The year 2012/13 saw the climax of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s 75th Anniversary Celebration. Not only did the University cherish its glorious past, it also strode confidently forward to smoothly implement the four-year undergraduate curriculum at the dawn of the new higher education era. This Annual Report illustrates PolyU’s development and achievement in the following key areas:
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learning and teaching; research and development; knowledge transfer and partnerships with industry; world connections; and campus development and environmental protection.
二零一二至一三年度 香港理工大學建校
珍惜光輝的歷史 亦在高等教育新時代邁步 向前 順利推行四年制本科課程。本年報介
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知識轉移與夥拍業界 環球網絡
Guided by the Strategic Plan 2012/13 - 2017/18, PolyU is committed to embarking on a new journey in realizing its vision while boldly answering challenges and grasping opportunities that lie ahead.
Photo on the right: Masterminded by the world-renowned architect Ms Zaha Hadid, this newly constructed Jockey Club Innovation Tower on campus is a vivid showcase of PolyU’s effort in turning vision into reality. As part of the University’s mission, this iconic architecture provides an inspired environment to support students and staff in their pursuit of excellence.
右圖 由國際知名建築師 Zaha Hadid 女士 設計的校園新地標 ̶ 賽馬會創新樓 正好體現 了理大在實踐願景方面的努力。此標誌性建築 物為師生營造了啟發性的環境 有助他們追求 。 卓越
一八年度的策略發展計劃 在充滿挑戰和 機遇的前路上迎難而上 實現願景。
JUly 2012 TO JUNE 2013 二零一二年七月至二零一三年六月
our motto 校訓
to learn and To apply for the benefit of mankind 開物成務 勵學利民
Be a leading university that excels in professional education, applied research and partnership for the betterment of Hong Kong, the nation and the world.
To nurture graduates who are critical thinkers, effective communicators, innovative problem solvers, lifelong learners and ethical leaders.
成為一所在專業教育、應用硏究及夥伴協作方面 表現卓越的大學,為香港、國家及世界作出貢獻。
To advance knowledge and the frontiers of technology to meet the changing needs of society.
To support a University community in which all members can excel through education and scholarship. 培育敏於思辨、善於溝通、富於創見、精於解難、樂於學習、 立於仁德的領導人才。 推動知識創新,拓展科技前沿,以回應不斷變化的社會需求。 營造優良的大學環境,讓員生透過教育及學術追求卓越。
4 chairman’s forEword 主席序言
9 president’s overview 校長報告
28 assets +02 human 人才薈萃
Nurturing serving leaders
Recognizing distinguished accomplishments
64 Creating impact for business development
Reaching out for global presence
Driving innovation for a better future
82 development +06 campus & environmental protection
shaping a green campus
88 大學管治
university governance
transFer +05 world connections +04 knowledge 環球網絡 & partnerships 知識轉移與夥拍業界
& +03 research development
with industry
highlights of the year
& teaching +01 learning 學與教 培育社會棟樑
96 finance 財務概況
107 appendices 附錄
i. Senior staff appointments and movements 高級職員人事變動
110 moving forward 邁步向前
ii. Scholarships, prizes
and financial assistance for students 獎助學金及貸款
iii. Library statistics 圖書館書刊及資料統計
chairman’s foreword 主席序言
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Chairman’s Foreword
moving with the times rising to the challenges 迎接 時代挑戰
My re-appointment as Council Chairman of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for another three-year term is much more than an honour . . . it is a challenge to work even harder for this highly respected institution so that together we can achieve even greater success for the benefit of Hong Kong and the world. 我再度獲委任為香港理工大學校董會主席, 為期三年,深感榮幸的同時,更覺任重道遠, 要讓這所享負盛名的院校能為香港以至世界作出 更多貢獻,我必須盡心竭力,迎接挑戰。
In these times of astonishing advances in so many fields, we are well aware of the community’s rising expectations and are determined to contribute even more to society through education, research and knowledge transfer. At the same time we must be aware of stumbling blocks on the road to progress. In the cover story of TIME magazine’s special college report titled “What Colleges will Teach in 2025 – America must resolve the conflict between knowledge and know-how”, the writer details some alarming facts about US tertiary education. It is noted that 36 percent of college graduates did not show any significant cognitive gains from their four years of study, and half of American employers say they cannot find qualified graduates to hire. Let this be a lesson for us.
與時並進 目標清晰
在這瞬息萬變的年代,事物發展一日千里,我們理 解社會各界的期望不斷提升。理大一直致力透過 教育、科研與知識轉移貢獻社會。與此同時,我們 也要時刻保持警覺,應對沿途荊棘。
《時代》雜誌一篇題為「大專院校到了二零二五年 將教授什麼 — 美國必須解決知識與技能之間的 落差」(“What Colleges will Teach in 2025 – America must resolve the conflict between knowledge and know-how”) 的大專教育專題報告中,作者列舉了 美國專上教育一些令人憂慮的現況。文章指出百 分之三十六的大專畢業生完成四年課程後,認知 能力沒有顯著的增長。另一方面,美國半數僱主表 示難以招聘勝任的畢業生。殷鑑不遠,我們必須以 此作為警惕。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 主 席 序 言
Changing pedagogy in times of challenges
Knowledge, not only in science and technology, changes rapidly. Pedagogy must change as well. The present trend in pedagogy places emphasis on critical thinking, discussion and expression of one’s viewpoint as well as active planning for lifetime learning; i.e. students must explore knowledge for themselves rather than being passively absorbing what is taught. Training in insightful analysis and introspective study is what enriches brains and expands young imaginations.
Do well in professions, do good for the world At PolyU, we have designed a curriculum that provides a broad-based education to complement the strong professional orientation of our programmes. The University works on widening students’ horizons by providing a wide array of “broadening subjects” in fields that include the humanities, history, culture, science and technology, so that they can explore the world beyond their chosen professions.
Chairman’s Foreword
須與時並進。現今的教學趨勢強調主動思考、討論 和表達己見,以及積極計劃終身學習。學生必須主 動探索知識,而非被動地教授知識。培養精闢分析 技巧和個人內省能力,均有助提升學生的思維能 力和想像空間。
專業精英 社會棟樑
理大一直以提供專業培訓見稱,我們重新設計課 程,以期為學生提供全面的教育,藉著開辦一系列 有關人文、歴史、文化、科學及科技等「拓寛視野通 識科目」,使學生得以放眼其專業以外的世界。
By providing a wide spectrum of choice for undergraduates, we nurture the creativity of our students, who will eventually become professionals with knowledge-enriched and broadened minds. Not only will they do well in their chosen professions; they will also be mentally equipped to take up their roles as responsible global citizens.
Our Dean of Students Office organizes seminars and activities that aim to enrich our students’ experience outside the classroom. In September 2013, I took part in the “Planning Your Way of Life” series and shared with some 200 students my university life experience under the theme “What I Wish I Knew when I Studied in University”. I must say that I was glad to see the overwhelming response of the students.
Students learn through serving the underprivileged
改善世界 豐盛人生
At PolyU, education is not only about imparting knowledge but also applying that knowledge to make the world a better place. In pursuance of this idealistic concept, this summer several hundred PolyU students travelled out of Hong Kong to take part in servicelearning programmes in Cambodia, Rwanda, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Chinese mainland.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
學生的創意,使他們日後成為見多識廣的人才, 既能在本身專業大放異彩,亦足以肩負世界公民 的責任。
鼓勵學生汲取課堂以外的經驗。我也曾參與二零 一三年九月舉行的「生涯規劃」系列活動,以「我但 願在大學時期已學懂的事」為題,與近二百名學生 分享我的大學歲月。同學反應熱烈,教我驚喜不已。
理大除教授學生專業知識,亦期望他們能以知識 改善世界。今年暑假,數百名理大學生遠赴柬埔 寨、盧旺達、印尼、越南和中國內地,參與「服務學 習」計劃,實踐理想。
Students brought a new dimension to orphans’ lives by teaching them how to use software for digital story-telling and animation programming, thereby bringing into their lives the exciting element of hope for a better future. When it was found that some children could not continue their studies at night as darkness settled over their villages, our students helped them set up solar panels and so brought into the children’s lives the boon of light by which to study at night.
Through serving the needy with their professional knowledge, our students have not only broadened their own horizons as responsible global citizens but also brought back many unforgettable memories. What a rewarding and heart-warming experience for them...
事和製作動畫,為小孩帶來美好明天的希望;當他 們發現學童在晚上因為沒有照明而不能温習,即 協助設置太陽能燈板,供學童晚上溫習之用。
擴闊了視野,履行了世界公民的責任,並且為自己 的人生增添不少難忘回憶和寶貴經歷。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 主 席 序 言
Industry and community support for new initiatives This year, my heart is gladdened to see so many new initiatives taking shape across the campus. Some of the larger scale ones include the establishment of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, to lead the way on urban sustainability; the Aviation Services Research Centre, in collaboration with the Boeing Company, to boost the growth of the aviation industry; and the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, to effect changes in society through design. All these would have been impossible without the great support of business and industry as well as the wider community.
Chairman’s Foreword
中規模較大的包括成立「可持續城巿發展研究 院」,藉此帶領城巿的可持續發展;與波音公司合 作籌辦「航空服務研究中心」,致力推動航空業界 的發展;成立全港首間「賽馬會社會創新設計院」, 藉著推行創新設計,造福社會。以上各項發展有 幸獲得商界、業界與社會各界鼎力支持,才能順 利開展。
In particular, I am delighted that highly encouraging philanthropic support has continued to flow in throughout the year. This has enabled such advances as the establishment of eight Endowed Professorships, and the building of the Innovation Tower and the establishment of the Design Institute for Social Innovation supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. With further community support, we will certainly be able to achieve more in the future.
Realizing our vision for a brighter future
前景遠大 高峯再攀
I am confident that PolyU will continue to stay at the forefront of educational development and innovative research, turning vision into reality for a better future not just for Hong Kong, but for the world as a whole.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
同心同德 屢創新猷
支持令大學得以成立八個勵學教授席;香港賽馬 會的慷慨捐款﹐亦令創新樓和社會創新設計院兩大 項目順利開展。社會各界的資助捐獻,是理大持續 發展的重要支柱。
我深信理大將繼續推動教育發展和創新科研,致 力實踐願景,為社會及至世界創造更美好的將來。
Finally, my special thanks to Council Members for the trust that they have so generously given me over the past four years. With their continued support, as well as that of the University management, staff, students and alumni, I am sure PolyU will be able to achieve even more for the benefit of mankind.
Marjorie Yang, GBS, JP Chairman of Council
December 2013
鼎力相輔。深信透過校董會成員、大學管理層、同 事、學生及校友的同心同德,群策群力,理大定必 邁步向前,造福世界。
楊敏德, GBS, JP
president’s overview 校長報告
Turning vision into reality
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 長 報 告
高瞻遠矚 成就願景
PolyU continued its proud record of progress and achievement in 2012/13, making significant advances in many fields of education and research. 理大於二零一二至一三年度取得長足的 發展,成果豐碩,並繼續在各方面推動 教育及科研的進步。
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
President’s Overview
Nurturing serving leaders for tomorrow
培育未來楝樑 熱心服務社會
The four-year undergraduate curriculum was successfully implemented in the 2012/13 academic year. It not only better prepares students for success in their chosen professions but also nurtures their development into all-round global citizens. We place strong emphasis on fostering students’ entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, as well as their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Before graduation, all full-time students will complete a mandatory work-integrated education component to gain real-life workplace experience.
The new Service Learning requirement that goes hand-in-hand with the four-year undergraduate curriculum has been very well received in the PolyU community. Being the first of its kind among local universities, it requires students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their studies to serve the community in meaningful ways. This bolsters their self-confidence, cultivates a sense of caring, develops their social responsibility and gives them a better understanding of the community and the world.
Research and innovations for a better world
科研與創新 譜美好將來
On the research front, our Intelligent Ship-Bridge Anti-Collision Surveillance System was hailed as considerably more efficient and cost-effective than equipping every ship with hi-tech navigation systems. The system monitors marine traffic, evaluating the interrelated movements of ships and warning of any in danger of collision. The system won a Gold Medal at the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions held in Geneva, Switzerland.
行,新課程不但讓學生充分掌握所選專業範疇的 知識,同時孕育他們成為發展全面的世界公民。 理大既注重培養學生的創業和創新精神,亦使他 們具有獨立思考和解難的能力。為此,所有全日制 學生在畢業前均要完成必修項目 「校企協作教育」, 藉著實習汲取實際工作經驗。
必修科深受大學社群的歡迎,並成為本地首間把 此計劃納入課程的大學。此舉旨在鼓勵學生學以 致用,運用他們的專業知識及技能服務社會,同時 藉此增強自信、學習關懷別人,培養對社會的責任 感,並豐富對社會和世界的認識。
理大在科研領域亦建樹良多,我們研發的「橋樑防 船撞智能監控系統」被稱譽較一般船隻的先進導 航系統更有效,亦更符合成本效益。此系統可監控 橋區水域船舶航行,監測船舶操作及主動預警船 撞危險。有此出色的功能,所以它在第四十一屆 瑞士日內瓦國際發明展奪得金獎。
Another award-winning example of our researchers’ ingenuity is the “BrailleWise” system which is equipped with tactile information on specially designed bars and enables visually-impaired passengers to easily access aircraft toilets unaided.
Thanks to an initiative from our Institute of Textiles and Clothing, the global fashion industry has a valuable new tool – a robotic female upper-body mannequin. Its “intelligence” enables it to morph into various body shapes or sizes. As such, it is aptly named the “i.Dummy” and should bring great benefits internationally for the necessarily painstakingly accurate fittings for haute couture and pret-a-porter.
的才能。特製的橫杠提供觸感信息,可讓視障人 士在機艙自行安心地使用衞生間。
不同的尺碼,相信可成為國際高級時裝(haute couture)及現成服裝(pret-a-porter)行業精準 剪裁所需的恩物。
生物醫學工程跨領域學部的研究人員開發的全球 首部「中風腦功能訓練儀」,能夠 協助中風病人重 新連繫大腦和癱瘓肢體的信號。同時,此項嶄新儀 器可配合該部門早前另一獲獎發明「肌動機械手」 (又稱「希望之手」)一起使用,藉此提升中風者的 復康治療成效。
Moving to our future joint role in space exploration with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), experts from both sides are now working together to develop a space tool to collect lunar rock samples in the third phase of China’s lunar exploration programme. In March 2013, Poly U signed an agreement with CAST to establish a Joint Laboratory in Mechanics and Space Environment Engineering. This new collaboration has widened the scope of our participation in national space projects.
We have also continued preparations for the Research Assessment Exercise in 2016 when the University Grants Committee (UGC) will be weighing the research strengths of UGC-funded institutions using international benchmarks and sharpened measures.
作亦取得進展。雙方專家現正為國家探月工程第 三階段工作研發精密的登月取樣儀器。二零一三 年三月,雙方再簽訂協議,籌組共建一所「力學與 空間環境工程技術聯合實驗室」,此舉擴大了理大 科研人員參與國家航太科技研究的層面。
備,以配合教資會將沿用國際基準及更嚴格的 尺度衡量轄下受資助院校的科研發展。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 長 報 告
Meanwhile the world’s first Brain Training Device to re-connect the brain and paralyzed limbs after a stroke has been perfected by researchers in our Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering. The device can be coupled with the Division’s earlier award-winning “Hand of Hope”, or Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device, to achieve a higher degree of recovery among stroke patients.
Forging ahead with the Strategic Plan
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
President’s Overview
Following the formulation of the University’s Strategic Plan for 2012/13 to 2017/18, the year saw some key achievements in various aspects. On 14 June, 2013, to help keep abreast of China’s massive urbanization process and address the issue of urban sustainability, we opened our Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) on campus. Rapid urbanization has brought both opportunities and challenges. RISUD is committed to multi-disciplinary collaborations to address major urban planning and environmental issues. Its establishment is yet another drive to foster sustainable urbanization through research and knowledge transfer activities, consulting services and professional training.
策略發展計劃 堅實穩步向前
隨着制訂二零一二/一三至二零一七/一八年度的 策略發展計劃,理大年內在不同範疇初見成果。 為緊貼中國內地大規模城市化發展及解決城巿可 持續發展問題,我們在二零一三年六月十四日於校 園成立「可持續城巿發展研究院」。因應急速的城 市化發展帶來的機遇與挑戰,研究院將致力於跨 學科合作,以回應重要的城巿規劃及環境問題, 同時透過研究和知識轉移、顧問服務及專業培訓 工作,推動可持續城市化的發展。
International partnerships have continued to flourish as the University intensifies its effort in internationalization. To promote PolyU as a unique brand locally, regionally and globally, extra effort is being devoted to the use of social media to foster closer engagement with our stakeholders.
