Singapore Day 1 Catalog

Page 1

新加坡首場精品拍賣會 美歐回流國寶選粹 書畫, 瓷器, 玉器, 青銅器, 文玩

Exceptional Private Collections from Oversea Chinese in Europe and America Traditional Paintings, Ceramics, Jade, Bronzes and Works of Art

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


Lot 107

清 康熙 青花龍火懷山浩海紋瓶 (大清康熙年制)六字三行楷書款

Qing, A Fine Blue and White Dragon Vase

Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:40 cm

Important Notice: No representation is made as to the condition, price or value of lots in this catalogue. Anyone seeking information on any of the items included in this catalogue should contact Gianguan Auctions (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. at (65) 62892618. Notwithstanding any description provided, all lots are offered and sold ‘As Is’ in accordance with the Conditions of Sale available in the back of this catalogue. 買家須知: 本圖錄中有關拍賣物品的圖文介紹不應被視為對任何物品製作者真實程度、考據及價值方面的擔保或是對任何義務的承諾。 此圖錄中所有物品均按照印在本目錄中的拍賣規則所界定的基礎之上以《現狀》出售。如欲查詢本圖錄中的拍品資料,請與 紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司(新加坡)聯繫。

纽约贞观国际拍卖公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

新加坡首场精品拍卖会 美欧回流国宝选粹

拍卖日期: 2014 年 10月 31 日 星期五 晚上7时: 书画, 瓷器, 玉器, 青铜器, 文玩 预展日期: 10月30日 星期四(早上10 时 - 晚上7 时) 10月31日 星期五(早上10 时 - 晚上6 时)

Exceptional Private Collections from Oversea Chinese in Europe and America Auction Date: 31st October 2014

7:00 pm: Traditional Paintings, Ceramics, Jade, Bronzes and Works of Art

Preview: Thursday, 30th October (10:00 am - 7:00 pm) Friday, 31st October (10:00 am - 6:00 pm)

Venue: Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre (Crystal Ballroom , 2nd Floor) No. 11 Cavenagh Road, Singapore 229616 场地: 新加坡乌节市中心假日酒店(水晶宴会二楼) 加文纳路十一号, 邮政编码 229616 Tel/电话 : (65) 62892618 Fax/传真: (65) 63825540 Email/电子邮件: Website/网站 : Mobile/手机号码: (65) 93838061

Index of Artists 画家索引 Name


Lot No.



Lot No.

Cheng Shifa


13, 46, 53

Pan Tianshou


29, 45, 49, 61

Dong Shouping



Pu Ru

溥儒 (心畬)


Fu Baoshi


12, 50

(Xin Yu)

Gao Jianfu


4, 7, 59

Qi Baishi


9, 10, 14, 21, 34

Guan Shanyue



Tang Yun



Hong Yi



Tao Lengyue



Tian Shiguang



Hua Yan


Wang Hui



Huang Binhong



Wu Changshuo



Huang Yongyu



Xie Zhiliu



Huang Zhou



Xu Beihong


11, 22, 28, 37

Jiang Zhaohe



Xu Wei



Kang Youwei



Yan Bolong



Li Keran


17, 26, 56

Yu Feian



Li Kuchan



Yu Youren



Lin Fengmian


15, 38, 47, 48

Zhang Daqian


19, 20, 23, 25, 39, 42, 43

Lin Liang



Zhang Ding



Lu Yanshao



Zhao Shaoang



Mei Lanfang



Zheng Xie



(Li Shutong) (Xinluo Shanren)


(李叔同) (新罗山人)





董寿平 (1904 - 1997)

黄山松涛 设色水墨纸本立轴 1987 年作 款识:丁卯春日 董寿平 钤印:(寿平书画) (董寿平)

Dong Shouping Mount Huang

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1987 Inscribed and signed Dong Shouping, with two artist seals 67.3 x 44.4 cm

SGD: $2,500 - $4,000


张仃 (1917 - 2010)

荒村积雪 水墨纸本立轴 款识:张仃 钤印:(张仃)

Zhang Ding Village in the Snow

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Zhang Ding, with one artist seal 68.5 x 61.5 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


Gao Jianfu Geese

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1933 Signed Jianfu, with one artist seal

103.5 x 55 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


赵少昂 (1905 - 1998)

红叶啼鸟 设色水墨纸本立轴 1966 年作 钤印:(少昂)(美意延年)

Zhao Shaoang Maple and Bird

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1966 Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 98.5 x 46 cm

SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



高剑父 (1878 - 1951)

双雁图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1933 年作 款识:建国廿二年春 老剑 钤印:(剑父)

Tian Shiguang Snow Monkey with Maple

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1943

Signed Tian Shiguang, with two artist seals 76.5 x 29.5 cm


田世光 (1916 - 1999)

红叶白猿 设色水墨纸本立轴 1943 年作 款识:癸未春日 公炜田世光 钤印:(田世光印)(公炜)

SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


于右任 (1878 - 1964)

书法对联 水墨纸本立轴 款识:江山如有待, 天地更无私。于右任 钤印:(右任)

Yu Youren Script Calligraphy in Couplet Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Yu Youren, with one artist seal 67 x 15.4 cm 卷起的长度为21.5cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000



高剑父 (1878- 1951)

仿宋山水笔意 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 落日金原教鸟群, 西风一夹气劲秋, 叟江边老树霜讥, 独立槎桠一老衲。 剑父 钤印:(高仑) (高剑父马背船唇朱记)

Gao Jianfu After the Song Artists’ Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Jianfu, with two artist seals 99.6 x 48.8 cm


SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


清 王翚 (1632 - 1717)

白云树深清猿啼 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:壁立青山带峡溪, 闲云尽日自髙低。 知他春树深多少, 时有清猿在里啼。 小苑巨轴为娄东王 奉常所藏气韵淋漓 规格浑古运意用笔 直令不可思议洵艺林 第一墨宝也。 癸巳夏至追仿其意。 耕烟散人王翚 钤印:(王翚之印) (耕烟)

Wang Hui

Qing Dynasty

Call of the Ape Deep in the Mountain Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Wang Hui, with three artist seals 79.6 x 43.4 cm

SGD: $80,000 - $100,000



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

红萝卜草虫 设色水墨纸本册页 款识:萍翁 钤印:(老萍)

Qi Baishi Red Radish and Insect Album Leaf Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ping Weng, with one artist seal 38.4 × 29.8 cm

SGD: $10,000 - $15,000 Sotheby’s 苏富比 New York June 1994


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

知了(蝉) 设色水墨纸本册页 款识:齐璜 钤印:(齐大)(阿芝)

Qi Baishi Cicada Album Leaf Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Qi Huang, with two artist seals 38.7 × 28.6 cm

SGD: $10,000 - $15,000


Sotheby’s 苏富比 New York June 1994


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

白鹅图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿)

Xu Beihong Three Geese

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Beihong, with one artist seal 68 x 44.5 cm

SGD: $40,000 - $60,000



傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

山水人物 设色水墨纸本扇面 1963 年作 款识:仲康先生属画 癸卯秋月 抱石 钤印:(傅)(抱石之印)

Fu Baoshi Crossing the Bridge

Ink & Color on Paper Fan,mounted and framed Dated 1963 Signed Baoshi, with two seals of the artist 16.5 × 49.5 cm

SGD: $10,000 - $15,000 Lot 045 Sotheby’s 苏富比 New York Sept. 1997 13

程十发 (1921 - 2007)

菊惠图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识:己未暮春 程十发菊惠图 于芺浦西畔 钤印:(三釜书屋) (程十发印)

Cheng Shifa Young Herder with Chrysanthemum Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Inscribed and signed Cheng Shifa, with two artist seals 73.5 × 67 cm


SGD: $15,000 - $20,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

石榴葡萄子多多 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:八十二岁白石齐璜 钤印:(三百石印斋) (八砚楼) (齐白石)

Qi Baishi Pomegranate and Grape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Baishi, Qi Huang, with three artist seals 131.2 x 63 cm

SGD: $80,000 - $100,000



黄永玉 (b.1924)

猫头鹰 设色水墨纸本立轴 1983 年作 款识:癸亥黄永玉 钤印:(永玉)(甲子金鼠)

Huang Yongyu Owl

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1983 Signed Huang Yongyu, with two artist seals 67.4 x 64.8 cm

SGD: $10,000 - $15,000 15

林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

好鸟枝头 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠印)

Lin Fengmian Spring Finch

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal 58.5 x 40 cm

SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



李可染 (1907 - 1989)

牧童与牛 设色水墨纸本立轴

款识:可染 钤印:(可染)(孺子牛) 鉴藏印: (拾捌小筑云山霞藏)

Li Keran Herding

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Two seals of the artist: Ke Ran, Ru Zi Niu

Lot 251 Christies 佳士得 New York Dec. 2, 1992

68 × 45 cm

SGD: $30,000 - $40,000



李苦禅 (1899 - 1983)

远瞩图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:远瞩 宗瀚属正 苦禅写 钤印:(李)(苦禅)

Li Kuchan Visions

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Entitled and signed Kuchan, with two artist seals 136.5 x 65.5 cm


SGD: $15,000 - $30,000

款识: 六十四年乙卯花朝客二日 环华恭写 爰 钤印:(张爰私印)

设色水墨纸本手卷 1975 年作


(1899 - 1983)




SGD: $80,000 - $100,000

132.5 x 66.5 cm

Inscribed and signed Yuan, with one artist seal

Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1975

Zhang Daqian Lotus Pure and Splendid


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

簮书图 水墨纸本立轴


款识: 簮书图 仿莫高窟初 唐人衣饰写之 大千张爰 钤印:(张爰私印) (大千居士) (大风堂)

Zhang Daqian Lady

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Entitled, inscribed and signed Zhang Daqian, with three artist seals

89.7 x 64.1 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $30,000


齐白石 (1863 - 1957)

紫藤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:白石老人齐璜 钤印:(白石)

Qi Baishi Wisteria

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi Qi Huang, with one artist seal 137 x 34 cm

SGD: $40,000 - $60,000



徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

八哥飞上枝头 设色水墨纸本立轴 1943 年作


款识:画中多题数字便有古意, 惟鄙性不喜, 但画一旦嫁去即无权过问此, 亦鄙人悲哀之一也。 卅二年初秋 悲鸿 静文爱妻存玩 钤印:(徐)

Xu Beihong Mynah Ascending Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1943

Inscribed and signed Beihong, with one artist seal 61.3 x 67 cm

SGD: $40,000 - $60,000


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

贵妃醉酒图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:霓裳一曲酒千钟, 沉醉人扶雨露浓; 欲赋新词拟颜色, 佗年太液对芙蓉。 大千居士爰 钤印:(张爰之印)(大千居士) (老弃敦煌)(百千之一) 鉴藏印: 杨仁恺:(仁恺过眼) 徐伯郊:(吴兴徐伯郊鉴藏) (陆氏秘藏) (松园阁藏大千百品之印)

Zhang Daqian Yang Fei at the Hundred Flower Pavilion

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Daqian Ju Shi Yuan, with three artist seals Five Collectors’ Seals 132.3 x 68 cm

SGD: $250,000 - $400,000



陶冷月 (1895 - 1985)

春晓 设色水墨纸本立轴 1977 年作 款识:春晓 丁巳秋日陶冷月写 时年八十三 钤印:(冷月大利)

Tao Lengyue Spring Morning

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1977 Entitled and signed Tao Lengyue, with one artist seal 139 x 34.2 cm

SGD: $4,000 - $6,000


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

闲步赏梅花 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:适之仁兄方家教正 大千弟张爰客纽约 钤印:(张爰私印) (大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Scholar and Plum Blossom Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Zhang Daqian, with two artist seals 102.8 x 33.5 cm


SGD: $15,000 - $30,000


李可染 (1907 - 1989)

赏荷图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:接天莲叶无穷碧 映日荷花别样红。 可染作于从化 钤印:(李氏)(可染) (帅牛堂)(肖形)

Li Keran By the Lotus Pond Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Keran, with four artist seals 136.8 x 67.2 cm

SGD: $60,000 - $80,000



黄胄 (1925 - 1997)

少女牧羊图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识:一九七九年 十一月黄胄 钤印:(黄胄)

Huang Zhou Maiden and Goats

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Huang Zhou, with one artist seal 139 x 69.7 cm


