Artslink 2018-2019 Vol.8 (December - February)

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藝 術 家 的 話


已故香港資深影評人 「窗口愈多,風景愈美麗」 《香港藝術中心 · 三十》



一個健康的社會, 應該可以 看到很多不同的東西。 就像一座房子, 如果四面都 有窗, 便可看到不同的風景, 令我們眼中的世界更加豐富 美麗。窗是愈多愈好, 我們 需要多一點聲音, 應該從 多角度去看這個世界。 One should see many different things in a healthy society. Like a house surrounded by windows, we can see different sceneries and the world will look prettier. The more the better, we need more voices and more angles to look at this world.

Wong Ain-ling The late renowned film critic The More the Prettier 30 Years of Hong Kong Arts Centre




專題故事 Feature Story




本地的藝術創意,把藝術帶給更多觀眾。 本期 Artslink 我們把焦點放在流動影像節目,看看電影藝術 和獨立電影文化如何在香港植根,逐漸茁壯成長。香港藝術中

香港藝術中心流動影像節目四十年 Forty Years of Hong Kong Arts Centre Moving Image Programmes

心一直透過定期舉辦例如「ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽」、 「ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體節」、「ifva 影像嘉年華」、「香港好 電影」、「香港國際聾人電影節」等節目,積極培育新晉電影人, 提高觀眾的欣賞能力。我們也和各機構合作,讓影迷和大眾有機

動向 Happenings

會看到一些難得佳作。一月份我們會與歌德學院合作,選映德國 電影股份公司(DEFA)製作的經典東德電影。二月我們會放映 基斯頓費雷的作品,把這位曾榮獲奧斯卡提名的瑞士導演及監 製介紹給觀眾。

灣仔文法:過去、現在、未來式 Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense

香港藝術中心繼續會為香港的藝術愛好者注入源源不絶的新思 維,也開拓本地藝術界更多可能性。 林淑儀

幕後人語 Backstage


HKAC has just celebrated its 40th anniversary and is reaching for another 40 years to celebrate local creativity as well as to bring arts to more audience.

說故事的人̶蔡寶賢 Storyteller - Bobo Choy

This issue we would like to focus on moving images to see how art and independent film cultures were

節目表 Event Calendar

rooted in Hong Kong and gradually develop and flourish. HKAC has always been one of the active participants which nurture and cultivate future artists and audience through our regular programmes like ifva Awards, ifva Festival, ifva Carnival, Hong Kong Good Movie Series, Hong Kong International Deaf Film Festival, etc. We also work with our partners to make "important" films available to film buffs and general

設計 Art Direction


Editorial・Publishing・Distribution 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港灣仔港灣道二號八樓

8/F, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: 2582 0200 傳真 Fax: 2802 0798 網頁 Website: Facebook: Hong Kong Arts Centre



Hong Kong Arts Centre 名譽贊助人 Honorary Patron

中華人民共和國香港特別行政區行政長官 林鄭月娥女士,大紫荊勳賢,GBS

The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS The Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People’s Republic of China 名譽主席 Honorary President 包陪麗女士 BBS

Ms. Cissy Pao Pui-lai, BBS 監督團主席 Chairman, Board of Governors 楊余夏卿女士

Mrs. Dominica Yang 總幹事 Executive Director 林淑儀女士

Ms. Connie Lam

audience. This coming January, we are collaborating with Goethe Institut to screen a rare collection of films from Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft (DEFA) film studio of the German Democratic Republic and also to introduce Oscar-nominated Swiss director-producer Christian Frei to our audience in screening in February. We always have numerous exiting new ideas to bring forth to Hong Kong audience and open up more possibilities in the local art scene. Connie Lam Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre

專 題 故 事



Forty Years of Hong Kong Arts Centre Moving Image Programmes


1962 △ 首個民間電影會第一映室誕生

ifva was established

1967 △ 無綫電視有限公司成立

1983 ▲ 主辦香港首個電視錄像展

Organised Hong Kong’s first contemporary video art exhibition

Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) was incorporated 1968 ▲ 大學資助委員會秘書長白懿禮(S.F. Bailey)、著名

1984 ▲ 香港藝術中心成立教育部,推出不同藝術課程,包 括:陶藝和電腦藝術


The HKAC Education Department was founded, providing art courses including ceramics and computer art


Secretary of the University Grants Committee S. F. Bailey, architect Tao Ho and Lo King-Man, an administrator at the University of Hong Kong, took the lead and represented the arts industry in applying for land from the government for the construction of the HKAC

1986 ▲ 黃愛玲協助成立電影部

The Film Department was established with the help of Wong Ain-ling 1989 △ 香港文化中心正式啟用

The Hong Kong Cultural Centre was opened △



The Hong Kong Arts Development Council was founded

Independently Yours (formerly Exclusive) began reporting on local independent film makers and their works

10 月 14 日,港督麥理浩主持香港藝術中心開幕儀

1999 ▲ 放映《八月照相館》,連續數月全部爆滿及加映

Christmas in August was attended by full-house crowds for several consecutive months

