June 2014 Ceramics

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紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 調整拍賣時間: 開拍日期2014年6月8日 書畫開拍早上九時三十分(9:30AM)開始 書畫拍完後,跟着拍玉器。瓷器。 青銅器。文玩 全部拍品連續開拍 買家與來賓自己選擇休息時間 多謝合作 EST.2002

Gianguan Auctions Friendly Reminder

Our Sunday June 8, 2014 Auctions Schedule will Start at 9:30 am with Chinese Paintings Immediately followed by Jade。Ceramics。Bronzes。Works of Arts


Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正統 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

北魏 Nothern Wei

386 - 535

天順 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

東魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齊 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

11th C.- 771 B.C.

東周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 戰國 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西漢 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

東漢 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

泰昌 Taichang


天啟 Tianqi

1621 - 1627

崇禎 Chongzhen

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 順治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

後唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

後晉 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

後漢 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉慶 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

後周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸豐 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光緒 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣統 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Liao Dynasty

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420 西晉

Eastern Jin

1915 - 1916

265 - 316


304 - 439

317 - 420

1279- 1371

Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1115 - 1234

Western Jin

十六國 Sixteen Kingdoms 東晉

Jin Dynasty

Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪憲

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

1573 - 1619

後梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三國

1567 - 1572

萬曆 Wanli

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

隆慶 Longqing

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

劉宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永樂 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齊 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi



白玉雕劉海戲 金蟾掛飾 Well Carved Jade Figure of Liu Hai and Toad


With a string of coin on his back and his foot stepping on the toad. Together both figures represent prosperity and wealth.

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

嬰戲年年有餘荷花掛件 A Jade Carving of Boy Riding a Carp

Holding a lotus stalk with ruyi carving in reverse, signifying wealth and prosperity.

Length: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $800 - $1,500 103


碧玉浮雕關羽持 偃月刀掛飾 (忠義)款 A Large Spinach Green Jade Guan Gong Pendant Necklace A well carved figure of Guan Gong in full armors and carrying his moon blade. Inscription: Loyal and Righteous.

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 1¾ in (4.5 cm) Weight: 74 g $2,500 - $3,500

白玉鏤雕竹(祝)馬運成功佩飾 A Reticulated White Jade Auspicious Horse Plaque Pendant Well carved on both sides, a horse enclosed by a circular bamboo section, signifying successes.

Diameter: 2 in (5.1 cm)

$600 - $1,000


透雕白玉如意算盤掛飾 An Openwork White Jade Abacus Plaque Pendant

Well carved on both sides with an abacus adorned with Ruyi decorations.

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm)

$600 - $1,000



和田白玉浮雕白 鷺蓮池掛飾 喻意(一路連科) 題款

A Fine and Rare Auspicious Heron Jade Plaque Pendant

Of rectangular shape, meticulously carved on one side, in high relief, a heron in lotus pond with brown inclusions as accent. On the reverse, a homonym verse of successful career all the way.

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

107 白玉雕夜松兔玉佩

White Jade Pendant

Carved with Night Rabbit, reverse with Inscriptions

Height: 2⅝ in (6.8 cm) $500 - $800 108

犀角雙面雕荷池 掛飾 Rhinoceros Horn Pendant

Carved on both sides with lotus pond on wave ground

Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

109 和田玉蠶掛飾

Finely Carved Jade Caterpillar Pendant Length: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $300 - $500




和田白玉平安 掛飾 A Fine Hetian White Jade Rectangular Plaque Pendant

With confronted Kui dragon scrolls atop a plain scroll frame, on both sides, signifying ‘Ping An‘, safe and sound.

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

精美翡翠手鐲 A Jadeite Bangle

Cylindrical jadeite bangle of intense emerald green color with good translucency.

Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) $600 - $1,000



白玉透雕龍 璧掛飾 A White Jade Bi Plaque Pendant

Well carved on both sides in openwork with a dragon atop a bi disc with symmetric bosses.

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $800 - $1,500

天然翠玉手鐲 A Jadeite Bangle

A cylindrical jadeite bangle of natural celadon color with glassy translucency.

Diameter: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $1,500 - $3,000 114

翡翠如意富竹 掛墜 A Jadeite Plaque Pendant

The rectangular plaque carved on both sides in shallow relief with ruyi bamboo auspicious motifs.

Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


白玉透雕福壽雙 全掛飾 An Openwork Circular Pendant with Fu, Shou Characters

Each side is carved with an auspicious character within a reticulated medallion.

Diameter: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $800 - $1,500




翡翠一帆風順 如意掛墜 A Jadeite Plaque Pendant The rectangular plaque carved in shallow relief with a sail boat above waves and ruyi on the reverse, signifying smooth sail and prosperity

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

白玉鏤雕如意幾何紋帶鈎 White Jade Belt Buckles

Reticulated with ruyi scrolls and geometric design.

Length:4¼ in (10.8 cm) $2,000 - $3,000 118


壽山芙蓉石素面印料 A Shoushan Furong Columnar Seal

壽山石雕刻前出師表印章一對 A pair of Columnar Shoushan Stone Seals with Poem Inscription

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $600 - $800


Height: 1¾, 2, 2¼ in (4.4, 5.1, 5.7 cm) Weight: 27, 43, 61 g $300 - $400

雞血石瓦筒鈕印章 A Jixue Stone Seal with Tile Knop Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weight: 90 g $200 - $300

Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) Weight: 296 g $400 - $600 122

壽山石雕一組三件印章 A Group of Three Shoushan Stone Seals




壽山石雕意形山水人物/烏鴉皮印料兩件 A Crow Skin and a Shoushan Stone Figural Landscape Seal Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm), 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 125 g, 164 g $300 - $500

琥珀蜜蠟手鐲二件 An Amber Bead and a Bee Wax Bead Bangle

Diameter: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) x 2 Weight: 32 g, 25 g $400 - $600


壽山石雕八仙人像詩句印章 (財神廣進,仙隆顯生)款 A Set of Eight Immortal Shoushan Stone Seals Each columnar seal carved with the immortal’s portrait and poem inscription on the reverse. Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) x 8 Total Weight: 4030 g $800 - $1,500 125


壽山石雕長印章二件 A Pair of Slender Columnar Shoushan Stone Seal with Poem Inscription Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Weight: 100 g, 105 g $300 - $400 128


象牙雕雄獅戲球鈕印章 (乾隆)款 Carved Ivory Round Seal with Buddhist Lion and Ball as Knop Qianlong Mark Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $300 - $400

田黃素面長方印章 (月隨人歸)款 A Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seal Seal Script Chinese Proverb: Follow the Moon Home

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $800 - $1,500

壽山石梅蘭菊竹詩句 四方印章 (福)(祿)(壽)(喜)款

A Group of Four Shoushan Stone Square Seals With each one depicting Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum and poem inscriptions with auspicious character seal scripts. Seal Script: (Fu) (Lu) (Shou) (Xi) Height: 2¾ in (7 cm)

Weight: 670 g x 4 $1,500 - $2,500




壽山石山水詩句印章一組四件 A Group of Four Shoushan Stone Seals with Figural Landscape and Poem Inscription

壽山石詩句長方印章一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seal with Poem Inscriptions

壽山石雕辟邪鈕印章 (心)款 A Carved Shoushan Stone Seal with Bixie Knop Seal Script: Heart Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 524 g $400 - $600 135


Seal Script Chinese Proverb: Tao is not universal nor constant Tao

Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm)

$500 - $800


白芙蓉荔枝凍意形印章 (學以精為本)款 A Translucent Furong Stone Seal Seal Script Chinese Proverb: To be The Best

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $500 - $600

古玉浮雕饕餮紋 雙龍璧 Archaistic TwinDragon Bi with Taotie Mask Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $1,500- $2,000


壽山石獅鈕長方印章 (道可道非常道)款 A Shoushan Stone Seal with Lion Knop

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 65 g, 73 g, 73 g, 79 g $300 - $400

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) x 2 Total Weight: 60 g $300 - $500 132


琥珀雕水鳥賞件 A Well Carved Amber Water Fowl With Cresting Waves as Base Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $300 - $600


琥珀浮雕 福祿壽喜山子 Agate Boulder of Three Gods of Longevity, Wealth and Happiness Well carved figures under the fruiting Peach tree with translucent reddish tone Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



壽山石雕辟邪巨璽 (八徵耄念之寶)篆書款 A Massive Shoushan Stone Bixie Knop Seal

芙蓉石雕辟邪鈕大印章 (先憂事者後樂事)款 A Well Carved Bixie Furong Stone Seal

Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 1133 g $1,000 - $2,000

Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Weight: 1044 g $1,500 - $2,500

Of square form, surmounted by a recumbent Bixie, sprawled on all four hooves with ferocious features. The base deeply carved with six characters: Bazheng Maonian Zhibao in Zhuanshu, Commemorating Eighty Birthday


