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Contenido Septiembre 2017



Dining Guide Delicias del Mediterraneo P. 68

COVER STORY Federico Díaz En Exclusiva


Arte y Cultura/Art & Culture La MISO y el Maestro Eduardo Marturet




Bienes Raices en Miami

Miami-Dade, Broward Events & Palm Beach Events Orlando & Tampa P. 81



-Miami Swim week makes a Splash -Miami Style Men’s Fashion P. 60 -Doggies & Divas Fashion P. 34


36 TRAVEL/VIAJES Turquesa Island Guide “Blissful Barbados”


Gente Latina Sandra Beltran


Keeping up with the “Techies”


Horóscopo por Eli Levy Rubinstain



Ayurveda P. 50 By Luz Pelligrino Beauty Tips Jenny Patrizia P. 54 Nicole’s Beauty Tips P. 52 Alzheimer The End of Alzheimer’s P.48 Por: Dr. Craig Tanio 10 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

12 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com


SWIM Week Peruvian Women’s Swimwear company Aguaclara rocked Miami Swim Week with their exotic and sophisticated swimwear.

The FUNKSHION tent was buzzing with excitement as the brand debuted their 2018 collection. Creative Director, Liliana Villalobos, wanted to create a collection that would seduce and surprise the spirit. Drawing inspiration from her Amazon roots, Villalobos masterfully blends a retro style with deep blues, enigmatic reds, golden yellows and exotic greens hues to create a bold expression of color, sensuality and magical intensity.

Aguaclara’s concept for their 2018 collection is a lifestyle of summer-wear for the whole day where bikinis, one-pieces and sophisticated beachgowns complement each other.

Delicate 100% silks and finesilk gauzes are the highlights of the beachgowns, giving an ethereal style to blouses, kimonos, jumpsuits, long skirts, mini dresses and long kaftans.

16 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

La empresa de trajes de baño peruanos Aguaclara arraso en Miami Swim Week con sus trajes de baños exóticos y sofisticados.

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 17

Nancy Comenta



Nancy Esteves Editor-in-Chief

uando nos levantamos por la mañana y prendemos el radio o ponemos las noticias, lo primero que vemos son las mismas tristes noticias: la violencia, el crimen, las guerras y los desastres. No hay un solo día que pase sin que haya algo terrible sucediendo en alguna parte del mundo. Esto nos hace pensar que la vida no es segura. En los años pasados no se escuchaban tantas malas noticias como hoy en día; vivimos en tiempos de miedo y tensión con tantas noticas negativas en esta era digital. Y por eso seguimos existiendo. Como las malas noticias nos llegan de todas las formas en esta era digital, ¡Hola Latinos Magazine hace todo lo contrario! Cada mes, te sacamos de esa “rutina estresante” para traerte algunos momentos de lectura positiva, ligera y feliz. Espero que disfruten de este número con fabulosos consejos de moda, belleza, salud, destinos maravillosos, acontecimientos locales y exquisitos lugares para cenar para que prueben el lado positivo de la vida, aunque sea por un rato. Así que respire, relájese y disfrute de la lectura amena para un cambio de rutina y un poco de paz!


hen we rise in the morning and listen to the radio or go online, we are confronted with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters. There’s not a single day when there’s not something terrible happening somewhere! Many of us live in a constant state of fear and tension as this digital era bombards us with loads of negativity.

Check out our special travel feature on Barbados P. 36 No se pierda nuestra fotografia especial en nuestra seccion de viajes Turquesa P. 36

And that’s why we still exist. As bad news comes to us in all sorts of digital ways, Hola Latinos Magazine does the total opposite! Each month, we strive to take you out of that “stressful havoc” bringing you some positive, light and happy reading moments. I hope you will enjoy this issue featuring fabulous fashion, beauty and health tips, blissful travel destinations, local happenings and outstanding local dining spots to bring you a taste of the positive side of life, even if it’s just for a short period of time. So Breathe, relax and enjoy happy reading for a change of pace and peace!



Para Suscripciones / For subscriptions please visit www.holalatinosnews.com BEST LATIN MAGAZINE

18 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com


www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 19

20 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 21

la socialité WAGS

Miami is Back! By: Nicole Esteves Beauty Editor, Hola Latinos Magazine

A private press and influencer mixer, with special guest featuring the cast of wags was recently held at Saxony Bar at Faena Hotel Miami Beach for the kick-off of the second season of WAGS Miami. Wags, the World of the Wives and Girlfriends of some of today’s hottest professional athletes has returning cast members Ashley Nicole Roberts, Claudia Sampedro, Hencha Voigt, Darnell Nicole, Metisha Schaefer and Astrid Bavaresco and are now joined by newcomers Kayla Cox and Faven Liuget for even more fun under the Miami sun. But don’t expect these ladies to just smile and play nice—because there’s always a little shade in Miami. In the midst of all the parties and pool dates that inevitably come with living the VIP life in Miami, there are even more face-offs, wild showdowns and steamy make out sessions this time around. Season 2 of WAGS Miami recently premiered Sunday, Aug. 20 at 10 p.m., only on E!

Nicole Esteves with Astrid Bavaresco 22 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Un evento exclusivo para la prensa de las Wags Miami se celebró en el Saxony bar en el exclusivo Faena Hotel Miami Beach para el inicio de la segunda temporada de WAGS Miami. Wags, el mundo de las esposas y las novias de los atletas profesionales más célebres que vuelven del reparto-- Ashley Nicole Roberts, Claudia Sampedro, Hencha Voigt, Darnell Nicole, Metisha Schaefer y Astrid Bavaresco-- y ahora con los recién llegados al reparto Kayla Cox y Faven Liuget para aún más Diversión bajo el sol de Miami.

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 23

24 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 25

gente latina



Exclusiva sesión de fotos Por: Sol Riveros, Hola Latinos Magazine

La bella y famosa actriz Sandra Beltrán, a quien hemos visto en grandes producciones como La fiscal de hierro, La viuda negra, El señor de los cielos, El clon, entre muchos otros, estuvo de visita en Miami. No podemos hablar de Sandra sin nombrar su inolvidable papel como “La Diabla” en Sin tetas no hay paraíso (la original), serie que le dio fama internacional y la hizo merecedora de nominaciones a importantes premios de la televisión.

Photos: @Xue_photos

26 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

En exclusiva para Hola Latinos, nos contó de su nueva faceta como productora, y el éxito en sus primeros proyectos con stand up comedy y teatro en su país de residencia, México. Su estadía en la capital del sol, fue principalmente para disfrutar el verano junto a su pequeño hijo, pero, además estuvo explorando las posibilidades para traer pronto sus shows a la ciudad. También aprovechó para hacer una sesión fotográfica con su nueva imagen.

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 27

la socialité El Real Madrid abrirá su primer restaurante temático en EEUU en el centro de Miami El Real Madrid, la marca más emblemática del mundo del fútbol, anunció la apertura de su primer Real Madrid Café en Estados Unidos. Estará ubicado en el 340 SE 3rd St., dentro del Met Square, parte final del proyecto del Grupo MDM, valorado en 1 billón de dólares, situado en la área metropolitana de Miami. El complejo tendrá dos pisos y una superficie de 12.000 pies cuadrados. Contará con un restaurante, bar, tienda temática Real Madrid y una zona VIP. Se espera que el local abra a principios de 2018. American Franquicias Group está en proceso de finalizar contratos en otras importantes ciudades, de acuerdo con su plan de expansión de la marca del Real Madrid Café en las Américas en los próximos cinco años.

Real Madrid to Open First U.S. Cafe in Miami American Franchise Group (AFG) is opening Real Madrid Café as a partnership agreement with the team, is expected to open early 2018. Met Square (340 SE Third St.) in Miami, will be the restaurant’s future. The 12,000-square-foot facility will house a Real Madrid museum and merchandise shop on the first floor and a restaurant on the second level.

28 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 29

la socialité “La Mansión” del Four Seasons abre sus puertas Más de cuarenta invitados disfrutaron de la noche en “La Mansión” del Four Seasons, un espacio que evoca la París de Sudamérica que Buenos Aires supo ser Por: Silvana Súarez

Buenos Aires presenció una velada parisina, elegante y discreta. ¿El anfitrión de la noche? Un cordobés nacido en Buenos Aires, un emprendedor voluntarioso y un hombre de confianza: Edgardo Defortuna, Presidente y fundador de Fortune International.



¿Qué se presentaba? Missoni Baia Miami Residences, un condominio de 249 residencias ubicadas en East Edgewater, Miami. Con un diseño visionario, una vista despampanante y una destreza innovadora, Missoni reúne características de exclusividad, lujo y simpleza a la vez. La legendaria casa de modas italiana decidió condensar su sensibilidad a través de esta pieza arquitectónica: Missoni Baia. “La Mansión” del Four Seasons abrió sus puertas e invitó a personalidades destacadas de la talla de Hugo Pulenta, Presidente de Porsche Argentina, Fabián Zitta, diseñador de alta costura, y el cirujano de renombre, Alejandro Druetto.



