Family & Wellness Special Edition

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Editors’ BOOKSHELF Self-help books on our reading lists for 2024!

Photo by Christina Palmer CS Photos

Oh, Winter. The season of cozy blankets, warm soups, and the not-so-fun game of "Guess The Communicable Disease The Kids Brought Home This Week." In our household, this past month has been a rotating door of sniffles, coughs, and sore throats. It's a familiar scene for many families, where each member takes their turn feeling crummy and the term "Man Cold" gets thrown around with a hearty laugh. Despite our best efforts with hand sanitizer (or "hanitizer," as our witty 6-year-old Emilie calls it), those persistent germs always find a way to infiltrate our immune systems and wreak havoc. As the holidays become fond memories, we eagerly turn our attention towards Spring, where the promise of warmer days and blossoming life awaits. In just a few short weeks, the snow and cold will gradually fade away, making room for the vibrant colors and renewed energy of Spring. It's a time of transition and we find solace in planning our upcoming projects for the warmer months. This issue is brimming with pages of inspiration, offering a glimpse into the possibilities that lie ahead. So, as you nurse your mug of tea (or perhaps your favorite warm cold remedy), take a moment to relax and dream of the brighter, less congested times ahead. Spring is on the horizon and with it comes the opportunity to breathe new life into your surroundings and embark on exciting ventures. Whether you're planning a garden makeover, a home renovation, or a creative outdoor project, let the anticipation of Spring guide your imagination. Flip through the pages of this issue and let the ideas blossom like the flowers soon will. From DIY tips to expert advice, we've curated a collection of inspiration to fuel your excitement for the season ahead. As we bid farewell to Winter's ailments and welcome the promise of Spring, let's embrace the spirit of renewal and growth. Winter may have tested our immune systems, but it's also given us the resilience to look forward to warmer, sunnier days. So, here's to dreaming, planning, and anticipating the joys that Spring will undoubtedly bring. Cheers to a season of warmth, creativity, and the promise of a less congested tomorrow!

Marc Atiyolil Editor-in-Chief

Build the Life You Want by Arthur C Brooks and Oprah Winfrey, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Just One Thing by Dr Michael Mosley, The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner



Family, Health & Safety Expert tips and advice for your family!


Recipe for Health Creating a healthier family kitchen.


In The Kitchen


Design Ideas We Love

Healthy recipes to try at home.

Creative ideas for your home that your family will love.


Design Boards


Problem Solved

Our editors take two classic exterior color schemes and give them a trendy update.

Learn how to solve common household issues.


Everyone is Talking About...


Elevated Luxury


Blueprint for Success


Closing Remarks

Must-see products and inspiration for your home!

An exclusive new collection from Jenny Packham!

Get inspired by some of Canada’s top movers and shakers!

Feel the love this Valentine's Day!

Family & Wellness Special Edition

Edito -i -Chie Marc Atiyolil

Senio Edito Crystal Adolphe Nationa Desig Edito Glen Peloso

Lifestyl Edito Mandy Atiyolil Desig & Even Edito Evelyn Eshun

Styl Edito Jo Alcorn Foo Edito Chef Rob Thomas Onlin Edito Rayelle Unrau Desig Edito Jillian Straky Cop" Chie Lorraine Jolicoeur Ar Directo Micheline Gosselin

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T. Subscrib Cal : 1-866-984-0940 All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the publisher. Canadian Home Trends Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Publications Mail Agreement No. 41438018 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Canadian Home Trends Magazine Box 7, Blumenort, MB R0A 0C0





BETTER SOAP Introducing Soap Friction - the solution to prevent dropped bar soaps and eliminate soap waste! Say goodbye to soap ends and experience cleaner, softer skin. The innovative Soap Frictions not only enhance your bathing experience, but also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing soap waste and eliminating the need for plastic bottles. Soap Frictions are machine washable for convenience and available in a variety of colors for a stylish look. Upgrade your daily cleansing routine with Soap Friction and enjoy a more sustainable and hygienic way to use bar soaps.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF A SAUNA Saunas offer a myriad of health benefits, making them a popular choice for relaxation and well-being. One notable advantage is the promotion of cardiovascular health. Regular sauna sessions induce a temporary increase in heart rate and improve blood circulation, which can contribute to better cardiovascular function over time. Additionally, saunas help in flushing out toxins through sweat, promoting skin health and detoxification. The heat-induced sweating also aids in weight loss by burning calories and improving metabolism. Furthermore, saunas have been linked to stress reduction and enhanced mental well-being, as the heat helps to relax muscles and release endorphins. The soothing warmth can alleviate muscle soreness, joint pain, and even contribute to better sleep. Overall, the regular use of saunas can be a holistic approach to fostering both physical and mental health. -

