Home Textile Exports - January'15

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Heimtextil has shaped up excellent! Facets of Splendour home / contract textile trends 2015/2016


Wish you a happy Heimtextil! Every Heimtextil means a new year for hundreds of thousands in the home textiles world! We start the year with this prestigious event which whispers the signals of how the year will pass. The first novelties and newest collections of the year are seen at Heimtextil. And, if we experienced a good Heimtextil, it might mean a good, lucrative and a dynamic year was ahead. If we had a weak and passive Heimtextil, it might mean a similar year would follow! It would usually be the case… Decades passed by like this. We have now come to 2015. I was here, in Frankfurt for the same reason in 1987. Since then, I came every year except once. The formula never changed. So, we hope an active, dynamic, lucrative, pleasant Heimtextil. This year Heimtextil will host 151 Turkish companies of which only one is magazine publishing company. In other words, Home Textile Exports and its sister publications such as Décor, Sleep Well and Curtain Systems & Accessories are the only Turkish magazines having a booth for free distribution. This unique case has been continuing for 18 years. Home Textile Exports magazine is proud of representing the huge Turkish home textile industry at this world fair. We wish a very happy and prosperous year for all!

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January 2015


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Outlast presents new filling material for bedding PCM viscose + down = Perfect symbiosis for an optimum sleeping climate


utlast Technologies, market leader for temperature regulating phase change materials (PCMs), enlarges its product range again and presents the new performance filling material “Universe”: Heat and moisture regulating PCM viscose fibers combine perfectly with cozy downs and offer a natural solution for climate comfort in bedding and apparel products. The heat managing Outlast® PCM viscose fibers form one part of the new filling material „Universe” (30% viscose Outlast®, 70% down). They are 10 mm short cut fibers with 7 dtex. Such a thick fiber with a high diameter was deliberately selected. “So we can guarantee a high loading of phase change materials (PCMs),” says Martin Bentz, Managing Director of Outlast Europe GmbH, Heidenheim/Germany. “The performance compared to a standard PCM viscose fiber here is four times higher”. In combination with the down, Outlast has developed a product offering optimum thermal comfort. The downs display their advantages like lightness, fluffy volume and naturalness, the Outlast® PCM viscose fibers regulate and optimize the climate comfort. Overheating and sweating are reduced significantly. January 2015

www.bersan.com.tr bersan@bersan.com.tr

HEIMTEXTILE 2015 4.1 G14

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Outlast® technology works dynamically and proactively manages heat while controlling the production of moisture before it begins.

What sounds easy was technically a very big challenge. “In conjunction with our well-known partner Kelheim Fibres, we are happy to have successfully obtained this new process - a homogeneous blend where both wash and care requirements are ensured,” continues Martin Bentz. Thus, Outlast has further tested on “filling material” and found out that PCM filling materials are ideally suited to provide an optimum heat and moisture management. “The air transports body heat quickly to the performance fibers,” explains Volker Schuster, Director R&D at Outlast Europe. “One important aspect is that all fibers inside a filling altogether build a huge surface. And all fibers are flowed around by air. Therefore every fiber can react very quickly to temperature changes. Since the airflow is increased, this allows the PCMs to be more active in loading and discharging”. As a result,

temperature changes are minimized and sweating can be reduced significantly. And Outlast strengthens: The new PCM filling material optimizes the climate proactively – contrary to other technologies that are merely transporting sweat. Outlast® technology is not a wicking technology, which manages moisture by reacting to sweat and pulling it away from the skin. Outlast® technology proactively manages your skin temperature while controlling the production of moisture before it begins. That’s the Outlast® difference. And you will feel this difference also in comfort and hygiene. Interesting side effect: By using the new down/PCM viscose fiber blend the material costs of an end product (in comparison to the use of 100% down) can be reduced while also offering an interesting added value and more performance. This offers a benefit to manufacturers as well as to consumers.

January 2015


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Outlast enlarges the product range with climate regulating PCM fiber balls which can be used as filling material for bedding.

Outlast® technology

• Reduces chilling

Outlast® technology was originally developed for NASA to protect astronauts from temperature fluctuations in space. Outlast® technology utilizes phase change materials (PCM) that absorb, store and release heat for optimal thermal comfort. Outlast® technology is comparable to ice in a drink; as it changes from solid to liquid, it absorbs heat and cools the drink, keeping that drink at the desired temperature for a longer period of time. Outlast® phase change materials work in the same way. The PCMs have the capacity to absorb, store and release excess heat. This gives any product containing Outlast® technology the ability to continually regulate skin’s microclimate. As the skin gets hot, the heat is absorbed, and as it cools, that heat is released. The benefits of Outlast® products at a glance:

• Reduces perspiration

• Absorbs excess body heat • Manages moisture
 • Reduces overheating

• Continuously adapts to thermal changes Outlast will be at Heimtextil in January 14-17, 2015 in Frankfurt/Germany in hall 8.0, stand D 74. Outlast Technologies LLC, a privately held U.S. corporation, is the worldwide leader in phase change materials and applications. Outlast® technology is the heat management technology originally developed for NASA that enables any textile to absorb, store and release heat. Outlast® technology pro- actively responds to changes in skin temperature to manage heat and reduce moisture for everyday comfort. For over 20 years, Outlast has been committed to the development of new fibers, fabrics and coatings incorporating phase change materials, expanding the use of Outlast® technology across more than 300 brands and a multitude of products in apparel, footwear, bedding, packaging and labels, and accessories.

January 2015


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Intellectual property and its significance I

ntellectual property (IP) involves specific, exclusive rights concerning creativity and intellectual capital. An important characteristic of intellectual property is that it includes non-material ideas or objects that are highly valuable and require protection in most instances. In other words, the primary objective of intellectual property is to find a proper way to exercise the rights concerning the non-material assets of individuals or companies, and at the same time, to provide sufficient protection against unauthorized actions and illegal behaviours by third parties. In the general sense, it is possible to distinguish three types of assets:

Ömer KOCAKUŞAK – Chairman of the Board of Directors Bilen Patent

Movable assets, such as computers or cars,

Immovable properties, such as houses, etc.

Non-material assets or intellectual capital, such as an invention or design.

The need to establish group rights for protecting the products of creativity is related with the idiosyncratic features of these assets when compared with movable or immovable material assets. In this regard, one of the most significant features of non-material assets is the opportunity to provide impossible, unlimited production for material assets. There are two types of intellectual properties: Industrial rights and copyrights.

Industrial Property Industrial property includes inventions (Patent and Utility Models), integrated circuit topographies, industrial designs, brands and appellations of origin.

January 2015


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Copyright Copyright includes literary and artistic works, such as novels, poems, plays, films, musical works, drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, architectural designs and computer programs. Performances of performance artists, phonograms in producers’ records and works of broadcasters in radio and television programs are also within the scope of copyrights. I would like to focus on industrial property rights further. Companies should officially register all of the products or services that they produce, and all of the brands and logos that they sell at home or abroad. Otherwise, I call this “commercial suicide”, because then, they invest on a brand which may possibly belong to another (now or in the future). The changes in product images resulting from long-continued efforts, or the inventions developed during innovation processes such as R&D or P&D operations are in the same vein. Companies can remain standing as long as they make differences. Now, this is a fact known by everyone. Most of the time, a difference is made by modifying products or ser-

January 2015


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vices, or altering the methods for reaching customers. Industrial rights are a matter of products or services. If we are planning on producing a different product or service from that of our rivals, we should first consider protecting it. Do more appealing designs with different shapes than the standard, constantly-offered product not excite the customer? For instance, do we not prefer a certain cell phone only for its design or brand? The product design that draws the attention of our customers is worth protecting. The important thing is to apply for official registration before launching our product to the market, thinking that it may appeal to customers.

What about patent? In industrialized modern nations, technological advancement and economic power substantially depend on the patent system. In our time, the wealth of a nation does not primarily depend on its natural resources anymore. The innovative capacity and the awareness for the need of protecting the aforementioned new ideas have become a basic instrument for the development and prosperity in modern communities. Patent has become the “key point” in this field.

Alright, what kind of a thing is a patent consequently? It is the right that bestows the privilege of exclusive use for a limited time (20 years beginning from the application date) on the owner of the invention (inventor or applicant) and is given by the state. The term “patent” originates from the Latin patere, which means “to make available for public inspection” and patent certificate originates from “letters patent”, which was a royal decree granting exclusive rights to specific persons or institutions. According to its literal definition, one of its social objectives is to lead the inventor to share the information for the progress of society in exchange for exclusive rights for a limited time. Patents provide the inventor with the opportunity of monopoly during the production process of the invention, and this encourages research and development. Without the protection of patents, most of the individuals and companies may not take risks, or invest money and time for designing and developing new products. The society could have been destitute of thousands of innovations from mouse traps to new medicines, communication systems, energy resources, etc., and the global econo-

my would have rapidly stagnated without the new products and technologies. So, we can say that patent is the most effective way to encourage technology transfer: each patent certificate defines a different aspect of technology with clear and distinct terms and can be read by anyone. Patents are especially made accessible for the public in order to support information sharing. As we will discuss later as part of this course later, patent is rendered accessible for the public by means of not only official publications, but also the numerous patent databases in all corners of the world. Patent is both a vital source for the progress of societies, and an important resource for employers, researchers, inventors, academics, and others who want to keep pace with the developments in their fields. As is seen, there are several rights on intellectual works. Each of these rights protects immovable assets in different ways. In fact, these rights can act together for the purpose of protecting the aforementioned assets in order to provide a more common, more effective and stronger protection. As such, it is possible to see that a product is protected by patent, industrial design and brand. The design of a cell phone can be protected under industrial design; A technical solution can be protected by a patent; A cell phone can be protected by a brand. Have a nice day... January 2015


34 HTE

“Ipeks realizes distinctive upholstery and drapery fabrics thanks to its integrated plants�


ne of the successful companies in textile city of Bursa, Ipeks aim to improve its customer satisfaction with new offers. A high level manager of Ipeks company has informed us about his company and targets for the new year.

On the history of Ipeks company Our company was founded in 1974 to produce fancy and knitting yarns production in Bursa. The company assumed its present name Ipeks Textile in 1986 and has been a respectful name in upholstery fabrics, weaving, dyeing and yarn production. We have been serving in

the Turkish textile industry with our staff of 240 who are working in our factory of 17.5 thousand sqm.

On products, facilities and capacities The company has three separate facilities each having an integrated operation as looming, dye-house and fancy yarn plants. Ipeks weaving plant has 6.5 thousand sqm covered area having a monthly production capacity around 500 thousand meters of jacquard fabrics for upholstery, backdrop, and bed covers in automatic looms. Ipeks dye-house is able to function to process a wide range of volume of fabrics from 2 Kg. to 2000 Kg. having 16 dyeing drums and 1500 cells SSM transferring machinery. Its monthly production capacity can reach to 750 tons. January 2015


Fancy yarn facility of Ipeks is equipped with modern machinery and is able to produce 700 tons chenille yarns and 250 tons of fancy yarns that are sold to hand knitting, draperies, upholstery and apparel manufacturers.

On export markets Products are mostly sold to 35 countries in Russian federation, Middle East, Europe and North Africa. Every year new target markets and new customers are added to the list of buyers. 75% of our production goes to export markets, 15 % sold for hotel projects, and 10 % is sent to domestic sales. Studies we have done under ISO 9001 framework, more than 90 % of customers are satisfied. We aimed to 100 % customer satisfaction.

