December 2014 Paintings Catalog

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Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正統 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

386 - 535

天順 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

東魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齊 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆慶 Longqing

1567 - 1572

萬曆 Wanli

1573 - 1619

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

11th C.- 771 B.C.

東周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 戰國 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西漢 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

東漢 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 順治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

後唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

後晉 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

後漢 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉慶 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

後周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

Liao Dynasty

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸豐 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光緒 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣統 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420

Jin Dynasty

Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1915 - 1916

1115 - 1234


Western Jin

265 - 316


Sixteen Kingdoms

304 - 439


Eastern Jin

317 - 420

1279- 1371

中華人民共和國 Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪憲

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

崇禎 Chongzhen

後梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三國

1620 1621 - 1627

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

泰昌 Taichang 天啟 Tianqi

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

北魏 Nothern Wei

劉宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永樂 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齊 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi




清 碧玉浮雕龍 飛鳳舞紋掛飾 項錬 Qing, Spinach Green Jade Relief Carved Oval Plaque with Dragon and Phoenix with Necklace Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 54 g $2,000 - $3,000

鏤雕翠玉心形掛墜連珠鏈 Reticulated Heart-Shape Jade Pendant

Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm)

Weight: 15 g

$800 - $1,500



和田白玉雕竹節項鍊 Hetian White Jade Bamboo-Section Beads Necklace

紅珊瑚微書金彩佛手鐲 (摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經) Coral Prayer Beads Inscribed with Sutra Classics

Length: 22 in (55.8 cm) Weight: 34 g $500 - $800


Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 101 g $800 - $1,500


舊西藏蜜蠟三珠掛飾 Tibetan Beeswax Amber Bead Pendant Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) Width: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $800 - $1,500

西藏蜜蠟項飾 Tibetan Amber Beeswax Bead Necklace Width: 1½ in (3.8 cm) $300 - $400




玉雕長壽如龜把玩 A Celadon Jade Tortoise Carved in the Round with Geometric Pattern on the Shell

和田白玉浮雕帶皮魚躍把玩 Hetian White Jade Pebble Carved with Jumping Fish in Russet Highlight

Height: ¾ in (1.9 cm) Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weight: 71 g $200 - $300

Length: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 161 g $800 - $1,500



冰種翡翠雕鳥與葫 蘆掛飾連項錬 Glass Jadeite Pendant Carved with Bird and Gourd with necklace Height: 2 in (5.08 cm) $1,000 $1,500

清 翡翠浮雕福(蝠)來如意玉鐲 Qing, Jadeite Bracelet Relief Carved with Ruyi Bat Auspicious Motifs Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 83 g $2,000 - $3,000



松綠石手鐲 Turquoise Bead Bracelet

Composed of an alternate diamond and bead-shape turquoise.


Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 46 g $800 - $1,500

浮雕螭龍穿雲(運)古玉鐲 Archaistic Jade Bracelet Relief Carved with Qilin Amidst Cloud as Auspicious Emblems Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



玉雕金童玉女 賞件 Jade Carving of Two FairyChildren

西藏蜜蠟項飾 Tibetan Amber Beeswax Bead Necklace

Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 88 g $200 - $300

Width: 1½ in (3.8 cm) $300 - $400



西藏朱砂四眼天珠掛飾連項錬 Tibetan Dzi Bead Pendant Necklace Length: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $300 - $400

西藏蜜蠟天眼108粒佛珠 Tibetan Beeswax Amber Prayer Beads (One Hundred Eight) Diameter: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) Weight: 34 g $800 - $1,500



西藏蜜蠟天眼十三珠手鐲 Tibetan Beeswax Amber Prayer Beads (Thirteen) Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 48 g $800 - $1,500

玉雕彩色手鐲 Jade Bracelet with Russet Inclusions Diameter: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 87 g $400 - $600




瑪瑙小瓜八棱形十二珠手鐲 An Amber Bracelet with Twelve Beads

玉雕鳥獸紋小璧 Jade Bi Carved with Bird and Beast

Melon shaped octagonal beads.

Diameter: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 41 g $300 - $500

Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 112 g $800 - $1,500



雞骨白的雙魚 有兩眼,張着 大口的獸面紋 飾。雕工古雅大 方,使人有震懾 之感,為難得之 玉佩。

良渚文化(公元前2000年) 白玉(雞骨白)通雕獸面雙魚佩飾 A Chicken-bone White Jade Zoomorphic Ornament Carved on Both Sides in Fish-form with Taotie Masks Appliques

玉雕四鳳如意天圓地方出廓璧 A Jade Bi Carved with Phoenix Motifs and Openwork Flanking Four Corners Diameter: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) $400 - $600

Neolithic, Liangzhu Culture (2000 B.C.)

Width: 4½ in (11.4 cm)

$1,000 - $1,500



玉雕獸面紋城頭掛飾 Jade Plaque Carved with Zoomorphic Masks Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 158 g $400 - $500


Weight: 96 g

漢 玉雕谷紋璧 Han, Jade Bi with Carved Comma-Scrolls on Both Sides Diameter: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Weight: 198 g $600 - $800


清 翡翠浮雕纏枝如意 迴紋闊玉鐲 Qing, Jadeite Bracelet with Wide Band carved with Ruyi Motifs

Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 109 g $3,000 - $4,000



良渚文化(公元前2000年) 魚形獸面紋璜 Neolithic liangzhu Culture Taotie Mask Fish-Shaped Carved Huang

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm)

Width: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) $600 - $800

白玉鏤雕龍鳳紋璧 Jade Disc Pierced with Dragon and Phoenix Motifs Height: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Weight: 492 g $500 - $800

Weight: 72 g



漢 玉鏤雕獸首斜紋三圓璧 Han, Jade Disc in Tri-Circular Linked Form Carved with Twill Weave and Taotie Masks Diameter: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Weight: 406 g $1,000 - $1,500

漢 玉雕雷紋獸面蟠虺紋璧 Han, Jade Bi Carved with Swirling Boss Pattern and Taotie Mask on Both Sides Diameter: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) Weight: 392 g $800 - $1,000




白玉雕洪蝠如意 辟邪把玩 Finely Carved White Jade Group of Qilin and Ruyi in with Auspicious Bat Length: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

和田白玉雕辟邪啣如意把玩 Hetian White Jade Carved in the Round A Recumbent Bixie Biting Ruyi Spray Length: 2½ in (6.4 cm)

$1,000 - $1,500



和田白玉浮雕 算盤財神 Finely Carved Hetian White Jade Pebble of God of Wealth Holding Abacus with Russet Inclusion

翡翠精雕觀音寶瓶 坐蓮掛飾連錬 Well Carved Jadeite Pendant Guanyin Holding Amphora Bottle Pendant with Bead Necklace

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 133 g $800 - $1,500



翡翠雙面雕如意 封侯(猴)掛飾 連珠錬 A Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Ruyi and Monkey as Auspicious Emblems with Necklace Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $600 - $1,000

翡翠雙面雕喜 上眉梢掛飾連 珠錬 A Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Bird and Prunus Blossoms with Necklace Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



碧玉龍首髮簪 A Spinach Jade Hair Pin

Tapers from the relief carved and pierced dragon head.

Length: 8¼ in (21 cm) Weight: 60 g $200 - $300

壽山石雕獅鈕印章兩件 Two Shoushan Stone Seal with Lion Knob Height: 4 in (10.2 cm), 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 419 g, 362 g $600 - $800



玉雕辟邪方印章 (漢委奴國王)款 Jade Square Seal Carved with Recumbent Bixie as Knob

芙蓉石雕三龍鈕方印料 Furong Stone Square Seal Carved with Three Dragons with Pearl Knob

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $400 - $600

Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 1225 g $1,500 - $2,000


Weight: 769 g


金芙蓉石雕 辟邪鈕 長方印章 (左將軍 假司馬)款

A Columnar Golden Furong Stone Seal with Bixie Knob Height: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 773 g $1,000 - $1,500

雞血石方印章連上雕螭龍蓋盒 (吳熙載印) A Square Jixue Stone Seal Inside a Chi Dragon Relief Carved Circular Box with Cover Ascribed to Wu Xizai

Box Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) Seal Height: ¾ in (1.9 cm) Seal Weight: 46 g $1,000 - $1,500



金銀芙蓉石雕 143 桃鈕雙色印料 A Finely Carved and Rare Silver and Gold Furong Stone Seal with Peach Knob Height: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Weight: 401 g $600 - $800


舊田黃烏鴉皮 山水印章兩件 (石佛庵主 庚子年李嘉福) (李氏公博 丁丑年宗瀚)

Two Crow-Skin Tianhuang

Inscribed and dated Landscape Seals Height: 4 in (10.2 cm), 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 239 g, 129 g $1,000 - $1,500


壽山石雕八仙(吉祥如意,萬壽無疆)印章 A Set of Eight Shoushan Stone Seal each carved with an Immortal and Poem Inscription Auspicious Seal Scripts Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) x 8 Total Weight: 2789 g $1,500 - $2,500


金銀芙蓉石雕 桃鈕長方印料 A Finely Carved and Rare Silver and Gold Columnar Furong Stone Seal with Peach Knob Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Weight: 539 g $800 - $1,500


清 康熙 舊田黃 印章 印款: (康熙之印)

Qing, Square Tianhuang with Dragon Motifs Seal Script: Kangxi Seal

Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 310 g $1,000 - $1,500


壽山稀有油芝石精雕羅漢 騎象鈕印料 A Very Rare Shoushan Stone Seal with Zen Buddhism Arhats Symbol

The seal knop is finely carved as an elephant standing foursquare with two arhats perched on top holding a covered box. The delicate incised markings on its pattern blanket and the intricately modeled features, testify to the consummate skill of the carver. The well polished stone is of warm light caramel hues with lustrous sheen. Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) Weight: 1500 g $4,000 - $8,000




田黃獅鈕唐翰題刻方印章 印款:(耆艾而信) Tianhuang Seal with Recumbent Lion Knob

蹲龍鈕碧玉璽 (皇帝之印)款 Spinach Green Jade Dragon Seal

Seal Script: Follow the Elder

Of square form, surmounted by a bold and fierce double-headed dragon crouching on its haunches,with a channel pierced from both sides The seal face crispy carved with the characters: Seal of the Emperor Inscriptions on all four sides.