NATURAL HORMONE REGULATION What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects individuals with ovaries. The exact cause of PCOS is not fully understood, but it is often associated with an imbalance in reproductive hormones, including elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) and insulin. The symptoms of PCOS can vary but commonly include irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne, obesity and fertility issues. It can also be associated with other health concerns such as insulin resistance, which may lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. Management of PCOS often involves lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight management. Ovofolic® is a natural solution to support healthy hormone levels, menstrual cycles and ovarian health! It is said to help manage PCOS symptoms, regulate your menstrual cycle, promote ovarian health and support fertility. -



Embarking on a move, especially with young children, can be a significant adventure filled with excitement and challenges. To ease this transition, we've compiled valuable tips to help you and your little ones prepare for the journey ahead.

SPOTTING AND HANDLING ANXIETY IN MIDDLE SCHOOLERS Withdrawing from social situations, an unwillingness to engage in new experiences, and a reluctance to join extracurricular activities are all signs of anxiety — signs parents often miss. Other common symptoms of anxiety at this age may include school refusal, decrease in school performance, increase in behavioral problems at school, increased irritability, increased defiance, at school and socially, changes in sleep and poor self-esteem. WHEN IS IT TIME TO INTERVENE? You know it’s time to intervene when your child’s anxiety is interfering with their ability to function at school, at home, or socially. Additionally, if your child seems to be struggling in school, withdrawing from friends or activities, or generally having a difficult time, you should consider intervening. HOW TO HELP YOUR ANXIOUS MIDDLE SCHOOLER Find an undistracted time (in the car, at dinner, or at bedtime) to talk to your child and ask how they’re feeling. But don’t just talk: Being a good listener is vital. Try to avoid dismissing the feeling or telling your child they shouldn’t feel that way. Acknowledge their feelings. Maybe even repeat what you heard them say so that your child knows you understand. If you have tried everything you can think of, and really aren’t sure what to do, it’s time to reach out for additional help. You can contact a therapist, your pediatrician, or a school counselor.

EARLY COMMUNICATION: Give your child plenty of time to process and adjust. AGE-APPROPRIATE DISCUSSION: Discuss the pros and cons of moving in a way that suits their age and understanding. EXPLORE THE NEW COMMUNITY: Involve your children in investigating the new community, making them feel a part of the decision-making process. PRESERVE FAMILIAR TOYS: Familiar possessions help reduce children's anxiety. PACK CHILDREN'S BELONGINGS LAST: Prioritize packing young children's belongings last to provide extended access to their familiar items, easing their transition. FAMILIARIZE WITH THE NEW HOME: Plan a short, positive visit to the new home with your children before moving day. MOVING PARTY OPTION: Provide a positive way to say goodbye to friends and create lasting memories. PERSONALIZE BEDROOMS: Involve your children in deciding how to decorate their new bedrooms, allowing them to feel a sense of ownership and familiarity. KEY REMINDER: Maintain open communication throughout the process, understanding that adjustment periods vary for each child, ranging from a few days to several months. - For more tips go to


PETS & WELLNESS Cats and dogs cannot tell you how they are feeling and are good at masking illness. Because of this, wellness assessments are recommended. If a condition can be detected early, intervention can occur to manage or correct the issue before the condition establishes itself. Wellness care and screening is particularly important in senior and geriatric pets since there is a higher chance that an older pet will develop disease or have an ongoing condition that needs to be monitored. How often a pet should have an assessment depends on a few factors, such as the pet’s age, current health status and if chronic conditions are present. During the first few months of a cat or dog’s life, wellness exams are recommended monthly to obtain a full set of vaccinations and deworming. Once the initial set of vaccinations are completed, for the average adult dog or cat, annual wellness examinations are recommended. For senior dogs and cats, every 6 months is recommended. In younger dogs without noticeable health complaints, relatively simple testing may be adequate. In senior pets more comprehensive testing may be recommended. This can include a complete blood count, biochemistry profile, urine testing, and thyroid hormone screening. Your pet’s veterinarian is in the best position to make recommendations on how often your dog and cat should have a wellness examination based on breed, health status, and lifestyle. Appropriate recommendations including vaccinations, parasite control (including preventive treatments for intestinal parasites, flea and ticks, and heartworm prevention depending on your geographical location), nutrition, joint health, weight management, and dental care can be made.

