OUAT, Hong Kong Comics Touring Exhibition @Hong Kong

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Exhibition VENUE I






A 香港漫畫家、專業人士作品展示區 Display Area for Works by Hong Kong Comics Artists and Professionals B 你已找到了……《我法國唔見咗隻貓 ?!》 You found it… La Fugue du chat?! C 香港劇情漫畫閱讀區 Reading Area for Hong Kong Drama Comics D 觀眾創作區 「港」屬於你的故仔 Visitors’ Creation Area OUAT, Your Story Time 往 3 樓繼續參觀 Exhibition continues on 3F


E 在安古蘭畫得好精彩 Marvelous Drawings Made in Angoulême F 講「古」仔 OUAT, The Story of Angoulême International Comics Festival G 在安古蘭找到好心水 Goodies from Angoulême H 海外漫畫家、專業人士作品展示區 Display Area for Works by Overseas Comics Artists and Professionals I 海外劇情漫畫閱讀區 Reading Area for Overseas Drama Comics

“Once upon a time, once upon

a comics!”



在很久很久以前,「講故佬」在 榕樹下盡說天南地北,讓大人小孩都沉醉在其 中;如今資訊發達,一機在手,就連眨眼的瞬間都變得 珍貴,偏偏有漫畫家化奇思異想為畫面,將「長篇大論」 活現於眼前?搞咁大龍鳳,無非想你鬆一鬆,去異想世 界「放個空」! 香港漫畫近十年來以生活小品及社會議題的創作得到大 眾關注,但仍有一群漫畫家以團體或個人形式創作劇情 漫畫,以深入的資料搜集、精雕細琢的人物設定、富電 影感的分鏡,和時而輕鬆時而緊湊的節奏,扭盡六壬, 築起以不同題材為背景的虛構漫畫世界,給予讀者無限 的幻想空間。 《港故仔:香港漫畫巡迴展覽》今年一月於法國第 46 屆安古蘭國際漫畫節展出後,第二階段於八月回歸香港 藝術中心,展出參與第一階段的五位香港漫畫家及兩個 單位的香港漫畫界專業人士的劇情漫畫作品。此外,兩


位海外漫畫家及三位海外漫畫界專業人士亦會應邀來港 進行連串交流活動,包括今年特別新增的公開徵集劇情 漫畫構思,由公眾提供劇情漫畫構思,來港的海外漫畫 專業人士加以點評;另有版權法和授權相關講座予公眾 參與,助本地人才裝備自己,踏上漫畫「講故路」!最 後,參展的香港漫畫家及漫畫專業人士亦會合力創作一 份作品,實行「有圖有真相」,將今趟赴法交流的起承 轉合呈現於香港觀眾眼前! 一於齊齊「擔定櫈仔」,看漫畫家「港故仔」!

Once upon a time, under a banyan tree, story tellers talked about everything between earth and heaven, with kids and grown-ups alike mesmerised by them. Now, as we live in an information age, with mobile phones clutching in our hands, we can hardly spare a second to blink. Despite so, there are nevertheless comics artists who still focus on visualising fantasies by turning dramas into realities. So why not take a break and indulge in these fantasy comics worlds – they are definitely “full of dramas”! Hong Kong comics has turned a new page in the 2010s, with short comics stories relating to our everyday life or social issues gaining more and more public attention. There are, however, still some independent comics artists or groups who are devoted to creating drama comics. By hook or by crook, they have been building imaginary worlds with different themes as the backdrop through conducting in-depth researches, developing sophisticated characters, writing up cinematic storyboards, and setting up cadence which is sometimes relaxed, sometimes intense, etc. Readers, as a result, have been enjoying an unlimited space for imagination. The first phase of the OUAT, Hong Kong Comics Touring Exhibition (OUAT,) was held successfully in the 46th Angoulême International Comics Festival in France in January this year. In August, the second phase returns HKAC, showcasing the drama comics creations of the five Hong Kong comics artists and two groups of comics professionals who participated in the first phase. Two overseas comics artists and three comics professionals are also invited to come to Hong Kong for exchange activities. Among other activities, there is a special session for the overseas comics professionals to comment on the proposals of drama comics called from the public. Public talks on copyright law and rights licensing will also be held, helping local talent to better equip themselves with the knowledge for their “story-telling journey” ahead! Last but not least, the participating Hong Kong comics artists and comics professionals jointly create a comics piece as a response to their journey in Angoulême and present it to the audience in Hong Kong! Let’s grab our seats and see how our local comics artists tell the stories of Hong Kong!


EVents OVERView

28.07.2019 日SUNI1500-1700

講你「知」Intellectually Yours 知識產權及授權法講座一 Talk on Rights and Licensing #1

11.08.2019 日SUNI1400-1600

漫畫漫遊工作坊一 Be a Comic Flâneur! Comics Workshop #1

11.08.2019 日SUNI1500-1700

埋嚟聽!香港漫畫人同你講「古」仔! Our Angoulême Saga! 參展香港漫畫家、專業人士分享會 Talk by Participating Hong Kong Comics Artists and Professionals

17.08.2019 六SATI1400-1530

畫公仔畫出故 Draw the Drama Out 海外漫畫家現場繪畫示範一 Live Drawing Demonstration by Overseas Comics Artist #1

17.08.2019 六SATI1600-1730

業界酒會 Cocktail Reception

17.08.2019 六SATI1800-1930

「未來」的漫畫 Comics from the Future 海外漫畫專業人士分享會一 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #1

18.08.2019 日SUNI1300-1500

漫畫漫遊工作坊二 Be a Comic Flâneur! Comics Workshop #2

18.08.2019 日SUNI1300-1430

「編編」選中你 Editor’s Choice 海外漫畫專業人士分享會二 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #2

18.08.2019 日SUN I 1500-1630

畫公仔畫出故 Draw the Drama Out 海外漫畫家現場繪畫示範二 Live Drawing Demonstration by Overseas Comics Artist #2

18.08.2019 日SUN I 1600-1830

大師睇睇,有計仔! The Master’s Touch! 劇情漫畫徵集及作品點評 Open-call for Drama Comics Proposal and Comics Critique

23.08.2019 五FRI I 1900-2030

闖世界之「導」 Your Artistic Directions to the World Stage 海外漫畫專業人士分享會三 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #3

25.08.2019 日SUN I 1500-1700

講你「知」Intellectually Yours 知識產權及授權法講座二 Talk on Rights and Licensing #2



Our Angoulême Saga!