On the importance of participating in the fairs We have already booked our place in Evteks Istanbul, one of the important fairs in the world of textiles. Besides, we try either to participate or visit to other fairs in the world such as Heimtextil, Frankfurt, M覺fs Moscow International Furniture Show, Mebel, Moscow, ForMobile, Brasil, Furniture Fair, Belgrade.

On targets for 2015 For the coming year we aimed to make our customers satisfied more with the efforts of our development staff of 14 who are trying to develop new varieties and colors in our integrated plants.


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Facets of Splendour home / contract textile trends

2015/2016 by Milou Ket Styling & Design Heimtextil Frankfurt January 2015 / UTIB January 2015


Dear Visitor, I am proud to present to you the latest home textile & contract business trends by this booklet; “Facets of Splendour” The trend booklet you are reading has been made in order to provide inspiration and to contribute to innovations in the Turkish home textile and contract business industry. This textile booklet provides information on trends which have been adapted and visualized according to the language of textiles. The aim of this booklet is to provide a tool for developing collections in a meaningful way so that your business can better engage with it’s consumers and in order to further grow your brand. The trend area has been designed within the name “Facets of Splendour”. The trends exhibited in the Trend Area are for the season 2015-2016. In interior textiles and contract business, as Turkey, at the point that we reached today, decorating a hotel in Brussels, furnishing a restaurant in Shanghai, completely providing the textile needs of a hospital in Moscow, to supplying seat coverings of a cafe in California is our business. Tens of thousands of people in many countries of the world, especially for high segment needs, use our products. Our sector offers high quality service in the global market with its capacity, technology, quality and trend creating designs and also is raising its market share by intense promotion and marketing activities. Among the main factors providing success in the sector, one of the most important one is brand creation. Today, it is apparent that the companies which truly ascend in terms of their brands become more powerful in the international arena. Furthermore, adapting to high value-added products, participation in international fairs, consideration of intellectual property rights, human health, environment and total quality management issues also support the competitiveness of the sector. I believe that the trend area and this booklet will contribute to a better perception of the level that the Turkish Home Textile and Turkish Contract Business has reached worldwide. I would like to express my sincere thanks to everybody, who contributed to excellence and innovation. I wish you a successful and inspiring fair!

İbrahim Burkay Chairman of the Board of Directors Uludağ Textile Exporters Association Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Uludağ Tekstil İhracatçıları Birliği Chairman of the Board of Directors Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası


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January 2015


Milou Ket is a world-renowned stylist with unique and extensive experience as concept designer and as consultant in retail, buying, merchandising and the creation of collections. With her international scope and forward thinking vision, she is known for her insights in emerging trends for the immediate future, translated and applied in a practical as well as an aesthetic manner, especially for the hospitality and the residential markets. Colour, atmosphere, style, prints, materials and design are all incorporated in a harmonious entity. She publishes annual books on trends for the interior for the near and more distant future, centred on the design aspects of innovation. Milou Ket is also an advisory member of the Trend Board of MoOD Fair in Belgium and delivers seminars at Heimtex in Frankfurt. She is based in the Netherlands. Her relationship with Turkish textiles dates back to 2003, when she was first invited by Uludag to speak about Trends for Interiors at Evteks. Over the last 10 years she was invited by both Uludag and Tetsiad to give presentations at each Evteks in Istanbul. She acted as a consultant for several Turkish textile companies and her books on interior trends are in demand amongst Turkish companies and designers. She is trend advisor for Ihlas Magazine in Istanbul for Home Textile Export and Contract Textiles International. It is with great pride and pleasure that she has accepted the invitation by Uludag to present the Turkish Textile industry at Heimtex 2015. Being well-acquainted with and a lover of Turkish textiles, she conceived the title “Facets of Splendour” to highlight the different aspects of the Turkish industry, their know-how and craftsmanship. For this project Milou has sought the supportive collaboration of a team of experts in their field. Amongst them is Belgium’s Marc Geysen; designer, trend watcher and technical expert on Flemish textiles, and also part of the advisory committee for MoOD Fair in Brussels and consultant for Textivision in Belgium. After informing the manufacturers on trends and colours, he has joined Milou Ket for the selection of the fabrics and will support her in the presentation of the fabrics at the booth in Frankfurt. The trend presentation “Facets of Splendour” focusses on the myriad aspects of Turkish textiles, their unrivaled expertise and craftsmanship, their excellent quality and their incessant innovation. From an international perspective the project shows a vision on future trends, colours and style. The presentation will explore the themes of “Comfort Zone”, “Memories”, “Legends and Traditions” and “Mystic Jewels”, for the 15/16 season. Milou and her team hope that this booklet and the presentation may arouse inspiration and thus contribute to the quality, image and opportunities of the Turkish textile industry.

Milou Ket Styling & Design www.milouket.com | www.milouket.tv


48 HTE

January 2015


Inspiration This theme is inspired by nature, a serene quiet atmosphere in a range of natural colours. Around white, warm beige with a golden light to shades of grey, with accents of brown. Textiles with textures are extremely important to add warmth to the interior. Sometimes combined with worn and aged materials, metallics such as light gold and copper add luxury and glamour. We see irregular textures, such as ripples, fossils, shells, seeds, feathers and a range of animals. Also ideas derived from origami and pleating.


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Comfort Zone Well-being Nature inspired Textures Organic Broken Earth Fragments Origami Facets Angular Geometric Pleated Mouvement Light & Shadow Effects

Paint brushes 3-D Effects Wood Grain Polkadot Variations Timeless Feathers Laser-Cut Stains Frayed Raised Surfaces Elephant Skin Wrinckles Vintage Effects

Used Look, Worn, Aged Cudly, Cozy Icy Paleness Grids Tactility Metallic Shine Gold Dust Brushed Contrast of Matte and Shine Effect yarns Sophisticated Transparency

January 2015



Irregularity Ripples Spirals Strokes Speckled Fringes Waves Mud


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January 2015



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January 2015


Inspiration An optimistic and romantic theme in dusty pastel colours, highlighted by some fresher colours as an accent, especially by coral and citrus yellow. Neutrals such a white and beige are used as ground colours, respectively for a fresh or more nostalgic impression. Besides flowers, blossoms, birds and butterflies, sometimes with a hand painted aquarel look, we see geometric rhythmic motifs to balance the soft colours. Old and new, and matte and shine are combined for an interesting look.


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Memories Poetic Misty, Chalky pastels Feminine Romantic Florals Butterflies Birds Memories Worn and Aged Scrap Book Ideas Lace Iridescence

Shine Vague Effects Digital Flowers and Bouquets Hand Painted Aquarel Effects Vintage DegradĂŠ Photographic Ideas Transparencies Optical Rhythms Voiles Hologram Ideas

Fadings Delicate Coral and Citrus Accents Out of scale motifs Splashes Pixeling Bright Accents Contemporary Romance Graceful Old & New Repetitive Geometry

January 2015




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January 2015



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January 2015


Inspiration In this theme we see a mix of several cultures for a Bohemian lifestyle. Souvenirs from faraway places take their place in our interiors. The colours are warm, expressive and harmonious. Especially textiles play an important role and are the main factor to obtain the atmosphere. We appreciate again local products, made with craftmanship, often based on tradition and authenticity. Old processes are re-invented and combined with new techniques.


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Legends & Traditions Bohemian Gypsy Ottoman Authenticity Handcrafted Mix & Match Irregularity Local Folk Art Navajo South American

Kelims Tribal Ikat African Tie and Dye Shibori Hand Painted Effects Embroidery Applications Fringes Vegetal

Indigo Tile Motifs Velvet Chenille Mosaics Geometrics Embellishment Hand Made Effects Patchwork Geometry Handweave Look

January 2015



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January 2015



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January 2015


Inspiration In this theme the atmosphere is opulent, luxurious and sometimes glamorous. Historic influences play a role, for instance inspired by the still lifes of the old master painters, botanical ideas and the curiosity cabinet. The emphasis is on deep, dark mysterious colours with bright accent colours, that seem to shine like gems in the night. The materials are richly decorated, such as velvets, brocade, chenille, and embellished with oxydised metals such as gold, silver, copper and bronze.


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Mystic Jewels Dark, Mysterious, Opulence Matte/Shine Historical, Luxury Metals, Metallic Dust Gold, Silver, Bronze Copper, Messing Oxydized Metals Classical Motifs Still lifes, Botanical Old Masters Flock Print

Rich Velvets Chenille Ausbrenner, Lace Curiosity Cabinet Embroideries Fur and Fake Fur From Focussed to Faint Crystals, Gems Sequins Embellishments, Decoration Reptile

Stellar, Meteorites Stained Glass Windows Metallic Jacquards Glamour Iridescence, Mother of Pearl ReliĂŤf Damasks Golden Glow Shadow Effects Double Sided Monumental

January 2015


Classical Large Repeats Optical Illusions Glitter Richness Graceful Feathers


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January 2015



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January 2015



76 HTE

Ali Erdem Textile produces value through surplus products trade


li Erdem entered in the textile industry in 1995, as a manager to serve textile companies. In 2007 he decided to establish his own company who deals with the trade of surplus materials and textile goods both in the country and in abroad. He introduced his business:

On products, markets and volumes

Ali ERDEM Chairman of the Board

We have been active in the trade of various products including, towels, bathrobes, kids apparel, home, hotel and hospital textiles, bed sheets and bulk textiles sold to wide range of buyers. Upon demand of our customers’ we can supply 100 thousands of towels, 25,000 bathrobes, 50 thousands kids robes, 10 thousands bed sets including linens, pillows and bed covers monthly. January 2015


Our products are sold mainly in South American, North African and similar markets.

On the importance of surplus product trade for businesses and for the economy Products produced by textile companies are extra amounts of production that were rejected by their contractual buyers on variety of grounds. Among the reasons that some products may be rejected, returned or reclaimed by ordering companies are, products that do not comply with the order specifications, use of different materials, problems and delays in delivery times and

terms, faults of printing and production, etc. Sometimes, unsold products may be treated as surplus textiles. Producing companies are very sensitive on buyer satisfaction, so they accept all acclaims they have got from their buyers in export markets. Some of the products are allowed to be sold in secondary markets after the labels and names of brands are removed from products. This saves both prestigious, fame and costs for both sides. Buyers of surplus products are also happy because they buy valuable textile products at much lower prices.

Trevira CS performed well in 2014


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Business situation and core areas


usiness of globally active fiber manufacturer Trevira has been proceeding satisfactorily. Business with fibers for technical applications, nonwovens and other specialties particularly recorded pleasing developments. Taken as a whole, sales of flame retardant fibers and yarns were by and large as planned, according to Anke Vollenbröker, Head of Marketing at Trevira: “A product doing well is the range of hybrid yarns for stiffened materials (using Trevira NSK): These are used especially in solar screening. Not only our own program is developing continuously, there is also a series of new products emerging from yarn finishers. Usage of these special yarns allows the manufacture of textile fabrics for interior solar screening that meet requirements in terms of light reflection, permeability and absorption. As a result, they are able to contribute decisively to efficient energy management in buildings. These textiles can also take over additional functions, such as sound proofing, for instance. They are free from PVC, formaldehyde and halogen. It is now possible to create a variety of different looks in solar shading – the range extends

from extremely flat technical surfaces to natural looks. We continue to see great potential in spun-dyed yarns, an area of ongoing importance to us. These yarns are also in fashion for ecological reasons, since there is no need for an additional dyeing here.” New products include yarns with enhanced UV stability. Recently introduced onto the market, they have been taken up by some fabric manufacturers who are working on initial developments. Possible applications include seat covers for outdoor furniture.

