Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
B r av e N e w W o r l d H e a d q u a r t e r s C r e at i n g C o m m u n i t y a n d c e l e b r at i n g c o m p e t e n c i e s i n a r e n o vat e d m a n u fa c t u r i n g Fa c i l i t y
t o r o n t o | O n ta r i o | C ANA D A
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario This project deals with the conversion of Nortel Networks’ Toronto, Ontario facility from a manufacturing plant to a 21st century world headquarters facility. Headquarters buildings offer companies a rare opportunity to make a public statement about their values and culture. Brampton Centre makes an eloquent statement of what is most important to Nortel Networks: its customers, its employees, and how they converge in the work environment. Brampton Centre is a renovation project that has transformed a 1963-vintage switching manufacturing complex into Nortel Networks’ new world headquarters. The project has transformed a singe-story high bay manufacturing space into a quality office environment for about 4,500 employees. A combination of architectural elements, productive officing, green space, and lifestlye amenities transformed the Brampton image from 20th century manufacturing to future-focused corporate headquarters.
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Brampton Centre was conceived of as a virtual city encompassing 970,000 square feet spread across a single floor plate. The project includes a tremendous variety of public spaces, private work areas, and team neighborhoods organized around city-planning concepts, complete with boulevards, plazas, side streets, and shortcuts. The city planning concepts allow the huge floor plate to be broken down into plazas, parks, monuments, and neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods are occupied by residents, some by restaurants and shops, others by museums and conference centers. A combination of open and closed offices, core support “boxes,” and interaction areas are clipped onto a central main street to create an organizing grid around which line-of-business, neighborhood, work group identity is possible. Micro climate design has been applied to the development of plazas and the experience of the visually enhanced neighborhood environments. Many design enhancements were included within the renovation based on the high value Nortel Networks places on its employees. Lifestyle amenities built within the building floor area were “extra” expenses in terms of added cost; however, they were also seen as essential to the overall success of the project and the productivity and creativity of the workforce. 3
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
This booklet documents the variety of visual approaches to the signage, wayfinding and graphics installed throughout this almost one million square foot corporate city. Whimsical signage on the food court storefronts, oversized characterized icons describing meeting rooms, company store, employee services, whimsical washrooms, and a colorful wayfinding system, combine to create an environment infused with fun, creativity, and motion. Moving through experiential layers (of architectural elements, visually rich graphics and the sequential unveiling of the workspace) visitors become conscious of a dynamic Nortel culture.
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Public Services
Utility, Safety, and Support Spaces Page 7
Wayfinding and Addressing Directional and Territorial Markers Page 21
Business Services Enterprise Support Functions Page 33
Workplace Image and Identity Individual, Team, and Line of Business Identity Page 53
Workplace Amenity Retail and Food Service Graphics Page 65
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Public Services
Utility, Safety, and Support Spaces
Nortel Networks
support area icon discs
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
1-1a Men’s Restroom
1-1b Women’s Restroom
1-1c Restrooms
1-1d Accessibility
1-1e Elevator
1-1f Freight Elevator
1-1g Stair
1-1h Exit Way
1-1i Restricted Entry
1-1j Fire Hose
1-1k Fire Extinguisher
1-1l Fire Pump
1-1m Medical Aid
1-1n Lighting Instructions
1-1o Conference Room
1-1p Touchdown Room
1-1q Workroom
1-1r Quiet Room
1-1s Bulletin
1-1t Coat Closet
1-1u Electrical
1-1v Fan Mechanical
1-1ee Security
1-1ff Men’s Locker Room
1-1gg Women’s Locker Room
Center Legend 1-1w File Room
1-1x Future Shaft
1-1y Housekeeping
1-1z Pantry
1-1hh Control Room
1-1ii Audio Room
1-1jj Mechanical Room
1-1kk Fibre Optics
33 33 11 22
1-1aa Storage
1-1bb Telecom/IT
1-1cc Telephone
1-1dd Verbal Message
4 1/2” by 3/8” thick, matte black plexiglass disk with smooth-finished bullnose edges. 1/8” spacer floats CL disk off mounting surface. Black and white color scheme. Centered on door and adjacent wall options are shown.
Scale: 1/2" = 1'- 0"
Nortel Networks
room reservation signage
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Room Reservation Sign fabricated of acrylic back panel, returns, message holder at base of sign painted black. Signs fabricated to match existing signs in the Eastside of City in both fabrication, finish size, color and finish, as well as in mounting method and height on doors.
8 1/2" x 11" 8 1calendar /2" x 11" calendar booklet slips booklet slips vertically vertically into holder into and holder is easily andgripped is easily gripped for removal for through removalthumb through hole thumb slot in hole slot in center of center edge ofofwindow, edge of as window, shownas shown below. Prepared below. Prepared by Nortel,bycalendar Nortel, calendar can can be 12-month, be 12-month, 3-month,3-month, or even weekly. or even weekly.
Vertically-accessed pocket should accommodate inserted material up to 1/4” in thickness. Clear acrylic window with 1 1/4” diameter thumb hole cut out of top edge for removal of calendar or paper inserts. White vinyl message applied to holder’s face of the back panel, behind clear window.
Color scheme is to be black with a clear acrylic This meeting This room meeting canroom be reserved can be by reserved marking by marking face panel. Color and finish to match existing Room Reservation Signs in Eastside of City. the calendars the calendars usually found usually in this found window in this window ( ) slot.( ) slot. Materials may be glued acrylic so long as CalendarCalendar refills canrefills be acquired can be acquired from the magic from the magic gluing is neatly done with no evidence of calendar calendar elves. elves. seepage.
Should you Should desireyou to post desire secondary to post secondary notes here, notes here, Message holder accommodates last-minute please use please the paper use the catch paper ( catch ) below. ( ) below. changes or communications.
Secondary wall location for installation when door installation is not appropriate.
Schedule Holder Elevation
Side View
Small Conference Room - Typical Location
Nortel Networks
oasis identifier
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
White coffee mug with multi colored cutout vinyl applied graphic. Color output of Oasis art appears facing out of mug. Mug to be mounted flush with wall surface as shown.
Plan View
Base of coffee mug to align with top of door. Sign to utilize a “Z� clip mounting device, enabling the sign to be removable. Side View
Nortel Networks
oasis/copy/print/mail marker
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Individual colored vinyl pieces or digital output applied to circumference of mug form with single seam. All elements of sign fabricated of 1/8” thick aluminum primed and painted. Copy and symbols to be screen printed. Seam to be located on top of sign out of visible sight.
Plan View
Envelope flaps and paper corners are to be bent as shown to indicate folds and bent corners. Coffee stain screen printed with transparent ink. Text and rules screen printed with transparent red ink. White coffee mug “filled” with “creamed coffee.” Color output of Oasis art appears at both sides of mug. Mug to stand off mounted from wall surface as shown.
Side View
Nortel Networks
copy/print/mail marker
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
All elements to be stand off mounted from wall surface as shown. All elements of sign fabricated of 1/8” thick aluminum primed and painted. Copy and symbols to be screen printed. Seam to be located on top of sign out of visible sight. Plan View
Envelope flaps and paper corners are to be bent as shown to indicate folds and bent corners.
Text and rules screen printed with transparent red ink.
Sign to utilize a “Z” clip mounting device, enabling the sign to be removable.
Side View
Nortel Networks
recycling station instructions
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
& Yes &No
Paper Towel Organics
Polystyrene 6 PS
Yes Polystyrene Paper, Polystyrene Food, Metal, Glass or Polystrene Plastics Only Look for the P6S
Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Coffee Grounds/Filters
Paper Towel WaxedPaper Towel Paper, Plastics (any type) Metals, Glass, Milk Organics OrganicsCartons
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Copy Layout 2
Paper Towel Organics
Polystyrene 6 PS
Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Coffee Grounds/Filters
No Paper Towel
Yes No
Waxed Paper, Plastics (any type) Metals, Glass, Milk Cartons
6 PS
Yes Yes
Polystrene Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Plastics Only Coffee Grounds/Filters Look for the P6S
Yes No
Polystrene Plastics Only Look for the P6S
Waxed Paper, Plastics (any type) Metals, Glass, Milk Cartons
Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Coffee Grounds/Filters
Polystrene Plastics Only Look for the P6S
Paper, Food, Metal, Glass or Paper, Food, Metal, Glass or Other Plastics Other Plastics
Copy Layout 1
Polystrene Plastics Only Look for the P6S
Waxed Paper, Plastics (any type)Waxed Paper, Plastics (any type) Metals, Glass, Milk Cartons Metals, Glass, Milk Cartons
No Yes No
Other 6Plastics
6 PS
Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Paper Towels, Paper Napkins, Food, Coffee Grounds/Filters Coffee Grounds/Filters
Paper Towel Organics
Recycled signs constructed of two pieces. A white plastic laminate back plate and a clear acrylic oval face with polished quarter round edges. Clear acrylic oval face plate to be removable for updating and access to the vinly applied legends. Sign header copy and words “Yes”, “No”, and the character “&” are to be screen printed on to the white plastic laminate back plate. Sign legends to be dark grey vinly letterforms subsurface applied to the clear acrylic oval face.
