GianguanAuction Dec2018Catalog

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Gianguan Auctions


紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 中华瑰宝圣诞新年拍卖会

拍卖日期: 2018年12月12日 星期三 下午6 时: 玉器 。名人书画 。瓷器 。 青铜器 。文玩 预展日期: 12月5日 星期三 – 12月11日 星期二 (早上10 时 - 晚上7 时) 12月12日 星期三 (早上10 时 - 晚上5 时)


6 pm: Jade 。Chinese Paintings 。 Ceramics 。Bronze 。Works of Art Preview: Wed. Dec. 5 - Tue. Dec. 11 (10 am - 7 pm) Wed. Dec. 12 (10 am - 5 pm) 拍卖咨询 Enquiries for this Sale

212 867-7288 212 867-9388 Fax: 212 867-9818 39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019. 纽约市曼哈顿西56街39号 (五、六大道间) www.gianguanauc� Email: info@gianguanauc�



Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正统 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

386 - 535

天顺 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

东魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齐 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆庆 Longqing

1567 - 1572

万历 Wanli

1573 - 1619

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

11th C.- 771 B.C.

东周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 战国 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西汉 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

东汉 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 顺治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

后唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

后晋 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

后汉 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉庆 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

后周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸丰 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光绪 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣统 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Liao Dynasty

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420 西晋

Eastern Jin

1915 - 1916

265 - 316


304 - 439

317 - 420

1279- 1371

Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1115 - 1234

Western Jin

十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms 东晋

Jin Dynasty

Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪宪

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

崇祯 Chongzhen

后梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三国

1620 1621 - 1627

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

泰昌 Taichang 天启 Tianqi

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

北魏 Nothern Wei

刘宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永乐 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齐 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi



冰种福禄寿三色玉镯 Icy Jadeite Tri-Color Bracelet


冰种翡翠玉坠葫芦项饰 Jadeite Double Gourd Pendant


Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $600 - $800


Pendant Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 54 g $1,500 - $1,800

紫罗兰叶坠珠链 Jadeite Lavender Bead Necklace with Leaf-shaped Pendant Pendant Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Length: 11⅝ in (29.5 cm) Weight: 67 g $600 - $800

冰种翡翠蝉形项饰 Jadeite Icy Cicada Pendant

Pendant Height: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 39 g $1,500 - $2,000






A Finely Carved Yellow Jade Leaf-Form Dragon Pen-lick

The cylindrical jadeite bangle of green ground and high translucency suffused with vivid emerald green color and streaks. Diameter: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 57 g $6,000 - $8,000

A Jadeite Bangle

Relief carved with two wreathing dragons chasing pearl, the leaf-form pen lick is incised with vein on the reverse. With russet inclusions. Length: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 146 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 道光瓷雕福禄寿如意 (道光年制)四字篆书款

Qing, Porcelain Carved Fu/Shou Ruyi with Bats for Blessings Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Four Character Mark and of the Period. Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) $800 - $1,500



器身舒展的树叶形状,浅刻具立体感,刀工洗练,玉质莹润细腻,设 计精巧别致,是一件饶有意趣的文房佳器。


明 青玉雕猕猴坐饰 玉猴屈膝并足, 呈蹲坐状, 双臂自然下垂, 轻置于足膝。双眼直视, 精神抖擞形态可爱。

Ming Dynasty, Celadon Jade Monkey

Skillfully carved from a polished stone with russet inclusions, the monkey is seated on his hindquarters with hands resting on the knees. Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Weight: 583 g $800 - $1,500



旧田黄人物山水 图印章

寿山石一叶扁舟 山子 A Shoushan Stone Boulder with Boating Scene

印文 (井水不犯河水)

A Tianhuang Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene

Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Weight: 313 g $300 - $500

Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 700 g $500 - $800



旧寿山石雕二龙争珠方印章 印文(愿读人间未见书)

边刻(愿读人间未见书 己亥年)

Well Carved Shoushan Stone Seal with Confronting Dragons Chasing Pearl Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 492 g $800 - $1,500

田黄螭龙钮方印章 印文(梅石山馆藏书) A Tianhuang Square Seal with Qilin Knop

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Length: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 505 g $500 - $800 14


黄芙蓉儿孙满堂 印料 Yellow Furong Stone Seal with Longevity Knop Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 300 g $400 - $600

旧田黄人物山水 印章 边刻(庚申 丁敬) 印文 (有步不在秀高)

A Tianhuang Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 585 g $500 - $800



寿山石雕弥佛婴戏摆件 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Boulder of Maitreya with Child


Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Width: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) Weight: 541 g $600 - $800



福禄寿三色翡翠双面镂雕龙吐珠猴子千寿珮 A Finely Caved Reticulated Jade Dragon and Monkey Jump with Russet Inclusion Height: 2⅝ in (6.67 cm) Width: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 208 g $500 - $800

田黄随形浮雕山水人物金包田山子印料 A Tianhuang Stone with Gold Tone Boulder with Figural Landscape Carvings Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 411 g $1,500 - $2,500


和田白玉莲蓬观音图珮连珠链 A Hetian White Jade Pendant with Guanyin and Lotus Pod with Bead Necklace Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Width: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 104 g $800 - $1,500


清 林则徐 (1785 - 1850)

五言对联 水墨纸本立轴 款识:行文简浅显, 做事诚平恒。 林则徐 钤印:(林)(则徐)

Lin Zexu

Qing Dynasty

Calligraphy in Couplet

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Signed Lin Zexu, with two artist seals 43½ × 11⅞ in. 110.5 × 30.2 cm.

$3,000 - $5,000



吴青霞 20

溥儒(心畲) (1896 - 1963)

高士游山图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 碧霄星斗动光辉, 夜诵金经礼紫微; 手种嫩松今百尺, 舟成化作赤龙飞。 溥儒 钤印:(溥儒) (心畲) (钓鲸渔父)

(1910 - 2008)

Pu Ru (Xin Yu) Scholar in the Mountain Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Puru, with three artist seals 26 x 12.2 in. 66 x 32.4 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000

游鱼活泼多生意 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 笔点写游鱼, 活泼多生意; 波清乐可知, 顿起濠濮思。 吴青霞 钤印:(吴青霞印)

Wu Qingxia Swimming Fish

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Wu Qingxia, with one artist seal 36 x 11 in. 91.5 x 27.9 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



丰子恺 (1898 - 1975)

释迦牟尼像 设色水墨纸本立轴 1948 年作 款识:南无本师释迦牟尼佛 戊子仲夏 三宝弟子丰子恺 米谷居士供养 钤印:(子恺长寿)(缘堂) (以此功德迴向众生)

Feng Zikai Portrait of Sakyamuni Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1948 Inscribed and signed Feng Zikai, with three artist seals 19⅜ × 11¾ in 49.1 × 29.7 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



瑪瑙浮雕二龍爭珠钮方印料 A Finely Carved Agate Dragon Seal


清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅花卉图肾子形鼻烟扁壶


Intricately carved on a square block with canted shoulders with a key-fret band, surmounted by two sinuous dragons chasing a flaming pearl. The stone of even light grey and brown tone with russet on the pearl. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Length: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 910 g $1,500 - $2,000



红翡翠三色玉雕龙教子把玩 寓意子孙成龙 Red Jadeite Pebble Carving of Dragon with Cub Prosperity Symbols. Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Weight: 291 g $1,500 - $2,000

清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅西洋母子图鼻烟壶



Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Floral Design

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Pouch-Shape Bottle with Western Figures of Mother and Child

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


明 隆庆皇帝碧玉交龙钮宝玺 (隆庆皇帝之宝)刻款 (带紫檀盒) 采用大块和田碧玉雕琢,钮雕神龙,龙首微昂,凛然神威,满雕龙鳞, 质细腻温润。充分展现了皇室制器之恢宏精湛!

Ming, A Large Spinach Dark Green Jade Dragon Seal

Of large square form, surmounted by a pair of addorsed dragons, each depicted with eyes bulging and gaping jaws bearing sharp fangs, the scales incised, the two scaly bodies tightly intertwined and crouching on the haunches, pierced through the centre with an aperture, the seal face carved inscriptions: Longqing Huangdi Zhibao, Emperor Longqing. Ming Dynasty, Longqing Six Character Mark and of the Period. (With fitted Zitan Box) Seal Height: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Seal Length: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Seal Width: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Seal Weight: 2,420 g $15,000 - $25,000




寿山石雕三羊开 泰印料

旧田黄枯木逢春 印章


印文(天时地利人和) (带木座)

A Shoushan Stone Carving with Three Auspicious Ram

A Tianhuang Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene

With fitted Wood stand. Height: 4 in (10.16 cm) Weight: 604 g $400 - $500


清 康熙 像生香蕉、茄子水注赏件 (大清康熙年制)款

With fitted Wood stand. Height: 4⅝ in (11.75 cm) Weight: 703 g $500 - $800


清 康熙 像生瓷茄子赏件一对 (大清康熙年制)款

造型写实、惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生、注重立体感。像生瓷色调形态与真 物酷似两件有代表性的装饰佳作。

以瓷模仿果品的瓷器,形态还是质感均酷似原物,为 “像生瓷”。制作工艺复杂,刻画精湛,集雕塑、彩绘工艺于一身。

Qing, A Simulated Yellow Glazed Banana and an Eggplant Water Dropper Pottery

Qing, A Pair of Copper-Red Glazed Pottery Model of Egg Plant

Each vegetable realistically glazed and stand on two supports with reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) $800 - $1,500

Each vegetable realistically glazed and stand on two supports with reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Length: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm), 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $600 - $800 32

清 粉彩绿釉轧道 纹花鸟方笔筒 (大清乾隆年制) 六字三行篆书款

Qing, Famille-rose Green Glazed Floral Square Brush Pot with Poem Inscription

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $600 - $800 33


墨釉描金人物八棱漆盒 An Octagonal Gilt Lacquer Box with Story Scenes Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Width: 10⅝ in (27 cm) $400 - $600


高剑父 (1879 - 1951)

立鹰红树图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 落日平原散鸟群, 西风爽气动秋旻。 江边老树身如铁, 独立槎枒一欠伸。 剑父 钤印: (剑父)(高崙之鈢)

Gao Jianfu Eagle and Maple Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed and Inscribed by Jianfu, with two artist seals 45 × 21½ in. 114.3 × 54.6 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



王雪涛 (1903 - 1982)

芙蓉家禽图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:雪涛写 钤印:(迟园) (王雪涛印) (故人云散尺)

Wang Xuetao Hibiscus and Fowl Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Xuetao, with three artist seals 53⅝ x 13¾ in. 136.2 x 34.9 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


清 朱偁 (1826 - 1900)

桃花燕來图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:普广朱偁写 钤印:(朱偁)(梦庐) 题跋: 日暖风柔逞艳姿, 溪上桃花春可怜; 赤栏桥畔忆游仙。 岁次戍子年易人 (易人)(长弓)

Zhu Cheng

Qing Dynasty

Swallow and Plum Blossoms

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Zhu Cheng, with two artist seals 53⅞ × 19¼ in. 136.8 × 48.9 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000



吴青霞 (1910 - 2008)

雁字横来到水乡 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识: 秋风描出两三行, 雁字横来到水乡; 千里惊寒递一信, 芦花也傍菊花香。 己未冬十二月 吴青霞写于北京 钤印:(吴青霞印)

Wu Qingxia Geese

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Inscribed and signed Wu Qingxia, with one artist seal 54 x 26⅝ in. 137.1 x 67.5 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000




民国 马少宣 玻 璃胎内画亭台钓 鱼图鼻烟壶

清 青花铜胎画珐 琅山水人物鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)四字楷 书横款

京剧大师梅兰芳先 生雅居,民国 十五年 马少宣

Qing, A Blue and White Enamelled Snuff Bottle with Landscape Scene

Republic Period, Ma Shaoxuan, An Inside Painted Glass Snuff Bottle Dedicated to Opera Singer Mei Lanfang

Masterfully painted with continuous scene of fishermen at riverside. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $500 - $800

Depicting a fishing scene. Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $500 - $800


清 紫檀镂雕万蝠螭龙如意 Qing Dynasty, A Zitan Ruyi Scepter

Carved and pierced in the form of a naturalistic gnarled trunk. On the large ruyi head terminal are two relief carved confronting qilins. Length: 16 in (40.6 cm) $1,500 - $2,000 41


元 龙泉窑壁虎纹 六棱瓶 Yuan Dynasty, A Longquan Celadon Hexagonal Lizard Vase

青花凤穿花卉 四龙耳扁瓶 Blue and White Flask with Phoenix and Twin-Dragons Handles

The ovoid body potted with six vertical registers carved with lizards. Height: 9 in (23 cm) $500 - $800


Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $400 - $600


南宋 钧窑天青釉紫斑杯一对 敛圆口,弧形深壁,矮圈足。通体施天青釉,釉色亮丽,釉质均细,釉及足处,口沿 部分呈米黄边,沿下有一桃形环柄。

Southern Song Dynasty, A Fine Pair of Junyao Purple Splashed Bowl

With curved sides rising to a gently inverted rim, covered overall in an even milky blue glaze, thinning to greyish-beige at the mouth rim, pooling thickly above the short slightly-splayed unglazed foot, exposing the brown ware. One side applied with a Peach-shaped thumb-rest loop and an irregular purple splash below. Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm), 2½ in (6.35 cm) Width: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm), 5½ in (14 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


明 甜白釉内府暗刻龙凤 青花红彩祭斗笠碗 (官)字款 口沿微撇,釉色白膩如脂, 故名“甜白”。体薄半透明,能够光照见影。 碗外暗绘龙凤浮雕和祥云图案。外底心「官」款。

Ming Dynasty, White-Glazed Anhua Inside Decorated Dragon and Phoenix Bowl

Inside painted in underglazed blue with copper-red dragon and phoenix motifs, which images shown when lit. Guan character Mark on the underside. Diameter: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Height: 3 in (7.62 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



元 豆青釉里红团凤纹洗 青花(玉)字款 白釉泛湖色,其上绘釉里红凤展翅纹饰 调。器形小巧,亦可上手把玩。



清 乾隆 豆青釉太白尊 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 尊小口微撇,短颈,溜肩广腹,浅圈足,釉色淡雅柔和,釉面莹润, 胎质细腻。

Yuan, A Fine Pea-Green Copper-Red Phoenix Waterpot

Qing, Pea-Green Glazed ‘Beehive’ Waterpot, TaiBaiZun

Finely potted apple-shaped body with rounded sides, painted in deep taints of copper-red on pea-green glazed with three phoenix medallions. Underglazed Blue Mark: Yu, Pinyin for Jade. Height: 2 in (5 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

Well potted, of domed form, the rounded sides contracting to a narrow waisted neck below a short lipped mouth rim, of a rich pea-green tone, the recessed base and interior left white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 3½ in (9 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 康熙 青花釉里红开光缠 枝宝相凤纹马铃瓶 青花双圈款 通施白釉,颈部至肩部以青花 绘蕉叶纹、波浪紋。腹部以青花 勾画缠枝釉里红点绘宝相凤纹, 青花、釉里红搭配相融,蓝红双 色色调醇雅,绘笔文秀清逸。口 沿、颈部、腹部及足圈有青花 双圈。

Qing, Underglazed Blue and Copper Red Phoenix Bottle Vase Decorated with phoenixes in flight and floral medallions, with a wave frieze on the broad shoulder, rising to a slender neck. Double circle blue reign mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Blue Double Circle Kangxi Mark and of the Period. Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



清 紫檀八棱嵌螺钿凤凰花鸟牡丹盖盒 盒盖边框镶嵌螺钿,清逸多姿,曲折有致。深沉的紫檀将螺钿嵌饰的 花鸟纹衬托得明丽而清雅。

Qing Dynasty, Zitan Octagonal-Lobed Box Inset with Mother-of-Pearl

With a finely inlaid cover in mother-of-pearl depicting a central medallion of phoenix and peony encircled with floral bouquets, the sides inlaid also. Across: 8½ in (21.6 cm) Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


李苦禅 (1899 -1983)

松喦白鹰图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识:己未秋月苦禅写 钤印:(李)(苦禅)

Li Kuchan Hawk on Cliff

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Li Kuchan, with two artist seals 53⅝ × 25⅜ in. 136.2 × 64.4 cm.