January 2015


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Trevira was at MoOD again with its square in 2014 Trevira was once again present as an exhibitor at MoOD in Brussels, together with its customers at the Trevira CS Square. “Customers indicated last year that they continued to value MoOD as a joint appearance of Trevira CS partners and we had therefore carried on the concept in 2014“, said Anke Vollenbröker. 2014 saw the addition of the VIP Lounge, which was available to customers for meetings. As was the case in the last two years, fabric manufacturers with a broad variety of product programs were again taking the opportunity to present their latest Trevira CS collections at the fiber manufacturer’s joint stand: Delius, FIDIVI, Müller Zell, Pugi, Wintex, along with Mario Cavelli. Several more Trevira CS suppliers were at MoOD with their own stands. At the adjacent MoOD Yarns Trevira yarn partners Lei Tsu and Vlnap displayed their latest collections.

Initiative Textile Räume: the new sector network for more fabric in the house Together with partners from the sector, Trevira launched in June 2014 a far-reaching initiative to promote the home textile market in German-speaking areas. With the foundation of the “Initiative Textile Räume“, companies in the fabric and home textiles sector aim to set a clear marker. In order to give fresh stimulus to the sector that has been stagnating for years, and to boost the sales of furnishing textiles, there is to be for the first time a joint, large-scale communication offensive, directed primarily at the end user, but also including the contract market. Following the kick-off at the end of June in Frankfurt, many companies had expressed their willingness to join in. They included Backhausen, Christian Fischbacher, Création Baumann, Gebr. Munzert, Gessner, Interstil, JAB Anstoetz

Group with all brands, JOKA W. + L. Jordan, Kupferoth Interiors, Nya Nordiska with all brands, Rasch Textil, Romo Group, Sahco, Saum & Viebahn, Schmitz-Werke, Tisca Tiara and Mira X, Trevira, Zimmer + Rohde along with the Association of Interior Furnishers and EuroInterior at European level back in September. Anke Vollenbröker explains the involvement of Trevira: “We are convinced that we can only develop the impetus needed for a project like this by involving as many stages in the supply chain as possible. This is all about bringing the consumer to focus on the idea of home textiles again and in so doing develop a demand from the end user – if we succeed, then everyone will benefit.” Later in the year the initiative also gained members among foreign suppliers active in the German-speaking regions. The official start for the campaign is planned for the beginning of 2015. January 2015

Pijon Textile, A company that open to innovation and modernization


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aving a modern production facility in Bursa, Pijon Textile company was founded in 1998 by Bulent Endez, who has years of experience in the textile industry. Equipped with modern machinery, the factory produces flat and jacquard zebra curtains, curtain aris, silhouette blinds, roller blinds tulle, digitally printed zebra curtains, and net curtains at world standards. The company has a production capacity of 100 thousand meters of curtains per month 40 % of which is sold in export markets. Since the establishment of the firm emphasizes on the quality, confidence, and trust that all are for peace of mind for both customers and for all partners.

Levent Endez

B端lent Endez

Thanks to the efforts to keep abreast of technological developments with new investments in manufacturing technology the company has realized a fast growth in exports. Products are exported to six foreign countries.

January 2015


Bulent Endez, the founder of the Pijon Textile Company, says about production process in their new facility, “We combined all stages of production from yarn to the end products. Fabrics woven in our premises are subject to finish process that is the most important part of the production process of roller blinds and zebra type products. For this reason we do it in our own factory.” He believes the importance of fairs and exhibitions for textile industry. He says, “Evteks and Heimtextil fairs are the major ones of the events. They both have valuable services for manufacturers as well as for professionals in the textile field. They are successful when exhibitors and visitors are both satisfied with the results they get from the event.”


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Boyteks - flawless sensation of nature and a respectful brand in upholstery fabric…

B Mevlüt Baydar Upholstery Division Manager of Boyteks

oyteks is a trademark of Boydak Holding which is one of the largest industrial conglomerates in Turkey. It produces upholstery fabrics in Bursa for furniture manufacturers and jacquard woven and knitted mattress-ticking fabric in Kayseri for bed manufacturers. With one of the highest production capacities of jacquard woven and knitted mattress-ticking fabrics in the world, Boyteks produces high quality upholstery and curtain fabrics in its facilities in Bursa Organized Industrial Zone with a covered area of 23.700 m². Boyteks finalizes all stages of the production with ERP system and barcode control, from yarn preparation to dyeing, quality control to finishing procedures in its fully integrated facilities. We asked the secrets of success story of Boyteks to Mevlüt Baydar, Upholstery Division Manager of Boyteks. Full text of the interview follows:

January 2015


Can you detail us your product range? In addition to mattress ticking and carpet production in Kayseri facilities, we produce 4 different ranges of products in Bursa plant: • Jacquard and woven upholstery fabric, • Outdoor Fabrics with 3 different content; 100% solution dyed acrylic, 100% Polyester, and 100%PP • Office Furniture Fabric • Jacquard and plain Velvet

How do you develop your new products and designs? We utilize internal design house as well as external design studios from all around the World. Our marketing team together with R&D team follows almost all of the related exhibitions in the World and visits customers frequently to identify their needs and wants. Every other week our marketing team comes together with our R&D team to discuss trends. These activities enable Boyteks to prepare its collection for upcoming year. For example we are in the process of preparing our 2016 collection right now.


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There are a few ‘Boyteks’ companies active in a few sectors such as fabric, mattress-ticking fabric and carpets. Is there a synergy among these companies with regard to developing design and new products or marketing and participating in fairs? As you stated, we have 3 main product groups, mattress ticking, carpet and upholstery fabrics. Our headquarter is located in Kayseri city where there is an advanced R&D activities take place. Once the innovation idea created, we apply it to our different product groups. Our design teams visit the exhibitions together and evaluate artworks from different external studios. In addition, we participate exhibitions together where it is appropriate. Therefore we take advantage of being in different areas of textile.

January 2015


How was 2014 for Boyteks? 2014 was a very difficult year for upholstery fabric manufacturers in Turkey; however, it was great for Boyteks. We realized our targets, increased our market share and the number of customers. We started selling to the countries that we didn’t sell in the past in 2014. This fact encouraged us to invest in our business and that’s why we break the ground to double our covered area from 25.000 square meters to 50.000 square meters. We will have a brand new dying house, another stenter, and some other extra finishing equipment to add more value to our final product.

At which international fairs shall we see Boyteks in 2015? Boyteks will be at London Fabric Show, Showtime, MoOD, Evteks and Shanghai Hometextile.


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CIFF’s September edition moves to Shanghai after its success at last edition in Guangzhou From 2015 on, the September edition of CIFF will move to Shanghai while the March edition will continue to take place in Guangzhou

Shanghai China Expo Complex

January 2015


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he 34th edition of CIFF, the largest exhibition in the world in the furniture industry and the main business platform in Asia, was held in Guangzhou , 5 through 8 September 2014 and was attended by 1,030 companies (13,4% more than previous year) on an exhibition surface of more than 200,000 square meters and by buyers from all over the world, as well as delegations of European, Russian, American, Australian, Turkish and Japanese designers and qualified operators. In preparation for a 2015 that will bring significant novelties, enthusiasm and new business opportunities in the largest integrated exhibition platform at an international level, CIFF September widened its range of products by adding new sectors, office furniture, hotel furnishings and furnishings for large public spaces, machinery for the furniture industry and raw materials, to the traditional ones: January 2015


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home furnishings, outdoor and leisure-time furniture, accessories and decorations for the home and furnishing textiles, thus making CIFF an essential event where it is possible to assist to the entire supply chain of the furniture market.

CIFF 2015 Shanghai From the year 2015, the September edition of CIFF will move to Shanghai within the magnificent National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), a futuristic structure with a surface of about 1.5 million sqm, of which 400,000 of exhibition space; just inaugurated, the complex is close to the ShanghaiHongqiao airport. CIFF 2015 Shanghai will be held from 8 to 12 September 2015 on the scale of about 200.000 sqm. The two phases of the March edition (CIFFHome Furniture and CIFF-Office Show) will go on taking place in Guangzhou as always.

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In a moment of great transformation for the whole China, CIFF evolves too; it moves and changes by confirming to be a dynamic reality, always seeking the very best for its exhibitors and the utmost satisfaction for its visitors. In Shanghai all of the CIFF’s sectors will be represented: home furniture; decorations, household accessories and textiles; outdoor; office furniture; furniture machinery and raw materials. It will be a totally renewed CIFF, even more efficient and more attentive towards the environmental sustainability. The CIFF’s organizer, the China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition General Corp., besides to be leader in the realization and management of fairs, with its 57 years of successes, is making great and substantial efforts aimed at offering the very best to exhibitors and buyers. Moreover, the China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition General Corp., aware of the importance of being always efficient and competitive in global markets, opens to the collaboration with other national and foreign fair groups in order to be able to always offer more choices and opportunities for success.

January 2015


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13 bn dollars, home textile industry in Turkey TETSIAD reports: Production value of the home textile industry in Turkey is up 80% in the last five years; 5.5 bn dollars to export markets, 8 bn dollars to domestic market.


aving a powerful position in home textile field in the world, Turkish textile products are sold in hundreds of countries. The industry based its competitive power on added value of the products not on price, as it was in the past. Aiming to empower the growth of the industry, member companies and the Tetsiad itself try to bolster their promotions through several organizations held both in Turkey and in abroad. Marriages in the country are major force behind the growing demand. Needs of about 20 million families and 600 thousands homes that were emerged annually by marriages are pushing the figures up and up. When the developments in tourism and health industries are taken into account, it is forecast that domestic market is growing 10 to 15 percent annually.

Yasar Kucukcalik

While informing about Tetsiad and about the size of domestic market, Yasar Kucukcalik, the chairman of Tetsiad, said, “Domestic market is important, naturally. However, the industry has a remarkable potential for further growth in export markets. Exports are about 5.5 billion dollars including suitcase trade data. Growth in domestic market is

President of TETSIAD

January 2015


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in parallel to the growth in purchasing power of the total population. Middle class has the highest ratio of growth as in the all other developing economies. Share of home products is also rising. Main group of buyers are focused on health and quality issues more than focused on prices. On the other hand, number of enterprises in the industry has increased 23 percent during the last five years, while production value rising 77 percent at the same period.� Being a powerful competitor in world home textile markets Turkish home textile products are sold in hundreds of export markets with their proven qualities. Turkey is no longer competes in global markets on prices, instead it plays on quality and value. China has the largest share in home textile exports in the world and is followed by India, Pakistan, Turkey, South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, Italy, USA, Belgium, Japan and France, respectively.

January 2015


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“Christian Lacroix Maison”, living the Lacroix experience everyday S

acha Walckhoff, Creative Director of the Christian Lacroix brand since 2010, has launched various lines of home accessories. Christian Lacroix Maison voices its energy and its love of colors not only through lines of upholstery fabric, wallpapers, and accessories (rugs, cushions...) edited by Designers Guild but also through a porcelain tableware collection designed with Vista Alegre; a range of decorative wood panels, created in collaboration with Marotte; a line of stationery manufactured by Libretto; and finally, a selection of scented candles for Welton, London. Throughout all the collections, from fashion accessories to men’s ready-to-wear lines and now a collection designed for home interiors, Sacha Walckhoff is reinventing the signature themes of the Lacroix house in order to reach out to a new public.