The Urban Council established the Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards

14 Oct: Governor MacLehose hosted the opening ceremony of the HKAC. Dr. Li Choh-ming, founding Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University, became the first Chairman of the HKAC

1993 ▲ 主辦「香港自主錄像比賽」

Organised the Hong Kong Independent Video Awards ▲


Allan Zemen Media Production Centre was opened 1994 ▲ 首屆極品廣告片

The inaugural Art of Commercials was organised


Sponsored by Create Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Short Film New Action Express programme was launched 2013 △ 創意香港推出首部劇情電影計劃

2014 ▲ 香港藝術中心首部長篇紀錄片製作《河上變村》

The HKAC produced its first feature-length documentary Flowing Stories 2000 ▲ 教育部升格為香港藝術學院

The Education Department was upgraded to Hong Kong Art School

2004 ▲ 林 百 欣 電 影 院(1988-2003) 易 名 為 agnès b.


Sponsored by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Big Blue Lake was the first feature film produced by the HKAC

Create Hong Kong introduced the First Feature Film Initiative

The Hong Kong Film Archive was built

1992 △ 市政局創辦香港獨立短片比賽


Ying E Chi was founded

2001 △ 香港電影資料館落成

The 1st Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) was held

2011 ▲ 由香港藝術發展局資助,香港藝術中心首次參與電

△ 影意志成立

▲ 「第一屆同志電影節」,由林奕華籌劃

1977 △ 第一屆香港國際電影節

The 1st Hong Kong International Deaf Festival was held



Edward Lam organised the first Gay & Lesbian Film Festival

2010 ▲ 第一屆香港國際聾人電影節

1997 ▲ 自主特區(前名獨家放送)定期介紹本地獨立電影

The HKAC’s Concert Hall was re-configured to Lim Por Yen Film Theatre

1970 △ 「香港電影新浪潮」興起


ifva set up a creative filmmaking project for ethnic minority youths entitled All About Us.


Video Power was founded ▲

2009 ▲ ifva 為香港少數族裔青年設立「影像無國界」教育

The Hong Kong Film Critics Society was established (The Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards was founded in the same year)

The Hong Kong Film Awards was founded

The first publicly organised film club, Studio One, was established



1982 △ 香港電影金像獎創辦

The HKAC was registered as a statutory body

Text: Cheung Ko Cheung Independent journalist / Freelance writer



1995 ▲ 香港獨立短片及錄像比賽創辦(ifva)

Key Events in Hong Kong

1971 ▲ 香港藝術中心正式登記成為法定機構

獨立文化記者 / 自由撰稿人


Key Events for HKAC

The rise of the Hong Kong New Wave cinema


專 題 故 事


The Lim Por Yen Film Theatre was renamed agnès b. CINEMA! 2005 △ 鮮浪潮國際短片節成立

Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival was established 2007 △ 香港電影發展局成立

Hong Kong Film Development Council was established 2008 △ 華語紀錄片節創辦

The Chinese Documentary Festival was founded

2016 ▲ 「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 影像嘉年華」召集超過

125 個創作單位共同參與 Jockey Club ifva Everywhere - ifva Carnival gathered over 125 production units 2017 ▲ 與高先電影公司呈獻「高先精選」

Joined hands with Golden Scene to bring about the Golden Scene Selection series. 2018 ▲ 電影院再度易名,現稱古天樂電影院,並與天下一電 影製作有限公司呈獻「香港好電影」

The cinema was again renamed to Louis Koo Cinema, and started presenting Great Hong Kong Movies Series with One Cool Film Production

專 題 故 事


Q3 ̶ The two editions of Chinese Film Panorama in 1982 and 1983.

Q4 ̶ 友好支持。

Q4 ̶ Friendly support.

貢獻良多。 Q5 ̶ 四十年不容易,

Q5 ̶ Four decades of hard work and contribution. Q6 ̶ Please allow coffee in the cinema.

Q6 ̶ 電影院可以喝咖啡就最好了。

Different names, same mission The history of the names of the HKAC cinema

Q3 ̶ 1982 至 83 年的兩次中國電影回顧展。

專 題 故 事

名字縱不一樣,本質不變 香港藝術中心電影院名字變遷史


Li Cheuk-to


M+ 香港電影與媒體策展人 Curator, Hong Kong Film and Media, M+


Jimmy Choi Kam-chuen

Q4 ̶ 永遠多謝香港藝術中心給我機會,大展抱負推動電影藝 術, 尤其是獨立創作。

Q6 ̶ 香港藝術中心是本地資源最多的藝術機構之一。小型組織 限於資源難以開展可長遠發展具有視野的項目去拓闊本地藝術 領域, 中心則有足裕的能力去策劃此類活動譬如 ifva, 而且她亦應 就文化界的事情例如關於藝術政策發聲或凝聚討論。未經仔細研 究, 我無法給予任何具體建議, 不過近年獨立電影的製作愈見成熟 和壯強, 要求成立獨立電影院的呼聲也愈來愈高, 藝術中心可探討 一下。

Q4 ̶ I am forever grateful and indebted to the HKAC for giving me an opportunity to contribute my knowledge and vision to promote film art especially independent production. Q6 ̶ The HKAC is one of the most resourceful art

organisations in Hong Kong. Unlike other smaller organisations that can hardly afford to plan longterm projects with a vision to affect the local art scene, the HKAC can take up the challenge to curate such projects (e.g. ifva). It should also voice out or create conditions for the discussions of anything about art (e.g. art policy). I cannot give any concrete suggestions without doing research but I think the need for an independent cinema has been around for years especially when indies production is going pretty strong in recent years. The HKAC can look into this.



