PolyU Milestones (DEC 2014)

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Cover Story 封面故事

Contents 目 錄







December 2014 2014年12月


Cover Story


PolyU-developed railway technology in global spotlight 光纖鐵路科技 發展舉世觸目 Researchers at PolyU’s Faculty of Engineering have pushed forward railway technology, gaining international recognition for their fibre optic sensor system and playing a key role in advancing the Nation’s High-Speed Rail system. 理大工程學院研究人員一直致力開發鐵路科技,其中的光纖傳感系統享譽國際, 對推動國家的高鐵系統發 展 起著關鍵的作用。


Feature Story


Creativity beyond the classroom fosters social change 創意跳出課室 推動社會改變




Pushing research to new heights




A strong foundation for China’s infrastructure 助中國基建打造穩健根基


Research & Innovation


Life Sciences 生命科學 Discovery of novel anti-cancer agents derived from marine natural products




Non-bone-breaking surgery for remedying bunions


Community Support


Naming of Ngan Pui-ying Lecture Theatre 演講廳以顏培英先生命名


創新非骨截手術 成功矯治拇趾外翻


Ergomotor intervention relieves neck and shoulder pain 人體工學加運動控制治療肩頸痛


Rehab Sleeve improves upper-limb functioning of stroke patients 復康袖改善中風患者的上肢功能


Technology 科技 Wearable fabric circuit boards foreshadow intelligent apparel


Campus Reports


Driving social responsibility in global academia


President Tong highlights University’s commitment to social responsibility at 20th Congregation 唐校長於第二十屆畢業典禮上強調理大對社會責任的承諾


Recent research performance 近期研究表現

Intelligent transportation system alleviates urban traffic congestion


Business & Management 工商管理 Promotion-focused advertising increases firm risk for listed restaurants

Re-appointment of senior management for three years 高級管理層續任三年


Gathering global wisdom for University development 凝聚環球智慧 促進大學發展



Designers explore core values through Annual Show 年展鼓勵設計師探討核心價值


Knowledge Transfer


Anti-heat stress uniform for construction workers





國際學術精英雲集 攜手推動社會責任

智能交通運輸系統 舒緩城市道路擠塞


Campus construction named after philanthropic couple 校園建築物以善心伉儷命名




Virtual-reality-based rehabilitation system helps people with cognitive deficits 虛擬實境訓練系統協助認知功能受損人士


Academic Publications



Cover Story


PolyU-developed railway technology in global spotlight

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

光纖鐵路科技 發展舉世觸目


Researchers at PolyU’s Faculty of Engineering have pushed forward railway technology, gaining international recognition for their fibre optic sensor system and playing a key role in advancing the Nation’s High-Speed Rail system. 理大工程學院研究人員一直致力開發鐵路科技, 其中的光纖傳感系統享譽國際,對推動國家的 高鐵系統發展起著關鍵的作用。


illions of Hong Kong commuters who take the railway each morning have taken for granted that the railway maintenance staff will make their journey smooth. Most have no idea that a technology developed at PolyU plays a large part in providing a comfortable journey to their destination. The specially designed sensors, working in conjunction with fibre-optic cables that run along the rails, provide a considerable amount of information that rail workers use to track the cars and tracks, and to determine when repairs are needed to keep the system running at peak efficiency.

以百萬計的香港上班族每天早上都以鐵路 為主要交通工具,並信賴鐵路維修人員能 確保其旅途順暢。理大開發的鐵路技術對 市民能穩妥抵達目的地,擔當著重要角色;然而, 大眾普遍並不認識這些技術。特製的傳感器連接光 纖光纜,並安裝於路軌上,為鐵路工人提供大量重 要訊息,以追蹤列車和路軌情況,並助他們作出適 時的維修,以確保鐵路系統發揮最佳效能。 最近,理大科研團隊獲德國組織 Berthold Leibinger Stiftung 頒發殊榮。該組織致力推動科學研究,每 隔一年表彰在推進激光運用有傑出成就的研究人 員。今年,光電研究中心及電機工程學系廖信儀博 士、譚華耀教授及何兆鎏教授憑著將改良的光纖光 柵傳感技術應用於鐵路監測系統,而勇奪第三名。

理程 / 2014年12月

Recently, the efforts of PolyU’s development team were recognized by the Berthold Leibinger Stif tung, an organization based in Germany that aims to promote science research. The organization awards its Innovationspreis every o ther year to re s e a rc he rs w ho have made advances in the use of lasers. This year, Dr Michael Liu Shun-yee, Prof. Tam Hwa-yaw and Prof. Ho Siu-lau from the Photonics Research C e n t re a n d t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r i c a l Engineering were named second runners up for adapting Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) technology to railway monitoring systems.


Cover Story


Using light to monitor train conditions The new type of FBG sensors, which were developed at PolyU’s Specialty Optical Fibre Fabrication Laboratory, are specially constructed to both detect and transmit information about a wide variety of problems. FBGs are built inside a fibre-optic cable, and their design allows them to reflect laser light of certain frequencies back to its origin while letting other frequencies pass. The new sensors take advantage of the fact that any movement in the fibre-optic cable changes the shape of the sensor inside it, which affects the frequency of the reflected light. A computer can then interpret the changes in the light to determine the type and degree of movement in the cable. The team initially installed their new sensors on tracks at Hong Kong’s railway stations solely to count the number of trains entering and leaving. Vibrations in the rails shake the sensors, deforming them enough to send signals to the monitors. While the FBG sensors worked very well for this job, the researchers soon found more subtle uses for them.

By developing other types of sensors and placing them at different locations around the tracks, as well as in the cars themselves, the team was able to monitor many other aspects of operations. The researchers have now created FBGs that can report on temperature, acceleration, stress, weight and other factors that contribute to a train’s performance. This technology has many benefits when compared to electronic systems. It is immune to the electromagnetic interference that can affect aboveground electric circuits, as well as lightning, and the signals can be received and understood over distances as far as 100 kilometres. In fact, the sensors themselves are passive and require no power supply. All that is needed is a laser to transmit light and a spectroscope to interpret the returning signals. Moreover, multiple sensors can be integrated into a single length of fibre – hundreds, by the estimation of the research team. The equipment itself is also physically robust. The fibres made of glass are non-flammable and not susceptible to corrosion, which ensure that maintenance costs are low.

1. The advanced FBGs sensing system developed by PolyU can detect the temperature, acceleration, stress, weight and other factors related to train’s performance. 理大研發的先進光纖光柵傳感系統可感應溫度、加速 率、壓力、重量及其他有關列車運行表現的因素。 2. Railway monitoring system on computer screen 鐵路監測系統電腦端畫面 3. The system unremittingly monitors the abnormal vibrations and analyzes the health of both the train and tracks. 系統無間斷地監察異常的振動,以分析列車與路軌的 健康狀況。 4. Vibration sensors detect abnormal vibrations. 偵測異常振動的感測器

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

5. Optical fibre hydrostatic level sensor 光纖水準儀








科研團隊初步於本港鐵路站安裝了新型傳感器 , 以量度車 輛進出的數目。 路軌的振動使傳感器振動和變形至足以令 信號傳送到監察器 。由於光纖光柵傳感器在這方面表現良 好 ,研究人員很快便將之應用在其他方面 。

這團隊亦開發了其他種類的傳感器 ,並安裝於路軌附近不 同位置 ,甚至車廂 ,以監察列車運行時的不同情況 。 研究 人員現已發明的光纖光柵傳感器 ,可感應溫度 、 加速率 、 壓力、重量及其他有關列車運作表現的因素 。 這技術較以往電纜傳感系統優勝得多 。 它不受電磁和雷 擊干擾 , 並接收到從遠至 100 公里位置傳送的訊號 。 事實 上 , 傳感器本身是被動式儀器 , 在無需供電下運作 ,只需 利用激光傳送光及利用分光器傳譯接回的訊號便可 。 此 外 ,據研究人員估計 ,數以百計的光纖光柵感測器可安裝 於單一光纖光纜 。 這些由玻璃製成的光纖並不易燃或不易 腐蝕,其保養成本因而低廉 。

理程 / 2014年12月

新型光纖光柵傳感器是由理大特種光纖研究實驗室開發 , 特別為偵測及傳送各類型問題的訊息而設計 。 光纖光柵傳 感器藏於光纖的設計讓傳感器在其他波長通過時只反射特 定波長率的激光返回原地;它亦會因應環境的變動而改變 形狀 , 從而影響反射波長 。 研究人員只需利用電腦分析光 線改變 ,從而推斷環境變動的種類和程度。


Cover Story


Building better rail networks In announcing the prize, the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung commented that “the beauty of the technology is manifold.” Indeed, the organization was not alone in noticing the advantages of using FBG technology in railway operations. In addition to Hong Kong’s railway network, rail operators around the world are beginning to adopt the new technology in their running systems. One of the first to do so was the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Rail Line, which incorporated PolyU’s Advanced Fibre Bragg Grating Railway Monitoring System into major sections during 2011. The aim was to gather real-time data on vibrations, acceleration and temperature changes for use in monitoring the condition of tracks and railcars and the structural health of the rail foundation. Cooperation with Dalian Jiaotong University also saw the installation of PolyU-developed FBG sensors in high-speed inspection trains for rail monitoring. More recently, Transport Sydney in Australia plans to install the sensors in its first driverless trains, where they will be used to provide the feedback that is critically important to the safety of the system.

Another user, Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), through its Railway Development Company, recently expanded its cooperation with PolyU’s Base for Commercialization, Training and Research in Shenzhen. Having already collaborated on installing FBG sensors in the mainland’s high-speed trains, the two parties signed an agreement in Hong Kong during June 2014 to further advance the development of the high-speed rail network and technology. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Prof. Alex Wai, PolyU Vice-President (Research Development) said that the “agreement means closer collaboration in developing new railway technologies.” Prof. Zhang Weihua, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Traction Power of SWJTU agreed, saying that “there will be closer collaboration with PolyU in further exploring applied technologies in railway.” PolyU and SWJTU have already collaborated on developing techniques in controlling vibration in high-speed rail cars. Not only are these vibrations uncomfortable for passengers, they can seriously increase wear and tear on the carriages and tracks. Any construction defect can have major consequences for a train travelling at over 300 kilometres per hour.

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

Prof. Ni Yiqing, from PolyU’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, said “this research succeeded in reducing adverse vibration by using damper when travelling at a speed of over 300 kilometres per hour”. This provides stability and comfort in ride, and prolongs the life of the train in operation. The continued partnership with SWJTU puts PolyU on track to make further crucial contributions to China’s high-speed rail projects. With this critical building block in place, and research continuing to provide innovative solutions to the challenges of inspection and monitoring, the future looks bright for rail travel.