We have not lost sight of leveraging our strengths in contributing to the nation’s development. Natural disasters are an ever-present threat, especially on the Chinese mainland. This is the reason for the establishment of China’s first Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction in partnership with Sichuan University on its Jiang An Campus and with the support of a generous donation from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The two universities have since collaborated in the areas of Post-disaster Rehabilitation and Medical Treatment, Disaster Social Work and Psychology, as well as Environment Planning and Engineering.
At home, on our own University campus, we are committed to building a sustainable environment. Following the completion of the Phase 8 Development, all new classrooms and lecture theatres were available for use in January 2013, providing additional space for general teaching and research, conferences, staff offices and communal use. The year also witnessed the opening of the 25-storey student hostel in Homantin, comprising six halls that share three “gardens-in-the-air”
大學與時並進,投放更多資源在社交媒體上,與各 持份者保持緊密連繫,並藉此在香港、地區及國際 層面宣揚理大的獨特性。
院」。此後兩所大學在災後康復與醫療、災後社會 工作及心理學,以及環境規劃與工程等範疇便合 作無間。
隨着第八期校園發展計劃竣工,所有教室和演講 廳已於二零一三年一月啟用,提供額外空間作為 一般教學及科研設施、會議設施、辦公室及公共空 間之用。同時,理大位於何文田的學生宿舍亦已啟 用,宿舍樓高二十五層,分為六個舍堂,共用三個 空中花園,合共提供一千六百五十個宿位。完善的
on bedroom floors and provide 1,650 places for students. The new hostel is undoubtedly contributing to a fruitful hall life for students which enriches their learning and life experience.
We value our staff as much as we value our students. In pursuit of excellence in teaching, research and service, PolyU spares no effort in developing its human resources, including the recruitment of quality staff and the provision of a career track for staff members. With regard to staff retention and recognition, we believe it is only fair to aim at developing a performance-based salary increase system and a performance-based reward system to boost staff performance.
達至卓越的水平,理大在發展人力資源方面不遺 餘力,我們聘用優秀的教學人員,並為教職員提供 晉升制度。在挽留和表揚員工方面,我們相信訂立 一套以工作表現為本的加薪及獎勵計劃,會有效 提升教職員的表現。
團結理大同仁 迎接各種挑戰
I have committed to serving PolyU for another five years commencing 1 January 2014 and I am truly thankful for the immense support from Council Members, staff, students, alumni, partners and friends of the University over the past years.
I often encourage students to become “practical dreamers”, focusing on reality but looking beyond it. In a way, we at PolyU are also practical dreamers, who strive to turn our vision in education, research and service to society, the nation and the world into reality. In times of challenge, we set new goals and we aim to reach new heights. I look forward to continued support from the PolyU community and our stakeholders in achieving this.
五年。非常感謝校董會成員、大學同仁、學生、校友、 合作夥伴及友好過去的鼎力支持;我將一如既往, 竭誠為理大服務。
既腳踏實地、也高瞻遠矚。某程度上,理大同仁也 是一群講求實效的夢想家,竭力實踐我們對教育、 研究及服務社會、國家以至世界的願景。面對挑 戰,我們依然鼓足幹勁,心懷大志,堅實地邁向更 遠大的目標。我衷心希望理大同仁及持份者繼續 同心協力,攜手並肩,令理大發展更上層樓。
Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D., JP President
December 2013
唐偉章, Ph.D., JP
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 長 報 告
Embracing challenges together with the PolyU community
july 七月
‘mycar’ gets flying start at U.S. launch mycar 於美國面世 “mycar”, the first home-grown electric vehicle jointly developed by PolyU and EuAuto Technology Ltd., had a flying start at its U.S. launch at Horn Lake, Mississippi. PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong and former U.S. President Bill Clinton took part at the ceremonial unveiling of this revolutionary green vehicle by the U.S. auto maker GreenTech Automotive. 理大與 EuAuto Technology Ltd 攜手研發的首部港產電動車 mycar 於密西西比 州霍恩湖正式投產,理大校長唐偉章教授出席啟動典禮,與美國前總統比爾· 克林頓( Bill Clinton )一起見證美國新能源汽車集團( GreenTech Automotive) 向外界揭示這革命性的環保車。
PolyU celebrates topping-out of Jockey Club Innovation Tower 理大慶祝「賽馬會創新樓」平頂
PolyU hailed the topping-out of the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, first permanent Hong Kong architectural project by world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid, which will be home to the School of Design (SD) and the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation. Officiating at the event were Hong Kong Jockey Club Chairman Mr T. Brian Stevenson; PolyU Council Chairman Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak; former Council Chairman Mr Victor Lo; PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong and Dean of SD Prof. Cees de Bont. 理大舉行「賽馬會創新樓」平頂儀式。新大樓是國際知名建築師 Zaha Hadid 首個在香港的固定建築項目,並為理大設計學院及「賽馬會社會創新設計院」 的總部。香港賽馬會主席施文信先生、理大校董會主席楊敏德女士、前校董會
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
YEAR 大事紀要
Eighteenth Congregation
Landmark deal with Boeing to boost aviation industry
At its 18th Congregation, PolyU sent forth some 10,720 graduates, including 171 Doctor of Philosophy, 27 discipline-based Doctor’s degree, 80 Master of Philosophy, 3,918 Master’s degree, 4,969 Bachelor’s degree, 63 postgraduate diploma and certificate and 1,491 sub-degree awards. 理大舉行第十八屆畢業禮,頒授學術榮銜予近 10,720 位畢業生,當中包括 171 位哲學博士、27 位專業範疇的修課式博士、80 位哲學碩士、3,918 位碩士、 4,969 位學士、63 位深造文憑及證書畢業生,以及 1,491 位非學位文憑及證書 畢業生。
理大與波音攜手 促進航空業發展
PolyU and the Boeing Company entered into a partnership to establish Hong Kong’s first Aviation Services Research Centre. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Dr Dong Yang Wu, Vice President, Boeing Research and Technology, China, Boeing (China) Co. Ltd; and Prof. Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President. (More on p.61) 波音公司研究與技術(中國)副總裁伍東揚博士與理大校長唐偉章教授簽訂 合作備忘錄,設立全港第一所「航空服務研究中心」。 (詳見第六十一頁)
理 大 年 報 2012/13
Glittering climax to PolyU’s 75th Anniversary Celebration
13 - 30
Innovation and Technology Showcase
75th Anniversary Gala Dinner
“PolyU’s 75th Anniversary Innovation and Technology Showcase” featuring high impact research applications, was staged at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2012, Eco Expo Asia, InnoCarnival 2012 and China Hi-Tech Fair 2012. The House of Innovation on campus was also opened for visitors during that period.
This memorable event was graced by the presence of Guest of Honour Mr C. Y. Leung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and alumnus of the University. Some 1,000 members and friends of PolyU, including Council Chairmen and distinguished alumni from different eras, shared the joy of this significant milestone. The event successfully raised HK$11 million for the future development of the University.
包括香港秋季電子產品展2012 、國際環保博覽、創新科技嘉年華 2012 及中國
嘉賓,梁先生亦是理大校友。近一千位理大成員及友好出席此盛事,包括不同 年代的前理大校董會主席和傑出校友。晚宴更籌得一千一百萬港元善款經
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
閃爍慶典 賀理大七十五周年
Summit on University Social Responsibility
“stabilizing the world economy” conference
Jointly organized by PolyU and the China Institute of Education Policy, the “First Summit on University Social Responsibility” was staged with the participation of over 200 higher education leaders at home and abroad. Prestigious scholars from around the globe shared their views on the relationship between university development and social responsibility in the current era of globalization. 理大與中國教育政策研究院聯合主辦第一屆「大學社會責任高峰論壇」,邀請 到世界各地著名學者討論在全球一體化下大學發展與社會責任的關係,共二 百多位本地及海外高等教育界領袖出席。
PolyU joined hands with Prof. Robert Mundell, Nobel Laureate in Economics and Professor of Economics at Columbia University, to organize this glittering occasion. The event saw a full house of 400 sharing insights from worldwide economic gurus under the topic “Stabilizing the World Economy”. 理大與諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、美國哥倫比亞大學經濟學教授羅伯特‧蒙代爾 教授攜手舉辦「穩定全球經濟」會議,多位享譽全球的經濟學家跟全場四百位 與會者分享他們的真知灼見。
理 大 年 報 2012/13
Specialists gather to fight air pollution
Asia’s First Design Institute for Social Innovation
december 十二月
Over 700 participants from more than 30 countries gathered together at the Better Air Quality Conference jointly organized by PolyU, Environmental Protection Department of the HKSAR Government and the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities. Themed “Growing Cities, Healthy Cities”, the Conference discussed how to create livable and low emission cities in Asia, and minimize the impacts of urban air pollution on human health. 來自逾三十個國家的七百多位人士出席由理大、香港特區政府環境保護署和 亞洲清潔空氣中心合辦,以「成長的城市、健康的城市」為主題的「更好的空氣 質素大會」,討論如何在亞洲打造低排放的宜居城市,並減低城市空氣污染對 人體健康的影響。
december 十二月
亞洲第一所社會創新設計院 PolyU’s School of Design announced the establishment of Asia’s first Design Institute for Social Innovation. Supported by a generous grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation will, through design, effect change in society to enhance efficiency and quality of life for all. The University has gained the support of 12 distinguished experts, academics and industry practitioners who have formed an International Advisory Committee for this new initiative. 理大設計學院公佈獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐助,成立亞洲第一所社 會創新設計院,致力通過設計改革社會,提升效能及生活質素。大學得到十二
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
Record presence at HK Marathon again 再創香港馬拉松紀錄
For the fourth year in a row, the University won the Top Prize of Most Supportive Group Award at the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon, setting yet another record with its 3,700-strong PolyU Running Team. 理大連續第四年刷新渣打香港馬拉松的歷年紀錄,並派出逾三千七百名跑手 參賽,成為這項盛事舉辦以來人數最多的單一隊伍,再次獲得「最鼎力支持大 獎」第一名。
Collaboration with CAST to set up joint lab 與中國空間技術研究院 建聯合實驗室
PolyU and the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) signed an agreement to establish the “Joint Laboratory in Mechanics and Space Environment Engineering”. President of CAST Mr Yang Baohua visited PolyU to seal the deal with President Prof. Timothy W. Tong. 中國空間技術研究院院長楊保華先生到訪理大,並與校長唐偉章教授簽訂合 作協議,籌組共建一所「力學與空間環境工程技術聯合實驗室」。
理 大 年 報 2012/13
Grand opening of Homantin hostel
Joint project for disaster management and reconstruction
PolyU celebrated the grand opening of its 25-storey Halls of Residence (Homantin). Comprising six halls with distinctive themes and with the goal of facilitating the growth of boarders, the hostel can accommodate some 1,650 students. Coinciding with the opening, the University also took the opportunity to hold a Donors’ Reception to thank those scholarship and bursary donors who rendered their generous support in the 2012/13 academic year. 位於何文田的理大學生宿舍正式開幕,宿舍樓高二十五層,提供約一千六百 五十個宿位,分為六個設有獨特主題的舍堂,致力促進宿生的發展和成長。 大學更於開幕典禮同場舉行答謝茶會,向在二零一二至一三學年慷慨捐贈獎
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
MAY 五月
China’s first Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction jointly established by PolyU and Sichuan University was officially opened on Jiang An Campus of Sichuan University. The 20,000-square metres Institute houses six laboratories and a disaster database and resource centre, all supported by a generous grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. (More on p.78) 由理大與四川大學共建的全國首間「災後重建與管理學院」落成啟用。學院位 於四川大學江安校區,佔地二萬多平方米,並獲香港賽馬會撥出鉅款資助, 建有六個災害學科實驗室及一個災害資料與資源中心。 (詳見第七十八頁)
Prize bonanza as research honoured at Geneva Inventions Expo
Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development opened
PolyU took home 10 prizes (one Grand Prize, two Special Prizes, six Gold Medals and one Bronze Medal) from the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. The University’s innovations included engineering systems, bionic instrument, colour measurement system, flavonoid dimmers and smart garment. (More on p.63) 理大在瑞士日內瓦舉行的第四十一屆國際發明展上囊括十獎,包括一項特別 大獎、兩項特別獎、六項金獎和一項銅獎。獲獎的創新發明涵蓋工程系統、仿 生測試儀器、顏色測量系統、黃酮類二聚物及智能服裝。 (詳見第六十三頁)
「可持續城市發展研究院」 成立典禮
The Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) at PolyU was officially opened. Through research and knowledge transfer activities, consultancy services and professional training, the RISUD is committed to multi-disciplinary collaborations to address urban planning and environmental issues. (More on p.55) 「可持續城市發展研究院」正式成立,研究院將透過研究和知識轉移活動、專 業顧問服務及培訓工作,致力推動跨學科合作,為城市規劃及環保問題開發 解決方案。 (詳見第五十五頁)
理 大 年 報 2012/13
MAY 五月
Facility Dedications and Community Support 命名活動及各界捐助
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
31 JULY 七月
The Peking University – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China Social Work Research Centre hosted a naming ceremony of its “Si Shan Yuan” on Peking University campus to pay tribute to the generous donation of RMB 20 million by ZeShan (HK) Foundation to support the Centre’s academic research and social work education and training.
PolyU received from Li Ka Shing Foundation a generous pledge of HK$20 million to set up a social media communication platform by the School of Design. The initiative aims to facilitate student learning and advance the University’s teaching and research through the development of social communication technologies.
北京大學 – 香港理工大學中國社會工作研究中心在北京大學校園舉行「思善
A classroom was named after Ms Sheila S.W. Lee (second from right), Director of Landyork Limited, in recognition of her generous donation of HK$1 million to PolyU. 理大舉行「李少華女士教室」命名典禮,以答謝南格有限公司董事李少華女士 (右二)慷慨捐贈一百萬港元。
PolyU named a lecture theatre after Mrs Tsang Sze Ho-wah in recognition of the generous donation of HK$3.5 million by Mr and Mrs Tsang Wing-wah (first and second from left) to support the University’s development. 理大舉行「曾施浩華演講廳」命名典禮,以答謝曾永華先生及夫人曾施浩華女 士(左一及左二)慷慨捐贈三百五十萬港元,支持理大的發展。
Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation donated HK$1 million to support PolyU’s service-learning programmes. 李錦記家族基金慷慨捐贈一百萬港元,用作支持理大推行服務學習。
The naming ceremony of Bright Future Classroom was held to pay tribute to PolyU Court Chairman and Founder of Bright Future Charitable Foundation Prof. Roy Chung (third from left) who donated HK$1 million to support student development. 理大舉行「鵬程教室」命名典禮,以答謝大學顧問委員會主席、鵬程慈善基金 創辦人鍾志平教授(左三)慷慨捐助一百萬港元,以支持學生發展。
理 大 年 報 2012/13
Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund generously donated HK$2 million to support the pioneer READ@PolyU programme launched in 2011 to promote the reading culture and atmosphere on campus. 信興教育及慈善基金有限公司慷慨捐款二百萬港元,資助理大READ@PolyU 閱讀計劃。此計劃於二零一一年開始首辦,以推動校園閱讀風氣為目標。
october 十月
PolyU was among the four selected local universities that received over HK$3 million generous donation from business tycoon and philanthropist Mr Yu Pang-lin (third from left) for awarding scholarships to 83 students. Mr Yu set up the Yu Pang-lin Scholarship to support the development of higher education on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong and Taiwan. 理大是四所本地大學的其中之一獲得商界鉅子及慈善家余彭年先生(左三) 捐贈近超過三百萬港元資助獎學金,惠及八十三名理大學生。余先生透過捐 出鉅款成立余彭年獎學金,支持中國內地、香港及台灣高等教育的發展。
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
october 十月
october 十月
A lecture theatre at PolyU’s Student Halls of Residence in Hunghom was named after Ms Fiona Cheung Sum-yu (third from left), Chairman of the Forest Zone Limited, in recognition of her generous donation of HK$4 million and longstanding support for education, charitable services and the University’s development.