CHOOSING A FAMILY VEHICLE Safety and functionality are key when choosing a vehicle for your family! Alyssa McKeown, General Manager at Forbes Motors suggests you consider these guidelines when selecting your family's next vehicle! VEHICLE SIZE: Begin by determining the suitable size for your family's needs. Consider whether the chosen vehicle can accommodate the family size you anticipate in the future. Vehicle sizes vary, ranging from 4 seats to 8 seats across 3 rows. Plan ahead for children growing out of car seats or boosters and becoming teenagers. CAR SEATS: All vehicles manufactured after September 2002 come equipped with child safety seat anchors. However, not every seat in the vehicle may have them. Verify the number of seats with anchors before finalizing your vehicle choice. INTERIOR: While cloth seats are the standard in most vehicles and budget-friendly, upgrading to leather provides easier clean-up, especially with kids. Factor this into your decision-making process. CARGO SPACE: Car manufacturers are creatively maximizing storage space. Explore vehicles with rear and third-row seats that fold into various configurations, accommodating cargo. Some models offer easy folding with a push of a button, while others may require more effort. Test different options, and bring your stroller or car seat during test drives to ensure a proper fit. Some models feature cleverly designed storage spaces for passengers' gear. ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY: Ensure your vehicle is equipped with sufficient USB charging ports for the entire family. Aim for at least four ports and assess this feature before finalizing your vehicle selection. This ensures everyone stays connected and charged during your journeys. -

FINDING THE RIGHT COSMETIC DENTIST When seeking a cosmetic dentist for a smile makeover, thorough research is crucial. Unlike recognized specialties, any dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dentist, making it essential to vet candidates carefully. Consider factors like referrals, credentials, continuing education, experience, and before-and-after photos. REFERRALS: Reach out to friends, family, and other dentists for recommendations. Personal referrals and online reviews can guide you to reputable cosmetic dentists. CREDENTIALS: Verify a dentist's qualifications. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) sets the standard for credentialing in cosmetic dentistry. AACD members, especially those accredited, demonstrate expertise. CONTINUING EDUCATION: Check if the dentist pursued post-graduate training in cosmetic dentistry. AACD offers valuable educational opportunities for its members. EXPERIENCE: Inquire about the dentist's years of practicing cosmetic dentistry and the percentage of their practice dedicated to it. High volumes of cosmetic treatments indicate experience. BEFORE-AND-AFTER PHOTOS: Ask to see real examples of the dentist's cosmetic work. Be cautious of retouched or stock photos, and request referrals for direct feedback. CONSULTATION TIME: Take your time during consultations to discuss your objectives and understand the dentist's recommendations. Effective communication is key to achieving optimal results. COMFORT LEVEL: Ultimately, choose a dentist whose practice makes you feel comfortable and well-cared for. A positive experience contributes to successful cosmetic dentistry. - Dr. Ed Lowe,

WHAT IS SELF-CARE REALLY? Crystal Kirk has experienced plenty of loss in her life including her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. As a result, she has become a strong believer in the importance of self-care. As 2023 came to an end, Crystal found herself recovering from a respiratory infection and made the decision not to exhibit her locally handmade footwear at any Christmas markets. Instead, she took time off to heal. This allowed her time to recover physically and as a result, become more mentally sound as she moved into the new year. We often think of self-care as bubble baths and spa nights. While those are great, self-care is so much more. As Crystal clearly understood, true self-care is about prioritizing your physical and mental well-being above all else. We are often quick to put our own needs second in the name of hard work, success, family, friends, money and a whole list of important things. And yet, sacrificing our own self-care means we put ourselves into a position where we are no longer able to give our best to anything or anyone else either!

Crystal runs George C. Kirk’s footwear, named in tribute to her father who passed in 2011, together with her siblings!

Self-care isn't always pretty and it isn't always relaxing. Sometimes, self-care is taking time off (and making a financial sacrifice) in order to recover. Sometimes it is seeking therapy to deal with grief and traumas you have not faced or making time for medical care you've been putting off. Perhaps it is setting boundaries in areas where your time and resources are being taken advantage of. The good news is that while these types of self-care can be difficult, the result is a longer, happier life with more time to spend on the pretty and the fun aspects of self-care such as hobbies, friends, and yes, even bubble baths!


Looking for more? Join Marc & Mandy along with your favorite celebrity designers, chefs and more on the Marc & Mandy Show each week! Check local listings for dates and times.