The mythical beast, Bixie is modelled seated on its haunch, the head turned to one side with alert eye and mouth agape, raised on a square platform. Seal Script Chinese Proverb: How Anticipation Can Save the Day


壽山石雕龍龜巨璽 (武英殿寶) 款 A Massive Shoushan Stone Dragon-Turtle Seal

田黃雕雄獅教子鈕方印章 (朔方長印)篆刻款 A Well Carved Lion with Cub Tianhuang Stone Seal

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Weight: 367 g $1,500 - $2,500

With the recumbent mythical celestial beast as knop and surmounting the square seal, symbolizing positive Shui, power and success. Seal Script: Treasure of Wuying Palace

Weight: 1046 g

The rectangular seal is of square cross section with well polished sides, surmounted by a finial in the form of a recumbent lion with young. The stone is of a rich honey tone. Seal Script: Governance of Shuofang



雞血石舊長方 印章


識文:(不可居 無竹)篆書印 (松雲堂)款

壽山石雕山水人 物長方印章 (聞名不如見面)款

Shoushan Stone Figural Landscape Seal

A Jixue Stone Columnar Seal

Seal Script: Chinese Proverb: Meeting in person outweighs its reputation

The tall block of square section, of mottled taupe and grey tone with inherent pattern of the stone’s vein of classical chicken-blood variety. Seal Script: Surround your house with Bamboo

Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 1126 g $800 - $1,500

Height: 4⅝ in (11.8 cm) Weight: 216 g $1,000 - $1,500


芙蓉石荔枝 凍冬瓜紋印 料一對 A Pair of Columnar Icy-Glazed Shoushan Stone Seals


Surmounted on a square seal platform, the seal knop formed by a carved lion with cub.

With high translucence

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 246 g $600 - $800


田黃山水人物隨 形印料 A Tianhuang Figural Landscape Seal Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight:156 g $1,000 - $2,000

壽山石雕雄獅少 獅鈕方章 A Shoushan Stone Seal Carved with Buddhist Lion with Cub as Knop

Height: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 1797 g $800 - $1,500


壽山石雕雄獅教 子鈕巨印 (乾隆御覽之寶)款

A Massive Shoushan Stone Seal with Lion and Two Cub Knop Surmounted on a square seal platform, the seal knop formed by a carved lion with two young climbing on his back.

Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) Width: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 3066 g $800 - $2,000




瑪瑙浮雕隱士如意鼻煙壺 A Well Carved Scholar Agate Snuff Bottle

瑪瑙浮雕金魚荷池鼻煙壺 A Well Carved Fish Agate Snuff Bottle

The well hollowed bottle of rounded rectangular form with a concave lip and flat oval recessed foot, the honey brown grey beige and translucent beige brown stone cleverly carved on one side with the natural color as emphasis with hermit and ruyi. The stopper with an integral collar and a finial.

Of rounded rectangular shape, flat lip, recessed elongated foot with rim, carved in high relief, using the golden honey brown skin to depict a gold fish in lotus pond. The beige translucent stone well hollowed in the interior. Coral stopper.

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $800 - $1,500

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $800 - $1,500 149


瑪瑙浮雕山水人物鼻煙壺 A Fine Carved Figural Agate Snuff Bottle

Of rounded rectangular form, well carved in high relief on one side utilizing the natural brown markings to create a design of a scholar on a mountain path scene. Well hollowed with stopper.

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $800 - $1,500

天然水晶精雕壽老鼻煙壺 配紅珊瑚蓋

A Finely Carved Rock Crystal Shoulao Figure Snuff Bottle With incised feature details and a coral stopper with bronze collar

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $800 - $1,500



葉仲三內繪山水 人物故事鼻煙壺



An Inside Painted Glass Snuff Bottle Of flattened form painted with a continuous story scene. Dated 1932, signed and ascribed to Ye Zhongsan

Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $400 - $600

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $400 - $600


田家樂玻璃農諺 內畫鼻煙壺


大小人家盡有收, 盤工做來弗停留; 山歌唱起齊聲和, 快活方知在後頭 光緒年製款

A Fine InsidePainted Glass Snuff Bottle

With Farmer at Work and Peasant Proverb Inscribed with Guangxu Mark

Height: 3⅜ in (8.3 cm) $300 - $500


翡翠紫羅蘭龍耳 156 活環(平安) 鼻煙壺 Jadeite Lavender Snuff Bottle Carved with Ping An, Peace Emblems and Decorated with Dragon Loop and Loose Rings Height: 2⅛ in (5.3 cm) $600 - $800


青花釉里紅故事 人物鼻煙壺 Underglazed Blue and Copper-Red Porcelain Cylindrical Snuff Bottle with Figural Story Scene

料彩黃地福壽雙 全鼻煙壺 A Well Carved Brown Overlay Yellow Glass Bat and Peach Snuff Bottle

Of ovoid form with flat lip and browncolored foot rim with two bats and fruits branches adorning the yellow body.

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $300 - $500

青花浮雕山水 三管鼻煙壺 Underglazed Blue Three-Tubular Mouth Snuff Bottle with Carved Landscape Height: 3⅜ in (8.1 cm) $300 - $400



清 乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯蝴蝶花鳥圖鼻煙扁壺 (乾隆年製)款 Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Continuous Floral Scene of Birds and Butterflies

清 乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯開光西洋仕女圖鼻煙壷 (乾隆年製)款 Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Windows of Western Beauties Enameled with opposing portraits and

Of pouch form, adorned with two loop handles on shoulder. The white oval recess within the metal foot ring bears the reign mark in blue. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period

landscape scenes on the side panels, surrounded by leafy scrolls. The white oval recess within the metal foot ring bears the reign mark in blue. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 2¾ in (7 cm)

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Width: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,500 159

$1,500 - $2,500 160

清 銅胎畫琺瑯黃地開光花鳥鼻煙扁壺 (雍正年製)款 Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Yellow Ground Copper Flask Snuff Bottle Of flattened round form and finely enameled with windows of colorful birds and blossoms. The white oval recess within the metal foot ring bears the reign mark in blue. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Width: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

1925年作 陳仲三 水晶內畫駿馬鼻煙壺 (乙丑冬陳仲三)題款


A Fine Inside Painted Rock Crystal Chen Zhong San Snuff Bottle

Of ovoid form, one side is finely detailed with a galloping horse with inscription, date and seal. The reverse with another steed on the prairie. Red coral stopper with bronze collar. Signed Chen Zhong San dated winter, 1925, with one red seal. Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm)

$1,500 - $2,500




A Rare and Unusual Inside Painted with Red Overlay Framing Birds Snuff Bottle, Ma Shao Xuan

Of baluster form, molded with red overlay cartouche on the exterior. The interior is inside painted within five panels of intricate birds and floral scenes. Each is signed or titled with red seal. A key fret border enclosed the neck with floral scroll tapering down the shoulder. Gem stone stopper with metal band.

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $2,000 - $4,000

1898年作 馬少宣 套紅料水晶花鳥開光內畫鼻煙壺

清 古月軒 粉彩料胎嬰戲如意耳鼻煙壺 Qing, A Rare Famille-Rose Painted Glass Snuff Bottle

(竹石圖 戊戌年 馬少宣作) 馬少宣,生於1867年,與葉仲三、周樂元、烏長安三人並稱清代京派 內畫四大畫師。其內畫​​鼻煙壺書畫並茂、筆法精湛,有:“登堂入室 馬少宣,雅俗共賞葉仲三,陽春白雪周樂元,文武全材烏長安。”之 說流傳於世。

Of ovoid form, painted with a continuous scene of children at play with bamboo and rockworks. Flanked on both sides with bronze ruyi handle. The base with Guyue Xuan mark in blue enamel in regular script. Green quartz stopper with finial and bronze collar.

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) $2,000 - $4,000 163


A Rare and Unusual Inside Painted with Black and Yellow Overlay Framing Crane Snuff Bottle, Ma Shao Xuan

Of baluster form, flat foot surrounded by a carved lotus overlay trim. The interior is in inside painted with a flock of crane taking flight. Crane is symbolic of longevity and a rise from official rank. Titled ‘Pine and Crane’, signed Ma Shaoxuan, dated winter of 1901, followed by a painted red seal reading ‘Ma’. The neck and shoulder moulded with ruyi band and Mandarin duck in black and yellow overlay glass.