自 1989 年 11 月 1 日起, 香港藝術中心演奏廳易名為 「林百欣電 影院」, 以致意麗新集團創立人及主席林百欣多年來熱心支持香 港藝術中心的發展。而承蒙林百欣的慷慨資助,電影院當年於短 期內已裝置了杜比立體聲系統,從而提高電影放映的質素,另外, 在其贊助下, 藝術中心亦得以開展各項維修工程及設施改善計劃, 給藝術愛好者提供了更完善的觀影服務。

agnès b. 電影院

法 國 知 名 時 裝 品 牌 agnès b. 創 辦 人 agnès b. (原 名 Agnès

Troublé)是一位影像藝術愛好者,並曾於巴黎成立電影製作公 司 Love Streams, 當 「林百欣 贊助不同獨立製片人。2003 年, 電影院」 跟藝術中心的合約期滿後,agnès b. 跟藝術中心展開 贊助計劃,並接手電影院並將之易名為 「agnès b.CINEMA!」, 以支持獨立及藝術影片的推廣。

前香港藝術中心電影及錄像部 總監

Former Director of the Film and Video Department, Hong Kong Arts Centre


Christy Tse Heilong

Q3 ̶ 令我難忘的流動影像活動,是上一屆的 IFVA 短片比賽,我

Q3 ̶ A memorable moving image event for me was

所參與的短片 《地平說》 有幸入圍競賽, 有機會讓個人作品接觸

the last ifva short film competition. My piece Horizon was shortlisted, which was a great opportunity as that meant it was viewed by the audience and other participants.

觀眾及認識其他參賽者, 機會十分難得。

Q6 ̶ 我希望香港藝術中心可以推廣短片及紀錄片文化,因為在 香港短片及紀錄片可以接觸觀眾的機會實在太少, 縱使有部份戲 院會定期放映, 但短片及紀錄片仍未算普及, 希望將來香港藝術中 心有更多短片及紀錄片的放映活動。

香港演藝學院電影電視系(導演 主修)四年級生

Year 4 Student of Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Degree in Film and Television (majored in Directing)

Q6 ̶ The HKAC could promote short films and documentaries more. Opportunities for these genres to reach the audience are so few in Hong Kong. With only the occasional screenings by selected cinemas, they are really not that popular. I hope the HKAC could hold more screenings for them.

除了放映外,香港藝術中心還 專注藝術家培育的工作,下期

Artslink 將繼續闡述這方面的 活動。

In addition to screening programmes, the Hong Kong Arts Centre is dedicated to fostering new talent for moving image production. In the next edition of Artslink, we will examine the HKAC's work towards this goal.


香港藝術中心電影院經香港電影發展基金資助翻新後,於 2018 年 7 月 19 日起, 由天下一電影有限公司接手贊助營運, 電影院同 日正式命名為 「古天樂電影院」(Louis Koo Cinema), 並在未 來 3 年籌劃「香港好電影」放映活動, 目標鼓勵本土電影製作, 推 動香港電影發展。


Lim Por Yen Film Theatre

On 1 November 1989, the HKAC Concert Hall was renamed Lim Por Yen Film Theatre, as a tribute to the unwavering support from Lim Por Yen, Founder and Chairman of Lai Sun Group, for the development of the HKAC. With Lim’s generous support, the cinema was promptly equipped with Dolby Surround, thereby improving the quality of film screenings. The HKAC was also able to embark on different renovation and facility improvement projects to provide a more enjoyable experience for its visitors.

agnès b.CINEMA!

agnès b. (formerly Agnès Troublé), founder of the famous French fashion brand, is a video art enthusiast and established the film production company, Love Streams, in Paris, which sponsored different independent filmmakers. In 2003, when the contract of Lim Por Yen Film Theatre and the HKAC expired, agnès b. began sponsoring the HKAC and the cinema and renamed the latter agnès b.CINEMA!, in support of the promotion of independent art films.

Louis Koo Cinema

Right after the HKAC cinema had been refurbished with the support from the Hong Kong Film Development Fund. From 19 July 2018, the baton was passed to One Cool Film Production Limited, and the cinema was officially renamed Louis Koo Cinema. In the next three years, the cinema will hold a series of Great Hong Kong Movies screening, aiming to support local productions and steering the development of Hong Kong film industry.