Height: 2⅜ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 373 g $1,500 - $2,000 150

$4,000 - $5,000


清 乾隆 青花開光礬紅釉龍火紋鼻煙壺 (乾隆年製)四字篆書款

Qing, Underglazed Blue Flask Snuff Bottle

Decorated with Windows of Copper Red Flaming Dragon. Blue quartz stopper with gilt metal collar. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period

88 86

Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm)

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

清 稀有珊瑚精雕竹節紋鼻煙壺 Qing, A Finely Carved Coral Snuff Bottle Of baluster form, carved with bamboo sections, pink quartz stopper with gilt metal collar.

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $1,500 - $3,000



琥珀浮雕 鐘魁花卉 鼻煙壺 Relief Carved Amber Snuff Bottle with Zhongkui, Evil Averter Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $200 - $300

張照刻田黃素章 甲辰八月 (積古齋)款 A Rectangular Tianhuang Seal Inscribed by Zhang Zhao, Dated 1724 Ji Gu Zhai Studio Mark

Height: ⅞ in (2.2 cm) Weight: 53 g $500 - $1,000

Width: 1⅝ in (4 cm)



料彩抽象 七彩鼻煙壺 A Yellow Overlay Snuff Bottle Painted with Colorful Swirls Light quartz stopper with Gilt metal collar

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $500 - $600

清 順治 玻璃金彩內畫人物鼻煙扁壺 Qing, A Fine Inside Gilt Painted Figural Scene Snuff Bottle Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm)


$500 - $800


玉雕花斑紋 孔耳鼻煙壺 Carved White Jade Snuff Bottle with Loop Handles and Russet Inclusions. Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $200 - $300

銅胎鎏金嵌寶 藏文包袱鏈繫 鼻煙壺

Gilt Bronze Pouch-Shaped Chain-Linked Snuff Bottle with Tibetan Script and Embellished with Hardstone

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $400 - $500

89 87



清 乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯黃地開光西洋母子圖鼻煙扁壺 (乾隆年製)四字雙行楷書款 壺扁瓶袋形,肩攜環形手柄,橢圓形圈足,平底。壺體兩面開光, 分別繪西洋母子圖。

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Western Figures of Mother and Child

Of compressed pouch-form well hollowed and adorned with two loop handles on the shoulder. Finely Enameled with cartouches of European subjects and a floral scroll surrounds recessed oval rim, metal stopper with integral finial and collar. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four-Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 2 in (5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 沉香雕劉海荷葉戲金蟾 Qing, A Rare Aloeswood Carving of Liuhai Parade of the Toad Bring Forth Coin The aromatic aloeswood is delicately carved to depict Liuhai with toad on a lotus leaf. The light brown wood with characteristic inclusions.

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


元 釉里紅六 夔花卉火舌紋 雙繫耳瓶 Yuan, A Rare Copper Red Hexagonal Vase with Double-Loops Each ridged lobe is painted with flaming floral motifs Yuan Dynasty

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



壽山石雕羅漢馴獅賞件 (帶卷雲紋壽山石底座)

Shoushan Stone Carving of Luohan Taming Lion Fitted Shoushan stone stand carved with swirling clouds

Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Total Weight: 1626 g $1,000 - $1,500


壽山石雕如意 觀音坐像 (帶木底座)

Shoushan Stone Carving of Guanyin Holding Ruyi Fitted wood stand included.

Height: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) Weight: 2890 g $800 - $1,500


(帶木底座) 手托元寶塔,象徵財寶幸福

A Shoushan Stone Figure of Jambhala

Seated on a double-lotus pedestal, holding Bouillion Pagoda, signifies Happiness and Wealth. Surmounted with a foliate tiara and backed by a streaming ribbon. Fitted wood stand included.

Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 1431 g $1,500 - $3,000



壽山石雕劉海戲金蟾賞件 (帶木底座)

Shoushan Stone Carving of Liu Hai Parade of the Toad BringingForth-Coin Ornament Fitted wood stand included.

Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 842 g $800 $1,500

壽山石雕道教長 老坐像 (帶木底座)

Shoushan Stone Carving of Taoist Sage Fitted wood stand included.

Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) Weight: 1620 g $600 - $1,000




壽山石雕福祿壽 仙翁童子賞件 Shoushan Stone Carving of God of Longevity with Accolade

Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Weight: 982 g $800 - $1,500


漢 稀有玉雕谷紋高足杯 Han, A Very Rare White Jade Archaistic Cup

玉雕臥鹿擺件一對 A Pair of Carved Jade Deer

With two Ribbed sections of raised small boss pattern and a scroll band at mouth rim. Han Dynasty

Both stag recumbent with long antlers, body incised with swirling designs.

Height: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm), 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Width: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) x 2 Weight: 865 g, 891 g $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 4⅝ in (11.8 cm) $3,000 - $5,000



芙蓉石雕劉海戲 金蟾賞件 Furong Stone Carving of Liu Hai Parade of the Toad Bringing-ForthCoin Ornament


Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Weight: 313 g $800 - $1,500

青玉雕鳳耳帶蓋 方瓶 A Celadon Jade Flask with Cover and Phoenix Handles

Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) $600 - $800



商 白玉浮雕螭龍蓋盒 Shang, A Calcified Archaistic Qilin Jade Box with Cover

清 和田玉浮雕螭龍紋龍耳活環蓋尊 (皇帝寶玩) Qing, A Finely Carved Qilin Hetian Jade Flask with Cover

Applied and decorated overall with coiling qilins. Shang Dynasty

Flanked on each side with dragon handle and loose ring, the flattened flask is carved in shallow relief with Qilin and Flanges on each side. (from the Emperor’s treasure chest)

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 146 g $3,000 - $4,000



清 和田玉雕反耳三足爐 (皇帝寶玩) Qing, A Finely Carved Hetian Jade Tripod Censer With everted handles extending from the interior mouth rim and raised on three short conical feet. The translucent stone of an attractive even white tone. (from the Emperor’s treasure chest)

Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

Width: 2¼ in (5.7 cm)

Weight: 62 g

金芙蓉隨形石雕羅漢(九應真)雲龍意形屏 Translucent Golden Shoushan Stone Boulder Carving of Nine Luohans

Exquisitely carved with flaming dragon above and rockwork below, depicting nine luohans moving between Heaven and Earth.

Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $3,500 - $5,000

Weight: 708 g



清 和田玉薄胎闊耳三足爐 Qing, Finely Carved Hetian Jade Tripod Censer The compressed bulbous body finely polished beneath a galleried rim. The shoulder has two upright handles. Supported on three low conical feet. Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 芙蓉石彩雕荷花觀音立像 (帶木底座)

Qing, A Fine Polychrome Furong Stone Figure of Guanyin

Dressed in long flowing robe, the benevolent face carved with downcast expression and holding an amphora bottle, with a lotus leaf as backdrop and a mandorla inset, adorned with lotus blossoms. Fitted wood stand included. Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) Weight: 868 g $3,500 - $6,000



清 壽山石彩雕花卉送財進寶 布袋羅漢 (帶木底座) Qing, A Fine Polychrome Shoushan Stone Figure of Budai Luohan Finely carved and portrayed with pendulous earlobes, wearing a loosely draped robe incised with delicate floral roundels. Holding a nugget as wealth deliverance with a joyful laughing expression on his face. Fitted wood stand included. Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Weight: 2306 g $3,500 - $6,000


紫羅蘭玉雕蓮花觀音坐像 (帶木底座)

A Massive Well Carved Lavender Jade Guanyin Holding Lotus Stalk on Lotus Seat

With fitted wood stand carved with aquatic scene. Height: 14⅝ in (37.1 cm) Weight: 9280 g $3,000 - $5,000



古玉雕祖孫魚 180 獲賞件 Archaistic Jade Carving of Fisherman with Children and Catch Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 553 g $600 - $800


Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Weight: 567 g $800 - $1,000

玉雕蟾蜍身背 182 四毒(蜈蚣、 蜘蛛、蝎子、 蛇)賞件 Jade Carving of Toad Carrying Centipede, Spider, Scorpion and Snake Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Length: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Weight: 446 g $1,000 - $1,500


玉雕和合二仙 蓮花祥雲賞件 Jade Carving of Hehe Fairies with Lotus Blossoms and Box on Rockwork Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) Weight: 957 g $1,000 - $1,500