Some 200 leaders and local celebrities gathered together at the “A Star of Renaissance” gala jointly organized by PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) and Hotel ICON. Featuring a taste of the best of Italy, the event successfully raised over HK$2 million for SHTM students’ travelling scholarships.
理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院及唯港薈合辦 A Star of Renaissance 慈善晚宴,
january 一月
january 一月
More than 50 golf teams comprising prominent business and community leaders, alumni and friends of the University participated in the “PolyU CheonG Lee Securities Invitational Golf Tournament” held at Mission Hills Golf Club in Dongguan. The event successfully raised over HK$1.7 million for the development of service-learning subjects and scholarships to recognize students’ outstanding performance in service-learning programmes.
A lecture theatre was named after Dr Jimmy Tang Kui-ming (third from right), Chairman and CEO of Prince Jewellery and Watch Company, in recognition of his generous donation of HK$3 million and long-standing support for education and development of PolyU.
理大舉行「鄧鉅明演講廳」命名典禮,以答謝太子珠寶鐘錶公司主席及行政總 裁鄧鉅明博士(右三)慷慨捐助三百萬港元和多年來熱心支持教育事業及理
夥伴、社會賢達、理大校友及友好等組成超過五十支隊伍參賽。該活動籌得逾 一百七十萬港元,用以支持服務學習課程的發展,以及設立奬學金獎勵在社 會服務方面表現出色的學生。
PolyU received from outstanding alumni Mr Wong Tit-shing, Chairman of Jetta Company Limited, a donation of HK$2 million to support student development through awarding scholarships or bursaries.
With the support of Dr Samuel Yin Yen-liang, founder of Kwong Wah Education Foundation, PolyU received from the Foundation a pledge of HK$10 million for the University’s Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development to advance education, research and collaboration in urban sustainability among the universities in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
在光華教育基金會創辦人尹衍樑博士的支持下,理大獲得光華教育基金會認 捐一千萬港元,用以支持理大可持續城市發展研究院推動香港、中國內地及 台灣的高等院校在相關領域中的合作及教研工作。
february 二月
理 大 年 報 2012/13
january 一月
PolyU named a lecture theatre after Wofoo Foundation to pay tribute to Foundation Chairman Dr Joseph Lee (third from right) for his generous donation of HK$4 million and significant contributions to education and community services. The donation will be used to support students’ holistic development and participation in the Mainland Experience Scheme, thereby help broaden their horizons and enhance their learning experiences.
A special ceremony was held to mark the first inauguration of eight Endowed Professorships at PolyU. The Endowed Professorships were each established with a generous donation of HK$7.5 million to commemorate the PolyU’s 75th Anniversary. The donation, together with a contribution from the PolyU Development Foundation and the possible fund-match by the University Grants Committee, will be used to set up an endowed fund to provide support for the continuous advancement of the designated academic area.
april 四月
理大舉行「和富慈善基金演講廳」命名典禮,以表彰和富慈善基金主席李宗德 博士(右三)慷慨捐贈四百萬港元及積極推動教育和社會公益事務。捐款將用
may 五月
的優秀學者。首屆八個勵學教授席獲每位善長捐款七百五十萬港元,以誌理 大建校七十五周年。這些捐款,連同理大發展基金的撥款,以及理大就有關捐 款向大學教育資助委員會申請所得的配對補助金,將用作成立永久基金,支 持有關教授席特定學術範疇的持續發展。
The Endowed Professorships were: 八個勵學教授席是:
16 may 五月
PolyU and Yonyou Software Co. Ltd. established a joint laboratory on smart cloud computing and enterprise management solutions. With a generous donation of HK$10 million worth of software from Yonyou, this lab will bring significant benefits to PolyU students, staff and researchers, as well as industries.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Highlights of the Year
Patrick S.C. Poon Endowed Professorship in Applied Chemistry 潘燊昌應用化學教授席 Endowed by Mr Patrick S.C. Poon Incumbent: Prof. K.Y. Wong, Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles 捐贈人:潘燊昌先生 履任教授:應用科學及紡織學院黃國賢教授
Eric C. Yim Endowed Professorship in Asian Ergonomics 嚴志明亞洲人體工學教授席
Endowed by Mr Eric C. Yim Incumbent: Prof. Roger Ball, School of Design 捐贈人:嚴志明先生 履任教授:設計學院博羅桀教授
Cally Kwong Mei Wan Endowed Professorship in Culture and Art
鄺美雲文化及藝術教授席 Endowed by Miss Cally Kwong Mei-wan Incumbent: Prof. Chu Hung-lam, Department of Chinese Culture 捐贈人:鄺美雲小姐 履任教授:中國文化學系朱鴻林教授
業管理方案的教學與研究。用友提供了相當於一千萬港元的軟件和服務 贊助,讓該實驗室得以為理大學生、教研人員及工商界帶來裨益。
Henry G. Leong Endowed Professorship in Elderly Vision Health
梁顯利長者健康視覺教授席 Endowed by Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation Incumbent: Prof. To Chi-ho, School of Optometry 捐贈人:大鴻輝慈善基金 履任教授:眼科視光學院杜嗣河教授
Two named professorships established by the then Hong Kong Polytechnic were also presented on the same occasion. They are:
Lee Family Endowed Professorship in Fashion and Textiles 李氏時裝及紡織教授席 Endowed by Dr Harry Lee, SBS, JP Incumbent: Prof. John Xin, Institute of Textiles and Clothing 捐贈人:李乃熺博士 履任教授:紡織及製衣學系忻浩忠教授
Angel S.P. Chan Lau Endowed Professorship in Health and Longevity 劉陳小寶健康延年教授席 Endowed by Prof. Angel Lau, BBS, JP Incumbent: Prof. Alex Molasiotis, School of Nursing 捐贈人:劉陳小寶教授 履任教授:護理學院莫禮士教授
K.B. Woo Family Endowed Professorship in Optometry 胡賡佩家族眼科視光學教授席 Endowed by Prof. George Woo and Prof. Victor Woo Chi-pang Incumbent: Prof. Maurice K.H. Yap, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 捐贈人:胡志城教授及胡志鵬教授 履任教授:醫療及社會科學院葉健雄教授
前香港理工學院設立的兩個冠名教授席亦於同場頒授,該兩個教授席為: Swire Professorship in Design
太古設計學教授席 With donation from Swire Group Incumbent: Prof. Cees de Bont, School of Design 太古集團捐贈 履任教授:設計學院方啟思教授
Cheng Yick-chi Chair in Manufacturing Engineering
鄭翼之製造工程學講座教授席 With donation from the late Dr Cheng Yick-chi Incumbent: Ir Prof. W.B. Lee, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 鄭翼之博士 (已歿) 捐贈 履任教授:工業及系統工程學系李榮彬教授、 工程師
Other friends of the University have shown their support in different ways… Thank you! 眾多理大友好亦以 不同形式支持本校…… 謹此衷心致謝!
歐雪明能源教授席 Endowed by Miss Clarea Au Incumbent: Prof. Charles Surya, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering 捐贈人:歐雪明小姐 履任教授:電子及資訊工程學系徐星全教授
理 大 年 報 2012/13
Clarea Au Endowed Professorship in Energy
Learning & teaching 學與教
Nurturing serving leaders
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Learning & Teaching
培育社會棟樑 The four-year undergraduate curriculum has been fully developed during the year with a wide array of undergraduate programmes, service-learning opportunities and broadening subjects offered to nurture all-round leaders with a heart to serve. 四年制本科課程已於年內成功推行,理大不但開設廣泛的本科課程 供學生選擇,而且提供服務學習的機會及可拓寬視野的通識科目, 培育發展全面並懷抱愛心服務社會的領袖。
The new four-year curriculum was designed to prepare students for success in their chosen professions and nurture them to become all-rounded global citizens. 新四年制本科課程設計獨特, 旨在培育 學生成為出色的專業人才,以及 發展全面的世界公民。
Academic Development
Undergraduate programme development
Significant progress was achieved across many fronts in 2012/13. The University launched 45 UGC-funded four-year full-time Bachelor’s degree programmes, and five programmes of five-years’ duration due to the requirements of the discipline area, for the HKDSE candidates, and in parallel with the three-year programmes for the HKALE candidates. The University also finalized the framework for articulation degree programmes. These are intended to prepare our Associate Degree/Higher Diploma graduates for further studies in their chosen professions.
PolyU has successfully implemented the new four-year undergraduate curriculum, with over 2,700 students (local plus non-local) admitted in 2012/13. The new four-year curriculum was designed to prepare students for success in their chosen professions and nurture them to become all-rounded global citizens. To achieve these goals, students take different subjects during their first year of study, including subjects of their chosen discipline/major and subjects of General University Requirements (freshman seminars and subjects on leadership and intra-personal development, language and communication as well as broadening subjects).
本科課程,以及五項按專業要求而設的五年制本 科課程。同時亦為高考生提供三年制本科課程。此 外,理大亦訂定了有關「銜接課程」的細則,為副學 士及高級文憑畢業生提供專業進修的途徑。
千七百名本地及海外學生入讀。新四年制本科課 程設計獨特, 旨在培育學生成為出色的專業人才, 以及發展全面的世界公民。為實現這些目標,學生 於第一學年修讀不同領域的科目,當中包括專業/ 主修科目及大學核心課程科目(包括大一生專題研 習課程、領袖及個人發展課程、語文及溝通課程, 以及通識等科目)。
大學已開展了對四年制課程的檢討工作,且更新 了全校學習成果評估計劃,修改、增設或測試了多 個評估工具,包括校友調查、首年經驗調查和大學 學習評估。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
The University has commissioned an institutional review of the four-year curriculum. Various instruments of the institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan have also been revised, introduced or piloted accordingly, embracing Alumni Survey, First-Year Experience Survey and Collegiate Learning Assessment.
General University Requirements (GUR)
Under the new four-year curriculum, all undergraduate students are required to complete GUR with six components:
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Learning & Teaching
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Students are required to take 30-credit GUR subjects under the new four-year curriculum. The primary objective of GUR is to widen students’ horizons and promote their holistic development in their undergraduate years. It is the University’s vision that through fulfilling GUR, students will develop the desired attributes of critical thinking, effective communication, innovative problem-solving, lifelong learning and ethical leadership.
Freshman Seminar (3 credits) Language and Communication Requirements (9 credits) Leadership and Intra-Personal Development (3 credits) Cluster Area Requirements (12 credits; 3 credits from each Cluster Area): (A) Human Nature, Relations and Development; (B) Community, Organization and Globalization; (C) History, Culture and World Views; and (D) Science, Technology and Environment Service-Learning (3 credits) Healthy Lifestyle (0 credit)
核心課程科目。大學核心課程旨在擴濶學生視野及 培養他們的全面發展。大學希望透過大學核心課 程,培育學生成為敏於思辨、善於溝通、富於創見、 精於解難、樂於學習、立於仁德的領導人才。
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大一生專題研習課程(三個學分) 語文及溝通課程(九個學分) 領袖及個人發展課程(三個學分) 通識科目課程(共十二個學分,從四大範疇中 各選三個學分): (一)人性、關係及發展;
(二)社會、組織及全球化; (三)歷史、文化及
世界觀; 以及(四)科學、技術及環境 服務學習課程(三個學分) 健康生活模式課程(不計學分)
Up to 2012/13, 170 Cluster-Area Requirements subjects had been approved, and 76 of them were offered to the four-year undergraduate and Higher Diploma students in 2012/13.
To understand the implementation quality of the GUR under the new undergraduate curriculum, a five-year longitudinal evaluation study was introduced in 2012/13. The data collected (including Student Feedback Questionnaires and focus groups) showed that different stakeholders generally regarded the GUR subjects as beneficial to their overall development.
一百七十個通識科目,當中七十六個科目已於年 內推出,讓四年制本科課程及高級文憑課程的學
的質素,大學於二零一二至一三年度開始展開了 為期五年的追踪評估研究。根據收集所得的數據 (包括學生意見問卷和焦點小組討論),各持份者普 遍認為大學核心課程有助學生的全面發展。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Learning & Teaching
Academic Advising
The Office of General University Requirements (OGUR) was established to plan and administer GUR subjects. The OGUR provides academic advising services in the area of GUR to help students understand GUR and make informed and wise choices on academic study. In 2012/13, OGUR Academic Counsellors met their students at least once a semester to provide academic advising on GUR through individual meetings or group advising. Systematic evaluation showed that students had excellent feedback on OGUR academic advising service. In the past academic year, 69 briefing sessions were organized by various departments while 31 talks were arranged by the OGUR for the four-year undergraduate and Higher Diploma students.
The OGUR also provides training to internal staff on academic advising, and coordinates and supports the implementation of academic advising activities within the University. In 2012/13, a Community of Practice on Academic Advising was established to serve as a platform to share and promote best practices in academic advising.
Postgraduate expansion
In the 2012/13 academic year, the University introduced seven new self-financed postgraduate programmes. Two of them, the professional doctorate programmes, Doctor of Applied Language Sciences and Doctor of Hotel and Tourism Management, are the first of their kind offered in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland respectively. Three other postgraduate programmes were offered in collaboration with the Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction jointly established with Sichuan University to support the reconstruction and sustainable development resulting from the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. They are the Master in Occupational Therapy (China), Master in Physical Therapy (China) and MSc in Prosthetics and Orthotics.
課程,並為學生提供關於大學核心課程的學業指 導,協助學生了解這些課程,從而為學業作出最合 適和最明智的選擇。在二零一二至一三學年,大學 核心課程事務處的課程輔導主任每一學期為學生 安排最少一次單獨或小組會面,以提供學業指導。 評估數據顯示,學生對大學核心課程事務處所提 供的學業指導服務感到滿意。在過去一學年內,各 部門及大學核心課程事務處為四年制本科課程及 高級文憑課程的學生,分別舉辦了六十九場簡介會 和三十一場講座。
導的培訓,並協調和支援於理大舉辦的學業指導 活動。年內更成立了一個專供交流及提倡最佳學 業指導模式的平台,以優化服務。
在二零一二至一三年度,理大共開辦七項新的深 造課程。其中兩項專業博士課程,應用語言科學是 香港首項該專業的博士學位課程;而酒店及旅遊 管理則是中國內地首項該專業的博士學位課程。 另外,理大透過與四川大學共建的「災後重建與管 理學院」,開設三項專業課程,包括職業治療學碩 士(中國)、物理治療學碩士(中國)及義肢矯形學理 學碩士,協助四川省推動二零零八年地震後的重 建工作與持續發展。
New programmes introduced in 2012/13 2012/13 年度新增課程
Postgraduate Programmes 深造課程
Mode 學制
Duration (years) 修讀期(年)
Doctor of Applied Language Sciences 應用語言科學博士
Doctor of Hotel and Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊管理博士
Master of Applied Psychology 應用心理學碩士
Master in Occupational Therapy (China) 職業治療學碩士(中國)
Master in Physical Therapy (China) 物理治療學碩士(中國)
Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics 義肢矯形學理學碩士
Executive Masters in Global Hospitality Leadership 全球酒店高級管理碩士
Undergraduate Degree Programmes Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Media 互動媒體 (榮譽)文學士
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Ageing Studies 應用老年學(榮譽)理學士
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemical Technology 化學科技(榮譽)理學士
KEY 圖例 Self-financed programme 自負盈虧課程
Offered in Chinese mainland 在中國內地開辦
Articulation programme 銜接課程
Mixed Mode 混合制
Part-time 兼讀制
Full-time 全日制
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
Number of programmes in 2012/13 2012/13 年度課程數目
118 101*
government-fundeD 政府資助
Undergraduate 學士學位課程
Self-financed 自負盈虧
Sub-degree 非學位課程
by award
83 118
Full-time / Sandwich 全日制/廠校交替制
Taught Postgraduate 授課式深造課程
Undergraduate 學士學位課程
Part-time / Part-time evening 兼讀制/夜校兼讀制
by mode 按學制算
total no. of programmes 總課程數目
Full-time / Sandwich 全日制/廠校交替制
Mixed Mode 混合制
* This figure includes 50 Bachelor's degree programmes offered under the 4-year degree structure. 此數字包括在四年制架構下提供的五十項學士學位課程。
Commitment to blended learning PolyU has established the Advisory Committee on eLearning to keep abreast of global trends in eLearning and to explore ways to maintain and enhance PolyU’s institutional capacity for eLearning. Guided by the strategic objective to promote extensive use of learning management system, another working group is being set up to coordinate the effort. The University is also actively exploring the feasibility of developing Massive Open Online Courses and implementing new eLearning approaches such as “flipped classroom”.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Learning & Teaching
Culture of teaching excellence A revision to the appointment framework this year offers an improved career ladder for teaching and clinical staff. It maintains a high standard of teaching quality with a consolidated process of teaching evaluation, in which peer review becomes a mandatory part of teaching evaluation for promotion and first-time contract renewal. The University also launched a review of the criteria for evaluating teaching, while a new electronic Student Feedback Questionnaire system is also being developed.