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $2,000 - $4,000

1895年作 丁二仲 水晶內畫人物鼻煙壺

(乙未冬丁二仲)款 丁二仲:原名叫丁尚庾,二仲為藝名。晚清著名的藝術家,對內畫鼻 煙壺藝術精通,而且對金石、篆刻、竹刻頗有研究,其山水、人物、 花鳥各類均擅長,多數是仿宋,元、明、清繪畫,畫風博雅深邃,別 具一格,是晚清內畫四大家之一

An Exceptional Ding Erzhong Inside Painted Crystal Figural Snuff Bottle Of ovoid form with a flat foot and lip and carved from a master crystal, one side painted with a mule and herder returning home with an inscription and signature, dated winter, 1895 and a red seal. The reverse is a water buffalo resting underneath a pine tree, with one seal. Coral stopper with a metal collar.


Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm)

$2,000 - $4,000

1901年作 馬少宣 套黃黑料水晶內畫松鶴圖鼻煙壺 (松鶴圖 辛丑年冬 馬少宣作)(馬)

Ma Shaoxuan, born in 1867, who leads the "Four Remarkable Capital-Style InsidePainters of Qing Dynasty", along with Ye Zhongsan, Zhou Leyuan and Wu Changan. His delicate snuff-bottle paintings and calligraphy is superior detailed with exquisite brush works. His master craftsmanship in snuff bottle has been praised as ‘Magnificently Decorated-Ma’.



1.60克拉鑽石耳環 附AIG證書 14KT White Gold 1.60ctw Diamond Solitaire Studs

坦桑尼亞鑽石戒指 附AIG證書 14KT White Gold Tanzanite and Diamond Ring

Mounted with: 1 genuine tanzanite weighing 2.09ct, and 15 genuine round full cut diamonds with a total weight of 0.68ctw. Tanzanite measures 8.8 x 8.5 mm and diamonds measure 2.0-2.5mm. AIG Appraisal

Mounted with 2 genuine round diamonds weighing 1.60 carats. The earrings are finished with screw on posts and backings. AIG Appraisal

Length: ½ in (1.3 cm) Total Weight: 1.2 gm $3,000 - $6,000

Size: 6-7 Total Weight: 5.6 gm $2,500 - $5,000 167

1914年2.5美元 印第安人頭禿鷹 金幣

1854年2.5美元自 由女神禿鷹金幣



1914 $2.50 Indian Head Quarter Eagle Coin

1854 $2.50 Liberty Head Quarter Eagle Gold Coin

Coin Diameter: ¾ in (1.9 cm) $800 - $1,500

Coin Diameter: ¾ in (1.9 cm) $800 - $1,500


Graded and Encapsulated by PCGS XF45

Graded and Encapsulated by PCGS AU53


170 The pendant features a brown diamond floret set within an inner white diamond bezel and an outer brown diamond bezel, completed by a 10KT white gold bail. The pendant is supported by an eighteen inch length 10KT white gold designer style chain, terminating in a spring ring clasp. Bright and anodized finish. Containing: Seven prong set round brilliant cut diamonds, Color Fancy Brown Twelve prong set round brilliant cut diamonds, Twentyeight prong set baguette cut (tapered) diamonds

彩色寶石耳墜,鑲18K黃金 18KT Yellow Gold Multi-Colored Gemstone Ear Pendants

One pair of multi-colored precious stone earrings featuring 18kt yellow gold with a total weight of 3.58 grams and gem stones with a total weight of 11.83cts.

Length: 2 in (5 cm) x 2 Total Weight: 3 g x 2 $1,500 - $3,000

白金鑽石項錬 附AIG證書 10KT White Gold Diamond Pendant with Chain AIG Appraisal Length: 9⅝ in (24.4 cm) Total Weight of Diamonds: 0.50ct Total Weight of Pendant With Chain: 2.16gm $1,500 - $3,000




鑽石結婚戒指套裝,鑲白金及14KT白金 附AIG證書 Platinum & 14KT White Gold Diamond Wedding Set

The engagement ring features a diamond mounted in 14KT white gold prongs, supported by diamond set shoulders completed by a two millimeter wide platinum band. The set is completed by a two millimeter wide 14KT white gold matching diamond set band. Containing one prong set round brilliant cut diamond, Thirteen prong set round brilliant cut diamonds. Total Weight of Diamonds 1.00ct. AIG Appraisal

14K黃金紅寶石及鑽石吊墜項錬 14KT Yellow Gold Ruby and Diamond Pendant with Chain

Ruby and diamond pendant eaturing: 13.1 grams of 14KT yellow gold, rubies with a total weight of 2.16ctw, diamonds with a total weight of 1.22ctw and a 14KT yellow gold chain.

Size: 6-7 Total Weight of Wedding Set: 5.7 gm $3,500 - $6,500

Length: 9½ in (24 cm) Total Weight of Pendant With Chain: 13 gm $3,000 - $6,000 173


正方形鑽石戒指,配以鑽石,鑲14K白金 14KT White Gold Diamond Ring

鑽石耳環,鑲18K白金 18KT White Gold Diamond Ear Clips

A pair of S-shaped Diamond Ear Clips featuring: 10.24 grams of 18KT white gold, and 248 round cut diamonds with a total weight of 1.39cts.


Length: ¾ in (1.9 cm) x 2 Weight: 6 g x 2 $2,000 - $5,000


The featured diamond is cathedral set within a diamond bezel supported by diamond set shoulders, completed by a two millimeter wide band. Bright polish finishes with milgrain detailing. One prong set round brilliant cut diamond, approximate weight of 1.21ct with a medium blue fluorescence. Graded in the setting. Clarity I-3. Color H. One hundred twenty prong set round brilliant cut diamonds, approximate total weight of 120 Stones = 0.53ct. Graded in the setting. Clarity I-1. Color G - H. AIG Appraisal

Size: 6-7

Total Weight of Diamonds: 1.74ct Total Weight of Ring: 3.85 gm

$4,000 - $9,000



日曆顯示女裝勞力士表: 黃金鑽石字盤,

石英女裝伯爵表: 表殼及表盤帶鑽 Piaget Yellow Gold & Diamond Polo, Quartz, Ladies Watch

約1978年製 附AIG證書

Ladies Rolex Gold Diamond DateJust Wristwatch

Hand crafted & machine milled Rolex DateJust model wristwatch electronically tested 18KT yellow gold, Circa: 1978, Case: 26mm oyster, Crown: twinlock with logo, Custom Bezel: diamond set, Custom Crystal: synthetic sapphire cyclops lens. Movement: superlative chronometer. Custom Dial: mother of pearl, with baton style hands, & diamond markers, Date Display: 3 o’clock position, non-quick set, Bracelet: Brown saddle stitched leather strap, Seven inch length. AIG Appraisal

Model: 22005M501D 660887

Case Diameter: 1 in (2.5 cm) $10,000 - $15,000

Total Weight of Watch: 34.35 gm $4,500 - $8,000



萬國AMG男裝表:工程師系列 鈦金屬AMG特別版,自動機械 IWC Ingenieur AMG Special Edition, Automatic, Men Model: 3146073

Case Diameter: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $13,000 - $20,000

沛納海Ferrari男裝表:全球限量八百隻,計時,自動機械 Panerai Ferrari Granturismo Chronograph Limited individually numbered pieces. Limited Edition of 800. Model: BB1252722 F6656 FB618/800

Case Diameter: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $15,000 - $20,000





A Finely Carved Celadon Jade Cup with Qilin Handle

Raised on a short foot with high sides, on the exterior is a pair of carved Qilin climbing through onto the rim of the cup, forming the handles. (with natural stone vine, not fissure)

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $1,500 - $3,000



玉雕彌佛童子擺件 A Jade Carving of Maitreya with Halo and Acolyte

玉雕雙龍扁瓶 Carved Dragon Jade Flask with Cover Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) $600 - $800


壽山石雕山水人物碗一對 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Bowl with Figural Landscape Carving on the Exterior Diameter: 5⅛ in (13 cm) x 2 Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) x 2

玉雕彌佛仙桃元寶擺件 A Jade Carving of Maitreya Holding Peach Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Length: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 303 g $300 - $500

Weight: 511 g Weight: 511 g $500 - $800




$400 - $600


銅胎畫琺瑯開光花卉紋海碗 A Large Cloisonne Enamelled Bowl

Decorated in colored enamels within gilt wire with floral bird and pattern roundels on the exterior.

