Give your garden an instant boost with these 5 simple tricks. Is your garden giving you glum vibes?
The winter washout is real and for many of us this is the “ugliest” season of the year. Dried grass, dead plants and general dustiness doesn’t do much for any garden.
On the other hand, many of us were lashed with some pretty intense rain recently, and drowned plants, mud patches and debris drifts is just as unsightly as a bone dry highveld winter garden.
The five step facelift
Here are 5 basic tips for giving your garden an instant facelift, that won’t cost a fortume and might just uplift your mood as well.
1. Check the lawn.
Most inland winter lawns don’t really need mowing during winter, but maybe the edges could do with some cleaning up. While you are at it, look for dead patches that could do with overseeding and weeding. If you live in one of the places that received flood levels of rain, it’s been a couple of weeks and we think you should probably start up the lawnmower by now... good luck!
2. Do a chicken parade.
You might think your garden is clean and free from rubbish just because you youself don’t litter, but just to be sure, do a quick chicken parade. Check for windblown wrappers, dropped toys, broken branches of collapsed plants. Its amazing the junk that a garden can accumulate over a winter.
3. Clear the way.
The same goes for pavements, paths and patios. As much as we dislike raking up leaves on lawns and in garden beds, giving your paved or tiled spaces a quick sweep and clean up wil do wonders for the garden’s look.
4. Give it colour with quick plantings.
Most garden centres have those little six-pack flower seedings all year round. If your garden is looking particularly dreary, why not buy a couple of those and just plant some in planter boxes or along the edges of bigger garden beds. Alternatively, you can invest in some wall mounted planters or even just big individual pots, and you can add any plant of your choosing.
5. Add some comfort.
Even the dreariest garden can seem lovely if you have a cosy seat to watch it from, bring some of your inside comforts outside and add pillows and throws to your existing patio seating. Clever lighting can also do a lot to give your garden a quick makeover.
Read more about it online.
Don’t make marketplace mistakes, here’s how to safely shop on Facebook marketplace.
We all know the internet can be a dangerous place and we need to be careful, but somehow the convenience and familiarity of Facebook marketplace has us letting our guard down.
As useful and exciting as shopping on this platform can be, there are still dangers involved and it’s best to keep your wits about you when you’re online bargain hunting.
It’s still an onlline/real world cross over.
Just like Craig’s list and OLX, FB Marketplace is nothing but a platform connecting real world sellers with real world buyers. And just like those more well-known platforms are mostly unregulated and free-for-all spaces, marketplace also doesn’t have any real inherent safety features.
Yes. User ratings can help, but as with Google reviews and business ratings online- these credentials can be bought.
Check locations, and snoop around.
Use your common sense. Before you agree to a sale, try to get as much information as possible from the seller and about the seller. (Or buyer.)
Keep it public.
NEVER AGREE TO A PRIVATE MEETING. Even if you don’t want to meet at a restaurant of coffee shop, at least pick a public parking lot or space with other people around and proper lighting if you are doing it at night. It’s also a good indea to either go with someone, or as least let someone know when and where you are going. Share the details of the person you are meeting en even share your live location with someone you trust. You can never be too safe.
Never pay up front! If the seller won’t agree on Cash On Delivery (COD), or Payment On Delivery (POD), don’t waste your time. You should really be very careful about sending or transferring money if you haven’t seen the item physically. It’s ok if you agree to a certain deposit or even a transport fee, but never pay 100% up front. This is a sure way to lose your money and get scammed out of your purchase
There are many ways to stay safe online and in the real world and we suggest your read on for even more personal safety tips.