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林緝光『世陽堂』 六十年秘藏青銅器展覽

K wong Lum's Magnificent C ollection C hinese Bronzes

China Institute Renwen Society Lecture Saturday, March 14, 2015 2pm


緝光先生在美國紐約建立的世陽堂數十年來被收藏家們譽為海外小 故宮,但真正看到世陽堂藏品的人並不多。羊年伊始,林緝光先生 開始將數十年的秘藏在世陽堂畫廊公開展覽並置於網絡上,成立“ 紐約林緝光世陽堂藝術網絡博物館”,供天下之愛惜中華文物之人士研究和鑑 賞。這次公開展覽並上網的第一組展品為一百件國寶級青銅器。值此機遇,華 美人文學會於3月14日(週六)下午二時至四時假世陽堂畫廊舉辦講座,特邀 林緝光先生做專題講座,講述中國從五千年前的齊家文化和二裡頭文化期直至 兩千年前的漢代青銅器,并解釋本次世陽堂展出的青銅器藏品,使其知曉於 世。同時,林先生也將講述他六十多年來對青銅器的收藏與鑒證經驗,與聽眾 分享他的研究成果和心得。 在這次展出的一百件珍品中,夏朝的青銅人面獸身像代表着華夏在四千年前亦 有如埃及那樣的人面獸身像存世,可能因為氣候的風吹雨打而湮沒了。商代青 銅器存世以鼎為最多,在商後期還有人面方鼎以及人面盉等傳世,同時以動物 造型的青銅器如象尊、虎食人尊、鳥食人尊等。西周與東周的青銅器在這次展 覽中也有不少,春秋戰國的青銅在“世陽堂”的藏品中獨特,神奇與精美。存 世稀有的秦代完整一套的青銅金銀錯編鐘為這次展覽的亮點之一。對於唐代的 鎮國三劍(神龍執法劍、玉龍劍與尚方寶劍)也是這次展覽之精華。 如今集書畫家丶詩人丶收藏家於一身,堪稱“美國紐約文藝界領袖式風雲人 物”的林緝光先生,出生於澳門 氹仔。他自10歲始便致力于中國 藝術品的收藏,迄今已近半個世 紀之久。他幼年跟藝術大師和古 代藝術品收藏鑒賞大家丁衍庸先 生學習書法丶繪畫丶古典文學以 及古代藝術品鑒定技術,在十幾 嵗時便已 擁有了自己初具規模 的“世陽堂”藝術品珍藏,其中 的稀世瑰寶包括北宋大師黃庭堅 所書的蘇轼詞作《念奴嬌•赤壁 懷古》手 卷丶清初大畫家石濤 與八大山人的山水力作和一套商 王武丁之玉玺及骨玺。如今,林 緝光建於紐約市的“世陽堂”古 代藝術珍藏與畫廊因其價值連城 的各類國寶級藏品而被譽爲“海 外小故宮”,其珍藏大可同北京 和台北的故宮一比短長。各類“ 超級國寶”中有帝堯的玄圭,商

王武丁的十枚骨制令玺,張旭和吳道子共同創作的書畫長卷,由唐太宗親自爲 贊、閻立本所畫的《淩煙閣》二十四功臣像,宋徽宗的《禦鷹圖》大中堂,北 宋黃庭堅的“大江東去”書法長卷,米芾的雲 山,唐代武則天的石雕頭像, 同北京故宮的藏品相配的宋朝紫檀蓮花寶座以及中國古代如柴、汝、官、哥、 定等諸大名窯的精美珍瓷,不一而足。民族英雄文天祥的曠世之作《過零丁 洋詩》的原跡也為林先生收藏。2012年廣東江門市建立了一座以林緝光先生命 名的博物館,將林先生珍藏的諸多燦爛國寶展現在億萬國人面前。中央電視 臺“國寶檔案”節目曾專程來紐約采訪林緝光先生,制成四集電視片在中央電 視臺播放。


