June 2013 Ceramics

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PART II 2:00 PM (2 時) Ceramics Bronzes Jade Works of Art 瓷器 青銅器 玉器 文玩


Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正統 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

北魏 Nothern Wei

386 - 535

天順 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

東魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齊 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆慶 Longqing

1567 - 1572

萬曆 Wanli

1573 - 1619

泰昌 Taichang


天啟 Tianqi

1621 - 1627

崇禎 Chongzhen

1628 - 1644

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

11th C.- 771 B.C. 770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 戰國 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

618 - 907

475 - 221 B.C.

清 五代

Qin Dynasty

Five Dynasties

907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C. Han Dynasty

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

東周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西漢 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

東漢 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

順治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

907 - 923

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

後唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

後晉 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

後漢 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉慶 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

後周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸豐 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

Liao Dynasty

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

1644 - 1911

後梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三國

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光緒 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣統 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


265 - 420

Jin Dynasty

Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1915 - 1916

1115 - 1234


Western Jin

265 - 316


Sixteen Kingdoms

304 - 439


Eastern Jin

317 - 420

1279- 1371

中華人民共和國 Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪憲

Jin Dynasty

Qing Dynasty

劉宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永樂 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齊 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi




翡翠浮雕蜥蜴(適意)如意(帶皮)掛飾 Oval Jadeite Pendant with Relief Carved Lizard and Ruyi with Bead Necklace Pendant Length: 2 in. (5.1 cm.) $500 - $600


冰種翡翠三彩雕彌勒佛掛飾 Glass Jadeite Tri-Color Carved Maitreya Pendant Height: 2 in. (5.1 cm.) $400 - $500


Diameter: 9 in. (22.8 cm.) $400 - $500


明 翡翠紫羅蘭浮雕花卉如意玉鐲 Jadeite and Lavender Bracelet Finely Carved with Ruyi and Flower with Green Patches

冰種飄紫羅蘭玉鐲 Glass Lavender Jade Bracelet Diameter: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000


蜜腊珠鏈 Beeswax Bead Necklace

Ming Dynasty

Diameter: 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) $2,500 - $3,000

清 三色翡翠虬 龍福來開花如 意佩 Jadeite Tri-Color Pendant with Intricate Openwork Carving of Qilin and Ruyi with Lotus Pods as Auspicious Emblems Qing Dynasty

Length: 2¾ in. (6.9 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000


優雅翡翠紫羅蘭 雙面平雕龍鳳 掛飾 A Very Fine Jadeite Lavender Dragon-Phoenix Pendant

Shallow relief carved Dragon on one side and Phoenix on the reverse with notched corners and set below a foliate scroll

Height: 2¾ in. (9.5 cm.) $2,000 - $2,500




冰種翡翠飄紫羅蘭手鐲 Glass Jadeite Lavender Bracelet Diameter: 2¾ in. (7 cm.) $500 - $600


精美翡翠透雕觀音 楊枝甘露蒼龍擺件 翡翠觀音玉雕的左邊 留皮,精刻着神態生猛 蒼龍,綠色的龍珠在觀音 的袍上。觀音手执柳枝與 寶瓶,將水傾入腳下的 塵世中,以普渡眾生。 此翡翠玉雕工藝精純, 為難得的傑作。

A Fine Jadeite Carving of Guanyin


Decorated with elaborate flowing robes and a high headdress, holding an inverted amphora bottle with lingzhi stalk, Guanyin stands with her feet stepped over a writhing dragon clambering on her side and chasing pearl, all carved on the russet. Height: 4⅜ in. (11.2 cm.) $5,000 - $8,000


冰種翠玉鐲 Glass Jadeite Bracelet Diameter: 2¾ in. (7 cm.) $500 - $600

冰種翠玉鐲 Glass Jadeite Bracelet Diameter: 2¾ in. (7 cm.) $500 - $600


翡翠三足蟾蜍吉祥 蜂巢掛飾一對

Two Jadeite Toad

Ornament Carvings Each three-legged toad carved on a brocade background to depict its leathery skin, and crouching on a beehive shaped rock as longevity signs. Length: 2⅛ in. (5.3 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000



精美翡翠透雕 雙蝠(福)葫蘆 掛飾 An Unusual Jadeite Double Gourd Pendant

玉雕托砵疊 羅漢擺件 Finely Carved Jade Figure of Two Luohans Pyramid Balancing and Each Holding Alms Bowl

Two bats carved in high relief clambering on each side amidst reticulated scrolling vines Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000

The stone of translucent and even pale greenish-white color Height: 4½ in. (11.4 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000




冰種翡翠飄紫羅蘭三色(福祿壽)玉鐲 Glass Jadeite Tri-Color (Fu, Lu, Shou) Auspicious Lavender Bracelet with Yellow and White Inclusions



黃龍玉把玩 Golden Jade Pebble


A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Columnar Seal with Figural Landscape Motifs

Length: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) $300 - $400

Seal Script: Autumn Time Mountain Pine

Diameter: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) $800 - $1,000

Height: 3¾ in. (9.5 cm.) $600 - $800



翡翠玉指環 Simply Set Oval Jadeite of Translucent Emerald Green Ring With GIA Certificate

Diameter: ¾ in. (1.9 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000


Diameter: 17 in. (43.2 cm.) $500 - $800



芙蓉石荔枝凍刻人物山水方章 Translucent Furong Stone Columnar Seal with Figural Landscape Carving





A Translucent White Jade Columnar Seal

A Translucent White Jade Columnar Seal

Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) $800 - $1,000

Height: 3⅞ in.(9.8 cm.) $800 - $1,000

Height: 3⅞ in. (9.8 cm.) $800 - $1,000

Seal Script: Think Carefully Before You Act


珊瑚紅珠鏈 A Multi-Strand Red Coral Bead Necklace

Seal Script: Deal with Things As They Come

Seal Script: Stay with Conscience

明 黃玉透雕虬 124 龍獸首活環三足 熏爐 Archaistic Yellow Jade Tripod Censer and Cover


The globular body raised on three paw supports, with a pair of Qilin circling the rim. Mask head handles suspending loose rings. The flat dome and cover with further pierced carving and projecting mask handles suspending loose ring. Ming Dynasty


(光緒二十三年五月,鐘祥 縣官錢局)(光緒元寶)(官錢局)(東昌造)(發) Boat-Shaped Silver Sycee with (發)

Height: 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000


扁壽山石山水 人物印章

Incised Two Confronting Dragons

Inscriptions Guangxu Zhongxiang Bureau

Height: 2⅛ in. (5.4 cm.) Length: 3½ in. (8.9 cm.) Weight: 27.8 oz (788.1 g) $800 - $1,000 126

(心生而言立, 言立而文明)款

A Large Translucent Shoushan Stone Seal with Scholars Gathering Carving on one side and Figural Landscape on the other Seal script: Streamline Creative Mind

Height: 4½ in. (11.4 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000

和田白玉雕寶瓶觀音坐像把玩 (有一自然石裂紋)

Hetian White Jade Pebble Carving of Guanyin Holding Amphora Bottle Natural Cleft

Height: 2⅞ in. (7.4 cm.) $300 - $400 127


壽山石雕彌佛座像 Shoushan Stone Maitreya Seated with Draping Robes and Holding Prayer Beads Height: 5⅝ in. (14.3 cm.) $400 - $600


壽山石印料兩件 (邊角有小損) Two Columnar Shoushan Stone Seals

壽山石雕龍鈕印料一套三件 A Set of Three Shoushan Stone Seals

Height: 3⅜ in. (8.5 cm.), 4⅞ in. (12.4 cm.) $150 - $200

Height: 2⅝ in. (6.67 cm.), 2¾ in. (7 cm.), 2½ in. (6.4 cm.) $500 - $800

(with minor chips on edge)

With carved Dragon Knobs on Wood Stand




銀鑄六棱獅鈕 印章 (洪秀全印)款

Hong Xiuquan Silver Hexagonal Seal with Relief Carved Lion Knob Carved on six sides with figure scenes from the canal

Height: 2½ in. (6.3 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000


銅鍍銀蓮花座四立佛造像 Silver-Plated Bronze Group of Four Standing Buddhas on a Circular Lotus Pedestal

Dressed in billowing robes and holding staff encircling a central flaming sun with spikes Height: 7¾ in. (19.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000


Length: 4⅝ in.(11.9 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500


壽山石蟾蜍送金錢鈕印料一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seal with Carved Toad Delivering Coin as Auspicious Knob


西藏銅綠松石珊瑚八股金剛杵供器二件 Two Tibetan Bronze Vajra with Eight and Arched Vajra Joints Spherical Central Grip Decorated by Turquoise and Coral Rims

Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $400 - $500


雞血石方印章一組三件 A Group of Three Jixue Stone Square Seals Height: 1 in. (2.5 cm.), 1⅛ in. (2.9 cm.) $400 - $500

壽山石雕獅鈕印章兩件 Two Shoushan Stone Seal with Lion Knob Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.), 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) $500 - $600


古玉雕盤龍鈕方形印 (天子之印)款 A Finely Carved Archaistic Jade Dragon Seal Square seal surmounted by an open work coiling dragon boldly carved with head raised ferociously. The stone of pale green with brown inclusions. Seal Script: Son of God Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000




長方壽山石詩句印章一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seals with Poem Inscriptions Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) $400 - $500


壽山石辟邪鈕印料兩個 Two Shoushan Stone Seals with Bixie Knob Height: 1¾ in. (4.4 cm.), 1½ in. (3.8 cm.) $200 - $300

蹲龍鈕碧玉璽 (皇帝之印)款 Spinach Green Jade Dragon Seal

Of square form, surmounted by a bold and fierce double-headed dragon crouching on its haunches,with a channel pierced from both sides The seal face crispy carved with the characters: Seal of the Emperor Inscriptions on all four sides


Height: 4⅜ in. (11.1 cm.)

