Barclays Magical

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An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


We actually have a magical brand and an unprecedented opportunity to express it in a skyline, in an edifice, in our workscape, on the desktop. 2

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


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Section 1: How workplace thinks about brand Distilling the ‘atmosphere’ of an environment from the brand attributes of an enterprise, requires new skills and broader thinking in both workplace design and facility management

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Section 2: How Barclays thinks about brand It’s much more than the Barclays name and the Eagle Globe. Barclays are focused on creating a distinctive tone and experience for their brand. This project has the ability to extend these strategies to the facilities and work places that support the people that in turn materialise the brand.

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Section 3: How the workplace and Barclays Place will converge Our ‘Canary Wharf Vision’ outlined a demanding agenda for change: take these scattered groups with their brand differences and pull them together into a cohesive whole that would clearly, loudly shout “One team, one brand, under one roof”. This section looks at the physical opportuntities that the building provides to maximise these goals.

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Section 4: The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf So what does it look like? This section descibes a tour, illustrating the look and feel of the key areas of the building. the presentation is a sequential experience from skyline to desktop. The intention balances the two most powerful attributes of brand personality: “Human” and “Powerful”.

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Section 5: Sources and contributors to our project vision This section lists those documents and references used as sources for this brief. Here are the signage standards and corporate identity guidelines which should be referenced by the design team when they develop and define the branding concepts for the building.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf



Purpose of this brief Our unique service ethos and distinctive facilities will be instantaneously recognisable to both staff, visitors and customers providing a long lasting welcoming memory that reflects and enhances the Barclays corporate image.

The purpose of the following ‘Image and Branding Brief’ is to document the opportunities to project the desired image and Barclays brand at the new headquarters building in Canary Wharf. The goal of this document is to: • Expand on the Image and Branding aspirations and philosophies documented in the ‘Canary Wharf Vision’ document • To understand the Barclays brand and how it can be applied to a headquarters building of this kind • To provide concepts and recommendations to brief the design teams. Approval of this document, by the Business Committee, will enable the base build architects, and the Interior fitting out designers to proceed with their concept design. The approved image and brand objectives will also feed into the other briefing streams; Facilities Management, Productive Workplace, Occupancy Modelling, and Information Technology.

Scope of this brief This document is an overview of current thinking on this subject along with information collected during the Barclays relocation study for Canary Wharf. This report is a briefing document and is not intended to include detailed concepts, signage studies or artwork proposals. The briefing streams and designers will develop information on specific requirements for common areas and individual departments during the project phases that follow.

Methodology Feedbacks from the project team and Executive Committee have been incorporated into this document.

HOK, with the Barclays Office Productivity Team and the Group Property Team conducted four worksessions with Barclays brand stakeholder, Philip Davies. These worksessions included a review of the following: • The executive vision for Image and Brand in the new building • Barclays Brand Strategy In addition, tours were conducted as follows: • Existing Barclays offices and Barclays University • Other workplace environments within the Canary Wharf Estate This briefing document is the result of a 12-week initiative.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Section 1

How workplace thinks about brand: Workplace design mirroring brand attributes The purpose of brand is to create expectations about your products and services which your enterprise then fulfills. Those brand expectations carry through to the facilities that house the enterprise. Distilling personality of place from brand attributes requires new skills and broadened thinking in workplace and facilities design.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How workplace thinks about brand

A collective vision for our workplace Living the brand Our unique service ethos and distinctive facilities will be instantaneously recognisable to both staff,

This project multiplies our ability to live the Barclays brand through the synergy that comes from arriving at “one team under one roof”. Barclays at Canary Wharf presents the opportunity to wrap brand personality around the organization through collective residency.

visitors and customers providing a long lasting welcoming memory that reflects and enhances the Barclays corporate image.

Environment as a vehicle for brand immersion Facilities and workplace can support leadership’s vision of a Barclays headquarters as a source of inspiring collaboration and workplace innovations that we develop here, record, and export to affect other Barclays sites.

Using space as a message There are vehicles for embedding messages within an environment. There are vehicles for linking diverse environments within the same building into a collective experience that is perceived, felt, and downloaded by visitor and employee alike. There are exhibit and display vehicles in which line of business “tenants” can express their thoughts, achievements, ponderings, and breakthroughs for the rest of their community members to see, interact with, react to, synergize with.

Where are we starting from today? Today most SSU’s and SBU’s are scattered, both physically and in relation to a single brand. Groups tend to see themselves as individual units and focus on their differences which in some cases even extends to differing visual identities. This sets them apart from others within the group, but sends a confusing message to those outside - Consumers, Customers, etc. The need to unify the brand and create visual distinction in the marketplace for the whole group is vital in the realisation of the ‘Canary Wharf Vision’ and the wider Barclays Group Strategy.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How workplace thinks about brand

Interpreting brand strategy in three dimensions A defined process of analysis, synthesis and execution; with a follow-on provision for continuous improvement. Step 1: On-Brand Analysis

Brand attributes The components of brand strategy made accessible to built environment design team:

Step 2: On-Brand Synthesis

Step 3: On-Brand Execution

Corporate Colors

Corporate Personality

Graphic Devices

Corporate Voice

Identity Marks

Brand Atmosphere

Design attributes Personality of Place

Visitor Experience

Embedded Messages

Human Interactions






















Brand enhanced environments Environments designed to accept the changing attributes of brand. Intangible yet downloadable takeaway messages that comes from experiencing environments with our desired brand attributes.

Step 4: On-Brand Evaluation

Post-occupancy evaluations A structured process that defuses personal tastes and envolves diverse audiences: Occupants Survey

Brand Managers

Visitors Survey

Relevant External Specialists

Focus Groups

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf



How workplace thinks about brand

Environment as a vehicle for brand immersion Extending brand attributes to 3D environments--not unlike how retail environment design extends and reinforces brand to branch bank premises. Strategies that use environment design to trigger behaviors and reinforce desired activities from those experiencing the environment. It is now timely and this project provides the opportunity to extend brand attributes to the work environment.

Design can be used to attach attributes to an environment such that you are lead to upload a feel and style when you associate with that environment.

