Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, September/October 2020

Page 13

Perfect Pet Pics How to

a Photo Judge!



Are you one of those kids who disliked school photo days? Mom made you go. Or maybe, you love taking selfies! Pets either hide or pose, too. Some (usually cats) avoid cameras while others (often dogs or horses) pose to please. If you want to enter your darling animal in a photo contest, consider these practical tips.



1. Rule of Thirds: Think of a Tic Tac Toe Board. Looking through your camera, place face or other object of focus where lines intersect for emphasis. Some cameras have a grid you can use. The most interesting photos are not completely centered.


2. Photoshopping: Unless you are professional, judges can tell! So, go easy, unless masterfully clever! Avoid adding objects that take away from your pet.

No matter how adorable your pet, if theme isn’t considered, your photo is not likely to be selected. Would you write, edit, then submit a school paper on the wrong topic? In contests, as in life, context matters! Fun ways to demonstrate themes can involve settings, decorations, and costumes, although be sure your pet doesn’t mind getting dressed up… most animals I have met dislike outfits, so may not be happy for photos! Again, remember how you felt dressing for school pictures! On the other hand, if your pet sits still and likes your embellishment, your photo will tell.

3. Cropping: is okay and may enhance your picture. 4. Don’t Over Saturate! Adding too much color makes your photo look unnatural. Normally, this won’t work to WOW those with experience in photoshop, camera raw, or illustration.


Animals have adorable expressions… be patient, wait, wait, wait, snap!

5. Light source (sun) should be behind you unless you are creating a side shadow.

Focus on your pet. A picture can have an interesting background, but avoid too much busyness that competes for attention making it hard to look at your photo for long. A good shot draws one in and invites mind or heart to linger.


Back to those school photos… Next time you have to get a picture taken, look at the photographer, think of a friend, grandparent or fun-loving cousin who makes you laugh. Let your heart smile and it will show through your eyes, just like when your pet looks at you. Mom will be happy with your photos and you’ll have made it through another picture day… until next year.

Photographers take many photos to get a few really good shots.


HOLD the camera STILL to avoid messy blurs. How? Anchor yourself. You can lean on a wall, take a deep breath, breathe out, then click! Resting your elbows on a table is not great meal etiquette, but helps steady yourself to take a photo.

! g in k a T o ot h P y p p a H d n Have FUN a

C.A. Ritz ~ Author and Illustrator | Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • September/October 2020


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