$3,000 - $5,000 140


壽山石雕山水人物印章(忠孝讀書勤儉積德)款 A Large Shoushan Stone Seal with Finely Carved Figural Landscape Scenes on all Four Sides as Knob


Seal script of well known quote of being loyal hardworking and frugal as essence of life

Height: 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.)

$800 - $1,000

壽山石雕雙龍戲珠印料 A Massive Shoushan Stone Seal Finely Carved with Dragons Playing Ball as Knob Height: 12 in. (30.5 cm.) $600 - $800

一組三件: 壽山石雄獅教子戲珠鈕印料一對; 壽山石荷池雙魚鈕印章 A Group of Three: A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seals with Buddhist Lion, One with Cub Playing Ball as Knob; A Carved Shoushan Stone Seal with Twin Fish in Lotus Pond as Knob Height: 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.), 3½ in. (8.9 cm.), 4 in. (10.2 cm.) $600 - $800

稽古右文 康熙之寶 惟堯則止 育德勤民 戒之在得 九有一心 143

清 康熙白玉雕象鈕璽一套六方 篆書款

A Remarkable Set of Six Rectangular White Jade Seals Each Surmounted by an Elephant

With seal face carved with characters in Zhuanshu Script and attributed to Emperor Kangxi in a fitted box. Six Seal Scripts: (Learning from antiquity to advance in literary studies) (Treasure of Kangxi)(Following Emperor Yao)(Educate Your People) (Guard against avarice)(Longevity) Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Height: 2⅜ in. (6 cm.) x 3, 2½ in. (6.4 cm.) x 2, 2⅝ in. (6.7 cm.) $80,000 - $100,000




壽山石母子羊鈕印料一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seal with Goat and Young as Knob

壽山石印章一組三件 A Group of Three Shoushan Stone Seals with Carved Knobs atop Height: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.), 2 in. (5 cm.) × 2 $400 - $500




Height: 2¼ in. (5.7 cm.), 2½ in. (6.4 cm.) $200 - $300

一組壽山石印章五件 A Group of Five Shoushan Stone Seals

Height: 3½ in. (8.9 cm.), 2¾ in. (7 cm.) × 2, 2⅛ in. (5.4 cm.), 2⅜ in. (6 cm.) $300 - $400

Height: 3¾ in. (9.5 cm.) $400 - $500


壽山石印章兩件 Two Shoushan Stone Seals Carved with Floral Blossoms and Landscape Scenes

Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) $200 - $300

雞血石山水人物印料一對 A Pair of Columnar Jixue Stone Seals with Figural Landscape Carvings

Height: 3⅝ in.(9.2 cm.), 2 in. (5 cm.) $300 - $400


圓形壽山石浮雕雙鼠印料一個 An Oval Shoushan Stone Seal with Relief Carved Twin Mice atop

Height: 2⅝ in. (6.7 cm.) $200 - $300

雞血石長方印料,瓦鈕印章兩件 Two Jixue Seals: One Columnar and One with Tile Knob




田黃大小印章一組四件 A Group of Four Tianhuang Seals carved with Inscriptions Height: 1¼ in (3.2 cm) × 2, ¾ in. (1.9 cm.) × 2 $500 - $600

雞血石方印章連上雕花卉蓋盒 A Square Jixue Seal Inside a Floral Motif Jixue Box with Cover Seal Height: ¾ in. (1.9 cm.) Box Length: 2¾ in. (7 cm.) $600 - $800




壽山石龍戲珠鈕印料一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seal with Dragon Chasing Pearl Knob

雞血石印章一套三件 A Group of Three Jixue Stone Seals

Height: 1⅞ in. (4.8 cm.), 1⅝ in. (4.1 cm.), 1½ in. (3.8 cm.) $400 - $500

壽山石雕如意笑佛鈕印章 (悠然自得)款

A Shoushan Stone Seal with Ruyi Maitreya Knob

Height: 3⅜ in. (8.6 cm.) $300 - $400

Seal Script: Carefree

Height: 3⅛ in. (7.9 cm.) $300 - $400 158



壽山石龍戲珠印料 Shoushan Stone Seal with Dragon Chasing Pearl Knob

壽山石獅鈕印料兩個 Two Shoushan Stone Seals with carved Lion Knob

Height: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) $300 - $400

Height: 3⅞ in. (9.8 cm.), 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) $400 - $500

琥珀雕仕女持花擺件一對 A Pair of Well Carved Translucent rich color Amber Ornament of Maidens Holding Flower Stalks Height: 8⅛ in. (20.6 cm.) $500 - $600

Height: 3⅛ in. (7.9 cm.), 1¼ in. (3.2 cm.) $200 - $300




古石雕擺件兩件:玉跪人,玉獸 Two Archaistic Jade Carvings of Man Kneeling and Beast Standing

綠地套紅料灑銀遊魚碗 (乾隆年製)款

A Translucent Green Overlay Red Glass Fish Bowl With silver fleck on a

wave-ground and a keyfret border. Qianlong Mark

Diameter: 5¼ in. (13.3 cm.) $600 - $800

粉彩矾紅釉雲蝠紋水洗 (大清光緒年製)款 A Famille-Rose Brush Washer with Iron-Red Bat Motifs Over Wispy Clouds with Ruyi Borders Guangxu Mark Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $400 - $500




清 稀有銅胎畫琺瑯竹鳥紅蝠(福)祥花口碗 A Rare and Fine Cloisonne Enamel Bowl

Painted in powder blue in the exterior with bamboo and bird and the interior with bat as auspicious emblems with a foliate rim Qing Dynasty Across: 5½ in. (14 cm.) Length: 2½ in. (6.2 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

民國 青花龍火 紋禱帶蒜頭瓶


(大明宣德年 製)款

Blue and White Dragon Flask with Garlic Head and Loop Handle Republic Period Height: 13⅝ in. (34.6 cm.) $800 - $1,000

銅胎剔紅雕漆山水樓台花卉紋方瓶 A Large Cinnabar Lacquer Square Vase

Of square sections with tall neck, deeply carved with panels of scrolling flowers and continuous landscape scene and graphic borders on the splayed foot, all reserved on a dense diaper ground with key-fret borders. Height: 11 in. (28 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000 165


虹豆紅觀音瓶 (大清光緒年製)款 Peach Bloom Glazed Guanyin Vase with Mottled Glaze of Greenish Speckling Guangxu Mark

Height: 10⅛ in. (25.7 cm.) $600 - $800



瑪瑙獸首活環透雕大扁瓶 A Large Agate Flask Vase with Beast Head Loose Rings and a Mythical Beast as Finial Cover and Reticulated Ingot on the Sides Height: 12½ in. (31.8 cm.) $800 - $1,000

民國 粉彩開光龍紋獸耳盤口瓶 (大清乾隆年製)款

A Large Famille-Rose Globular Vase with Windows of Dragons and Beast Handles with Dish-Rim Mouth Republic Period Height: 16⅝ in. (42.2 cm.) $300 - $400



清 花梨木嵌和田玉 雕千手觀音臺屏 Table Screen of Hetian Jade Panel Carved with Avalokiteshvara Set within an Openwork Wood Frame in a Stand

The elaborate pierced frame inset with a jade plaque carved in high relief on one side with avalokiteshvara holding various Buddhist attributes of lotus spray, and celestial scarf, standing on a lotus base Qing Dynasty Height: 20⅛ in. (51.2 cm.) Width: 12½ in. (31.75 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000