The evolution of brand to style of work and place of work Successfully enacted brands drive how an enterprise looks, how it feels, how it reacts, and how it acts. This project has the ability to focus on perhaps the least yet developed, but potentially most fruitful aspect of brand personality--how we act internally–how we might live the brand in the daily execution of commerce. The diagram below illustrates an evolution for brand thought over time and highlights where this project ‘s opportunity lies.

This project resides here Traditionally



Logical Evolution

Corporate Identity

Retail Experience Design

Web Experience Design

Corporate Personality

Signage Standards

Advertising Style

Call Centre Experience

Workplace Experience Design

Corporate Voice






Identify Brand

Differentiate Brand

Interact with Brand

Intra-Act with Brand

Brand Recognition

Brand Loyalty

Brand Experience

Living the Brand

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How workplace thinks about brand

Vehicles for branding : fluid versus fixed The longevity of architecture as a brand vehicle: Any environment we build for ourselves, while the most impactful on how we act as a brand, is also the most fixed, least fluid, of the drivers of our brand world.

Drivers of the Barclays brand world

This project resides here

Public Relations

On-Line Experience

Corporate Identity

Retail Environments

Advertising Style

Call Centre Experience

Corporate Personality

Workplace Environments

Very Fluid



Very Fixed

Just as brand elements logically fall at different points on a fixed/fluid spectrum, any use of architecture and workplace as a brand element should deploy similar logic.

Accepting the changing attributes of brand There is a lifecycle to the building, a lifecycle to the interior fit-out, and a lifecycle the brand. All need to dance well together. Very fluid elements of the brand should not be married to permanent elements of the architecture. Nor should transitory fixtures in the interiors be tasked with carrying cornerstones of the brand. The vehicles we use in the building to express the Barclays brand need to be agile enough to reflect inevitable evolutions, extensions and modifications to the brand into the future.

Audiences for a branded building and workplace Desired Response to Brand Through the visual interpretation of corporate


effectively shape its place in as well as its position




External to Barclays


in the marketplace. The branding of workstyle can serve as a strategic

Audience Profile


strategy, a business can the minds of an audience



Partner Recruit

tool and impact desired cultural change.



Internal to Barclays


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How workplace thinks about brand

A model for brand expression at Canary Wharf

SBU Community Consumer

SBU Barclays Brand


Shared Image and Identity

Client Focused Expression




Critical mass and focus offer a unique opportunity The brand challenge: to understand and then create the on-brand experience desired by the business strategy.

Probably never before has this magnitude of branding opportunity presented itself to Barclays. The realization of critical mass: sheer numbers of people and square feet; a broad and rich branding program that activates previously overlooked and/or underutilized communication venues; an architectural skyline statement with a premier address.

Brand experienced from the inside out The environment can cause the facility visitor and workscape users to “upload” a style and feel about an organization. The reverse effect is also true: facilities can also disconnect from corporately promoted brand (or corporate culture). Efforts by an organization outside of corporate facilities and real estate (such as branding, advertising, PR, branch banking) can create expectations for facility attributes. Conversly the attributes of the new facility at Canary Wharf can also create expectations that the rest of the wider corporate culture must live up to.

An exportable pride of place These concepts can be used by the enterprise both to communicate ongoing internal evolution and to produce the target culture reflecting new models for communication, collaboration and creativity. This ‘pride of place’ concept can migrate through time to the future and through geography to the rest of Barclays.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How workplace thinks about brand

A model for cultural expression at Canary Wharf

Customer Focused Expression Customer Focused Expression


Client Focused Expression


SBU BU Barclays Brand

Customer Focused Expression

Shared Vision and Values S SSU


Colleague Focused Expression

SBU Individual Cultural Expression

Signaling spaces by their customer focus The culture challange: to understand and then facilitate the cultural experience desired by the

Allow for the evidencing of the subcultures within the building. Display venues and identity vehicles by which you visibly perceive who the customer is for that floors occupant. The customer can be external clients or internal colleagues --but the focus is the customer.

SBU’s without violating the overarching consistency demanded by solid brand management.

An allowance for badging and owning environments The ability to bring one’s self to work in a new Barclays culture and how this will impact the individual desire to express “I am...” at the workstation will parallel the individual business units desire to express “We are...” at the lift lobby. Both need to be provisioned in an orchestrated way otherwise they will be resolved in an ad hoc way. It requires a scaled solution for identity.

Messages that foster cultural change Image and identity planning is as much a means for communicating our vision and mission as it is a method for identifying our products or services. Through the visual interpretation of corporate strategy, a business can effectively shape its place in the minds of an audience as well as its position in the marketplace. Identity design can serve as a strategic tool and quickly create competitive advantage in the Barclays workplace. These environments can produce a positive experience, communicate valuable messages, motivate appropriate reactions.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How workplace thinks about brand

Mobile edifices of culture We want a strategy that enables exhibits and displays to be developed and owned by a self- determining community

An interior “Look� reinforces brand through its consistency. A standardised interior fit-out contains construction costs and allows for ease of future relocations and churn within the building. How then can individual business unit cultures with specific client focus be expressed in such a fixed context? How can elements that express SBU specific messages remain fluid in an environment where standardized infrastructure is desired. Those solutions that individuate a business unit or workgroup must easily pick up and move and successfully layer atop a deliberately equalitarian backdrop. Theatrical stage sets come to mind.

A model for ownership of the cultural artifacts Our efforts are to understand and then materialize the cultural presence desired by the occupant of a specific floor. We also desire to learn how an organization might self-author and self-maintain those exhibits and displays that would successfully depict self-determined culture. We need to solicit suggestions about how to materialize their local culture in the 3D environment that will house them.