Sarah & Bryan Baeumler From renovation advice and current trends to pet peeves, parenting advice and tips for working together, HGTV’s Sarah & Bryan Baeumler share their best advice!

MARC shares some of his favorite picks from Soap So Co.


DALE EMERY gives us a behind the scenes tour at Jeff’s Auto Glass.


Trendsetter DANIELLE JENKINS shares with Mandy the inspiration for her cleaning product, Domestic Divas.


In this host chat segment, MANDY shares a favorite new pantry product made using rescued fruits!



In the fast-paced and often stressful world we live in, finding effective ways to manage our mental health is crucial. One such therapeutic avenue that has gained popularity in recent years is engaging in crafts and creative hobbies. In a recent survey of Cricut users, 78% of users said their Cricut helps with their mental well-being! Beyond the joy of creating something beautiful, crafting has proven to be a powerful tool for promoting mental well-being.

Crafting serves as a creative outlet for self-expression. When words fall short, art can speak volumes. Engaging in crafts allows individuals to channel their emotions into a tangible form, providing a healthy way to process and express feelings. Completing a craft project, no matter how small, provides a sense of accomplishment as well. In fact, the same survey showed that 87% of users say using their Cricut inspires feelings of accomplishment! This achievement can be particularly meaningful for individuals dealing with mental health challenges. Setting and achieving small crafting goals can boost self-esteem, instilling a sense of pride and competence.

with the benefits of self-expression, accomplishment, and social connection, makes it a versatile and accessible tool for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being. So, the next time you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, consider picking up a crafting project – you might be surprised by the positive impact it can have on your mental health.

Crafting offers a healthy distraction from the |pressures of everyday life. When engrossed in a creative project, individuals are able to temporarily shift their focus away from stressors, promoting a break from the demands of work, relationships, or other sources of tension. This break can lead to a reduction in overall stress levels. Finally, tools like Cricut can help individuals turn their creative hobbies into a secondary income! 29% of Cricut users say they use their Cricut to create things they can sell. Having this option at their fingertips allows them to reduce the financial stress of inflation and unexpected expenses! Incorporating crafts into one's routine can be a simple yet effective strategy for promoting mental health. The meditative nature of crafting, coupled

Ready to take your crafts to the next level? The new Cricut Joy Xtra is sleek and compact, with a neutral design – perfect for any space. With the ability to cut 50 materials, you can create custom décor, creative gifts or fabulous products to sell right at home! -


RECIPE fo health Designer Advice for Creating a Healthier Family Kitchen

Engaging in culinary activities with your children is a delight. My kids, especially my son Logan, adore cooking. Logan has been a fixture in my kitchen since he was about four years old, donning an apron and oven mitts, standing on stools that made him "this" tall. Meanwhile, my daughter Zoe takes on the role of a restaurant manager, just like her mommy. Our baking adventures in our newly refurbished kitchen contrast starkly with our old, cramped space. The former kitchen, small and impractical, lacked adequate counters for food preparation and storage for essential

tools. It transformed cooking from a joyful experience into a mere obligation to feed the family. The dingy and uncomfortable atmosphere stifled our potential for creativity and growth. Hence, when we renovated our home, the kitchen became my primary focus. Countless hours were spent meticulously planning the layout, understanding that our plight was not unique. Numerous households seeking kitchen renovations echoed similar tales of insufficient space, inadequate storage, and a general lack of functionality. The consequence? Ordering pizza too often and cooking

became a burdensome task that undermined our well-being and hindered our ability to impart healthy lifestyle lessons to our children. Healthy living takes various forms for different individuals, whether following dietary guidelines, practising vegetarianism or veganism, or adhering to specific dietary restrictions. Regardless, the essence of "healthy" remains constant. Homemade meals, in comparison to take-out, are often healthier. Moreover, involving the family in cooking endeavours amplifies the enjoyment of healthier living.


ORGANIZE Tailor your kitchen design to streamline your cooking process, ensuring easy access to frequently used items and maintaining a well-organized space for efficient cooking.

TWO FULL SINKS Having two sinks aids in maintaining a hygienic cooking environment, preventing crosscontamination when handling raw meats and facilitating easier cleaning of oversized cookware.

DECORATE WITH HEALTHY CHOICES Enhance your kitchen's appeal and promote healthy eating habits by showcasing a bowl of fresh fruit prominently. A pretty cake plate with a clear glass bell cover, filled with these healthy muffins will entice your family. Having healthy snacks within visual space always leads to better choices.