Waxed Paper, PlasticsPaper, (any type) Food, Metal, Glass or Metals, Glass, Milk CartonsOther Plastics
Paper, Food, Metal, Glass or Other Plastics
PolystyreneWaste 6
Yes Yes
Tetra Packs, Milk Cartons, Plastic Cutlery, Stir Sticks Straws, Plastic Film, Waxed Paper, Damaged Dishes If Uncertain Dispose Here
Waste Bottles Cans
Yes Yes No
Tetra Packs, Milk Cartons, Plastic Cutlery, Stir Sticks Tetra Packs, Milk Cartons, Plastic Cutlery, Stir Sticks PS Straws, Plastic Film, Waxed Paper, Damaged Dishes Straws, Plastic Film, Waxed Paper, Damaged Dishes Cans, Aluminum Foil, Glass, Evian Bottles, Polystrene Plastics Only 6 Look for theIf Uncertain Softdrink Dispose Here If Uncertain Dispose HereBottles, Look for the P E1T E PS
Paper, Food, Metal, Glass or Other Plastics
Damaged Dishes and Other Plastics
Bottles Cans
Mixed Office Paper
Yes No Bottles
White Paper, Colour Paper, Cardboard, File Folders, Magazines, Envelopes, Catalogues, Bristol Board, Newsprint
Cans, Aluminum Foil, Glass, Evian Bottles, Softdrink Bottles, Look for the P E1T E
Damaged Dishes and Other Plastics
Yes No
Cans, Aluminum Foil, Glass, Evian Bottles, Softdrink Bottles, Look for the P E1T E Damaged Dishes and Other Plastics
Mixed Office Paper Mixed Office Paper
White Paper, Colour Paper, Cardboard, White Paper, Colour Paper, Cardboard, File Folders, Magazines, Envelopes, Catalogues, File Folders, Magazines, Envelopes, Catalogues, Bristol Board, Newsprint Bristol Board, Newsprint
Mounting Location 13
Nortel Networks
men’s & women’s washroom markers
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario Elevation
Side View
Dear Jane I guess it’s better to realize that we’d just drive each other crazy. And here I’m willing to admit you’re a better driver than I am...
Dear John And I still don’t believe “you bring a lot to the party” was quite the compliment you say it was intended to be…
Dear Jane It was just a little nickname my mother came up with. Believe me, we never referred to you that way in public, but if you think about it…
Dear John I could have sworn you said, “You wished I wasn’t so passion aggressive.” So excuse me for trying to comply with your suggestions...
Dear Jane You don’t refill the ice cubes, you never put gas in the car, you’re always overdrawn, so–duh–no kidding your life feels empty...
Dear John And exactly how often would you have had to practice before you figured out the difference between charisma and flirting?
Heat formed 1/8” thick non-glare acrylic “pages” top and bottom suggest flexible paper painted white with blue highlights for the men’s restroom and pink highlights for the women’s restroom. Flat acrylic “envelope” sheet with slight bend at envelope flap, 3/8” thick black acrylic spacers. Apply all graphics to backside of clear acrylic and spray apply enamel base color. Install with double-faced acrylic foam tape selected for reliability and longevity for installation surface. Join all layers for permanent construction.
Three of 14 Pairs of Letter Signs 14
Nortel Networks
washrooms signal
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Graphic panel fabricated of aluminum, primed and painted dark blue, gloss finish. Light blue color to be vinyl sheeting with a matte finish. Wave edges are to be cut and applied in a consistent pattern. Edges and inside of graphic panel is to be primed and painted dark blue with a gloss finish. Graphic panel is to be secured to wall surface with anchor bolts. Panel is to be centered above opening to the washrooms and centered vertically on first seam of mortar.
Plan View
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Plan View
emergency management centre 24” square ‘telephone pushbuttons’ with contoured concave face and radiused corners to be painted gloss red. By every visual indication these elements should emulate telephone keypads. Raised dimensional letterforms “911” and “EMC” are applied to buttons with faces and returns painted white matte finish. Buttons to be pin-mounted 1” off the tile wall surface.
Nortel Networks
construction advisory cart
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Standard black frame to receive whiteboard surface on both sides. Vinyl graphics, lamp, bracket, and paper holder are all custom applied to whiteboard surfaces. Turnstone standard groupwork mobile-easel on casters. Custom topper is red and white coloration with standard product barricade light. Supply light fixtures, bracket attached to easel face and battery for each fixture.
Construction Advisory
Align lettering position with top of barricade light. Extruded aluminum plan holders both sides. Temporary information poster.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit , sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
For Further Information,
Side View
Nortel Networks
fire safety markers
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Matte white acrylic sign faces with red vinyl pictographic are inserted into the sign cases. Each sign is double-faced and wall or ceiling mounted. Use same/similar display case for Fire Extinguisher/Fire Hose signs as Exit signs.
Matching housing to fire exit sign organizes safety messages.
Typical Mounting Location
Nortel Networks
freestanding egress instructions
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Free-standing evacuation signs are designed in sets of three. Entire series may be used in one location or any one of three used to perform a certain function. Unit 1 provides general direction or response instructions to an emergency before proceeding to building exits. Emergency telephone numbers are also provided. Unit 2 receives 8.5” x 11” evacuation map, either color or black and white. Map can be produced and updated inhouse. Holder is open on three sides to receive floor plan insert. Unit 3 provides more detailed information on evacuation procedures.
egress East Building Main Entry
North Building
Sunrise Lane
North Info Loop
East Info Loop
South Entry
North Entry
South Info Loop
Main Street
Sunset Lane
West Entry
1 General Emergency Instructions
2 Map Holder
3 Detailed Instructions
Dull-finish diagonal stripe pattern over front of glass painted metal disc with vinyl or screenprinted legends.
East Building Main Entry
North Building
Sunrise Lane
East Info Loop
egress North Info Loop
South Entry
Main Street
South Info Loop
North Entry
Sunset Lane
West Entry
In the event of an emergency requiring a building evacuation, please follow these guidelines. • If time permits, turn off computers and servers. • Proceed to the Main Street or Collonade exits or follow the instructions of your emergency officer . • Always remain calm and avoid actions which might deter the emergency efforts of the Nortel group or emergency personnel.
Heat wrapped acrylic holder receives 8.5” x 11” floor plan insert.
Side View with Map Holder
Elevation Typical Installation 3/16 scale
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
house rules room pad In response to the clutter of instructional notes usually found in conference rooms, this program includes a single ‘sign’ that collects all these diverse pin-ups and taped postings onto one display: our House Pad. Produced by mouse pad fabricators from digital art, the House Pad is a two color production, black background with white copy. The Nortel logo as well as the facility icon illustration are shown in white and blue. Continuing the use of telecom imagery, faux ‘keypad buttons’ indicate various categories of information with desired instructions located next to each button.
an outside
mber 0+area+nu cards: 6+ g in ll ca r fo 3-3472; or tions, call ISA connec D r 8-0773 Fo or -1-800-66 For DISA ds iries call 6 qu in Calling Car ce en confer For audionce 9 Confere lies 3-567 Calls pport/supp o-visual su di au r Fo -4556 al keeping 3 Audio Visu ce of house an Support st si as the If you need eping Houseke -5507. inquiries 3 ll 3-4409. justment ca For catering ad re tu ra od pe Fo quest tem 409 irs or to re key at 3-4 call for a room repa , r ay Fo aw e Repairs hen you’r contents w this room’s re cu se To l calls, For all loca
dial 9 for
House Rules Room Pad Layout
Typical Location Adjacent To Handset The House Rules Room Pad typically sits beside the phone in each multifunction or common use room. 20
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Wayfinding and Addressing Directional and Territorial Markers
Nortel Networks
information kiosk
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Freestanding kiosk is three-sided panel information center. A 24” blue sphere with gold meridian lines and high gloss finish sits atop kiosk, reinforcing global theme. Sphere rests in an aluminum ring, primed and painted matte black, front and back, with white vinyl letterforms applied to surface. Globe is displayed with a realistic axial tilt. Panel 1 displays an egress diagram and emergency information. Matte finish color photographic print paper from digital file provided by client, mounted to conceal rigid substrate. Panel 2 contains slotted plastic laminated brochure rack for 8.5” x 11” literature for client document distribution center.
Plan View
Network Network Plaza Plaza
Panel 3 is a custom fabric-wrapped tack board. All three panels contain decorative bands in gold anodized sheeting or laminate with screenprinted or applied vinyl colors shown with reveals to gold grid beneath.
