes back 13 players with experience. Defense projects as a strength. Senior goalie Nick Howard (1.41 gaa, .920 save pct.) posted five shutouts a year ago. Senior defensemen Josh Boulos (5-11-16) and Shane O’Halloran (12 points) are strong at both ends of the ice. Junior Pat O’Halloran and sophomore Mike Hayes (10 points) are also seasoned rearguards. Senior forwards Robert Ryan (9-16-25), Anthony Nikolopoulos (10-1222), Tommy Hanafin (7-11-18) and Robbie McLean (7-3-10) drive the offense. Juniors Drew Metzdorf, Ryan O’Connor and Riley Gilberg add to the mix and new sophomores Jeff Russo, Frank Bonanno and Sean Casey could step into regular roles.





Cushing Olympians, including Meghan Duggan ‘06, 2-time Olympic silver medalist and captain of the 2014 U.S. Women’s Olympic Hockey team


Approximate number of Cushing boys’ and girls’ hockey players who have gone on to play Division I hockey in college

48 24 25

aNTHoNy NIkoloPoulos BurlINGToN

JosH Boulos BurlINGToN

New Coach Gianatassio Brings Stability WAKEFIELD (2-16-2) The Warriors welcome their third coach in as many years. First and foremost, Craig Gianatassio and his staff will seek to bring stability to the program. The senior captains – forward Anthony Funicella, defenseman Dylan Melanson and goalie Ben Yandell – will leaned on heavily for their leadership. “The captains have provided excellent off-season leadership and there is a lot of excitement surrounding the program,” Gianatassio said. Also returning with experience are junior forward David Melanson, junior defenseman Ben Cocolutto and sophomore goalie Tyler Pugsley. Freshman defenseman Jake Regan could have an immediate impact.

Cushing athletes who have been drafted or gone pro

NEPSAC championships in the past 17 years, in 6 sports

Average number of Cushing athletes each year who go on to play in college

Tyler PoulIN WaTerToWN

Tyler GardINer WaTerToWN

Raiders Want Encore Performance

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WATERTOWN 16-3-7) The defending MIAA Division 3 state champs are back under coach Mike Hayes looking for an encore presentation this year. Senior forwards Tyler Gardiner (26 points), Tyler Poulin (20), Mike Giordano (20) and Nick Martino (15) return to anchor the offense. The Raiders will have to find a replacement for the graduated Anthony Busconi in goal. “Playing good in the defensive zone and good goaltending,” Hayes said for the team’s keys to success.

DecembeR 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Carey Division

Braintree Optimistic With Solid Returning Core

kyle Marshall braintree

Defense Will Set Course For Flyers FraMingHaM (9-9-5) While the Flyers return some quality forwards, how quickly they develop in the defensive zone will likely set the course of the season for veteran coach Paul Spear’s club. Seniors Tyler Anes (10-19-29), Jamie Brigham (12-7-19), senior Cam Chassie (17 points) and junior Scott Swennes (7-7-14) return after supplying the majority of the offense a season ago. Juniors Owen Parker and Jake Penrod and sophomore Alex Moore will compete for the goaltending job. Senior Christian Seariac is the lone defensemen with extensive experience. Juniors Sam Barnett and Evan Marinofsky and sophomores Ryan Innis and Patrick Watton will be counted on to step up.

Hoban New Coach At Needham nEEDHaM (4-11-5) New coach Mike Hoban hopes to re-ignite the Rockets and has a direct approach: “Play with pride, compete with a purpose, be prepared and have a will to win attitude.” Seniors Ryan Christenson (F), Evan Mirageas (D), Jack Piersiak (D) and Aidan Murray (G), junior Seth Jacobs (F) and sophomore Phil Pascucci (D) return to lead the way.


BrainTrEE (10-6-6) The Wamps will be anchored by returning senior All-League goalie David McDonough, who notched three shutouts a year ago to go along with his 1.93 goals against average and .916 save pct. Coach Dave Fasano likes the team’s depth as 11 players with significant tournament experience return. The defense in front of McDonough will feature senior captain Erik MacDonald (10 points) and junior Liam Sage. Key forwards include senior captain Kyle Marshall (12 points), seniors David Giuliano and Daniel Valicenti and junior Ryan Coady. A tough non-league slate should test and season the Wamps for another post-season run.

david Mcdonough braintree

Kennedy Takes Weymouth Helm

Zachary needhaM weyMouth

WEYMOUTH (10-4-6) New coach Pat Kennedy inherits a seasoned team that projects to be strong on defense. He said attention to detail and a willingness to do what is best for the team in practices and games will be necessary for success. Captains Bobby Coyle and Matt Coleman as well as Tim Theault and

Eric Sacchetti, all seniors, return in front of senior captain and goalie Brendan Burns. Senior captain Chris Municiello, senior Mike Connolly and junior Brian Chambers will lead the offense. New forwards to watch include junior Zack Needham and sophomores Dickey Coyle and Cam Gibbs.

Newton North Ready To Repeat Last Year’s Success caM gibbs weyMouth

toM Joyce newton north

nEWTOn nOrTH (14-6-3) Coach Jamie Gresser has the luxury of returning goalkeeper Tom Joyce around which to build his defense. The senior rang up six shutouts while posting a 1.28 goals against average last season. The Tigers feature depth at forward where seniors Mike Hart and Daniel Leone and juniors Zac Gordon, Curtis Judd, Patrick Mullowney and Joe Zeidan all return with experience. Junior Ricky Alexy is the most seasoned defenseman and sophomore Mike Claflin figures to move into a regular role.

Patrick Mullowney newton north

Follow all the Mass. hs action all season long at: www.hnibnews.coM www.hnibnews.coM www.hnibnews.coM

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Herget Division

Walpole Needs More Offense CARteR HuFF WelleSley

KeVIN WARD WelleSley

Veteran Blue Line Key For Wellesley WEllEslEy (15-3-4) The Raiders will lean heavily on a veteran group of defensemen returning from last year’s South Sectional quarterfinalist. Senior Kevin Ward leads the way. Senior forward Carter Huff (8-7-15) and senior forward Ethan Murphy (6-4-10) are the top returnees up front. Sophomore Darrald Webb and freshman Owen O’Connor should have an impact.

Natick In The Mix nAtiCK (8-9-4) The Redhawks will rely on stout defense under coach Eric Kaplan. Senior defenseman Kurt Borgman will lead the way. Otherwise all is up for grabs as pre-season will go a long way toward settling the team’s make-up.

• Carey Division • Brookline Could Surprise BRooKlinE (6-13-2) With 11 players back, the majority of which are forwards, offense should be a strongpoint of the Warriors. Coach Stephen Trundle is also excited about the presence of some younger players who will compete for playing time. Leading the way offensively will be senior Josh Russo, juniors Leo Battie, Brian Greenstein and Eli Hopkins, and sophomore Jake Boyd. Three new sophomores looking to contribute are Jake Geller, Jared Tow and Nicko Grimes. Senior Alex Chin, junior Colby Ferringo and sophomore Ryan Leung are back on defense, while senior goalie Colin Long is back as well.

WAlPolE (8-9-5) The Rebels will look to supplement their usual stout defensive brand of hockey with increased production. Coach Ron Dowd will count on senior forwards and captains Liam McCabe and Charlie Harrington to power the attack. Senior captain Tim Farrow returns as the top defenseman in front of junior goalie James Corcoran. Newcomer Matt Moris looks to make a conttibution.

Dedham Competes With D1 Foes DEDHAM (4-15-1) The Marauders will be back competing with Division I opponents in the Bay State Herget Division. The team will be without defenseman Jake Moulton, lost of the season with an injury, a big loss according to coach Joe Huff. But, senior Tommy McCarthy (19 pts) and junior Steve McDonagh (16 pts) do return on the blue line. Junior Robbie Chiozzi (22 pts) will be the kingpin offensively. Seniors Mikey Greenwood and Brendan St. Clair, junior Oscar Littmark and sophomore Pete Coughlin will be asked to step up.

tIM FARRoW WAlpole


Consistency Will Be Key For Mustangs noRWooD (3-14-5) A small core group returns for coach Bill Clifford. Consistency across the board will be necessary for the Mustangs to step up. Senior Sean Mellen and junior Connor Flynn will be counted on to lead the offense. Junior Ryan Johnson will anchor the defense and new sophomore P.J. Hennessey figures to step right in on the back line.

Milton Will Rely On Strong Defense Milton (13-7-3) Coach Paul Noonan said experience on defense projects as the Wildcats’ primary strength this winter. Senior Colin Rooney (5-21-26) leads those returning on the back line and is an established offensive threat as well. Senior Elliott Chauvet and sophomore Nolan McManus both return

while freshman Jared Carney could step right in. Freshmen Jonathan Driscoll and Mark Guerra will compete for time in goal. Sophomore Dylan MacDougall (12 points), juniors Kellen Hurley and Aaron Hause, and sophomore Garrett Allen are the top returning forwards. Freshman Declan Prendergast adds to the mix.

2016 Hockey Night In Boston HS Division Festival June 24- 26 - Valley Forum, Haverhill, MA For More Info/Register: www.hnibonline.com

DeceMber 16, 2015 | Hockey NIgHT IN bosToN News | HNIbnews.com



Central Catholic Reloads For Title Defense centrAl cAtholic (16-7-2) The primary goals for the Raiders will be to keep their long-standing streaks of consecutive league championships and Division 1-A Tournament appearances alive. As always, coach Mike Jankowski will stress a team-first approach. That said, Central returns two of the state’s premier

young forwards in Boston University commit Jake Wise (16-26-42) and Cam Gendron (7-14-21), both sophomores. Senior Joseph Faro will also be counted on for production. Jankowski said depth will come from returning role players, a large group moving up from the JV team and a large incoming freshman group.

Hawks Hope To Take Flight Experienced Forwards A Benefit

Jake Wise • Central CatholiC

WAlthAm (9-10-1) The Hawks hope to take flight behind a veteran forward group that returns seniors Peter Simeone, Sean Trelegan, Mike Dimascio and Dave Santiago, juniors Steve Giardina and Adam Becker, and sophomores Chris Egan and Luc Dallaire. Senior goalie Brendan Devlin will provide the last line of defense for coach John Maguire. Senior Steve Millerick, junior Charlie Leclair and sophomore Gerard Jelloe return with experience on defense.

Peter simeone Waltham

New Coach Schofield Wants To Develop Younger Players Acton-BoxBoro (6-12-3) New coach Dave Schofield takes over a Colonials’ club that struggled to put goals on the board a year ago. He said the development of younger players will be crucial and expects a fair number to move up from the

JVs and contribute. Senior defensemen C.J. Joyce and Colin Grady are known commodities and should help stabilize the Colonials while the offense hits its stride. No returning forward scored more than four goals last season.

Solid Veteran Nucleus Will Help Chelmsford

Cam Gendron • Central CatholiC

chelmSForD (12-11-1) Coach Mike McGrath welcomes back a solid veteran nucleus that will rely on its abundant team speed to pressure opponents in what projects to be a very competitive league.

The Lions will lean on a deep group of senior forwards in Derek Adamson, Mario Serra, Jimmy Connolly, Tommy Connolly and Nick St. Jean. Seniors Charles McKelvey and Jake Melisi will lead the defense.

• Division i inDepenDent •

Hingham Ready For Title Defense

Billy mCnally hinGham


hinghAm (16-8-3) Veteran coach Tony Messina has a luxury very few of his counterparts have – two battle-tested senior goalies, Matt Personeni (1.88 gaa) and Andrew Ehler (2.76 gaa). The defense is equally experienced with senior captain Will Jones and juniors Marc O’Rourke (8-5-13) and Steve Jacobs back. Talk about a great foundation for a Division One State title defense. Senior captain Billy McNally (15-25-40) returns as the focal point of the offense. Sophomore Marshal Terres, who scored the game-winner in last year’s title game, and juniors Jack Hennessey and Jeff Gordon will be looked to for increased production. Depth will be developed from players moving up from the JV team. DEcEmBEr 16, 2015 | HockEy NigHt iN BostoN NEws | HNiBnews.com

marC o’rourke hinGham


Billerica A Team That Must Be Watched

mAtt ShArrio Andover

Steve SchuhWerk Andover

ZAch LArAmie Andover

Could Be An Interesting Year For Andover andover (11-5-6) The Golden Warriors reached the North semifinals a year ago and a blend of talented returnees and transfers make them an interesting bunch in Chris Kuchar’s season on the bench. The top six defensemen return, including senior Andrew Soucy, juniors Matt Sharrio and Pat Hughes and sophomores Caedon Dillman and Andrew Belluche. Senior forward Steve Schuhwerk (11-11-22) led the team in scoring

last year, earning league all-star recognition. Junior forward Jeff Hunt emerged late in the season. Transfers are senior defenseman Nate Abbott from Central Catholic; junior goalie Zach Laramie from St. John’s Prep; sophomore forward Mike Reilly from Belmont Hill; and senior forward Dale Berman from Oshweken Hockey Academy. Laramie, senior Andrew Santos and junior Scott Dalton will compete for time in goal.

Billerica (10-9-4) Second-year coach Jim Egan welcomes back a solid veteran core that will play a heavy game and while understaning that being ready to go every night is crucial to its success. Junior goalie Scott Murphy, a second-year starter, will play a key role. Senior captain Cam Climo and seniors Justin Burek, Connor Finnegan and Brian Corbett return to power the forwards. Junior Jack Waldman and sophomore Ryan Jackson are proven commodities. A mix of those moving up from the JVs and promising freshmen provide depth. A big, physical group of defensemen features senior assistant captain Michael Zarro as well as seniors Christian Reardon, Dominic DiCicco and Tyler Canto. • Westford Academy capsule - Page 21

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



• Old Colony League •

Playing A Full 45 Key For Trojans garrett silvia dartMouth

scott shorrocK dartMouth

BRIDgEwAtER-RAyNhAm (7-10-4) Coach Dave Patrick said the recipe for success is simple for the Trojans, citing the need to play three full periods every night in what he anticipates will be a tightly contested league race. Patrick has the luxury of two veteran senior goalies, Brendan Page and Danny Sullivan, who

shared equal time a year ago. Senior forward Mike Pyne (13-11-24) is the top returning scorer and senior Tom McCuddy leads the defense. Junior forward Colin Trahon and junior defenseman Brian Cellini (6 goals) logged regular ice while sophomores Danny Pyne and Jake Pelland lead the group moving up from the JVs.

Deep Dartmouth Should Score DARtmOuth Senior forwards Garrett Silvia and Aaron Tjersland return to help lead Dartmouth this winter. Junior forward Scott Shorrock, senior defenseman Jack Arruda, senior goalie Tyler Martin, senior forward Jack Sullivan, junior defenseman Colby Serpa, sophomore forward/defenseman Michael Cassara, sophomore Austin Noble, junior forward Jason Bolton, junior forward Dom Vaccari and junior forward Nate Serpa are also returnees. Will Cote, Dylan Arruda, Tucker Rose, Bryce Souza, Pat Mello and Mason Shea join the squad and look to contribute. Coach Mike Cappello said the team's keys for success are solid goaltending, improved special teams play and team defense.

toM Mccuddy Bridgweater-raynhaM

MiKe Pyne Bridgweater-raynhaM

Matt KasKi BarnstaBle

Grace Inherits Experienced Club BARNStABlE (15-6-1) New coach Tim Grace takes over a Raiders’ club that returns an experienced core from last year’s South Sectional semifinalist. “With a brand new coaching staff the team must have good chemistry and a great work ethic. (We) need to replace a lot of points from graduated players. Looking for a big season

• Catholic West •

New Era For Pope Francis POPE FRANCIS (22-1-2) It’s a brave new world for the former Springfield Cathedral program, now known as the Pope Francis Cardinals following a merger with Holyoke Catholic. The roster will have a decidedly different look than that which bowed in the Div. 1A semifinal last season thanks to graduation and the decision by a number of other players to move on. Not that veteran coach Brian Foley is without talent. Junior forward Riley Prattson, who’s bound for Providence, and junior defenseman Danny Petrick, who’s headed to Northeastern, lead the way. Juniors Cam Peritz and Devan Tongue add to the mix up front and seniors Cam Griffin and Matt Deloria are back on defense.


Brendan Page Bridgweater-raynhaM

from our senior class,” Grace said. Senior forward Matt Kaski (15-11-26) and sophomore forward Kevin Craig (21 points) will lead the attack. Seniors Nick Dunne (10 points) and Joey DeMayo also return up front. Seniors Ben Corbett and Noah Oakley are back on defense while senior goalie Nico Lynch has returned from a stretch of Junior hockey.

St. John’s Needs To Develop Attack St. JOhN’S (S) (7-13-2) Developing a consistent attack will be foremost on the agenda for coach Mike Mead and his staff as the Pioneers don’t return a single player who achieved double-digit points a season ago. Senior Matt Negrotti (3-36) and sophomore Tyler Reynolds (3-3-6) are the most experienced forwards. Sophomore Ty Matthews moves up from the JV team. Senior Mike Parente (9 points) and sophomore Jack

Herlihy return on a defense that will also include sophomore St. Peter-Marian transfer Cody DiGregorio.

devan tongue PoPe Francis

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

cody digregorio st. John’s (s)


St. Peter Marian Tabs Neville As Coach

• MVC/Dual I •

Westford Optimistic WeStford acadeMy (5-14-2) A dozen players return for the Grey Ghosts as they shoot for a bounce-back campaign under coach Bob Carpenter. Senior Tom Egan and junior Matt Ricci, both defensemen, and senior forward Alex Flanagan will be relied on to lead the way in their roles as team captains. There is depth at forward where seniors Chris McCarthy, Derek Beatty and Gordon Sears, juniors Eric McLaughlin and Brian Curran and sophomore Ryan Blackwell all return. Sophomores Sean Egan and Chris Blouin add to the mix on defense. Senior Brian Warner could get the call in goal. Seniors Mike Mulligan and Pat Hesseltine and sophomore Tim Kapetanakis, all forwards, and freshman defenseman Mike Mucci will compete for time.

St. Peter Marian (6-14-1) The Guardians will look to build on the momentum of last year’s strong second half that saw them close 5-4-1. New coach Ryan Neville steps up from his former assistant’s role. SPM returns its top four scorers. Junior Nick

Pennucci (20-12-32) and senior Conor Leonard (13-15-28) form a solid one-two punch, assisted by sophomore Nick Palermo (8-11-19) and junior Cole Archambeault (6-10-16). Juniors Ben Crapo and Zach Natale will lead the defense.