清 康熙 青花釉里紅山水樓台象耳抱月瓶 康熙 秋葉款 Underglaze-Blue and Copper-Red Moon Flask with Landscape Motifs with Elephant Ear Handles Of oval section and nearly circular profile, the two sides painted with a continuous mountainous river scene with scholars in underglazed blue with copper red blossoms. The sunken base with a blue reign leaf-mark. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Underglazed Leaf Mark

Height: 6⅛ in. (15.6 cm.) $5,000 - $6,000

清 剔紅雕漆雲龍趕珠海水紋盤 Well Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Dish with Two Flaming Dragon on Cresting Waves Chasing Pearl on a Diaper-ground


Qing Dynasty

Diameter: 14¾ in. (37.5 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000 172

翡翠紫羅蘭浮雕山水 樓台檯屏 Table Screen of Jadeite Lavender Panel with Relief Carved Figural Landscape Scene

Standing on an openwork lotus base Height: 16⅜ in. (41.6 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000

青金石松亭高士圖山子 A Well Carved Lapis Lazuli Mountain Boulder

Deeply carved front and back with scholars amidst pine trees and pavilion. Height: 11¾ in. (30 cm.) $3,500 - $5,000




民國 粉彩加金開光龍鳳包袱橄欖瓶 Famille-Rose Gilt Olive-Shaped Pouch-Vase with Dragon-Phoenix Windows

白瓷獅子四足熏爐 White-Glazed Lion Censer with Cover and Standing on Four Square

Republic Period

民國 青花人物山水天球瓶 Blue and White Figural Landscape Globular Vase

Blue and White Dish-Mouthed Vase with Ladies Pursuits in Courtyard Scene Republic Period with Kangxi Double-Circles Mark

Height: 12⅝ in. (32.1 cm.) $800 - $1,000 181





Height: 9¾ in. (24.8 cm.) $600 - $800


Height: 19¾ in. (50.2 cm.) $300 - $400 180

Qianlong Mark

民國 青花仕女游園圖盤口瓶

Republic Period

Height: 16⅜ in. (41.6 cm.) $300 - $400



民國 青花人物山水敞口大瓶 A Massive Blue and White Figural Landscape Vase with an Everted Rim

Republic Period

A Black Overlay Hexagonal Floral Pond Glass Vase with Gold Fleck on a Wave Ground

Decorated with Stenciled Decorated Auspicious Characters Diameter: 4½ in. (11.4 cm.)

Height: 2¼ in. (5.7 cm.) $150 - $200



民國 白釉印花萬壽碗 A White-Glazed Wan Shou Bowl

Height: 4¼ in. (10.8 cm.) $500 - $600

Height: 16½ in. (42 cm) $600 - $800



An Overlay Brown Qilin with Floral Motifs Glass Vase with Gold Fleck on a Wave Ground Qianlong Mark

Height: 10¾ in. (27.3 cm.)

$600 - $800

青玉羅漢坐像 A Celadon Jade Carving of Seated Maitreya with Elaborate Robes Height: 5¾ in. (14.6 cm.) $500 - $600



銅胎畫琺瑯仙鶴葫蘆紋鼻煙扁壺 (乾隆年製)款

Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Flying Crane on Clouds Motifs Qianlong Mark Height: 3⅛ in.(8 cm.) $600 - $800

翡翠紫羅蘭鏤雕八仙龍舟過海 A Fine Jadeite Lavender Carving of Eight Immortals Crossing on a Dragon Boat with Stand

All eight immortals carved realistically and in high relief with accessories aboard the boat riding on cresting waves Height: 6¾ in. (17.1 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000 184


原石翡翠浮雕觀 音擺件 A Well Carved Jadeite Guanyin Ornaments Carved in its Natural Jade Pebble Form with Stand Height: 6 in. (15.2 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000

清 光緒 銅胎畫琺瑯花卉草蟲鼻煙壺 (光緒年製)四字楷書橫款

Famille-Rose Enamelled Snuff Bottle with Insects and Floral Scene

Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500



精雕翠玉紫羅蘭白菜賞件 A Well Carved Massive Jadeite Lavender Cabbage with Stand

Signifying prosperity and good fortune, the cabbage has graduating hues of lavender and emerald green and realistically carved into the shape of a cabbage head with curled leaves. Length: 14 in. (35.6 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000

清 嘉慶 金地粉彩塑雕云蝠紋鼻煙壺 (嘉慶年製)四字雙行楷書款

A Fine Famille-Rose Gold-Ground Relief Decorated Bat amidst Cloud Snuff Bottle Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Mark and of the Period

Height: 2½ in. (6.4 cm.)

$800 - $1,000




元 青花釉里紅花卉方瓶 A Small Underglazed Blue and Copper-Red Floral Scroll Square Snuff Bottle

清 乾隆 粉彩描金開光花卉引蝠歸堂獸耳轉心鼻煙壺 (乾隆年製)四字雙行楷書款

A Finely Painted Famille-Rose Gilt Reticulated Revolving Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Mock Beast Rings

The square sides painted in a soft cobalt blue with copper-red floral blossoms within blue lines. Above the canted sides is a narrow cylindrical neck decorated with a key-fret band. Yuan Dynasty. Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000

Height: 2⅜ in. (6 cm. )

$5,000 - $6,000 191



Of globular form with geometric friezes with bat and panels of floral motifs. The inside revolving bottle has flowers motifs. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period

清 乾隆 粉彩和合二仙引蝠(福)鼻煙壺

清 乾隆 粉彩瓷胎金地花卉葫蘆飄帶鼻煙扁壺



A Finely Painted Famille-Rose Porcelain Snuff Bottle

An Exquisite Gilt Famille-Rose Double-Gourd Snuff Bottle with Sculpted Ribbons Flanking on Both Sides

Of meiping form with story scene of Hehe Erxian enchanting bats, auspicious emblem for prosperity. Geometric and ruyi bands decorated the bottle with a key-fret pattern on the narrow neck. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 2⅞ in. (7.4 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000

Painted on a gold ground, multi-colored blooming chrysanthemum flowers. Reign Mark in recessed foot. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000



套料鼻煙壺一組三件 A Group of Three Overlay Snuff Bottles

壽山石隨形鼻煙壺 Olive Green Shoushan Stone Snuff Bottle Carved in Free-form

Height: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.), 3½in. (8.9 cm.) X 2 $200 - $300



Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $400 - $500


象牙雕八吉祥連體鼻煙壺 Twin-Link Ivory Snuff Bottle with Bajixiang Auspicious Motifs


Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $200 - $300

青花故事人物轉心花卉鼻煙方壺 Blue and White Reticulated Revolving Snuff Bottle with Story Scene on the Outside and Floral Motifs Inside

Height: 3⅝ in. (9.2 cm.) $200 - $300


藍釉福壽梅瓶鼻煙壺 Blue Glazed Meiping Snuff Bottle with Fu Shou Auspicious Characters Motifs

Height: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) × 2 $500 - $600

骨雕編鐘鼻煙壺 Bone Carved Bell-Shaped Snuff Bottle with Taotie Marks with Stand

Height: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) $200 - $300


象牙雕葫蘆鼻煙壺一對 A Pair of Gourd-Shaped Ivory Snuff Bottle with Fu Shou Auspicious Carvings with Inscriptions

Height: 3⅛ in. (7.9 cm.) $200 - $300 200

壽山石雕瓜形壺 A Well Carved Melon-Shaped Shoushan Stone Pot with Conforming Cover and Loop Handle Height: 3¾ in. (9.5 cm.) $400 - $500

琺瑯彩西洋仕女鼻煙壺 (乾隆年製)款 Famille-Rose Enamelled Flask Snuff Bottle with Windows Decorated with Western Ladies Qianlong Mark

Height: 2½ in. (6.4 cm.) $300 - $400



202 清 乾隆 銅鎏金浮雕 獅子高耳三足連座薰爐

清 銅胎掐絲琺瑯龍雲 紋六棱冠帽架 A Hexagonal Gilt Bronze Cloisonne Enamel Official Hat-Stand with Design of Flaming Dragon amidst Wispy Cloud above Cresting Waves

(乾隆年製) 四字雙行楷書款

A Gilt-Bronze Tripod Censer with Windows of Carved Lions

Supported by three splayed feet and flanked by applied mythical beasts and two upright handles, the pierced cover with mythical beast and cub as finial. The base of the censer decorated with a bell. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period.