LIGHT IT UP Ample lighting, including pot lights, pendants, and under-cabinet lights, reduces frustration and ensures clear visibility during food preparation, yet provides options for ambient lighting as well.

TURN UP THE TUNES Create a music-friendly kitchen environment, whether with built-in speakers or through devices, to make cooking a more enjoyable and inspired experience.

BETTER APPLIANCES Invest in quality appliances that suit your needs. I love my gas stove so much that I have another one in a basement kitchen. If I had more space, I would have invested in a great wall oven as well. Undercounter refrigeration is a total game-changer.

Have Fun! Ultimately, prioritize creating a kitchen space that brings joy and pleasure. Life's too short to miss out on the fun that a well-designed kitchen can offer. Designer Revi Mula, Monaco Interiors,

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 22 minutes Total Time: 27 minutes Yield: 12 muffins

Banana Chocolate Chip fla muffins INGREDIENTS 1

large egg


large (1 1/2 cups) very ripe bananas

1/2 cup

unsweetened applesauce

1/4 cup

maple syrup or honey

3 Tbsp.

olive, avocado, or melted coconut oil

1 tsp

pure vanilla extract

1 tsp

baking powder (aluminum-free)

1/2 tsp

baking soda

1/4 tsp


1 tsp


1 1/3 cups whole wheat flour (can customize with flax meal, pulverized oatmeal, or other preferred flour)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Blend bananas and egg in a mixer on low until well combined. 2. Add applesauce, honey, oil, and vanilla. 3. Gradually add dry ingredients, ensuring full incorporation before further additions. 4. Incorporate any additional ingredients like chocolate chips, nuts, seeds, berries, etc. 5. Use paper cups for muffins or grease the muffin tray. Fill each cup with a scoop of batter.

Grilled Strawberry & Asparagus

Freeke Salad



1 cup

California strawberries

1. Turn on the grill and set it to medium heat.

6-8 stalks


2. While the grill is preheating, cook freekeh according to package directions.

¾ cup

cooked freekeh (½ cup dry)

1 Tbsp

shaved/grated Parmesan cheese or 6-8 shaved pieces

3. Clean, wash and dry asparagus stems. Place asparagus, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Place asparagus on grill and cook for 15 minutes or until desired tenderness is achieved.

1 Tbsp

walnuts, toasted (optional) and chopped

½ tbsp

olive oil plus ½ tbsp for drizzle

4. While asparagus is cooking, clean and dry whole strawberries (leaving stems intact) and thread onto skewers. Place on grill for 2-3 minutes or until the strawberries are just soft. Remove from skewers; remove the stems and cut into halves or quarters. 5. When asparagus is cooked, remove from grill and allow to cool. Chop into 1-inch pieces.

1 Tbsp

balsamic vinegar

6. In a large bowl, gently toss cooked freekeh, plus the strawberries, asparagus and walnuts. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Top with freshly grated or shaved Parmesan.


skewers, soaked in cold water if wooden

Find more delicious recipes at

Salt and pepper

r a e r d b p e


This kidney-friendly pie is perfect for those looking to limit their intake of sodium and phosphorus. It was developed by dietitian Hanna Kim for the Kidney Community Kitchen, a Kidney Foundation website that offers tasty recipes, tips and expert advice on how to make cooking fun, even if you have restrictions in your diet.

Prep time: 40 mins Cook time: Approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes Serves: 2

INGREDIENTS ½ head ¼ cup 1 tsp 1 tsp ¼ tsp 1 ½ cup 2 1 tbsp

2-3 5 sprigs 1 tsp

cauliflower, stalk removed grated parmesan turmeric Italian seasoning salt egg shredded mozzarella cheese red bell peppers olive oil + 1 tsp for drizzling on peppers and garlic garlic cloves with peel fresh basil cornstarch (or potato starch)

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 450°F (230°C). Wash and pat dry the bell peppers and place them and the unpeeled garlic cloves (this prevents the garlic from burning) on a baking sheet.

2. Drizzle on 1 tsp of oil and a dash of salt, then bake peppers and garlic for 30 minutes on the top rack until peppers look soft and brown.

7. In a small pot, stir bell pepper sauce for 10 to 15 minutes on low heat until the sauce thickens; set aside.

3. While peppers bake, pulse cauliflower in food processor until it’s crumbly and a rice-like texture.

8. Take cauliflower out of oven. After it cools, transfer to a clean cheesecloth or dishtowel. Squeeze out excess moisture and discard water.