參展香港漫畫家、專業人士分享會 Talk by Participating Hong Kong Comics Artists and Professionals 講者 Speakers

朱成、多利、李健良、麥少峯、YANAI、彭俊波、紙本分格 Samson CHU, Dolly LEE, Kin-leung LEE, Siu-fung MAK, YANAI, Henry PANG, zbfghk




香港藝術中心 四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC 粵語主講

Conducted in Cantonese

免費入場 I Free Admission 需網上登記,先到先得。

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

名額 Quota:50

漫畫迷對每年一度的漫畫界盛事「安古蘭國際漫畫節」 不會陌生,這個世界第三大的漫畫節每年吸引來自各 地不同年齡層的忠實擁躉朝聖。今年一月,香港藝術 中心已是第六次連同香港漫畫人到現場參觀交流。平 日習慣一個人同畫具電腦獨處一室的漫畫家,這次走 到 200,000 入場人次的漫畫節,在人浪中講港故仔,各 自展出得意之作之餘,仲公開作即場繪畫示範!在展場 一邊埋首投入自己的創作世界,抬頭發現原來已企滿觀 眾!更有專程到場的外籍粉絲跟心儀的香港漫畫家盡訴 心中情! 浪接浪既驚且喜的體驗,當然不止於此!香港漫畫人亦 爭取機會四圍逛漫畫節的展覽、大師班、表演、漫畫書 展等。五花百門的漫畫作品,包括來自各地的大師經典, 亦有一眾後起之秀爭妍鬥麗,20 多個展覽包括《Batman 蝙蝠俠》80 週年特展、《BLAME!》日本科幻漫畫貳瓶 勉等,也是各有千秋。350 個大大小小的出版單位則各 自精彩,當中的獨立出版同樣受大家注視。如此美好的 天時地利,幾位香港漫畫人當然也趁機搜羅心頭好! 埋嚟聽七位香港漫畫人高潮迭起的安「古」蘭的故仔, 分享今趟法國觀摩之行的收穫!

Seven Hong Kong comics artists and professionals are here to share with you their Angoulême saga! Comics fans would be familiar with the annual Angoulême International Comics Festival. As the third largest comics festival in the world, it attracts fans from all age groups around the world. In January this year, HKAC has for the sixth time participated in the festival with Hong Kong delegation. Comics artists who are used to working solo with their tools and computers walked into a comics festival with 200,000 visiting guests and told stories of Hong Kong comics creations. Apart from showing their best works, they also conducted live drawing demonstrations! Indulging in their own world of creation, not noticing that they have already attracted a large crowd! There were even fans from other countries who came all the way there to meet and greet their admired Hong Kong comic artists! Surprising experiences are certainly more than that! The Hong Kong delegation also took their chances to visit the many exhibitions, master classes, performances, comics book fairs during the festival. Comics works on show included classics by masters and fascinating works by the young and talented. Special exhibitions for the 80th anniversary of Batman and for the cyberpunk classics BLAME! by the Japanese comics artists Tsutomu Nihei are both feasts for the eyes. The 350 publishing houses of different sizes were delighting in their own ways, with equal attention paid to the independent publishing houses. What a wonderful occasion for them to go on a comics shopping spree! Come and hear the exciting Angoulême Saga from seven Hong Kong comics artists and professionals, learn about what they gained out of this trip to France!


Intellectually Yours

知識產權及授權法講座 Talk on Rights and Licensing

講座一 TALK #1




香港會議展覽中心二樓 N209-210 會議室 (香港灣仔博覽道 1 號) Meeting Room N209-210, Level 2, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) 講者 Speakers

湯達熙律師 Anthony TONG 前任香港特別行政區政府版權審裁處副主席、

創作人跟發表渠道合作嘅模式多不勝數,你諗到或者諗唔到嘅形式都在發生。正因為 咁,創作人要「知」如何保障同維護自己嘅心血,知多啲,準備好隨時帶你嘅作品去 到你意想不到嘅舞臺發揚光大! 從事漫畫、插畫、動畫創作、出版、製作的你,點樣保護自己嘅知識產權都同你有切 身關係!點樣喺授權者同被授權者之間尋找最大彈性的共識,並取得平衡?到底參 考、借鑒、致敬、抄襲,應該點樣界定?

Former Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal of the HKSAR Government Managing Partner of Robin Bridge & John Liu,


臺灣大辣出版社總編輯 Editor-in-Chief of Dala Publishing, Taiwan 粵語、國語主講 Conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin

講座二 TALK #2

講者 Speakers


陸地博士 JP Dr. Lewis LUK, JP




黃健和 Aho HUANG



香港專利師協會主席 President of Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys

盧孟莊律師 Rebecca LO 亞洲專利代理人協會香港分會會長 President of Hong Kong Group of The Asian Patent Attorneys Association 粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese 免費入場 I Free Admission 需網上登記,先到先得。 Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

海外出版同延伸創作嘅錦囊。正所謂機會係留俾有準備嘅人,全方位裝備好自己,幾 時想向外闖,都能夠事半功倍! Any creator’s greatest wish after toiling 24/7 is none other than sharing the work with as many people who appreciate the work as possible. Publishing on-line or printing a publication by yourself are much easier than before, or just go to a matching publishing house and ask them to do it for you! The modes of cooperation between artists and the publishing channels are numerous, protection of your own intellectual properties are closely related, ranging from the expected to those simply beyond imagination! As such, knowing how to protect your intellectual property rights are certainly let you get ahead when branching off to spin-offs! For all those who are in the fields of comics, illustration, animation, publishing and production, intellectual property laws are closely related to you! How to achieve the most flexibility between the licensor and licensee while striking the right balance? How to differentiate referencing, studying, paying tribute and plagiarising from each other? Apart from explaining the basics of Hong Kong’s intellectual property laws, the invited speakers in the field will also share their experience and some tips on overseas publication and spin-offs. Get prepared and suited up for the great opportunity that presents itself at any time now!