理大成立了電子學習諮詢委員會,以掌握電子學 習的全球發展趨勢,並對如何維持和提升理大在 電子學習方面的能力作出建議。在廣泛應用學習 管理系統的策略目標下,大學正成立另一工作小 組統籌有關工作,更積極研究發展大規模開放式 在線教學平台和推行如「翻轉教室」等新興教學模 式的可行性。
大學管理層在今年的任命架構檢討中,為教員和 臨床職員帶來更理想的晉升階梯,同時完善了教學 評估程序,以保持高水平的教學質素,使同儕評審 成為考慮晉升及首次續約的必然環節。大學亦開 展了對教學評估準則的檢討,並正在發展新的電 子學生意見問卷系統。
A flourishing year for Service-Learning
培育人才 服務學習豐收的一年
From 2012-13 onwards, in alignment with PolyU’s goal of developing graduates into responsible global citizens, students on the four-year undergraduate curriculum are required to successfully complete a 3-credit subject designated to meet the Service-Learning requirement before graduation. PolyU is the first university in Hong Kong to make service learning mandatory for all undergraduate degree students. The Office of Service Learning was established in 2012 to promote and support the institutionalization of service-learning at PolyU.
Service-Learning integrates academic study with community service and reflection, thereby enriching students’ learning experience. As at August 2013, Senate had approved 40 Service-Learning subjects proposed by 20 academic departments from eight Faculties/Schools, covering a wide range of community service projects. These subjects provide students opportunities to use their professional knowledge and skills to serve needy people. A Service-Learning Handbook was also compiled, providing staff and students detailed guidelines on the implementation of Service-Learning projects. Furthermore, the University has set up the Community Service Fund and Service Learning Scholarships to respectively provide funding support to projects and to reward students for outstanding service-learning performance.
The close partnership between the University and community partners is one of the keys to the success of Service-Learning. The University launched the “PolyU Serves” Community Service Campaign in 2012 and successfully invited 76 non-government organizations, government departments and schools to be our collaborative partners.
任心的世界公民,所有四年制本科生必須於畢業 前修畢一科佔三個學分的服務學習課程科目。理大 是本港首間將服務學習課程納入本科課程必修科 的大學。服務學習事務處於二零一二年正式成立, 專責促進及支援服務學習方面的發展。
科學習中,有助豐富學生的學習經驗。截至二零一 三年八月,理大教務委員會共審批通過四十個服 務學習科目。這些科目來自八個學院共二十個學 系,廣泛覆蓋不同範疇的社會服務項目。這些科目 讓他們運用專業知識及技能,服務有需要人士。 服務學習事務處出版了一本服務學習手冊,為教職 員及學生提供開展服務學習項目的詳細指引。理大 亦設立了 「社會服務基金」及「服務學習獎學金」, 分別用作支持服務學習項目的推行和獎勵在這方 面有傑出表現的同學。
與社區夥伴緊密合作是推行服務學習的其中成功 關鍵。理大於二零一二年開展「理有心」社會服務 計劃,邀得七十六所非政府組織、政府部門及學校 成為大學服務社會的合作夥伴。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
Nurturing talents
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Learning & Teaching
Work-Integrated Education
Established in 2005, PolyU’s mandatory Work-Integrated Education (WIE) component is a unique feature of the University’s undergraduate curriculum. It requires students to engage in authentic projects or work as interns in an organizational context. In 2012/13, the Office of Careers and Placement Services secured various local internship opportunities in leading companies. Also, more than 800 PolyU students experienced offshore internships on the Chinese mainland, including Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, and overseas in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and USA.
International Student Ambassador Scheme
本科課程的其中一大特點,當中要求學生必須參 與一些工作項目或實習一段時間。二零一二至一 三年度,就業服務處除了為學生在本地多家領先 機構爭取實習機會外,亦安排逾八百名理大學生 前往內地主要城市如北京、上海和南京,以及海 外國家,包括澳洲、加拿大、德國、英國及美國等 進行實習。
PolyU launched the International Student Ambassador Scheme in 2012 to groom students for global citizenship through a combination of developmental programmes, global engagements and opportunities for intercultural exposure. These Ambassadors also serve as catalysts in promoting integration among local and non-local students. So far, 975 students have joined the Scheme and over 110 of whom are subsidized to experience global engagements in 23 countries, thereby enhancing their global outlook.
Integrated platform for student support services
Mainland and International Student Services Office (MISS), in its operation for the first year, provided support services to 6,000 incoming students. MISS also organized 140 programmes and activities in different nature to create an integrated platform for students from different cultures to widen their horizon and to appreciate other cultures. In building a caring community for all incoming students, MISS launched the Host Family Scheme and Mentoring and Development Programmes which served more than 200 incoming students.
過一系列培訓、海外遊歷及跨文化活動,培育學生 成為世界公民。參加此計劃的學生更成為鼓勵本 地及非本地生共融的一個重要橋樑。計劃自推出 以來, 已有九百七十五位學生參加,其中超過一百 一十位學生更獲得資助到二十三個海外國家參與 活動,以擴濶視野。
內地及國際學生服務處在其投入服務的第一年, 已經向六千位從外地來的同學提供了支援服務, 並策劃了一百四十項活動,為來自不同文化背景的 理大學生創造了一個綜合的交流平台,開闊學生 的視野,讓他們欣賞不同文化。為了給所有從外地 來的同學締造一個充滿關愛的社群,內地及國際 學生服務處推出「親善家庭計劃」和「良師益友發 展計劃」,為二百多名從外地來的同學提供支援。
In 2012/13, the many programmes organized by the Culture Promotion Committee and its executive arm, the Culture Promotion and Events Office, had a total patronage of almost 20,000.
文化推廣委員會通過其行政部門 — 文化及設 施推廣處在年內舉辦多項活動,共有接近二萬人 參與。
The year saw two Artist-in-Residence Programmes — Erhu Master, Prof. Wang Guo-tong and his son, Mr Ray Wong, a versatile erhu recitalist; and the King’s Harmonica Quintet. The Students’ Union Orchestra and Chinese Orchestra enjoyed the invaluable experience of sharing the stage with these renowned masters. The year also featured PolyU Council Member and alumnus Mr Alex Lui’s collection of 84 exhibits, ranging from architectural drawings, sketches, charcoal and pencil drawings, to Chinese ink, water colour and pastel paintings, capturing Hong Kong and the mainland’s urban and rural scenes from the 1990s to the present.
Partnered with Chung Ying Theatre, the play “Tuesdays with Morrie” was staged on campus. Over 100 students and staff attended the Pre-Play Talk held at the University’s Pao Yue-kong Library. The publication Tuesdays with Morrie was also selected as the common book for Year One students under the READ@PolyU Programme which was generously supported by the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund to promote a reading culture.
In addition, the Library co-organized with the Yam Kim Fai Research Project the “2013 International Seminar on Cantonese Opera in memory of the Centenary of Madam Yam Kim Fai”. Additionally, an exhibition of related valuable collectibles was held at the Library. The seminar attracted an audience of over 250, while the exhibition drew more than 1,300 visitors.
此外,圖書館與「任劍輝研究計劃」合辦了 「二零一
王國潼教授及其兒子、多才多藝的二胡演奏家 王憓先生,以及英皇口琴五重奏擔任駐校藝術家。 理大學生會管弦樂團和中樂團有幸與兩位二胡名 家同台演出,汲取寶貴的經驗。此外,校董會成員 及校友雷震寰先生展出八十四幅作品,包括建築 繪圖、素描、炭筆畫與鉛筆畫、中國水墨畫、水彩畫 和粉彩畫,描繪九十年代至今香港與內地的城市 與農村景緻。
期二》特別場於校園上演,一百多位師生參加了 理大圖書館舉辦的演出前講座。為配合「Read@ PolyU 閱讀計劃」, 《相約星期二》這本書更被選為 一年級學生的共同讀物。該閱讀計劃旨在提升校 園的閱讀風氣,並得到信興教育及慈善基金的慷 慨支持。
三年紀念任劍輝女士百年誕辰粵劇藝術國際研討 會」,並在館內舉辦相關的收藏品展覽。研討會吸 引了逾二百五十人參加,以及共有一千三百多人 參觀展覽。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
Arts and culture promotion
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Learning & Teaching
Lifelong Learning
PolyU offers a wide range of professional and continuing education programmes through the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE). CPCE oversees the operations of two self-financing education units, namely, Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) and School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED). These two Units provide highly integrated yet flexible pathways for students. Various modes of study are also available to suit different needs.
理大透過其專業及持續教育學院開辦各類專業持 續教育課程。學院轄下有兩個以自負盈虧模式運 作的單位,包括香港專上學院及專業進修學院。 這兩個單位為學員提供融合且靈活的進修途徑, 並有多種進修模式以配合不同的需要。
With its student population going over the 8,000-mark in 2012/13, HKCC reached a new milestone in its growth and development. During the year, HKCC offered 36 associate degree and higher diploma programmes, spanning arts, science, social sciences, business, health care and design. The articulation of its graduates to degree studies in 2012, at 83%, ranked as one of the highest among sub-degree institutions in Hong Kong.
School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED)
逾八千,標誌著學院發展的新里程。年內,學院共 開辦三十六項副學士及高級文憑課程,涵蓋文、 理、社、商、健康護理及設計學多個範疇。學院二零 一二年畢業生升讀學士學位的比率為百分之八十 三,是全港升學率最高的學院之一。
In 2012/13, SPEED scaled new heights as one of the leading providers of self-financed top-up degree programmes with its first year full-time student intake surpassing 1,000.
In June 2013, Senate approved the launch of four new or revamped top-up degree programmes/schemes in the coming academic year, comprising Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Scheme in Business, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hospitality Management, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing and Public Relations, and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) Scheme. In 2012/13, SPEED also successfully introduced the top-up honours degree programme in the areas of Retail and Service Management which is first of its kind in Hong Kong. Notably, in the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 2012 Examinations of University of London External Programme, SPEED students won two out of the three First-Class Honours achieved by students outside the United Kingdom.
二零一三年六月,理大教務委員會批准學院於新學 年推出四個全新或更新的榮譽學位銜接課程:商業 (榮譽)文學士組合課程、款待業管理(榮譽)文學 士課程、市場營銷及公共關係(榮譽)文學士課程 及社會科學(榮譽)學士組合課程。學院亦於年內 成功推出本港首個與零售及服務業相關的榮譽學 士學位課程。二零一二年,在倫敦大學法律學學士 於英國以外地區考試中,全球只有三名學生考獲 一級榮譽學位,其中兩名是專業進修學院學生。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 學 與 教
Hong Kong Community College (HKCC)
human assets 人才薈萃
Recognizing distinguished accomplishments
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Human Assets
The University honoured academic and research excellence, contributions to society, service achievements as well as other accomplishments within the PolyU community. 對於在學術和研究上成就超卓、致力貢獻和服務社會, 以及在其他方面有傑出成就的理大社群,大學予以高度表揚。
Honorary Degrees
PolyU conferred Honorary Doctorates on four prominent figures at its Eighteenth Congregation on 27 October 2012. The recipients were:
Mr George Yong-Boon Yeo, Vice Chairman of Kerry Group, was conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Social Science.
Prof. Xie Heping, President of Sichuan University, was a recipient of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering.
Prof. Harry Lee, Chairman of TAL Group, received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Business Administration.
Prof. Chung K. Law, Robert H. Goddard Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Princeton University, was conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering. 美國普林斯頓大學機械及航空航天 工程學系教授羅忠敬教授獲頒榮譽 工程學博士學位。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
University Fellowships 大學院士
PolyU conferred the honorary title of University Fellow on six outstanding individuals on 30 January 2013 in recognition of their significant contributions. They are:
理大於二零一三年一月三十日向六位傑出人士 頒授大學院士榮銜,以表揚他們的卓越貢獻。 他們是:
Mr Wong Tit-shing, Founder and Chairman of Jetta Company Limited and a graduate of PolyU predecessor Hong Kong Technical College, has served ably on the PolyU Fund-raising Committee since 2011.
Mr Clifton Ko Chi-sum is a renowned film director, producer, screenwriter, and Chief Executive Officer and Producer of Spring-Time Stage Productions which has various collaborations with PolyU.
Prof. Norman W.M. Ko is an expert in fluid dynamics and acoustics, as well as an artist with multiple talents in sculpting, painting and photography. He served as PolyU’s Artist-inResidence in 2012 and donated his art pieces for permanent display on campus.
院, 自二零一一年加入理大籌募委員會。
高志森先生是著名導演、監製和編劇,其 擔任行政總裁及監製的「春天舞台」曾與
亦是一位多才多藝的藝術家,精於雕刻、 繪畫和攝影。他於二零一二年出任理大駐 校藝術家,並將其雕塑作品送贈理大,在 校園永久展出。
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Human Assets
Mr Kong Qingping, Chairman of China Overseas Land and Investment Limited, has made significant contributions to construction engineering and real estate development. He is an Adjunct Professor of PolyU’s Department of Building and Real Estate.
Mrs Clara Weatherall, Chairman of the Keswick Foundation’s Board of Governors, whose generous benefactions supported many PolyU initiatives on the Chinese mainland.
Ir Tsui Tack-kong, Managing Director of T.K. Tsui & Associates Limited, is a Founding Member and Member of the Board of Directors of the PolyU Development Foundation as well as a recipient of the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award in 2011.
staff 職員
President’s Awards for Excellent Performance/ Achievement
Individual 個人獎項
Teaching 教學
Individual 個人獎項
Research and Scholarly Activities 研究及學術活動
校長特設卓越表現/ 成就獎
本校於二零一二年十二月十四日頒發校長特設 卓越表現/成就獎予有傑出表現的教學及非教 學員工。
Dr Basak Denizci Guillet Assistant Professor School of Hotel and Tourism Management
丁碧晞博士 酒店及旅遊業管理學院助理教授 Dr Denizci Guillet has a mission to enlighten and inspire, and turns every lecture into a performance, engaging and motivating students with her passion. She outlines her teaching philosophy through seven key points:
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Have a passion to teach Be personable Reach out to students Understand students Teach relevant and current content Provide timely and useful feedback Reward student efforts
丁碧晞博士以啟發和鼓舞學生為使命。她視每個 課堂為演出,把講台變為舞台,以追求學問的熱 忱感染學生。她透過以下七個重點概述自己的教 學理念:
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具備能力才幹 主動協助學生 了解學生 教授貼題和最新的課題內容 提供適時和有建設性的意見 獎勵學生的努力
Dr Kwong Fuk-yee Associate Professor Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology 鄺福兒博士 應用生物及化學科技學系副教授
Dr Kwong, a pioneering scientist in new catalyst design and development, is the Deputy Principal Investigator for Hong Kong’s team in an on-going collaborative European Commission project – OrganoCATAlytic Approaches towards Easily Synthesized, Economical and High Yielding Oseltamivir Derivatives – a project to develop Tamiflu drug derivatives to produce inexpensive drugs. His work has been awarded HK$4.3 million by the Research Grants Council’s General Research Fund over seven consecutive years. 鄺福兒博士是研發新型催化劑的領先科學家。 他是歐盟協作項目「 OrganoCATAlytic Approaches towards Easily Synthesized, Economical and High Yielding Oseltamivir Derivatives 」香港團隊的副首 席研究員。該研究是開發特敏福衍生物的藥學 項目,以期生産廉價藥物。鄺博士連續七年獲研究 資助局的優配研究金資助共四百三十萬港元。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
The worthy endeavours of outstanding staff members were recognized at the presentation ceremony of the President’s Awards for Excellent Performance/ Achievement on 14 December 2012.
