Dixit 021020

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EDITION 94 2nd October 2020

The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family

Black Lives Matter For so many reasons, the past nine months have turned the world on its head. Despite all the upheaval in our lives, the thing which I find hardest to believe is that I now live in a world where the President of the United States not only refuses to use his platform to denounce white supremacy but instead actively promotes it. I may not have the same platform as Donald Trump however I believe that, as Head Master of Holyport College, it is both my prerogative and my fundamental duty to define the moral standard of this organisation. With that in mind, and at the outset of Black History Month, I would like to state unequivocally the College’s position and beliefs in relation to racism: •

Racism has no place in civilised society and there can never be an excuse for racism in our school

The right to freedom of speech is secondary to the rights of our community to live without racism in any form

Every member of our community has a responsibility to ensure that racism does not go unchallenged or unreported

Black lives do matter

With this in mind, we are taking a number of steps to promote and celebrate the diversity of our community, to educate our community about racism, to ensure our staff, curriculum and co-curriculum reflects the diversity of our student body and to eliminate racism from our community as a whole. These steps include, but are not limited to: •

Celebrating Black History Month through student led assemblies, links in all curriculum areas and through linking Head Master’s Book Club 2020 to Black History Month

Providing opportunities to discuss and celebrate our diversity such as through Afro-Carribean Society and our annual Nations Day

Reviewing curriculum content, particularly at KS3, to ensure all students have the opportunity to understand racism and to learn about the part played by Britain in the transatlantic slave trade, the legacy of colonialism and the history of black people in the UK

Ensuring that all job advertisements actively encourage applications from candidates from black or ethnic minority backgrounds and that these candidates are prioritised for interview if appropriate

Develop student leadership and voice to ensure that there is adequate representation from young people from black or ethnic minority backgrounds and, most importantly, ensuring that their concerns are listened to and responded to

Continue to develop and promote a culture where students are comfortable reporting incidents of racism by including young people in discussions around the best way to handle such incidents

Humanity as a whole can only truly thrive when the wrongs of the past are openly acknowledged and active solutions are found to ensure a more equitable world can exist in the future. This cannot be achieved when those in positions of global power seem set on a path of dissent, discord and division. As a community, Holyport College openly rejects that path. We may not be able to influence the global position but, by educating our young people to reject racism in all its forms and to play their part in finding solutions to the damage that racism has caused to the world, perhaps one day these same young people might play their part in creating a society which is truly equal. Mr McCarey




DIXIT 2nd October 2020


From the DofE


News and pictures from last week’s Silver expedition

From the Biology Department


Activities for Biology Week 2020

From the MFL Department


We celebrated the European Day of Languages this week

From the Student Leaders


Introducing our new prefects

From the PHSE Department


Year 7 activities to start Black History Month

From the Sixth Form


Details of upcoming Eton Societies talks

From the SEN Department


Forthcoming courses that may be of interest to parents with children with SEN


From the Curriculum Support Department Information about UTCs from Buckinghamshire Council

From the Refectory


Next week’s lunch menus


From the Calendar Upcoming events and items to note

@holyportcollege www.youtube.com/holyportal 2


DIXIT 2nd October 2020

Silver DofE weekend Year 11 Silver DofE participants had a very successful but chilly 3 day practise expedition in the Chilterns last weekend. #DofEWithADifference basically means that they complete every element of the expedition (walking, pitching tents, cooking etc) but they don’t stay overnight. It did feel a little strange boarding the coach and abandoning our tent village on Friday & Saturday night, once everyone had cooked their dinner and planned their routes for the next day, but we knew that the BXM instructors would be our in situ security team! Arriving back at the campsite on morning of day 2 everyone was a little worried that the high winds might have decimated their tents, particularly as they didn’t have any incumbents, but luckily the tent pitching skills learnt on Bronze paid off and the temporary village was still intact! The participants were brilliant all weekend, impressing the instructors with their campcraft and navigation skills. They’re now looking forward to completing their assessed expedition in warmer weather once their GCSE’s are finished.

More pictures on twitter @HolyportHum DofE Bronze Next weekend it is the Bronze DofE expedition for Year 10. Participants need to remember to sort their bags out this weekend, Mrs Day has shared some excellent packing advice with them! 3

DIXIT 2nd October 2020


Join us in celebrating Biology Week (3rd October – 11th October). The Biology Department is inviting you to join in the following activities next week – there will be prizes for winners! Photography Challenge We want to see your most impressive nature or biology-based photographs. Send your photographs to Mrs Davis (n.davis@holyportcollege.org.uk). Deadline: Thursday 8th October Specimen Drawing Select a specimen to draw and annotate – be creative! There are some examples here to give you ideas, and you can view more here: https://www.rsb.org.uk/news/14-news/2231-nancy-rothwell-2019-winners. These can either be photographed / scanned and emailed to Mrs Davis or handdelivered to SC4. Deadline: Thursday 8th October Biology Quiz: House Challenge In form time on Thursday 8th October, you will take part in a Biology quiz. The quizzes will be marked and the house that scores the most points wins! May the best house win!