(Photo on left page) Prof. Alex Wai, PolyU Vice-President (Research Development) (left on front row) and Prof. Zhou Benkuan, Chairman of Board of Directors of The Southwest Jiaotong University Railway Development Co. Ltd. (right on front row) jointly sign an agreement on the collaboration in research and technology development. (左頁圖片) 理大副校長(科研發展)衞炳江教授(前排左)與 中國西南交通大學鐵路發展有限公司董事長 周本寬教授(前排右)共同簽訂科研合作協議書。 (Photo on right) (From left) Dr Michael Liu Shun-yee, Prof. Ho Siu-lau and Prof. Tam Hwa-yaw (右圖) (左起) 廖信儀博士、何兆鎏教授及譚華耀教授

建設更佳鐵路網絡 Berthold Leibinger Stiftung 在公佈獎項時表示:「這科 技 有 多 方 面 的 優 勢 」。 其 實 , 不 單 是 這 組 織 對 光 纖 光 柵傳感技術應用到鐵路運行表示欣賞,香港的鐵路網 絡以至全球鐵路營運商亦相繼在其行車系統中採用這 嶄新科技。

與大連交通大學的合作見證了理大開發的光纖光柵傳感 器得以成功安裝於高鐵檢查列車,並進行鐵路監測。最 近,澳洲的 Transport Sydney(悉尼交通)亦計劃在首批 無人駕駛列車中安裝這些傳感器,以確保系統安全。 西南交通大學是(西南交大)另一使用者,其鐵路發展 公司最近與理大深圳產學研基地作進一步合作。繼為內 地高鐵列車安裝光纖光柵傳感器後,雙方於 2014 年 6 月在香港簽訂協議,進一步發展高鐵網絡及科技。 在此協議簽約儀式致辭時,理大副校長(科研發展) 衞炳光教授表示:「這協議彰顯彼此日後將更緊密地共 同發展鐵路新科技。」西南交大牽引動力國家重點實驗 室主任張衛華教授亦同意:「我們與理大日後會有更密 切的合作,開拓更多適用於鐵路的應用科研。」 理大與西南交大已合作開發出控制高鐵列車振動的技 術。這些振動不僅影響乘客乘坐的舒適度,更嚴重加劇 車箱與路軌的耗損。對於以每小時行駛逾 300 公里的火 車,任何結構上的失誤都可引至重大後果。 理大土木及環境工程學系倪一清教授表示:「這研究成 功減輕阻尼器在車速超過每小時 300 公里下行駛的逆向 振動」。這使高鐵能穩定運行,令旅客更舒適,以及延 長列車的使用壽命。 與西南交大的持續合作引領理大在中國高鐵項目上作出 更深遠的貢獻。這關鍵性的合作,以及不斷為檢測及監 控提供創新方案而開展的科研項目,將為鐵路交通寫上 新的一頁。

The beauty of the technology is manifold: it delivers clear signals, it is electrically robust, the sensor network requires no local electric energy and many sensors can be integrated into a single fibre along many kilometers of length. All it requires is a laser and a spectroscope at the ends of the fibre. 這科技有多方面優勢:它能傳送清晰信號, 不受電磁干擾,傳感器網絡無需現 場供電亦可運作,多個傳感器可同 時結合於可達多公里遠程的單一 光纖光纜。這只需在光纖末端利用 激光及一個分光器便可做到。

The Jury of Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis 評審團

理程 / 2014年12月

理大先進光纖光柵鐵路監測系統於 2011 年率先獲中國 京滬高鐵主要幹線採用,以收集振動、加速率及溫度變 化的實時數據,從而監察路軌和列車的情況,以及鐵路 地基的結構健康。


Feature Story


Creativity beyond the classroom fosters social change

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

創意跳出課室 推動社會改變 PolyU’s second Social Innovation Festival (10DayFest) focused on community involvement in Hong Kong and across Asia, seeking to change the present and enhance the future. 理大第二屆社會創新節(十日節) 積極推動香港及亞洲各地的社區參與, 以期改變現在,成就美好將來。


The theme for this year’s Festival was “Social innovation – Be a practical dreamer”, and practicality was certainly the focus first up. At the “Festival Vernissage: Social Gastronomy” event held at the Keith Legg Sports Field on 9 October, J.C.DISI highlighted the issue of food waste, a major problem in developed societies. To show the use to which this unwanted food could be put, 28 teams comprising professional chefs, senior management members of international corporations and members of disadvantaged families joined together to prepare a feast composed entirely of discarded food gathered from local food markets the previous day. Beyond simply showcasing cooking skills, though, the goal of those gathered was to demonstrate that it is possible to reduce waste while still eating well. Mr Alan Yip, Director of J.C.DISI, said that the event was “exemplary of how we bring together academia, food industry, environmental organizations, social welfare organizations to find innovative solutions to the social issue of food waste”.

月份的十天裡,理大賽馬會創新樓匯聚了各方的活躍 份子、創新者及發明者。這個社會創新節(十日節) 於理大設計學院與賽馬會社會創新設計院的總部盛大 舉行,由剩食到自製機械人,應有盡有;學者、業界領袖、創 意專業人士、學生及公眾雲集於這座別樹一幟的大樓,交流意 見,並討論如何應用創意,以實踐改變社會的目標。 今年十日節的主題為「十日.一同.社會創新」,實踐當然是首要 焦點。於 10 月 9 日在校園內李格致運動場舉行的開幕活動「盛食 當灶」中,賽馬會社會創新設計院便著眼發達社會浪費食物這嚴 重問題。為展示剩餘食物的用途,設計院邀請了二十八隊由星級 名廚、國際機構高層,以及基層家庭組成的隊伍,善用在前一天 於本地街市收集得來即將廢棄的食材,合力炮製精美佳餚。 除了展現廚藝,這些隊伍旨在傳達既可食得好,也可棄得少的 訊息。賽馬會社會創新設計院院長葉長安先生表示,這活動正 好「示範我們如何集合學術界、食物業界、環保組織、社福機 構的力量,共尋創新方案,以解決浪費食物的社會問題。」 (Photo on left page) The opening event was officiated by (from left) Mr Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Professor Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President; Mr Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment; and Dr Joseph Lee, Vice Chairman, The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund. (左頁圖片) 開幕活動由 (左起) 香港賽馬會慈善及社區事務執行總監張亮 先生、理大校長唐偉章教授、環境局局長黃錦星先生及社會創新及創業 發展基金副主席李宗德博士聯袂主持。

理程 / 2014年12月


or ten days in October, PolyU’s Jockey Club Innovation Tower played host to activists, innovators and inventors of all kinds. From day-old food to homemade robots, nothing was off-limits at the Social Innovation Festival (10DayFest) held largely in the home of PolyU’s School of Design and Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI). Academics, industrial leaders, creative professionals, students and members of the public gathered in the iconic building to exchange ideas and discuss how to apply their creativity to the goal of changing society.


Feature Story


Inspiring activism


Following the “Festival Reception” at the Innovation Tower on 10 October, the spotlight then focused on the opening plenary of the two-day “GREAT small: Gender Design Conference”. Comprising insightful keynote presentations, lively discussions and inspiring workshops, the conference enabled participants to critically examine the role of gender in design research, thinking, professional practice and public reception.

繼 10 月 10 日在創新樓舉行的「十日‧同慶賀」晚會,活動焦點 轉至為期兩天的「鉅細:性別與設計研討會」的開幕演講。會議 透過具前瞻性的主題演講、生動的討論,以及具啟發性的工作 坊,讓參加者探討性別在設計研究、思考、專業常規及公眾觀感 方面的角色。

A highlight on 11 October was the lecture entitled “Social Innovation, Education, and the Future of Work”, delivered by J.C.DISI’s second Thinker, Chan Koon-chung, and based on his monograph Living Out the Contradiction of Our Time. Mr Chan elaborated on important themes in the book, exploring the types of education and social innovation that will allow the next generation to adapt to their futures.

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

In a similar vein, the “Dean’s Salon” hosted by Prof. Cees de Bont, Dean of the School of Design and Swire Chair Professor of Design, on 13 October provided a forum in which postgraduate students shared the fruits and challenges of their research related to design for society. The same day featured the “Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge Campus Roadshow” at Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, which was designed to inspire young people to change society through social entrepreneurship. This was followed up on 17 October by the “Social Enterprise Clinic” at Innovation Tower, providing a series of sessions designed to give business prognoses for social enterprises.

10 月 11日舉行的重點活動由設計院第二屆創新思想家陳冠中主 講,講座題目為「社會創新、教育與未來的工作」,並以他撰 寫的《活出時代的矛盾:社會創新與好社會》一書作為討論依 據。陳先生闡釋書中多個主題,探討有助年輕學子適應未來的 教育和社會創新種類。 此外,設計學院兼太古設計學講座教授方啟思教授於 10 月 13日 主持研討會「十日‧談學問」,與研究生分享社會設計的研究 成果和挑戰。同日,「香港社會企業挑戰賽院校巡迴演出」在 陳瑞球林滿珍伉儷廣場舉行,這節目旨為啟發青年人透過社會 企業去改變社會。接著是於 10 月 17 日在創新樓舉行的「十日‧ 好企理」,透過一系列工作坊,為社會企業提供商業會診及諮 詢服務。


Shifting the focus to film, cinema lovers flocked to Innovation Tower throughout the Festival to attend the “Meaningful Cinema” series. The first screening was of German director Valentin Thurn’s documentary Taste the Waste, linking back to the concerns embodied in the Festival’s opening event. Thurin portrays food waste as a global problem, asserting that “the food thrown away in Europe and North America would be enough to feed all the hungry people in the world three times over”. Other documentaries screened at the Festival touched on subjects closer to home. Ekopolis, directed by Anna-Karin Grönroos, documents the dream of a Finnish professor and a Chinese businessman to relieve China’s potential housing shortage by building a utopian, technologically advanced city. In Web Junkie, a group of Chinese teenagers tries to get away from their technology habit by checking into a rehab clinic for web addiction. Also screened during the Festival were short films by Hong Kong directors that had been entered into the 14th annual Venice Biennale film festival.

Guests visit the Exhibition on Green Deck featuring a PolyU-initiated innovative solution to problems in the Cross Harbour Tunnel vicinity, e.g., poor air quality and connectivity. 嘉賓參觀綠洲展覽,了解理大針對解決海底隧道周邊空氣污染及地區往 來不便問題的創新方案。

不一樣的角度 不一樣的見解 活動焦點轉移至影片,電影愛好者群湧創新樓,觀賞「十日‧ 放 映 社 」 播 放 的 一 系 列 短 片 。 首 場 放 映 為 德 國 導 演 Valentin Thurn 執導的紀錄片《直送堆填》,該片呼應十日節開幕活動有 關浪費食物的主題。 Thurn 點出剩餘食物已成全球問題,並揚 言:「由歐洲與北美棄置的食物足以讓全世界三倍以上的飢民 享用」。 其他紀錄片觸及的議題與生活息息相關。《多快好省烏托邦》由 Anna-Karin Grönroos 執導,記述一名芬蘭教授與一名中國商人 的夢想,他們希望設計一個烏托邦式先進科技城市,以解決中 國潛在的住屋短缺問題。在《網上癮》一片中,一群中國青少 年入住康復院,以戒掉沉迷上網的心癮。此外,十日節還放映 多套參與第十四屆威尼斯國際藝術雙年展的本港執導短片。

理程 / 2014年12月

Looking from a different view

PolyU Milestones / December 2014 11

Feature Story 專題報導


Creativity sets examples for action Another highlight of the Festival was the “Hong Kong Mini Maker Faire”, organized by the Hong Kong Maker Club and held in conjunction with numerous maker-related workshops staged by the School of Design. Combined, the events attracted inventors, designers and creators who wanted to build new tools or systems to improve the world. Workshops covered a wide range of topics, from mixing soap and body lotion, to crafting toys with a 3D printer and teaching children to write computer programmes. Meanwhile, local inventors, artists and craftsmen showed off numerous projects. Attendees could watch a robot doing kung fu or playing with a handmade wooden pipe organ, among many other opportunities.