SGD: $30,000 - $50,000


款识:问汝健足是何用, 为觅生蒭春日驰。 二四年夏始又写 一幅不禁感叹 悲鸿 钤印:(悲鸿) (江南布衣) (吞吐大荒) (退以竢听而不惑)

水墨纸本手卷 1935 年作


(1895 - 1953)



SGD: $150,000 - $250,000

367.5 × 45 cm

Signed Beihong, with four artist seals

Hand Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1935

Xu Beihong Noble Steed

题跋:史树青 玉田同志持示颐翁 潘天寿所绘松鹰图 气势雄伟壮阔 平中见竒苍茫厚重 观之焕然可宝之 史树青敬题(史树青印)

款识:玉田同志壁可 靁婆头峰寿者 钤印:(潘天寿)(寿者)(一指禅)



(1898 - 1971)




SGD: $40,000 - $60,000

40.7 x 156.4 cm

One colophon by Shi ShuQing

Inscribed and signed Shou, with three artist seals

Pan Tianshou Hawk and Pine Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper


明 林良 (1414? - 1480)

苇岸栖禽图 水墨纸本立轴 款识:林良 钤印:(以善) 题跋:清 邢侗(文不录) 鉴藏印: 高士奇(高氏清吟堂鉴藏书画) 允礼 (芳林主人鉴赏) 载荃 (曾藏定府行有恒堂) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 毕沅 (秋颿书画图章)

Lin Liang Ming Dynasty

Geese and Reed Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Signed Lin liang, with one artist seal Five Collectors’ Seals One Inscription 125 x 63.5 cm

SGD: $300,000 - $400,000



黄宾虹 (1865 - 1955)

仙霞岭山景图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:仙霞岭上得图山景 宾虹年九十又一 钤印:(黄宾虹)

Huang Binhong Mountain View

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Binhong, with one artist seal 89 x 47 cm


SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


颜伯龙 (1898 - 1955)

红梅八哥 设色水墨纸本立轴 1944 年作 款识:甲申仲春 长白布衣 颜伯龙写 钤印:(伯龙书画) (椿草堂主)

Yan Bolong Mynah and Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944 129.8 x 31.4 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $8,000


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

双鹤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1915 年作 款识: 昔人云鹤寿不知其纪, 又云鹤寿千年; 鹤之以寿称者由来久矣。 吾家匏老人藏雪个画鹿 题曰百翔予写是帧 是为两好鹤鹿回春 无量寿叔未解元白也。 兹录以补空 乙卯深秋雨窻 吴昌硕 老缶 钤印:(吴俊卿)

Wu Changshuo Two Cranes

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1915 Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with one artist seal 133 x 42.5 cm

SGD: $30,000 - $50,000



齐白石 (1863 - 1957)

烛鼠图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:烛火光明如白昼 不愁人见岂为偷 白石老人并句 钤印:(齐白石)

Qi Baishi Mouse by the Candle

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi, with one artist seal 124.5 x 32.5 cm


SGD: $100,000 - $150,000


清 郑燮(板桥) (1693-1756)

竹林夜拥萧萧雨 水墨紙本立軸 款识: 小苑茒堂近郭门, 科头竟日拥山尊, 夜来叶上萧萧雨, 窗外新莪竹数根, 燮常以此题画, 然非我作也。 特注明于此以为 吾击攘譱之戒。 板桥郑燮 钤印:(燮印)(亨柔) 鉴藏印: 唐翰题(嘉兴新丰乡人 唐翰题收藏印) 庞元济(虚斋珍赏) 潘正炜(季彤审定)

Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Qing Dynasty


Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Inscribed and signed Zheng Xie, with two artist seals Three collectors’ seals 129.5 x 63.2 cm

SGD: $200,000 - $300,000



清 康有为 (1858 - 1927)

行草七言诗 水墨纸本立轴 1924 年作 款识: 持桑万里日光明, 问取木堂嘉树来, 乔木参天应远荫, 夷吾匡得海波平。 甲子六月天游化人 康有为 钤印:(康有为印)

Kang Youwei

Qing Dynasty

Calligraphy of a Poem

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1924

Inscribed and signed Kang Youwei, with one artist seal 132 × 63.5 cm


SGD: $15,000 - $30,000


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

草原跃马 设色水墨纸本立轴 1947 年作 款识:丁亥夏日 悲鸿居北平 钤印:(徐) (东海王孙)

Xu Beihong Stallion

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1947 Signed Beihong, with two artist seals 94.6 × 54.6 cm

SGD: $60,000 - $80,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

Lin Fengmian Beauty


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠)

Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal


45 x 54 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $30,000




(1899 - 1983)




款识:八十一叟 爰 钤印:(张爰之印) (大千居士) Ink & Color on Paper Mounted

Zhang Daqian Spring Time in the South

SGD: $20,000 - $30,000

84.5 x 47.8 cm

Signed Yuan, with two artist seals


蒋兆和 (1904 - 1986)

慈母手中线 设色水墨纸本立轴 1951 年作 款识:慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。 一九五一年元旦 钤印:(兆和)

Jiang Zhaohe Mother

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1951 72.5 x 67 cm

SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


明 徐渭 (1521-1593)

菊花奇石图 水墨纸本立轴 1591 年作 款识:万历辛卯九月二日 天池道人 钤印:(青藤道士)

Xu Wei

Ming Dynasty

Chrysanthemum and Rock

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1591 Inscribed and signed Tianchi Daoren, with one artist seal 68.2 x 66.6 cm


SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


Zhang Daqian The Ten Fairy Maidens

张大千 (1899 - 1983)

Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1949

十天女图 设色水墨纸本手卷 1949 年作 款识:鵞黄新染戒香薰,换却霓裳旧舞裙; 天欲有情天不老,不辞为雨更为云。 仿莫高窟唐人笔作拾天女 乙丑二月客香岛 大千居士爰

钤印:(张爰之印信) (大千居士) 引首:大千居士十大天女图 和溪仁恺题于香岛 (杨仁恺鉴定真迹之印)

Inscribed and signed Daqian with two artist seals Colophon by Yang Renkai 36.6 x 489.2 cm

SGD: $40,000 - $80,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

伯夷、叔齐隐山图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1945 年作 款识: 静波仁兄方家​​属作漫设诗笈 甲申嘉平大千张爰沙河村居 钤印:(张爰)(大千)

Zhang Daqian Two Solitary Hermits

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1945 Inscribed and signed Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 90.2 × 44.5 cm


SGD: $50,000 - $60,000

華盛頓收藏家友情提供 Property of a Washington Collector


于非闇 (1888 - 1959)

牡丹蜜蜂图 设色水墨纸本立轴

款识: 自多买胭脂画牡丹以来, 越感到精神面貌难于捉摸, 令作此图更不是说绚烂之极, 复归平淡而只是再作尝试耳。 非暗六十九岁并记 钤印:(于照) (于照之印) (我师造化)

Yu Feian Peony and Bee

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

63.8 × 45.4 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $20,000

Inscribed and signed Feian, with three artist seals



程十发 (1921 - 2007)

瑶寨来客 设色纸本立轴 1982 年作 款识:瑶寨来客 一九八二年六月 程十发写扵上海 钤印:(云间程潼)(十发)

Cheng Shifa Visitors

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1982 Entitled, inscribed and signed Cheng Shifa, with two artist seals 97.5 x 48.8 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $30,000



(1898 - 1971)

芙蓉小鸟 设色水墨纸本立轴 1963 年作 款识:穐晨兰新同志 属画 癸卯年弟寿 钤印:(潘天寿印)

Pan Tianshou Hibiscus and Bird Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Inscribed and signed with one artist seal 99 x 51.5 cm

SGD: $20,000 - $30,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

金色的秋天 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠)

Lin Fengmian Golden Autumn

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lin Fenmian, with one artist seal 49 x 49 cm

SGD: $40,000 - $50,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

青衣少女艳如花 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠)

Lin Fengmian Beauty in Blue

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal 67 x 62.5 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


潘天寿 (1898 - 1971)

栖鸟图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 欆身思狡兔, 侧目似愁胡。 雷婆头峰寿者 钤印:(潘天寿)

Pan Tianshou Two Mynah

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Shou, with one artist seal 67.5 x 68.5 cm


SGD: $10,000 - $20,000


傅抱石 (1904- 1965)

中山陵 设色水墨纸本立轴 1952 年作 款识:中山陵 一九五二年三月 傅抱石写 钤印:(抱石之作)

Fu Baoshi Purple Mountain Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1952 Entitled and signed Fu Baoshi, with one artist seal 135 x 67 cm

SGD: $20,000 - $30,000


Mei Lanfang Blossoms

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942 Signed Mei Lanfang, with one artist seal 91.6 x 33.6 cm

SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


溥儒(心畲) (1896 - 1963)

雪山阁楼图 水墨纸本立轴 款识: 云迷金刹新, 雪暗火珠光。 心畲 钤印:(心畲) (溥儒之印)

Pu Ru (Xin Yu) Mountain Pavilion Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Xin Yu, with two artist seals 101.6 × 32.7 cm


SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


梅兰芳 (1894 - 1961)

人面桃花相映红 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作 款识:一九四二年新春 梅兰芳作 钤印:(梅兰芳印)


程十发 (1921 - 2007)

调乐图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识:己未新秋 程十发制 钤印:(云间程潼) (三釜书屋) (程潼十发之玺) (萧平之)

Cheng Shifa Musicians

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Cheng Shifa, with four artist seals 117.8 × 65.1 cm

SGD: $50,000 - $60,000



关山月 (1912 - 2000)

客如云车如龙 设色水墨纸本立轴 1994 年作 款识:一九九四年十月 漠阳关山月画于羊城 钤印:(漠阳)(关山月)

Guan Shanyue In Town

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1994 Inscribed and signed Guan Shanyue, with two artist seals 95.2 x 59 cm

SGD: $2,000 – $4,000


弘一(李叔同) (1880 - 1942)

罗汉坐像 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:亦礼前论主, 戒如大明灯, 戒如摩尼珠, 是故诸​​菩萨。 弘一敬绘 钤印:(弘一)


Hong Yi (Li Shutong) Luohan Hanging Scroll, Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Hong Yi, with one artist seal 62.5 x 30.5 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $8,000


李可染 (1907 - 1989)

穐趣图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:忽闻蟋蟀鸣, 容易秋风起。 题穐趣图 岁在己巳 可染 钤印:(李)(可染)

Li Keran Autumn Herders Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Colophon inscribed and signed by Keran, with two artist seals 81 x 37.8 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $30,000



清 华岩 (新罗山人) (1682- 1756 )

槐荫高士图 水墨纸本立轴 1752 年作 款识:细草绿如发, 春萝暗侣烟; 桃花初着雨, 半璧泻红泉。 壬申四月新罗山人 写于解韬馆 钤印:(华岩)(烁岩) (被明月兮佩宝璐)

Hua Yan (Xinluo Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Scholar in the Shade Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1752

Inscribed and signed Xinluo Shanren, with three artist seals 170 x 44 cm

SGD: $15,000 - $30,000


陆俨少 (1909 - 1993)

三峡忆旧游 设色水墨纸本立轴 1946 年作 款识:丙戌之春, 予遵江东下,径三峡之险, 穷其水势,旧游如梦, 兹特写其大畧耳 严少 钤印:(宛若)(陆俨少)


Lu Yanshao The Three Gorges Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1946

Inscribed and signed Yanshao, with two artist seals 101.8 x 40.6 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


高剑父 (1878 - 1951)

人物 设色水墨纸本立轴 1936 年作 款识:廿五年秋 剑父 钤印:(高仑之鉥)

Gao Jianfu Figure

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1936 Signed Jianfu, with one artist seal 121 x 64 cm

SGD: $5,000 - $8,000


谢稚柳 (1910 - 1997)

春柳鸣禽 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:南浦芙蓉影, 愁红独自春。 间吟长吉语, 诗輙成此图。 稚柳居士 钤印:(燕白衣)(谢稚)

Xie Zhiliu Birds on Willow

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Zhiliu, with two artist seals 96.5 x 47.2 cm

SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



唐云 (1910 - 1993)

夏看绿荷池 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:唐云画杭州 钤印:(大石) (杭人唐云) (老药手笔)



(1898 - 1971)

鸽子图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:雷婆头峰寿者画 钤印:(潘天寿)

Pan Tianshou The Doves

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed with three artist seals 94 x 43 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


Tang Yun Summer Lotus Pond

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Tang Yun, with three artist seals 95.3 x 48.9 cm

SGD: $4,000 - $6,000


Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande


557 - 589

正统 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C.