Comics from the Future

海外漫畫專業人士分享會一 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #1 講者 Speaker

Sébastien GNAEDIG 法國 Futuropolis 總編輯 I Editor-in-Chief of Futuropolis, France




香港藝術中心 四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC 法語主講,粵語傳譯

Futuropolis 是漫畫業界的大哥級人馬,於 1974 年創立 後,就成了仿效的對象,不少獨立出版社相繼成立。其 影響力有如 Futuropolis 的中文譯名「未來之城」,切 實地影響了當地漫畫發展的未來。 出版社至今已推出多達 500 部的漫畫著作,更多次奪 得安古蘭國際漫畫節的獎項,包括:以 30 年代末希臘 為故事背景的《Rébétiko》、探秘冰下消失文明痕跡的

Conducted in French with Cantonese Interpretation

《Période glaciaire》及回憶式自傳《Couma acò》等。

免費入場 I Free Admission

Futuropolis 合作的漫畫家來自世界各地,包括法國的


David B、Enki Bila、Jean-Pierre Gibrat、 意 大 利 的

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

Gipi、日本的荒木飛呂彥、谷口治郎、松本大洋等,粒 粒巨星! 2003 年, 出 版 社 跟 舉 世 聞 名 的 羅 浮 宮 博 物 館 合 作 Louvre BD Project(BD 是漫畫法文的縮寫),邀請漫 畫家到館內捐窿捐罅尋找靈感,各自以漫畫詮釋他們心 目中的羅浮宮;2005 年開始,更陸續出版羅浮宮漫畫 系列。而人稱「香港獨立漫畫之父」的利志達,更是參 與計劃的首名香港代表! 法國一向視漫畫為第九藝術,不單止入屋,仲入埋美術 館、博物館。當地的綜合暢銷書榜一定有漫畫的蹤影。 Futuropolis 的總編輯 Sébastien Gnaedig 會分享和介紹 「未來」的漫畫、跟羅浮宮合作的緣起,當然唔少得講 講跟利志達的合作! 想知歐洲漫畫會繼續大行其道嗎?歡迎來聽 Sébastien Gnaedig 預告漫畫的未來!

Futuropolis is a leader in the comics industry. Founded in 1974, it has since heralded a boom of similar independent publishing houses. It’s impact to the industry has truly lived up to the name of ‘Futuropolis’, one that has a lasting impact on the future of French comics. Futuropolis has already published more than 500 comics titles, winning numerous awards from the Angoulême International Comics Festival. These include Rébétiko (2010) that is set in Greece in the late 1930s, Période glaciaire that explores lost civilization under glaciers and the memoir Couma acò (1992). Comics artists who work with Futuropolis come from around the world, including acclaimed masters like David B, Enki Bila and Jean-Pierre Gibrat from France, Gipi from Italy, and Araki Hirohiko, Taniguchi Jiro and Matsumoto Taiyō from Japan. In 2003, Futuropolis collaborated with the world-renowned Louvre Museum on the Louvre BD Project (BD stands for bandes dessinées, comic strips in French), inviting comics artists to seek inspirations from the museum collections and interpret their Louvre experience through comics. The Louvre comic series has been published since 2005. Chi-tak Li, dubbed the “Father of Hong Kong independent comics” became the first Hong Kong artist to participate in the project. Comics has long been regarded in France as the Ninth Art, not only are comics popular, they are also enshrined in art galleries and museums. Comics also regularly make it into the local best-selling book lists. Futuropolis’s Editor-in-Chief, Sébastien Gnaedig will introduce comics from Futuropolis, the collaboration with the Louvre, and of course, his experience working with Chi-tak Li. If you are interested in whether comics will continue to thrive in Europe, please come and join us for Sébastien Gnaedig’s forecast of comic’s future!

「編編」選中你 Editor’s Choice

海外漫畫專業人士分享會二 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #2 講者 Speaker

Thomas GABISON 法國 Collection Actes Sud BD 總監 Director of Collection Actes Sud BD, France




香港藝術中心 四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC 法語主講,粵語傳譯

Conducted in French with Cantonese Interpretation

免費入場 I Free Admission 需網上登記,先到先得。

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

Collection Actes Sud BD 在法國漫畫出版界算是新丁一 名,但旗下出品都是非凡之作。2005 年出版的第一部 書《Notes pour une histoire de guerre》就為其取得首 捷,奪得安古蘭國際漫畫節的最佳漫畫獎!其後出版的 作品也是安古蘭漫畫節頒獎臺的常客,包括 2019 年新 鮮出爐的評審團特別獎《Les Rigoles》及 2010 年最佳 新秀獎《Rosalie Blum》等。 Thomas Gabison 作為 Actes Sud BD 的靈魂人物之一, 嚴選合作的漫畫創作人,奉行「不為出版而出版」的宗 旨。很多漫畫迷自小立志投身漫畫行業,當漫畫家、漫 畫評論員、漫畫專題記者、書刊設計、漫畫書店員、出 版、編輯等。而 Thomas Gabison 的專業?以上皆是! 近年他則專注 Actes Sud BD 的編輯工作,將最好中的 最好帶給漫畫迷。 法國的漫畫由 1990 年代每年出版約 700 部作品迅速增 至近年約 5,000 部,要在其中突圍,談何容易!因此 漫畫編輯的角色非常重要,精挑細選,為了在云云漫 畫家和作品中選出潛力之作。Thomas Gabison 獨具慧 眼,近年備受大眾矚目的 Brecht Evens 便是由他發掘; 2007 年他更在家鄉 9,000 公里以外的香港尋得漫畫鬼 才楊學德的《錦繡藍田》,在法國出版這個「港故仔」。 想知點解「編編」選中佢同佢?漫畫編輯點樣同創作者、 設計師等等的團隊協作?新晉漫畫家點樣喺歐洲生存? 唔駛等被人選中,即刻報名有得聽喇!

Collection Actes Sud BD is a rising star in the French comics industry, yet their titles are all extraordinary works. The first title published in 2005, Notes pour une histoire de guerre (Notes for a War Story) was awarded the Prize for Best Album at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Later publications are also frequently awarded at Angoulême. These include the latest addition of Les Rigoles winning this year’s Special Jury Prize and earlier in 2010, with Rosalie Blum winning the Prize of Revelation. As one of the masterminds of Actes Sud BD, Thomas Gabison is discerning in choosing comics artists to collaborate, with the belief of “Not publishing for publishing sake.” Comics fans around the world all dream of joining the comics industry one day, becoming a comics artist, comics critic, comics journalist, book designer, comics bookshop keeper, publisher or an editor. And what is Thomas Gabison’s line of work? All of above! He devotes most of his time in recent years to the publication of Actes Sud BD though, presenting the best of the best to comics fans. The number of French comics published each year has increased from 700 titles in the 1990s to 5,000 in recent years, the competition to stand out is fierce. This makes comics editors highly valued in the industry. With discerning eyes, they choose comics artists and comics works that have potential to stand out. Thomas Gabison is the one who spotted the highly acclaimed Brecht Evens and in 2007, he even got in touch with Hok-tak Yeung, who works 9,000 km away in Hong Kong, and published Yeung’s How Blue was My Valley in France. If you want to know how editors make their choices and how do they collaborate with artists and designers as a team? Or how do new comics artists make a name in Europe? Well, you don’t need to wait to be chosen. Come and register for a place!