A range of decorum for cultural display

Work Stations

Team Space

SBU Reception

Entry Lobby Common Spaces



Orchestration of Cultural Artifacts



Authorship of Content



Sophistication of Display Vehicles


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Section 2

How Barclays thinks about brand: Distilling hard environments from fuzzy attributes Barclays employs a strong branding strategy which includes a clearly defined tone of voice and personality. The new Barclays building at Canary Wharf offers a perfect opportunity to emphasise this brand personality. The challenge for the designed environment: To understand the cultural experience appropriate to the function or the occupants of a specific area, without violating the consistency of a Single Brand.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

Utilizing Barclays established brand personality Barclays employs a strong branding strategy which includes a clearly defined tone of voice and personality. The new Barclays building at Canary Wharf offers a perfect opportunity to emphasise this brand personality. The main components of Barclays brand personality are shown below:

human passionate

articulate informal Canary Wharf offers a fresh canvas for Barclays established personality attributes.

experienced worldly confident humorous powerful


Personality in three dimensions The above brand values are vital elements of Barclays brand identity. The environment at Barclay’s Place should demonstrate, in three dimensions, what it means to be “Human” in a skyline, in an edifice, in a workscape, at the desktop. Additionally then, simultaneous then, in parallel then: what it means to be “Passionate, Intelligent, Experienced”, and “Powerful” in each of those same venues.

Organizational character within an umbrella brand personality These personality attributes, while always present in a Barclays customer environment, can be dialed up or down to suit the external client audience of that business unit. Similarly they can be remixed and calibrated to suit the resident Barclays business unit within a specific internal workscape. The differences must be recognised whilst maintaining an over all atmosphere of the Barclays brand personality.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How Barclays thinks about brand

A compelling vision aligned with a Barclays personality The matrix below depicts the lead attributes for each element of the Barclays at Canary Wharf vision. It is probably most useful as a way of thinking about which traits of a corporate personality might shape a request, drive a decision, frame a response. Passionate





Attributes of Barclays Brand Personality

Elements of Barclays Workplace Vision If brand personality

l l l l

Transformed Organisation


Employer of Choice

to think, then a structured

l l l


process (that defuses per-

l l l

Work/Life Balance

l l

New Ways of Working

l l


l l l

Team Work and Fun

l l l

Productive and Dynamic

l l l

Remove Barriers

l l l

Resource for Whole Group

l l l

Environment Friendly

l l l

Meeting and Socialising

l l

Responsive to Change

l l l l


l l l

Attractive to Disabled Staff

l l l

High Performance Organisation

l l

Non-Heirarchical Space

l l


offers the way we desire to act and the way we desire

sonal tastes) will be useful in determining the mix with which each trait is employed in the design of the workplace.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

Barclays brand world thinking The existing identity elements are robust and recognisable. These include The Eagle Globe and Wordmarque. A supporting colour pallette of light pastells and more intense strident colours are used to compliment the Barclays blue tones. The centre of the identity elements is the photographic theme which is all about scale and limitless opportunity, seeing the world through optimistic, positive eyes.

Workplace design mirroring brand values The purpose of the brand is to create expectations about your products and services which your business then fulfils. Those brand expectations carry through to the facilities that house that business. Distilling personality of place from brand values requires new skills and broadened thinking in workplace and facilities design.

big life brand

Imagery-based communications. The science of communication is increasingly expanding to new dimensions. We are rapidly moving from the centuries old paradigm of written word understanding to a world of imagery-based communications.

A visually rich environment Like the retail environments, use photographic murals and Big (work)Life imagery in the workscape to hook into employee imaginations, engage their aspirations and facilitate their ambitions living out opportunities in a big (Barclays) world. Use the lessons learned from successfully engaging external consumers to reinforce the behavior of the internal organizational.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How Barclays thinks about brand

Brand rich workstyle in a brand immersive workplace Intangible yet downloadable takeaway message that comes from experiencing work environment designed with Barclays desired brand attributes.

e-enabled fun modern agile

productive safe inclusive informal

social collaborative responsive

on-brand worklife

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

Power contributors to the Barclays brand The culture and ethos of an organisation can be reflected in many ways. Most importantly in how we all behave and communicate towards each other and our clients. This brand is often reflected in the High street or on television, but here in this vision statement we are looking at how image and branding can be incorporated into the look and feel of the building, both inside and out.

energy information


color light texture The power of energy Thinkspace: pause Interface: engaging Expertise: focussed Power: powerful


The generation of energy within a space dictates the way it is used. This involves the speed and flow of the space, time, layout, enthusiasm and buzz. All of these should culminate in a finely tuned experience. This experience should remain consistent through all of the banking channels. In a Barclays ‘thinkspace’, the energy is ‘a pause’ creating a comfortable space to catch a breath and thoughts before continuing to the next destination. This pause should not last for long because it is one of purpose and designed to draw the user on to the next stage of the journey. The next space is the ‘engagement’’ where the energy is engagement created through communicating with people and technology. Armed with the necessary facts, you proceed on to the ‘expertise’ section where energy encourages you to focus. The final space is the ‘power’ space where energy is generated through dynamism, intelligence and consideration.



An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How Barclays thinks about brand

The power of information Thinkspace: concise Interface: expansive Expertise: focussed Power: depth


Our modern daily lives are bombarded with information from many different sources. There is information which triggers an emotional response such as TV advertisement, and information which guides us to a solution such as signage or product information. To be a powerful enabler Barclays needs to deliver clear benefits to its customers at every level, that is neither complex nor condescending. Due to the vast amount of information already out there a different and more welcoming approach is needed. In Barclays ‘thinkspace, ‘ information is kept to an absolute minimum. It is concise to the point that it does not try and sell you anything. It gives you time to think about what you want and allows you to move onto the next space quickly and efficiently. In the ‘engagement’’ space there is a wider range of access channels to information but they are still clearly defined. When technology is used the interface is easy and natural to use, such as touch screens instead of keyboards. In the ‘power’ space the emphasis put on information is its depth and command of the subject.