Northern Dynasties

北魏 Nothern Wei

386 - 535

天顺 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

东魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齐 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆庆 LongQing

Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

11th C.- 771 B.C.

东周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 战国 Warring States Period

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西汉 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

东汉 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

后梁 Later Liang

907 - 923


天啟 Tianqi

1621 - 1627

崇祯 Chongzhen

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 顺治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

后汉 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉庆 JiaQing

后周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

Liao Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸丰 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光绪 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣统 Xuantong

1909 - 1911


265 - 420

Jin Dynasty

Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1915 - 1916

1115 - 1234


Western Jin

265 - 316


Sixteen Kingdoms

304 - 439


Eastern Jin

317 - 420

1279- 1371

中华人民共和国 Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪宪

Jin Dynasty

1796 - 1820

Song Dynasty

Qing Dynasty

后唐 Later Tang

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

1573 - 1619

泰昌 Taichang

后晋 Later Jin

907 -1125 三国

万历 Wanli

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C. 汉

Tang Dynasty

1567 - 1572

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

1425 - 1435

刘宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永乐 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齐 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi



清 白地套红黄料画粉彩开光人物鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)款 Qing, A Fine and Rare Well Carved Red and Yellow Overlay Glass Snuff Bottle Painted with Famille-Rose Windows of Figural Story Scenes Of ovoid form painted on four sides with story scenes within molded cartouche below two bats and a lappet collar with a coral stopper. Blue reign mark in recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:6.98 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500 64

清 粉彩白地套红黑料画珐琅八仙鼻烟方壶 (古月轩)款 Qing, A Fine and Rare Well Carved Red and Black Overlay Glass Snuff Bottle With Famille-Rose Windows


Finely enameled with windows of the eight immortal figures and an emerald stopper. Black glazed reign Mark in recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Gu Yue Xuan Mark 高:7.62 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500


清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅开光西洋仕女图鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)款

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Windows of Western Beauties Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:7 cm SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅西洋母子图鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)款

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Pouch-Shape Bottle with Western Figures of Mother and Child Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:6 cm SGD: $1,500 - $2,000



清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅花卉图鼻烟扁壶 (乾隆年制)款

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Floral Design Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:5.1 cm SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


清 顺治 玻璃金彩内画人物鼻烟扁壶 Qing, A Fine Inside Gilt Painted Figural Scene Snuff Bottle 高:9.5 cm SGD: $500 - $800



1895年作 丁二仲 水晶内画人物鼻烟壶 (乙未冬丁二仲)款 An Exceptional Ding Erzhong Inside Painted Crystal Figural Snuff Bottle Of ovoid form with a flat foot and lip and carved from a master crystal, one side painted with a mule and herder returning home with an inscription and signature, dated winter, 1895 and a red seal. The reverse is a water buffalo resting underneath a pine tree, with one seal. Coral stopper with a metal collar.

丁二仲:原名叫丁尚庾,二仲为艺名。晚清著名的艺术家,对内画鼻烟壶艺术精通,而且对金石、篆刻、竹刻颇有研究,其山水、 人物、花鸟各类均擅长,多数是仿宋,元、明、清绘画,画风博雅深邃,别具一格,是晚清内画四大家之一。 高:6 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500 70

清 乾隆 粉彩描金开光花卉引蝠归堂兽耳转心鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)四字双行楷书款

Qing, A Finely Painted Famille-Rose Gilt Reticulated Revolving Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Mock Beast Rings Of globular form with geometric friezes with bat and panels of floral motifs. The inside revolving bottle has flowers motifs. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:6 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000



玛瑙浮雕隐士如意鼻烟壶 A Well Carved Scholar Agate Snuff Bottle

The well hollowed bottle of rounded rectangular form with a concave lip and flat oval recessed foot, the honey brown grey beige and translucent beige brown stone cleverly carved on one side with the natural color as emphasis with hermit and ruyi. The stopper with an integral collar and a finial. 高:7.6 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500 72

玛瑙浮雕山水人物鼻烟壶 A Fine Carved Figural Agate Snuff Bottle


Of rounded rectangular form, well carved in high relief on one side utilizing the natural brown markings to create a design of a scholar on a mountain path scene. Well hollowed with stopper. 高:7.6 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500


清 古月轩 粉彩料胎婴戏如意耳鼻烟壶 Qing, A Rare Famille-Rose Painted Glass Snuff Bottle

Of ovoid form, painted with a continuous scene of children at play with bamboo and rockworks. Flanked on both sides with bronze ruyi handle. The base with Guyue Xuan mark in blue enamel in regular script. Green quartz stopper with finial and bronze collar. 高:5.7 cm SGD: $500 - $800 74


唐 玉透雕龙纹璧一对 Tang, Two Archaistic Finely Carved Jade Disc Bi

汉 玉雕谷纹龙璧 Han, A Celadon Jade Dragon-Bi

Both pieced in openwork with Dragon and Scroll Motifs. Tang Dynasty 高:10.8 cm, 11.7 cm SGD: $800 - $1,000

Well Carved on both sides as a powerful striding dragon with a bifurcated tail. Finely incised are comma spirals set within narrow borders. The stone translucent celadon tone altered through burial. Han Dynasty

长:23.5 cm

SGD: $800 - $1,500

53 55



田黄雕牛钮印章 印款:(开卷有益) Tianhuang Seal with Buffalo Knop

旧田黄乌鸦皮山水印章两件 (石佛庵主庚子年李嘉福) (李氏公博丁丑年宗瀚)

高:7.9 cm 重:370 g

Two Crow-Skin Tianhuang Landscape Seal

SGD: $1,000 - $1,500

高:8.6 cm, 10.2 cm 重:239 g, 129 g SGD: $1,000 - $1,500 78


清 康熙 旧田黄康熙之印章




Qing, Square Tianhuang with Dragon Motifs Seal Script: Kangxi Seal

高:4.8 cm, 重:310 g

SGD: $1,000 - $1,500

56 54

Tianhuang Seal with Recumbent Lion Knop Seal Script: Follow the Elder

高:7.3 cm 重:373 g

SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


田黄十二生肖诗句印章 子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪

A Set of Twelve Columnar Tianhuang Seal Gilt with Zodiac Sign and Poem Inscriptions

Each zodiac animal comprising rat, bull, tiger, rabbit,dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. 高:10.7 cm, 长:3 cm, 重:239 g SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



田黄牛钮方印章 A Tianhuang Columnar seal with Carved Water Buffalo as Knob

田黄狮钮方印章 (梦园鉴赏) A Tianhuang square seal with Recumbent Lion carved as Knob

SGD: $1,000 - $2,000

SGD: $1,000 - $2,000

高:5 cm 长:9.5 cm 重:456 g

高:8.5 cm 长:5.5 cm 重:435 g



乾隆 黄玉雕文房之宝(九件) 1、玉麟凤镇纸一对 (山林多奇采,阳鸟吐清音;春林花多媚,春鸟意多哀)

2、玉墨床 3、玉麟凤笔架 (春风动春心,流目属山林) 4、玉麟凤笔 (吴门生绝) 5、飞凤印泥盒子 (文天无害,思养有神) 6、麟凤玉砚台 (春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟) 7、交龙钮玉玺 (乾隆刺命之宝)款 乾隆乙末皇太后御赐

8、雕飞凤笔洗 (芳树摇春风,丹霞映红日)


A Rare Set of Yellow Jade Imperial Stationary (9 pieces) 1. Pair of Jade Paper Weight 2. Jade Ink Bed 3. Jade Brush Holder 4. Jade Pen 5. Jade Ink Pad 6. Jade Inkstone 7. Jade Seal Sea Script: Bestowed by the Empress Mark 8. Jade Brush Washer 长:8.3 cm - 19.7 cm SGD: $10,000 - $20,000


明 木胎漆雕云龙蝠(福)来盖盒 Ming, A Very Rare and Fine Lacquer Painted Collar-Shaped Wood Box with Dragons and Bats

On a diaper ground of ‘Wan’ Character within square, two delicately incised confronting dragons with flowing mane are chasing a flaming pearl amidst ruyi clouds. The rim has a key-fret pattern. The sides are painted with auspicious bat motifs. Black lacquer covers both the bottom of the box and the inside. Ming Dynasty 高:7.9 cm, 长:47.6 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


清 素三彩人物塑雕通景福/寿壶 Qing, Sancai Tri-Color Glazed ‘Fu’ and ‘Shou’ Character-Form Ewers with Covers

Of flattened form with open work loop handle and spout, wine pot is modelled to shape the ‘Fu’ and ‘Shou‘ character with conforming figures enamelled on the front and back 高:19.7 cm, 21 cm SGD: $3,000 - $4,000 $5,000 - $6,000



清 和田白玉雕雄狮教子戏球摆件 一只充满喜悦表情十足的狮子蹲坐着,右前足拉着从口中飘出的丝带,左前足按着一个里面 中空透雕的球。左边的少狮表情幼嫩可爱,学着狮爸将前足放在球上,这就是有名的雄狮教 子图。此玉雕工艺造型雄壮,线条优美,玉质清纯中有珠圆玉润之感,为难得之精品。

Qing, Finely Carved Hetian White Jade Lion and Cub Group The large recumbent lion holding the long tassel of a pierced ball between his clenched teeth with his cub clambering beside. Both father and son have finely detailed prominent mane, spiral eyebrows and curled fur swept. All carved in the round with fine details. Qing Dynasty 高:12.1 cm 长:19 cm SGD: $15,000 - $30,000



白玉雕寿星戏童如意吉祥(羊)摆件 A Large Finely Carved Jade Shoulao, on Rockwork with Children and Goat, Auspicious Group

Well carved with the god of Longevity standing beside a goat grasping a ruyi stalk, holding a dragon staff with children clambering with peach and sprigs of lingzhi. The large stone of pale-greenish white tone and softly polished. The reverse decorated with pine clusters, with stand. 高:24.8 cm SGD: $15,000 - $30,000



清 和田玉雕高耳 兽首三足炉 Qing, A Fine White Jade Tripod Censer

Raised on three mask-head supports with twin upright handles. The translucent body is carved on low relief with a script band Key-fret pattern border, the mouth rim and handles. Qing Dynasty 高:14.6 cm SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



翡翠精雕和合二仙引蝠摆件 Finely Carved Jadeite Figure of Hehe Erxian, One Holding Lotus Stalk and the Other a Box Releasing a Lingzhi Supporting a Bat Both figures carved with a round face and smiling expression the stone of an exceptionally even white tone throughout. 高:19.1 cm 重:1,406 g SGD: $15,000 - $20,000



寿山石雕嵌宝福禄寿三星 麒麟摆件 Shoushan Stone Carving of Three Gods of Wealth, Happiness, and Longevity

Each embellished with malachite and hardstone with one Holding Staff and a Qilin at their Feet 高:22.9 cm SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


白玉雕婴戏年年有鱼盘 (乾隆年制)雕款

A Finely Carved Jade Fish Plate

Delicately carved to the interior with boy riding fish atop cresting waves with lotus pod and bloom. The finely polished stone of translucent pale buff color with grey inclusion. Impressed Qianlong Mark 长:27.6 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000



清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕皮球花笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书雕刻款

Qing, A Very Rare and Finely-Carved Famille-Rose Ball-Flowers Brush Pot

Of cylindrical shape, relief decorated with overglazed enamels of circular medallions of ball flowers with geometric design, some medallions overlapping. Impressed reign mark in a recessed glazed ring in the unglazed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period 高:14.3 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



明 中期 木胎漆绘开光怀山浩海龙纹 笔筒 Ming, A Very Rare Lacquer Brush Pot

With polychrome decorations of three ogival cartouches of delicately incised confronting dragons chasing flaming pearls amidst stylized clouds above crested waves, all picked out in red, brown, green and black with incised outlines and reserved on a diaper ground of wan character within squares. The rim is bordered by a key-fret band. Minor age cracks and lacquer losses. Ming Dynasty 高:19.7 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


古玉雕螭龙带钩 Archaistic Jade Belt Hook Carved with Scrolling Qilin with a Dragon Head Terminal and Buff Inclusions