Detail of Decorative Band
Network Plaza Network Plaza
Wartime Production
me Production
Wartime Pro
Wartime Production
me Production
Wartime Pro Wartime Pro
Wartime Pro
Wartime Production Production Wartime
me Production Production me
Wartime Pro Pro Wartime
Wartime Production
me Production
Wartime Pro
Wartime Pro Wartime Pro
Wartime Wartime Production Production Wartime Pro
me me Production Production me Product
Wartime Production Wartime Pro
The dinner a Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and The dinner a Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Production lines at the Shearer Street plant turned out at stream of military hardware: shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses Production lines at the Shearer Street plant turned out at stream The dinner a Montreal’s Hallsignal in 1914 celebrated primers, cartridge clips, St. shellLawrence extractors, lamps, field the new Northern Electric andother Manufacturing Company and of military hardware: shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses telephones, wireless sets and military communications primers, cartridge clips, shell extractors, signal lamps, field Imperial materiel. Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. telephones, wireless sets and other military communications materiel. Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire Production lines at the Shearer Street field plant service turned out telegraphic switchboard for emulator madeat instream Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire of military hardware: shrapnelproducts shells and bullet casings, 1914 - was one of the earliest designed for use onfuses telegraphic switchboard for emulator field service made in primers, cartridge clips, shell the battlefields of World War I.extractors, signal lamps, field products designed for use on telephones, wireless sets and other military communications 1914 - was one of the earliest the battlefields of WorldTheWardinner I. a Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated materiel.
Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire telegraphic switchboard for emulator field service made in 1914 - was one of the earliest products designed for use on the battlefields of World War I.
the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Production lines at the Shearer Street plant turned out at stream of military hardware: shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses primers, cartridge clips, shell extractors, signal lamps, field telephones, wireless sets and other military communications materiel. Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire telegraphic switchboard for emulator field service made in 1914 - was one of the earliest products designed for use on the battlefields of World War I.
The dinner a Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and The dinner a Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall Wartime Pro Wartime Pro Wartime Production Wartime Wartime Pro Wartime Pro fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Production lines at the Shearer Street plant turned out at stream of military hardware: shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses Production lines at the Shearer Street plant turned out at stream The dinner a Montreal’s Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated primers, cartridge clips, St. shell extractors, signal lamps, f ield of military hardware: the new Northern Electric andother Manufacturing Company and shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses telephones, wireless sets and military communications primers, cartridge clips, shell extractors, signal lamps, f ield Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall materiel. telephones, wireless sets and other military communications fuse cones are packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916. Wartime ProWartime Production Wartime Pro materiel. Wartime Wartime Pro Wartime Pro Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire Production lines at the Shearer Street fplant turned out at in stream telegraphic switchboard for emulator ield service made Field switchboard -fuses The portable commutator - a one-wire of military hardware: shrapnelproducts shells and bullet casings, 1914 - was one of the earliest designed for use on telegraphic switchboard primers, cartridge clips, shell extractors, signal lamps, f ield for emulator f ield service made in the battlef ields of World War I. 1914 was one of the earliest products designed for use on telephones, wireless sets and other military communications The dinner Montreal’s St. Lawrence Hall in 1914 celebrated the battlefaields of World War I. materiel. the new Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company and Imperial Wire and Cable company. Wartime Production - Shall Field switchboard - The portable commutator - aare one-wire fuse cones packed for shipment to the wear front in 1916.
telegraphic switchboard for emulator f ield service made in 1914 - was one of the earliest products designed lines for use on Shearer Street plant turned out at stream Production at the of military hardware: shrapnel shells and bullet casings, fuses the battlef ields of World War I.
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primers, cartridge clips, shell extractors, signal lamps, f ield telephones, wireless sets and other military communications materiel. Field switchboard - The portable commutator - a one-wire telegraphic switchboard for emulator f ield service made in 1914 - was one of the earliest products designed for use on the battlef ields of World War I.
Display Panel 1
Wartime Production Wartime Pro
me Production me Product
Display Panel 2
Wartime Pro Wartime Pro
Display Panel 3
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The Info Kiosk map displays consist of one singular map that is customized to its particular location within the facility by the addition of you-are-here markers. These generic maps, complete with title, north arrow and legends, are fabricated in a subsurface display beneath transparent folia laminate. The you-are-here button is fabricated as a 1” diameter puck, red in color with white upper and lower case legend. Sandwiched between the top and bottom of the puck is a clear polished arrow pointer. When securely glued to the map surface, the scale map location can be accurately pinpointed with the clear pointer and not covered over with the puck.
To East Bldg.
To East Bldg.
To North Bldg.
Yo u Are Here
Main Entrance
KEY MAP 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
North Loop
West Loop
To CSO and West Entrance
Palm Trees denote Oasis [coffee/copy/mail/recycling rooms].
Homebase Residential layout demonstrating Nortel’s home office technology solutions. Partnership Hall Images attesting to superior value and commitment to integrity. The Interchange Conference centre. Aralia (Wellness Centre) Including physiotherapy, health and relaxation, and multimedia areas. Business Centr e Drop-in office centre supports road warriors. The Internet Cafe Showcase for Nortel’s technology where employees can drink coffee while surfing the Net. Library CIBC State-of-the-art Imperial Bank of Canada branch. The Cybershop The Stor e Serving miscellaneous employee needs including dry cleaning. Travel Agency Carlson Wagonlit Network Plaza Includes computer store, bank, travel agency, and Homebase demonstration. The Satellite Dish Sandwich shop. Reflections Zen garden featuring 100-year-old Japanese maple.
15 16
17 18 19
22 23
24 25 26 27
People’s Café Tim Horton’s donut shop. People Place This space includes “Reflections,” an open Zen garden. Venture Park Piazza, featuring video wall and chessboard with three-foot pieces. “Times Square.” @java.cup Gourmet coffee. Courtyard Cafeteria features 7 kiosks with different offerings. Perception Point Display of future products and technology. . Creativity Corners Piazza exhibiting materials, displays, and artwork reflecting Nortel’s “World of Networks.” The Docklands Mail, shipping, and receiving area walls include murals by graffiti artists. Emergency Management Centre Employees dial 911 for security and resource protection. Terrace For summer barbeques. Powerhouse Commerce Plaza RNOC Regional Network Operations Centre that is the heartbeat of building’s voice and data networking systems. Immediately above is Customer Presentation Centre that overlooks city. .
To North Entrance
21 65
12 25
Main Street
To South Entrance
West Loop To CSO
KEY MAP 1 2 3 4
Elevation of Kiosk Map Display
East Loop
6 18
Memory Lane
South Loop
Memory Lane
Yo u Are Here
To North Bldg.
To South Bldg.
6 7 8
South Loop
60 th Street
12 25
To South Entrance
Sunrise Lane
Regional Network Operations Centre
21 65
50 th Street
To East Bldg.
To North Entrance
Main Street
Ci rc
11 35
30 th Street
To East Bldg.
20 th Street
t or
To North Bldg. 60 th Street
20 th Street
6 18
50 th Street
Detail of Generic Map Art
East Loop
Ci rc
North Loop
To South Bldg.
30 th Street
To North Bldg.
Sunrise Lane
Regional Network Operations Centre
you are here map display
To CSO and West Entrance
Palm Trees denote Oasis [coffee/copy/mail/recycling rooms].
15 People’s Café Tim Horton’s donut shop. Homebase Residential layout demonstrating Nortel’s home office technology solutions. 16 People Place Partnership Hall Images attesting to superior This space includes “Reflections,” an open Zen garden. value and commitment to integrity. 17 Venture Park Piazza, featuring video wall and The Interchange Conference centre. chessboard with three-foot pieces. “Times Square.” 18 @java.cup Gourmet coffee. Aralia (Wellness Centre) Applied Location Buttons Including physiotherapy, health and relaxation, 19 Courtyard and multimedia areas. Cafeteria features 7 kiosks with different offerings. Business Centr e Drop-in office centre supports 20 Perception Point road warriors. Display of future products and technology. . The Internet Cafe Showcase for Nortel’s technology 21 Creativity Corners where employees can drink coffee while surfing the Net. Piazza exhibiting materials, displays, and artwork Library 23 reflecting Nortel’s “World of Networks.” CIBC 22 The Docklands Mail, shipping, and receiving area State-of-the-art Imperial Bank of Canada branch. walls include murals by graffiti artists. The Cybershop 23 Emergency Management Centre
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
East Building Main Entry
North Building
South Building
Sunrise Lane
The Ser ver y
Upper East Side
Partnership Hall
The Interchange A
Network Plaza
The Goumet Bean
North Entry
Main Street
The Store Credit The Union Bank
Home Office
Memory Lane
overall interior streetscape The environmental graphics on the following pages replicate the layered diversity and engaging vitality found in urban wayfinding.
South Loop Creativity Corners
The Cyber Shop
Centre City
South Entry
Flights of Discovery
Venture Park
East Side
Sub Sky ConnectionPatio
South Loop
ir rt C o h S
c ui t
7 8
3 4
North Loop
Perception Point
East Loop
Reflections People Place
Tim Horton
West Loop Vending
The Forum
West Side Habitat
Sunset Lane
Network Building
Solution Base
Turning Point
West Entry
Terra Bytes Compass Point
Nortel Networks
you are here floor graphic
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
“You Are Here” graphic icon to be electronic output using the 3M Floor Minders graphic vinyl and secured to floor surface. The graphic icon is to be trimmed out around image, leaving no excess material.
THE West Loop
Memory Lane
Plan View
Sign Location
Scale 25
Nortel Networks
tree column cladding
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Matte white vinyl letterforms applied directly to the surface of the existing column cover on four sides, orientated to the architectual grid.