Diameter: 8¼ in (21 cm) Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

景泰藍開光花鳥高足蓋碗一對 A Pair of Floral Cloisonne with Windows of Water Fowl Stem Cup and Cover Height: 8⅛ in (20.6 cm) $800 - $1,500


清 雍正 閗彩荷池紋燈籠瓶 (大清雍正年製) 六字雙行雙圈款

Qing, A Fine Doucai Lotus Pond Jar

Delicately enamelled with flowering lotus amidst reed. A lappet band encircling the foot and mouth rim. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Double Circled Mark and of the Period Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $3,500 - $5,000


清 乾隆 塑雕粉彩圈花蝴蝶水注 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行雕刻篆書款

Qing, A Famille-Rose Molded Butterfly Water-Dropper

Finely molded with sculpted wings spread, two circular aperture on its back and a foliate spout emerging from under the antennae. Overall densely decorated with geometric green circles with black borders. Impressed seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $4,000 - $5,000



清 雍正 粉彩紫紅地折枝花卉雙桃水洗 (雍正年製)四字雙行雕刻篆書款

Qing, Famille-Rose Peach-Shaped Brush Washer

The brush washer is formed by two peaches growing out of a gnarled branch forming the base. Finely enamelled with dense scrolling vines and bats, signifying double longevity. Impressed red reign mark at base. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark and of the Period Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $6,000 - $8,000




孔雀藍釉花卉蓋瓶 (大清乾隆年製)

A Peacock-Blue-Glazed Ground Dragon Meiping

Delicately enameled in black with writhing dragons amidst scrolling blooms. With a bell shaped ribbed finial cover. Height: 12½ in (31.8 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

青花釉裡紅花卉八思巴紋蓋罐 Blue and Copper Red Floral Jar with Cover

The globular body decorated with frieze of pagba text, scroll bands and a foliate rim cover.

Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) $1,000 - $2,000 192


青花釉里紅四菓玄紋高足杯 Underglazed Blue with Copper-Red Floral Motifs and Ribbed Stem Cup Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) $600 - $800

明 閗彩鳳凰穿花水洗 Ming, A Doucai Phoenix Brush Washer

Of compressed globular form, colorfully painted in Doucai enamels with feathery phoenixes in flight amidst peony sprays. Ming Dynasty

Across: 4½ in (11.4 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



宋 吉州窯玳瑁


壽山石觀音寶瓶蓮 花座立像 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Guanyin

印花獸鈕把壺 Song, A Jizhou Tortoise shellGlazed Ewer

Holding an amphora bottle and standing on lotus plinth, her robes are finely incised with cloud scrolls, with fitted wood stand.

The ovoid body rising to a tall cylindrical neck flanked by a curved upright spout and a loop handle with a beast finial cover. Song Dynasty

Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) Weight: 1350 g $800 - $1,500

Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


壽山石雕儒家 196 學者擺件 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Figure of Scholar Holding Pipe His robe incised with meandering scrolls, with fitted wood stand.

Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) Weight: 1779 g $800 - $1,500

壽山石雕釋迦佛祖臥像 A Finely Carved Recumbent Figure of Buddha Shakyamuni

His robes incised with gilt scrolls and inlaid with color stones, with fitted wood stand.

Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Length: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) Weight: 1234 g $800 - $1,500 197

壽山石雕羅漢 伏獅擺件 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Figure Group of Luohan Taming Lion


Seated and holding an elms bowl, his robe incised with roundels of flowers and lotus scroll, with fitted wood stand.

Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 868 g $300 - $500

三羊開泰玉雕擺件 A Jade Carving of Three-Ram with Buff Inclusion


Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 776 g $400 - $600


青花花卉花瓣折沿 棱口大盤 A Large Blue and White Floral Charger

The central medallion with fruit blooms encircled by twelve brackets-shaped flutes of sprays rising to an everted mouth rim decorated with scrolling blooms. The exterior with conforming flutes. Diameter: 16 in (40.6 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


明 永樂 茶葉末釉敞口玄紋瓶 (永樂年製)四字雙行單圈飄帶款

Ming, A Fine Tea Dust-Glazed Vase

The globular body with ribbed long neck ending in an everted rim Inscribed reign mark in the recessed white glazed base. Ming Dynasty, Yongle Four Character Mark surrounded by scrolling foliate pattern and of the Period Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



清 乾隆 紫釉葵口線刻 龍鳳團壽花蕾象耳瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字雙行篆書款

Qing, A Fine Lavender Glazed Quatrefoil Vase Intricately Incised with Roundel of Confronting Dragon and Phoenix Amidst a Central Shou Character

The short flaring rim decorated with cresting wave. The lobed rim has a key-fret border above Shou character and flanked by elephant-ear handles. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 道光粉彩蘆雁圖筆筒 (大清道光年製)六字三行篆書款

Qing, Famille-Rose Geese Brushpot

Finely enamelled with a continuous geese in flight scene and poem inscription. Red reign mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $1,500 - $3,000



清 乾隆 粉彩天藍綠松石地纏枝花卉五管瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行雕刻篆書款

Qing, A Magnificent Famille-Rose Lime-Turquoise Ground Bottle Vase

Masterfully potted, the lower bulb sweeping up to a Five-Spout slender neck. Meticulously painted in soft pastel famille-rose enamels with stylized lotus amidst dense scrolling foliate vine intertwined around blossoms. Each spout is encircled with a key-fret border at mouth and shoulder. The base has a classic scroll band. Incised seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Periods Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) $30,000 - $50,000



明 宣德 青花鳳穿花卉盤口菊瓣撇足把壺 (大明宣德年製)六字楷書橫款

Ming, An Exceptional Blue and White Phoenix Floral Ewer

The bulbous ewer resting on a splayed foot set with curved spout opposite an arched handle, painted both sides with phoenix in flight amidst scrolling blooms and tendrils lobed chrysanthemum petals encircling the splayed foot. A floral border decorates the galleried rim. Reign mark on the shoulder. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) $50,000- $60,000



清 乾隆 浮雕綫圍寶相夔龍紋瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行雕刻篆書款

Qing, A Finely Carved Famille-Rose Decorated Dragon Vase

The ovoid body is carved and moulded in shallow relief bands of confronting and addorsed Kui-Dragon dissolving into geometric archaistic patterns. The rim decorated with key-fret and ruyi bands. A classic scroll encircled the base. Incised seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm) $20,000 - $30,000




清 乾隆 豇豆紅束腰梅瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 Qing, A Fine Peach-Bloom Glazed with Apple Green Mottling Meiping

清 康熙 豇豆紅搖鈴尊 雙圈款 Qing, A Peach-Bloom-Glazed Mallet Vase with Mottled Green Patches

Height: 6¾ in (17.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $2,000 - $4,000

Well potted with high shoulder below a short waisted neck, tapering towards the flared foot with an irregular band of strawberry. Interior and base glazed white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period



明 宣德 銅鑄祥雲八仙過海祝壽壺 (大明宣德)四字雙行陽文刻雕楷書款

Ming, An Unusual Bronze Ewer with Relief Carved Eight Immortals Crossing, with Shou Character Incised on Neck Double loop handle and long spout Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Mark and of the Period


The recessed base in cream slip with fine crackles and double-circles blue reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Double Circles Mark and of the Period

Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

清 銅點金三足爐 (乾隆年製)凸雕款 Qing, A Tripod Gold-Splashed Bronze Censer with Upright Loop Handles The exterior is decorated with irregular splashes of gold cast. Qianlong Impressed Seal Mark at the base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) $800 - $1,500


北宋 定窯白釉印花龍鳳紋罔口盤一對 盤罔口,淺圈足,下有迴紋,盤內為印花龍 鳳紋飾,綫條清雅亮麗,胎薄尤輕,為北 宋定窯難得之瑰寶。

Northern Song, A Rare and Fine Pair of Molded Dingyao Dish

The elegantly potted dish raised on a low foot with gently flaring round side and unglazed rim. Molded in the interior with confronting phoenix and dragon chasing flaming pearl in the center of the well, amidst scrolling cloud, beneath a key fret border. Covered all over, and on the base, with a glaze of rich ivory transparent tone. Diameter: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) x 2 Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) x 2 $30,000 - $50,000



清 銅鎏金彌勒菩薩 半跏思惟像 Qing, A Gilt Bronze Figure of Bodhisattva

A pensive bodhisattva seated a lotus plinth held by mythical beasts, with right foot resting on a lotus support. Dressed with flowing dhoti, the face with benevolent expression adorned with a tiara. Qing Dynasty Height: 5½ in (14 cm) Weight: 494 g $3,000 - $5,000



清 銅鎏銀金剛薩錘 蓮花座立像 Qing, A Silver Figure of Vajrasattva

Standing on a double-lotus base with the hands holding varja, dressed in robe incised with dentilated pattern and adorned with gems, face with downcast expression surmounted with a tiara topped with a varja finial. Qing Dynasty Height: 10⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 1278 g $6,000 - $10,000