$15,000 - $30,000



方楚雄 (b1950)


Fang Chuxiong Rooster Familly under Lychee Tree

设色水墨纸本手卷 1993 年作

Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1993

款识:癸酉春 楚雄 钤印:(楚雄印记) (岭东方氏)

Signed Chuxiong, with two artist seals

27⅛ × 54 in. 68.8 × 137 cm.

$6,000 - $10,000


张仃 (1917 - 2010)

荒村积雪 水墨纸本立轴 款识:张仃 钤印:(张仃)

Zhang Ding Village in the Snow Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Zhang Ding, with one artist seal 27 × 24.2 in. 68.5 x 61.5 cm.


$2,000 - $3,000


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

白鹅图 设色水墨 纸本立轴 款识:悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿)

Xu Beihong Three Geese Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Beihong, with one artist seal 26.8 × 17.5 in. 68 x 44.5 cm.

$20,000 $30,000



清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896)

八哥杨柳 设色水墨纸本立轴 1891 年作 款识:辛卯春三月 山阴任颐伯年写 钤印:(任颐印) (颐颐草堂)

Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty

Mynah in Willow Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1891

Signed Ren Yi, Bonian, with two artist seals 53 x 13½ in. 134.6 x 34.3 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000


Wu Zuoren Fish Pond

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1981 Entilted and signed Zuoren, with one artist seal 27 × 15¼ in. 68.9 × 38.7 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


吴作人 (1908 - 1997)

池趣 设色水墨纸本立轴 1981 年作 款识:池趣 辛酉初夏 作人笔 钤印:(吴)


明 嘉靖 青花婴戏 纹大盘 (大明嘉靖年制)六字横 款楷书 罐器型宏大,深弧腹, 通体绘青花十六子婴戏 图。众童子姿态生动,青 花发色淡雅。

Ming, Jiajing Blue and White Large Basin with Children-at-play Motifs

Robustly potted, painted overall in inky tones with boys at play in a continuous garden landscape, amidst plantains and pine, below a row of scrolling foliage and a classic border at the lipped rim. Inscribed in underglazed blue with a six-character reign mark. Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 17¾ in (45.1 cm) Height: 8⅞ in (22.5 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


明 洪武 青花御苑花卉葵口 折沿盘 矮圈足,盘外壁绘仰莲纹,口沿则绘 回纹及卷草纹饰,壁内绘折枝花卉 纹;盘心绘御苑一圈,器底无釉。

Ming Dynasty, Hongwu, A Very Rare Blue and White Garden Scene Plate

With shallow rounded sides rising from a tapering foot to a broad everted foliate rim, painted in the center with a palace garden scene bordered by foliage scroll below an undulating border on the rim. The exterior with a classic scroll band. Across: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) $15,000 - $20,000


58 57

(大清雍正年制)六字双行楷书款 盘圆形侈口,斜壁浅底,圈足。通体施黄釉为地,盘外壁上用青花绘 缠枝花卉, 盘内壁绘八吉祥图吉祥八宝纹样,彰显着佛法的精髓。盘 心绘喜字。

Yuan Dynasty, A Rare Celadon-Glazed Copper Red Decorated ‘Three Fish’ Waterpot

The globular waterpot is sturdily potted with an in turned mouth ad inverted rim. The exterior is decorated with three carps in silhouette in rich copper red. The interior is unglazed as is the buff base countersunk within the rim foot. Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) $2,500 - $3,000

Qing, Yellow Ground Saucer Dish with Blue Floral Bajiaxiang Eight Auspicious Emblems The interior central well decorated with a frieze of bajixiang emblems flanked by curling foliage. The exterior decorated with a similar scroll of florette and foliage. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


青花云龙纹洗 龙作腾云状, 身体呈桥形拱起, 上饰如意云头纹, 青花色调沉静感。

A Blue and White Dragon Washer with Floating Ruyi Clouds


Diameter: 11 in (27.94 cm) Height: 8¾ in (22.23 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

元 冬青釉釉里红三鱼水盂 通体施冬青釉,釉质肥润。外壁三鱼,火石红色,似是锦鲤悠闲自得 游于碧波之,藴含宋代文人提介的闲情雅趣。

清 雍正 黄地青花宝相莲八吉祥纹盘


西藏 铜鎏银文殊菩萨框挂唐卡 唐卡配木框 A Gilt Silver Manjushri Thangka

The mounted chased bronze front decorated with floral foliate scrolls and a central applied gilt silver seated Manjushri framed by a nimbus surrounded by various immortals. With frame. Height: 26½ in (67.3 cm) Width: 19 in (48.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


明 嘉靖 碎石地开光五彩团龙寿纹罐 (大明嘉靖年制)六字双行双圈红款 直口,短颈,丰肩,鼓腹下敛,圈足无盖。器物胎骨坚硬,通身施白 釉,釉色微微泛青。口沿处饰纵回纹,肩部五彩描绘波浪如意花卉纹, 腹部雕繁密碎石地为开光构图,饰以团寿双龙戏珠。足边为变形莲瓣 纹。全器五彩为饰,大量使用红、蓝彩,缤纷艳丽。

Ming, A Rare and Outstanding Wucai Dragon Jar with Longevity and Dragon Motifs

Well potted with a short straight neck and a low foot ring, vividly painted in intense tones of the wucai with a classic band below the mouth rim and cresting wave ruyi with floral pendants draping over the shoulder against a pale palette of incised gravel ground. The central body is decorated with three quatrefoil panels of Shou longevity character interspersed with three windows of confronting dragons. Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Six Character Red Reign Mark within Double Blue Circles and of the Period on the recessed underside. Height: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $20,000 - $30,000



北宋 耀州窑刻花牡丹玉油滴瓶 瓶口微敞,颈长。通体施以凝润青绿 釉,自上而下刻有花叶分明的缠枝牡 丹图案。花纹与叶脉清晰有致,线条 精美流畅,为耀州窑工艺典型特征。 近底处饰莲瓣纹宽带。底釉,足圈 无釉。

Northern Song Dynasty, A Rare and Fine Yaozhou Yao Carved Yuhuchunping

Of elegant slender pear shape with a narrow trumpet-shaped neck with four trefoil blooms circling the vase in an undulating movement and a band of upright pendant petals at the base. Height: 11⅞ in (30.2 cm) $2,500 - $3,000


清 嘉庆 剔红漆雕颐和园 玉带桥如意盘 (大清嘉庆年制)六字三行楷书刻款 通体为朱红色,底施乌亮黑漆。盘饰浮雕的 颐和园亭台楼阁;中为玉带桥,两旁杨柳 摇曳,桥下水波荡漾。此盘刻工高妙,层 次分明,集清代雕漆工艺之大城。

Qing, A Rare Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Summer Palace Circular Dish

Well carved with a landscape scene of the Jade Belt Bridge in the Palace set amidst willow trees, bordered by ruyi heads and against a diaper background. Base lacquered black. Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) $4,000 - $8,000



蒋兆和 (1904 - 1986)

老少图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1956 年作 款识:一九五六年兆和 钤印:(兆和画印)

Jiang Zhaohe The Young and the Elder Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1956 Signed Zhaohe, with one artist seal 46⅛ x 26⅜ in. 117.1 x 66.9 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000



康有为 (1858 - 1927)

行草七言小令 水墨纸本立轴 1917 年作 款识:早岁灵仙入梦思, 碧鸾舞后彩云迟, 海枯阅到灰飞尽, 花落花开付阿谁? 丁已五月游地 美使馆写旧作 康有为 钤印:(康有为印) (维新百日出亡十六年 三周大地游遍四洲经 三十一国行六十万里)

Kang Youwei A Ci Poem in Running Script Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1917


于非闇 (1888 - 1959)

红雀飞来图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1957 年作 款识:叶硬径霜绿, 花肥映雪红。 一九五七年一月 雪窗试作 非闇 钤印:(于照) (非闇) (非闇日课) (再生) (首都花鸟写记)


Inscribed and signed Kang Youwei, with two artist seals

Yu Feian Red Bird and Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1957 Inscribed and signed Feian, with five artist seals 38¼ x 13 in. 97 x 33 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000

51 x 12½ in. 130 x 32 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

紫藤轴 设色水墨纸本 款识:杏子坞老民齐璜 钤印:(木人)(齐大)

Qi Baishi Wisteria

Ink & Color on Paper Signed Qi Huang, with two artist seals 37¾ × 13⅛ in. 95.9 × 33.3 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000


Cheng Shifa Girl with Fawn

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1978 Inscribed and signed Shifa, with two artist seals 35 × 18 in. 88 × 46 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


金梦石 (1869 - 1952)

枯树栖鸦 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:吴郡金梦石 钤印:(金龢日理)

Jin Mengshi Crows on Twig

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Jin Mengshi, with one artist seal 52 × 13 in. 132.1 × 33 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



程十发 (1921 - 2007)

少女双麑图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1978 年作 款识:戊午菊花开处 程十发写于上海 钤印:(十发)

汉 武帝 玉雕圈云纹辟邪 “建元”二字中国历史第一年号款 玉白圆雕,首微昂,头生双角,贴于脑后,阔鼻开口,牙齿锋利齐整, 双目圆睁,下颌垂短鬚,前足上生羽翼,形态逼真,以阴线刻画鬃及 圈云纹具汉代瑞兽威武雄壮的气息。 70

Han, A Fine and Rare Jade Bixie

Carved with refined and subtle archaistic swirls on the recumbent mythical beasts with muscular winged body and ferocious expression. The white jade with calcified patches. Impressed Han Reign Mark Jian Yuan on the underside. Height: 2¾ in (6.98 cm) Length: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Weight: 1043 g $4,000 - $6,000


唐 白翡翠玉雕熊教子摆件 坐熊教子以立体圆雕技法雕出其圆浑健 壮, 鼓腹圆脑, 双乳下垂, 四肢粗壮, 背 部平滑, 长咀张口, 露出獠牙。白玉质温 润, 局部带土沁色。在中国传统的历史文 化中,熊是力量与祥瑞的象征。

Tang Dynasty, A Carved Jade Bear with Cub

The stout seated bear shown with its young, tail tucked beneath and knees pulled up to its chest. With mouth open to show the teeth, and arm stretched up. The stone is of a milky tone with some russet inclusions. Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 1349 g $3,000 - $4,000



汉 武帝 白玉浮雕嵌宝兽首含环龙、 虎、凤两耳盖尊 (建元)汉武帝刻款 (汉武帝中国历史第一年款) 玉瓶以整块白玉料雕制而成,玉质温润细腻, 莹泽光亮。饰兽面纹,嵌以宝石。呈扁形,分 器,盖两个部分,口、足及盖呈椭圆长方形, 随形盖钮。

Han Dynasty, A Fine Archaistic Jade Flask Vase with Cover Finely carved in relief on each side with mask, embellished with semiprecious stone and flanked on the lower body with mock beast-head handle with ring, above the splayed foot. Surmounted by a oval bud finial. The even white stone with a slight celadon tinge. Incised Jian Yuan, First reign of Chinese history Han emperor’s reign mark. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 436 g $3,000 - $4,000


和田白玉酒杯一套十件 A Set of Ten Translucent Hetian Jade Cup


With deep rounded sides flaring towards the rim and raised on a neatly cut ring foot. The transparent stone with pale celadon cloudy inclusions. Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) - 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 43 g - 51 g $1,500 - $3,000

75 74

清 咸丰 粉彩鹤翔纹旭日东升碗 (大清咸丰年制)六字双行楷书款

周 玉雕凤纹活环谷纹杯爵 Zhou Dynasty, Archaistic Jade Jue

Qing, Famille-rose Crane at Dawn above Cresting Waves Bowl

Carved with confronting phoenixes in low relief and decorated with boss and supported on three splay legs with loose ring on loop handle. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 421 g $800 - $1,500


Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Height: 2⅝ in (6.67 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

翡翠浮雕花卉如意笔形发簪摆件 Glass Jadeite Pen-Shaped Hair Pin Ornament with Floral Ruyi Carvings Length: 7⅛ in (18 cm) Weight: 80 g $500 - $800


清 竹根精雕和合二仙引福(蝠) 归堂 以整块竹根立体圆雕和合二仙高低错 落立于一片洞石之上。刀法纵逸流 畅,布局精确,摆件竹材质优,雕工 上佳,包浆莹润,加之和合二仙以谐“ 和”、“合”字音,寓同心和睦之 意,实可谓文人雕竹之大雅之物, 为清代竹雕人物精品。

Qing Dynasty, A Well Carved Bamboo Hehe Erxian Group

Finely carved as the pair of twins, one seated holding a wicker box, the other holding a lotus spray. Each figure is modelled with a rounded face, mouth agape in a smiling expression. Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $250 - $500


清 竹雕十五仙女游园图笔筒 筒身剔地浮雕仙女人物神态专注闲适,怡然自得。底部内凹。

Qing Dynasty, A Finely Carved Bamboo Brush Pot with Beauties

The exterior is exquisitely carved in openwork to depict a gathering of fifteen beauties, in conversation, each in their own pursuit, against a backdrop of fences and planters. The bamboo matured to a rich reddish-brown tone. Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) $3,000 - $5,000



汉 玉雕螭龙盖盒 Han Dynasty, A Well Carved Jade Qilin Rectangular Box with Cover Height: 1¾ in (4.45 cm) Width: 3¾ in (9.53 cm) Weight: 409 g $300 - $500


天青釉水仙盘 Ru Style Sky-Blue-Glazed Narcissus Bowl

Height: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Width: 8½ in (21.6 cm) $500 - $800


清 和田玉雕篱笆葡萄鹅 群田园诗情摆件 种着丰盛的葡萄缠枝于篱笆 上,果实丰茂,三只鹅极有 诗意地点缀其间而让人感觉 生动自然,情趣横生,并有 田园诗情画意之神韵,为稀 有之杰作。

Qing Dynasty, A White Jade Carving of Geese Group under the Grapevine with Picket Fence

The stone is of an exceptionally even white tone. Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Length: 11¾ in (29.9 cm) Weight: 1130 g $1,500 - $2,000


蛋壳瓷五彩龙凤纹大海碗 胎薄如纸的白瓷。

Wucai Dragon and Phoenix Eggshell Porcelain Bowl


Diameter: 11¾ in (29.85 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


青玉镂雕神人龙凤兽面纹斧一对 青色玉质,朱砂沁斑间饰其中。玉斧形制较大,上下部透雕 龙凤,斧内高浮雕螭龙数只,背面饰以兽面纹。

A Pair of Carved Celadon Ritual Jade Ax

With carved blade,on one side with qilin and the reverse with taotie masks. The top has a dragon protruding below a foreigner figure and a phoenix. Width: 8 in (20.3 cm) Length: 15⅝ in (39.7 cm), 15¾ in (40 cm) Total Weight: 1958 g $6,000 - $10,000



唐 玉雕银鎏金镂雕 开光网丝花纹离流 园盖把壶 壶内壁素光,外壁嵌镶 银鎏金网丝神兽、乐俑、 缠枝花卉纹饰,三兽足, 壶 柄盖沿包银鎏金。嵌金工艺细 致,线条流畅。

Tang Dynasty, A Massive Repoussé Parcel-Gilt Silver Jade Ewer with Fowl Spout

Of rounded sides rising from three cabriole feet, the exterior of the jade ewer mounted in ornate filigree of interlocking scrolling floral veins. Further chased with four cartouches of beast and two high relief musicians. Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) Width: 12¼ in (31.1 cm) Weight: 3840 g $5,000 - $8,000


战国 青铜金银错龙纹带钩一对 弧形,兽首,钩面通体错金银云龙纹, 背有钩钮。

Warring States, A Very Rare Pair of Bronze Gilt Silver Inlaid Dragon Belt Hooks


Inlaid in gilt silver with scrolling Dragon pattern with the tip sharply flaring outwards culminating in a mythical beast head. Length: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) Total Weight: 469 g $3,000 - $4,000


