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Financial Lesson Plan


Visual Communications Supporting CalSTRS Headquarters Teaching Finance: A Story of Stability and Sustainability

Table of Contents 4

Experience Enhanced Facilities


Green Investment Art Panels


Slice of Life Displays


The New Visual Workscape


Waterfront Café Logo


”IN” Signs – Garage Theme


Vision Building™


Servery Station Graphics


”IN” Signs – Vestibules Theme


Possibilities Sketchbook™


Historical Performers Display


Building Signage


CalSTRS Member Center


River Glass Vision Screens


Board Member Display


Member Center Logo Display


Gains and Losses Fitness Center


Board Room Name Plates


Frequently Answered Questions Display


Speciality Letters and Legends


Move-In Publication

Credits Fabrication: MonsterRoute, Menlo Park, CA Content Strategy / Copy Writing: CalSTRS Communications Slice of Life — Photo Direction: Trevor Ferruggia 2

Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


The New Visual Workscape The workscape is the next experience economy venue. The culturally optimized 21st century workplace will foster the creativity of knowledge workers, aid in the recruitment from today’s interest in creative thinkers, and enhance the retainment of invested knowledge and intellectual capital by impacting employee satisfaction. The new work environment can use a mix of corporate values, naming word play and retail /trade show / entertainment quality displays to cause employees and visitors alike to download a sense of creativity and innovation. The new workscape also plays a part in recruitment and retention of next generation employees and partners. These concepts can be used by the 21st century enterprise to communicate ongoing internal evolution...and materialize a desired cultural endstate that reflects new models for communication, collaboration, and creativity. This is a pride-of-place concept that migrates to the future. The workplace is now a sales tool. But not just the customer presentation center of yesterday. The entire facility will now be a strategized and scripted experience used to position positive messages in the minds of employees, customers, partners and community. The type of messages that will differentiate your enterprise from your competitors.


Financial Lesson Plan

Experience Enhanced Facilities It really is about convergence…info-tainment, edu-tainment, retail-tainment, techno-tainment. The workplace already cross-polinates the trade show with lifestyle amenities. So, guess what’s next…the convergence of enterprise and entertainment. The environment can cause the facility visitor and workscape users to “download” a style and feel about an organization. The reverse effect is also true: Facilities can also disconnect from enterprise promoted brand (or corporate culture). Efforts by an organization outside of corporate real estate (such as marketing, branding, advertising, public relations, product design) can create expectations for facility attributes. Facility attributes can also create expectations that the rest of corporate culture must live up to. All the Work’s a Stage: Requires the physical setting (and it is becoming very much like a theatre set — mobile furniture props and display metrics scenery that change with each improvisational act of commerce) that accommodates the new experience economy — where everything must engage, amuse, entertain, inform — including the new workscape.

Financial Lesson Plan


Vision Building™ The project initiated with a ”Vision Building” session with selected representatives with the intent of developing a common understanding around the key issues. These meetings ensured that the participants were aligned in the mission to address issues that were central to the project’s success. Participants were taken through the visioning process, identifying opportunities and charting a roadmap for follow-on development.

CalSTRS Visioning Agenda 1. How do you wish to use the building as a media vehicle?

• To define the purpose of CalSTRS?

• To honor Teaching as a competency?

• To celebrate California education system?

• To celebrate children/adolescents as

members of society?

• All of the above? More?

2. What are the audiences for the building’s messages? 3. What are the desired perceptions and downloads for each audience? 4. What are perceptions about CalSTRS we wish to perpetuate? 5. What are perceptions about CalSTRS we wish to enhance and/or optimize?


Can we explore and create wayfinding themes tied to CalSTRS competencies?


Can we explore using the building to identify and communicate departmental competencies and their unique contribution to CalSTRS?


Can we explore using image and text messages to exemplify a desired CalSTRS work-life style?

10. What images and language exist as digital resources we can repurpose? 11. How rich are the archives at CalSTRS? 12. How much can be found internally and how much must be sourced externally to facilitate the desired experience honoring California teachers, their legacy of student enrichment, and/or competency of insuring their financial security?

6. What are perceptions about CalSTRS we wish to minimize and/or extinguish?

Interview Sessions 6

Financial Lesson Plan

Ideation Sessions

Possibilities Sketchbook™ This quickly recorded sketchbook of ideas documented the possibility thinking about all the image, message, packaging, and communication issues that could play a part in this project’s success. These sketch pages froze spoken concepts as pictures and allowed them to live, morph, and link. Getting our interview concepts down on paper allowed us to test consensus on each idea, prioritize need, and strategize procurement.