Qing Dynasty

Height: 12⅛ in. (30.7 cm.) $5,000 - $6,000

Height: 11¾ in. (30 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000



紅釉碗 (大明宣德年製)款 Copper-Red-glazed Bowl with Deep Flaring Side Xuande Mark Diameter: 7¼ in. (18.4 cm.) $800 - $1,000 206


明 銅獸首活門環 A Mythical Beast-Face Ring Handles

Cast in the form of a circular handle issuing from the jaws of a finely cast beast mask. Ming Dynasty

Diameter: 5¼ in. (13.2 cm.) $400- $600

六朝 銅鎏金佛祖 207 眾佛造像 A Large Gilt Bronze Figure of Buddhist Triad Well Cast as Buddha in elaborate flowing robes seated between two Bodhisattvas standing on lotus petal socles and backed by leaf-shaped mandorla cast with flames and petal-cast nimbus, all raised on a pedestal base with a pair of lion flanking. Six Dynasty Height: 15⅜ in. (39 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000


稀有螢石雕水洗(煙灰盤) A Fine Tourmaline Carving of a Brush Washer (Ash Tray) Length: 5⅞ in. (14.9 cm.) $800 - $1,000

景泰藍獸耳龍鈕 带座熏爐 (大清乾隆年製)款

A Large Cloisonne Enamel Censer with Mask Handles and Dragon Knop on a Reticulated Cover (With Stand) Qianlong Mark Height: 14 in. (35.6 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000


東漢 青銅塑雕牛、鹿、虎蓋三人足儲貝器 此青銅具器蓋上鑄一虎、三鹿和一牛,器身紋飾有上下兩組,上組飾鳳紋。下組飾人物豬獸圖。貝有三足為人物舉手支撐,造型奇特壯 麗,為青銅器之極品。

An Unusual Bronze Tripod Food Vessel with Animal Herd atop Cover

On the body of the vessel cast in low relief bands of Phoenix scroll and figures with beast. Raised on Three Kneeling Figural Supports. Eastern Han Dynasty Height: 13 in. (33 cm.) $80,000 - $100,000



浮雕雲龍紋端硯 210 A Well Carved Dragon Duan Inkstone

浮雕海龜端硯 A Well Carved Tortoise Duan Inkstone

With the ‘eye’ in the center of the small palette below two confronting dragons. Impressed Mark on the backside

Inside the recessed water-pool, a relief carved tortoise emerging and bordered on the right side with cresting wave and one hanging ‘eye’, another ‘eye’ in the smooth trough Impressed Mark on the backside

Length: 5¼ in. (13.3 cm.) $800 - $1,000

Length: 8⅝ in. (21.9 cm.) $800 - $1,000



浮雕羊形端硯 A Ram-Form Duan Inkstone

Recumbent ram naturalistically carved with head turned and the body as recessed ink pool with one ‘eye’ and the other at the curled tail. Impressed Mark on the backside Length: 5¼ in.(13.3 cm.) $500 - $800 213

Impressed Mark on the backside Length: 10⅝ in. (27 cm.) $800 - $1,000


黃花梨大筆筒 A Large Huanghuali Cylindrical Brush Pot with Center Plug


人物雕刻(雪中送炭)端硯 (傳心基命)款 A Well Carved Duan Inkstone with Story Scene of Bringing Logs in Winter Days as Timely Assistance

Height: 8⅝ in. (22 cm.) $800 - $1,000


黃花梨筆筒 A Huanghuali Cylindrical Brush Pot with Three Tab Feet and Center Plug Height: 5½ in. (14 cm.) $400 - $600

黃花梨筆筒 Huanghuali Cylindrical Brush Pot with Center Plug Height: 7⅛ in. (18 cm.) $800 - $1,000


清 乾隆 銅 模鑄 五虎筆筒

明 紫檀浮雕山 水人物 (福祿壽) 如意大筆筒 A Rare Massive Zitan TrunkForm Brush Pot


(乾隆年製)款 凸雕四字 雙行楷書款

Bronze Relief Carved FiveTigers Brushpot

With large thickwall and carved in high relief figures of God of Longevity with children acolytes bringing peaches within pine and bamboo groves with ruyi and rock ornaments Ming Dynasty

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Relief carved Four Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 11⅝ in. (29.5 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000



十三眼雷電紋流雲帶皮端硯 A Rare Duan Inkstone with Thirteen Eyes with Relief Carved Thunderous Wispy Cloud Swirling atop the Water Receptacle Length: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000 220

紫檀浮雕松鶴 221 延年筆筒 Zitan Relief Carved Crane and Pine Brush Pot with Auspicious Inscriptions Height: 5⅞ in. (15 cm.) $2,000 - $2,500

稀有五彩夾層雙馬硯 揮毫成錦綉 朱文震 (清代) (朱文震印) Twin Horse Inkstone Relief carved with a Prairie Scene of Horses Resting over a smooth green tone stone with darker shade embedded beneath Signed and Ascribed to Zhu Wenzhen Length: 9⅜ in. (23.8 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000

黃花梨木雕松 鶴筆筒 Huanghuali Cylindrical Brush Pot Carved with Pine and Crane Auspicious Motifs Height: 5⅞ in. (15 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000



明 木胎漆雕雲龍蝠(福)來蓋盒 A Very Rare and Fine Lacquer Painted Collar-Shaped Wood Box with Dragons and Bats On a diaper ground of ‘Wan’ Character within square, two delicately incised confronting dragons with flowing mane are chasing a flaming pearl amidst ruyi clouds. The rim has a key-fret pattern. The sides are painted with auspicious bat motifs. Black lacquer covers both the bottom of the box and the inside. Ming Dynasty Height: 3⅛ in. (7.9 cm.) Length: 18¾ in. (47.6 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000 223

清 嘉慶 剔紅漆雕頤和園玉帶橋 如意盤 通體為朱红色, 底施烏亮黑漆. 盤飾浮 雕的頤和園亭台樓閣; 中為玉带橋, 兩 旁楊柳搖曳, 橋下水波盪漾. 此盤刻 工高妙, 層次分明, 集清代雕漆工藝 之大城. (大清嘉慶年製)六字三行楷書刻款

A Rare Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Summer Palace Circular Dish Well carved with a landscape scene of the Jade Belt Bridge in the Palace set amidst willow trees, bordered by ruyi heads and against a diaper background. Base lacquered black. Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 9¾ in.(24.8 cm.) $10,000 - $15,000


清 素三彩人物塑 225 雕通景福壺 A Sancai Tri-Color Glazed Fu Character-Form Ewer with Cover


清 素三彩人物塑 雕通景壽壺 A Sancai Tri-Color Glazed Shou Character-Form Ewer with Cover

Of flattened form with open work loop handle and spout, wine pot is modelled to shape the ‘Fu’ character with conforming figures enamelled on the front. Qing Dynasty

Of flattened form with open work loop handle and spout, wine pot is modelled to shape the ‘Shou’ character with conforming figures enamelled on the front. Qing Dynasty

Height: 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000

Height: 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000



民國 粉彩龍鳳戲珠浪濤紋盤 (乾隆年製)款 Republic Period Famille-Rose Dragon-Phoenix Plate

Of shallow circular form, the interior decorated with writhing dragon chasing flaming pearl with a phoenix amidst cresting waves. Qianlong Mark

Diameter: 5⅞ in. (14.9 cm.) $1,500 - $2,000 228

清 乾隆 瓷胎鎏銀刻花卉紋連體罐 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行楷書凸雕款

Gilt-Silver Porcelain Twin-linked Jar with Incised Floral Motifs Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period

Length: 10½ in. (26.7 cm.) Height: 5⅜ in. (13.7 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000

紫檀平雕七言詩 229 句筆筒 兩個黃鸚鳴翠柳, 一行白鶴上青天, 窗含西嶺千秋雪, 門泊東吳萬里船。 壬寅年刻 An Incised Cylindrical Brush Pot with Script Poem Calligraphy and Center Plug at Base Height: 7⅛ in. (18.1 cm.) $800 - $1,200

松鶴仙景端硯 A Relief Carved Pine and Crane Heavenly Landscape Duan Inkstone Detailed with bamboo, pine tree and flying crane amidst swirling Clouds and Heavenly Pavilions above the ink pool, the smooth well dotted with two ‘eyes’ Impressed Mark at the Backside

Length: 11¾ in. (29.8 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500




清 光緒 豇豆紅釉搖鈴尊 A Fine Peach-Bloom Glazed Yaoling Zun

明 洪武 青花御苑花卉葵口折沿盤

Height: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $5,000 - $6,000

Across: 9¾ in. (24.8 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000

A Very Rare Blue and White Garden Scene Plate

With shallow rounded sides rising from a tapering foot to a broad everted foliate rim, painted in the center with a palace garden scene bordered by foliage scroll below an undulating border on the rim. The exterior with a classic scroll band. Ming Dynasty, Hongwu

The mallet-form vase has high shouldered body tapering towards the base. Covered overall in soft peach-bloom tone with interior and base in white. Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Six Character Mark and of the Period.