清 翡翠白玉观音立像 此尊观音大块玉料开采所制,头束高髻,宽袖长袍,手执宝珠,神态安详,姿态端庄优雅,衣襟线条飘逸,细部雕琢 技艺精湛。玉质洁白细腻,白中带翠,晶莹滋润。

Qing Dynasty, Jadeite White Jade Standing Guanyin

The tall slender figure is carved standing barefoot holding a pearl on one hand, and wearing long layered robes falling in graceful folds. The facial features finely rendered with eyes downcast to give an expression of compassion. The stone is of a white tone with apple-green inclusions. Height: 12¼ in (31.1 cm) Weight: 2995 g $80,000 - $150,000



明 宣德 青花龙云纹敞口兽 首三足炉 (大明宣德年制)六字横款 炉圆唇外敞,鼓腹,下承三蹄形 足,口沿内绘一周迴纹,腹部主 题双龙趕珠。龙爪伸展,昂首奔 腾于云海之间。胎体厚重,釉色 白中带灰,青花晕散深入胎中。 沙底平整,可见火石红。

Ming Dynasty, Xuande, Blue and White Tripod Dragon Censer

The compressed globular body supported on three mammiform feet, painted with two dragons chasing the flaming pearl, the everted rim with key fret above the a scrolling trellis band in the neck. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) Diameter: 11 in (28 cm) $5,000 - $8,000


元 青花釉里红塑雕蟠桃 蝠寿兽首壶 堆塑镂雕如意蝙蝠蟠桃, 福祿壽喜。 以釉里红绘蟠桃。青花色泽浓艳, 勾画粗犷,尽显元朝风格。

Yuan Dynasty, Blue and White with Copper-red Sculpted Peach and Bat Teapot


The rounded body with a relief carved bat hovering over moulded peaches with twine, with beast-head applied to the spout. The cover is surmounted by an applied peach with sculpted leaves. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 雍正 珐琅彩八桃过枝福(蝠)寿盘 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 敞口,浅腹,平底圈足, 珐琅彩釉色细腻, 画面以淡墨细笔描画细致精妙,一枝虬曲的桃枝自盘外壁延伸至盘里,盘里绘有五个桃子, 三只红蝠, 外壁绘有三个桃子,二只红蝠。红彩娇艳,油亮有油画效果,寓意福寿吉祥。过枝桃纹是雍正特征, 彩瓷绘艺术的最高水平。

Qing, A Fine Famille-rose Enameled Peach Dish

Well potted with low rounded sides rising from a shallow foot ring to an everted rim with a gently rounded edge. Enamelled in varying shades of pink, green, brown, yellow, white and iron-red. The exterior has three peaches growing on flowering branches beside two bats. The design continues over the rim and into the interior with a further five peaches and three bats. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 18¼ in (46.4 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) 39 $80,000 - $150,000


清 乾隆 釉里红宝相龙纹斜 肩敛口瓶一对 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 瓶折肩,腹部斜收,圈足,通体以 釉里红绘饰。

Qing, A Pair of Fine Copper-red Archaistic-Dragon Vase Well potted with rounded sides rising from a short foot to an angular sloping shoulder and surmounted by a garlic head rim, decorated with upper and lower band of archaic stylized dragons interspersed with key fret and foliate band. Blue and White reign mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) $5,000 - $6,000


元 龙泉窑青釉印花荷池鸳鸯 兽耳盘口瓶 瓶撇口、垂腹、圈足。颈部对称置兽耳衔 环。足底露胎,胎釉交接处微泛火石红 色。通体施青釉,釉质肥厚莹润,釉色青 绿,颈部和肩部均刻划缠枝弦纹,腹部凸 刻荷池鸳鸯纹,下腹部为细长莲瓣。胎体 厚重,端庄规整。

Yuan Dynasty, A Rare Longquan and Celadon-Glazed Lotus Pond Vase


The pear-shaped body decorated in relief with a meander of lotus pond aquatic plants and Mandarin Ducks above a band of upright petals. The waisted neck with two beast ear handles, below a dish-mouth with galleried rim and covered overall with a celadon glaze, thinning on raised areas. The footing unglazed and fired to pale orange. Height: 14¼ in (36 cm) $5,000 - $8,000


元 甜白釉刻花带 盖把壶 壶盘口,盖上有钮为 饰。壶体呈梨形,其上 施皎洁的甜白釉并刻以优 雅细致的花叶纹图案。壶 流与把皆有繋孔。直足,底 无釉。此壶存世甚少,为极稀 有之重器。

Yuan Dynasty, A Fine and Rare Tianbai-Glazed Ewer with Cover

Pear shaped body with a loop handle and curved spout top, each has a symmetric ringhole. A doomed lid with a bud finial cover. Finely incised with floral petals and leaves accented with veins all in a ‘sweet white’ glaze. The base and bottom of the foot left unglazed. Height: 10¼ in (26 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



清 乾隆 粉彩描金童戏带盖双连瓶 (大清乾隆年制)篆书横款 瓶体双身连体式,双圆形盖,宝珠形双钮。外口 秋葵卷草边饰,肩颈与足上均为缠枝花叶纹,腹 白釉上绘四组游戏玩耍的儿童,笔触纤细工巧。

Qing, Famille-rose Gilt Conjoined Vase and Cover with Children at Play

Decorated with cartouches of children at play with lanterns and animals, the bodies of two vases joined together as a single form on the inside. The foot and shoulder have scrolling foliage with the cover similarly decorated. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $10,000 - $15,000


清 光绪 矾红加金云龙纹大水洗 (大清光绪年制)六字双行楷书款 此洗口微凸出,上涂金色,肩上画迴 纹。体白,上绘游龙于圆形云彩 之间,活泼生动,工艺精美。 近底处为波浪纹,无足。此 洗雄壮豪迈,为光绪难得之 精品。

Qing, An Important Gilt Copper-Red Dragon Washer


Of compressed ovoid form, with a gilt mouth-rim and a key-fret band around, two gilt copper-red striding dragons chasing pearls, amidst clouds and above surging billows. Its interior is glazed turquoise. Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 8½ in (21.5 cm) Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) $6,000 - $10,000


马乐(马建国) (b. 1963)

家靠太行 设色水墨纸本扇面 2018 年作 款识:家靠太行 戊戌秋月 马乐写意并记之 钤印:(马乐)(马乐之章) (大观)(寄情)

Ma Le (Ma Jianguo) Taihang Mountain Home Fan, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2018

Entitled and inscribed and signed Ma Le with Four Artist seals Diameter: 22¾ in. (57.8 cm.)

$4,000 - $5,000 马乐,本名马建国,现为中国美术家协会会员、新华社联合国分社社长、新华书画院副院长。马乐写意太行山水的深渊 大壑、陡岩峭壁。焦墨搭就的骨架,使他笔下的山体传达出雄强刚毅,大笔的淡墨泼洒的远山、云气,又挥洒出画家的 恣意豁达,而大山脚下的瀑布、飞流、小桥、流水、人家和柿树、飞鸟巧妙地营造了画家抓住太行的刚毅和浪漫。

Ma Le, also known as Ma Jianguo, is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, president of the UN branch of Xinhua News Agency and the vice president of the Xinhua Calligraphy Institute. Ma skillfully captured the abyss and steep cliffs of the Taihang Mountains in ink, conveying the strong and resolute spirit of the distant mountains ranges. Depicting the mountain residents, their fortitude and romance, thus grasping the essence of Chinese civilization in his brush strokes.



清 赵之谦 (1829 - 1884)

五言对联 水墨纸本对联 款识:风出窗户里, 水还江汉流。 赵之谦 练溪五兄同年 属书 钤印:(赵之谦印)

Zhao Zhiqian

Qing Dynasty

Calligraphy in Couplet

Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Zhao Zhiqian, with one artist seal 40⅜ × 9⅞ in. 102.6 × 25.1 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

落日帆影 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 借山吟馆主者 齐白石八十七岁 画于燕京 钤印: (齐白石)(白石)

Qi Baishi Sails at Sunset

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Qi Baishi, with two artist seals 53.1 x 13½ in. 135 x 34.3 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

云门刀峯 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作 款识: 遥天突兀耸双峯, 云气冲门午不鎔; 可惜少陵看未得, 并刀祗觧剪吴淞; 云门一名剪刀峯, 写似。 器之仁兄雅正 壬午之二月 蜀郡张大千爰 钤印:(张大千)

Zhang Daqian River Passage

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942 Inscribed and signed Zhang Daqian and Yuan, with one artist seal 53½ × 18⅛ in. 135.9 × 46 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000



北宋 郭熙

(约1023 - 1085)

雪山大岭图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:郭熙画 题跋: 番阳周伯琦题 (希世之珍殊为难得) 鉴藏印:故宫藏印八方 项元汴(项子京家珍藏) (墨林) (退密) (天籁阁) 安岐 (仪周鉴赏)(安) 耿昭忠(公) 毕沅(秋颿书画图章) 潘正炜(曾藏潘潘氏海山仙馆) 沈树镛(韵初审定) 方濬颐(曾藏方梦园家) 于腾(飞卿过眼) 邵松年(海虞邵氏珍藏 金石书画之印) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 吴荣光(荷屋鉴赏) 李恩庆(李氏爱吾庐收藏书画记) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏)

Guo Xi

Nothern Song Dynasty

Snow Mountains

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Guo Xi

Eight Emperors’ seals Seventeen collectors’ seals 51.2 × 26.3 in. 130 × 66.8 cm.


$1,200,000 - $1,800,000



清 雍正 黄地粉彩八桃红蝠盘 (雍正年制)四字双行双框楷书金字款 内外施清黄釉。内画两树,结有五桃,三只红 蝠翩翩翔于其间,寓意皇帝福寿双全。外画 桃树,两只红蝠及三只肥硕蟠桃。八桃红 蝠盘甚少,地为清黄尤其罕见。此盘制作 精美绝伦,堪称雍正御用瓷传世极品。

Qing, An Exquisite Famille-Rose Yellow-Ground Dish with Eight Peaches and Red Bats

Two entwined branches of peach painted on the interior with five fruits and three red flying bats, on the exterior is another branch with three fruits and two red bats. Such a classic decoration implies a blessing of Huangdi Fu Shou Shuang Quan, the Emperor Enjoying Both Happiness and Longevity. With an overall even yellow glaze, this dish is a rare find. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Double Squares Mark in Gold and of the Period. Diameter: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $4,000 - $5,000


清 乾隆 铜胎掐丝珐琅蓝彩描金万字地凸 花桃蝠纹(福寿纹)蟠桃盒 通体以蓝色珐琅釉万字为地, 盒面掐饰蟠桃蝠 纹, 纹样中填红、黄、绿等珐琅彩料。 子母口, 盒子内壁身通饰云蝠纹。

Qing Dynasty, A Large Cloisonne Enamel Peach-form Box and Cover

Heavily cast in the form of a peach with rounded sides rising to a gilt-bronze bound rim, applied on the exterior with auspicious symbols of peach, bat and leaves in tones of red, pink, yellow, green and aubergine with Wan characters on turquoise background. The interiors with scrolling cloud and bats. The Wan symbol, together with peach and bats, convey the wish for wanfu youtong, ‘May you have ten thousand blessings’. The scrolling clouds dotting the basin are homophonous with yun, ‘fortune’, and together with bats relay the auspicious message of ‘May you have good fortune and blessing’. Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) Width: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



清 雍正 官窑粉青釉压手杯一对 (大清雍正年制)六字双行楷书双圈款 通体施粉青釉,色泽莹润,华丽美观。口沿处釉层较薄,底足无釉处则呈现胎的颜色。 Qing, A Pair of Fine and Rare Small Powder-Blue-Glazed Wine Cups

Each finely potted, with deep rounded sides rising from the recessed base. The exterior covered with a powder blue glaze. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark within a Double Circle and of the Period. Diameter: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕龙凤花卉 连体双管扁瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字楷书款 两只扁圆瓶以前后错开但腹部相连 的形制出现圆形与半圆形的作法, 腹部中心两面开光,分画龙凤。

Qing, An Unusual Famille-Rose Moulded Conjoined Flask

Potted as two conjoined flask vases, with incised dragon-phoenix amidst clouds motifs on opposite side leaping in vivid colors and floral scrolls on the rounded side continuing to the slender necks, with key-fret at the base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



清 乾隆粉彩开光龙凤缠枝莲纹如 意金耳瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 瓶金口,下有迴纹,颈往下斜,上绘缠枝花 卉,两旁为泥金如意聚耳。肩上画蕉叶纹, 其下绕以八吉祥与如意头纹。体两面开 光,内绘生猛火龙纹饰,开光两旁 并画龙凤穿花,近足处围以坠花 纹带,足外斜,浅黄地上绘折枝 花卉纹带。此瓶绘功精致壮观, 色彩瑰丽,寓意吉祥,为难得之 精品。 Height: 14⅝ in (37.1 cm) $500,000 - $750,000


Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Dragon and Phoenix Vase

The globular body enamelled with opposing circular windows of flaming dragon chasing pearl interspersed with confronting phoenixes below borders of ruyi and floral scrolls. The tall neck decorated with scrolling lotus flower head above lappet band and ruyi loop handles with molded band. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period.



汉 银绿釉稀有陶鸭形摆件 泥质红陶,通体施铅绿釉,釉面色彩深浅不均。表面呈现一层银白色,这是由于 低温铅釉, 烧制的硬度较低,长期受周围环境的腐蚀而产生的化学反应,称其 为“银釉”,俗称返铅现象。

Han Dynasty, A Silvery Green-glazed Pottery Duck

Standing on an oval base with its head facing forward, detailed with almond-shaped eyes and a long beak, covered overall with a pale greenish glaze with a lustrous silvery sheen. Height: 9 in (22.86 cm) Length: 12¼ in (31 cm) $15,000 - $20,000


明 永乐 釉里红二龙戏浪堆 塑兽耳舟车台瓶 胎骨白中闪灰,通体以釉里红绘 画,层次复杂,共五层纹饰,瓶腹部 绘威龙戏波浪纹。釉里红发色深浅有 致,局部有黑、绿斑。

Ming Dynasty, Yongle, Copper-red Dragon Vase

A corresponding pair of dragons wreathing amidst cresting waves, with two applied beast head handles. Height: 11⅝ in (29.5 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



赵少昂 (1905 - 1998)

枫红听鸟啼 设色水墨纸本立轴 1946 年作 款识:卅五年二月 少昂于艺苑 钤印:(赵)(少昂)

Zhao Shaoang Birds Singing on a Maple Tree Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1946 Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 37¾ x 19⅛ in. 94.6 x 48.5 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



北宋 李迪 (971 - 1047)

花鸟争荣图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:李迪 钤印:(李迪) 鉴藏印:明 宣宗(广运之宝) 故宫藏印七方 项元汴(项子京家珍藏) (天籁阁) (退密) 安岐 (仪周鉴赏)(安) 允礼 (芳林主人鉴赏) 邵松年(海虞邵氏珍藏 金石书画之印) 方濬颐(曾藏方梦园家) 载荃 (曾藏定府行有恆堂) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 于腾 (飞卿过眼)

Li Di

Nothern Song Dynasty

Birds and Flowers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Li Di, with one artist seal

Eight Emperors’ seals Eleven collectors’ seals 47.2 × 25.4 in. 120 × 64.5 cm.


$500,000 - $800,000




唐云 (1910 -1993)

荷塘鱼戏图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1966 年作 款识:一九六六年三月 画于杭州 唐云 钤印:(杭州唐云) (大石斋)

Tang Yun Fish in Lotus Pond Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1966 Signed Tang Yun, with two artist seals 37¾ × 19¼ in. 95.9 × 48.9 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


Liu Haisu Boating by a Spring Willow

36 × 13½ in. 91.4 × 34.3 cm.