“En Miami hemos crecido como ciudad y somos una de las principales capitales del mundo. Venir a Argentina a presentar productos como Missoni me enorgullece”, aseveró Edgardo Defortuna. “Este proyecto es el que considero de mayor valor en Miami porque el área donde está localizado es un área en la que se puede comprar algo por la mitad del valor de lo que uno puede acceder en Miami Beach”, aseguró Edgardo. Aún hay muchas unidades disponibles y hay muy buenas posibilidades para poder elegir las mejores residencias. Mientras se brindaba con champagne de la mejor calidad, los invitados disfrutaron de la música de los tenores Claudia Menkarsky y Gabriel Centeno, cantantes líricos del Teatro Colón. Además, mientras se tomaban decisiones sobre posibles inversiones y se deliberaba sobre aspectos económicos, André Fontana escoltaba el encuentro con las melodías de su piano. “Todos deberían tener la posibilidad de ir a Miami porque lo que está ocurriendo en esa ciudad es digno de ser visto y digno de disfrutar”, manifestó Walter Ramírez Moyano, empresario argentino y diplomado en Marketing en la Universidad de Belgrano. “Lo más lindo de Miami es volver porque es un paraíso. Los invito a aprovechar de todas las posibilidades de inversión que hay y los espero para mostrarles las residencias en Estados Unidos”, concluyó Edgardo Defortuna. 1: Liliana Szalankiewicz, Edgardo Defortuna y Maribel Goldar. 2: Edgardo Defortuna y Eli Klinger. 3: Cynthia Vincze y Alejandro Druetto. 4: Carmen Casadella, Hugo Pulenta Presidente de Porsche y Liliana Szalankiewicz. 5: Walter Ramírez Moyano, Edgardo Defortuna y Lorena Palacios. 6: Fabián Pulido de Autocrédito, Bruno Ricci y Edgardo Defortuna. 7: (Centro) Hugo Peralta, Bruno Ricci y Edargo Defortuna 30 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com




bienes raices



Especialista en propiedades frente al agua Si estás buscando vivir frente al mar, la bahía, el lago, o frente al río - hay algo para todos en el sur de la Florida. Millones de estadounidenses sueñan con poseer su propia propiedad frente al agua, no sólo por sus hermosas vistas, sino por su inmenso valor. Propiedades frente al agua retienen su valor más que las otras y por esa razón se venden mucho más rápidas. El valor de reventa de casas frente al agua sigue siendo alto independientemente de las condiciones económicas de su mercado local. Tengo una oferta exclusiva en Lighthouse Point, una casa recién construida en un enclave privado con 73 pies de costa. ¡Un sueño para los amantes de la navegación con muelle privado y aguas profundas con acceso al mar y sin puentes fijos! Esta obra maestra contemporánea, de color blanco y brillante, cuenta con amplias vistas al agua en toda la casa, 4007 pies cuadrados de interiores - 4 dormitorios / 3.5 baños, y se vende amueblada. Ofrecida en $ 2.220.000 - MLS # A10301175 Denise Rubin Group está ubicada en 18901 NE 29th Ave., Suite 100, en Aventura. Para obtener más información, llame al 305.932.9326 o visite DeniseRubin.com.

32 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Waterfront Specialist

Whether you are looking for Ocean front, Bay front, Lake front, or River front – there’s something for everyone in South Florida. Millions of Americans dream of owning their own waterfront property, not only because of their beautiful views but because of their immense value. Waterfront properties retain their value more than nonwaterfront which is why they often get gobbled up. The resale value of waterfront homes remains high regardless of the economic conditions of your local market. I have an exclusive offering in Lighthouse Point, a brand new construction home in a private enclave featuring 73 ft of waterfront. A boater’s dream with private dock and deep water with ocean access and no fixed bridges! This white, bright contemporary masterpiece features wide water vistas throughout the home, 4007 interior sqft – 4 bed/ 3.5 baths, and is being sold furnished. Offered at $2,220,000 – MLS# A10301175 Denise Rubin Group is located at 18901 NE 29th Ave., Suite 100, in Aventura. For more information, call 305.932.9326 or visit DeniseRubin.com.

www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 33

Doggies & Divas

fashion The nonprofit group Miami Model Citizens and South Florida philanthropist Angela Birdman celebrated the annual Doggies & Divas Fashion Show at The Raleigh Hotel in Miami Beach. Hundreds of guests attended the charity event in support of Miami Model Citizens’ pet shelter projects with Born Free Pet Shelter and the Humane Society of Greater Miami. Twelve model ambassadors from the Miami Model Citizens team exhibited the season’s latest swimwear and chic Miami attire from Hot Miami Styles, MAR Brazil Designs and Hera Swim, who were accompanied by four-legged divas. The models also wore designer fashion accessories by Yvonne Rose Jewelry. Pups and their proud owners enjoyed live beats and dog-friendly activities, such as taking a dip in the doggie pool. 34 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Turquesa Island Guide

Blissful Barbados A Caribbean enthusiast always in search of a beach haven— that’s me! But having extensively travelled throughout the Caribbean, I had missed out on visiting one fabulous island until recently—Barbados, an independent British Commonwealth in the Eastern Caribbean. I was totally blown away with this stunning destination. As a matter of fact, I’ve just added it to my top five Caribbean favorites. The beaches are utterly blissful! The water is stunning hues of turquoise and the Bajans (locals) are always courteous, well-educated and super friendly. There are plenty of superb dining and entertainment options for foodies like me and outstanding first-class accommodations. By: Nancy Esteves / Hola Latinos Magazine

36 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Crane Resort


hether you’re looking for a simple, laid-back getaway or a luxuryreplete escape, Barbados can truly deliver. It’s a great island for beach therapy. Just choose the coast that fits your vacation style. The East Coast of Barbados features pounding surf and rugged landscapes, so if you’re the active type and like surfing, this coast is perfect for you. Here you will find the historic Atlantis Hotel & Restaurant in Tent Bayegant, nestled in a quaint fishing village which overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, dating back to the 1800s. You can hike the clay hills and explore nearby botanical gardens. At Bathsheba, a fishing village just steps from Tent Bay, you can watch experienced surfers from around the world ride Soup Bowl, the island’s largest wave. During November every year, the sport’s top competitors gather here for the Barbados Independence Pro Surf Fest. On the East Coast you will also find the strikingly stunning Crane Resort. Set on one of the world’s top 10 beaches for its pink sand hues, the Crane Resort was Barbados’ first resort founded in 1887 and converted into world-class luxury resorts nestled on 55,000 square feet of beautiful unspoiled coast offering first class amenities and numerous signature restaurants-- Zen, L’Azure, D’Onofrio’s and Trattoria. A newer addition to the Sandals brand, Sandals Barbados underwent a $65 million transformation in 2014 and is positioned on 10 lush acres of Dover Beach along Barbados’ southern coast. Its prime proximity to the St. Lawrence Gap offers great nightlife, shopping and restaurants. Guests consistently positively review the Hilton Barbados Resort for its family-friendly amenities and two breathtaking white-sand beaches. Children 18 and younger can stay for free, while youngsters ages 4 to 12 can sign up for activities with the Kidz Paradise Club. For adults, there are three tennis courts and a spa overlooking Carlisle Bay and because of the resort’s Needham’s Point location (only 2 miles south of Bridgetown), there’s plenty of shoreline activities for the whole family like snorkeling, kayaking, SUP, Jet blading, or scuba diving with Barbados Blue (on property). Hilton has four onsite restaurants and bars. Their Grill offers outstanding fine dining. You can also book an Executive Room for more high-end facilities, including deluxe bath amenities and complimentary evening hors d’oeuvres at the Executive Lounge. Not too far from the Hilton is Lobster Alive, a shabby chic restaurant overlooking a scenic setting in Carlisle Bay with live jazz music and of course, the place for lobster lovers. Hilton Barbados

Crane Resort

The West Coast is very stunning and has numerous world-renowned restaurants, luxury hotels and blissful beaches.

west coast

Sandy Lane Resort SandyLane Green Monkey Golf Course

If you have deep pockets, there are plenty of breathtaking first-class resorts to choose from on the glitzy west coast such as Fairmont Royal Pavilion, Elegant hotels and world-class five star golf resorts like the lovely Sandy Lane and the Royal Westmoreland. This coast is also where the world-famous Barbadian singer/actress Rihanna Fenty has her second home. A side note is that the island is so safe, she can actually be seen driving her car around town when visiting back home. And, by the way, first thing you see at the Barbados Airport-- a large photo of Rihanna.

Sandy Lane Resort

38 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

The crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea offer plenty of options when it comes to beaches. Mullins Bay Beach and Paynes Bay Beach—its shallow reefs make it an ideal spot for snorkeling.

Blissful Beaches

Must do, is a Catamaran Cruise aboard Calabaza sailing. What beautiful scenery above and below the sea, shipwrecks and abundant sea life including sea turtles. The food aboard this Calabaza is abundant, freshly prepared, high-quality local food. An extensive open bar and personalized service comes with this great deal. What’s best is that only 12 guests are allowed on board so you get personalized service. Snorkeling underwater Barbados

Bellísimo Barbados

Calabaza Sailing Snorkeling Tour

Una amante de las islas del Caribe y que siempre está en busca de una playa paradisíaca-¡esa soy yo! Pero después de haber viajado extensamente por todo el Caribe, me había faltado esta isla fabulosa por visitar--Barbados, una islita independiente con raíces británicas en el este del Caribe. ¡Me quedé totalmente impresionada con ella! De hecho, la acabo de agregar a mis cinco favoritas del Caribe. ¡Las playas son absolutamente maravillosas! El agua tiene impresionantes tonos turquesa y su gente es cortés, bien educada y súper amable. Hay numerosos restaurantes gourmet y opciones de entretenimiento, así como alojamiento de primera clase. www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 39

Shoppers and foodies should spend time in the western coast’s main city, Holetown, where they can enjoy some great duty-free shopping at the Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, home to luxury retailers like Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Longchamp and Burberry. As far the gastronomical side goes, there are some consistently outstanding restaurants on the West Coast like The Cliff, Tides, Daphnes, Nishi, Sandy Lane’s signature restaurant L’Acajou to name a few.

The Cliff Restaurant

Lime Grove shops

Top place to visit in Barbados If you head down to the island’s vibrant capital, Bridgetown you’ll find plenty of duty-free shopping for top high end brands, as well as local arts and crafts. You can even grab a sunset sail. West Indies Rum can be found on the island, few offer the historic charm of St. Nicholas Abbey. Unlike other Bajan distilleries, St. Nicholas Abbey distills its rum in traditional small batches. In addition to its rum, the attraction also features a 350-year-old plantation home, which houses a museum with various antiques. Multiple gardens and orchards are also located throughout the property. Rum samples, which are included with entrance fees, are provided throughout the tour. The plantation’s architecture and historic significance make this a top tour.

St Nicholas Abbey

St. Nicholas Abbey

One the island’s most popular attractions is Barbados Boardwalk. Situated less than 4 miles south of Bridgetown, this coastal boardwalk connects Accra and Camelot beaches. In addition to providing outdoor enthusiasts with scenic ocean vistas, you can dine at the very popular Tapas Restaurant known for their exceptional gourmet food and impeccable service and relish the amazing sunset views. Sunset sailings

One of Barbados’ most popular attractions is Harrison’s Cave. This limestone cavern features several streams, as well as stalactites, stalagmites and other kinds of calcite deposits. The cave sits in the middle of the country about 5 miles from Holetown.

