Gianguan Auctions March 2016 Catalog

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Fine Chinese Paintings, Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art 書畫•瓷器•青銅器•玉器•文玩

Gianguan Auctions

EST. 2002

19 March 2016 NEW YORK , NY



Lot 86

清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)


Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Lynx Cat

12 × 11⅝ in 30.5 × 29.5 cm

Important Notice: No representation is made as to the condition, price or value of lots in this catalogue. Anyone seeking information on any of the items included in this catalogue should contact Gianguan Auctions at 212 867-7288. Notwithstanding any description provided, all lots are offered and sold ‘As Is’ in accordance with the Conditions of Sale available in the back of this catalogue. 買家須知: 本圖錄中有關拍賣物品的圖文介紹不應被視為對任何物品製作者真實程度、考據及價值方面的担保或是對任何義務的承諾。 此圖錄中所有物品均按照印在本目錄中的拍賣規則所界定的基礎之上以《现狀》出售。如欲查詢本圖錄中的拍品資料,請與 貞觀國際拍賣公司聯系。

Gianguan Auctions


紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 中華瑰寶春季拍賣會

拍賣日期: 2016 年 3 月 19 日 星期六 上午10 時: 玉器 。 名人書畫 。瓷器 。 青銅器 。 文玩 預展日期: 3月11日 星期五 – 3月18 日 星期五 (早上10 時 - 晚上7 時)

Fine Chinese Paintings, Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art Auction Date: Saturday, March 19

10 am: Jade 。Chinese Paintings Ceramics 。Bronze 。Works of Art Preview: Fri. Mar. 11 - Fri. Mar. 18 (10 am - 7 pm) 拍賣咨詢 Enquiries for this Sale 212 867-7288 212 867-9388

39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019. 紐約市曼哈頓西56街39號 (五、六大道間) Email: 拍賣目錄請瀏覽網址:


Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正統 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

386 - 535

天順 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

東魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齊 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆慶 Longqing

1567 - 1572

萬曆 Wanli

1573 - 1619

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

11th C.- 771 B.C.

東周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 戰國 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西漢 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

東漢 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 順治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

後唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

後晉 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

後漢 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉慶 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

後周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸豐 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光緒 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣統 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Liao Dynasty

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420 西晉

Eastern Jin

1915 - 1916

265 - 316


304 - 439

317 - 420

1279- 1371

Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1115 - 1234

Western Jin

十六國 Sixteen Kingdoms 東晉

Jin Dynasty

Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪憲

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

崇禎 Chongzhen

後梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三國

1620 1621 - 1627

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

泰昌 Taichang 天啟 Tianqi

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

北魏 Nothern Wei

劉宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永樂 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齊 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi




翡翠寶瓶觀音 掛飾 Jadeite Guanyin with Amphora Bottle Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 28 g $600 - $1,000

天然綠松石賞件 A Natural Turquoise Stone in Deep Turquoise Blue Color with Striations Length: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 330 g $500 - $800



冰種翡翠飘紫羅籣福壽雙色玉鐲 Glass Jadeite Lavender Bracelet with Spinach and White Inclusions for Wealth and Longevity Diameter: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $600 - $800

天然綠松石三件 Three Natural Turquoise Stone with Deep turquoise Blue Color and Striations Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm), 1⅛ in (2.9 cm), 1½ in (3.8 cm) Length: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm), 2 in (5.1 cm), 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 196 g, 43 g, 66 g $400 - $600



冰種翡翠雙面雕 如意花卉掛墜 Glass Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Ruyi Floral Blooms Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 23 g $800 - $1,000

翡翠玉環飾 Jadeite Ring Pendant

Diameter: 1½ in (3.8 cm) Weight: 18 g $600 - $1,000




天然水晶紅花 項飾 A Rock Crystal Pendant with Red Inclusion

天然綠松石賞件 A Natural Turquoise Stone in Deep Turquoise Blue Color and Striations

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 41 g $600 - $800

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Weight: 321 g $400 - $600



白玉雕谷紋勒 子掛墜 A White Jade Lezi Pendant

冰種優雅紫羅蘭福祿壽三色玉鐲 Glass Jadeite Lavender Bracelet with Yellow Inclusions, Tri-Color for Auspiciousness Diameter: 2¾ in (6.9 cm) $600 - $800

Cylindrical shape and carved with raised bosses, drilled through for suspension Height: 3⅛ in (8 cm) Weight: 43 g $600 - $1,000 12


翠玉指環 A Jadeite Saddle Ring


Diameter: ¾ in (1.9 cm) Weight: 5 g $400 - $600

和田白玉寶瓶 觀音掛墜 A Hetian white Jade Pendant of Guanyin Holding Amphora Bottle Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 30 g $500 - $800


綠松石禮佛珠串 A Prayer Bead of Turquoise Diameter: 4½ in (11.4 cm) $800 - $1,500


精雕橄欖核富貴福(蝠)來手鐲 (欖核十個)

A Prayer Bead of Ten Naturalistic Olive Pit Carved with Fu, Auspicious Character Diameter: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) $800 - $1,500


翡翠玉珠項鏈 A Jadeite Bead Necklace


Diameter: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Weight: 70 g $1,500 - $2,000

稀有天然野合核 桃禮佛珠錬 A Prayer Bead of Naturalistic Carved Walnut Diameter: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) $800 - $1,500




翡翠玉雙面雕辟邪如意掛飾連珠鏈 A Finely Carved Jadeite Reticulated Bixie Pendant with Bead Necklace

翡翠三色透雕喜上眉梢掛飾 A Finely Carved Multi-color Jadeite Pendant with Bead Necklace

Carved on both sides with detailed plumage and hair works, the mythical beast is surrounded by pierced Ruyi scroll works. Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 82 g $1,500 - $3,000 19


優雅翡翠紫羅蘭雙面平雕龍鳳如意掛飾 A Very Fine Jadeite Lavender Dragon-Phoenix Ruyi Pendant Necklace carved on both sides with scroll border.


Carved on both sides with chirping birds and pierced openwork plum blossoms with russet inclusions. Height: 2¼ in (5.8 cm) Weight: 60 g $1,500 - $2,500

Height: 2¾ in (9.5 cm) Width: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 69 g $1,500 - $2,500

冰種翡翠雙面浮雕如意鴻蝠掛飾連鏈 Glass Jadeite Ruyi Carved on Both Sides with Auspicious Bats Pendant Necklace Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $600 - $800

Width: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Weight: 63 g



紅翡翠鏤雕蟾蜍進寶把玩 Red Jadeite Pebble Carving of Auspicious Toad Bringing forth Coin

清 天然蜜蜡圓珠墜 金黄色蜜蜡圆珠 碩大飽滿。

Qing, A Large Amber Bead Pendant

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 231 g $1,500 - $2,500


Of rich orange-tone Diameter: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Height: 1⅛ in (2.9 cm) Weight: 53 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 天然蜜蜡圓珠墜 金黄色蜜蜡圆珠 碩大飽滿。 Qing, A Large Amber Bead Pendant Of rich orange-tone Diameter: 1½ in (3.8 cm) Height: 1⅛ in (2.9 cm) Weight: 48 g $1,500 - $2,000

翡翠紫羅蘭雙面平雕如意方形玉佩 A Jadeite Lavender Ruyi Pendant Carved on both Sides Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 22 g $1,000 - $2,000


25 玉雕雙色蟾蜍掛飾

Red Jadeite Carving of Auspicious Toad as Pendant Length: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 69 g $800 - $1,000

27 翡翠紫羅蘭手鐲

Jadeite Lavender Bracelet with Mottling and Good Transparency


Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 65 g $1,500 - $2,000

26 和田白玉雕彌佛把玩

A Hetian White Jade Large Pebble Carving of Maitreya Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 333 g $1,000 - $2,500

28 白玉雕洪蝠如意辟邪把玩

Finely Carved White Jade Group of Qilin and Ruyi in with Auspicious Bat Length: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Weight: 160 g $1,500 - $2,000



翡翠玉雕如意龍紋把玩 A Jadeite Pebble Carving of Ruyi and Dragon

翡翠紫羅蘭方牌玉佩 A Jadeite Lavender Ruyi Pendant

Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Weight: 152 g $1,000 - $2,000


Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 30 g $1,000 - $2,000 32

翡翠双面雕如意百蝠掛墜 A Jadeite Ruyi with Bat Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Emerald Transparency Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 20 g $1,500 - $2,500

紅瑪瑙如意人物把玩 Agate Pebble Carving of Ruyi with Figure Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Weight: 345 g $800 - $1,200



黄翠玉雕雙色觀 音掛飾 Yellow Jadeite Guanyin Holding Amphora Bottle Pendant


Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Weight: 51 g $800 - $1,500

翡翠厚戒面 An Oval Jadeite Cabochon

Height: ¾ in (1.9 cm) Weight: 3 g $600 - $1,500


清 乾隆 玉浮雕 花鳥方鼻煙壺



Qing, Qianlong Mark Jade Square Snuff Bottle carved with Bird and Flowers Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $600 - $800


翡翠扁鼻煙壺 Jadeite Flask Snuff Bottle with Square Corners Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Weight: 86 g $600 - $800

青花釉里紅故事 人物鼻煙壺 Underglazed Blue and CopperRed Porcelain Cylindrical Snuff Bottle with Figural Story Scene Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $400 - $600


翡翠紫羅蘭龍 耳活環(平安) 鼻煙壺 Jadeite Lavender Snuff Bottle Carved with Ping An, Peace Emblems and Decorated with Dragon Loop and Loose Rings Height: 2⅛ in (5.3 cm) $400 - $600




翡翠紫羅蘭玉鐲 A Jadeite Lavender Bracelet with Emerald Green and Lavender Mottling

冰種翠玉觀音掛飾 A Glass Jadeite Guanyin with Amphora Bottle Pendant Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 28 g $1,000 - $2,000


Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 81 g $1,000 - $2,000 42

清 乾隆 琺瑯彩銅鎏金花卉地開光西洋人物鼻煙壺 (乾隆年製)四字雙行楷書款

Qing, Gilt Bronze Enamel European Figures Snuff Bottle

Of compressed form, both sides and shoulder chased in relief with a floral scroll on a ring punched ground, inset with two panels of European figures, recessed foot rim. The gilt metal stopper with original spoon. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $1,500 - $3,000

元 青花釉里紅花卉方瓶 Yuan, A Small Underglazed Blue and Copper-Red Floral Scroll Square Bottle

The square sides painted in a soft cobalt blue with copper-red floral blossoms within blue lines. Above the canted sides is a narrow cylindrical neck decorated with a key-fret band. Yuan Dynasty Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $1,500 - $3,000



1926 年作 馬少宣(1867 - 1939)水晶內畫魚水之歡三連 體鼻煙壺 歲在丙寅年(1926 年)冬至月 馬少宣作 A Fine Ma Shaoxuan Inside Painted Crystal Three Conjoined Snuff Bottles with Fish Motifs Green coral stopper with gilt metal collar. Signed and dated 1926. Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) $1,500 - $2,000 44


和田白玉獸環出入平安花瓣鼻煙壺 Hetian White Jade Snuff Bottle Carved with Beast with Handle and Safe Entry Auspicious Sign Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 82 g $800 - $1,500


和田白玉紫紅斑鼻煙扁壺 Hetian White Jade Flask Snuff Bottle Carved with Geometric Collar and Lavender-Brownish Inclusions Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 53 g $600 - $800



清 和田玉雕反耳三足爐 (皇帝寶玩) Qing, A Finely Carved Hetian Jade Tripod Censer

With everted handles extending from the interior mouth rim and raised on three short conical feet. The translucent stone of an attractive even white tone. (from the Emperor’s treasure chest) Height: 1⅜ in (3.5 cm) Width: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 62 g $2,500 - $4,000

翡翠扁鼻煙壺 Jadeite Flask Snuff Bottle with Emerald Green Mottling Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 140 g $1,500 - $3,000 48


和田白玉雕蟾蜍教子賞件 A Hetian White Jade Carving of Auspicious Toad with Cub Length: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 142 g $800 - $1,200

清 和田玉浮雕螭龍紋龍耳活環蓋尊 (皇帝寶玩) Qing, A Finely Carved Qilin Hetian Jade Flask with Cover

Flanked on each side with dragon handle and loose ring, the flattened flask is carved in shallow relief with Qilin and Flanges on each side. (from the Emperor’s treasure chest) Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $2,500 - $4,000



和田白玉三羊開 泰靈芝如意擺件 A White Jade Auspicious ThreeRam Group Well carved in the round to depict an adult ram holding a spray of lingzhi and ruyi in its mouth, recumbent besides her two young, the jade of even white tone with some area of opaque. Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm)

Length: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Weight: 255 g $4,000 - $6,000


清 碧玉雕馬上封侯賞件 Qing, A Finely Carved Spinach-Green Recumbent Horse with Monkey atop Signifying Prosperity


Length: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 309 g $2,000 - $3,000


菊蕊天然菊花石 呈黑灰色,內有自然形成的灰乳白色菊花形結晶,極像自然界的 菊花。花蕊和花瓣為礦物集合體,做放射狀排列,蔚為奇觀。

A Natural and Rare Chrysanthemum Stone Scholars Rock

The blackish grey stone with greyish-white chrysanthemum inclusions for calcite. Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Width: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) Weight with stand: 2588 g $3,000 - $4,000



翡翠淺紫羅蘭雕童子戲牛擺件 白玉圓雕童子戲牛。牛臥身轉首,雙腳匍匐,腹 部貼地, 牧童手握韁繩,嬉戲玩耍。臥牛身軀毛 髮線琢磨密。

A Finely Carved Pale Lavender Jadeite Figure of a Water Buffalo with Children at Play

In a recumbent position with legs tucked beneath the body. Finely incised mane-carving all over, with its head turned and one boy clambering over the left horn and the other boy sitting over its hind leg. Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Length: 4⅞ in (12.3 cm) Weight: 656 g $4,000 - $6,000


清 壽山石精雕降龍 伏虎羅漢立像 Qing, A Pair of Exquisitely Carved Shoushan Stone Figure of Two Luohans, One Taming Dragon and the other Subduing Tiger and Holding an Orb


Details of face, straw hat loosely draped robe are finely incised. Qing Dynasty Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Total Weight: 1404 g $4,000 - $6,000


天然菊花奇石擺件 外呈青褐石,裡面有天然形成的白色菊花形 結晶體雕刻成山子擺件

Carved Liuyang Chrysanthemum Stone Scholar’s Rock Brownish-green in background, with two chrysanthemum like blossoms bursting through the calcite and chalcedony (quartz) in tracery-like form, with wood stand. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Weight with stand: 1346 g $2,000 - $3,000

A similar chrysanthemum stone flower screen collection in Hunan Provincial Museum


壽山石雕敦煌四樂舞姬 A Group of Four Well Carved Shoushan Stone Dunhuang Musicians Height: 10½ in -12¼ in (26.7 - 31.1 cm) Weight: 779g - 881 g $2,000 - $3,000


15 17

Index of Artists 畫家索引 Name


Lot No.