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

$3,000 $5,000

Signed Liu Haisu, with two artist seals

刘海粟 (1896 - 1994)

春柳泛舟图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:刘海粟 年方八十四 钤印:(海粟无恙) (刘海粟)


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

拟陈洪绶赏菊图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1944 年作 款识:仿悔迟玩菊图 甲申九月青城山居遣寂 钤印:(张)(爰)(大风堂)

Zhang Daqian Chrysanthemum Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944

Entitled, inscribed and signed Daqian, Yuan with three artist seals 27 × 12⅜ in. 68.6 × 31.4 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000



刘奎龄 (1885 - 1976)

双兔 设色水墨纸本立轴 1945 年作 款识:乙酉荷月上澣 耀辰刘奎龄绘 钤印:(奎龄) (刘奎龄印) (耀辰)

Liu Kuiling Two Rabbits

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1945 Inscribed and signed Liu Kuiling, with three artist seals 51.5 x 13 in. 131 x 33 cm.

$5,000 - $8,000


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

花开时节又逢君 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:悟昇仁兄雅属 八十二叟吴昌硕 钤印:(苦铁)(昌硕)

Wu Changshuo Blooming Season Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with two artist seals 37¼ x 13¼ in. 94.5 x 33.5 cm.

$15,000 - $30,000



漆器塗金台湾寺庙木雕天神像 一套八件 木雕造像用料简单、雕工古拙,呈现 出民间化、民俗化的特点。

Republic Period, A Group of Eight Lacquer Gilt Painted Taiwan Temple Wood Carved Standing Deity Figures Boldly carved with immense power, the sculpture is shown in standing position with full armor. With some loss through age and wear and drying splits. Height: 14 in(35.5 cm) - 15 in (38.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 彩绘骨雕卧莲观音造像 采用圆雕工艺雕刻,观音神态慈祥,衣褶 复杂而细腻,仿佛带有柔韧质感。纹饰 精湛,包浆厚重,造型生动传神,是骨 雕精品。

Qing Dynasty, A Massive Polychrome Bone Carving of Guanyin Reclining on Lotus Intricately carved Guanyin with a high cowl and long flowing robes, with a serene expression. Height with stand: 13¼ in (33.7 cm) Width with stand: 17¼ in (43.8 cm) $2,500 - $4,000



六朝 北齐石雕背光观音飞天石碑 此尊北齐石雕背屏式石碑,中部雕有菩萨,戴宝冠,外披 袈裟,踩踏于莲花台,身体线条 流畅。左右各下承一托举 胡人。旁各饰两佛相依,均饰圆形头光。造像顶端正中为 一塔,两侧环绕飞天四身,烘托出欢乐和谐的氛围。

Northern Qi Dynasty, Stone Buddhist Stele

Of pointed arched form, carved in high relief with a seated Guanyin, holding a fly whisk, wearing a lotus crown with flowing dhoti, flanked by four flying apsara, below a stupa, supported on a plinth flanked by two strong men. On the sides, stood a pair of bodhisattvas on lotus blossoms. Height: 17¾ in (45.1 cm) Weight: 8870 g (19.56 LB) $5,000 - $8,000


北魏 玉雕释迦牟尼佛立像 饰高发髻,水涡形螺纹,面露温和笑意。佛右 手作无畏印,左手垂于体侧。佛首相带莲花 背光,袈裟自然堆栈,跌足踩于方型台座。

Northern Wei, A Very Rare Jade Carving of a Standing Sakyamuni Maitreya


Carved standing with right hand raised in abhaya mudra and left hand in varda mudra, wearing robes falling in loose folds around the body. The head with deeply arching eyebrows, narrow eyes and nose and small pursed lips, the hair with characteristic concentrically coiled strands arranged around the usnisa, framed by a lotus aureole. Height: 18⅞ in (48 cm) Weight: 10290 g (22.7 LB) $8,000 - $15,000


宋 澄泥纸板寿星捧桃壁画 此壁画材料是澄泥和纸,一层隔一层的叠成,直至所需的厚度,风干后加上白色漆成为绘制壁画的底板。 其颜色是用天然矿石细磨出来的粉彩,其上没有加胶,所以色彩比较容易脱落,这与西方的十二、十三世纪的壁画同出一辙,直至 十四五世纪西方发明油彩后,才和东方的绘画分道扬镳。 寿老祝寿之景象, 神态安祥,面带微笑。姿态生动,衣饰细节毫微毕现,整图构成寓意吉祥、长寿。

Song Dynasty, A Polychrome Stucco Fresco Panel of God of Longevity, Offering a Peach

Shoulao, depicted as an old sage with a prominent forehead, holds a peach on one hand and a staff on the other, represents longevity wishes. 50⅜ in (128 cm) x 36½ in (92.7 cm) (Frame included) $4,000 - $6,000



元 影青青釉瓷塑雕半胎观音莲座 立像 菩萨衣纹璎珞等施青釉而其余露胎。胎 质含铁,由于窑内氧化作用烧成后呈肉 色。和施影青釉的部分,色彩对比鲜 明,手法巧妙,为景德镇之高妙手法。 菩萨开脸慈祥,脸庞圆润,眉目清秀, 面带微笑站立于石上,体态悠然。其雕 塑工艺精湛非凡,形象把握入神。

Yuan Dynasty, A Rare and Fine Yingqing Glazed Pottery Carved Guanyin on Lotus Plinth

Wearing a crown and celestial scarf with beaded jewelry all glazed with a pale blue, while the reminder of the body including face is biscuit fired and unglazed. With rounded face exquisitely and naturalistically carved, the standing Guanyin portrays a serene expression as a religious figure. Height: 16⅜ in (41.6 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



明 何朝宗 塑雕白釉观音坐莲如意造像 (何朝宗印)方形阴文四字双行篆书款,(德化)葫芦形款于像背 观音法相慈祥,发髻垂肩;左手执如意,胸挂宝莲悬珠。右手搭于莲蓬上方,端坐于莲叶海浪底座之 上。莲蓬有莲子凸出, 并有细纹精致的花瓣衬托;浪涛翻出大小莲花、莲叶及花蕾, 茎上有小刺。 波涛上有浑圆的浪珠, 自然逼真。 此观音像塑工精美绝伦,与现藏于北京故宫博物院的何朝宗达摩塑像有异曲同工之妙。可参考 《故宫博物院藏瓷选集》图七十一。

Ming, He Chaozong, A Rare Blanc-de-Chine Figure of Guanyin Seated on Lotus

Exquisitely and skillfully modelled, with translucent body of warm ivory color, depicted seated on a rocky lotus base above tubulent waves, the figure wearing a layered robe draped over softly rounded shoulders and opening at the chest to reveal a beaded lotus necklace, the robe gathered at the waist in a loose knot and cascading down in voluminous folds suggesting the weight of the garment with windswept hem billowing behind, the figure grasping the robe in the left hand and holding a ruyi scepter on the right, the face with a benevolent and peaceful expression. The reverse impressed with a He Chaozong seal mark and a Double gourd outline mark . Compare to the Dehua Damo at the Palace Museum. Height: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $20,000 - $30,000

Palace Museum Dehua Damo



清 乾隆 粉彩描金松鹤诗句杯一对 (乾隆年制)四字双行双框楷书款 丹顶宜承日,霜翎不染泥,爱池能久立,看月未成栖。 铃印:(旭)(映) 此对酒杯不仅采用了清朝乾隆官瓷的创新珐琅彩加金工艺,在型制方面亦有所改良,使之有别于前朝。 据考证,珐琅彩加金技巧在乾隆年已用于多种型制的官窑瓷器烧造。 参看:《故宫博物院藏清盛世瓷选粹》Page 304,Page 307 & Page 308。此对杯以松鹤延年为主题图案, 辅之以五言绝句及“旭”、“映”红款,并在口沿及近底边处饰以金色纹带,精美古雅。

Qing, A Very Rare Pair of Gilt Famille-Rose Enamel with Pine and Crane and Poem Inscription Wine Cups Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four-Character Qianlong Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 2¾ in(6.98 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.35 cm) $6,000- $8,000


清 雍正 珐瑯彩皮球花卉压手杯一对 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈款 Qing, A Pair of Famille-Rose Enamelled Wine Cups


Each thinly potted with deep rounded sides, the exterior delicately enamelled with clusters of ball flowers in rich colors in a blue-dot pattern white background with gold mouth rim. Recessed Mark Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark in Unglazed Blue within Double Circles. Diameter: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Height: 1¼ in (3.2 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 雍正 珐瑯彩胭脂红釉牡丹纹草虫菊瓣盘(蛰虫吻花) (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 内外施胭脂红釉,形如菊花。盘内中央处为满月白地开光,画有色彩鲜艳的牡丹螳螂花卉蛰虫图案。花卉画法精细柔美,枝叶修 竹错落有致,吻花蛰虫憨态可掬,堪称雍正朝珐瑯彩瓷器杰作。胭脂红釉以真金为主要釉彩原料。当炉温达到摄氏800度时,金彩 转为可人嫣红姹紫,艳泽有如胭脂,因得美称。雍正朝胭脂红釉珐瑯彩瓷器极为罕见,弥足宝之。

Qing, A Fine and Rare Famille-Rose Enamel Ruby-Red Peony Plate

Lobed with ruby red glazed chrysanthemum petals at the border, the center is brightly enameled with delicate detailed peony blooms intertwined with bamboo and green foliage and a cricket on an arching branch on a white ground. Inscribed with title: Cricket Caressing Flower and three seals. The reverse glazed with same even ruby-red glaze. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Double Circled Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm) Height: 1⅛ in (2.9 cm) $300,000 - $500,000



清 雍正 斗彩八吉祥纹拱寿盘 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 盘敞口,弧壁,圈足。盘外壁以六组莲花图饰, 盘内八吉祥花卉纹,盘心绘“寿”字,瑞意祥 和。色彩浓艳,画笔工整细致。足牆饰青花双线 圈,书“大清雍正年制”六字双行楷书款。

Qing, A Fine Doucai Auspicious Plate

The interior is decorated in a rich doucai palette with an iron-red shou character in the center encircled with a floral scroll of Bā jíxiáng symbols below a band of ruyi heads in the well, all within double-line borders. The exterior is decorated with stylized lotus floral scroll. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


明 甜白瓷印花龙凤红彩壁影内府斜肩撇口瓶 (官)字款 口沿微撇,釉色白膩如脂,故名“甜白”。体薄半透明,能够 光照见影。碗外暗绘龙凤浮雕和祥云图案。 外底心以青花写「官」款。

Ming Dynasty, A White-glazed Dragon and Phoenix Vase

With a long bottle neck and a canted shoulder, the body tapering slightly toward the foot. Covered overall with a milky-white glaze. Moulded and painted in underglazed blue with copper-red dragon and phoenix motifs, beneath upright plantain leaves encircling the neck, which images shown when lit. Guan character Mark on the underside. Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



宋 哥窑 百级碎六棱碗 通体施以哥窑米黄粟釉,釉面满布开片,细碎 金丝钱线和呈深灰色纹线,纵横交织,分布自 然均匀,开片及形状称为百圾碎纹。

Song Dynasty, Geyao Hexagonal Bowl

Potted with rounded, faceted sides and raised on a corresponding foot, covered overall in a rich light golden brown glaze with a dense network of fine black crackles interspersed with golden wire. Diameter: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Height: 3⅛ in (7.94 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



清 嘉庆 粉彩三国演义之三英战吕布人物故事塑 雕鹿耳牛头尊 (大清嘉庆年制)六字双行楷书款 大口,口以下渐放,鼓腹,圈足,肩两侧有对称的鹿头耳, 器形似牛头,故名。器身硕大,造型十分雄浑壮伟,线条曲 张有度。绘画三国演义故事第五回三英: 刘备、张飞、关羽 战呂布。

Qing, A Massive Famille-rose Hu-Form Vase with Warrior Scene from The Romance of the Three Kingdom

Sturdily potted pear shape with a short slightly splayed foot, the sloping shoulders applied with a pair of handles in the form of deer head with antlers. The exterior of this large vase is finely decorated in brilliant tones with a continuous battle scene of Three Generals on horseback chasing after Lu Bu in a landscape of rocks and mountains between ruyi bands and classic scrolls. Qing dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 14½ in (36.8 cm) $5,000 - $8,000


清 康熙 五彩开光花鸟草虫瓶 (大清康熙年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 瓶通体施白釉,釉肥滋润,呈粉白色。以锦纹为底,其上以五彩进行 装饰,开光内绘有鸳鸯莲池、花草昆虫,用色鲜艳,构图意境深远。

Qing, A Fine and Large Famille-Verte Wucai Baluster Vase


Of tall baluster form with a gilt mouth rim, vividly painted in underglazed green and overglaze famille-verte with large panels of flowering boughs and fowls, butterflies and bugs against a white ground, the neck similarly decorated with Bājíxiáng auspicious emblems, all between narrow bands of floral scrolls on a brocade ground, at the foot, a classic scroll. The interior and base glazed white. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 17¼ in (43.8 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


明 万历 斗彩神兽花卉竹石纹盘 (大明万历年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 青花勾勒,以红绿青彩点染,内底中央处画以鹿首麟身神兽,奔驰於竹石之间,其上为缠枝花卉及瓜形纹饰,周围环以红绿青三重 不同设计的波涛宽带,外部近口沿处环以几何形纹饰。各种颜色交错使用,但是填彩准确,纹样色彩绚丽,画工传神精美。

Ming, A Fine and Rare Doucai Floral-Bamboo Plate with Mythical Beast Motifs

Decorated with underglazed blue outlines and overglazed enamels in a brilliant palette on the interior with a mystical beast, with a deer head on a scaled unicorn body, galloping amid bamboos and rocks, encircled with clouds and cresting waves bands. The exterior rim has a geometric band at the rim and on the short foot. Ming Dynasty, Wanli six character mark in double circles and of the period. Diameter: 9¼ in (23.5 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $15,000 - $20,000



清 乾隆 黄地青花缠枝番莲纹梅瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 瓶小口,圆唇,短颈,丰肩,圆腹渐收,圈足。 因口小仅能容梅枝而得名梅瓶。外壁口沿、肩部 及足边分别以釉下青花绘变形花卉纹、如意纹、 莲瓣纹一周。腹部主题纹饰为上下交错的三组青 花缠枝花卉纹,青花发色深沉艳丽,留白之处以 黄釉填满。底部圈足白釉,中心篆书年款。

Qing, A Fine Underglazed Blue and White Yellow-Ground Floral Meiping

The bulbous vase richly painted in cobalt blue with leafy meandering sprays interspersed with floral blossoms in three continuous tiers, below ruyi and scroll bands and above pendent motifs. The striking yellow glaze that silhouettes the underglazed blue decoration represents Qianlong’s potters exceptional talent. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


清 雍正 酱釉流淌木纹瓶 (雍正年制)四字双行篆书款 此件珍罕的雍正仿木纹瓷瓶,是展示清朝利用釉 上彩的想像力以模仿其他材质与夸耀创造能力的 最佳典范。在雍正与乾隆朝间, 窑厂调配创造出 前所未有的多样釉色及釉上彩逼真仿木纹效果。

Qing, A Faux Bois Vase

The compressed globular body tapering towards the slender neck, all lustrously decorated with swirls of chest and ochre browns to simulate wood grain. The interior mouth rim and sunken base glazed with turquoise green, with an incised reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $5,000 - $8,000



吴冠中 (1919 - 2010)

亭园石景图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:吴冠中 钤印:(吴冠中印)

Wu Guanzhong Rock Garden

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Wu Guanzhong, with one artist seal 27⅛ × 17¼ in. 68.9 × 43.8 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000


Liu Haisu Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1978 Signed Liu Haisu, with one artist seal 37¾ × 19¼ in. 95.8 × 48.9 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


黄宾虹 (1865 - 1955)

山中藏古寺 设色水墨纸本立軸 款识: 范中立画,深厚浓黑, 龚半千、释石谿 皆极致力效法, 功深能不薄弱, 兹一拟之。宾虹 钤印: (黄宾虹) (宾虹草堂)