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December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Newburyport Ready To Take Next Step Jared Valade norTh readinG

Tyler Calos norTh readinG

Jason Tannian norTh readinG

James doran norTh readinG

North Reading Still A Formidable Club NORTH READING (18-5-0) A D2 North semifinalist a year ago, the Hornets will be looking to build on that success, and with solid players back at each position, should be able to do so. Offensively, seniors Patrick (31 pts) and Michael (29 pts) Driscoll will be pacesetters for coach John Giuliotti. Senior Tyler Calos and junior John Merullo each contributed 17 points last season. Senior Justin Bruzzese and sophomores Matt Correiri and Nicco

Pastore are back as well and add quality depth. Five defensemen are back. Junior Jared Valade had a 13-point season last year. Senior Jason Tannian, juniors Tyler Collins and James Doran, and sophomore Kevin Murphy all return with varsity experience. The Hornets also have experience in goal with the return of senior Nick Ponte (1.66 gaa), last year's starter.

Vikings Focus On Increased Scoring

shea Capolupo TriTon

JaCk norTon TriTon

TRITON (6-11-4) The Vikings return a large veteran group shooting for a bounce-back season. Coach Drew Wile said the emphasis will be on increased offensive production. The forward group returns seniors Jack Norton and Brian McCaffrey, juniors Jed Cutter, Ricky Calvani

Jed CuTTer TriTon

nolan smiTh TriTon

and Jake Daniels, and sophomores Kyle McKendry, Will Sheehan and John Camargo. Senior Nolan Smith returns in goal along with senior Shea Capolupo, junior Barrett Towns and sophomores Joey Conte, Zack Mello and Josh Darcy on the back line.

Tyson GudaiTis newburyporT

NEWBURYPORT (15-6-1) The Clippers have transitioned nicely from Division Two with a pair of post-season appearances. The reigning league champions begin their third D1 campaign looking to take the next step. Veteran coach Paul Yameen welcomes back a strong veteran core, anchored by senior forwards and captains Scott Webster and Tyson Gudaitis – who combined for more than 30 goals and more than 70 points last year – and senior defenseman and captain Rob Lagasse. Senior forward Austin Elmore, junior forward Paul Federico, junior defensemen Tanner Derby and Harrison Good all return along with sophomore goalie Ken Hodge. There will be no lack of depth with 21 freshmen among those trying out.

Improvement Is In The Cards At Pentucket PENTUCKET (2-16-2) Things should be on the upswing for the Sachems, as second-year coach Jarrett Scarpaci is confident his team can improve. There is experience up front with the return of seniors Cameron Wolbach (11 pts), Ethan Bridgewater and Peter Bovio, and juniors Johnny Orlando


and Brandon Lincoln. Ready to step in are senior Matt Robson, sophomore Lucas Wolback and freshman Jack Queenan. Senior Andrew Greenbaum will get help from new sophomore Nate McCarthy on the blue line. In goal, junior Anthony Orlando is back for another season.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Masco Its Usual Solid Team

Garrett Lafata MascOnOMet

Dan O’Leary LynnfieLD

MASCONOMET (14-7-1) The Chieftains were a playoff team a year ago and have a pretty good group back from that 14-win club. They should be amongst the challengers for the Cape Ann crown. Up front, senior Garrett Lafata (27 pts) will be the go-to guy for coach Andrew Jackson. Taking stepped-up roles will be senior Joey Mazzochia and junior Alex Cameron. Two newcomers - senior Michael Ouellette and junior Joe Flak - will hope to chip in. The Masco defense will look to senior captain Brendan Crowther and senior assistant captain Nick Pease for leadership in front of returning senior goalie Greg Knowles (2.05 gaa).

Lynnfield Hopes To Be There At The End LYNNFIELD (7-9-5) The Pioneers could be a factor in what looks like a wide-open race. Coach Jon Gardner will lean heavily on the play of senior captain forwards Dan O'Leary (22 pts) and Rob Loconte (18 pts). A couple of youngsters looking to make their mark are freshman forward George Deroche and freshman defenseman Jagger Benson.

Jake HarLOW aMesbury

Train Where The Pros Train

Mike WiLLis aMesbury

Amesbury Expects To Be A Serious Player AMESBURY (4-9-3) With a strong returning core, the Indians are ready to take on all comers this season and challenge for league supremacy. Coach George Dodier is confident with veteran senior Jake Harlow back in goal, and returning defensemen in seniors Brad Kelleher and Prescott Neena, and juniors Mike Willis and Jared Daniels. Up front, seniors Heath King and Jack Aponas, and sophomore Tyler Campbell will drive the offense, along with senior Brendan Foley who returns to the program. Seniors Keith Kowalick and Cam Dodier are also returning forwards.


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December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Defense Winthrop’s Highest Priority WINTHROP (16-4-2) A strong defensive style has been the trademark in Winthrop for years, but will be even more at the forefront this season as the Vikings are younger and have rookie goaltending. Coach Dale Dunbar does return junior forward Charlie Page, a twotime Northeast Conference All Star coming off a 32-point season. Senior Mike Norris (15 pts) will be another key forward; he was an All Star last winter as well. Senior Noah Hodgkins (8 pts) will headline the defensive unit. All three are team captains. Fighting for the starting goaltender's job will be juniors Brandon Creador and Gregory Gill.

charlie page Winthrop

chriS gillen peaBody

donnie ShaW peaBody

aaron Mcdonnell peaBody

aaron dollin peaBody

Brendan creador Winthrop

roSS Wahl Beverily

Sean hanlon Beverly

Brendan ronan SauguS

Mike Sarnchiarro SauguS

Has Peabody Excited Improving Saugus Looks To Veteran CorePEABODY (10-9-3) 14 returning players, including five regular defensemen and a startCompete For Playoff Spot ingWith goalie, this could be a big season for the Tanners, who will fight for

SAUGUS (4-15-1) The Sachems are focused on improving and competing for a post-season berth. Senior captain Pat Cross (12 pts) and junior Brendan Ronan (11 pts) will spearhead the offensive attack for coach Jeff Natalucci. Freshman Adam Rodrigues hopes to contribute. Defensively, junior Mike Sarnchiarro (11 pts) can also play up front. Fellow junior Jim Alcott is back as well. Two freshmen looking for varsity minutes are Joe Cross and C.J. Graffeo.

the Northeast Conference crown. Up front, coach Mark Leonard's offense will be built around senior Owen Brewster (10 pts) and juniors Chris Gillen (14 pts, NEC All-Star) and Nick Merryman. Senior Donnie Shaw, an NEC All Star leads an impressive group of blue liners that includes seniors Aaron Dollin (10 pts) and Pat McCarthy, and junior Devin Doucette. All can contribute offensively as well. Junior goalie Aaron McDonnell (2.53 gaa) is also a returning NEC All Star. Newcomers looking to contribute are junior Cam Anderson and freshmen Connor McCarron and Nick Capillo.

Panthers Graduate Top 3 Scorers BEVERLY (8-10-0) The Panthers graduated their top three scorers, so playing strong team defense will be key if their are to return to post-season play. Coach Justin Shairs is also looking for strong senior leadership. Senior Ross Wahl (16 pts) is Beverly's top returning scorer. Also back in the offensive end are senior Hunter Spencer (8 pts), seniors Ben Coutreau and Rocky Pisa and sophomores Timmy McCarthy (8 pts) and Anthony Damato, Looking to join the group are senior Tyler Cloutman, sophomore Patric Coutreau and freshmen Connor Hanlon, Ryan Munzing and Steve Hallinan. Veteran senior Sean Hanlon is the top holdover on the blue line. Juniors Luke Samperi and Terran Mazzaglia also return. Freshman Andrew Shea hopes to crack the roster. Sophomore Troy Doyle, who started the bulk of the games last winter, returns in goal, along with senior Tim Casagrande.


December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Patriots Need To Find Scoring Touch

P.J. Roy MaRblehead

TiM KalinowsKi MaRblehead

dan GienieczKo MaRblehead

Potent Offense Powers Marblehead maRBleheaD (16-6-0) Five of the top six scorers are back for the Headers, so they should be able to score. The key to success could be who emerges as the starting goaltender. unior Braden Haley (38 pts) and senior Tim Kalinowski (34 pts) will be a solid scoring duo for coach Bob Jackson. Other key forward returners are senior Dan Gienieczko (16 pts), senior Owen Picariello and senior Colin Daly (12 pts) and James McCarthy. On the blue line, senior P.J. Roy (14 pts) will be one of the league's top rearguards. Senior Ridge Driscoll is also back and will be counted on in a big way.

Baldassare Takes Danvers Bench Job DaNVeRS (11-8-3) New head coach Steve Baldassare will have a very young club that has no returning seniors from last year's varsity, and only two juniors. The sophomore class is talented and team should have several freshmen make the roster. Up front, junior Rob Tibbets (17 pts) will be a go-to guy in the forward ranks. Sophomores Tom Mento (9 pts), Conor Purtell (8 pts) and Nick DiSciullo will have key roles as well. Junior Declan Gill and sophomores Matt Taylor and Colin Desmond form the Falcons' defensive nucleus. New junior Kris Mullaney will help out. Pre-season workouts will determine a starting goalie for Danvers.

ReVeRe (4-14-2) Coach Joe Ciccarello says he will have a more mature team this winter. The Patriots lost several one-goal games last season. Scoring was an issue as the team scored only 27 goals. Looking to generate more offense are seniors Steve Noel and Joe Ristino. Senior Kevin Chiles is a key on the blue line in front of senior goalie Maxx Anderson.

sTeve noel ReveRe

SwampScoTT The Big Blue, now two years removed from an Eastern Mass. title, finished with a losing mark one year ago. Senior Dante Ceccarelli, senior defenseman/forward Peter Doyle, junior forward Mike Johnson (5-1318), junior forward Louis Olivieri (5-13-18) and sophomore goalie Dan Johnson (2.94 GAA) are back. Coach Gino Faia said the team’s strength will be offense, but it “needs to be better as a team defensively starting from goal on out.” lYNN (6-13-2) The Lynn Jets had a disappointing year at 6-13-2. They were tourneybound the year before. Senior defenseman Brandon Devin is back, along with classmate and forward Brett Molea. Junior goalie Jack Stafford also returns. The team has an incoming group of eight freshmen that should have the opportunity to contribute. “We should have some needed depth throughout the lineup at all positions,” Lynn coach Joe Conlon said. “Goaltending has a chance to be a position of strength with two juniors, Jack Stafford and Matt Cole, competing for the starting job. If we can find ways to score we should competitive throughout the season.”

Salem Joins Forces With Essex Tech Salem/eSSex Tech (11-8-1) Teddy Hanley’s Witches begin a new cooperative program with Essex Tech after formally partnering with Hamilton-Wenham. Key returning players include senior defenseman Eamon Williamson (3-5-8), junior forwards Cam Twoomey (6-9-15) and Mike Gillis (12-820), and senior blueliner Ishmael Telemaco, “We are excited to have a new co-op this year with Essex Tech,” Hanley said. “This will give us the opportunity to have a full varsity and junior varsity program. We are looking forward to getting familiar with many new players. In order for us to be successful this year we will have to work hard, stay positive and find good team chemistry. This will be very important due to the fact that many of us are just getting to know each other. We will be a very young team.” .” December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Wolfpack Will Have New Look On Back End

will Ahern Boston lAtin

BOSTON LATIN (8-9-4) It's good news and not-so good news for the Wolfpack. The good news? there are 10 returning forwards. The no-so good news? only two defensemen that played any minutes are back, and the team has to break-in a new goaltender. Coach Frank Woods will have a solid offensive trio to depend on while the new defense develops. Seniors Jimmy O'Leary (24 pts) and Will Ahern (14 pts), and junior Sam Mastrogiacomo (16 pts) should put up solid numbers. Senior Alex Kibrick will be a key veteran presence on the blue line, while senior Chris Hughes projects as the new starting goaltender for Boston Latin.

Alex kiBrick Boston lAtin

Tewksbury Has Lot Of Offense To Replace

connor dickson methuen

JAck Field methuen

mAtt o’connor methuen

PAtrick cooPer methuen

Methuen Should Have Adequate Depth METHUEN (7-10-3) Coach Denny Egan's group was just on the outside looking in come playoff time last season. Egan believes he will have three solid lines as the team strives for a playoff berth. An offensive nucleus the Rangers will depend on are

senior Joe Auterio, junior Connor Dickson (13 pts) and sophomores Brett Blackwell (14 pts) and Patrick Cooper (8 goals). Senior veterans Matt O'Connor and Jack Field will be defensive cornerstones. As many as five goalies are battling for the starting job.

North Champ Concord-Carlisle Will Need Senior Guidance CONCORD-CARLISLE (14-7-4) Senior leadership will be a key for the Patriots as they look to build on last year's success, which saw the club catch fire late in the season, win the D2 North title and make an appearance in the state title game at Boston Garden. With some key players lost to graduation, senior Kevin Bailey and sophomore Owen Bailey will be looked upon heavily for scoring production. New junior Tim Richardson should help out. Senior John Faber is a rock on defense for coach Curt Colarullo. Sophomore Henry Nelson saw some key minutes a year ago. New sophomore Jack Umina will look for minutes.

Follow the Action All seAson long At www.hniBnews.com John FABer concord-cArlisle


December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

TEWKSBURY (16-5-0) A bunch of firepower has moved on, so it will be a different looking Redmen team this winter, albeit one still very talented. “It will be interesting,” said coach Derek Doherty. “We will be a young team.” Offensive production will now fall on returners like seniors Dario Riparo (20 pts), Mark Gorman, Steve Hamel and Sean Barker, along with junior Ryan Sheehan. Expect new sophomore Richie Colarusso to have an impact. On defense, seniors Brett Morris and Sean Budryk, and juniors Ryan Morris and Jonathan Fowler all return with key experience. New junior Ryan Flynn, a transfer from Central Catholic, will join the rotation. Senior Chris Raymond takes over full-time in goal for graduated three-year starter Kyle Paquette in goal.

dArio riPAro tewksBury


Gill Takes Over L-S Fortunes LIncoLn-SUDBURY (12-8-2) Former Boston Bruin and NHL veteran Hal Gill takes over as head coach of the Warriors and he said for his team to have a successful season, it needs to play a hard, forechecking game, have a focused attack and play tight defense. Gill is pleased with the leadership the team is getting from its senior core, a group that includes forwards Eric Holden (16 pts), Drew Baker (15 pts), Myles Cohen and Will Sheldon, and defensemen Justin Bain and Aidan Maron. A starting goaltender will come from pre-season workouts.

MyleS cohen lincoln-Sudbury

eric holden lincoln-Sudbury

Hillies Want Fast Start This Year

kyle GoSSelin • haverhill

HAVERHILL (11-8-5) The Hillies made it all the way to the D2 North title game a year ago, despite a slow start. Coach Joe Roberts is looking to eliminate that slow start this season. Junior Kyle Gosselin (25 pts) will be vital to Haverhill's offensive attack, getting plenty of help from fellow seniors Eric Michitson (11 pts) and Cam Belanger (8 pts). New guys set to bolster the attack are Jack Ouellette and Casey Langley. In goal, senior Mike Gleason gives the Hillies a chance to win every night. Junior Jordan Perez is a solid returning blue liner.

drew baker lincoln-Sudbury

BiG 3

Boxers Return Top 4 D-Men BRockTon (5-12-3) Now in his sixth season, coach Chris Cunningham welcomes back a large veteran core that will be supplemented by an influx of freshmen and sophomores. The Boxers return their top four on defense, led by senior two-year captain Ian Peterson. Sophomore Zack Sylvia, senior Joe Lopes and junior Joe Brides join him. Junior Adam Stagnone takes over in goal. Senior forward Korey Paull (109-19) led the team in scoring a year ago. Senior Zack Macintosh (11 points), junior Anthony Paull (11

points), sophomore Frank Alten (10 points), senior Zack Dinopolous and sophomore Tyler Peterson add proven depth.

Zack dinopouloS brockton


Everett Has Post-Season Goal eric MichitSon haverhhhill

Mike GleaSon haverhill

caM belanGer haverhill

Scarlet Knights Are Young noRTH AnDoVER (5-12-2) Coach Peter Marfione has a young, hard-working group that hopes to compete in what should be a tough league. Senior co-captain Zach Martino (15 pts) and junior Nolan Heinze (15 pts) will be offensive stalwarts for the Scarlet Knights. Sophomore Zach Keating will have a key role as well. Senior co-captain Brett Kochanski (10 pts) anchors the blue line, and junior Ben Carlson returns in goal.

EVERETT (9-10-1) Increased offensive production and solid team defense will be keys this year for the Crimson Tide and second-year coach Jason Lawrence. Everett just missed a post-season berth a year ago. A good nucleus of forwards returns in senior Ray Suppa (34 pts), senior J.J. McLaughlin (22 pts) and junior Mark Faia (27 pts). They should put up some good numbers again. Junior Jack MacLaughlin

Mark faia everett

anchors the blue line group, which could welcome newcomer Nick Snook to the fold.

• Medford and SoMerville will alSo be in the Gbl thiS SeaSon. no inforMation waS available aS of preSS tiMe.

December 16, 2015 | HOckey NiGHT iN bOSTON NewS | HNibnews.com



3 Of 4 Top Scorers Lost At Attleboro aTTlEBOrO (11-13-1) The Bombardiers finished up last season at 11-13-1. Coach Mike Cripps welcomes back senior Keagin Larkin (10-19-29), junior center PJ Elliott (7-8-15), senior forward Ryan Girouard (6-713), senior defenseman Will McKenzie (1-6-7) and senior defenseman Jack Flynn (1-5-6). Freshman goalie Evan Andrews will have a chance to compete for playing time. “We lost three of our top four scorers from last season,” Cripps said. “Others are going to have to step up to pick up some of the slack offensively. A key for us will be to reduce our goals against this year.”

Mansfield Expects To Be In Each Game MansFiEld (10-11-0) Though young, look for the Hornets to be their usual scrappy selves under the direction of coach Rick Anastos and the leadership of a core group of seniors. Anastos is banking on “youth, energy and speed” to carry the club. Senior defenseman Mike Arnold and senior goalie Anthony Visconti will anchor the defense. Top returnees at forward are seniors Max Hoffman and Pat Graham and juniors Matt Farragher (4-9-13) and Pat Sunderland (4-6-10).

Kelley-Rex Division

Graduation Forces Total Reload At Franklin FranKlin (17-4-3) The Panthers put together perhaps the most memorable season in program history last year, playing their way into the Division 1-A quarterfinals in just their second Division 1 campaign. This year will have a decidedly different look as 21

Potential Is There For North Attleboro

andrew casson north attleBoro

erik cleMents north attleBoro

nOrTh aTTlEBOrO (13-7-1) A good group returns for the Big Red, so another solid season is in store if the team can play good defense, exhibit proper positioning, and produce more on the power play. Up front, senior Andrew Casson (30 pts) and sophomore Jason McNeany (24 pts) return with some con-

Zach Mcgowan north attleBoro

siderable offensive production, as does junior Erik Clements (22 pts). Senior Brian Poillucci, junior Zachary McGowan (14 pts) and sophomore Andrew Wissler are key forwards back as well. A pair of juniors - Vincent Zammiello and Paul Baker - will have major roles on the blue line for coach Steve Snizek.