Qing, A Large Gilt Bronze Figure of Vajrabhairava Yamantaka with Consort

Standing in alidhasana with his consort atop various prostrate figures and animals over a lotus base, he with his three-tiered crown and 34 arms radiating about him and each holding a different implement, his moveable primary arms grasping his consort and holding the curved knife and skull cup, clad in a pendant belt of bones and garlands of severed heads and snakes, his wrathful faces surmounted by his hair rising into a flaming chignon and secured by crowns of skulls, she also holding a curved knife and skull cup and wearing in a pendant belt of bones, further adorned with jewelry and garlands with skulls, her flowing hair pulled into a topknot and secured with a tiara of skulls. Vajrabhairava Yamantaka is one of the eight protectors of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the terrifying form of Manjushri, the God of Wisdom, whose head is visible in the flaming headdress. He takes the wrathful form in order to conquer Yama, the God of Death, thus symbolizing the victory of Wisdom or Knowledge over Death or Ignorance, which are considered one and the same in Tibetan Buddhism. In his present aspect of Vajrabhairava, he is also associated with the Hindu god Bhairava, a form of Shiva who destroys the universe at the end of each Hindu eon. By incorporating both aspects, Vajrabhairava became one the most powerful divinities of Tibetan Buddhism. This present lot is a superb example of the bronze casting technique, as the figures and implements have been formed separately and in various moveable parts. Tibet, Qing Dynasty Height: 9â…ž in (25.1 cm) Weight: 4091 g $40,000 - $60,000



清 铜鎏金大威德金剛像 大威德金剛亦稱大威德明王,是格魯派主修的重要的護法神。名稱和形象有多種,藏語稱為“雅曼達嘎”, “雅曼”是“閻魔”的對 音,意思是降閻魔尊,他的形象為九頭,中間一頭為牛頭,牛角粗大,每頭又都三隻眼,頭戴五骷髏冠,三十四隻手,十六條腿,藍色的 身體,擁抱著明妃羅浪雜娃。頂嚴最上一頭是如來形的,象征著他是阿彌陀佛化身而來的。在金剛的十六腳分兩組,一邊各踏著水牛、黃 牛、鹿、蛇、狗、綿羊、狐狸,象征著八位天王,而另一組腳下則踏著鷲、梟、鸚鵡、鷹、鶴、雞、雁等,象征著 鎮壓修法中的邪魔和 愚昧。三十四隻手中各拿的鈴、杵、刀、劍、弓、箭、瓶、索子、鉤、戟、傘、蓋、骷髏等兵器,寓意智慧、勇猛、精進、堅固等。他為 了教令法界,而變化成的威武憤怒的模樣,即以威猛力降伏惡魔(阻礙修法的外敵和困難等),就是“威”;以智慧力摧破煩惱業障, 使眾生從無明中解脫出來謂之“德”。合即威德金剛。此像的造型規整,細部精美,各種飾物完整,工藝復雜,耐人尋味。



唐 銅鎏銀鉗鑲寶石錯金卷浪鳥獸紋撇口瓶 Tang, A Very Rare Gilt Silver Vase

Of ovoid form, inlaid with geometric shapes of torques and coral horizontal bands on the shoulder, tall neck and inside of everted rim. The middle globular body with relief inlaid mythical beasts racing amidst scroll medallions. Tang Dynasty Height: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm) Weight: 911 g $20,000 - $30,000



戰國 稀有青銅立鷹錯金羽毛稱秤一對 Warring States, A Pair of Rare and Fine Gold Inlaid Bronze Eagle Scale Weights

Finely cast in the form of a standing eagle with head raised and wing tail up. Intricately inlaid with a precise scroll pattern of geometric shapes and lines, all over the bird. Warring States Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) x 2 Weight: 336 g, 355g $20,000 - $30,000



唐 銅鎏銀鉗鑲寶石錯金獸紋淨瓶 Tang, A Rare Gilt Silver Kundika

With ovoid body, the short spout with cup-shaped rim and a slender neck with a stepped collar, the ritual bottle is finely cast and embellished with turquoise and coral in geometric shaped triangles and lozenges. Around the globular body are racing mythical beasts cast in relief. Tang Dynasty Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Weight: 190 g $5,000 - $8,000


刻花綠釉杯口陶瓶 A Green-Glazed Pottery Jar with Dish Mouth


Tang style elegantly potted ovoid body tapering to the unglazed rim, incised with lotus blooms and flanked by two applied mock handles in aubergine. Height: 14¾ in (37.5 cm) $1,000 - $2,000


清 乾隆 粉彩八棱蓮瓣螭龍寶相牡丹盤口洗 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 (款傍有一些自然走釉現象) Qing, A Rare Famille-Rose Octagonal Washer with Panels of Qilin Floral Sprays

The deep interior and base applied with turquoise glaze. Raised on an narrow foot with a key fret border. The exterior delicately painted with cartouche of lotus bloom with confronting Qilins below a floral scroll band rim. (hairline glaze flaked off near reign mark) Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 8⅝ in (22 cm) $6,000 - $10,000 219


宋 吉州窯玳瑁螭龍耳杯 Song, A Jizhou Tortoiseshell-Glazed U-Shaped Bowl

Covered inside and out with a dark brown glaze splashed in buff with bluish-white inclusions and applied with two molded Qilin curling around the sides as handles.

Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

北宋 吉州窯墨地鹿子點斑紋碗 Northern Song, Jizhou ‘Speckled Deer’ Tea Bowl

Of conical form rising steeply from a short foot, applied to the interior rows of russet spots radiating from the center, the exterior with russet splashed freely. Northern Song Dynasty

Diameter: 6¼ in (15.8 cm) $1,500 - $2,500



青花釉裡紅雲龍 花卉梅瓶 A Blue and Iron-Red Dragon Meiping

Flaming dragons chasing pearl in between bands of scrolling blooms and classic scrolls. Height: 13 in (33 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 乾隆 浮雕螭龍雲水紋筆筒 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行雕刻篆書款

Qing, A Fine Brown Glazed Relief Carved Qilin Brushpot

Well potted on a cylinder, the exterior applied with high relief Qilin in scroll, spewing amidst flaming cloud above arrested wave band bodies. The recessed base bearing the molded six character mark in seal script. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) $2,500 - $3,500



清 乾隆 塑雕臥獅鎮紙 (大清乾隆年製)篆書橫款

Qing, A Recumbent Buddhist Lion Paperweight

The head faces forward with well delineated features and finely incised mane and rests gently on the paws. Covered overall with a rich reddishbrown glaze. An impressed seal mark on the front of the rectangular plinth. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Length: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Width: 2¾ in (7 cm) $1,000 - $1,500



藍料灑銀浮雕菊花蓮池鳥紋瓶 A Blue Overlay Vase with Silver Fleck

Carved with lotus pond, chrysanthemum and bird on a wave ground.

Height: 9¼ in (23.5 cm) $300 - $400


綠料灑金開光荷塘花鳥螭龍六棱瓶 A Green Overlay Hexagonal Vase with Gold Fleck Relief carved with windows of Qilin and lotus


Height: 10⅞ in (27.6 cm) $300 - $400

Height: 10⅛ in (25.7 cm) $600 - $1,500

pond scenes on a wave ground.



A Teadust Glazed Conjoined Gourd Vase with Triple-Spout Qianlong Mark


宋 吉州窯玳瑁釉水洗 Song, A Jizhou Tortoiseshell Glazed Washer

Glazed inside and outside in tortoiseshell effect with a rich brown glaze drizzled throughout and the base left unglazed. Song Dynasty

Diameter: 4⅞ in (12.3 cm) $600 - $800

吉州窯黑釉葉紋碗一對 A Pair of Jizhou Leaf-Decorated Black Glazed Bowl Diameter: 4½ in (11.4 cm) x 2 Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) x 2 $400 - $600




青花開光花卉壺 A Blue and White Ewer and Cover

龍泉窯圓底三足洗 A Celadon Longquan Tripod Brush Washer

Height: 9⅛ in (23.2 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) $600 - $1,000

Decorated with windows of floral blooms flanked by a curved spout and strap handle.



三彩開光神獸獅流把壺 A Sancai Globular Ewer with Lion Spout and Beast Handle

The bulbous body molded in relief medallions of stylized animal heads in Tang style sancai. Height: 10½ in (26.6 cm) $1,000 - $2,000


The ribbed body encircled by a raised groove, atop three bracket feet, the foot rim left unglazed.