The power of texture Thinkspace: smooth Interface: interactive Expertise: durable comfort Power: solidity


When we touch we feel, we experience and we connect with our surroundings. Making sure that the things we touch every day are satisfying to use, from tables and floors, to pens and paper, it is an important way of calming our minds and making us feel inclusive. Our sense of touch is acute and thrives on contrast and variety. On entering Barclays ‘thinkspace’ the overall texture is smooth and the temperature cool, but not cold. This represents the smooth flow of the journey through Barclays and allows for the additions of different textures to promote interaction in the ‘interface’ section. Where comfort is provided it should be solid and long lasting, promoting the use of natural materials. ‘Power’ is the solidity you walk upon throughout Barclays. Whilst textures can vary through the fingertips, the ground you walk upon needs strength.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

The power of sound Thinkspace: anticipation Interface: stimulating Expertise: calm Power: pulse


Whilst written words can be powerful, the spoken word varies greatly, including tone, stress, rhythm, volume, accent and pitch, all of which add to our choice of words to convey not only what we want to say, but how we feel about it. Background sounds we hear, filter and usually ignore also contain vast amounts of information about where we are and what is happening around us. In short these are atmospheric sounds. Sounds in this manner can be used to stimulate your mind and influence your purchase. The ‘sound’ of Barclays is naturally confident and is reflected at every level, from the sound of interactive devices (ATMs, web), to background music, foreground music and the ‘voice’ of Barclays. A positive sound on arrival would be ideal, reflecting the anticipation (the built in start up sound of the computer). In ‘interface’ background sounds and interactive sounds need to naturally stimulate the mind, whilst in ‘expertise’ an element of calmness needs to filter through. The power of the Barclays pulse is evident throughout.

The power of light Thinkspace: natural shadows Interface: natural/stimulating Expertise: soft/intimate Power: blue light


Light is life. Without natural light we feel depressed. The use of daylight should be maximised, especially in winter months. In an artificially lit world it is easy to miss natures constantly changing light show. Light is probably the single most important area to address when it comes to creating the right atmosphere in a space. If you want a stimulating environment you need variation, texture and shadows. We don’t just need day light, we need a degree of dimness too. To think and feel clearly we need shadows. Bright light paralyses the imagination, and makes us feel vulnerable and on edge. Individual warm sources of lighting enrich the mood and relax. In Barclays ‘Thinkspace’, the lighting is natural, with shafts of warm sunlight stretching amongst the shadows on the neutral surfaces. As you progress through to ‘interface’ this naturalness is punctuated by areas of intimacy and stimulation, to encourage interaction with both members of staff and technology. Arrival into the ‘expertise’ area sees even more soft warm lighting, encouraging privacy, whilst promoting a clear positive energy. In ‘power’ the light is blue. Neither cold nor dull, this light has energy and optimism, suggesting limitless opportunity.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How Barclays thinks about brand

The power of colour Thinkspace: white and natural shadows Interface: accents Expertise: soft Power: blue light


The luminous colour of TV, video, computers and movies has been ‘enhanced’ and therefore is more intense, more fantastic and more glamorous than any real colour on real surfaces. Colour can be used to alter overall perceptions, to change and evolve, as well as focussing our attention on a specific area. In short colour and light can work together to inform our emotions as well as have a sense of purpose. In Barclays ‘thinkspace’ white and light shades of grey and natural shadows enhance the feeling of space. This is an important overall feeling for Barclays atmosphere. Accent colours will create signals, points of reference and direction to help people interact. Too many accents would prove to be confusing. The natural colours of materials will provide their own soft colour. The ‘power’ of Barclays will emanate from the use of blue light, which will be a key feature.

The power of emotion Thinkspace: confident and magnetic Interface: intriguing Expertise: inclusive Power: trust

Our emotions are powerful indicators of our response to an experience. They are the result of sensory information perceived through touch, taste, sound, sight and smell. To affect an atmosphere emotionally, the other senses must be deployed. In Barclays ‘thinkspace’ the emotional response is confidence. Promoted through a feeling of space to breathe, purpose and solidity. Colours are neutral, the air is fresh and the textures are smooth. Information is concise yet clear, magnetically drawing you through the space. In the ‘interface’ section, the emotion is one of intrigue. Created through lighting, technology, colour and space: there is so much to discover. Sound and light are also designed to attract attention. Into, ‘expertise’ the emotion is one of inclusivity. The pace is slowed, the lighting intimate, the sound calm but stimulating. The texture reassures with its solid comfort. Finally in ‘power’ there is trust. This trust is generated through the belief in Barclays power, dynamism, intelligence and consideration.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

What is brand atmosphere? Creating the right atmosphere for Barclays involves managing the interactive human experience: for example, the retail environment experience, the website experience, the call centre experience, the head office experience.

The atmosphere experience Defining these levels helps us tune the atmosphere to different needs. These can be represented in the form of a concentric model.

Pause for customer consideration


Choice of ways to engage services Services and competencies


Brands’ authority and distinguishing characteristics

Power Expertise Engagement Think Space

Atmospheres are made up of a myriad of sensory inputs and behaviours which work together to feed our emotions and engage us. We can orchestrtae these elements to create the desired atmosphere. From


Think-space Arriving at the brand for the first time

Through Interface

Quick functional dealings



Receiving advice



Reassurance and stature

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How Barclays thinks about brand

Thinkspace: arriving at the brand for the first time In Barclays thinkspace, information is kept to an absolute minimum. It is concise to the point that it does not try to sell you anything - it gives you time to think. Textures are smooth and the temperature is cool, but not cold. This represents the easy flow of the journey through Barclays. The lighting is natural , with shafts of warm sunlight stretching amongst the shadows on neutral surfaces. White and light shades of warm grey enhance the feeling of space. This is an important overall feeling for Barclays atmosphere and should be present, as a consistent layer throughout all areas. Think space generates a feeling of natural confidence. Promoted through a feeling of clarity and space to breathe, purpose and solidity. Magnetically, anticipation draws you through the space. Information Smells Textures Sounds Lighting Colour


Think Space

Fresh Air Smooth Anticipation Natural White





Engagement: quick functional dealings Entering interface, information is clearly defined allowing you to choose your next steps. Here different textures that encourage interaction are layered into the picture and naturalness is punctuated by areas of intimacy and stimulation to encourage interface with staff and technology. Accent colours create signals, points of reference and direction. Too many accents will prove confusing. Natural colours and materials provide their own soft colour. The emotion of this area is of intrigue: there is so much to discover. Information Smells

Expansive Uplifting














An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

Expertise: receiving advice Expertise is focussed and direct. Where comfort is provided it should be solid and long lasting, promoting the soft natural materials. Arrival into ‘expertise’ sees even more soft, warm lighting encouraging focus, while promoting a clear, positive energy. Background sounds naturally stimulate the mind whilst an element of calmness filters through. Its a feeling of inclusivity the pace is slower, but purposeful. Information Smells





Durable Comfort


Calm Stimulation









Power: reassurance and stature Having the power to raise expectations is a strong position to be in. Power is at the heart of Barclays and if expressed correctly can be a key differentiator in a market obsessed with being your friend. It is reflected throughout with real, in-depth knowledge and expertise. Power is the solidity you walk upon through out Barclays. Whilst textures can vary through your fingertips, the ground you walk upon needs strength. Power is blue light. Neither cold nor dull, this light has energy and optimism suggesting limitless opportunity Finally in power there is trust. This trust is generated through belief in Barclays’ power, dynamism, intelligence and consideration. Information Smells Textures Sounds


Depth Fresh Solidity Pulse


Blue Light


Blue Light





An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How Barclays thinks about brand

Characteristics of brand atmosphere Defining these levels helps us tune the atmosphere to different needs. The atmosphere characteristics collectively describe the consistent tone of the atmosphere - always present, at every level, in everything we do. This makes Barclays easier to recognise, trust and relate to, for staff and customers alike.