玉雕竹、梅、 靈芝福到三童 花插 Jade Carving of Auspicious Bamboo, Prunus, Lingzhi and Bat Vase with Children Clambering


玉雕漁翁喜獲 魚賞件 Jade Carving of Fisherman Happy with Catch Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 527 g $600 - $800

漢 玉雕牛首 螭龍臂鐲 Han, Jade Carving of Zoomorphic Mask as Arm Bracelet Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 766 g $800 - $1,000


北魏 玉雕釋迦牟尼佛造像 佛坐像面容清秀、神態莊嚴、慈祥溫和,袈裟流暢舒展有致。 頭刻螺髪卷紋,兩眼微斜,綫條細緻,面含笑意,盤膝坐于蓮花寶 座之上。此造像形態雄壯優美,為北魏時期稀有之傑作。

Northern Wei, A Very Rare Jade Carving of Sakyamuni Maitreya

Carved seated with right hand raised in abhaya mudra and left hand in varda mudra, wearing robes falling in loose folds around the body. The face with long thin nose and full lips drawn in a tender smile, the eyes cast downward in serene contemplation, all framed by elongated earlobes and prominently carved swirling pattern usnisa topknot. Height: 17 in (43.2 cm)

Weight: 12,230 g $30,000 - $50,000




玉雕花蕾三寶花插 Jade Carving of Finger Citron Vase with Peach and Lingzhi Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Weight: 296 g $800 - $1,000

玉雕龍流壺一套三件 A Set of Three Carved Jade Dragon Ewer with Two Cups Height: 2⅜ in (6 in), 1 in (2.5 cm) x 2 Weight: 340 g $600 - $800


黃玉雕雙翼辟邪賞件一對 A Pair of Yellow Jade Carving of Recumbent Bixie with Tucked Wings Fitted wood stand.

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) x 2 Total Weight: 952 g $2,000 - $3,000 190


舊和田白玉布袋彌勒佛子孫福(蝠)壽擺件 Hetian Jade Budai Maitreya Carved in a Casual Pose

With Jolly smile, accompanied by playful child and bat, signifying prosperity.


Height: 5⅜ in (13.6 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

唐 鎏金玉雕松鶴延年花插賞件 Tang, Jade Carving of Vase Embossed with Gilt Molding of Crane and Pine as Auspicious Emblems

Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) Width: 10 in (25.4 cm) Weight: 2390 g $1,500 - $2,000


精雕螭龍蟠虺紋雙連玉尊 玉帶褐赫紅色,質地溫潤。瓶呈雙連 式,洗口附雙連蓋,蓋面雕螭龍紋。 兩瓶鏤雕螭龍如意雲頭飾相接,器身 飾蟠虺紋。雙連瓶又稱合歡瓶。

A Rare and Finely Carved Twinlinked Vase with Qilins

Composed of a pair of well hollowed cylinders decorated with relief carved qilins with ruyi scrolls joining. The vessel is decorated with relief carved qilins and joined by scrolling ruyi. The doomed covers have qilin scroll carvings. The lower body and the sides of the vessel have swirling bosses. Said vessel is commonly used in wedding ceremony. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $8,000 - $20,000


高浮雕螭龍雷紋玉觥杯 玉帶褐赫紅色斑。杯身細長,大口, 飾蟠虺及螭龍紋,外壁浮雕三條形態 各異的螭龍,其一伏于器口為把耳。

A Rare Archaistic Jade Rhyton with Qilin

Well hollowed with incised and relief carved qilins clambering on the vessel, with a pierced one on the side forming the handle. The exterior carved with archaistic scrolling boss patterns on the striated skin. Height: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 578 g $6,000 - $15,000



翡翠玉雕持經觀音 三十三觀音之一。因手持經故名。相當於《法華經˙普門品》所載應 以聲聞身得度者,即現聲聞身而為說法之觀音化身。此係因聲聞乃 聽聞如來之說法而得道者,故以手持經卷表。

Finely Carved Jadeite Guanyin Reading Sutra Tablet

Guanyin clad in long flowing robes with a topknot and a halo ring, an amphora bottle with lotus stand behind. The openwork flame halo and the open sutra tablet all convey an illusion of divine light. The stone of an exceptionally, even white tone throughout. Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 450 g $6,000 - $8,000


精美透雕純色和田白玉 荷花蓮蓬擺件 Fine and Well Carved Hetian White Jade Lotus Group with Pods Seed pods and lotus blossoms issuing from a rockbase with stems and flowers. Length: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) Weight: 614 g $4,000 - $6,000



清 和田白玉雕子孫人參(仁心)勢如龍賞件 此精美和田白玉鏤雕人參根雕工精美絕倫,細緻巧妙。人參上部還有蟠桃、石榴、 蒼龍,與花卉。蒼龍代表著帝位,並且代表長壽與子孫萬代花好月圓之意。 因此,這件美如凝脂的白玉精雕人參應為清宮藏品無疑。

Qing, A Very Fine Hetian Jade Carving of Lingzhi with Dragon and Peach for Longevity

Intricately carved nationalistically in openwork a large head of lingzhi with small stems projecting. The lingzhi, a fungus which promotes longevity, adds a dragon superimposed and delivering fruiting branches of pomegranate, peach and finger citron, also symbolic of longevity for the Imperial Palace. The complicated reticulation and interweaving of the lingzhi stems, issuing from the head showcase the exquisite craftsmanship. The translucent stone of even white tone. Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Length: 15½ in (39.4) Weight: 2717 g $40,000 - $50,000



玉雕童戲魚躍 擺件 A Jade Carving of Jumping Fish with Children at Play


稀有碧璽雕金 魚團桃(今如 長壽)賞件 A Finely Carved Quartz Auspicious Peach Ornament with Gold Fish Clambering

With fitted aquatic pattern wood stand.

Height: 6 ½ in (16.5 cm) Weight: 2160 g $2,000 - $3,000


稀有紫碧璽 壽星蟠桃鶴壽 賞件 A Carved Lavender Quartz God of Longevity with Crane and Peach

With fitted wood stand.

Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Weight: 961 g $400 - $600


稀有粉碧璽雕 薔薇花卉蓋瓶 An Elaborately Carve Rose Quartz Floral Sprays Vase with Blossom Cover With fitted wood stand.

With fitted wood stand.

Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Weight: 1318 g $600 - $800

Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) Weight: 1306 g $600 - $800



紫碧璽雕雙獅書擋 A Pair of Carved Lavender Quartz Buddhist Lion as Bookends


Modelled seated on plinth and detailed with tasselled collar and molded manes, with one paw resting on a brocade ball.

Height: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) x 2 $600 - $800

Total Weight: 3929 g

稀有夢幻綠紫碧璽扁瓶 A Superb Green and Lavender Quartz Carving of a Flask Vase Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Diameter: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 5260 g $800 - $1,500



稀有綠碧璽料像真翡翠雙耳活環瓶 A Rare Quartz-Jadeite Vase with Loop Handle and Suspension Rings

清 咸豐 粉彩桃紋福(蝠)壽碗 (大清咸豐年製) 六字三行篆書款 Qing, A Famille-Rose Bat(Fu)-Shou Peach Bowl Both interior and exterior are painted with Bats and (Shou) character with Ruyi band and peaches as symbols of wealth and prosperity. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six-Character Mark and of the Period

The stone of translucent tone.

Diameter: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Weight: 258 g $1,500 - $3,000

Diameter: 6⅛ in (15.5 cm) $2,000 - $2,500

Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm)



清 內畫玻璃油畫“少女與寵物犬”

清 內畫玻璃油畫“人物山水圖”


內畫玻璃油畫,又名反畫,是一種貴重的外銷出口油畫,在玻璃背面進行油畫 創作,色彩絢麗。 此畫上繪一孫女為祖父輩捶肩以孝敬長者之意。此畫繪功精 緻,為稀有之傑作。


Qing, Reverse Glass Painting of a Lady

Depicting Lady seated with poodle, with elegant attire, in molded zitan frame with hinged bronze hook. Width: 13¼ in (33.7 cm) Width inclusive of frame: 15½ in (39.3 cm)

Height: 19⅛ in (48.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height inclusive of frame: 21½ in (54.6 cm)

Qing, Reverse Glass Figure-Landscape Painting

Depicting scholar with attendant on a lush landscape backdrop, in molded zitan frame with hinged bronze hook. Width: 13¼ in (33.7 cm) Width inclusive of frame: 15½ in (39.3 cm)

Height: 19⅛ in (48.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height inclusive of frame: 21½ in (54.6 cm)



清 影青六棱 瓜形壺 Qing, A Yingqing Celadon MelonShaped Hexagonal Ewer


粉彩花卉杯 A Famille-Rose Blossoms with Butterflies Wine Cup Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $600 - $800

With molded twigs of leaves on the lobe body, a loop handle and stem as spout, covered overall with a fine crackles glaze stopped short of the base.

Height: 12⅜ in (31.4 cm) $800 - $1,500



出口瓷粉彩加金彩外十八羅漢內麻姑獻壽大海碗 A Large Export Famille-Rose Punch Bowl

定窯白釉刻花紋盤 Molded Dingyao Dish with Dragon and Floral Motifs Diameter: 8¼ in (21 cm) $500 - $800


Diameter: 13⅞ in (35.2 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

粉彩花卉詩句 盤口瓶 Famille-Rose Dish-Mouth Vase with Floral Twigs and Poem Inscriptions Height: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


Painted with Eighteen Luohans on the exterior well and Fairy Magu, symbol of longevity, in the interior well.