10-Win Plateau A Goal For Taunton Program TaUnTOn (9-12-1) This club missed the post-season by one point and the disappointment of failing to qualify is a great motivator for this year. The Tigers

Warriors Tab Carlow As New Coach King PhiliP (7-10-3) New coach Paul Carlow takes the Warriors’ reigns and will stress a defense first approach framed around returning senior defensemen Kyle McCarthy and Clayton Guess. Top forwards include sophomore wing Collin Cooke (11-10-21), senior wing Matthew Smith (9-7-16) and senior center Samuel Ross. A large group moving up from the JVs will provide depth.


seniors graduated. Only senior forward Alex Bissanti (four goals) and senior goalie Nick Jasinski return with appreciable experience. Coach Chris Spillane said this squad will have a strong presence from last year’s JVs and will rely on playing stout defense to succeed.

will be looking for the team's first 10-win season in 20 years. Senior captain Tyler Pietrzyk (32 pts) will ignite things offensively for coach Kris Metea. Junior forward Zack Albert returns from a 17-point season. Freshman Cam Sneyd could have an immediate impact. Defense looks like a strongpoint with senior captain David Perry, junior captain Nick Terry (12 pts), a two-time Hockomock All Star, and junior Mike Volkmann (17 pts).

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

tyler PietrZyk taunton

Senior Cam Pitts is a returning starter in goal and will be pushed for time by incoming freshman Griffin Speicher.

Follow the Mass. hs action all season long at www.hniBnews.coM


Davenport Division

Forwards Key For Canton’s Success

JuStIN Slocum caNtoN

c.J. martIN caNtoN

CANTON (16-7-1) The Bulldogs are always amongst the elite squads in Division 2 South. To continue that trend, coach Brian Shuman said, some of last year's forwards need to step up and become a clear top 6 forward. Up front, the offense should be OK, even with John Femia having transferred to prep school. Senior co-captain Matt Lazaro is coming off an impressive 43-point season. Junior Shaun Kirby put up 28 points of his own. On the blue line, junior captain Jackson Maffeo (13 pts) will again play huge minutes, while new junior C.J. Martin, a transfer from St. Sebastian's, will have an immediate impact. Canton is fine in goal with the return of senior Justin Slocum.

Lot of New Faces For Tigers OLIVEr AMES (9-7-3) The Tigers will have new look this winter, having to replace 14 seniors, including the league's top goalie in Jimmy Tierney. With that in mind, coach Mark Homer will have a more defensive style, needing to play smart in all three zones. Senior Matt Mancini and sophomore Owen Gallagher will be offensive leaders, while junior Jared Costello will be a blue line cornerstone. Newcomers ready to make an impact include junior forward Evan Dimartinis and sophomore defenseman Michael Nikiciuk. A new starting goalie will emerge from pre-season camp.

2016 HNIB HIgH ScHool DIvISIoN FeStIval JuNe 24-26 valley Forum areNa - HaverHIll, ma For INFormatIoN/regIStratIoN, go to: www.HNIBoNlINe.com

Stoughton Hopes To Improve STOUGHTON (1-18-3) The Black Knights struggled last winter with just one win with a young team. Hope is this group of returning players is now a year older and improved which should translate into more wins. Coach Dan Mark is looking at senior forward Mark Sheehan (13 pts) and senior defenseman Eion Doherty as key leaders. Newcomers hoping to contribute are freshmen forwards Sean Doherty and Carter Gerome, freshman defenseman Josh Hough and freshman goaltender A.J. Scott.

Foxboro Eyes D3 Post-Season FOxbOrO Jim Genovese’s bunch is looking for a spot in the postseason after missing out last season. Senior forward co-captains Jason Galanti and Tim Luciano return after a great junior year. The junior class is strong with leading scorers from last year Peter Smith and Mike Caressi. Junior John Brolin and sophomore Aiden Sullivan will see a lot of ice on the blue line and junior goalie John Cronin will see a lot of playing time this season as the starter.

Peter SmItH FoxBoro

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Senior Class Powers Blue Knights Charge




HuNTer MccAuley MArSHFIelD

JAck MurpHy MArSHFIelD

Strong Veteran Cast Propels Marshfield mARSHFIElD (10-10-4) Expect the Rams to be ascending this winter with a large veteran contingent returning for veteran coach Dan Connolly. Sophomore forward Neil Shea (9-23-32) will look to build on a stellar freshman campaign and should get plenty of assistance from junior Andrew Fithian (915-24). Seniors Isaiah Jackson (5-11-16), Hunter

McCauley (5-7-12), Kyle Bowman and Derek McDermott all return up front. Senior Harry Sheldon, junior Justin Smith, and sophomores Jack Murphy, Eddie Everett and Chris Sullivan return on the back line. Senior Grayson Owens and junior Nick Young both have experience in goal.

Nauset Program On The Upswing

NIck Hull NAuSeT

NAuSEt (5-10-4) Second-year coach Sal Manganaro continues the rebuild program at Nauset. He returns the majority of his defense, as well as an ACL All Star between the pipes. Senior Tyler Nickerson, a league all star, is back to lead things offensively for the Warriors. Freshmen Nick Dadoly and Myles Walther will push for varsity minutes at forward. On defense, junior Nick Hull, an ACL All Star, is the anchor. Freshman Cam Hull hopes for time. Senior Hunter Ohnmeiss is solid between the pipes, and will be pushed by freshman Chase Holm.

Tyler NIckerSoN NAuSeT

Optimistic Dolphins Eye Post-Season Berth



DENNIS-YARmoutH (8-9-4) A host of returners at all positions has the Dophins optimistic they can crack the .500 plateau and make the postseason. Up front, seniors Jack Conway (12 pts) and Alex Gierej, juniors Patrick McDowell (12 pts) and Ryley Medeiros and sophomore Will Terrio form a decent nucleus. Five defensemen are back for coach Neal Donohue. They are junior Jack Harney, senior Kevin Reid and sophomores Billy Egan, Brandon Dunn and Kevin Ralston. The Dolphins will have one the league's top goalies in senior returner Justin Servidori (2.52 gaa).

SANDWICH (2-13-4) The Blue Knights have a big senior class that coach Jordan Mohre feels learned a lot from last season's down year. He also anticipates a much deeper club that should be improved offensively. Scoring production will come from seniors Matt Brooks and Brady Doherty. Senior Rob Lennox can play either forward or defense. Defensively, senior Zach Silva will be key in front of senior goalie Craig Hatfield.

Falmouth Will Be A Solid Squad FAlmoutH (9-10-4) Second-year coach Paul Moore will count on the mix of senior leadership and talented underclassmen to carry the Clippers. Offense will come from junior Patrick Coyne (13-11-24), junior Jake Miller (17 goals) and junior Matt Schreiner (13 points). Senior Tom Tobey (16 points) and junior Cam Tobey (10 points) return on the blue line. Junior Aiden Sylvia steps up form the JVs to take a spot on the back line. The goaltending job was to be settled during pre-season.

2016 HNIB High School Division Festival June 24-26 Haverhill Valley Forum Haverhill, MA


December 16, 2015 | HOckey NigHT iN bOsTON News | HNibnews.com

For information: HNIBonline.com


Duxbury On The Young Side Duxbury (14-6-5) With only six seniors back from last year’s South semifinalist, the Green Dragons have one of their youngest teams in quite some time. But, they will play their typically tough schedule and long-time coach John Blake anticipates continued improvement on the road to March. The trio of senior captains and forwards Kevin Corcoran, Cam Christenson and Brian Brockwell will provide the spark on offense. The defense will be built around returning junior goalie Nick Stewart and defensemen Joe DeMartino, a senior, and Matt Campbell, a junior. How quickly younger players learn their roles and mesh with veterans will be the key to success.

Quincy Has Lots To Replace QuINCy (8-8-2) Fifteen seniors have moved on, leaving plenty of opportunities for returning underclassmen and freshmen to grab spots. "We need to be strong from the back out, given the lack of experience up front," said coach Ted Walsh. Junior forwards Pat Quirk and James O'Leary both had 13 points last season and will have increased offensive responsibilities. Looking to step in are juniors Sam McGahey, Scott Parrish and Shamus McBride, and Mike Tervakoski. The Presidents do return four blue liners, led by junior Owen Lynch (12 pts). Also back are seniors Mike Calnan and Brandon Nunnink, and junior Josh Campbell. Last season's backup between the pipes, senior Chris Connolly, projects to take over the starting goaltender's job.

liam sWeeney WhiTman-hanson

Joe Bina WhiTman-hanson

Jared Pendrak WhiTman-hanson

Keenan Division

Graduation Hits Eagles Hard PLyMOuTH NOrTH (9-8-4) Another team hit hard by graduation, the Eagles will need to play good team defense, taking care of business in the defensive zone. Coach Tim Drew's offense will be driven by returning seniors Ryan Furtado (8 pts) and Dylan Figueroa (9 pts). Senior Luke Whalen, and juniors Max Barrows, Kolton Michaud and Josh Kierstead all return on the Plymouth North blue line. In goal, seniors Colin Moriarty and Jake York both return from last year's varsity. SILVEr LAKE (8-10-2) The Lakers made the tournament and had a short stay, finishing at 8-102. Senior forward Andrew McNeilly returns and is expected to be a leader. Junior forwards Josh Chapman, Colby Gilbert and Jimmy McKenna should provide scoring, and sophomore defender John Evans is a solid returning blue liner. Freshman forwards Alex Heffernan and Andrew Johnson are newcomers to watch. “We’re a young team focused on speed and transition offense and consistent play,” Silver Lake coach Brandon Hall said.

Fisher Division

Defense Key For Plymouth South PLyMOuTH SOuTH (16-5-1) Ten key players have moved on, so there will be a lot of new faces on the Panthers bench this season. Coach Mike McCosh says his team must play good team defense to be successful. Players expected to lead the club this winter are senior forwards George Thurston and C.J. Gustafson, sophomore forward Sean Colbert and senior goaltender Finn McKee.

GeorGe ThursTon PlymouTh souTh

Panthers Seek Improvement Red Raiders Motivated To Do Well WHITMAN-HANSON (1-16-3) It was a struggle last winter for the Panthers, who are hoping hard offseason work will pay off with some more wins. Senior Liam Sweeney (13 pts) and senior Jared Pendrak (9 pts) are two key returning forwards for coach Joe Bina. Senior Kyle Bina is back after missing last season with an injury. On the blue line, junior Zack Pike will be a cornerstone. New sophomore Ryan Lincoln will be a help as well.

NOrTH QuINCy (6-10-4) Numbers are a problem for the Red Raiders, who nevertheless do return 10 seniors. "This is a motivated group," said coach Matt Gibbons. Senior forward Tim Glynn (22 pts) will be an offensive catalyst for North Quincy. Senior Garrett Kulig hopes to contribute after being injured the past two seasons. Junior Austin Lee and sophomore Ethan Herman should have increased roles. Senior Matt McDonald (12 pts) anchors the defense in front of returning senior goalie Kevin Doherty (2.40 gaa).

DecembeR 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN bosToN News | HNibnews.com



Pembroke Could Be A Tough Club PEMBROKE (11-8-4) Scoring goals was a bit of an issue last winter for the

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DeCemBer 16, 2015 | HoCkey NigHT iN BosToN News | HNiBnews.com

league and Division 2 South. Patriot League All Star, senior Joe Birolini (16 pts), is one key forward back, along with juniors Zach Simpson (24 pts) and Cam Judson (20 pts). Looking to make an impact are senior Jacob Marani and sophomore Shane Murphy. Defensively, senior rock Billy Hickey (Patriot League All Star) will be a force. Senior Dan Bowen and junior Connor Pijanowski also have valued experience. In goal, coach Mark Duffy expects a healthy competition between juniors Justin Pijanowski and Brendan McLaughlin.

Hanover Wants To Continue  Strong Run HANOVER (18-4-2) Jonathan Abban’s always-solid Hanover club comes back after another monster season last winter at 18-4-2. The Indians return senior goalie Noah Clapp, one of the captains along with senior forward Landon Hasenfuss. Senior forward Trevor Doucette, senior forward Dan McDougall, senior forward/defenseman Colin Cleaves, junior defenseman Mike Mcglame, sophomore forward Connor Morris, sophomore forward Zach Taylor and junior forwards Alex Wisnes, Ryan Phillips and Ryan Mahoney are key returnees. Senior forward Brett Parker and forward/defenseman Nick Joy are welcome additions. The team needs to build off success from the last two seasons, which included a state-championship appearance in 2014, Abban said.


Medway Will Be A Player meDWaY (15-7-1) The Mustangs have been in D2's elite that past few years and there is no reason to believe that won't continue. They will challenge for the TVL title. The junior trio of Andrew Diebus (27 pts), Cole Fisher (25 pts) and Adam Dwyer (20 pts) gives coach Chris Ross some impressive options to build an offense around. Sophomores Collin Curley (11 pts) and Dominic Difonzo (8 pts) will have increased roles on defense. In veteran senior Mike Parnell, the Mustangs could have the division's top goaltender, which is always a plus. Ross is looking for his 13 sophomores to make varsity impacts this winter.

Hillers Need To Find Scoring

nick conwAy • westwood

r.J. messineo • westwood

Reloading Process For Westwood WeSTWOOD (22-2-1) The defending Division 2 state champions suffered a by-product of that success, as 13 seniors graduated, leaving many new faces to keep the tradition going. Up front, senior Nick Conway will be a leader for coach Mike Welby. The group also returns senior John Clandy and juniors Sam Murphy and Aaron Janfaza. Newcomers ready to make an impact are juniors Ben Lewis, Trevor Fahey and Brian Guarino, and senior Matt Dalton. The Wolverines defense will be built around senior R.J. Messineo. Senior Tucker Mee and junior Conor Walsh will look for key roles. The starting goaltender's job could go to senior returner Ned Murphy.

HOPKINTON (8-9-2) Chris MacPherson’s Hillers went 8-9-2 a year ago. Billy Allen captains the team and is a defenseman. He returns along with fellow defenders Will Karpenski (senior), Dan Delaney (senior), Will Pickens (junior) and Connor Delaney (sophomore). Forwards Will Abbott, Owen Delaney and Cam Finlayson are back, and goalies Tim McGrath and Dylan O'Leary return. J.H. Vokey and Matt Lindquist are newcomers. “We have a solid returning defense,” MacPherson said. “We need to find some scoring up front.”

Medfield Has No Weaknesses mike pArnell medwAy

meDFIelD (16-3-1) With talent back at each position, the Warriors should be amongst the top teams in the Tri-Valley League, and in all of Division 2 again this winter, as they have the past few seasons. In senior Matt Treiber (31 goals) and senior John MaLean (36 pts), coach Toby Carlow will have one of the top offensive duos in D2 hockey. Senior Nigel Rieff (12 pts, can also play defense) and sophomore Dylan McNally (10 pts) will add to the scoring prowess. Sophomore David Corrigan will log key minutes on the blue line. New junior Ted Scier hopes to have an impact. Senior goalie Matt Malvese (1.56 gaa) is coming off a solid campaign.

Blackhawks Want To Turn Things Around

AdAm dwyer medwAy


BellINgHam (4-14-3) The Blackhawks are looking for a turnaround after a 4-14-3 finish. Kenny Bertoni welcomes back Matt Alexander, a senior defenseman, junior Owen Haley (20), senior goalie Josh Morse (3.95 GAA), Kyle Holland (10 points), Jason Robidoux (12 points) and Sean Williamson (12 points). Bertoni said his team has a good core returning. December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

cAm finlAyson hopkinton

* AshlAnd And holliston Are Also tri-VAlley leAgue AgAin this winter. no informAtion wAs in the

AVAilAble on either teAm As of press time.


If Goalie Emerges Coyle Will Be Tough COYLE & CASSIDY (15-6-1) Winners of 12 straight EAC titles, there is plenty in the cupboard for a run at another league title. A key will be who emerges as the starting goalie replacing Kyle Lane. The foundation of coach Darrell Borges offense will be senior captains Cody Perry (35 pts) and Robbie Holyoke (28 pts), with help coming from seniors Dylan Wapenski (10 pts), Kyle Lothrop (9 pts) and Brendan Murphy. New

senior Tyler Whalon and freshman Ben Tufts hopes to contribute. Defense will be a strength for the Warriors, who return senior Hunter Jones, juniors Joe Gill and Cam Patota, and sophomores Tom Lorden and Brian Hill. New junior Girro Brancaccio will add to the mix. The new goalie will come from a group that includes seniors Tyler Arageo, Madison Olsen and Jake Whalen.

Graduation, Transfers Hit Vineyarders Hard CoYle senior Captains CodY perrY (l) holYoke will lead the oFFense.



Raiders Are Ready SOMERSET-BERkLEY (10-8-3) The Somerset-Berkley Raiders, who finished 10-8-3 one year ago, bring back senior center Logan Santos (16-17-33), senior forward/defenseman Justin Couture (11-10-21), senior forward Brian Shea (11-9-20), junior defender Cam Lynch (4-4-8), senior defenseman Jared Silva (2-4-6) and junior goalie Lucas Souza (GAA 3.29). Junior newcomer Alex Lepage will contribute. “Chemistry will be very important with our team,” Coach Kevin Snyder said. “We need to be more productive on the offensive end of the ice.”

MARTHA'S VINEYARD (6-9-5) Scoring was a bit of an issue for the Islanders last season, not made any better with the graduation of eight players and three others lost to transfer. Picking up the offense for coach Matt Mincone will be seniors Joe Davies and Tristan Araujo (12 pts), and juniors Joshua Forend and

Bishop Stang Hopes To Be Competitive

Mike skarBek Bishop stang

• Tri-Valley league •

D-S Solid Defensively DOVER-SHERBORN (12-7-3) Jeff Moore’s crew finished with a respectable 12-7-3 mark one year ago. They return senior center captain Charlie Patriquin, senior captain defenseman Michael Phelan, senior captain right winger Andrew Mallett, senior center Sam Stone and junior center/winger Joe Paolatto. Freshman goaltender Ben Colangelo looks to make an impact between the pipes. “The team has a solid defensive core returning led by senior captain Michael Phelan,” Moore said. “The team looks to continue on its success on the power play from last season and hopes to add balanced scoring from its top two offensive lines.”

Jonas Lukowitz. Freshman Hunter Ponte will look for time. A blue line key will be junior Aksel Cooperider. Freshman Ian Trance hopes to join the rotation. Goaltending will be a strength with the return of senior Wyatt Jenkinson, a four-year starter, in goal for the Islanders.