Focused Refined Calm Detail Tailored

Stimulating Interactive Expansive Uplifting Intriguing Choice

Strength Activating Reassuring Secure Enabling

Power Expertise Interface Think Space

Cool & Bright Quiet Anticipation Confident

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Section 3

How workplace and Barclays Place will converge: An opportunity for renewal and re-invention A new headquarters consolidating thirteen geographically diverse business units into one location gives Barclays a marvelous opportunity to create a clean slate: a workscape embedded with brand attributes and facilitory of desired work process and behavior. Canary Wharf will be the on-brand environment and will exhibit those attributes of corporate personality that will drive the desired behaviors in the new co-mingled employee population.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How the workplace and Barclays Place will converge

Who will occupy the new building? The leadership teams at a Cluster and SBU level, as well as Functional heads and specialist support departments will all be brought together within the new building.

The new building will be planned to accommodate the Central London non-branch activities of the following SBUs, SSUs and Functions: Private Clients: Flexibility around eventual occupancy should be maintained in order to respond to the changes that will occur to the Barclays organisation in the years prior to the occupancy of the Canary Wharf building.

• • • • •

International Banking Private Banking Stockbrokers UK Premier Banking Investment Management

Personal Financial Services • • • •

UK Customers and Products Woolwich and Regulated Products* Distribution Production

Corporate Banking • • •

Barclays Africa Barclays B2B Business Banking: - Larger Business - Medium Business and Agriculture - Small Business, Start-Up and Direct - Asset and Sales Financing

Barclays Solutions Chief Accountant Chief Information Officer’s Office Communications e-world General Counsel and Secretariat Group Finance Group Internal Audit Group Property Services (SSU) Group Strategy and Planning HR Investor Relations Marketing Risk Service Provision (SSU) Tax Treasury

Barclaycard* Barclays Capital* * Space will be provided for visiting members of the leadership from these businesses.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How the workplace and Barclays Place will converge

Skyline aspirations This is an opportunity to create a Landmark building for Barclays. The new tower has the advantage of being located apart from the main cluster of tall towers in Canary Wharf, but at 30 storeys, it is approx 10 storeys shorter than the CitiCorp and HSBC towers. A major feature of the building is the stack of five atriums on the south elevation, which allow views into the building and give opportunities to project Barclays image and culture, both internally and externally, to the surrounding community. The following criteria were developed to formulate the branding concepts: • Create a distinctive landmark building for Barclays on the London Skyline • Create an elegant and refined solution which compliments the brand • Emphasise the architectural mass, emphasis height and maximise the Atrium features

Concepts and recommendations To achieve the objectives above, the team has focused on maximising the architectural features of the south elevation to create a strong branding statement for the building. These concepts are called ‘The Powerful Heart’ and ‘Badging with Blue Light’ is described below:

South elevation: ‘The Powerful Heart’ The Atriums, which stack vertically up the south elevation, are illuminated with the Barclays ‘powerful’ blue light, which creates a distinctive glow out from the core of the organisation. Above the entrance, at the base of the Atriums, the Barclays Wordmaque establishes a firm anchor for the light radiating above.

North, East & West elevations: ‘Badging with Blue Light’ The Barclays wordmarque clearly badges the building. The name glows with the Barclays blue light and sits atop the tower against a dark background. This is a deliberate approach to distinguish the building from the literal approach of creating a ‘Halo’ for the wordmarque, which has been employed at the HSBC and CitiGroup towers with limited success.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

How the workplace and Barclays Place will converge

Distribution of brand atmosphere at Canary Wharf

Power Skyline Edifice Empowered Staff Leadership Zones


Work Life Learning Zone Leadership Zones



Lift Cars Reception Meeting Areas Learning Zone Social Life

Think Space Approach Entrance Lift Lobbies Atriums Social Life

Access Access

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


How the workplace and Barclays Place will converge

The balance between ‘powerful’ and ‘human’ Balancing the power and the more human aspects of Barclays has been the key driver behind the personality of ‘powerful enabler’. These values should be incorporated into the atmosphere characteristics of Barclays Place, defining the environmental experience and the emotive response.



Approachable Clear Fresh Smooth

Serious Focused Engaging Substantial

Balance Today Yesterday

Modern British Rich History

Our unique service ethos and distinctive facilities will be instantaneously recognisable to both staff, visitors and customers providing a long lasting memory that reflects and enhances the Barclays corporate image of both human and powerful.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Section 4

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf: An experience enhanced environment The previous three sections offered an intellectual tour through the new building – from a 300,000 square foot perspective – illustrating how the programme goals and aspirations could be orchestrated to create the appropriate experience for the different audiences of the new headquarters. In this section, we get closer to the ground, and build on the vision. Here we will describe the journey in more detail along with concepts and recommendations which enable our image and branding objectives.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Image & branding objectives Barclays will not be the soul occupier of the building, therefore careful consideration has been given to creating an environment that is appropriate to sub tenants as well as to Barclays. The following objectives were developed to formulate the image and branding concepts: • The branding should not be ‘in your face’ • No multiple brands- just one first class business environment • The Barclays brand is ‘Modern British’ Our Journey focuses on six elements of the building experience:



social life

learning worklife

Leadership A sequential, experiential presentation format Our approach has been to concentrate on developing the look and feel of each of these areas as a subset experience within an overall experience superset for the entire building. Each area described contains a written brief. The written brief aims to cover the following: • What are the high-level goals and aspirations for each of these areas? • What are the messages we are trying to get across? • What are the possible solutions? • What are the key drivers? • How can we orchestrate the Barclays colour palette to convey the energy and pace through each area • How can we use indicative worklife images to communicate the overall look and feel we are trying to create


