Dixit 15th October 2021

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EDITION 130 15th October 2021

The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family

Black History Month 2021 Black History month (BHM) was first celebrated in the UK in October 1987. Since then, the month of October has been set aside not only for the celebration of Black heritage and culture, but also for acknowledging and recognising the contributions that Black people have made to our society. To celebrate BHM at Holyport College, we had a prominently displayed 'Black and Proud' banner and hoisted a BHM flag. KS3 members of the African-Caribbean Society (ACS) designed posters and displayed these around the College. Images showcasing some of the Black Britons across diverse fields e.g. the sciences, politics, media/broadcasting and academia. These featured individuals such as Baroness Amos, a member of the House of Lords and Rose Hudson-Wilkin, the first Black female bishop in the Church of England. During the weekly whole school assembly, the ACS also ran a series of educational presentations on a range of topics under this year's BHM UK theme ' Proud to be'. These include: the representation of Black people in UK society; how inclusivity can be increased; celebration of Black Scientists, and their importance/impacts on our world; and cultural celebrations (e.g. the Notting Hill Carnival) and their socio-cultural significance. It is important that the issues highlighted throughout these events are not limited to annual events during the Black History Month. It is paramount that these themes will continue to shape our community conversations and hopefully filter widely into our school’s curriculum. Amaani Soetan, Member, African-Caribbean Society

 ACS Members who led the whole school assembly today @holyportcollege



DIXIT 15th October 2021



From the MFL Department Linguists of the Week and a KS4 Latin trip


From the Co-Curriculum Arts and Crafts Club and DIY Club


From Herschel House Herschel Charity Day


From the PE Department Sporting activities this week


From Boarding Recent boarder activities


From the Houses Introducing Legends of the Half


From the Drama Department Brontë is cast!


From the LGBTQ+ Society A new logo and a drop-in session


From the Community Thames Valley Police is raising awareness of exploitation and county lines.


From the College Can you help with our Poppy appeal?


From the Careers Department Final call for students


From the Calendar Upcoming events and items to note


www.youtube.com/holyportal 2

DIXIT 15th October 2021

FROM THE MFL DEPARTMENT Linguists of the Week!

Each week the MFL & Classics Department will be choosing ‘Linguists of the Week!’ Congratulations to the following students for a great week! Year 7: •

Noah Taylor - Well done for a great first term in Spanish, keep up the hard work!

Stacie Smith - What a fantastic first half-term in Spanish. You have been amazing even when learning online!

Year 8: •

Jennifer Hall - A great start to Year 8 Spanish, always participating in class and completing the extension work accurately! Muy bien Jennifer!

Daniella Dixon - A brilliant start to Year 8 Spanish, well done for your hard work this half -term!

Year 9: • Brendon Chan - A great start to Year 9 Spanish. Well done for working hard and being focused on every lesson. Year 10: •

Dara Adebola-Hassan - An outstanding first half term in Spanish. Great focus and amazing linguistic skills.

Rose Losel Daly - Fantastic notes on the buildings in a Roman fort in Latin.

Abi Harding - Outstanding essay in the Latin test.

Year 12: •

Katherine Dudley - Showing great improvement in Spanish by giving correct answers in class and completing classwork accurately, continúa así!

Year 13: •

Angelina Bicker, Leo Demeneix, Lucas Andre and Matt Andre - All 4 Year 13 students took part in a debate in French about young people and voting. Excellent effort and spoken French!



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Year 10 & Year 11 GCSE Latin trip On Friday, Miss Drake took the GCSE Latin students on a trip to Bignor Roman villa and Fishbourne Roman palace - huge thanks to Mrs Nikki Smith for driving us! At Bignor Roman villa, we were given a tour and saw some of the best preserved and most detailed mosaics in the UK, from a villa owned by a Roman family who had grown rich from farming. We also found out that the Roman soldiers invented hopscotch as a military training drill!

At Fishbourne, we first did a workshop on the Roman military. Students were able to try on all the Roman military equipment apart from the weapons and we saw the different levels of protection given by different types of Roman armour. We then visited the museum and the rest of the villa - it’s easily the largest in Britain and was probably home to King Cogidubnus himself. We also enjoyed exploring the gardens and the outdoor dining room, which was described as “surprisingly comfortable” according to Nye and Adam!



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Co Curricular Arts and Crafts and DIY Clubs Mrs Harding and Mrs Druce have had a busy few weeks in the Year 7 & 8 CoCurricular Arts and Crafts Club. Many activities have been completed including Pebble Art, Bracelet Making, Creative Pot Decorating and Pom Poms! The final activity before half term was decorating Baby Halloween Pumpkins. Many more exciting projects are still to come!