Financial Lesson Plan


CalSTRS Member Center


Financial Lesson Plan

Member Center Logo Display The wall-mounted three dimensional corporate logo is installed in a prominent location. The logo is the first branded element visible as visitors enter the member center.

Financial Lesson Plan


Frequently Answered Questions Display Use of classroom image of eager hands raised in a classroom environment paired with FAQs and their answers. Pithy copy about educating educators to be educated investors.


Financial Lesson Plan

Green Investment Art Panels Display located at a key location which is visible to traffic entering the building from parking garage. LEED status and building qualifications are celebrated and distilled as a story visible to all.

Financial Lesson Plan


Waterfront CafĂŠ Logo Three dimensional typographic solution for the logo. The patrons of the cafĂŠ enjoy full view of the Sacremento River hence the name and artful interpretation of the logo.


Financial Lesson Plan

Servery Station Graphics Graphics are enclosed in a custom stainless steel construction; angle of tilt is adjustable for visibility. Graphic panels can be easily refreshed and updated to accommodate menu changes.

Financial Lesson Plan


Historical Performers Display Major accomplishments, membership metrics, and financial assets of CalSTRS are paired with contemporary historical events to form a visual evolution story. Each decade is an individually fabricated panel and installed sequentially as one continuous display. Future panels can be seamlessly added by moving the end panel outboard and by using art continuous to the existing display. Displayed at a key location in the hallway leading to the board room.


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


River Glass Vision Screens Undulating wave art installed on the interior glass of conference rooms and quiet rooms overlooking the Sacramento River. The conference rooms are also named for California rivers.


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


Gains and Losses Fitness Center The volatility of the financial market serves as the basis of the playful analogy to the health benefits of routine physical fitness. This display is located at the entrance of the fitness center as an announcer to the room and serves as muralistic art on the entry wall.


Financial Lesson Plan

Specialty Letters and Legends Two distinct destinations receive similar announcers. The typography differentiates the spirit of each space while the justification of each legend signals direction.

Financial Lesson Plan


Slice of Life Displays The displays are located in the communal break room on each level of the tower. These consist of 3 separate panels per display yet are installed as a group to tell a story. The first two panels incorporate photographs of landmark places within California. The third panel is utilized to link the core values with employee engagement. The modular panels allow for content rotation between floors over time.

Core Value: Trust

Core Value: Respect

Core Value: Stewardship

Core Value: Trust

Core Value: Respect

Core Value: Leadership

Handwritten messages from employees are incorporated into the layout as part of the artwork. The messages explain how or why these core values inspire their work.


Financial Lesson Plan

Core Value: Customer Service

Core Value: Accountability

Core Value: Leadership

Core Value: Customer Service

Core Value: Accountability

Core Value: Strength

Financial Lesson Plan


Slice of Life Displays


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


“IN” Signs – Garage Theme Keywords important to the culture of CalSTRS are chosen and distributed on each level in the parking garage. The “IN” portion of the word are positioned directly on the entry door leading visitors into the building.


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


“IN” Signs – Vestibules Theme Located in the elevator vestibules connecting the parking garage and building. The contents on these displays correspond to the “IN” word displayed on the adjacent garage wall. The graphic panels elaborate and complete the message associated with the oversize exterior legend.

t e

I INTEGRIT Y [In•teg•ri•ty] noun 1. Ethical soundness 2. Being whole or complete 3. Adherence to a code of values Over 10 decades, CalSTRS has built a bond of trust with California’s educators—an asset


service and reliable benefit payments.


C al S T R S ha s s et the gold s t andar d for et hic al p ension f und p r a c tic es. O ur r etir ement sys tem is t he fir s t in C alifor nia to limit p olitic al c ont r ibu tions and set s t r ic t guid elines for our busines s p ar t ner s. We have a c ti vel y

sup p or te d le gislation t hat would imp rove t r ansp ar en c y and s t r en g t hen gover nan c e.

members comeM efirst mbers

[Sus•tain] verb 1. Support 2. Endure without giving way 3. Provide for Creating a sustainable retirement system requires a service framework for the future.

t R ti A i

beyond value to us. Our track record is grounded in solid investment performance, timely

govern with transparency Govern with


S U S TA I N The foundation is a CalSTRS work environment that respects diverse ideas, backgrounds,

celebrating Cexcellence elebrating Excellence O ur goal i s to b ec ome a learning organiz ation, at t r a c tin g and r et ainin g d e dic ate d, t alente d p eop le. C alST RS sup p or t s our

p er sonalize d ac c ount infor m ation. S er v ic es ar e available t hrou g h a net wor k of s t atewid e of f ic es, online Web

R e s p o n sresponsive i v e a n d R e sand p o n sresponsible ible

C al S T R S i s an engaged and re sp on sible inve s tor. We in c or p or ate env ironment al, so cial and gover nan c e is su es into our p olicies and p r ac tic es. O ur f und m ana ger s are r e q uir e d to ev alu ate t he r elev ant so cial is su es and t he imp ac t of clim ate c han ge on all invest m ent s we make. We have joine d wit h t he inter national c om munit y to set st and ar ds on c ar b on emissions and ad op t glo bal inves t ment p r in cip les.