動 向



未來式」已在 9 月 30 日至 11 月 4 日於香港藝術中心包

氏畫廊圓滿舉行。展覽由客席策展人 Valerie C. Doran 及香 港藝術中心策展團隊精心策劃,凝聚了 18 位來自本地及與香港 有特殊因緣的海外藝術家,透過他們各自喜愛的藝術類型,以香 港灣仔這地區為創作源泉,呈現出它的多向面貌。參展藝術家從 個人、歷史、經驗等不同層面,探討灣仔對構成香港藝術身份所 擔當的角色,及它在本地和國際觀眾眼中的形象,傳達他們對灣 仔社群與這地方的感受及愛。展覽期間舉行了不同的主題導賞

Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Carnival

紀念成立 40 週年,旗艦展覽「灣仔文法:過去、現在、

影像嘉年華 ifva Everywhere

ulminating in its 40th year celebrations, the Hong Kong Arts Centre was delighted to present Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense during 30 September to 4 November. Curated by guest curator Valerie C. Doran and the HKAC curatorial team, the exhibition features works by 18 artists local to Hong Kong, or intricately connected through international ties to the city. The exhibited works also explore the role Wan Chai plays in forming Hong Kong’s artistic identity, and its image in the eyes of both local and international audiences. The exhibition has been curated to examine personal, historical, and experiential responses to Wan Chai. During the exhibition period, Thematic tours around Wan Chai were arranged, together with Art Experience Workshops and Film Showcases.



Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense



動 向



香港藝術中心主辦、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金主要贊助, 兩年一度的戶外影像藝術節「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere

影像嘉年華」於 9 月 29 至 30 日假中環愛丁堡廣場展開兩日


吸引超過 15,000 人次入場。十二個全新媒體藝術作品形式多 樣,由互動錄像、裝置到聲音雕塑等,吸引大批觀眾駐足參與, 體驗影像藝術的魅力。老少咸宜的光影學堂及賣藝趁墟舉辦超 過 500 場次戶外活動,透過工作坊、導賞團、劇場表演及生活

rganised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre and major funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the biannual outdoor moving images festival “Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Carnival” was successfully held on 29 and 30 September at the Edinburgh Place in Central. The Carnival featured a host of exciting programmes, including film screenings, media arts exhibition, and workshops, attracting more than 15,000 visits. Twelve new media art works from interactive videos, installations to sound sculptures engaged the audience to experience the charisma of moving images. Over 500 outdoor activities were held in the Experience Zone and the Pop-up Backyard. Through workshops, guided tours, theatre performances, and hands-on games, the Carnival was a playground for both kids and adults. As the finale of the Carnival, the finalist showcase and award ceremony of the 48 Hour Film Challenge invited members of the public to participate in the adjudication and select two award winners.

小遊戲等,成為一家大細的週末遊樂場。「48 小時短片製作挑 戰賽」入圍作品放映及頒獎禮作為嘉年華壓軸節目,邀請公眾



艦展覽−「灣仔文法 : 過去、現在、未來式」舉行了正式

成立典禮。我們在藝術中心三樓 Bee Space 舉行的四十週年

派對中與許多中心的朋友、監督團及成員、藝術中心的新舊同僚 及 Bee 會員一同慶祝,一起共度歡樂的時間。 我們欣然宣布 Bee Pass 已經在 11 月初推出。會員只需 用手機下載 Bee Pass 便可享有由 Bee 的合作夥伴,包括零售 及餐飲店舖提供的各種優惠。詳情請留意我們的網頁。

The Bee continues to support upcoming programmes at the HKAC, which include the RMIT/ HKAS 20th Anniversary and Alumni show ‘Social Transformations’ opening on 10 November, a very unique kimono event and workshop on The Arts of Tea Ceremony on 16 November and many more.

年展覽及 11 月 16 日舉行的一個非常特別的和服體驗活動及「茶

An art-driven social community group, the HKAC Bee will be hosting fun, art learning and interactive activities throughout the year. Please come join us and have fun together!

の湯日本茶道講座」,還有更多精彩的節目 | Enquiries :

Bee 將繼續支持中心的節目,包括於 11 月 10 日開幕的 "Social Transformations" RMIT/ 香港藝術學院合作二十周

HKAC Bee 作為一個推動藝術的社群,將持續舉辦富有 趣味的藝術學習互動活動。歡迎加入我們,一起樂在其中。 | 查詢 :

The Quest Game̶Exhibition of Push Comic’s Works


KAC Bee 已於 9 月 29 日在香港藝術中心四十周年旗

he HKAC Bee had its official launch on 29 September at the opening of the 40th Anniversary flagship Exhibition ‘Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense. We had a celebration together with the HKAC 40th Anniversary party at the Bee Space on third floor of the HKAC with many HKAC friends, Board & Committee members, HKAC old and current colleagues and Bees. We are also delighted to announce the launch of the Bee Pass early November. With the Bee Pass downloaded on their phones, Bees can enjoy many benefits and discounts offered by Bee partners, which include F & B outlets & retail shops. Please check out the details on our webpage.