Huang Binhong After Nothern Song,Fan Zhongli Monastery in Mountain Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Binhong, with one artist seal 54¼ x 13¾ in. 137.8 x 34.9 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000



刘海粟 (1896 - 1994)

墨荷 设色水墨纸本立轴 1978 年作 款识:戊午中秋 刘海粟画 钤印:(刘海粟)


徐悲鸿 (1895-1953)

立马图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作 款识:实先先生惠正 壬午悲鸿 钤印:(悲鸿之画)

Xu Beihong Standing Tall

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942 Inscribed and signed Beihong, with one artist seal 38¾ × 19 in. 98.4 × 48.3 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000



钱松喦 (1899 - 1985)

周恩来诗意山水图 设色水墨纸本手卷 1981 年作


马乐(马建国) (b. 1963)

靠山人家 设色水墨纸本手卷 2018 年作

款识: 大江歌罢掉头东,还密群科济世穷; 面壁十年图破壁,虽酬蹈海无英雄。 周总理诗 辛酉春 松喦 钤印:(钱)

款识:靠山人家 戊戌新春 马乐写意并记之 钤印:(马乐)(马乐之章) (大观)

Qian Song Yan Landscape with a Poem by Zhou Enlai Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1981

Ma Le (Ma Jianguo) Mountain Folks Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2018

Entitled and inscribed and signed Ma Le, with Six Artist seals 91½ × 20¼ in. 232.4 × 51.4 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000

Entitled, inscribed and signed Songyan, with one artist seal 12 × 71¼ in. 31 × 178 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000


清 胡湄 (公元十七-十八世纪)

鹦哥语 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 等閒学得鹦哥语, 亦在人前说是非。 丙午仲秋吉日胡湄 钤印:(胡湄之印) (飞涛)

Hu Mei

Qing Dynasty

Parrots Speak

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Hu Mei, with two artist seals 41¼ × 10¾ in. 104.7 × 27.3 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


清 黄慎 (1687 - 1768)

二仙赏鹤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1731 年作 款识: 雍正九年四月作扵 庐陵无求草堂 瘿瓢山人 钤印:(恭寿) 鉴藏印: 赵少昂(美意延年)

Huang Shen

Qing Dynasty

The Two Immortals and the Crane

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1731 Inscribed and signed Yingpiao Shanren, with one artist seal One Collector’s seal by Zhao Shaoang 51 x 19 in. 129.5 x 48.3 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



元 龙泉窑青釉佛龛鎏金观音坐像 石窟象形,内外施天青釉。两侧有黏花如竹节纹,顶 上有圆形佛光。龛内端坐鎏金观音,盘膝而坐,双手 合拾于膝上,博大慈祥。善才童子和龙女立于龛下两 侧的莲花上。此观音佛龛造型神奇,为稀有之杰作。

Yuan Dynasty, Longquanyao Celadon Niched Gilt Guanyin Shrine

Set in a niche within celadon rockwork shrine, the gilt guanyin flanked by two acolytes, whose face is also gilt with tendril scroll work culminating in a moon disc at the top. There are two circular apertures on the reverse. Height: 10¼ in (26 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 乾隆 青花凤穿牡丹束带袍袱瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 此瓶卷口,直颈下与溜肩间系结带,体有棱 纹,上绘一凤飞翔于牡丹之上,后有祥云降 临。青花发色浓艳,绘功精简豪迈,飞势磅 礴,用笔精细纤柔。

Qing, A Fine Blue and White Pouch-Form Phoenix Vase

Moulded as a sack gathered at the neck and tied with ribbon with trailing ends, the ovoid body decorated with phoenix in flight on a ground of composite floral meander and scrolling clouds. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) $8,000 - $12,000



明 宣德 釉里红缠枝花卉纹压手碗一对 (大明宣德年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 敝口,弧壁,小圈足。釉里红绘画纹饰,口沿内外绘缠枝花卉一周,外壁绘缠枝莲纹,笔法流畅,发色浓郁,见铜绿色斑。 Ming, A Fine Pair of Copper-red Floral Bowl

With rounded and slightly splayed sides rising from a short foot, the interior is painted with a blossom medallion within double lines under a scrolling floret mouth rim band and the exterior similarly decorated with four scrolling lotus blossoms. Underglazed-blue reign mark on the recessed base. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark within Double Circles, and of the Period. Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


明 永乐 青花釉里红花卉梵纹 荷叶盖罐 肩部饰云气纹,腹部主题纹饰为梵 文,共三层,上下层梵文之间绘莲 纹,近足处饰一周莲瓣纹,底足无 釉。色泽略有晕散和铁锈斑。

Ming Dynasty, Yongle, Underglazed Blue and Copper Red Floral Jar with Foliate Cover


The globular body decorated with frieze of Sanksrit character scroll bands and a foliate rim cover. Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


清 乾隆 冬青釉模印宝相龙 纹铺首螭耳尊 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 此尊拟上古青铜之造型,通体满釉, 两侧饰双铺首衔环兽耳。尊身通体 饰模印团形浅浮雕夔龙纹,釉色 晶莹润泽。

Qing, A Very Fine and Massive Celadon Glazed Zun Molded with Archaistic Kui Dragon Scrolls and Beast Handles with Mock Rings Well potted in globular form to a broad waist neck flaring mouth and supported on a slightly splayed foot. Finely carved around are five registers of Kui Dragons scroll works. Covered with an even glaze of pale celadon glaze. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Seal Mark and of the Period. Height: 14¼ in (36.1 cm) $100,000 - $150,000


146 清 乾隆 堆瓷粉彩圈花蝴蝶水注 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款 堆瓷高浮雕彩蝶状,褐绿彩釉为地并横条加点饰。

Qing, A Famille-Rose Molded Butterfly Water-Dropper

Finely molded with sculpted wings spread, two circular aperture on its back and a foliate spout emerging from under the antennae. Overall densely decorated with geometric green circles with black borders. Impressed seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

145 宋 定窑罔口刻花菊瓣婴戏纹碗

Song Dynasty, Dingyao Bowl molded with Children at Play and Chrysanthemum Petals Diameter: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $500 - $800


唐 越窑青瓷塑雕印花婴戏花 卉凤耳人物盖瓶 147

宋 钧窑兽首兽耳菱 花口连座瓶 瓶座相接,浑然一体。 底座有心形镂空,圈足 未施釉。

Song Dynasty, Junyao Vase with Stand

The globular body is set on a pierced integral stand, decorated with moulded beast heads and the tall neck flanked by a pair of beast-head loop handles with a foliate everted rim. Covered overall with a thick russet grey streaked glaze stopping short of the base, revealing the stoneware body. Height: 9½ in (24 cm) $1,500 - $3,000


盖瓶以高浮雕和模印的形式塑造。 腹部堆塑婴戏花卉纹,左右各有凤 耳对称。盖钮为斜倚学者。

Tang Dynasty, Yueyao CeladonGlazed Square Vase with Cover

Incised with molded design of children at play amidst floral scrolls, flanked with sculpted phoenix head handles and top with a reclining scholar as knob. Covered overall with a thin olive glaze. Height: 10 in (25.4 cm) $800 - $1,500


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

泼墨荷花 设色水墨纸本立轴 1946 年作 款识:丙戌三月 大千居士爰 钤印:(大千居士) (张爰之印)

Zhang Daqian Splashed Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1946 Inscribed and signed Daqian, with two artist seals 36⅜ × 13⅞ in. 92.4 × 35.2 cm.

$50,000 - $80,000



溥儒 (心畬) (1896 - 1963)

秋林放牧 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:秋林放牧图 绘宋人意 心畬 钤印:(旧王孙)

Pu Ru (Xin Yu) Autumn Scenery

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Entitled and signed Xin Yu, with one artist seal 37⅛ × 18⅞ in. 94.3 × 47.9 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000



傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

三人行必有我伴焉! 设色水墨纸本立轴 1945 年作 款识:乙酉四月重庆西郊 金刚坡下山斋写 新喻傅抱石 钤印:(傅)(抱石) (今人摹古古人摹谁)

Fu Baoshi Hither My Companions Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1945

Inscribed and signed Fu Baoshi, with three artist seals 55¾ × 24⅞ in. 141.6 × 63.2 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



清 刘墉 (1720 - 1804)

行草赵子昂诗 水墨纸本立轴 1800 年作 款识: 万柳堂前数亩池, 平铺云锦盖涟漪。 主人自有沧州趣, 游女仍歌白雪词。 手把荷花来劝酒, 步随芳草去寻诗。 谁知咫尺京城外, 便有无穷万里思。 松雪诗 庚申秋日 为东畇书扵丹林 诗兴之轩 石蓭 钤印:(刘墉印信) (石蓭)

Liu Yong

Qing Dynasty

Script Calligraphy of a Poem

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Gold Flecked Paper Dated 1800 Inscribed and signed Shi An, with two artist seals 41¾ × 21⅛ in. 106 × 53.7 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



清 李鱓 (1686 - 1762)

五松图 水墨纸本立轴 1737 年作 款识: 诗家习气比龙鳞, 画手雷同寿意陈, 我道五翁秦汉物, 敢将墨汁貌先民, 偃稍直屹二千尺, 绿鬛苍翠带苏痕。 乾隆元年正月人日 复堂李鱓写扵古栢山房 钤印:(复堂)(觯) 鉴藏印: 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 沉树镛(韵初审定)

Li Shan

Qing Dynasty

Towering Pine Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1737

Inscribed and signed Li Shan, with two artist seals Two Collectors’ seals 50.6 × 25 in. 128.5 x 63.5 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000



王震 (白龙山人) (1867 - 1938)

松菊图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1935 年作 款识:霜晨秋色 斒斓芷惹得闲禽去复来 乙亥九秋白龙山人 王震 钤印:(王震)

Wang Zhen Autumn Chrysanthemum Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1935 Inscribed and signed Wang Zhen, with one artist seal 37 x 13¾ in. 94 x 35 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


叶浅予 (1907 -1995)


Ye Qianyu A Scene from the White Snake Legend

设色水墨纸本立轴 1981 年作

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1981

款识:一九八一浅予写于 京华甘雨新居 钤印:(叶浅予氏) (叶浅予)

Signed Qianyu, with two artist seals 35⅞ x 20⅝ in. 91.1 x 52.2 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

花林双雀 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠印)

Lin Fengmian Birds and Flowers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal 22¾ × 15¾ in. 57.8 × 38.1 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

兰石图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1923 年作 款识: 竹栽千畮兰开四时 癸亥夏月 吴昌硕 钤印:(缶寿) (苦銕) (湖州安吉县)

Wu Changshuo Orchids and Rocks

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1923

Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with three artist seals 52¾ × 27 in. 134 × 68.5 cm.


$25,000 - $35,000


清 康熙 雕漆万字底万子千孙福禄 葫芦瓶 无量寿葫芦瓶,谐音“福寿”立意吉祥, 髹漆肥厚丰润,瓶身满雕工,雕出缠绵密 布瓜瓞绵绵、蔓蔓枝叶纹饰,具有很强的 立体感。

Qing Dynasty, An Exquisite Cinnabar Carved Lacquer Calabash with Auspicious Motifs

This cinnabar calabash is both ingenious and exquisite in its design. It bears skillfully carved relief-motifs of a hundred doublegourds with leaves, against a wan-characterpatterned ground such motifs, in ancient Chinese way of thinking, imply a blessing of Wan Zi Qian Sun, Enjoying Hundreds and Thousands of Descendents. It is a masterpiece of refined carved lacquer ware made during the Qing Emperor Kangxi’s reign. Height: 19½ in (49.5 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


战国 银铸四山字谷纹方镜 方角型,三弦钮,方座。左旋式山 字纹。每一山字下有一条双线托住 山字形,以乳钉纹填地,镜面平 坦。此镜保存完好,纹饰清晰, 珍贵非常。

Warring States, A Square Silvery Bronze ‘Shan’ Mirror

Finely and crispy cast with a ribbed loop surrounded by a square border, enclosed by a four Shan (Mountain) character, all reserved on a ground of boss scrolls pattern. Length: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Weight: 1049 g $4,000 - $6,000


160 清 乾隆 雕漆六龙椭圆大盘 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 (惠昌敬做)四字横款

Qing, Exquisitely Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Oval Plate with SixDragons Motifs

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period, Maker’s Mark Hui Chang. Across: 15¾ in (40 cm) Width: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

161 红山文化 玉雕兽首人身神像

Neolithic Period, Hongshan Culture Carved Jade Minotaur

A mythical beast head human figure with spiritual inclinations for ceremonial rituals. Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) Weight: 865 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 雍正 黄地绿 彩龙纹长颈瓶 (大清雍正年制) 六字三行楷书款 瓶反口,长颈近肩 绘如箭蕉叶纹。肩 斜,上绕以如意头 纹带,并有双龙追 纹饰。腹下内敛, 围以绿色花瓣纹, 近足处绕以花卉。 此瓶为黄地单色 釉,而有别于同类 的单色瓷器,为稀 有之作。

162 韩国 十九世纪 青花凤凰富贵长寿高足瓶


Korea, 19th Century, Blue and White Yuhuchunping with Phoenix and Pine Trees Auspicious Motifs and a Stem Foot Height: 12⅝ in (30 cm) $800 - $1,500

Qing, A Fine Yellow-Ground and Green-Enamelled Qilin Vase

A bulbous pear shaped body with canted shoulder rising to a long slender neck, all decorated with qilin bands of Masks, Lotus-Petals and Plantain leaves with ruyi heads. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 6¾ in (17.2 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


明 宣德 剔犀如意云纹八棱盖盒 (大明宣德)四字双行单框楷书款 盒身外壁深雕红黑两色漆层相间斜剔出如 意纹,盒内盒地髹黑漆。漆色艳丽,纹饰 雕工精细,刀锋棱线清晰。

Ming, A Fine Tixi Carved Black and Red Lacquer Octagonal Box and Cover

The cover is deeply carved through the black with a central register of ruyi head and further band of ruyi repeated on the sides of the box. The base and interior lacquered black with an incised mark. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Mark. Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Width: 5½ in (14 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 嘉庆 稀有纪昀大玳瑁行素 堂文房四宝漆方盒 底部中央方框刻:(嘉庆年制)四字款 盖盒刻:行素堂藏 恒正咸和 日昇月 和 天休而滋 乾清坤宁(正和) 吾德正 威 吉享交泰 立之始基 天地感应 表 正万邦 克宽克仁 慎身修思 皇建有极 (修仁) 弘敷五典 惟精惟一 无轻民事 道积厥躬 纪昀 清玩 漆胎,玳瑁包镶,纹理灿然。 此件玳瑁文房,珍罕绝品,乃是集 自然材料与人工雕琢为一身的 精美艺术品,难得至极。

Qing, A Fine and Rare Tortoise Shell Lacquer Scholar Box, Ji-Yun, Scholar

Of rectangular form, with hinged cover, the lacquer box is tortoiseshell clad with a poem inscribed in gilt lettering on top. The interior fitted with a shallow upper tray that slides out and storage compartment below, brass plate and latch. Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Four Character Gilt Mark at Base. Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Length: 11⁴/₅ in (30 cm) Width: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



釉里红龙穿花祷带抱月瓶 Copper-red Dragon Moon Flask in White Reserve with Loop Handles Height: 11¾ in (29.85 cm) $500 - $800


玉雕四方观音大圆璧 A Large Archaistic Jade Bi with Four Guanyin

Diameter: 19⅝ in (49.85 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


龙泉窑梅花三足水洗 Longquan Tripod Washer with Plum Blossom Boss Decorations Diameter: 11 in (28 cm) Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $400 - $500


宋 稀有钧窑天青玫瑰紫釉蟠桃耳杯 Song Dynasty, A Rare Junyao Peach-Form Cup Dark Purple Glazed with Blue Mottling Stopping above the Unglazed Ring Foot and Base, with a Loop Handle Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) $800 - $1,500


玉雕兽首纹兽耳活环盖圆瓶 Well Carved Jade Censer and Cover


The compressed body is carved with mask motifs with a pair of beast-head handles suspending loose rings and a domed cover. Height: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 1072 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 蓝地缎绣金银丝五彩龙纹霞 帔 (镜框) 霞帔,是清朝廷汉人命妇披肩的裝饰 品, 因色彩宛如红霞而名。圆领、对 襟、无袖前后缝缀二品文官阶锦鸡纹 方补子。前面织绣两条行龙,后面一 条正龙,流苏海水江崖纹,下摆缀以五 彩垂缘。双面镜框展示霞帔前后。

Qing Dynasty, An Embroidered Gauze Noble Woman’s Waistcoat, Xiapei A formal robe in gilt thread with a front face dragon on the back and two confronting couched five claw dragons in the front, both with a stitched on Second Civil Rank Pheasant badge on front and back, amongst auspicious symbols, flowers and clouds, all above foaming waves. Women wore the same rank badge as their husband, denoting the nobleman’s title and social status, displayed on their fringed vest. (Framed with front and back of the Waistcoat showing.) Length: 39¼ in (99.7 cm) Width: 23¼ in (59 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 红缎花卉纹汉式 刺绣镶边童服氅衣 (镜框) 氅衣是穿在衬衣外面的日 常服饰之一,花纹华丽, 做工繁缛。圆领大襟,平 直宽袖。

Qing Dynasty, A Rare Child’s Red Silk Robe with A Side Fastening

Trimmed with embroidered floral pattern on the collar and sleeve. (Framed) Length: 21½ in (54.6 cm) Width: 32¼ in (81.9 cm) $800 - $1,500



黄永玉 (B. 1924)

点彩夏荷 设色水墨纸本立轴 1992 年作 款识:黄永玉画 钤印:(黄永玉)


Huang Yongyu Summer Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1992

Signed Huang Yongyu, with one artist seal 27¼ × 26 in. 69.2 × 66 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


程十发 (1921 - 2007)

调乐图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作 款识: 己未新秋 程十发制 钤印: (云间程潼)(三釜书屋) (程潼十发之玺)(萧平之)

Cheng Shifa Musicians

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Cheng Shifa, with four artist seals 46.4 × 25.6 in. 117.8 × 65.1 cm.