清 康熙 礬紅彩雲龍趕珠盤 (康熙年製)礬紅四字中空雙行雙框楷書款

An Iron-Red Dragon Plate

The interior painted in dark iron red with a front-face scaled dragon flying amongst swirling lingzhi cloud scrolls and thunder bolts, chasing the central flaming pearl. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Double-Squares Iron-Red Four Character Mark and of the Period


Diameter: 8⅛ in. (20.6 cm.)

$2,000 - $3,000

元 豆青釉里紅團鳳紋洗 青花(玉)字款 A Fine Pea-Green Copper-Red Phoenix Waterpot Underglazed blue (Jade) mark Finely potted apple-shaped body with rounded sides, painted in deep taints of copper-red on pea-green glazed with three phoenix medallions. Undeglazed Blue Mark: Jade Character

Height: 2 in. (5 cm.) $6,000 - $10,000


清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕寶相龍紋筆筒 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行浮雕篆書款

A Very Rare and Finely Carved Famille-Rose Decorated with Taotie Masks Bands

Of cylindrical shape, relief decorated with separate bands of taotie and dragon masks interspersed with key-fret patterns. Impressed reign mark in a recessed glazed ring in the unglazed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period Height: 5¼ in. (13.3 cm.) $60,000 - $80,000


北京故宮博物院相類藏品:《琺瑯彩 • 粉彩》(故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集)P. 40-41圖33-34。 These two similar ones are currently in Beijing Palace’s Museum: Plates 33-34 Page 40-41 of Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel Decorates and Famille Rose Decorates.

琺瑯彩錦地描花卉象耳啣環瓶 清乾隆 高 14.1 厘米 口徑 5.5 厘米 足徑 6.1 厘米


Vase with elephant-head ears holding a rind decorated with flowers over a brocade ground in cloisonne enamel Qianlong period, Qing Dynasty Height: 14.1 cm Diameter of mouth: 5.5 cm Diameter of foot: 6.1 cm Qing Court collection

琺瑯彩錦地描花卉蒜頭瓶 清乾隆 高 18 厘米 口徑 2.6 厘米 足徑 5.5 厘米


Garlic-head vase decorated with flowers over a brocade ground in cloisonne enamel Qianlong period, Qing Dynasty Height: 18 cm Diameter of mouth: 2.6 cm Diameter of foot: 5.5 cm Qing Court collection 235

A Very Rare and Exquisite Imperial Famille-Rose Enamel Vase

Finely potted, the globular body rising from a spreading foot to a tall waisted neck, exquisitely and brightly enamelled against a gold brocade background floral blooms borne on leafy foliate scrolls set between concentric gilt bands. The foot is skirted by geometric band and floret scrolls. The shoulder is decorated with a classic scroll below a band of upright plantain with further floral scrolls on the slender neck. The inside and sunken base are painted turquoise. The reign mark in red on gold. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Double Squares Mark and of the Period Height: 8⅝ in. (21.9 cm.) Estimate upon request 議價


紐約著名收藏家族(世陽堂)提供 Property of New York Sai Yang Tang Collection


清 琺瑯彩錦地描金花卉天球瓶 (乾隆御製)四字雙行雙框紅字金地楷書款 通體以金色錦紋為地,並為凸起的金色玄紋 一分為二,玄紋上畫以三條紅綫。金口外撇。 口沿處飾藍色花卉紋帶,上下於金地上環以紅 色雙綫,其下為紅色如意紋帶。瓶頸飾寶相纏 枝花卉紋及粉紅和綠色如意蕉葉紋。頸肩處為黃 色卷花紋帶,上下亦於金地上畫以紅綫。瓶體畫 寶相纏枝紋飾,下有凸起金色玄紋及粉藍色如意 花卉寬帶。足飾金地紅色雙綫及粉紅色綫畫三色 紋,下有一道紅綫。底凹,施青綠釉。此瓶圖案 寓意為錦上添花,工藝精絕,美不勝收,為乾隆 琺瑯彩瓷器神品。 北京故宮珍藏的這兩件琺瑯彩瓶原為清宮舊藏, 與貞觀這次出現的天球瓶為世陽堂珍藏。此三 瓶雖不相同但其工藝一致的。众觀全球各大博 物館均無這樣的藏品,可以說這三件琺瑯彩瓶 都是存世中唯一的一件。堪稱中華的國寶神 品無疑。



元 釉裡紅孔雀穿花菊花浪濤紋 花口折沿盤 A Very Rare Underglazed Red Phoenix Plate Freely painted in the interior well within two double circles is a phoenix in a garden scene. The rounded sides have medallions of chrysanthemum in a continuous foliage scroll. The everted foliate rim has a classic scroll band, a band of key pattern borders the exterior foot rim. Yuan Dynasty Diameter: 8⅜ in. (21.3 cm.) $80,000 - $100,000


明 宣德 釉里紅三魚紋碗 (大明宣德年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款 碗微撇口,內外施羊脂白釉,體圓潤如 凝脂,上繪三條紅彩鱸魚,簡樸優雅, 清新奪目,為明宣德朝難得之精品。

A Fine and Rare Copper-Red ‘Three Fish’ Bowl

Well potted with deep round sides rising to a gently everted mouth rim, the exterior decorated with three stylistic carp in an applied copper-red glaze. The fish-design becomes the prototype of the later period. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period Diameter: 6⅝ in. (16.8 cm.) $40,000 - $50,000



清 雍正 青花釉里紅皮球花搖鈴尊 皮球花在清三代瓷器中並不多見,尤其釉里紅的 皮球花在雍正朝中更少。此搖鈴尊的皮球花變化 奇異神妙,且各不相同。釉里紅發色中帶淺綠, 尊口與近底處繞以青花雙綫。 (大清雍正年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款

A Fine and Rare Underglazed Copper-Red Yaoling Zun Elegantly potted with round shoulder and tall slender neck with double blue lines encircling the mouth rim and the foot, the recessed underside inscribed in underglazed blue reign mark. Decorated all over with Ball-flower cluster motifs. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Double-Circles Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 6⅞ in. (17.5 cm.) $50,000 - $60,000



清 雍正 仿成化閗彩雞稚花卉敞口杯一對 A Pair of Rare Ming Style Doucai Chicken Cups


Thinly potted, the exterior of the flared sides finely and delicately painted with a cock and hen with young chicks in a garden scene of rock with palm tree and flower in the bushes. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Double Squares Six Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) $15,000 - $20,000 241


元 釉里紅花卉紋高足杯 A Rare Copper-Red Stem Cup with Floral Scrolls


The interior deep well is painted with a floral scroll bouquet encircled by double lines. The outside wall is further decorated with continuous floral scrolls above a ribbed stem. Yuan Dynasty Diameter: 3⅜ in. (8.5 cm.) Height: 4½ in. (11.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000

元 青花纏枝花卉紋八棱高足杯 Blue and White Hexagonal Stem Cup

With floral scroll motifs and plantain band on the exterior and script inscription on the interior center medallion. Conforming mouth rim with floral scroll. Height: 3⅛ in. (8.5 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000


元 青花釉裡紅鳳穿花卉紋折沿盤 元朝在中國歷史上雖然很短,但是在瓷器的發展上卻開創了一個全新的局面。元朝的青花,青花釉裡紅和釉裡紅,以一種反傳統的,大膽 的創意與鮮豔的色彩和寫意的繪畫震動了中華瓷器的神經而永垂不朽。此鳳穿花卉折沿盤,雙鳳生動如在花中飛翔,花卉繪畫豪邁壯麗, 發色自然並有綠斑浮現,為元官窯瓷器難得的清心傑作。 (大元國至正十一年六月八日)款

A Rare Underglazed Blue and Copper-Red Foliate Dish

Freely painted to the recessed center of the interior with two phoenixes encircling chrysanthemum scroll and blooms below six medallions of further blooms wreathed by a continuous foliate stem and a wave border at the lobed rim. The everted rim has an acanthus scroll. The interior painted same with unglazed foot rings and reign mark. Yuan Dynasty Diameter: 16⅛ in. (41 cm.) $350,000 - $500,000



明 天然水晶雕龍耳活環獅蓋三足爐 A Well Carved Tripod Crystal Censer with Dragon Handles and Cover

The compressed body raised on three mask-head claw feet and flanked on both sides with carved dragon-head loose ring handles. The domed cover surmounted by a recumbent dragon Ming Dynasty Height: 5⅜ in. (13.7 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000 244

粉青釉敞口玄紋把壺 A Fine-Green-Glazed Ewer

A bulbous body with a tall neck moulded with a middle concentric band and a curved everted spout with a strap handle, covered overall with a pale green crackled glaze thinning on the mouth rim and strap handle side.