阿推的漫畫 ── 捉迷藏




omix Home Base’s return to the Hong Kong Arts Centre is followed by a series of programmes, launched one after another, starting from October 2018. Apart from a touring comics exhibition in Shanghai and Comics w/o Boundaries 6, a sharing talk featuring Hong Kong and Berlin comics artists, HKAC also presented The Quest Game̶Exhibition of Push Comic’s Works. The exhibition, with the support from Taiwanese comics artist Push Comic, showcased an impressive array of precious original drawings, transporting the Hong Kong audience to the imaginative world of comics.

漫基地回歸香港藝術中心的活動在 2018 年 10 月開始 陸續登場,於上海舉行的「漫說:在滬港人 · 傑出成就」

香港漫畫巡展、「漫畫零距離 6」香港與柏林漫畫家分享會外, 還有「阿推的漫畫──捉迷藏」展覽。今次獲得臺灣著名漫畫家 阿推支持,展出了大量珍貴原稿,帶給香港觀眾漫畫的異想世 界。 展覽開幕禮更有阿推的各界好友到場打氣,包括:香港光 華新聞文化中心主任胡晴舫女士、謝寧女士、香港動漫畫聯會理 事溫紹倫先生等。 阿推在港期間,更與本地著名創作人歐陽應霽分享漫畫延 伸多元化跨界別的創意。 香港藝術中心將繼續作為香港動漫創意與世界交流的平 臺,敬請留意最新的活動消息。

The opening ceremony of the exhibition took place in the presence of Push Comic’s friends from different sectors, including Ms. Hu Ching-fang, Head of Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre in Hong Kong, Ms. Ning Tse, and Mr. Alan Wan, Director of Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation. During his stay in Hong Kong, Push Comic also met well-known local creator Craig Au-Yeung to share his views on the diversity of cross-disciplinary creative productions that grow out of comics. HKAC will continue to serve as the platform for the exchange of creative ideas across the comics and animation industries in Hong Kong and the rest of the world. Stay tuned.

動 向



A ̶ Artslink B ̶ 蔡寶賢 A ̶ 可以介紹一下自己嗎?

B ̶我是自由工作者,主要做記者,也有做一些和藝術有關的行政 和編採工作。

A ̶ 記得是什麼時候第一次踏足香港藝術中心嗎 ? 對中心的印 B ̶ 小時候來過參觀,但是比較有印象的是上大學時去看德國電

影節。當時覺得中心裡面有戲場、畫廊、戲院、精品店、辦公室等 等, 就是一個複合空間, 感覺很多元化。

在自己畫作前的這位老紳士,說起自己的創作生涯時,眼 睛仍是閃閃發亮,說得最多的是一句「great fun」。他是

八十六歲的英國畫家 Brian Tilbrook,在香港居住超過五十 年,說不定比香港人更愛這個地方。2019 年 1 月,他將在藝術 中心舉辦展覽,定名為「Then And Now」,向他在香港遇上 的一切人和事致敬。 出沒城市各處的壁畫作品

自知。他的半抽象壁畫遍佈香港各公共空間,在淺水灣的某餐 畫;在演藝學院,他以學生把畢業證書拋上空中的畫面作為靈 感,畫出有如水族館內的湛藍風景;最多人看過的作品,就在太 古廣場,從港麗酒店前往港島香格里拉大酒店的一段路上,巨 型壁畫靜靜看著每日人來人往。他的半抽象畫作,經常借用中 文字體表現複雜而幽微的人生觀照;1988 年香港政府邀他為 《Hong Kong Heritage》繪畫香港的古蹟,並由著名旅遊作家

Jan Morris 撰寫介紹部分。說起香港的村落風光,他語氣自豪, 對此地的濃郁感情溢於言表。 持續不斷的創作能量

創作超過半世紀,如何保持這份創作力?他強調,藝術家 最重要的就是對世界的好奇,並一直保持這份驚嘆,至死方休。 那麼他認為自己的精神年齡是多少歲?他答:「我的妻子會認 為我只有七歲,我的孩子會覺得我十七歲,我覺得自己是六十七 歲──夠年輕保持觸覺,亦夠老擁有智慧。」的確,他像七歲 孩子對世界保持好奇,像十七歲的青年對生命抱持熱情,亦像 六十七歲的長者對人生帶著睿智。他打趣說:「我到九十歲時, 可還要再做一場展覽!」


Text: Luna Ngai Freelance writer

hen Brian Tilbrook talks about his long, creative career, "Great fun" is the phrase he says the most during the interview. Brian Tilbrook, an eighty-six-year-old British artist living in Hong Kong for over fifty years, may love Hong Kong more than the locals. His new exhibition, entitled "Then and Now", will be held at the Hong Kong Arts Centre in January 2019, paying tribute to everything he encountered in this place.

Murals in the City A ̶ 你參加了文化按摩師的什麼活動 ? 有什麼幫助和啟發 ?

