HOMEMAKERS Johannesburg October 2024

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Books beat kindles every day! Buying books, and reading are two different hobbies.

If you are at all bookish you will know this. The problem with both, however, is that you still end up with more books than bookshelves. In honour of International Literacy day, celebrated on the 8th of September, we thought we’d have a chat about the magic of books in our homes.

Don’t ever throw a book away

Unless you are a cold-hearted monster, you’ll know how difficult is is to get rid of books. Every bookworm can tell you about the secret stash of books they haven’t read (yet) and how impossible it would be for them to part with the pile.

is no shame in being a bookworm

of reading


we meet to read more.

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Lawn Care Made Simple

Get rid of the bumps an patches of your winter lawn. Spring is here, and even though it feels like the winter never happened, our lawns might be telling a different story.

Storytime: I am easily bored.

When i was six, i met a friend of my father who worked at a cement factory. I asked, politely, what he did for a living, and as he started to explaint his job at the cement factory, i apparently turned to him, and in my best formal English said: “Oh dear, this is going to be boring so i’m going to leave now.” (Today i cringe when my mom tells this story, but apparently the guy laughed and agreed that his job really was mind numbingly boring).

Well, i am a much less rude grownup now but i still get bored. This usually means that i end up not finishing DIY projects and i have, for the past 5 years, since moving into a house with a lawn, refused to do any form of research on lawn care. People think i’m very eco-conscious with my meadow-lawn, but really, it’s because figuring out the nutritional needs of my lawn felt like listening to the cement factory guy.

The things i can see working in my backyard are straithforward


This is an important part of lawn management that no one told me about. Aeration is the process of “spiking” your lawn with a garden fork (if you have the time and energy), spikey lawn aeration shoes, or a custom-made aerator. By poking holes through the top growth, and opening up the root system to oxygen, water and fertiliser, a well aerated lawn will have a denser and deeper root system. This will benefit the growth, water retention and coverage provided by the grass.

Over Seeding

I enjoy over seeding because i get to live out my most “homesteady” fantasies of feeding a flock of geese and chickens. Over seeding is the practice of literally spreading new grass seeds over existing parts of our lawn that might be a bit patchy. The easist way to do this is to prepare your lawn by hydrating (aeration is easier on a moist lawn) aerating, dethatching if its necessary, and finally spreading the appropriate kind of seed for your specific growing conditions over any patches that could do with some extra growth. It is best to water your lawn again after seeding to allow the seeds to migrate into the soil, and if you have the manpower, get a whole hockey team of kids to do their best dino-stamp impression on the over seeded patch.

Fertilising (and watering)

I know we live in an often drought-stricken country, and it is wasteful/ecologically unsound to water a lawn with perfectly clean drinking water, but the truth is - green, sports-ready lawns require some watering in spring to carry them until the rain comes. There are many innovative solutions to get a rainwater harvesting system up and running or even just make use of your own grey water. Whatever makes your lawn moist and your heart happy.

Read more about it online.

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