Challenging the future together The final two days of the Festival saw J.C.DISI looking to the next generation of innovators. In the “Asian Consortium” on 18-19 October, organizers gathered young people from across Asia to get connected for future international and interdisciplinary collaborations.

As an Asian signature event in design and social innovation, t h e 10 D ay Fe s t l i ve d u p t o i t s p ro m i s e f o r a s e c o n d consecutive year. Other events in the solid schedule included everything from organic rooftop farming workshops, a “Happy Summit” and design workshops for older people to theatrerelated workshops and more. Not only did attendees see Hong Kong’s creative community at its best, but they also gained the chance to encounter vital, creative solutions to social concerns that are manifest now and will continue to dog us all in the future.

無窮創意 付諸行動 十日節的另一重點節目是設計學院舉行的「香港創客嘉年華」, 並由 Hong Kong Maker Club 組織多個與製造相關的工作坊。活 動吸引了希望藉創設新工具或系統以改變世界的發明者、設計者 及創意者。工作坊種類包羅萬有,由混製肥皂和護膚露,以至立 體打印製作的玩具,以及教授兒童編寫電腦程式。 同時,本地發明者、藝術家、工匠亦展示多項傑作。參加者目不 瑕給,機械人打功夫或吹奏手製木琴是其中的精彩展出項目。

集結力量 挑戰未來 十日節最後兩天展現賽馬會社會創新設計院對下一世代創新者的 展望。於 10 月 18 至 19 日舉行的「十日‧亞細亞」匯聚亞洲各地 青年人,讓他們互相聯繫,以成就跨國界和跨界別的協作。 第一步就是於 10 月 18 日舉行的「集集會」。整天會議中,參加 者介紹其創新意念,並集思廣益,討論未來可行的合作項目。當 晚,聯盟成員可參與「吹吹水」,輕鬆聯誼交流,認識香港的社 會新猷。十日節的最後一天,賽馬會社會創新設計院帶領年青參 加者遊覽香港著名地點,使其從中啟發出新意念。 作為亞洲設計與社會創新的焦點盛事,十日節連續第二年帶來 饒富意義的項目。其他活動還包括:天台有機耕作工作坊、「十 日‧高峰會」、為長者而設的設計工作坊,以及與舞台相關的工 作坊等等。參加者不僅體現香港創意社區的最佳一面,更可藉此 體驗生動、具創意的方案,以回應一些現時已經浮現,並會繼續 纏繞社會的問題。

理程 / 2014年12月

The first step was the “Network Conference” on 18 October. At this all-day meeting, attendees presented their creative ideas and gathered in meetings to discuss possible future collaborative projects. That night, the Consortium members had the opportunity to relax at the “Changemakers Party”, where attendees networked while learning about Hong Kong’s social initiatives. On the last day of the Festival, J.C.DISI hosts took the young participants on a tour to notable sites around Hong Kong, hopefully inspiring them with new ideas.


Research & Innovation


Life Sciences 生命科學

Discovery of novel anti-cancer agents derived from marine natural products

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

從海洋天然產物發現新抗癌藥物 The effective use of derivatives of marine natural products can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and even cancer stem cells, according to a PolyU research. 一項理大研究指出,有效利用海洋天然產物及其衍生物可研製成 抑制癌細胞甚至癌幹細胞繁殖的抗癌藥。



ith their rich structural diversity and complexity, natural products have inspired chemists and physicians to devise therapeutic applications for millennia. Many drugs used today are natural products or their derivatives, with marine natural products attracting increased attention in recent decades. Over the years, Dr Ye Tao at PolyU’s Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology has focused his research on the total synthesis of biological active natural products and chemical biology. Riding on the discovery in 2012 of specific bioactive small inhibitors of LSD1, a histone demethylase that is highly expressed in many tumours, Dr Ye and his research team recently used computational-aided drug design to discover novel anti-cancer agents based on the marine natural products largazole, burkholdacs and their analogues. With high efficacy in inhibiting cancer stem cell growth and having little effect on normal somatic cells, these inhibitors shed new light on the anti-cancer properties of marine natural products.

(Photo on top) The interaction between LSD1 inhibitor and LSD1 protein. (上圖) 組蛋白去甲基化酶 LSD1同抑制劑的相互作用。 (Photo below) Dr Ye Tao (下圖) 葉濤博士

Dr Ye earlier received the Xiaoyu Hu Memorial Award from the Chinese Peptide Society. As the first scientist in Hong Kong to receive the award, named after the pioneering researcher in the field, Dr Ye is particularly committed to developing novel anti-cancer drugs for the good of mankind.

然產物的結構種類繁多而複雜,因此,化學家和醫生 在過去千年來一直致力研究其治療用途。目前,很多 藥物都是利用天然產物或其衍生物製成的;近十年, 海洋天然產物亦越益受到重視。 多來年,理大應用生物及化學科技學系葉濤博士專注於具有生 物活性天然產物及化學生物學的研究。繼 2012年成功發現特定 生物活性 L S D 1 抑制劑(一種廣泛用於控制多種腫瘤的組蛋白 去甲基化酶),葉博士與其研究團隊最近利用電腦輔助藥物設 計,基於海洋天然產物 largazole、burkholdacs 及其類似物, 研發新型抗癌藥物。

早前,葉博士喜獲中國多肽學會頒發胡曉愚紀念獎。這獎項以 該學術領域的先驅而命名,而葉博士是首位獲此殊榮的香港學 者,致力開發新型抗癌藥物以造福人類。

理程 / 2014年12月

這些抑制劑能高效抑制腫瘤幹細胞的生長,對正常細胞的影響 卻很微,相關研究揭示了基於海洋天然產物及其衍生物的抗癌 特性。


Research & Innovation


Life Sciences 生命科學

Non-bone-breaking surgery for remedying bunions 創新非骨截手術 成功矯治拇趾外翻

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

X-ray image of feet with bunion deformities 拇趾外翻變形足部之X光影像

A joint study by PolyU and the Center for Non-Bone-Breaking Bunion Surgery has shown that “Syndesmosis” can improve foot functioning in patients with bunions. 一項由理大與拇趾外翻專科診療中心合 作進行的研究指出,「韌帶聯合術」可有 效改善拇趾外翻患者的足部功能。


(Left photo) Dr Aaron Leung Kam-lun (左圖) 梁錦倫博士 (Photo below) Feet shape before (left) and after (right) surgery (下圖) 手術前(左)及手術後(右)的足部形態

Consider a woman who habitually wears high-heeled, pointed shoes and suffers from constant or relapsing pain and inflammation. One day, with a big bump to her toes, she cannot walk without severe pain in her feet, calves and back. Bone-breaking surgery can help remedy her problem, but she is worried about the associated pain, metatarsal fractures or secondary problems that might arise from the surgery and refuses her orthopedist’s advice. Indeed, many women have similar concerns about such surgery and look for alternatives. 設想一名慣穿高跟或尖頭鞋的婦女經常受持續性和反覆性的痛楚及發炎所煎熬。 一天,她拇趾旁腫脹突起,以致其足部、小腿及背部感到嚴重痛楚,步行時失去 平衡。雖然截骨手術可根治其問題,但她擔心手術引起痛楚、破壞趾骨或併發症 狀,於是她拒絕骨科醫生進行手術的建議。其實,很多身受其患的女士均有類似 的憂慮。

本港,約有三分一成年女性患有拇趾外 翻,這不但影響她們的足部外觀,更可引 致其腳部疼痛,舉步維艱。目前,這情況 可在無需截骨下得到治療。

Introduced to Hong Kong by orthopedist Dr Daniel Wu Yiang, the non-bonebreaking approach “Syndesmosis” can re-align and re-stabilize the displaced but normal bones of the bunion foot by tying the displaced and loose first metatarsal bone to the adjacent second metatarsal bone. This triggers the body to create a syndesmosis fibrous bridge to connect and stabilize the bones. An impressive 90% success rate and rapid recovery are the results of this approach.

「非截骨韌帶聯合術」是由骨科專科醫生吳彥引入 香港的,這無需截骨的手術是把鬆弛的第一蹠骨綑 綁在旁邊的第二蹠骨上,來校直和固定拇趾外翻足 的移位但正常的蹠骨。這引發身體自動長出韌帶般 的軟組織,來連接和固定蹠骨。這方法成功率達 90%,且康復速度快,成效顯著。

In collaboration with the Center for Non-Bone-Breaking Bunion Surgery, Dr Aaron Leung Kam-lun at PolyU’s Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering conducted a retrospective study that assessed 27 patients’ foot functioning after the bilateral Syndemosis procedure from mid-2008 to early-2009. Study participants walked in flat shoes with insole sensors; plantar pressure was measured and analyzed while they were walking.

理大生物醫學工程跨領域學部梁錦倫博士與拇趾外 翻專科診療中心合作進行研究,追蹤27名雙腿曾於 2008年中至 2009年初接受非截骨手術的患者之足 部功能。研究中,患者穿上配備壓力感應器的平底 鞋走動,然後由研究人員記錄及分析其足部壓力的 分佈。

The findings indicated that in the two years after the procedure was conducted, patients’ mean maximum force under the hallux region increased significantly from 20.6% to 35.2% of body weight and that of the second and third metatarsal bones decreased from 43.9% to 34.2%. These changes indicate the restoration of hallux functioning and a reduction in pain, allowing patients to walk with force on areas they previously could not. In summary, the study confirmed the effectiveness of non-bone-breaking Syndesmosis in restoring foot functioning in patients with bunions.

研究發現,在手術後兩年,患者拇趾受力峰值平均 由體重的 20.6%升至 35.2%,第二及第三蹠骨受力 峰值則由 43.9%降至 34.2%。這些數據顯示患者拇 趾痛楚減輕,回復正常的足部功能,步行時更可著 力在舊患之處。總括而言,這項研究證實非截骨韌 帶聯合手術有助改善拇趾外翻患者的足部功能。 理程 / 2014年12月


n Hong Kong, approximately one-third of women have bunions, which not only affect the foot’s appearance but also cause pain and walking problems. Now, this condition can be remedied without breaking bones.


