Cesaremoncelli digi

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Image Maker

Cesare Moncelli

Cesare Moncelli 切萨雷.蒙切利 nato a Milano 15/3/1954 abitante a Firenze Italy 出生日:1954-03-15 出生地:意大利米兰 现佛罗伦萨市民 Diploma di maestro d’arte all’Istituto d’arte di Firenze 1975年毕业于佛罗伦萨艺术学校 Laurea di Scenografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze 1979年毕业于佛罗伦萨美术学院舞台布景专业。 Lunga attività di Graphic Design con lo studio homographicus con la sperimentazione e l’uso del segno grafico digitale applicato alla progettazione grafica in generale e la ricerca continua dell’ elaborazione elettronica come espressione creativa. 长期在Homograghicus工作室从事平面设计和数字平面设计的 多重尝试,并且应用于各种平面项目工程,并继续致力于研究通 过现代电子技术表述创意理念。 Long career with like Graphic Design (studio homographicus) with the testing and use of graphic design applied to the digital graphics in general and the research of ‘electronic processing as creative expression. Cesare began his career as a creative painter. Its’ course has led him to experiment with many mediums and eventually with the computer when he began painting digitally. By using various computer programs his artwork is transformed into many layers of virtual colour. 切萨雷的职业生涯从绘画开始,并不断发展运用各种媒质进行创 作尝试,到最终 运用电脑开始使用数字化绘图。通过运用各种电脑软件,他的艺 术作品 Today, by combining Florence’s great artistic tradition with contemporary creativeness, Cesare’s designs can be a perfect gift that can be brought to many parts of the world. Also, there is the possibility that a client may suggest a specific theme which he will then eleborate and customize adapting this to bags, lampshades, furnish coverings, curtains, clothing etc.

今天,通过将佛罗伦萨伟大的传统艺术和当代创新艺术的有机结 合,切萨雷的设计可说是一朵奇葩,散布在世界各个角落。他能 够根据一个客户提出的主题,进行精心构思并度身设计并且运用 于手包,灯罩,窗帘、服饰等等。 Among his clients, world-famous ‘Hermitage’ at Saint Petersburg. 在他的客户里有世界知名的俄罗斯圣彼得堡的“Hermitage”博 物馆 2011/2013 Currently i work as a designer and producer of images in Hangzhou. 从2011 年开始在杭州新国阳标识设计制作有限公司工作,负责 设计及图片制作。 Esposizioni nazionali ed internazionali: 参展的国内和国际的博览会: 1984 La Galeria “La Fonda de Andrés” Monterrey N.L MESSICO 1989 La Stazione di Zima, Firenze ITALIA 1990 Home Gallery del Campo Monterrey N.L MESSICO 1990 Casa de la Cultura: Galeria A.Madero Saltillo Coahuila MESSICO 1990 Sala de Arte M.Escobedo Aeropuerto Internacional de Monterrey MESSICO 2010 Ristorante il Magazzino Firenze (Passeri in Magazzino) ITALIA 2010 china (hangzhou) cultural & creative industry expo. 2010年10月15日-10月18日

2014 Exibition in Hangzhou INTIME +86 186 5713 2700 QQ: parlacece cesare.moncelli@gmail.com http://www.tumblr.com/blog/moncelli cesare.moncelli@gmail.com






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