$15,000 - $30,000


Qian Weicheng

Qing Dynasty

Chirping Bird

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1736 Inscribed and signed Qian Weicheng, with two artist seals 38 x 19¼ in. 96.5 x 49 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


谢稚柳 (1910-1997)

高士隐山图 设色水墨绢本立軸 1947 年作 款识:丁亥 稚柳居士 谢 钤印:(稚柳)


Xie Zhiliu Scholar in the Mountain Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk Dated 1947

Signed Zhiliu Xie, with one artist seal 24⅜ × 8⅜ in. 61.9 × 21.3 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


清 钱维城 (1702 - 1772)

鸟鸣花开 设色水墨纸本立轴 1736 年作 款识:乾隆丙辰夏六月 钱维城绘 钤印:(钱维城印)(山茶)


明 李日华 (1565 - 1635)

竹林高士图 设色水墨绢本立轴 款识: 修竹绕山云绕绿, 水含波別不含姿。 竹懒李日华作於味水轩 钤印:(日华) 鉴藏印:(一印不辨)

Li Rihua

Ming Dynasty

Scholars in Bamboo Forest Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk Inscribed and signed Li Rihua, with one artist seal One Collector’s seal 48⅛ × 24¾ in. 122.2 × 61.5 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000



清 王武 (1632 - 1690)

沙汀雁群图 水墨纸本立轴 1685 年作 款识:新花含雨绽, 娇鸟背人啼; 病起閒双履, 何时过竹西。 乙丑仲春雨窗 戏墨忘菴 钤印:(王武私印) (忘菴) 题跋: 毕沅:万里晴沙夕照西, 此心唯有断云知; 年年数尽秋风字, 想见江南摇落时; 萧萧风竹映寒塘, 水宿寒飞未易变; 不似鸳鸯沙渚暖, 翠红相倚睡春江。 乾隆辛亥(1791年)仲夏 毕沅识(秋颿书画图章) 吴湖帆:清 王勤中花鸟真蹟 甲午二月 吴湖帆鉴题(湖颿) 鉴藏印: 徐渭仁 (徐紫珊秘箧印) 邵松年 (海虞邵氏珍藏 金石书画之印)

Wang Wu

Qing Dynasty

Wild Geese Calling

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Inscribed with two artist seals Two Collectors’ seals Colophons by Bi Yuan and Wu Hufan 50 x 26 in. 127 x 66 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000



清 雍正 斗彩龙凤穿花如意吉祥梅瓶 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 梅瓶圆口,有蓝线圈,肩留白,上下有双蓝圈线。肩上排 列宝相花卉如意头纹,中间绘以蕉叶纹。瓶整体为甜白 瓷,肩下绘折枝牡丹、菊花纹。体中央画两翼龙与宝相飞 凤,下绘坠花纹带。此瓶瓷胎柔滑细致,色彩鲜丽,填彩 精绝,令人爱不释手,为雍正朝稀有的杰作。

Qing, A Fine Doucai Phoenix and Dragon Meiping

The well-potted tapering body rising from a recessed base to broad rounded shoulders and a narrow short waisted neck, painted in bright doucai enamels within underglazed-blue outline with two pairs of phoenix confronting dragon chasing pearl amidst blossoms borne on leafy tendrils, all between ruyi and lappet bands. Blue reign mark in recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Yongle Six Character Mark within Double Circles and of the Period. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


清 乾隆 粉彩天蓝绿松石地 缠枝花卉五管瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款 五个口径独立管状造型独特。通体施松石绿釉,颈、 肩、腹部均绘缠枝西番莲纹,口沿处绘廻纹。通体纹 饰层次丰富,刻画细致,为粉彩琢器之精者。

Qing, A Magnificent Famille-Rose Lime-Turquoise Ground Bottle Vase

Masterfully potted, the lower bulb sweeping up to a Five-Spout slender neck. Meticulously painted in soft pastel famille-rose enamels with stylized lotus amidst dense scrolling foliate vine intertwined around blossoms. Each spout is encircled with a key-fret border at mouth and shoulder. The base has a classic scroll band. Incised seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) $10,000 - $15,000



清 咸丰 粉彩八鹿灵芝杯一对 (大清咸丰年制)六字三行篆书红款 此双鹿杯釉面润白,撇口,圈足,杯壁由粉彩绘饰,画面由八只鹿和灵芝构成。鹿与禄谐音,八鹿形容俸 禄丰厚,祝颂加官进禄的吉祥图。 Qing, A Fine Pair of Famille-Rose Painted Deer with Lingzhi Wine Cup

The image of deer with lingzhi is an auspicious one that became popular. The deer, itself an emblem of longevity, is said to be the only creature able to find the lingzhi, which is thought to prolong life. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 乾隆 紫釉葵口线暗刻龙凤团寿花蕾象耳瓶



明 弘治 黃釉刻花云鹤纹观音瓶

Qing, A Fine Lavender Glazed Quatrefoil Vase Intricately Incised with Roundel of Confronting Dragon and Phoenix Amidst a Central Shou Character


The short flaring rim decorated with cresting wave. The lobed rim has a key-fret border above Shou character and flanked by elephant-ear handles. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


Ming , Yellow Glazed Vase Decorated with Incised Crane-Cloud Motifs

Ming Dynasty, Hongzhi Six-Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7½ in (19 cm) $1,000 - $2,000


明 宣德 青花团凤纹盘 底心双圈内楷书(大明宣德年制)六字款 碗广口平切,厚胎深腹,圈足,口沿内外饰青花双线纹,里心绘团形凤、凰各一只,间以朵云,外壁绘团形凤凰六组,近足处饰莲 瓣纹,线条转折流畅生动,威势凌人,釉汁凝润泛。 Ming, A Fine and Rare Blue and White Phoenix Bowl

The deep rounded sides stoutly potted with thick wall and supported on a slightly tapered foot and rising to a wide everted rim, well-painted in intense and varying tones of cobalt blue. The interior center decorated with a phoenix roundel of a male bird confronting a female bird with outstretched wings among scattered cloud. The exterior with six similar roundels above a band of petal lappets skirting the foot, the recessed base inscribed in underglazed blue with a reign mark within a double ring. Ming Dynasty, Xuande, Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 11⅜ in (28.9 cm) Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



清 虚谷 (1823-1896)

枯木前头鸟唱歌 设色水墨纸本立轴 1896 年作 款识: 丙申二月写于春辉堂 虚谷 钤印:(虚谷)

Xu Gu

Qing Dynasty

Song Birds

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1896 Signed Xu Gu, with one artist seal 53⅝ × 23⅜ in. 136.2 × 59.4 cm.


$4,000 - $6,000


清 李鱓 (1686 - 1762)

豆蔻花开 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 婷婷嬝嬝十三余, 豆蔻花开二月初; 春风十里扬州郭, 卷起珠帘总不如。复堂 钤印:(李鱓)(顽皮) (神祖宰相之家)

Li Shan

Qing Dynasty


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Fu Tang, with three artist seals 54½ × 23⅜ in. 138.4× 59.4 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



黄冑/李可染 (1925 - 1997)

牛 水墨纸本立轴 款识:黄冑 钤印:(黄冑之印) 天头: 李可染: 俯首甘为孺子牛(李)

Huang Zhou/Li Keran Water Buffalo Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Huang Zhou, with one artist seal Colophon by Li Keran, with one seal 25⅜ × 15¾ in. 63.5 × 38.1 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

Lin Fengmian Dusk


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠)

Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal


26¾ × 26¼in. 67.9 × 66.7 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000



陆俨少 (1919 – 1993)

寒藤老木山水图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:寒藤老木披光景 陆俨少画 钤印:(陆俨少) (宛若) (嘉定) (穆如馆)

Lu Yanshao Winter Scene

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper


Inscribed and signed Lu Yanshao, with four artist seals

(1896 - 1962)

53⅝ × 13¼ in. 136.1 × 33.6 cm.

$5,000 - $8,000

陈之佛 红梅双雀咏丰年 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:迎腊寒气加满天, 风散花预报丰年, 兆粮棉盈万家。雪翁 钤印:(雪翁)(陈之佛印)

Chen Zhifo Plum Finches

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Xue Weng, with two artist seals 32¼ x 15⅜ in. 81.9 x 39 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

取耳翁 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 此翁恶浊声, 久之声气化为尘垢于耳底。 如不取出,必生痛痒。 能自取者亦如巢父洗耳临流。 白石画于金陵 钤印:(白石)

Qi Baishi Elder Wisdom

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Baishi, with one artist seal 37¾ × 17⅜ in. 95.8 × 44.1 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1896)

登高远望 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 任颐写于沪城 钤印: (任伯年) (任千秋) (山阴任润次 远甫印信)

Ren Yi (Bonian) Qing Dynasty

A Hermit

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ren Yi, with three artist seals 51 × 13 in. 130 × 33 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000

Dong Shouping Mount Huang

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1987 Signed Dong Shouping, with two artist seals 26½ × 17½ in. 67.3 x 44.4 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



董寿平 (1904 - 1997)

黄山松涛 设色水墨纸本立轴 1987 年作 款识:丁卯春日 董寿平 钤印:(寿平书画) (董寿平)


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

杨柳春风牧马图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1943 年作 款识:卅二年冬日悲鸿磐溪写 钤印:(悲鸿)(东海王孙)

Xu Beihong Steed

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1943 Inscribed and signed Beihong, with two artist seals 37½ x 20⅜ in. 95.2 x 51.7 cm.

$20,000 - $40,000



田世光 (1916 - 1999)

红叶白猿图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1983 年作 款识:癸亥夏日 田世光 于柳浪庄上 写此并记 钤印:(田世光) (公炜)

Tian Shiguang Red Leaves and White Monkey Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1983 Inscribed and signed Tian Shiguang, with two artist seals 37 × 18.5 in. 94 × 47 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000



明 成化 斗彩云鹤波 浪纹压手碗 (大明成化年制)六字双 行双框楷书款 碗敞口,下围以青花线。 碗体绘云鹤纹,云绘斗彩, 鹤为青花,而有异曲同工之 妙。此碗胎薄如纸,色为甜白 瓷,为稀有之名作。

Ming, Chenghua Doucai Crane Bowl

Thinly potted and delicately painted outlines of cobalt blue under the glaze and picked out in overglaze enamels of yellow, green and iron red with a lively continuous scene of cranes in flight above cresting wave amidst scrolling clouds. A six-character reign mark in underglazed blue framed within double squares inscribed on the countersunk base. Ming Dynasty, Chenghua, Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


清 雍正 冬青釉矾红龙云火纹天球瓶 (大清雍正年制) 腹部绘矾红彩龙,身姿矫健,龙须上扬,龙爪 怒张,生动威猛,绘工精细,颜色艳丽。

Qing, Wintergreen-glazed Tianqiuping with Copper-Red Flaming Dragon amidst Wispy Clouds and Scroll Works

Thickly potted with clever application of copper red pigment to depict the sinus scaly dragon leaping through the flaming cloud. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period. Height: 13⅜ in (34 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



白翡翠精雕和合二仙引蝠摆件 立体雕琢和合二仙,寒山手捧圆盒,拾得持荷为礼。人物刻划 细致,顾盼传神,笑逐颜开。以取和(盒)谐、和(荷)好之 意。和合二仙是主姻缘和美之神,可令夫妻和睦、幸福美满。

Finely Carved White Jadeite Figure of Hehe Erxian, One Holding Lotus Stalk and the Other a Box Releasing a Lingzhi Supporting a Bat Both figures carved with a round face and smiling expression. The stone of an exceptionally even white tone with jadeite tint throughout. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 1406 g $6,000 - $10,000


汉 青玉浮雕龙纹兽首龙耳活环盖扁瓶 造型模仿青铜器,口作子母扣合,上附一盖,盖钮葵口,肩部 有一对兽耳衔环,瓶腹上部表面浅浮雕仿自青铜器的抽象龙 纹装饰带, 底部作圈足。

Han, Celadon Jade Flask with Taotie Masks


Of flattened baluster form, shallow relief carved with dragon mask, rising from a splayed foot to an angular shoulder and a waisted neck, set with dragon handles suspending a loose ring with a doomed cover. Height: 12⅞ in (32.7 cm) Weight: 3120 g $2,000 - $4,000


黃永玉 (b. 1924)

独眼看世界 设色水墨纸本立轴 1979 年作

款识: 黃永玉作 己未年 钤印: (黃)(黃永玉印)

Huang Yongyu Owl

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Huang Yongyu, with two artist seals

27½ × 17½ in. 68 × 44 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



程十发 (1921 - 2007)

远看巫山总是云 设色水墨纸本立轴 1991 年作 款识:程十发于上海 钤印:(十发)

Cheng Shifa Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1991 Inscribed and signed Cheng Shifa, with one artist seal 38¾ × 19⅜ in. 98.4 × 49.2 cm.

$3,000 - $5,000



清 蒋廷锡 (1669 - 1732)

瓶中常养十分秋 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:康熙廿一年七月 青桐居士蒋廷锡 题跋五人:李嘉会、李彤、 彭年、邵梅臣、 宝亲王(文长不录) 鉴藏印: (安氏仪周书画之章) (彰化画图书珍秘宝) (躭书是宿缘) (焉知步中之妙) (竹南草堂珍藏书画印) (四时佳兴与人同) (醉赏口口)

Jiang Tingxi Qing Dynasty

Autumn Bouquet

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Jiang Tingxi Seven Collectors’ seals Five Colophons by Li Jiahui, Li Tong, Peng Nian, Shao Meichen and Bao Qinwang 50⅞ × 21⅝ in. 129.2 × 54.9 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000



清 关槐 (生卒不详)

青山烟云 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 山堂昨夜起秋风, 景物萧条便不同; 岂是天公嫌冷澹, 故将林木染黄红。 晋卿关槐画并题 钤印:(关槐)(晋卿) 题跋: 溪阁读易图 虚斋庞元济观题 (虚斋珍藏) 幽阁只傍芦溪水, 揽云筛月里书声。 胜之王同愈写 (王胜印)(王同愈) 鉴藏印: 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 庞元济(虚斋珍藏) 邵松年(海虞珍藏 金石书画之印) 方濬颐(梦园鉴赏)

Guan Huai

Qing Dynasty

Aoyama Clouds

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Guan Huai, with two artist seals Four Collectors’ seals Colophon by Pang Yuan Ji 51 × 26¼ in. 129.5 × 66.7 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000



夏阳 (b. 1932)

秀拉风格的星期天漫步 压克力 画布裝框 HY 1999年作

Hsia Yan (Xia Yang) After Georges Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon Acrylic on Canvas, Framed Signed in Pinyin and dated 1999 37 x 50.5 in. 94 x 128.3 cm.