Height: 6¾ in. (17.1 cm.) $2,500 - $3,000

漢 玉雕谷紋高足杯一對 A Pair of Archaistic Jade Stem Cup with Raised Boss Decorations and Brown Inclusions Han Dynasty

Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

古玉雕谷紋獸耳獸鈕三足蓋盒 Archaistic Jade Carving of a Tripod Box and Cover

Of compressed circular form supported on three feet and flanked by beast loop handle. Decorated with rows of raised comma spirals and surmounted with a conforming beast as finial.

Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.)

$2,000 - $2,500


清 乾隆閗彩纏枝花卉龍流淨壺(賁巴壺) 賁巴壺是藏族寺院內的祭祀用品。此為乾隆閗彩賁巴壺,上繪纏枝花卉,胎質精細,色彩燦爛,壺體成球形, 端莊雅致,腹部有龍首如吞噬狀,以藏傳佛教的造型與皇家的富貴豪華連成一體,此壺精美絕倫,堪稱傑作。 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

A Fine and Rare Doucai Floral Benbahu, a Ritual Ewer. The bulbous body raised on a spreading pedestal foot decorated with composite floral sprays between gilt boss borders. Issuing from the center decorated with three large blossoms foliate scrolls is an iron red dragon head with open jaws from which raised the curved spout. The knopped neck decorated with a key fret and ruyi band and surmounted by a canopy-shaped mouth further decorated with composite foliate scrolls between gilt boss borders. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 8¼ in. (21 cm.) $150,000 - $200,000



粉彩故事人物 249 圓口瓶 Famille-Rose Vase with Lotus Scrolls and Story Scene with a Dish-Rim Mouth

清 漆雕龍水紋 扁瓶 Cinnabar Lacquer Flask Vase Carved with Front-face Dragon Amidst Cresting Wave in Thick Layers

Height: 17 in. (43.2 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500


Height: 10⅛ in. (25.7 cm.) $800 - $1,000


宋 釣窯天青釉紫斑盤 Junyao Purple-splashed Sky Blue Plate

古玉雕螭龍帶鈎 Archaistic Jade Belt Hook Carved with Scrolling Qilin with a Dragon Head Terminal and Buff Inclusions

Height: 4¼ in. (10.8 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000



古玉雕螭龍掛飾 Archaistic Russet Jade Carving of a Scrolling Qilin Pendant Length: 6⅛ in. (15.6 cm.) $600 - $800


Length: 8⅞ in. (22.6 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

紅山文化玉浮雕雙人面掛飾 Neolithic Hongshan Culture Calcified Jade Carving of Two Faces Pendant Length: 5½ in. (14 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500


漢 白玉透雕虬龍羽人 鳳凰把手劍 Carved Ritual Dagger in White Jade

Of flattened baluster form with carved phoenix head guard and pommel, decorated on the front blade with high relief entwined Qilins and archaistic motifs on the back side. The long handle is carved with a figure. Han Dynasty Length: 13 in. (33 cm.) $20,000 - $30,000




明 龍泉窯獸耳活環銘文帶蓋三足薰爐 Longquan Celadon Tripod Censer with Beast Handles, Loose Rings and a Fu Dog Finial on the Reticulated Cover

周 玉雕螭龍谷紋舞人璧 A Rare Greenish-White Jade Archaistic Bi Disc

Finely carved in relief a Dancer figure across the front surface. The reverse side carved in low relief with a pattern of comma spirals surmounted by a mythical beast Zhou Dynasty

A band of incised Leiwen decorated the bulbous body

Height: 9 in. (22.8 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000

Length: 7½ in. (19.1 cm.) $8,000 - $10,000



紅山文化青牛擺件 Neolithic Hongshan Culture Carving of Recumbent Buffalo Length: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000

宋 耀州窯青釉刻花卉鳳凰迴紋高足杯 Yaozhou Celadon Carved Floral-Phoenix Stem Cup

With round sides, the interior finely carved with a phoenix amidst scrolling blossoms below a Key-fret band. Double concentric rings on the stem. Song Dynasty

Height: 3⅜ in. (8.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000



明 宣德 青花一把蓮花卉折沿盤 折沿盤口繪纏枝花卉,內外兩邊畫花菓紋。盤中央為一把蓮圖案,綫條優美生動,氣勢豪邁,畫工高妙,為難得之力作。 (大明宣德年製)六字雙行雙圈楷書款

A Fine and Rare Xuande Blue and White Lotus Bouquet Plate The center of the interior well is painted with a bouquet of lotus flowers, seed, pods and leaves tied with a fluttering ribbon, encircled by two concentric rings and six medallions of floral sprays and repeated on the exterior. The everted rim is bordered with foliate scroll. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period Diameter: 15⅝ in. (39.7 cm.) $100,000 - $150,000



明 宣德 牛血紅釉 高足盤 (大明宣德)六字橫款

A Rare and Fine Bovine-Blood Red Glazed Stem Plate with a Ribbed Stem Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) Height: 3.9 in. (9.8 cm.) $15,000 - $20,000


清 雍正粉藍釉花瓣紋菱口盤 盤如芙蓉花盛開,三層的花瓣向左展 開,花瓣上有精緻而生動的刻線。此盤 優雅和諧,粉藍的色彩使人心曠神怡, 為雍正時期難得的絕妙之作。 (大清雍正年製) 六字三行篆書款

An Exquisite Powder Blue Glazed Foliate Rim Plate with Floral Petal Motifs

Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six-Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 8 in. (20.2 cm.) $8,000 - $12,000



清 乾隆 閗彩八寶吉祥雲水紋葫蘆瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

A Fine and Rare Doucai Bajixiang Double-Ground Vase The lower globular bulb supporting a smaller similarly shaped bulb, delicately painted in polychrome colored cloud scrolls swirling up and around the body with Bajixiang Emblems, the eight auspicious Buddhist emblems. Ruyi head pendants bordered the mouth-rim and the foot-rim encircled by a cresting wave scroll. The countersank base painted turquoise with an underglazed blue reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six character Mark and of the Period Height: 11¼ in. (28.6 cm.) $150,000 - $200,000




北宋 磁州窯立嬰擺件(後有小片釉掉下) An Unusual Cizhou Painted Figure

北宋 磁州窯刻花開光人物躍馬梅瓶 A Rare Cizhou Sgraffiato Vase, Meiping

Well potted of ovoid form, covered with a cream slip and carved through the slip in two ogival windows to create a reverse background for the rider on horse back, set between bands of scrolling foliage and geometric shapes. Height: 10¼ in. (26 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000

Modelled as a child standing with cupping hands and flowing robe on a lotus pedestal. Painted in dark brown on a white slip beneath a clear glaze. The hexagonal plinth is unglazed. Northern Song Dynasty Height: 10¾ in. (27.3 cm.) $5,000 - $6,000 266


元 龍泉窯淺刻花卉瓶 A Fine Longquan Celadon Floral Vase


The thickly potted tapering ovoid body rising from a waisted circular foot, with concentric rings and crackled olive tone glaze. Covered with undulating floral scroll throughout. Yuan Dynasty Height: 11 in. (27.9 cm.) $5,000 - $6,000

粉青釉帶座玉壺春瓶 A Fine Powder-Green-Glazed Vase, Yuhuchunping with Plinth

With pear-shaped body, slender neck and flaring mouth rim supported on a spreading foot resting on a plinth cast with bell-shaped cutouts. Height: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000


北宋 定窯天藍釉印花嬰戲 花卉紋盤 A Fine Sky-Blue-Glazed Stencil-Decorated Dingyao Children at Play Plate The low wide rounded sides covered all over with a sky-blue glaze. The interior decorated with children at play amidst scrolling blooms and foliage with a center medallion below a key-fret border and rim unglazed. Northern Song Dynasty Diameter: 8⅝ in. (21.9 cm.) $20,000 - $30,000


北宋 定窯綠釉印花 菊花紋盤 A Green-Glazed Stencil-Decorated Peony Dingyao Conical Plate With slightly rounded sides flaring widely to the rim, covered inside and out with a rich green-glaze. The interior decorated with peony blossoms borne on scrolling vines, below a key-fret border with a center medallion and rim unglazed. Northern Song Dynasty Diameter: 8½ in. (21.6 cm.) $20,000 - $30,000