长:22.6 cm SGD: $800 - $1,500


清 乾隆 白地粉彩浮雕龙璧纹笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Relief Carved Dragon Bi Brush Pot

Boldly painted around the cylindrical body in bright colors, with relief carved dragons motifs in overlapping circular Bi pattern. Bordered with key fret band around the rim and base. Recessed base bearing the molded reign mark in seal script. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period 高:13 cm 直径:12.4 cm SGD: $6,000 - $8,000



明 永乐 茶叶末釉敞口玄纹瓶 (永乐年制)四字双行单圈飘带款

Ming, A Fine Tea Dust-Glazed Vase

The globular body with ribbed long neck ending in an everted rim Inscribed reign mark in the recessed white glazed base. Ming Dynasty, Yongle Four Character Mark surrounded by scrolling foliate pattern and of the Period 高:15.9 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 浮雕螭龙云水纹笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款

Qing, A Fine Brown Glazed Relief Carved Qilin Brush Pot

Well potted on a cylinder, the exterior applied with high relief Qilin in scroll, spewing amidst flaming cloud above arrested wave band bodies. The recessed base bearing the molded six character mark in seal script. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. 高:13.7 cm 直径:12.7 cm SGD: $1,500 - $3,000



明 万历 五彩仕女把壶 (大明万历年制)六字楷书横款

Ming, An Unusual Wucai Wine Pot in the Shape of A Lady The wine pot is ingeniously modelled as a court lady, with right hand raised as spout and left hand lowered as handle. Elaborately decorated robe in iron red, turquoise and green enamels with pattern of beast, floral scrolls and diaper. Ming Dynasty, Wanli Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:28.8 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000


1928年作 王琦 粉彩人物瓷板 题款:折来祗合琼为客,把酒应须玉瓷塘时在戊辰仲秋月下瀚西昌匋迷散人王琦 写于珠山客次 印文:(匋)(斋)


An Inscribed Famille-Rose Enameled Porcelain Plaque Depicting God of Longevity and Young Boy Wang Qi, dated by inscription to 1928

Of rectangular shape, enameled in vivid tones, inscribed with a long calligraphic inscription from a poem including a wuchen date (1928), the artist signature and two seals reading Tao and Zhai. 瓷板高:34 cm 高度包括框架: 41.6 cm SGD: $5,000 - $8,000


1932年作 王琦 粉彩人物瓷板 题款:水抱孤村远,山通一径斜。不知深树里,还住几人家。时在壬申仲夏月 下瀚西昌匋迷散人王琦写于珠山客次 印文:(匋)(斋)


An Inscribed Famille-Rose Enameled Porcelain Plaque depicting God of Longevity and Young Boy Wang Qi, dated by inscription to 1932 Of rectangular shape, enameled in vivid tones, inscribed with a long calligraphic inscription from a poem including a renshen date (1932), the artist signature and two seals reading Tao and Zhai. 瓷板高:34.6 cm

高度包括框架:42.2 cm

SGD: $5,000 - $8,000



天然金芙蓉刻雕罗汉原石带皮摆件 An Outstanding Furong Stone Carving of Luohans

Of an attractive translucent gold color, exquisitely carved with detailed features utilizing the natural contours of the stone. 宽:13.3 cm SGD: $1,000 - $2,000 102

天然芙蓉团龙刻雕原石带皮摆件 An Outstanding Furong Stone Carving of Writhing Dragon

Of an attractive translucent gold color, exquisitely carved with detailed features utilizing the natural contours of the stone. 宽:13.4 cm SGD: $1,000 - $2,000



清 乾隆 粉彩天蓝绿松石地 缠枝花卉五管瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款

Qing, A Magnificent Famille-Rose Lime-Turquoise Ground Bottle Vase

Masterfully potted, the lower bulb sweeping up to a Five-Spout slender neck. Meticulously painted in soft pastel famille-rose enamels with stylized lotus amidst dense scrolling foliate vine intertwined around blossoms. Each spout is encircled with a key-fret border at mouth and shoulder. The base has a classic scroll band. Incised seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Periods 高:17.5 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



清 嘉庆 剔红漆雕颐和园玉带桥如意盘 (大清嘉庆年制)六字三行楷书刻款 通体为朱红色, 底施乌亮黑漆. 盘饰浮雕的颐和园亭台 楼阁; 中为玉带桥, 两旁杨柳摇曳, 桥下水波荡漾. 此盘刻工高妙, 层次分明​​, 集清代雕漆工艺之大 城.

Qing, A Rare Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Summer Palace Circular Dish

Well carved with a landscape scene of the Jade Belt Bridge in the Palace set amidst willow trees, bordered by ruyi heads and against a diaper background. Base lacquered black. Qing Dynasty, JiaQing Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. 直径:24.8 cm SGD: $4,000 - $6,000


清 乾隆 紫釉葵口线刻龙凤团寿花蕾象耳瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字双行篆书款

Qing, A Fine Lavender Glazed Quatrefoil Vase Intricately Incised with Roundel of Confronting Dragon and Phoenix Amidst a Central Shou Character

The short flaring rim decorated with cresting wave. The lobed rim has a key-fret border above Shou character and flanked by elephant-ear handles. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:17.1 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000



明 万历 五彩镂雕象耳花鸟纹花口瓶 (大明万历年制)六字双圈楷书款

Ming, An Unusual and Rare Reticulated Wucai Floral Vase

On the bulbous body, masterfully pierced with a continuous band of floral blooms and birds entwined with scrolling leaves enameled in vivid green, yellow and iron-red enamels, encircled by a geometric floral band on the shoulder and on the short splayed foot and surmounted by a flaring neck with upright plantain leaves band and an openwork lobed mouth rim. Each side of the vase flanked by elephant head handles with mock ring. Blue reign mark in the recessed base. Ming Dynasty, Wanli Six Character within Double Circles Mark and of the Period 高:28 cm SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



清 康熙 青花龙火怀山浩海纹瓶 (大清康熙年制)六字三行楷书款 瓶口微撇,直颈近肩处有两玄纹。瓶体细致洁白,上绘青花二苍龙直立腾飞于浩浩波涛怀山之上。生动活泼的火焰飞跃于空中, 神韵盎然,呼之欲出。此瓶器型古雅雄浑,青花发色瑰丽,工艺精绝,为清康熙朝官窑青花瓷代表之作。与此瓶在器型、纹饰 和烧造工艺方面加以类比,请参看:现藏于中国北京故宫博物院和上海博物馆的两件清康熙海水龙纹瓶。 1.(故宫博物院藏清盛世瓷选粹)第46页/图版4 2.(中国文物精华大辞典·陶瓷卷)第420页/图版853 (中国国家文物局主编)

Qing, A Fine Blue and White Dragon Vase Two raised bands at the bottom of its cylindrical neck below which are two writhing dragons in pursuit of flaming pearls amidst wispy clouds and above surging billows. The dragon motif being symbolic of Imperial power is rendered here with the best characteristics of mythical images in its expression and stance, compare its design and workmanship to two masterpieces respectively collected by China’s Palace Museum in Beijing and Shanghai Museum. References: 1. Selected Porcelain of the Flourishing Qing Dynasty from the Collection of Palace Museum, Plate 4/Page 46, published by Forbidden City Publishing House in Beijing, China. 2. Encyclopedia of Historic Relics, Volume of Porcelain, Plate 853/Page 420, compiled by China’s National Bureau of Cultural Relics Administration and jointly published by Shanghai Cishu and Hong Kong Shangwu Publishing Houses in China. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:40 cm SGD: $30,000 - $50,000




清 乾隆 閗彩双龙戏珠鱼耳抱月瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 瓶口微敞,下环以叶纹。短颈上绘洪蝠方字伴以云纹,并有双鱼耳坠至肩间。瓶体为白色,上绘双龙戏舞于五彩云中, 火珠伴以烈焰。瓶下绘汹涌的波涛。斜足,其上画云蝠纹。此瓶洁白清雅,色彩斑斓,绘工生动有神,气势雄壮豪放, 为乾隆难得的閗彩杰作。

Qing, A Very Fine Doucai Dragon Moon Flask Robustly potted on a short splayed foot, the globular body is superbly painted with two flaming scaly five-clawed dragons chasing pearls amidst vaporous clouds and above cresting waves. The shoulder flanked by a pair of Ruyi handles and a straight neck with a lappet band. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period 直径:5.7 cm 高:34.3 cm SGD: $30,000 - $50,000




明 宣德 青花 凤穿花卉盘口 菊瓣撇足把壶 (大明宣德年制) 六字楷书横款

Ming, An Exceptional Blue and White Phoenix Floral Ewer

The bulbous ewer resting on a splayed foot set with curved spout opposite an arched handle, painted both sides with phoenix in flight amidst scrolling blooms and tendrils lobed chrysanthemum petals encircling the splayed foot. A floral border decorates the galleried rim. Reign mark on the shoulder. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:15.6 cm SGD: $20,000- $40,000



清 雍正 窑变釉四棱贯耳方瓶 (雍正年制)四字篆书刻款

Qing, A Very Fine FlambeGlazed Vase, Fanghu

The wide rectangular section tapering towards the quatrefoil mouth. Applied on the waisted neck with a pair of lug handles and supported on a conforming foot. Covered overall with a unctuous glaze of dark red tone with purple and lavender streaks running down the mouth rim. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Incised Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:24.4 cm SGD: $20,000 - $40,000



明 稀有天然水晶雕树杆瘿纹花口笔筒 Ming, A Very Rare Natural Crystal Carved as Burl Brush Pot with Foliate Rim

Carved in the shape of hollowed tree trunk, with gnarled branches around the exterior, the transparent stone of even clear tone. Ming Dynasty 高:15.6 cm SGD: $6,000 - $8,000


北宋 耀州窑刻花玉壶春瓶 通体施以凝润青釉,自上而下刻有花叶分明的缠枝牡丹图案。 花纹与叶脉清晰有致,刻工及线条精美流畅,为耀州窑工艺典 型特征。近底处饰复瓣莲纹宽带。底釉,足圈无釉。北宋耀州 窑极少瓶制,故此玉壶春瓶弥足珍贵。

Northern Song, A Rare and Fine Yaozhou Yao Carved Yuhuchunping

Of elegant slender pear shape with a narrow trumpet-shaped neck with four trefoil blooms circling the vase in an undulating movement and a band of upright pendant petals at the base. Northern Song Dynasty 高:30.2 cm SGD: $3,000 - $5,000



清 康熙 青花团花锯齿纹摇铃尊 (大清康熙年制) 六字三行揩书款 尊颈长,其体如铃,上施清雅细致的甜白釉为 地。尊体上绘青花图花纹与齿纹,近足处为斜线 纹。此尊造型优雅飘逸,为难得的杰作。

Qing, A Finely Painted Blue and White Underglaze Yaoling Zun Mallet Vase

Potted with high shoulders tapering towards the foot, finely painted with four medallions above a band of upright blades rising from a herringbone band divided and outlined by fine lines in underglaze blue, the tall gently flaring neck rising from a band at its base. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:12.1 cm SGD: $20,000 - $40,000



清 雍正 青花釉里红云龙浪涛纹梅瓶 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款

Qing, A Magnificent Copper-Red and Underglazed Blue Dragon Vase Meiping

Of finely potted slender form with rounded shoulders rising to a waisted neck with lipped rim. Vividly painted in copper red of a ferocious dragon amidst wispy cloud above cresting waves. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Double Circled Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:30.4 cm SGD: $40,000 - $60,000



清 康熙 五彩锦地花蝶 棒槌瓶 (大清康熙年制) 六字双行双圈楷书款 口为盘口,上绘回纹。瓶体以六棱形天 蓝色的锦花纹为地,上绘白色细致梅花 和形态不同的彩蝶飞翔其间。短足,上 绘回纹。此棒槌瓶色彩灿烂神妙,清雅 绝伦,显示出清康熙朝高超的瓷器绘画 水平。

Qing, A Refined Wucai Brocade Ground FloralButterfly Mallet Vase

A blue brocade ground, patterned by embossed grid lines and flower petals with butterflies fluttering throughout on the cylindrical body. The mouth galleried rim and short foot decorated with bands of keyfret. 高:41.2 cm SGD: $40,000 - $60,000