TEAM 團隊獎項
Research and Scholarly Activities
TEAM 團隊獎項
TEAM 團隊獎項
Overall Contribution 整體貢獻
(From left) (From left) (From left)
Dr Ajay Kumar, Prof. David Zhang, Prof. Jane You and Dr Zhang Lei Department of Computing
Ajay Kumar 博士、張大鵬教授、 尤佳教授及張磊博士 電子計算學系 Established in 1998 under the leadership of Prof. David Zhang, the Biometrics Research Centre is devoted to the development of biometrics technologies. It is a leading world player in the application of multi-technologies in biometrics-related industries. The Centre upholds the world’s largest biometric databases, including palm print and tongue data, providing research support to institutions worldwide. (More on p.61) 理大人體生物特徵識別研究中心於一九九八年在 張大鵬教授的領導下成立,致力研究尖端的生物
Human Assets
識別科技,並在全球生物識別科技及相關行業的 多項技術應用中,佔有領先地位。中心擁有全球最 大的生物識別資料庫,涵蓋掌紋及舌頭資料,為全 球學府提供研究支援。 (詳見第六十一頁)
Dr Svetlana Chigaeva, Ms Shari Lughmani, Miss Emily Chan, Ms Marie Ng, Dr Julia Chen, Dr Juliana Chau and Miss Winnie Wu Oi-ying English Language Centre
Svetlana Chigaeva博士、 施雪慧女士、陳皓怡小姐、 伍愛玲女士、陳小華博士、周寶蓮博士 及胡藹瑩小姐 英語教學中心 The English Language Centre’s Project Team for New Senior Secondary Academic Structure launched a pilot initiative in 2010 to provide training to secondary school teachers to evaluate and improve students’ performance in English writing and reading. The project team developed an electronic assessment platform to facilitate online marking and the provision of diagnostic feedback to students. 英語教學中心的新高中項目團隊於二零一零年推
出先導計劃,為中學教師提供培訓,提升他們在評 估學生英語寫作及閱讀方面的技巧。團隊開發了 一個電子評核平台,支援教師為學生進行網上評 核及給予回饋。
Ms Wu Shuk-ying, Miss April Wong and Mr Peter Chan Finance Office Ir Kenny Chan, Mr S.K. Chan, Mr Daniel Suen, Mr Low Hon-wah, Miss Tang Shuk-mei and Ms Chan Ka-lee Campus Development Office
胡淑英女士、黃素琴小姐及陳鏡玻先生 財務處 陳國強工程師、陳樹強先生、 孫頌強先生、羅漢華先生、鄧淑媚小姐 及陳嘉莉女士 校園發展處
The team won its award for the challenging and complicated Redevelopment of Pak Sui Yuen project which resulted in an iconic multifunctional building with innovative architectural designs. The project won the Hong Kong Institute of Architects’ Medal of Year Award, Silver Award in the Skyrise Greeneries Award organized by the Development Bureau, and Merit Award in the Hong Kong Quality Building Award. 在這團隊的努力下,極具挑戰性且複雜的百粹苑 重建項目得以完成,理大最終創建了一座多功能及 標誌性的建築物。此項目榮獲香港建築師學會的 全年境內建築大獎、發展局頒發的高空綠化大獎
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
staff NUMBERS (as of 30 June 2013)* 教職員人數 (截至二零一三年六月三十日)*
232 1,701
Administrative staff 高級行政人員
General grade and ancillary staff 一般職級和輔助員工
total 總數
* Refers to full-time staff funded by the UGC, with 97 new teaching staff joining PolyU and 99 leaving during the year. The above does not include 867 staff members funded by other sources.
Average turnover rate of teaching staff 教員平均轉職率
指教資會撥款資助聘用的全職教職員人數,其中有 97 位教學人員於年內入職,另 99 位教員離職。以上 數字不包括以其他經費聘用的 867 名員工。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
Students 學生 At the Outstanding Student Award Presentation Ceremony on 29 January 2013, PolyU presented its Outstanding Student Awards to full-time degree students who excel in both academic and non-academic pursuits. 二零一三年一月二十九日,理大舉行卓越學生獎頒獎典禮, 表揚品學兼優的全日制本科學生。
There can be no cure without caring but there may be caring without curing. This undoubtedly has fostered my aspirations to become a competent and caring nurse.
High Achievers 卓越學生
未有悉心照料, 或許不能治愈病人;但縱使 無藥可醫, 也可關懷備至。 這句話無疑 促使我一直追尋理想, 成為一位稱職 和懂得關顧病者的護士。
The top award of “Most Outstanding PolyU Student” went to Miss Nichole Leung Lai-ting, a final-year student of BSc (Hons) in Nursing from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Nichole, despite suffering chronic disease, has worked extremely hard to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse. Hospitalized for three years before taking her place at PolyU, she nevertheless kept studying hard, and against severe odds completed the HKCEE and HKAL examinations. First admitted to PolyU for a Higher Diploma in Nursing in 2009, Nichole successfully articulated to degree programme in 2010 and ranked among the top three in class. Her well-earned scholarships include the HKSAR Government Scholarship 2011/12, Wei Lun Foundation Scholarship 2011/12 and Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship 2010/11. She is also an active participant in sports, co-curricular activities and social services. She was a member of PolyU Woodball team and previously joined a Cambodia Service Learning Tour.
「二零一二年度香港理工大學最卓越學生獎」得 主是醫療及社會科學院護理學課程四年級學生 梁麗婷。梁同學夢想成為專業護士,但她是一位長 期病患者,在入讀理大前曾經留院三年接受治療。 住院期間,她堅持努力讀書,完成會考及高考,並 成功在二零零九年獲理大取錄入讀護理學高級文 憑課程。翌年,梁同學順利升讀護理學學位課程, 而且學業成績一直名列前茅,曾獲頒的獎學金包 括二零一一至一二年度香港特別行政區政府獎學 金、二零一一至一二年度偉倫基金獎學金,以及 二零一零至一一年度李寶椿慈善信託基金獎學 金。此外,她亦積極參與體育、課外活動和社會服 務。她過往是理大木球隊隊員,更曾參與柬埔寨社 會服務團。
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Human Assets
The other five awardees, who are also final-year high achievers, are: 其他五位獲頒「卓越學生獎」的同學均為畢業班高材生,他們是:
Miss Gao Jing, Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles
Miss Ning Ailun, Faculty of Business
Miss Chen Mengpei, Faculty of Construction and Environment
Miss Chan Yin-yu, Faculty of Engineering
Miss Viola Wiegand, Faculty of Humanities
人文學院Viola Wiegand
IT Scholarship Award 創新科技獎學金
Sports achievements 運動佳績
Six PolyU students received the prestigious Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award 2013 organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and jointly sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Hongkong Bank Foundation. The awardees are all-round students who excel in academic performance, communication skills, and possess a passion for innovation and technology. They are: Cheung King-wai, Department of Building and Real Estate Kwok Ying-kit, Department of Mechanical Engineering Lam Pui-yan, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Lam Tat-chung, School of Nursing Patience Lee Pui-yan, School of Design To Chin-wai, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
六位理大學生喜獲二零一三年創新科技獎學金,此計劃由香港青年協會主 辦,並獲得創新科技署及滙豐銀行慈善基金贊助。獲獎的同學均發展全面, 他們成績卓越,具備良好溝通能力,而且對創新科技充滿熱誠。他們是:
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建築及房地產學系張璟瑋 機械工程學系郭英傑 康復治療學系林沛茵 護理學系林達聰 設計學院李蓓欣 康復治療學系杜展維
A total of 30 PolyU students were selected to represent Hong Kong, China, in the Ninth All China University Games 2012 at Tianjin, China. Mr Kong Kei-koi won bronze medals in the Men’s 100m freestyle and 200m freestyle. PolyU Sports Teams received 27 awards (eight gold, 10 silver, three bronze and six iron) out of 32 events organized by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China. The University did most creditably by scoring Overall First Runner-up in both Men’s Category and Women’s Category awarded by the Federation. Eight PolyU student-athletes captured Most Valuable Player Awards: Lai Ka-tsun (fencing), Cheung Ho-king (fencing), Leung Chi-sai (handball), Ho Ka-po (squash), Chan Kin-lok (swimming), Wong Mun-leong (taekwondo), Leung Siu-lam (taekwondo), and Ip Hoi-lun (volleyball). 三十名理大學生入選代表中國香港參與在天津舉行的第九屆全國大學生運 動會,江紀概更在男子100 米及 200 米自由泳項目中奪得銅牌。 理大在香港大專體育協會舉辦的三十二項賽事中,勇奪二十七個獎項,包括: 八冠、十亞、三季及六殿。大學更勇奪大專盃全年度男子團體總亞軍及女子團 體總亞軍。 八名理大學生榮膺大專最有價值運動員,包括:黎家俊(劍擊)、張顥瓊(劍擊)、 梁志西(手球)、何嘉寶(壁球)、陳健樂(游泳)、黃滿亮(跆拳道)、梁筱霖(跆拳 道),以及葉凱倫(排球)。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
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student numbers in 2012/13 2012/13 年度學生人數
Sub-degree 非學位
16,953 full-time 全日制
13,022 14 557
351 2 3
Government-funded 政府資助
32,236 total 總數
Taught Postgraduate 授課式深造 Research Postgraduate 研究式深造
part-time 兼讀制
full-time 全日制
Bachelor’s degree 學士學位
2,365 361
Taught Postgraduate 授課式深造
Bachelor’s degree 學士學位
6,435 270
Taught Postgraduate 授課式深造
Research Postgraduate 研究式深造
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Human Assets
Self-financed 自負盈虧
Bachelor’s degree 學士學位
10,799 part-time 兼讀制
Research Postgraduate 研究式深造
Sub-degree 非學位
Taught Postgraduate 授課式深造
Research Postgraduate 研究式深造
Student intake through special admission schemes in 2012/13 2012/13 年度經特別收生計劃收生人數
JUPAS Sub-system for School Principal’s Nominations 校長推薦計劃
Outstanding Sportsmen Recommendation Scheme 傑出運動員推薦計劃
Non-academic Achievements Self-recommendation Scheme 非學術成績自薦計劃
total 總計
No. of full-time undergraduate students awarded entry scholarships in 2012/13 2012/13 年度獲頒入學獎學金全日制本科學生人數
105 46
Entry Academic Scholarships 入學學術獎學金
Hong Kong 香港
Chinese mainland 中國內地
Entry Non-academic Scholarships 入學非學術獎學金
Overseas countries/regions 海外國家/地區
total 總計
畢業生 Graduates find satisfactory employment 就業情況理想 The Graduate Employment Survey showed that in 2012, apart from those undertaking further studies, 99.8% of graduates found satisfactory employment within six months. Also there was an overall 5% increase in salary on average compared with 2011 figures. Most PolyU graduates were engaged in business services/real estate industry, followed by community/social services and engineering/ architecture/technical services.
二零一二年的畢業生就業問卷調查顯示,除了繼 續進修的學生外,百分之九十九點八的同學在畢 業後六個月之內找到理想的工作,平均薪金較二 零一一年增長了百分之五。理大畢業生主要投身商 業服務/地產界,其次為社會服務界及工程、建築 或技術服務界別。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
Alumni 校友
Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award
Dr Hubert Chan Chung-yee 陳重義博士 Chairman, HKC International Holdings Ltd. Doctor of Business Administration (2008) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
On 18 April 2013, the Hon. Jeffrey Lam Kinfung, Member of the HKSAR Government’s Executive Council and Legislative Council, and Prof. Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President, presented the “Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award” to these seven alumni for their professional achievements and contributions to society:
Ir Dr Chan Fuk-cheung 陳福祥博士、工程師 Former General Manager, CLP Engineering Higher Diploma in Electronic Engineering (1970) Hong Kong Technical College Master of Arts in English for the Professions (2001) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
理大於二零一三年四月十八日頒發「傑出理大校 友」獎項予下列七位校友,以表揚他們在所屬專業 中的出色表現及對社會的貢獻。主禮嘉賓為香港 特別行政區行政會議成員兼立法會議員林健鋒先 生及理大校長唐偉章教授。
中電工程有限公司前總經理(香港工業專門學院一九七零年電子工程學高級 文憑畢業生及理大二零零一年專業英語文學碩士畢業生)
Ir Prof. Johnny Fan Siu-kay 樊紹基教授、工程師 Director, WMKY Architects & Engineers Higher Diploma in Structural Engineering (1972) Hong Kong Technical College 雲麥郭楊建築工程顧問有限公司董事(香港工業專門學院一九七二年結構工 程學高級文憑畢業生)
Mr Anthony Lo Wai-kei 羅偉基先生 Vice President, Exterior Design, Renault, France Higher Diploma in Design (1985) Hong Kong Polytechnic 法國雷諾汽車外觀設計副總裁(香港理工學院一九八五年設計學高級文憑畢 業生)
Ir Dr Kenneth Ng Kam-wing 伍錦永博士、工程師 Managing Director, Silcon Electronics Co. Ltd. Higher Diploma in Production Engineering (1970) Hong Kong Technical College 時光電業有限公司董事總經理(香港工業專門學院一九七零年生產工程學高 級文憑畢業生)
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Human Assets
Mr Richard Sun Po-yuen 孫寶源先生 Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Professional Diploma in Accountancy (1984) Hong Kong Polytechnic 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所合夥人(香港理工學院一九八四年會計學專業文憑 畢業生)
Mr Michael Tsui Kam-fai 徐錦輝先生 CEO, Deltason Medical Ltd. & Rehab-Robotics Co. Ltd. Professional Diploma in Occupational Therapy (1991) Hong Kong Polytechnic 得信醫療有限公司及復康機器人技術有限公司行政總裁(香港理工學院一九 九一年職業治療專業文憑畢業生)
Mainland Programme Graduates Distinguished Achievement Awards 內地課程畢業生卓越成就獎
On 13 October 2012, 12 alumni were presented with the “PolyU Mainland Programme Graduates Distinguished Achievement Award” by Ms Elsie Leung, Deputy Director of HKSAR Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Dr Xu Qin, Mayor of Shenzhen and an alumnus of PolyU. They are:
二零一二年十月十三日,理大頒發「內地課程畢業 生卓越成就獎」予十二位成就卓越的內地校友,由 全國人大常委會香港特區基本法委員會副主任 梁愛詩女士及深圳市市長許勤博士主禮。他們是:
Dr Wang Xiaochu 王曉初博士 (Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理博士) Executive Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, China Telecom Co. Ltd.
Prof. Shi Bainian 史柏年教授 (Master of Art in Social Work 社會工作文學碩士) Professor, China Youth University for Political Sciences
Mr Dickson Sezto 司徒文聰先生 (Master of Science in International Real Estate 國際 房地產理學碩士) Chairman of the Board, INSITE Asset Management Group Ltd. 盈石資產管理有限公司總裁
Mr Xin Jie 辛杰先生 (Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士) Chairman of the Board and General Manager, Shenzhen Tagen Group Co. Ltd.
Dr Li Yue 李躍博士 (Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理博士) President, China Mobile Communications Corporation
Mr Lu Ping 陸平先生 (Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士) Director and General Manager, Gansu Electric Power Investment Jinchang Power Co. Ltd.
Mr Sheng Qiuping 盛秋平先生 (Master of Science in Quality Management 品質管理 理學碩士) Party Secretary, Yongjia County, Committee of the Communist Party of China
Mr Jeremy Xu 許慕韓先生 (Master of Science in Hotel & Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊業管理 理學碩士) Vice President, China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation
Mr Wan Feng 萬峰先生 (Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士) Board Chairman, Centre Testing International (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
Ms Liu Xiaoyan 劉小燕女士 (Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士) Secretary-General, Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China
Ms Huang Qing 黃青女士(Master of Science in Information Systems 信息管理理學碩士) Director of Enterprise Culture and Senior Engineer, AVIC Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research 中航工業西安飛行自動控制研究所企業文化部 部長兼高級工程師
理 大 年 報 2012/13 人 才 薈 萃
Mr Liang Jun 梁軍先生 (Master of Business Administration 工商管理碩士) Postmaster, Xi’an Mail Centre
research & development 硏究與發展
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Research & Development
Driving innovation for a better future 創建美好將來
PolyU researchers are making high-impact contributions to sustainable development and the betterment of Hong Kong and the motherland. 理大科研人員一直致力為可持續發展和香港與祖國的福祉作出重要貢獻。
Funding for innovative research
In 2012/13, the research project funding of PolyU totalled HK$1,336 million, supporting more than 2,600 projects undertaken by more than 1,000 academic staff and some 1,000 research personnel. In addition to internal allocation, PolyU academics will apply for external funds, either through competitive means or non-competitive means, to support their research projects.