$30,000 - $50,000

Georges Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon 乔治秀拉的星期天漫步

乔治秀拉的画充满了细腻缤纷的小点,当你靠近看,每一个点都充满着理性的笔触。 而夏阳以他个人风格的“毛毛人”重画秀拉的星期天漫步。用交缠的曲线、并行的直线密集交织,遒劲有力的笔触及鲜明色 彩,散发出不可抵挡的视觉魅力。“毛毛人”象征着文明人身处现代社会产生的荒谬疏离之感,画中人物模煳而背景安定, 动静之间主体人物发散出独特的气场。他们体现着夏阳对生活的感受、对生命的体验,不安的视觉运动反映了他在流浪,悲 伤和孤立中的生活。

Seurat took two years to paint Sunday Afternoon, at the height of pointillist technique, with precision on light, color and form. Just as Seurat’s depicted different social class in the painting, Hsia, with his Fuzzy Style, in painting after this masterpiece, with his blurry strokes and quivering lines, as pictorial language, captured those strollers in the park in a frozen moment in a static environment. Although viewers cannot see the faces, their identity can be judged from the environment. The visual movement of restlessness reflects his life in vagrancy, sadness and isolation.



高奇峰 (1889 - 1933)

仿元张舜咨鹰桧图 水墨纸本立轴 钤印:(番禹高嵡)(高嵡)

Gao Qifeng Standing Falcon Drawn in Yuan Style Inscribed and signed Gao Weng, with two artist seals 52 × 25.5 in. 132.1 × 64.8 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



李苦禅 (1899 - 1983)

雌雄双鹰 设色水墨纸本立轴 1980 年作 款识:庚申春日 苦禅作扵京华 钤印:(苦禅)

Li Kuchan Two Hawks

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1980 Inscribed and signed, Kuchan, with one artist 34½ x 18½ in. 87.6 x 47 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000


208 唐 越窑青瓷塑雕孩儿刻花凤型灯座

207 宋 定窑酱釉印花荷池游鹅盘 碗敞口,斜腹,圈足。外壁光素,内壁饰以游鹅缠枝花卉纹,碗心亦 有一束,印花纹饰精美,布局对称,层次分明。酱釉质厚而莹润,为 难得之传世精品。

Tang Dynasty, Yueyao Celadon Glazed Child Holder Phoenix-Form Lamp Stand Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

Song Dynasty, A Moulded Dingyao Bowl

Thinly potted and moulded with a scrolling design of lotus pond with blooms with geese and a key-fret pattern below the unglazed rim. Exterior and interior covered in a brown glaze. Diameter: 6⅝ in (16.9 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


宋 耀州窑缠 枝牡丹梅瓶 Song Dynasty, Yaozhou Celadon Meiping 209 宋 天蓝釉葵瓣纹洗 盘沿曲口紧密排列成等分十六菊瓣状,胎体厚重,通体罩施天蓝釉, 釉汁流淌自然,施釉不到底。

Song Dynasty, Sky-blue Washer with Sixteen Petal-Form Lobes


The washer has rounded sides molded as sixteen petals, covered on the outside with a crackled glaze of sky-blue tone. Bottom unglazed. Across: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

The tapering ovoid body is carved with leafy stems bearing peony blossoms and a lappet band at the foot. A wedge-shape flanged mouth. Height: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


宋 哥窑百级碎蓝釉泼彩水洗 哥窑多为精巧之物,常入文房清供。其中作为笔洗使用,更 是後世文人所推崇。此官哥圆洗裏外皆篮黑色胎,釉面厚, 表面含有铁红锈色,流动自然,色彩奇妙。呈现哥釉虽历经 千百年,光泽依然柔和、如新之特徵。釉面重叠犹如冰裂断 纹, 号百极碎。底部米褐釉色成细密小开片。

Song Dynasty, A Fine and Rare Geyao Brush Washer

Of shallow flared sides supported with a short foot, covered inside and out with a dark glaze suffused with a dense bluish crackle interspersed with a rusty red network. Foot rim unglazed with a recessed base covered overall in a buff glaze with irregular fine cackles. The lustrous and tactile nature of the Geyao glaze is exquisitely revealed by the simple form of the present vessel. Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm) Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $100,000 - $150,000



明 程嘉燧 (1565 - 1643)

晴川幽隐图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1627 年作 款识:天启丁卯五月 作晴川幽隐图 程嘉燧 钤印:(程嘉燧印)(孟阳) 题跋: 云满山头树满溪, 春风浩荡绿初齐 戊申五月董浩书 鉴藏印: (乾隆御览之宝) (三稀堂精鉴玺) (宜子孙) (御书房鉴藏宝) (石渠定鉴) (宝芨重编) (宝芨三编) 庞元济(虚斋珍赏) 方濬颐(梦园鉴赏) 潘正炜(季彤审定) 徐紫珊(徐紫珊秘篋印)

Cheng Jiasui

Ming Dynasty

Riverside Court

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1627 Entitled and signed Cheng Jiasui, with two artist seals Seven Emperors’ seals Four Collectors seals Colophon by Dong Hao 52⅜ × 24⅞ in. 133 × 63.2 cm.


$8,000 - $20,000


清 郑燮(板桥) (1693 - 1765)

西湖醉归写兰竹 水墨纸本立轴 1759 年作 款识:昨日西湖烂醉归, 漫山密篠乱牵衣; 摇舟已下金沙港, 回首清风在翠微。 乾隆己卯板桥 道人郑燮写 钤印:(燮)(板桥)

Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Qing Dynasty

Bamboo and Orchid

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1759 Inscribed and signed Zheng Xie, with two artist seals 38½ x 19 in. 97.8 x 48.3 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000



陶一清 (1914 - 1986)

青城秋色 设色水墨纸本立轴 1965 年作 款识: 青城秋色 乙巳年夏月 陶一清画 己巳应为乙巳(1965)之误 钤印:(一清私印)

Tao Yiqing Spring Time

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1965 Entitled and signed Tao Yiqing, with one artist seal 32 × 17⅜ in. 81.3 × 44.1 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

高士琴声起波涛 设色水墨纸本立轴 1976 年作 款识: 乔松磊磊多寿节, 冬无赢雪夏无热, 根则更有千岁苓, 知谁可语长生诀。 丙辰夏 蜀人张爰 钤印:(张大千印) (大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Scholar with Zither Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1976 Inscribed and signed Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 50 x 20¾ in. 127 x 52.7 cm.

$15,000 - $30,000



216 霁蓝釉铺兽耳方壶一对

A Pair of Sacrificial Blue Fang Hu with Beast Bead Handle with Mock Ring Height: 13⅜ in (34 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

218 王步 青花竹报平安瓷画 竹报平安 丁卯年竹溪道人王步作于珠山 王步款

Wang Bu, A Blue and White Auspicious Bamboo Scene Porcelain Plaque with Rosewood Frame


Ascribed and signed Wang Bu dated 1927. 30⅜ in (77.2 cm) x 16 in (40.6 cm) 35 in (88.9 cm) x 20⅝ in (52.4 cm) (frame included) $600 - $1,000

松鹤流云仙景端砚 A Relief Carved Pine and Crane Heavenly Landscape Duan Inkstone Detailed with bamboo, pine tree and flying crane amidst swirling Clouds and Heavenly Pavilions above the ink pool, the smooth well dotted with two ‘eyes’. Impressed Mark at the backside. Length: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) Weight: 4115 g $800 - $1,500

219 王步 青花花鸟瓷画四条屏 松龄鹤寿 松鹤延年 碧云联翩 独爱清函 丙子年剑城长湖竹溪王步写于珠山(王步)

Wang Bu, Four Blue and White Floral with Bird Scenes Porcelain Plaques with Rosewood Frame Ascribed and signed Wang Bu dated 1936. 21½ in (54.6 cm) x 12¾ in (32.4 cm) 24¼ in (61.6 cm) x 15½ in (39.4 cm) (frame included) $1,000 - $2,000


1932年作 王琦 粉彩人物瓷板 题款:水抱孤村远,山通一径斜。不知 深树裏,还住几人家。时在壬申仲夏月 下瀚 西昌匋迷散人王琦 写於珠山客次 印文:(匋)(斋)

A Famille-Rose Enameled Porcelain Plaque depicting God of Longevity and Young Boy Wang Qi, dated by inscription to 1932 Of rectangular shape, enameled in vivid tones, inscribed with a long calligraphic inscription from a poem including a renshen date (1932), the artist signature and two seals reading Tao and Zhai. Height of plaque: 13⅝ in (34.6 cm) Height inclusive of frame: 16⅝ in (42.2 cm) $4,000 - $6,000

王琦 (1884-1937),祖籍安徽,字碧珍,别署迷匋道人,后迁居江西省新建县。1928年,王琦 以“月圆会”形式,结社成“珠山八友”,共同励志图新。以新粉彩形式,将雅俗共赏的瓷板画 成堂配套,成一时之盛。形成中国第一个陶瓷艺术流派。瓷画艺术成熟的王琦,写意人物挥洒奔 放,人物面部采用粉彩装饰,头像多衬以明暗,结合西洋画技艺,珠山八友之首。 Wang Qi (1884-1937), courtesy name Bizhen or euphoria Taoist, a porcelain painting master, born in Anhui Province. Later on, he moved to Jiangxi Province, Xinjian County. In 1928, Wang Qi established “Full Moon Union”(月圆会), meanwhile organizing certain renowned artists together as “Eight Unique companion from Zhushan”(珠山八友), in order to inspire and create new ceramic art figures and techniques. By taking this great opportunity and using pastel as a new medium, they promoted and flourished the porcelain plaque paintings to a national scale, and finally, formed the first ceramic art movement in modern China. With powerful, free-spirited and illusory brushstrokes, Wang Qi’s painted characters & head portraits are mostly embellished with delicate famille-rose colors, light and shade, with the influences from European classic oil paintings. Overall, Wang Qi’s ceramic-plaque paintings artistically represent the highest standard and incomparable superiority of Chinese ceramic arts.



王步 青花山水瓷 画横幅 景色宜人 丙寅年 王步写于珠山

Wang Bu, A Blue and White Landscape Scene Horizontal Porcelain Plaque with Rosewood Frame

Ascribed and signed Wang Bu dated 1926. 34 in (86.4 cm) x 12 in (30.5 cm) 40½ in (102.9 cm) x 18⅜ in (46.7 cm) (frame included) $800 - $1,500


清 乾隆 素胎镂雕瓷游龙活眼赶珠印 泥盒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 布局层次丰富,波浪纹为底,五爪云龙,层 层叠叠工艺繁复。

Qing, Qianlong A Carved Biscuit Porcelain Dragon Seal Paste Box with Cover

The cover is relief craved with two dragons with movable eyes and whiskers chasing pearl against a background of clouds and flames. The sides with cresting waves and flaming clouds. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 2¾ in (7 cm) $500 - $800


青花庭苑童戏如意 折沿水洗 (大明宣德年制)款 碗内口沿以青花 绘落缠枝花纹,碗 心、外壁均绘有青 花双圈童子嬉戏图, 体态各异,生动活泼。

A Blue and White Waterpot with Children at Play in a Garden Scene with an Everted Rim


The wide everted rim is painted with floral scroll and interior and outside are both decorated with a continuous scene of children at play encircled with double blue lines. Xuande Mark. Diameter: 10¼ in (26 cm) Height: 4¼ in (10.9 cm) $1,500 - $3,000


紫砂粉彩水仙花蝶纹方把壶 底款(大清乾隆年制)

A Rectangular Famille-rose Painted Narcissus with Butterfly Teapot

Incised Qianlong Mark on the underside. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) $400 - $600


清 紫砂粉彩桃花蟠桃双叠套壶 底款(大清贡品)

Qing, A Famille-rose Peach and Plum Blossom Teapot with Warmer Supported on a globular warmer with curved spout, loop handles and domed cover with bud finial. Incised Qing Dynasty Tribute Mark on the underside. Height: 6 in (15.24 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


紫砂树瘿龙钮壶 (供春)二字底款 (供春)盖款

Zisha Burl Teapot Carved with Dragon Knop

Gongchun Marks. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $600 - $800


紫檀牧牛童笔洗 以紫檀木琢就挖空而成水洗,外形雕刻山丘,洗口处为牧童,木纹清 晰可见,整体造型简朴,具有浓郁的文房气息。

A Well Caved Zitan Brush Washer with Buffalo and Herder

Detailed in high relief with buffalo and herder trailing around the mouth rim, the wood of a rich dark patina. Width: 5⅝ in (14.29 cm) $800 - $1,500



顾景舟 紫砂筋线纹方壶 底款(顾景舟)

Basket-weaved Square Zisha Teapot with Conforming Cover with Loop Handle Ascribed and signed Gu Jingzhou on the underside. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $600 - $800


顾景舟 紫砂玄纹刻字圆壶 (紫气东来) 底款(顾景舟)(风静月高明 老缶) 盖内款(顾)(景舟) 壶把款(顾)

A Ribbed Round Zisha Teapot with Inscriptions

Ascribed and signed Gu, Jingzhou on the inside cover and Gu Jingzhou on the underside. Inscribed signature also on the handle loop. Height: 4 in (10.16 cm) $600 - $800


紫砂粉彩菊花纹方壶 底款(乾隆御制)

A Square Famille-rose Painted Floral Teapot with Chrysanthemum

Incised Qianlong Four Character Mark on the underside. Height: 3⅝ in (9.21 cm) $500 - $600


顾景舟 紫砂罗汉方壶 (一六六 难胜尊者)(一六四 慧作尊者) 底款(顾景舟) 盖内款(顾)(景舟)壶把款(顾)

A Square Zisha Teapot Carved with Two Luohans


Ascribed and Signed Gu Jingzhou on the underside, inside cover and beneath loop handle. Height: 4 in (10.16 cm) $600 - $800


清 程寿珍 冰心道人 紫砂竹(祝)福寿塑雕如意诗句三足壶 底款篆书(天心道人) 盖内款篆书(寿珍) (瑶池春不老,寿域曰开祥。) 此壶造型圆润,呈球形,自上向下渐敛,底部顺势塑出三兽足,壶 口别致、瑞兽口吐三弯流,包浆浑厚古雅,壶身腹部一面以祥蝠竹 叶梅花点缀寓意美好,另一面塑雕詩句, 于沉稳中又平添灵动。

Qing, Zisha Tripod Teapot Carved with Bamboo and Fu/Shou Ruyi with Poem Inscriptions Incised Artist Mark on the underside: Bingxin Daoren; on the inside cover: Shouzhen. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $500 - $800


王南林 紫砂刻山水诗句圆壶 底款(王南林制) 边刻(山空河水见,一片白云生)

Zisha Round Teapot Carved with Landscape Scene and Poem Inscription

Ascribed and signed Wang Nanlin on the underside. Height: 4½ in (11.43 cm) $400 - $600


紫砂粉彩牡丹花蝶纹提樑方壶 底款(大清乾隆年制)

A Rectangular Famille-rose Painted Peony with Butterfly Teapot and Arched Handle Incised Qianlong Mark on the underside. Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $400 - $600


李仲芳 紫砂辟邪钮龙流四兽足大壶 底款(李仲芳制)