Research & Innovation


Life Sciences 生命科學

Ergomotor intervention relieves neck and shoulder pain 人體工學加運動控制治療肩頸痛 PolyU has contributed to the scientific evaluation of a novel combination of ergonomic intervention and postural re-education for pain relief. 理大為一項結合人體工學與 姿勢教育的治肩頸痛新療法, 提供科學化評估。

For those who have been suffering neck and shoulder pain for years but could not have the problem solved even after trying different treatment, they would certainly look for a rehabilitation programme that includes education, reassurance, and advice to stay active, as well as graded exercises and behavioural pain management. Their dream can now be realized through an integrated approach called “Ergomotor intervention”. 對患肩頸痛多年並且曾經歷過多個不同療法,卻未能治癒的人士,一 種包括教育、安心保證、活動建議、循序漸進式運動及行為痛症管理 的療法,正是他們日夜所期盼的。時至今日,一項名為「人體工學加

PolyU Milestones / December 2014



P (Photo below) Dr Grace Szeto (下圖) 司徒佩玉博士

With this situation in mind, Dr Grace Szeto at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences is collaborating with orthopaedic specialists at the Chinese University of Hong Kong to investigate the effectiveness of Ergomotor intervention that combines the application of ergonomic principles and clinical postural correction in rectifying neck and shoulder disorders. In conducting the research, Dr Szeto specializes in the measurement and analysis of biomechanical data such as surface electromyography (EMG) and kinematics. EMG is the study of electrical signals when muscles are activated, and kinematics is the study of motion. Dr Szeto’s current study is examining the effects of combining ergonomic intervention and postural re-education on patients with work-related chronic neck and shoulder pain. Using an advanced wireless motion sensor system and a wireless EMG measurement system, 3D motion analysis was conducted to capture simultaneous movement and muscle activity data when subjects perform a variety of tasks. These tasks include large amplitude movements such as lifting the arm up and down, lifting an object up and down, forward and backward motion, etc. The equipment is also used to study muscle activity when subjects use mobile phones. By understanding how muscles work in relation to posture, more effective treatment and postural re-education can be performed on patients with neck and shoulder pain.

時間使用電腦或電子產品,包括手提裝置及智能手機,是引 致肩頸痛的主要成因之一。這是嚴重及普遍的問題,痛楚引 致患者難於進行日常活動。物理治療、推拿及藥物或可幫助 舒緩症狀,但效力並不持久。在香港,一些療法亦有採用人體工學 原理以減輕痛楚,但卻欠缺嚴格及具系統的成效評估作支持。 有見及此,康復治療科學系司徒佩玉博士與中文大學醫學院的骨科 專家正合作研究揉合人體工學原理及臨床糾正姿勢的人體工學加運 動控制治療,以改善肩頸痛的問題。 研究中,司徒博士專門鑽研生物力學的數據量度及分析,如表面肌 電測量及運動學。肌肉張力測量是有關肌肉活動時的電力訊號研 究,而運動學則涉及動態研究。現時,她正研究混合人體工學原理 及姿勢訓練的療效,以舒緩患者因工作引起的長期肩頸痛。 三維運動分析利用最先進的無線運動感應器及表面肌電測量計,捕 捉實驗者進行不同活動時的動作及肌肉活動的數據。這些動作包括 大幅度的動作,如舉高與垂下手、把物件舉高與垂下及拉前與推遠 等。該等儀器亦用作量度人們使用手提電話時的肌肉活動。透過了 解肌肉如何運作及病者的姿勢,便可為肩頸痛患者進行有效的治療 及糾正姿勢的訓練。

理程 / 2014年12月

(Photo on top) Patients’ movement and muscle activity are measured in 3D motion analysis. (上圖) 三維運動分析量度患者的動作及肌肉活動。

rolonged use of computers or electronic products, including mobile devices and smartphones, can be a major cause of neck and shoulder pain. Such pain is a serious and common problem that can limit people’s ability to perform everyday tasks. Physical therapy, massage and medicine can help to relieve the pain, but the effects are not sustainable over time. In Hong Kong, some remedies involving ergonomic intervention are used to alleviate pain, but rigorous and systematic evaluations of their effectiveness are lacking.


Research & Innovation


Life Sciences 生命科學

Rehab Sleeve improves upper-limb functioning of stroke patients 復康袖改善中風患者的上肢功能

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

PolyU has developed a wearable functional electrical stimulation robotic system for post-stroke patients to engage in interactive yet comfortable upper-limb rehabilitation. 理大研發出穿戴式智能肌電系統, 為中風患者提供互動而舒適的上肢復康訓練。


(Photo on left page) Rehabilitation Sleeve is equipped with modular apparels and a bracing system. (左頁圖片) 復康袖配備模組式部件及綁帶系統。 (Photo on top) Dr Hu Xiaoling (middle on back row) and research team from Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, and Industrial Centre. (上圖) 胡曉翎博士 (後排中間) 與來自生物醫學工程跨領域 學部、紡織及製衣學系及工業中心的研究團隊。 (Photo on left) Dr Hu instructs the patient in handfunctioning training with interactive computer game. (左圖) 胡博士指導患者利用互動電腦遊戲訓練其手部功能。

Equipped with modular apparel and a bracing system, Rehab Sleeve can be flexibly used and comfortably worn. Various types of modular apparel for different parts of the upper limbs can be worn together or separately for different functional training needs. The bracing system, with skin moisture and pressure management functions, improves comfort for long-term use. Combining functional electrical stimulation and a robotic system, training with the specially designed device not only facilitates elbow and wrist joint movement through electric motors but also enhances the recovery and neuroplasticity by inducing additional muscular practice at the elbow, wrist and hand/fingers through electrical stimulation. Rehab Sleeve can further serve as a computer input device enabling the combination of training tasks with interactive computer games and applications, thus enhancing the patient’s interest in training and yielding more effective rehabilitation results. Patients usually require 20 sessions of rehabilitative training wearing Rehab Sleeve. The research team evaluated the training effectiveness of using the system for between three and six months in over 30 patients. The preliminary results showed that the novel electrical stimulation training can better accelerate the recovery of patients’ upper-limb functioning comparing with conventional training.

者在中風後普遍出現局部上肢癱瘓的情 況,因此,改善其手肘、手腕/手部及手指 功能的治療介入至關重要。有見及此,生 物醫學工程跨領域學部胡曉翎博士及其研究團隊在 紡織及製衣學系、工業中心及其他合作機構的支援 下,特別為中風患者上肢復康而設計了一套穿戴式 智感肌電系統,名為「復康袖」。 復康袖配備模組式部件及綁帶系統,可靈活使用且 配戴舒適。使用者可因應不同的上肢部位訓練需 要,而整套或單獨穿戴不同的模組式部件。綁帶系 統則具備壓力和濕度調節功能,從而提高長時間穿 戴的舒適度。 這種需穿戴特製儀器的訓練結合電刺激與機械系 統,不僅利用機電馬達來輔助肘和腕的活動,更透 過電刺激加速重建肘、腕和手部的神經肌肉功能, 從而增強神經可塑性及復原能力。復康袖更可用來 輸入電腦指令,把復康訓練和互動電腦遊戲或應用 程式結合起來,從而提高訓練的樂趣,提升復康的 成效。 患者一般須穿戴復康袖進行二十節復康訓練。研究 團隊評估了患者使用三個月至半年後的訓練成效。 初步結果顯示,嶄新電激訓練較傳統訓練更有效加 快患者上肢功能的康復速度。

理程 / 2014年12月


artial paralysis of the upper limbs is common after stroke, with therapeutic intervention crucial in improving the recovery of elbow, wrist/hand and finger function. With the support of Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Industrial Centre and other collaborative organizations, Dr Hu Xiaoling and her research team at PolyU’s Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering thus designed a wearable functional electrical stimulation robotic hybrid system called Rehabilitation Sleeve (Rehab Sleeve) as a multi-joint upper-limb remedy for post-stroke patients.


Research & Innovation


Technology 科技

Wearable fabric circuit boards foreshadow intelligent apparel 織物電路板成就未來智慧服飾

PolyU Milestones / December 2014


mart clothes have been rapidly developed over the last decade, ushering in a textile revolution. Yet, the knitted-in electrical wiring that integrates electronic components into the garments cannot cope with the moisture, heat and stress of machine washing.

With this limitation in mind, Prof. Tao Xiao-ming and Dr Li Qiao at PolyU’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing developed fabric circuit boards (FCBs) that are durable, permeable, soft and deformable, as well as highly stretchable and washable. With novel computerized textile technology, the FCBs are made by knitting a combination of multiple filaments of pre-stretched elastic yarn and polyurethane-coated copper fibres.

有見及此,理大紡織及製衣學系陶肖明教授和李喬 博士採用嶄新電腦紡織技術,把預先拉伸的彈性紡 紗及蓋有聚氨酯的銅纖維混合編織成複合纖維,而 研製出新型織物電路板,它像普通布料一樣耐用、 透氣、柔軟且易於改變形態,亦可拉伸及洗滌。

去十年,智慧服飾發展迅速,更開創紡 織革命。至今,織物電路雖能結合電子 零件到成衣裡,但仍未解決當中有關抵 禦濕度、熱力及機洗的難題。


(Photo on left page) Micro-structure of knitted fabric circuit boards (左頁圖片) 織物電路板的微型結構 (Photo on top) Prof. Tao Xiao-ming (right) and Dr Li Qiao (left) (上圖) 陶肖明教授 (右) 與李喬博士 (左) (Photo below) Computerized image of fabric circuit board technology (下圖) 織物電路板科技的電腦影像

PolyU’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing has developed a textile with in-fabric wiring that can be worn, washed and folded like ordinary fabric, with the impressive addition of being bulletproof. 理大紡織及製衣學系研製出新型織物電 路板,它像普通布料一樣可穿著、可洗 滌、可摺疊,以及具有備受矚目的可防彈 功能。

Protective apparel made using the FCBs can even withstand ballistic impacts. In the future, the distinctive features of these innovative boards will make them particularly suitable for producing next-to-skin electronic devices and intelligent, durable military suits. This innovation was recently reported in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

這種織物電路板具有良好的電穩定性和少於 1 % 的相對電阻,它不但耐受水洗及容易拉伸,而且通 過多種極端使用情況的測試,包括抵禦 300% 單向 拉伸及 150% 薄膜壓力三維撞擊測試,它們更有超 過一百萬周期的耗用壽命。 以織物電路板製成的保護衣甚至可經受子彈的撞 擊。在未來,這織物電路板的獨特之處更可讓它製 成緊貼皮膚的可穿戴電子設備及耐用的智能軍用 服裝。 這項發明的相關研究已刊載於《英國皇家學會 會刊:數學、物理及工程科學》。

理程 / 2014年12月

Exhibiting outstanding electrical stability with less than 1% relative resistance, the wearable FCBs not only have satisfactory washing capability and stretchability performance but have also passed various extreme-condition tests, withstanding 300% strain in unidirectional tensile testing and 150% membrane strain in three-dimensional ball punch testing. They have also been determined to have a fatigue life of more than 1,000,000 loading cycles.


Research & Innovation


Technology 科技

Intelligent transportation system alleviates urban traffic congestion 智能交通運輸系統 舒緩城市道路擠塞

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

Traffic congestion in Thailand 泰國道路擠塞情況

Predictive mathematical modelling devised at PolyU supports the development of real-time, intelligent traffic management systems. 由理大設計的預測性數學模型支援實時、 智能交通運輸管理系統的發展。



any urban areas in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Bangkok in Thailand, suffer from traffic congestion. Therefore, it is important to have better management of transportation arteries. To help highway managers predict traffic conditions and prevent congestion, Dr Agachai Sumalee at PolyU’s Department of Civil and Environment Engineering has developed the Stochastic Cell Transmission Model (SCTM). In the SCTM, each of five operational modes corresponds to a specific level of congestion on freeway segments that is formulated as a discrete time bilinear stochastic system. A set of conditions then characterizes the probability of each mode’s occurrence. Derived from the theory of finite mixture distribution, the joint traffic density estimates the overall effect of the five modes. Using predictive mathematics, the SCTM allows the analysis of minor events that lead to major delays and thus modelling traffic flow density on freeway segments with stochastic demand and supply.