Your Artistic Directions to the World Stage

海外漫畫專業人士分享會三 Talk by Overseas Comics Professional #3

©Le wis

講者 Speaker


Tron d


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法國安古蘭國際漫畫節總監 Artistic Director of Angoulême International Comics Festival, France


Hey, young comics artists! Are you always wondering where to look for opportunities?



香港藝術中心 四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC


The Angoulême International Comics Festival itself has, in recent years, been holding more and more exhibiting and exchange events that seek to discover and nurture young talents in the comics industry, as well as to attract younger readers.




Conducted in French with Cantonese Interpretation

免費入場 I Free Admission 需網上登記,先到先得。

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

示及交流活動,以培育後起之輩,同時亦藉此開拓年青 漫畫節的藝術總監 Stéphane Beaujean 曾任巴黎二手書 店經理、記者、撰寫漫畫評論等,同漫畫家、讀者、專 業評論人緊密交流,對行業的趨勢有相當了解;這一切 都令他更全面地推廣漫畫這門第九藝術。 想知漫畫節為年青一代有甚麼搞作?即刻登記免費留位 聽講座啦!

Once manager of second-hand bookstore, journalist and comics critic, Stéphane Beaujean, the incumbent Artistic Director of Angoulême International Comics Festival, knows the comics industry inside out. With his extensive network of comics artists, readers and critics, together with his familiarity with the industry’s market mechanics, he is The One to promote comics, our beloved Ninth Art. Sign up for the free talk now and hear more about the Festival’s special events for the young talents!


Draw the Drama Out

海外漫畫家現場繪畫示範 Live Drawing Demonstrations by Overseas Comics Artists

示範一 SESSION #1







間和心力,固然不能用三言兩語概括;但要看出一位漫 畫家是否「有故事的人」,功力有多深厚,一睇便知龍

法國 France


示範二 SESSION #2

眾眼前 !其實故事不一定要宣之於口,想一睹漫畫家即






Claire MALARY 法國 France

香港藝術中心 四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC 法語主講,粵語傳譯

Conducted in French with Cantonese Interpretation

免費入場 I Free Admission 需網上登記,先到先得。

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

席揮毫的風采,得知他們的創作靈感,選擇怎樣去表現 上色技巧,只需要一同「畫公仔畫出故」! “Just spit it out. How am I supposed to know what’s on your mind if you don’t speak?” The time and effort spent on creating an intriguing drama comic piece certainly cannot be concluded in just two or three sentences. To find out if a comics artist is “a person with stories”, and whether one is skilled, however, only one test would be needed! Two overseas comics artists will bring all one’s skills into play in the live drawing demonstrations at HKAC. They will bring the best of the best of creating comics to the audience! You don’t need to tell a story by actually talking – If you want to have a glimpse of the two artists at work, have an idea of what inspirations they got and how they present their works, feel their brushstrokes, observe their sketching and colouring skills, just come and “draw the drama out” with us!

大師睇睇,有計仔! The Master’s Touch!

劇情漫畫徵集及作品點評 Open-call for Drama Comics Proposal and Comics Critique 海外漫畫界專業人士 Overseas Comics Professionals


法國 Collection Actes Sud BD 總監 Director of Collection Actes Sud BD, France

Sébastien GNAEDIG 法國 Futuropolis 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief of Futuropolis, France


Application Deadline:

15.07.2019 作品遞交截止日期

Proposal Submission Deadline:


平日畫埋畫埋,諗埋諗埋,唔知有無人明或欣賞嘅故仔, 不如交俾大師睇睇! 作故仔,要做到合情合理,高潮迭起,又耐人尋味,或 者你會同身邊人傾,踫撞吓火花,集思廣益。如果依然 卡住,不如聽聽來自不同背景漫畫專業人士的意見,轉 個念頭,在畫風、情節、選材等取得新靈感,完善作品,

作品點評 Comics Critique



甚至試探吓自己嘅故仔在歐洲市場的潛力。 今次邀請兩位擅於劇情漫畫的資深法國漫畫編輯、出版





Conducted in French with Cantonese Interpretation

集的計劃書中挑選最多 20 個作品,8 月中旬來港出席 單對單面談,夾下計仔!分分鐘就此成就驚世大作!

Not knowing whether readers would understand or appreciate all the drawn up and deliberated stories at hand? Why not show them to the masters! We all go to our friends for brainstorming ideas that turn the working story into a reasonable, exciting and fascinating one. And if you are still feeling stuck, why not hear from comics professional of different backgrounds? With new thoughts come new inspirations in styles, plots and materials that can enhance your work, you may even see for the work’s potential to European readers! Our guests this time are two veteran French comics editors and publishers who have very strong background in drama comics. They come from French publishing houses that value experimentation and the comics artists’ creative ambitions. Many of their published works won numerous international awards. The two masters will choose 20 works among the submitted proposals and come to talk one-on-one, face-to-face with the selected artists in Hong Kong this mid-August when they attend the OUAT, Hong Kong Comics Touring Exhibition! Who knows, it may kick off something really big!

漫畫漫遊工作坊 Be a Comic Flâneur!

Comics Workshop

Comics Workshop

導師 Tutor

陳百堅 Brandon CHAN





香港人生活忙碌,大人小孩每日上班、上學等行程 滿滿。但匆匆忙忙的日子中,總有些時候你會停下 腳步,稍作等待,或乘車、或讓路、或等電梯、或




世界,還是抬頭細看身側的車水馬龍 ? 你,又曾否

香港藝術中心低層地庫 何鴻章排練室及灣仔社區 Eric Hotung Studio, LB and Wan Chai



Conducted in Cantonese

費用全免 I Free of Charge 需網上登記,先到先得。

Online registration is required, first-come, first-served.