You and I may have passed by his artworks without knowing it. His semi-abstract murals and paintings can be seen in many public spaces in Hong Kong. When you are dining at the restaurant in Repulse Bay, you may see his sparkling, lifelike murals painted and sprayed by using chopsticks and rice as stencils. When you enter the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, you will also see an aquarium-like double panel that depicts the graduates throwing papers in the air. His most wellknown public mural is the one at Pacific Place that runs between the Shangri-La and Conrad hotels, watching people come and go every day. His semiabstract paintings often employ Chinese calligraphy to express his complex and nuanced reflections on life; the Hong Kong government invited him in 1988 to paint pictures of the local monuments for publication in Hong Kong Heritage, with an introduction by the well-known travel writer, Jan Morris. When speaking of the local village scenery, his fondness for the place is just beyond words.

B ̶ 我會形容那一場評審會像格鬥現場一樣,很開心成為三個得

Endless Creative Energy

覽,因為有為受訪者拍照 , 希望能展出這些照片。構思中有多媒

B ̶ 參加了策展新鮮人工作坊,導師梁展峰教得很好,其中一課他 叫我們各自帶一件喜愛的物品回來, 然後為這些物品做一個有主 題的展覽,讓我感受到策展實際是怎麼一回事。我也參加藝術體 驗營和參與寫作 Webzine, 分享對藝文節目的感受。

A ̶ 你的九十後的紀實文學作品 《海浪裏的鹽̶香港 90 後世代

訪談故事》 在 Chill Chat 中得獎,有什麼感受 ? 和藝術專業人

員的交流得到什麼經驗 ?

獎其中之一。評審給了我寶貴意見, 如何去微調和推進我的計劃。

A ̶ 為什麼有這樣的一個構思 ? 想透過這本作品傳達什麼訊息 ?

B ̶ 我們九十後的成長和香港歷史的轉折以及互聯網的發展有著 密切的關係, 他們怎樣理解香港社會是十分重要的, 所以想把九十 後的特質和聲音留下, 當作是給同代人的一個紀念。

A ̶ 你會怎樣運用得到的啟動基金去實踐這部作品 ?

B ̶ 我計劃在十二月出版這部作品,也希望明年能做一個小型展

體的部分, 希望能推進多一點想像, 也會邀請被訪者一同參與。

As an artist who has been creating artworks for more than half a century, how does he maintain this creative power? "Inquisitiveness," he says, "is what I think an artist has to have. Sometimes something may hit you intensely and make you think 'wow', and you keep that wow factor going as long as you’re breathing." When asked how old he is in terms of mental age, he smiles. "If you ask my wife Moyreen, she says sometimes it's about seven. If you ask my children, they say sometimes it’s about seventeen. I would like to think that it's about sixtyseven – because that's young enough to still make some sense and old enough to have gained a little wisdom." Like a seven-year-old with curiosity, a seventeen year old with passion, and a sixty-seven year old with wisdom, he grins, "If I’m still alive at 90 I probably will have another exhibition!"

Bobo Choy

象是怎樣的 ?



︱ Storyteller





An Interview with Brian Tilbrook on his "Then and Now" Exhibition in Hong Kong

談他與香港的﹁昔與今﹂ Brian Tilbrook

化按摩師跨界大龍鳯藝術節「Chill Chat」其中一位最佳



幕 後 人 語



e spoke to the woman behind one of the best proposals submitted to Chill Chat in the Culture Masseur: Dragonix Multi-Arts Festival about her thoughts on the festival and her work. A ̶ Artslink

B ̶ Bobo Choy A ̶A brief self-introduction?

B ̶I am a freelancer, mostly focused on journalism, but also arts administration and editorial work. A ̶When was the first time that you set foot in the HKAC? What were your first impressions?

B ̶I visited when I was small. But it made a deeper mark when I came for the German Film Festival in my year of university. I was struck by the intricacy of the space and how diverse it was, with theatres, galleries, a cinema, a gift shop, and offices. A ̶ Which Cultural Masseur activities did you join? How have they helped or inspired you?

B ̶ joined a workshop for budding curators. Our instructor Jeff Leung Chin Fung was a really good teacher. For one of the lessons, we were asked to bring an object close to our hearts and develop a theme across all the objects for an exhibition. That gave me a very practical idea of what curating was about. I also participated in the art camp and wrote for the Webzine to share my thoughts about art events. A ̶"Salt to the Sea : Interviews of the post 90's generation", your post-90s non-fiction work won a prize in Chill Chat. How do you feel about it? How was it like exchanging with professional artists?

B ̶My time with the jury was like a combat! I was really happy to be one of the three prize recipients. The jury gave me very valuable suggestions to fine-tune and advance my plans. A ̶How did you come up with your idea? What message do you want to communicate through the piece? B ̶Post-90s like us, our lives have been intertwined

with the ups and downs of Hong Kong history and the development of the internet. How we understand the society is important. So I wanted to preserve a fragment of the characteristics and voices of my generation. A ̶How do you plan you use your start-up capital to realise the project? B ̶I plan to publish the work in December and

have a small-scale exhibition next year. I have taken photographs of some of the interviewees so I hope to exhibit those. I am also hoping to include some multiarts elements in the exhibition to stimulate imagination and to involve the interviewees.