Meanwhile in DIY club this week, Mr Parsons helped some of the students learn some plumbing skills (soldering copper pipework). The others were making loom bands and bracelets.


DIXIT 15th October 2021

FROM HERSCHEL HOUSE Herschel Charity Day

Miss Watchman, Mr Wingate and the Herschel team would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed and supported the Herschel Charity Day this week. Students across the school adapted their uniform with an ‘intentional mistake’. This was to emphasise that mental health issues are not always clear to see, but we can sometimes spot that someone may be struggling by subtle changes in their behaviour. It was great to see so many students getting involved in this and helping raise awareness and reduce the stigma that has been historically associated with mental health issues. In addition to this, Year 8 ran a bake sale at morning break which consisted of a large number of sweet treats that were lovingly baked by Herschel students over the weekend; the Year 11 girls ran a second hand clothes sale at lunch time with donations from Herschel students and staff - which proved very popular with the younger Holyport community. We were joined in school at 5pm by a number of parents for a ‘tea and talk’ event. It was so wonderful to see those Herschel parents and catch up!

We raised a total of £314.10 for the Mental Health Foundation Charity - which is a fantastic achievement for one day of fundraising. Thank you all for your support!

Follow us on Instagram: @herschel_holyport 6


DIXIT 15th October 2021

A relatively quiet week of Sport for the College this week. On Monday, the U14 Hockey team travelled to Wellington College to participate in the Berkshire Schools Tournament. Tough matches throughout the day but improvement was evident with each game. They followed this with a strong outing against Marist on Tuesday. Special mention to Charlisze Warren-Ndhlovu for her outstanding leadership as captain. The Senior Hockey team continued their fine start to the Super 8 League with a comprehensive 4-0 win away to Leighton Park. The result leaves them in a healthy position on the league table heading into the half-term break. The Year 7 Netball team made their debut at the Furze Platt Netball League. Their performances have left Coach Lubbers very excited for the season ahead! Unfortunately, both the U14 & U16 Football teams were knocked out of the National Cup this week away at Laureate Academy. HAVE A GREAT HALF TERM BREAK FROM EVERYONE IN THE PE DEPARTMENT!



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Lots of activities in boarding over the last couple of weeks ☺ Takeout treat night for Year 11 - Milton 

Carters Steam Fair

Mop enjoying prep 

 

Independent baking on a Sunday for Fawcett

Follow us on Instagram: @herschel_holyport @brunel_holyport @fawcett_holyport @milton_holyport 8


DIXIT 15th October 2021

Legends of the Half - House Master Awards Each House has awarded one boarder (decided by Boarding House Master) and one day student (decided by Day House Master) from KS3, 4 & 5 the title LEGEND OF THE HALF, for their commitment, progress and attitude this half term. The prize for each student is a £10 Amazon voucher to recognise their efforts and achievement this half term.

Herschel KS3 Boarder - George Hinxman George has integrated himself beautifully into boarding at Holyport College. A brilliant addition with great endeavour and an extremely polite character. KS3 Day student - Precious Paine Charles Precious has been awarded KS3 Legend for her fantastic participation in tutor activities in lessons, and the fantastic progress she has made across the board this academic year already. KS4 Boarder - Daniel Agbaye Daniel is a lovely student who also acts as a leader in boarding. He encourages the students to do the right thing in a positive, inspirational way. A delight to have in boarding. KS4 Day student - Georgia Biddle Georgia was the perfect candidate for the KS4 legend as she consistently does the right thing; Georgia is hard-working, kind and respectful to her peers and teachers and went the extra mile helping with the Herschel Charity fundraising activities! KS5 Boarder - More Olankunri Another absolutely delightful young man. Always doing the right thing in boarding and a top number of achievement points whilst in school. KS5 Day student - Matilda Martin Matilda has been an exemplary student this half term and an excellent role model to our young Herschelians. She is extremely hard-working and kind, and always willing to help fellow students or staff with any out of lesson activities. She is an asset to the House and to Holyport College.