A Large Square Zisha Teapot with Qilin Knop and Four Beast Stands

Ascribed and incised Li Zhongfang on the underside. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $600 - $800



顾景舟 紫砂编织鱼篓筋纹线圆把壶 底款(啜墨看茶) 盖内款(景舟) 附(顾景舟证书)

Basket-weaved Round Zisha Teapot with Conforming Cover with Bamboo Section Loop Handle

Ascribed and signed Jingzhou on the inside cover and Chuai Mo Kan Cha on the underside. Accompanied by Certificate. Height: 3⅝ in (9.21 cm) $800 - $1,000


顾景舟 紫砂线刻纹环带扁壶 底款(顾景舟) 盖内款(景舟) 附(顾景舟证书)

Basket-weaved Round Zisha Teapot with Conforming Cover with Loop Handle

Ascribed and signed Jingzhou on the inside cover and Gu Jingzhou on the underside. Accompanied by Certificate. Height: 3⅜ in (8.57 cm) $800 - $1,000


蒋蓉 紫砂塑雕花卉壶 底款(蒋蓉) 盖内款(蒋蓉)(蒋) 壶把款(蒋)

Zisha Teapot Applied with Floral Decorations

Ascribed and signed Jiang Rong on the inside cover and underside. Height: 3⅞ in (9.84 cm) $600 - $800


紫砂粉彩菊花蝶纹圆面方壶 底款(乾隆御制)楷书款 盖内款(乾隆御制)楷书款

A Square Famille-rose Painted Floral Teapot with Chrysanthemum

Incised Qianlong Four Character Mark on the inside and underside. Height: 4½ in (11.43 cm) $500 - $600



Walasse Ting: All in My Head of the Yves Rivière, Paris 1974 signed 12/40 Artist Marked

Walasse Ting (1929 -2010) All in My Head Phototypes with Gouache Hors Commerce All lithographs are signed in Pinyin and numbered 12/40 In 1963 the two best friends Walasse Ting & Pierre Alechinsky collaborated a lithograph: Aleching, which was collected by MOMA. A decade later, in 1974 the two went to Arte, drew the prototype and lithograph and printed the 40 HC editions at Moret, in Paris named: All in My Head and Comme A La Maison. Ting’s All in My Head comprised of Ten works in the lot, including Title page, in a Plexiglass box, Nine lithographs with Ting’s poems (written in inkpen) from the 70’s and erotic photos retouched from the 1930, where men are turned into insects. Ting worked as a painter, sculptor, graphic artist and poet. Born in Wuxi, China, he left in 1949; lived in Paris from 1952 until 1957 where he associated with the avante garde CoBrA group. He subsequently moved to the USA and settled in New York. After twenty years there, Ting moved back to Amsterdam. As an artist, Ting created as a painter, sculptor, graphic artist and poet. His work was first influenced by Pop Art and abstract impressionism. Later, he developed his own distinctive style using Chinese calligraphic brushstrokes to define outlines and filling flat areas of color with vivid acrylic paint. He created his own

丁雄泉 (1929 -2010) 脑海密室中 珂罗版画 HC 非商亚/巴黎 1974 Edition 12/40 1963 年,丁雄泉和阿雷钦斯基,这两位好友合作了一幅版 画:Aleching,由 MOMA 收藏。 十年后,1974年,两人去了巴黎 Arte,画了原型和版画, 并在巴黎的 Moret 印刷了40个 HC 彩色版本,命名: All in My Head and Comme A La Maison 密室和家居。 丁雄泉取名「All in my head」密室这一套珂罗版画,一共 有九张,连同画着一对作爱蚱蜢的封面是十张。每一张姿 态画都有一首钢笔诗,用彩色蜡笔签上不同颜色的名字。 诗的内容与画面并陈成为一件风格大胆并充满玩性作品, 综合色情相片、新诗、彩色画作,大自然和动物世界来描 写激情时光态。 丁生于中国无锡,1946 年移居香港,1952 年赴巴黎 1960年移民纽约。2001 年后定居于荷兰阿姆斯特丹。自号 『採花大盗』,他的作品以用色大胆艳丽、描绘了自由、 直率的性感。形象活泼鲜明而为人所知。 HC非商亚版画是最有价值的,因为它们更罕见。 Title Page & Lithograph: 19½ in. x 22¾ in. (49.5 cm x 57.8 cm.) Box: 20⅝ x 12⅜ x 1¼ in. (52.4 x 31.4 x 3.2 cm. ) $7,000 - $10,000

personal magical world of women, flowers, birds and animals, full of fun and exuberance. Of all the «special prints», the HC, Hors Commerce are the most valuable, since they are more rare.





丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

夏日正炎 手绘 压克力彩紙本镜框 签名 ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Mid Summer Night

Abstract Expressionist Signed Acrylic Hand Painted Gouache Framed Signed: ting 1971

H 14 in. x W 21 in. (35.6 cm. x 53.3 cm.) Frame: H 19⅝ in. x W 26¾ cm. (49.8 cm. x 68 cm.)

$1,000 - $2,000

No Reserve Section 无底价项目 Following Lots # 242 - 283 Each lot starts at 开拍价 $100


242 一组七件翡翠耳环吊坠带项链

A Group of Seven Jadeite Earrings, Pendants with Necklace Height: ¾ in (1.9 cm) - 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) Width: ¾ in (1.9 cm) - 1 in (2.5 cm) Weight: 3 g - 14 g Total Weight: 45 g 无底价 No Reserve $100


243 玻璃种翡翠贝壳寓意财富挂坠

Icy Jadeite Pendant in Shell-Shape Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 23 g

无底价 No Reserve $100

Walasse Ting’s Lithographs

Front 前 244

丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

绿色香蕉园版画_灵雨 中间签名折叠版画 Ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Green Banana _Penis Is Soap Wash Soul Signed Centerfold Color Lithograph (front and back) Green Banana, Ting 1971

Back 后 All lithographs are signed in Pinyin Signed: ting 1971 front and back Dated 1971

H 14.5 in. x W 21.75 in. H 36.8 cm. x W 55.25 cm.

无底价 No Reserve $100


Front 前 245

丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

绿色香蕉园版画_春雨 中间签名折叠版画 Ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Green Banana_Rain

Signed Centerfold Color Lithograph (front and back) Green Banana, Ting 1971

Back 后

All lithographs are signed in Pinyin Signed: from Walasse Ting 1971; ting 1971 Dated 1971

H 14.5 in. x W 21.75 in. H 36.8 cm. x W 55.25 cm.

无底价 No Reserve $100

Back 后

Front 前


丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

绿色香蕉园版画_彩虾 中间签名折叠版画 Ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Green Banana _Melancholy Cunt Raining Signed Centerfold Color Lithograph (front and back) Green Banana, Ting 1971 All lithographs are signed in Pinyin Signed: ting 1971 (front and back) Dated 1971


All lithographs are signed in Pinyin Signed: ting 1971 (front and back) Dated 1971

H 14.5 in. x W 21.75 in. H 36.8 cm. x W 55.25 cm.

无底价 No Reserve $100

Back 后

Front 前 247

丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

绿色香蕉园版画_彩虹 中间签名折叠版画 Ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Green Banana _Give Me a Cunt Signed Centerfold Color Lithograph (front and back) Green Banana, Ting 1971

Signed: ting 1971 (front and back) Dated 1971

丁雄泉 (1929 - 2010)

绿色香蕉园版画_雷雨 中间签名折叠版画 Ting 1971 1971 年作

Walasse Ting Green Banana _Eyes Wet Lightning Signed Centerfold Color Lithograph (front and back) Green Banana, Ting 1971

无底价 No Reserve $100

Front 前


H 14.5 in. x W 21.75 in. H 36.8 cm. x W 55.25 cm.

All lithographs are signed in Pinyin

Back 后

All lithographs are signed in Pinyin Signed: ting 1971 for Machteld Dated 1971

H 14.5 in. x W 21.75 in. H 36.8 cm. x W 55.25 cm.

无底价 No Reserve $100




三彩蓝釉仕女捧 犬立像 无底价 A Sancai-galzed Pottery Figure of Lady Holding a Dog


无底价 No Reserve

Inscribed Artist Mark with Seal on Vase. Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm)

Height: 17⅞ in (45.4 cm)


(莲生贵子,大刘山 人)款

Painted Pottery Vase with Child at Play and Lotus with Four Loops at Mouth Rim

无底价 No Reserve $100

251 景泰蓝宝相莲花塑龙耳椭圆四足炉

Oval Cloisonné Enamel Censer with Four Tab Feet

Decorated in lotus scroll motifs with two mounted dragons on the gilt splashed rim forming handles. Xuande Mark. Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100

252 宋 酱釉压手杯 Song Dynasty, Dark-Glazed Small Cup Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100


骨雕碗二个 Two Carved Horn Cups Diameter: 3½ in (8.9 cm), 5 in (12.7 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm), 2⅜ in (6 cm)

无底价 No Reserve





古玉雕蝉挂饰 Archaistic Jade Cicada Pendant

田黄竹节方印 印文(北京楼店巡记)

A Tianhuang Stone Square Seal with Bamboo Section as Finial Knop

Length: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 40 g

无底价 No Reserve

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Width: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weight: 390 g


无底价 No Reserve $100

256 冰种翡翠玉镯 Icy Jadeite Bracelet Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100

257 冰种翡翠玉镯 Icy Jadeite Bracelet Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100

258 玫瑰紫釉蚯蚓走泥纹鼓钉大水洗

259 玉雕兽首含环钩饰

A Large Purple Glazed Washer with Boss Decorations With interior glazed blue and exterior purple. Across: 10½ in (26.7 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100

and Ring

Jade Buckle Relief Carved with Taotie Mask

Length: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 30 g 无底价 No Reserve $100




玻璃内绘工笔宫 女鼻烟壶 Inside Painted Glass Snuff Bottle with Portrait of Two Ladies of the Palace

顺治款玻璃金 彩内画人物鼻 烟扁壶 Shunzhi Mark Inside Gilt Painted Figural Scene Snuff Bottle

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm)

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm)

无底价 No Reserve

无底价 No Reserve



263 漆雕花卉鸟纹海棠式盖盒

262 铜胎画珐琅人物与三国故事转心瓶一套四件 (乾隆年制)款

Four Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Snuff Bottles Qianlong Marks. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) - 3¼ in (8.26 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100

Width: 4½ in (11.5 cm)

无底价 No Reserve $100 264


翠玉玻璃种浮雕 喜上眉梢鼻烟壶 Glass Jade Snuff Bottle Relief Carved with Window of Magpie on Plum Twig with Loop Handles and Flat Backside

翡翠玉雕六棱光 素扁鼻烟壶 Jadeite Hexagonal Flask Snuff Bottle with Misty Mottling

无底价 No Reserve


Height: 2¼ in (5.8 cm)



Foliate Cinnabar Lacquer Box Carved with Birds and Blooms on Cover

Height: 2¼ in (5.8 cm) Weight: 83 g

无底价 No Reserve



白玉雕刘海戏金蟾 挂饰 Jade Carving of Liu Hai and Toad

精雕痕都斯坦花 卉鼻烟壶 A Green Jade Mughal-Style Snuff Bottle

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 50 g

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 68 g

无底价 No Reserve

无底价 No Reserve



268 和田糖白玉辟邪把玩

A Fine and Rare Sugar-Brown Jade Carving of Bixie

The mythical beast crouching with limb tucked beneath body, head facing forward and mouth stretched into a wide grin, a single curled horn extending backwards from head. Length: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 100 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

269 白玉雕婴戏荷花年年有馀挂饰

Jade Carving of Boy Riding a Carp Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 54 g 无底价 No Reserve $100


翡翠观音挂饰 Yellow Jadeite Guanyin Holding Amphora Bottle Pendant Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 51 g

无底价 No Reserve $100

271 玉雕狮子挂饰 A Jade Lion Pendant The mythical beast crouching with limb tucked beneath body, head facing forward and mouth stretched into a wide grin, a single curled horn extending backwards from head. Width: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 51 g 无底价 No Reserve $100 143



金黄龙玉挂饰 A Golden-Dragon Jade Pebble Pendant

翡翠浮雕荷花如 意掛饰 A Fine and ReliefCarved Jadeite Ruyi Lotus Blooms with Pods and Stems Pendant Necklace

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Weight: 98 g

无底价 No Reserve

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Width: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Weight: 86 g


无底价 No Reserve $100

275 民国 白釉印花万寿碗

274 白玉手镯一对 A Pair of Jade Bracelet Diameter: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 73 g, 90 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

Republic Period, A White-Glazed Wan Shou Bowl


漆雕剔红云 龙纹盖盒 (大清乾隆年 制)款

Circular Cinnabar Lacquer Box with Carved Dragon Cover Qianlong Mark Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm)

无底价 No Reserve $100


Both the rim and base are molded with a key-fret classic border encircling floral medallions and Fu, Shou auspicious characters. Covered inside and out with a clear white glaze. Diameter: 4½ in (11.4 cm) Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) 无底价 No Reserve $100 277 三彩立马

A Sancai-glazed Pottery Horse Height: 12⅝ in (32.1 cm) Length: 14 in (35.56 cm)

无底价 No Reserve $100




花青玉雕高足 杯一对 A Pair of Spinach Jade Stem Wine Cups

(至大)款 天鸡作为吉祥物, 其作用之一就是避 邪,它同时也是英 雄勇武的象征。

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) x 2 Weight: 45g x 2

Jade Seal with Chicken Knop

Chicken is a symbol for bravery and avoids evil. Zhi Da Mark. Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 89 g

无底价 No Reserve $100

无底价 No Reserve $100

280 墨玉夜光高足杯一组四个

A Set of Four Spinach Green Jade Stem Wine Cups Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Total Weight: 101 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

282 骨雕螭尤杯 Carved Horn Libation Cup with Relief Carved Qilin Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Width: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 240 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

281 骨雕碗 Carved Horn Cup Diameter: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Length: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 133 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

283 骨雕螭尤杯 Carved Horn Libation Cup with Relief Carved Qilin Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Width: 5½ in (14 cm) Weight: 246 g 无底价 No Reserve $100

Next Auction Chinese New Year Special Sale 下 期 拍 卖 春 節 特 卖


Index of Artists




Lot No.



Lot No.

Chen Zhifo



Liu Yong



Cheng Jiasui



Lu Yanshao



Cheng Shifa


69, 174, 201

Ma Le (Ma Jianguo) 马乐(马建国)

95, 137

Dong Shouping



Pu Ru (Xin Yu)

溥儒 (心畬)

20, 150

Fang Chuxiong



Qi Baishi


67, 97, 191

Feng Zikai



Qian Song Yan



Fu Baoshi



Qian Weicheng



Gao Jianfu



Ren Yi (Bonian)


53, 192

Gao Qifeng



Tang Yun



Guan Huai



Tao Yiqing



Guo Xi



Tian Shiguang



Hsia Yan (Xia Yang)



Ting Walasse


Hu Mei



240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248

Huang Binhong

Wang Wu





Huang Shen


Wang Xuetao




Huang Yongyu

王震 (白龙山人) 155


173, 200

Wang Zhen Wu Changshuo


112, 157



Jiang Tingxi

Wu Guanzhong





Jiang Zhaohe


Wu Qingxia


21, 37


Jin Mengshi





Wu Zuoren Xie Zhiliu





Li Di

Xu Beihong


52, 135, 194



Li Keran


Xu Gu




Li Kuchan




49, 206

Ye Qianyu Yu Feian





Li Shan

Zhang Daqian


98, 111, 149, 215


153, 186

Lin Fengmian

156, 188

Zhang Ding




Lin Zexu





Zhao Shaoang Zhao Zhiqian




110, 134



Huang Zhou

Kang Youwei

Li Rihua

Liu Haisu Liu Kuiling

Zheng Xie (Banqiao) 郑燮 (板桥)


Zhu Cheng



EST. 2002

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 Gianguan Auctions

EST. 2002

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 Gianguan Auctions All property offered and sold through Gianguan Auctions are subject to the following Conditions of Sale. By Bidding in person, by phone or any other means, the buyer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

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