明 正德 青花飞凤缠枝花卉葵口撇足盘 (大明正德年制)六字双行双圈楷书款

Ming, An Unusual Ming Blue and White Bracket-Lobed Dish With fourteen bracket-lobes, the interior and exterior wall painted with a continuous floral scroll and the center well with a phoenix in flight amidst flowering branches within double line borders. Supported on a short splayed foot painted with blue bracket-lobes. Ming Dynasty, Zhengde Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period 直径:20.3 cm SGD: $5,000 - $8,000


清 雍正白地粉彩罗汉诗句灯笼瓶 (雍正年制)四字双行双框楷书款 题识:祥光瑞气彩云驰,天上人间任徘徊 朱红钤印:(佳丽)(旭)(映)

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Luohan Lantern-Shaped Vase

The oviform white-ground body exquisitely painted with a luohan with halo and a poem inscription and three rouge seals. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Double Square Mark and of the Period. 高:22.5 cm SGD: $3,000 - $5,000



北宋 定窑白釉印花龙凤纹罔口盘一对 盘罔口,浅圈足,下有回纹,盘内为印花龙凤纹饰,线条清雅亮丽,胎薄尤轻,为北宋定窑难得之瑰宝。

Northern Song, A Rare and Fine Pair of Molded Dingyao Dragon-Phoenix Dish

The elegantly potted dish raised on a low foot with gently flaring round side and unglazed rim. Molded in the interior with confronting phoenix and dragon chasing flaming pearl in the center of the well, amidst scrolling cloud, beneath a key fret border. Covered all over, and on the base, with a glaze of rich ivory transparent tone. 直径:21.9 cm x 2, 高:4.1 cm x 2 SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



明 洪武 青花刻花龙纹盘 盘口内外饰碎花纹带,外壁和内外的底部都绘有青花气势不凡的三爪苍龙图案。 内壁浮雕两条飞动的和盘外青花不尽相同的苍龙,神态活现生猛绝伦, 为明洪武时代稀有之极品。

Ming, A Very Rare and Fine Blue and White Dragon Plate The interior wall is finely incised with striding dragons, below the mouth rim decorated with a classic scroll. The interior and exterior cavetto decorated with a superbly painted flaming dragon amidst clouds. Outside wall has two striding dragons chasing pearls. Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 直径:25.7 cm SGD: $50,000 - $80,000





五代 绞胎瓷凤流把壶 Five Dynasties, Marbled Pottery Ewer

清 康熙 青花釉里红花卉宝相凤纹瓶 青花双圈款 Qing, Blue and Copper Red Phoenix Bottle Vase

Qing Dynasty, Blue Double Circle Kangxi Mark and of the Period

The sides applied with a thin veneer of brown and buff marbled pottery in an irregular pattern, the marbled veneer on the slanted top suggesting a stylized flower head, covered overall with a transparent amber glaze and stopped short of the base. Five Dynasties

高:14.6 cm

高:15 cm

Decorated with phoenixes in flight and floral medallions, with a wave frieze on the broad shoulder, rising to a slender neck. Double circle blue reign mark in the recessed base.

SGD: $1,500 - $2,000



元 钧窑天青釉紫斑双鱼纹折沿盘 Yuan, Junyao Purple Splashed Twin-Fish Dish

元 钧窑青釉紫斑三足炉 Yuan, Junyao Purple Splashed Tripod Censer

Yuan Dynasty

Yuan Dynasty

Rising to a short rounded side and an everted rim, decorated in the interior well with a pair of purple splashed fish swimming in opposite directions.

直径:21.2 cm

88 90

SGD: $1,000 - $2,000

SGD: $800 - $2,000

The globular body with flat base supported by three cabriole legs, with purple accent upon the milky blue glaze.

高:12.9 cm

SGD: $1,000 - $2,000


清 乾隆 粉彩八棱莲瓣螭龙宝相牡丹盘口洗 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 (款傍有一些自然走釉现象)

Qing, A Rare Famille-Rose Octagonal Washer with Panels of Qilin Floral Sprays

The deep interior and base applied with turquoise glaze. Raised on an narrow foot with a key fret border. The exterior delicately painted with cartouche of lotus bloom with confronting Qilins below a floral scroll band rim. (hairline glaze flaked off near reign mark) Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period 直径:22 cm SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


清 乾隆 茶叶末釉贯耳瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书刻款

Qing, A Tea-Dust-glazed Fang Hu with Tubular Handles

Of hexagonal sections rising from a slightly spreading foot and covered overall in a rare rich tea-dust glaze. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period 高:17.8 cm SGD: $2,000 - $3,000




清 雍正 閗彩荷池纹灯笼瓶

龙泉窑圆底三足洗 A Celadon Longquan Tripod Brush Washer


Qing, A Fine Doucai Lotus Pond Jar Delicately enamelled with flowering lotus amidst reed. A lappet band encircling the foot and mouth rim.

The ribbed body encircled by a raised groove, atop three bracket feet, the foot rim left unglazed.

Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Double Circled Mark and of the Period

高:6.4 cm

SGD: $1,000 - $1,500

高:7.9 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000 128


清 雍正 閗彩卷云纹洗 (大清雍正年制)六字双圈款

Qing, Doucai Waterpot with Swirling Clouds

Qing Dynasty Six Character Mark and of the Period

高:6.5 cm, 上口径:5 cm, 下口径:7 cm

92 90

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000

清 碧玉刻花凤纹鼓钉兽耳四活环水洗 Qing, Green Jade Brushwasher carved with Phoenixes

Of compressed spherical shape, relief carved with boss decorations and confronting phoenixes. Open work beast ear handles with loose ring suspending. The stone semi-translucent mossy green.

高:7 cm, 上口径:14 cm, 下口径:15 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 婴戏公鸡花卉御制诗文杯一对 (大清乾隆仿古)六字三行篆书款

Qing, A Fine Pair of Famille-Rose Boy and Chicken Cup

Of deep U-shaped body, finely painted with a young boy calling a rooster amidst flowering blooms and rockwork and a chicken with her brood, on the reverse is a long poetic inscription with imperial seals. Qing Dynasty, Six Character Qianlong Seal Mark: Da Qing Qianlong Fanggu (After Antiquity) and of the Period 高:7.3 cm, 直径:8.3 cm SGD: $15,000 - $20,000



清 雍正 黄地粉彩八桃红蝠盘 (雍正年制)四字双行双框楷书金字款 内外施清黄釉。内画两树,结有五桃,三只红 蝠翩翩翔于其间,寓意皇帝福寿双全。外画桃 树,两只红蝠及三只肥硕蟠桃。八桃红蝠盘甚 少,地为清黄尤其罕见。此盘制作精美绝伦, 堪称雍正御用瓷传世极品。

Qing, An Exquisite Famille-Rose Yellowground Dish with Eight Peaches and Red Bats Two entwined branches of peach painted on the interior with five fruits and three red flying bats, on the exterior is another branch with three fruits and two red bats. Such a classic decoration implies a blessing of Huangdi Fu Shou Shuang Quan, the Emperor Enjoying Both Happiness and Longevity. With an overall even yellow glaze, this dish is a rare find. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Doublesquares Mark in Gold and of the Period 直径:15.8 cm SGD: $6,000 - $8,000


清 缪荃孙松花石雕茄子形 日月同辉砚 (金石交久不渝)缪荃孙

Qing, A Finely Carved Songhua Stone Eggplant-Form Inkstone

With curly vine, tendrils and leaves, the ink well carved to conforming shape withcircular eye at the grinding surface and the small well, forming the sun and moon. Qing Dynasty, Signed Miao Quan Sun with proverb inscription: As Immutable as Stone 长:18.7 cm SGD: $6,000 - $8,000 缪荃孙 清朝名书画收藏家

92 94


清 乾隆 珐琅彩加金松鹤延年诗句杯一对 诗句印款:(旭)(映)(三角形印不办) (乾隆年制)四字双行楷书款

Qing, A Very Rare Pair of Famille-Rose Enamel with Gold Pine and Crane with Poem Inscription Wine Cups

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four-Character Qianlong Mark and of the Period 直径:7 cm x 2 SGD: $30,000 - $40,000 此对酒杯不仅采用了清朝乾隆官瓷的创新珐琅彩加金工艺,在型制方面亦有所改良,使之有别于前朝。据考证,珐琅彩加金技巧在乾 隆年已用于多种型制的官窑瓷器烧造。参看:《故宫博物院藏清盛世瓷选粹》Page 304,Page 307 & Page 308)。 此对杯以松鹤延年为主题图案,辅之以五言绝句及“旭”、“映”红款,并在口沿及近底边处饰以金色纹带,甚是精美古雅。



清 乾隆 閗彩宝相花卉八棱瓜形 盖罐 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款

Qing, Doucai Octagonal Melonshaped Floral Guan

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:8 cm 上口径:12.5 cm 下口径:14 cm SGD: $10,000 - $20,000


明 宣德 青花开光龙纹六棱把壶 (大明宣德年制)六字双行双圈款

Ming, Blue and White Hexagonal Dragon Ewer

Ming Dynasty , Xuande Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period 高:13.5 cm 上口径:3.5 cm 下口径:4.5 cm SGD: $8,000 - $20,000



清 乾隆 粉彩八吉祥宝相缠枝 莲纹觚 (大清乾隆年制)六字篆书横款 撇口,长颈,球形腹,覆杯状高足。粉彩为饰, 八宝纹,回纹,蕉叶纹等。器内施松石绿釉, 横书“大清乾隆年制”篆书款

Qing, A Magnificent Famille-Rose Bajixiang Gu-shaped Beaker Vase

Long flaring neck with everted rim and a detachable central globular body with high foot decorated with colorful scrolling leafy lotus bands with auspicious bats and ribboned Buddhist emblems and ruyi heads. Qing Dynasty Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:38.5 cm 上口径:21 cm 下口径:14 cm SGD: $20,000 - $30,000



清 雍正 粉彩蝴蝶图 橄榄瓶 (大清雍正年制) 六字双行双圈楷书款

Qing, A Fine Pair of Delicately Painted Famille-Rose Butterfly Olive-shaped Vase

Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period 高:25 cm 上口径:6.5 cm 下口径:8 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000

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清 乾隆 粉彩荷池鸳鸯瓶 (乾隆年制)四字双行楷书款 Qing, A Fine Pair of Delicately Painted Famille-Rose Mandarin Duck in Lotus Pond Vase Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:29 cm, 上口径:8.5 cm, 下口径:7.5 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



明 宣德 青花浅雕龙纹葵口盘 (大明宣德年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 Ming, Blue and White Foliate Rim Dragon Bowl Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period 高:9.5 cm, 上口径:20.5 cm 下口径:7 cm SGD: $15,000 - $30,000

100 98


元 龙泉窑 青釉印花荷池鸳鸯兽耳 盘口瓶一对 Yuan, A Pair of Rare Longquan and Celadon-glazed Lotus Pond Vase

Deeply moulded with aquatic plants and classic band with plantain petals, flanked with beast ear handles 高:36 cm 上口径:9.5 cm 下口径:10.5 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000



宋 钧窑 紫红釉六棱笔筒 Song, A Rare Junyao Purple Splashed Hexagonal Brushpot 高:13 cm 上口径:7.5 cm 下口径:9.5 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



Set within carved wood frames with metal mounts 高:76 cm, 长:121 cm SGD: $6,000 - $10,000

Wang Tao, A Famille-Rose Enameled Wall Plaque Depicting The Eight Immortals Crossing (Dated 1949)


王涛 粉彩画八仙过海木雕边框瓷板




宋 耀州窑印花花卉纹盘 Song, Yaozhou Celadon Molded Floral Shallow Plate

清 黄地素三彩瓜瓞绵绵盖盒 (大清乾隆年制)六字双行楷书款

Qing, Sancai Yellow Ground Butterfly and Gourd with Scrolling Vines Box with Cover

高:6.5 cm 上口径:18.5 cm 下口径:6 cm

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period

SGD: $1,500 - $3,000 145

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000 146

宋 吉州窑玳瑁釉纹碗 Song, Jizhou Tortoiseshell-Glazed Bowl

With sides rounding up towards the rim, covered inside and out with a rich dark brown glaze splashed in imitation of mottled tortoiseshell