Barbados Boardwalk

You should also visit Animal Flower Cave, on the cliff stop of the northernmost coast of the island. There’s also the Flower Forest featuring exotic tropical blooms. You can also feed green monkeys at Welchamn Hall Gully just minutes from Harrison’s Cave. Another must visit is the Parliament and National Heroes Gallery, a state-ofthe-art museum housed in a Neo-gothic Parliament buildings dating back from the 1870’s. The George Washington House and Mysterious Garrison Tunnels offer a unique and mysterious guided historical tour on this British colony. You can contact St. James Travel and Tour when planning your trip as there is a lot to see and do and since it’s sometimes a challenge driving on the left, with narrow winding roads, unless you’re British and used to left-hand driving, it’s a no brainer to take the tour! Art aficionados will find plenty of renowned Caribbean Art on Barbados. There are many galleries that feature stunning Caribbean Art, such as the Gallery of Caribbean Art, that features over 300 exhibits. Harrison’s Cave

You can also tour Mount Gay rum distilleries, which features one of the world’s top rums and offer tastings. In November, there is the Barbados Food, Wine and Rum Festival which showcases the best of Bajan cuisine.

Local Flavor Must Trys: Flying Fish. Named for their ability to leap impressive distances out of the sea, flying fish are found in abundance in the warm waters surrounding Barbados. When paired with cou-cou (made from okra and cornmeal), flying fish is the national dish. This fish is often marinated in a mix of lime, salt and water, giving it an incredible fresh flavor. Try it lightly fried, grilled or steamed.

island chef puts his or her own spin on this popular dish, and you’ll find a version of it at just about any rum shack or local restaurant.

Macaroni Pie. It’s similar to mac and cheese, but with a Caribbean twist that can include onion, hot mustard, sweet or hot pepper and seasoning. Every

Best Time of year to visit: If you like to party with the locals, Crop Over (June 24 to August 7), is the time to come. It’s a six-week

Oistins Fish Fry. On Fridays and Saturdays, locals and visitors head to Oistins Bay Garden for the weekly fish fry. Here you can sample the rum and listen to great live music.

celebration of the end of the sugarcane harvest, a tradition dating back to the late 1700s. The festival kicks off with an opening gala at which a festival king and queen are crowned. Carnivals, concerts, parades and art exhibitions fill the jam-packed Crop Over calendar. It all culminates with Grand Kadooment, a huge parade in Bridgetown featuring revelers dressed in elaborate costumes. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of Rihanna in her spectacular carnival costume! www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 41

Viva Mexico Package!


ith the Viva Mexico package, the JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa and CasaMagna Marriott Cancun Resort invite guests to submerge themselves in the best of Mexico. From the colorful, cultural town of Valladolid (just a quick 1.5 hour drive from the resorts) to ancient Mayan ruins and the powder soft white sand and roaring waves of the Mexican Caribbean coast, this package has you covered, all while enjoying oceanfront accommodations. The package includes: - Ocean view accommodations & daily breakfast for two - Tequila Tasting for two - Private tour to the charming town of Valladolid and Ek-Balam ruins - One-day beachfront cabana rental To book, visit www.casamagnacancun.com or www.jwmarriottcancun. com with promo code EB6. Rates start at $409/night at the JW Marriott Cancun, and $329/night at the CasaMagna Marriott Cancun. Minimum four-night stay required.

42 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com



Por: Nancy Esteves /Hola latinos news

El carisma y la sencillez de Federico Díaz, uruguayo de nacimiento pero mexicano de corazón traspasan la pantalla. No hay proyecto en el que se involucre en el que no deje la piel y sin duda su entrega y gran pasión han dado buenos frutos durante su amplia trayectoria en la tv, el cine y el teatro. Pero su talento y filosofía de la vida “ser honesto” da para mucho más y no se amilana ante los retos. Lo ha llevado a la música y al mundo empresarial con tanto éxito como ganas. Tuvimos el gusto de conversar con él en exclusiva sobre su más reciente proyecto con la cadena Telemundo y futuros planes: Federico estás en grabaciones ahora de “Sangre de mi Tierra”, la nueva telenovela de Telemundo. Cuéntanos de tu participación en esta producción “Sangre de mi tierra” es la nueva producción de Telemundo que es corte serie, que estoy feliz porque aparenta que puede llegar a ser segunda y tercera temporada, y estamos grabando con un elenco maravilloso, con un equipo de producción increíble, así que estoy súper contento con la oportunidad que me está dando Telemundo en este proyecto. ¿Cómo enfrentas este nuevo reto en la pantalla chica? Es una historia que está escrita, que todos tenemos en algún momento un pico protagónico en la historia, está escrita muy bonita, yo tengo una esposa maravillosa, soy dueño, producimos vinos y todo está relacionado a los viñedos, con una fotografía increíble. El personaje que yo hago se llama Mike y es muy amigo de la familia principal que tiene un peso importante en la historia. Estamos desarrollando en equipo una historia súper bonita donde la gente se la va a disfrutar increíble. También es una historia que aleja un poco el corte de las otras series de Telemundo y de otras televisoras de tanto narcotráfico. Esta serie no está nada ligada a las ametralladoras ni a los golpes sino más bien una historia de amor y de poder. Me recuerda un poco a la famosa novela “Café con aroma de mujer”. Ya es el tercer proyecto que hago con Telemundo en estos años que llevo en Miami. Y nada, ¡estoy muy contento!

¿Cuál ha sido la evolución de Federico Díaz del Teatro Rojas en Buenos Aires al Federico Díaz de Miami? He pasado por todos los altibajos y golpes y tropezones y aprendizajes…yo digo que la gente que nos dedicamos a llevar un texto adelante, a interpretar sea cual sea el foro, tiene un compromiso impresionante no solo con el personaje que te toca si no con despojarte de tu persona para que no salgas afectado… Yo creo que la evolución del actor no termina nunca, y aparte es todos los días un aprendizaje nuevo, yo cada vez que entro a grabar, aprendo algo. No hay un solo día de grabación que se parezca al de ayer. Es súper diferente, las indicaciones del director…lo que me enseñó mi primer profesor en el Teatro Rojas para actuar, la técnica de hoy es otra… lo que hoy te afecta como actor antes no te afectaba, te afectaban otras cosas, …. Todo el tiempo va cambiando… es súper entretenido. Poder traer dinero a tu casa, crecer financieramente, emocionalmente, como ser humano en todos los aspectos de la vida en algo que realmente te dan ganas de salir a hacerlo… Es súper padre poder salir de tu casa a hacer lo que te gusta. ¿Te gustaría hacer de nuevo un programa como “Wild On”? Me encantaría algo relacionado a viajes, pero ya no haría eso de estar saltando de fiesta en fiesta y tirándome de avionetas de bungees, y haciendo locuras, porque si te pones a ver fuimos a Los Cabos y a Puerto Vallarta y eran siempre viajes súper wilds, eso lo hice a los 26 años hasta los 31 y era lo ideal, ahora estoy en una etapa en la que estoy más tranquilo…. Lo ligaría más a algo cultural o gastronomía. Te has desempeñado con naturalidad y éxito en numerosas facetas artísticas. ¡En verdad no paras! Si tuvieras que elegir solo una, ¿cuál conectaría más con el Federico al natural? El estar en una serie o una novela. ¿A dónde sientes que te lleva la música? Yo produzco música, estoy en un proyecto que se llama Fede y Thiago que tuvimos dos canciones en radio y ahora estoy sacando algunos temas, en solitario otra vez, tengo algunos temas guardados, ahora que termine las grabaciones de la novela me meto al estudio de nuevo a grabar música. Y también tengo un perfume (Eleven) que soy dueño, en Latinoamérica. ¿Sueñas con Hollywood? Claro, ¡me encantaría! En corto… Un lugar…Delos en Grecia Un aroma…tabaco Una frase inspiradora…Nunca hagas lo que no te guste que te hagan.

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The very handsome and charismatic Federico Diaz is a Uruguayan actor, singer and entrepreneur with his own men’s fragrance called (Eleven by Federico Diaz). Diaz has recently been casted for a major part in a new Telemundo series called “Sangre de mi Tierra.” His key to success: Hard work, passion and honesty. Graphic designer: Juan Romero Photographer: Rick Weibezahn @rick_weibezann Stylist: Veronica Luis PR: David Mendoza @Press_Latin_pop_ 46 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

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The End of


Dr. Craig Tanio is a board-certified internist who is also certified in functional medicine. He is on faculty at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the former Chairman of the Maryland Healthcare Commission. He is the founder of Rezilir Health, an interdisciplinary integrative medicine practice based in Hollywood, Fl that is actively partnering with communities to improve health. craig.tanio@rezilirhealth.com El Dr. Craig Tanio es un internista certificado por el board de medicina y también es certificado en medicina funcional. Es profesor de la escuela de Medicina Johns Hopkins y ex presidente de la Comisión de Salud de Maryland. Es el fundador de Rezilir Health, una práctica de medicina integral basada en Hollywood, Fl la cual colabora activamente con las comunidades para mejorar la salud. craig.tanio@rezilirhealth.com

An important book was just published last month called the End of Alzheimer’s by Dr. Dale Bredesen. Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented and in many cases its associated cognitive decline can be reversed, according to Dr. Bredesen. This book makes Dr. Bredesen’ s principles available for patients, physicians and caregivers who are dealing with this disease. He discussed in detail his comprehensive approach to fixing the “36 metabolic holes in the roof” that can reverse many of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

It is important for the public to understand there is hope for patients with Alzheimer’s. This goes contrary to the conventional wisdom from the Alzheimer’s Association which describes Alzheimer’s as the only major chronic disease for which there is no effective prevention or effective treatment. Bredesen describes the major scientific paradigm shift underlying his program. The amyloid being produced by brains of patients with Alzheimer’s (that Big Pharma has been trying to get rid of) is actually a protective response from the brain. The brain is trying to protect itself against toxins, inflammation, and suboptimal levels of nutrients. Other researchers, such as Rudy Tanzi from Harvard have come to similar conclusions. Because there are multiple potential injuries to the brain, the approach to fixing Alzheimer’s is to get people as metabolically healthy as possible. Patients need to adopt a

brain healthy lifestyle, have very specific testing to understand the core metabolic issues and then implement a personalized treatment program created by their personal physician. Some of the top brain healthy lifestyle changes include: • Eating healthy fat especially Omega-3 and medium chain triglycerides (i.e, fats found in food like coconut oil) . For many patients going to a nutrient dense (high vegetables), ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting will be necessary. • Avoiding toxic exposures: many people with Alzheimer’s are finding out they have been exposed to toxins such as molds, mercury, lead • Maintaining excellent periodontal health: much of the bacteria found in the brains of patients of Alzheimer’s are coming from the mouth and nose. At Rezilir, we have been implementing Dr. Bredesen’ s principles in many patients and seeing the transformative results that can happen. We are privileged to be submitting cases to an upcoming peer-reviewed journal with him. We agree that implementing these principles will in his words require “twenty-first century medicine – that brings together the best of the modern Western and traditional Eastern approaches.” I personally believe that this twenty-first century approach will ultimately require a revolution in medicine. That will be the subject of next month’s column. Yours in health, Dr. Craig.