4. Line baking sheet with parchment paper, then spread riced cauliflower in a single layer and bake for 15 minutes in the same oven, on the rack below the bell peppers and garlic. 5. Check on peppers and garlic. Take out of the oven once ready and let cool for 10 minutes. 6. Peel and trim stems off peppers and peel garlic. Add peppers, garlic, olive oil and cornstarch to food processor and run on high speed until mixture is finely pureed and smooth.

9. In a large bowl, add riced cauliflower, spices, parmesan, salt and egg. Mix well. 10. Press dough into a circle onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper at ¼-inch thickness. 11. Bake for 30 minutes at 400° F (200°C) until golden. Flip crust over and bake again for 10 more minutes. 12. Remove from oven and add roasted red pepper sauce, mozzarella and basil. Bake for an additional 5 to 10 minutes until cheese melts. Find more recipes at


Designer Christina Patan, Photography by Karin Louwerse,

indoor windows Small windows between rooms allows you to maintain separate spaces without blocking natural light.



functional decor

beverage center

A small rug and a pretty chair with throw pillows adds a cozy decorative touch but also provides functional seating at the same time!

Every kitchen should have a designated beverage area where appliances, cups and supplies are easily accessible for that perfect morning coffee or tea!

unexpected details

personal art

Throw pillows are the perfect way to add a fun, graphic detail that brings personality into the room but can easily be changed as interests change over the years.

Turning hobbies and interests into décor pieces adds personalization and visual interest to a space in a very unique way.

ABOUT THIS SPACE This lively family of five and their cherished pets approached this renovation with the goal of reflecting their dynamic lifestyle. The resulting atmosphere invites its inhabitants to kick off their shoes and relax amidst numerous comfortable bench seats, perfect for

indulging in a good book. Alternatively, the space encourages culinary explorations in the state-ofthe-art kitchen, entertainment in the well-equipped media room, or intimate conversations by the crackling fireplace.

conscientious about repurposing and incorporating natural elements into their living space. The seamless integration of the old and the new stands as a testament to their awareness of environmental responsibility.

The homeowners were particularly

See more of this home here!



1 3 5

In luxury design, it’s often the details you don’t see that make all the difference! 1. This built-in coffee machine offers a connected experience threw Thermador's HomeConnect app where you can customize your coffee order remotely or set your machine to make multiple cups consecutively, a great feature when hosting guests! The automatic cleaning feature is another hidden feature that makes this machine really stand out! 2. This large capacity steam oven features the True Convection baffle system which allows hot air to flow evenly throughout the oven without flavor transfer. This means you can

2 cook multiple dishes at once with no flavor transfer, allowing you to prepare different courses at the same time!

rails completely out of sight for a clean, luxurious look. The 24 inch model also offers 3 separate zones for individual temperature control!

3. Downdraft ventilation seamlessly integrates into your countertop when not in use! With the press of a button, the downdraft rises to capture heat, smoke, grease and steam as you cook and then disappears back into the countertop when you are done.

5. The Freedom collection includes 2 wine column sizes, 4 fresh food column sizes, 3 refrigerator configurations and 4 freezer column sizes allowing you to completely customize your set-up to your space and your unique needs! Create a complete cooling center or position pieces in various locations through-out the kitchen to best suit your cooking and entertaining style!

4. Available in 18 or 24 inch widths, the Freedom Wine Columns are designed to keep ball bearings and

[ SPOTLIGHT ] Turn dishwashing into a personalized luxury experience with the stunning Star-Sapphire® dishwasher from Thermador! A 20 minute Star Speed® hot water cycle paired with powerful StarDry with Zeolite technology means dishes are done in record time with less chemicals! The dishwasher panel and handles can be customized to perfectly suit your kitchen and the exclusive StarGlow feature illuminates the inside of the dishwasher in a variety of colors, so you can set the mood that matches the occasion via the Home Connect app.

Plan The Perfect Family Basement 14 EXPERT TIPS

1 Plan for Functionality Identify the main purposes of the space. Will it be a playroom, family room, home office, guest suite, or a combination of these? Plan the layout accordingly to accommodate your family's needs.

2 Waterproofing Ensure the basement is properly waterproofed before starting any renovations. This helps prevent future issues like water damage and mold growth. Consider installing a sump pump if needed.

3 Proper Insulation Insulate the walls and floor to regulate temperature and improve energy efficiency. This is especially important for basements, which tend to be cooler than other parts of the house.