BISHOP STANG (9-11-3) The Stangers are back with hopes to go further in the state tournament. They lost to Hanover in the South quarters in a shootout. Ken Gouveia’s team finished 9-11-3. Senior forward Kade Kaminski (16-19-35), senior defenseman Mike Skarbek (7-9-16) and senior defenseman Noah Doerr (2-0-2) -- all captains -- lead the team. Freshman defender Murphy LePage is “ready to play,” his coach said. “We need someone to emerge at the goaltender position between Bourne Knowles and Brian Lester,” Gouveia said. “

Feehan Strong Under New Coach Dunn BISHOP FEEHAN (12-7-1) New head coach Kevin Dunn is excited for this season. The Shamrocks should be decent, provided they get strong leadership from the senior captains, and breakout years from a strong junior class. Two of those captains – Mike Geraghty and Brendan Barrera – will spearhead the offense, with help from juniors Connor O’Brien, Jack Callahan, Kyle Brown and Kevin Jizard. Junior Josh Nelson is strong on the blue line. Fellow juniors Sean Dunfy and Chris LaValley are back as well. Another key for Feehan will be another

strong season from four-year starter and captain Mike Capprini in goal.

Josh nelson Bishop Feehan

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

Mike Capprini Bishop Feehan



Offensive Production Will Be Bernardians Trademark St. BeRNaRD'S (9-11-0) Offensive production shouldn't be an issue for the Bernardians, who return the bulk of last year's scoring for another year. Keying the attack will be senior John Lelli (50 pts), senior Ethan Abitz (35 pts) and senior Zach Bingham (30 pts). Senior Pat Vachon will be

instrumental on defense for coach Gerry Murray. Senior Zach Zarrella is a returning starter in goal. Newcomers hoping to make a contribution inclue Cam Wilkins, Mike Provencher and Mick Ginnity.

Lowell Catholic Eyes Another League Title

John LeLLi St. BernarD’S

Pat vaChon St. BernarD’S

DyLan Poirier LoweLL CathoLiC

Steven tyner LoweLL CathoLiC

LoweLL CathoLiC (14-7-1) Tom Curran’s four-time defending league champs are back at it poised for another great run. Last year, they finished 14-7-1. The Crusaders return captain Dylan Poirier, who scored 46 pts. Andrew Fisher, a defenseman, captains the team along with Poirier. Chris Carter, Cam Pereira, Mitch Andrea, T.J. Lynch and Steven Tyner are returnees who can add offensive production. Steve D'Urso and Andrius Kulbis Marino also return and are expected to produce. Incoming freshmen Conor Doherty and Alex Graves could play a key part, too.

Marian/Keefe Will Be Young MaRiaN/Keefe teCh (7-12-1) Adam Sinewitz’s club would like to put behind its 7-12-1 campaign as it starts fresh. Senior center Darren Gurney, senior right winger Brandon Diblerian and sophomore defenseman Liam Flaherty return to lead the way. New players include freshman center Dennis Engelso, freshman goalie, Robbie Mealey and freshmen right wingers Harry Macdonald and Robbie Downing. “Our seniors will need to step up and be leaders on a very young team,” Sinewitz said. “We need to have a defense-first mentality and need to play as a team.” St. JoSePh PReP (4-14-2) St. Joe’s checks in this season after a 4-14-2 mark last season. Senior forward Matt Dighton (20-14-34) and junior forward/defenseman John Devlin (1-4-5) are back as captains to lead the Phoenix. “We have a very young team with at least six incoming freshmen,” St. Joseph’s coach Rob Dwyer said. “We’re trying to replace the loss of 60 percent of the team’s overall goal-scoring from last year due to graduation. Returning sophomores and juniors gained a ton of experience last year. Our youth will learn very quickly as there are only two seniors this year.” CaRDiNaL-SPeLLMaN (0-19-1) New coach Richard Manning takes his Cardinals into the season looking to get some victories this season. The team did not win last year at 019-1. Nick Kral, a senior captain center, returns along with fellow captains Ryan Potcner (3-7-10) and goalie Sean Cornell. Junior goalie Mike Cahill also returns, along with junior center Peter Panagopoulos (19 goals). “We are a young program with a new coach so our goals will be to develop a competitive environment while trying to make steady improvements as the season moves forward,” Manning said.


DeceMBer 16, 2015 | HocKeY NigHt iN BostoN NeWs | HNiBnews.com


Solid Offense Back For Weston Weston (11-9-2) Kevin Rich’s Wildcats are back at it this year with solid returning offense. Bryce Grundy (25-14) and Mark DeBenedictis (17-22) return. Both are seniors along with defenseman Ben Hamblett (5-16-21). Freshman goalie Johnny McGeough is battling for a starting role, and sophomore Theo Delgizzi came up for playoffs last year and was plugged into third line. “With young goaltending -- freshman and sophomore -- the team focus will be on defense this year,” Rich said. “Three of our top four defenseman return. We return two of top three scorers so the offense is there. We just need to commit to defense first.”

Dracut Should Be Solid Dracut (9-9-2) Coach Mike Marshall welcomes back the likes of seniors assistant captain Brian Smith (11 pts), captain Reed Bourgeois (3-3-6), assistant captain Kyle Maxim (3-3-6), and Curtis Akins, juniors Tyler Roberge, Kyle Diaz and Troy Thirkell up front On defense, the Middies will look to juniors Eric Denn and Alex Fagan, senior Alex Soriano and sophomore Nate Lapointe to protect the area in front of senior captain goalie Pat Carney (2.70 gaa), Freshmen Jake Callery and Kyle McManus could contribute. “We should have great goaltending from Pat Carney, an all-conference pick last year,” Marshall said. “We should be able to run three solid lines. The defense is young, but we’ve got some valuable experience last year.”

Lowell Seeks Upward Trend loWell (2-18-1) Coach Brian Akashian’s Red Raiders want to get on the winning board a lot more this season. Senior forward Kevin Ames (17 pts) is the topscoring returnee, and freshman forward Thomas Hassett was at 8-2-10. Junior forward Connor Barter had nine points (6-3) and freshman goalie Andrew Carribas is back. Junior defenders Will Bazemore and Tyler Kotsifas are transfers who will add depth. Freshman goalie Patrick Cote- Patrick will compete with fellow freshman Carribas for the starting goalie job. Freshman forward Benjamin Asselin is a “dynamic skater who will contribute immediately.” “We need more puck possession that will lead to more scoring,” Akashian said. “We need to continue the defensive improvement that started the second half of last year. We need to be relentless whether winning or losing.” Lowell is a young team again with more than 17 skaters that are between the eighth and 10th grades. “Qualifying for the state tournament with such a young roster would be a great accomplishment,” the coach said.

Follow all the Mass. hs action all season long!! www.hniBnews.coM www.hniBnews.coM weekly Rankings, highlights, Photos, stoRies

Wayland Hopes To Be In Mix

BRyce gRundy weston

Bedford Must Do Without 10 Seniors BeDforD (13-7-3) Peter Dion’s always-solid Bedford Buccaneers finished strong last season. Forwards senior Mike Barr, and juniors David Bartkus , Josh Parella and Sam Ryan should power the offense. Senior defenseman Connor Higgins and sophomores Zach Chase and Chris Cowles will protect goalie Michael Vaughn, a sophomore. SophomoresJoe Hegarty (forward) and Robbie Meehan (defense,am) are new and hungry. “After losing 10 seniors from our Division 3 North state finalist team we are looking for the younger guys to step up and fill some roles,” Dion said. “

WaylanD (14-6-3) Rian Murray’s Warriors were solid once again last winter. They have a combined 45 points coming back in senior winger Jake Brady (7-17-24) and senior center Joe Christakis (8-13-21). Junior defenseman Christian Boschetto (12 pts) is also back. Junior goalie Andrew Ludwig (2.23 gaa, 3 shutouts) returns. Three keys for Wayland will be consistent production from Brady, Christakis and Bobby Jones at forward, Boschetto and Scott McCarthy to build on their good sophomore seasons, and the sophomore class maturing quickly. Guys like Joe Lyons, Mike Jones and Joe Lydon need to make big strides. “Goaltender Andrew Ludwig will need to be our best player,” Murray added. “I think he's poised for a real good junior season. Depth will be an issue for us as we lost a very large and accomplished senior class to graduation. I expect to go through some growing pains early on as young players mature into roles,”

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www.. b erwic www erwi c kac ad e my my.. o r g DeceMBer 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN BoStoN NeWS | HNiBnews.com



• MVC/DuaL iii •

ZaCk alvES CaMBrIdgE

Falcons Look To Improve caMBRiDge (5-14-1) Good team defense and scoring from secondary players will go a long way for the Falcons this winter. Senior Liam Doran will be a catalyst up front for coach Chris Watson. Seniors Zack Alves and Skyler Heller will be key blueliners for the Falcons, whle junior Trevor Daniliuk returns between the pipes newton south (17-3-1) Chris Ryberg’s Lions are in a rebuilding year, the coach said. Last year, the team had a great season at 17-3-1. Two key defenseman are back: seniors Andrew Wales and Josh Polasky. Senior goalie Matthew Aviles is back. Andrew Pratt, a sophomore forward, and Issac Madigan, a junior forward, are newcomers to watch. “We have a real young and inexperienced squad, specifically on offense,” Ryberg said. “We will rely on good team defense and solid goaltending.” After a couple of really strong seasons and its first DCL/MVC League title Newton South is looking to grow from the ground up. “But we still feel we have the ability to make a run at qualifying for the tourney,” Ryberg said.

Shawsheen A League Favorite Again shawsheen (16-5-2) The Rams are always competitive, and should be again this winter. Senior forwards Zach Buckland and Derek Abreu are back this winter along with sophomore forward Matt Irwin. “We need to developing a solid bond and team chemistry,” Shawsheen coach Chuck Baker. “We need to commit to play strong team defense.”

Improvement For Rockport RockpoRt/ManchesteR essex (5-12-1) The Vikings under Patrick McIntosh are looking for a winning season after they finished 512-1. Coach McIntosh, though, expects them to compete for the league title. Some of the returning players include Jackson Rice, Will Zambernardi, Jared English, Tim Donovan and Diego Corona. Defenseman Chris DiFluri is back for his senior season. McIntosh said the seniors need to lead, and the team has a whole needs to have a “better understanding of the system.” MinuteMan (4-16-0) Ed McDonald’s Mustangs had a tough time in a tough conference last winter. They will look to senior forward/defenseman Dan Tanner (3-8-11), junior forward Mike Brennan (11-9-20), senior forward Nick Caldwell (3-6-9) and senior goalie Chris Hart (3.7 GAA, .902 save percentage) to lead the way. “Solid goaltending, tough defense and hard work” will be key, McDonald said. “We will need some new players to step up and play a big role,” he added.

Matt IrwIn ShawShEE

ZaCh BuCkland ShawShEE

ChrIS dIFlurI roCkport/ManChEStEr

Northeast Must Be Watched noRtheast Regional (16-4-0) Jeremy Scafidi’s Knights are looking to improve on last year’s 16-4-0 campaign. They bring back senior captains Noah Forte (forward), Gino Lanciani (forward) and Andrew Silvestri (forward). Junior goaltender Anthony Giuliano is another key returnee. Scafidi’s keys to success are hard work, focus, team defense and creativity. nashoBa tech (7-12-1) Bob Callahan’s Vikings have a senior back in all areas of the ice with Brendan Conley on defense, Ryan Leedham at goalie and Brandon Williams at forward. Junior forwards Patrick White and Patrick Hart return as well. Freshman forward Matt Venti, sophomore defenseman Caleb Ackerman and sophomore forward Kyle Snow could make an impact. “We should be able to score but we will need to play a sound defensive game in our own end if we are going to reach our goals,” Callahan said.

• Boston City League • East Boston Should Compete east Boston (13-6-2) East Boston made some noise last year under Robert Anthony as it finished with a 13-6-2 record. Junior forward John Lockhead was the leading scorer in Division 3 with 29 goals and 15 assists for 44 points. His twin brother, junior forward Kenny Lockhead, had 18 goals and 14 assists. Senior Darien Zimmerlie has 15 goals and 13 assists, and senior forward Robert Gray had 11 goals six assists. Sophomore goalie Thomas Guarino had a 2.10 GAA. Malden Catholic transfer Anthony Nastari and Jake Gianagergaro are newcomers that could make an immediate impact. “Most of our players have been playing together for years In youth hockey and for the last few years on the varsity hockey program,” Anthony said. “The chemistry of seeing the ice is one of the greatest advantages this team has. Goaltending has been our strongest achievements.”

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN boStoN NewS | HNibnews.com



Solid Group Back At Rockland Potential Is There For Cohasset RoCkland (13-10-1) Senior forward AJ Clark (9-19-28), senior forward Shane Murray (1112-23), junior captain forward Matt Dunn (13-9-22), sophomore forward Mike Flaherty (5-10-15), senior defenseman Dan Leary (3-6-9) and junior defenseman Chris McHugh (1-8-9) are key returnees for coach Mike Flaherty. Goalie Harry O'Brien (2.52 gaa), a sophomore, will step up from the backup goalie position. “For us to be successful, we need strong goaltending from sophomore Harry O'Brien, who takes over for graduated Dylan Bernache,” Flaherty said. “We need our top line from last year, which returns intact (Clark, Dunn, Flaherty, 56 points combined) to be productive again. We need to be very strong defensively in our own end as we are young on defense.”

Vikings Hope To Contend eaST BRidgeWaTeR (7-11-2) The Vikings placed 7-11-2 last season and look to get above .500 under coach Dave Surette. Senior center Mike Werra could help. He had 15 goals and as many assists last year. He’s a captain and the program’s all-time leading scorer. Junior center Alex Rose had 12 goals and two assists. Junior forward Chris Harkins (10 pts) is back, and senior defenseman Kyle Brew should anchor the blue line. Senior goalie Rich Grasso was last year’s back-up. Freshman defenseman Noah Mason is a “promising youngster,” and sophomore forward Cole Bagley is “ready to step into the lineup.” “The four upperclassmen have to be strong leaders on a young team,” Surrette said. “They have to set the tone in practice, in the locker room, and in games.”

CohaSSeT (15-3-5) Philip Mahoney’s Skippers were consistent all season at 15-3-5. Senior goalie Liam McHugh leads the way for the returnees along with defenders Matt Legge, Michael Cohen and Aidan McHugh. Senior winger Kyle O'Brien also returns. Newcomers Jimmy Farren and Mike McKelvey could make noise. Cohasset needs to have solid defense and an offense that steps up to fill the void of graduation, coach Mahoney said.

Norwell Will Be Tough To Stop noRWell Jim Casagrande’s club was the talk of the entire division for most of the season last year before falling in the playoffs. This year, the Clippers return Cam Labadie, a senior forward captain, and Jake Glennon, senior defenseman captain. Coach Casagrande said team defense should be a strength.

• EMass III IndEpEndEnt •

Stockwell Takes Helm Of Co-op Cape TeCh/Cape Cod aCademy New coach Curran Stockwell takes his team into the season after it finished with a 13-7-0 mark last winter. Senior defenseman Matt Hinckley and junior forward Cole Therrien return, and freshman Ryan Dipilato brings a spark to the club. Stockwell said smart defensive play and grinding in the corners will be keys for the team.


DecemBer 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHT iN BoSToN NeWS | HNiBnews.com


Nantucket Ready To Go nantuCket (12-7-1) The Whalers had a solid 12-7-1 campaign last winter. Coach Jack Moran welcomes back junior defensemen Ethan Fey and Natty Davidson. Senior goalie Peter Bopp is back, and senior Jacob Dupont and junior Simon Johnson are expected to provide scoring pop. Moran said aggressive and physical play along with puck control and zone play will be keys. The Whalers also need stronger defensive play.

Strong Defense, Goaltending Key To Tri-County’s Success tri-County (14-4-0) Coach Mark Spillane’s Cougars were solid all along last season at 14-4. Senior defenseman Mike Goss is a huge returnee for the Cougars. Forwards Chris Boyd (senior) and Justin Most (junior) and defenseman CJ Roy (junior) and goalie Joe Brown (junior) are back. Freshman goalie Brian Hall is a pleasant addition. “The success for our team this season will be on defense -- both goalies and six of our defense are returning,” Spillane said.

Scorers Back At Blue Hills Blue hills regional (6-13-1) Jerah Bonham’s Warriors finished 6-13-1 last year. They have three 30-plus-point-scorers returning. Robbie Scott (14-19-33), Will Forte (15-23-38) and captain Brendan Comer (10-2030) are back. Anthony Sarno, a sophomore, had a 9-5-14 season. Veteran defensemen Nate Newman and Brian Fidler return, and senior goalie Andrew Slack is a third-year starting goalie. Senior defenseman Joe Golden will be joining the team from Holbrook and will add some size and depth to the defense. “We were a young inexperienced team last year but only graduated three players,” Bonham said. “We return almost 90 percent of scoring from last year and will have an experienced group of defense.” Blue Hills bumped its schedule up to 22 games and will be playing teams that are regularly in the mix such as Ashland, Holliston, Bishop Stang and Silver Lake.

Hawks Will Be In League Title Chase southeastern reg./W. BridgeWater/Bristol-plyMouth (14-9-2) Mark Cabral’s Hawks played good hockey last year at 14-9-2. Key returning players include senior defenseman Mike DeMaesschalck (+19 plus/minus). He’s a captain. Junior defensemen Mike Prendergast (13-922), Bryce Blanchard and Jack Leo, junior forwards Justin Lavoie, CJ Doucette, and Peter Costa and sophomore goalie Joe Fregoe (2.45

GAA) return. “The team expects to be anchored by a returning starting four defense corps,” Cabral said. Fregoe leads a stingy team defense that allowed just 2.4 goals per game last year. The forwards will be lead by Lavoie, Costa and Doucette, who all had 20-plus point seasons a year ago. Seniors Patrick Mulhern and Alex Wise, junior CK Berio and sophomore Thomas Fillion are expected to contribute.

upper Cape teCh (2-16-0) Coach Peter Hathaway’s team is looking to rebound after a 2-16 mark. Sean Kelso (forward), Wil Pauling (forward), Brian Holmes (defenseman), Jake Smith (defenseman) and Evan Dallacosta (goalie) are the top returnees. The team had no junior varsity program but do

welcome 14 freshmen this season. “We need to learn each other coming from different youth teams,” Hathaway said. “This team needs to work on being a strong defensive team to improve our goals against from last year.”

diMan regional (12-10-1) Diman had a winning record at 12-10-1. Lenny Dutra’s team returns junior forwards Tyler Nestor, and Tyler Gilet. Seniors Corey Melo and Connor Chace are expected to be

leaders, and newcomers Jordan Crowley, Gauge Minor and Devon Ferreira -- all forwards -- should contribute. Dutra’s keys to the season are discipline, dedication and desire.

Mashpee/MonoMoy (12-4-1) Coach Shawn Chicoine’s team is looking for another solid season. Last year, they finished 12-4-1. The Independent Monarchs welcome back senior forwards Ben Daigneault and Nick Simkins along with defenseman classmate Andrew Vinitsky. Junior forwards Joe Mackie and Pete Lucarelli return. Junior blue liner Ari Purdy is also back. Sophomore forward Josh Vinitsky and freshman goalie Jack Daigneault are youngsters that should contribute again Three freshmen could make noise -Noah Tambolleo, Will Wahtola and Nolan McGovern, and sophomore Brian Butcher and junior Connor Tyldesley are newcomers expected to help. “This is a great group of hard-working kids,” Chicoine said. “They listen and try to do what you are asking them to do. They're always trying to get better.”