查詢 ENQUIRY guidedtour@hkac.org.hk

好奇這些擦身而過的人或物,他們的生活故事 ? 仔,一起「慢」遊這個社區的大小角落。從生活發 掘靈感,一同寫寫看看、想想畫畫,記錄沿途的所 思所想。慢慢踱步,讓創意暴走,化作六格漫畫與 人分享,重新將自己與周邊的人及事連結起來。 如果你也想來一場城市裡的溫柔逃逸,抽離日常, 以另一角度重新觀看、詮釋過去習以為常的人物風 情,不妨加入這支城市漫遊隊伍,一同發揮無限想 像,用漫畫「港」一個別開生面的故仔!

We – Hongkongers are always hectic. Adults are busy with their works, while kids are occupied with all their school assignments and tasks. We all long for a moment to take a deep breath, yet in reality, we can only take a minute of pause when we are taking public transport or waiting for lifts. Are you suffering from fatigue? When you need some self-time, will you choose to spend the time on scrolling the screen of your cellphone or choose to have a look at things and people around you? Are you curious of the stories of the people that you encounter every day? This summer, artist Brandon Chan is going to bring participants to Wan Chai to wander in this district. Together, we try to get inspirations from our daily life - think, write and draw what we encounter. Slow down the pace of your life, let your creativity explode and try to connect yourself with others via your comics drawings! Life moves on at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it. Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness. Let’s join us in touring Wan Chai from another perspective, and tell people your unique comics story in this city.

參展漫畫家及 漫畫專業人士

Participating Comics Artists and Professionals


Samson CHU

samsonxchushing Samsonxchushing

朱成,原名朱偉成,畢業於香港知專設計學院,主修視覺傳意設計。現任職平面及產 品設計,近年開始投身漫畫行業,定義自己的風格「邪邪的」。自小對科幻的東西感 興趣,而且有不少的靈異經歷,所以作品題材偏向科幻。當自己沒有靈感時會看電影 或玩遊戲機。由於希望自己的作品令更多人認識、感動更多人,朱成選擇以漫畫大國 稿海外便憑作品《再見.地球》在公開組的故事組別奪得實行委員會特別賞,也是唯 一入圍及得獎的香港人。


Samson Chu graduated from the Hong Kong Design Institute with a major in visual communication design, and he works in the field of graphic and product design. He has involved himself in the comics industry in recent years, and he describes his drawing style as “evil”. His interest in science fiction since childhood and his ghostly experiences have led to his penchant for creating sci-fi works. When he needs inspirations, he would watch a movie or play computer games. Ambitious to spread and connect his works to a wider audience, he decided to set out to Japan, the giant producer of comics. In 2016, he entered the Niigata Manga Competition in Japan, just to give it a try. In the end, he won the Executive Committee Special Award in the Open Category for Story Writing with Goodbye, Earth, his first overseas submission. Remarkably, Chu is the only nominee and awardee from Hong Kong.

香港漫畫家 HONG

——日本為目標。2016 年抱著姑且一試的心態報名參加日本新潟漫畫大賞,首次投



Dolly LEE www.wahadolly.wixsite.com/dollyly dollylydraw dollyly.tk

動畫、漫畫、遊戲(ACG)創作都涉足的多媒體雜食生物。畫作滿滿都是跳躍感和 溫暖感,相信率真的角色表情最能打動人心。初中開始創作同人漫畫,每年自資出版 《Shineland》漫畫合集,發表原創短篇。於香港浸會大學傳理學院主修數碼圖像傳

籍和遊戲插圖。現專注於 ACG 品牌「STEM 少年偵探團」的創作,該系列已出版第 一及第二期。 Dolly is a multimedia creator active in various fields including animation, comics, and game. Her drawings are lively with a great sense of human warmth, and she strives to create endearing, honest characters that touch readers’ hearts. Dolly started creating doujin comics and self-published Shineland, her annual original comic strip collection, when she was in secondary school. After graduating from Hong Kong Baptist University with a major in digital graphic communications and minor in visual arts, she worked as an animator at Simage for five years and had her comic strips serialised in comics magazines such as Passionteens and MDecomics. Her versatile, iconic cute style has led her to many different book and game illustration projects. Dolly is currently focusing on the creative projects of the ACG brand STEM Junior Detectives, The series of STEM Junior Detectives 1 and 2 has been published.

1983 年任職《中華英雄》助理工作,後期開始參與封面製作。投身香港漫畫行業超 過 30 年,乃行內首屈一指的彩繪漫畫家。歷來秉持手繪製作,作品題材廣泛,包括 飛鳥走獸和奇幻怪獸。89 年隨馬榮成開展天下出版社,參與製作《天下畫集》(《風 雲》)、《黑豹列傳》等,同年轉投海洋出版社,參與《武神》、《武神鳳凰》等創 作。2010 年開始, 用了五年多時間自資編繪了一輯共三本的《古生命》,17 年推出 新作《紅樹林 ∙ 香港濕地生態》繪本。2019 年 7 月推出兩本新作︰描寫稻米種植, 帶出有機耕種的好處的《稻》,及一條小丑魚從魚卵孵化成幼魚,逐漸成長出現各樣 身體外表的變化和生活趣事的小品故事《小丑魚成長日記》。 Kin-leung Lee started his career as an assistant producer for Chinese Hero in 1983, and was later promoted to design its cover art. Lee has more than 30 years of experience in the comics industry, and is one of the best comic book artists in Hong Kong who specialise in colour drawing. Lee masters a wide range of subject matters, including animals and imaginary creatures. All his works are hand-drawn using poster colour or acrylics. In 1989, Lee joined Wing-shing Ma’s company Jonesky Limited, and participated in the production of many works such as Jonesky Comics (Storm Riders) and Black Leopard. In the same year, he joined Ocean Creative Company Limited to produce works such as Warlord, Warlord Phoenix, etc. In 2010, he spent five years to selfpublish Prehistorical Life, which consisted of three books. In 2017, he presented a new illustrated book Mangrove – The Natural Habitat of Hong Kong Wetland. In 2019, Lee published two new works: Rice illustrates rice planting in the upbringing of organic farming; Clown Fish tells the stories of a clownfish from fish egg incubating to baby fish. The changes of growth appear to its body and characters, and the joy that brings along such growth is captured in this diary.