wong Lum started collecting ancient Chinese artwork as a nine-year-old in Hong Kong under the guidance of his art teacher, Ding Yanyong, himself hailed as leading figure in the renewal of the ancient China tradition for modern expression and a fervent collector, who taught him Chinese painting, calligraphy and most of all, the appraisal and collection of Chinese antiques. Thus began his Sai Yang Tang Collection. As a renowned Chinese artist, scholar and collector, Lum has immensely enlarged the volume of his collection by adding in ancient masters’ painting and calligraphy, bronzes, sculpture and porcelain ware of different dynasties, purchased throughout the world at auctions or from private collectors. Today, his Sai Yang Tang Collection in the United States, boasting of its invaluable art treasures of ancient China, enjoys a far-reaching reputation of “A Smaller-Sized Overseas Palace Museum.” In 1999, a Kwong Lum National Art Treasure Exhibition was held by Asian Cultural Center in New York, commemorating the 50th Anniversary on the formation of Sai Yang Tang Collection. China’s CCTV “National Treasure Archives” program has made a special trip to New York to interview Lum and they documented four television episodes in the CCTV broadcast. In 2012, Guangdong Government built a museum named “Kwong Lum Art Museum” at Jiangmen City. The museum opened in 2014 and houses Lum’s Paintings and treasures of Sai Yang Tang’s Collection. Lum will be launching his On-Line Museum and hold series of Exhibitions of his Collection. The first will be on Ancient and Gilt Bronzes, with over one hundred Bronze pieces. This collection starts from the Qijia Culture at the end of the third millennium B.C., and Erlitou period up to Han Dynasty. Highlighted by rare and prestigious bronze objects with technical excellence, unsurpassed refinement, signifying political power, devout spiritual beliefs, and exalted social status. On Saturday, March 14th, China Institute Renwen Society will host a lecture on the Sai Yang Tang Collection of archaic Chinese at the Gianguan Art Gallery. The development of ancient Bronze vessels and its appreciation will be discussed.

齐家文化期 青铜七角星耳环仕女 Qijia Period, Bronze Figure of a Knelling Maiden with Ear Loop Height: 11⅞ in (30.2 cm)

齐家文化期 青铜七角星耳环 打伞仕女 Qijia Period, Bronze Figure of a Knelling Maiden with Ear Loop and Holding an Umbrella Height: 13⅜ in (34 cm)

二里头文化 爵 Erlitou, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Jue Height: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm)

商后期 青铜四人面卣 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, You with Human Face and Cover Height: 13 in (33 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Diameter of Foot: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm)

西周前期 青铜伯矩鬲 Early Western Zhou, An Important and Massive Inscribed Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Li Height: 23 in (58.4 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 15¼ in (38.7 cm)

商后期 青铜犀尊 Late Shang, Bronze Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Zun in Rhinoceros-form with Conforming Knop as Cover Height: 9½ in (24.1 cm) Length: 13¼ in (33.7 cm)

商后期 青铜象尊 Late Shang, Bronze Silver Inlaid Ritual Food Vessel, Zun in Elephant-form with Conforming Knop as Cover Height: 14½ in (36.8 cm)

秦 青铜金银错编钟带架一套 Qin, A Set of Graduated Bronze Zhong Inlaid with Gold and Silver with Bronze Stand Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) Length: 52⅜ in (133 cm)

商后期 青铜龙首鸟尊 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Zun in Mythical Dragon-bird-form with Conforming Knop as Cover Height: 12½ in (31.8 cm) Length: 13 in (33 cm)

商后期 青铜兽面纹方斝 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Fangjia with Taotie Mask Height: 16½ in (41.9 cm) Length of Mouth: 7.13 in (18.1 cm) Width of Mouth: 6 in (15.2 cm)

西汉 青铜金银错羽人 Western Han, Bronze Winged Figure in Knelling Position Inlaid with Gold and Silver Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm)

战国后期 青铜四连鼎 (饪食器) Late Warring States, Bronze Quatrefoil Linked Ritual Food Vessel, Ding Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm)

战国中期 青铜金银错鸟纹双翼兽 战国中期 青铜银错鸟纹双翼兽 Middle Warring States, Two Bronze Mythical Beasts with Silver and Gold Inlaid Height: 9⅛ in (23.2 cm), Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm)

战国 青铜器金银错神龟形砚台(带盖)一对 Warring States, A Pair of Unusual Bronze Tortoise Inkbox Inlaid with Gold and Silver Height: 5½ in (13.97 cm) x 2 Length: 9¼ in (23.5 cm)

战国 青铜金银错龙凤纹驷马车 Warring States, Bronze Inlaid with Gold and Silver Four-Horses Drawn Carriage with Umbrella-Shade Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm), Length: 21½ in (54.6 cm)

商 人面龍紋盉 Shang Dynasty, Ritual Wine Vessel, He with Human Mask Cover Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm) Diameter of Foot: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm)