January 2015

“Atelier” by Christian Lacroix Maison and Designers Guild 2014 Collection


It was only four years ago that, together with Designers Guild, we launched our first “Home décor” collection. “Atelier” is yet another small revolution for our brand, since it is only composed of solid color fabrics! Atelier is made up of a quartet of refined fabrics, the very material any Parisian workshop simply cannot do without: the “Saint-Honoré” wool broadcloth, the “Beaux-arts” satin, the “Castiglione” tweed, and the “Monceau” velvet. These are available in more than fifteen different colors ranging from Rouge Garance to Vert Chartreuse, and from Gris Tourterelle to Parme Glycine. Each and every tone has been selected with the greatest care to perfectly complement our main collections. So from now on, our customers can mix and match solid colors with fancy ones, just as any workshop designer has the luxury to do.

Christian Lacroix maison and Designers Guild “Belles Rives” 2014 Collection A voyage in space and time on the French Riviera: this is the starting point of this new Christian Lacroix Maison collection for Designers Guild. A joyous mix between different styles and eras, where the “Japoneries” of the stylish ladies of the “Croisette” coexist with the leopard tapestries of the “Santo Sospir” villa, Jean Cocteau’s famous sanctuary in Southern France. Bold, fresh and vivid colors reminiscent of the frescos Le Corbusier painted for his friend Eileen Gray’s villa in the foothills of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, have inspired sparkling “Piscine” aquas as a silk damask, rich magenta and lavender shades of the climbing “Bougainvillier” satin, or the dazzling “Citrus” palette of the region reinvented as a flamboyant candy-stripe. There’s a touch of humour too, with a nod to Princess Grace’s “Pearls” necklace, which calls to mind the jewels she steals in La Main au Collet, as Hitchcock’s muse.

Finally, how can one forget the seafront “Cabanons” of the hotel du Cap Eden Roc where Marlene Dietrich would meet the Kennedys for unforgettable lazy social afternoons, or the “Batailles de fleurs” carnival procession in Nice, or Monaco’s “Jardin Exo-Chic” or even, last but not least, the honorable Sea-Bathing Society’s discrete “Bains de Minuit” of the extravagant Anja Lopez... Join us in this collection’s happy toast, “Long live the Côte d’Azur!”


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Christian Lacroix Maison and Vista Alegre “Paseo” 2014 Collection It is the “Paseo” motif, embroidered on the cape of a 19th century bullfighter, which gave birth to the “Oro y Plata” design ornamenting this white porcelain by Christian Lacroix for Vista Alegre. This design, sometimes engraved into matte biscuit, sometimes chiseled into glossy porcelain, but always adorned with gold and platinum, lends an aura of subtle singularity to this collection designed for festive meals or romantic dinners on the French Riviera.

Christian Marotte




Founded sixty years ago, Marotte is renowned for its magnificent wood panels sought after by prominent architects and interior designers all around the world. Their fine work is very much in the great tradition of French cabinet-work, and always shows profound respect for the environment.

January 2015

Although the collection of decorative wood panels designed by Sacha Walckhoff for Christian Lacroix Maison was presented for the first time at the Designer’s Days 2010, the exciting and enriching collaboration between Marotte and the Artistic Director had already begun several years earlier, when the manufacturer was approached to fit out the brand’s boutiques. All the verve of the world of Lacroix is expressed in this collection and through highly creative work, whilst also respecting the past, Sacha Walckhoff has transposed the brand’s icons onto oak, ash, sycamore, and walnut— as well as onto exotic woods like lati, koto, and aliegre. Carved, sandblasted, screen-printed, with marquetry... the woods have been handled like fabrics in haute couture. A guipure design on wengé, embroidery on walnut, an acanthus motif on an exotic wood... The same ideas are used for the “Paséo”, the “Cabinet de curiosités”, the “Œillets”, printed onto walnut or ash, or with the marquetry motif that pays tribute to the faiences from the studios in Arles, the birthplace of the House of Lacroix.



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Christian Lacroix Maison and Libretto Spring 2014 Collection The Christian Lacroix “Papier” range, distributed in leading stores and museums around the world, such as Le Bon Marché, Liberty, Selfridges, Lane Crawford and Neiman Marcus, was launched in spring 2010. It includes notebooks and sketch pads, along with correspondence, greeting and birthday cards, which draw their inspiration from the Christian Lacroix icons but also from the spirit of the times. Embellished with ever-more refined techniques and graphics, we find, for example, the ‘Voyage’ diary, and a selection of more contemporary notebooks such as the ‘Love who you want’ journal, designed as a vibrant and humorous homage to the “Mariage pour Tous” campaign in France, not to mention the range of monochromatic notebooks in either black, gold or silver, to accompany you every day.

January 2015


Sacha Walckhoff – an artistic director who is faithful to the spirit of Christian Lacroix Sacha Walckhoff was born in France in 1962, but spent most of his childhood in Switzerland. After studying at the Barcelona Arts and Fashion Techniques School, he first worked in various ready-to-wear fashion houses — Jean Rémy Daumas, Dorothée Bis, and in 1992 with Michel Klein. That same year, he met Christian Lacroix and became his artistic consultant; their collaboration was to last for seventeen years. Initially in charge of the off-the-peg lines, he was then appointed Studio Director in 1996, and became the couturier’s righthand man in 2002, when he created his own company. At the same time, he was also a consultant for Kenzo and Jean-Claude Jitrois between 2000 and 2002. When the couturier left the House of Christian Lacroix in 2009, Sacha Walckhoff was appointed Creative Director. Since 2010, he has been the designer for the men’s ready-to- wear collections, the eyewear and sunglasses lines, scarves, and leather goods, along with the product lines for “Maison”. He draws his inspiration from many sources: a certain eclecticism once championed by figures like Madeleine Castaing, Jean Cocteau and Tony Duquette; the design currents of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, French, American, or Japanese; and even the images by Horst for Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar. Not to mention, of course, the inspiration he derives from the fashion house’s archives and its flamboyant past, or from everyday life in its every shape and guise: streets, exhibitions, vintage bookshops, travels, flea-markets...


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Nayir Tekstil produces and exports a broad range of home textile products January 2015



ayir Tekstil has an active and respectful history. Starting as a home textile company in 1996, Nayir Tekstil has always been an active and dynamic company throughout its 19 years of history. The company operated in Mardin city between the years 1996-2003 and continued in Adana between 2003 and 2010 when it moved to Istanbul. Nayir is currently headquartered in Istanbul and has production facilities in China where Nayir produces bedcovers, tablecloths, French fabrics, beaded and non-beaded French borders and transports them to Turkey. The product range of Nayir Tekstil includes a broad spectrum of the home textile industry including bedcovers, tablecloth sets, pique sets, quilt case sets, French fabrics, beaded border, non-beaded borders and fancy bedcovers. Paying attention on R&D studies and product development Nayir Tekstil always renews its trends and improves quality. Placing extra importance on marketing at home and abroad the company has always been participating in the Evteks Home Textile Fair of Istanbul.


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Paris Tekstil offers competitive kitchen textiles


s a leading supplier of napkins, kitchen towels, drying cloth, tablecloth and loincloth, Pariş Tekstil Company has been exporting its products to some neighboring markets and targeting to expand it market more. Mr. Ahmet Paralı of Pariş introduced his company and products they sell.

January 2015


Brief history of our company As one of the oldest families in local textile products business in Denizli founded by our forefathers, our com¬pany has started to produce plaid tab¬lecloths in 1999. Although this pro¬duct has been known mostly as cheap commodity goods we try to produce highest quality and to sell them under registered brand names.

Product portfolio and production capacities Napkins, drying cloths, loincloth and tablecloths are our major pro¬ducts. We basically produce what are needed in kitchens. Our daily production capacity for napkins is about 7 thousand pieces. We can produce 120 thousand pieces of tablecloths and 90 thousand pieces of loincloth, the fabric used in saunas and common baths for covering private parts of the body. We pay great attention to details, quality and trust of our customers. We try to increase not only our product volumes and profits we also try to maximize the quality of relations¬hips with our customers.

On target markets We mostly sell our products in Turkey. However, more and more products are now sold to buyers in Kosovo, Greece and Azerbaijan, our neighboring countries. Our markets will be proliferated in the future, we believe. Presently we are wholesaler but our vision is to target the end users in retail. Customer evaluations are important for us. We try to develop new patterns and new products for our markets. We have plaid, prin¬ted, and embroidered varieties in our product range.

Other comments Our trade customers are aware of the quality of our products and they can sell them at higher prices to consumers. We are growing year after year. We are producing better and better products in terms of quality and aesthetics.


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Sasmaz Tekstil produces a wide range of home textiles Nazenin brand of the company has an international reputation for its quality and reliability

January 2015



stablished in 1983 to produce raw fabrics and piques the company sells its products both in domestic and export markets. Şaşmaz Tekstil has two prestigious and respectful brands namely Nazenin and Cotton Land. Started to produce packed products in 2005 the company has a dynamic and flexible form to add new products constantly to its product portfolio. Ismail Safa Sasmaz of Şaşmaz Home Textile Company introduced his company:

On the story of the brand We have been producing textiles in our first factory in Denizli. Then we moved to our second and larger factory we had built in Denizli Organized Industrial Zone over 5,000 sqm. land having 2,700 sqm. covered space. At the beginning we had been producing only raw fabrics for other processors. Then we began to produces packaged end products for the needs of individual customers under Nazenin and Cotton Land brands. They were liked by consumers. Then we expanded our product varieties that now include pique sets, imprinted pique sets, bed sheets, linens, jac-


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quard towels made of cotton or bamboo fibers. In 2012 we engaged in the production of cotton satin linen sets that were also attracted interest and demand from buyers. We have been adding new patterns and motifs on our products continuously. We produce digitally printed cotton satin 3D linen sets as a complete collection under the Nazenin Home brand.

On export markets and targets Presently we are exporting directly to our buyers in Germany, Poland, Greece, Kazakhstan and Iran. Our products are sold in Russia and Ukraine that are exported by other traders.

On the activities in fairs We will be at the A01 stand in the 4th Hall in the Home&Tex Fair that will take place at CNR Expo, 19-22 November 2014. We have prepared new models, new products and new collections for our customers. We hope they will like all of them.

January 2015


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Sueda Textile expands its product portfolio with additional categories


ome textile industry in Turkey has been concentrated in certain regions of the country. One of the famous production centers for textiles in general and home textiles in particular in Turkey is located in Bursa province and another one is Denizli province. These cities have great shares in Turkey’s exports of several industrial and consumer products categories especially textiles. Founded in 1997 by Mithat Ozdemir, Sueda Textile company is located in Bursa. It has been producing textiles and apparel products for both export and domestic markets at the early years of its operations. Mithat Ozdemir of Sueda Textile company introduced his company, activities, aims, targets and his plans for the future. While informing about their growth strategy he mentioned about the stages of progress his company has made in the past. He said, “For years we produced and sold sports apparel in export markets. We earned great amount of income from export sales. Then we added home textile items to our product range. First we began with production of bed and quilt sheets. Then, having large amount of orders for other categories of home textile products, we began to produce bed covers. We make our guipures that we apply on our products. We have been producing guipures for four years. During our

January 2015


visits to and participated in the fairs we saw a potential for other kinds of products. At present, we are producing almost all kinds of products in the field of textiles. We even partially produce fabrics for our manufacturing process. We also buy fabrics from other producers.”

Customer satisfaction is important for our company. They are demanding quality products and we are also keen on producing high quality product for them.”

Mithat Ozdemir said about processes in the factory, “Fabrics are first cut and then they sown as end products. Guipures and laces are made. Products then are ironed and packaged and be readied for delivery. Our sales team who is following a customer centric strategy, arrange all activities to deliver the orders as fast as possible. We keep right amount of stocks in our factory with an aim to produce high level of customer satisfaction by delivering our products without any delay.