二零一二至一三年度,理大科研計劃的總資金為 十三億三千六百萬港元,科研計劃超過二千六百 項,一千多名教學人員及約一千名科研人員參與 其中。除校內科研基金之外,教學人員同時積極透 過競爭或非競爭渠道,申請校外不同種類的資源, 以資助科研項目。
newly funded projects IN 2012/13 2012/13 年度新科研計劃
Amount in Total (HK$m) 資助總額 (百萬港元計)
Research Grants Council 研究資助局
Innovation and Technology Fund 創新及科技基金
Other competitive grants 其他透過競爭渠道獲取的科研基金
China fund 中國境內科研基金
Non-competitive grants 非競爭性資助 Including industrial/commercial support and donations 包括工商機構贊助及捐贈
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
Funding Source 資金來源
total No. of Projects 計劃總數
Institutional support for research and development
During the year, the Innovation and Technology Development Office was established to support the advancement of major research and development initiatives with knowledge transfer potential, the management of intellectual property (IP) portfolio of the University, as well as the creation of new technology development and transfer opportunities through collaborative research. In addition, the Office has set up the Intellectual Property Assessment Committee with faculty members and representatives from business and industry. The Committee will conduct IP assessment and advise the University on IP matters, and unlock the commercial value of early stage inventions.
年內,理大成立創新及科技發展處, 旨在支援具知 識轉移潛力的主要研發項目、管理大學的知識產 權,以及透過推動合作研究,開拓科技發展和知 識轉移的新機遇。此外,創新及科技發展處更成 立了知識產權評估委員會,成員包括理大教研人 員及工商業界人士。委員會將進行知識產權評估, 並就知識產權管理提供建議,以發掘新發明的商 業價值。
No. of research students 研究生人數
As of 30 June 2013, a total of 1,191 research degree students were engaged in the following courses of studies:
截至二零一三年六月三十日,共有一千一百九十一 名學生供讀以下研究課程:
full-time research students 全日制研究生
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Research & Development
972 753
Phd 哲學博士學生
Full-time 全日制
part-time research students 兼讀制研究生
Part-time 兼讀制
mphil 哲學碩士學生
Full-time 全日制
Part-time 兼讀制
total no. of research degree students 研究課程學生總數
Altogether a total of 235 research students graduated in 2012/13, 165 of them PhD graduates and 70 MPhil graduates.
二零一二至一三年度共有二百三十五名研究生畢 業,當中一百六十五名是哲學博士學生,七十名是 哲學碩士學生。
Meeting challenges of urban sustainability
迎接可持續 城市發展的挑戰
To capitalize on the “living laboratory” of Hong Kong’s high-density urban environment and PolyU’s strong expertise in areas related to sustainable urban development, the University established the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) to promote and support multi-disciplinary research in the area.
Led by Director Prof. Teng Jin-guang, who is also Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, and Associate Director Prof. Li Xiang-dong, the RISUD is organized into five Divisions: (1) Urban Planning and Management, (2) Urban Infrastructure, (3) Urban Environment, (4) Digital Technology in Urban Development, and (5) Building Energy and Environmental Performance.
Considerable progress has already been made by RISUD. Following its Inauguration Ceremony on 14 June 2013, RISUD organized five international workshops on building energy efficiency, regional air quality and waste management. RISUD has been actively exploring multi-disciplinary/group research opportunities with significant success. A major study led by Prof. Teng Jin-guang on the use of advanced composite materials to achieve high performance and longevity for major structures has been launched in collaboration with researchers at Tsinghua University and Tongji University. Funding of about HK$6.2 million for this important study is being provided by the National Basic Research Programme, alternatively known as the 973 Programme. Furthermore, approval has been given for a major study with over HK$6 million funded by the 973 Programme, to be led by Prof. Li Xiang-dong on soil pollution and remediation in collaboration with researchers from Zhejiang University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University. Since RISUD supports highly original ideas with high potential impact, it has launched a Blue-Sky Research Scheme. It has also formed the International Research network for Sustainable Urban Development with related research centres of leading universities such as the Delft University of Technology, Fudan University, South China University of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, the University of Leeds and the University of Texas at Austin.
長的滕錦光教授領導,副院長是李向東教授,全院 共分五大分部: (一)城市規劃及管理; (二)城市基 建; (三)城市環境; (四)城市發展與數碼技術;以及 (五)建築能源及環境。
可持續城市發展研究院轄下共設有二十六個研究 小組,各由一位在有關研究範疇具國際知名度的 資深研究人員領導。透過研究和知識轉移活動、專 業顧問服務及培訓工作,研究院致力推動跨學科 合作,回應重要的城市規劃及環境議題。研究院亦 致力將研究成果付諸實踐,從而為促進本港的競 爭力及中國的社會經濟發展作出貢獻。
研究院已在多個範疇取得進展。 自二零一三年六 月十四日正式成立以來,研究院舉辦了五個國際研 討會,內容有關建築節能、區域空氣質素及廢物管 理。研究院一直積極探討多學科/合作研究項目, 並已取得顯著成就。滕錦光教授帶領的團隊(包括 清華大學和同濟大學的研究人員)獲得國家重點 基礎研究發展計劃(973 計劃)約為六百二十萬港 元的資助,啟動了採用先進複合材料來提升結構 性能及延長結構壽命的研究。此外,李向東教授帶 領的團隊(包括浙江大學、中科院及北京大學的研 究人員)獲另一個973 計劃項目資助,研究經費超 過六百萬港元,開展對土壤污染及其修復的研究。
此外,研究院設立了 「藍天研究計劃」,專門資助可 能在未來產生重要影響的基礎研究。研究院也建 立了 「可持續城市發展國際研究協作網」,成員包 括以下大學的相關研究中心:代爾夫特理工大學、 復旦大學、華南理工大學、加州大學柏克萊分校、 利茲大學,以及德克薩斯州大學奧斯汀分校。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
The RISUD further includes 26 research groups, each led by an internationally recognized scholar in his/her field. Through research and knowledge transfer activities, consultancy services and professional training, the RISUD is committed to multi-disciplinary collaborations to address major urban planning and environmental issues. Putting research findings into practice by transferring the technologies that have been developed will enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness as well as China’s socio-economic development.
Contributing to national development
In collaboration with mainland universities/institutions, PolyU participated in the following research projects, thereby contributing to various aspects of the nation’s development.
Exploring Chinese herb for new drug development
Collaborating the efforts of eight State Key Laboratory Incubation Bases in China, this project of pharmacodynamics studies, as well as in vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetics study of the anti-osteoporotic herb, Sambucus Williamsii Hance, will elucidate the in vivo metabolic characteristics of the complex system of Chinese medicine, and to identify metabolites related to its efficacy.
Antimicrobial resistance in major animal pathogens
Bacterial antimicrobial resistance causes problems in aquaculture, food safety, public health and even in economy and trade, especially in the mainland. In consequence, a National Key Basic Research Plan has been launched to investigate the mechanisms of the development, transmission and control of antimicrobial resistance in animal pathogens for better surveillance, detection and risk management. The plan is sponsored by the State Ministry of Science and Technology and led by China Agricultural University, PolyU and four other mainland universities. 1
High-performance acoustic functional materials
Research & Development
In collaboration with mainland academic experts in the field of acoustic functional materials and design of ultrasonic transducers, PolyU researchers are seeking to develop large-size PMN-PT and PIN-PMN-PT single crystals with uniform component, efficient, broad bandwidth acoustically transmission materials (transmission > 90%) and sound-absorbing material (absorption > 90%). This will enhance the international competitiveness of the nation’s ultrasound equipment through the functional integration of high-end ultrasonic transducers (bandwidth > 110%).
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Snapping bottleneck in computer data storage Researchers at PolyU are investigating novel uniform memory/ storage architectures and system software to rectify bottlenecks brought by the memory/storage hierarchy in computer systems. Emerging non-volatile memory such as Phase Change Memory provides opportunities to solve this problem with its advantages in performance, scalability and non-volatility. By integrating memory and storage, data transfer between CPU and memory/storage can be improved via high-speed memory bus.
與,針對中藥接骨木進行研究,通過藥效和體內、 外藥代動力學研究,闡明中藥複雜體系在體內的 代謝特徵,尋找與藥效相關的代謝物。
病原菌耐藥的情況在養殖業、食品安全、公眾健 康以至經濟貿易上都帶來問題,在中國內地尤其 嚴重。因此,中國農業大學、理大和四所內地大學 全面開展國家重點基礎研究計劃,針對畜禽病原 菌耐藥性形成、傳播與控制等方面作研究,包括 更佳的控制細菌耐藥性、提高畜禽病原菌耐藥性 檢測,以及風險評估與控制。此計劃獲得國家科 技部資助。
理大研究人員與內地聲功能材料和超聲換能器 設計專家致力研製出大尺寸、組分均勻的 PMN-PT 和 PIN-PMN-PT 單晶以及高效、寬頻透聲(透聲率 >90%)和吸聲(吸聲率 >90%)的材料。通過功能 集成製備出高端超聲換能器(頻寬 >110%),以提 升國家超聲設備的國際競爭力。
理大研究人員提出了基於新型非易失性記憶體的 統一內外存系統結構及研究系統軟體的優化技 術。新型非易失性記憶體在性能、密度、非易失性 資料存儲等方面的特性可以突破傳統的內外存分 離的存儲結構。通過將內外存結合,突破傳統內外 存分離的結構,統一管理內外存與處理器之間經 高速記憶體匯流排的資料傳輸,從而有效地提高 資料存取速度。
Nanomaterials and devices for hydrogen detection Hydrogen is considered an ideal clean fuel for future power supply. Consequently Dr Wang Yu, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, took part in the project titled “Development of Nanomaterials and Devices for Detection of Infrared Radiation and Hydrogen” in the mainland sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The project aims at developing functional nanomaterials to be used for detection of low-concentration hydrogen at room temperature.
氫 氣探測用納米材料
氫被認為是一種理想的清潔能源,因此應用物理 學系副教授王雨博士參與了一項由科技部資助、 題為「高靈敏度紅外和氫氣探測用納米材料及器 件研制」的研究。 旨在研發可以用於室溫氫檢測的 納米功能材料。
An eight-element annular-array ultrasound transducer 八陣元環形陣超聲探頭
Performing efficacy tests using a light integrating sphere and spectrometer 利用積分球及光譜分析儀進 行二極管效能測試
Facilitating the betterment of Hong Kong
The University’s innovative research in the following projects contributed to making Hong Kong a better place to live.
Sustainable lighting technology
A research on Sustainable Lighting Technology at PolyU stresses energy saving, long product lifetime and recyclability of product materials. It involves an investigation into a new General LED System Theory for “multiple non-identical” solid-state LED devices. The novel LED systems will be developed with not only high energy efficiency, but also lifetime exceeding 10 years and using product materials that are 80% recyclable.
Enhancing HK’s role as an international financial centre
更涵蓋產品壽命及材料的可回收性。研究探討發 展一套嶄新的廣義發光二極管系統理論,新系統 不但具高能源效益,而且壽命將超過十年,並利用 百分之八十可回收的產品材料。
理大經濟學家全面分析香港作為國際金融中心所 具備的經濟和法律優勢,為提高香港支援中國經 濟於環球金融市場穩定的大環境下持續發展中所 扮演的角色而提供意見。這項目探討監管系統的 發展、改善企業管治、支持國家金融開放、推動人 民幣在國際間廣泛使用,以及從國際金融中心的 發展和沒落中所獲取的教訓。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
PolyU economists have been analysing the role of Hong Kong’s economic and legal environment in supporting its position as an international financial centre. Based on its findings, the research team will recommend enhancements to the city’s role in supporting the continuing development of China relative to global financial stability. The project will research on issues including the development of regulatory systems, improvement in corporate governance, support for the nation’s financial liberalization and increasing international use of Renminbi, and lessons learnt from the growth and decline of international financial centres.
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A thermal satellite image showing surface temperature distribution 熱紅外遙感反演地表 溫度分佈
Bottom trawling vessels 底拖網船
<28o 28-28.5o 28.6-29.2o 29.3-30.6o 30.7-31.9o 32-32.5o >32.5o
Sampling of air pollution on aboard a research aircraft 利用飛機航測進行大氣探測
An encapsulated sample of solar cells 太陽能電池封裝樣本
Advanced instruments used to probe the interactions of air pollution and clouds at the summit of a mountain 在高山利用先進儀器探測大 氣污染物與雲霧的相互影響
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Research & Development
Organic materials for light emission PolyU has launched a project on exploring the applications of organic materials in light emitting devices (OLEDs) and photovoltaic cells (OPVs). Since the performance of the device depends critically on the quality of the materials, the team will research how to optimize the deposition process of the materials. It will also investigate novel structure for the development of cost-effective high efficiency OPVs. This project aims to address the global challenge to develop clean and renewable energy.
理大研究有機材料在太陽能電池和發光二極體領 域中的應用。由於材料的品質對器件性能有決定 性的影響,因此研究團隊集中探討材料的性能,並 優化材料製備工藝,同時也會使用新型的器件結 構來提高太陽能電池轉化效率。此項目旨在探討全 球清潔再生能源議題所面對的挑戰。
The research will examine whether the HKSAR Government’s trawl-ban results in ecosystem rehabilitation and the recovery of fisheries. Over time researchers will investigate the catch-per-unit-effort of commercially important fish and invertebrate species, the biodiversity of benthic marine animals, and the mean trophic level of consumers in different guilds (i.e., food-web structure). The study will also examine the effects of changing environmental characteristics on benthic biodiversity following the trawl-ban.
Urban ventilation of high-rise cities With its profusion of tall buildings and complex geographical setting, Hong Kong provides a unique world laboratory for studying city ventilation. Partnering with University of Hong Kong researchers, PolyU researchers have been conducting ventilation research with the objectives to (a) understand city ventilation mechanisms under strong or weak wind and the interaction of wind with buoyancy driven flows; (b) determine the roles of major urban morphological, environmental and meteorological parameters in city ventilation; and (c) compare ventilation conditions in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to provide guidelines for future city design.
禁止拖網捕魚對海洋生態環境的影響 網禁令後,能否修復香港海洋底棲生態系統及漁 業。研究團隊進行了長時間的驗證,驗證指標包 括:具重要商業價值的魚類和無脊椎動物的單位 漁獲量、海洋底棲動物的多樣性,以及生物鏈中各 消費者的平均營養位階(即食物網結構)。研究亦 探討在頒佈禁令後,環境的變動對底棲生物多樣 性的影響。
究城市通風機制提供一個獨特的世界實驗室。因 此,理大與香港大學的研究人員共同進行通風機 制的研究, 旨為(一) 了解強或弱風下的城市通風機 制和風力與浮力驅動流的相互作用; (二)探討城 市形態、環境和氣象參數在通風機制中的角色; 以及(三)比較香港和深圳的通風條件,為未來城 市設計提供指引。
The University has provided support to the development of several niche areas that can raise its profile regionally and internationally. The following are some examples:
理大對一些能夠提升大學在區內及國際上的影響 力之「專長領域」提供支援,其中包括:
Photochemical ozone, haze and acid rain pollution
光化學臭氧、灰 霾和酸雨 污 染
The key players in the transport market are shippers and carriers who move freight. This project investigated shippers’ procurement of transport services from carriers. The issues involved, such as value discounts, seasonality, volume commitment, firm expansion and market concentration, were newly identified and formulated in novel optimization and econometric models, with new analytical techniques and solution methods.
Formulating new models for transport service industry
Fostering new perspectives in niche areas
This PolyU-led China Basic Research project sought to understand the sources, chemical and physical processes of air pollution in the Pearl River Delta (including Hong Kong), the Yangtze River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin Cluster using advanced measurement techniques on aircraft at mountain-tops and at ground sites. The findings provided scientific support and contributed to the development of national and regional environmental policies. The research won two secondclass awards from China’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Environmental Protection.