漢 帶皮青金石 辟邪擺件 A Han Dynasty Lapis Lazuli Bixie

Portrayed in a crouching position, the mythical beast is crowned with two horns above its large head, wings tucked to its side and a curled up bifurcated tail strong and powerfully cast. The bursting energy of this Bixie is an example of Han’s fascination with the supernatural, the ‘averter of evil.’ Han Dynasty Height: 3¼ in. (9.5 cm.) Length: 7⅞ in. (20 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000



北宋 定窯印花五管瓶 瓶寬口,如倒放的蓮花,花瓣斜伸為肩,其上有六角形大小適 宜之五管,五管與瓶不通,只為裝飾而已。瓶體上黏有三層狀 如葉片所圍繞。葉下雕刻如雲狀的圈花紋。撇足。此瓶造型奇 特,應為北宋定窯之極品。 A Rare Dingyao Vase with Five Decorative Spouts


Below the spouts is a flanged foliate shoulder and set above the bands of incised lotus-petals encircling the ovoid body. Above the foot is a scroll of cloud-pattern. Overall the vase is of exquisite creamy-white glaze of even ivory tone. Northern Song Dynasty Incised ‘Official’ Mark at Bottom Height: 8¼ in. (21 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000

五代 定窯四繫瓜棱蓋罐 A Rare and Fine Dingyao Melon-Shaped Covered Jar with Four Shoulder Lugs

The thinly potted globular body incised with six lobes and covered with an ivory glaze of slightly yellowish tone. Carved on the shoulder with concentric rings and continued to the neck and the flat cover Five Dynasties Height : 5¼ in. (13.2 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


清 雍正 瓷胎鎏金浮雕雲龍加彩壽帶蒜頭扁瓶 (大清雍正年製)六字凸雕篆書橫款

A very Rare Gilt Painted Moon Flask with Relief Carved Dragons Each side of the flattened circular body relief gilt painted a front face dragon writhing amidst swirling lingzhi cloud extending to the narrow sides. The waisted neck flanked by two ruyi strap handles leaping from the garlic-shaped mouth further decorated with swirling cloud. Recessed reign mark in sunken base. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Impressed Mark Height: 12 in. (30.5 cm.) $200,000 - $300,000




和田白玉和合二仙福壽如意擺件 Finely Carved Hetian White Jade Boulder of Hehe Erxian

精美透雕純色和田白玉荷花蓮蓬擺件 Fine and Well Carved Hetian White Jade Lotus Group with Pods

One seated and holding a box, the other standing and holding the stem of a lotus pod and leaf. The rocky precipice reticulated carved with ruyi lotus scrolls with bats Height: 5¾ in. (14.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000



清 乾隆 青花纏枝花卉蕉葉瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款

Blue and White Flower Sprays Vase with Upright and Inverted Plantain Leaves Bands Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 5⅜ in. (13.5 cm.) $2,500 - $3,000


Seed pods and lotus blossoms issuing from a rockbase with stems and flowers. Length: 5¾ in. (14.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000

清 壽山石雕降龍,服虎羅漢立像 A Pair of Exquisitely Carved Shoushan Stone Figure of Two Luohans, One Taming Dragon and the other Subduing Tiger and Holding an Orb Details of face, straw hat loosely draped robe are finely incised. Qing Dynasty Height: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) x2 $6,000 - $8,000


清 和田玉雕高耳獸首三足爐 A Fine White Jade Tripod Censer

Raised on three mask-head supports with twin upright handles. The translucent body is carved on low relief with a script band Key-fret pattern border, the mouth rim and handles. Qing Dynasty Height: 5¾ in. (14.6 cm.) $20,000 - $30,000


乾隆黃玉雕文房之寶(九件) 1、玉麟鳳鎮紙一對 (山林多奇采,陽鳥吐清音;春林花多媚,春鳥意多哀) 2、玉墨床 3、玉麟鳳筆架 (春風動春心,流目屬山林) 4、玉麟鳳筆 (吳門生絕) 5、飛鳳印泥盒子 (文天無害,思養有神) 6、麟鳳玉硯臺 (春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥) 7、交龍鈕玉璽 (乾隆刺命之寶)款 乾隆乙末皇太后御賜 8、雕飛鳳筆洗 (芳樹搖春風,丹霞映紅日) A Rare Set of Yellow Jade Imperial Stationary (9 pieces) 1. Pair of Jade Paper Weight 2. Jade Ink Bed 3. Jade Brush Holder 4. Jade Pen 5. Jade Ink Pad 6. Jade Inkstone 7. Jade Seal Bestowed by the Empress Mark 8. Jade Brush Washer

Lengths: 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) - 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.) $40,000 - $60,000




古玉雕鳥背尊立獸擺件 A Calcified Jade Carving of Bird-Form Ritual Vessel Zun standing on Mythical Beast


玉雕老子硯臺 A Carved Jade Figure of Lao Zi with Interior Hollowed Out as Inkpool

Height: 8⅜ in. (21.3 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

良渚文化(公元前2000年)白玉(雞骨白) 浮雕人面龜形擺件 A Chicken-bone White Jade Zoomorphic Ornament Carved in Tortoise Form with Taotie Masks Appliques

Height: 7¾ in. (19.7 cm.) $400 - $500

Neolithic, Liangzhu Culture (2000 B.C.)

Length: 5¾ in. (14.6 cm.) 282

Diameter: 5½ in. (14 cm.) $300 - $400

Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) $600 - $800 285


塑雕花卉牛血紅釉彩龍頸盤口瓶 Bovine-Blood-Red-Glazed Vase Decorated with Relief Carved Floral Blooms and a Rib Neck with Dish Mouth Rim Height: 11 in. (28 cm.) $800 - $1,200

青綠釉刻花鼓釘捉樑獸流倒灌壺 Celadon-Glazed Ewer Carved with Blooms and Band of Bosses with Applied Beast Loop Handle and Spout

玻璃谷紋璧 Glass Disc Bi Carved in Relief with Comma Spirals

The smoothly polished stone of a rich green tone mottled with areas of calcification.




紅山文化羽人神獸擺件 Calcified Jade Carving of Immortals with Wings and Mythical Beast

$1,000 - $1,500

Height: 7½ in. (19.1 cm.) $300 - $400 287

北宋 鈞窯綠釉碗 Junyao Green-Glazed Bowl Northern Song Dynasty

Diameter: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $1,500 - $2,500

青花雲龍花卉浪濤折沿水洗 A Large Blue and White Brush Pot

Decorated with Dragon amidst flaming clouds and floral scrolls on the interior and exterior wells

Diameter: 11 in. (28 cm.) Height: 5 in. (12.7 cm.) $600 - $800


清 雍正 黃地青花九桃橄欖瓶 (大清雍正年製)六字三行雙框揩書款

Underglazed Blue on Yellow Ground Nine-Peach Vase Beautifully potted and rising in three curves to incorporate the body swelling from the splayed foot and tapering below the trumpet mouth and finely painted on yellow ground with nine peaches on two gnarled branches and bats frolicking in mid-air. The blue reign mark in the recessed base Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Double Squares Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 14 ¼ in. (36.2 cm.) $80,000 - $100,000



北宋 鈞窯天青釉紫 290 斑繩繫執壺 A Junyao Ewer

冬青釉礬紅雲龍紋 懸膽瓶 雍正款

Green-Pea Glazed Bottle Vase with Copper-Red Dragon Amidst Flaring Cloud Decoration

The circular rim crisscrossed with robe loop handle and a squat spout upon a baluster form body with sky blue glaze and purple splash upon an unglazed foot. Northern Song Dynasty

Yongzheng Mark

Height: 15 in. (38.1 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 6⅛ in. (15.6 cm.) $2,500 - $3,000



青花人物鬼谷子下山圓罐 Blue and White Baluster Guan with Intertwined Floral Sprays and Figures

Painted with scenes of Guiguzi seated in a cart drawn by a leopard and generals on horse back, a classic scroll border on the bottom

Height: 11 in. (28 cm.) 293

$2,000 - $3,000

清 游長子 福建會館 霽藍釉红彩蟠桃蝠壽倒流壺 (游長子製 福建會館) 款

Celadon Crackled Glazed Peach-Form Ewer

Applied with blue and white and red gnarled branches and bats as loop handle and spout. Qing Dynasty

Height: 5 3/8 in. (14.6 cm.)