El fin del Alzheimer

Un libro importante fue publicado el mes pasado llamado “The End of Alzheimer” (El fin del Alzheimer) por el Dr. Dale Bredesen. La enfermedad de Alzheimer se puede prevenir y en muchos casos su disminución cognitiva puede ser revertida, según el Dr. Bredesen. Este libro hace que los principios del Dr. Bredesen estén disponibles para los pacientes, médicos y los que cuidan a los pacientes con esta enfermedad. En el libro el doctor explica cómo se pueden revertir muchos de los síntomas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Es importante saber que hay esperanza para los pacientes con Alzheimer. Esto va en contra de lo que dice la Asociación de Alzheimer, que describe la enfermedad de Alzheimer como la única enfermedad crónica donde no existe una prevención efectiva o un tratamiento eficaz. El amiloide producido por los cerebros de pacientes con Alzheimer es en realidad una respuesta protectora del propio cerebro. El cerebro está tratando de protegerse contra las toxinas, la inflamación y los niveles subóptimos de nutrientes. Otros investigadores, como Rudy Tanzi de Harvard han llegado a conclusiones similares. Debido a que hay varias lesiones potenciales en el cerebro, el enfoque para arreglar la enfermedad de Alzheimer es lograr que la gente sea lo más saludable posible desde el punto de vista metabólico. Los pacientes necesitan adoptar un estilo de vida saludable para el cerebro, tienen pruebas muy específicas 48 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

para comprender los problemas metabólicos básicos y luego implementar un programa de tratamiento personalizado creado por su médico personal. Algunos de los cambios más importantes en el estilo de vida saludable del cerebro incluyen: • Comer grasas saludables, especialmente omega-3 y triglicéridos de cadena media (i.e., aceita de coco). Para muchos pacientes que van a una dieta de nutrientes denso (altos en vegetales) y dieta cetogénica, ayuno intermitente será necesario. • Evitar exposiciones tóxicas: muchas personas con Alzheimer han sido expuestas a toxinas tales como los mohos, el mercurio y el plomo. • Mantener una excelente salud periodontal: gran parte de las bacterias encontradas en los cerebros de los pacientes de Alzheimer provienen de la boca y la nariz. En Rezilir, hemos estado implementando los principios del Dr. Bredesen en muchos de nuestros pacientes y viendo los resultados transformadores que pueden suceder. Estamos de acuerdo en que la aplicación de estos principios en sus palabras requiere “medicina del siglo XXI - que reúne lo mejor de lo moderno occidental y métodos orientales”. Personalmente, creo que este enfoque del siglo XXI requerirá finalmente una revolución en la medicina. Ese será el tema de la columna del próximo mes. Suyo en salud, Dr. Craig

Health Benefits of Being


Beneficios de Ser


De acuerdo a los principios Ayurvédicos, uno de los principales pilares de la salud consiste en dieta, combinación de alimentos y nutrición. Aquí se establece que la comida debe ser fresca, orgánica, natural y llena de energía vital o prana. Nuestros alimentos deben contener fuerza vital para proveernos de la energía adecuada que beneficie nuestro bienestar físico, mental y espiritual. Los vegetales frescos, frutas y granos contienen una buen cantidad de prana que ayuda a nuestra mente a crear, mantener y conservar buenos pensamientos y acciones. Se dice que cada tipo de alimento tiene un efecto específico en nuestro cuerpo, función mental y como consecuencia, en nuestras actitudes. El cerebro es el órgano más sensible, respondiendo de manera inmediata ante una nutrición inapropiada. Nuestra dieta tiene un efecto directo en nuestra mente y los alimentos pesados como la carne generan alteraciones en nuestro pensamiento en forma de excitación, fatiga, sueño, tentaciones e intoxicación. Como resultado, nuestro intelecto se vuelve errado y débil. Cuatro beneficios de ser vegetariano: Alimentación Balanceada y Nutritiva – Una dieta vegetariana bien planeada es saludable, provee una buena nutrición, y ayuda a prevenir o inclusive tratar ciertas enfermedades. La alimentación balanceada ofrece al cuerpo todos los nutrientes que necesita. Aumenta la Resistencia – Muchos atletas mantienen una dieta vegetariana antes de cualquier competencia, ya que el prana ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento corporal. Beneficia el Medio Ambiente – Seguir una dieta vegetariana tiene importantes efectos ecológicos. Cultivar una planta no requiere la cantidad de tierra, agua, energía y recursos que se dedican a la crianza de animales para producir carne. Ser vegetariano es una forma de demostrar tu interés por el planeta. Longevidad – Los vegetarianos tienen vidas más prolongadas, menor incidencia de contraer cáncer y mayor densidad ósea. La gente de Okinawa en Japón tiene la mayor expectativa de vida de acuerdo a un estudio donde durante 30 años se analizaron más de 600 personas superando los 100 años de edad. Todas ellas coincidieron en llevar una dieta vegetariana, baja en calorías, consistiendo en carbohidratos, soya, frutas ricas en fibra y vegetales. Es muy recomendable programar una consulta para obtener un programa personalizado, enfocado a alcanzar los objetivos de salud y bienestar que se deseen.

Por/By: Luz Pellegrino Jothi Vita Ayurvedic Spa & Wellbeing Center

50 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

One of Ayurveda’s main pillars for health is the emphasis on diet, food combination and nutrition. It establishes that food should be fresh, organic, natural and filled with life energy or prana. The food that we eat should have life force so it can provide us with the right type of energy to benefit our physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Fresh vegetables, fruits and grains are filled with good prana and it helps our mind to generate, maintain and conserve good thoughts and actions. It is said that each type of food has a specific effect on our body, mental function, and consequently our attitudes. The brain is the most sensitive organ, responding very fast to improper nutrition. Our diet has a direct effect on our mind and heavy food such as animal meat causes alterations in the mind in the form of excitement, lethargy, sleep, lust, and intoxication. As a consequence, the intellect becomes erratic and weak. Four main benefits of being a vegetarian: Balanced & Nutritious Meals – Planned vegetarian diets are healthy, nutritionally adequate, and may provide benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. A balanced vegetarian diet can provide all the proper nutrition and support that the body needs. Increased Endurance – Many athletes keep a vegetarian diet before competitions, as the prana improves performance. Good for the Environment – Following a vegetarian diet has important ecological consequences. Growing a plant does not require the amount of land, water, energy and resources that go towards raising animals to produce meat. Being vegetarian is a way to show that you care about our planet! Longevity - Vegetarians have longer life spans, lower incidences of cancer and higher bone density. People in Okinawa, Japan have the longest life expectancy according to a 30-year study of more than 600 centenarians. They relied on a low-calorie vegetarian diet of carbohydrates, soy, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to get a personalized program to help you achieve your health and wellbeing goals.


fitness workout Gary Hirsch, owner of several Orangetheory’s believed in the mission, vision, and values that the Orange Nation has inspired worldwide, which created a revolutionary approach to optimal fitness that delivers extraordinary results.

What makes the Orangetheory Fitness workout different? We are a 1 hour full body workout studio. We train in 5 heart rate zones, which creates high intensity interval training. Our main focus is Zones 3 (Base), Zone 4 (Push), and Zone 5 (All-out). Our workouts are based on Endurance, Strength and Power. Our OT Beat heart rate monitored system allows you to see which zone you are working in, as well as seeing your calories being burned in real time, which helps the coach personalize your workout. The goal at the end of the workout is to get you working at 84% or more of your maximum heart rate for 12 minutes or more. This will allow you to burn extra calories up to 36 hours after your workout. What does the typical class look like? There are 3 components to our workout: 1. Treadmills that are specifically designed for Orangetheory that has a flex deck that creates less impact on your joints. 2. Indoor rowing also known as the Ultimate Calorie Burner. 3. Weight room/TRX training. The workouts are designed for everyone from power walkers to elite performance athletes. Our coaches will always give you exercise options and keep you safe throughout the workout. For those individuals who have never worked out or have injuries, the coaches will be notified before the session and will modify the workout. Orangetheory Fitness has established a new standard for what is possible when it comes to exercise and physical fitness. This program is supported by the break through science of post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Orangetheory® Fitness – Aventura 18839A Biscayne Boulevard, Aventura, FL 33180 P: (305) 400-0544 www.organgetheoryfitness.com

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By: Nicole Esteves Beauty Editor

nicoles beauty corner


52 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

The best thing about brows is that they frame your face and make your features stand out. When they are too thin, you look wash-out. But if that’s the case don’t despair! You can draw them back in. 1) Hold the sharpened end of a brow pencil vertically against the bridge of your nose and over your nostril to find the starting point for your brow. Next, pivot the pencil so that it rests against the outer edge of your nostril and extends past the outer corner of your eye to mark where the tail should stop. 2) Beginning at the tail end, use a sharpened pencil to create small feather-like strokes that start at the underside of your brow and extend up and out in the direction of your temple. Blend well and use a lighter color until you get the hang of it. 3) You can lock in your shape with a little hair spray to set by just combing them up with a little brush. If that doesn’t work they way you like them, there are a number of great eyebrow lining kits at your local drug store.