DIXIT 2nd October 2020

The European Year of Languages 2001, organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union, was successful in involving millions of people across 45 participating countries. Its activities celebrated linguistic diversity in Europe and promoted language learning. Following the success of the Year of Languages, the Council of Europe declared a European Day of Languages to be celebrated on 26th of September each year. This year we celebrated European Day of Languages with a quiz in form time on capital cities and traditions, followed by a delicious European-themed lunch (pictures and menu below)!

Language facts Did you know that… • There are between 6000 and 7000 languages in the world - spoken by 7 billion people divided into 189 independent states. • At least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual, i.e. they speak two or more languages.

Tongue twisters Practise your French and Spanish pronunciation with these tongue twisters: Spanish: Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas. Porque si no cuentas cuantos cuentos cuentas, nunca sabrás cuantos cuentos cuentas. French: Combien de sous sont ces saucissons-ci? Ces saucissons-ci sont six sous. 5



2nd October 2020

Student Leadership Team This week we appointed twenty prefects to represent the diverse body of students across the school. Brunel




Nicolas de Pinedo Watson

Oliver Bergstedt

Iona Bayley

Polly Pendrich

Ronny Matharu

Lauren Morton

Simisola Faloye

Kate Maxwell

Caitie Holden

Eric Mankee

Rebecca Hamman

Eric Golub

Hannah Trueman

Jess Wiblin

Daniella Lomotey

Simone Mizova

Jessica Norton

Sera Bartman

Joe Biddle

James Ward

Over the next few weeks, each of the prefects will take on several roles in developing the student voice, coordinating committees and acting as a liaison between staff and students. Each Friday morning the prefects join the rest of the student leadership team for breakfast to discuss ideas and debate on ways to develop and strengthen the Holyport community. On Wednesday the majority of the tutor representatives joined the student leadership team to discuss and feedback on the school uniform policy. The session was coordinated by Mrs Crocker, Fawcett Housemaster - all of the information gathered has now been passed onto Mr McCarey to consider. Each of the students have now received enamel badges from Miss Kerr to identify which house they belong to. The student leadership team is currently looking at ways the school can provide more opportunities for each of the houses to come together for competitive activities. This week, Harry and Azeezah met for the first time with the newly appointed Heads of House. The meeting got off to a good start with the arrival of a box of Krispy Kremes! It was wonderful to see all of the team actively participating in a conversation and discussing the future of Holyport College. The student leadership team has been selected based on a model of diversity and a true representation of the Holyportian. All of the team have now started to identify key areas they wish to develop further and this will inevitably involve the rest of the students. Mr Parry Head of Student Leadership

I managed to catch six of the Heads of House after the school photographs on Thursday afternoon: Brunel - Ella King and Ethan Baker - Milton - Amelia Tiernay and Harvey Portsmouth Fawcett - Beth Wiltshire and Dylan Farr.



DIXIT 2nd October 2020

October is Black History Month and we wanted to start off the month with a celebration of African culture and tradition. On Tuesday, our Year 7 students participated in drumming and mask painting workshops. Throughout October, we'll have other events relating to Black History Month.


DIXIT 2nd October 2020


These talks are open to all students in Years 11-13. There are likely more talks to be added, students should check their emails and complete the Google form when it is open.

Please follow the link below for information on work experience in Law, Politics and International Development for students aged 12-18: InvestIn Online Work Experience 8


DIXIT 2nd October 2020

Please see below some forthcoming courses that may be of interest to parents with children with SEN. Alex Jeffery SENCO and Head of Inclusion

Parenting Special Children are running the following events online via Zoom. They are free for Berkshire families (£5 refundable booking deposit) or at a nominal cost. Some events have a small number of tickets available for nonBerkshire families. Please visit the website below for further information and to book. https://www.parentingspecialchildren.co.uk/news/coronavirus/ For help and advice or if you just need to talk: Trauma and Attachment Service Tel: 07557 102623, email: tas@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk Helpline and Diagnosis Support Service (Mon – Thur, 10am – 2.30pm) Tel: 0118 9863532, email: dss@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk Sleep Service Email: sleep@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk Community Support Groups Tel: 07810 689679, email: supportgroups@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk For any other enquiries please email admin@parentingspecialchildren.co.uk 9