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm)


Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm)

釉裡紅松、 竹、梅高足碗 Copper-Red Stem Plate with Three Friends Motifs: Pine, Bamboo and Prunus Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) $600 - $800


朝鮮 李氏皇朝 稀有粉青釉寶鴨水注 Korea, A Very Fine and Rare Celadon Duck-Form Water-Dropper

Gray-greenish in hue, sculpted in duck form with incised feathers on each side. Korea, Goryeo Dynasty

Length: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) $3,000 - $5,000



韓國 十九世紀青花鳳 凰富貴長壽高足瓶 Korea, Blue and White Yuhuchunping with Phoenix and Pine Trees Auspicious Motifs and a Stem Foot Korean 19th C

Height: 12⅝ in (30 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

青花釉里紅童卧荷葉擺件 A Massive Underglazed Blue with Copper Red Child on Lotus Leaf Ornament Height: 6 ½ in (16.5 cm) Width: 11 in (27.9 cm) $800 - $1,500



五代 絞胎瓷玉壺春瓶 Five Dynasties, A Rare Marble Glazed Yuhuchunping

The vase applied with a thin veneer of greyish-brown and buff marbled in an irregular pattern, covered overall with a transparent amber glaze which stopped at the base.

青花雲龍紋花頸蒜頭 獸耳瓶 A Blue and White Garlic Head Vase with Dragon Motifs and Beast Head Handles Height: 17¼ in (43.8 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 5⅞ in (15 cm) $1,000 - $1,500




北宋 定窯 粉藍釉印花纏枝菊花紋罔口盤 Northern Song, A Powder-Blue-Glazed Stencil-Decorated Peony Dingyao Conical Plate

宋 定窯粉藍釉印花人物荷池罔口盤 Song, Dingyao A Powder-Blue-Glazed Stencil-Decorated Figures Lotus Pond Dish

With slightly rounded sides flaring widely to the rim, covered inside and out with a rich powder-blue-glaze. The interior decorated with peony blossoms borne on scrolling vines, below a key-fret border with a center medallion and rim unglazed. Northern Song Dynasty

Diameter: 8½ in (21.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Of light powder blue glaze, the wide flaring sides rising from a narrow tapered foot, the interior molded with a lotus pond scene with figures entwined, with unglazed rim. Song Dynasty

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm)


Diameter: 8½ in (21.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm)


清 乾隆 豇豆紅 杯口瓶 (大清乾隆年製) 六字三行篆書款

Qing, A Peach-Bloom Glazed with Dark Green Mottling Vase

Bottle case rising to a cupshaped mouth, the base and interior glazed white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 9⅝ in (23.2 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

清 乾隆 豇豆紅釉蘋果水洗 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, A Peach Bloom Glazed Water Pot

Of apple-form covered with soft strawberry tone glaze and pale green speckling continuing to a deep rose band at the base. The mouth rim also has a rose band. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period


Height: 4½ in (11.4 cm) $4,000 - $5,000


明 宣德 青花龍鳳高足盤口盤 (大明宣德年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款

Ming, Blue and White Dragon-Phoenix Stem Bowl

The shallow, rounded sides rise to the everted rim decorated with a border of leaping waves, below is a floral scroll with large flower heads and the interior well is decorated with a five-clawed dragon and phoenix chasing amidst clouds and flames in pursuit of a flaming pearl, A similar scrolling blooms and leaping waves band are on the exterior. The decoration is finely painted in a cobalt blue glaze reserved on a white ground. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six-Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period Diameter: 10⅝ in (27 cm) Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $60,000 - $80,000




五代 孔雀藍釉絞胎瓷獸首高足抱月瓶 Five Dynasties, A Rare Peacock Blue Marbled Pottery Moon Flask

五代 絞胎瓷魚耳扁瓶 Five Dynasties, A Rare and Fine Marbled Flask with Dragon Handles

Raised on a flared pedestal foot, the buff clay marbled to a controlled pattern of black on peacock blue glaze radiating from the center of the flask, covered with a transparent glaze. Flanked on both sides of the dish mouth with beast head handles.

With bands of brown and buff marbling radiating from the center. Five Dynasties

Height: 5.1 in (13 cm) Width: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,000 224


北宋 磁州窯花卉玉壺春瓶 Northern Song, Cizhouyao Painted Yuhuchunping Vase

The bulbous body freely painted in brown on a white slip with leafy floral spray, encircled with double lines. All under a clear glaze with the base unglazed. Northern Song Dynasty

Height: 10½ in (27 cm) $2,500 - $3,500


清 乾隆 黃地刻花蝠(福)壽花卉如意禱帶抱月瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書刻款

Qing, Yellow Glazed Floral, Bat(Fu) and Shou Moon Flask Decorated with incised floral scrolls and bats in flight with a central (Shou) Character below key fret band around the neck. Two Ruyi loop ear handles joined at the rolled mouth rim and two raised bosses mark the mid section of the flask. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Incised Mark and of the Period

Height: 7⅛ in (18 cm)

$5,000 - $8,000


元 青花獅子穿花牡丹瓶 直口,短頸,溜肩鼓腹,圈足,砂底無釉,口沿繪青花水波浪紋, 肩部牡丹折枝紋,腹部青花折枝牡丹花紋,中間繪雄獅,神態豪 放,青花之色翠蒼,疏密有致,異常珍貴。

Yuan, A Very Fine Blue and White Lion and Peony Vase

Superbly potted and fired, the wide shouldered baluster body tapering to the foot. Boldly painted in a cobalt blue background with scrolling peonies entwined with two lions picked up in white. On the short upright neck is a band of waves. A register of classic scrolls adorns the tapering foot. Yuan Dynasty Height: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



明 弘治 黃地暗刻花靈 芝壽桃梅瓶一對 (大明弘治年製) 六字雙行楷書款 外施黃釉,通體暗刻靈芝壽 桃紋。

Ming, A Pair of Finely Incised Lingzhi Plum with Shou Character Meiping

On the broad shoulder, four clusters of lingzhi above double lines, below are medallions of peach and plum for longevity. A band of classic scrolls encircled the foot rim. Ming Dynasty, Hongzhi Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) x 2 $3,000 - $5,000


清 康熙 三彩 龍穿花卉天球瓶 (吉慶堂製)四字雙行楷書款

Qing, Sancai Dragon and Floral Globular Vase

Finely incised with striding dragons amidst interlocking floral medallions and scrolls and Enameled in green lime yellow and aubergine. Qing Dynasty, Four-Character Ji-Qing-Tang Palace Mark and of the Period Height: 14⅛ in (35.9 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



清 乾隆 琺瑯彩墨地百花描金盤 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書礬紅款 通體堆彩為花卉紋飾,形成百花爭豔,彩色厚重,除了少部份黑釉為地的空間,其餘分佈著五彩繽紛的牡丹、 芍藥、荷花、玉蘭、菊花、梅花和牽牛花等等,儘管繁縟,但錯落有致,非常精細,華麗典雅。

Qing, A Very Fine Gilt Famille-Rose Millefleurs Plate

Painted on the interior in famille-rose enamels on black ground with a dense profusion of flowers arranged in an overall scroll pattern with a gilt rim. The exterior base has three floral scrolls. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark in Copper Red and of the Period. Diameter: 10⅛ in (25.7 cm) Height: 1⅛ in (2.9 cm) $30,000 - $50,000



清 乾隆 豇豆紅太白尊 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, Peach-bloom Glazed ‘Beehive’ Waterpot, TaiBaiZun

Well potted, of domed form, the rounded sides contracting to a narrow waisted neck below a short lipped mouth rim, of a rich strawberry tone, the recessed base and interior left white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong SixCharacter Mark and of the Period Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $3,000 - $5,000


清 乾隆 豆青釉太白尊 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, Pea-Green Glazed ‘Beehive’ Waterpot, TaiBaiZun

Well potted, of domed form, the rounded sides contracting to a narrow waisted neck below a short lipped mouth rim, of a rich pea-green tone, the recessed base and interior left white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong SixCharacter Mark and of the Period Height: 3½ in (9 cm) $3,000 - $5,000



清 道光 粉彩描金花鳥壽字 上圓下方葫蘆瓶 (大清道光年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Gilt Painted Square Vase

Of square lower sections with a baluster upper gourd on top, all trimmed with gilt borders. Delicately Enameled with floral and birds scenes. The canted shoulder and gourd vase painted in vibrant floral scrolls with ‘Shou’ Character on yellow ground. Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



明 宣德 白釉青花嬰兒福枕 (大明宣德年)款

Ming, Baby Pillow with “Fu“ Character Carried the Connotation of Fertility with Blessings

First glazed in white then painted blue, the pillow is modelled in the shape of a reclining baby, then protected with a transparent glaze. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Five Character Mark and of the Period Height: 9⅛ in (23.2 cm) Length: 13¼ in (33.7 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 康熙 粉彩開光山水 神獸平口方瓶 (大清康熙年製)六字三行楷書款