$1,000 - $1,500

北宋 磁州窯白地褐 294 色鸚鵡酒把壺 Parrot-Shaped and Painted Cizhouyao Ewer With the beak as spout, the bird form ewer has a loop handle and stands on a round pedestal with concentric bands. Painted in dark brown over a white slip under a clear glaze. Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)

Height: 5⅜ in. (13.6 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

北宋 鈞窯天藍釉鼓釘紫斑盤 Junyao Sky-Blue Glazed Bowl with Boss Rim and Purple Splash inside the Bowl Northern Song Dynasty


Diameter: 5 ½ in. (14 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500



清 乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯黃地開光花鳥壽碗

宋 磁州窯系白釉福彩花卉纹蒜頭瓶 Cizhou Painted Garlic-Head Meiping


A Fine Famille-Rose Enamelled Bowl with Windows of Birds and Flowers

Fluidly painted in brown on a while slip and under a clear glaze with two central medallions of floral bloom on a foliate branch between concentric ring bands and a key-fret pattern band on the shoulder. The base with a short unglazed foot. Song Dynasty Height: 9¾ in. (24.8 cm) $4,000 - $6,000

Superbly painted in vivid and meticulous details with three lobed panels depicting birds on flowers and interspersed with show character on a yellow ground with scrolling vines. The interior turquoise and the narrow foot with a leafy scroll on white ground. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Characters Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 6⅝ in. (16.8 cm.) , Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $4,000 - $5,000 298


宋 鈞窯青紫斑釉把壺 Junyao Ewer with Purple Splashed

宋 鈞窯玫瑰紫斑撇口瓶 Junyao Purple Splashed Vase with Everted Rim

The bulbous body covered overall with a glaze of soft greyish blue tone with splash of reddish-purple with rib bands at the mouth Song Dynasty Height: 6 in. (15.1 cm.) $3,000 - $4,000

Applied overall with a lustrous lavender-blue glaze embellished with dark vibrant purple splashes Song Dynasty Height: 9 in. (22.8 cm.) $4,000 - $6,000





粉彩折枝花卉瓶 Famille-Rose Floral Rouleau Vase

(皇清乾隆御覽)(乾隆年製)(大清乾隆珍寶) (瀋陽唐英)(唐英敬獻)五底款

Height: 3 in. (7.7 cm.) $800 - $1,000 303

韓國 十八-十九世紀 白釉瓜形水柱 White-Glazed Gourd-Shape Water Dropper


韓國 十八-十九世紀 粉青釉印花花卉百 壽紋花口觚 Celadon Crackled Glazed Vase

Korea 18-19th C.

Height: 2½ in. (6.3cm.) $800 - $1,000


Decorated with cranes amidst cloud Korea

綠松石釉透雕龍耳三象足薰爐 (大清乾隆年製)款

Turquoise-Glazed Reticulated Pagoda Tripod Censer with Mock Rings on Dragon Handles $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 10⅛ in. (25.7 cm.) $600 - $800

$500 - $600


Height: 13 in. (33 cm.)

韓 綠釉雲鶴長頸瓶 Green Glazed Baluster Vase with Long Neck

With a bulbous mid-section foliate mouth rim and stenciled decorated with floral scroll auspicious characters and raised bands throughout. Korea 18-19th C.

Height: 11⅜ in. (28.9 cm.)


Korea 18-19th C.

$800 - $1,000


Qianlong Mark

韓國 十八-十九世紀 臥獅水柱 White-Glazed Lion-Form Water Dropper Painted Brown

Height: 10 in. (25.4 cm.) $1,000 - $1,500

Famille-Rose Yellow Ground Globular Dragon Vase with ‘Fu,’ ‘Lu,’ ‘Shou’ Auspicious Characters Height: 16⅝ in. (42.2 cm.)



紫砂蟠桃壺 (周桂珍製)款 Zisha Peach-Form Teapot with applied Peach and Stalk Bud Finial with a Lobed Cover Zhou Guizhen Artist Mark

Height: 3½ in. (8.9 cm.)

$400 - $600

紫砂絞胎南瓜壺 (儲秋華製)款 Zisha Pumpkin-Shaped Marbled-Wave Teapot

Applied overall with a dark orange and brown hues and decorated with a moulded leaf extending from the handle. Chu Qiu Hua Artist Mark

Height: 2½ in. (6.3 cm.)

$400 - $500


清 乾隆 絲網印彩 仕女鑑古盤 (大清乾隆年製) 六字三行篆書款

A Rare and Fine Silk Screen Plate with Court Scene of Ladies at Leisure Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 8⅝ in. (21.9 cm.) $8,000 - $10,000




宋 青綠釉四棱心形底座龍耳盤口瓶 Celadon-glazed Dish Mouth-Rim Vase with Plinth

明 萬曆 霽藍釉雲紋撇口高足杯

民國 紫砂刻花詩句人物茶葉罐一對

Pear-shaped vase has two Dragon-Ear Hands with a mallow-shaped plinth reticulated carved with heartshapes. Song Dynasty

Height: 10⅜ in. (26.4 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000


A Fine Sacrificial Blue-Glazed Stem Cup with an Everted Rim and Ribbed Stem Ming Dynasty, Wanli Double Circled Six Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $2,000 - $3,000


A Pair of Zisha Tea Caddy Carved with Poem and Scholars and Bamboo Republic Period Mark of the Studio Wu Desheng

Height: 9⅞ in. (25.1 cm.) $500 - $800






清末民初巧製浮雕梅花紫砂壺 (團龍底款)


Zisha Teapot Relief Carved with Auspicious God of Wealth Delivering Ingot

Zisha Teapot Carved with Plum Blossom

Height: 4¾ in. (12.1 cm.) $500 - $600

Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) $400 - $500

Relief carved dragon chasing pearl as mark on the recessed underside

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Mark






Zisha Teapot with Bird’s Head as Knob Cover

Zisha Pumpkin Teapot

Height: 3⅜ in. (8.6 cm.) $400 - $500

With eigh-lobes of paper-cut stencilled figure and floral ‘Shou’ character decorations

Height: 3⅜ in. (8.6 cm.)


Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) $400 - $500

$800 - $1,200

紫砂貼花梅花兩疊壺 (大清貢品)款 Zisha Plum Flower Teapot with Attached Plinth, Connecting Loop Handle and Strut-Spout Tribute to Qing Dynasty Mark

Height: 3⅞ in.(9.8 cm.) $600 - $800



Amber Beeswax Bead Necklace

Diameter: 9½ in. (24.1 cm.) $2,500 - $3,500


Qian Yaming Artist Mark



Wang Rong Xiang Artist Mark

錢亞明紫砂蓮瓣青蛙蓋壺 (錢亞明製)款 Zisha Lotus Petal Teapot with Frog atop Lotus Petal as Bud Finial for Cover

琥珀蜜蠟珠鏈 $3,000 - $5,000

Amber Beeswax Bead Necklace Diameter: 7½ in. (19 cm.)

(完 END OF PART II) Thank You Next Auction September 2013

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Description of the Lots in the catalogues or elsewhere in writing or made orally, is presented as a statement of opinion for reference only. Gianguan Auctions and its consignors do not make any warranty or representation of these lots. Buyers assume the responsibility to inspect the property and make their own decision as to the quality and values of the property. All property is sold 《as is》 and without recourse. All sales are final, No returns and No refund.

Buyer agrees to pay to Gianguan Auctions a premium of 15% of the Hammer price. Applicable sales tax will be added.

Successful bid must be claimed and payment due in full immediately upon sale.

Payments can be made by cash or cashier’s check. For payment with personal or company check, merchandise purchased will be held until funds have cleared the respective depository institution. We do not accept credit cards.

If Buyer failed to make payment in full for all items for which Buyer was the highest bidder within seven days, Gianguan Auctions may exercise all its rights under the law and hold the defaulting Buyer liable for the total amount due.

拍賣規則 •

拍賣會的拍賣目錄及其他文字內容,或另行之口頭陳述,是對拍賣品作出簡要介紹,屬意見性說 明,僅提供競買人參考,不可作為本拍賣公司或賣家對拍賣品的任何擔保或保證,競買人有責任 自行判斷拍賣品,所有物品均以《現狀》出售。貨物交收後,本拍賣公司不接收退貨及退款。

競買人同意支付 15% 落槌價為佣金,適用稅項(包括佣金)另加。

拍賣成交後,買受人應即時付款並領取拍賣品,或從拍賣日起計的七天之內一次付清貨款領取拍 賣品。

支付現金或銀行本票,如支付私人或公司支票,需待銀行付清款項後才能提取賣品。本拍賣公司 不接受信用卡。

如賣家在七天內未有繳付所有競投得拍賣品款項全數,本拍賣公司有權對違約之買家依法律追究 而要求賠償一切損失。

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