Level P1 —on Artwork Artwork Level Sample 1

[Join] verb 1. Bring together 2. Connect 3. Engage in

It takes an engaged group of people to sustain the nation’s second-largest public

pension. CalSTRS joins with our employees, global economic organizations and our immediate community in the service of common goals. This includes treating the environment as a valued partner.

C o n nlocally ecting Locally connecting

We value our role a s an engaged neighb or of the We s t S ac r amento c ommunit y. Hundre ds of p ublic s c ho ol stu d ent s wit hou t home c omp u ter s have re c ei ve d ref ur bishe d, sur p lus C alST RS c omp u ter s t hrou g h our p ar t ner ship wit h t he

T hrou g h t he c ont r ibu tions of our emp loye es, we w ill sus t ain t he heal t h and s t abili t y of our r etir em ent ser v ic es.

West S acr amento Edu c ational F ound ation.

M e eting memb er need s i s our fir s t priorit y. In ad di tion to lo c al wor kshops and ele c t ronic lear nin g for ums, we

sites and features, c or resp ond en c e c enter ser v ic es and a cus to mer ser v ic e p hone line.


emp loye es w it h t r ainin g r esour c es and new te c hnolo gies, lead er ship op p or tuni ties and p ar ticip ation in c r os s - f un c tional teams.

Come First

p rov id e a r an ge of b enefi t s infor m ation p ublic ations. T he se cur e Web si te my.c al s tr s .c om p rov id es m em b er s wit h


experiences and perspectives. With a dedicated team of employees, CalSTRS will continue to deliver quality services to the next generation of members.


built for the future

O ur new LE E D® headquar ter s is one of t he mos t env ironm ent all y f r iendl y buildin gs in our r e g ion. B u t t hat ’s jus t half t he jo b of


g r e enhous e gas emis sions to p romote ener g y use r e d u c tion and ex p and e d our use of env ironm ent all y p r efer r e d of fi c e p ro du c t s.

leading by example

Leading by Example

When we s ee an opp or tunit y to improve p er formanc e, we roll up our sle eves and get invol ve d. Imp rovem ent s in our online ser v ic es have b e en a p r ior i t y. M em b er s c an now su b mi t imp or t ant p ap er wor k at an ex p andin g num b er of lo c al b enefi t s c ounselin g of fi c es. C alST RS is t akin g an a c ti ve voic e for SEC r efor ms, shar ehold er r ig ht s and s t r en g t hene d c or p or ate gover nan c e.

Level P3 —on Artwork Artwork LevelSample 3*


[At•tain] verb 1. Reach or achieve 2. Arrive by motion, growth or effort 3. Gain or obtain

future California educators. We can only achieve this vision by respecting our linked commitments—to our members, our employees, transparent governance and ethics, and the environment.

teaming with the global community

Teaming with the Global Community

C al S T R S s eize s opp or tunitie s to c onnec t wit h glo bal or ganiz ations t hat share our goals and values. A s a mem b er of t he Enhan c e d A nal y tic s Initiati ve, we resear c h t he ef fe c t s of issues like climate c han ge on ever y invest ment we make. We have p ar ticip ate d in t he C eres G lo bal War min g Sharehold er C amp aig n, t he C ar b o n Dis closure Proje c t and t he Investor N et wor k on Climate Risk . T hese p ar t ner ships are inst r ument al to our g row t h and t he healt h of t he env ironment.

living green

Living Green

C al S T R S new LE E D® headquar ter s — our home for t he nex t 4 0 year s — is at t he c enter of West S acr amento’s

Ri ver f ront M aster Plan for g row t h. It’s just one examp le of how we join wit h t he lo c al c ommunit y in ways t hat make b ot h e c onomic and env ironment al sense. We have ad op te d env ironment ally p refer red p ur c hasin g


At CalSTRS, we’re passionate about our goal of creating a sustainable retirement system for current and

employer of choice

Employer of Choice

A dedic ated, t alented team of employee s is essential to meet t he c hallen ges of t he f u ture. We env ision a wor kplac e t hat is stimulatin g, healt hy and sup p or ti ve. T hrou g h lead er ship p ro g r ams, subje c t mat ter e du c ation and cross - f un c tional team op p or tunities, C alST RS sup p or t s a culture w here emp loye e c ont r ibu tions and di ver sit y are c elebr ate d.

serving with excellence

Ser ving with Excellence

Ever y year, C alST RS emp loye es r aise t hous ands of d ollar s t hrou g h f und - r aisin g ac ti v i ties to b enefi t t he hun g r y in our region.