“Success in business is highly related with the success of our teams that all try to produce high level of customer satisfaction. Thanks to our efforts of staff, our products are sold in export markets. Presently, we sell them to customers in Russia, Soviet republics, in Africa and some European countries. We aim to increase our market shares in these markets in all categories of our product portfolio in 2015. Exporting our products to USA market is our another target for the year 2015.

On export markets and export operations


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Normally we produce standard products and models demanded most of our customers both in the country and in abroad. However, we are also ready to produce for special orders. That is, we are able to adjust our products and their specifications according to the orders and desires of our customers. We also offer extra and complementary products and services with an aim to produce hundred percent customer satisfaction. Besides, our staff is always seeking for better products and solutions, We invest in research and development efforts in our company.�

On promotional activities in fairs and exhibitions “We participate mainly in Evteks and Hometex fairs. The first one is held in Istanbul, Turkey. Fairs and exhibitions are important activities to promote our company and our products to professionals and corporate buyers in both domestic and international markets. We consider to participle in Heimtextil Fair, held in Hamburg. Developing new and innovative products are very important in our business. Fairs are functioning as incubators for finding new ideas, developing new products, watching global and regional trends and getting to know about prospective customers. Fairs and exhibitions are fertile fields to seed and develop fruitful and profitable relationships for trade and business. In the future, we aimed to increase both the number of product varieties and targets markets both in the country and in abroad. We are also establishing new business contacts in the export markets we have close relations.�

January 2015


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Denizci is now selling “ice” to Eskimos


fter working at various companies in Bursa for 16 years, Denizci sold his car for 22 thousand TL in 2006 and made use of that Money as a capital to import curtain fabric to 40 countries today. When he first founded his company, Denizci made use of his home as an office and he said that his first export was to Poland. Stating that they started to become capable of exporting to 12 countries a year later, Denizci said they expanded their business into the markets of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Korea and China. Mentioning about their sales to China, Denizci said: “There is manufacturing everywhere in China. Selling to China is like selling ice to Eskimos. My clients in Europe can purchase goods from China. It is difficult to sell goods to China. There is foreign language problem. 99 percent of the clients in China cannot speak and write in English. Sending goods to China takes 6 or 8 weeks. When we load goods into the plane, this period can take less. What is important in China is to find the right people and to avoid traps. As a result of my researches and studies, I managed to find a distributor. 30 percent of our export is consisted of China. We aim at reaching 50 percent in 2014.”

January 2015


Stating that they prefer to work in undiscovered markets more, Denizci said: “Last year, Turkey’s export to the Democratic Republic of Congo was 5 thousand dollars. In the last expo, we made a deal for 100 thousand dollars. We are currently working for this.” Ayhan Denizci, who sold his car in 2006 after working at various companies for 16 years in Bursa, has been exporting to 40 countries in total by stepping into new markets in curtain fabric sector. The most important problem of Denizci is China – the focus of attention for many textile businessmen. Denizci thinks that exporting to this country is like selling ice to Eskimos. Ayhan Denizci, owner of Marinero Home Companies of Ayhan Denizci Textile Industry Trading Ltd. Co which was founded in 2006 and working in Ayhan Denizci Textile Industry and Trading Ltd. Co.


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Turkuaz Textile supplying quality yarns S

Serving a lot of industries including home textile, draperies, upholstery, apparel, technical applications, outdoor, military and automotive, the awardwining yarn producer TURKTEX focuses on synthetic yarns, polyester and texture yarns, polypropylene dyed, multifilament, spin and Fancy.

tarted as managers in the textile industry in Istanbul, Burhanettin Eraslan and Dundar Cetin founded their business in Bursa where the industry is strong. In a short period of time they made the company a respectful brand. TURKTEX, Turkuaz Textile Foreign Trade Ltd. has been a sought after company in Turkey and in foreign market. Following is an interview with Burhanettin Eraslan and Dundar Cetin, partners of Turkuaz Textile located at the Bursa Demirtas Organized Industrial Zone. The company produces yarns for home textile, automotive and technical textile producers.

How was the story of Turkuaz Textile began? We have been employed by Baydemirler company in the fast growing phase of textile industry in Turkey. We established Turkuaz Textile in 2002, since then we grow fast in terms of both capacity and sales.

Who are your target buyers and what are your products? We have been focused on the production of synthetic yarns that were demanded by several industries including home textile, draperies, upholstery, apparel, technical applications, outdoor, military and automotive. Polyester and polypropylene air textured yarns, polypropylene multifilament CF dope dyed, twisted yarns and fancy yarns are our major products.

January 2015


About export markets A leader among others in the market, Turkuaz company sells half of its production in domestic market, and the rest is exported to Europe, Middle East and North Africa.

On R&D activities We aim to increase our market share by having new products. We developed our own technology to produce air textured yarns that are suitable for outdoor fabrics in our polypropylene spinning facilities. Turktex is the leader in this category. In 2015 some new products will be developed and launched into domestic and export markets and we will get additional shares from these markets.


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What distinguishes Turktex from others? The technology we developed is our major competitive power. We also improve our products to make them more functional and efficient to meet the needs of customers. We have also a wide range of product variety and color choices. We can produce both small and large amount of batches to suit the needs of buyers. We are in close proximity to the hearth of our market and provide a dependable service and quality.

Recently you got an award in the Mood Fair where you participated in. What are your feelings about this? We have been honored with this award. It is the fruit of our efforts. And it is also a good proof of our success and leadership in the sector. It motivated us greatly. We participate in every possible fair, including Heimtex, International Istanbul Yarn Fair, Hometex and MoOD. We are planning to participate in apparel and automotive fairs in the near future, to increase our shares in apparel and automotive industries.

January 2015

PARIS / 23-27 OCAK 2015 / 4-8 EYLÜL 2015








PARIS / JAnUARy 23-27, 2015 / SePTeMBeR, 4-8 2015 MAISOn&OBJeT 20TH AnnIVeRSARy BORn AnD RAISeD WITH M&O BlAnc D’IVOIRe, AT M&O SInce 1995




148 HTE

Seha Textile, a reliable brand in home textiles

The company has a great success in selling its exclusive products with Aqua-Soft brand name in domestic and international markets.

January 2015



t all started a quarter century ago in Denizli, Turkey when Seha Textile opened a home textiles business offering a wide range of quality products at affordable prices. Seha Textile, one of the leading textile companies in Goveclik, Denizli, has been manufacturing towels, bathrobes, bed sheets and quilts, sleeping sets, pique and hotel groups in any dimensions and quality. Seha has a great success in selling its exclusive products with the patent of AquaSoft in import and export business. Exporting 80 percent of their production to Europe and Africa countries, Seha is proud of offering 100% customer-satisfaction guarantee. With the OEKO-TEX 100 standards, Aqua-soft products of Seha Textile never damage the nature with no any chemical material. They have rich and profound experience in the development of bamboo towels that never contains microbe. All their products are 100% cotton, soft, hygienic and quality.


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Seha Textile is one of the best companies dedicated to Textile industry, serving a variety of customers around the world satisfying those customers remains the focus of everything they do. They are manufacturers and exporters of various kinds of fabric made of 100% cotton products. The aim and effort of Seha Textile is to put together a team of extremely efficient experts to service the needs of retailers and wholesalers. They offer a gamut of services, right from procuring products from the leading manufacturers, to providing special embellishments and finishes on clients’ request, to quality assurance and packaging. Their commitment to provide their customers with the finest products at the best prices has enabled them in winning their trust.

to have honored all the commitments made to their clients resulting in long term relationship. Seha Textile has a modern integrating R&D, production and marketing of products by undertaking the development of the second generation of products with higher technological contents and larger added values. Seha’s efforts are relying on technologies and continuous innovations. Manufacturing quality products with high-end machines and offering them at affordable prices, Seha Textile aims to spread all Aqua-Soft brand products all over the world. Meeting standards without sacrificing quality, Seha Textile is planning to open up additional markets.

the importance of value: value for money, service which is valued by their customers and the value of, their most important asset, their colleagues. They firmly believe that engaged, talented and motivated colleagues are at the heart of the business. So they need talented developer and marketer in order to promote their products worldwide. Seha Textile is a mix of system that aspires for nothing but the best in terms of quality and standards. Subsequently they have achieved the reputation for being the best and competitive amongst their competitors worldwide. Their strategy is to offer their customers highest quality products, excellent service, on time delivery and production flexibility. A combination of these factors guarantees total customer satisfaction. The effectiveness of their management systems, the skill of their workforce and the quality of their products are their real pride comes from their ability

January 2015

International Trade Fair for Producers of Upholstery, Window & Wall Coverings

moodbrussels.com facebook.com/moodbrussels twitter.com/moodbrussels linkedin.com/company/mood---meet-only-original-designs

MoOD is organised by Textirama vzw, Poortakkerstraat 90, BE-9051 Gent, Belgium Phone +32 9 24 38 450 - fax +32 9 24 38 455 email: info@moodbrussels.com

The Finest Fabric Show is in Brussels

September 8 - 9 -10, 2015

On Kervancı competence in home textiles


152 HTE


perating in the home textiles industry for almost 15 years On Kervancı Home Textiles Company has already recorded a great success story with its experienced team. The company has a wide range of products and it always continues to add new products thanks to its R&D team who attach great importance on innovative studies. On Kervancı increases its sales platform in Turkey with customer satisfaction and quality service it offers. Operating as a wholesaler in the sector, On Kervancı serves retail market with a new approach by offering quality products with competitive prices. On Kervancı Home Textiles officials say that they take pride of offering quality products to their esteemed clientele.

Nusret ÖZER Chairman of the board

“On Kervancı attaches excellent importance not only for selling product but also for after-sale support services. We aim to attain customer satisfaction with total quality management without compromising on quality. Beginning to grow firstly in

January 2015


The company closely works with retail clients, from design to delivery, to ensure exclusive product quality, service and price.


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Bursa, Turkey, On Kervancı continues it activities on the highway of Bursa-Ankara,” the official noted. With its experienced staff, a serious approach to business, many years of experience, timely delivery, stable price policy, On Kervancı promises to add value to the national economy by using natural resources in an efficient manner dedicated to fulfill social responsibilities. The company closely works with retail clients, from design to deliver, to ensure the best possible combination of exclusive product, quality, service and price. “As a leading provider, our experienced sales team, who knows the rules of the game in business, are dedicated to exceeding the demands of our discerning customers, will work closely with you to ensure your needs are met. On Kervancı will keep committing to innovating technology and striving for excellence and sincerely looks forward to cooperating with friends from all over the world,” the official outlined.

January 2015


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Armes Home expands its markets and enriches products Ozgur Ozdemir, Chairman of the board, Armes Home dowry products company, introduced his company and its activities.

January 2015


Ugur Özdemir

Özgür Özdemir

On the history of Armes Home company Our business, Ozgur Ceyiz, was a small shop, a retailer-producer of dowry products in Inegol market district in Bursa, founded by Ibrahim and Semra Ozdemir in 1985. The foundation of business actually was started when she began to produce hand-made embroideries for dowry textiles at her young age. Since then for 28 years both Semra and Ibrahim Ozdemir have been producing with the same enthusiasm and dedication they felt at their first day in business. The company has produced for other sellers between 1985 and 2010. In 2010 ther took a radical decision to produce under their own brandname, Armes Home. Then the second generation of the family entered the scene as part of the company who look for a future full of hope and success.

On products and production capacities We make embroidered bed sets, pique sets, bride sets, and bed covers in home textile branch. We can produce 200 hundred thousands sets in our facilities that is equipped with automated machinery operated by professional staff. Since we are self-sufficient, we have an advantage for provided quality products on time.