高:5.8 cm, 上口径:16 cm, 下口径:4.5 cm

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长:14 cm, 高:6.4 cm

SGD: $3,000 - $4,000

清 康熙 豇豆红釉太白尊 (大清康熙年制)六字三行楷书款 Qing, A Peachbloom-Glazed Water Pot, Taibai Zun Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period

高:9.5 cm, 上口径:2.7 cm, 下口径:5 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


王琦 粉彩画梅 蘭菊竹瓷板 四条挂屏木雕边框

Wang Qi, A Set of Four Famille-Rose Enameled Wall Plaques Depicting The Plum Blossoms, Orchard, Chrysanthemum and Bamboo Set within carved wood frames with metal mounts 高:121 cm x 4 长:36 cm x 4 SGD: $6,000 - $10,000


王琦 粉彩画人 物瓷板 四条挂屏木雕边框

Wang Qi, A Set of Four Famille-Rose Enameled Wall Plaques Depicting Figures and Landscape Set within carved wood frames with metal mounts 高:121 cm x 4 长:36 cm x 4 SGD: $6,000 - $10,000



蒋蓉 蝉钮瓜形紫砂壶 (蒋蓉)款 此壶盖钮为蝉形,流及柄似枝干,壶身如瓜,表面还浅刻有瓜叶,设计巧妙,简洁随意。底款为“蒋蓉”

A Very Rare Melon-Shaped Cicada Zisha Teapot, Jiang Rong

With a molded cicada as bud finial cover, the elongated lobed teapot has a loop handle formed by the branch of the leafy vine applied to the pot. Recessed artist mark: Jiang Rong on the underside 长:19.4 cm SGD: $10,000 - $20,000



清 雍正 粉彩六桃过枝五蝠海碗 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 碗撇口,外壁绘生动美妙的两棵桃树上长着四个硕大令人垂延三尺的蟠桃,并有二蝠飞翔其间。树杆越过碗边延伸环抱着内壁。 树上有蟠桃和三只红蝠飞舞于空间。

Qing, A Magnificent Famille-Rose Bowl with Six Peach and Five Bat Motifs

Finely potted with deep rounded sides rising from a low foot to a slightly evert rim, exquisitely enameled and textured in the exterior with colorful intertwined boughs with fully ripened peaches and fluttering bats, continuing over the rim to the interior, all on a smooth unctuous glazed ground. The five bats and six peaches motifs complete the Wufu design, for longevity. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character within Double Circles Mark and of the Period 直径:26.7 cm SGD: $80,000 - $150,000



西周 青铜饕餮纹甗 Western Zhou A Large Archaic Bronze Ritual Food Steamer Vessel, Yan

The body composed of a lower section, Li with three cabriole feet cast with loose rings and taotie masks, the upper section, Zeng, a stem bowl with loose ring and beast handles. The cover has four loop handles, also cast with taotie mask patterns. 高:32 cm 重:3644 g 上口径:13 cm 下口径:20 cm SGD: $50,000 - $80,000



盘龙钮方形玺 (武帝行玺)款

Dragon Alloy Gold Seal Seal Script: Emperor’s Seal 高:6.5 cm 重:854 g 长:5.5 cm SGD: $40,000 - $60,000



唐 铜鎏金钳珠云火纹带簪髪饰 Tang, A Gilt Silver Hair Ornament with Dragon Hairpin 高:14.5 cm, 长:11.2 cmm 重:227 g SGD: $8, 000 - $15,000



铜胎画珐琅开光 山水纹龙耳瓶 A Cloisonne Enamelled Vase

Decorated in color enamels with windows of landscape scenes interspersed with floral scrolls

高:36.7 cm 上口径:12 cm 下口径:11.6 cm

SGD: $3,000 $5,000

唐 铜鎏金龙凤纹长方盒 鱼子纹为地,装饰龙凰花纹,。整器金水靓丽,做工极 致,精巧玲珑,华丽尽显。

Tang, Parcel Gilt Bronze Phoenix-Dragon Square Box with Canted Cover

Delicately repoussé on a roe-pattern ring punched background with confronting phoenixes and dragons amidst scrolling clouds

高:6.65 cm, 长:14.9 cm, 重:455 g

SGD: $3,000 - $5,000

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商后期 青铜灵鹫尊 Late Shang An Important Shang Archaic Owl-Snakeshaped Bronze Covered Ritual Wine Vessel, Zun

重:2415 g 长:15.6 cm 高:40.5 cm SGD: $70,000 - $80,000




唐 铜鎏金凤凰宫灯 Tang, Parcel Gilt Bronze Phoenix Lantern

粉青釉刻花双鱼戏浪盘 A Qingbai Carved Twin-Fish Plate

重:1260 g 长:40 cm 高:31 cm

高:6.4 cm 上口径:18.73 cm 下口径:5.0 cm

SGD: $6,000 - $10,000 159


明未清初 铜鎏金观音立像 立莲花座上,后有背光映衬

17th C Gilt Bronze Standing Figure of Amitabha Buddha with Halo behind 高:30 cm

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SGD: $5,000 - $8,000

重:1.24 kg 下口径:9 cm

SGD: $1,500 - $3,000

唐 青铜鸟兽纹铜镜 Tang, Bronze Mirror with Animals cast in High-relief 长: 21.5 cm 高:0.6 cm

SGD: $3,000 - $5,000


吴昌硕“兰亭阁藏” 团鹅红丝砚 吴昌硕为民初有数的艺术大师。此红丝砚为四大名砚之一,造型以鹅为砚可以感怀东晋时期的书圣最喜欢鹅的王羲之,并以此为自 励。吴昌硕名其书斋为兰亭阁,更显见他对王羲之兰亭序的神往与尊崇。其言乎! (安吉兰亭阁藏 吴昌硕识)款

An Inscribed Fine and Rare Red Silk Thread Ink Stone Carved in Goose-form

The Orchid Pavilion is named after Wu Changshuo’s much admired Wang Xizho’s Calligraphy, Preface to Orchid Pavilion, the imprint at the back shows same, Anji, Orchid Pavilion Wu Changshuo Inscribed and Signed on the Back 宽: 9⅝ in (21.9 cm) $20,000 - $30,000

113 111


北宋 汴京官窑 粉青釉兽耳扁瓶 Northern Song, Bianjing Official Kiln Pea-Green Flask with Beast Handle 高:20 cm, 上口径:9 cm, 下口径:10 cm SGD: $50,000 - $80,000



商 青铜饕餮纹提梁卣 Shang A Fine and Rare Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel and Cover, You

The pear shaped vessel is of oval section and cast in relief bands of confronting Kui dragons and toatie masks, with a pedestal foot. The arched handle attached to lugs projecting from the body. 重:2216 g 高:30 cm 长: 13 cm SGD: $30,000 - $50,000



东汉 青铜金银错马踏草燕赏件 马眼大,张口嘶鸣,两直耳正中有竖起箭形饰以助神骏之貌。结实的身上金银错变形图案。马尾腾举, 前后三足跃飞,右后足踏着惊恐的回首仰视的飞燕。意为此马奔跑如飞超越飞燕,其为千里马也。 此马构思清新雅致,气势雄壮,动感豪迈,为汉代清新超前之杰作,青铜器制作之典范。

Eastern Han Gilt Bronze Silver Inlaid Flying Horse Treading Swallow 重:2.41 kg 高:32.5 cm 长:45 cm SGD: $800,000 - $1,500,000




元 青花缠枝牡丹纹八棱瓶 注:瓶肩与瓶体下部彩石为清末民初后加之物。

Yuan, Blue and White Large Hexagonal Peony Guan

with Qing period added on hardstone decorations around the neck 高:21.0 cm 上口径:14.0 cm 下口径:13.0 cm SGD: $30,000 - $50,000




古玉雕龙纹磨 Archaic Carved Dragon Jade Mill

元 粉青釉刻花留胎龙纹碗 (枢府赏赐)款 Yuan, Celadon-Glazed Dragon Bowl Carved in Buff

重:3409 g, 高:12.86 cm

SGD: $1,500 - $3,000

高:10 cm, 上口径:16 cm, 下口径:5 cm

with Geometric pattern and a Qilin atop

SGD: $25,000 - $30,000 168


宋 磁州窑设色游骑纹静瓶 Song, Cizhou Polychrome Painted Kundika with Horse Mount 高:45 cm, 上口径:9 cm, 下口径:8.5 cm

SGD: $5,000 - $8,000

五代 定窑 喜上眉梢凤首流杯口瓶 Five Dynasties, Dingyao Polychrome Slip-painted Dish-Mouth Vase with Chicken Spout 高:28 cm, 上口径:9 cm, 下口径:8.5 cm

SGD: $5,000 - $8,000

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宋 龙泉窑粉青釉菊瓣双鱼盘 Song, Longquan Celadon Twin-Fish Plate Moulded with Chrysanthemum Petals

高:6 cm 上口径:20 cm 下口径:9.5 cm SGD: $8,000 - $20,000


元 龙泉窑花卉盘 Yuan, Longquan Celadon Floral Shallow Plate

高:4.5 cm 上口径:24.5 cm 下口径:12 cm SGD: $4,000 - $8,000



清 玉雕菊花 三叠纹盘 Qing, A Well carved Chrysanthemum Petal Plate 高:2.3 cm 上口径:14 cm 下口径:9 cm SGD: $5,000 - $10,000



清 乾隆 天蓝釉宝相凤纹双连瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字篆书横款

Qing, A Light-Blue-Glazed Phoenix Twin-Linked Vase 高:21 cm 上口径:8.5 cm, 下口径:8.5 cm

SGD: $8,000 - 10,000

隋 越窑花瓣纹六系盘口瓶 Sui Yueyao Dish-mouth Vase with Six-Loop Handles and incised Petals 高:28.0 cm, 上口径:12.0 cm, 下口径:12.0 cm

SGD: $3,000 - $5,000



元 龙泉窑牡丹菊瓣折沿盘 Yuan, A Longquan Celadon Peony with Chrysanthemum Petal Dish 高:6 cm 上口径:31.5 cm 下口径:11.5 cm SGD: $6,000 - $15,000


明 永乐 甜白瓷刻花 云凤纹敞口瓶 Ming Yongle Tianbai-glazed Vase with Everted Mouth Rim 高:21.5 cm 上口径:7.5 cm 下口径:7 cm SGD: $15,000 - $20,000



明 青花釉里红缠枝如意纹碗 Ming, Blue and White with Copper-Red Floral Scroll and Ruyi Bowl 高:20.4 cm 上口径:51 cm 下口径:30.6 cm SGD: $50,000 - $80,000



宋 磁州窑墨釉 莲池游鱼梅瓶 Song, Cizhou Black-glazed Fish-in-LotusPond Meiping


唐 墨釉白斑 把壶 Tang, A Phosphatic Splashed Dark-glazed Stoneware Ewer

高:19.5 cm 上口径: 5.3 cm 下口径:7.0 cm

高:15.0 cm 上口径: 6.0 cm 下口径:6.3 cm

SGD: $1,500 – $3,000




青褐玉雕兽纹圆琮 Olive-green and Brown Round Jade Cong with Zoomorphic Carvings

青褐玉雕四棱圆玉琮 Olive-green and Brown Round Jade Cong with Quatrefoil Panels

重:294 g, 长:6 cm, 高:4.2 cm

重:367 g, 长:5.5 cm, 高:5.7 cm

SGD: $1,000 - $2,000

红山文化 玉龙双翼把玩 Neolithic Hongshan Culture (2000BC) Jade Dragon with Two Wings 重:570 g 长:15.02 cm

SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


SGD: $1,000 – $2,000


SGD: $1,000 - $2,000

红山文化 玉龙圆环器 Neolithic Hongshan Culture (2000BC) Jade Dragon 重:781 g 长:13.88 cm

SGD: $1,500 - $2,000


明 永乐 甜白釉印花龙凤纹葫芦瓶 (永乐年制)四字双行篆书飘带款

Ming, White-glazed PhoenixDragon Double-Gourd Vase

Ming Dynasty, Yongle Four Character Mark and of the Period 高:34 cm 上口径:3 cm 下口径:7 cm SGD: $20,000 - $30,000



元 青花云龙纹女儿红梅瓶带康熙竹编十二棱瓶保 Yuan, Blue and White with Underglazed Red Dragon Meiping held within a Qing Kangxi Bamboo Weaved Basket