Dr Agachai Sumalee

Agachai Sumalee博士

In terms of surveillance, the SCTM can be used to provide short-term predictions using historical and online data of travel demand and traffic state. In addition, with its use of stochastic delay the model is effective for long-term traffic prediction. The SCTM has been used by the Thai Expressway Authority to improve road traffic and around Bangkok, successfully streamlining the daily commute in an area serving more than 14 million people. As Dr Sumalee put it, “we are the first research team to successfully develop a mathematic model that works for creating real-time, intelligent traffic management systems”. With his research excellence in transportation systems, transport modelling and planning, Dr Agachai Sumalee earlier won the 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education.

多亞太地區城市如泰國曼谷的交通擠塞 甚為嚴重,因此,良好的交通幹線管理 對這些地方尤其重要。為幫助道路管理 人員預測交通情況並防止道路擠塞,理大土木及 環境工程學系 Agachai Sumalee 博士研發了隨機 胞傳輸模型。 這模型設有五個運作模式,對應路段不同程度的擠 塞程度,各自形成離散時間雙線性隨機系統,各模 式的出現概率則靠一組既定的條件來表示。聯合交 通密度源自有限混合分佈理論,可估算五個模式的 整體結果。隨機胞傳輸模型利用預測性數學,分析 出可引致重大延誤的輕微事故,因應隨機供求而仿 照出路段交通流密度。 在監管方面,這模型可利用過去及網上運輸需求和 交通情況的數據,進行短期預測。此外,這模型可 運用隨機延遲特性,有效進行長期交通預測。 這模型已被泰國高速公路管理局所採用,以改善道 路交通情況,並為逾一千四百萬人口的曼谷市改善 每日的交通往來。 Sumalee 博士指出,「我們是首支研究團隊成功開 發一個數學模型,以創設實時、智能的交通運輸 管理系統」。 Agachai Sumalee 博士憑藉他在交通 運輸系統、模型及規劃上的傑出研究成就,早前獲 頒 2014 亞太區經濟合作組織的科學創新、研究及 教育獎。

理程 / 2014年12月

Intelligent traffic system monitors real-time data for traffic prediction. 智能交通運輸系統可透過監測實時數據,就交通情況進行預測。


Research & Innovation


Business & Management 工商管理

Promotion-focused advertising increases firm risk for listed restaurants 推銷式廣告增加上市餐館風險 A PolyU study has found that restaurant advertising may increase not profits but total and firm-specific risk.

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

一項理大研究發現,餐館廣告投放或未能增加盈利, 反而增加其總體和特有風險。

he usual presumption is that effective advertising increases the profitability and intangible assets of listed restaurant firms, such as brand equity and customer awareness, thus increasing stock returns. However, a recent study has shown that restaurant firms’ advertising expenditure can counter-intuitively increase their total and firm-specific risk.


Dr Kim YongHee at PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management partnered with Dr Kim MinChung at the Faculty of Business and a researcher from Pennsylvania State University to investigate advertising efficacy in US publicly listed restaurants.

理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院金怜喜博士與商學院 Kim MinChung 博士,以及另一來自賓夕凡尼亞洲立 大學的研究員合作進行了一項研究,探討美國上市 餐館的廣告效益。

The researchers collected and analyzed the financial report and daily stock return data of 89 firms over the 1982-2008 period, obtaining 575 usable firm-year observations. Key considerations in analyzing the data included the extent of resource allocation on advertising, firm size, the extent of leverage and ability to repay debts, return on assets and market-to-book ratio.

研究人員收集了財務報告及每日股票回報數據,並 以 1982 年至 2008 年 89 家美國上市餐館共 575個 觀察值,進行實證分析。他們主要以投放於廣告的 資源分配程度、公司規模、資金槓桿、償債能力、 資產回報率及市價淨值比,作為分析數據的依據。

The results showed that advertising expenditure was significantly related to total risk (variation in historical stock returns) and firm-specific unsystematic risk (product or service defects affecting stock returns), but not marketlevel systematic risk (caused by economic factors such as recessions, inflation or interest rate changes). As the researchers put it, the stock market

結果顯示,廣告開支與總風險(受過去股票回報變 動影響)及公司特有非系統風險(受產品損壞或服 務缺失影響股票回報)構成顯著的關係,但卻與市 場系統風險無關(受經濟因素如蕭條、通脹或利率 變動影響)。研究人員認為股票市場不把推銷式廣

般的推斷認為,有效的廣告能增加一家上 市餐館的盈利及無形資產,如品牌資產及 顧客認知度,從而增加股票回報。然而, 最近一項研究顯示,與此相反,餐館廣告開支增加 了公司總風險和特有風險。


Dr Kim YongHee (left) and Dr Kim MinChung (right) 金怜喜博士 (左) 及 Kim MinChung博士 (右)

The findings of this study provide listed restaurant firms with a better understanding of the effectiveness of their current advertising campaigns in terms of risk reduction.

告視為一種能為公司建立資產的廣告。對於重視短 期成果的公司而言,推銷式或價格主導的媒體廣 告之開支有可能增加公司非系統風險。研究人員 建議,餐館宜把廣告焦點由集中價格比較及促銷, 轉移至產品的獨特性。 這研究讓上市餐館從減低風險的角度進一步了解其 現行廣告策略的成效。

理程 / 2014年12月

does not consider promotion-based advertising as capable of building firm equity. Indeed, expenditure on sales promotion or price-oriented media advertising could actually increase unsystematic risk for firms focusing on short-term results. The researchers thus recommended that restaurant firms shift their advertising focus from price competition and sales promotion to product differentiation.


Knowledge Transfer


Anti-heat stress uniform for construction workers 供建築工人抵禦高溫的工作服

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

The construction worker can work more comfortably wearing anti-heat stress uniform made by nano-materials. 建築工人穿上納米物料製成可抵禦高溫的工作服, 倍感輕鬆。

A summer work uniform developed at PolyU has proved effective in protecting workers from hot and humid weather. 由理 大研發的夏季工作服已 被 證實 對保 護工人 抵 禦 高溫高濕環境相當有效。



ummer in Hong Kong is hot and humid, with construction workers toiling outdoors for long hours under particular strain from the elements. To alleviate that strain, Prof. Albert Chan at PolyU’s Department of Building and Real Estate partnered with the Institute of Textiles and Clothing and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong under the Vocational Training Council to develop a uniform to protect workers from extreme heat and high humidity through moisture management technology.

(Photos on top) The uniform has passed stringent tests on fabrics, physiological strain and body heat storage. (上圖) 工作服通過嚴謹的布料、生理熱應力及身體儲熱的測試。 (Photos below) Moisture management technology allows higher one-way transferability which speeds up sweat evaporation. (下圖) 高水分管理技術具備較高的單向傳送功能,從而加快汗水蒸發。

The uniform was designed and produced with the heatmoisture performance of fabrics, garment style and industry specific requirements in mind. New generation of moisturemanagement textiles made from nano-materials were used in producing a T-shirt and trousers uniform set. The new fabrics allow moisture to be transferred away from skin to the garment surface. With higher one-way transferability and liquid moisture management capacity, the technology improves fabric breathability, speeds up sweat evaporation and helps to reduce heat stress. The research team conducted validity tests on the properties of the selected fabrics inside a climatic chamber at PolyU before undertaking a field study at a construction site. The quantitative results showed a remarkable reduction of physiological strain by 16.7% and body heat storage by 28.8% over conventional work-wear, with workers having lower core temperatures and heart rates, and better physiological strain indices. Qualitatively, the uniform, which received 85% support from workers, was considered cool, dry and comfortable without impeding work performance. In other words, the new uniform exhibited marked benefits for construction workers. Recently, the early stage research preceding the development of this uniform has also brought Prof. Albert Chan’s research team Hong Kong Institute of Project Management Award and Asia Pacific Project Management Achievement Award.

港的夏季炎熱又潮濕,但建築工人卻需長時間在這氣候 環境下於戶外勞動。為緩解其苦況,理大建築及房地產 學系陳炳泉教授與紡織及製衣學系和職業訓練局屬下的 香港高等科技教育學院合作,應用高水分管理技術,研發出有 助工人抵禦高溫和高濕環境的工作服。 這套工作服是基於布料熱濕性能、款式及行業特性而設計。整套包 括圓領汗衫及長褲的工作服是由理大研發的新一代包含納米物料的 「吸濕排汗紡織品」布料纖維製成。新布料讓濕氣由皮膚傳送到衣 物表面。採用的高水分管理技術具備較高的單向傳送及液體濕度管 理功能,讓布料透氣度高、可加快汗水蒸發,有助抵禦高溫。

最近,在開發這工作服前的早期硏究更為由陳炳泉教授率領的研 究團隊帶來香港項目管理學會獎項及亞太項目管理成就獎。

理程 / 2014年12月

Prof. Albert Chan (middle) and his research team 陳炳泉教授 (中) 及其研究團隊

在進行地盤實地測試前,研究團隊將布料放進氣溫箱測試工作服 的有效性,包括布料特性測試和恆溫恆濕氣候測試。量性評估結 果顯示,試穿新設計工作服者能有效減少 16.7% 的生理熱應力及 28.8% 的身體儲熱,其體溫和心率均較穿傳統工作服者為低,而 生理熱應力指數亦較佳。在質性評估方面,85% 工人認同工作服 能提供更涼快、乾爽、舒適及靈活的感覺。總括而言,新設計的 工作服為建築工人帶來顯著好處。


Knowledge Transfer


Virtual-reality-based rehabilitation system helps people with cognitive deficits

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

虛擬實境訓練系統 協助認知功能受損人士

Prof. Man instructs the user to operate the virtual reality based vocational training system (VTVRS) on basic skills as boutique salesperson. 文教授指導使用者操作虛擬實境職業訓 練系統 (VTVRS),學習時裝店銷售員的基 本技巧 。

PolyU-developed virtual-reality-based rehabilitation systems help patients to resume their independence and integrate into their communities. 由理大開發的虛擬實境訓練系統幫助患者重拾 其獨立能力,並融入社群。



s a cutting-edge technology application to rehabilitation, virtual reality creates a virtual environment (VE) in which near-real training in various scenarios can be provided for patients at different phases of rehabilitation. Some patients with sensory, motor or cognitive disabilities, for instances, encounter difficulties when performing real-life tasks such as navigating transportation and community facilities and shopping. They need a safe, non-threatening environment for developing their independence anew. Using non-immersive 3D virtual reality technology, Prof. David Man Wai-kwong at PolyU’s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and his research team have developed computer-assisted rehabilitation systems for patients to acquire community living skills and to provide them with vocational training. They designed the systems with broad use in mind, including for people with cognitive disabilities such as mild cognitive impairment, early dementia, mental retardation, stroke and traumatic brain injury, as well as those lacking work experience or confidence. The first system, called VRehab, consists of training modules on community living and shopping skills. Using a computer, stereo headset and programmable joystick, patients are required to navigate safely in a virtual environment, travelling on appropriate public transportation, identifying suitable community facilities and shopping according to the needs stated in different scenarios. Using a typical boutique as a work scenario for training, the other system, the Virtual Reality based Vocational Training System (VRVTS), equips users with basic and advanced skills at three levels: pretrainee, trainee and salesperson.