DIXIT 2nd October 2020


Parents of Year 9 students, please see the message below from Buckinghamshire Council: Dear Parent/Carer We are writing to you because the Department for Education introduced legislation that requires local authorities to contact families with children due to move into Year 10 in September 2021, to ensure that you are aware of all educational opportunities available for Year 10 pupils. Your child may be very happy at their existing school and can, of course, remain there as most children do. University Technical Colleges (UTC) admit pupils directly into Year 10 (pupils can remain until Year 13) and, at GCSE, offer a similar curriculum to secondary schools including the basics of English and Maths as well as their specialist subject. UTCs are set up by universities and businesses to specialise in one or two technical subjects. Please see below information on the Bucks UTC and other UTCs within a reasonable travelling distance. You may wish to look into these, and consider whether your child would want to apply for a place starting in September 2021. Full information on all these UTCs including details of open events and how to make an application are available here https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/education/school-admissions/how-to-applyfor-a-university-technical-college-place/ You should also look at the GCSE curriculum at your child’s current school, to help consider what the best option is for the next two years of your child’s education. All schools have a statutory duty to secure impartial careers guidance for all Year 8 to Year 13 students, to inspire young people to fulfil their potential, and to make them aware of all opportunities available to them. We strongly recommend that your child discuss their options with a Careers Adviser in their current school or college.

UTC information 10



To the Right →


Traditional counter main choice

Sausages Chicken Sausages (H)

Vegetarian choice

Veggie Sausage

2nd October 2020


Chicken Tikka Masala

Holyport College - Autumn Winter 2020 Wednesday Thursday


Beef Bolognaise Pasta Bake

Cajun Chicken with Pineapple Salsa

Battered Cod Battered Jumbo Sausage

Oumph Ratatouille

Cajan Vegetable Kebabs

Battered Quorn Sausage

Cauliflower Sag Aloo

Warm New Starch & vegetables

Mashed Potato Sasonal Veg Onion Gravy

Basamati Rice Naan Bread

Garlic Bread Mediterranean Vegetables

Potatoes Roasted

Chips, Peas, Mushy Peas, Curry Sauce

Vegetables � To the Left Something different

Sandwich & Snack Bar

Salad Bar

Main dessert

Cold Desserts

Jacket Potato with Jacket Potato Jacket Potato with Turkey & Stuffing Jacket Potato with Chefs choice of with Chefs choice Chefs choice of Bap Chefs choice of fillings fillings of fillings Open Halloumi fillings Pasta Bar selec- Pasta Bar selecPasta Bar selection Burger Coleslaw Sweet Chilli Noodles tion of sauces & Chips tion of sauces of sauces Daily selection of Daily selection of Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, fresh sandwiches, fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit crisps and fruit crisps and fruit

Daily choice of freshly made

Daily choice of freshly made

salad boxes Choc & Caramel Cake

salad boxes Lemon Drizzle Cake

Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit

Daily choice of Daily choice of Daily choice of freshly made salad freshly made salad freshly made salad boxes boxes boxes Carrot Cake

Fruit Flapjack


Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

The Catering Department will make adjustments to the daily menus where

possible to accommodate special dietary requirements, when this is not possible an alternative meal will be offered. If you have any queries please contact our Catering Manager Carol Forrest on c.forrest@holyportcollege.org.uk or 01628 640154. 11



2nd October 2020

Some Dates for Your Diaries Tuesday 6th October—Year 7 trip to Whipsnade Zoo Friday 16th October—half term starts Thursday 5th November—Sixth Form open evening (virtual) - early close, buses will leave at 2.15pm

Online Learning In preparation for any future online learning requirements, we ask parents and carers to please complete the form below. The form only needs to be completed once for each student. If you have multiple students at the College, please complete a separate response for each student. Thank you for your input.

Online learning questionnaire Please see follow the link below to read important information regarding E-scooters. They are classed as Personal Light Electric Vehicles and can do speeds up to 30mph, making them extremely dangerous. Privately owned E-scooters can only be used on private land and therefore cannot be used on roads, pavement or in parks as is commonly believed. The penalty for this is a £300 fine, 6 points on driving licence and the E-scooter could be seized under s.59 legislation. The points will be there when the young person gets their driving licence and only a maximum of 6 points are allowed on the licence in the first 2 years, so they risk losing it before they’ve even started driving!

E-scooter information PC 6351 Angela FERRUCCI ¨ LPA Safeguarding Schools Officer Thames Valley Police ¨ Windsor & Maidenhead Parents’ Evening Dates 2020/21 Year 7 parents evening—Monday 16th November 2020 Year 9 parents evening—Tuesday 24th November 2020

Year 11 parents evening—Tuesday 2nd February 2021 Year 8 parents evening—Wednesday 10th February 2021 Year 13 parents evening—Tuesday 23rd February 2021 Year 10 parents evening—Thursday 11th March 2021 Year 12 parents evening—Wednesday 28th April 2021

Here is a list of the websites you might find useful for your son's PE equipment - football boots & shin pads. Sports Direct: https://www.sportsdirect.com/ Eton Sport: https://www.stevensons.co.uk/ schools/eton-college/787 Pro Direct: https://www.prodirectsoccer.com/ Thanks Mr Macaulay 12

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