Lot No.

Chen Yunzhang



Shi Lu



Cheng Shifa



Shi Tao



Dong Qichang



Wang Hui



Emperor Daoguang 道光皇帝


Wang Jian



Fu Baoshi



Wang Xuetao



Fu Shan



Wu Changshuo


81, 116

Gao Jianfu



Wu Guanzhong


57, 70, 76

Gong Xian



Xi Gang



Guan Shanyue



Xu Beihong


94, 97, 105

Guo Xu



Xu Gu



Huang Binhong


102, 118

Xu Wei


71, 110

Huang Shen



Yan Ciping



Jin Nong



Yu Youren



Li Fangying



Zhang Daqian


61, 63, 99, 106

Li Keran


68, 98

Zhao Ji



Li Xiongcai



Zhao Shaoang


65, 111

Liu Jiyou



Zhao Yuan



Liu Yong



Zheng Xie (Banqiao)


69, 109

Lv Ji



Zhou WenJu



Qi Baishi


59, 100, 107, 112 Zhu Da


84, 85, 86, 87, 88

Qian Songyan





Zhu Qizhan


吳冠中 (1919 - 2010)

裸女 設色水墨紙本立軸 1998 年作 款識: 九八.八.十八 吳冠中 鈐印:(吳冠中)

Wu Guanzhong Nude Beauty

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1998 Signed Wu Guanzhong, with one artist seal 18½ × 26⅜ in. 47 × 67 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000


朱屺瞻 (1892 - 1996)

江上春風圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1991 年作 款識: 江上春風 辛未初冬 二瞻安民朱屺瞻 鈐印:(朱屺瞻)

Zhu Qizhan Spring River

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1991 Entitled and signed Zhu Qizhan, with one artist seal 38½ x 19¼in. 97 x 48 cm.

$3,000 - $5,000



齊白石 (1864 - 1957)

紅蓮鴛鴦圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識:白石山翁 鈐印:(齊白石)

Qi Baishi Mandarin Ducks and Lotus Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi, with one artist seal 54¼ x 13½ in. 137.8 x 34 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000


清 奚岡 (1746 - 1803)

溪山青翠圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1796 年作 款識: 嘉慶丙辰小春 蒙泉外史奚岡 鈐印: (奚岡之印)

Xi Gang

Qing Dynasty

Mountain and Stream

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1796

Signed Xi Gang, with one artist seal 57⅜ x 18¾ in. 145.7 x 47.6 cm.


$10,000 - $20,000


張大千 (1899 - 1983)

身處高山雲海中 設色水墨紙本立軸 1945 年作 款識: 乙酉嘉平月 大千張爰 鈐印: (張大千)(大風堂) (大千居士)

Zhang Daqian High in the Mountains

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1945 Signed Daqian, Zhang Yuan, with three artist seals 53¼ × 26⅝ in. 135.3 × 67.6 cm.

$150,000 - $200,000

19 21


清 金農 (1687 - 1763)

隸書手卷 水墨紙本手卷 款識:蜀人景煥文睢(進)士也,卜築王壘山, 茅堂花榭足以自娛,當得墨材甚精, 止造五十團,曰以此終身墨,印文白香璧。 昔邪之盧記墨說。稽留山民 金農 鈐印:(金司農印)(冬心先生)


引首:顧麟士:冬心妙筆 西津書(麟士)(西津) 題跋:張伯英(文長不錄)(張伯英) 鑑藏印:龐元濟(臣龐元濟恭藏)

Jin Nong

Qing Dynasty

Lishu Scroll Calligraphy Hand Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Jin Nong, with two artist seals Frontispiece by Gu Linshi; Colophon by Zhang Boying; One Collector’s seal 121 × 8⅝ in. 307 × 22 cm.

$25,000 - $40,000


張大千 (1899 - 1983)

荷塘日夜驚風雨 設色水墨紙本立軸 1943 年作 款識: 癸未十二月二十一日 大千張爰 鈐印: (張爰之印)(大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Lotus in the Wind Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1943 Signed Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 54¾ × 27¼ in. 139.1 × 69.2 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000


Zhao Shaoang Mynah on Maple

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1984

Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 37¼ x 17 in. 94.6 x 43.2 cm.

$8,000 - $12,000


王雪濤 (1903 - 1982)

桃花八哥 設色水墨紙本立軸 1957 年作 款識: 丁酉新春寫扵逢園 雪濤 鈐印:(王雪濤印)

Wang Xuetao Mynah on Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1957

Inscribed and signed Xuetao, with one artist seal 38⅞ × 19⅜ in. 98.6 × 49.2 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000



趙少昂 (1905 - 1998)

楓葉紅于二月花 設色水墨紙本立軸 1984 年作 款識: 楓葉紅于二月花 甲子春三月少昂於香島 鈐印: (少昂)(美意延年)


陳雲彰(少梅) (1909 - 1954)

山水清音 設色水墨紙本立軸 1946 年作 款識: 丙戌夏五擬宋人畫意 少梅 陳雲彰 鈐印: (少梅)(陳雲彰印)

Chen Yunzhang (Shao Mei) Mountain Stream Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1946

Inscribed and signed Shaomei, with two artist seals 51 x 25½ in. 130 x 65 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000



清 黃慎 (1687 - 1768)

花卉鴨子 設色水墨紙本立軸 1731 年作 款識: 雍正九年四月 作扵廬陵美成草堂 瘦瓢山人 鈐印: (黃慎)(東海布衣)

Huang Shen

Qing Dynasty

Ducks at Riverbank

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1731

Inscribed and signed, with two artist seals 53¾ × 23½ in. 136.5 × 59.7 cm.


$60,000 - $80,000


李可染 (1907 - 1989)

紅遍萬山 設色水墨紙本 立軸 1963 年作 款識: 萬山紅遍 層林盡染 一九六三年 可染 鈐印: (老李寫生)

Li Keran Mountain Red Maple

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Entitled, inscribed and signed Keran, with one artist seal 37⅜ × 24 in. 94 × 61 cm.

$100,000 $150,000



清 鄭燮(板橋) (1693 - 1765)

竹石(祝壽)圖 水墨紙本立軸 1756 年作 款識: 南山獻壽高千尺, 勁莭清風覺更高積 行人家天所佑, 蘭蓀蕙種自能饒 乾隆丙子寫 祝劉母卞太君八十榮慶 暨青藜秊學兄教之 板橋鄭燮 鈐印: (板橋)(鄭燮之印)

Zheng Xie (Banqiao)

Qing Dynasty

Bamboo Groove (Birthday Offerings)

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1756

Inscribed and signed Banqiao, Zheng Xie, with two artist seals 51⅛ × 25⅜ in 129.8 × 64.3 cm


$150,000 - $200,000


吳冠中 (1919 - 2010)

鸚鵡棲林圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1990 年作 款識:吳冠中 一九九零 鈐印:(吳冠中印)

Wu Guanzhong Cockatiel Perched at Tree Top Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1990

Signed Wu Guanzhong, with one artist seal 26⅜ × 25¾ in. 67 × 65.4 cm.

$80,000 - $100,000



明 徐渭 (1521 - 1593)

酒熱蟹肥 水墨紙本立軸 款識:徐渭 鈐印:(徐渭) (文長)(青藤道士)

Xu Wei

Ming Dynasty

Still Life

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Signed Xu Wei, with three artist seals 37½ x 19 in. 95.2 x 48.2 cm.


$25,000 - $30,000


元 趙原 (生卒不詳)

瓊崖雪韵圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 秋色無遠近,出門盡寒山; 白雲遙相識,待我蒼梧間。 秋山宜落日,秀水出寒煙; 南山興秋色,氣勢兩相高。 趙原 鈐印:(善長) 天頭:瓊崖雪韵 伯逸馬晉 題跋: 法若真:癸未三月雨中 為北埜親翁畫以當大噱 黃山衲真觀並題(法若真印) 鑑藏印: 吳榮光(吳氏荺清館所藏書畫) (吳伯榮氏秘芨之印); 郭衢階(亨父鑒定真蹟); 高士奇(高氏精吟堂鑑藏書畫) (士奇); 繆日藻(吳門繆氏珍賞)(日藻) (繆晉齋珍藏印); 吳大澂(愙齋); 安岐(儀周鑑賞) (朝鮮安岐珍藏)(心賞); 梁清標(清標)(雲東藏室)

Zhao Yuan

Yuan Dynasty

Snow Mountain

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Zhao Yuan, with one artist seal Two colophons by Ma Jin and Fa Ruozhen; Fifteen Collectors’ seals 50⅜ × 26½ in. 128 × 67.3 cm.

$200,000 - $300,000



清 劉墉 (1719 - 1805)

行書軸 水墨紙本立軸


高劍父 (1879 - 1951)

立鷹紅樹圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 落日平原散鳥群, 西風爽氣動秋旻。 江邊老樹身如鐵, 獨立槎枒一欠伸。 劍父 鈐印: (劍父)(高崙之鈢)


Gao Jianfu Eagle and Maple Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed and Inscribed by Jianfu, with two artist seals 45 × 21½ in. 114.3 × 54.6 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000

款識: 南朝以至北方, 所愛者惟溫子昇; 寒山封碑, 正惟寒山一片石, 堪共語耳, 清龢月書 石菴居士 鈐印: (劉墉之印)(石菴)

Liu Yong

Qing Dynasty

Script Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed, with two artist seals 51 × 13¼ in. 129.5 × 33.6 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000


清 李方膺 (1695 - 1755)

風竹圖 水墨紙本立軸 1754 年作 款識: 波濤宦海幾飄蓬, 種竹關門學畫工。 自笑一身渾是膽, 揮毫依舊愛狂風。 乾隆十有九年 春日寫扵金陵借園 晴江李方膺 鈐印:(仙李)(晴江)

Li Fangying Qing Dynasty

Bamboo in the Wind Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1754

Inscribed and signed Li Fangying, with two artist seals 50¾ × 25 in. 128.9 × 63.5 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



吳冠中 (1919 - 2010)

春到江南 設色水墨紙本立軸 1995 年作 款識: 吳冠中一九九五 鈐印:(吳冠中印)(荼)


Wu Guanzhong Spring Time

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1995 Signed Wu Guanzhong, with two artist seal

26⅜ x 26¼ in. 67 x 66.7 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000


傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

晉賢隱逸圖 二幅 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 傅抱石、抱石 鈐印: (抱石私印)二印 題跋: 傅抱石 晉賢隱逸圖真跡 丙戌春月 單國強題扵汕頭 (單國強賞) (上海鑒古齋文物商 店鑒藏印)

Fu Baoshi The Hermits

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Fu baoshi, with two artist seals Colophon by Shan Guoqiang 16⅜ × 20¾ in. 41.6 × 52.7 cm.

$60,000 $80,000


南宋閻次平喜畫動物,尤以畫牛為其專長之傑作.此幅五牛圖是他摹仿唐人韓滉的五牛圖卷.而這幅五牛圖由 上至下的重疊結構又有別于韓滉的原作而特有新意,尤以其精微細緻之處直追韓之精髓而別有神韻和靈氣,在 中華文化存世的國之重寶中又多加此一精妙之作,能不樂乎?