4 Good Lighting Basements often lack natural light, so invest in good artificial lighting. Use a combination of overhead lights, task lighting, and ambient lighting to create a well-lit and inviting space.

Renovating a basement can be a great way to add valuable living space to your home, especially for families. Here are some tips to consider when planning a basement renovation for a family!

5 Ventilation Ensure proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture and odors. Consider installing a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels.

Renovations by Plumbing Mart

6 Safety First Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, and ensure that the basement meets local building codes for safety. If the basement will be used as a bedroom, make sure there are proper egress windows for emergency exits.

7 Flooring Choices Choose flooring materials that are suitable for a basement environment. Consider options like vinyl, ceramic tiles, or engineered wood, as they are more resistant to moisture than traditional hardwood.

8 Storage Solutions Plan for ample storage space, especially if the basement will serve multiple purposes. Built-in shelves, cabinets, and storage units can help keep the space organized and clutter-free.

9 Family-Friendly Design Select durable and easy-toclean materials, especially if the space will be used by children. Consider using washable paints and stainresistant fabrics.

10 Multi-Functional Furniture Choose furniture that serves multiple purposes, such as a sofa bed for guests or a coffee table with storage. This maximizes the functionality of the space.

11 Kid-Friendly Zone If the basement will be a play area for children, consider incorporating features like a soft play mat, designated storage for toys, and a creative space for arts and crafts.

12 Technology Hub Plan for technology needs, including electrical outlets, cable connections, and internet access points. Create a designated area for entertainment systems, gaming consoles, and charging stations.

13 Create a Relaxing Space Designate a cozy corner for reading or relaxation. Consider comfortable seating, soft furnishings, and warm colors to create a welcoming atmosphere.

14 Consult with Professionals Working with an experienced contractor ensures that many of the key elements such as waterproofing, insulation and safety are addressed. They can also help with design concepts, leaning on their years of experience to offer options that you may not have considered to create the perfect space for your family!

Remember to check local building codes and obtain any necessary permits before starting the renovation. A well-planned and executed basement renovation can significantly enhance the functionality and value of your home for your family's enjoyment. Plumbing Mart

PROBLEM SOLVED | LEARN HOW TO SOLVE COMMON HOUSEHOLD ISSUES! THE PROBLEM If you've experienced issues with your existing sewage ejector, you know how troublesome it can be. You can end up with bad smells and clogs that mean frequent calls to your plumber — as well as costly repairs. Sewage ejector systems are crucial to help manage waste in many homes and smaller commercial buildings, but the frequent performance and repair issues they can experience often lead to high maintenance costs, messy repairs and frequent nasty clogs that can disrupt your daily life. On top of that, maintaining, repairing or replacing these systems can take considerable time and effort. What causes sewage ejector pump issues? One major factor can be its age. "Typically, pumps last between six to ten years," says experienced plumber Dominick Rudd of Bush Plumbing, near Indianapolis, Indiana. "At that point, the age of the pump can simply cause it to stop working or make it perform poorly." Rudd explains other factors can negatively affect these systems, including pumps that are used far less often, such as in basement bathrooms. "Pumps that sit idle can rust or experience damage due to underuse or misuse." On the other hand, overuse can also create problems, especially when oversized or foreign objects are flushed down the toilet. Anything from paper towels, feminine products, so-called "flushable" wipes and excessive toilet paper, among other things, can cause the pump mechanism to fail. Homeowners are advised to educate all family members about what can and cannot be flushed down their toilets. Some models may suffer from float mechanism failures because they have satellite floats with a small metal ball that needs to make contact with two points to allow power to flow through. The unreliable performance of these types of systems can lead to potential hazards such as backed-up sewage and unpleasant odours, compromising your family's comfort and well-being.

THE SOLUTION If you're looking for a mess-free replacement for your current sewage ejector system, the Sanipit 24GR from SFA Saniflo could be the answer. This preassembled heavy-duty retrofit insert easily fits 24-inch basins, providing a fast and easy replacement that is equally easy to service. One key differentiator of the Sanipit 24GR is its ability to create a dry cavity within the pit. Unlike other pumping systems that sit directly in sewage, SFA Saniflo's design keeps the components and motor separate, ensuring a hassle-free experience for plumbing installers and service technicians due to easy access to all major internal components, including the motor, grinder blade and pressure switches. Even better, its powerful 1 HP motor is equipped with a clog-resistant, stainless steel grinder blade meant for residential and light-commercial applications and can pump up to 25 feet (maximum shut-off head: 33 feet). The Sanipit 24GR is rated IP68, with an external control panel and visual/audible alarm system, plus a fail-proof air pressure switch system with triple redundancy that minimizes the chances of a system shutdown before a plumber can arrive to repair it.