Column identification markers on four sides of column
Column Identification - Round Cladding
Utility Tree Column Identification
Plan View
Nortel Networks
pole mounted street directionals
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Double sided directional elements fabricated of 1/8” aluminum primed and painted with matte finish. Street directionals painted matte black on the front and backsides, type to be white vinyl applied.
Street directionals display arrow at both ends. Destination directionals display arrow at one end with square condition at opposite end. Both blade types are sleeved over center post in final installation.
Plan View
Business Centre
Business Centre
Main Street
20th Street
20th Street
Information Loop
Network Plaza
Structural metal post primed and painted matte black. Mount sleeve signs to post so that blade direction and addition/subtraction of blades is easily adjusted. Structural metal base plate bolted to concrete slab. Metal base to have cosmetic cap which is removable for access to mounting bolts. Metal base cover is to be primed and painted black. Continuous decorative band: For more information refer to Information Kiosk. “N, E, W, S” vinyl letterforms applied to sleeve. Letterforms are to be orientated to correspond to the direction of letterform (Example: “N” always points north). Yellow, semi gloss painted tube acts as a sleeve around the structural metal post.
Nortel Networks
street corner sign discs
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Corridor-portal street signs are to be 1/2” thick by 13” diameter, matte black painted acrylic with applied vinyl messages. Typically matte white legends throughout, except legend “Street” is always in matte gray. 1/8” by 10” diameter spacers “float” sign disc from mounting surface.
North InfoLoop
North InfoLoop
Central Colonnade
Central Colonnade
Typical Copy Layout
20th 20th Street
Typical Copy Layout
Memory Lane
Memory Lane
South InfoLoop
South InfoLoop
Other Legend Examples
Typical Mounting Location 28
Nortel Networks
wall mounted street directionals
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
3/4” thick black acrylic mounting plate that steps back to give the illusion that the directional arrow floats off the wall.
Plan View
Text is screen printed directly to wall surface; arrow is painted acrylic with applied vinyl lettering; thick black mounting plate used to give directional arrow the illusion of floating off the wall.
Existing painted wall
Short Circuit
“Nothing will
Short Circuit discov ery lik e the introduction of bureaucrac y”
Elevation Legend for additional location reads as follows: “Inattention to customer needs will Short Circuit (text within right arrow) the boldest marketing effort”
Side View
Directional arrow cut out of 1/4” thick acrylic painted yellow, matte finish. Text is to be black vinyl. “Nothing will
Short Circuit
White text screen printed directly to wall surface.
discov ery lik e the introduction of bureaucrac y”
Location 29
Nortel Networks
street signs cantilevered discs
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Corridor-portal Cantilevered Street Signdisks fabricated of clear acrylic primed and painted, all edges to be sanded smooth prior to painting. Arrow cut out of 1/8” thick acrylic, frosted translucent finish. Edges sanded smooth to remove all imperfections. Message disks cut out of 1/2” thick by 10” diameter matte black painted acrylic with vinyl messages applied. Typically matte white legends throughout except legend “Street” is always in matte gray. 10/24” diameter metal support rods primed and painted matte black. 1/8” thick mounting plate is cut out of metal, primed and painted matte black.
Side View
Copy Layout - 3 Line
Typical Mounting Location 30
Nortel Networks
street signs cantilevered discs
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Corridor-portal Cantilevered Street Signdisks fabricated of clear acrylic primed and painted, all edges to be sanded smooth prior to painting. Arrow cut out of 1/8” thick acrylic, frosted translucent finish. Edges sanded smooth to remove all imperfections. Message disks cut out of 1/2” thick by 10” diameter matte black painted acrylic with vinylmessages applied. Typically matte white legends throughout excep legend “Street” is always in matte gray. 10/24” diameter metal support rods primed and painted matte black. 1/8” thick mounting plate is cutout of metal, primed and painted matte black.
Plan View
Copy Layout - 2 Line
Side View
Copy Layout - 3 Line
Typical Mounting Location 31
Nortel Networks
conference room addressing
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
3/4� cap height matte black (duplicate the WIDE letterspacing shown). Legends are installed at both the left and right side entries to typical room. Each location receives two legend sets. Lettered legend on outside of glass in matte black vinyl.
30 Numerals installed wrong-reading on inside of glass in matte white vinyl.
Conference Room - Typical Location
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Business Services Enterprise Support Functions
Nortel Networks
business centre identifier
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Dimensional letterforms, face and returns primed and painted white with a gloss finish. Letters are 1/4� thick with mirror polished face and paint finish returns. Arched band with stainless steel metallic appearance. Letters and band to be secured to wall surface with studs so that there will be minimal exposed fasteners.
Plan View
Side View
Nortel Networks
business centre entry messages
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The logo announces the facility’s name and is applied to the interior face of the right hand glass entry door. The majority of the display is depicted in client corporate color. The letters comprising the word “centre� are reversed out of a white vinyl rectangle to reveal the legend in clear glass. Additionally, on the interior face of the left hand entry door, applied black vinyl displays facility hours of operation. The business world quotes are applied as vinyl legends on to interior, room side, face of glass in corporate color with the attribution in black.
Detail of Business Centre Logo
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." George Moore
Hours of Operation 24 Hour Access Concierge Available 8.00am to 4.30pm
Business Centre Entry Elevation
"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir our blood. Make big plans. Aim high in hope and work."
Daniel Byrnham
Nortel Networks
business centre clock wall
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The Business Centre Clockwall displays five digital clocks with red LED displays. These Simplex clocks are slaves tied to a remote master clock. Each clock displays a time zone from a client site from around the globe. The clocks are flush mounted in a folia laminate faced wall mural. The wall mural consists of four pieces of digital output mounted subsurface to transparent laminate. The laminate is butt-edged at installation for a seamless appearance. The wall display is full height, floor-to-ceiling.
The clocks are labeled with alternating black and white bars of matte finish laminate forming a 1/4” raised continuous pattern across the elevation. The pattern mimics the art found as a border at the edges of most geographic maps. White bars display the representative city names in applied matte finish black vinyl. An additional applied laminate of matte red forms a pointing arrow with white vinyl legends displaying the upper and lower case legend "You Are Here”. This applique is raised 1/2” above wall surface, allowing it to overlap the city legends and point to the word Toronto.
3:59 CA LG A RY
11:59 ARE
8:59 L ONDON
The mural depicts a world globe with meridian lines shown on a background that transitions from a “black starry” night sky to a “blue billowy cloud” daytime sky. The translucent world represents client’s global market and its clarity of mission. The arcing band of circuitry “surrounds” the globe and mimics the arc found in the corporate logomark. Clockwall Elevation 36
Nortel Networks
global player conference rooms
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Each of the seven conference rooms is named after a client site on each of the continents. [North America is used twice until the client flag is hoisted in Antarctica.] Frosted matte vinyl maps are installed on the interior side of glass side-lites adjacent to conference room doors. Legends and logomarks are applied to the exterior, hall side, of glass. The maps vary in east to west or west to east display as best suites the city legend. A series of latitude lines cross edge to edge in the display with one singular longitude line placed so as to locate the client site. The appropriate intersection of latitude and longitude is marked with corporate color and logo and the city location legends are shown in matte black vinyl.
SYDNEY Typical Conference Room Entry Condition
Map and Legend Detail 37
Nortel Networks
the forum auditorium identifier
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Individual letterforms cut out of 3/4� thick acrylic, primed and painted. Letterforms to be pin mounted so that the letterforms stand off the wall surface 1/2.� Letterforms centered between nautical jar lights, as shown below.
Forum East Elevation
Nortel Networks
the forum entrance identifiers
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Cut out vinyl letterforms applied directory to transom. Letterforms centered on transom, as shown below. Custom tops applied to top of manufacturered mobile carts.
ATHEN S R O M E Elevation
The The
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
inter-change conferencing identity Individual three dimensional letterforms pin-mounted flush to existing wall surface. Exposed face finish is stainless steel with horizontal brushed finish and exposed returns are painted to match paint finish wall.
Interchange Side View
Mounting Location
Nortel Networks
inter-change room identity
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario 8 1/2" x 11" owner generated laser-printed welcome message inserts in top slot.
Acrylic “button� paints to match wall. One character each button in applied vinyl.
NORTHERN TELECOM Welcomes the Communications NM Oi nRiTs Ht eErR N T E L E C O M W o f e Il cn od mo ne es s ti ha e Communications Minister of Indonesia Please follow established protocols for reservation and use of this room. Please follow established protocols for reservation and use of this room.
Custom color match on painted frame.
Configure button with dual depth so that right side of acrylic disk captures left-hand edge of sign and left side of button flushes with wall surface. Pointer icon silkscreens onto extended paper holder.
Sign installs adjacent to each meeting room door. Signs install centered on vertical space beside door.
NORTHERN TELECOM Welcomes the Communications Minister of Indonesia
NORTHERN TELECOM Welcomes the Communications Minister of Indonesia
Please follow established protocols for reservation and use of this room.
Please follow established protocols for reservation and use of this room.