Los alimentos para

la Depresión Hola Amigos: Por suerte hay alimentos naturales que ayudan a combatir esos sentimientos de tristeza crónica. By: Jenny Patrizia

Qué alimentos deben comer para combatir la depression? Ocasionalmente, todos nos sentimos tristes, pero estos sentimientos, por lo general, son pasajeros y desaparecen en unos días. Cuando una persona tiene un trastorno depresivo, éste interfiere con la vida diaria, el desempeño normal y causa dolor, no solamente para el paciente sino también para sus seres queridos. La depresión es una enfermedad común pero grave y la mayor parte de quienes la padecen necesitan tratamiento para mejorarla. Lo triste es que muchas personas con depresión nunca buscan un tratamiento eficiente de un especialista. ¿Quiénes tienen mayor tendencia a la depresión? -Las personas entre 45 y 64 años

54 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

-Las personas afroamericanas y los hispanos -Más las mujeres que los hombres -Personas que no han completado la educación secundaria -Personas que han estado casadas previamente -Individuos que están desempleados -Uno de cada 33 niños tiene depresión clínica -Uno de cada 8 adolescentes tiene depresión clínica Para combatir la depresión, aunque no lo crean, existe una serie de alimentos que ayudan al ser humano a sentirse mejor y más alegre: Kiwis y cítricos: Son ricas en vitamina C, evitan la sensación de fatiga y el sentimiento de tristeza. Leche, yogur, quesos: Contienen calcio, imprescindible para el equilibrio anímico. Su carencia provoca sensación

de fatiga y excitabilidad. Verduras frescas: Por contener hierro, resultan esenciales para eliminar los síntomas de depresión. Pescado, plátanos, dátiles, almendras, cacahuetes, semillas de sésamo y calabaza: Contienen triptófano y fenilamina, que estimulan la actividad física y mental. Batido de la Felicidad • 1 banana • 1 puñado de espinacas • 1 cucharada de mantequilla de maní (15 g) • 1 cucharada de aceite de linaza (14 g) • 1 cucharadita de jengibre (5 g) • 1 Tableta de Juicy Life Xtreme de Vitaminas • ½ litro de agua o leche vegetal Mezcla bien en la licuadora y disfruta! SALUD!


tips Extensiones Un look natural Por: Brianna Meighan

Utilizar extensiones de cabello es una opción perfecta para lucir más hermosa, ¿Cómo saber cuál es la mejor?, sin duda alguna las que vienen con clip son completamente manejables y muy fáciles de usar. Pero si lo que te preocupa es cómo hacer que tus extensiones se mezclen con tu cabello para que se vean lo más natural posible, sigue estos consejos para aprender cómo lograrlo. Tip 1: Al momento de elegir el color intenta que este coincida con la parte de tu cabello que va desde el centro hasta las puntas. Nunca elijas el color que tienes en las raíces, debido a que éste tiende a ser un tono diferente al resto. Tip 2: ¡La iluminación es todo!. Cuando vas a determinar qué color usar, colócate frente a una luz natural, puede ser frente a una ventana y combina las extensiones de acuerdo al color que se ve en tu cabello cuando le pega el sol. Esto es lo que realmente te va a ayudar a conseguir el color exacto. Algunos expertos incluso dicen que ver las extenciones en luz baja o artificial podría hacerte dar hasta 3 tonos diferentes a lo que buscas. Tip 3: Si tu cabello tiene múltiples tonos de color como mechas o highlights, siempre que sea posible, lo mejor que puedes hacer es comprar 2 juegos de extensiones, uno en un color un poco más suave y el otro un poco más oscuro de lo que es la mitad de tu cabello hasta las puntas. Como dice el experto en color Taylor Mann: “No te estreses en conseguir una combinación 100% idéntica”. La mayoría de las mujeres tienen cerca de tres a siete colores diferentes en su cabello, por lo tanto él nos sugiere mirar bien el pelo, tamizarlo con los dedos y encontrar los tonos oscuros, medianos y suaves con la mirada. Ahora, si tienes un presupuesto ajustado y estás buscando solo un set, entonces te recomendamos usar un tono medio. Pero, para conseguir el cabello de tus sueños, deberás incorporar más de un color, esto creará la dimensión de tu cabellera y le dará un look muy natural. Tip 4: Entre las ventajas de tener extensiones de cabello natural, está la opción de pintarlas. En Hermana Hair, por ejemplo, las hacemos con pelo 100% humano por lo tanto pueden ser teñidas de todas las maneras posibles, como lo haces con tu propio cabello. En este caso solo tendrías que elegir el tono más parecido y dejarle el trabajo a tu estilista favorito, de esta manera podrá emparejar las extensiones con la tonalidad exacta de tu cabello. 56 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Acerca de Brianna Meighan: es una personalidad de TV americanapanameña, modelo, empresaria, experta en viajes y autor de libros. Cuando no está publicando en su blog BriannaMeighan.com de moda y estilo de vida, Brianna está trabajando en su línea de extensiones de cabello, Hermana Hair.


Septiembre 2017

Por: Eli Levy Rubinstain

El 21 de Agosto tuvimos un eclipse Solar en el signo de Leo, el cual nos trajo otro cierre de ciclo diferente al que tuvimos a principio de Agosto con el eclipse Lunar en Acuario; Ya que el Sol simboliza el nivel consciente de la personalidad y se encuentra en el signo de Leo el cual nos habla de: creatividad, extroversión, egoísmo, orgullo y la vanidad. Estas características histriónicas traerán para los signos nuevos comienzos dependiendo en que casa zodiacal le caiga a cada uno: Aries: Con este eclipse iniciaras un periodo de seis meses, en el cual tu EGO (El Gran Oponente) estará a su “N” potencia; por lo tanto tendrás que controlo; ya que de lo contrario tendrás 6 meses muy problemáticos. Tauro: Evita las discusiones y las terquedades en tu hogar, te vienen 6 meses de malos entendidos. Excelente momento para aclararlos y borrar los rencores del pasado.

Géminis: Empiezas un buen periodo para tu economía en la cual tendrá que hacer algunos viajes cortos. También deberás tener cuidado de problemas con tus hermanos; trata de ser más delicado(a).

Cáncer: Tu transformación está terminando, ahora será un periodo de abundancia, lo único que deberás tener cuidado es de no despilfarrar el dinero.

Leo: Volverás a deslumbrar como de costumbres, las sombras del eclipse ya pasaron. No te veas mucho en el espejo, ya todos sabemos que te ves mejor.

Virgo: Deberás cuidarte tu salud, ya que podrás sentir debilidades; mi mejor consejo es que te hagas exámenes médicos para ver en que tienes déficit. Ten una dieta balanceada y aunque no te gusta, pero debes hacer ejercicios.

Libra: Estos seis meses llegaran nuevas amistades a tu vida y si eres divorciado(a) te llegara una persona para un posible segundo matrimonio. Cuídate de tus amistades.

Escorpión: Entras en una etapa espectacular con respecto a tu profesión, tendrás una energía especial que todos notaran y por tal razón atraerás envidia, ten mucho cuidado y trata de descubrir quiénes son esas personas, que tu para detective estas mandado a hacer. Sagitario: Se te cierra un ciclo de tu crecimiento personal, has pasado años muy malos y están a punto de acabar; este eclipse te dará la oportunidad de canalizar mejor tu camino hacia un futuro mejor; todos tus aspectos con respecto a países en el extranjero mejoraran. Capricornio: Acabas de empezar etapas la etapa más fuerte de tu vida, este será un periodo bastante largo y de transformaciones profundas, acuérdate que las mejores espadas se forjan a grandes temperaturas. Acuario: Es buen momento para conversar con tu pareja, sabemos que te guardas tus molestias y no las dices hasta que explotas, mi consejo es que las saques; de lo contrario tu relación podría terminar en una ruptura. Piscis: Inicias un excelente periodo laboral; pero lo más importante es que tu salud mejorara a medida que pasen los meses, no por eso dejes de hacerte tu chequeo médico y has mucho ejercicio.

Eli Levy Rubinstain es un astrólogo internacionalmente reconocido que ha conectado la astrología con la reencarnación. Sus teorías las transmite gratuitamente en su canal de youtube. www.youtube.com/user/EliLevyRubinstain. Eli Levy Rubinstain nació en Caracas, Venezuela y se graduó de Ingeniero civil en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, posteriormente hizo su post grado en la Universidad de Múnich graduándose de Geología y especializándose en Sismología. Desde los 15 años le apasionaban todos los temas relacionados con el Misticismo y empezó a estudiar Cábala. En 1.999 se mudo a Miami donde reside y ahora se dedica a su gran pasión y su “destino”-la astrología. Actualmente dicta seminarios, escribe, hace cartas astrales y trasmite sus teorías en su canal de youtube.

58 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com



la primera red social para presumir tus compras en Amazon Por: Gabriela Rosas Amazon decide incursionar en el universo de las redes sociales y lanza una aplicación llamada Spark, con la cual busca que sus miembros compartan imágenes e historias sobre sus compras y productos que les gustan, así como ideas que puedan servir de inspiración para otros clientes. Actualmente Spark sólo está disponible para los miembros que pagan el servicio Prime de Amazon y para el sistema operativo iOS de Apple. Muchos usuarios de Amazon en redes sociales llamaron al servicio un cruce entre Instagram y Pinterest con un toque de comercio electrónico.

“Cuando los clientes visitan Spark por primera vez, pueden escoger al menos cinco temas de interés que les gustaría seguir y nosotros crearemos un flujo de contenido relevante que recibirá contribuciones de otros. Los clientes compran en su muro haciendo clic en los enlaces de los productos o en las fotografías con un icono de una bolsa de compras”, agregó. Spark, además de pretender ser una fuente de motivación para los consumidores, también podría aportar información relevante para Amazon y los vendedores sobre los intereses los compradores, qué productos podrían ser exitosos o bien otras señales sobre su comercialización.