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

What are the elements? The Approach The following image perspectives and branding statements were recorded in workshops and interviews with the Barclays Executive Team

What’s the message on the skyline? Where does this tower sit amongst the other towers at Canary Wharf? What do you see as you get closer • “Brand in the new building should be clear and loud” • “It should be a distinctive experience” • “The building should stand out from the crowd”

Greeting You have just walked for 10 minutes through the crowed mall from the crowded tube or DLR. You step into the ground floor. As the first contact with the brand, how do you feel as you walk in the building? • On entering the building you should receive a ‘Personal Welcome’ • It should be a ‘Distinctive Experience’ and ‘Not Lavish’ • The building should be ‘Inclusive and Safe’ • It should be ‘World Class’

Learning Zones From the lift lobby, you get the express lifts up 2 floors and you enter the Learning Zone. How can we maximise this message; Barclays as a learning organisation? What’s in this area and who will it be used by. • On entering the building you should receive a ‘Personal Welcome’ • The building should be ‘Inclusive and Safe’

Social Life Working in the building is fun and there is plenty of opportunity to interact and meet your colleagues. What’s in this area and who will it be used by. It’s the restaurant, the Delis and the gym. • On entering the building you should receive a ‘Personal Welcome’

Work Life The core of the organisation. Some words about the mix of open and enclosed areas. And the Features of the atriums. • The building should be ‘Inclusive and Safe’

Leadership Zones Visually depicts what is in this area, who will it be used by, and what are the visitor’s opportunities • On entering the building you should receive a ‘Personal Welcome’ • It should be a ‘Distinctive Experience’ and ‘Not Lavish’ When each area is linked together, the story behind the journey becomes complete. An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

The Approach Information Depth Smells Fresh Textures Solidity Sounds Pulse Lighting Blue Light Colour Blue Light Emotion Trust Energies Power


productive safe




Approach As a ‘beacon’ for Barclays on the London skyline, this building should demand attention. A distinctive feature of the building is the stack of 5 atriums on the south elevation. This makes the building unique in Canary Wharf and sets it apart from the main cluster of taller towers. Power, should be expressed with the use of blue light. Use as often as possible, in creative and focussed ways to enhance the architectural mass, emphasis height and maximise the atrium features. The light should appear to come from within (imagine an illuminated button that makes you want to press it). Confidence should be expressed by keeping the Wordmarque and Eagle Globe to a minimum. Where the Wordmarque is used, it should appear with absolute clarity and should not be layered over backgrounds that would confuse the eye. The Wordmarque should always be attached to robust, strong materials (imagine the name carved in stone). The approach should be about supream ease - clear directions should get you to the building (this will be under the developers control - but perhaps we can influence the naming of the district or the way finding colour.) Entry into the building should be effortless and incorporate lessons learnt from Lombard Street.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Greeting Information



Fresh air



Sounds Lighting Colour

Anticipation Natural White





innovative British



pride of place




Entering the building, should feel like stepping out into a crisp, spring morning. Natural, fresh and crystal clear with the anticipation of great things to come (‘Thinkspace’). Scale is key to this area. It should be kept as expansive and open as possible. Avoid clutter. A natural, light, warm palette of robust materials should draw you and welcome you into the space. As you progress through reception, simple focal points should be layered into the background such as a cafe and seating areas (‘Engagement’). Use these to create interaction. Accent colours and textures as well as softer lighting should be fine tuned to provide a calm, stimulating background noise - a sense that ‘great business is happening here’. Use aromas of quality coffee to invigorate and fresh flowers to uplift the senses (consider introducing a flower stall to provide an ever changing pocket of seasonal colour and smells). The brand in this area should not be in-your-face. You should know you have arrived at Barclays through the distinctive quality of the environment and service (think of the welcome you receive at Barclays Capital - curteous and respectful without being overpowering). Avoid a dominant use of the Wordmarque. A single, clear reception desk should serve Barclays as well as subtenants, rather than allowing multiple desks with multiple brands. This would clutter and diffuse the clarity of the environment. The message should be of a neutral, world class business environment. Introduce the Barclays name on uniforms, literature in waiting areas and discreetly around the lift lobby. The lift lobby entrance’s should become ‘the heart’ of the ground floor space. The area should magnetically pull you in - with use of blue colour and lighting. You are entering the powerful core of the organisation (think of crossing a bridge or taking your going in to see a show). The intimate areas around the lift core provide opportunities to interact with exhibition or artwork displays. Use these to convey success and innovation. Be bold with colour and shape to invite attention. This focal point would be especially useful as a way of finding the entrance of the lifts to the auditorium.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Inspiring agile Evolution

Learning Zones Information Focussed Smells Refined

Textures Durable Comfort Sounds Calm Stimulation Lighting Soft Colour Soft Emotion Inclusive Energies Focussed

responsive exploration





This opportunity is about being expansive and looking beyond your current boundries. Not looking in words but creating an environment that embraces opportunities to explore (its a big world physically and virtually) to innovate and to succeed. This floor brings together the Auditorium, Barclays University, internal and client meeting facilities. Each of these can have an individual focus, which forms part of a range of experiences. Consider a linking element (imagine a race track) which forms the route off which, one area flows effortlessly into another. Colour, texture and light should be orchestrated to vary the intensity and pace along that journey allowing you to move at your own pace. Create areas for ‘great thinking’ (remember great thinkers think differently!) librarys, reading rooms (‘thinkspace’) Onto areas for great debate (imagine college bleachers) - open forums, break out areas (‘Engagement’). Provide tools for communication, technology, plasma screens, write-on surfaces. Maximise this area as a venue to host corporate events - watch the big game (link business development with personal development). Next to structured areas for more formal interaction. Training rooms, meeting rooms, the auditorium (‘Expertise’). The framework around these elements should be robust, but within this, learning should be dynamic. Vary the tools available so they are intuative to the needs: low-tech write-on walls and hi-tech think screens with magnetic and tackable surfaces. All of these atmospheres should be apparent when you step out of the lift lobby. Where potential conflicts exist, say between visitors and staff they should be managed effortlessly with good planning and quality service (think of the lobby of a smart city centre hotel where some guests are relaxing and taking time out while others are formally conducting business). Where ever possible, use opportunities to celebrate Barclays history and innovation. Its been around for 300 years because of great thinking and here is a place to build on that success.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Social Life Information Expansive Smells Uplifting Textures Interactive Sounds Stimulating Lighting Stimulating Colour Accents Emotion Intriguing Energies Engaging