Qing, A Famille-Rose Square Baluster Vase

Decorated with landscape panels with a mythical beast on yellow ground, surrounded by butterflies and ruyi scrolls, and flanked by two mocked handles. The tall waisted neck and everted rim depicting similar landscape with animals. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 19¾ in (50.2 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



清 乾隆 閗彩胡人進貢燈籠蓋瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 礬紅繪蓋圓鈕,短頸上畫雲蝠紋,蓋鈕下與瓶肩繪如意頭 紋飾。瓶體與蓋均畫胡人進貢圖,有騎馬、乘船、捧寶而 來的貢使,衣飾華麗,絡繹不絕與途。近足處畫蓮瓣紋 帶。足外斜,上畫寶相蓮紋。此瓶繪畫新奇壯麗,為 乾隆各國來華進貢之寫照。此類瓶存世稀有,為乾隆 瓷之閗彩神品。

Qing, A Fine Doucai Lantern Vase with Cover

Of baluster form with short waisted neck, the doomed cover surmounted by a knop finial, delicately painted with enamels of green, iron-red, aubergine and yellow and outlined in underglazed blue with a continuous scene of foreigners bringing forth offerings: by boat, on horseback and on foot, with a mountain scene as backdrop. Ruyi bands with bat and billowing clouds bands encircling the vase. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 12¼ in (31.1 cm)

$25,000 - $40,000



宋 青花嬰戲花卉紋罐一對 Song, A Pair of Fine Blue and White Children at Play Ovoid Jar Of globular vasiform with flared rim, decorated with children at play scene below a scroll cloud motif at the neck and shoulder. Song Dynasty Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) x 2 $6,000 - $10,000


明 嘉靖 青花礬紅荷池 魚藻紋將軍蓋罐 (大明嘉靖年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款

Ming, A Rare Large Underglazed Blue and Iron-Red Lotus Pond Jar and Cover

Sturdily potted shouldered form with rounded sides tapering to a narrow base and surmounted with a cylindrical neck, boldly painted in vivid tones of cobalt blue aquatic scene with jumping fish in iron red, set between pendant petals and lappets around the foot. The cover has a lotus knob above aquatic plants. Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Double Circled Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 13 in (33 cm) $8,000 - $15,000

116 114


明 成化 藍釉刻花雲龍紋盤 (大明成化年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款 此藍釉綫刻龍雲紋盤為成化單色瓷之一。刻功精緻流暢,為成化單色瓷精妙之作。

Ming, A Very Fine and Rare Blue-Green-Glazed Incised Dragon Plate

With rounded sides raised on a ring foot, the interior incised with confronting dragons chasing flaming pearl amidst clouds and the exterior with tow further racing dragons, all under a blue-green glaze on a blue ground. Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Double Circle Six-Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $60,000 - $80,000



清 康熙 五彩粉藍地鶴翔 梅花紋瓶 (大清康熙年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款 瓶敞口,粉藍色為地,上繪潔白的折 枝梅花,并有數十隻形態各異的仙鶴 飛翔于其間。畫工雅致色彩清新,構 圖精奇,為康熙朝極品。

Qing, A Refined Wucai PowderBlue Ground Vase Incised with Crane and Plum Blossoms Motifs

Intricately painted with cranes swooping in various positions and altitudes amidst scrolling plum blossoms, all with great precision and fine details. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six-Character Double Circled Seal Mark and of the Period Height: 18⅜ in (46.5 cm) $15,000 - $25,000


清 康熙 閗彩花卉紋 燈籠瓶一對 Qing, A Pair of Fine Doucai Floral Lantern Vase

The ovoid body delicately painted with a lotus pond scene on one and fruits tree on the other. All against a plain ground. Raised on a low foot ring. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six-Character Double Circled Mark and of the Period Height: 3½ in (9 cm) x 2 $8,000 - $15,000

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清 雍正 粉釉梅花修竹碗(一對) (大清雍正年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款 此對粉彩碗圓口圈足,器身內外均飾白釉。碗外腹繪梅花修竹,色調調和明豔,純淨通透。

Qing, A Pair of Fine Famille-Rose Prunus and Bamboo Bowls

Finely potted with translucent rounded sides. The exterior delicately Enameled in pink, yellow, brown, green and black with flowering prunus branches and bamboo shoots. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four-Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period Diameter: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) x 2 Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) x 2 $10,000 - $20,000



清 咸豐 青花百蝶梅瓶 (大清咸豐年製)六字雙行楷書款

Qing, Blue and White Butterfly Meiping Rising to a rounded shoulder with a short waisted neck with a lipped mouth, the exterior naturalistically painted in soft washes of cobalt-blue with fluttering butterflies. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six-Character Mark and of the period Height: 14 in (35.6 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 咸豐 粉彩八鹿靈芝杯一對 (大清咸豐年製)六字三行篆書紅款 此雙鹿杯釉面潤白,撇口,圈足,杯 壁由粉彩繪飾,畫面由八隻鹿和靈芝 構成。鹿與祿諧音,八鹿形容俸祿豐 厚,祝頌加官進祿的吉祥圖。

Qing, A Fine Pair of Famille-Rose Painted Deer with Lingzhi Wine Cup

The image of deer with lingzhi is an auspicious one that became popular. The deer, itself an emblem of longevity, is said to be the only creature able to find the lingzhi, which is thought to prolong life. Diameter: 2½ in (6.4 cm) x 2 Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) x 2 $4,000 - $5,000



清 雍正 青花鹿頭尊 (大清雍正年製)六字雙行楷書款 胎體厚重,尊敞口,垂腹,圈足,肩部附鹿頭耳,通體以青花繪山水百鹿圖,與色鮮明。 鹿與‘祿’諧音,百祿形容俸祿豐厚,因此這是一幅祝頌加官進祿的吉祥圖。

Qing, Blue and White ‘Hundred Deer’ Vase, Zun

The full bodied vase painted with continuous landscape scene of mountains and rockwork with deer, comprising bucks, does and their young, all picked out in shades of blue. The tapering sides set with a pair of stylized deer head handles. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six-Character Mark and of the Period Height: 12½ in (31.8 cm) $80,000 - $150,000



明 成化 綠釉淺刻 雙雲龍紋盤一對 (大明成化年製)六字雙行雙框楷書款

Ming, A Pair of Fine Green-Glazed Incised Dragon Plates Thinly potted, the exterior is incised with two dragons amidst flaming clouds and the interior well with further clouds. Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Double Square Six-Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 4½ in (11.4 cm) x 2 Height: 1 in (2.5 cm) x 2 $8,000 - $15,000


清 雍正 爐鈞釉八棱尊 (雍正年製)四字雙行凸雕篆書款

Qing, A Fine Robins Egg-Glazed Octagonal Zun

Of lobed incised octagonal section raised on a slightly splayed foot with a short flaring neck and a compressed globular body. All covered in finely crackled turquoise with feathery mottling. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four-Character Impressed Mark Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $20,000 - $30,000



元 青花人物鳳首圓口棒槌瓶 瓶為圓盤口。直頸上飾鳳耳一對, 并繪花樹與蒼松紋。斜肩上畫纏枝花 卉。短體直,上繪人物故事與花樹紋。 近足處畫蓮瓣墜花紋帶,下為 圓足。此瓶造型雄壯,繪功 精妙,靈氣迫人,為元代 存世傑作。

Yuan, A Massive Blue and White Figures Rouleau Vase

Of cylindrical form set with a tall neck with a galleried rim, the body well painted in various tone of underglazed blue with a figures landscape scene, a scroll of undulating blossoms borne on the canted shoulder. Flanked on both sides with a pair of phoenix head handles. A classic scroll above the foot rim. Height: 20 in (50.8 cm) $30,000 - $40,000




唐 醬釉斑點雙耳罐 Tang, A Phosphatic-Splashed Brown-Glazed Stoneware Vase with Double Loops

宋 影青瓜棱帶蓋把壺 Song, A Fine Yingqing Melon-Form Ewer and Cover

Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $5,000 - $8,000

Height: 8⅛ in (20.4 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

With a curved spout and a strap handle and a bud finial, the pear-shaped body has eight facets rising from a splayed foot, unglazed at the rim. Song Dynasty

The globular body applied with swirls of bluff-bluish glaze that trail down. Unglazed at foot-rim. Tang Dynasty



宋 影青雙鴛鴦燭台 Song, An Unusual Yingqing Petal-Shaped Candle-Stand


The pedestal base applied with two Mandarin ducks decorated in high relief with blossoming foliage supporting a foliate rim deep bowl with the cylindrical candle holder rising from the center. Covered overall in a transparent and colorless glaze with a faint greenish tinge. Song Dynasty

Height: 5 in (12.7 cm)

$3,000 - $5,000

清 乾隆 粉彩描金荷葉蓮蓬花蝶藕耳大蒜頭瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字篆書款

Qing, A Massive Gilt Famille-Rose Garlic Head Baluster Vase with Butterfly and Aquatic Plants Vibrantly painted on a turquoise blue ground with floral roundels around auspicious symbol of lotus blossoms and root. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 19 in (48.3 cm)

$3,000 - $4,000


明 成化 薄胎霽紅釉暗刻龍雲紋碗一對 (大明成化年製)六字雙行雙框楷書款 此對成化霽紅釉碗為單色釉,薄胎上精刻綫狀龍雲紋,在燈光下清澈可見,為成化薄胎瓷之傑作。

Ming, A Rare Pair of Copper-Red-Glazed Dragon Bowls

Thinly potted with deep rounded sides, with flaring rims rising from cylindrical foot. Covered overall with a copper-red unctuous glaze and finely incised with swirling dragons chasing pearl amidst wispy clouds. Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Six-Character Mark within Double Squares and of the Period Diameter: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) x 2 Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) x 2 $30,000 - $50,000



墨釉紫斑三 足爐 Black-Glazed Purple Splashed Tripod Censer


墨釉醬彩 花口盤 Dark-Glazed Brown Splashed Foliate Rim Plate

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $500 - $800


日本廿世紀 紅藍彩描金 二十棱花卉 高蓋花鈕罐 Japan 20th C Birds and Blossoms Twenty-Lobed Baluster Porcelain Jar with Domed Cover and Bud Finial

Diameter: 7½ in (19 cm) $400 - $500

西藏 黃教銅 鎏銀馬頭金 剛橛供器 Tibetan Silver Plated Bronze Phurba


The tripartite blade issuing from the jaw of a Makara with snakes writhing. The handle made up of a three-headed deity wearing skull crowns.