(Photo on left) Prof. David Man Wai-kwong (middle) and his research team members (左圖) 文偉光教授(中)及 其研究團隊成員 (Photo below) User operates the VRehab system to learn community living and shopping skills. (下圖) 使用者操作 VRehab 系統, 以學習社區生活及購物技能。

為先進復康治療的一部份,虛擬實境可讓處於不同復康 階段的患者仿如置身在真實環境的不同情景下進行訓 練。一些如感官、肌能或認知功能障礙的患者在實際生 活如乘搭交通工具及往返社區設施地方,以致購物時,常感到困 難。他們需要一個安全環境使其重展自主獨立能力,重新融入 社會。 理大康復治療科學系文偉光教授及其研究團隊利用三維虛擬實境 技術,開發幫助患者掌握社區生活技能及提供職業訓練的電腦輔 助復康系統。他們在設計時顧及訓練系統的廣泛使用,讓更多人 受惠,包括:認知功能障礙如輕度腦部退化症、智障、中風及腦 創傷的患者;缺乏工作經驗、自信人士。

In addition, the systems recorded user’s performance in required time, accuracy, moving distance and frequency of dangerous actions etc.; user’s difficulties and progress can thus be analyzed.

第一個系統名為 VRehab,它包含社區生活及購物技能的訓練模 組。患者只需使用電腦、耳筒及設有預設編程的控制杆,便可因 應需要,在虛擬環境所設定的情景中進行安全導引,如乘搭合適 的交通工具、尋找社區設施,以及購物。另一系統名為虛擬實 境職業訓練系統 ( VTVRS),是利用傳統時裝店作為工作訓練的情 境,讓使用者學習基本及進階技巧。訓練分為三個級別:實習培 訓生、培訓生及銷售員。 此外,系統亦能把使用者的表現詳細記錄,例如所需時間、準確 度、移動距離及危險行為次數等,以便分析使用者遇到的困難及 監察其進度。 在虛擬世界裡,使用者不僅對預設編程的刺激體作出反應,亦在 電腦產生的三維、仿真環境下進行互動,從而進行評估與治療。 這系統現可進行商品化及開發成更多的產品種類。

理程 / 2014年12月

In these virtual worlds, users not only react to preprogrammed stimuli but also interact with the computergenerated 3D, life-like environment in an entirely new realm of possibility for evaluation and treatment. The systems are now available for further commercialization and product diversification.




Pushing research to new heights 推動研究工作再上層樓

PolyU Milestones / December 2014


n all of life’s endeavours, it is important to manage one’s resources wisely. As Prof. Edwin Cheng knows, research is no exception to this rule. As both Dean and Chair Professor of Management, he has made resource management the cornerstone of his career.

Prof. Cheng has spent decades developing principles that help organizations make the best use of their resources. Following his graduation from the University of Hong Kong with Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Engineering, he continued his education in the UK, earning a Master of Science from the University of Birmingham as well as Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science from the University of Cambridge.

鄭教授在過去數十年一直發展幫助機 構善用資源的原則。在香港大學取得 工程理(榮譽)學士學位後,他到英 國繼續進修,獲頒伯明翰大學理學碩 士學位及劍橋大學哲學博士及科學博 士學位。

Prof. Cheng first took an interest in resource management while at Cambridge, eventually making it the subject of his doctoral thesis. He continued to focus on the area after graduation, and to date he has published over 600 papers in respected international journals, along with co-writing 11 books. He has also held teaching positions in Canada and Singapore and served as a consultant to many successful companies. In 2009, the International Journal of Production Economics named Prof. Cheng the world’s most productive production/operations management researcher of the past 50 years.

人生中,明智管理自己的資 源非常重要。鄭大昭教授深 明,研究也不例外。作為院 長兼管理學講座教授,他已把資源管 理作為事業基石。

在學於劍橋時,鄭教授萌發對資源管 理的興趣,更以此為他博士論文的課 題。畢業後,他繼續專注於這範疇, 除了合著過 11 本書籍外,至今更發 表過逾 600 份文獻,並刊載於相關的 國際著名期刊。他曾於加拿大和新加 坡講學,亦曾於多家成功企業擔任顧 問。 2 0 0 9 年,鄭教授更被《國際生 產經濟學雜誌》譽為過去五十年全球 最多產生產/營運管理的研究員。


Prof. Edwin Cheng, Dean of PolyU Faculty of Business, has consolidated a force of innovation in this faculty thanks to his passionate belief in the value of research and his drive for efficiency and time management. 理 大工商管 理學 院 院長 鄭大昭教 授憑著對研究 的 熱 忱,以 及 對效率和 時間管 理的追 求,在其 學 院內 凝 聚了一股 創 新的力量。 Many of Prof. Cheng’s contributions to the field have occurred since he joined the then Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1992. Appointed as Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies in 1995, his first major task was to develop a culture that was focused on research. Prof. Cheng encouraged his colleagues to devote more time to research, and to think of it as a way of life rather than an obligation. He now looks back at this time as one of the most challenging periods of his life.

Despite the success of the Faculty of Business, Prof. Cheng has no intention of relaxing his focus. He recently made it clear that the Faculty still has much room to grow. In particular, he aims to improve the number of international students and teachers, and expand PolyU’s collaboration with other institutions. Most of all, Prof. Cheng hopes to continue making an impact on the world through research, which he describes as his favourite activity both for the benefit to his own mind and the chance to improve the world at large.

自 1992 年加入前身為香港理工學院任管理學講座 教授以來,鄭教授貢獻良多。他於 1995 年獲委任 為副校長(科研與研究生),主要負責推動重視科 研的文化,鼓勵同事多專注研究,並視之為一種生 活方式,而非職責所在。回望過去,那時可算是他 一生中最具挑戰的時期。 鄭教授的研究卓越,獲獎無數,在團隊中樹立正面 榜樣。 2001 年,他更成為理大首位研究人員獲選 為裘槎優秀科研者,該獎為香港的頂級科研殊榮。 至今,理大只有另外三位教學人員獲此祟高榮譽。 最近,鄭教授更榮獲今年於新加坡舉行的世界教育 大會頒發教育領袖獎。 儘管工商管理學院發展成功,鄭教授對其焦點工作 亳不鬆懈。他近來更明確表示,學院仍有相當大的 發展空間。尤其,他矢志改善國際師生的數目,擴 展理大與其他院校的協作。鄭教授最希望推動研究 讓世界更美好。他表示,這不僅為做他喜歡的事, 更可藉此改善整個世界。

理程 / 2014年12月

Prof. Cheng has served as a positive example for the team, having won numerous awards for the quality of his research. Notably, in 2001 he became the first researcher at PolyU to be named as Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, the top award for research in Hong Kong. To date only three other academics at PolyU have earned this prestigious honour. Most recently, Prof. Cheng received the Education Leadership Award at the World Education Congress in Singapore this year.




A strong foundation for China's infrastructure 助中國基建打造穩健根基 Led by Prof. Xu You-lin, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is working to bring the latest advances in safety and reliability to the next generation of infrastructure in China. 在徐 幼 麟 教 授帶 領下,土木及環境工程學系 在 建 設 安 全和可靠性 方面引領前沿,為中國基建開 創 新里程。

PolyU Milestones / December 2014


hen casual observers look at Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong, the CCTV Tower in Beijing or Shanghai Tower, they may be struck by their massive sizes or original designs. However, Prof. Xu You-lin, Chair Professor of Structural Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, has a different perspective. He sees the many technological innovations that help to keep the buildings safe and structurally sound, because he has made those innovations his life’s work.

The holder of Master of Engineering Science from Tongji University and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Sydney, Prof. Xu has participated in many major construction projects, in both Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. His work in structural engineering played a major part in the construction of Hong Kong’s Stonecutters Bridge and Tsing Ma Bridge. The latter, completed in 1997, is among Prof. Xu’s proudest achievements.

徐教授獲同濟大學工程科學碩士及悉 尼大學哲學博士學位,在香港及中國 內地參與過多項重要基建項目。他負 責的結構工程是整個香港昂船洲大橋 及青馬大橋興建項目的重要一環。後 者於 1997 年竣工,更成為徐教授最引 以為榮的成就。

It was in this project that Prof. Xu promoted structural health monitoring, which at that time was mostly unknown in Hong Kong. Through his efforts, the bridge incorporated several innovative systems to monitor wind speed, temperature and traffic volume. In this way the government can stay up to date on the status of the bridge and plan repairs to prevent any serious faults. These systems, though novel at the time, have become a standard part of new bridge construction projects.

觀看香港昂船洲大橋、北京中 央電視台總部大樓或上海中心 大廈時,旁人或對其宏偉建築 和獨創設計印象最為深刻。然而,結 構工程講座教授兼建設及環境學院院 長徐幼麟教授卻另有一番見解。他看 到的,是多個維護大樓安全和結構穩 固的創新技術,這全因他畢生致力於 這些創新項目上。

當時香港對這方面並不熟悉,徐教授 藉著這個項目推動結構健康監測。在 他努力下,大橋結合了數個創新系 統,以監測風速、氣溫及交通流量。 政府因而可以掌握最新資訊,了解大 橋情況,並計劃維修工作,以防範任 何嚴重故障發生。這些在當時屬嶄新 的系統,現已成為興建新橋樑的標準 部分。


(Photo on right) Prof. Xu You-lin (右圖) 徐幼麟教授 (Photo below) Prof. Xu contributed to the structural health monitoring of CCTV Tower in Beijing (left) and Tsing Ma Bridge (right). (下圖) 徐教授在北京中央電視台總部大樓(左) 及青馬大橋(右)的結構健康監測,貢獻良多。

Prof. Xu’s work extends beyond the practical aspects of construction, of course. He can claim over 200 papers in prestigious international journals, and has served on the editorial boards of such prominent publications as the Journal of Bridge Engineering and the Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. In addition, Prof. Xu has written the books Structural Health Monitoring of Long-Span Suspension Bridges and Wind Effects on Cable-Supported Bridges. A member of several professional organizations, Prof. Xu has earned the rank of Fellow at the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Engineering Mechanics Institute in the US, and the Institution of Structural Engineers in the UK. He won the 2014 Takuji Kobori Prize from the International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring, finished first in Elsevier’s 2013 Engineering AudioSlides Challenge and is the recipient of the 2006 Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, Hong Kong’s most prestigious research award. 當然,徐教授的工作亦擴展到建設應用以外的範 疇。他曾發表超過 200 份文獻,並刊載於國際權威 學術期刊中;他亦為著名刊物如《橋樑工程期刊》 及《土木結構健康監測期刊》擔任編輯委員會成 員。此外,徐教授撰寫過書籍《 Structural Health Monitoring of Long-Span Suspension Bridges 》 (大跨度斜拉橋之結構健康監測)及《Wind Effects on Cable-Supported Bridges》(風對懸索橋 之影響)。 作為數家專業機構的成員,徐教授獲香港工程師學 會、美國土木工程師協會、美國力學工程協會,以 及英國結構工程師協會選為院士。繼於愛思唯爾 2013 Engineering AudioSlides Challenge 中勝出, 徐教授亦是香港最高科研殊榮- 2006 年裘槎資深 研究員計劃的得獎者,他更獲國際結構控制及監測 協會頒發 2014 Takuji Kobori 獎。 雖然徐教授獲獎無數,但他仍著眼於未來。他除了 專注結構健康監測項目外,亦醉心尋求人造物體與 環境共存的新方案。例如,他借香港強風的優勢, 擬於青馬大橋加設風力發電機。香港以至整個中國 的未來世代將得以傳承穩健的建築基礎,實有賴理 大徐教授及其團隊的努力。

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Despite his many achievements, Prof. Xu is still looking to the future. In addition to his work on structural health monitoring, he is eager to find new ways to make artificial objects and the environment work together. For example, he has envisaged taking advantage of Hong Kong’s strong winds by adding wind power generators to the Tsing Ma Bridge. Thanks to the work of Prof. Xu and his colleagues at PolyU, future generations both in Hong Kong and throughout China will inherit a sturdy architectural heritage.