元 鈞窯天青釉紫斑雙魚紋折沿盤 Yuan, Junyao Purple Splashed Twin-Fish Dish

Rising to a short rounded side and an everted rim, decorated in the interior well with a pair of purple splashed fish swimming in opposite directions. Yuan Dynasty

Diameter: 8⅜ in (21.2 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



五代 絞胎瓷鳳流把壺 Five Dynasties, Marbled Pottery Ewer

清 道光 粉青釉六棱葫蘆瓶 (大清道光年製)六字三行篆書款 Qing, Celadon Glazed Double-Gourd Vase

The sides applied with a thin veneer of brown and buff marbled in an irregular pattern, covered overall with a transparent amber glaze and stopped short of the base. Flanked with a loop handle and phoenix head spout. Five Dynasties

Well potted with a globular lower bulb and a slender tapering upper bulb. Both bulbs accented with six vertical ribs extending above the foot rim and merging into a single rib at the neck. The vase is covered overall in an even, finely speckled celadon green glaze with an unglazed base rim, a blue reign mark in the recessed white glazed base. Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Six Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 6 in (15 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

Height: 10 in (25.4 cm) $4,000 - $6,000 235


宋 青天釉六棱貫耳瓶 Song, Celadon Glazed Hexagonal Hu

Strongly potted with six fluted facets and the ribbed broad neck flanked by two tubular handles Song Dynasty

Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

元 鈞窯青釉紫斑三足爐 Yuan, Junyao Purple Splashed Tripod Censer

The globular body with flat base supported by three cabriole legs, with purple accent upon the milky blue glaze. Yuan Dynasty

Height: 5 in (12.9 cm) $3,000 - $4,000




石瓢紫砂園壺 (陽羡王東石製)款 Zisha Teapot with Loop Handle

雙色太極蓋壺 (呂堯臣)款 Twin Zisha Teapots with Yin and Yang Combined Signed Lv Yaochen

Signed Wang Dongshi

Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) $200 - $300 241

定窯菊瓣獸耳盤口瓶 A Molded Dingyao Vase

Signed Hui Mengchen

Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $600 - $800 242

紅釉玉壺春瓶 A Red-Glazed Yuhuchunping

With chrysanthemum petal scrolls in the ovoid body, flanked by tow beast handles and a dish mouth-rim.

Height: 9⅝ in (24.4 cm)

紫砂三疊壺 (惠孟臣製)款 A Triple-Gourd Form Zisha Teapot

Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) $200 - $300


Height: 10¾ in (27.3 cm)

Diameter: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) x 2 Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) x 2 $400 - $600

Long neck with foliate rim and fine crackles.

$600 - $800


紫砂浮雕花鳥紋碗 A Pair of Zisha Shallow-Relief Carved Floral Bowls

定窯刻嬰戲紋花口瓶 A Dingyao Bottle Vase Incised with Children at Play Motifs

Full Elegant body tapering to the neck with a flared rim.

$600 - $1,000




Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm)

$800 - $1,500


青釉琮式瓶 A Large Celadon Glazed Cong Vase

With two gilt medallions imprinted on opposite sides.

Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) $800 - $1,500

紫砂彩繪富貴壽桃盤一對 A Pair of Polychrome Applied Auspicious Peaches Bowl Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) x 2 $500 - $800


紫砂精品兩件:文革毛像紫砂壺(沈巨華)款;紫砂荸薺壺(古月軒製)款 Two Zisha Teapots: A Cultural Revolution Commemorative Teapot; A Water Chestnut-Shaped Zisha Teapot One applied with Mao’s Portraits ascribed to Shen Ju Hua; The other ascribed to Gu Yue Xuan, Imperial Studio.

Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $800 - $1,500



宋 蛋青釉玄紋三足洗 Song, Celadon-Pale-Glazed Tripod Washer with Ribbed Bands and Cabriole Legs

宋 臨汝窯梅子青釉葵花三足反口盤 Song, LinRuyao Foliate Everted Rim Plate with Three Bracket Feet

Height: 3⅛ in (8 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Across: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Song Dynasty


青釉三桃連體樹 耳香薰 A Green-Glazed Peach-Form Incense Burner with Conforming Finial Height: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm) $600 - $1,000

Provisional Ruyao from Ruzhou Song Dynasty


醬釉花口雞 流把壺 A Dark-Brown Glazed ChickenHead Spout Pottery Ewer

With a foliate mouth rim above a cylindrical neck and a loop handle.

Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) $400 - $600




清 梨形葉紋四足紫砂壺 (大清內府督造)六字雙行迴紋方框款 Qing, Zisha Teapot Pear-Shaped with Applied Foliage and Peach Knop with Four Tab Feet

民國 茶葉墨綠金蟾鈕壺 蓋內(桂林)(馮)款 Republic Period, Teadust-glazed Zisha Teapot

Surmounted with toad delivering coin as knop and a thumb rest on the loop handle. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

Qing Dynasty, Imperial Court Six Character Mark

Height: 3¾ in (9.6 cm)

$1,500 - $2,000



鈞窯紫釉三足香爐 A Purple Splashed Junyao Tripod Censer With Upright Handles Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) $300 - $500 256


青花纏枝花卉紋罐一對 A Pair of Blue and White Floral Scroll Jar Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) $300 - $400

粉藍官式瓶 Powder Blue Guan-Type Compressed Bottle Vase

Covered with wide crackles and unctuous glaze.

Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

青灰釉葫蘆瓶 A Greyish Celadon-Glazed Double-Gourd Vase Height: 8½ in (21.6 cm) $400 - $600


粉彩纏枝寶相花 卉紋獸耳瓶 (乾隆)款

Famille-Rose Floral Vase with Sculpted Beast Mock Handles Brightly enamelled with colorful floral scrolls in five horizontal registers Qianlong Mark

Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) $800 - $1,500





(大清光緒年製) 礬紅款

A Famille-Rose Butterfly Vase

The globular vase enamelled with multitude of varied colored butterflies and floral scroll band at shoulder. Guangxu Mark in Copper Red

Painted with scenes from the courtyard on the round flat shape of the vases, joined together as a single form in the inside.

Height: 8⅞ in (22.5 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 15¼ in (38.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


粉彩人物故事 雙連扁瓶 A Famille-Rose Conjoined Double Flask Vase


粉彩百蝠(福) 天球瓶 (大清光緒年製)款

A Famille-Rose Bat Vase

The globular vase enamelled with multitude of bats amidst scrolling clouds and floral scroll band at shoulder. Guangxu Mark

Height: 15¼ in (38.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

紅藍彩麒麟擺件一對 A Large Pair of Red and Blue Glazed Qilin Ornament

With mouth open revealing tongue, seated on a round drum-plinth.

Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) x 2 $800 - $1,500


仿成化鬥彩雞公 杯一套十件 A Set of Ten Doucai Chenghua-Style Chicken Cups in Graduated Sizes

Diameter: ¾ in (1.9 cm) 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Height: ⅜ in (1 cm) 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $800 - $1,500




明 正德 青花飛鳳纏枝花卉葵口撇足盤 和田白玉巧雕和合二仙蓮池賞件 A Fine White Jade Carving of Hehe Erxian


Ming, An Unusual Blue and White Bracket-Lobed Dish

The two laughing boys seated on a lotus pond, one holding a stalk, the other holding the stem of a lotus pond with leaf branching out as brocade backdrop, wood stand.

With fourteen bracket-lobes, the interior and exterior wall painted with a continuous floral scroll and the center well with a phoenix in flight amidst flowering branches within double line borders. Supported on a short splayed foot painted with blue bracket-lobes. Ming Dynasty, Zhengde Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm)

$2,000 - $3,000



宋 玉雕夔龍螭耳蓋盅 Song, Jade Bowl Carved with Kui Dragon Motifs and Two Applied Qilin-Handles with Surmounted Qilin as Finial Song Dynasty

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

齊家文化(公元前2000年) 束髮玉人面獸身擺件 Neolithic Qijia Culture Jade Sphinx, Mythical Beast Sculpture

With hair worn on a bun, the recumbent figure seated on its back legs with head facing forward. 2000 B.C

Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


古玉雕辟邪賞件 An Archaistic Jade Carving of Bixie, Mythical Beast

This mythological animal Bixie, meaning ‘avoid evil’ is finely carved with a snarling expression. The head with two horns and an antler above bulging eyes and mouth agape exposing teach and tongue, its bifurcated tail flicked back on his haunch. The stone of celadon with brown mottling. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Length: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) Weight: 3040 g $2,000 - $3,000



青花雲鳳紋花卉把桶 Blue and White Water Bucket Jar

青金石雙面雕刻山水人物山子 A Well Carved Lapis Lazuli Boulder

Height: 14⅜ in (36.5 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) Weight: 4750 g $3,000 - $4,000

Shaped as a wooden bucket, decorated with a phoenix at flight frieze below a floral scroll with an arched blue handle flanked by upright straps.

Carved in high relief on both sides with scenes of scholars at mountain path with pine trees and pavillions. With fitted wood stand.



七件鏤雕玉璧龍谷紋 出廓璧 A Set of Seven Archaistic Openwork Jade Plaque Bi

Each Bi well carved and pierced with a pair of addorsed dragon holding a character medallion atop a bi disc enclosing a field of faceted bosses in grid pattern between two raised borders encircling confronting dragons in scrolls. The semi-translucent mottled celadon stone with grey inclusions.

Height: 6½ in (16.5 cm) 7 in (17.8 cm) Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $2,000 - $4,000



青玉雕螭龍硯臺 A Carved Celadon Jade Inkstone

白玉雕仙鶴人物詩句扇 A Jade Fan with Crane and Scholar and Poem Inscription

Of rectangular form with two ink wells and adorned with carved Qilins and Taotie Masks, with buff inclusions.


Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Weight: 859 g $400 - $600

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 776 g $400 - $600

Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Length: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $600 - $1,000 275

玉雕紫羅蘭玉米擺件 Well Carved Jade Lavender Ornament of Corn Kernels with Fitted Wood Stand

三羊開泰玉雕擺件 A Jade Carving of Three-Ram with Buff Inclusion

Carved in shallow relief with buff inclusions and reticulated guard sticks and holder.

Length: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm) Weight: 476 g $1,000 - $1,500 274



壽山石雕獅鈕獸耳活環三足爐 A Carved Translucent Shoushan Stone Tripod Censer with Lion Knop, Beast Handles and Loose Rings Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm)

$200 - $300

玉雕紫羅蘭荷池游魚擺件 Well Carved Jade Lavender of Fish in Lotus Pond with Fitted Wood Stand Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Weight: 1807 g $500 - $800



清 乾隆 霽藍釉菊花紋盤 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書款 Qing, A Fine Blue Glazed Chrysanthemum Dish

清 雍正 綠釉菊花紋盤 (大清雍正年製)六字三行篆書款 Qing, A Green Glazed Chrysanthemum Dish

The rounded sides crisply moulded with fourty-four radiating petals, rising from the short, straight rim to a corresponding lobed rim in the form of a chrysanthemum, covered in an even vibrant blue glaze stopping neatly around the foot, the base glazed white. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm)

The rounded sides crisply moulded with thirty-three radiating petals, rising from the short, straight rim to corresponding lobed rim in the form of a chrysanthemum, covered in an even greyish green glaze stopping neatly around the foot, the base glaze white. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period

$2,000 - $4,000


Diameter: 7½ in (19.1 cm)

$2,000 - $4,000


清 乾隆 瓷鍍銀浮雕印花獅子戲球滿天星像三足蓋盅 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書雕款

Qing, Porcelain Silver-Plated and Moulded Lions-Playing-Ball Tripod Bowl with Hexagonal Constellation Motif Sections on the Cover Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 7 in (17 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

五彩鳳火騏驎帶盖將軍罐 A Wucai Jar and Cover

Decorated with friezes of flying Qilin, Buddhist lions and Phoenixes amidst scrolling flames.

Height: 12⅞ in (32.7 cm) $1,000 - $1,500



彩瓷塑雕金童玉女騎牛 如意進寶擺件 A Famille-Rose Painted Buffalo with Fairy Children Ornament Lying recumbent with head turned, its back surmounted by the fairy children holding ruyi and coin, auspicious sign of prosperity and wealth.

Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) Length: 10¾ in (27.3 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



釉裡紅纏枝牡丹紋軍持瓶 A Copper Red Decorated Ewer, Kendi

The globular body painted with scrolling peony blooms, surmounted by a waisted neck below a flanged knop, encircled by ruyi and geometric band, with a conical spout.


Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

清 光緒 瓷胎鎏銀浮雕龍爭珠紋碗 (大清光緒年製)六字三行篆書雕款

Qing, A Gilt Silver Porcelain Bowl Relief Carved with Confronting Dragons Chasing Pearl Motifs Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 白地粉彩浮雕龍璧紋筆筒 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行雕刻篆書款

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Relief Carved Dragon Brushpot

Boldly painted around the cylindrical body in bright colors, with relief carved dragons motifs in overlapping circular pattern. Bordered with key fret band around the rim and base. Recessed base bearing the molded reign mark in seal script. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Diameter: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) $6,000 - $10,000




韓國 李氏皇朝 粉青釉暗刻花卉貫耳三足爐 Korea, A Celadon Glazed Tripod Censer

清 康熙 青花釉裡紅花卉寶相鳳紋瓶 青花雙圈款 Qing, Blue and Copper Red Phoenix Bottle Vase

Diameter: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) $2,000 - $2,500

Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $1,500 - $3,000

The compressed globular body incised with floral scrolls and a raised rib rim flanked by two tubular handles, supported by three mask head conical feet. Korea, Goryeo Dynasty



五代 青花彩釉纏枝花卉盤 Five Dynasties, A Fine Color-Glazed Floral Scroll Conical Bowl

The interior side painted in green, red and yellow on a cream slip a continuous floral scroll within double circles. The exterior glazed black above a short foot with an unglazed recessed rim. Five Dynasties


Decorated with phoenixes in flight and floral medallions, with a wave frieze on the broad shoulder, rising to a slender neck. Double circle blue reign mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Blue Double Circle Kangxi Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

明 正德 暗刻花卉雲鶴紋孔雀藍釉碗 (大明正德年製)六字雙行楷書款

Ming, A Rare Peacock-Blue-Glazed Bowl Incised in the Exterior with Flying Cranes amidst Wispy Clouds above a Classic Scroll Band The interior well with a cloud scroll Ming Dynasty, Zhengde Six Character Mark and of the Period

Diameter: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Powerfully carved with bulging eyes, flaring nostrils and mouth agape baring teeth, the animatedly striding dragon with a fairy atop is swirling with its tail flying as if blown by the wind. The translucent stone with some opaque buff markings. On its tucked wings are molded medallions with beast head emblem. Song Dynasty Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) x 2 Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) x 2 $80,000 - $100,000

宋 白玉雕仙人騎龍賞件一對 Song, An Unusual Pair of Exquisitely Carved Archaistic White Jade Dragons




1932年作 王琦 粉彩人物瓷板 題款:水抱孤村遠,山通一徑斜。不知 深樹裏,還住幾人家。時在壬申仲夏月 下瀚 西昌匋迷散人王琦 寫於珠山客次 印文:(匋)(齋)

A Famille-Rose Enameled Porcelain Plaque depicting God of Longevity and Young Boy Wang Qi, dated by inscription to 1932 Of rectangular shape, enameled in vivid tones, inscribed with a long calligraphic inscription from a poem including a renshen date (1932), the artist signature and two seals reading Tao and Zhai. Height of plaque: 13⅝ in (34.6 cm) Height inclusive of frame: 16⅝ in (42.2 cm) $6,000 - $10,000

Wang Qi (1884-1937), courtesy name Bizhen or euphoria Taoist, a porcelain painting master, born in Anhui Province. Later on, he moved to Jiangxi Province, Xinjian County. In 1928, Wang Qi established “Full Moon Union”(月圓會), meanwhile organizing certain renowned artists together as “Eight Unique companion from Zhushan”(珠山八友), in order to inspire and create new ceramic art figures and techniques. By taking this great opportunity and using pastel as a new medium, they promoted and flourished the porcelain plaque paintings to a national scale, and finally, formed the first ceramic art movement in modern China. With powerful, free-spirited and illusory brushstrokes, Wang Qi’s painted characters & head portraits are mostly embellished with delicate famille-rose colors, light and shade, with the influences from European classic oil paintings. Overall, Wang Qi’s ceramic-plaque paintings artistically represent the highest standard and incomparable superiority of Chinese ceramic arts.



1928年作 王琦 粉彩人物瓷板 題款:折來祗合瓊為客,把酒應須玉瓷 塘。時在戊辰仲秋月 下瀚 西昌匋迷散 人王琦 寫於珠山客次 印文:(匋)(齋)

A Famille-Rose Enameled Porcelain Plaque depicting God of Longevity and Young Boy Wang Qi, dated by inscription to 1928 Of rectangular shape, enameled in vivid tones, inscribed with a long calligraphic inscription from a poem including a wuchen date (1928), the artist signature and two seals reading Tao and Zhai. Height of plaque: 13⅜ in (34 cm) Height inclusive of frame: 16⅜ in (41.6 cm) $6,000 - $10,000

王琦 (1884-1937),祖籍安徽,字碧珍,別署 迷匋道人,后遷居江西省新建縣。1928年, 王琦以“月圓會”形式,結社成“珠山八 友”,共同勵志圖新。以新粉彩形式,將雅 俗共賞的瓷板畫成堂配套,成一時之盛。形 成中國第一個陶瓷藝術流派。瓷畫藝術成熟 的王琦,寫意人物揮洒奔放,人物面部採用 粉彩裝飾,頭像多襯以明暗,結合西洋畫技 藝,珠山八友之首。



青釉懸膽瓶 A Ge-Type Bottle Vase with Fine Crackles


明 萬曆 霽藍釉 撇口折腰玄紋 高足杯 (大明萬曆年製) 六字雙行楷書款

Ming, A Fine Sacrificial BlueGlazed Stem Cup with Waisted Neck ending in an Everted Rim with Ribbed Stem

Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $300 - $500

Ming Dynasty, Wanli Six Character Mark and of the Period

Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



藍地刻龍鳳雲水紋碗 A Blue-Glazed Bowl Incised with DragonPhoenix Chasing Pearl above Cresting Wave Motifs