重 點 節目





Event Calendar


「2018 大家樂壇 x 開放音樂」經過座談會、迷你音樂會等活動後,進入白熱 化階段─遴選音樂會!四位評審從已報名的音樂單位中挑選四隊於當晚較 量,爭奪音樂工作坊與亞洲遊樂行的參加資格,同場加映特別嘉賓 GDJYB


Monthly Highlight


2018 大家樂壇 x 開放音樂 遴選音樂會 2018 CDC x HKAC Open Music - Selection Concert


After a series of public talks and mini gigs, the 2018 CDC x Open Music Series comes to the most exciting part – the Main Selection concert! Selected by a judging panel from a sea of entrants, four finalists will perform at the concert and vie for spots at the music workshops and Asia Music Exchange. Renowned indie band GDJYB will be playing as the guest performer!

十二月 December Dr Faustus

黃智銓媒體藝術個展 ( 名稱待定 ) Kenny Wong Media Arts Solo Exhibition (name to be confirmed)

30 Nov - 2 Dec

15 Dec - 12 Jan

麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio

歌德藝廊 Goethe-Gallery

Snow White the Panto 30 Nov - 9 Dec 壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

電影節發燒友 Cine Fan 節目 (11-12 月)

HKIFF Cine Fan Programme (NovDec)

時/空:暫如照片 − 馮漢紀與當代攝影對話

古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema

《活著如風》Xyza Cruz Bacani 個人展覽


"We Are Like Air" A Solo Exhibition of Xyza Cruz Bacani


1 - 20 Dec

"Time/Space: Brief as Photos" explores and spotlights Joseph Fung’s prolific artistic practice, which spans social documentary photography, new documentary photography, conceptual photography, manipulated or para-photography, performative portraitures, digital imaging, and photo-installation.Ten prominent visual artists have been invited to provide responding works and video interviews to the various stages of Fung’s artistic practice. The dialogue sheds light on the development of contemporary photography in Hong Kong over the past 40 years.

實驗畫廊 Experimental Gallery

Dialogue between Joseph Fung and his Contemporaries 4 - 19 Dec 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries


柏林圍牆倒下三十年──東德 DEFA 電影經典重溫

Nutcracker, The Play

30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall – DEFA Classics Revisited

6 - 9 Dec 麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio



公司 (DEFA)於 1989 年東德瓦解前的經典東德電影。作品雖出自 DEFA ,

香港藝術學院藝廊十二月份展覽 想。唔想

卻也是隱含批判及社會性的電影美學經典。是次選展將邀得德國 DEFA 專 家來港,解說當時複雜的政治和文化背景。門票十二月於城市售票網有售。

December Exhibition at The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School Cul-De-Sau 8 - 30 Dec 香港藝術學院藝廊 The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School

A film expert on DEFA will introduce the complex political and cultural backgrounds of East German filmmaking. Tickets are available at URBTIX from December.

ifva x 都爹利會館 放映活動 ifva x Duddell’s Screening Series



11 Dec

The Tectonics of Humanity – Christian Frei Documentary Film Retrospective

都爹利會館 Duddell's, Central

2018 大家樂壇 x 開放音樂 遴選音樂會 2018 CDC x HKAC Open Music Selection Concert


Performance 表演

Screening 放映

Exhibition 展覽



紀錄片,譜寫世界各地大大小小的人間故事,揣摩各式各樣的文化、政治及 社會議題。不論是紐約大都會的空虛寂寞、塔利班摧毀位於阿富汗的史上

12 Dec

最大佛像一事,甚至是富豪一擲千金遨遊太空之夢,以及戰地記者 James

壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

Nachtwey 的生涯,透過這些探討人類各走極端的追訪,其作品展現出人 性的多面和深度。門票於一月在城市售票網有售。

Oscar-nominated Swiss director-producer Christian Frei plays both truth and dare, and is known for his attempts at weaving documentaries about different walks of life. His topics cover lovesickness in New York, extinct mammoth hunting in Siberia, the Taliban’s destruction of the largest Buddha statue in Afghanistan, war photographer James Nachtwey, space

Human, A Family Tour, Napping Kid, Ten Years, Ten Years Japan, Ten Years Thailand, Ten Years Taiwan 17 - 21, 23, 25 Dec 古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema


© Christian Frei Filmproductions GmbH


You've Reached the Mailbox of......

tourism, and more. Through investigating humanity’s ways of life in the extremes, Frei uncovers profound faces and forces of human nature. Tickets are available at URBTIX from January.