南宋 閻次平 (生卒不詳)

仿唐韓滉五牛圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識:宋 閻次平 羣牛圖真跡神品 題跋:傳世妙筆 趙雍觀題(仲穆); 歸來不作凌煙夢 只寫清瘦溪影明 永瑆題(皇十一子)(詒晉齋印) 鑑藏印:明宣德(廣運之寶); 清(乾隆御覽之寶)(嘉慶御覽之寶) (三希堂精鑑璽)(宜子孫)(御書房鑑藏寶) (石渠寶笈)(石渠定鑑)(寶笈重編); 項元汴(天籟閣)(墨林)(退密)(項子京家珍藏); 載銓(曾存定府行有恒堂); 于騰(飛卿過眼); 潘正煒(季彤審定); 唐翰題(嘉興新豐鄉人唐翰題收藏印); 繆荃孫(繆荃孫藏)

Yan Ciping

Southern Song

After Tang, Han Huang’s Five Cattle Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed and Entitled by Yan Ciping Nine Emperors’ seals; Nine Collectors’ seals ; Colophon by Zhao Yong, Yong Xing 32½ × 17 in. 82.6 × 43.2 cm.

$2,000,000 - $5,000,000




清 道光皇帝 (1782 - 1850)

行草詩軸 水墨紙本立軸 1828 年作 款識: 道光八年御題 鈐印: (道光御筆之寶) (道光御用)

Emperor Daoguang

Qing Dynasty

Emperor Daoguang’s Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1828

Signed by Emperor Daoguang, with two artist seals 51⅛ × 24½ in. 129.9 × 62.2 cm.


$6,000 - $8,000


清 王翬 (1632 - 1717)

雲峰苔壁繞人家 設色水墨紙本立軸 1700 年作 款識: 雲峰苔壁繞溪斜, 江頭春風夾岸花, 樹密不嫌通鳥道, 雞鳴始覺有人家。 山無俗路藏高士, 漁泊仙舟憶主人。 庚辰年秋月石谷王翬 鈐印: (王翬)(西爽閣)

Wang Hui

Qing Dynasty

Deep into the Mountains

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1700 Inscribed and signed Wang Hui, with two artist seals 49½ × 24¼ in. 125.7 × 61.6 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



吳昌碩 (1844 - 1927)

出淤泥而不染 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 安吉吳昌碩畫 鈐印: (吳俊卿印)(明月前身)

Wu Changshuo Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Wu Changshuo, with two artist seals 52½ × 26⅛ in. 133.4 × 66.4 cm.


$50,000 - $60,000

此畫繪崇山峻嶺,岩石的 山坡上繪近林,顏色與墨 相輝映,而有煙雲出沒的 感覺.畫中央空處有一老 者扶杖而行,似乎在走入 山林的家中.兩旁迷蒙 層次分明的樹並有空氣 流動如清晨的朝霧.中間 重疊的高山氣勢雄壯磅 礴,點染隨意而有彩墨淋 漓之感,為石濤難得之精 作.仰高山而遠望兮,何 日月而忘之!


清 石濤 (1641 - 1707)

青山霧雲圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 愚者與俗同識。愚不蒙則智, 俗不濺則清。俗因愚受, 愚因蒙昧。故人不能不達, 不能不明。達則變,明則化。 受事則無形,治形則無迹。 運墨如已成,操筆如無為。 尺幅管天地山川萬物, 內心淡若無者,愚去智生, 俗除清至也。 癸未仲夏錫恩寺作此以散炎馭 清湘陳人石濤元濟大滌子堂 鈐印: (清湘濟)(膏盲子濟) 鑑藏印: 潘正煒(曾藏潘氏海山仙館); 龐元濟(萊臣心賞); 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙寶玩); 唐翰題(嘉興新豐鄉人唐翰題收藏印)

Shi Tao

Qing Dynasty

Cloud Mountains Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Shi Tao, with two artist seals Four Collectors’ seals 46½ × 23 in. 118 × 58.4 cm.

$200,000 - $300,000



清 傅山 (1607- 1684)

草書七言絕句 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 幽花爛漫閗青暉, 庵主扶藜啟石扉; 恆雪團團山蘆蔔, 香風陣陣野蔷薇。 傅山 鈐印:(傅山之印)

Fu Shan

Qing Dynasty

Script Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Fu Shan, with one artist seal 66½ X 16½ in. 169 X 42 cm.


$60,000 - $80,000

此圖中央繪大石, 一鳥立于其上,頭 向下有如與石腳上 的鳥互通消息.兩 鳥墨色濃淡相宜, 神態生動活潑,為 八大山人花鳥畫之 精品.此畫可惜之 處,其紙曾受嚴重 破壞,或曾埋藏于 地下,故紙上有黃 土色,而八大山人 的精品不多,故此 畫亦足以留存後世 矣!


清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)

鳥鳴石上圖 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 昭易大梁之重九日畫 八大山人 鈐印:(八還)

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Birds on the Rock

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Signed Badashanren, with one artist seal 34 × 11¾ in. 86.4 × 29.8 cm.

$300,000 - $400,000


朱耷(八大山人)1626 -1705 本名朱由桵,字雪個,號八大山人,驢屋,個山等,為明寧王朱權后裔,明亡后削發為僧而 后改信道教為南昌道觀“青雲譜”道士,中國畫壇被尊崇的一代宗師. 觀此四圖應為八大山人冊頁中的一部份.八大山人的存世真跡已不多見了,唯這張松 鹿圖所繪松樹枝杆與松針單純而有韻味,是八大山人以羊毫筆所畫,而只有羊毫筆所畫 的線條才是圓的,並有堅韌如鋼富有彈性的感覺.圖中的鹿所繪的線條也如此,在他以 簡致精的筆墨中,以多一筆不畫,少一筆不成的絕世藝壇高手.他所畫的禽鳥,野嘼,虫 魚非常生動而有靈性,尤其在眼睛方面所表現的可能就是他自已的內心世界,有些鳥嘼 的眼睛翻著白眼以視人,似乎表達不理不睬的神態,而有些鳥獸的眼神似乎一片惘然, 表現他為明朝后裔而國破家亡,無可奈何心神恍惚的樣子.總之,他筆下所畫的一切動 物,背后似乎都有一個不為人知的故事,而好讓后人追尋.同時在山水畫方面,畫的大多 都是光禿禿的山和石之上繪數枝扭曲和葉子少得可憐的樹,而象徵地令人覺得眀朝朱 家的江山已亡就像連葉子都不生的枯樹,當人們欣賞他的這些山水畫時,看到的是如此 飄零景象的畫作,但從筆墨與線條上又如此深沉如詩一般的韻味,這些畫足以代表他自 已的過去顯赫身世,而現在孤形吊影而成世外之人,做了和尚道士后讒免於被清朝官軍 的追殺. 他的狸貓圖所繪是一只貓柔閒地斜躺著於石上,這可能是一幅寫生畫.八大山人家居中 對於一切的動植物非常留意,所以他在戶外無論看到鳥或其它動物的神態,都能刻意地 記在心上而作為繪畫素材,所以他的作品雖然是簡單的幾筆,都能表現出了物體的形 象、態勢和精神面貌,並且還灌入自己的感情與靈性,而所畫的一切成為生動活潑而令 觀者愛不釋手,令行家們折服不已. 另外的一幅是(松鶴圖),所畫的是一婀娜多姿,線條剛柔並濟的樹,樹上繪著稀疏如箭 矢的松針,而讓松樹的精神表達於淋漓盡致.松樹下的鶴側面而立,昂然的氣勢似乎放 出巨大的能量和不屈不橈的精神來比預他自已的靈性和人生苦難歲月,而這種心態也 只能在書畫方面讓他得心應手地發揮,對前朝的夢縈魂牽的朱家情感,刻意秘密地埋藏 在自我的心中花園裡.好讓數百年后的人們來追尋發掘和了解他當年日以繼夜恐懼,怕 被追殺的苦難人生. 畫山水的一幅似在幾於光禿的山岩上畫一傾斜的松樹,傾斜而不倒就是表達自已在這 樣似乎連草不生的淒風苦雨環境中,艱難困苦地生存著,因此他絕少在山水畫中繪人物 或牛馬烏獸之類有生命的東西,在他的內心深處認為滿清帝皇以恐怖的“文字嶽”統 治下的江山,人畜都不能生存了.這當然是他對新朝廷的一種反抗意識形態的夸張.而 對於后人來説非常了解一個身內流著明朝帝皇血液的人.生活上的恐懼是不言而喻的. Bada Shanren, born as a Ming citizen, found refuge in the monastery when the Qing came to reign. He expressed his disillusion with the new ruler through his prolific paint brushes, a special goat-hair pen that he maneuvered, by holding it straight, rather than slant, to perfect his ink-wash style. In these four leaves, from an album, Bada demonstrated his unique visual of his refuge years by using semi-abstract natural forms to portray bare landscape and figures, such as the only Pine trunk with a lone crane, the expressive glance of the deer with head turned, the inquisitive look of a lynx-cat that belies his mental state, using symbolism to express his cynicism of the Manchu’s scare tactic of absolute rule with no freedom of expression and homage to the past, as a staunch Ming loyalist at heart.



清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)

松鹿圖 水墨紙本鏡框 鈐印:(八大山人) 鑑藏印:龐元濟(虛齋珍賞);潘正煒(曾藏潘氏海山仙館)

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Deer and Pine

Mounted and Framed, Ink on Paper One artist seal Two Collectors’ seals 12 × 11⅝ in. 30.5 × 29.5 cm.

$250,000 - $400,000



清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)

狸貓圖 水墨紙本鏡框 鈐印:(八大山人) 鑑藏印:龐元濟(虛齋珍賞);潘正煒(曾藏潘氏海山仙館)

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Lynx Cat

Mounted and Framed, Ink on Paper One artist seal Two Collectors’ seals 12 × 11⅝ in. 30.5 × 29.5 cm.

$250,000 - $400,000



清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)

松鶴圖 水墨紙本鏡框 鈐印:(八大山人) 鑑藏印:龐元濟(虛齋珍賞);潘正煒(曾藏潘氏海山仙館)

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Crane and Pine

Mounted and Framed, Ink on Paper One artist seal Two Collectors’ seals 12 × 11⅝ in. 30.5 × 29.5 cm.

$250,000 - $400,000



清 朱耷(八大山人) (1626- 1705)

青山迎客松 水墨紙本鏡框 鈐印:(八大山人) 鑑藏印:龐元濟(虛齋珍賞);潘正煒(曾藏潘氏海山仙館)

Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) Qing Dynasty

Pine Landscape

Mounted and Framed, Ink on Paper One artist seal Two Collectors’ seals 12 × 11⅝ in. 30.5 × 29.5 cm.

$250,000 - $400,000



清 王鑑 (1598 - 1677)

峯嵐茅堂圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1651 年作 款識: 峯嵐屈曲逕交加, 新作茅堂窄亦佳。 手種松杉皆老大, 經年不踏孫門街。 辛卯小春畫 王鑑 鈐印: (王鑑之印)(湘碧) 鑑藏印: 清(乾隆御覽之寶) (嘉慶御覽之寶) (御書房鑑藏寶) (石渠寶笈)(石渠定鑑) (寶笈重編); 龐元濟(萊臣心賞); 繆荃孫(繆荃孫藏); 沈樹鏞(韻初審定); 汪士元(向叔審定真跡); 徐渭仁(徐紫珊秘篋印); 邵松年(海虞邵氏珍藏金 石書畫之印)

Wang Jian

Qing Dynasty

Cottages at the Hillside

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1651 Signed and Inscribed by Wang Jian, with two artist seals Six Emperors’ seals; Six Collectors’ seals 48⅞ × 25 in. 124 × 63.5 cm.

$150,000 - $250,000



劉繼卣 (1918 - 1983)

摩登仕女家居圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識:繼卣筆 鈐印:(劉繼卣)

Liu Jiyou Lady at Home

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Jiyou, with one artist seal 54⅛ × 27⅛ in. 137.5 × 68.9 cm.