Height: 15½ in (39.4 cm) $500 - $800



景泰藍花卉開光池塘鴛鴦壺 A Cloisonne Teapot with Windows of Lotus Pond and Mandarin Duck Motifs Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $300 - $500


Height: 14⅛ in (35.9 cm) Weight: 614 g $800 - $1,500

景泰藍花卉紋五僧三足爐 A Cloisonne Tripod Censer with Floral Scrolls Five monks carved as feet and handles.

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $300 - $500


商後期 青銅獸首乙觥 觥為盛酒器。此觥蓋為獸首,眼大鼻畫線圈,頭頂上有兩圓角,兩角間有一浮雕龍脊,尾卷起。蓋後雕牛首,有舌伸出。 觥腹上飾鳳紋,鳳尾作上下卷狀。觥地為雷紋,上有小鳳。後有獸形把。圈足上飾修長卷尾鳳紋。 相似的另一隻現存上海博物館。 附:此觥下前部有小部份失落,可能在過去出土時便如此。因為這失落的小部份在獸首下,故不影響視覺。

Late Shang, A Rare Bronze Wine Vessel with Cover, Gong

The oblong cover is finely cast at one end with a bovine head, bulging eye with snout and two bottle horns, with a curled up flange in the middle and terminates in the head of a buffalo with a tongue sticking out in the back, all reserved on leiwan ground with phoenixes with plumage. The loop handle also has a bovine head. The oblong body with an upturned snout is cast with conforming phoenixes with raised eye and taotie masks with leiwan bands. There are minor chips at the ascending spout. A similar Gong is at the Shanghai Museum. Late Shang Dynasty Height: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm) Length: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $60,000 - $80,000



13/14世紀 西藏銅鎏金嵌寶觀音菩薩浮雕盤膝蓮瓣坐像掛畫 此銅鎏金嵌寶掛畫在藏傳佛教中極為稀有,一般是以唐卡為主而存于世。此畫工藝精美絕倫, 觀音生動活潑,為存世之藏傳佛教文化的代表作品。

13th/14th Century, Tibetan Gilt Bronze Frieze with Avalokiteshvara in Dhyanasana

Richly gilt and superbly modeled, seated in the middle with a double base of mountain and cresting wave, the Avalokiteshvara is wearing a dohti, adorned with anklets, armbands, necklaces and earring, embellished with coral and coral and turquoise. Backed by a mandorla and flanked by lotus stem and varja. The rectangular plaque is bordered with heavily cast scrolling lotus tendrils. Gilt bronze friezes were installed and hung in Tibetan monasteries along the bases of large stupas. Height: 22⅞ in (58 cm) Width: 17¾ in (45.1 cm) $30,000 - $50,000



13/14世紀 西藏銅鎏金嵌寶觀音菩薩浮雕坐像掛畫 此銅鎏金嵌寶掛畫在藏傳佛教中極為稀有,多以唐卡為主。故此銅鎏金嵌寶畫在傳世的藏傳佛教 文化中絕為稀有,不但工藝精美絕倫,而且氣勢雄壯,觀音活潑如生,在現存的藏文化中是極稀 有的代表作品。

13th/14th Century, Tibetan Gilt Bronze Frieze with Avalokiteshvara in Dharmachakra Mudra

The figure finely cast seated in pralambapadasana on a stepped throne with his feet resting on a lotus base, his hands in dharmachakra mudra holding stems issuing lotuses bearing his attribute of a vase, wearing flowing dhotis incised with floral scrolls and adorned with beaded festoons inset with coral and turquoise, the serene face, the hair drawn up into a high chignon secured with a foliate tiara and centered with a stupa, flanked by lotus stems. Backed by a mandorla with a further lotus scroll crown. The rectangular plaque is bordered with heavily cast scrolling lotus tendrils. Height: 23 in (58.4 cm) Width: 17¾ in (45.1 cm) $30,000 - $50,000


清 銅鎏金藥師佛坐像 藥師佛全稱東方藥師琉璃光如來,為三方佛之 一。佛經中說,他曾發十二大願,為眾生醫治病 苦,消災延壽。此件藥師佛結跏趺坐,左手捧藥 缽,為典型的藥師佛造型。善男信女多供奉藥師 佛,以保家宅平安,全家健康。 此尊佛像銅質精良,通體鎏金,色澤燦然, 造型精致,比例協調,身體線條柔美,自 然細膩,富有張力,袈裟滿刻纏枝蓮紋, 極為華麗,庄重雅致,結跏趺坐於仰覆連 台座上。蓮瓣勻致細密,上下兩周連珠 紋,底邊鏨刻蓮紋為佛造像精品力作, 十分珍貴難得。


清 銅鎏金財寶護法神 坐騎像 財寶天王頭戴五葉冠,花形耳 珰。身披皮甲,飄帶自身后繞雙 肩垂下,足蹬戰靴。左手持吐寶 鼠,右手執寶幢,坐騎為一隻騾 子。四足踏於峰巒底座之上,象 征她飛行於天上、地上、地下三 界。台座雕刻山巒重疊。 此尊天王坐像工藝精細,身著鎧 甲之片片甲鱗及衣飾均精工鏨刻 而出,刀口深峻清晰,狀如真 物,極為寫實;唇、須髯、冠葉 和寶繒背面金澤保存良好,燦爛 明亮。



Qing, A Gilt Bronze Figure of Buddha

Seated in dhyanasana on an elevated double-lotus base with his right hand in bhumisparshamudra and the left holding an elms bowl in his lap, clad in a closelyfitting and intricately incised sanghati with a floral and curlicue hem, the folds elegantly draped over the shoulder and fanning below the ankles, the face with downcast eyes and a meditative expression, hair in very fine tight curls over the prominent ushnisha and topped with a knop with a jewel on top. All supported on a double lotus pedestal with beaded edges. The base sealed and engraved with avisvavajra. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Weight: 989 g $8,000 - $15,000

Qing, Gilt-Bronze Figure of Jambhala

The finely case deity of Wealth seated astride a harnessed donkey, wearing finely detailed armor and boots, earrings and a tall foliate crown framing his fierce but benevolent face, holding mongoose in his left hand and in his right hand the nugget and a billowing scarf over his shoulder, the face with wide eyes and furrowed brow below a five-leaf foliate crown with hair tied in high chignon. The detachable base is carved in the form of crashing waves within rockwork. Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Weight: 1113 g $8,000 - $15,000


西周前期 青銅牛首獸面紋鼎 此鼎為飪食器。盤口沿上有沖天耳,腹上有三龍首鋬耳,將鼎分隔為三段, 鋬耳下有鈎。每段盤口下飾卷尾雙龍紋。龍頭處有一棱脊,棱脊下塑雕牛 首,奇偉神妙。鼎腹圓,有銅片下墜,似曾修補。足上飾牛首棱脊紋,下有 三玄綫,足為牛蹄狀。此鼎造型奇偉雄壯,為西周青銅器存世極品。

Western Zhou, A Superbly Cast Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Ding

The tri-lobed body is raised on three cabriole supports cast with ribs and notched flanges. Above are three dragon head handles with a headpiece and hook. The body finely cast with dragon and swirling boss pattern, each separated by flange. A pair of bail handles rises from the slightly inward-canted rim. The patina of green and brown with malachite encrustation. Western Zhou Dynasty Height: 14¼ in (36.2 cm)

$200,000 - $300,000



商前期 青銅鎏金冏紋斝 斝敞口,容酒器。整體鎏金, 上有菌狀圓柱,柱頂飾冏紋, 腹上有獸耳,并分上下部, 上部飾獸面紋。下部飾等距 離冏紋八道。底圓,有三棱 錐形足。此斝造型瑰麗,金 光燦爛,為商前期稀有的鎏 金酒器。

Shang, Gilt Bronze Tripod Ritual Wine Vessel, Jia

Cast with a pair of short post surmounted by doomed caps in the mouth rim and a long strap handle with a bovine mask. The exterior decorated with a band of taotie mask and divided by short vertical flanges in the middle. All raised on three tapered blade legs decorated with taotie masks also. Shang Dynasty Height: 10⅛ in (25.7 cm) $15,000 - $20,000