Community Support


Naming of Ngan Pui-ying Lecture Theatre 演講廳以顏培英先生命名 On 11 September, a lecture theatre on PolyU campus was named after Mr Ngan Pui-ying, a distinguished entrepreneur in the toy industry, as a tribute to his dedication to education and innovation in Hong Kong. Tribute was also paid to his wife, Mrs Katherine Ngan, for her ardent support to PolyU in the past 13 years, as Council Member, Court Member and Deputy Chairman of PolyU Foundation. 理大於 9 月 11 日將校園內一個演講廳以玩具業 翹楚顏培英先生之名命名,表彰其對香港教育 及創新發展的貢獻。此外,理大亦衷心感謝顏 夫人顏吳餘英女士在過去 1 3 年,曾擔任校董 會成員、大學顧問委員會成員及理大基金副主 席,並鼎力支持大學的發展。

Campus construction named after philanthropic couple

PolyU Milestones / December 2014


On 14 October, PolyU named a building after Mr Ho Iu-kwong, late construction guru and world-renowned collector of Chinese painting and calligraphy. The University also named a square after Mr Ho and his wife Ms Kwok Pui-chun to pay tribute to their dedication in promoting Chinese art and culture. At the naming ceremony, President Prof. Timothy W. Tong expressed sincere appreciation to the Ho family for its generous support to the development of PolyU.

理大於 10月14日將校園內一棟大樓以已故建築 界權威兼著名書畫收藏家何耀光先生命名,以 及將一個廣場以何先生和何夫人郭佩珍女士之 名命名,表彰他們致力宣揚中國藝術文化。命 名典禮上,校長唐偉章教授衷心感謝何氏家族 對理大發展的慷慨支持。

Campus Reports



Driving social responsibility in global academia 國際學術精英雲集 攜手推動社會責任

On 19 November, PolyU hosted the Second Summit on University Social Responsibility. Riding on this global networking occasion, the inaugural International Conference on Service Learning was held on 20-21 November, to bring together prestigious leaders in the field for experience and best practices sharing.

11月 19日,理大主辦了第二屆大學社會責 任高峰論壇。適逢這個國際聯繫交流的機 會,首屆學習服務國際會議亦於 11月 20至 2 1 日舉行,匯集了有關範疇的知名領袖, 分享實踐經驗。

Officiating at the opening ceremony were the Honorable Eddie Ng Hak-kim, Secretary for Education of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Prof. Roy Chung Chi-ping, PolyU Court Chairman; and Prof. Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President.

開幕典禮由香港特別行政區政府教育局 吳克儉局長、理大顧問委員會主席鍾志平 教授,以及校長唐偉章教授聯袂主持。

Concurrently taking place was the “PolyU Serves Showcase” which exhibited the University’s accomplishments in integrating professional knowledge of students in serving the community and efforts in nurturing students to learn while serving.

超過三百位來自世界各地近五十所高等教 育院校的人仕出席,就大學發展與社會責 任的關係進行討論,並就政府政策、策 略、模型和系統等交流意見。 同時,理大在校園舉行「理有心」服務項 目巡禮,展示學生將專業知識融入服務社 群的成果,以及大學致力培育學生寓服務 於學習。

理程 / 2014年12月

Over 300 participants from some 50 higher education institutions around the world gathered to discuss the relationship between university development and social responsibility, exchanging views on government policies, strategies, models and systems etc.


Campus Reports


President Tong highlights University’s commitment to social responsibility at 20th Congregation

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

At the University’s 20th Congregation held on 25 October, PolyU sent forth a total of 11,072 graduates, including 182 Doctor of Philosophy, 56 discipline-based doctoral degree, 52 Master of Philosophy, 3,974 Master’s degree, 5,284 Bachelor’s degree, 39 Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate and 1,480 sub-degree award recipients. The ceremony was presided over by Council Chairman Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak and President Prof. Timothy W. Tong. During the Congregation, the University also conferred honorary doctorates on five prominent figures in recognition of their distinguished accomplishments and contributions. The recipients were Dr Christopher Cheng Wai-chee, Chairman of Wing Tai Properties Limited; Prof. Leon O. Chua, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley, USA; Dr Irwin Mark Jacobs, Founding Chairman and CEO Emeritus of Qualcomm Incorporated, USA; Prof. Yan Jun-qi, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress and Director of the China

Institute of Education Policy, China (in absentia); and Prof. Andrew Yao Chi-chih, renowned computer scientist and educator. Addressing the Congregation, Prof. Tong emphasized the University’s commitment to social responsibility by recounting the life-changing experiences of students engaged in service learning. As he put it, “tertiary institutions are increasingly expected to interact with society and answer social needs, both locally and globally”. He thus encouraged graduates to set a higher goal for themselves and to look for opportunities to connect their professional knowledge to societal needs. In closing, Prof. Tong highlighted the need for more practical dreamers who are capable of devising innovative solutions to solve problems at this critical time. As he commented, “idealism is admirable, but it often takes pragmatism to achieve results.”


唐校長於第二十屆畢業典禮上 強調理大對社會責任的承諾


於 10月25日舉行的第二十屆畢業典禮上,理大共頒授榮銜予 11,072 位畢業生, 包括:182哲學博士、56 位專業範疇的修課式博士、 52 位哲學碩士、3,974 位碩 士、5,284 位學士、 39 位深造文憑及證書畢業生,以及 1,480 位非學位文憑及證 書畢業生,典禮由校董會主席楊敏德女士與校長唐偉章教授一同主持。 此外,大學於畢業禮上向五位傑出人士頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰其卓越成就 及貢獻。他們為永泰地產有限公司主席鄭維志博士;美國加州大學柏克萊分校 電機工程學及計算機科學教授蔡少棠教授;美國高通公司創辦主席兼榮休行政 總裁 Irwin Mark Jacobs 博士;第十二屆全國人大代表大會常委會副委員長暨 中國教育政策研究院院長嚴雋琪教授(未能出席典禮);以及計算機科學家兼教 育家姚期智教授。 唐教授致辭時強調大學對社會責任的承諾,並列舉一些學生因參與社會服務改 變人生的經歷。如他說,「高等院校需要與社會有更多互動,回應本地與全球 的社會需要。」他更勉勵畢業生為自己訂立更祟高目標,並積極尋找機會,善 用專業知識服務社會。 最後,唐教授重申,在這關鍵時刻,大學樂見更多講求實效的夢想家,為日常 問題構想具創意的解決方案。他表示:「理想主義固然值得欣賞,但我們往往 需要務實才取得成果。」



1. PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong delivers his speech 理大校長唐偉章教授致辭 2. Prof. Leon O. Chua 蔡少棠教授 3. Dr Irwin Mark Jacobs Irwin Mark Jacobs博士 4. Prof. Andrew Yao Chi-chih 姚期智教授 5. Dr Christopher Cheng Wai-chee 鄭維志博士

理程 / 2014年12月




Campus Reports


Recent research performance 近期研究表現 Together with a stronger presence in the international arena, the University has also brought home some remarkable honours and achievements in 2014. 2014年,理大積極拓展世界網絡,並取得多項驕人榮譽和成就。

Engineering In engineering research discipline, PolyU is ranked first in Hong Kong and ninth in the world at the U.S. News and World Report 2015. The ranking was based on the University’s academic research performance in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and civil engineering, including publications, citations and indications of global and regional reputation among the top 100 global universities.

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

工程學 理大的工程學研究範疇在 2015 年美國新聞及世界報告中位 列全港第一及全球第九。這項排名是根據全球百所大學在航 天工程、機械工程、電機工程和土木工程範疇的學術研究 表現作為評分準則,包括刊物、引文及全球和地區聲譽的 指標。

Hotel and tourism management Fully committed to faculty development and classroom excellence, PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) received a special award from the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute at the Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference. The Institute commended the SHTM for its strong endorsement of the Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) Programme, which launched in 1995. Over the years, the SHTM has hosted 21 workshops through which 347 hospitality and tourism faculties have been developed and over 3,200 CHEs (over 10% of the CHE population) have been certified. 酒店及旅遊業管理學 理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院在培訓師資及提供卓越教學方 面不遺餘力,喜獲美國酒店業協會教育學院於亞太區酒店 餐飲及學術教育委員會會議中頒發特別獎項。酒店業協會教 育學院讚揚理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院高度支持於 1995 年 推出的餐旅教育者專業認證課程,多年來舉辦過共 2 1 個工 作坊,促成 347 個酒店及旅遊業管理學系的成立,逾 3,200 項課程(超過餐旅教育者專業認證總數的一成)獲得認證。


人文學 根據 2014 年的 Quacquarelli Symonds 全球大學排行榜,理 大的語言學科躍升二十二位,排行全球第二十三、亞洲第五 及全港第二。此外,大學在 H指數文獻引用次數方面,高鋸 香港及中國內地大學排行榜中之首位。這是根據二百強大學 三十科獨立學科的聲譽和研究引文量而排名。

Textiles and clothing PolyU’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing tops the world in research performance in its field, with the highest number of citations and a H-index (which measures the impact of research output) of 33, according to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters, which produces the Science Citation Index (SCI) database. The survey was based on 16,313 research papers relating to textiles, fashion, clothing and apparel published over the past five years by the top 500 institutions. With 862 papers published in relevant journals, the Institute also ranked second in terms of total number of papers published. 紡織及製衣學 根據湯森路透(成立科學引文索引資料庫的美國公司)進行 的調查顯示,理大紡織及製衣學系在業界的研究表現高踞全 球首位,其發表的文獻被引用次數最高,以及在衡量科研影 響力的 H 指數為 33。該調查統計了全球首 500 間院校在過去 五年出版的16,313篇有關紡織、時裝、製衣及服飾的研究論 文。此外,學系在相關學術期刊發表了 862 份文獻,文獻發 表量為全球第二。 理程 / 2014年12月

Humanities In linguistics subject, PolyU ranked 23rd in the world with a big jump of 22 places, fifth in Asia and second in Hong Kong, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by Subject 2014. The University also ranked first among universities in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland in terms of H index citations. Using data on reputation and research citations, the ranking highlighted the 200 top universities in the world for 30 individual subjects.