EMass 3 IndEpEndEnts

Monarchs Looking For Another Solid Year Jancaterino Moves Behind St. John Paul Bench saint John paul ii (9-10-1) New coach Chuck Jancaterino takes his Lions team into its independent schedule after the team went 9-101 last year. Key returning players include senior forward Brian Bradley, junior forward Pat Connolly, senior forward Liam Gregory, senior forward Sawyer Horan, senior defenseman Peter Barker and junior goalie Gil Bach. The team's keys for success will be good team defense and successful special teams, according to their new coach.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Lakers Offense Will Lead Way appoNequet/old ColoNy/Bishop CoNNelly (12-10-0) Jack Storms is back, and that’s bad news for foes. He had 23 goals and 28 assists for 51 points and should crack the 100-point barrier, said head coach Craig Correia. Sophomore defenseman Dylan Hanson (4-12-16) had a great year last year. Freshman Jared Stevens (9-18-27) played well last year. Jake Hryzan (junior forward, 10 pts), Sam Fellows (junior defenseman), Holly Turner (senior defenseman), Brien Perkins (senior goalie), Jake Branco (senior goalie), Gage Levassuer (junior defender), Noah Liolios (sophomore defenseman), Justin Pratt (senior forward), Andy Cox (sophomore defenseman), Brad Plissy (sophomore forward), Ian Vezina (sophomore forward) and Caeden Berube (sophomore forward) are all back. Senior Ethan Demoranville transferred from Bishop Stang in the offseason and should jump right into the lineup. Marshall Medeiros and Matt Youlden are freshmen who should contribute.

Jack StormS appoNequet

dylaN HaNSoN appoNequet

Sam FellowS appoNequet

Jared SteveNS appoNequet

Bulldogs Go For 5th Straight Title old roChester (16-6-1) Coach Eric Labonte’s Bulldogs had a solid campaign last winter. Senior Kam Silvia is back after scoring 42 points. Junior Sam Henrie returns after he lit the lamp 22 times and added as many assists. Defenseman Landon Goguen, a junior, and classmate goalie Chase Cunningham are back to anchor the defense. The Labonte trio -- Ryan, Tayber and Zakary -- return along with Ryan Raphael. Chace Lapworth is a newbie that could make noise. Labonte said the team needs to have solid team defense, timely scoring and strong goaltending to be successful. The team is going for its fifth consecutive SCC championship.

Valatkevicz New Coach For Vikings Wareham/Carver (5-10-0) Richard Valatkevicz takes his new team onto the ice after a 5-10-0 record last year. Returning players include Stephen Toal, center senior; Pat Hurley, senior winger; Sean Fagan, senior winger; Cam Tait, freshman center; and Brian Pollack, sophomore defenseman. Colby Pailing, defenseman, Brian Gallagher, defenseman, Makayla Wood, defenseman, and Michela Giorgio, defenseman. “We need more scoring from our second and third line and score more power play goals,” Valatkevicz said.

Bears Look To Be Competitive Greater NeW Bedford (3-16-1) Coach Mike Frey’s Bears are looking for a turnaround after a 3-16-1 record. Returning players include forwards Gage Duarte, junior, Zach Berube, sophomore, and Jack Sargent, senior. Defensemen include juniors Ryan Farias and Owen Azevedo, and sophomores Noah Medeiros, and Jordan Picard. Myles Bettencourt, Dan Brown, Caleb Raposo, Sean Thatcher, Corey Bendiksen, Jacob Lopes, Nathan Demers, Aaron Oliveira, Daniell Andrade and Michael DeSousa are newcomers. “We need to create more offense,” Frey said. “Our defense should be solid. We have all new goalies. Someone will have to take charge.”



December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com




ide open. Just like last season. This season, the division races in Central Mass. figure to be


Top Ten Poll TEAM 1. Shrewsbury 2. No. Middlesex 3. Algonquin 4. Leominster 5. Nashoba Reg. 6. Oakmont Reg. 7. Wachusett 8. Worcester 9. Littleton 10. Northbridge

WLT 17 19 12 12 17 12 11 15 12 10

5 2 5 8 7 7 9 6 6 6

0 2 4 1 0 2 2 2 3 6

Shrewsbury, North Middlesex Lead Balanced Field quite a battle. "We have a great competitive league where any team can win on any night despite their records,'' Grafton coach Michael Binkowski said. The teams will spend the season trying to jockey for playoff position and attempting to knock each other off. "A lot of teams are greatly improved,'' LIttleton coach Howie Schneider said. "I know our league (Russell) is always competitive.'' The road to the Division III title is expected to go through Shrewsbury. Both Dan and Jack Quinlivan

have graduated. How to replace them? How about with two more Quinlivans. Anthony and Liam Quinlivan, a pair of sophomore forwards, have joined the Colonials. North  Middlesex won the Central Mass. Division III crown last season and should be strong again. despite the loss of leading scorers Ryan McCarthy, Dan McNamara and Josh Miller. Algonquin is expected to contend. Patrick Priest is one of the region's top defensemen. leominster  will rely on experience. Defense wins championship and that's one reason why Nashoba

won the Division IIIA title last season. Will Chapman, Colin Everton, Colin McCormack, Joey Spallone and Bobby Denaro form a good group. oakmont also has a strong team and won its division last season. Experience should be a key to the team's success. Wachusett will be led by goaltender Mike Putnam. Worcester was hit hard by graduation, but returns standout goalie Tyler Spalding Northbridge/Nipmuc/Sutton/Uxb ridge – is expected to have a bounce back season.and returns a solid scoring punch.

roy ConferenCe

Crusaders Have Strong Returning Cast

mike mcDonoUgh groton-DUnstable

alex DiPaDUa algonqUin

Jake Uhlman Westboro

CMass Champs Will Be Tough To Beat NoRtH MiddlESEx (19-2-2) The reigning D3A champions should be solid once again. Back up front are seniors Justin Estrella, Brendon Barry, Joe O’Neil and Tyler Riel, juniors Matthew McCarthy and Donnie Frederick. Brian Walter and TJ Melanson have experience on defense as do Josh McLeman, Kevin Bragg and Nick White. Newcomers looking to contribute for coah Michael McCarthy are sophomore forward Cam Stairs, junior defenseman Gavin Donohoe and junior goalie Joe Sheridan. WEStBoRo (6-13-1) Will be young. Senior forwards Max McGourty, Trey Howes, Nick Meaney, Jake Uhlman (18 pts) and Dylan Kehoe will lead attack. Trevor McNamara is a solid defenseman, along with Dylan Kehoe. AlgoNqUiN (12-5-4) Should again contend for Conference title. Will miss the scoring punch provided by Matt Tozeski. Returning up front are Kevin Reale, John Paterson, Alex DiPadua, Justin O’Connell, Alex Pietropaulo and Joe Sullivan. Patrick Priest will anchor the defense.

gRotoN-dUNStABlE (6-11-3) The Crusaders have a strong cast of returning players as they hope to improve from last season's 6-11-3 showing. They should be strong in goal with junior Ben McEvoy. Up front, Captain Patrick Keating will anchor the defense. Ryan Dodge and Eric Niemoller are captains and will be joined by Robert Hoare, Chris Lattini, Mike McDonough, Keegan Penney, Harry Perrrault. John Langan and defensemen Kam Strong, Matt Carroll and Liam McDonough. lEoMiNStER (12-8-1) K.J. Dowling leads a strong defense which included Nick LeBlanc, Austin DiMaria and Tyler Steffey. Up front, Cam Moran, Jared Schofield, Dylan Gallant, Jake Hudson, Brandon Lefebvre and Noah Crotty have experience.

Quinn ConferenCe

Shrewsbury Does Have Holes To Fill SHREWSBURY (17-5-0) There is no doubt the Colonials will miss Dan and Jack Quinlivan. No need to worry, though, as sophomores Anthony and Liam Quinlivan will join the team. Graduation hit the Colonials hard. Shrewsbury lost its 10 leading scorers and will look to young players to step up. Dante Simone, Adam Twitchell, Patrick Kelly and Zack Shelby have experience. Chris Mauro, James Abbott and Brian Keohan are on defense.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Coughlin ConferenCe

Nashoba Hopes For An Encore Grafton/Blackstone Solid on D

nasHoBa reGIonal (17-6-0) Defense will be Nashoba’s calling card with Joey Travis anchoring the unit. Will Chapman, Colin Everton, Colin McCormack, Joey Spallone and Bobby Denaro lend depth to the unit. Up front, sophomore Bryce Chaput (32 pts), Devin Barrett, Mike Magliozzi, Dan Kerble, Mark Allaire, Chris Benscheider, Trevor Sicard, Matt LeBlanc and Dean Anastas return.

Grafton/Blackstone Valley (10-10-1) Ready to improve after going 10-10-1 last season. Center Nick Hart led the Indians in scoring with 11 goals and 10 assists for 21 points. Tanner Jelovcich (7-7-14), Mike Najemy (5-7-12) are strong up front. The defense will be led by senior Joe Corsi (2-6-8) and Nate Motuzas (2-6-8). Vishall Bajwa had nine wins in goal. The Indians play good team defense and are a hard-working consistent team.

Quinn ConferenCe

bobby DenaRo nashoba RegionaL

Matthew LebLanc nashoba RegionaL

Real People, Real Learning, Real World.

John RuggeRio wachusett

DaviD PhiLbin wachusett

bRian PoweLL MaRLboRo

Wachusett Will Be Solid Foe WacHusett (11-9-2) Joe Benoit leads the returnees. Also back are John Ruggerio, Andrew Iacaboni, Paul Happy and Shane Sullivan up front, along with defensemen Joe Flynn, Dave Philbin and Josh Kosinski. Mike Putnam will be in goal. Hudson (5-10-4) After a down season, Hudson could be ready to contend again. Senior forwards Roco Malloy, Adam Cariveau, Luc Bernier, Rob Cuddy and Matt Faria are expected to provide scoring punch. Swingmen Adryon Miranda and Jared Leahy add depth. Bryce Hawes and Phillip Werner are solid on defense. MarlBoro (4-14-2) Depth could be an issue. Jason Plaunt, and Michael Sullivan are the only senior forwards. Marlboro does have an outstanding goalie in senior Brian Powell. Juniors Ryan MacGlashing, Pat McCarthy and Luke Goulet will provide offense. Jake Hardy and Christian McKinnon will be asked to step up. Matt Allen, Nick Melanson and Michael Alonzi are on defense. auBurn/MIllBury (1-18-1) Following a one-win season, this could be a team on the rise thanks to a number of experienced players.


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DecemBer 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN BoStoN NeWS | HNiBnews.com


• Western Mass. Overview •

Westfield, Minnechaug A Cut Above


By Fran Sypek • HNIB News

he key to success in Western Mass. will be which teams have a player who will emerge as a top goaltender. Defense will be the key for perennial contender Westfield. "We have good team chemistry and some good returning defensemen,'' coach C.B. "Moose'' Matthews said. Senior Mario Metallo had 22 points last season and is arguably the region's top blueliner and may be its best overall player. The Bombers also have Nate Boucher and Sean Moorehouse back on defense. Minnechaug may be the region's most improved team. "I feel the keys to success will be discipline, good team defense and balanced scoring from all three lines,'' coach Greg Palm said. The Falcons also have Berry Division Rookie of the Year Cam Mariani back. Defending champion Agawam was hit hard by graduation. But the Brownies have some good

COughlin COnfeRenCe Experienced Oakmont Ready FItCHBurg/MoNty teCH Another team that was better on the road (84) than it was at home (4-6). Experience up front should help. Back are senior forwards Nico Peralta, Noah Sarasin, Sam Colcord, Tony Hoffman, Tyler Beliveau, defensemen Zack Cormier, Mitch Koren and Cody Leger. LuNeNBerg/Ayer/SHIrLey Seniors Dustin Powell, Carly LeBlanc, Brett Vacarelo and Ryan Dame return. Junior Nick Graham is back on defense. oAkMoNt The defending Conference champs return an experienced squad which could make them a threat to repeat. Mike Amblo, Kyle Klahre, Kyle Thibault, Brandon Truax, Lukas Belsky, Tyler Gendron, Azch Uminski and Zach Pelkey are strong up front. The defense will be led by Brendan McGuirk, Joe Zadroga, Sean Richard, Greg Morin, Trevor Brideau and Jack Halliday.

young players and should be a factor. Longmeadow may have the division's best goalie in Jack Tabb, along with a solid group of forwards led by Mike Tabb and Matt Pierson. Chicopee Comp won the Division IIIA championship last season. The Colts return fleet forwards Cam Kagan and Jeremy Lewis. Chicopee is also coming off a solid season. Defenseman Ben Jablonski and goalie Jon Santos are among the key players for the Pacers. Amherst returns a solid defenseman in Jordan Tetreault. East Longmeadow has arguably the region's top forward in Ben Wosky. Belchertown was the region's most improved team a year ago and should be strong again. Mount Everett went from one victory to 22 and the Eagles return a strong cast, led by Jakob Malicky.


Russell COnfeRenCe

Littleton, Assabet/Maynard Hope To Challenge ASSABet/MAyNArd After just missing the tournament last year, this team could get over the hump this season A solid defense will be led by Zach Magarian, Ernie Jones and R.J. Delaney. Up front, seniors Ryan Pantridge, Dmitry McQuiggan, Tom Walsh, Adam Melido and Yakov Pavlovsky will be counted on to score. LIttLetoN/BroMFIeLd The Tigers lost six players from last year, including their starting goalie. Senior goalies JJ Stadler and John Seymour should be ready to step up. Six defensemen return, including Joey DeCoste, Brian Johnson, Ricky Gilpatrick, Erik Rauker , Adam Canfield and Nick Evans. Up front, Nate Dutkewych, Ritchie Planchet, Matty Banker, Kevin Burke, Kris Cecere, Sean Kitain and Jacob Montepeluso are back. NortHBrIdge/NIpMuC/ SuttoN/uxBrIdge Will be looking to return to the postseason. Seniors Cam Sullivan, Keenan Quinama and Drew Cannistraro return. Back on defense are Kayla Peabody and Jalen Madden.

WorCeSter Coming off a solid 15-6-2 season, this team was hurt by graduation. But there should be enough experience to make another run. Seniors Cooper Blanchard, Joe Arsenault, Cameron Kasper and Derek Shea return. So do juniors Andrew Williamson, Luke Carpenter, Griffin Moore, Jake Ledoux, Derek Shea, Brett Willand and Shane Bowes. Tyler Spalding returns in goal.

HopedALe/MILLIS The Raiders look to bREtt WiLLAnD improve following a WoRcEStER three-win season. Captain Nick Tammao scored nine goals with eight assists last season and will lead the offense. Noah Luccini (6-4-10) and defenseman Shane MacQuarrie (5-3-8) return. The Raiders will look for better puck movement, system play and success on the power play.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com




Berry Division

Top Ten Poll TEAM

Connor MCananaMa agaWaM

East Longmeadow Could Contend east longMeadoW The Spartans will be led by Ben Wosky, a solid two-way forward who should be among the top scoring leaders. Coach Dan Reid will need younger players to step up to give Wosky help. Xavier Facchini, Pau Lellamo and Joe Saracino return up front. Michael Leahy is back on defense. They key will be finding a goalie to replace the graduated Matt Gasparini.

Young Squad For Ludlow ludloW Coach Paul Rivest will field a young team again. The Lions will have as many as eight freshmen play regular minutes. Forwards Steven Senerchia and Hunter Schinabeck will lead the offense. Jake Murphy and Ryan Martin will anchor the defense. Junior Alex Will and freshman Michael Young form a strong goaltending tandem. Newcomers to watch include Max Cocchi, Steven Senerchia, Cole Moutinho and Brennan Madru.


anthony Piteo MinneChaug

Ben Wosky east longMeadoW

CaM Mariani MinneChaug

Agawam Hit Hard By Graduation


1. Westfield 14 4 3 2. Minnechaug 11 9 0 3. Agawam 18 4 2 4. Longmeadow 11 5 4 5. Chicopee Comp 11 6 4 6. Chicopee 13 6 2 7. Amherst 13 3 4 8. E. Longmeadow 8 12 0 9. Belchertown 11 8 1 10. Mt. Everett 22 1 2

agaWaM The Brownies moved into the Berry Division and won the Western Mass. Division III title after winning the Division IIIA crown the previous season. Agawam was hit hard by graduation, but still has top goaltender Connor McAnanama back. Key to season will be how well young players come along.

Time Is Now For Minnechaug Minnechaug The Falcons hope to build on last season’s tournament appearance. Berry Division rookie of the year Cam Mariani will spark the attack. Also back are forwards Anthony Piteo, Josh DeCarolis, defensemen Liam Walsh, Nate Champaigne and goalie Eric Sczymczek. Coach Greg Palm hopes to use discipline, team defense and balanced scoring to succeed.

Mario Metallo Westfield

Westfield Solid On Blue Line Westfield The Bombers will again be solid defensively and be one of the toughest teams to play against. Mario Metallo (7-15-22) is arguably the region’s top defenseman and may be its best player. Nathan Boucher and Sean Moorehouse are also top defenders. Liam Whitman (14-17-31) can score and so can Colin Curns (5-13-18). Defensemen Eric Hosmer and Max Maggipinto should contribute.

Provost New Coach For Terriers West springfield The Terriers will have their third head coach in as many years. Sean Provost will guide the program. West Side will be young again and be building for the future. Cam Drewnowski will lead the offense. Chris Baker, Ian MacDonald and Travis Pirello are back on defense. Ethan Moriarty and Jacob Macomber will handle the goaltending. DeceMBer 16, 2015 | HOckey NIgHT IN BOSTON NeWS | HNIBnews.com

liaM WhitMan Westfield

Longmeadow Has Solid Offense longMeadoW The Lancers figure to be in the mix again with top talent returning. Michael Tabb and Matt Pierson should be among the most dynamic scorers in the league. Matt Pierson can score. Matt Bonavita and Liam Fitzgerald are solid defensemen. Jack Tabb returns in goal.


Swift Forwards, Solid D Key For Amherst/Palmer aMhErst/PalMEr Western Mass. Coach of the Year Mike Rousseau guided the Hurricanes into the tournament in his first year behind the bench. The Hurricanes will be a discipline team and rely on swift forwards and a strong defense. Jordan Tetreault, one of the region’s top defensemen, has joined the Boston Junior Bruins and will be missed.. Nick Fernier, Matt Gazaille and goalie Jim Mozel must also come up big. Jake Balderston, Nick Cardaropoli, Josh Lacroix and Jack Rees will be counted on to provide scoring punch.

Belchertown Ready BElchErtoWn The Orioles had a big turnaround in Matt Crutch’s first season as coach. Belchertown qualified for the tournament with an 11-8-1 record. Goalie Kyle Greene is back. So are defenseman Aiden Dupont, forwards Cam Cass, Ryan Tatro and Alex Cordin.