Built for the Future

c r eatin g a sus t ainable s t r u c tur e. W i t h sup p or t f rom our emp loye es, we have also ins t i tu te d a g r e en p ap er p olic y, b en c hmar ke d our

O t I


C alifornia’s educ ator s dep end on the long - term suc c e s s of C al S T R S . We regular ly sur vey mem b er s on how cur rent ser v ic es meet t heir ne e ds and w hat t hey ’d like to se e. T here’s a g rowin g online menu of self - ser v ic e op tions t hrou g h t he d e dic ate d mem b er Web site, my.c al s tr s .c om: M em b er s c an v iew ac c ount infor mation, rev iew b enefi t estimates, s c he dule c ounselin g ap p oint ment s, and t r ansmit a var iet y of ap p lic ations and for ms.

living green

Living Green

Environment ally re sp on sible op er ating and inve s tment p olic ie s are cr u cial to our sur v i val — not just as a retirement f und, bu t as a so ciet y. C alST RS will c ontinue to lead in t his area b eyond t he c onst r u c tion of our L EED ®head quar ter s. We have ad op te d env ironment ally p refer red p ur c hasin g p r ac tic es and g re en cleanin g p ro du c t s, redu c e d land fill waste wit h ex p and e d of fi c e re c yclin g, and b en c hmar ke d our g re enhouse gas emissions to p romote redu c e d ener g y use.


p r ac tic es and g re en cleanin g p ro du c t s, redu c e d land fill waste wit h ex p and e d of fi c e re c yclin g, and

A s p ar t of C alST RS Invest ment s, t he C alST RS G re en Initiati ve Task F or c e fo cuses on d emandin g env ironment al

b en c hmar ke d our g re enhouse gas emissions to p romote redu c e d ener g y use.

ac c ount abilit y and sup p or tin g sus t ainable inves t ment s in all as s et clas s es.

A s p ar t of C alST RS Invest ment s, t he C alST RS G re en Initiati ve Task F or c e fo cuses on d emandin g env ironment al ac c ount abilit y and sup p or tin g sust ainable invest ment s in all asset classes.

Level P4 —on Artwork Artwork LevelSample 4


Level P5 — on Artwork Artwork LevelSample 5


*Level 2 is omitted 26

Financial Lesson Plan


Financial Lesson Plan


Building Signage The sign system in the building is designed as part of a visually cohesive and thematically linked wayfinding program. The dictates of code and covenant are accommodated, while allowance is made for artful additions.


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


Board Member Display This display celebrates the CalSTRS’ past and present board members. Members are individually showcased in a photo along with a brief bio in an elegant frame which is magnetically attached to the base display. The content within the frame can be refreshed with ease by updating the enclosed printed insert. The display is fabricated as three separate panels and installed sequentially as one continuous display. Future panels can be seamlessly added by moving the end panel outboard and by using art continuous to the existing display. Displayed at a key location in the hallway leading to the board room.


Financial Lesson Plan

Financial Lesson Plan


Board Room Name Plates Name plates are updatable yet permanent in presentation. These are sized to fit, and secured to, the back of the individual monitor displays.


Financial Lesson Plan

Move-In Publication The media assets used to create the exhibits found throughout the environment are repurposed as the content of the move-in publication distributed to the occupants of the building. In this way, photography, copy and illustration, and consistent messaging are realized in redoubled value.

Project Team CalSTRS Lisa Blatnick Joy Chang Vonnie Madigan Sherry Reser

Monster Route Sai Chiang Tina Dominguez Charles Martorelli Rigo Torres

HOK San Francisco Dimitri Avdienko Mark Otsea Paul Woolford

HOK Visual Communications Mark Askew Hal Kantner Alan Ng

Employee publication distributed at grand opening ceremony. Move-In Publication Credits: CalSTRS Communications Financial Lesson Plan




Financial Lesson Plan

HOK Visual Communications can strategically plan and design the appropriate vehicle to convey your message, package your information, position your image, or promote your product. Our client experience is broad in scope and international in reach. We offer deep, knowledgeable expertise in communicating about all aspects of the built environment. We seek functional, aesthetic, and economic solutions that are flexible and durable and we fully understand the business implications of good design. 2800 POST OAK BOULEVARD | SUITE 3700 | HOUSTON | TEXAS | 77056 | USA

+1 713 407 7700 |

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