Campus Reports


Re-appointment of senior management for three years 高級管理層續任三年 Prof. Philip Chan Ching-ho (left) has been re-appointed as Deputy President and Provost of the University for a further term of three years from 1 March 2015. Having served PolyU since 1 March 2010, Prof. Chan is responsible for the overall planning, development and operation of the University’s academic enterprise, including learning and teaching, research activities, professional and continuing education as well as student affairs.

現任常務及學務副校長陳正豪教授(左) 將會續任三年,新任期由 2 0 1 5 年 3 月 1 日 開 始 。 陳 教 授 自 2 0 1 0 年 3 月 1日 加 入 理 大,負責大學學術單位的整體策劃、發展 和運作,包括教學和研究項目、專業及持 續教育,以及學生事務等事宜。

Prof. Angelina Yuen (right) has been re-appointed as Vice President for a further term of three years from 1 April 2015. Prof. Yuen joined PolyU in 1986 and assumed the post of Vice President in April 2010, responsible for overseeing institutional advancement and global partnerships.

現 任 副 校 長 阮 曾 媛 琪 教 授 ( 右 ) 將會續任三年,新任期由 2 0 1 5 年 4 月 1 日 開始。阮教授於1986 年加入理大,並於 2010 年 4 月出任副校長,專責學院發展及 全球合作事宜。

Gathering global wisdom for University development

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

凝聚環球智慧 促進大學發展

Chaired by Dr David Chang, Chancellor Emeritus (Global Programmes) and President Emeritus of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, the fifth International Advisory Board meeting took place on 5-7 November with the theme “Social Responsibility”. Attending members had fruitful exchanges with senior management, faculty members and students on teaching and learning development from a social responsibility perspective, as well as service-learning experiences. They then offered advice on the strategic development of social responsibility within the University. A visit to the alunmni at PMQ, a revitalized hub for the creative and design industries with historical significance was also arranged.

理大於 1 1 月 5 至 7 日舉行了第五次國際顧問 委員會會議,由美國紐約大學理工學院榮休 校監(國際課程)兼榮休校長張鍾濬博士主 持。是次會議以「社會責任」為主題,出席 的委員與大學的高級管理層、各院系代表及 學生進行交流,就社會責任方面的教學及服 務學習經驗進行討論,並對大學在社會責任 的策略性發展方向提供寶貴意見。他們亦前 往標誌本地歷史的活化創新及設計中心 - 元創方探訪理大校友。


Designers explore core values through Annual Show 年展鼓勵設計師探討核心價值 Highlights of the exhibition are as follows. 部分精選作品如下:

Advertising design: A Piece of Good Life by Dick Au, 2014 廣告設計:〈一督好生活〉- 歐瑞麟,2014 Dick proposed an innovative and comprehensive advertising campaign on building a living place for stray cows and constructively turning cow waste into mosquito repellent, potted plant fertilizer etc. to change the image of cattle. 以創新兼全面的廣告策略,倡議為流浪牛隻建立合 適居所,並將牛糞製成蚊香、花肥等實用產品,改 變大眾對被牛隻滋擾的觀感。

For the first time, PolyU’s School of Design staged its Annual Show this year in galleries and open-studios on multiple floors of the Jockey Club Innovation Tower. In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, the School set the theme of this year’s Annual Show as “Design for ?” The objective was to encourage designers to explore the changes that will occur in today’s core values over the next 50 years.

理大設計學院首次在賽馬會創新樓,以多個樓層的展覽廊和開 放式工作室作為場地,舉辦今年的設計年展。為慶祝成立五十 周年,學院特別以「為什麼設計( Design for ?)」為今年的主 題,鼓勵設計師思考今天的核心價值在未來五十年內的改變。 設計年展中的創新意念涵蓋多個設計專業,包括廣告設計、 數碼媒體、環境及室內設計、工業及產品設計、互動媒體及 視覺傳達。此外,展覽亦展出以科技結合創意的多媒體作品 和設計裝置。

Product design: homeRecipe by Jenny Tong, 2014 產品設計:〈回香—流動煮食工作坊〉- 唐月珍,2014 Jenny designed a mobile cooking workshop for connecting housewives who want to share their authentic recipes with the community, with the aim of improving their confidence and strengthening social cohesion. 流動工作坊旨在幫助主婦走進社區,與街坊分享個 人煮食心得,從而提升自信,並加強社區凝聚力。

理程 / 2014年12月

The Show displayed creative ideas from a variety of design disciplines including advertising, digital media, environment and interior, industrial and product, interactive media and visual communication. In addition, multimedia projects and installations making innovative use of technologies were showcased.


Academic Publications


Research books and monographs authored by PolyU academics (July 2013– June 2014)

PolyU Milestones / December 2014

理大學者撰寫的研究書籍及專題著作 (2013年7月至2014年6月) Department Researcher 部門 研究人員

Publication Title 刊物名稱

Published by 出版

Place of Publication 發行地


Dr Zhao Xingqiu 趙興球博士*

Statistical Analysis of Panel Count Data


New York, USA 美國紐約


Dr Catherine Liu Chun-ling 劉春玲博士*



Beijing, China 中國北京


Prof. Albert Chan Ping-chuen 陳炳泉教授* Dr Esther Cheung 張泳沁博士*

Public Private Partnerships in International Construction: Learning from Case Studies

Taylor & Francis Group (Journals)

New York, USA 美國紐約


Prof. Shen Qiping 沈岐平教授* Dr Ann Yu Tit-wan 余帙芸博士* Dr Jacky Chung Kin-hung 鍾健雄博士*

Value Management in Construction and Real Estate


Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Dr Zhu Xinhua 祝新華博士

Assessment for Learning: Principles and Strategies

People’s Education Press

Beijing, China 中國北京


Dr Leung Wai-mun 梁慧敏博士*


三聯書店(香港) Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Prof. Chu Hung-lam 朱鴻林教授

致君與化俗:明代經筵鄉約研究文選 (Help the emperor achieve high and transform social custom: studies on the Ming dynasty institutions of imperial court lecture and community compact)

三聯書店(香港) Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Prof. Chu Hung-lam 朱鴻林教授


香港中文大學出 版社

Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Prof. Chu Hung-lam 朱鴻林教授

醉經樓集 (The literary collection of the late Ming Confucian Tang Boyuan)


Beijing, China 中國北京


Prof. David Zhang Dapeng 張大鵬教授*

3D Biometrics - Technologies and Systems


New York, USA 美國紐約


Prof. David Qian Dawei 錢大衛教授

A register analysis of the GEPT Advanced Level examinees’ written production

Language Training & Testing Center

Taipei, Taiwan 台灣台北


Dr Mable Chan 陳美寶博士

Acquisition of be by Cantonese ESL learners in Hong Kong and its pedagogical implications

Peter Lang

Berne, German 德國貝爾納


Prof. Christian M.I.M Matthiessen 麥蒂森教授*

Halliday’s Introduction to Functional Grammar


UK 英國


Dr Dennis Tay Zhiming 鄭志明博士

Metaphor in Psychotherapy: A descriptive and prescriptive analysis

John Benjamins Publishing Company

Amsterdam, Netherlands 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹


Dr Mable Chan 陳美寶博士



Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Dr Yu Kam-por 余錦波博士

The Hows and Whys of the Book of Filial Piety

Infolink Publishing

Hong Kong, China 中國香港

Department 部門

– Department of Applied Mathematics 應用數學系 – Department of Building and Real Estate 建築及房地產學系 CBS – Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies 中文及雙語學系 – Department of Chinese Culture 中國文化學系 CC COMP – Department of Computing 電子計算學系 ENGL – Department of English 英文系 GEC – General Education Centre 通識教育中心 – Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering ISE 工業及系統工程學系 AMA BRE

– Institute of Textiles and Clothing 紡織及製衣學系 ITC LMS – Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies 物流及航運學系 – Department of Mechanical Engineering 機械工程學系 ME MM – Department of Management and Marketing 管理及市場學系 – School of Design 設計學院 SD SHTM – School of Hotel and Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊業管理學院 – School of Nursing 護理學院 SN


Department Researcher 部門 研究人員

Publication Title 刊物名稱

Published by 出版

Place of Publication 發行地


Dr Kris Law Mo-yin 羅慕賢博士*

Yin Yang and organizational performance - Five Elements for improvement and success

Springer SBM

UK 英國


Dr Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu Assessment of Environmental Impact Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu by Grocery Shopping Bags: An Eco博士* Functional Approach Prof. Henry Li Yi 李翼教授*


UK 英國


Dr Shin Woo-kyung Shin Woo-kyung 博士

Chapter 20 Design intimate apparel to fit different body shapes

Woodhead Publishing

Cambridge, UK 英國劍橋


Prof. Jason Choi Tsan-ming 蔡燦明教授

Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors: Scientific Models


New York, USA 美國紐約


Prof. Jason Choi Tsan-ming 蔡燦明教授

Fashion Retail Supply Chain Management: A Systems Optimization Approach

CRC Press

London, UK 英國倫敦


Prof. Jason Choi Tsan-ming 蔡燦明教授

Fast Fashion Systems: Theories and Applications

CRC Press

London, UK 英國倫敦


Prof. Jason Choi Tsan-ming 蔡燦明教授

Handbook of EOQ Inventory Problems: Stochastic and Deterministic Models and Applications


New York, USA 美國紐約


Prof. Hu Jinlian 胡金蓮教授

Shape Memory Polymers: Fundamentals, Advances and Applications

Smithers Rapra

UK 英國


Prof. Henry LI Yi 李翼教授*

Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2013

Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society

Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Dr Yip Tsz-leung 葉子良博士* Ms Macy Wong Mei-chi 王美芝女士*

Low Carbon Logistics: Good Practice and Guidelines for SMEs


Hong Kong, China 中國香港


Dr Fu Mingwang 傅銘旺博士* Dr Chan Wai-lun (ex-staff) 陳偉倫博士(前職員)*

Micro-scaled Products Development via Microforming

Springer London

London, UK 英國倫敦


Prof. Carlos Lo Wing-hung 盧永鴻教授*

Institutions, Regulatory Styles, Society and Environmental Governance in China


Abingdon, UK 英國阿伯頓


Dr Kenny Chow Ka-nin 周嘉年博士

Animation, Embodiment, and Digital Media: Human Experience of Technological Liveliness

Palgrave Macmillan

UK 英國


Dr Xiao Honggen 肖洪根博士*


Beijing, China 中國北京


Prof. Claudia Lai Kam-yuk 賴錦玉教授* Miss Chan Hon (ex-staff) 陳侃小姐(前職員)*


Hong Kong, China 中國香港

《旅遊學縱橫: 學界五人對話錄》 (Dialogue on Tourism Studies) 採用「提示小便計劃」以改善長者小便 失禁

*Co-author 合著 由2013年7月至2014年6月,理大學者共發表二千一百八十六篇學術期 刊論文、一千一百八十五篇會議論文,並出版一千六百九十三份其他學 術刊物。

理程 / 2014年12月

From July 2013 to June 2014, PolyU academics produced a total of 2,186 refereed journal papers, 1,185 conference papers and 1,693 other publications.

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