14 - 16, 21 - 23 Dec 麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio

香港藝術中心 House Music Series

HKAC House Music Series (Marstn, Bou Kwan Ying and Friends)

programmes, please refer to

麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio

ifva x 都爹利會館 放映活動 ifva x Duddell’s Screening Series 15 Jan 都爹利會館 Duddell's, Central

香港法國電影節──《贖罪日 Day of Atonement》放映及 Serge Franklin 電影配樂大師班

Hong Kong French Film Festival – Screening of Day of Atonement and Serge Franklin Film Scoring Masterclass

19 Jan 古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema

香港藝術中心 House Music Series

HKAC House Music Series

待定 to be confirmed 香港藝術中心正門 Hong Kong Arts

Centre Main Entrance

香港藝術中心正門 Hong Kong Arts

Centre Main Entrance 人民影院

����� 2018 ─ �� · 從�路開� ─ 《�車���》 、 《嚴���的列車》 、 《暴走列車》

People Cinema 待定 to be confirmed 地點待定 Venue to be confirmed

Critics’ Choice 2018 - From Rails to Reels - Murder on the Orient Express, Closely Watched Trains, Runaway Train 29 - 30 Dec 古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema

一月 January

二月 February 人間版圖:基斯頓費雷紀錄片回顧展

The Tectonics of Humanity Christian Frei Documentary Film Retrospective 13 - 17 Feb 古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema


Angouleme International Comics Festival

End of Jan 法國安古蘭 Angouleme, France

二次唱作騷 – 潘源良生炒廣東話之有辣有 唔辣

A Nightmare of Cantonese with Calvin Poon 15 - 17 Feb

Then and Now – A retrospective exhibition of artwork by Brian Tilbrook spanning 70 years

壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

Peter Pan and Wendy

待定 to be confirmed

21 - 24 Feb

實驗畫廊 Experimental Gallery

壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

生前約死後 Till We Meet Again

香港藝術中心 House Music Series

壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

待定 to be confirmed

5 - 6, 10 - 13, 17 - 20 Jan

HKAC House Music Series

香港藝術中心正門 Hong Kong Arts 柏林圍牆倒下三十年── 東德 DEFA 電影經典重溫

30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall DEFA Classics Revisited 10 - 13 Jan

節目詳情請瀏覽 For more details of the

Playwright's Studio 7

待定 to be confirmed

壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre

21 Dec 時/空:暫如照片̶馮漢紀與當代攝影對話 Time/Space: Brief as Photos̶

編劇工場 7

Golden Scene Selection - Still

20 - 23 Dec

「時/空:暫如照片 」深入探究馮漢紀豐碩創作類型成果,包括紀實攝影、概 負盛名的視覺藝術家以作品和採訪片段,回應馮漢紀不同創作階段之理念,


高先精選 ─《淪落人》 、 《自由行》 、 《逆向誘 拐》 、 《十年》 、 《十年日本》 、 《十年泰國》 、 《十 年台灣》

1 - 2, 7 - 9 Dec

Time/Space: Brief as Photos − Dialogue between Joseph Fung and his Contemporaries

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this programme revisits East German film classics that were made by the state-owned Deutsche FilmAktiengesellschaft (DEFA) film studio of the German Democratic Republic. While DEFA officially produced propaganda films, there were also highly accomplished films that took a critical gaze at the government and society.



古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema

Centre Main Entrance

概 覽


Introduction of Hong Kong Arts Centre


彰顯多元藝術 、薈萃創意靈感



The relevant destination for arts and creative inspirations in Hong Kong


HKAC is a multi-arts centre that fosters artistic


exchanges locally and internationally, bringing the

中心更是本地唯一獨立自主的非牟利多元藝術機構,一直 致力鼓勵、推廣創意 , 竭力促進本地與國際的藝術交流;透過 舉辦不同形式的藝術活動及跨界合作,把香港和世界聯繫起來。 歡迎來到香港藝術中心,透過體驗藝術豐富生活,藉著欣

most forward creations to Hong Kong and showcasing homegrown talents abroad. HKAC stimulates innovation and promotes creativity. Being Hong Kong’s only independent nonprofit multi-arts institution, HKAC offers exhibitions,


screenings and performances, connecting the arts of Hong Kong to the rest of the world through programmes and collaborations. Come to HKAC to experience, appreciate, learn and be inspired by arts.

Locations & Opening Hours


香港藝術中心 Hong

Kong Arts Centre


2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai 電話 Tel: 2582 0200 網頁 Website:

Facebook: Hong Kong Arts Centre Instagram: @hongkongartscentre 星期一至日 Mon – Sun: 8am – 11pm 農曆年初一至三休息 Closed on the first three days of the Lunar New Year

香港藝術學院 Hong

Kong Art School

本部 Main Campus


10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai 包黃秀英校舍 Pao Haung Sue Ing Campus 筲箕灣譚公廟道八號

8 Tam Kung Temple Road, Shau Kei Wan 柴灣校舍 (學院註冊處)

Chai Wan Campus (School Enrolment Office) 柴灣柴灣道 238 號青年廣場八樓 819 室

Rm 819, 8/F, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan

電話 Tel: 2922 2822 網頁 Website:

Facebook: Hong Kong Art School 星期一至五 Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm 星期六 Sat: 10am – 6pm 星期日及公眾假期休息 Closed on Sun & Public Holidays

當八號或更高烈風訊號生效時 將暫停開放

Closed when a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted.

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