Protocol message silkscreens on back panel behind acrylic window. Message holder accommodates last-minute changes or communications. Side View
Typical Elevation
Nortel Networks
inter-change south wall display
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
51 30N 0 5W 40 45N 74 0W 5 30N 62 40W 36 3N 112 9W
40 45N 74 0W 62 40W
44 0N 126 0W
51 30N 0 5W
40 45N 74 0W
A World of Networks 5 30N
5 30N 62 40W
15 40N 0 30W
51 30N 0 5W
48 50N 2 20E 37 10N 3 35W
48 50N 2 20E
37 10N 3 35W
15 40N 90 30W
48 50N 2 20E
15 40N 90 30W
33 46N 118 12W
33 46N 118 12W
5 30N 62 40W 33 46N 118 12W
27 6S 109 21W
Installation Detail Dimensional Star Art
Letterforms On Sign Arch
Dimensional Letterforms
Dimensional Wave Art
Northern Star:
6’ x 9” x 1/4” stainless steel metallic appearence dimensional arch pin mounted flush to existing wall surface. 6” high 3 dimensional letterforms applied to face are mirror polished finish with painted returns.
Longitudes and latitudes: Individual 5’ x 1/2” 3 dimensional letterforms pin mounted flush to existing wall surface. Identical to letters at East Elevation.
Ocean Waves: Two individual 3’ x 1/2” 3 dimensional forms pin mounted flush to existing wall surface withmirror polished finish.
5 30N 62 40W
44 0N 126 0W
44 0N 126 0W
51 30N 0 5W 40 45N 74 0W 5 30N 62 40W
36 3N 112 9W
0 33 46N 118 12W
A World of Networks
40 45N 74 0W
5 30N 62 40W
37 10N 3 35W 33 46N 118 12W
15 40N 90 30W
15 40N 90 30W
48 50N 2 20E
27 6S 109 21W
40 45N 74 0W
43 39N 79 20W
A World of Networks
Individual 8’ x 1/2” 3 dimensional form pin mounted flush to existing wall surface with mirror polished finish.
15 40N 90 30W
5 30N 62 40W
37 10N 3 35W
15 40N 90 30W
27 6S 109 21W
44 0N 126 0W
90 90 Longitude and latitude designation are individual three dimensional lettersforms pin mounted flush to existing wall surface. Exposed face 44 0N 40 45N 40 45N 126 0W finish and exposed returns are painted wall. 74 to 0W match paint 74 finish 0W
South Elevation 42
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Homebase identity fabricated of acrylic primed and painted. The base plaque is to be painted to match wall color. The logo is to be seperate dimensional pieces and created in different levels. Homebase identity to be stud mounted to existing wall surface.
Plan View
homebase heraldry
Side View
Nortel Networks
partnership place signing wall
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Fabricated dimensional letterforms, face and returns primed and painted blue with a gloss finish. Dimensional letterforms are 1/4” thick with mirror polished face. Returns are to be paint finish. Arched band with stainless steel metallic appearance. Letterforms and band to be secured to existing gypsum board wall surface with studs so there will be minimal exposed fasteners. Dimensional base relief hands, painted to match paint color of wall. Base relief mounted flush to wall surface. Vinyl legend “Visitors Please Sign-In” applied directly to wall surface.
Plan View
Visitors Please Sign-In
Side View
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
commerce centre identity The “Commerce” legend consists of individual three dimensional letterforms mounted flush to the wall. These letters have painted metallic copper faces and returns. The arched band is paint finish in a silver metallic. The “CENTRE” legend consists of individual three dimensional letterforms with polished metal face and white returns.
Commerce Centre Logo Detail
Behind the arched band is a compass collage consisting of an acrylic face, a north arrow and 12 dimensional triangles. The circular acrylic face is 1/2” thick with polished edges and a greenish tint that mimics laminated glass. The arrow is prismatic in construction and painted client’s corporate color. Positioned straight up and down, the pointer aligns with a dimensional ‘N’ finished in white. All triangular elements are paint finish face and returns. The largest triangles are metallic copper. The secondary triangles are metallic silver and the tertiary triangles are matte white.
Commerce Centre Logo Location
Nortel Networks
video conference room markers
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Color output of computer circuit board with star burst place behind clear folia laminate. Folia material laminate to 3/8” thick acrylic substrate, returns sanded smooth prior to painting. 1/8” thick black acrylic mounting plate permanently secured to backside of face plate.
Plan View Room number aligns with left edge of “o” in video
Metal pins with rounded heads, pained red, satin finish. Pins anchored to sign face with silicone glue in predrilled holes. Letterforms cut out of 1/8” thick acrylic, painted white with a satin finish and applied to sign face. BRW.1
The “o’s” in the words “video” and “con” are to be cut out of 1/8” thick acrylic, painted to simulate a computer monitor with an of image a handdrawn person in the monitor. Star burst marks cut out of 1/16” thick acrylic, painted and applied to sign face. Side View
Elevation Room Number cut out of 1/8” thick acrylic, painted white with a satin finish and applied to sign face.
Mounting Location
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
visitor touchdowns announcer At visitor touchdown stations, this graphic signals availability of four network access connections. Full color digital output of illustration mounted to high density fibreboard and trimmed to irregular edges of illustration, as shown. Mounted to wall surface with Z-clips.
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
library book marker Double-sided sign with copper sheeting laminated to substrate material. Profile mimics exclaimation point. White vinyl applied letterforms, alternating in matte and gloss finishes, and multiple fonts in caps and lower case. Sign secured to wall with minimalist square metal tubing as attachment device, painted matte black. Hole through sign panel with oversize copper s-hook to hold double sided “IRN” circular logo disk. Painted, double-sided circular disk with airbrushed spherical highlites and white vinyl “IRN” logo applied to both sides of disk.
Plan View
L i
L i
b R
iL Rb
b R
Side View
Location 48 Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
View Find Search Research Elevation
Side View
library display window Colored vinyl mounted on Lego™-like overlapping rectangles to simulate a pulldown “File” menu box. Black and gray vinyl art mounted on backside of glass. Gray strip to simulate scrolling bars on both right side and bottom of window. Black vinyl text mounted on backside of glass. “Find” box is cut out of 1/2” thick acrylic with quarter rounded edges on the right and left sides only. The top and bottom sides to be 90° edges. Block to be primed and painted blue and is to be mounted on exterior face of glass. Painted three dimensional spherical disk with airbrushed highlite and “IRN” logo applied in white vinyl. Disk is applied to the exterior surface of glass. Painted three dimensional half spherical sliding bar applied to the exterior surface of glass. One is located on the right side and one located on the bottom of window. Black vinyl ruled rectangle mounted on backside of glass. White vinyl box mounted on backside of glass. Arrows cut out of 1/2” thick acrylic with 90° edges. Arrows to be primed and painted blue. Arrows to be mounted and aligned on both surfaces of glass with double sided high bond tape. View Find Search Research
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
docklands copy centre The former factory loading dock is identified in its new role by a reconditioned truck tailgate and bumper. The slightly dented automotive parts are freshly painted. A faux license plate is in place with custom legend and corporate logo in place of provincial mark. The corporate slogan is shown in place of the province name. Individual 3D letterforms are painted with same vibrant colors found in interior pallette. Real brake lights are illuminated all the time; the left turn signal flashes continually as if to turn. Real mud flaps, plain black, are recipients of applied 3D letters, matte white, which depict “Repro” and “Mail” indicating the business activities found here.
Docklands Identity Sign
Entry Elevation at Copy Centre
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
copy centre services mural
Located within the Copy Centre, three dimensional legends in various typefaces are arranged into a rectangular shaped collage. The typefaces used consist of differing weights.
ON . T
Mounted flush to the wall surface, the largest letterforms project 2” in depth, the secondary legends project 1.5 inches and the smallest .75 inches. All legends are paint finish matte white. The ‘O’ in ‘POSTE’ has a solid counter which receives a screenprinted image of the local postmark. The date of the postmark is 1 January, with current year.
Mural Wall Elevation
Nortel Networks
project dedication plaque
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Three individual plaques are installed flush to existing wall surface.
1• 9•9•6 In dedication to the efforts by those creating this facility to provide the best environment for the best employees Ed Abbound Joan Albert Sandra Arnold John Bartlett Terry Box Cathy Britt Kathrin Brunner Sharon Burton
Plan View
Jacqueline Cassell Saad Dimachkieh Royal Dumas Jeff Ehrlich Nada Elbolbol Sam Elhaj Sofia Fonseca Loretta Fulvio
Jim Galton John Gerwin Craig Hein Jennifer Henrikson Frank Hersom Kathy Hiatt Dean Jackson Hal Kantner
Paul Kiel Hans Krause Gary Kuzma Carol Lee Vitor Liu Rick Luck Bill Morris Prasanta Mukherjee
Gill Navarro Hugh Painter Steve Parshall Robert Reid Dwight Rozier James Sandoz Jay Tatum Jalal Zeitoune
Plaque 1: 6” x 36” horizontally brushed stainless steel plaque with ninety degree returns. Date “1996” is etched and filled with corporate color. Plaque 2: 7” x 38” chrome plated bar with arched profile and ninety degree returns. Line art of facility entry is etched and filled with corporate color.