商后期 青铜人面盉 Late Shang Dynasty, Ritual Wine Vessel, He with Human Mask Cover Height: 12¾ in (32.5 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 7⅜ in (18.8 cm) Diameter of Foot: 8½ in (21.7 cm)

商后期 青铜人面盉 Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, He with Human Face Height: 18 in (45.7 cm) Width: 17¾ in (45.1 cm)

商后期 青铜兽面纹尊 (佳父癸尊)上博有此 Late Shang, Bronze Zun with Taotie Mask (A similar one in Shanghai Museum) Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 7 in (17.8 cm) Diameter of Foot: 4.5 in (11.4 cm)

商后期 青铜三犀凤尊 Late Shang, Bronze Zun with Three Rhinoceros Beast Head Feet Height: 11⅜ in (28.9 cm)

西周前期 青铜蟠龙盖兽面纹罍 Early Western Zhou, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Lei with Taotie Mask and Cover Height: 19⅛ in (48.6 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 6 in (15.2 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm)

商后期 青铜鸟食人尊 Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Zun with Bird Eating Man and Cover Height: 13½ in (34.3 cm)

西汉 青铜错金兽首方觚 Western Han, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Gu inlaid with Gold Height: 19 in (48.3 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6½ in (16.5 cm)

商 青铜四羊方尊 Shang, A Massive Archaic Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Zun with Ram Height: 17⅜ in (44.1 cm)

商后期 青铜虎食人兽耳提樑卣 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, You with Tiger Eating Man and Cover Height: 18½ in (47 cm)

战国后期 青铜错金 狩猎纹犀尊 Late Warring States, Bronze Vessel, Zun with Gold Inlaid with Hunting Motifs Length: 27 in (68.6 cm) Height: 14⅛ in (35.9 cm)

五胡十六国西秦 武元王剑(名乞伏乾归)青铜银错宝剑 Western Qin, Emperor WuYuan Bronze Sword with Silver Inlaid Length: 26⅜ in (67 cm)

西周前期 青铜卷体夔纹罍 Early Western Zhou, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Lei with Cover Height: 14⅞ in (37.8 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 4½ in (11.4 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm)

商后期 青铜兽面纹方罍 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Fanglei, with Taotie Mask and Cover Height: 21¼ in (54 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Diameter of Foot: 7½ in (19 cm)

春秋 青銅器九龍王造像 Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Dragon King Mythical Figure Height: 15⅜ in (39.1 cm))

春秋后期 青铜龙凤三轮车 Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Vessel of Dragon-Phoenix Carriage Length: 11⅞ in (30.2 cm), Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm)

春秋后期 青铜鹿角连体兽 Late Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Figure of Twin-linked Deer Body and Elk Height: 19⅛ in (48.6 cm)

春秋后期 青铜九龙兽身神器 Late Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Mythical Beast with Nine Dragon Heads Height: 18⅜ in (46.7 cm) Length: 18¼ in (46.4 cm)

春秋后期 青铜钳绿松石四龙兽 Late Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Mythical beast with Embellished Turquoise Height: 17⅛ in (43.5 cm) Length: 15¼ in (38.7 cm)

商后期 青铜鸟形尊 Late Shang, Bronze Bird-Form Ritual Food Vessel, Zun Height: 15¼ in (38.7 cm)

商后期 青铜兽觥 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Gong with Beast Head and Cover Height: 15¼ in (38.7 cm)

商后期 青铜角鸟卣 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, You in Bird-form and Cover Height: 17⅛ in (43.5 cm)

东汉 青铜银错击鼓说唱乐俑 Eastern Han, A Bronze Figure of Talk-sing Balladeer with Silver Inlaid Height: 27⅛ in (68.9 cm)

商后期 青铜鎏金 人面方鼎 Late Shang, Bronze Vessel, Fang Ding with Human Face Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) Length: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) Width: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm)

夏/商 青铜彩绘人物鸟兽纹尊 Xia-Shang, Polychrome Painted Bronze Zun with Figures and Beast Mask Height: 8⅞ in (22.5 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 8 in (20.3 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6 in (15.2 cm)

西周 青铜周公剑 Western Zhou, Zhōugōng Bronze Sword Length: 16⅝ in (42.2 cm)

商 青铜兽面双人剑 Shang, Bronze Sword with Taotie Mask Length: 16⅜ in (41.6 cm)

周 青铜兽面乳钉剑 Zhou, Bronze Sword with Taotie Mask and Boss Length: 16 in (40.6 cm)

商 青铜兽面 双人剑 Shang, Bronze Sword with Taotie Mask Length: 16⅜ in (41.6 cm)