$9,000 - $15,000


明 董其昌 (1555 - 1636)

行草詩軸 水墨紙本立軸 款識:(文長不錄) 因仲老親家正 董其昌 鈐印: (董其昌印)(宗伯學士)

Dong Qichang Ming Dynasty

Script Calligraphy Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Dong Qichang, with two artist seals 67⅝ × 24¼ in. 171.8 × 61.6 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000


五代 周文矩真蹟(重屏會棋圖)現世 五代周文矩(公元10世紀)生卒年不詳,句容人(今江蘇),事南唐李煜(李后主)為翰 林待詔,以擅繪山水,人物,車馬,界畫樓台等而自成一家.中主李璟時已知名.后主李 煜常授詔其作畫,並派其與顧閎中同去窺畫時為宰相的韓熙載夜宴生活,而后其畫不 知何時散佚,甚為可惜.而今只有顧閎中所繪的“韓熙載夜宴圖”存世. 周文矩的繪畫風格,從歷史的記載中他喜用顫筆,與其主子李煜(后主)也喜用顫筆而 有異曲同工之妙,開一代之先河而稱譽藝壇.而對於二人之間是否互相借鑒已無可考 而難以追尋了. “重屏會棋圖”久為北京故宮博物館之重寶,經歷代名家鑒定為宋人摹繪之作.近人 徐邦達先生也証實為難得的宋人摹本,其所以為摹本者,實為歷史的記載經歷代傳乘 所致.宋郭若虛(圖畫見聞志),宋徽宗(宣和畫譜),南宋王明清(揮塵錄),明沈度,文徵 明,清胡敬等名家均有著錄.胡敬的“西清札記”上寫(周文矩“重屏會棋圖卷”,絹 本設色畫,無款印,上有宋徽宗御書).關於宋徽宗御書“周文矩重屏會棋圖真蹟”以 瘦金體寫成的十個大字,上鈐“御書”二字方印,為北京故宮收藏的“重屏會棋圖” 上所無,故為歷代名家以此評為宋人摹本之作. 其實在我將有宋徽宗御書的“世陽堂”本與之互相比較時,不難發現故宮收藏的為 “天水摹”本,為宋徽宗所繪,原因有二:(1)北宋當時處於“普天之下莫皆王臣”的 帝皇思想下,周文矩真蹟“重屏會棋圖”當然歸宋徽宗所有,除他之外無人有此范本, 故只有宋微宗才能臨摹此畫了.(2)宋徽宗喜歡摹前人名作,故有“天水摹”之譽,而 他的摹仿技術非常高明,並且還加進他本人的觀點與思想,例如此“重屏會棋圖”, 周文矩原作繪的家俱為單線條而他改畫成雙線,這使家俱有厚度和重量感,同時增強 了整幅畫的立體感覺.我覺得他對此仿品非常喜愛,故在此畫的四個角上,鈐上四種款 印,以表示對此畫的重視程度,這和其他摹仿的畫中所少見的.從這兩個原因,故我認 為故宮珍藏的“重屏會棋圖”為“天水摹”即宋徽宗所繪,相信距離亊實不遠.我這 樣的解釋未知是否合理?而留待來者參考吧. 在海外有“神秘小故宮”之稱的“世陽堂”從現在2016年開始卷起帘幕,讓神秘且久 經失傳的國寶公之於世.關於這件不為人知,歷史上認為久已失傳的有宋徽宗瘦金體 題款的五代“周文矩重屏會棋圖真蹟”確實為“世陽堂”鎮堂寶之一.久經珍藏日, 並陪伴著“世陽堂主林緝光”成長,就像兄弟一般長在,樂也融融長於斯而陪養林非 凡的人生. 此周文矩“重屏會棋圖”是一幅“長方形”絹本畫而非長卷之作.書童背后寸多處為 宋徽宗從上到下大書“周文矩重屏會棋圖真蹟”瀟洒風流般的十個大字,並有“天 下一人”寶押,押之上鈐以“御書”璽,此款之下近右角上鈐宋高宗趙構“奉華堂 印”之章,“周”字的左邊有葫蘆形其上有“悅生”二字為賈似道之印,此印的左邊 有乾隆十二年題跋,敘述當時乾隆如何獲得此畫之過程與細節,乾隆十二年御題,其下 鈐“乾”“隆”上圍繞龍紋的二方印.畫的中央距重屏頂之高處鈐“太上皇帝之寶” 大方印.此巨印的左下部鈐“乾隆鑑賞”圓印,此圓印的左上方有宋徽宗“政和”二 字長方印,而左下方近角處有宋高宗趙構“內府書印”一方,此印之上有一葫蘆印為 元朝柯九思“玉堂柯氏九思私印”.此外,畫的左方裱邊上黏著已變灰色的紙條為明 張丑題跋“文矩傳世集品張丑鍳”. “世陽堂”主林緝光從現在開始,將已研究了數十年一直讓收藏家們如墜迷霧中,從 來沒有機會見到他珍藏的失傳國寶,在此國運強盛之時續漸呈現於國人面前.以曾經 被全世界所敬仰的中華文化與文明遺產,支持我們偉大的和續漸富強的中國,振興我 們中華民族文化與文明,能為中國的新文明到來而櫛風沐雨在所不惜也哉. 林緝光2016年2月6日農暦新年前2日晨識於世陽堂中 注:(天水摹)宋徽宗趙佶家族出自“天水”,“天水摹”是宋徽宗摹的意思.



The Discovery of “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” Painting by Zhou Wenju of Five Dynasties Zhou Wenju, a Five Dynasties, court painter from Jiangsu province, China served under Southern Tang Dynasty emperor Li Yu. He was known for his landscape, figure, vehicles, horses and architecture paintings. Emperor Li often summoned him together with fellow painter, Gu Hongzhong to the palace to record banquets, nightlife. Unfortunately, only some of Gu’s paintings survived. An unique feature of Zhou Wenju’s painting was his fibrillation pen techniques which was also a favorite of emperor Li, but which history could not trace its origin. “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” has been a national treasure in the Forbidden Palace. Critics had appraised it as a copy from later, probably Song Dynasty. Xu Bangda also affirmed the findings by historical documentation. Prominent artists, emperors and collectors of Song Dynasty like Guo Ruoxu (Tu Hua Jian Wen Zhi), Emperor Hui Zong (Xuan He Hua Pu), Emperor Ming Qing (Hui Chen Lu), Ming Chendu, Wen Zhengming, Qing Huhe and many others had all concurred. In the book ”Qing Xi Zha Ji” by Hu Jing, it described the original “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)”as a color painting on silk, with no seal mark except emperor Hui Zong’s calligraphy. Nevertheless, emperor’s Zong’s inscription of “authentic work of Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu by Zhou Wenju” which would authenticate it, is missing. Thereby judging it as an imitated copy. When I compared this with my Shi Yang Tang collection, I found that it was actually a “Tian Shui” copy drew by Song emperor Zong. These are the findings: First, During Northern Song period the emperor had absolute power and rule the kingdom, so the original “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” could only be possessed by the emperor himself. No one else would have the opportunity to imitate it. Second, the emperor had always enjoyed imitating master’s works from previous dynasties. That was why the “ Tian Shui” imitated paintings became so famous. As a brilliant painter, the emperor liked to transfer his own opinions and ideas into paintings. For example, in the original version of “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)”, Zhou Wenju used single lines to draw the furniture; compare to Hui Zong’s double lines. In this way, the furniture looked more vivid and heavy; also added a perspective feeling to the work. Besides, he scripted four different inscriptions among the four corners of the painting, to demonstrate his fondness. This was a very rare occasion among other “Tian Shui” pieces. In this case, I believe the “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” in Beijing was a work by Song emperor Zong. However, I will leave the final judgment to later ages. Starting 2016, Shi Yang Tang, the oversea Forbidden Palace, will unveil its long-lost national treasures including the original “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” with Song emperor Zong’s inscription. The original “Chess Game abut of Screen (Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu)” is a rectangle silk painting, not long scroll. Inches away from the boy figure on the canvas, vividly the ten elegant and stylish characters inscribed by emperor Zong-“authentic work of Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu by Zhou Wenju”, with his seal mark. There is also emperor Gao Zong’s stamp “Feng Hua Tang Yin” on the top right corner, Jia Sidao’s stamp“Shen Sheng” next to it, and Qing emperor Qian Long’s inscriptions on left. These dedications told the history and details about obtaining this painting, with Qian Long’s stamps “Da Qing Qian Long Yu Lan” around it. (Continued on Page 53) 明 張丑 跋



五代 周文矩 (生卒不詳)

重屏會棋圖 設色水墨絹本鏡框 題跋: 宋徽宗:周文矩重屏會棋圖真跡; 乾隆題:跋語甚草草,命恕子容四月間自義興 往茅山遂從金焦波僕欲隨之往揚州 聞公亦歉飾之 有此少行篋可容附之 載否緣其行時與太傅公同執事 乾隆十二年四月題扵長春書屋 御筆; 張丑:文矩傳世集品 張丑鑒 鑑藏印:宋徽宗(政和)(御書); 宋高宗(奉華堂印)(內府書印); 乾隆(太上皇帝之寶)(乾隆鑑賞)(乾)(隆); 賈似道(悅生); 柯九思(玉堂柯氏九思私印)

Zhou Wenju Five Dynasty

Chess Game abut of the Screen

Mounted and Framed, Ink & Color on Silk Colophons by Song Huizong, Qianlong, Zhang Chou; Five Emperors’ seals; Two Collectors’ seals 27⅝ × 23⅛ in. 70.2 × 58.7 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 議價


北京故宮藏 重屏會棋圖 (無宋徽宗題跋)

世陽堂 “重屏會棋圖”(局部) Shi Yang Tang Collection of “Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu“ (Partial View)

(Continued from Page 51) On the top left corner there’s a long stamp named “Zheng He”, and lower left corner has emperor Gao Zong’s stamp“Nei Fu Shu Yin”. In addition, there’s a colophon attached to the left side frame, Zhang Chou wrote it from Ming Dynasty by displaying our prestige Chinese treasures, Kwong Lam of “Shi Yang Tang” is contributing to our profound and far-reaching Chinese cultural and civilization. By Kwong Lam, morning prior to the 2016 Chinese New Year (6th Feb) at Shi Yang Tang. Note: “Tian Shui”means the emperor Hui Zong of Song Dynasty’s family was originally from “Tian Shui” area. “Tian Shui” paintings refer to the works imitated by Song Hui Zong himself.



重屏會棋圖藏印 Collectors’ Seals 乾隆題跋 Emperor Qianlong Colophon

“重屏會棋圖” 世陽堂本 附宋徽宗 跋 Shi Yang Tang Collection of “Chong Ping Hui Qi Tu“ with Emperor Song Huizong ‘s Colophon


明 郭詡 (1456 - 1532)

松蔭聽琴圖 水墨紙本立軸 款識:清狂道人郭詡畫 鈐印:(口) 題跋: 謖謖松下風,靄靄隴上雲。 聊將竊比我,不堪掎寄君。 半生寓軒冕,一笑當琴樽。 良辰飲文字,晤晤無由醺。 我有鳳鳴枝,背作蛇蚹紋。 明月委靜照,心清得奇聞。 蕉林居士梁清標題(蕉林鑒定) 鑑藏印: 汪士元(向叔審定真跡); 方濬頤(曾藏方夢園家); 梁清標(蕉林鑒定)(秋碧); 載銓(曾存定府行有恒堂); 唐翰題 (嘉興新豐鄉人唐翰題收藏印); 于騰(飛卿過眼); 邵松年 (海虞邵氏珍藏金石書畫之印)

Guo Xu

Ming Dynasty

Music Under the Pine Tree Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed and Entitled by Guo Xu, with one artist seal Eight Collectors’ seals; Colophon by Liang Qingbiao 49¾ × 25 in. 126.4 × 63.5 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



徐悲鴻 (1895 - 1953)

飲馬圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1937 年作 款識:悲鴻廿六年 鈐印:(徐悲鸿) 題跋:傅增湘、柳亞子、 扵軒、屈武忠生、于右任 題跋(文長不錄)

Xu Beihong Stallion at Watering Hole

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1937 Signed Beihong, with one artist seal

Colophons by Fu Zengxiang, Liu Yazi, Yu Xuan, Quwuzhongsheng, Yu Youren 48⅜ × 26¾ in. 122.9 × 67.9 cm.


$200,000 - $300,000


北宋 趙佶(宋徽宗) (1082 - 1135)


Zhao Ji (Song Huizong) Northern Song

Bird on Twig


Mounted and Framed, Ink & Color on Paper

款識:御製 鈐印:(雙龍印)天下第一(押)

Signed Yuzhi, with one artist seal One Emperor’s seal; Three Collectors’ seals

鑑藏印: 乾隆(古稀天子); 梁清標(蕉林鑑定); 徐紫珊(徐紫珊秘篋印); 解縉(解廌春雨縉紳之印)

12⅛ × 11⅞ in. 30.8 × 30.2 cm.

$850,000 - $2,000,000

此畫繪一冠長垂于后的奇異鳥,有紅色的喙和足,羽毛瑰麗,神氣自然生動地立于花樹的枝幹上,樹上黃 花盛開,葉豐茂而精緻,每一片葉以纖細的雙鉤綫條的畫法完成,並且以透視之法從濃到淡的細繪每片葉 子,而讓每片葉子活潑生動,靈氣迫人,而鳥卻非常立體地站于樹幹之上.此畫一千年前出現可說為超前 之力作,奇哉! 57


石魯 (1919 - 1982)

荷花香 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 遇雨時滄滄, 藏青渡腑腸, 幾間紅萼露, 還是荷花香。 寫扵長安 石魯 鈐印:(石魯)

Shi Lu Lotus Bloom

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Shi Lu, with one artist seal 38½ × 19½ in. 97.8 × 49.5 cm.


$40,000 - $60,000


徐悲鴻 (1895 - 1953)

四喜圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1944 年作 款識: 卅三年暮春 悲鴻磐溪晴窗寫 鈐印: (悲鴻)(生于憂患)

Xu Beihong Magpies

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944 Inscribed and signed Beihong, with two artist seals 37 x 17¼ in. 94 x 43.7 cm.