Excellent fun




fresh social heart



Social Life

If ‘learning’ is about looking outwards then ‘social life’ looks inwards on the organisation, to your colleagues, your clients and to yourself to provide a variety of environments in which to relax, meet, work and revitalise. As you enter each of these areas you should feel welcome, and have teh chance to pause (‘thinkspace’) and take a moment to assess your options before moving on. Don’t crowd or over-sell. Views out from the restaurant floor will be limited. Create internal views that play with colour, light and scale to create a variety of settings, stage sets. Natural light will be limited so create ‘hot spots’ of vibrant energy (consider back lit coloured surfaces), contrasted with ‘calm, natural lighting for a slower pace. Again, ‘cool’ city centre hotels come to mind with a choice of venues off a main lobby.

These concepts of variety and scale should continue to the themes of the on-floor cafes and Deli’s. There may be limitations on the manner in which the food and beverage offer is presented, but the seating areas associated with them can vary to create distinctly different destinations within the building- some stand up and fast paced others with a slower, ‘sit down and discuss an issue in more detail’ (cosy soft and intimate).

A place to feed the mind is the image of the gym. We may be restricted by the operation, but non the less it is an opportunity to get across messages of a place to ‘step off the planet for a while’ and focus on yourself. Maximise the proximity to the Wharf-Side to incorporate calming, refreshing, rejuvenation themes.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Work Life Information Focussed Smells Refined Textures Durable Comfort Sounds Calm Stimulation Lighting Soft Colour Soft Emotion Inclusive Energies Focussed





Work Life

The atmosphere of these floors is a range of interface, expertise and power. Use every opportunity for transparency to show that this is a place of knowledge and smart people are working hard here. These views should start outside the building with the ‘Approach’. You catch glimses through the glass walls and in particular through the atriums, and you should see dynamic business happening. Focus meeting areas around the upper levels of the atrium. Play to the imagination within the Atriums and use furniture with colours, accents, fluid shapes and bold scale to encourage free flowing thoughts (imagine looking down onto a Gaudi design). These are expansive ‘gardens in the sky’ that should provide a space to breathe, think and create away from the office environment. When you approach the office floors off the lift lobbies (which are think space), you should enter a ‘gateway’ which allows expression of “this is.....Barclays”. and “we are.....individual group”. This is a place to pause before moving on consider incorporating relaxed meeting areas for interfloor interaction There areas allow a stage set for occupants of that floor to make their mark. these brand signatures’ need to be carefully orchestrated so they are robust enough to give a sense of permanence while being flexible enough to easily pick up, move and successfully layer into another floor. Avoid clutter and flimsiness. Use scale and be bold. Consider existing photographic themes or a decorative element that uses colour and shape to express a group (for example a monochrome tailored shape for stock brokers, vs a vibrant fluid shape for B2B). Within the office areas create ‘hot spots’ around break out areas to interupt the expansiveness of the floor and allow another opportunity for brand signatures (think of the breakout areas of Murray House). Focus on internal achievements, not differences. The underlying tone should be of success and expertise. Consider on outlet to celebrate being part of our clients success, say at the desk through an ongoing ‘ticker tape’ news reel, or use a common location such as the ‘gateways’. Consider naming concepts for fixed in the office, using industry language to engage the occupants (for example ‘The exchange’).


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

Leadership Zones Information Depth Smells Fresh Textures Solidity Sounds Pulse Lighting Blue Light Colour Blue Light Emotion Trust Energies Power



Accessible inspiring

informal mentor


Powerful Thought



The mood should not shift as you enter these floors from the rest of the office floors. The general look should remain consistent, but here there is a feeling of a place that allows for great and Powerful thinking, of Leadership- it has the benefit of being more expansive and open, less dense. Use every opportunity to allow views through the windows- reinforce the message that Barclays is looking outwards not inwards. How do we ensure that this great thinking is able to permeate through to the rest of the organisation, quickly and effectively? This requires transparency to enhance the visibility of this group and prevent distance. Create focal points of activity, both where business is taking shape with great energy and vitality (think of a dynamic theatre-in- the-round, where all the elements of the business effortlessly come together- this could be the board room) and areas which make it legitimate for staff from other floors to be there- these may be cafe areas. Consider a forum type environment which would encourage mentoring of the whole organisation, and provide a venue for Informal Company wide events- this could be the Atrium Roof garden. A calm, focussed pulse is present in the background- business is happening. The waiting lobby is an opportunity to drop in a plasma screen with a BBC World, and international newspapers and media focus.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

The journey imagined Described below, is a tour through the building illustrating how the project vision, goals and aspirations can be orchestrated to create the appropriate experience for the different audiences of ‘Workplace’ at Barclays. These experiences are made up of a myriad of different sensory inputs and behaviours, which work together to feed our emotions and engage us to ‘Live the Barclays Brand’.

Audiences for this experience Community Consumers Clients





Industry Repositioning

Community Position

Financial District

Barclays Culture

A strong, solid presence on the skyline. Up there with the major financial institutionsbut setting itself apart. Barclays is different. There is a freshness that stands out from the crowd. A confidence in itself that is not afraid to go out of the ordinary. The building waves the flag high for Barclays.

Blue light shines bright from the building – from the powerful heart of the organisation (and yes ok, we could have the Barclays name at the top of the building- but that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary would it?).

Good, clear directional signage starts the moment you approach the building and it is easy for you to navigate your way to the building. The message is clear: ‘This is Barclays and you want to go this way’.

With Barclays you are given space. The entry is expansive, cool and fresh allowing you to think and pause. The welcome is friendly and calm. Directions are clear and effortless.