On production facility Our factory is on Visne road in Bursa, has 2.000 sqm of closed area. Fabrics enter in factory and are out as packaged items.


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On export markets and target markets Presently we export our products to markets in Europe, North Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Middle East. Our target markets are North and South America and the Far East.

On customer satisfaction Despite some sales and production problems in textile markets, our company keeps its growth successfully. We are aware of the importance of customer satisfaction. Trust of our customers comes from our integrated efforts to adapt our offers to the needs and desires of buyers, our prudence, productivity, quality, economic prices, timely delivery and our respect to our customers.

On fairs, targets for 2015 and general comments We participate in or visit to fairs and exhibition held in the country and abroad. They are all valuable activities to expand ofr vision and to find new markets and customer segments. In 2015 we will watch developments in the markets and increase our capacity and markets we have been in. We aimed to get more share in the market by expanding our product portfolio. January 2015


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2016/2017 trends by Milou Ket Interiors In the new Milou Ket INTERIORS, Edition 2016 / 2017, the most influential international themes are shown.

January 2015



he book contains both summer and winter themes. There are six themes featured, all with their corresponding colour cards. For weavers, printers and spinners there is a special Home Colour Box available, with colours, meant for the interior, contract and hospitality market, where cotton yarns are dyed after specification. This is a separate product, but they also offer extra skeins on request to go with this book. Besides that, a list of the compatible Pantone® cotton colours is shown. In general the interior had become more relaxed. Interiors will become more individual, cosy, and show a warm atmosphere, where people mix and match, re-use and recycle. Sustainability has become more important. We see many carpets. Worn and aged aspects and personal treasures are appreciated. Also styles are mixed. We want to bring nature into our homes; we will have more plants and



herbs. Neutrals remain important as a good base, but coloured walls and especially coloured accessories will gain importance. Pastel colours will be the most important. The first theme “Dynamic Energy”, shows bright and primary colours, often against a white, neutral or black background. The second theme ”Shine & Reflections” has two colour cards; one in light cool pastel colours, the other shows a range of fresh accent colours. These should be combined. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the third theme that focusses on warm colours for a Bohemian lifestyle, inspired by different ethnic ideas. In “Down to Earth” the emphasis is on earthy neutrals with a warm character with lots of textures in warm beige shades, greys and browns. Nature plays a central role in the theme “Aquatic & Botanical” in yellows and greens inspired by flora and fauna, landscapes, and the blue/green colours of lakes, lagoons, and oceans. In the last theme “Magical Mystery Tour” we are inspired by our cultural heritage, old masters, luxurious materials, in exciting accent colours on some basic dark colours. Shapes are minimalistic. Metallics are important.


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1. DYNAMIC ENERGY Inspiration The role of colour has changed. A few seasons ago bright colour made a strong statement as a colour shock, now it will be applied in a different way: for a statement a strong coloured piece such as a chair or sofa is added. For the rest colour is less aggressive, but will be more applied in smaller quantities, and mainly for accessories. Art is an important source of inspiration, for instance in Pop Art, optical illusions, the art of Sonia Delauney and Vasarely with their bright effects. Colourful textiles and wallpaper are popular. Artful geometry, and painterly effects such as blending watercolours and grading of colour are important. Mistakes from the computer are used in prints. Everything is light and airy. Therefor we will see a lot of metal wire furniture and metal constructions. Ceramics and glass will play a major role. Opposed to cool, transparent materials such as glass and shine we will see warm, textured materials such as a felt and solid wool. Coloured led’s will be important.

Colours In this theme bright and primary colours play a role. They are often combined with black and/or white to have an even greater and stronger impact and to accentuate the colours even more. We also see that they are applied in grading of colour with either pastel colours or the dark colours. Or bright colour in combination with neutral colours. As colours we see Bright Yellow, Bright Orange, Bright Pink, Bright Red, Bright Green, Bright Cobalt Blue, Bright Peacock and Bright Purple. Turquoise is still around.

2. SHINE & REFLECTIONS Inspiration This theme has a contemporary feel. The atmosphere is friendly and soft, without being too sweet or romantic. Handmade aspects from knitting and crochet are important. Old handicraft and new techniques are combined. It is subtle; it seems inspired by Japanese design, with its soft grading of colour and blushing effects. Tactility is important.

January 2015


Modern materials and furniture with mirror effects, transparency, and iridescent effects give products a fresh young look. We see iridescent lamps, overlapping coloured glass shapes, we see facets and reflections. Products are partly covered by metallized or shiny glaze. Here also a relaxed look is important. In bedding we see an abundance of linen. Textiles on furniture have often an outer seam for a relaxed look. Copper and amber are added for a special effect.

Colours We have two pastel colour cards for this direction. They are meant to be combined. The first one is light and cool; the second is fresh and will add interest. They can be combined with white, sometimes with a small highlight by a black outline. The first range consists of: Pale Skin, Pale Yellow, Ice Blue, Lavender, Pale Rose, Pale Yellow Green, Pale Turquoise, and Pale Green. The second colour card consists of Pastel Yellow, Peach, Shrimp, Lipstick Pink, Pastel Lilac, Acid Yellow, Mint and Pastel Green.

3. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Inspiration This style direction is based on a Bohemian lifestyle, where colourful products as souvenirs from different journey’s find a place in the interior. They come from different corners of the world, namely from North Africa, Morocco, Turkey, the Middle East, India, South America, China and Japan. But there are also products that have a strong regional look, such as the Scottish tweeds, mohair’s and checks. Ideas from young African designers will influence our interiors, as African ideas once inspired the designers of the Memphis movement. Craftsmanship is an important feature, hand-made aspects and vegetal dyed products are important. Also the fact that every product is one-of-a-kind, imperfect and unique. We see authentic and traditionally made products in different handcrafted techniques, such as inlaid mother-of- pearl products, hand knotted carpets, hand weaves, basket work, etc. Indigo is an important colour. There is interest again in original and authentic techniques such as for instance shibori.


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Colours The atmosphere of this direction is warm and familiar, sometimes a bit eccentric. As colours we see Brick, Warm Orange, Amber, Mustard, Indigo, Light Aubergine, Deep Red and Warm Brown. All these colours combine well. Sometimes a few neutral colours can be added such as off-white or beige as ground colour. The range can also be well combined with brighter colours from other ranges.

4. DOWN TO EARTH Inspiration In this direction all emphasis is on a Nordic atmosphere with clear light, with simple but well- designed objects. A natural look is important. Because of the textures it never looks sterile or cold. All surfaces show texture, such as

a concrete look on the walls, marbling effects, irregularity and unevenness, worn and aged. A lot of products imitate these natural effects, textures and irregularity. It shows a worn and aged aspect and has sometimes a raw industrial look. The colours are neutral and will be warm and earthy, with the addition of a yellowish beige, a golden yellow, walnut and brown. We also see shades of grey. Materials such as concrete, clay, copper, glass and steel oppose warmer materials such as wood, paper and cork. Also textiles play a very important role to balance these cold materials by soft and warm effects, materials such as furs, shearling hides, and textured, hand-made objects: Plaids, cushions, knitted hockers etc. Some designers experiment with algae and fungi to inspire and develop new products.

Colours The colours in this direction are: Light Grey, Beige, Off-White, Snow White, Golden Yellow, Walnut, Deep Brown and Dark Grey. Gold and especially copper have become very import-

January 2015


ant and are also a way to add luxury and warmth to the interior. We see it back in metallic leather pillows, lamps and all kinds of decorative products. White and off-white are also important in combination with grey for a shadowy effect.

5. AQUATIC & BOTANICAL Inspiration Nature is the source of inspiration for this direction, especially the colours like greenish yellow, khaki and the blue colours inspired by lakes, lagoons and oceans. We take more and more nature into our homes, such as green plants, herbs, and images of animals, and even stuffed animals. It is a continuation of the previous theme “Botanical”, with interest in natural history books and the curiosity cabinet, with butterflies, insects and rare animals. Flora and Fauna, but also the creatures from the sea with shells, corals and fishes are a source of inspiration.

We will see a lot of show cases and bell jars. Also more abstract ideas such as landscapes, the sea, clouds and the weather are taken as an example to develop new decorative products. Besides that, also exotic nature will still be present. But in the future we will see more tone-in-tone interpretations of nature as the colour card shows. Linen will also here play an important role for the relaxed home. Huge digital wallpaper, covering a complete wall, will be applied in the interior for a special effect.

Colours As colours we see Deep Blue Green, Light Lime, Olive Green, Lagoon Green, Jade, Khaki Green, Citrus Green and Dark Olive. These colours evoke a quiet, tone-in-tone effect, but they can be the background colour also for more exotic nature. The bright colours from the theme “Dynamic Energy” such as pink, yellow, orange, red, green and cobalt can be added for the desired, colourful effect.




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PEACOCK CONTRASTS 6.7 6 MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR Inspiration This direction is characterized by a range of dark basic colours, highlighted by a few glowing accent colours that stand out against the darks, like gems against a velvet background or stars in the sky. The atmosphere is opulent and luxurious, with rich materials like velvets, satins and silks. It is based on our rich cultural heritage, historic influences play a role. The old painting masters from the 17th century are a source of inspiration. Portraits and still life’s are applied as huge digital wall coverings, but also for smaller objects such as trays, paperweights etc. Metallics play an important role, copper is the favourite metallic, but we will also see gold.

We see several mysterious accent colours, like magenta, purple and deep red. Deep peacock and navy blue are dramatic background colours, also used as paint colours. Grey, executed in woollen felt, with concrete and flannel, evokes a masculine atmosphere. Black and white combinations will continue and optical illusions play a role.

Colours For this theme we see a range of accent colours, that glow like gems or stars against a dark background. The colours are Copper, Warm Red, Deep Purple, Deep Peacock, Navy Blue, Magenta, Anthracite Grey and Black. Also Deep Brown from the “Down to Earth” theme could be used in this theme. The “Golden Yellow” comes also from that same range.

January 2015


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Alfa Kartela leads the way in its field!


hey had a printing house story originated from their machinery investment interest which led the way the company to be a binding giant in the sector. We conducted an interview with Orhan Akgoren of Alfa about their operations:

Could you tell us about your product groups and production capacity? Alfa Kartela has served the textile product producers and wholesalers since 2006. Entering the sector with contract production of hanger systems, Alfa Kartela has become one of the leading presses in Turkey over the time. We have a printing adventure because we attach importance to the machine investment. We are one of the industry giants in the field of binding business.

Alfa Kartela has been serving textile producers and wholesalers since 2006. Started with color chart on contract business Alfa Kartela has been one of the leading printing houses of Turkey in the meantime.

What are your product groups and production capacity? We organize our products into two collections: 1- Apparel Department: We serve our customers with sub-production of hanger with a staff of twenty people. We produce long type, waterfall-type and book-type hangers in this field. In this section, clearly to give a production capacity is difficult due to every fabric has its own characteristic. For example, timing of workmanship for Rachel knit fabric takes different times from a tergal 70 denier or 20 denier organza fabric. We know many different kinds of fancy fabrics due to our customer portfolio. That’s why our customers never get a delay in delivery time. 2 - Printing Section: There are ten staffs in this section. We are a giant company in Turkey in the area of bookbinder. We serve to the sector with series of cutting-edge technology machines and, fast and quality service. Daily capacity of our fully automated pasting machine for a standard heading hanger is 10,000 pieces. We have all the pressing types for heading hanger and we never spend time for sub-production. January 2015


Could you inform us about your manufacturing facility? We have a wide operating environment of 1000 square meters. We use many machines from yarn hanger to PVC mobile machine. We attach great importance to machine investment. These investments provide us to work in a clean, comfortable environment.