香港漫畫家 HONG

括《熱血少年》及《漫道 Battle》。因靈活多變而鮮明的可愛風格,不時參與創作書


香港漫畫家 HONG


播,副修視覺藝術。畢業後於 Simage 任職動畫師五年,並曾於多個平臺連載漫畫包

Kin-leung LEE


Siu-fung MAK MakSiuFungArt


1991 年入行當漫畫助理並開始從事不同類型的個人創作,包括漫畫、插畫、立體 雕塑等。93 年到日本攻讀傳統手繪動畫製作課程。2002 年離開並創立品牌 United

il.netvigamer.net yae.yeung plurk.com/aieru

Planet, 以 立 體 Figure 及 漫 畫 創 作 為 主。06 年 出 版 個 人 漫 畫 集《The Coffee Maker》。07 年開始創作手繪動畫《Back to Base》,11 年憑此作品獲 ifva 獨立短 片及影像媒體比賽動畫組金奬。之後主力創作動畫,14 年完成第二部動畫作品《本 性》,15 年再獲 ifva 比賽動畫組金 奬,並奪得 DigiCon6 Asia 大賞香港區金獎。17 年發表《Cross Blade Kill》,18 年《不忠之愛》入圍臺北金馬獎最佳動畫短片。動 畫作品多由個人漫畫作品改編而成,並以一人之力完成創作及製作。2019 年 1 月,

香港漫畫家 HONG

Mak has adapted his comics into animations, working by his own efforts during the production process. In January 2019, he recreated his early works, published a collection of ghost stories Ashes to Ashes Not.

後回港,有幸得到在臺灣電子漫畫平臺「日更計劃」連載作品的機會。第一部連載作 品為《實驗品家庭》,以 Yanai 熟悉的香港為背景,家庭為主題,該作品的日文版曾 於日本雜誌《月刊 Comic@Bunch》連載,2019 年 9 月更會登陸歐洲,推出法文版。 自覺繪畫技巧上仍不純熟的地方,希望透過實踐豐富自己的經驗,而且愈畫愈開心, 向讀者傳達心中所想。 Yanai, who grew up in Hong Kong, is a dog lover. She became fond of comics because her elder brother regularly bought comics magazines and Doraemon home. With her interest in drawing, naturally she became devoted to comics creation. She spent three years in Japan, studying at a specialist academy for comics art. As she returned to Hong Kong, she got a chance to serialise her works in Suncomics Project, a digital comics platform originating in Taiwan. The first serial comics that she publishes on the platform is Frankenstein Family, a familythemed story set in Hong Kong, the city she is most familiar. Its Japanese edition has been serialised in Japanese magazine Comic@Bunch. In September 2019, its French edition will be published in Europe. Feeling that she still has a lot to learn before she can truly master the art of comics, Yanai strives to enrich her experience through practice, and she hopes that she will enjoy the process and that she can convey all her thoughts to readers.


Siu-fung Mak started as a comics assistant, has been working in the creative fields of comics, illustration, and sculpture since 1991. In 1993, he travelled to Japan to study traditional hand-drawn animation. In 2002, he started a brand called United Planet, which specialised in 3D figurine production and comics creation. In 2006, he published his solo comics collection, The Coffee Maker. Mak started to create his hand-drawn animation, Back to Base in 2007, and with this work, he won the Gold Award in the Animation Category at the Incubator for Film and Visual Media in Asia (ifva) in 2011. Since then, Mak has devoted more of his energies to animation production. In 2014, he produced his second hand-drawn animation Disposition, with which he won, again, the Gold Award in the Animation Category at ifva in 2015, as well as the Regional Prize (Hong Kong) at the DigiCon6 ASIA Awards. In 2017, he released Cross Blade Kill. His Infidelity, produced in 2018, was shortlisted for the Best Animated Short Film Award at Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.


香港漫畫家 HONG






www.zbfghk.org zbfghk zbfghk zbfghk@gmail.com 紙本分格成立於 2015 年,是香港一個漫畫相關團體。除分享不同漫畫資訊外,主 要集中推廣實體漫畫與紙本設計。在過去幾年間一直為香港和臺灣媒體雜誌撰寫 漫畫相關文章,還舉辦小型漫畫分享會及講座,分享漫畫與其設計;另曾為臺灣

Henry PANG chunstation1221.blogspot.com chunstation2013tlcomics 火鳳燎原 Henry Pang

彭俊波,筆名俊駐點,從小喜歡看漫畫、畫漫畫,小時候偶像是鳥山明,曾有一刻的 夢想是成為漫畫家,但後來知道自己實力不足,即打消這個念頭。1999 年加入香港 東立出版集團有限公司至今,多年身兼《新少年》周刊及《火鳳燎原》編輯,曾負責 多位漫畫家的編輯工作,包括陳某、馮展鵬、孫威軍、葉偉青、陳小球等等,負責管 理火鳳燎原及東立香港 Facebook 專頁。 Henry Pang has been fond of reading and drawing comics since childhood. It was once his dream to become a comics artist like Akira Toriyama, his childhood idol, but feeling that he did not draw well enough, he soon gave up on this dream. Pang has worked at Tong Li Publishing Group Limited since 1999, and over the years he has been the editor of the comics magazine New Youth and The Ravages of Time. He is also the editor for comics artists such as Chan Mou, F.C.P., Wai-kwan Suen, Felix Ip and Chan Siu Kau.

的實體漫畫印刷本。計劃的首個項目與動畫、漫畫和雕塑樣樣皆精的香港創作人麥 少峯合作,於 19 年初出版《灰飛不滅》漫畫合集,同期獲邀遠赴法國安古蘭國際漫 畫節參展。最近為香港漫畫家柳廣成與荷蘭遊戲公司 Rusty Lake 推出的漫畫《Cube Escape: Paradox》負責編輯設計及印刷監督工作。 zbfghk is a comics-related group based in Hong Kong. Besides sharing news about comics, they focus on promoting print comic books and paper- based designs. In the past several years, they have been invited to write articles for Hong Kong and Taiwanese media, and they have also organised a myriad of small-scale exhibitions and talks about comics and related design practices. They engaged in the design and copywriting for Taiyo Matsumoto Archives / Special Feature and the Hong Kongexclusive Ping-pong screen-print poster, published and produced by Locus Publishing in Taiwan. In 2018, zbfghk branched out into publishing, hoping to work with different artists to publish print comic books with individuality. The first artist whom they work with is versatile animator, comics artist, and sculptor Siu-fung Mak. His first horror comics collection Ashes to Ashes Not was published in Jan 2019. zbfghk have been invited to participate in the Angoulême International Comics Festival 2019 in France. In May 2019, zbfghk was responsible for the design, editing and printing management of Cube Escape: Paradox, a comic book published by comics artist Kwong-shing Lau and game company Rusty Lake from the Netherlands.