Los usuarios de Spark pueden etiquetar los productos que aparecen en sus publicaciones y que están disponibles en Amazon, de manera que cualquiera que revise sus muros pueda hallarlos inmediatamente y comprarlos en la plataforma. Las personas también podrán responder a las entradas con “sonrisas”, el equivalente al “me gusta” de Facebook. “Nosotros creamos Spark para permitir que los clientes descubran -y comprenhistorias e ideas de una comunidad a la que le gusta lo mismo que a ellos”, dijo una portavoz de Amazon.

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Miami fashion

Por: Sol Riveros, Hola Latinos Magazine

Miami se caracteriza por una mezcla de tendencias debido al gran flujo de turistas. La moda masculina de esta temporada se caracteriza por el uso de camisas de linos frescos y colores claros, ideales para contrarrestar las altas temperaturas. El “denim” sigue imponiéndose en variados estilos, siendo los preferidos de muchos los de corte skinny. Se imponen desgastados o rotos, reflejando la modernidad y el relax de la ciudad. Los lentes de sol no pueden faltar en nuestro outfit, buscando un equilibrio entre la elegancia y el sportwear. Las noches que se disfrutan entre cocteles y comidas, las puedes vestir con tonos oscuros, camisas frescas o franelas básicas y lo más importante, utilizar prendas que perfilen la silueta y te den comodidad. 60 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

Miami is characterized by a blend of trends. Men’s fashion this season is characterized by the use of fresh linen and light colors shirts, ideal to counteract the high temperatures. Denim continues to prevail in various styles, and the skinny cut being preferred by many. The worn or broken look reflects the relaxed city style.

Fotos: @Xue_photos ProducciĂłn: @johanjimenez81 Prendas: @artbition Modelos: @_ektorsilva @karlitos_vargas @frey_makeup

Sunglasses are the complement to elegance and sportwear so chose them accordingly. For night outs, use dark tones, fresh shirts or basic flannels and most importantly, wear clothes that are comfortable! www.holalatinosnews.com | September 2017 | 61

Johan Jiménez es un asesor de imagen radicado en Miami, con una trayectoria de 15 años trabajando para personalidades de la televisión, el mundo del modelaje y la música. Se caracteriza por ser un profesional vanguardista y creativo, con una personalidad arrolladora y un carisma único. Experto y amante de las últimas tendencias de la moda y la belleza. Sus conocimientos se extienden de la moda al maquillaje y el color, diseñando imágenes integrales que logran en sus clientes empoderamiento, autoestima y éxito en sus vidas. Johan Jiménez is an image consultant based in Miami, with a track record of 15 years working for TV personalities, the world of modeling and the music industry. He’s an avant-garde and creative professional with overwhelming personality and charisma. His knowledge extends from fashion to makeup and color. 62 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com







the Steakhouse in South Beach


ed, the Steakhouse in South Beach, consistently ranked one of the top steakhouses in Miami, continues to evolve its Miami Spice offerings to keep the Spice experience fresh year after year. This year, the restaurant is offering weekly themed Miami Spice dinner menus including “Classic Steakhouse,” “Seafood,” “Red Italian Style” and “Red’s Greatest Hits.” The four themed menus will rotate on a weekly basis, available through Sept. 30. The annual Miami Spice promotion at Red, the Steakhouse gives food lovers the option of indulging in special three-course, prix fixe meals for only $39 per person. Diners will find the signature Certified Angus Beef Petite Filet Mignon as a second course option available on all themed menus, as well as steak upgrades and bone-in steak upgrades starting at an additional $19. The themed menus feature various styles of cuisine in order to provide Spice goers the chance to taste all of Red’s diverse menu specialities, including signature dishes such as the Lobster Fra Diavolo, Chicken Parmesan, Steak Tartar and more. In addition to steak upgrades, first and dessert course upgrades are also featured on all menus, such as Oysters Rockefeller (add $6) and Italian Buratta (add $10) - both on the “Classic Steakhouse” menu - and the back-by-popular-demand dessert, Bacon Pecan Monkey Bread (add $10) on “Red’s Greatest Hits.”

In addition to providing Spice goers with masterful menus, Executive Chef Peter Vauthy is incorporating new Chef experiences into the Spice program this year. Vauthy will perform an Oysters Shucking demonstration in the center of the dining room during week two’s “Seafood” menu, followed by a pastamaking presentation using a block of sculpted Pecorino during week three’s “Red Italian Style” menu..

The menu is complemented by a bar boasting a selection of over 500 wines, including its own private blend and handmade signature cocktails, making Red’s refined bar an experience all its own. Located in the iconic “South of Fifth” neighborhood at 119 Washington Avenue, the restaurant is just blocks from the beach, high-end shopping and the hottest nightlife Miami has to offer. For more information or reservations call 305.534.3688 or visit www. redthesteakhouse.com. 64 | September 2017 | www.holalatinosnews.com

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arte y cultura La MISO y el Maestro

Eduardo Marturet Por: Jeanette Dallen / JeanetteDallen@gmail.com

Eduardo Marturet ha renovado su contrato como Director Musical y Director de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami por 5 años más hasta el año 2022. El maestro Marturet oriundo de Caracas, Venezuela estudió piano, percusión, dirección de orquesta y composición en la Universidad East Anglia de Cambridge Inglaterra, y tomó clases de dirección en la Accademia Chigianna de Siena. Desde muy joven se desempeñó como Director Asociado de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Caracas, fue Director Titular de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela y posteriormente Director Musical del Teatro Teresa Carreño en Caracas. Su inquietud musical lo llevó de regreso a Europa donde por años dirige orquestas en diversos países, entre ellos, Italia, Grecia, Francia, Inglaterra, Dinamarca, Holanda, Noruega, Suecia, Alemania, Checoslovaquia, Bélgica y Estados Unidos.

Finalmente en el 2016 se asienta en Miami, atraído por la diversidad cultural que existe para entonces en la joven y creciente cosmopolita ciudad. Un lugar que considera “neutral” dentro del individualismo que caracteriza las numerosas etnias que allí convergen. Desde entonces asume el reto de dirigir la Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami MISO, la cual reúne más de 80 músicos de clase mundial de 22 nacionalidades. La Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami es única en su estilo, y ha logrado bajo la dirección y conducción del Maestro Marturet, adaptarse al público local, el cual demanda algo más que un simple concierto de música clásica. Es así como podemos disfrutar de conciertos como MISO-CHIC Music Fashion & Arts, un espectáculo extravagante donde convergen música, artes plásticas, artes escénicas y moda, bajo la producción de Fernando Duprat o de una serie de conciertos Pop Up o conciertos de calle, o más elegantemente llamados “emergentes”, en el Miami Design District, y que pueden ser disfrutados

gratuitamente y al aire libre en familia. La doceava temporada de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami 20172018 apertura el domingo 15 de Octubre a las 6:00 PM en el Knight Concert Hall del Adrian Arsht Center, y duplicará la oferta musical de 8 a 14 conciertos con experiencias completamente nuevas. Además de los conciertos el Design District se llevarán a cabo dos conciertos con entrada libre en Doral Park y Collins Park – Bass Museum. La temporada promete estar llena de sorpresas, con invitados especiales y súper estrellas que la MISO estará anunciando en sus redes sociales. “Estoy sumamente orgulloso de los logros artísticos que hemos conquistado juntos y espero que sean 5 años más de producción musical emocionante con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami”. – Eduardo Marturet (junio 2017) Para mas información visiten la página oficial de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Miami themiso.org

The twelfth season of the Miami Symphony Orchestra 2017-2018 opens Sunday, October 15 at 6:00 PM at the Knight Concert Hall in the Adrian Arsht Center, and doubles the music offer from 8 to 14 concerts with completely new experiences. In addition to the concerts, the Design District will hold two concerts with free admission in Doral Park and Collins Park - Bass Museum. The season promises to be full of surprises, with special guests and super stars that MISO will be announcing on their social networks.

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Hola Everyone! I have always been the centre of the stage and the life of the party! Venezuelan born I am a tiny ball of energy. I left Caracas at 9 months of age straight to Miami where my Mother and Father met and fell in love. In Kendall, I was known to sing to the little ducks in my diapers, hence her very first present was a microphone and recorder from Fisher Price. At age two we moved to Rio de Janiero, Brazil. The city of music dance carnival and laughter. This is when I started theatre from home dressing up and then onto being the star child actor in the community plays. My first play was Gigi! I also sang in choirs, danced in every contest, and won each time. From Brazil I moved to Tokyo, Japan stayed there for four years and joined the American Musical Theatre Group then I moved to Hong Kong and choreographed a West Side Story play. I then went on to Geneva, Switzerland, to Italy and then to London where I sang everywhere including the Jazz Café of Camden. I also studied at a conservatory in the UK and have a degree in Jazz Vocals. So, as a good Miamian and a Latina I was starting to miss my Caribbean roots. I was home sick as Miami was always home base. When I moved back to Miami I jumped right into the scene any chance I got I would dance away in a music video or sing my heart out over DJ’s all over South Beach. I have performed at great events for Art Basel and more. Recently I was the protagonist actor in a Latin show on Telemundo. Who knows what more is to come for me, but I’ll tell you this I am not giving up. My two big goals are to make it onto a Broadway Play as I have already done off Broadway around the world and also to get on a Block Buster as a lead actress. My ambition, talents and focus goes without saying that this Latina American was born to do this!! Quote by Marilyn Monroe: Everyone’s a Star and deserves the right to twinkle. Annette@Annetteworkproductions.com 954-924-CAST 2278 / 305-940-STAR 7827 TA LICENSE NBR. 741 “STAR CATCHER”


Romeo Romeo Bark Thou By: Annette Reine & Romeo Romeo@castapet.com 954-924-CAST

By: Annette Reine Michael Nyman Director of Marketing GULFSTREAM RACING & CASINO PARK

Game of Throwaway Huskies Dear Mike, Please tell me what the Caribbean Classic consists of? Monica Reyes, Miami, FL Dear Monica, For the first time in its storied history, the premier Thoroughbred racing event in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held in the United States. The race day will consist of 11 major stake races concluding in the Caribbean Classic. Some of the best Jockey and trainers from the Caribbean and Latin America will face off here in Gulfstream Park, this is an event nobody will want to miss. For more information on the Caribbean Classic and all major stake races visit http://www.gulfstreampark.com/caribbeanclassic. Hi Mike, What does Gulfstream Park have planned for the Jewish Holidays and Labor Day? Alexa Fischer, Hallandale Beach, FL Dear Alexa, Gulfstream Park will be open during the Jewish Holidays and Labor Day. We will have special live racing on September 4th, Labor Day. We will be hosting a full card of races and special promotion in the casino. We will also have Girls Got Game on September 16th, one of the most popular events we host in Ten Palms Restaurant. The Grand finale of the Sire Stakes will take place on September 30th. You don’t want to miss a second of what is happening at Gulfstream Park. For more information on events and promotion visit.