高:62 cm SGD: $8,000 - $15,000



宋 定窑 紫定(酱釉) 刻花凤纹莲瓣把壶 Song Dingyao Dark-glazed Ewer with Incised Phoenix and Lotus-Petal 高:17.8 cm 上口径:10.9 cm 下口径:8.5 cm

126 124

SGD: $3,000 - $4,000

宋 定窑彩绘童戏纹四系扁瓶 (先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐)

Song Dingyao Polychrome Painted Flask with Child at Play and Inscription 高:18 cm, 上口径:3.5 cm, 下口径:6 cm

SGD: $3,000 - $4,000


唐 开元 玉雕辟邪蟠虺纹水洗 Tang Kaiyuan A Rare and Fine Carved Jade Qilin Brushpot Decorated with swirling boss pattern 重:353 g, 高:3.21 cm, 长:14.96 cm SGD: $20,000 - $30,000



斗彩杜丹双凤 纹高足杯 Doucai Peony and Phoenixes Stem Cup


清 光绪 纷彩 泥金地五龙穿 梅瓶 Qing Guangxu Famille-Rose Gold-ground Dragon Meiping

高:11.61 cm 上口径:8.7 cm 下口径:7.5 cm

高:23 cm 上口径:8.1 cm 下口径:10 cm

SGD: $1,500 - $3,000

SGD: $3,000 - $5,000



西周 青铜羊尊

Western Zhou Bronze Sheep-form Zun

明 三彩花卉纹枕 Ming, Sancai Floral Pillow

重:812 g, 长:17 cm, 高:12 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $3,000


高:7.0 cm, 长:13.5 cm, 宽: 10.5 cm

SGD: $800 - $1,500

汉 青铜 三足炉 Han Bronze Tripod Censer 重:500 g 长:11.5 cm 高:11 cm

SGD: $600 - $1,000


辽 酱釉长 颈把壶 Liao Brownglazed Ewer with Loop Handle and Long Neck

高:36.0 cm 上口径:2.8 cm 下口径:7.5 cm

SGD: $1,000 – $2,000



铜鎏金白度母像 A White Tara On a Lotus Base


高:21.5 cm

SGD: $3,500 - $5,000

铜鎏金弥勒菩萨 坐像 A Finely Cast and Well-Crafted Fire-Gilt Bronze Sculpture MAITREYA Fire-gilt bronze Nepal 20th C

高:28.5 cm

SGD: $3,500 - $5,000


铜鎏金药师佛像 Nicely Gilded Bronze Statue of a Buddha Resting on a Double Lotus Base


Seated cross-legged on a lotus, hands in the mudra for instruction. Property of a London Near Eastern gentleman

Good detailed face with some gilt loss. 高:20.7 cm

SGD: $5,000 - $7,000


掐丝珐琅佛 坐像 A Finely Carved Cloisonne Enamel Bronze Buddha Model 19th C 高:24.4 cm 宽:16.5 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $5,000

铜绿度母像 An Undated Archaistic Cast Statuette of the Green Tara

重:409 gm, 高:12.2 cm

SGD: $2,000 - $5,000


清 铜鎏金白度 母像 Qing, Very Fine and Large Bronze Gilt of the Tara Deity Well cast and finely detailed expression and head-dress. 高:23.7 cm

SGD: $3,500 - $5,000



铜鎏金坐佛 Chinese Gilt Bronze Figure Buddha

hands held together in Dhyana mudra 高:27 cm, 长:18 cm, 宽:15 cm, 重:4133 gm SGD: $12,000 - $18,000


铜鎏金坐佛 Buddha, Bronze with Gold Leaf

高:45.7 cm 直径:25.4 cm Provenance: From a Los Angeles, CA collection SGD: $18,000 - $25,000



清 铜鎏金观音 Qing, Gilt Bronze Bodhisattvas 高:14 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000


铜鎏金释迦牟尼坐佛 Bronze Sakyamuni Buddha 19th Century 高:24 cm SGD: $12,000 - $18,000



铜鎏金阿底峡尊者像 Chinese Bronze Atisha 19th Century 高:20 cm SGD: $15,000 - $18,000


铜鎏金阿弥陀佛像 Bronze Buddha 19th C 高:12 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000



鎏金大威德金铜像 Polychrome Gilt Bronze Yamantaka 18th Century 高:9 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000


清 铜鎏金金刚萨埵像 Qing, Gilt Bronze Buddha The whole figure is covered with gold plating, the hair with blue pigment. Period of the end of Qing Dynasty 高:31 cm, 佛像高:25.5 cm, 底:23 X 16.2 cm, 重:约5 kg SGD: $16,000 - $25,000



清 鎏金铜铸火龙盖炉 Qing, Fine-gilt brass incense stick holder

Has a hexagonal form and is decorated all around in fine relief. The lower section features dragon ring masks with ‘shou’ characters as a symbol of longevity, crowned with a meander border. The open work top shows two dragons chasing ‘flaming pearls’ amidst swirling clouds. The knob shows a coiled dragon whose open mouth can hold the incense sticks. Provenance: from a German private collection 高:14.5 cm SGD: $20,000 - $25,000



铜观音坐像 Bronze Figure of Avalokitesvara

高:25.5 cm, 底:24 cm SGD: $15,000 - $20,000


清 铜鎏金宗喀巴 Gilt bronze Lama ( Chonkapa) 17th century 高: 23 cm SGD: $10,000 - $15,000



清 铜鎏金观音龛 Qing, Saraswati ( Crown ) Buddha

Late 17th /18th century Copper with Gilt and very good Patina. Shrine: Very fine crafted Temple Tree with Gilt, Lapis, Turquoise, Ruby & emerald inlay. On the top is the Stupa. 高:25.5 cm SGD: $30,000 - $50,000




铜无量寿佛坐像 Bonze Amitayus Buddha

铜鎏金释迦牟尼佛坐像 Very Fine Gilt Bronze Buddha Seated on a Throne.

高:14.6 cm SGD: $5,000 - $8,000

Excellent condition with lots of original gilt still remaining. 高:22.6 cm SGD: $5,000 - $8,000


铜鎏金观音菩萨银坐莲花像 Polychrome Shadakshari Lokeshvara Buddha Seated on a Lotus in Paradise

Excellent condition, copper with Gilt & Silver Lotus Base. Qing Dynasty 高:14.6 cm SGD: $8,000 - $12,000


纽约贞观国际拍卖公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 委托竞投代理协议 (请选择其中以下一项) 贞观拍卖公司




2014秋季艺术品拍卖会 拍卖代号: 拍卖日期:31st oct - 1st Nov 2014

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纽约贞观国际拍卖公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

拍卖规则 温馨提示 本期拍卖之保证金新币万元整 拍卖日当天将不设预览服务,敬请准买家务必於预展期间亲自鉴定其有兴趣竞投之拍卖品。

Friendly Reminder Our currently applicable Bidder Deposit is SGD10,000.00 for overseas bidder and SGD 5,000 for local bidder The preview service will not be provided at the Auction Day, We strongly advise bidders to inspect the original of your interested Lot personally at the preview exhibition before the Auction Day. 买家须知 一、本公司对拍卖品德真伪及/或品质不承担缺陷担保责任。竞投人及或其代理人有责任自行了解有关拍卖品的原物状况并对自己竞投拍 卖品的行为承担责任。本公司郑重建议,竞投人或其代理人应在拍卖进行之前亲自鉴定其有兴趣竞投的拍卖品之原物,自行判断该 拍卖品是否符合其描述,而不应依赖本公司拍卖品图录以及其他形式的影像制品和宣传品之陈述作出决定。 二、竞投人须在拍卖举行三十分钟前,慿有效身份证或护照办理登记手续领取竞投牌号,并交纳保证金新币五万元(只接受现金或汇款)。 上述保证金在拍卖结束后,若竞投人末能购得拍卖品,可於当场领回:若竞投人购得拍卖品,则抵作购买价款的一部分。若有余额, 则於竞投人领取拍卖品时一併退还:若竞投人末按期付清购买价款,保证金将不会退还。 三、竞投人必须妥善保管自己的竞投牌号,谨防丢失。末经本公司书面同意,竞投人不得将自己的竞投牌号转借他人使用,否则,竞投 人需对他人使用其竞投牌号竞投相应拍卖品的行为承担全部责任。 四、拍卖官下槌即表示对最高竞投价接受,此时买家将对拍卖品承担所有责任。书面竞投之结果将在拍卖结束后以邮递通知。 五、拍卖结束后,本公司将为售出之拍卖品提供自拍卖日起最多为期七天之保险,七天期满后或自提取时起,拍卖品之风险将由买家承担。 六、所有购买价款以新币为结算单位,买家必须全额支付购买价款后才可提货,若以支票、汇票方式付款,须待银行确认方可提货。 贞观(新加坡)拍卖有限公司 业务规则


第一部分 总则 第一条 规则制定 本规则是依据新加坡相关法律、法规、条例及本公司章程,并参照国际通行惯例制定。买家、卖家务须仔细阅读本规则条款,并对自己 折行的行为负责,在拍卖活动中竞投即表示竞投者同意受本业务规则的约束。 第二条 声明 (1) 在本公司公开拍卖活动中,本公司一般担任卖家的代理人,竞投人最高出价经拍卖官落槌或以其他公开表示买定的方式确认时, 即表明卖家与该竞投人之间关於拍卖品买卖合同关系已合法生效,该竞投人即成为该拍卖品的买家,因此产生之法律后果,由卖 家与买家各自承担。 (2) 本公司作为卖家的代理人,对卖家或买家任何违约行为不承担责任。 第三条 名词解释 本业务规则中,下列词囊具有以下含义: (1)“本公司”指贞观(新加坡)拍卖有限公司: (2)“竞投人”指参加本公司的拍卖活动,慿身份证或护照登记并办理了必要手续,取得合法竞投权个人或组织: (3)“买家”指拍卖官已接受出价最高人: (4)“拍卖品”指交予本公司供拍卖出售之物品,尤其指任何图录内编有任何编号而加以说明物品: (5)“卖家”指委托本公司拍卖物品的物主之代理人或保管该物品之人 (6)“成交价”指拍卖官就一件物品拍定“买家”所出之价格或於拍卖后出售,则为协定价格: (7)“低价”指卖家提出并与本公司协定后书面确定拍卖最低售价: (8)“拍卖日”指在某次拍卖活动中,本公司公布正式开始进行拍卖交易之日。 第二部分 关于买家的条款 第四条 竞投人及买家 (1) 除非在拍卖日前,本公司以书面认可某竞投人是表明身份某买家代理,否则竞投人应被视为买家本人。 (2) 竞投人应在拍卖日前慿有效身份证或护照办理登记手续,否则不视为正式竞投人。 第五条 保证金 竞投人应在领取竞投号牌前交纳保证金,保证金的具体数额由本公司在拍卖日前公布,上述保证金在拍卖结束后五个工作内,若竞投人 末能购得拍卖品,则金额无息退还竞投人:若竞投人购得拍卖品,则抵作购买价款的一部分,若有余额:则於竞投人领取拍卖品时一併 退还。 第六条 图录及其他说明 (1) 本公司在拍卖图录或其他任何媒体有关文字、估价、图片以及其他形式影像制品和宣传品,僅供竞投人参考,并科亚於拍卖前 修订,不表明本公司对拍卖品的真伪、价值、色调、质地、有无缺陷等所作担保。 (2) 因印刷或摄影等技术原因造成拍卖品在图及/或其他任何形式图示、影像制品和宣传品中的色调、颜色、形态等与原物有误差 者,以原物为准。 (3) 本公司郑重建议竞投人应在拍卖进行前亲自鉴定其有兴趣竞投的拍卖品之原物,自行判断该拍卖品是否合其描述,而不应依赖 本公司拍卖品图录以及其他形式影像制品和宣传品之陈述作出决定。 第七条 委托竞投 (1) 本公司建议竞投人亲自竞投,如无法出席,可书面委托本公司代理,但对代理竞投过程中所出现的过失或疏忽或无法代为竞投, 本公司及其职员一概不负责。 (2) 委托本公司竞投应在规定时间内(不迟於拍卖日前二十四小时)办理委托手续,向本公司出具书面委托竞投代理协议,并将保 证金汇至本公司:其余款项在竞投成功后七日内付清。 保证金收取标准按竞投总额计算如下: -竞投总额新币$50,000.00或以下预付100% -竞投总额新币$50,001.00-200,000.00预付新币$50,000.00 -竞投总额新币$200,001.00-或以上预付30% (3)