Pacers Look To Reload chicoPEE Al Styckiewicz remains the dean of Western Mass. coaches and the Pacers are coming off a tournament appearance. Ben Jablonski, and Dan Doyle will spark the offense. Jon Santos returns in goale. Jeff Zebrowski, Brett Geoffrey and Ryan McDonough are strong up front. The Pacers lost a lot to graduation, but the returning players gained valuable varsity experience.

Comp A Threat To Repeat chicoPEE coMP The Colts won their first sectional title since 1986 and will be a threat to repeat again. The dyamic duo of Cam Kagan (59 points) and Jeremy Lewis (54 points) up front gives the Colts a speedy first line. Parker Nunes will lend experience in goal. Brandon Pavoni and Dexter Labonte return. Depth remains an issue

Fay-WrIght dIvIsIon

South Hadley Returns To The Division south hadlEy The Tigers moved to the Berry Division last year and went 2-17-1 in a rebuilding year. South Hadley will still be young and continue to build. Tyler Augusto, Dominic Florence, Trevor

Ouimet, Brian Bak and Justin Bunelle will lead the defense. Jaden Beauchamp is back up front. So are Will Hunter, Beau Kass, Jake Remillard and Jim Mazza. Ben Rowell will handle the goaltending.

Eagles Have Key Losses


EasthaMPton Key losses to graduation will hurt the Eagles’ chances of improving on last season’s six wins. Easthampton will miss the scoring punch of Cathedral transfer Mike Grise. Liam Anderson, Cody Cleveland and Gabe Fagen return at forward. Tim Willis and Jay Marek are back on defense.

Mt. Everett Will Not Surprise Anyone

Depth A Factor For Grreenfield GrEEnfiEld There’s nowhere to go but up for the Green Wave, which won only one game last year. Depth has been an issue for several seasons and will be again this year. Tyler Townsley is a gifted scorer. Alex Malinowski, Joe Geyster and Brayten Stack are back up front. Jack Richardson will be in goal. Tyler Miner is back on defense.

Scrappy St. Mary’s Will Contend st. Mary’s The Saints should be a scrappy team and rely on a balanced scoring attack. Sam LaBombard, Johnny Pitoniak, Jon Spear and Shaun Gezotis are back up front. Mike Nielsen, Charlie Bonatakis and Matt Murster return on defense. Matt Brady will be in goal. turnErs falls The Indians should add much-needed depth now that they will co-op with South Deerfield’s Frontier Regional. The strength should be goaltending with Brandon Bryant back. Cullen Wozniak can play both forward and defense, while Ryan Lenois can put the puck in the net.

Mt. EvErEtt The Eagles were the surprise team in Western Mass. Last season. They went from one victory to a tournament appearance. The defense was hit hard by graduation. Goalie Jonah Swotes returns. So do forwards Jacob Malicky (20-24-44), Jake Corcoran 2324-47), Matt DiSilva and Josh Makuc. The Duval triplets - Cole, Carly and Grayson, join the squad and will provide depth. taconic/PittsfiEld The strength should be the team’s fleet of speedy forwards. Andy Cella, Kevin Quinto, Will Reese and Hunter Phain return. Pat Terpak and Steve Tierney are swingmen who will be counted on to play both forward and defense. Wahconah Somehow the Warriors seem to do more with less. They have fielded a team with as few as nine skaters, yet remain a factor in the tournament. Andrew Beaudoin (20-20-40) had three hat tricks last season. Nate Lapine (16-12-28) will also provide offense.

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December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Rivals Arlington Catholic, Austin Head D1 List


By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News

rlington Catholic and Austin Prep have been longtime rivals in the Catholic Central League. This season, their rivalry could have state title implications.

The two powers rank 1-2 in the HNIB News Massachusetts Girls D1 Top 10 pre-season poll. Not much separates the teams, both are strong defensively. We’ll go with Arlington Catholic (18-3-1) as #1 and Austin Prep (17-4-2) at #2 to start the season.



1. Arlington Cath. 18 2. Austin Prep 17 3. Reading 22 4. Duxbury 15 5. Beverly/Danv.15 6. Barnstable 16 7. Acton-Boxboro 18 8. Woburn 12 9. Billerica 8 10. Andover 12

3 4 2 6 5 2 4 11 9 7

1 2 0 2 1 4 3 0 4 2

Defending state champ Reading (22-2-0) lost star forward Ali O’Leary to junior hockey, but returns the majority of last year’s key players, so expect the Rockets to be right in the mix again under new head coach Peter Seibold. For the first time in five seasons, #4 Duxbury (15-6-2) doesn’t open a season as a defending state champ. But, the Dragons still will pack a punch. With the bulk of its roster back, this could be the year for #5 Beverly/Danvers (15-5-1) to make a serious state title challenge.

reADinG is THe DeFenDinG MAss. GirLs DivisiOn 1 sTATe cHAMpiOns.

Bay State League’s Milton, Wellesley Lead Division 2 Field By Gary Demopoulos • HNIB News


here are several teams that should be in the hunt for a Division 2 state title this winter, and it should be interesting to see how things play out. With a host of top scorers back, Milton (17-4-3) gets the nod as #1 in the HNIB News Massachusetts Girls D2 Top 10 pre-season poll. The key for the Wildcats will be goaltending, as Sarah Park has graduated. State finalist Wellesley (19-3-3) starts #2; the Raiders have some holes to fill due to graduation. Impressive #3 Winchester (136-3) will be a team that bears watching. Defending state champ


Falmouth (20-4-2) checks in at #4 under the tutelage of new head coach Brian Ferreira.



1. Milton 17 2. Wellesley 19 3. Winchester 13 4. Falmouth 20 5. Notre Dame 14 6. Abp. Williams 16 7. Dedham 10 8. Marshfield 16 9. Fontbonne 11 10. Plymouth 14

4 3 6 4 5 5 4 4 5 3

3 3 3 2 3 3 7 0 4 1

FALMOUTH cApTAins wiTH MiAA D2 GirLs sTATe cHAMpiOnsHip TrOpHy

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Beverly/Danvers Poised For Big Season BEVERLY/DANVERS (15-5-1) A good group back, both up front and on the back end, should keep the Panthers up near the top of the league, and a team to watch in Division 1. Offense for coach Brian Seabury will come from a multitude of places, namely senior Kristen McCarthy (61 pts), senior Anna O'Neill (22 pts) and juniors McKinley Karpa (55 pts) and Izzy Primack (26 pts). Freshman triples Sidney, Brittany and Tiffany Foster will bring their high energy to the table. Senior Rachel Spencer (16 pts) and senior Anna Hayden (10 pts) will be defensive cornerstones. Goalie Madison Jalbert played the vast majority of time in the nets last season for the Panthers.

Maddie werner MascnoMet kristen Mccarthy Beverly/danvers

Mckinley karPa Beverly/danvers

rachel sPencer Beverly/danvers

Goaltending Play Fuels Winthrop/Lynn WINTHROP/LYNN (11-7-1) Coach Butch Martucci is pretty straightforward about the success of his team this winter. "To be successful our three time all star goalie Gretchen Howard has to be lights out on a nightly basis," he said. Howard, a junior, returns after fashioning a 1.73 gaa last winter. Protecting her will be senior Gabby Kenniston (18 pts). Leading the attack up front for the Bulldawgs will be senior Olivia Shkliew (25 pts). New junior Mia Price is a welcome addition to the lineup.

Magicians Add Another Team To Co-op MARBLEHEAD (9-9-4) Another school has been added to Marblehead's co-op, as players from Hamilton-Wenham are now eligible, joining those from Swampscott. Coach Emily Hudak Ries feels she will have a wellrounded squad this winter. Senior Hadley Woodfin (23 pts) and freshman Sydney Cresta (26 pts) are expected to lead the offense for the Magicians. A pair of eighth-graders to keep an eye on up front are Katelyn Clarke (Hamilton-Wenham) and Bella Peters (Marblehead). There is experience on defense with the return of junior Alanna Burke and freshmen Caroline Kinne and Elizabeth Legget. New junior Bryn O'Connor (from Hamilton-Wenham) and eighthgrader Sydney Vatour (HamiltonWenham) will be a help.

hadley woodFin MarBlehead

allish Fallon MedFord

trish Maclean MedFord

Mustangs Young, But Experienced MEDFORD (3-12-3) New head coach Rayanne Forbes, an assistant the last seven years, says this is the youngest Mustangs team ever, but one that still has some varsity experience. Junior captain Allish Fallon was the team's third leading scorer a year ago, while freshman Christina Gesualdi led the club in goals and was second in scoring. Both return to power the offense. New sophomore Mamie Powers will have an impact. Senior Ashley Morris is the leader on the Medford blue line, with help from new sophomore Julia Shanahan. Returning junior goalie Trish MacLean is also a team captain.

Chieftains Will Be Tough Opponent MASCONOMET (9-9-3) The Chieftains are planning on being a tough team to play against as they hope to contend in the Northeastern League. Senior Maddie Werner and junior Izzy Sarra headline an offense that also returns sophomors Charisse Flanagan, Kate Irons and Lexi Rosenbaum. Newcomers Abby Gendron and Sami Kelleher add depth. On defense, coach Ryan Wood will count on seniors Meg Hubbard and Sydney Sheerin and junior Madison Brooke. Look for senior Andraya Ferraro to take over in goal.

Roach New Coach At Peabody PEABODY/LYNNFIELD (4-13-3) The Tanners are under new management this winter, as Michelle Roach takes over the program. She is optimistic already, even though the team will have just two seniors. The team also has a co-op agreement with North Reading. Roach expects as many as 13 freshmen could skate with the varsity this season, including eight from Lynnfield.

Follow the Mass. Girls hs action all season at www.hniBnews.coM weekly rankinGs, hiGhliGhts, Photos, stories DecemBer 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN BoStoN NewS | HNiBnews.com



Despite Graduation Hits, AC Still Strong

Jaimee Cooke austin PreP

Caty Flagg austin PreP

This Could Be The Year For Austin Prep AUSTIN PREP (17-4-2) Keep an eye on the Cougars, who return talented players at each position. Team goals are to win the league title, and a state championship. Coach Stephanie Wood says there are enough horses to get the job done, if they can stay disciplined. Spearheading the offensive attack will be senior Kylie Currier and juniors Caroline Benson and Annie Richards. A pair of freshmen Maeve Crehan and Ellie Richards - are ready to step in and help. A strong defense will feature senior rocks Jaimee Cooke and Cally Chase, and sophomore Kendra Currier. Eighth-grader Frankie Frelik will look for blue line time. In senior Caty Flagg, Austin Prep possesses one of the state's top netminders. Freshman Hannah Aveni provides depth.

Lady Bishops Coming Off School’s Best Record Ever ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS (16-5-3) The Lady Bishops are coming off their best record ever last season and will be a force again despite losing their top two scorers. Coach Mark McHale will have senior Emma Crocker back after missing last year with an injury. Sophomore Emily Matthews (12 pts), sophomore Hannah Bell (11 pts). senior Meghan Kerins (10 pts) and sophomore Chelsea Taxter will pick up the slack. Sophomore defenseman Holly Silva (16 pts) will get heavily involved in the offense as well. Junior Kyleigh O'Donnell is another key blue liner. Junior Jenn Bosse, a back-up the past two seasons, gets her chance to start in goal.


margaret sullivan arlington CatHoliC

tia martignetti arlington CatHoliC

ARLINGTON CATHOLIC (18-3-1) Graduation took a big toll on the Cougars offense, with 55% of the goal scoring moving on, but there is still plenty of talent to keep the Cougars among the upper echelon teams in Mass. Girls HS hockey. Returning players with stepped-up offensive roles will be seniors Mickey McLaughlin,

maggie FlaHerty st. mary’s

katie terban st. mary’s

miCkey mClaugHlin arlington CatHoliC

erin Healy arlington CatHoliC

Eileen Flynn, Julianna Dolan and Abby Knight, and sophomore Margaret Sullivan. A strong defensive group will feature senior Erin Healy (14 pts), and sophomores Tia Martignetti and Erin Kelley. In goal, junior Jasmine Mucci, who won nine games last winter, will give coach Maggie Taverna excellent netminding play.

vanessa vanbuskirk st. mary’s

asHley WoJeWodziC st. mary’s

Holly silva abP. Williams

St. Mary’s Wants Return To Post-Season Status ST. MARY'S (9-12-1) It was a rare non-tourney season for the Spartans, who will look to get back to the postseason and be in the league race. Coach Frank Pagliuca will look to senior Maggie Flaherty and senior Katie Terban to be

catalysts up front and key the scoring attack. On the blue line, veteran senior Vanessa VanBuskirk and junior Ashley Wojewodzic will have huge roles. Both goalies - Brittany McPherson and Emily Stephenson - are back as well.

• CatholiC ConferenCe •

Ursuline Needs To Capitalize On Chances URSULINE ACADEMY (5-10-5) Hoping to better capitalize on scoring chances, the Bears are looking to improve on last year's record. "We need to continue our good team defense as our foundation," said second year coach Dan Norton. The Bears will feature an experienced senior in goal with Ivory Hestmark. Senior Jill McGrath will lead the offensive attack.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


Solid Returning Group Has Fontbonne Optimistic FONTBONNE ACADEMY (11-5-4) With experienced talent back at each position, the Ducks are very capable of having a good season and make some noise in Division 2. Senior Katie Nolan (24 goals) will be a key up front for coach Bob Huxley, with ample help from senior Mary McLoughlin (17 pts) and jun-

iors Maggie Landers (13 pts) and Lily Galvin (8 pts). On defense, seniors Erin Matthews and Emma Rudser will be cornerstones. Senior Elizabeth McNulty and Zoe Doherty also return. Fontbonne also returns both goaltenders in senior Samantha Moussali and sophomore Madison Ramsey.

Cougars One Tough Customer NOTRE DAME ACADEMY (14-5-3) The Cougars had a banner campaign last winter, and coach Jean YvesRoy feels it should be the same again this winter. He says keys will be good goaltending, solid senior leadership, and the integration of several talented newcomers into the lineup. The good goaltending will come from returning senior Lizzie Bell. Senior defenseman Haley Marshall (13 pts) is one of the top blueliners in Mass. Girls HS hockey. Senior Caroline Hocking (25 pts) will lead the offensive attack. Yves-Roy expects freshman Aurora Devereaux, who can play forward or defense, and eighth-grader Gaby Roy, to make immediate impacts.

katie nolan Fontbonne

MaGGie landers Fontbonne

Mary MClouGhlin Fontbonne

• Girls Central West •

katelyn Joyal

MaCkenzie Pelletier

lexi levere

Madison Pelletier

Longmeadow Now Home Base LONGMEADOW (10-9-2) This co-op, formerly hosted by Springfield Cathedral, now calls Longmeadow its home base. Last year's assistant, David Pelletier, takes over as head coach for the new season. The Lancers offensive attack will look to sophomore Katelyn Joyal (21 goals) and junior Madison Pelletier (18 pts) to be kingpins. The goalie looks to be senior Lexi Levere, who played every minute last winter. Junior Mackenzie Pelletier (13 pts) will be a blue line cornerstone, while sophomore Tess Bonavita and freshman Jillian Beaulieu will have increased roles. SHREWSBURY (13-6-3) Things look optimistic for the Colonials, who return talent at each position, including all of their defensemen. They boast a balanced scoring attack. Scoring will be provided by junior Megan Moran (29 pts), freshman Delaney Couture (41 pts) and junior Peyton Brown (12 pts). New freshman Dolly Herlihy looks to crack the lineup. * More Girls Central/West - PaGe 53 DecembeR 16, 2015 | HOckey NiGHt iN bOStON NewS | HNibnews.com



Woburn Graduated Just Two Skaters WOBURN (12-11-0) The Tanners graduated their top two scorers, but they were the only two seniors on the team, so there is plenty back to mount a serious challenge to the Middlesex Liberty title. Coach Bob MacCurtain some young forwards last winter and they are ready to make even bigger contributions this winter. Included in that group are: junior Emily Carpenter (13 pts) and sophomores Georgie Santullo (18 pts), Marissa Gregory (14 pts), Maddie Russo (11 pts) and Cassidy Connolly (11 pts). Juniors Lily Mallard (9 pts) and Breanna Jewett (11 pts) are expected back on defense. In goal. starter Katelind Ciarvardone and Nora Newman are both expected to return.

lily Mallard WOBurn

tOri griMMer reading

gaBBy decOlOgerO reading

carOline seiBOld reading

Jessica strack reading

Rockets Have Targets On Their Backs READING (22-2-0) The defending Mass. D1 state champs lost their head coach, Mike Golden, who stepped down after season, and top scorer Ali O’Leary, who moved on to junior hockey. In to guide the club this winter is last year’s assistant, Peter Seibold. Several of last year’s key players are back. Up front, senior Tori Grimmer (35 pts) and senior Gabby DeCologero (21 pts) will be offensive leaders for the Rockets. New freshmen Kat Paradis, Abby Collins, Mari Verrier and Katherine Fichera hope to provide depth. Defense will be a team strength. Senior rock Caroline Seibold (28 pts) will be amongst Mass. Girls HS hockey’s top rearguards.

Senior Ryley Coleman and junior Skylar Cain are also back. Freshmen looking to help out include Jenna Seibold, Katie Costello, Courtney Cutone and Ainsley Cohen. And, senior Jess Strack, who posted four straight post-season shutouts en route to the state title, is back between the pipes.

Veteran Club Buoys Winchester Charge WINCHESTER (13-6-3) With just about everyone back from a solid team in 2014-2015, there is a good amount of optimism in Winchester. Coach Craig Seabury said that the key will be for his team to stay healthy, get solid goaltending and increase offensive production. A good nucleus returns up front. Senior Melissa Zavez (37 pts) will be the catalyst, while expect plenty of production from the sophomore tandem of Madison Micciche (26 pts) and Mariah Redler (23 pts). Returners Alicia Marx, Cat Valdario and Maeve Hickey should have increased roles. On the blue line, senior Elizabeth Wilson (16 pts) has loads of experience, as does fellow senior Collen Holland (12 pts) . The Sachems also return a starting goaltender in senior Vicki Wallace. (2.20 gaa)

Melissa ZaveZ Winchester

MadisOn Micciche Winchester

Olivia Bryant lexingtOn

Rigano New Coach At Lexington LEXINGTON (7-10-3) The Minutemen will have a new head as Arianna Rigano, who coached Tewksbury/Methuen last year, takes over behind the bench. Offensively, junior Emily Devine (10 goals) and seniors Brigid Avery and Kaylee Harris will be counted on to score. Newcomers looking to chip in are Paola Kefallinos, Olivia Bazos and Alexa Wardwell. Senior Olivia Bryant (20 pts) controls things on the blue line and will be a key scorer as well. Junior Kenna McLaughlin is also a key returner on the back line. The goaltending minutes will go to either junior Lucy Chin or freshman Abby Ortly.