Plaque 3: 23” x 36” horizontally brushed stainless steel plaque with ninety degree returns. Narrative text etched and filled in black. Names listed below narrative are etched and filled in corporate color.
1• 9•9•6 1• 9•9•6 1• 9•9•6
Elevation of Building Art
In dedication to the efforts In dedication to the dedication to this the efforts byInefforts those creating facility by those creatingtothis by those facility creating this facility provide the best environment to provide the best to environment provide environment for thethe bestbest employees for the best employees for the best employees Ed Abbound Joan Albert Sandra Arnold John Bartlett Terry Box Cathy Britt Kathrin Brunner Sharon Burton
Jacqueline Cassell Saad Dimachkieh Royal Dumas Jeff Ehrlich Nada Elbolbol Sam Elhaj Sofia Fonseca Loretta Fulvio
Ed Abbound Jacqueline Cassell Jim Galton Joan Albert Saad Dimachkieh John Gerwin Jim GaltonSandra Ed Abbound Paul Kiel Jacqueline Cassell Gill Navarro Jim Galton Arnold Royal Dumas Craig Hein John Gerwin Joan Albert Hans Krause Saad Dimachkieh Hugh Painter John Gerwin John Bartlett Jeff Ehrlich Jennifer Henrikson Craig HeinTerry Sandra Arnold Gary Kuzma Royal Dumas Steve Parshall Craig Hein Box Nada Elbolbol Frank Hersom Jennifer Henrikson John Bartlett Carol Lee Jeff Ehrlich Robert Reid Jennifer Henrikson Cathy Britt Sam Elhaj Kathy Hiatt Frank Hersom Terry Box Vitor LiuSofia NadaFonseca Elbolbol Dwight Rozier FrankJackson Hersom Kathrin Brunner Dean Kathy Hiatt Cathy Britt Rick Luck Sam Elhaj James Sandoz Kathy Hiatt Sharon Burton Loretta Fulvio Hal Kantner Dean Jackson Kathrin Brunner Bill Morris Sofia Fonseca Jay TatumDean Jackson Hal Kantner Sharon Burton Prasanta Mukherjee Loretta Fulvio Jalal Zeitoune Hal Kantner
Paul Kiel Gill Navarro Hans Krause Hugh Painter Paul Kiel Gill Navarro Gary Kuzma Steve Parshall Hans Krause Hugh Painter Carol Lee Robert Reid Gary Kuzma Steve Vitor Liu DwightParshall Rozier Carol Lee Robert Reid Rick Luck James Sandoz Vitor Liu Dwight Bill Morris Jay TatumRozier Rick Luck James Sandoz Prasanta Mukherjee Jalal Zeitoune Bill Morris Jay Tatum Prasanta Mukherjee Jalal Zeitoune
Side View 52
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Workplace Image and Identity Individual, Team, and Line of Business Identity
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
network building identifier “Network” letters to be 1” thick dimensional letterforms, face to be horizontal grain satin finished aluminum with a protective coating. Returns to be primed and painted blue with a stain finish.
“Building” letters to be 1/2” thick dimensional letterforms, face to be horizontal grain copper with a protective coating. Returns to be primed and painted blue with a stain finish. Letterforms to be standoff mount approximately 1/2.” Computer circuit board image disk is fabricated of digital output behind transparent folia laminate. The laminate is adhered to a 1/4” thick Sintra substrate with smooth black edge and floats off of the door 1/4” on a shim concealed from view.
Plan View
Simulated electrical networking cables to be fabricated of steel bars in differing diameter sizes and lengths. Steel bars are to be either painted or rubber coated to simulate networking cable finishes. Cables to be firmly secured to the wall surface and computer circuit board image disk. Cable termination points to simulate cable connections with a computer networking system.
Mounting Location 54
Nortel Networks
the loft identity marker
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Double sided ceiling mounted identity fabricated of aluminum. 4” diameter structural mounting pole primed and painted to match building spandrels. Cloud back panels primed and painted. Faces painted in a gradation, white at the top to light blue at the bottom. The backside of cloud panels painted light blue. The Loft logo to be fabricated of aluminum, letterforms faces primed and painted plum. Inside returns of letterforms painted white. Fabricated logo to be standoff mounted to cloud base panels. Metal studs, painted light blue. The word “the” is vinyl letterforms applied to the surface of the cloud base panels. Plan View
Structural mounting pole Cloud back panels
“the Loft” logo
Painted metal studs Inside of letterforms Outside of letterforms
Section 55
Nortel Networks
freestanding line of business identity
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Turnstone standard workgroup mobile-easel on casters. Supply white sintra panel with smooth finished edges, 1/2” x width x length of display. Add color band across top of sintra panel and paint returns to match. Both the Athens and Rome identifiers are to be double sided. The four (4) white circles are cut (drilled) through the sign panel. 1/2” thick dimensional letterforms, primed and painted, are permanently secured to sign panel.
Header panel to be custom fabricated to mount on top of standard-product rolling easel. Panel to match one of the fabrication of graphic panels (below) and each is to display a unique knotching motif similar to the header shown at right.
Band 1
Band 2
Workplace Identity
Workplace Identity
Band 3
Mother of all Teams Team Tasks: When udngo ie idne kjfsd gdhry oxnnsu ig, qs scap l zx aosaime wiornm soot. tyui wm os n mwoeru ki seommwu n lgo scbemw ehr wjixne hillmne mmaksdieuscco m. Wyemme xb cdse fzcxsd enb sojskdgfhtr fsdg dmmonie. Rehnbwgf io nht.
Mother of all Teams Team Tasks: When udngo ie idne
Band 4 4 Band
kjfsd gdhry oxnnsu ig, qs scap l zx aosaime wiornm soot. tyui wm os n mwoeru ki seommwu n lgo scbemw ehr wjixne hillmne mmaksdieuscco m. Wyemme xb cdse fzcxsd enb sojskdgfhtr fsdg
A dsfw poyiu dsfrw cxvbsfdg doow to fsrevchj gfhyrt
A dsfw poyiu dsfrw cxvbsfdg doow to fsrevchj gfhyrt
Band 5 5 Band
Band 6
Perspective View
Front View
Side View
Detail at Topper Panel The Loft
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
neighborhood identity patterns
Nortel Networks
memory lane historical display
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Plan View
Display panel to be fabricated of high density fibreboard, primed and mounted to rigid metal frame. Display panel is intended to be easily removable and resurfacable or replaceable. Image on face panel is to be continuous sheet of 4’ wide photographic output from digital file, laminated flush to the substrate material. Returns of display panel to match finish and color of face sheet. Mounting frame fabricated of square aluminum tubing that mimics materials used in Library Identifier. Finished frame primed and painted black with minimal exposed joints and fastners.
A tribute to the founders and builders of the company, men and women of vision reaching A tribute to the the challange founders and builders the of the out to meet of bringing
company, men and women of vision reaching world together through communications – all out to meet the challange of bringing the in the spirit of leadership, innovation, world together through communications – all dedication and excellence. in the spirit of leadership, innovation, dedication and excellence.
Nortel Networks
streetscape billboards
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Three floor mounted 8.5” diameter structural columns supporting a rigid diagonal space frame. All exposed structure primed and paint finished black. Space frame of approximately 12’x 25’ or 12’x 8’ has front face framed to receive tension stretched one-piece flexible sheeting similar to material and methods used in billboard industry. Flexible vinyl sheeting has full color graphic output from digital media files. Locate streetscape billboard in existing interior environment. Anchor structure in concrete floor. Typical Location Plan
Basic billboard displaying a removable flexible sheeting face. Billboard is capable of regularly displaying new content through replacement of face sheets.
Side Elevation
Turning P int
Nortel Networks
turning point corner stone
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Dimensional letterforms cut out of acrylic and applied directly to both sides of existing corner stone surface. Letterforms and compass to be cut out of 1/4� thick acrylic and pin mounted flush to wall surface. Letterforms faces and returns painted brown, glossy finish. Compass face and returns painted blue, glossy finish.
Turning P int Elevation
Mounting Location
Turning P int
Turning P int
Nortel Networks
turning point rap wall
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
“We must become “There is nothing permanent except change.” Heraclitus
the change “ I t ’ s
l o n g
Turning Point Text Layout
l a n e
t h a t
Message content reflects quotes about change. Dimensional letterforms cut out of acrylic and applied directly to existing wall surface. 6” letterforms to be cut out of 1/2” thick acrylic and pin mounted flush to wall surface. 4” letterforms to be cut out of 1/4” thick acrylic and pin mounted flush to wall surface.
k n o w s
n o
t u r n i n g s . ” Robert Browning
we want to see.” Gandhi
Turning Point Elevation
“ We m u st b eco m e “There is nothing permanent except change.” Heraclitus
th e change “ I t ’ s
l o n g
l a n e
t h a t
k n o w s
we wa n t to see.”
n o
t u r n i n g s . ” Robert Browning
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
@ habitat ecology promotion “@ habitat� identity fabricated of natural reed and willow bundled together. The dried reed to be in varying diameters. Copper wiring used to bundle and secure the letter art to have a patina finish.