商後期 青銅鳳紋斝 斝為酒器。口沿上有兩立帽形 柱,其上有雷紋和三角幾何 紋。口沿下并飾三角幾何紋。 器體中央有一圓環,將斝分為 上下兩部。并各飾鳳鳥紋與雷 紋,並有三組棱脊與獸面紋 耳。底圓,上有三錐形足。


Shang, Bronze Tripod Ritual Wine Vessel, Jia

The deep rounded body resting on three blade like legs, finely cast around the sides are bands of geometric design with swirling boss pattern intertwined with confronting bird-phoenixes and divided by three sets of vertical flanges. On the rim, two sets of posts surmounted by finials and cast with swirling boss pattern and a strap handle on the side. Shang Dynasty Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


清 乾隆 鎏金掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋爐瓶一組三件 (乾隆年製)四字楷書款 三式由爐、瓶、盒各一件組成。此三式為藍色地上飾纏枝蓮花紋、如意頭紋,底有“乾隆年製”款。盒用以盛香料;貫耳瓶內 有匙、箸,用以取香料;爐為四足兩耳,為燃香料用具。掐絲粗細均勻而流暢,以雙勾法表現枝與卷須,掐工嫻熟、工整, 色彩純正,花紋規整,鍍金厚重,銅質精純,胎骨厚重,琺琅釉色彩豐富,為乾隆時期宮廷琺琅器之代表。

Qing, A Fine Set of Gilt Bronze and Cloisonné Enamel Incense Garniture

The set comprises a quadrangular censer and cover, Fangding, a vase and a canted square covered box. Each mounted with shaped giltbronze plaques of floral sprays, and enameled with auspicious ruyi bands amidst a turquoise-ground with pairs of mock handles on the vase and censer. It is unusual to find a complete garniture set, made up of censer, vase and covered box, in cloisonné enamel. The burning of incense was an important part of many Chinese rituals, from as early as the Han dynasty, and a set like this was popular as part of the paraphernalia for a scholar’s studio. The rectangular box was used to store incense in strip, coil or pellet form, and the tool vase was to accommodate the chopsticks and spatula to rake or smooth the bed of ashes in the censer. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four-Character Mark and of the Period Height of Censer: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Height of Vase: 5½ in (14 cm) Width of Box: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Length of Chopsticks: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $25,000 - $40,000




唐 銅鎏金纏枝 花鳥天球瓶 Tang, Gilt Copper Globular Vase with Floral and Bird Repoussé Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) $1,500 $2,000

銅雕盤龍煙灰缸 (大清御製)款 (財政) Bronze Coiled Dragon Cast as Ashtray

Qing Imperial Impressed Mark in center well. Caizheng, Finance Ministry Incised on the base.

Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



清 紫砂精繪牡丹花鳥紋獅鈕壺 (譫然斎)凸雕款 Qing, A Finely Enameled Teapot with Birds and Peony Decorations and a Lion Knob Studio Mark: Zhan Ran Zhai

清 范鼎甫 紫砂蓮花青蛙鈕壺

(范鼎甫製)款 范鼎甫,清咸豐光緒時人,1935年以紫砂鷹參加英國倫敦藝術展覽會獲金質獎章。

Qing, Zisha Teapot Molded with Lotus Petals and a Toad Knob Artist Mark: Fan Dingfu

Height: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) $1,500 - $2,000 272

$1,500 - $2,000


紫砂太平有象嬰鈕壺 (荊溪陸斌製陶)款 A Zisha Blue Clay Elephant-Shaped Teapot with a Seated Child as Knob Impressed Artist Mark: Jingxi Lu Bin Studio


Height: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm)

Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

黃玉麟 紫砂荸薺形詩句壺

底款(黃倌玉麟) 蓋內款(玉麟) 梅梢春雪活火煎山中人兮仙乎仙 癸卯夏 昌碩銘 玉麟製

Huang Yulin Zisha Chestnut-Shaped Teapot with Poem Inscription by Changshuo Artist Mark: Huang Guan Yulin Impressed Mark on the base. Yulin on the underside of the teapot cover.

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm)

$1,500 - $2,000


戰國前期 青銅 方尊缶冰鑒 冰鑒為戰國前期的 冰酒器。方蓋為兩 層,上有四環鈕, 整體飾勾連紋, 蟠螭紋和變形蟠螭 紋等多種紋飾,四 邊有八條龍形耳。 平底,上有四字銘 文。甚為稀有,為 存世罕見極品。

Warring States, A Rare Bronze Cooling Vessel, Fang Zun, with Cover

The square body is finely cast in relief on each side with swirling boss pattern, framed by eight dragon flanges, supported by four bovine legs. At the bottom is a four character leiwan inscription. The doomed cover is crowned with a square knop finial with four loops at each corner. Warring States Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


明 青銅獸面蕉葉紋螭 耳活環尊 Ming, A Bronze Zun The zun is decorated with several registers reserved on leiwan ground, enhanced in low relief pattern masks, taotie, some cast within plantain leaf, flanked on both side with a Qilin head with suspension ring. Height: 11⅞ in (30.2 cm) $15,000 - $20,000



周桂珍 紫砂印花八仙 六棱壺 底款(周桂珍) 蓋內款(桂珍)

Zhou Guizhen Zisha Teapot with Eight Immortals Molded on Hexagonal Lobes

Artist Mark: Zhou Guizhen Impressed Mark on the base. Guizhen on the underside of the teapot cover.

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $1,500 - $2,500



紫砂樹癭甲蟲壺 Zisha Burl Teapot with Applied Insects

邵振來 紫砂素面圓柱花鈕壺 (邵振來製)款 Shao Zhenlai Zisha Teapot with a Bud Finial as Knob

Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $500 - $800 279

Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm)


紫砂彩繪櫻花山水獅鈕四足大壺 (陳文伯)款 A Massive Zisha Teapot Polychrome Molded with Cherry Blossoms Landscape Scene and a Lion Knob on Four Tab Feet Chen Wenbo Artist Mark Height: 19¼ in (48.9 cm)


Artist Mark: Shao Zhenlai

$800 - $1,500

$1,000 - $1,500

清 雍正 紫砂黃地春宮圖壺 (雍正賞壺)(御製)(萬年清) Qing, Zisha Erotic Teapot Polychrome Painted on Yellow Ground with Loop Handle and Long Spout Yongzheng Mark Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) $800 - $1,500



唐 铜官窯墨釉貼花武士踏輪四蛙鈕玄紋梅瓶

唐 黑釉斑點鳥流龍把圈形壺 Tang, Phosphatic Splashed Dark-Glazed Center-Hollowed Ewer with Dragon Loop Handle and Bird Spout

瓶為墨釉,敞口小。短頸外斜,聳肩邊上有二玄紋,玄紋上飾四隻昂 首青蛙鈕。瓶體上部飾貼花雙足踏輪武士圖。體下半部均為玄紋,胎 足無釉。此瓶造型神妙,為傳世極稀有之傑作。

Covered overall with a black glaze and applied with blueish-grey splashes, stopping at the foot-rim Tang Dynasty

Tang, Tongguanyao Dark Glazed Molded Equestrian with Carved Toad Meiping With incised ribs at the lower section, the dark glazed with

Height: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

bluff wine vessel has four carved toads standing guard at the shoulder.

Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm)

$5,000 - $6,000



宋 磁州窯嬰戲彩色蓮瓣迴紋撇口盤 Song, Cizhou Polychrome Painted Children at Play Bowl

Well potted with rounded sides flaring to an everted rim, painted with circular bands of key-fret leaf lappets and a center wall of two children at play, all encircled with pencilled lines. Song Dynasty

Diameter: 7¼ in (18.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

金 三彩塑雕青蛙卷口盤 Jin, Sancai-Glazed Foliate Rim Plate with an Applied Toad in the Center Well and Adorned with Floral Scrolls Jin Dynasty

Diameter: 9 in (22.9 cm) Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



宋 鈞窯青天釉紫斑雙圈耳高足碗一對 Song, A Fine Pair of Junyao Purple Splashed Stem Bowls

The deep bowl covered overall with a milky-blue glaze with an irregular purple splash thinning to mushroom color on the mouth rim and stopping at base rim. Flanked on both sides with double-ring loop handles.

Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) x 2 Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) x 2 $2,000 - $3,000



宋 鈞窯青天釉紫斑雙耳罐 Song, A Junyao Purple Splashed Jar

宋 鈞窯青藍釉紫斑紋花口渣斗 Song, A Celadon-Glazed Junyao Purple Splashed Zhadou Spit Bowl

Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $600 - $1,000

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $600 - $1,000

The globular body applied with two small loop handles, covered overall with a milky-blue glaze with an irregular purple splash thinning to mushroom color on the rim and stopping above the base.

A compressed body with a widely flared foliate rim. Covered overall with a milky greenish blue glaze thinning to a mushroom color at the rim, with an irregular purple splash.



耀州窯馬頭壺 Yaozhou Molded Ewer with Horse Head Spout and Loop Handle Height: 11½ in (29.2 cm) $800 - $1,500

宋 鈞窯青天釉紫斑三足爐 Song, Junyao Purple-Splashed Tripod Censer

Covered inside and out with a thick glaze of milky-blue tone thinning to mushroom at the mouth rim.