DeCemBeR 16, 2015 | HoCkey NiGHT iN BoSToN NeWS | HNiBnews.com

GIRLS MIDDLESEX LEAGUE BURLINGTON (17-6-1) Fifty-goal scorer Kelly Browne has moved on to the prep ranks, so the Lady Devils will rely even more this year on an experienced defense and solid veteran goaltending. The cupboard certainly isn't bare up front, as senior Julia Swarbrick (29 pts) and sophomore Kat Nikolopoulos (45 pts) are back and will produce offense. Sophomore Mary Cox (12 pts) will be in the mix as well. Seniors Martina Scott (9 pts), Caroline Ackerly and Jillian Rigby form a solid defensive nucleus. Sophomore Erin Browne and junior Kenzie Arsenault are two more key blue line returners. Coach Marty Conley also has the luxury of senior returner Cassidy Smith (2.24 gaa) back for one more season.

Burlington Will Rely On Defense, Goaltending

kat nikolopouloS burlington

Julia SWarbrick burlington

caSSidy Smith • burlington

Watertown On Its Own This Year WATERTOWN (19-4-1) The team's co-op with Belmont is no longer, as Belmont will field its own team this winter. The move leaves the Raiders with just 10 players and one goaltender. They will still compete. Scoring tasks will fall on junior Aurora Fidler (15 pts), junior Karina McAdam and sophomore Kaitlin Pelletier. Four freshmen - Catherine

Connors, Alessangla Solari, Olivia Lampasona and Shannon Dunn, will need to contribute. Senior Kelly McCusker-Brown, sophomore Sydney Poulin and new freshman Honor Petrie form the defensive group for coach Steve Russo. A plus in goal is the return of sophomore Jonna Kennedy (1.46 gaa), an All-League selection a year ago.

Warriors Need To Play Better In All 3 Phases holly ruSSell arlington

Jillian danton arlington

Up-Tempo Game For Ponders ARLINGTON (10-10-2) The Spy Ponders are looking to play a fast, up-tempo game this season with a strong group of talented young players. Arlington is hoping to be a player in the Liberty Division. Coach Jeff Mead will expect a lot from sophomore forward/defenseman Holly Russell (20 pts), a returning league all star. Senior Laura Shea (14 pts) and freshmen Jenna Hallice (16 pts) and Emily Beniot (13 pts) are three more weapons. A key defenseman will be junior Jillian Danton (10 pts).

* Stoneham, melroSe and Wilmington are expected to be in the middleSex league Freedom diviSion thiS Winter. no inFormation WaS available aS oF preSS time.

WAKEFIELD (0-16-4) The focus is quite simple for the Warriors: play better in all three phases of the game. A good start will be key for a team that didn't register a victory last winter. Senior co-captains Julianne Bourque and Meaghan Kerrigan, along with sophomores

Olivia Cameron and Vanessa Kaddaras and freshman Brooke Lilley return up front for coach Jack Foley. Junior Megan Horrigan and sophomore Courtney Hill will be key on defense. As many as five eighth-graders could play varsity minutes.

- Central/West Preview LEOMINSTER/ST. BERNARD'S (6-9-1) The Blue Devils lack a bit on total numbers, but the returning players they do have are solid, so the team will be competitive. Senior Kristi Anderson (27 pts) and juniors Katie Babineau (24 pts) and Rachel Ambrozzy will drive the offense for coach Marc Berube. Freshman Sophie Schuster should have a role. On the blue line, senior Sam Donohue (14 pts) and senior Myranda Robichard (10 pts) will be cornerstones. In goal, returning senior Aislinn Dehorsey and newcomer Shelby Guinard will battle for time in goal. ALGONQUIN (9-11-1) With a good number of key contributors having graduated, coach Jay Monfreda figures his team will rely on a trio of returning players to lead the way. He also expects his club to be in a lot of close, hard-fought games this winter. That returning trio includes sophomore forward Kayla Currin (24 pts), sophomore defenseman Julianne Sacco (10 pts) and sophomore goaltender Angela Ferro (2.05 gaa). Junior Elena Avradopoulos looks to contribute at forward as well.

DecemBeR 16, 2015 | HOckeY NIGHT IN BOsTON NeWs | HNIBnews.com

OAKMONT Winless in their first varsity campaign last winter, coach Joelle Vautour’s group will be angling for that first win. Team leaders will be sophomore forward Sarah Craig, junior defenseman Cassidy Driscoll and sophomore defenseman Mackenzie McHatton. New freshman Stephanie Caban should be a help.



Needham Has Holes To Fill

Carey Division

NEEDHAM (13-5-3) The Rockets will need to overcome the loss of five key seniors from last winter's tournament-bound club. Last year's team featured six sophomores and four freshmen, so Needham will be young. "Our experienced players will have to assert themselves," said coach Allisyn Furano-Foster. Leadership will come from junior captain Kendall Milligan, who will backbone things defensively.

Framingham Eyes Tourney Berth

More Offense Key For Tigers NEWTON NORTH (6-12-2) Creating more scoring opportunites will be a focus for the Tigers this winter. Up front, coach Robert MacDougall will have experience to work with in seniors Rachel Hamilton, Meg Lenihan, Amanda Smith and Alexa McAuliffe (can also play defense). Freshmen Lucy Verdone and Emma McKee hope to contribute. Junior Olivia Ferry is a key returning defenseman. Freshman Sarah Zeidan looks to crack the rotation.

FRAMINGHAM (7-9-3) The Flyers just missed the postseason a year ago, and if they can capitalize on their good team spped and an aggressive forecheck, they could be in the hunt for both a Carey title and a tournament berth. Coach Ashley Means will rely on a trio of sophomore forwards to get the job done in front in Katie Puumala, Bailey Horne and Ava Lopez.

KatiE puumala Framingham

Herget Division

Small Roster For Braintree BRAINTREE (4-14-2) The Wamps will have a short roster this winter, and coach Kevin Burchill says his club will need scoring from the second line and all 10 players will have to play smart. Junior captain Dierdre Burchill (30 pts) will power the offensive attack, along with junior Annie Lee (25 pts) and junior Katie Yaxter (24 pts). Freshman forward Meg Stimpson will have a role up front. Senior captain Hannah Fenton will log a lot of minutes on the Braintree blue line in front of senior goalie Molly Devlin, also a captain.

Julia scannEll

laura hill

Kat Buchanan

ElEna Kapolis

Milton Returns A Lot Of Scoring

Brookline/Newton South Will Battle

MILTON (17-4-3) The Wildcats established themselves as a D2 power last winter, proving they could play with anyone. With five of their top six scorers back, Milton should be right up there again, provided they can replace the graduated Sarah Park in goal. "This year the key for success is team defense," said coach Bob Dwan. "We need to play all three zones and control the puck to be successful." A potent offensive attack will feature junior Elena Kapolis (32 pts) and sophomores Julia Scannell (31 pts), Kat Buchanan (30 pts) and Laura Hill (25 pts). Senior Meaghan McDougall (15 pts) will anchor the blue line. Senior Kate Driscoll (12 pts) will have an important role, and senior Caroline Johnson is back as well. The job of replacing Park in goal will go to freshman Mary O'Connell.

BROOKLINE/NEWTON SOUTH Hard work and hustle will be staples of theWarrior Lions as they try to compete in the tough Carey Division. Coach Meg Lloyd will look for sophomore forward Julia Kibrick to be a key component. A newcomer to watch is freshman forward Casey Ferrigno.

NATICK (1-12-3) The Redhawks found some tough sailing in the Herget Division last season and look to reverse their course this year. Key players for coach Bruce Ihloff project to be senior defensemen Rachel Kutok (12 pts) and senior Laura Sears (11 pts). Freshmen looking to contribute are Lauren Jackson and Molly Burns.

DiErDrE Burchill BraintrEE


Julia KiBricK BrooKlinE/nEwton south

DEcEmBER 16, 2015 | HockEy NigHT iN BoSToN NEwS | HNiBnews.com

GIRLS BAY STATE LEAGUE DEDHAM (10-4-7) Seven seniors have moved on, including highscoring forward Sam Girard, so there are plenty of opportunities for the younger players to step up and earn some playing time. There is still some firepower up front, with the return of senior Christina Maloof (30 pts), senior Melissa Celata, and juniors Sarah Stapleton (19 pts) and Cassandra Grant. Junior Cassidy Sullivan returns to the Marauders and will provide help as well. Senior Bridget Coakley and juniors Sam Hickey (16 pts) and Maria McDonagh are back on defense for coach Christine Gurskis. Junior Isabella Gentile projects to take over in goal. Newcomers looking for open some eyes are Courtney Abber and Maggie McIsaac, and freshman Bridget Crowley..

Dedham Must Replace 7 Seniors

christina Maloof DeDhaM

Kiely noonan wellesley

erin Kelly norwooD

Meghan McDougall Milton

Wellesley Retools WELLESLEY (19-3-3) Some key players from a club that was an overtime goal away from winning a D2 state title last March have moved on, so the task at hand for coach George Campbell is to fill those spots with quality replacements. Senior captain Kiely Noonan (27 pts) is back to power the Raiders offensive attack. Seniors Carly Boyle (15 pts) and Sophie Vernon (12 pts) will be go-to forwards as well. Junior Amy Dore and sophomore Phoebe Lawrence are back as well. On defense, senior Dani Hickman headlines a group that also will have junior Cat Donahue and sophomore Katie Hawkinson. It will be either junior Alyssa Cimino or sophomore Caroline Bedrosian to replace the graduated Meghan King between the pipes. The Wellesley roster could have as many as eight new faces.

Rebuilding Season On Tap For Norwood NORWOOD (12-5-5) The Mustangs will be in rebuilding mode this season with a young team after saying good-bye to their top five scorers. Coach Tim Coskren does return a key defenseman in senior Erin Kelly (20 pts). Sophomore goalie Janelle Kelleher is also back. Forwards to count on will be seniors Sam Shea, Hannah Gillis and Casey MacDonald DeceMbeR 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN boStoN NewS | HNibnews.com



Chelmsford Excited

mEgan barrEtt acton-boxboro

cali loblunDo acton-boxboro

Defense, Goaltending Key For Grey Ghosts WESTFORD ACADEMY (11-7-3) An experienced blue line and goaltending will be what dictates how well the Grey Ghosts fare this winter. Up front, senior Alyana Serpa (40 pts) will drive the attack for coach Bob Ware. Senior Emily Earl will be a key factor as well in the offensive end of the ice. Defensively, junior Kelly DeMarco (14 pt) headlines a group that will also include senior Roselyn Regan and senior Ali Benedict. Junior Alyssa Lopez returns in goal for Westford Academy and should take over the starting position.

Raiders Want To Keep Improving CENTRAL CATHOLIC (4-15-1) Now in its fourth year as a program, the Raiders have become more competitive each season. This year a goal will be to turn some of last year's close losses into wins and qualify for the D2 tournament. A host of talent returns up front, led by senior captains Lexi Stanisewski (28 pts) and Emily Frocione (26 pts). Senior Caitlin Menzies (12 pts) and junior Mary Lambert (11 pts) will have important roles as well. On defense, senior captain Lillie Bibeau will be an anchor, with junior Emma O'Neill and sophomore Mikala Magner. Freshman Michela Ferris hopes to get some minutes. In the nets, senior Carissa Gordon will be joined by junior Nicole Brennan and new freshman Julie Thing in the rotation.


Samantha ginSburg billErica

amanDa FantaSia billErica

Julia maybury chElmSForD

Colonials Will Be Very Young ACTON-BOXBORO (18-4-3) It certainly will be a different Colonials team that takes the ice this winter, after the team lost a lot of its offensive firepower. However, coach Brian Fontas said he will have some talented newcomers. They will need to contribute on what projects to be a small roster. A-B does have senior Megan Barrett (61 pts) back, though, and she will be an offensive catalyst. Junior Lisa Kidd (16 pts) will be expected to contribute in a big way. Youngsters looking to step it up front include freshman Corlene Guenard and seventh graders Lilliana Zavolas and Jilian Loebs. Senior returner Emma Bartle will backbone the defense. Look for freshman Elizabeth Hardy and eighth-graders Alicia Souliotis and Haley Sundstrom to have roles. The Colonials will be strong in goal with the return of the veteran duo or seniors Cali Loblundo (1.61 gaa) and Melissa Bambery (1.10 gaa).

Andover Will Play Close To The Vest ANDOVER (11-6-2) With their three top scorers having graduated, expect the Warriors to be involved in more low-scoring games this season. Special teams will play a key role. Coach Kevin Drew hopes to get adequate production up front from the likes of seniors Krystal Brighton, Caroline Curtin and Jillian Hughes and sophomore Hannah Littlewood. On the blue line, senior Brenna Keefe and junior Caroline Ingram will see a lot of time. New sophomore Allison Wright will be a key. Four freshmen - forwards Callie Willey and Emily Wagner, defenseman Kathleen Adams and goalie Shauna D’Urso - look to chip in.

Jillian hughES anDovEr

carolinE curtin anDovEr

kElly DEmarco wEStForD acaD.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

CHELMSFORD (12-5-3) Second-year coach Jason Fletcher is excited about the upcoming season, as he reports the Lions have several players new to the program that bring a great deal of skill. Returners up front include seniors Erin Doonan, Devon Livingstone, Rachel Hopkins and Meghan Fitzgibbons, along with sophomore Julia Maybury. On defense, senior Sophie Eppolito, senior Siobhan Bowser and juniors Alison Beals and Courtney McCann will have key roles. Also back are both goaltenders - senior Ellie Farell and junior Jess Hopkins. Youngsters ready to make their mark are freshman Kirsten DiCicco and eighth-graders Kylie Briand and Riley Roche. BILLERICA (8-9-4) With few, if any weaknesses, expect the Indians to be a serious challenger for the league crown. Scoring will come from the likes of senior Samantha Ginsburg and Macy Vercellini, and sophomores Clare Conway and Kayleigh O'Mahoney. Providing depth are sophomores Marissa Jones and Alyssa Burgos, and eighth-grader Jill Capraro. Defensively, senior Amanda Fantasia and junior Madison Dechristoforo give coach Tina Carrabba a solid duo on the blue line. Freshman Caitlyn Faria will chip in. The Indians are also in great shape between the pipes with all-league goalie Amanda Burns back for her senior season.

lExi StaniSlEwSki cEntral catholic

Emily FrocionE cEntral catholic


Oteri New Coach For Red Rangers TEWKSBURY/METHUEN (15-4-1) With the graduation of super scorer Amanda Conway, things will have a different look this winter. The Red Rangers also have a new head coach in former Andover HS star Sarah Oteri. Freshman forward Carolyn Curley, along with junior Amanda Mambro, sophomores Riley Cote, Camry Beaulieu and Amanda Downing and eighth-grader Katelyn DiMambro will have increased offensive roles. Senior Kathleen LeFebre will be on the league's top defensemen on the blue line, highlighting a group that also includes junior Niamh Cote, sophomore Jessica Marchand and freshman Megan Forbes. Eighth-grader Kaia Hollingsworth is a returning starter in goal for the Red Rangers.

13 Back At Concord-Carlisle CONCORD-CARLISLE (5-12-2) With 13 players back in the fold, the Patriots are poised for success this year as they look to make the post-season. Having your top scorer back at forward is a big help, as senior Carmen Braceras (36 pts) returns to lead the offense. Senior Bethany Colleran returns as well. Newcomers hoping to fit right into the lineup include sophomore Emma-Sofia Wipper, freshmen Abby Versaggi and Meaghan Bernardin, and eighth-graders Skylar Rice, Christina Klinoff and McKenzie Campbell.

On defense, senior Audrey Hunt (16 pts) is back and will be heavily involved in the offense as well. Eighth-grade goalie Daisy Boynton will vie for the starting job for coach Barbara Southcote.

mIChaeLa Lane haverhILL/no. andover

reBeCCa harTy haverhILL/no. andover

KaTherIne CapoBIanCo haverhILL/no. andover

Things Looking Good For HPNA HAVERHILL/NORTH ANDOVER (13-5-3) With all but two players back, things look pretty good for this co-op program. And, an influx of several talented freshmen add depth to the program. Scoring will come from the junior duo of Jess Chicko (18 pts) and Katherine Capobianco (15 pts), and sophomore Rebecca Harty (20 pts) Defense will be strong with junior all star Andrea Albano (15 pts), along with captains Emma Johns and Alex Casale. Senior captain Michaela Kane (1.29 gaa) is back in goal. She played every minute last winter.

Solid Defense Key For L-S

Carmen BraCeras ConCord-CarLIsLe

Boston Latin, Waltham In The Mix BOSTON LATIN (7-10-3) The Wolfpack fully expect to improve this winter and maybe jump up a spot or two in the league standings. Senior Emma Curran and junior Rachel Tassinari (18 pts) will be asked to be offensive leaders for head coach Mary Balaconis. Senior Lauren Coughlin anchors the defense in front of returning senior goalie Callie Richman. WALTHAM (5-11-4) New head coach John McCue inherits a very young team that he says "will need to rely on each other to pick each other up and work together to be successful." Senior Jennie Cicconi, sophomores Karly Aguirre and Emma Doherty and freshman Caroline Guden will be expected to lead the offense for the Hawks. Junior Cora Casteel is a key returning defenseman. Eighth-grader Janice O'Neil hopes to break into the defensive rotation, while seventh grade goalie Caitlyn Burke will be in the hunt for the starting job between the pipes.

LINCOLN-SUDBURY (12-8-2) A playoff team a year ago, the Warriors will need to play solid defense and capitalize on their scoring opportunities is they want to repeat as postseason participant. Solid offense should come from freshmen Danni Lu (27 pts) and Kerri Maron (19 pts), and senior Ally Marcoux (18 pts). Three eighth-graders ready to contribute for coach Paul Hardy are Izzy Acquaviva, Kylie Oblak and Fiona Tobin. Junior Alyssa Lee (2.73 gaa, 4 SO) gives L-S experience between the pipes. Eighth-grader Alyssa Beradino hopes to crack the lineup. CAMBRIDGE (4-13-2) Hoping to make some noise in the MVC/Dual County Small are the Falcons under coach Katelyn Greene. Senior forward Katelin McCullum (18 pts) and junior forward Adrienne Ashe (19 pts) are keys up front, while junior Bella Jaffe returns between the pipes.

• Bay State Carey •

Weymouth Looks To Improve WEYMOUTH (4-12-4) The Lady Wildcats project to be stronger this winter, with a solid group back for another season. Coach Dan McGlone says his club his determined to have a better season. Forwards back are senior Olivia Noll, juniors Emily Skocik, Nicole Cowan and Susan Dimateo, and sophomore Alivia Hearon. Defensively, juniors Neive Doyle and Rebecca Heath will have key roles in front of new freshman goalie Peyton Beady.