Could you give information about your current export market and your target markets? We notably export to Russia, Belgium, Israel, Iraq and

Greece. We are working very hard with these countries. We export more than these nine countries but turnover is not enough for us. We want to increase exports to these countries. A great buying power in the Russian market is available; we plan to increase the share of this market.

What is your policy on customer satisfaction? We know our place and our aim very well at service, so we have better and more quality service concept. Our company never leaves helpless your work with its large working area, machine racecourse, which supports all the requirement, strong staff and honesty at delivery time,


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friendly service and strong capital. ALFA KARTELA is an ambitious and self-sacrificing designer. It looks at the world from an innovation frame and with a wide color fan, our company starts every work not with its invitation, it starts every work with prepared work orders.

Do you participate in international fairs? What do you think about the importance of fairs in the sector? We participate in two fairs. One of them is Cnr Evteks Fair; another is Home Textile Fair Ankara. Evteks is an international trade fair. We find the opportunity to meet many local and foreign customers to work thanks to this exhibition. Home Textile Fair Ankara is first held this year and will be an exhibition about the domestic market. We have participated in Evteks for four years. Evteks provides us a lot of benefit. There are a few more international trade fair we want to participate in. One of them is Heimtextil Fair in Germany. Fairs are places where to meet customer trouble-free and directly.

Do you have goals for year 2014? Yes, of course. I think to improve on my job with short and long term business objectives. In this way, how big my target is so I can success so much. Year 2014 will be the year for market research. We made many investments for advertising. The return of these investments takes time, we know. We are a big company and I think that growth further needs more time. We serve home textile companies by producing hanger systems. We compete with not only Turkey but also world. Producing with more capacity, there are some companies in China, Italy and Germany. We see them as an opponent and strive to compete with them.

What would you like to add about the sector and your activities? I do not think year 2014 will be a very productive year. The slowdown has been continuing in European market due to the slowdown of the product purchase of companies we work directly or indirectly. This slowdown results from disinvest of some companies. Business does not stop in my industry. We facilitate movement to the sector by applying new hanger, new styles on old patterns. Then pieces of hanger decreases but we increase the number of customer when the system processing. January 2015


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Kirayteks produces technical textiles for decades O

nur Kirayoglu, of Kirayteks textile company, introduces his company and its activities for our readers:

On brief history and factory of the company Foundation of Kirayteks as a family business was laid in the seventies for weaving fabrics with a few looms. In line with growing demand, we expanded our capacity by moving to a factory in Demirtas Organized Industrial Zone. Now, our production has been carried out in the factory of 40 thousand sqm.

Onur Kırayoğlu Marketing Coordinator of Kırayteks

The factory is an integrated production plant carrying weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing and finishing processes under one roof. January 2015


On products and production capacities Fabrics for stor curtains, blinds, and upholstery are our major product categories. We have a good position in technical textiles markets in Europe. Our annual production capacity for fabrics that is demanded by mattress manufacturers are about 20 million sqm.

On markets and exports We mostly export our products to Europe and Russia. For about three decades we have been selling to other parts of the world thanks to our quality production and of being a trusted supplier for our customers.

We have been participating about three to four fair events held in abroad. They are important opportunities to find and meet with new buyers. We introduce our new products and our company in these events. The growth we have been realized forced us to re-organize our marketing and sales activities. In 2015 we aimed to increase our share in global markets.


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Well-known brands in clothing and home textile are manufactured in Turkey. The country's textile industry structure, its technical equipments, qualified human power and potential are at an higher level than other countries, but we of course have some shortcomings.

Günes Leather Marketing a competitive company in home textiles

Design is a vital for the industry's future. As that is in product, service and other all subjects; the fact that we cooperate with design world and follow new trends on design will make our success easier.

Q - What does a company need for a stable future? First of all, it is so important to institutionalize because to be institutional brings with stability, should bring with it.

Vodaper Günes Setting targetsbrand in the short,of middle and long terms, planning, producing projects, analyzing and has a respectful name in following rightly the industrial market, doing R&D investments,international keeping up with the technology are immarkets. portant steps in this sense.

b But now even women have at least as strong opportunities as men in recent years. I believe that now women and men work in same ursa is Turkey’s home textile hub. There are conditions. many internationally companies Surveys recognized show women's and brands in Bursa. Güneş Ltd. is one of these dominance increase rapidly in the respectful and reliable companies in the region. business world.


Güneş Limited Company, with its Vodaper brand, has been taking advantage of its vast experience during the span of more than a decade it has been doing production. The company, which has been producing in the weaving industry with an expert team, is proud to be of service to its customers in the jacquard weaving and dobby weaving fields.


Ever since the company’s establishment, Güneş has always paid close attention to quality and strived to achieve the more difficult things in the Q - How is to be woman in a male dominated busiindustry. That is also the reason it has become a ness known world?brand in a short time.

Working and making of woman is the first The company’s never money changing principles have step ofbeen freedom and it'squality, crucial. top I started to work for my famconsistent service, on time deliveries and greatlike prices becoming a of powerful ily business thinking that.thereby A woman's chance building name in competition. Asked about their competia career is slimmer than men in our community. But now tion power, general manager of even women haveCemal at leastGüneş, as strong opportunities as the men company, said, “We have many competitors in Far in recent years. I believe that now women and men work East but especially leading preferinin same conditions. Surveys showEuropean women'sbuyers dominance Turkey because of quality, design and service sucrease rapidly in the business world. periorities of Turkish suppliers.

97 January 2015


ow ratthe af-

erate and get positive feedbacks. 175

are one of these advantageous and competitive solutions to our customers. Our vision is to have a Q -We As a experienced businesswoman in the textile, suppliers. As Güneş Limited Company we are aware company that leads the industry, produces the best of the fact that we will only be as successful as the ideas and products to be a successful weaving comwhat doof work you think of the future? amount we put in understanding and applypany that also has a share of the international projing our customers’ requests. Taking into consideration the high amount of profits and business of the companies working with us, we have high responsibility with our work. Güneş‫ ‏‬Deri Pazarlama always works with the principle that consistent honesty and quality are the most important aspect in this industry and we thank you as our customers for trusting us and we will strive to continue serving you with the same principles in the future. Our mission, as Güneş Deri Pazarlama is to provide smart and functional

ects in this field.”

Asked about basic rules of success, Cemal Güneş As you mentioned, Bursa is home locomosaid,Turkey's “In general terms the basic textile rule is to know what you want, to focus on goal and set the right strategy tive. If you look back centuries, the textile industry's history goes on the way to go that objective. Our industry is affected by crisis and ups and downs. So, it is significant to provideof against this kind of situation, to constitute back nearly 1,500 years. In the period Ottoman Empire, Bursa a crisis management plan and improve your strategy was the center of weaving. First inoforder all,to stand.” I would like to say that to be in the textile industry in this kind of city gives me big excitement. If we assess Turkey's future in the textile industry, Turkey is a favorite country for Europe in recent years.


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Heimtextil has shaped up excellent!

Messe Frankfurt registered a large number of exhibitors including renowned new exhibitors and returning brands January 2015


Hall 4.0: the spectacular hotspot for trends and futureoriented themes


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NEW:‘New & Next’ presentation for young design expanded to cover the entire product spectrum at Heimtextil


he first major event of the year for the international furnishing sector: Heimtextil, the world’s biggest trade fair for home and contract textiles, opens its doors in Frankfurt am Main from 14 to 17 January 2015. In addition to an unrivalled range of products for the window, upholstery, floors, walls and sun-protection segments, as well as bathroom, bedroom and table textiles, Heimtextil 2015 will be distinguished by visionary trend presentations, informative events, international awards and other occasions for the sector. “Our aim is to offer the international sector not only the most comprehensive range of products at Heimtextil 2015 but also the earliest possible overview of tomorrow’s themes and trends”, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies. “I am confident that Heimtextil 2015 will achieve this goal, an optimism that is reinforced by the positive echo from the exhibitor side and our plans for a new, lavish trend area.” Outstanding number of exhibitor registrations
The coming Heimtextil is well on the way to being distinguished by an excellent number of exhibitors. In 2014, 2,714 companies made presentations and set a new record for exhibitor numbers at the fair. This positive development is set to continue in 2015, as reflected not only by an increase in the exhibition space already booked but also by the fact that several renowned new exhibitors have signed up for Heimtextil 2015. They include, in the home-textiles section, Boras Cotton,

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Epson Europe, J. Pansu and Perla Texbiar and Toray, and, in the case of household textiles, Andersen Textiles, bb&dd, EG.Heild, Fossflakers, GI.PE. Tex, Mistral Professional Textiles, Sot. Sboras, Spacio Repos, Tejidos Acabados Teycu, Udden, Värnamo Sängkläder, Visco Foam, ‘von Erika’ and Westmark. Several renowned companies that did not take part in recent editions of Heimtextil have decided to return in 2015. In the home-textiles segment, they include Diaz Sunprotection, Eisenkolb, Fine, Fine Art, Gebrüder Munzert, J. Pansu Paris, Johanna Gullichsen Oy, Ledieu-Houriez, Lodetex, Nelen & Delbeke, NMC, Nooteboom Textil and Tilldekor. Among the returnees in the household textiles segment are C-ENG, David Fussenegger, Fussenegger Heimtextilien, Steiner and Zoeppritz.

January 2015


Hall 4.0 to be occupied for the first time as the hotspot for tomorrow’s trends
In addition to the exhibition space used at previous events, Hall 4.0 will also be integrated into Heimtextil 2015 as the first port of call for all visitors looking for particularly innovative products and the latest trends, e.g., the booming field of digital printing, for which key players such as Epson Europe and Hewlett Packard will be taking part. Supplementing the exhibitors’ product presentations will be the 2nd European Digital Textile Conference, which is being organized again in cooperation with the World Textile Information Network (WtiN). New ‘Theme Park’ trend area
The event highlight in Hall 4.0 will be the ‘Heimtextil Theme Park’, which expands the previous Trend Show and moves from the ‘Forum’ to Hall 4.0 where it will provide a completely new form of presen-


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tation for the trends. The ‘Theme Park’ has room for a comprehensive show of future-oriented themes relevant to the sector. A series of measures will guide visitors’ attention to design-oriented, contemporary aspects including a ‘Material Gallery’ with specially selected exhibitor products, which provides an overview of the home-textile trends categorized by the trend themes for 2015/2016. The latest color trends will be presented at the ‘Color Pavilion’. Additionally, the ‘Theme Park’ will include hospitality, retail and sustainability areas. At the ‘Conference Space’ and ‘Community Area’, visitors can attend lectures given by top speakers and take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and information with colleagues. But that’s not all: films will also be shown at the ‘Theme Park Cinema’. The visionary presentations at the ‘Heimtextil Theme Park’ will be based on the trend forecasts of the Heimtextil Trend 2015/2016, which was prepared by an international Trendtable of six renowned design studios under the motto ‘Experience’. The lead studio this year is Stijlinstituut Amsterdam from the Netherlands, which has also compiled the Heimtextil Trend Book.