kong Comics Professional

香港漫畫專業人士 Hong


18 年開始涉足出版,策劃紙本分格漫畫計劃,期望與不同的漫畫家合作推出具個性 香港漫畫專業人士 Hong

kong Comics Professional


Stéphane LEVALLOIS stephanelevallois.com/blog


Stéphane Levallois 生 於 1970 年, 現 居 法 國 巴 黎。1992 年 畢 業 於 Penninghen School of Art Direction and Interior Architecture。創作漫畫以外,他也是跨媒界藝術 家、電影概念藝術家及分鏡畫師、藝術玩具設計師、短片導演、國際品牌的宣傳設計 師等。他的第一部漫畫著作《NOE》於 2002 年出版,其後相繼與不同出版商和作者 合作,創作出不同主題、風格的漫畫和插畫集。即將推出的個人漫畫創作《LEONARD

Claire MALARY clairemalary.com


Claire Malary 生於法國布列塔尼雷恩,她曾於巴黎高等專業平面藝術及 建築學院修讀平面藝術,其後再研習廚藝。專業背景使她擁有多元工作 經驗,她既是平面設計師,亦為名廚 Alain Passard 及 Pierre Gagnaire

和《Story Killers 》。 Stéphane 現職於電影媒體視覺特效製作工作室 Moving Picture Company,擔任電影 概念藝術家及分鏡畫師。曾參與《哈利波特 7、8》等多部荷里活電影。不少電影的 角色場景亦是由他設計,如《金剛:骷髏島》主要角色形象設計及島上生物的構思, 及電影《異形:聖約》分鏡設計及異形的角色形像設計。

—來表現自我。Éditions de l’Œuf 在 2018 年 10 月出版了 Claire 的第一

Stéphane Levallois was born in 1970. He currently lives in Paris, France.

本圖像小說《Hallali》,此作在翌年 1 月獲得女性漫畫獎 Prix Artémisia

He graduated from the École Supérieure d’Art Graphique of Penninghen in 1992. Stéphane has had outstanding achievements in his many roles as comics artist, cross media artist, concept artist and story boarder of Hollywood movies, art toy designer, short film director, commercial designer for international brands, etc.

的大獎 。在她的畫藝之中,Claire 偏愛描繪為夢幻自然籠罩著的人體形 態。對她而言,創作是一個單純表達內在自我的途徑。 Claire Malary was born in Rennes (Britanny, France) and studied Graphic Arts in High Professional School of Graphic Art and Architecture in Paris before furthering her trainings in the field of Cookery. Her professional background has led her to diverse work experience. She is a graphic designer and also a chef worked under the names of chefs Alain Passard and Pierre Gagnaire. However, being an illustrator allows her to express herself in her most unique and original vocabulary through drawing and painting. In October 2018, Claire’s first graphic novel, Hallali was published by Éditions de l’Œuf. The work was awarded the Grand Prize of Prix Artémisia in January 2019. In Claire’s artistic practice, her favorite shapes and subjects are human bodies, surrounded by dreamlike and enveloping nature. Creation is, to her, a pure expression of her inner self.

His first comic book NOE was published in 2000, he then collaborated with different publishing houses and artists, creating comics and illustration books of different themes and styles. His upcoming work titled LEONARD 2 VINCI from the Louvre BD Collection, is a comic book on Leonardo da Vinci. He is also the designer of the Artoyz collections Toxic Candies and Story Killers for Artoyz Originals. In his capacity as a concept artist and story boarder at the visual effects and production studio Moving Picture Company, Stéphane has done a variety of designs and visual conception works for many well-known Hollywood movies, e.g. Harry Potter 7 & 8; the design and conception of the creatures of the island in Kong: Skull Island. Stéphane also worked directly with director Ridley Scott on Alien Covenant’s storyboard and the design of the creatures.

overseas Comics Artist


外,他也為 Artoyz Originals 設計藝術玩具 Artoyz Collection ──《Toxic Candies》


overseas Comics Artist

門下的廚師,而插畫師的身份則允許她以其最獨特且原創的語彙— 繪畫

2 VINCI》,以 Leonardo da Vinci 為主題,是羅浮宮漫畫計劃系到之一。平面創作以

Sébastien GNAEDIG

Futuropolis 總編輯(法國) Editor-in-Chief of Futuropolis (France) www.futuropolis.fr EditionsFuturopolis EditionsFuturopolis EditionsFuturopolis

Sébastien Gnaedig 於 1968 年出生,於學院修讀出版專業,1990 年在法國知名出 版社 Les Humanoïdes Associés 工作,1992 年任職巴黎漫畫出版社 Delcourt 製作經 理。其後再次回歸 Les Humanoïdes Associés 擔任編輯,為多位著名漫畫家出版,包


Overseas Comics Professional

括 Enki Bilal、Dupuy and Berberian、Mathieu Lauffray and Xavier Dorison 及 Cecil。 1998 年成為 Les Humanoïdes Associés 的總監。2004 年,Futuropolis 出版社負責人 Antoine Gallimard 力邀 Sébastien 出任總編輯,期望為該社帶來新景象。Sébastien 重 整旗鼓,羅致了多位舉足輕重的漫畫家︰ David B、Étienne Davodeau、Jean-Michel Rabaté、Brunschwig 及 Hirn。2005 年,Sébastien 與 漫 畫 家 Nicolas de Crécy 及 法 國羅浮宮出版部的 Fabrice Douar 合作,出版羅浮宮漫畫計劃的作品。 Sébastien Gnaedig was born in 1968. With his academic study background of publishing, Sébastien joined Les Humanoïdes Associés and worked for the production in 1990. He became the production manager of Delcourt editions in 1992 before returning to the Humanoïdes Associés as editor. He works with many remarkable comics artists, e.g. Enki Bilal, Dupuy and Berberian, Mathieu Lauffray and Xavier Dorison, Cecil. In 1998, he became the director of Humanoïdes Associés. In 2004, Antoine Gallimard proposed that Sébastien Gnaedig take the role of editorial director, in order to restore the publishing brand - Futuropolis. He revived the publishing house with some faithful authors: David B, Étienne Davodeau, Rabaté, Brunschwig and Hirn. In 2005 he published the Louvre BD collection with Nicolas de Crécy in collaboration with Fabrice Douar of the museum’s publication department. Sébastien Gnaedig is also the author of five comics books, including Profession du père, the adaptation of Sorj Chalandon’s novel.