Mounting Location
Nortel Networks
@ habitat ecology display
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Habitat display fabricated of metal angle framing unites with 3/8� thick scratch resistant clear acrylic window. Base unit mechanically secured to wall surface. Face metal frame units unbolt at top and bottom for access to display materials. Metal frame unit primed and powered coated enamel painted with a glossy finish.
Mounting Location
Side View
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
graffiti wall at loading docks The 4,300 square foot interior wall elevation at the former loading dock of this facility (including dock doors) is to be painted in white primer and prepared for graffitti mural depicting an overall Nortel vision. Media to be spray applied color and characteristic of urban graffitti art.
Switching circuit pattern looms large as a background that trails from trucker’s exhaust stack.
Tractor / trailer, with Nortel globemark, is a historical reference that pays homage to the original manufacturing plant and shipping docks. Nortel trailer is packed with crates labeled with words like ‘values’ and ‘vision’ from company beliefs.
An air freight delivery of “heavy” new ideas packed in a wooden crate displaying the globemark.
Constellation-like parade of stars connected by dashed lines mimics charted metrics of milestones reached and upward progress recorded.
Clouds in a Nortel blue sky represent the need for “blue sky thinking” in the corporate environment.
A top-of-the-world view reinforces Nortel as a globe-able enterprise. Globe’s meridians double as tranmission networks connecting Point ‘A’ to Point ‘B’s across the world. Customers ‘around-the-world’ stand on the meridian network, each depicted in characteristic fashions from around the world. A bolt of wireless transmission arcs around the Nortel world.
Elevation at Graffiti Wall
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Workplace Amenity Retail and Food Service Graphics
Nortel Networks
aralia mobile announcer
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Identity panel of painted sintra and vinyl leterforms at each side of displays.
Bolts hold topper panel.
Standard group work mobile-easel on casters, black tack board surface and white board surface provided with product. Aralia logo assembly to be custom fabricated to mount on top of standard-product rolling easel. Polished tube to support Aralia logo which is a miniature version of Aralia identity sign.
Existing pegs suspend identity panel through penetrations in color band. Detail at Top
Aralia Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
For Further Infor mation,
Butt joint with extruded aluminum plan holder one side only painted black.
amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit elit, consectetuer adipiscing nibh mmy nonu diam sed et laore ut euismod tincidunt erat dolore magna aliquam ad enim volutpat. Ut wisi ud minim veniam, quis nostr
r ion, For Further Infomat
Temporary information poster.
Aralia Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
For Further Infor mation,
Side View 66
Nortel Networks
araila fitness centre identity
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Circular tube with finish mimicing polished stainless steel to penetrate square metal frame and be secured with concealed fasteners. Metal frame fabricated of rectangular aluminum tubing primed and painted to simulate copper patina. Metal frame is to be secured flush with wall surface. Stainless steel action-figure face laminated to 1/2” thick durable, monolithic substrate. Face finish of action-figure to be non-directional, distressed, wire brushed stainless steel and the returns to be primed and painted. Actionfigure to be stand-off mounted with 1” stand-off. The fabricated letterforms are to be pin mounted flush to wall surface. “Aralia” letters are to be sturdy dimensional letters 4” thick with crisp edges and corners. Faces and returns to be painted custom color. “Brampton” letters are to be 2” thick with stainless steel letter faces to match the actionfigure. Prime and paint returns same custom color and pin mount flush to wall surface. Plan View
Side View
Location 67
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
reflections zen garden “Reflections” legend to appear in silver mylar vinyl applied right-reading to front face of glass. Mirrored text “Reflections” reversed out of a rectangular field of silver mylar vinyl to reveal existing clear glass. Applied to back face of glass. Leaf art in various species shapes screenprinted in white directly on front face of glass and overlapping the mylar vinyl art installed on back face of glass. Located on first full width glass panel to left of entry doors.
Location 68
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
the company store identity “THE STORE� legend is displayed as three dimensional letterforms with a gold metalic appearence. Legends are attached to black paint finish support bars projecting through the collage of shopping bags. The three oversize shopping bags are assembled from sheet material that allows replication of creases, folds and wavy appearence found in paper bags. Bag handles are also curved and free-flowing in appearence. Bags are primed and paint finished in color variety and patterns. Patterned art contrasts matte finish against gloss with dominate coverage in gloss. Provide 8� diameter steel pole on structural base. Minimal disruption is allowed to the existing floor covering beyond base. Design or cover base plate in such a way as to eliminate the base as a pedestrian hazard. Paint steel pole gloss black.
Plan View
Nortel Networks
travel services identity
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario Flags appear in alphabetical order left to right. Canada
36” sphere painted blue with gold meridian lines, all high gloss finish. Toronto’s longitude and latitude legend to be white vinyl applied on sphere surface at relative Toronto location. Scale jet airplane model with white finish is supported on faux brass rod which circles around globe from an origination point adjacent to vinyl longitude and latitude legends.
43 49N 79 20W
12 high “TRAVEL” letterforms are to be fabricated, primed and painted red face with gray returns with matte finish. Letterforms held in position on faux-brass flag poles which pierce center of letters. Flags fabricated of 1/16” thick rigid sheeting. Flags are to be wavy in appearance to suggest cloth in the wind. Flags of these six nations may be reproduced digitally and laminated or adhered to one side of the rigid base sheeting which faces away from the structure.
43 49N 79 20W
Nortel Networks
cyber shop identity
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Plan View
1100 100101001 101101001 001011010 01101001 00101001 11 1 0 0 11100 001010010 100101101 00100100 010000110 00110010 1 1 11001 001010110 010010110 011010010 101001010 0011001 0 1 1 0 10010 101001011 010110100 00011010 010010101 10010 0101 1011010 10010 001000011 100100101 01001000 0 0 1 0 0 1 0100 101001011 101101001 11010010 010111010 01 10 00 000 01001 100101101 010010010 000010010 001100 00 11 11 1 0 110 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 11 01101 101001001 010111010 10010000 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 001 00101 00101
Data pattern actually need appear on bottom side only.
“CYBER” letterforms have polished reflective metal face and painted returns. Letterforms to be pin mounted flush to wall surface. “SHOP” letterforms are to be cut out of 1” thick material finished smooth primed and painted in matte finish. Cantilevered disk to be constructed to simulate the look of a CD. Painted metalic finish with airbrushed highlights or reflective metal laminate applied to clear acrylic sheeting, edge of disc to remain clear with polished finish. Data characters on disc surface are to be metallic vinyl applied.
Provide structural bracing behind existing drywall partition to support cantilevered disk portion of signage. Wall accessible from behind.
Side View
Edge of disk aligns with outside edge of mullion.
Primed and painted fabricated box with “reader probes” at right suggests a disc-reader device. “Reader probes” are to be hi-intensity mini lamps with a translucent red cone shape surround. Both electrically powered lights are to flash continously in a random flicker pattern.
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
satellite dish announcer “Satellite� lettering to be open face channel letters with outside channel painted red and inside of channel painted black. Mount one row of 15mm red neon in center of letter stroke. Disguise required transformer as if part of satellite hardware. Actual non-functioning satellite dish to be used in display. Restore to like new painted appearence. Semicircular frame is to be fabricated from welded steel painted black. Dishes are to be fabricated semi-spherical to look like they could have once been communications hardware. Mount on frame on irregular axis and attach letters within to cover dish mounting hardware mounting dish to frame. Each dish to display one of four colors and a different pattern on each dish front and a continuation of color on each disk back side.
i s H
Side View
Sign is to be viewed from all sides at close distances and requires good finishing and workmanship. Provide 8� diameter steel pole on structural base. Minimal disruption is allowed to the existing floor covering beyond base. Design or cover base plate in such a way as to eliminate the base as a pedestrian hazard. Paint steel pole gloss black.
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
people’s cafe announcer Seven individual letterforms, three dimensional with paint finish, float off the wall surface below a painted sign plaque which is mounted flush to the existing wall surface.
Plan View Elevation At People Art
The plaque is one base color with two colors of splatter pattern applied to the left and right ends. The cafe legend is cut through the depth of the plaque to reveal the wall surface behind. Like giant cookie cutters the five hollow figures are rigid dimensional representations of the freeform drawing shown below. Varying in depth, each figure flush mounts to the wall. Each figure is paint finished in an individual color.
Plan View
Front Elevation
Nortel Networks
@ display
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
Copper sheeting display panels arch slightly away from existing wall on concealed wall-mounted supports. Three edges of the display are finished 90° edge and returns. Bottom edge of display is sanded smooth without sharp or rough edges yet irregular in form. Panels remove for access to neon.