$100,000 - $150,000


書法:冬雪黟巖圖 可染 (李)(可染)(孺子牛) 款識:可染 鈐印:(可染)


李可染 (1907 - 1989)


Li Keran The Four Seasons


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper


Each entitled and signed Keran, with four artist seals

書法:秋山夕陽圖 可染 (李)(可染)(孺子牛) 款識:可染 鈐印:(可染)

書法:9⅝ × 13¼ in. 24.4 × 33.7 cm. 畫:19⅜ × 13¼ in. 49.2 × 33.7 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000

書法:夏山滴翠圖 可染 (李)(可染)(孺子牛) 款識:可染 鈐印:(可染)

書法:春雨江南圖 可染 (李)(可染)(孺子牛) 款識:可染 鈐印:(可染)

李可染不知何時心情大好作此春夏秋冬四季圖.他以四種不同的表現方式繪畫春天的桃紅綠柳景象,並有潺 潺流水送春歸,萬頃桃花鱖魚肥.夏日之畫,雲霧迷蒙有山雨欲來風滿樓之妙,而令人似在炎熱中大有清涼之 感覺.秋景以淡淡的色彩畫出夕陽西下之氣象,并繪有湖光山色,氣象萬千,秋來風景最宜人,一絕也.冬畫大 雪紛飛,冰封萬里,銀裝十裡無人跡,把酒明天一局棋.



張大千 (1899 - 1983)

芭蕉仕女 設色水墨紙本立軸 1944 年作


款識:水晶枕石墜髪鬆,綠玉屏圍十二峰。 虚费心情向春晚,西園日日落花风。甲申秋日, 山居无俚,偶记唐人有硾金法,因试为此。 大千居士爰上清借居 鈐印:(張爰私印)(三千大千)(大風堂)(摩登戒體)

Zhang Daqian Lady and Plantain

39⅛ × 25⅜ in. 99.4 × 64.5 cm.

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944

$40,000 - $50,000

鑑藏印:(上海鑒古斋文物商店鑒藏印) (稚柳佩秋夫婦真賞)

Signed and Inscribed by Daqian, with four artist seals Two Collectors’ seals


齊白石 (1864 - 1957)

Qi Baishi Shrimp


Mounted and Framed, Ink on Paper


Signed Baishi, with one artist seal

款識:癸未八十三歲白石 鈐印:(齊大)

21½ × 15¼ in. 54.6 × 38.7 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000

此畫為齊白石八十三歲時精品, 六只蝦揮筆雄壯,水墨淋漓,而 在純拙之中突顯靈氣異動,能振 人心魄,奇哉怪也.



黃賓虹 (1865 - 1955)

山中人語聲 設色水墨紙本立軸 1952 年作 款識: 宋元人渴筆法 剛而能柔 潤而不枯 得一辣字訣耳 居孛吾兄一笑 壬辰 賓虹八十有九 鈐印:(賓虹)

Huang Binhong Mountain Whispers

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1952 Inscribed and signed Binhong, with one artist seal 53¾ x 9¼ in. 136.4 x 23.4 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000


錢松喦 (1899 - 1985)


Qian Songyan Sunrise at Mountain Ridge


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款識:雲中山頂沐朝暉 錢松喦作扵南京 高雲嶺畔時 年八十有三 鈐印:(松岩)

Entitled and signed Qian Songyan, with one artist seal


34½ x 18½ in. 87.6 x 46.9 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000


明 呂紀 (1477 - ?)

松竹八哥雙鶴圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識:呂紀 鈐印:(廷振) 鑑藏印: 梁清標(河北梁清標鑒定印) (秋碧); 徐紫珊(徐紫珊秘篋印)

Lv Ji

Ming Dynasty

Mynah in Pine Bamboo Grove with Cranes Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lv Ji, with one artist seal Three Collectors’ seal 51 × 25⅝ in. 129.5 × 65.1 cm.

$150,000 - $250,000



于右任 (1879 - 1964)

草書五言對聯 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 江山如有詩, 天地更無私。 健卿先生 于右任 鈐印:(于右任)

Yu Youren Script Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Yu Youren, with one artist seal 53¾ × 13¼ in. 136.5 × 33.7 cm.


$10,000 - $15,000


徐悲鴻 (1895 - 1953)

二貓圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1944 年作 款識:甲申春日悲鴻 鈐印:(悲鴻)

Xu Beihong Two Cats

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944

32¾ × 21¼ in. 81.2 × 53.3 cm.

$80,000 - $100,000

Signed Beihong, with one artist seal



張大千 (1899 - 1983)

屈原行吟圖 水墨紙本立軸 1941 年作 款識: (文長不錄) 辛巳春寫於 大風堂下大千張爰 鈐印: (張爰福壽)(大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Portrait of Qu Yuan with His Poem Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1941

Inscribed and signed Daqian Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 52 x 23½ in. 132 x 59.5 cm.


$40,000 - $50,000


齊白石 (1864 - 1957)

蒼松立鷹圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1957 年作 款識:九十三歲白石作 鈐印:(白石山翁)

Qi Baishi Eagle on Pine

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1957 Signed Baishi, with one artist seal 36 × 13⅛ in. 91.4 × 33.3 cm.

$100,000 - $150,000



清 龔賢 (1618 - 1689)

秋林霧晚 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 如口峰根霞吐雲, 上方新月映殘瞳; 瞳霄預召吹笙約, 盼望諸天鸞鶴羣。 半畝龔賢畫并題 鈐印:(龔賢)(半千)

Gong Xian

Qing Dynasty

Misty Grove at Dusk

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Inscribed and signed Gong Xian, with two artist seals 46⅛ × 19 in. 117.2 × 48.3 cm.


$60,000 - $80,000


清 鄭燮(板橋) (1693 - 1765)

亂崖蘭竹圖 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 咬定青山不放鬆, 立根原在亂崖中 板橋老人鄭燮 鈐印:(鄭燮之印) (七品官耳)(游好在六經)

Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Qing Dynasty

Cliff Orchid and Bamboo Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Zheng Xie, with three artist seals 52⅝ x 26¼ in. 133.6 x 66.7 cm.

$150,000 - $200,000



明 徐渭 (1521 - 1593)

芭蕉螃蟹圖 水墨紙本立軸 款識:徐渭 鈐印: (徐渭印)(青藤道士)

Xu Wei

Ming Dynasty

Crab and Plantains Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Xu Wei, with two artist seals 50¼ x 13⅛ in. 127.7 x 33.3 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000


趙少昂 (1905 - 1998)

葵花小鳥 設色水墨紙本立軸 1987 年作 款識: 翻飛多好鳥, 宛轉弄芳晨。 丁卯夏少昂 鈐印:(趙) (我之為我自有我在)

Zhao Shaoang Birds and Sunflowers Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1987 Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 53½ x 13¼ in. 136 x 33.6 cm.


$10,000 - $15,000


齊白石 (1864 - 1957)

茆屋映踈籬圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1936 年作 款識: 老覺人間萬事非 但思茆屋映踈籬 如今已是饒帰夢 更讀山居二十詩 秋衾字在籬字下 丙子八月白石 鈐印: (木居士)(木人)

Qi Baishi Mountain Cottages Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1936 Inscribed and signed Baishi, with two artist seals 37 x 13¾ in. 94 x 35 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



關山月 (1912 - 2000)

風怒松聲捲翠濤 設色水墨紙本手卷 1979 年作


款識:風怒松聲捲翠濤 舊遊英山曾見此意境,今億圖之。 已未歲冬並記于珠江南岸隔山公舍 漢陽 關山月 鈐印:(漢陽)(關山月)

Guan Shanyue Pearl River

Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Entitled, Inscribed and signed Guan Shanyue, with three artist seals

15¾ X 96½ in. 40 X 245 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000


程十髮 (1921 - 2007)

調樂圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1979 年作 款識: 己未新秋 程十髮製 鈐印: (雲間程潼)(三釜書屋) (程潼十髮之璽)(蕭平之)

Cheng Shifa Musicians

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1979 Signed Cheng Shifa, with four artist seals 46.4 × 25.6 in. 117.8 × 65.1 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



虛谷 (1842 - 1896)

新歲清供圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1896 年作 款識: 光緒丙申嘉平月覺非盫 虛谷寫 鈐印: (虛谷書畫)(心月同光)

Xu Gu Still Life of Spring Festival

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1896

Inscribed and signed Xu Gu, with two artist seals 54 X 21½ in. 137 X 55 cm


$8,000 - $12,000


吳昌碩 (1844 - 1927)

凌波仙子 水墨紙本立軸 1919 年作 款識: 凌波仙子自搖飄, 天竹如花冷不凋。 己未七月吳昌碩 鈐印:(苦銕) (蒼石)(美意延年)

Wu Changshuo Bamboo Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1919

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three artist seals 39 x 21⅛ in. 99 x 53.7 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000



黎雄才 (1910- 2001)

青松圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 1991 年作 款識: 辛未六月炎暑逼人, 風雨添至揮汗戲作于 廣州雄才畫 鈐印:(黎雄才)

Li Xiongcai Mountain Pine

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1991 Inscribed and signed Xiongcai, with one artist seal 39⅝ x 21¼ in. 100.6 x 54 cm.


$5,000 - $8,000


黃賓虹 (1865 - 1955)

煙雲出沒圖 設色水墨紙本立軸 款識: 煙雲互出沒, 草木生風香。賓虹 鈐印: (黃賓虹)(賓虹草堂)

Huang Binhong Misty Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Binhong, with two artist seals 54 x 13 in. 137 x 13 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000




清 芙蓉隨形石雕羅漢笆蕉山子 Qing, A Finely Carved Furong Stone Boulder with Luohan and Plantain

田黃隨形雕山水賞件 Tianhuang Stone Boulder Carved with Landscape Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 65 g $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 359 g $1,500 - $2,000



田黃銀包金隨形浮雕渔翁晚釣賞件 Tianhuang Stone Boulder Carved with Figural Landscape Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 73 g $1,000 - $1,500


田黃銀包金隨形浮雕學士彈琴賞件 Tianhuang Stone Silver and Gold Two Tone Boulder with Figural Landscape

Wrap around carved into the raised silver layer of skin scholars and boat. Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 92 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 碧玉浮雕龍雲紋三足花插一對 碧玉濃翠通透,剔雕龍紋,刀法堅實有力,線條流暢繁複而不雜亂,造型生動, 栩栩動人,是文房雅玩之佳器。

Qing, A Fine Pair of Spinach-Green Dragon Jade Vase

The thick cylindrical sides relief carved with wreathing dragons amidst swirling clouds and supported by three tab feet. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Total Weight: 940 g $6,000 - $8,000



白翡翠精雕和合二仙引蝠擺件 Finely Carved White Jadeite Figure of Hehe Erxian, One Holding Lotus Stalk and the Other a Box Releasing a Lingzhi Supporting a Bat

Both figures carved with a round face and smiling expression the stone of an exceptionally even white tone throughout. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 1406 g $10,000 - $15,000



瑪瑙浮雕二龍爭珠方印料 A Finely Carved Agate Dragon Seal


Intricately carved on a square block with canted shoulders with a key-fret band, surmounted by two sinuous dragons chasing a flaming pearl. The stone of even light grey and brown tone with russet on the pearl. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 910 g $1,500 – $2,000

古玉雕麒麟鈕“皇帝行寶”印(漢,滿文) Archaistic Jade Seal with Carved Qilin Knob

A rectangular seal surmounted by a Qilin sitting on its haunches with bulging eyes and mouth agape. Seal Script: Imperial Seal in Han and Manchu Characters Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Width: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Weight: 2,320 g $2,000 - $3,000


西漢 玉雕騎馬羽人擺件 馬張口昂首,四蹄奔馳,馬上坐一神人兩手有力地 推著馬頭。馬尾昂起有如與地上飛起的塵土相連而 顯得格外生動。此玉雕造型奇特,神采生動活潑雄 壯,為漢玉雕難得的精妙之作。

A Fairy Rider on Celestial Horse

Holding on to the mane, sitting up straight and heels down, the rider is trotting up. This jade masterwork carving refers the desire to ride up to heaven where the immortals were thought to reside. Han Dynasty Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $6,000 - $8,000

西漢 玉騎馬羽人 咸陽市博物館藏 高7厘米,長8.9厘米, 座寬3厘米。 1966年陝西咸陽出土 A similar White Jade Fairy Rider is in the Collection of Xianyang Museum, Shanxi Province






邊刻(辛丑冬月 王鑑)



Ascribed to Wu Kuan Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 305 g $1,500 - $2,000

Ascribed to Wang Jian Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 297 g $1,500 - $2,000 130


雞血石青蛙鈕大印章 A Square Jixue Stone Seal with a Carved Frog Knop



Tianhuang Square Seal with Elephant Knop

Tianhuang Square Seal with Figure Knop

Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 677 g $1,500 - $2,000

紅水晶六棱柱形賞件 Red Crystal Pyramid

Height: 11⅜ in (28.9 cm) Weight: 2196 g $800 - $1,500


宋 白玉雕仙人騎龍賞件一對 Song, An Fine Pair of Exquisitely Carved Archaistic White Jade Dragons