給所有愛書人的漫畫書。 Étienne Robial 及 Florence Cestac 於 1974 年 創 立 了 Futuropolis 出版社,致力為具資歷的漫畫家及有潛質的 新晉提供一個編輯自主的發揮空間,銳意為漫畫發展揭 開新一頁。Futuropolis 的出現令業界泛起了漣漪,刺激 創辦獨立出版社的風氣。至 2019 年,Futuropolis 出版 的著作突破 500 部。 Comics books for all the book lovers. Étienne Robial and Florence Cestac founded the Futuropolis Editions in 1974, offering both established and new talented authors an arena of ​​editorial freedom that opens comics to a new language. Up until 2019, more than 500 titles have been published.

La Propriété


Camille Jourdy

JULIETTE les fantômes reviennent

Rutu Modan

au printemps

Camille Jourdy

Roman Gorski

Tomasz Novak

isbn : 978-2-330-05751-0 • 26 € ttc

Director of Collection Actes Sud BD (France) Collection Actes Sud BD 總監(法國)


www.actes-sud.fr/rayon/bande-dessinee/actes-sud-bd actessud actessud

Overseas Comics Professional

978-2-330-02233-4 • 24,50 € ttc

ISBN : 978-2-330-10837-3 Prix : 29 Euros TTC


Le comptable Popovski

actes sud bd

9 782330 022334

Sans titre-2 1

Les_Rigoles_CVBAT_2018.indd 1

couv_juliette_bat.indd 1


Actes sud Bd


actes sud bd

Agnieszka Gorski

05/07/2018 10:49


21/08/2018 11:35

13/01/2016 14:09

1974 年在法國出生,Thomas Gabison 於巴黎修畢平面設計及環境模式研究生課 程。在 2003 年,憑著他在出版社 Actes Sud junior 平面設計師的工作及在漫畫書零 售累積的經驗,他接受了俄羅斯文學及社會政治文章出版商 Michel Parfenov 的邀 請,在以文學出版而聞名的 Actes Sud 建立漫畫分支 Actes Sud BD。Thomas 專注 漫畫出版之外,他對劇場創作亦特別感興趣,所以也嘗試把劇場及漫畫相連,設計多 本劇場舞臺設計及演員指導為題材的圖書,如《50 ans au théâtre du Soleil d’Ariane Mnouchkine》及《Le corps en mouvement de Jacques Lecoq》等。 Born in 1974 in France, Thomas Gabison pursued his studies in graphic design and environment mode in Paris. In 2003, with the solid experience as a bookseller specialised in comics and as freelance graphic designer for Actes Sud junior, he accepted Michel Parfenov’s (publisher of Russian literature and socio-political essays) offer, and contributed to the creation of a comic division at Actes Sud, a renowned publishing house that embraces all forms of literature. Alongside his career as a publisher, he continues his other profession as a graphic designer with a special interest in the field of theater. He designed several beautiful books dedicated to staging and directing of actors— 50 Years at Ariane Mnouchkine’s Théâtre du Soleil and The Body in Motion of Jacques Lecoq. He has established an enduring connection between theatre and comics.

2005 年,Actes Sud BD 推出首部漫畫書——意大利漫 畫 家 Gipi 的《Notes pour une histoire de guerre》, 本 書翌年於法國安古蘭國際漫畫節奪得最佳漫畫獎,雖然 是由以小說出版為主導的公司所成立的漫畫分部,Actes Sud BD 亦得到漫畫業界的肯定。 In 2005, Actes Sud BD has published the first comic, Notes for a War Story, by Italian comics artist Gipi, which has won the Prize for Best Album at the Angoulême International Comics Festival a year after its publication. As a signature of Actes Sud’s editorial line of contemporary novels, Actes Sud BD has garnered a notable reputation as a contemporary comics publisher.

Rutu Modan


法國安古蘭國際漫畫節總監 Artistic Director of Angoulême International Comics Festival, France


Overseas Comics Professional

www.bdangouleme.com Stéphane Beaujean 持比較文學碩士學位,2002 至 08 年期間任職方 法論教學助理,並於巴黎第十三大學國際交流處向非以法語為母語 人士教授法語。巴黎二手書店 Aaapoum Bapoum 經理,同時兼任記 者,並為《Les Inrockuptibles》及電影評論平臺《Trois Couleurs》、 《Chronicart》撰寫漫畫評論。曾任職《KaBoom》雙月刊(出版總監 為 Benoit Maurer)總編四年。2016 年辭去所有工作,專注擔任安古蘭 國際漫畫節之藝術總監。 Stéphane Beaujean holds a postgraduate degree in comparative literature and worked as a teaching assistant in methodology and taught French as a foreign language (FLE) at the International Relations Office of the University of Paris XIII from 2002 to 2008. As the manager of the secondhand bookstore Aaapoum Bapoum in Paris, Stéphane Beaujean worked at the same time as a journalist and comic book critic for Les Inrockuptibles, as well as the film reviews Trois Couleurs and Chronicart. He was the editor-in-chief of the KaBoom, a bi-monthly publication directed by Benoit Maurer, for four years. In 2016, he quitted all these activities to become the Artistic Director of the Angoulême International Comics Festival.

公眾導賞 Public Tours 集合地點 Gathering Point:

香港藝術中心四樓包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, 4/F, HKAC 粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese 費用全免 I Free of Charge 無需登記,先到先得。 First-come, first-served. No registration required.

名額 Quota:20

09.08.2019 (五FRI) 1400-1445, 1600-1645 10.08.2019 (六SAT) 1300-1345, 1400-1445, 1500-1545 11.08.2019 (日SUN) 1300-1345 13.08.2019 (二TUE) 1400-1445, 1600-1645 15.08.2019 (四THU) 1400-1445, 1600-1645 17.08.2019 (六SAT) 1400-1445 18.08.2019 (日SUN) 1200-1245 20.08.2019 (二TUE) 1400-1445, 1600-1645 22.08.2019 (四THU) 1400-1445, 1600-1645 24.08.2019 (六SAT) 1400-1445

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