民國 粉彩桃花雄雞盤 “田園小趣戊辰 谷兩前三日騰雅一波合字於瓷城”

Diameter: 10¼ in (26 cm) $300 - $400

Republic Period, Artists Mark Sheng Ya and Yi Bo


玉雕紫羅蘭鯉魚荷花擺件連木座 Well Carved Jade Lavender Ornament of Carp and Lotus on Fitted Wood Stand (repair to stalk)


民國 粉彩花卉盤 陸如寫於珠山 Republic Period, Famille-Rose Plate with Blossoms and Rockwork

Height: 11⅜ in (28.9 cm) Weight: 3087 g $600 - $1,000

Republic Period, Famille-Rose Plate with Rooster Plum Blossom

Republic Period Artist Mark Lu Ru

Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm) Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $600 - $1,000 297


Diameter: 10⅛ in (25.7 cm) $300 - $400 299

磁州窯人物養蝠(福)玉壺春瓶 A Cizhou Yuhuchunping Polychrome Painted with Figures and Bat Auspicious Motifs Height: 15 in (38.1 cm) $800 - $1,500

韓國 青花雲鳳紋梅瓶 A Korean Blue and White Meiping Vase with Dragon and Phoenix Height: 14¼ in (36.2 cm) $200 - $400


清 素三彩人物塑雕通景福/壽壺 Qing, Sancai Tri-Color Glazed Fu and Shou Character-Form Ewers with Covers

Of flattened form with open work loop handle and spout, wine pot is modelled to shape the ‘Fu’ and ‘Shou‘ character with conforming figures enamelled on the front and back Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm), 8¼ in (21 cm) $5,000 - $8,000




釉裡紅刻孔雀穿花朝聖扁瓶 A Copper Red Phoenix Pilgrim Flask

釉裡紅纏枝蓮紋玉壺春瓶 A Copper Red Decorated Yuhuchunping, Vase

With molded phoenix in the center, front and back of the vase, amidst copper red scrolling leaves. Flanked at the shoulder with beast handles.

The pear-shaped body painted with peony meandering blooms with scrolling vines. The waisted neck with plantain band rising to a flared rim.

Height: 18½ in (47 cm) $5,000 - $10,000

Height: 13⅛ in (33.3 cm) $5,000 - $10,000



清 乾隆 漆雕铜胎剔紅寶鴨蓋盤 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行楷書款

Qing, A Finely Carved Duck- Form Lacquer Box

With Ruyi emblems carved on a diaper ground. Black Lacquer interior with a gilt bronze lining. The reign mark inscribed on the black lacquer base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period

Length: 9⅜ in (23.8 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

清 乾隆 茶葉末釉貫耳瓶 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆書刻款

Qing, A Tea-Dust-glazed Fang Hu with Tubular Handles

Of hexagonal sections rising from a slightly spreading foot and covered overall in a rare rich tea-dust glaze. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period

Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) $4,000 - $6,000



明 中期 木胎漆繪開光懷山浩海龍紋筆筒 Ming, A Very Rare Lacquer Brushpot

With polychrome decorations of three ogival cartouches of delicately incised confronting dragons chasing flaming pearls amidst stylized clouds above crested waves, all picked out in red, brown, green and black with incised outlines and reserved on a diaper ground of wan character within squares. The rim is bordered by a key-fret band. Minor age cracks and lacquer losses. Ming Dynasty Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $6,000 - $8,000




明 精美浮雕麒麟祥雲端硯 Ming, An Exceptional Duan Inkstone

紫檀樹癭意形筆筒 Zitan Cylindrical Burl Brushpot

Irregular shaped and surmounted by a relief carved Qilin above the ink wall, with olive-green ‘eye’ inclusions Ming Dynasty

Thick walled retaining the whorls and knots and carved to a natural tree trunk with raised irregular markings of bark.

Height: 6¾ in (17.2 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

Length: 10⅝ in (27 cm) $3,000 - $4,000 308


清 雍正 碧玉浮雕雲龍紋箱子連木箱 (雍正年製)款 Qing, A Finely Carved Spinach Green Jade Box Inside a Wooden Box Of rectangular form, carved to the top with confronting dragons, the underside with a Qianlong four-character mark. Both wooden outer box and jade interior box are mounted with foliate rim circular baitong lockplate with ruyi-shaped clasp, the side with bail handles and lockplate retained by spit pins. Yongzheng Mark


Dimension: 7¾ x 5¼ x 4½ in (19.6 x 13.6 x 11.4 cm) Jade Box Weight: 2084 g $4,000 - $6,000

明 宣德 銅鑄鏤空人物山水筆筒 (大明宣德五年監督工部官臣吳邦佐造)款

Ming, An Unusual Reticulated Bronze Brushpot

The bronze core inclosed with a reticulated outer large cast with scholars under pine trees. Decorated with cresting wave band. Impressed seal mark in the recessed base. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Mark of artist

Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $1,500 - $3,000


玉雕山水 311 詩句紋 蒲扇


(乾隆 年製) (文玩)款

A Carved Jade Fan with Figural Landscape and Poem Inscription

Of quatrefoil shape with reticulated cross background.

Height: 12⅜ in (31.4 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


青花人物花卉小盤 A Blue and White Figure Shallow Plate Decorated in the Interior Centre within Double Circles a Figure Scene

木製“隨園全集”原裝藏書箱 Wood Book Box To Encase ‘Sui Yuan‘ Thread Binding Volumes with Sliding Door and Compartments

Diameter: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) Height: 1⅛ in (2.9 cm) $300- $500

Height: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) Length: 12⅝ in (32.1 cm) Width: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) $300 - $400

The exterior is a continuous floral scroll and resting on a short foot

紫檀六方葵花形 筆筒 Hexagonal Zitan Brushpot with Foliate Rim

Title of stored book written in front of box for identification.


黃花梨刻杜牧詩句 筆筒 唐 杜牧 赤壁 (東風不與周郎便, 銅雀春深鎖二喬) Huanghuali Cylindrical Brushpot Carved with Excerpt from Tang Poet Du Mu’s Red Cliff

Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $600 - $800

Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


藍彩瑪瑙鏤雕獅 鈕花樣獸耳活環 蓋尊 A Large Blue Agate Carving of a Censer-Jar


With loose rings and lion as finial cover, the ovoid body is pierced with floral patterns.

Height: 14¾ in (37.5 cm) $800 - $2,000

元 青花仙人托砵盤 Yuan, Blue and White Plate with Fairy Holding Bowl Amidst Floral Motifs Yuan Dynasty Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm)

$800 - $1,500




玳瑁透雕花卉六棱瓶一對 A Pair of Hexagonal Tortoise-Shell Vase with Floral Motifs

紫砂蟋蟀罐 (大清乾隆)款 A Drum-shaped Zisha Cricket Jar and Cover Carved with Inscription Panels

Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) x 2 $400 - $600 320




灰白釉三疊瓶 A Greyish-White Glazed Three-Tiers Vase With wide crackles Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) $500 - $800

壽山石意形螭龍送寶水洗 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Brush Washer with Confronting Qilin and Auspicious Coin

Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) $300 - $400

$500 - $800


Height: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $300 - $400

紫砂竹雀圖筆筒 A Zisha Slip Decorated Birds and Bamboo Brushpot

curved handle, carved and pierced with reticulated and moveable monkeys.

Length: 11⅞ in (30.2 cm)

木透雕四足爐 Carved Openwork Wood Censer with Upright Handles

Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $500 - $800

玳瑁透雕辟猴芭蕉活如意 Tortoiseshell Ruyi Scepter with Monkey and Plantain Motifs With a ruyi head terminal and a



Height: 1¼ in (3.2 cm) Length: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) Weight: 586 g $400 - $600


紫砂基石白瓷葫蘆擺件 (項聖詩製)款 A Large Zisha Polychrome Gourd Ornament With green glazed scrolling vine and stalk and leaf adorning the gourd resting on a brown rockwork.

Height: 7⅛ in (18.1 cm) $400 - $600

木雕仿銅器三足爵一對 A Pair of Wood Carved Jue Cups Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) x 2 $300 - $400

Next Auction Sept 2014 New York, October 2014 Singapore

Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) x 2 Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) x 2

Song Dynasty

宋 白玉雕仙人騎龍賞件一對 Song, An Unusual Pair of Exquisitely Carved Archaistic White Jade Dragons

Lot 289

Lot 213

清 铜鎏金大威德金刚像 Qing, A Large Gilt Bronze Figure of Vajrabhairava Yamantaka with Consort Tibet, Qing Dynasty Height: 9⅞ in (25.1 cm) Weight: 4091 g

295 Madison Ave. New York NY 10017

Gianguan Auctions Tel: 212 867 7288 212 226 2660


紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 www.gianguanauctions.com

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