Anticipation rises as the pulse from the building draws you closer. It is clear that that this is a place of knowledge and authority.

The approach is solid, crisp and purposeful. You are being welcomed into a world class organisation.

Influence perceptions Facility Exterior Macro environment


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Smooth, solid, long-lasting materials provide reassurance. There is a foundation of rich heritage and an anticipation of future innovations. The energy is engaging with a buzz of movement in and out of the building.

Control perceptions

The journey through Barclays at Canary Wharf

People, processes, and the shared work ethos they create – reflected in the fantastic operational facilities that surround them.

Culture Colleagues

Common Areas




Facility Synergy

Seamless Attitude


E-Enabled, Empowered

The building consistently reflects a single inclusive brand, which brings people together and creates synergy.

As you step out onto the office floors, you are stimulated by the expertise around you. People know what they are doing and they are getting on with it. Energy is focussed and inspiring. Cross-pollination across teams is effortless. This is a place where knowledge travels fast through agile team areas and accessible meeting areas.

At Barclays people are visible and business is visible. The Brand is a unifying factor and sets a common goal.

You have the technology and process tools so can do your best and be most productive. The work environment is open, light and natural.

Shared spaces provide a variety and choice of settings in which to meet, socialise, learn and have fun. These areas are uplifting and create the corporate glue which binds the organisation together. Colour and texture are strong to create rich, stimulating environments.

The environment is fresh and clear. People are visible. Atriums provide expansive volumes of think space and provide forums for discussion and knowledge transfer. Colours are inspiring. Textures are surprising and intriguing.

The process of attaining those goals is flexible and respects the diversity of its groups. It strives to learn from these differences and continually evolve. Work is fun and stimulating.

Colour is played softly. Your coffee mug brings the brand to your desk. Connection to the corporate website as you sit down at your desk in the morning connects you to the wider Barclays community and reminds you of the organisational reach and the power you have to contribute.

Facility Interior Micro environment

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Section 5

Sources and contributors to our project vision: Advancing an overall business strategy This document has been authored by HOK, a design consultancy, with contributions from Barclays Group Property Services, the Office Productivity Team, the Buisness Committee, Barclays Executive Team and Frank Becker. Other sources for this document are shown on the following pages and reflect the work and effort that went into the various Barclays publications and standards that preceded this project.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Sources and contributors to our project vision

Image and brand as part of an overall vision This document will be a tool with which to test all solutions for the building that have been proposed to date against the image and brand objectives established in our overall vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf. The audiences for this document are the Business Committee, the design teams, and later on, it can be used as a communications tool to a wider group. This brief is but one of five briefing documents that make up the overall vision for this project. Vision

Our project vision consists of the all encompassing themes that straddle and give direction to the project

A published vision aligned with established business strategy A building contains key constituent elements that define the following: how it looks and feels, how we are supported, how it enables us to work more effectively, the business environment within it and how technology ties it all together. As well as the overall vision, each of these elements is covered by its own briefing document quite similar to the Image and Brand document. An illustration of each publication is shown here. These five documents establish the high level objectives, goals, aspirations and philosophy for the design and use of the environment within our new building in Canary Wharf. This vision will form the foundation and guidelines for subsequent and ongoing briefs that are being developed for different parts of the Project, ensuring that each meets the needs of the occupier as well as supporting the overall goals and strategy of the business.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


Sources and contributors to our project vision Barclays Visual Identity Working Guidelines - the authoritative reference for all image and branding issues

Barclays Brand Personality This document explains the purpose, vision, and promise of Barclays Brand Personality and introduces the brand muscles; Powerful, Intelligent, Experienced, Passionate, and Human.

Great Identities Move with the Times As a key step in the brand evolution, this document expands the basic elements of the Barclays brand identity and introduces Tone, Complementary accent colours, and the ‘Big Life’ concepts.

Barclays Signage Standards This document contains the signage standards that are currently in place. A great reference site for ‘Big Life’ images and general visual identity guidelines.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

Sources and contributors to our project vision Matt Barrett in Open Forum The Bizz and Open 2001 publications are great reference points for Matt’s Vision for Barclays. His open and informal style at these staff question and answer sessions speaks volumes.

Barclays Brand Atmosphere Interim Guide, December 2001

Barclays Group Tone of Voice Issued October 2001, a primer on how to speak with a Barclays accent in correspondence, collateral, advertising, and display.

Barclays Tone of Voice Interim Guide February 2002 Barclays at Canary Wharf Relocation Programme

Development of a Compelling Vision This document contains key vision and approach statements to inform the project team, establish principles, and set the tone for the new building.

Development of a Compelling Vision October 2001

Executive Interviews and Work Sessions In February 2002, work sessions were conducted with Barclays executive leadership and brand strategist to develop the tour through the building, in line with the brand strategy.

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


Sources and contributors to our project vision

For more information Visit on the Barclays intranet for more information. Here detail and overview can be found on a variety of topics related to the move to Canary Wharf.

An on-going communications programme

Project communications strategy Pre Move-In

@ Move-In

Post Occupancy

E-Mail Updates Info Publications Off-Site Meetings Construction Tours Intranet Site

E-Mail Movegrams Move Info-paks On-Site Meetings Site Tours Intranet Site

E-Mail Learnings Success Publication In-Situ Meetings Evaluation Surveys Intranet Site

This project is currently here To comment on this document Your experience and insight are in valuable to the success of our new work environment. Please feel free to express your viewpoints on-line, using the”Dialogue” link found on our move related intranet site:

This document is available electronically This brief is available as a .pdf document. Use the”publications” link found on to download A Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf: Image and Branding Brief replicated there as “ImageandBrand.pdf”.


An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

The image and identity of Barclays working culture would ideally be as dynamic and forward thinking as the people it represents. An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf


Visualizing Corporate Culture Workplace Design Mirroring Brand Attributes

Prepared by HOK Visual Communications 2800 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 3700 Houston, Texas 77056 USA

HOK, Inc. Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Design for the Built Environment For further information contact Hal Kantner Voice +1 713 407 7732 Fax +1 713 407 7809 Copyright Š All Rights Reserved 48

An Image and Brand Vision for Barclays at Canary Wharf

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