DeCemBer 16, 2015 | HoCkey NigHt iN BostoN News | HNiBnews.com



Added Depth Will Make Matignon Stronger MATIGNON (0-18-2) New head coach Mark Wall says his team will be a lot deeper this winter and is going to surprise some teams. An infusion of six new freshmen that can all play will help

tremendously. Senior Rose Sullivan (23 goals) will again be the catalyst up front for the Warriors, who also welcome back senior Jenny Koury and sophomores Kayla McKim (19 pts)

Rose sullivan Matignon

and Courtney Hardy (13 pts). Junior Brenna Wall and sophomore Megan Morrison are back on defense, and senior Emma Kate is a returning goalie. Freshman newcomers include goalie Lydia Rascher and Samantha Lawler, Clara Wall, Carolyn Mahoney and Emma Brennan.

Shawsheen Looks For Improvement SHAWSHEEN (0-18-0) The Rams have nowhere to go but up after suffering a winless campaign a year ago. Players coach Bob Roach will looking at for leadership are senior forward Lee Falkerson and junior defenseman Taylor Lynch.


December 16, 2015 | Hockey NIgHt IN boStoN NewS | HNIbnews.com


Coastal Division

Ferreira New Coach For D2 State Champ Clippers FALMOUTH (20-4-2) The defending Mass. D2 state champs get a new head coach in Brian Ferreira, a Falmouth alum that coached the boys at St. John Paul last season. He inherits a club that has some key personnel back from that title team, but one with some holes to plug as well. At forward, the scoring duties will fall on junior Ericka Meissner and sophomores Rachael Curtis, Shannon Upton and Emma Callahan, all returning from last season. Newcomers to watch are senior Alexia Meissner and eighth-grader Caroline Coyne. Senior Hannah Callahan will be the leader on the Clippers blue line, which also returns senior Abby Peterson and junior Brooke Bowman. Freshman Hannah Tobey will look for time. There will be a new face in goal as well as both goalies have graduated. SANDWICH (6-12-1) Team speed will be an asset the Lady Knights hope to utilize as they make their way through a tough Coastal Division. Up front, coach Stephen Noll will rely on seniors Christina O'Neil (10 pts) and Anna Hurley and junior Sammi Souke. Senior Andie LaRochelle and sophomore Mary Houlihan will be involved. Senior Kate Towey and freshman Kari Gould (8 pts) will handle things on the blue line. Freshman Delaney Corcoran will battle for the starting goaltender's job. CANTON (12-7-2) A solid work ethic worked well for the Bulldogs last winter and they will continue in that vain again this year. Offensively, coach Dennis Aldrich will rely on the likes of senior Sarah Wilkinson (9 pts), junior Rebecca Eckler (16 pts) and sophomore Kendra Farrelly (14 pts). A trio of freshmen Maggie Malloy, Lauren Fitzpatrick and Helen Huang - will provide depth to the front lines. Book-end seniors Mary Nee (9 pts) and Emily Rizzitano will be vital to the Canton defense. Goaltending is strongpoint with the return of sophomore Colleen Kelleher (1.58 gaa) and senior Lindsey Nolte (1.38 gaa).

HAnnAH CAllAHAn FAlmoutH

sHAnnon uPton FAlmoutH

PAyton donAto duxBury

AmAndA PiKniCK BArnstABle

Duxbury Looks To Start New Title Run DUXBURY (15-6-2) For the first time in five seasons, the Dragons aren't entering a season as state champs. They plan on playing an aggressive but disciplined style in all three zones. Senior tri-captain Julia Nolan (25 pts) will lead a returning forward group that also features senior K.C. Williams, junior Cate Griffin and sophomores Allie Coleman, Jill Cosgrove and

Kelly McCarthy (28 pts). Freshmen hoping to have a role are Jackie Hayden, Grace Collins, Mairead Kennedy and Lucy Williams. Defensively, coach Friend Weiler will look to senior tri-captains Payton Donato and Nicole Quinlan to be cornerstones. Juniors Elizabeth Connolly and Emily van der Veen also return. Freshman Olivia Nolan wants to contribute. Senior Cat Jordan returns in goal.

Red Raiders Have Potential For Another Big Year BARNSTABLE (16-2-4) The Red Raiders were as good as anyone last season, and have the potential to be so again. They are a hard-working squad that returns a nice offensive nucleus. Senior Callie Rogorzenski (27 pts) leads a quintet of returning forwards that had doubledigit points last winter, a group that also wel-

KendrA FArrelly CAnton

Colleen KelleHer CAnton

comes back seniors Amanda Piknick (14 pts), senior Caroline Spait (12 pts) and juniors Meghan Moore (18 pts) and Brynn Mendes (13 pts). Sophomore Shannon Raycroft will be a key defenseman for coach Peter Nugnes. Last year's starter in goal, Olivia Sollows, has transferred to prep school.

Brynn mendes BArnstABle

megHAn moore BArnstABle

AlyssA sullivAn HingHAm

More Depth A Boost For Hingham’s Fortunes HINGHAM (8-12-2) The Harborwomen will have better depth this season and they are hoping it translates into more success. They will need to pick up the offense, as the team scored just 32 goals last season. Hingham will be strong on the back end. Seniors Alyssa Sullivan and Olivia Messina both were involved offensively as well for coach Tom

Findley and will be asked to do the same again this year. Junior Catherine Wilk is also back on the back line. Junior Julianna Lynch was Hingham's starter in goal last season and is back. Senior Kenzie Hunt and junior Nicole Brennan are two returning forwards. Three freshmen ready to contribute are Julia Salvucci, Lizi Jacobson and goalie Leah White.

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com



Several New Coaches Highlight West Division KING PHILIP (17-1-3) The Warriors finished the regular season unbeaten last year and look to have a similar type season. New head coach Jack Unger thinks this group will gel quickly as the majority of the team has played together for the past few years. Back to power the KP offense are senior Casie Curtin (29 pts) and sophomore Liz Furfari (33 pts). Senior Molly Alfond and sophomore Jessica Daniels will be the defensive leaders. New freshman Nicole Connor will have a role in the blue line unit. In the nets, sophomore Ally Campbell and freshman Lilly Potts will compete to see who gets the starting job. MEDFIELD (15-3-4) The Warriors are coming off a banner season that saw them reach the D2 state semifinals. They enter the new season with a new coach, as Michael Cox takes over the program. Key holdovers from last year's tourney team include three senior tri-captains - Grace Crowell, Meredith Cox and Emily Ruzzo - all defensemen. Sophomore Skylar Flynn is back between the pipes. As many as eight freshmen could crack the varsity roster. WESTWOOD (5-13-1) New head coach Ed Amico welcomes back 13 returning players to mix with what should be a host of new freshmen as the Wolverines look to rebound from last winter's down season. Senior co-captain Jamie Burke and junior Caroline Fitzgerald will spearhead the offensive attack. Seniors Laurel Orcutt and Lauren Reissfelder are back as well up front. Defensive leaders will be senior co-captain Emily Keith and junior Simone Greenberg. DOVER-SHERBORN/HOPKINTON (6-13-1) Graduation hit the Raiders hard, as the team lost its top four scorers, starting goalie and and starting defense duo. So, all returning veterans will have to step up their game. Coach Nick Grout will have three experienced defensemen to lean on in juniors Madison Abbott (7 pts), Madison Pawela (8 pts) and Rachel Falb. Junior Caroline Whitaker gets the nod in goal.


WeSt DiviSion

liz furfari KinG PhiliP

Jamie Gottwald mansfield/oa

Seniors To Power Warriors MANSFIELD/OLIVER AMES (3-15-2) In order for the Warriors to improve on last winter's three-win season, the strong senior class will have to lead by example for new head coach Mike Dalton. Senior Jamie Gottwald (33 pts) will be the offensive catalyst. Sophomore Catherine Luciano (23 pts) will also have a huge role. Senior Kalee O'Hara (12 pts) and junior Brynne Levine (12 pts) can also be looked on to put the puck in the net. Three seniors - Shannon Griffin, Jen Dooley and Taylor Fraser - will hold down the fort on the blue line. Senior Haley Dalton returns in goal.

Medway/Ashland Boasts Plenty Of Experience MEDWAY/ASHLAND (14-5-4) The defending SEMGHL West champs will play this season with a heavy heart after senior captain Maddie Lamson died tragicially in an automobile accident in November. “Maddie was the heart and soul of our team,” said coach Kurt Carter. “Her memory gets us going. She will be missed as we try to dedicate the season to her.” Six-year starting goalie Kathryn Hamer has graduated, leaving the job to impressive freshman Rachel Gittings. Captain Kasey Thoresen, junior Lexi Maher, and sophomores Allie Smith and Caroline Werner are all back on defense. Up front, senior Kerryann Goode (34 pts) and junior Ashley Fondo (31 pts) were the team’s top two scorers last year and lead a host of returning forwards. The team graduated just two seniors.

Youth Movement Key For Franklin FRANKLIN (5-14-2) The Panthers will have a young team, as more than half of the roster is either a freshman or sophomore. That means senior captain Haley Griffin (12 pts) and sophomore Marlee Patterson (21 pts) will be vital to the offensive attack for coach Margie Burke. Senior captain Kate Cashman anchors the defense in front of junior captain Katelyn Pokomy in goal. Three freshmen who could have an impact are Cassie Ronan, Regan Patterson and Hannah Stahl.

SoutheaSt DiviSion

Favorite Marshfield Has Some Firepower MARSHFIELD (16-4-0) The Rams were a pleasant surprise last season and with the majority of the team back, things are looking pretty good this year as well. There is plenty of firepower up front with the sophomore trio of Olivia Mastrangelo (43 pts), Rachael Burum (37 pts) and Meghan Doyle (32 pts) all back with a year of varsity experience under their belts. Senior Jessie Spitz (24 pts) is another solid option. Coach Don McNeil's defense is in the capable hands of seniors Julia Kolar, Kristen Shanley and Sara Colletta. Senior goalie Grace Lennon is back as the #1 goalie. Freshmen Brenna Ames, Molly Shaw and Kiley Timcoe are all expected to contribute

Stang Enters 3rd Year BISHOP STANG (2-18-0) This third year varsity program welcomes Somerset Berkley as a co-op partner this winter. Good team defense will go a long way toward improvement in the standings. Coach Bill Theodore will expect solid play from junior forward Sara Cruise and junior goaltender Victoria Poland. New freshman Lauren Mauretti will be an asset on the blue line.

DeceMber 16, 2015 | HocKeY NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com


SoutheaSt DiviSion

Plymouth Co-op Expects Another Good Season PLYMOUTH NORTH/SOUTH (14-3-1) The first varsity season of this Plymouth co-op couldn't have gone any better, as the team had a banner campaign, losing only two regular season games and reaching the D2 quarterfinals. And, coach Sadie Wright-Ward has high expectations for this year's club, which will be bol-

stered with the arrival of nine freshmen. Up front, senior captain Shannon Colbert will be a leader, along with sophomores Kelsey Routhier (19 pts) and Kayla Donovan (17 pts). Defensively, senior captain Leda Routhier and senior Jess Whyte (12 pts) will have key roles.

Dennis-Yarmouth Sets Sights On Playoffs DENNIS-YARMOUTH (7-10-3) The Dolphins were just on the outside looking in come playoff time last season and with a solid returning cast, could taste the post-season this year. Returning forwards for coach John Shaw are seniors Taylor McDowell and Natalie Reid, and sophomore Tara Stocker. New sophomore Maeve Terrio and freshmen Selena Kivney,

Corrine Dupee and Anna McGaffigan look to have roles, as do juniors Olivia Crowell and Anastasia McDowell. Senior Nicole Oberlander, junior Mannon Ceravone and sophomores Summer Walsh and Amanda Crowley are a solid nucleus on the blue line. Freshman returner Lucy Reid will team with junior Hanna Morse to handle the goaltending duties.

natalie reid denniS-yarmouth

Shannon Colbert Plymouth north/South

BOURNE/MASHPEE/WAREHAM/ OLD ROCHESTER (6-7-5) Old Rochester has joined this co-op program and that should add depth. Ready to lead the offense for coach Kristyn Alexander are sophomores Carly LaCasse (8 goals), Leah Hidenfelter, Aly Hickey and Issabella Prophett. On defense, senior Natalia Gordon (9 pts), junior Tannah O'Brien (11 pts) and junior Jess Ballard provide experience for BMWORR.

Junior Women’s Hockey League 2015-16 Directory NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY ACADEMY 3430 Mountain Road, PO Box 1197, Stowe, VT 05672 Phone: 802-253-1590 Head Coach: Bill Driscoll e-mail: billdris@winter-hawks.org Web: www.winter-hawks.org

ATHOL MURRAY COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Box 100, Wilcox, SK S0G-5E0 Phone: 306-732-1241 Head Coach: Janice Rumpel e-mail: j.rumpel@notredame.ca Web: www.notredame.ca

WASHINGTON PRIDE 10005 Dickens Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-257-8966 Head Coach: Kush Sidhu e-mail: ksidhu35@mac.com Web: www.pridehockey.com

BOSTON SHAMROCKS 190 Main St., Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: 781-864-7676 Head Coach: Josh Hechter e-mail: josh@bostonshamrocks.net http://www.bostonshamrocks.net

PACIFIC STEELERS #154-3650 Mount Seymour Parkway P.O. Box 30058 Parkgate North Vancouver, B.C. V7H-2Y0 Head Coach: Jeff Eaton e-mail: jeff@pacificsteelers.ca Web: pacificsteelers.ca

THE EDGE SCHOOL 33055 Township Road 250, Calgary, AB T3Z-1L4 Phone: 403-246-6432, ext. 441 Head Coach: Carla MacLeod e-mail: cmacleod@ilearn.edgeschool. com Web: www.edgeschool.com

WARNER HOCKEY SCHOOL Box 150, 409 3rd Ave., Warner AB T0K-2L0 Phone: 403-642-3931 Head Coach: Mikko Makela e-mail: mikko.makela@horizon.ab.ca Web: www.warnerhockeyschool.com

BALMORAL HALL SCHOOL 630 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C-3S1 Phone: 204-960-8100 Head Coach: Gerry Wilson e-mail: gwilson@balmoralhall.com Web: www.balmoralhall.com

December 16, 2015 | Hockey NigHt iN bostoN News | HNibnews.com

OKANAGAN HOCKEY ACADEMY Suite 201, 853 Eckhardt Ave. West, Penticton, BC V2A-9C4 Phone: 250-809-5318 Head Coach: Jim Fetter e-mail: jimfetter@okanaganhockey.com Web: okanaganhockey.com COLORADO SELECT PO Box 270196, Littleton, CO 80127 Phone: 214-435-4978 Head Coach: Karen Rickard e-mail: karen.rickard@csgha.com Web: www.coloradogirlshockey.com CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY ACADEMY 8710 County Road 17, Rockland, ON K4K 1T2 Phone: 613-266-4718 Director of Hockey: Guy Girouard e-mail: ggirouard@cihacademy.com Web: www.cihacademy.com/page



Northeast DivisioN

CaLLie hoadLey Cohasset/hanover

Morgan Lundin Cohasset/hanover

Cohasset/Hanover A Solid Foe COHASSET/HANOVER (9-10-2) A return to the post-season will be a goal for coach Deb Beal's club this winter. There is some decent production back up front, led by junior Callie Hoadley (27 pts), senior Samantha Taylor (23 pts) and junior Alex Martini. Senior Ally Leahy will provide a spark. Three defensemen return to take care of blue line matters in juniors Cassidy Bodie and Ellie Jackisch and sophomore Morgan Lundin. Newcomers Jacqui Manning and Lindsey Beiche add depth to the group. In goal, senior Shea Kearney saw the majority of action in net last winter and is back.

southeast DivisioN Titans Must Find Offensive Touch PEMBROKE (11-8-3) This club made the post-season in its first year as a stand-alone program. This winter, coach Bill Flynn says he will have a sound defensive team, but one that needs to find ways to score more goals. That task will fall on key returners like senior Shea Coady (28 pts) and junior Jackie DiPietro (22 pts). Adding help should be sophomore Amanda Schafer. Two new defensemen ready to show what they can do are sopho-

JaCkie diPietro

mores Brooke McIsaac and Kelly Cunningham. Junior Katlyn Hathaway (1.89 gaa) returns in goal.

NAUSET/CAPE COD TECH/MONOMOY (4-14-1) A good-sized returning group will meld with a big influx of new players that should make this co-op program more competitive. Junior Brianna Cowing, a returning all star, and sophomore Lauren Monger (12 pts) will spearhead the forward group for coach Scott Rebello. New senior Brooke Wrightington will be a welcome addition from the Monomoy boys program. On defense, sophomores Blue Fancy (17 pts) and Elsa Lalone both were league all stars a year ago. Junior Kim Gallagher and sophomore Cathryn Ready also return. Both goalies graduated, so the Furies will need to develop a new netminder. MARTHA'S VINEYARD (12-7-2) A rebuilding year is in the cards for the Vineyarders, who lost seven seniors. The team will attempt to qualify for the post-season for its fifth straight season. Seniors Belle Dinning and Meg Burke will power the offense for coach John Fiorito, as will junior Julia Levesque. New freshman Megan Sonia adds depth. Freshman Hailey Meader should be a key on defense, while Martha's Vineyard returns both goalies in senior Jackie Hegarty and junior Kylie Hatt.


Stoughton Unveils Varsity Program STOUGHTON Hoping to make some noise in their first year as a varsity program, the Black Knights look to compete right away and know they are in for a challenge. Coach Richard Grasso is banking on junior Mia Russell and freshman Katie Widrow to be offensive leaders. Sophomore Sarah Widrow and freshman Julia Russell are key to the defense, and senior Samantha Tullis gets the job between the pipes. NORWELL (4-12-4) Some good talent in the freshman and sophomore classes is what new head coach Amy Severance will look to cultivate as the Mariners hope to compete for a division title. As she learns about her personnel, Severance will look to senior forward Caroline Nichols (16 pts) and senior forward/defenseman Maggie Hennessey to be good leaders. They are the team captains. WHITMAN-HANSON/SILVER LAKE (11-8-1) New head coach Kevin Marani fully expects his Panthers to compete for a division title. He will have firepower to work with up front with the return of juniors Melanie McAleer (47 pts), Hannah Tracy (46 pts) and Mary Kate Webb (20 pts). Maddie Soule hopes to chip in up front. Senior Emily Kelleher and junior Katie Johnson are stalwarts on defense. Junior Melissa Crone is back for another season between the pipes.

• Bay State Herget •

Walpole Could Prove Troublesome WALPOLE (6-7-6) The Rebels were tough to play against last winter and should be again this year. They should be stronger offensively. Seniors Olivia MacMillan and Kate Hamilton, freshman Meghan Hamilton and sophomore Amanda Janowicz are back up front for coach Joe Verderber. Freshman Audra Tosone hopes to have an impact. Senior Brooke Carde, junior Cam Johnson and sophomore Lauryn Hallet form a defensive nucleus in front of returning junior goalie Franky Bonanno. Freshman defenseman Madison Ryan will look for minutes.

DeceMber 16, 2015 | HOckey NigHT iN bOsTON News | HNibnews.com

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