周 青铜兽面乳 钉剑 Shang, Bronze Sword with Taotie Mask and Boss Length: 16 in (40.6 cm)

夏 青銅器人頭獸身嵌寶綠松石白玉擺件 Xia, Bronze Sphinx Figure Inlaid with Turquoise and Jade Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) Length: 5¾ in (14.6 cm)

西周前期 青铜夔纹爵 Western Zhou, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Jue Height: 15¼ in (38.7 cm) Length: 12⅝ in (32.1 cm)

春秋前期 青铜鸟尊 Early Spring and Autumn Period, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Zun with Bird Form Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm)

商后期 青铜凤兽觥 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Gong in Phoenix-form with Cover Height: 11½ in (29.2 cm)

商后期 青铜龙纹觥 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Gong in Dragon-form with Cover Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm), Length: 16¼ in (41.3 cm)

商后期 青铜兽觥 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Gong in Beast-form with Cover Height: 14¾ in (37.5 cm)

战国前期 青铜镶嵌碧玉豆 Warring States, Bronze with Jade Parts and Loose Rings, Dou Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm)

战国前期 碧玉三足炉 Warring States, Green Jade Tri-pod Censer Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 5½ in (14 cm)

战国前期 青铜镶嵌碧玉 环耳三足炉 Warring States, Bronze Tri-pod Censer with Jade Parts Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm)

商后期 青铜兽纹兽面夔纹卣 Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, You, in Bird-form with Cover Height: 16¾ in (42.5 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm)

战国前期 青铜宴乐狩猎水陆攻战纹莲盖壶 Early Warring States, A Massive Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Hu with Hunting Motifs Height: 38⅞ in (98.7 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) Diameter of Foot: 12 in (30.5 cm)

战国前期 青铜宴乐狩猎水陆攻战纹链壶 Warring States, A Massive Ritual Wine Vessel, Hu with Hunting Motifs Height: 43⅜ in (110.2 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) Diameter of Foot: 14½ in (36.8 cm)

商后期 青铜戈卣 Late Shang, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, You Height: 12½ in (31.8 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Diameter of Foot: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm)

西汉 青铜骑士三牲人物工作储贝器 Western Han, Bronze Food Storage Container with Riders and Animals atop the Cover Height: 24¼ in (61.6 cm)

商后期 凤柱斝 Shang, A Massive Bronze Ritual Tripod Vessel, Jia Height: 41.3 in (105 cm) Diameter of Mouth: 17⅛ in (43.5 cm)

东汉 青铜坐骑 Eastern Han, A Massive Bronze Rider on Horseback with Spear Height: 74 in (188 cm) Height of Rider: 54¼ in (137.8 cm) Length: 44 in (111.8 cm)

战国前期 青铜曾侯 乙酒池(肉林) Early Warring States, Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel Height: 25 in (63.5 cm) Width: 31½ in (80 cm)

西周前期 青铜牛面方鼎 Early Western Zhou, Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Fang Ding with Buffalo Face Height: 36½ in (92.7 cm)

商后期 青铜鸟兽双人托鼓 Shang, Bronze Drum Held Up by Two Figures and top with Twin-Birds Height: 30⅞ in (78.4 cm)

西周中期 青铜大克鼎 Western Zhou, A Big Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Inscribed Ding Height: 34¾ in (88.3 cm)

春秋后期 楚昭王 青铜鎏金宝剑 Late Spring and Autumn, King Zhao of Chu’s Gilt Bronze Sword Length: 28.14 in (70.3 cm)

唐 神龙剑 午门执法剑 Tang, Dragon Sword and the Meriden Gate Sword Length (including scabbard): 114.5 cm Length: 105 cm

战国中期 青铜 鎏金镂孔蛇纹剑 Middle Warring States, Gilt Bronze Sword with Reticulated Snake Motif Sword Length: 35.4 in (89.5 cm)

唐 尚方宝剑 Tang, The Imperial Sword Length (including scabbard): 115.5 cm Length: 107 cm

唐 玉龙剑 又名唐太宗剑 (传) Tang, Jade Dragon Sword (Ascribed to Tang Emperor Taizong) Length (including scabbard): 108 cm Length: 94 cm

世陽堂畫廊 Art Collectors’ Gallery 38 East 41st St. NYC (Gianguan Auctions) 紐約市東41街38號(即貞觀拍賣公司地址) Te l : 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 2 6 6 0 F a x : 2 1 2 - 6 2 5 - 3 2 6 2

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