Your condo balcony is valuable space to enjoying the outdoor air, entertaining and more. Unfortunately, frequent use and exposure to the elements along with restrictive condo rules for cleaning can make your condo balcony a maintenance nightmare!


Plumbers appreciate the Sanipit 24GR retrofit pump kit's ability to easily overcome challenges encountered with sewage ejectors. Rudd commends the product's versatility and compatibility, and how it seamlessly fits into existing 24-inch basins from leading manufacturers such as Liberty Pumps, Zoeller and Myers — eliminating the need for extensive plumbing modifications. "By keeping the current basin in place and adapting the retrofit cover, the installation process is simplified and time-efficient," Rudd said. "I can simply drop the Sanipit in, bolt it down, and connect the necessary components from the top." Sanipit's easy access points allow a plumber to inspect and maintain major internal components without difficulty, reducing downtime and increasing efficiency. Best of all, the durability of the Sanipit 24GR should require minimal maintenance over its long lifespan. If you're looking for peace of mind and reduced long-term hassles and costs, you may want to consider installing a Sanipit 24GR in your home. For more information on the Sanipit 24GR, visit

Balcony Cleaners is a specialized service that can revive your neglected condo balcony and bring new life to your outdoor living space! They used specialized commercial equipment that abides by condo rules, giving you a squeaky clean balcony without the mess. Their machines suck back dirty water, deep cleaning any balcony regardless of material, without effecting the balcony or space below! Bundle your service and have them handle your windows, doors, sills, screen door and railings for a complete update! They will even wipe down outdoor furniture while they are at it! Need a little more? Services are also available to help with decking, tile or paint to give your balcony an fresh look! -

blueprint FOR SUCCESS Trevor Wintonyk Heart of Home Kitchen & Bath

Having spent more then 20 years in the custom home market, Trevor Wintonyk has a deep understanding of all aspects of home design and construction. He believes in old school values such as honesty, hard work, dedication, and accountability and approaches all projects as if they were his own. His attention to detail and organization make him the perfect partner to lead the operations team at Heart of Home Kitchens! TREVOR ON... SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Welcome to a new era of design where the Heart of Home beats with a green conscience! From sourcing raw goods

locally to using recycled materials, low-impact finishes and energyefficient technologies, minimizing the ecological footprint of your home, and your kitchen, is more important than ever before! We employ hi-yield techniques that minimize waste during the manufacturing process. By embracing innovative approaches, we reduce material usage and contribute to a more sustainable industry. By sourcing locally and minimizing transportation distances, we aim to create a network that fosters environmental responsibility from inception to installation. LUXURY DESIGN Luxury design should come without compromise -

especially when it comes to environmental responsibility. We enjoy crafting spaces that not only exude style but also exemplify a deep sense of environmental responsibility. Heart of Home Kitchen and Bath is at the forefront of eco-conscious design, showcasing a commitment to sustainability through innovative manufacturing practices. At the core of our ethos are Carb 2 (California Air Resources Board Phase 2) and NAUF (No Added Urea Formaldhyde) options, ensuring that our creations not only elevate living spaces but also uphold stringent standards for air quality and environmental impact.

blueprint FOR SUCCESS Mary MacLeod’s Shortbread

Mary Macleod was born in Scotland and learned her baking skills from her mother and French grandmother. In her mid-40s', Mary was a breast cancer survivor determined to support her family when she made the decision to open Canada's first-ever shortbread shop in 1981! In this tiny bakeshop, Mary perfected her signature small-batch shortbread with uncompromising quality and her not-so-secret ingredient, real creamery butter! Mary would often work all night, baking cookies for the

crowds of fans that would line up outside each morning.

story despite losing her home in the 1980s recession!

Mary's mission was "if it's not the best, why eat it?" and to this end, she only allowed good moods and the finest ingredients because "happy bakers bake better." She was described by loved ones as equal parts sweet and feisty, fair and tenacious. She lived for making her family and her customers happy, leaning on hard work and sheer will to grow her business into a success

Today, the family honors Mary's memory by continuing her legacy. Her daughter-in-law Sharon left a 20-year corporate career to join Mary's business and spend more time with family, After Mary passed in 2016, Sharon continued to grow the business with quality and joy at the heart as Mary would have wished.


FEEL THE LOVE From cards and gifts to décor, make Valentine’s Day extra special this year!










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