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這個由理大領導的研究項目, 目的是瞭解珠江三角 洲(包括香港)、長江三角洲及京津唐地區大氣污 染物的來源、形成、遷移轉化和輸送規律。利用先 進的測量技術,包括飛機航測及地面觀測,研究結 果為國家和地區制定環境政策提供科學依據。 該項研究更獲得國家教育部自然科學二等獎和國 家環境保護部科學技術二等獎。
貨運市場的關鍵角色為企業貨主及航運公司。通 過深入了解貨主和航運公司運輸服務的營運流程, 研究團隊探討了運費折扣、市場季節性變化、貨量 承諾、公司擴張和市場集中度等因數。團隊繼而開 發創新的優化技術和計量經濟學模型,並進行分 析和尋求解決方案。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
Exploring marine environment following trawl-ban
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Improving concrete structures by high-performance composites
Producing upgraded photonic fibres
Double-skin tubular components of hybrid concrete steel 高性能混凝土的鋼雙壁 空心構件
Olfaction Analysis System 人體呼氣採集與分析系統
Automated Tongue Image Analysis System
Research & Development
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Reinforced concrete structures face two major performance issues – inadequate resistance to earthquakes and long-term deterioration mainly caused by the corrosion of the steel reinforcement. To tackle these problems, PolyU researchers utilized fibre-reinforced polymer composites to enhance the performance of reinforced concrete structures. The research also led to the development of sensors for the long-term monitoring of reinforced concrete structures, particularly their foundations.
A multi-disciplinary PolyU team produced glass and polymeric photonic crystal fibres (PCF) and fibre sensors with properties equal to or better than state-of-the-art PCF and sensors which have been used in structural health monitoring of railways for high-speed trains and biomedical applications. The six focus areas of the project are photonic crystal fibre technology, fibre sensors, optical signal processing and communications, theory and modelling, semiconductor optoelectronic devices and materials research. 9
決這些問題,理大研究人員採用高性能纖維增强 復合材料提升鋼筋混凝土的結構。此外,團隊也開 發了一系列傳感器,可用於長期監測結構(尤其是 結構基礎)的性能。
一個理大跨學科團隊製造高性能玻璃和塑料光子 晶體光纖和光纖傳感器,達到甚至超過世界水平, 可應用於高鐵結構安全檢控和生物醫藥範疇。 項目涵蓋六個重點領域,包括光子晶體光纖技術、 光纖傳感器、光信號處理和通訊技術、理論分析和 建模、半導體光電子器件,以及材料研究。
Researchers at PolyU’s Biometric Research Centre proposed the new idea of “Medical Biometrics” to collect “signals” from human beings. Through feature extraction, classification and pattern recognition, these “signals” derived from tongue, odor and pulse diagnosis can be applied in medical analysis. The Centre has become a world leading centre in biometrics research. Hundreds of top journal papers and tens of patents have been published and granted relating to this project.
Research efforts of the Industrial Centre
工業中心 致力科研發展
Boosting aviation industry growth
物特徵」這一概念,並採用圖像處理及模式識別方 法,從人體獲取舌頭、氣味及脈象等信號,經分析 後可應用於疾病的診斷。該中心發表了上百篇論文 和擁有數十項專利,在全球生物特徵識別領域處 於領導地位。
With the support of local partners, PolyU and The Boeing Company have established an advanced Aviation Services Research Centre which will help train personnel, implement new procedures and develop innovative technologies to improve the safety, efficiency and capacity of the MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) industry. PolyU’s Industrial Centre has played an important role in the establishment of the Centre.
World’s first Brain Training Device for stroke patients
In collaboration with the Industrial Centre, PolyU’s Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering has developed the novel Brain Training Device. The device can guide stroke patients to relearn the reconnection between their brains and the paralyzed limbs. It can detect brainwave, thereby control the movement of limbs, and even control a robotic hand.
Developing new control consoles for airport Appointed by the Civil Aviation Department of HKSAR Government, the Industrial Centre developed new control consoles for the Air Traffic Control Centre and Control Tower of the Hong Kong International Airport. The scope of work included configuration design, layout design, appearance design and lighting design.
Applying 3D printing in biomedical models and tools The Industrial Centre has established close partnership with the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hospital Authority on the design and development of biomedical models and tools by 3D printing and other rapid prototyping technologies. The collaborative projects included the patient specific surgical cutting/drilling guide for bone tumour surgery for the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Prince of Wales Hospital.
61 10 11
的航空服務研究中心,致力培訓專才、實施嶄新工 序,以及開發創新技術,以提高飛機維修工程業界 的安全性、效率和生產力。理大工業中心的參與對 設立航空服務研究中心至關重要。
理大跨領域學部與工業中心研究團隊研發出 「中風 腦功能訓練儀」,幫助中風病人重新連繫大腦及癱 瘓了的肢體。它能探測腦電波,協助病人控制癱瘓 肢體的移動,甚至可用於控制機械手。
香港特別行政區政府民航處委托工業中心為香港 國際機場的航空交通管制中心和指揮塔進行了 多項裝備設計工作,包括控制台的終端設備配置 設計、佈局設計、外觀設計及照明設計等。
三維打印技術用於製造醫學模型 及工具
工業中心與香港大學、香港中文大學及醫院管理 局一直合作把三維打印技術用於醫學模型及工具 的設計和製造。合作項目包括為香港中文大學威 爾斯親王醫院骨腫瘤手術病人特製手術切割/ 鑽孔參照模具。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
Evaluating ‘signals’ from humans
Major awards for research and development projects
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Research & Development
獲獎科研項目 16
41st International Exhibition of Inventions (Geneva, Switzerland, 10-14 April 2013) 第四十一屆國際發明展(瑞士日內瓦,二零一三年四月十至十四日) Award 獎項
project 項目
Grand Prize of L’AGEPI – Special Prize of State Agency for Intelligent Ship-Bridge Anti-collision Surveillance System Intellectual Property, Republic of Moldova 摩爾多瓦知識產權局特別大獎
Principal Investigator / Faculty / department 首席研究員/學院/學系 Prof. Ni Yiqing, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 土木及環境工程學系倪一清教授
Gold Medal 金獎 16
Gold Medal with Jury’s Commendation
Fabric Touch Tester
Prof. Li Yi, Institute of Textiles and Clothing
Novel Flavonoid Dimers for reversing cancer drug resistance
Dr Larry M.C. Chow and Prof. Chan Tak-hang, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Online Monitoring System for High Speed Laser Spot Welding
Prof. H.C. Man, Faculty of Engineering
An Energy-Saving, Wide-Colour Gamut LED Display System
一種兼備節能和高顯色功能的 LED 戶外顯示 屏系統
Dr K.H. Loo, Dr Y.M. Lai and Prof. Michael C.K. Tse, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Gold Medal
Imaging Colour Measurement System based on Multispectral Imaging Technology
Prof. John Xin, Institute of Textiles and Clothing
Smart Garment with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Microcapsules for Treating Atopic Dermatitis
Dr Patrick C.K. Hui and Dr Frency Ng, Institute of Textiles and Clothing
Special Award from the Romanian Delegation 羅馬尼亞代表團特別獎
Gold Medal 金獎
一種新型的腫瘤多藥耐藥逆轉劑 — 黃酮類二聚物
Special Award from the Romanian Delegation 羅馬尼亞代表團特別獎
Gold Medal
金獎 17
Gold Medal 金獎
金獎 23
Bronze Medal 銅獎 18
Asia Pacific ICT (interactive computer technology) Awards 2012 二零一二年亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎 Top prize in the “e-Health” category
「電子健康組別」冠軍 21
KineLabs – computer body motion games for the rehabilitation treatment of stroke patients 為中風病者康復治療而設計的電腦體感遊戲
Prof. Raymond Tong Kai-yu, Dr Fong Ching-hang, Mr Lawrence Chong Kwok-wai and Mr Nathan Lam Kim-fung, Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering 生物醫學工程跨領域學部湯啟宇教授、方靖行博士、莊國偉先生及 林劍峰先生
Design-related Awards 2012 Successful Design Awards – China – Diamond Award BrailleWise – an aircraft lavatory system Prof. Michael Siu, School of Design 二零一二年最成功設計鑽石獎(中國) for the visually impaired 設計學院邵健偉教授 2012 Crystal Cabin Awards (Industrial Design and Technical Concepts category) – Runner-up Award 二零一二年水晶機艙獎(工業設計及技術概念類別)亞軍
Perspective Awards 2012 (International Interior Design category) – Certificate of Excellence 二零一二年透視設計大賞(國際室內設計組別)優異獎
Good Design 2012
二零一二年優秀設計獎 24
理 大 年 報 2012/13 硏 究 與 發 展
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Knowledge Transfer & Partnerships with Industry
knowledge transFer & partnerships with industry 知識轉移與夥拍業界
Creating impact for business development 推動工商發展
Through a variety of knowledge transfer activities – consultancy, licensing, industry collaborations and cultivation of entrepreneurship, PolyU has made our mark in the advancement of business and industry. 透過顧問服務、技術授權、夥拍業界及培育企業家精神等知識轉移活動, 理大成功促進工商業界的發展。
Spurring development through consultancy
提供顧問服務 促進業界發展
PolyU Technology and Consultancy Company Limited (PTeC), the ISO9001-accredited commercial arm of the University, provides innovative consulting solutions to businesses and organizations in the public and private sectors. In 2012/13, PTeC served 346 local and international clients and was involved in 532 consultancy projects, with a turnover exceeding HK$110 million.
理大科技及顧問有限公司擁有 ISO9001 認證, 為工商界提供專業顧問服務和創新的解決方案。 在二零一二至一三年度,共為三百四十六家本地 及海外機構,包括私營機構及政府部門等,提供 五百三十二項顧問服務,總業務收入超過一億一 千萬港元。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 知 識 轉 移 與 夥 拍 業 界
66 1
Projects Highlights 項目精選
PolyU Department Client 理大部門 服務對象 Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
New B Innovation Limited
新行健醫藥科技 有限公司
Consultancy Project 顧問項目
In vitro and in vivo studies of a putative chemotherapeutic drug on cancer stem cells and in other solid tumours, including liver, breast, lung, brain, colorectal and esophageal cancers
The new drug may possibly target various solid tumours and cancer stem cells 新藥可能有效針對腫瘤細胞和腫瘤幹細胞, 提升治療效果
針對新的化療藥作體外和體內研究,探討它對腫瘤幹 細胞和其他腫瘤(包括肝癌、乳腺癌、肺癌、腦癌、大腸 癌和食道癌)的影響
Department of Occupational Building and Real Estate Safety and 建築及房地產學系 Health Council
Knowledge Transfer & Partnerships with Industry
Department of Leader – Civil and Environmental Sunnic Joint Engineering Venture 土木及環境工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering 電機工程學系
Department of English 3
School of Nursing 護理學院
研究工人經常在炎熱的環境下所使用的個人冷卻 設備
Hydraulic modelling for reconstruction, improvement and rehabilitation of the Kai Tak River from Wong Tai Sin Police Station to Tung Tau Estate 運用水力模型,研究由黃大仙警署至東頭邨的啟德河 段的改善工程
ABB Technology Limited
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Study on personal cooling equipment for workers who are routinely exposed to hot environment
Study on the impact of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging on power system planning 研究電動車充電為電力系統帶來的影響
Equips industries with solutions to protect workers from heat stroke 為業界提供建議方案,減低工人中暑的風險
Improves the control of flow patterns to reduce water pollution due to stagnant water, prevents flood during adverse weather, and enhances the ecology of nearby living environment 增強水流量,以防止由積水引起的水污染,預防 惡劣天氣導致的泛濫及改善附近的生態環境
Provides guidelines for power system planning to support the development of EV charging facilities 提供電力系統的計劃指引,使之更有效地支持電 動車的充電設備
Education Provision of courses to facilitate secondary Enhances teachers’ knowledge of the Bureau, HKSAR school teachers in teaching Key Learning Areas English language system and assists Government in various subjects in the English medium students in learning more effectively 香港特別行政區 政府教育局
提供培訓課程,協助中學教師以英語教授多個學習 領域的學科
幫助教師瞭解英語系統,並提升學生的學習 效率
Hospital Authority
Intensive tailor-made programme to enhance the competence of Hong Kong’s nurses in providing advanced care to patients diagnosed with breast diseases/cancer
Enhances competence and counselling skills of front line nurses in dealing with cancer patients and their families
透過加強訓練,提升本港護士的能力,以照顧患上乳 腺疾病或乳癌的病人
提升前線護士的能力及輔導技巧,以協助癌症 病人及其家人
Safeguarding intellectual property
During 2012/13, a total of 65 patents, trademarks and designs were granted to PolyU and the University submitted 45 new applications for patents, trademarks and design registrations in the year.
利、商標及設計,大學年內亦提交了四十五份新的 專利、商標及設計註冊申請。
KEY 圖例 Cumulative patents granted 累計獲批專利項目
Cumulative patents pending 累計待批專利項目
592 1,000
492 400
30 9
0 99/00
year 年份
理 大 年 報 2012/13 知 識 轉 移 與 夥 拍 業 界
Creating impact through licensing
通過技術授權 創造深遠影響
Knowledge transfer through licensing enables partner companies to leverage PolyU technologies in enhancing their competitiveness or creating new products. In 2012/13, the Institute for Entrepreneurship entered into over 50 licensing agreements/Memoranda of Understanding/Non-disclosure agreements for transfer of PolyU’s proprietary knowledge in areas including social sciences, health science, textile technology and design.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Knowledge Transfer & Partnerships with Industry
理大的科研技術來提升競爭力或開發新產品。年 內,理大企業發展院成功與業界簽訂逾五十項技 術授權協定/備忘錄/保密協議,以轉移理大的 專有知識,涉及範疇包括社會科學、醫療科技、製 衣技術及設計等。
Licensed technologies and designs 技術及設計授權
PolyU Department Inventor 理大部門 發明者
Technology 技術
Licensee 獲授權機構
Benefits/ Applications 優點/應用
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Oral puerarin phospholipids complex capsule and its preparation technology
PuraPharm International (H.K.) Limited
A new drug in oral dosage form for cardiovascular diseases that significantly enhances the bioavailability of puerarin with little adverse drug response
Prof. Albert Chan 陳新滋教授
口服葛根素磷脂複合物膠囊及其 製備技術
副作用較輕的新藥(口服製劑), 用 於心血管疾病的治療,能大大提升 葛根素的生物利用度
Department of Applied Social Sciences 應用社會科學系
Dr Zeno Leung 梁傳孫博士
Food Bank Information System Kwun Tong Methodist Facilitates the food Social Service assistance programme for 食物銀行資訊系統 循道衛理觀塘社會服 low-income individuals and families 務處 協助推行專為低收入人士及家庭 而設的食物援助計劃
Department of Health Technology and Informatics
Prof. Iris Benzie Iris Benzi 教授
The Ferric Reducing/ Anti-oxidant Power Assay
Arbor Assays, LLC
醫療科技及資訊學系 5
A simple, speedy and sensitive biomonitoring tool for quantitating antioxidant capacity of foods, herbs, and biological fluids 簡單、快捷而敏感度高的生物監測 工具, 用以定量測試食物、香草和 生物液的抗氧化含量
Institute of Textiles and Prof. Tao XiaoClothing ming 紡織及製衣學系
Nu-TorqueTM Singles Ring Yarn Technology (More on p.71)
Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd.
扭妥™環錠紡紗技術(詳見第 七十一頁)
Produces yarn with high strength and low residual torque, thus improving textile quality and significantly saving energy during yarn production 生產高強力和低殘餘扭矩的紗線, 能改善紡織物品質,並大大降低紗 線生產過程中的耗電量
設計學院 6
Ms Gwen Yip and 1. The illustration and design Oxfam Hong Kong students of School of a book named “粒粒都辛苦” 香港樂施會 of Design 2. A video named “你每一嘟, 葉美茵女士及 都可大可小” 設計學院學生
1. 繪本圖書《粒粒都辛苦》的設計 2. 短片《你每一嘟,都可大可小》
School of Design 設計學院 7
Mr Sonntag Stefan A design named “MINI Maze and students of Concept” School of Design 名為“MINI Maze Concept”的設計 Sonntag Stefan 先生及設計學院學生
Raises public awareness of farmers’ efforts of growing food and making better choices in food consumption 令公眾對農夫種植食物的辛勞, 以及進食的較佳選擇,有更深刻 的認識
BMW Concessionaires Provides an unconventional (HK) Ltd and more effective 寶馬汽車(香港)有限 promotional concept for MINI 公司
為汽車品牌 MINI 提供別具創意且 效果卓著的推廣理念
理 大 年 報 2012/13 知 識 轉 移 與 夥 拍 業 界
School of Design
Boosting innovation through university-industry collaborations
理大夥拍業界 推動創新科研
Throughout the year, PolyU continued its successful company partnerships that help transfer its innovations to the industrial sector. Examples include the following:
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Knowledge Transfer & Partnerships with Industry
Anti-erasing ink prevents counterfeiting with products
An anti-erasing ink (ATE) created from PolyU’s patented nanoparticle synthesis method prevents counterfeiting in food packaging. The ink was licensed to a partner for industrial scale production. The new printing systems using ATE ink are rolled out in carton packaging production lines of one of China’s biggest dairy product manufacturers. With the adoption of ATE ink, consumers can rest assured that the expiry dates on their purchases are off-factory prints.