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Fawcett KS3 Boarder - Zara Bozorgmehr In recognition for always following the rules without being asked, receiving a lot of house points for Fawcett, reading independently and being a kind person to others. Well done! KS3 Day student - Ramayan Kalyan Ramayan has been an amazing student this term. He wholeheartedly embraced and frequently demonstrated Holyportian and Fawcettian values. KS4 Boarder - Jenna Russell In recognition for getting 111 achievement points for Fawcett since September. You are always doing the right thing without even having to be asked. Keep up your amazing work! KS4 Day student - Remy Stannard This is in recognition of Remy’s diligence, hard work, and for being helpful, kind and making excellent progress this half term. KS5 Boarder - Isabel Jackson In recognition for doing really well in your first six weeks at a new school, and working hard academically in the first half term. Well done! KS5 Day student - Ayra Tengku Ayra has throughout this term demonstrated excellent work ethic, and remained a good role model for the younger students. Hardworking, helpful, and kind, she not only demonstrated Holyportian and Fawcettian values but made excellent progress this half term. Dr. Jawoniyi and Miss Smyth would like to say a big thank you to Jonathan Semugooma in Year 13 for leading two weeks of assemblies on the topic of Black History Month. Fawcett House has learnt a lot from your assemblies and how we can help society and continue to talk about racism more openly as a school. You spoke very well, thank you! We would also like to thank Fawcett Form Tutors who, without any exceptions, have been wonderful this term – have a pleasant half term!

From left to right: Ayra, Isabel, Zara, Ramayan, Jenna 10


DIXIT 15th October 2021

Milton The following students have been selected as Milton’s ‘Legend of the Half’ for their efforts and contributions so far this academic year. In Mr McCarey's first assembly of the year he spoke about: - Being Nice - Working Hard - Making the most of the opportunities. Each of the Milton students being awarded ‘Legend of the Half’ have consistently demonstrated this, whether in lessons, co-curricular opportunities or in boarding during the evenings and weekends. Well done to all! KS3 Boarder – Leonie Trinh Leonie has been seen on a number of occasions supporting her peers, she joins in the evening activities, and has impressed all her teachers with her attitude in lessons. A fantastic start to Year 7 - well done! KS3 Day student – Cerys Watkins KS4 Boarder – Sofia Fernandez de Pinedo Sofia is someone boarding staff can rely upon and she is always supporting her friends within the boarding house. She continues to work consistently hard in the evenings and has made the most of the enrichment opportunities, particularly during the weekends. KS4 Day student – Katie Das KS5 Boarder – Elpitha Polymerou Elpitha has had a very impressive term. As a boarding prefect she has gone above and beyond, particularly welcoming new students at the start of the year. In the evenings and weekends, she works incredibly hard, whether completing lesson work, or attending additional academic opportunities which compliments the curriculum. She has set a great example to students lower down the school. KS5 Day student – Luke Side

Sofia and Katie being awarded their prize this morning 



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Brunel KS3 Boarder - Matteo Warf Matteo is a lovely positive student who brightens up your day. He always follows instructions and has settled into boarding really well, he is a pleasure to have around. KS3 Day student - Maita Rwarasika-Samkange Maita says YES to opportunities and is ready for anything. She has completely taken to the Holyport ways and adds so much to the College already, I'm so excited to see what she will achieve. KS4 Boarders - Max Ladimeji and Gilbert Payne Max is a bit of a veteran of boarding but he still gets it right every day. He is a role model to others and we love him. Gilbert is a boarding legend! He always does the right things and helps out around the house. Expert in Chess so someone is always entertained.... everyone needs a Gilbert! KS4 Day student - Mohammed Hakim Nadi El and Nicole Claassen Mo has been in the top 10 achievement point winners for 6 weeks in a row!! He is consistently working hard, he has a perfect attitude to learning and we are very impressed. Nicole has settled in really well, has lots of house points and is a hard worker. She is a reliable legend and we are so pleased she is in Brunel. Special mentions from their tutors for always being lovely and working hard to: Imogen Sheffield Katie Wood Fatimah Akhtar I would like to thank all the lovely Brunel tutors for their hard work this term, I hope you all have a restful break.



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Thank you to everyone who auditioned. Miss Larsen-Edgar was overwhelmed with the talent and Holyport are lucky to have you. I’m very proud to announce the cast list as follows:

Brontë Cast list Charlotte Brontë - Emmy Mullane Emily Brontë - Thandi Kamushinda Anne Brontë - Olivia Allan Patrick Brontë - Ollie Clark Bramwell Brontë - Duncan Kenton Cathy - Eve Lester Bertha - Elwyn Mollart Mr Heger/ Rochester - Jackson Brocklebank Arthur Bell Nicholls - Jamie Harris Arthur Huntington/Heathcliff - Josh Thorley

If any parents would like to offer their help in any capacity, please do get in touch with Miss Larsen-Edgar on j.larsen-edgar@holyportcollege.org.uk 13

DIXIT 15th October 2021


Holyport's LGBTQ+ society announces its new logo The LGBTQ+ Society is proud to announce that it has designed a new logo for use this year. The design below was chosen as the winning option amongst members. It incorporates 4 different flags that are associated with the LGBTQ+ movement the Asexsual flag, the updated Pride flag, The Trans Flag and the gender Queer flag. Thanks to everyone who submitted entries - these can all be viewed at the Hot Chocolate drop in session (see below).