Powerfully carved with bulging eyes, flaring nostrils and mouth agape baring teeth, the animatedly striding dragon with a fairy atop is swirling with its tail flying as if blown by the wind. The translucent stone with some opaque buff markings. On its tucked wings are molded medallions with beast head emblem. Song Dynasty Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) $60,000 - $80,000


87 85


明 天然水晶雙峰駱駝 Ming, Rock Crystal Carving of Recumbent Camel Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Length: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


翠玉雕牛含如意 蓮葉花邊水洗 A Jadeite Washer Relief Carved with Buffalo with Lotus Bloom with Scalloped Rim

Length: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Weight: 898 g $800 - $2,000



雞血石長方 印料二方 Two Jixue Stone Columnar Seals

Height: 3½(8.9 cm), 3¾ (9.5 cm) Weight:121 g, 133 g $600 - $800

吳昌碩、吳熙載 老田黃印章二方 吳熙載刻(壽比南山)


Two Tianhuang Stone Seals with Tile Knop

88 86

Ascribed to: Wu Changshuo and Wu Xizai Height: ⅞ (2.22 cm), 1⅛ (2.85 cm) Weight: 17 g, 15 g $400 - $600



白玉雕壽星童戲如意吉祥(羊)擺件 玉料優良,溫潤不透明,情趣盎然,玉飾雕一壽星老人手持如意手杖,壽星 面前雕一小羊,口銜靈芝,寓意吉祥。雕工細膩,生動傳神。

A Large Finely Carved Jade Shoulao, on Rockwork with Children and Goat, Auspicious Group


Well carved with the God of Longevity standing beside a goat grasping a ruyi stalk, holding a dragon staff with children clambering with peach and sprigs of lingzhi. The large stone of pale-greenish white tone and softly polished. The reverse decorated with pine clusters, with fitted stand. Height: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) Weight: 2204 g $10,000 - $20,000

89 87



白玉素面長方印章 印文 (虐其心實其節) A Translucent White Jade Columnar Seal Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 136 g $600 - $800

金芙蓉印章兩件 印文 (實臆都在万般)(短亭臨水長清)

Two Golden Furong Stone Seals

Height: 2⅜ in, 1¾ in (6 cm, 4.4 cm) Weight: 48 g, 77 g $600 - $800 140


玉雕老虎與狗玩品 A Carved Jade Recumbent Tiger and Dog

玉雕龙鷹與隨形白玉印章 印文(學與靜為本) A Carved Jade Dragon-Eagle and a Jade Seal

Dog Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Tiger Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) Dog Length: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Tiger Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weight: 49 g, 32 g $300 - $500

Height: 2 in, 2⅞ in (5.1 cm, 7.3 cm) Weight: 138 g, 56 g $500 - $800



白玉鎏金大悲咒 詩文珮 White Jade Plaque Pendant with Gilt Mantra Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 73 g $300 - $400


玉雕猴子與出入平安猴桃掛飾 A Carved Jade Monkey and A Heart-shape Monkey Pendant Monkey Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Pendant Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weights: 24 g, 35 g $300 - $500


漢 武帝 玉雕圈雲紋辟邪一對 “建元”二字中國歷史第一年號款 玉白圓雕,首微昂,頭生雙角,貼於腦後,闊鼻開口,牙齒鋒利齊整,雙目圓睜,下頜垂短鬚, 前足上生羽翼,形態逼真,以陰線刻畫鬃及圈雲紋具漢代瑞獸威武雄壯的氣息。 Han, A Fine and Rare Pair of Jade Bixie


Carved with archaistic swirls on the recumbent mythical beasts. Impressed Han Reign Mark Jian Yuan on the underside Height: 2¾ in (6.98 cm) Length: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Total Weight: 2085 g $20,000 - $30,000

91 89


明 宣德 銅鑄五僧護壽三足爐一對 (宣德年製)四字雙行凸雕款 Ming, Bronze Tripod Censer with Monk Figure as Tripod Stand and Handle with Incised Shou Character Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Incised Mark and of the Period Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 604 g, 539 g $8,000 - $15,000

147 146 明 天晵青花牧牛圖福字碗


Ming, A Fine Blue and White Bowl with Cow-Herding Scene on the Exterior and an Enclosed Longevity Mark in the Interior


Ming Dynasty, Tianqi Four-Character Double-circles Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5½ in (13.97 cm) Height: 5 in (14 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

銅鑄寶相鳳紋蓋盒 琴書侶款 A Circular Bronze Seal Paste Box Gilt with Phoenix Roundel Inscribed with Qin Shu Lui Mark Diameter: 3¾ in (9.53 cm) Height: 1½ in (3.81 cm) Weight: 1033 g $1,000 - $2,000


明 永樂 青花團龍紋十棱水洗 水洗每棱上有生猛的團龍雲紋。內底 與外底均繪精緻的龍。發色清純 豔麗,為永樂朝之精品。

Ming, Yongle, Blue and White Dragon Brushwasher

Interior center and exterior base all painted with a writhing dragon chasing pearl, bordered by ten bracket lobes with dragon roundel, all painted in intense cobalt-blue tones. Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm) Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $20,000 - $30,000



清 乾隆 青花纏枝牡丹紋 瓜棱罐 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, A Fine and Rare Blue and White Melon-Shape Guan with Peony-Spray Motifs

Stoutly potted with six lobes to the short neck, the exterior ovoid body is painted in a rich cobalt blue and paler washes with continuous meander of leafy peony sprays above a scroll of cresting waves at the foot rim. The confirming lobed-shape rim has a classic key-fret band on its short neck above a register of ruyi-heads on the sloping shoulder. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 8½ in (21 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


壽山石精雕層喦山水 樓台人物山子 A Rare Shoushan Stone Boulder

Finely carved with yellow mottling Shoushan stone depicting pieced mountainside with scholars and pavilion. The rockwork rendered on varying layers of relief. Height: 5¼ (13.3 cm) Weight: 1281 g $2,500 - $4,000



清 乾隆 琺瑯彩紅地軋道紋金彩浮雕花鳥盤口瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行方框篆書雕款 此對瓶琺瑯彩軋道紋紅地,上飾浮雕金彩花鳥,為乾隆琺瑯彩非常稀有的風格。 觀此瓶浮雕工藝細緻,生動自然,氣韻清新流暢,為乾隆存世難得之極品。

Qing, A Pair of Famille-Rose Enamelled Dish-Mouthed Vase with Gilt Moulded Birds Finely potted on a red-glazed wave-ground with two chirping birds on ascending peony branches. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Engraved Mark and of the Period. Height: 7⅛ in (18.2 cm) $60,000 - $80,000



唐 銀鎏金镂雕十八羅漢花蓋香筒 銀質​​,薰做圓筒型,錘擊成型,通體滿鏨魚子紋地, 鎏金,鏨刻十八羅漢

Tang, Silver Gilt Repoussé Incense Cylinder, Relief Carved with Eighteen Luohans Height: 13⅛ in (33.3 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


唐 銀印花鳳穿花卉龍首龍把包袱壺 Tang, Silver Repoussé Pouch-Ewer with Phoenix-Floral Motifs and Dragon Spout with Loop Handle

96 94

Height: 11½ in (29.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕寶相龍紋筆筒 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行浮雕篆書款

Qing, A Very Rare and Finely Carved Famille-Rose Decorated with Taotie Masks Bands Of cylindrical shape, relief decorated with separate bands of taotie and dragon masks interspersed with key-fret patterns. Impressed reign mark in a recessed glazed ring in the unglazed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $20,000 - $40,000


Qing, An Exquisite Famille-Rose Enameled Yellow-ground Garlic Head Butterfly Floral Vase


Delicately enamelled with peony blooms borne on leafy stems and surrounded by fluttering butterflies below ruyi heads and floral scrolls at the waisted neck with key-fret band at the gilt rim. Applied with a pair of scroll arched handles and an overlapping lotus petal at the base, the decorations all reserved on a yellow sgraffiato ground. The recessed base turquoise with a central white square for the reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) $10,000,000 - $18,000,000


清 乾隆 琺瑯彩黃地花蝶禱帶蒜頭瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 瓶整體為黃地,口金彩,上飾有迴紋,蒜頭上蝴蝶飛舞。兩面飾寶相花禱帶紋, 相連處為白色如意頭飾。短頸黃地上繞以紅色花卉,並有粉藍色環帶。肩上圍以粉綠色, 其上有纏枝花卉紋。上下繞以金綫,並有白色藍綫如意頭紋圍繞。瓶體黃地上繪以白色軋道紋, 上有兩朵盛開的薔薇以及數種折枝花卉,色彩美麗細緻的蝴蝶飛舞其間。 近足處環以繪畫細緻的蓮瓣紋。此瓶色彩優美細緻,繪工精絕,為稀有難得神品。



清 雍正 閗彩如意花卉紋杯一對 (大清雍正年製)六字雙行雙框款

Qing, A Pair of Ducai Floral Ruyi Cup

Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark within Double Circles and of the Period Diameter: 2¾ in (6.98 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.13 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


元 釉裡紅龍火紋 玉壺春瓶 Yuan, Copper red Flaming Dragon Yuhuchunping Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



清 乾隆 閗彩纏枝花卉賁巴瓶


此瓶伞形口束頸,球形腹,無流,無柄,高圈足外撇.通體施白釉,釉上鬦彩折枝花卉紋 繪迴紋,如意云頭紋, 繪工精細,色彩協調,紋飾精美.

Qing, A Fine Doucai Tibetan Style Ewer, Benbahu

The bulbous body raised on a spreading foot and decorated with composite foliate scrolls bearing blossoms. The knopped neck surmounted by a canopy-shaped mouth with canted sides and rounding inwards to a narrow opening, all decorated with floral scrolls in rich tones. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Seal Mark and of the Period. Height: 9¼ in (23.4 cm) $150,000 - $250,000



清 嘉慶 粉彩礬紅地加金彩蜨碟 開光嬰戲瓶 (大清嘉慶年製)六字三行篆書款

A Fine Famille-Rose Iron Red Ground Vase with Gilt Decorated Cartouche of Children Playing Scenes with Butterflies Atop All reserved on a fine gilt ground of scrolling flower and plantain bands. The interior and base turquoise. Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $4,000 - $5,000



清 乾隆 茶葉末釉貫耳瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書刻款

Qing, A Tea-Dust-Glazed Fang Hu with Tubular Handles


Of hexagonal sections rising from a slightly spreading foot and covered overall in a rare rich tea-dust glaze. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

清 乾隆 茶葉末釉葵花體圓口雙耳三足爐 (大清乾隆年製)凸雕款

Qing, A Tea-Dust-Glazed Tripod Censer

Circular shape with foliate lobes and two upright handles Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 3⅛ in (7.94 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 蜜蠟珊瑚漢玻璃朝珠掛飾 朝珠為上好蜜蠟,珊瑚,漢玻璃多寶 佩掛物,掛在頸項垂於胸前。老蜜蠟 質地脂潤,紋理均勻,材質細膩, 打磨圓潤 觸手溫潤,為歷代皇族所 採用的飾物與宗教之加持聖物.

Qing, A Magnificent and Fine Amber Bead, Coral and Han Glass Court Necklace, Chao Zhu Length: 27½ in (69.9 cm) $8,000 - $15,000




宋 吉州窯玳瑁碗 Song, Jizhou Tortoise Black-glazed Teabowl

明 五彩珐華花鳥梅瓶 Ming, Wucai Fahua Birds and Flowers Meiping in Turquoise Ground Relief decorated in color enamels

Diameter: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

Height: 9⅛ in (23.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



唐 黑釉斑點鳥流 龍把圈形壺 Tang, Phosphatic Splashed DarkGlazed CenterHollowed Ewer with Dragon Loop Handle and Bird Spout

明 龍泉窯刻花 獸耳方瓶 Ming, Longuan Incised Floral Fang Hu Vase with Sculpted Mock Beast Handles

Covered overall with a black glaze and applied with blueishgrey splashes, stopping at the foot-rim. Tang Dynasty Height: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $2,000 - $4,000


Ming Dynasty Height: 17 in (43 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 乾隆 豆青釉粉彩寶相彩蝶紋花卉盤 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 豆青釉色如玉。盤內白色開光處畫有蝴蝶花卉圖案。蝴蝶圍繞在 盛開的牡丹花周圍,五色繽紛、奇特無比。此盤精美絕倫, 構圖、色彩與紋飾變化無窮,為乾隆朝瓷器極品。

Qing, A Famille-Rose Pea-Green-Glazed Butterfly Plate Exquisitely painted around the interior well with a multitude of brightly-hued butterflies moths playfully frolicking amongst peony blooms and scrolling foliage on a white ground within the vibrantly glazed pea-green-glazed plate. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 8¼ in (21 cm) $100,000 - $150,000



清 康熙 仿宋官窯貫耳瓶 (大清康熙年製)六字三行楷書單框款 直口長頸,反貫耳,球腹圈足。通體 施青釉,釉面開片裂紋。

Qing, A Very Fine Guan-Type Glazed Arrow Vase

With compressed body and a slender neck flanked by a pair of tubular handles, covered overall and on the base with a crackled glaze, foot rim unglazed. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six-Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


元 青花釉裡紅麒麟寶座賞件 Yuan, A Copper-Red and Blue and White Glazed Buddhist Lion

Recumbent on a pedestal, and with a brocade ribbon in between his gaped open mouth, the lion is painted in blue and copper-red and washed in green tint with fine crackles. Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



明 嘉靖 青花嬰戲紋大盤 (大明嘉靖年製)六字橫款楷書 罐器型宏大,深弧腹,通體繪青花十六子嬰戲圖。 眾童子姿態生動,青花髮色淡雅.