January 2015


Trend Spots for wall (3.1), sun (5.1) and retail (11.1)
Selected design aspects from the ‘Theme Park’ will be integrated into other exhibition halls in the form of Trend Spots. For example, there will be a presentation on the subject of ‘walls’ in Hall 3.1 showing exemplary applications for the wallpaper product group. In Hall 5.1, a Trend Spot revolving around the ‘sun’ will show the impact the trend forecasts for 2015/2016 could have on the choice and presentation of sun-protection products. In Hall 11.1, the retail trade will find valuable inspiration and examples for implementing the trend themes tailored especially to


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their requirements. ‘New & Next’: spotlighting young design
As at past events, the 2015 edition of ‘New & Next’ will reveal the creative design ideas of the coming generation. For the first time at the coming fair, however, this special presentation by start-ups and young designers will transcend the household textiles segment and embrace all Heimtextil product groups. The participants will include highly promising labels such as bb&dd from Tunisia, Maison des Dunes from Morocco, Sirftex from Portugal, Udden from Slovenia and von Erika from Germany. All are characterized by especially creative designs that, in many cases, are based on sustainable company concepts. ‘Green Village’: the center of sustainability expertise
For the first time, there will be a special platform

January 2015


for label issuers, certifiers and interest groups from the sustainability field. Heimtextil has been taking account of the on-going trend towards sustainable and fairly produced home, household and contract textiles for many years. Now, with the ‘Green Village’ in Galleria 1, it goes a step further and is adding a meeting place where visitors can gather information to the existing features. Moreover, they will also be able to obtain professional advice on the subject of sustainability. On the Friday of the fair, the ‘Green Village’ will offer a program of lectures on environmental issues and be the starting point for a ‘Green Tour’ during which participants will have the opportunity to make contact with companies operating with sustainable policies. Besides the ‘Green Village’, the Heimtextil offers a practical orientation aid for visitors looking for exhibitors with sustainable corporate policies: the ‘Green Directory’.


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Young Creations Award: Upcycling 2015 open to young designers from all over Europe
The subject of sustainability is also a firmly-established part of the ‘Young Creations Award: Upcycling’ competition, which opens to young designers from all over Europe for the first time in 2015. The award goes to the best works submitted by young international designers and spotlights the subjects of textiles, sustainability and design. This time, the focus will be more than ever before on the textile character of the projects. Thus, the rules now stipulate that textiles must account for at least 30 percent of the materials employed. In distinction to recycling, the aim of upcycling is to create higher-grade products using waste materials. With the competition, Heimtextil not only helps young designers but also reflects an innovative trend in the interior field that reveals unused potential for sustainable material procurement and production. A selection of the most creative interior-design products will be on show in Hall 4.2.

January 2015


Webchance Academy 2.0
Heimtextil visitors can look forward to a comprehensive seminar and lecture program focusing on the online business and marketing in the ‘Lecture Square’ of Galleria 1 on the Wednesday of the fair. The expert lectures will include examples of practical applications. Heimtextil 2015 will also offer basic lectures for e-commerce newcomers. And, for retailers with prior experience, advanced lectures will give them the chance to update their knowledge. All lectures will be translated simultaneously into English and are, therefore, of interest to both national and international attendees.


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New management at Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Ltd.

Mr. Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt (right), "We have ambitious plans and firmly believe that the new management pairing will contribute significantly to the company’s growth in the region.”

The Messe Frankfurt Executive Board has appointed I›n Sa¤lam and Tayfun Yard›m as Managing Directors of the company.


s of 1 January 2015, there will be a new management team at the helm of Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararası Fuarcılık Ltd. Şti. The Messe Frankfurt Executive Board has appointed Işın Sağlam and Tayfun Yardım as Managing Directors of the company.

They will take over from Mirko Schubert, who had been overseeing the Istanbul subsidiary and who will return to his position as Vice President in charge of International Sales Management in Frankfurt. January 2015


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Tayfun Yardım has been with Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararası Fuarcılık Ltd.Şti. since 2006; as Deputy General Manager, he was responsible for organising trade fairs in Turkey, marketing as well as international sales. Tayfun Yardım’s previous positions included General Coordinator at Hannover Messe Sodeks Fuarcılık A.Ş., a partner company to Hannover Messe International Istanbul, where he was responsible for organising trade fairs. Tayfun Yardım studied at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture. The subsidiary Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararası Fuarcılık Ltd.Şti. was established in the year 2000.

As Managing Director Finance and Administration, Işın Sağlam will be primarily responsible for the areas of Finance, Administration and Human Resources Management.

Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt: “We have ambitious plans and firmly believe that the new management pairing will contribute significantly to the company’s growth in the region.” From a geostrategic perspective, Turkey is one of the key markets for Messe Frankfurt.

Tayfun Yardım, as Managing Director Sales and Marketing, will be focusing mainly on event development management in Turkey and on the key account management of Turkish customers taking part in trade fairs in Frankfurt and at the company’s other locations around the world.

In addition to Automechanika Istanbul, which now takes place annually, the company has been organising Texworld Istanbul since this year. Messe Frankfurt is planning to invest in further show events in short notice.

Işın Sağlam and Tayfun Yardım will be jointly responsible for further developing the subsidiary and for the growth of events in Turkey.

Işın Sağlam has been Finance and Administration Manager for Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararası Fuarcılık Ltd.Şti. since 2002. Having studied Business Administration at Ankara University, her positions prior to joining the company included Ernst & Young, Istanbul being responsible for worldwide companies from various sectors including Finance, Production and Service, such as Tax and Financial Consultant.

January 2015


192 HTE

Ender Textile, for towels and bathrobes


nder is a Turkish company active in textile for more than 40 years. The company was founded by Hüseyin Gök, who was a yarn trader in Karahalli, Uşak province. Today, the second generation held by Ender Gök is managing the company.

Ender GOK Chairman of the Board

January 2015


Our production facility is based in Denizli, we have the latest techonology and we carry out the three stages of production on-site ; sizing, weaving, stiching. We offer an array of home and bath collection. All our items are 100% cotton. Due to the quality of our products and our experienced staff, we have managed to retain our customers throughout the years. Our products are distributed in Turkey and mainly in Europe especially in Germany. For many years, we have been exhibiting in all the fairs held in İstanbul, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt. Last year, we were delighted to exhibit our products in New York and introducing the quality of Turkish towels and home range to the US market. For 2015, we will be introducing our products and new collections to the UK and consolidatıng our market in USA. Due to the willingness to reach the end- user , We have opened two shops in Denizli under our brand name ‘Ender Home’. In 2015 we are planning to expand the number of retail shops.

Ender GOK Chairman of the Board

Tolga DEMIRAY General Manager


194 HTE

MK Kartela offers swatch cards for textile companies M

K Kartela’s owner Mßrvet Kutlu has a successful story in supplying swatch cards for almost two decades. She outlines her story:

Brief history of company I entered textile business as a swatch provider. Earlier I have been serving as ad agency. Started to making swatches for our client, a textile company, I personally saw a great potential in this field. There were numerous businesses doing this work personally or with small staffs. I decided to establish a structured company aiming high level of customer satisfaction. As an ad person, I believe the importance of having a brand name, so I decided to get a share in a fast growing niche in the market. My business officially started in mid 2012 to produce swatches for the textile sector. We design and produce both printed swatch cases and sorted samples, and we offer competitive prices for our services.

On product varieties and capacities MĂźrvet Kutlu

We may produce every kind of product sample services for textile industry, including headings, books for cards, catalogues for roller and zebra curtains, folders, and complementary products such as pvcs, pattern cards, packaging materials, design and printing services.

January 2015


With our service and quality policies, production capacities and customer satisfaction we aimed to be a leader in our niche. Besides special productions, our monthly capacity for productions is 100 thousand pieces. All works are done in our company. We deliver orders as promised.

Target and export markets Share of domestic sales is 80 % and exports accounts for 20 %. We have exports to Dubai, Iran, Bulgaria and Egypt. Despite some problems in the global economy, we keep our growth successfully. We are aware of the importance of customer satisfaction and professional services in expanding our sales. Our aim is to increase the number of export markets and volumes of production. Our clients prefer us

because we save their time by offering time saving solutions for our customers.

On fairs and targets for 2015 CNR Home Textile fair was the first experience for us in 2014. The next event for us will be its 2015 edition in Istanbul. In textile business the quality of swatches also determine the quality of the product sold. They are important tools for communication between sellers and prospective buyers. Swatches have similar function as exhibitions. In new year, we want to expand our capacity with additional machinery and our sales.


196 HTE

DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR registers

Record number of international exhibitors

Months before the event Domotex Asia registers record number of international players for this leading show of floor covering industry.


annover/Shanghai – Although the 17th DOMOTEX asia/CHINALFOOR is not taking place until 24–26 March 2015, the number of international suppliers registered to participate already exceeds the figure for the previous event. In fact, the number of wood flooring manufacturers expected to exhibit next time is 50 percent higher than in 2014. Four entire exhibition halls have been allocated to the display category Wood Flooring and Laminates, for which leading international companies such as Kronoswiss, Kronotex, Beaulieu, Ter Hürne, Egger, Berry Alloc and Witex have signed up. Major Chinese exhibitors include Nature, Sunyard,

January 2015


Yihua, Boer, Jinqiao, Teclic and Huaming. With this impressive lineup DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR reaffirms its status as the leading specialist show in the Asia-Pacific region not only for carpets and floor coverings but also for wood and laminate flooring. This year, trade visitors and exhibitors will again have an opportunity to use the lead marketing campaign offered by the organizers with the aim of maximizing the benefits of their participation. This program has been specifically developed to improve efficiency for trade visitors and exhibitors – for example, even before the show begins visitors will be able to quickly identify and exhibiting firms which match their interests and arrange meetings with them. DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR offers every exhibitor from outside the host nation the opportunity to benefit from the lead marketing campaign, which includes an evaluation of visitor invitation responses (using a special code system) and the online ranking of exhibitors, as well as free on-site advertising for the most popular exhibitors. Thanks to a new tool which collates and ranks the invitations the organizers are able to assess the results and announce the names of the most popular exhibitors, who will then be offered the opportunity to advertise free of charge on site at the exhibition. DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2014 had attracted 1,177 exhibitors from every segment of the floor coverings industry. Of these companies around 22 percent came from outside China. In 2015 the trade fair for carpets and floor coverings will occupy 12 exhibition halls with a total area of 140,000 square meters. uses of textile print are not confined to homes but the corporate world around us. For example hotels across the world have embraced to use of printing, both textile and otherwise, to create uniquely styled rooms within a hotel or used as a simple way to update the look of accommodation with a smaller investment than a full refurbishment.


198 HTE

E.L.Z Textile; from Denizli to world markets E

stablished by three brothers in 1994, E.L.Z Textile has been operating in supplying quality and trendy home textile products for over two decades. Having a successful and respectful past, the company has built up its brand “NUŞA” and made it a recognized name in the industry.

NUŞA has expanded and elaborated its field of activities based on its quality and reliability principles since its foundation and production start. Owing its success to its quality team, all Nuşa products are manufactured with care in hygienic environments without compromising on quality. They pass from the skillful hands of the team and are offered to the appreciation of its customers. The E.L.Z team strictly takes care of everything with precision from the choice of yarns to weaving and design.

January 2015


E.L.Z produces towels, bathrobes, pajama sets, morning gowns, etc. at its facility located on a 1500-sqm covered area in Denizli, a hub of home textiles in Turkey. The company designs its products by its own team and participates in international fairs to promote its quality products. The R&D department of the company has been sparing no efforts to make their brand a world brand. The philosophy of E.L.Z starts with quality production, strict quality control, good service and customer satisfaction. Considering the customers as their trade partners the management of E.L.Z Textile takes every measure to make their customers happy and to establish long-term cooperation with their existing customers and to develop their clientele by participating in international fairs to serve their goal.

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