LGBTQ+ Drop-in Session On Friday 12th November from 12:40pm-2pm in Winton 1 - members of the LGBTQ+ Society will be around to answer questions you have about the LGBTQ+ community.

This is a chance to ask genuine questions, discuss hot topics as well as being a safe space to share experiences both positive and negative. Hot Chocolate and snacks will be served and look out for the posters which will go up around the College. There will also be an anonymous box in reception to post any question you have and these will be answered at the drop-in session. 14

DIXIT 15th October 2021


Thames Valley Police is raising awareness of exploitation and county lines. County Lines is a term used to describe organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more areas within the UK, using dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’. A process of grooming is used to entice a child into acts of criminality. This may include promises of something the child needs or wants, such as money, expensive clothes and shoes, power and status or a sense of belonging. Exploited young people do not always look or act vulnerable and we are asking that everyone looks closer for signs, some of which could be the following: •


Anxious, frightened, angry or displaying other behaviours that are out of character

In possession of more than one phone

Having unexplained money or belongings, or buying new things

Taking drugs or abusing alcohol

Unexplained injuries and refusing to talk about it

Hanging around with older people Going missing from home, staying out late or travelling for unexplained reasons

Spending more time on phone and being secretive about who they are calling or texting

If you spot any of the these signs, speak to your child and let them know that help is available. If you are concerned about a child and think it’s an emergency please dial 999, otherwise please dial 101. If you would rather remain anonymous, you can contact the independent charity crimestoppers online or call 0800 555 111.

More information can be found at childrenssociety.org.uk/lookcloser




15th October 2021

Poppy appeal 2021 Can you knit or crochet? Would you like to help us put Holyport College on the map? This November Holyport College would like to raise more money than we have in the past for the British Legion by creating a large display of handmade poppies. Both the knitting and crochet groups will be taught how to do this and together with your help we hope to have at least 1000 poppies to display. Poppies can be made in any of the following 4 colours : red, purple, black or white. Please see the link below for what each colour means https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/45975344 There are many different poppy patterns on the internet and we are leaving it up to you to decide which ones you would like to use. This is just one of several links for patterns. https://www.gathered.how/knitting-and-crochet/crochet/free-poppy-pattern-for-remembrance -day/ If you are more of a visual learner there are some YouTube videos to watch. These are just a few. Knitted Poppy CROCHET: Poppy Tutorial | Bella Coco Remembrance Poppy Brooch Free Crochet Pattern | Crafting Happiness If you are willing to help (students, carers, parents, grandparents etc) please can you let Mrs Ellis know at l.ellis@holyportcollege.org.uk Please leave the ends on for tying.

These are the red ones I’ve made so far using the Crafting Happiness pattern: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=0ffmzj7pWik&t=38 ➔



DIXIT 15th October 2021

Final Call For Autumn Career Experiences Ages 12-18 I At UCL & around UK

This is the final call for students wanting to register for this term's weekend career experiences for ages 12-18. We have been inundated with demand following our return to in-person programmes at UCL and beyond. Registration will close next Sunday 24th October for all in-person programmes, so interested students should register immediately. Click here for links to all 28 careers, which include medical sciences, tech, media, creatives, engineering, law, politics, sport, business and finance. 17



15th October 2021

Some Dates for Your Diaries Friday 15th October—half term holiday starts Monday 1st November—Inset day Tuesday 2nd November—students back to school Monday 8th November—COVID vaccinations for Year 8-11 Friday 19th November—Exeat weekend

Mr McCarey and Mr Hubbard would like to hold a brief meeting at 8pm on Tuesday 2nd November to inform Year 11 & Year 13 parents about the Examination arrangements for 2022 and the contingency plans that have been proposed. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the implications for students in Years 11 and 13. It will happen via Google Meet – an invitation will be sent out prior to the event.

Parents’ Evening Dates 2021/22 Year 7 parents’ evening—Wednesday 17th November Year 9 parents’ evening—Monday 22nd November Year 1 parents’ evening—Wednesday 26th January Year 8 parents’ evening—Tuesday 8th February Year 10 parents’ evening—Monday 28th February Year 13 parents’ evening—Wednesday 23rd March Year 12 parents’ evening—Thursday 28th April 18

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