Game of Thrones fans are buying, and abandoning huskies like there is no tomorrow. Buying a dog is not a game. Some people get so wrapped up in fantasy movie and TV land. The Dire Wolves in the show are not Huskies. To own a Husky, one must be prepared to care for them. You cannot just watch a show and go buy a pet. So sad all over the country an increase in Siberian Huskies being surrendered to shelters and rescues. I think when this occurs the film producers should donate funds to these shelters and educate against purchasing a pet that looks like one in their films when they are promoting their films and at their premieres as well. People were buying and abandoning pet owls during the Harry Potter movies. Remember when there was a mad rush to go buy Dalmatian puppies after seeing the film 101 Dalmatians? People should be qualified by the sellers of these pets when a particular film or TV show is hot. People would be better off just buying a stuffed animal if they are not going to commit to a pet for their lifetime. Maybe the movie ticket should come with a stuffed animal and a brochure on why not make a rash decision that’s going to give you hives afterwards. Huskies are far from a lap dog like me. A Husky would probably chomp on me for dinner. I would be a Maltese Meatball. I hope my readers are not rushing out to go buy a cute Maltese dog that looks like me, unless of course they are going to treat it like gold even when it gets old. If you are interested in volunteering, fostering or adopting a Siberian Husky please visit the links below: https://www.gtshuskyrescue.com/ http://www.siberrescue.com/


Jupiter Beach

MIAMI SOCIAL MIAMI MIX: HOW BRAZIL BECAME A PART OF MIAMI SEP 01 - SEP 16 This exhibit highlights Brazilian cultural contributions throughout the history of the city how landscape and urban art features became a part of Miami Downtown Miami Area 100 NE 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI 33132

GOO GOO DOLLS: LONG WAY HOME SUMMER TOUR WITH PHILLIP PHILLIPS SEP 01 Goo Goo Dolls: Long Way Home Summer Tour with Phillip Downtown Miami Area 301 N. BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132 MIAMI HOME DESIGN & REMODELING SHOW SEP 01 - SEP 14 The Southeast’s largest home improvement and design event, the Home Show helps makes South Florida homes more beautiful and livable Miami Beach - Art Deco District/ South Beach MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER 1901 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH 3313

INTERNATIONAL BALLET FESTIVAL OF MIAMI SEP 02 - SEP 17 The Festival, the only one of its kind in the State of Florida, is responsible for bringing to MiamiDade County the works of over 200 countries Miami Beach - Art Deco District/ South Beach VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. MIAMI KENDRICKLAMAR SEP 02 KENDRICKLAMAR THEDAMN. TOURWITHYG&D.R.A.M. Downtown Miami Area 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132 CARIBBEAN CONTEMPO: EDOUARD DUVAL-CARRIE SEP 07 - NOV 05 North Miami Area MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, NORTH MIAMI 770 NE 125TH ST. NORTH MIAMI 33161

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RUFF RYDERS 20TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR FEATURING SPECIAL GUEST FAT JOE SEP 07 The Ruff Ryders 20th Anniversary Tour featuring Eve, DMX, Swizz Beatz, The Lox, Drag-On and Fat Joe. Downtown Miami Area 301 N. BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132 BRYAN ADAMS: GET UP! TOUR SEP 08 Bryan Adams: Get Up! Tour Bryan Adams performs at the Bayfront Park Amphitheater on September 8. Downtown Miami Area 8 p.m. BAYFRONT PARK AMPHITHEATER 301 N. BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

APLAUSO 2017 SEP 09 APLAUSO 2017 ELCONCIERTO Downtown Miami Area AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132 LET’S DESIGN A SIDEWALK! SEP 10 From an urban planning perspective children will create a mosaic for a downtown sidewal. Downtown Miami Area 100 NE 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI 33132 MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW SEP 11-SEP 17 You don’t have to be shopping for a new car to enjoy the Miami International Auto Show, but if you are, there’s no better place to compare prices Miami Beach - Art Deco District/ South Beach Miami Beach Convention Center 1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach 33139

MIAMI SOCIAL ENRIQUE IGLESIAS AND PITBULL SEP 30 ENRIQUE IGLESIAS AND PITBULL LIVE! Two of music’s most captivating live performers will share the stage this summer Downtown Miami Area AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

MIAMI WEB FEST SEP 14 - SEP 17, 2017 Miami Web Fest (or Miami Web Series Festival) is a new type of “film festival” for a new type of “filmmaker”. Downtown Miami Area VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES MIAMI 33131

TUNNEL TO TOWERS 5K RUN & CLIMB & WALK SEP 16 Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Climb & Walk Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled Saturday at the Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Climb Downtown Miami Area 301 N. BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

DISNEY ON ICE - DARE TO DREAM SEP 21- SEP 24 DISNEYONICE DARETODREAM Celebrate what’s possible as the adventures of five daring Disney heroines spark the courage inside us all Downtown Miami Area 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

DEPECHE MODE - GLOBAL SPIRIT TOUR SEP 15 DEPECHE MODE - GLOBAL SPIRIT TOUR Depeche Mode continues to roll out their Global Spirit Tour Downtown Miami Area 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

BRAZILIAN FILM FESTIVAL OF MIAMI SEP 16 - SEP 23 The Festival in September 2017 will continue its 21-year tradition of screening the most recent productions from Brazil in Miami Miami Beach - Art Deco District/ South Beach VARIOUS THEATERS THROUGHOUT MIAMI BEACH 330 86 STREET #6 MIAMI BEACH 33139

MIAMI FASHION FILM FESTIVAL SEP 21 - SEP 24 Adding to Miami’s art and cultural offerings, the Miami Fashion Film Festival (MIAFFF) celebrates the films and filmmakers that creatively shows fashion Miami Beach - Art Deco District/ South Beach MIAMI BEACH CINEMATHEQUE 1130 WASHINGTON AVE. MIAMI 33127


MS. LAURYN HILL & NAS, PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS SEP 22 Ms. Lauryn Hill & Nas, plus special guests Downtown Miami Area 301 N. BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132 GLORIA TREVI VS.ALEJANDRA GUZMAN SEP 28 GLORIA TREVIS .ALEJANDRA GUZMAN - VERSUS WORLD TOUR Latin Rock-Pop legends Gloria Trevi and Alejandra Guzman perform together Downtown Miami Area 601 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI 33132

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FORT LAUDERDALE SOCIAL LUIS FONSI September 22 International artist Luis Fonsi brings his highly anticipated “Love + Dance World Tour” to Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino HARD ROCK LIVE 1 Seminole Way Hollywood, FL 33314

CHRIS TUCKER September 2 Chris Tucker performs at Hard Rock Live on September 2 at 8 PM. HARD ROCK LIVE 1 Seminole Way Hollywood, FL 33314 DEON COLE & TIFFANY HADDISH September 2, 2017 The hilarious actor and comedian Deon Cole can be seen on ABC’s hit show “BLACK-ISH”, TBS’s “Angie Tribeca” and the featured film “Barbershop 3” THE CASINO @ DANIA BEACH 301 E. Dania Beach Blvd. Dania Beach, FL 33004

JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL KIDS LOVE & FAMILY EXPO September 16 FAMILY FUN COMES FIRST AT THE 5TH ANNUAL JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL KIDS LOVE & FAMILY EXPO 401 SW 2nd St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 MDC’S MUSEUM OF ART AND DESIGN GOGO MOAD September 16 Free, family-friendly interactive art activities designed to teach, connect and engage the local community in a personal and informative way! MIRAMAR CULTURAL CENTER 2400 Civic Center Place Miramar, FL 33025

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BLUE HAWAII ELVIS TROPICAL LUAU September 21 The first ever Elvis Tribute Dinner and Show. Yes, ELVIS will be in the house! Starring tribute artist Dan Cunningham 3599 North Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 TEAL 5K RUN/ WALK & FAMILY FUN DAY September 24 Join South Florida’s 2ND ANNUAL TEAL 5K RUN/ WALK & FAMILY FUN DAY for Ovarian & Gynecologic Cancer on Sunday, September 24th, 2017 VISTA VIEW PARK 4001 SW 142ND AVE Davie, FL 33330

“VISUAL THERAPY – THE EFFECTS OF ART AS MANIFESTATION ON ARTIST AND VIEWER” September 28 to December 1 Curated by Stacy Conde of Conde Contemporary, The Frank’s newest exhibition will take a look at the impacts art has on the creator 601 City Center Way Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 #TRAILBLAZING2017 GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON MEANINGFUL EMPLOYMENT September 30 #TRAILBLAZING2017 is a oneday global Business-to-Business conference in South Florida, USA, held at the newly renovated Broward Center 201 SW 5th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

FLAVOR PALM BEACH September 1-30 Flavor Palm Beach is ready to excite, tantalize and satisfy your every palate craving. For an entire month, restaurants and bistros offer prix fixe menus for lunch and dinner to tempt you to taste the local cuisine scene from Jupiter to Boca Raton. Various Restaurants, Throughout The Palm Beaches, FL MORIKAMI MUSEUM AND JAPANESE GARDENS: SUSHI & STROLL SUMMER WALK Till September 8 Summer nights in South Florida are something special, especially when they are augmented with taiko drums and a cultural backdrop that can’t be beat! Add a cold drink, a breathtaking sunset, and a stroll through a tranquil garden, and you’ve got Sushi & Stroll! 4000 Morikami Park Road Delray Beach, FL 33446