Diameter: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $600 - $1,000

Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm)


元 青花釉裡紅麒麟寶座賞件 Yuan, A Copper-Red and Blue and White Glazed Buddhist Lion

Recumbent on a pedestal, and with a brocade ribbon in between his gaped open mouth, the lion is painted in blue and copper-red and washed in green tint with fine crackles. Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $10,000 - $15,000 291


青花瓷塑人物硯臺 Blue and White Pillow-Form Inkstone Painted with Figures Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Length: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $600 - $800


宋 鈞窯青天釉紫斑撇口盤 Song, Junyao Purple Splashed Bowl

Conical bowl with an everted rim covered overall with a milky-blue glaze and an irregular purple splash.

Diameter: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $800 - $1,500

紫砂蓮葉五童水洗 A Zisha Foliate Rim Lotus Washer with Applied Children at Rim Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $500 - $600



Qing, A Very Fine Guan-Type Glazed Arrow Vase

清 康熙 仿宋官窯貫耳瓶

With compressed body and a slender neck flanked by a pair of tubular handles, covered overall and on the base with a crackled glaze, foot rim unglazed. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six-Character Impressed Mark and of the Period Height: 5¼ in (133.3 cm) $8,000 - $12,000

(大清康熙年製) 六字三行楷書單框款 直口長頸,反貫耳, 球腹圈足。通體施 青釉,釉面開片 裂紋。



清 乾隆 茶葉末釉 弦纹龍耳瓶 (大清乾隆年製) 六字三行 篆書凸款

粉青釉冰裂紋渣斗 (汴京官窯)款 A Powder-Green Celadon Zhadou

With a rounded lower body rising to a wide flared neck, covered overall with icy fine crackles. Biàn jīng guān yáo Mark


Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

Qing, Tea-Dust Glazed Vase with Dragon Ear Handles

With raised molded bands at the shoulder and tall flaring neck, incised reign mark at the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 9½ in (24.2 cm) $1,500 - $2,500


清早期 雕填漆如意蓮福(蝠)紋八棱葵式大捧盒 捧盒器形碩大, 通體髹朱漆為地。盒瓣葵花形,蓋面中央淺雕漆繪寶相花卉與八蝠紋飾, 外沿繪迴紋。 盒邊上下繪寶相花卉紋,器內及器底髹黑漆,整器雕工精絕,造型端庄雅緻,為清早期佳作。

Qing, A Very Rare and Fine Tianqi Polychrome Hexagonal Box with Lotus Bouquet and Bat

Using the polychrome tianqi, ‘filled-in’ technique, the top of the box is finely incised and colored in shades of red, turquoise blue, burnt umber and black, all picked out in silver with a central medallion of Lotus bouquet encircled with eight bats and foliate scrolls, all on a red lacquer ground. The lobed sides of the box similarly decorated and encircled by a key-fret band. Black lacquer covers both the bottom and the inside of the box. Qing Dynasty Diameter: 17¼ in (43.8 cm) Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



清 陳國治 紫砂白釉塑雕 竹節連昇筆插 (陳國治作)四字雙行款

Qing, Zisha White Glazed Tri-Linked Bamboo Sections Brush Pot With molded branches issuing from the brush pot as auspicious emblems Incised Chen Guozhi artist mark at base. Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,500 - $3,000



鐵梨木天然樹癭筆筒 A Rare Tieh-li-mu Cylindrical Burl Brush Pot in Trunk Section with Yellow and Black Coloration


Retaining its original light color, the wood grain, whorls and knots. Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

清 剔雕紅漆龍戲浪濤扁瓶 Qing, A Cinnabar Lacquer Flask

Carved with Flaming Front Face Dragon amidst Cresting Wave in Thick Layers Height: 10¼ in (26 cm) $1,500 - $3,000


Qing, A Large and Rare Inscribed Duan Inkstone with Zitan Box and Cover, Artist Signature Fu Shan

The stone of warm grey tone, of oval form, carved with scrolling clouds surrounding the ‘star’ incorporating the ‘eye’ of the natural stone, flanked by two bats in flight, on the troughed inkwell. The reverse partly unpolished, revealing the natural roughness of the material with seven ‘eye’, inscribed in cursive script Tao Ran Zi Le (Tranquil Sereneness), with two seals: Fu Shan Artist Mark and Qing, Date. The fine zitan box is carved with a poem from Du Fu, signed with artist mark Fu Shan and dated Qing.

清 傅山製雲蝠紋七星端硯 連傅山題名紫檀木硯匣 端石,橢圓形,墨堂廣闊,有石眼七枚,組成北斗七星樣,天象眼成,極為罕見。墨池的中央有雲蝠紋圍繞著北極星, 北極星為一枚大石眼,雲紋刻畫流暢,氣度不凡。 傅山(1607-1684)明清之際思想家、書法家。 硯底款:陶然自樂 傅山作 鈐印:(傅山之印)(清)

紫檀匣狂草刻書: 雄都元壯麗,望幸欻威神。地利西通蜀, 天文北照秦。風煙含越鳥,舟楫控吳人。未枉周王駕, 終期漢武巡。甲兵分聖旨,居守付宗臣。 早發雲台仗,恩波起涸鱗。 匣面款:傅山 (清)

Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm); Box Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 12 in (30.5 cm); Box Width: 13⅜ in (34 cm) Weight of Inkstone: 7320 g $10,000 - $15,000




紫砂塑雕螭龍彩繪荷池水洗 A Zisha Washer Polychrome Painted Lotus Pond Scene with an Applied Qilin on the Side

紫砂印花鏤雕樓閣雲紋蓋罐一對 A Pair of Zisha Jar with Pavilion Cloud Motif and Reticulated Cover

Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) $400 - $500

Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) x 2 $600 - $800



紫檀木雕彌 佛帶座擺件 Zitan Carved Maitreya with Stand

紫檀浮雕和合 二仙荷花圖筆筒 Relief Carved Zitan Trunk-Form Brush Pot with Hehe Immortals Amidst Lotus Pods as Auspicious Emblems

Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



竹雕纏枝葫蘆雲鶴紋棋子罐 A Finely Carved Bamboo Chess Jar with Wood Cover

Carved with scrolling gourds on vine and the cover with crane in flight above cresting waves.


Height: 3⅞ in (9.9 cm)

$500 - $1,000

古玉雕龜教子形硯 Archaistic Tortoise-Shaped Jade Inkstone Carved with a Cub on Cover Length: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 827 g $800 - $1,500


酸枝鏤雕靈芝如意 A Fine Rosewood and Lingzhi Fungus Ruyi Scepter

Finely carved as openwork lingzhi with gnarled intertwined branches laden with ruyi heads.

Length: 15 in (38.1 cm)

$1,500 - $2,000


清 紫檀鏤雕萬蝠螭龍如意 Qing, A Zitan Ruyi Scepter

Carved and pierced in the form of a naturalistic gnarled trunk. On the large ruyi head terminal are two relief carved confronting qilins.

Length: 16 in (40.6 cm)

$1,500 - $2,500


清 精雕雲龍抱月七星大端硯 (傳世其命)款 此硯器形碩大,上方浮雕雲龍抱月, 層次深凹,巧做墨池墨堂。

Qing, A Massive Dragon with Moon and Cloud Duan Inkstone

Carved and pierced in high relief in various levels, of a coiling dragon embracing the moon amidst clouds with crescent shaped ink wells. Height: 13½ in (34.3 cm) Length: 17 in (43.2 cm) Weight: 14,780 g $5,000 - $8,000



清 碧玉刻花鳳紋鼓釘獸耳水洗

Qing, Green Jade Brush Washer carved with Phoenixes

Of compressed spherical shape, relief carved with boss decorations and confronting phoenixes. Open work beast ear handles. The stone semi-translucent mossy green.

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm)

$2,000 - $3,000


玉雕獸面紋編鐘一套七件 (雙面飾獸紋) A Set of Seven Archaistic Jade Bell Carved with Zoomorphic Motifs

Carved on both sides with zoomorphic and geometric designs with an incised keyfret band all around. The base of the handle is pierced.

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) - 4⅜ in (11.1 cm)


Weight: 118 g - 383 g


灑金浮雕 料彩 蓮池瓶 Blue Overlay Lotus Pond Vase with Gold Fleck

Height: 10½ (26.7 cm) $800 - $1,500


Width: 2⅜ in (6 cm) - 3½ in (8.9 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

琥珀“知足常樂”足形鎮紙一對 A Pair of Well Carved Amber Foot-Form Paper Weight with Poem Inscription Length: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) x 2 $300 - $500

Next Auction March 2015 New York

EST. 2002

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Lot 50

徐悲鴻 (1895 - 1953)

立馬回首圖 設色水墨紙本立軸

1940 年作

Xu Beihong

Standing Horse Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1940 39 × 19 in 99 × 48.3 cm

Lot 264 西周前期 青銅牛首獸面紋鼎 Western Zhou, A Superbly Cast Bronze Ritual Food Vessel, Ding Height: 14¼ in (36.2 cm)

Gianguan Auctions 295 Madison Ave. New York NY 10017

Tel: 212 867 7288 212 226 2660



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