Ming, Jiajing Blue and White Large Basin with Children-at-play Motifs

Robustly potted, painted overall in inky tones with boys at play in a continuous garden landscape, amidst plantains and pine, below a row of scrolling foliage and a classic border at the lipped rim. Inscribed in underglazed blue with a six-character reign mark. Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Six-Character Mark and of the Period.

Diameter: 17¾ in (45.1 cm) Height: 8⅞ in (22.5 cm) $8,000 - $15,000



清 咸豐 黃地五彩兵將轆戰圖高頸瓶 (咸豐年製)四字雙行方框篆書款 畫工精湛,所繪歷史人物有的甲胄在身,有的騎馬射 箭,栩栩如生。

Qing, A Fine Yellow Ground Wucai Warrior Vase Decorated with a key-fret border on the high neck and a floral ruyi band on the shoulder. Below is a continuous scene of warriors, in full armor with some on horseback, in a mountainous landscape. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Four Character Mark within a Square and of the Period. Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


清 咸豐 粉彩鶴翔紋旭日東昇碗 (大清咸豐年製)楷書款

Qing, Famille-rose Crane at Dawn above Cresting Waves Bowl

Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Height: 2⅝ in (6.67 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


元 青花雲龍獸首三足爐 Yuan, Blue and White Tripod Censer with Writhing Dragon amidst Cloud and Two Upright Handles


Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $8,000 - $20,000


明 洪武 青花纏枝菊花紋八棱玉壺春瓶 瓶敞口外撇,呈八方形,內口沿飾忍冬紋一周,細長頸,鼓腹下收,主題紋飾繪菊花纏枝紋。 底足外撇,此青花髮色已轉墨青, 為元末明初風格之青花瓷.

Ming, Hongwu Blue and White Octagonal Yuhuchunping with Chrysanthemum Scrolls Height: 10¼ in (26 cm) $20,000 - $30,000



清 乾隆 瓷胎鎏銀刻花卉紋連體罐

(大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書凸雕款 罐鼓腹,圈足,外壁鎏银,整體剔刻缠枝花卉纹,紋飾流暢.

Qing, Gilt-Silver Porcelain Twin-linked Jar with Incised Floral Motifs Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Length: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


清 乾隆 豇豆 紅束腰梅瓶


(大清乾隆年製) 六字三行篆書款

Qing, A Fine Peach-Bloom Glazed with Apple Green Mottling Meiping

Well potted with high shoulder below a short waisted neck, tapering towards the flared foot with an irregular band of strawberry. Interior and base glazed white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 6¾ in (17.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

閗彩寶相花卉纹盤 (大清雍正年製)款

Doucai Dish with Rosette-Floral Motifs Yongzheng Mark Diameter: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $1,000 - $1,500



天然竹葉奇石 此石為竹葉秋灰岩,石面上佈滿竹葉狀紋理,分佈有致, 古樸典雅。黃褐色底色淡黃竹葉竹枝。尤如黑夜臨空, 像在月光的普照下,近處似有竹葉疏林,而遠近相間 中似乎有些小動物遊走于其間,而為現世之靈石耶!

A Bamboo-Leaf Pattern River Tumbled Stone Boulder Composed of ancient Chinese Cambrian period carbonate sedimentary rock with calcite deposit that form the leaf-like structures. Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) Width: 7½ in (19 cm) Weight: 18.5 lb $6,000 - $8,000




宋 耀州窯綠釉八壽八卦降底闊口三足爐 Song, Yaozhou Green-glazed Tripod Censer Molded with Shou and Trigram with Footring to the Base

清 咸豐 粉彩懸寶洪福碗 (大清咸豐年製)六字雙行楷書款 Qing, An Auspicious Emblems Famille Rose Bowl

Decorated with hanging emblems beneath a band of geometric pattern at mouth rim. Reign Mark in ruby red. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



清 雍正 閗彩瓜瓞綿綿梅瓶 (大清雍正年製)六字三行篆書款 Doucai Melon-on-Vein Floral and Butterfly Meiping


Finely potted with round shoulder curving to a waisted neck with lipped rim. Exquisitely outlined in underglazed blue and painted in translucent green, lime-green, blue, yellow and lavender colors, plump melons hanging from intertwined vines interspersed with fluttering butterflies. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 11½ in. (29.2 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000

南宋 天青釉紫斑雙耳罐 Southern Song, Purple Splashed Jar with Double Loops as Handles on a Sky-bluish-glaze Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 雍正 琺瑯彩喜上眉 梢詩句碗 (雍正年製)雙框款 詩句:(幾度送風臨玉 戶,逐時傳喜上瑤墀) 鈐印(壽古)(香清)

Qing, A Fine Famillerose Enamel Birds on Twigs Bowl

Colorfully enameled with birds in flight and nestling amidst plum blossoms Poem inscriptions with reign marks on one side. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark within Double Squares Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 6⅛ in (15.5 cm) $60,000 - $80,000


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宋 吉州窯貼花留胎花卉浮 雕人物直口罐 Song, Jizhou Dark-glazed Jar with Molded Figures some Resist Decorated in Globular Shape with Width Mouth

Globular-shaped with wide mouth, the jar is decorated around the sides with appliqué of molded figures interspersed with three registers of two-petals blooms reserved on a mottled brown glaze. Height: 8½ in (21.6 cm) $10,000 - $20,000



酸枝鏤雕靈芝如意 A Fine Rosewood and Lingzhi Fungus Ruyi Scepter Finely carved as openwork lingzhi with gnarled intertwined branches laden with ruyi heads. Length: 15 in (38.1 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

精美和田白玉錯八寶红木 福壽子孫昌盛如意 A Fine Jade Embellished Hongwu Ruyi Scepter


The head terminal and two other on the handle inlaid with hardstone, malachite and mother-of-pearl to depict a floral scene. Classic scroll carved on the Hongwu. Length: 18⅛ in (46.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


唐 青銅人馬皇帝御駕方鏡 Tang, A Very Rare Rectangular Bronze Mirror with Emperor’s Carriage Scene

With a raised rectangular rim, around the central knob an Imperial carriage cast in high relief. Length: 19 in (48.3 cm) Width: 11 in (27.9 cm) $6,000 - $10,000


唐 青銅飛天仙女人物故事方鏡 Tang, A Very Rare Rectangular Bronze Mirror with Apsaras Scene

Finely and unusually cast with celestial beings with trailing scarves and sashes flown amidst vaporous clouds bordering a rectangular inner story board with Figures. Length: 18¼ in (46.4 cm) Width: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $6,000 - $10,000




唐 黑釉藍斑花 口把壺 Tang, Blackglazed Ewer with Greyish-Blue Splashes, Foliate Rim and Loop Handle Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) $2,000 - $4,000

鈞窯天青釉紫斑帶蓋四足油燈座 Junyao Purple Splashed Lavender Lamp Stand with Cover and Four Tab Feet Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $500 - $800



宋 吉州窯留胎 梅花梅瓶 Song, Jizhou Dark-glazed Meiping with Resist Decorated Plum Blossoms Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

良渚文化(公元前2000年) 白玉(雞骨白)通雕獸面雙魚佩飾 雞骨白的雙魚有兩眼,張着大口的獸面紋飾。 雕工古雅大 方,使人有震懾之感,為難得之玉佩。

A Chicken-bone White Jade Zoomorphic Ornament Carved on Both Sides in Fish-form with Taotie Masks Appliques


Neolithic, Liangzhu Culture (2000 B.C.) Width: 4½ in (11.4 cm) $800 - $1,500


清 乾隆 琺瑯彩羅漢駕雲福(蝠)來杯 (乾隆年製)雙框款 十八羅漢群像雲蝠紋襯托,羅漢身披各色袈裟,形 象栩栩如生。琺瑯彩色堆料厚,深淺不同的料彩巧 妙配合,使得畫面有層次分明實感, 繪工精湛。

Qing, A Fine Famille-rose Enamel Luohan and Bat Wine Cup

Colorfully enameled with Luohans riding on wavy clouds bats in flight. Gilt rim and base, the interior is painted turquoise. Blue reign mark on the underside. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark within Double Circles and of the period Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



清 黃楊木樹根雕隨形桌 取自然樹根而作,色棕黃,隨其原生形態。

Qing, A Rare Boxwood Root-Form Stand


Irregular top supported on gnarled roots Height: 33 in (83.8 cm) Weight: 14,600 g $3,000 - $4,500


彩繪描金持蓮觀音壁畫唐卡 此唐卡是從壁畫割切下來的,為十九世紀的產物。造法是以泥漿糊在紙上一層一層地疊起來的,先用木板糊上泥漿,然後將紙 放上,在紙上再塗上泥漿,就這樣一層一層地疊直至所需要的厚度,然後風乾而成泥板,而後在泥板上繪畫。繪畫完成後固在 牆壁上而成為壁畫。這些壁畫並不多見,可供參考的有,明朝永樂宮的壁畫。

A Thangka-mural depicting Avalokiteshvara

The bodhisattva seated on a lotus throne, the left hand extended holding a lotus flower, the right hand grasping a billowing shawl, wearing the bodhisattva jewelry. Height: 23¾ in (60.3 cm) Width: 15¾ in (40 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



漢 陶製說唱樂俑 一套三件 Han, A Group of Three Grey Pottery Singer-Musicians Figures Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) 8⅛ in (20.6 cm) 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) $600 - $1,000


古玉雕牙狀猴掛飾 Archaistic Jade Pendant in Tooth-Shape Carved with Monkey

Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) $500 - $800


清 乾隆 料彩連珠菊瓣紋螭龍水洗 (乾隆年製)款 Qing, Beijing Amber Glass Washer with Chrysanthemum Petals Carving and Qilin Handles Qianlong Four Character Mark Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $600 - $800


稀有奇石賞件 A Brownish-Caramel Scholar’s Rock with Natural Appearance and Softly Polished With fitted wood stand Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) Height with Stand: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) Width: 12 in (30.5 cm) Weight: 10040 g $500 - $800



漢 藍彩玻璃鉗寶雕幾何卷龍紋活環龍耳帶蓋尊一對 Han, A Pair of Fine and Rare Blue Glass Zun Embellished with Hardstone

Carved with Dragon mask, ruyi and geometric shapes, flanked with dragon handles and loose rings Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



南宋 龍泉窯菊瓣碗一對 Southern Song, A Fine Pair of Longquan Celadon Chrysanthemum-Form Lobed Bowl With deep rounded sides rising from the foot ring to the scalloped rim and carved inside and out as chrysanthemum petals, covered overall with a soft sea-green glaze thinning on the ribs and ending on a line above the edge. Southern Song Dynasty Diameter: 4⅞ in (12.3 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


宋 建窯兔毛碗 Song, Jianyao Hare’s Fur Teabowl

Diameter: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



明 宣德 剔犀寶相鷹紋盤 (大明宣德)四字雙行楷書款

Ming, An Exceptional Tixi Cinnabar Lacquer Plate carved with Archaic Reliefs Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Seal Mark and of the Period Diameter: 11⅝ in (29.5 cm) Height: 1 in (2.54 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



清 漆雕高士圖開光人物大圓漆盒 Qing, A Very Large Cinnabar Lacquer Circular Box carved with Scholars in Windows Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) Diameter: 13⅜ in (34 cm) $3,000 - $5,000


北宋 磁州窯 開光孔雀 花卉雙繋瓶 Northern Song, Cizhou Painted Vase with Windows of Peacock and Floral Blooms and Two Attached Loops at the Shoulder

Height: 9⅛ in (23.2 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



宋 鈞窯紫紅釉 鼓釘九號水洗 Song, A Very Rare Junyao Purplesplashed Numeral Jiu (9) Washer

The interior is a lavender-blue with a Band of Bosses on the Exterior above a raised rib. Song Dynasty Diameter: 6¼ in (15.8 cm) Height: 3.6 in (9.2 cm)

$25,000 - $40,000


宋 建窯兔毛碗 Song, Jianyao Hare’s Fur Teabowl

Diameter: 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000




黑釉藍斑玄紋盤口把壺 Black Glazed with Blue Splashes Ribbed Ewer with Loop Handle and DishMouth Rim Height: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm) $400 - $500

紫砂夾層鼓釘溫酒罐與酒壺 (鳴遠)款 Zisha Ewer with Boss Decorations and Warmer Layer Signed and Ascribed to Ming Yuan Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) $400 - $600



白釉嬰兒枕 White-glazed Figural Pillow in Child-form

清 雍正綠釉碟型水洗 (大清雍正年製)六字楷書款 Qing, Green-glazed Washer with Plate-saucer Cover

Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) Length: 13½ in (34.3 cm) $300 - $500


Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $600 - $1,000 213

鈞窯紫紅釉 三義尊 Junyao LavenderRed Glazed Tripod Zun with Beast Heads Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) $400 - $600

青天釉十棱花口溫酒盤 Celadon-Glazed Wine Warmer with Chrysanthemum-Petal Lobes at Rim

Across: 5½ in (14 cm) Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $600 - $800



明 成化 白釉暗刻龍紋天字敞口杯一對 “天”字款 Ming, Chenghua A Pair of White-glazed Anhua Decorated Dragon Cups with Everted Rim Tian Character Mark The interior of the thin eggshell body is slip-decorated with a continuous scene of wreathing dragons Diameter: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Height: 1½ in (3.81 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


宋 吉州窯如意頭紋獸首 含環長頸瓶一對 Song, A Pair of Jizhou Pear-shaped Vase Decorated with Ruyi and applied with Beast-head Mock Rings against Matte Dark Brown-glaze Height: 11¼ in (28.6 cm), 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $4,000 - $5,000



壽山石雕金童玉 女拜觀音賞件 A Shoushan Stone Carving of Guanyin with Ruyi and accompanied by Two Acolytes


壽山石雕壽翁送 仙桃立像 A Shoushan Stone Carving of God of Longevity Bringing Auspicious Peach


Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Weight: 793 g $800 - $1,500

Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) Weight: 1,504 g $600 - $800


白玉雕送子觀音 蓮座造像 A Well Carved White Jade Seated Guanyin with Child

Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 687 g $400 - $600

磁州窯花卉男女兒童枕一對 A Pair of Cizhou Figural Pillows in Child-form with Floral Patterns 220

壽山石雕伏獅羅 漢坐像 Shoushan Stone Carving of Luohan Taming Lion


Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm), 5½ in (14 cm) Length: 11⅜ in (28.9 cm), 11⅜ in (28.9 cm) $300 - $400

Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Weight: 1,557 g $400 - $600

良渚文化 玉琮伴花線刻獸面紋賞件 Celadon Jade Vase set between Two Cylinder Zongs and Carved with Zoomorphic Masks


Neolithic, Liangzhu Culture (2000 B.C.) Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Length: 9½ in (24.1 cm) $800 - $1,500


琥珀雕鳳凰酒壺四鳳杯連托盘一组十件 琥珀圓珠光輪蓋壺,體光潤,通身採用整塊琥珀雕刻製作,長頸上浮雕鳳凰,鳳尾為壺把. 此壺配有四精緻鳳杯 與盘. 色彩金黃, 绚麗奪曰, 為宮庭妃嬪用品, 存世無雙之作。

Finely Carved Amber Phoenix-Form Ewer with an Octo-lobed Saucer and Four Cups with Saucers

Of golden honey hue, molded with a phoenix in the upper body and its extending tail as handle, the cover has a Buddhist halo and movable bead as finial accompany by four set of cup, each carved with a phoenix and a ruyi handle. Height of Ewer: 5.8 in (14.9 cm) Height of Cup: 2.1 in (5.4 cm) $8,000 -$15,000

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原石玉雕羅漢童子擺件 Well Carved Jade Boulder with Luohan and Child

Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Length: 7⅞ in (20 cm) Weight: 3006 g $800 - $1,500

良渚文化 線刻兽面紋玉璧 Jade Bi Carved on Both Sides with Zoomorphic Masks and Figures Neolithic, Liangzhu Culture (2000 B.C.) Diameter: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) Weight: 801 g $600 - $1,000




韓國 十九世纪青綠釉花鳥瓜型把壺 Korea, Green-glazed Melon-shaped Bird and Flower Ewer with Loop Handle 18 C

韓國 十九世纪綠釉雲 鶴帶蓋梅瓶 Korea, Green-glazed Crane amidst Clouds Meiping with Cover 18 C

Height: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) $300 - $500

Height: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm) $300 - $500


韓國 十九世纪粉青釉蓮瓣花鳥 紋鳳尾瓶 Korea, Green-glazed Lotus Petal Trumpet Vase 18 C Height: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $300 - $500


韓國 綠釉鶴翔紋雙耳瓶 Korea, Green-glazed Crane amidst Cloud Vase with Handle 18 C Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) $300 - $500



周桂珍紫砂蓮藕壺 (周桂珍造)底款 Zhou Guizhen Zisha Lotus-Root-shape Teapot Signed Zhou Guizhen Height: 3¼ in (8.26 cm) $800 - $1,500


顧景舟紫砂菊瓣紋壺 (顧景舟)底款 (顧)(景舟)蓋內款 Gu Jing Zhou Zisha Teapot with Chrysanthemum Petals Round Body and Cover


Signed by Gu Jing Zhou Height: 4 in (10.16 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


何道洪紫砂花卉包袱壺 (何道洪製)底款

He Daohong Zisha Pouch-shape Floral Teapot Signed by He Daohong Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $800 - $1,000


顧景舟紫砂貼花梅花壺 (顧景舟)底款 (顧)(景舟)蓋內款 Gu Jing Zhou Cylindrical Zisha Teapot with Relief Carved Plum Blossoms Decorations and Branch Shape Loop Handle and Spout Signed by Gu Jing Zhou Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000




磁州窯嬰戲蓮花 四繋瓶

磁州窯童戲紋蓋罐 Cizhou Painted Jar Child at Play and Cover

(蓮生貴子, 大劉山人)款

Cizhou Painted Vase with Child at Play and Lotus with Four Loops at Mouth Rim

Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $300 - $500

Inscribed Artist Mark with Seal on Vase Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $300 - $500


清 乾隆 玻璃料灑金浮雕羅漢龍耳活環爐 (乾隆年製)四字雙行雙框篆書款

Qing, An Amber Glass Censer with Gold Fleck

The bulbous body with short flared base and carved with Luohans resting beneath pine trees, dragon handles with loose rings and a key-fret band at the rim. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four-Characters Mark and of the Period. Height: 4½ in (11.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


陳鳴遠紫砂蓮葉青蛙水洗 (陳鳴遠)款 Chen Ming Yuan Zisha Washer in Lotus-Leaf-shape with Scallop Rim and Frog atop With realistically carved and incised veins


borne on a stem rising from the base to the inward-curved rim Signed by Chen Mingyuan Across: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 紫砂貼花團鳳紋鳳流鳳把斜足方壺 (大清乾隆年製)底款


Qing, Qianlong Zisha Waisted Square Teapot with Molded Roundels of Phoenixes and Conforming Spout Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark with Impressed Stamp of the Imperial Palace Height: 6½ in (16.51 cm) $800 - $1,500


清 楊彭年製 三镶玉锡包紫砂壺 (楊彭年造)四字款 花卉詩句銀梯形, 壺嘴,把手及鈕盖鑲玉 Qing, Yang Pengnian Jade and

Pewter Encased Zisha Teapot

Of ladder-shape with celadon jade finial, spout and handle, incised with floral and poem inscription Maker Yang Pengnian impressed Mark on the Underside Height: 4½ in (11.43 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


清 楊彭年製 三镶玉锡包紫砂壶 (楊彭年造)四字款 花卉詩句,玉鈕,玉流,玉把方壺 Qing, Yang Pengnian Jade and Pewter

Encased Zisha Teapot Of square shape, celadon jade finial,

pout and handle, incised with floral nd poem inscription Maker Yang Pengnian impressed Mark on the Underside Height: 4⅛ in (10.48 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 楊彭年製 三镶玉锡包紫砂壶 (楊彭年造)四字款 花卉詩句如意字造型,玉鈕,玉流,玉把 Qing, Yang Pengnian Jade and Pewter

Encased Zisha Teapot

Of pouch-shape, celadon jade finial, spout and handle, incised with floral and poem inscription Impressed Maker Yang Pengnian Mark on the Underside Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


Qing, A Large and Rare Inscribed Duan Inkstone with Zitan Box and Cover, Artist Signature Fu Shan

The stone of warm grey tone, of oval form, carved with scrolling clouds surrounding the ‘star’ incorporating the ‘eye’ of the natural stone, flanked by two bats in flight, on the troughed inkwell. The reverse partly unpolished, revealing the natural roughness of the material with seven ‘eye’, inscribed in cursive script Tao Ran Zi Le (Tranquil Sereneness), with two seals: Fu Shan Artist Mark and Qing, The fine zitan box is carved with a poem from Du Fu, signed with artist mark Fu Shan and dated Qing. Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Box Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 12 in (30.5 cm) Box Width: 13⅜ in (34 cm) Weight of Inkstone: 7320 g $6,000 – $10,000 241

清 傅山製雲蝠紋七星端硯連傅山題名紫檀木硯匣 端石,橢圓形,墨堂廣闊,有石眼七枚,組成北斗七星樣,天象眼成, 極為罕見。墨池的中央有雲蝠紋圍繞著北極星,北極星為一枚大石眼, 雲紋刻畫流暢,氣度不凡。 傅山(1607-1684)明清之際思想家、書法家。 硯底款:陶然自樂 傅山作 鈐印:(傅山之印)(清) 紫檀匣狂草刻書: 雄都元壯麗,望幸欻威神。地利西通蜀,天文北照秦。 風煙含越鳥,舟楫控吳人。未枉周王駕,終期漢武巡。甲兵分聖旨,居守 付宗臣。早發雲台仗,恩波起涸鱗。


壽山石浮雕老子問道梅景圖把壺 (林文光製)底款 此壺人物生動活潑, 山水浮雕工藝精緻, 與材質配合如意隨形。得自然豪邁之美, 稀有精妙之作, 得者寶之。

Exquisitely Carved Shoushan Stone Teapot Finely carved and pierced depicting Laozi’s Journey through the Plum Blossom’s mountain paths. The handle is shaped like a gnarled branch and the cover with eagle feeding young as finial. Signed Lin Wenguang Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm)

$4,000 - $6,000



影青白釉龍耳盤口瓶 Qingbai Incised Bottle Vase with Dragon Loop Handles and Dish-Mouth Rim Height: 10⅝ (27 cm) $400 - $600


粉藍釉三義尊 Powder-blue Glazed Tripod Zun with Beast Heads Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $600 - $1,000


黑釉藍斑玄紋撇口瓶 Black Glazed with Blue Splashes Ribbed Ewer with Everted Mouth Rim Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) $400 - $600


北宋 磁州窯荷花遊魚梅瓶 Northern Song, Cizhou Sgraffiato Meiping with Fish in Lotus Pond Scene Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



黃玉透雕團龍紋璧一對 A Pair of Finely Carved and Pierced Yellow Jade Bi Carved in shallow relief

dragon scrolls with a central character disc. The translucent stone with russet inclusions. Across: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 101 g, 99 g $1,500 - $3,000



龍泉窯鏤雕蟠龍盤口瓶 Longquan Carved Vase with applied Dragon and Open Work at the Ovoid Body


Height: 13½ in (34.3 cm) $600 - $1,000

鈞窯青天釉紫斑連座鏤孔花口瓶 Purple Splashed Junyao Vase with Quatrefoils Opening Plinth and Foliate Mouth-Rim Height: 19 in (48.3 cm) $800 - $2,000


清 黃花梨鑲嵌百寶花蝶鳥波紋方盒 Qing, An Unusual Huanghuali Rectangular Box

Finely inlaid with carved hardstone, wood, malachite, bone and mother-of-pearl depicting butterfly and bird perched on twig with blossoming prunus and a foliate cover. Qing Dynasty Height: 2¾ in (6.9 cm) Length: 8⅞ in (22.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



精美鏤雕紫檀喜上眉梢花鳥紋筆筒 Naturalistically Carved Burl Zitan Brush Pot with Intricate Flowers and Birds

壽山石雕羅漢造像一對 Two Shoushan Carved Figures of Luohan, Riding above Cresting Waves

Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 16¾ (42.5 cm), 17 in (43.2 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



清 青花迎接故事筆筒 Qing Blue and White Brush Pot with Greeting Story Scene Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) $800 - $1,500


竹透雕人物樓閣花口筆筒 A Reticulated Bamboo Brush Pot Carved in High Relief Openwork Story Scene with Figures and Pavilion Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $800 - $1,500



黃花梨鉗鑲羅鈿寶瓶花卉紋六棱筆筒 Huanghuali Hexagonal Brush Pot Finely Inlaid with Mother-of-Pearl depicting Bouquet in Vase Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $800 - $1,500


竹根雕松下羅漢圖扁筆筒 Relief Carved Bamboo Brush Pot with Luohan under Pine Tree Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) $600 - $800

Next Auction, June 2016

EST. 2002

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Lot 95

北宋 趙佶(宋徽宗) (1082 - 1135)


Zhao Ji (Song Huizong) Northern Song Dynasty

Bird on Twig

12⅛ × 11⅞ in 30.8 × 30.2 cm

Lot 155

清 乾隆 琺瑯彩黃地花蝶禱帶蒜頭瓶 Qing, An Exquisite Famille-Rose Enameled Yellow-ground Garlic Head Butterfly Floral Vase Height: 9 in (22.9 cm)

39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019

Gianguan Auctions Tel: 212 867 7288



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