MICKEY’S NOT-SO-SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY Till November 01 Each fall, guests are invited to dress in costumes and trick-or-treat throughout the Magic Kingdom after regular park hours. The boo-free bash includes a parade and bewitching fireworks. Magic Kingdom® Park. Address: 1180 Seven Seas Drive, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 Time: 7:00 p.m. Admission: Ticket Prices Vary ORLANDO MUSEUM OF ART’S 1ST THURSDAYS: ECLECTIC KNIGHTS IX September 07 The Orlando Museum of Art is hosting the 9th annual Eclectic Knights event for the UCF College of Arts and Humanities Alumni Chapter. This “Knight of Art” will feature work by UCF alumni, faculty, staff, and students in a variety of media. Orlando Museum of Art Address: 2416 North Mills Avenue, Orlando,


BRAZILIAN BEAT September 9 Brazilian Beat is back for its 6th year in Downtown Boca. This FREE event brings together the art of music and dance in one mesmerizing evening. Get your groove on and be a part of this dazzling official celebration of Brazilian Independence. Live music, street dancing, including costumed dancers in a Rio-style parade, a Capoeira circle, samba drummers a Zumba showcase and savory Brazilian cuisine and cocktails will make for a most memorable festivale. Sanborn Square, 72 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL 33432

BREW AT THE ZOO September 16 Celebrate South Florida’s amazing beer with samples from our local brewers all brewed within 200 miles of The Palm Beaches. Many craft brewers are very conservation oriented in their daily operation, so that’s good for you and for wildlife! Palm Beach Zoo, 1301 Summit Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 ABACOA MARKET NIGHTS Till September 28 Every Thursday Night in Downtown Abacoa! Enjoy an artisan market with food and specialty vendors! Live jazz music! 1155 Main Street Jupiter, FL 33458

ORLANDO SOCIAL FL 32803 Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm Admission: $15 DR. PHILLIPS CENTER JAZZ ORCHESTRA: THE VOCAL JAZZ SUMMIT September 15 - September 16 Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra under the vision and leadership of artistic director Rodney Whitaker presents The Vocal Jazz Summit. This concert showcases some of Orlando’s best jazz and R&B vocalists performing jazz and soul classics. Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Address: 445 South Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801Time: 8 p.m. YOUNG THE GIANT WITH COLD WAR KIDS AND JOYWAVE September 21 The Home of the Strange Tour celebrates Young The Giant’s third studio album, “Home of the Strange” which immediately

ascended to #1 on the iTunes Store’s “Top Alternative Albums” chart and #3 on the overall “Top Albums” chart upon its release last August. Hard Rock Cafe & Live Orlando 6050 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32819 ENRIQUE IGLESIAS & PITBULL September 29 Two of music’s most captivating live performers will share the stage this year when multi-platinum selling and multiple Grammy Award-winning global superstars Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull reunite for a co-headlining tour with CNCO as support. Amway Center 400 W Church Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 7:30 p.m. FOSTER THE PEOPLE September 29 Founded in in 2009, Foster the People achieved success with the 2011 release of its debut

WEST PALM BEACH FOOD TOURS Recurring weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Imagine a walking tour of beautiful downtown West Palm Beach… the history, the architecture, the lifestyle and the culture. Now imagine adding a generous sampling of the area’s best local cuisine, and you’ve got a food tour. You’ll experience our city through food because food tells the story of a neighborhood’s people, history and culture. Culinary Tourism is a popular trend in travel allowing you to combine sightseeing and eating into one delicious adventure. Downtown West Palm Beach 333 Evernia Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401

album Torches, which has sold nearly two million albums and over nine million singles worldwide. Torches features the #1 hit single “Pumped Up Kicks”, which was declared “the year’s anthem” by SPIN. Hard Rock Cafe & Live Orlando. Address: 6050 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32819 Time: 8 p.m. VISIT ORLANDO’S MAGICAL DINING MONTH Till October 01 Satisfy cravings for haute cuisine at an even hotter price during Visit Orlando’s Magical Dining Month, a culinary celebration sure to please diner’s palates and wallets. For a limited time, more than 100 of Central Florida’s top restaurants will feature three-course, prix fixe dinner menus for just $35, with $1 from each meal donated to a local charity. Select Orlando Restaurants

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TAMPA SOCIAL ST. JUDE WALK/RUN TO END CHILDHOOD CANCER TAMPA September 23 St. Jude supporters in cities across the country will join together to participate in the St. Jude Walk/ Run to End Childhood Cancer, an exciting, family-friendly walk and run to raise money for the children of St. Jude. Hours: 6:30 AM - 10:00 AM Admission: Walk $10, 5K Run $20 401 Channelside Dr Tampa, FL 33602 KENDRICK LAMAR: THE DAMM TOUR September 1 Kendrick Lamar has reigned supreme in the first half of 2017, and he’s set to use the Damn Tour to continue his dominance later this year. And there’s even more good news if you weren’t able to get tickets yet, because the tour was officially extended on Monday with the announcement of an additional 15 shows. Hours: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 401 Channelside Dr Tampa, FL 33602 TAMPA SALSA BACHATA FESTIVAL 2017 September 1-4 The Tampa Salsa Bachata Festival promises to be a must attend event. Price Increase Schedule: April 1st, June 1st, August 1st, and September 1st. With the top dance artists in the world in both Salsa & Bachata performing and teaching, you will not want to miss this event. It’s all about the MUSIC. Only DJs who play the best of both worlds are invited, and they will ensure you enjoy an entire weekend of non-stop dancing. 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: 211 N Tampa St Tampa, FL 33602 GREEN DAY September 5 Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1986 by lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong and bassist Mike Dirnt. Hours: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 4802 US Hwy 301 N Tampa, FL 33610 SUSANNE BARTSCH INSTALLATION AT TAMPA MUSEUM OF ART

Till November 12 Susanne Bartsch has been a pioneer on the New York City fashion, art and underground club scene since the 1980’s. In 2015, the Fashion Institute of Technology mounted Fashion Underground: The World of Susanne Bartsch, a retrospective of her 30-year career and the designer ensembles inspired by her creativity and the culture she promotes. Hours: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM 120 W Gasparilla Plaza Tampa, FL 33602 ZUMBA IN THE PARK Till May 1, 2018 In partnership with the Downtown YMCA, instructor Meagan Simmons leads all ages of attendees in Zumba, a Latin-inspired dance and cardio workout. Hours: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 600 N Ashley Dr Tampa, FL 33602 AMERICA’S BEST DINOSAUR SHOW September 8 Jurassic Quest is coming to TAMPA, FL. Jurassic Quest is the largest dinosaur event in North America! Hours: 3:00 PM 4800 US Hwy 301 N Tampa, FL 33610 LOCAL ARTISTS SHOWCASING WORK AT TECO PUBLIC ART GALLERY September 13 The Life Enrichment Center Group Exhibition will be on display September 3 – October 31. The opening reception is scheduled for Friday, September 13 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Dorothy Cowden, Director of Scarfone Gallery at the University of Tampa curated this year’s Life Enrichment Center Group Exhibition. Included are 31 artists working in a variety of media encompassing a wide range of subject matter. Hours: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM 702 N. Franklin St. Tampa, FL 33602

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RENT - 20th Anniversary Tour September 19 - September 21 In 1996, an original rock musical by a little-known composer opened on Broadway … and forever changed the landscape of American theater. Two decades later, Jonathan Larson’s RENT continues to speak loudly and defiantly to audiences across generations and all over the world. With its inspiring message of joy and hope in the face of fear, this timeless celebration of friendship and creativity reminds us to measure our lives with the only thing that truly matters—love. Hours: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 1010 N W.C. MacInnes Place Carol Morsani Hall Tampa, FL 33602 JERRY RIVERA September 21 Jerry Rivera live at The RITZ Ybor on Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017. Join us for this great night of Salsa featuring one of the premier voices of Salsa. Jerry Rivera, Grammy Nominated and Multi-Platinum salsa singer from Puerto Rico. Hours: 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM 1503 E 7th Ave Tampa, FL 33605 TAMPA BASEBALL MUSEUM PRESENTS HOMERUNS & HISTORY September 23 The Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House will present a family-friendly celebration of Tampa Bay’s rich baseball history on Saturday, September 23, 10 am-2 pm at Centennial Park in Ybor City. The event includes MLB alumni, games, and a hotdog eating contest with prizes. A special outdoor exhibit on some of Tampa’s iconic players will be featured. Baseball-inspired fun, food, and the comradery of fans from near and far are on deck for Homeruns & History as we round the bases toward the opening of the Tampa Baseball Museum. Hours: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: FREE

1800 E 8th Ave Tampa, FL 33605 DISNEY ON ICE PRESENTS FROZEN September 29 Discover the full story of Disney’s Frozen like never before at Disney On Ice presents Frozen! Dazzling ice skating, special effects and unforgettable music will magically transport you to wintry Arendelle. Be a part of Anna’s fearless adventure to find her sister, Queen Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in an eternal winter. Join the hilarious snowman Olaf, rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer sidekick Sven as they help Anna in a race to bring back summer. Hours: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 401 Channelside Dr Tampa, FL 33602 MEGACON September 29 Comic Convention with Anime, Fantasy, SciFi and Video Games MegaCon Tampa Bay is a three day pop culture event in Tampa Bay, Florida, running in the Fall. The event is brought to you by the same team that produces the long-running MegaCon event in the Spring. Everyone is a fan of something, and MegaCon Tampa Bay is a place to celebrate all things pop culture. Get an autograph or a photo with your favourite guest and get the inside scoop about your favorite movies & TV shows at our celebrity panels! Watch professional comic artists battle it out in our popular Sketch Duels, learn from our “How To” workshops, and take photos with your favourite costumed characters! It’s also a great place to buy a unique gift (or treat yourself!) with over 100,000 square feet of shopping madness. Hours: Ending: 9:00 PM 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602

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