如本公司就某一拍卖品收到多个委托竞投之相同竞投价,而在拍卖时此等竞投价乃该拍卖品之最高竞投价:则本公司将以最先 与本公司办理委托竞投手续者为拍卖品的买家

第八条 货币兑换显示板 本公司为方便竞投人,可能於拍卖中使用影像投射或其他形式的显示板,所示内容僅供参考,无任影像投射或其他形式显示板所以之数 额、拍卖品编号、拍卖品图片或新币竞投价之相等外币,其准确程度均可能会出现非本公司所能控制之误差,因此导致买方而蒙受之任 何损失,本公司一概不负责。 第九条 拍卖官之决定权 (1) 拍卖官具有绝对的决定权,有权拒绝任何竞投、以其决定之方式推动出价、将任何拍卖品撤回,以及如有误差或争议将拍卖品重 新拍卖。 (2) 在竞投时,竞投人应承认本公司的加价幅度,拍卖官有权调节加价幅度。 第十条 拍卖成交 最高应价经拍卖官落槌或以其他公司表示买定的方式确认该竞投人竞投成功,即表明该竞投人与卖家之间达成了关于拍卖品买卖合约, 买家应当即时签署“成交确认书”确认。 第十一条


竞投人竞投成功后,即成为该拍卖品德买家,买家除支付成交价外,另外要支付佣金予本公司,佣金收取标准按每件落槌价计算比率如 下: -新币$1,000.000.00或以下15% -新币$1,000.000.00或以上13% 第十二条 付款 (1) 竞投成功后,买家应自拍卖成交日起七日内全额付购买价款并领取拍卖品(包装及搬运费用自负)否则应承担违约责任。 (2) 所有货款以新币为结算单位,如买家以本公司指定货币以外之其他货币付款,应按买家与本公司约定的汇价折算或按照中国银行 (新加坡)有限公司於买家付款日前一个工作日公佈的新币与该币的汇率价折算。本公司将向买家收取所招致之任何外汇及银行 费用。 (3) 付款方式




开户名称:Gianguan Auctions New York ( Singapore ) Pte Ltd

开户银行:Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation Limited


新币帐号: 511-165565-001


银行地址: 23, Nex Branch, Serangoon Central, #B2-28/29, Singapore 556083


第十三条 领取拍卖品 (1) 买家须在拍卖或成交日起七天内领取所购买的拍卖品,若买家末能在拍卖成交日起七天内领取拍卖品,则因逾期造成对该拍卖品 的搬运、储存及保险费用均由卖家承担,买家应对其所购拍卖品负全责,即使该拍卖品仍由本公司或其他代理人代为保存。本公 司及其工作员工或其他代理人对任何原因所致该拍卖品的亏损、损失、不负任何责任。 (2) 本公司工作人员应买家要求代为包装及处理购买的拍卖品,僅应视为本公司对买家提供服务,本公司可决定是否提供此项服务, 若因此发生任何损失均由买家自负,此外、对於本公司向买家推荐的包装公司及装运公司所造成一切错误、遗漏、损坏或遗失、 本公司亦不承担责任。 (3) 若买家末能在成功拍卖后七天内领取,则不不论是已付款与否:本公司将容许在买方的支付下、搬移到第三方货仓存放,而 只 在所有引致之储存、搬运、保险及其他费用,连同欠本公司制所有其他款项付清后,方可领取已购拍卖项目。 第十四条 末付款至补救方法 若买家末能按期付款,本公司有权采取以下措施: (1) 对卖家提出诉讼,要求赔偿本公司因其违约造成一切损失,包括因买家迟付款或拒绝付款项造成利息损失; (2) 撤销和占时扣留本公司向同一买家出售该件物品或任何其他拍卖品,直至买家履行条款规定,扣留期间发生一切(包括储存费 用)由买家支付:

(3) 经的买家同意,本公司可按照本规则规定再行拍卖或以其他方式出售该拍卖品,原买家除应当支付第一次拍卖中买家及卖家应当 支付的佣金/佣金及其他各项费用并承担再次拍卖或其他方式出售该拍卖品所有费用外,若在行拍卖或以其他方式出售该拍卖品所 的价款低以原拍卖价款,原买家应当补足差额。

第十五条 所有权转移 买家全额支付购买价款后,即可获得拍卖品的所有权。 第十六条 风险转移 竞投成功后,拍卖品的风险於下列任何一种情形发生后(以较早发生日期为准)即由买家自行承担: (1) 买家领取所购买拍卖品:或 (2) 买家向本公司支付有关拍卖品的全部购买价款:或拍卖成交日起七天届满。 第三部分 关于卖家的条款 第十七条 委托程序及卖家之保证 卖家委托本公司拍卖其物品时,若为真正物主必须持有效身份证明文件,並与本公司签署委托拍卖协议书:若代理卖家委托本公司拍卖 物品,应向本公司出示真正物主相关授权文件,並与本公司签署委托拍卖协议书,同时,就其委托拍卖品向本公司及买家保证如下: (1) 卖家为拍卖品之唯一物主,拥有将所有权转让予买家之无限制权利,该拍卖品的拍卖不会侵害任何第三方合法权益 (包括版权索赏)。 (2) 卖家尽其所知,就该拍卖品的来源和缺损向本公司进行了全面、详细披露和说明,不存在任何隐瞒或虚构之处。 (3) 如卖家违反上述保证,造成拍卖品实际所有权人或声称拥有权利任何第三者索赔和诉讼,致本公司及/或买家蒙受损失时,则卖家 应负责赔赏本公司及/或买家因此所遭受一切损失,並承担因此而发生一切费用和支出。



(1) 除卖家另有书面指示外,否则拍卖品将自动受保於本公司的保险,保险金额以本公司与卖家双方确定低价为准。此保险金额只用 于投保和索赔,並非本公司对该拍卖品价值得保证或担保,也不意味着该拍卖品由本公司拍卖,即可售得相同於该保险金额之款 项。 (2) 如拍卖品成功拍卖,保险期限至拍卖成交日起七天止或买家领取拍卖品之日止(以两者较早为准)。如拍卖品末成交,则保险期 限至拍卖会结束后三十天内或卖家领回之日止(以两者较早为准)。 (3) 如卖家以书面形式通知本公司不需投保其拍卖品,则任何风险由卖家自行承担。 (4) 凡属因本公司为拍卖品所购买保险承保范围内的事件或灾害所导致拍卖品损坏、遗失、应根据所投保之保险公司赔偿规定处理。 本公司在向保险公司进行索赏,並获得保险赔赏后,将保险赔款扣除本公司费用(佣金除外)余款支付给卖家。若於本公司承担 风险期间,拍卖品遗失或损毁,则参照拍卖品的低价支付赔赏金额,最高不得超过低价的100%。 (5) 本公司对用作装裱拍卖品之画框或玻璃纸损毁並不承担责任,亦对下述情况直接或间接造成遗失或损毁一概不承担责任:

a. 湿度或温度转变:





(1) 除卖家与本公司另有协定外,拍卖品成交后,卖家应支付本公司相当於成交价(即落槌价)百分之十五佣金 、百分之一保险费及 图录印刷费。 (2) 如拍卖品末能成交,卖家应支付本公司相当於低价百分之一的保险费。 第二十条


(1) 所有拍卖品均设有低价。低价由本公司与卖家通过协商书面协定,低价数目经双方同意。 (2) 本公司对图录内拍卖品之描述与图示方式、鉴定意见书、拍卖地点与方式,让谁人进场竞投以及竞投价之 接受、是否应寻求专家 意见,以及将拍卖品合拼或分开拍卖等均有完全决定权。 (3) 任何拍卖品的估价,无任口头或书面均属意见,而非拍卖品最终可卖得之价钱保证。



(1) 本公司将会参照低价将拍卖品拍卖。如竞投价不能达到低价,本公司均不负有任何责任,但本公司有权将拍卖品以低於低价拍卖。 如本公司按此将拍卖品拍卖,本公司将有责任向卖家支付成交价与低价之差价额。 (2) 卖家不得竞投自己委托本公司的拍卖品,也不得委托他人代为竞投,否则卖家应自行承担相应之责任,並赔偿本公司因此引致之 全部损失。 (3) 除卖家与本公司另有协议,否则若拍卖品在拍卖会中收回或末成功拍卖,本公司有权在拍卖后三十天内按不少於该拍卖品付给卖 家的浄款价(即低价扣除一切费用的价格):或按卖家另行同意较低价将该拍卖品出售。在此情况下,卖家就该拍卖品对本公司 所负之责任,等同与拍卖品成功拍卖。 (4) 本公司除向买家收取成交价外,亦收取按成交价计算之酬金。本公司並有权保留此笔酬金。



(1) 任何拍卖品送交本公司经确认收讫,若卖家要求撤回拍卖品:则必须经本公司同意后,方可撤回其拍卖品。但撤回拍卖品时,若 该拍卖品已列入图录或其他宣传品已开始印刷:则应支付相当於该拍卖品低价百分之十的款项並支付其他各项费用。如图录或任 何其他宣传品尚末印刷,卖家也需支付相当於该拍卖品低价百分之十的款项並支付其他各项费用。对因撤回拍卖品而引起任何争 议或索赏,与本公司无关。 (2) 本公司保留随时因卖家违反本公司的业务规定或本公司相信将拍卖品纳入拍卖並不适当等原因而撤回拍卖品之权利。 第二十三条


(1) 拍卖品成功拍卖后,本公司将要求买家全额付款去,在买家付款后,并且末与本公司方式任何纠纷,则本公司会於成功拍卖日期 后三十五天,将一笔相等於成交价扣除卖家应支付之所有费用之款额付予卖家。 (2) 如遇买家延迟付款,则本公司将在买家付款后七天内付予卖家。 (3) 拍卖品成功拍卖日期后六十天,如买家末全额付款则表明交易取消:本公司将拍卖品归还卖家,而不承担任何责任。 (4) 如因拍卖品为赝品而本公司被逼向买家收回,卖家须将已收取之拍卖浄款全额退还予本公司。 (5) 除卖家另有书面指示外,本公司将以新币付款。 第二十四条


(1) 如拍卖品末能成功出售或不包括在拍卖之内,或因任何理由而撤回拍卖,卖家应在本公司通知领回之七天内或拍卖会结束后三十 天(以两者较早为准)领回该拍卖品,费用自理。买家须在付清所有末付费用后,方可领回拍卖品。 (2) 任何此等拍卖品於本公司通知日期后拍卖会结束后六十天内(以较早之日期为准)末被领回,本公司有权以公开拍卖或其他认为 合理的方式处置该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生全部费用后,若有余款则余款由卖家自行取回。 (3) 若卖家在指定限期内末领回该拍卖品,风险由卖家自行承担责任,如卖家要求本公司协助退回其拍卖品,退回的风险及费用由卖 家承担,除卖家另有指明並负担保险外,一般在运输中不予投保。 第二十五条


本公司有权自行对卖家委托本公司拍卖的任何物品作照片、图示、图录或其他形式的影像制品,並依法享有上述照片、图示、图录或其 他形式的制品著作权,有权对其依法加以使用。 第二十六条


(1) 各方的权利及义务,就有关本业务规则,拍卖的行为及任何与上述条文事项。均受新加坡法律管限及由新加坡法律解释。 (2) 拍卖竞投时,无任亲自出席或由代理人出席竞投、书面、电话及其他方法竞投,买家则被视为接受本业务规则,及为本公司之利 益而言,跟随新加坡法院独有裁判权。 注明:本业务规则有中、英文本、如有相异,则以英文本为准。

纽约贞观国际拍卖公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

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水墨紙本手卷 1935 年作


(1895 - 1953)


Lot 28

367.5 × 45 cm

Hand Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1935

Noble Steed

Xu Beihong

Lot 23

張大千 (1899 - 1983)

貴妃醉酒圖 設色水墨紙本立軸

Zhang Daqian Yang Fei at the Hundred Flower Pavilion

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper 132.3 x 68 cm

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司(新加坡) Gianguan Auctions New York (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Blk 31, #03-62, Defu Lane 10, Singapore 539212

Tel: (65) 62892618/Mobile: (65) 93838061

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