Plan View
Coffee cup and copy cut out of copper sign panels allowing glow from white neon to be seen. Cup handle mimics @ sign.
internet internet internet
Elevation Indicates extent of white neon behind copper panel displays
Pixel-like squares that represent steam from the coffee cup to be patina and distressed decorative copper laminate squares mounted to stand-off display slightly at random, and varying levels in pixelated pattern. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Pattern of Neon Panels
Handle of cup is secretly an @ sign
Detail At Cup Art 74
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
@ java.cup announcer
Plan View
“@” character to be 2” deep channel letterform fabricated of aluminum, primed and painted red-orange, high gloss finish. The channel character is to have warm red neon outlining the character. “java.cup” characters to be 1” deep, primed and painted, high gloss finish. Letterforms to be stud mounted flush to wall surface. Continuous electrical neon illumination is interrupted every half hour by random rapid blinking of 5 seconds duration accompanied by audio special effect sound (arcing and or buzzing noise) of an ‘electrical short circuit’.
Side View
Nortel Networks
palmcourt dining room
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The Palmcourt identity consists of upper and lower case Futura Condensed letterforms with a palm tree art element replacing the ‘L’. Output from digital art file, the white letters combine with tan and kelly green matte vinyl to depict the logo on glass entry door. Similar palm tree art is used as a distraction pattern on glass windows or doors. Alternating palm tree art elements are applied to the interior room side face of glass.
Pa mcourt Palmcourt Logo Detail
Distraction Pattern Detail
Palmcourt Entry Elevation 76
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
ooops! cafe announcer “Ooops” consists of non-illuminated 3D letterforms with white faces and black painted returns. White faces have random and sloppy black paint splatters on approximately 15% of surface. Each individual letter depth varies, with capital letter “O” as deepest. Letterforms mount flush to wall surface. Mock support cord hangs taut from punctuation mark. Finish of cord mimics decorative gold braid.
Plan View
“CafE” displayed as black vinyl letterforms right reading applied to front face of 30” x 30” clear glass inserted into ornate frame. Gold paint finished ornate picture frame, with clear glass insert, attached flush to wall. Provide exact frame alignment with existing opening in cafe wall such that back of installed frame is not visible from inside cafe.
Arcangela 1996
Arcangela 1996
Side View
Nortel Networks
the main event entree station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
“The Main event” sign is set on a slightly wavy, painted mat with handpainted dots on either edge of placemat. An additional layer of painted trim is added to left and right edge of placemat with hand-painted brush stroke pattern. On top of the placemat is a painted sheet folded to appear as a napkin, again with hand-painted brush stroke accent. The utensils are bent wire sculpted to look like hollow knife, fork, and spoon. Wrap wire collar trim around throat of each utensil to conceal end points of wire sculpture and paint gold to match stars on plate. “The” and “event” are vinyl letters on painted base plate floating above collage. 3D letterforms spelling “MAIN” are thicker than plates holding “The” and “event.” M, A, and I are connected as one piece. Entire collage floats off wall on a fairly thin spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges of spacer black. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Plate has look of oversized hand-crafted ceramic, complete with potter’s thumb/finger indentations. Plate has hand-painted art atop painted base finish.
Side View Location 78
Nortel Networks
theme cuisines specials station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The fan-shaped sheet material is painted a base color and then patterned with food art via screenprinting or paper prints from digital output laminated to folded surface. Additionally, hand-painted brush work appears on each panel. Instead of a dead-flat presentation, the fan is slightly folded at four intervals to further highlight the five differing panels. The paint finished 3D letterforms for “THEME” are custom type floating in front of the fan. Below this collage is the word “cuisines” flush-mounted to the wall as paint-finished 3D letters. Entire collage floats slightly off wall on spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges black. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Side View Location 79
Nortel Networks
la griglia serving station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
‘Wire’ sculpture painted black mimics trapezoidal barbecue grill. Glowing rocks overhang sides of spacer plate behind entire collage, though in random areas of the red glowing rocks we can see through to this matte black painted base. The 3D “la griglia” letterforms are a custom-lettered creation with painted faces and returns. Letterforms float above black grill construction. Entire collage floats slightly off wall on spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges black. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Beneath grill is a construct looking like a bed of glowing briquettes or lava rock sculpted in random arrangement. Elevation
Side View Location 80
Nortel Networks
pizza serving station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The arched frame with matte black finish is secured to the existing wall and provides a mounting surface for the pin-mounted “pizza” legend. “pizza” legend is painted yellow-gold. Tomato and pepper stems are added media. All vegetables collage together within arched frame and in front of the paint finished, single-plane geometric ellipse “pie” and irregular-shaped crustedges which float slightly off the wall. Entire collage floats off wall on a fairly thin spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges of spacer black. Sign is to be viewed from all sides at close distances and requires good finishing and workmanship. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
The 3D vegetables have a chunky wood-chisled appearance with semigloss paint finish and additional gradated airbrush effects to achieve shading and highlight.
Plan View
p zza Elevation
Side View Location 81
Nortel Networks
the cutting board deli station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The wood cutting board appears to be of built-up light-colored wood strips butted together and joined with a slight fanning from the top left to suggest a perspective. They should have a smooth-sanded, matte-like appearance. Mounted flush to the cutting board are the 3D letterforms. The word “cutting” has a polished metal knife-like appearance and a cut-through the middle breakline. The words “the” and “board” are painted letterforms. The dimensional sandwich and pickle are fabricated from appropriate sign materials and painted to simulate the items they represent. Entire collage floats off wall on a fairly thin spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges of spacer black. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
the the Plan View
the the
board board
The board has a hole ‘drilled’ through the top-end with leather-wrap and hanging loop suggesting over-sized rawhide.
board board Elevation
Side View Location 82
Nortel Networks
finale desserts station '
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The “finale” legend is presented as three dimensional letterforms. Faces and returns are painted dark blue with a gloss finish. Letterforms to be stand off mounted to scalloped base. Scalloped oval base receives screenprinted graphics of food silhouettes. Base face and returns painted medium blue with a matte finish with screenprinting in gloss finish. The entire collage floats off the wall on a fairly thin spacer plate which is intentionally hard to view. Paint any visible edges of spacer black. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Hand drawn elliptical form and ‘accent’ mark cut from rigid dimensional sheeting, primed and painted in matte finish and applied flush to scalloped sign surface.
Side View Location 83
Nortel Networks
expressway grab ‘n go station
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
The base sign is a flat rectangular field with Scotchlite reflective sheeting in white, red, yellow, and black configurations. Sheeting comes together in clean butt-edged collage. Color wraps around 90° edge condition. Four corners are radiused similar to traffic sign faces. The word “EXPRESS” is 3D letterforms painted black. The word “way” is 3D letters painted gray. All letters mount flush to sign face. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion.
Plan View
Finished drillholes penetrate the signface in several locations suggesting mounting holes usually found on traffic sign faces.
Side View Location 84
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
brown bag lunch microwave farm The microwave farm where employees can prepare their brought-fromhome meals is called Brown Bag Lunch. The entrance to the preparation area is marked by a theatrical oversized faux sculpture. The three dimensional brown bag is crinkled in appearance with crayon like legends in two colors. The heart and ‘smiley face’ in red and the letterforms in black. Visibly poking above the top of the bag are a faux juice box and banana. The sculpture is installed on a hidden shim to float slightly away from wall surface.
Location 85
Nortel Networks
vending area announcer
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
“VENDING” sign is to represent a “coin” inserted in a vending machine coin slot. Materials used should be selected to enhance and amplify the illusion. The graphics on the “coin” surface are raised and dimensional with differentiation in metallic coloring. The edge of the “coin” is ridged in a continuous knurled pattern.
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Metallic paints should be utilized on a substrate which will provide a glossy surface although durability is not essential for the out-of-reach location. Sign is centered above doorway on existing gypsum board construction.
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Side View
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Side View
Nortel Networks
World Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario
keypad seating court Exterior seating mimics telephone keypad. The twelve oversize buttons are replicated as seating elements complete with radiused corners and concave contour of faces, in two locations, for a total of 24 seating elements. Each face has a carved or sandblasted set of numerals and/or letterforms corresponding to standard keypad. The depth of the engraved characters is approximately one and a half inches. The concrete forms indent at base to appear as if they float above ground. The first set of polished concrete forms are situated in a structured alignment as we have come to expect them, three rows by four rows. Spacing between elements has a conversational proximity.
Structured Installation
The second seating set is strewn random across a slightly larger site. Proximity is less conducive to paired conversation and more conducive to privacy and reflection. This site also has a light ‘fountain’: Fibre optic bundle begins blooming 8’ above finished grade from the top of a 8” diameter tubular column. The fibre bundle is lit at the base such that each fibre end glows in a point of light. Provide electrical connection to existing power at site.
Random Installation
H O K V i s u a l C o m m u n i c at i o n s Image and Identity Planning Information Media Wayfinding and Architectural Graphics Display Environments
HOK Visual Communications can strategically plan and design the appropriate vehicle to convey your message, package your information, position your image, or promote your product. Our client experience is broad in scope and international in reach. We offer deep, knowledgeable expertise in communicating about all aspects of the built environment. We seek functional, aesthetic, and economic solutions that are flexible and durable and we fully understand the business implications of good design. 2800 Post Oak Boulevard | Suite 3700 | Houston | TEXAS | 77056 | USA
+1 713 407 7700 |