Raising food safety standards
能有效防止偽冒食品包裝信息。該技術已授權予 一家業界夥伴,以進行工業生產。中國其中一家最 大的奶類產品生產商已開始採用配備抗擦墨的全 新打印系統。抗擦墨能確保產品上的有效日期為 原廠印製的信息,讓消費者安心選購。
PolyU’s Food Safety and Technology Research Centre has been partnering with local and international organizations in food testing, quality control of food supplies, and developing functional food products and drugs from traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. The Centre also tailor-made training programmes for employees of fast food chains to raise their awareness in food safety, related legislation and hazard analysis.
Producing health foods to alleviate geriatric problems
PolyU was engaged by a global supplier of PingWu Gastrodia to develop a series of food snacks and beverage products using this herb which is known for its effect in mitigating a number of geriatric conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, migraine headaches and depression.
長期合作,從事食品檢測和食物供應質素管理工 作,並以傳統中草藥研製功能性食品及藥物。該 劃,以提高他們對食物安全、相關法例及危害分 析的認知。
平武天麻以能紓緩老年病症狀見稱,其中包括腦 退化症、偏頭痛和抑鬱等。理大受一家平武天麻的 國際供應商委託,利用該草藥研發一系列保健零 食及飲品。
71 12
The Puerarin Phospholipids Complex Capsule, a new drug developed by PolyU with a novel phospholipids complex formulation technology for curing cardiovascular diseases, is the first Hong Kong drug to have secured clinical trial licence from the Chinese Food and Drug Administration. It was licensed to a local Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) company for long-term development.
Energy savings achieved using optimal control strategies
中藥為基礎 新藥現曙光
出一種名為葛根素磷脂複合物膠囊的新藥。該藥 物可以治療心血管疾病,是香港首種取得中國國 家食品藥品監督管理總局藥物臨床試驗批件的藥 物。該藥物已授權予一家本地傳統中藥公司作長 遠發展。
In partnership with a listed construction company, PolyU developed energy efficient and optimal control strategies for complex heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Those strategies were used to achieve optimal energy consumption at the International Commerce Centre and resulted in a staggering annual saving of 7 million kWh, or 18% of the energy consumption on air conditioning.
Power generation from water pipelines
PolyU researchers teamed up with HKSAR Government’s Water Supplies Department to create in-line mini-turbines in the local network of underground water pipes to produce energy from waterflow to run monitoring device buried inside pipes. With optimal installation in the water supplies network, the array of turbines could save around 700 kWh of electricity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 560 kg each year.
Torque-free singles yarn hits overseas markets PolyU-developed Nu-Torque Singles Ring Yarn Technology was licensed to an Indian cotton yarn company, bringing the technology to factories in a few countries. PolyU further collaborated with a Shenzhen company to develop an all-purpose electronic control unit for various types of spinning machines thereby facilitating the adoption of the Nu-TorqueTM spinning system. TM
風及空調系統的節能與優化策略,並於環球貿易 廣場實現優化能耗,每年為其大幅節電七百萬度, 或節省百分之十八的空調能耗。
理大科研人員與香港特別行政區政府水務署合 作,為本地的地下水管網絡開發內聯閉式小型渦 輪,以水流所產生的電能來推動埋於水管內的監 測系統。在供水網絡優化安裝這些渦輪後,每年最 多可節電約七百度及減少五百六十千克碳排放。
由理大開發的扭妥™環錠紡紗技術已授權予一家 印度棉紗公司。該公司將在數個國家的工廠引入有 關技術。理大繼而與一家深圳公司合作,共同研發 適用於各類紡紗機的多功能電子控制裝置,以便 採用扭妥™紡紗系統。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 知 識 轉 移 與 夥 拍 業 界
TCM-based drug brings hope for cure
Cultivating “Do Well Do Good” entrepreneurship PolyU has been nurturing an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship by supporting students and graduates’ innovations and entrepreneurial projects/ventures through a seed funding programme. The year saw success of some of the new products and services.
PolyU Micro Fund Scheme
培育「有利且有善」 的企業家精神 理大一直致力孕育有利於創業的優良環境,並透 過種子基金計劃,支持本校學生和畢業生的創新 及創業計劃和項目。多個全新的產品與服務更在 年內成功推出市場。
Established in 2011, the PolyU Micro Fund Scheme has been gaining community-wide recognition within PolyU and across local entrepreneurial communities. In 2013, 180 applications were received and the total number of applications over three years is 600. During 2013, 19 entrepreneurial propositions/ventures were awarded HK$100,000 seed fund for their startup business. Furthermore, seven student projects won awards for their innovative ideas to enhance social inclusion.
The products/services launched were highly regarded not only by customers but also by experts in the respective fields. A young team won the Red Dot Design Award Best of the Best 2013 (Watch & Jewellery) with a specially designed CAN-WATCH with upcycled materials and labour force from sheltered space. (Photo 13-14)
港創業群體所稱許。三年來共收到了六百多份申 請,當中僅二零一三年便佔了一百八十份,其中創 業組共有十九項申請各獲得十萬港元的種子基金 以啟動其業務,而創新組就有七個學生項目以創 意促進社會共融而獲獎。
行業的專家也給予高度評價。其中一支年青團隊 便憑著由循環再用物料製成,並由庇護工場工人 裝嵌的「 CAN-WATCH 」系列,勇奪「二零一三年 Red Dot Design Award」手錶及珠寶類別最佳設計 大獎。(圖十三至十四)
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Knowledge Transfer & Partnerships with Industry
New alliances to boost HK-mainland entrepreneurship
成立聯盟 推動中港創業
The year saw a number of initiatives to enhance exchanges between young entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. PolyU and Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship Foundation for Graduates jointly established the first ever China-Hong Kong matching fund for PolyU graduates to start new business in the Chinese market (Shenzhen and Shanghai). The fund committed to support 30 qualified entrepreneurial projects for a total amount of RMB 6 million in the next three years.
In addition, PolyU and Fudan University collaborated to develop a series of entrepreneurship education programmes for young entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and Shanghai. The topics covered High Potential Entrepreneurial Leadership as well as Organization Development and Change.
Driving sustainability and social innovation in business A series of lectures branded as “Business Beyond Usual” were organized on such topics as sustainability development, social innovation and entrepreneurship, featuring international speakers from different sectors sharing their vision and strategies in driving sustainability and social innovations in day-to-day business operations. The series will be offered regularly to advocate the “Do Well, Do Good” entrepreneurial ethos and practice.
市大學生科技創業基金會合作成立「上海市大學 生科技創業基金會-理大專項基金」,提供種子基 金予理大畢業生在深圳及上海開創業務。基金已 承諾在未來三年提供人民幣六百萬元,以支持三 十個高質素的創業項目。
年企業家開發一系列創業教育課程,內容包括 「高潛質創業領導力」及「組織發展與變革」等。
理大定期舉辦名為「與別不同的業務」的講座系 列,主題包括可持續發展、社會創新和創業精神。 來自不同界別的國際知名講者分享如何在日常業 務運作中推動可持續發展和社會創新。定期舉辦 這些講座有助推動「有利且有善」的企業精神和 模式。
Engaging Poly-preneurTM community In 2012, PolyU coined a new term “Poly-preneursTM” to aptly portray the community of PolyU’s graduates advancing their careers as entrepreneurs. Regular visits, talks and networking activities are organized for the Poly-preneursTM who are also encouraged to support the University’s programmes, such as providing mentorship to Micro Fund recipients.
理大於二零一二年首創「理大企業家」一詞,以代 表一群踏上創業大道、開創個人事業的理大畢業 生。大學定期為「理大企業家」舉辦不同類型活動,
包括企業探訪、講座和交流活動,亦鼓勵他們支 持理大的發展項目,例如理大微型基金的師友計 劃等。
In November 2012, the PolyU-initiated International Strategic Technology Alliance organized a Knowledge Transfer Management Forum to share the best practice in knowledge transfer with 70 academics from around the world. In January 2013, the CEO Club staged a forum titled “The Economic Development of China and Implications for Hong Kong”. World-renowned Chinese academician Prof. Yu Yong-ding was the keynote speaker and Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, PolyU Professor of Finance Practice, also joined the panel discussion. (Photo 15)
Nurturing management expertise through training
PolyU’s educational reach includes training and development programmes for professionals and executives and customized courses for industry associations and enterprises. During the year, the Institute for Entrepreneurship delivered 405 short courses, served 77 corporate clients and benefited almost 18,000 participants from the public and private sectors.
開發協作網舉行了高校產學研管理論壇,與來自世 界各地的七十位學者分享科技轉移的最佳守則。 二零一三年一月,總裁協會舉辦的「CEO 論壇: 余永定教授主講,而理大專業應用教授(金融) 馬時亨教授亦有參與小組討論。(圖十五)
理大的教育工作,亦包括為專業和行政人員提供 培訓發展課程,以及為工商業協會及企業度身訂 造培訓課程。年內,企業發展院提供了四百零五個 短期課程、服務了七十七個企業客戶,有近一萬八 千名公營部門與私營機構的參與者受惠。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 知 識 轉 移 與 夥 拍 業 界
Strengthening links at home and abroad
world connections 環球網絡
Reaching out for global presence
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
World Connections
PolyU continued to extend its global presence through efforts in international exchange, academic partnerships, building up networks, establishing liaison offices and offering joint programmes. 理大繼續透過國際交流、學術夥伴計劃、建立網絡、設立聯絡處及合作辦學, 開拓在國際間的據點。
Expanding international network
Global input in University development
凝聚國際智慧 推動大學發展
理大於二零一二年十一月十五至十六日舉辦了第 三次國際顧問委員會會議。是次會議旨在討論現 行理大的研究方向及評估對未來的影響,並由美 國紐約大學理工學院校監﹙國際課程﹚兼榮休校長 張鍾濬博士主持。十一名出席的委員與本地政策 制定者、業界專家和領袖、理大校友、高級管理層、 各院系代表及國際學生交流意見,更與學術政策 委員會和校董會校外成員,就如何提升理大的科 研層面和實現願景進行圓桌會議,並分享和提出 寶貴意見。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 環 球 網 絡
Chaired by Dr David Chang, Chancellor (Global Programmes) and President Emeritus of Polytechnic Institute of New York University, the third International Advisory Board meeting took place on 15-16 November 2012 with the theme “Research at PolyU and its Impact: Present and Future”. The eleven members attending had fruitful exchanges with local policy makers, industry experts and leaders, alumni, senior management, faculty members and international students. They also had a round-table discussion with the Academic Council and lay members of the University Council. Members shared views and gave valuable advice on how PolyU could enhance its institutional research profile and realize its vision.
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International Week celebrates cultural diversity Themed “Global Citizens”, International Week 2013 was held between 4-9 March with programmes including a varied range of dance, music and cultural performances, as well as workshops and cultural trails. Through these activities, 2,800-plus students and staff explored, experienced and contributed to cultural diversity on campus.
二零一三年三月四至九日舉行的國際周以「世界公 民」為主題,活動包括不同類型的舞蹈、音樂及文 化表演、工作坊及文化遊蹤,逾二千八百名學生和 教職員藉此探索、體驗和參與校園的跨文化活動。
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
World Connections
Worldwide participation in student challenge
The third staging of PolyU’s Global Student Challenge held in June 2013 attracted 228 teams from 34 countries and territories, representing a 19% increase in teams taking part and a 21% increase in the number of countries compared with the 2011 competition. A total of 59 teams with more than 200 contestants were sponsored to Hong Kong for the Semi-final and Final rounds. The event ended on a high note with the Gala Ceremony attended by more than 400 distinguished guests.
Extending overseas links
戰賽,吸引到來自三十四個國家及地區共二百二十 八支隊伍參加。與二零一一年的挑戰賽比較,是次 參賽隊伍數目上升了百分之十九,而參賽國家則增 加了百分之二十一。經評選後,入圍的五十九支隊 伍、逾二百名參賽同學獲贊助來港參加準決賽及總 決賽。 四百多位嘉賓出席比賽的盛大晚宴暨頒獎典 禮,為活動劃上圓滿句號。
A high-level delegation led by the Senior Executive President of Technion Institute of Technology in Israel visited PolyU in March 2013 to explore potential collaborations and discuss common research interests. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two institutions.
In August 2012, His Excellency Mr Mehmanparast, representing the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran, accompanied by the Consul-General of Iran in Hong Kong, paid a courtesy visit to the University. (Photo 2)
Mr Eskil Erlandsson, Rural Minister of the Swedish Government, visited PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management in November 2012. During the visit, the Minister also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by Mr Bengt Streijffert of Lund University and PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong to strengthen academic exchanges and research collaboration between the two institutions.
率領高層代表團訪問理大,並探討協作的可能性 和共同科研合作,兩院校更簽訂合作備忘錄。
人 Mehmanparast 先生,在伊朗註香港總領事陪 同下,率領伊朗外交部到理大作親善訪問。(圖二)
瑞典政府農村事務部長 Eskil Erlandsson 先生於 二零一二年十一月到訪理大酒店及旅遊業管理學 院,更見證了隆德大學(Lund University)Bengt
Streijffert 先生與理大校長唐偉章教授簽署合 作備忘錄,以加強兩院校之間的學術交流和研究 合作。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 環 球 網 絡
In February 2013, Prof. Nihat Berker, President of Sabanci University in Turkey, visited PolyU to explore collaboration opportunities in student and staff exchange, research projects and to share experience in technology transfer processes.
Promoting local higher education
In March 2013, PolyU took part in the 8th Asia Pacific Association of International Educators Conference held in Hong Kong. The Conference’s theme was “An Ascendant Asia-Pacific: International Higher Education in the 21st Century”. PolyU hosted campus visits by some 50 delegates from 17 countries and regions.
Mainland outreach widened
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
World Connections
Post-quake reconstruction work expanded
University)校長 Nihat Berker 教授到訪理大,期 間雙方探討了學生和教職員交流及科研合作等事 宜,並分享在技術轉移過程中得到的經驗。
二零一三年三月,理大參與在香港舉行的第八屆 亞太國際教育協會年會暨展覽,其主題為「冒升 中的亞太地區:廿一世紀的國際高等教育」。理大 安排了來自十七個國家及地區近五十名與會者參 觀校園。
PolyU’s regional base set up with Sichuan University has continued its vigorous support for the post-quake reconstruction work in Sichuan. In May 2013, the 20,000 square metres Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, where the regional base is located, was officially opened at the Jiang An Campus of Sichuan University. It is home to six laboratories as well as one disaster database and resource centre, all supported by a generous grant from the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
After the Lushan earthquake happened in April 2013, the Institute set up a task force and mobilized professionals trained by PolyU and Sichuan University to support the relief work in the areas of nursing, rehabilitation, social work and psychology.
盧山 4.20 大地震後,學院成立行動小組,召集由
後重建的工作。二零一三年五月,位於四川大學江 安校園,面積二萬平方米的災後重建與管理學院 正式開幕。該學院由香港賽馬會慷慨捐助,設有六 個實驗室及一個災難資源中心。
理大及四川大學培訓的專才,投入護理、康復、 社會工作及心理輔導等範疇的救援工作。
Funding secured for research and knowledge transfer As of December 2012, the PolyU Base on Commercialization, Training and Research in Shenzhen secured funding of RMB43,880,000 for 48 projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong and Shenzhen Governments. In addition to the two existing research platforms, “Low Carbon Technology and Sustainable Development” and “Health Science”, the Shenzhen Base has established the Knowledge Transfer Centre with funding of RMB500,000 from the Shenzhen Government. The Centre will serve as a bridge between PolyU academics and mainland private companies in pursuing patent application, technology licensing, collaborative research and consultancy service.
Mutual Liaison Offices opened to strengthen links Tongji University, a strategic partner of PolyU in Shanghai, had its Liaison Office set up at PolyU on 14 November 2012. Reciprocally, in the summer of 2013, the University opened its Liaison Office in Shanghai at the Tongji University’s campus. (Photo 8)
截至二零一二年十二月止,理大深圳產學研基地 成功獲取四十八項由國家科技部、國家自然科學 基金、廣東及深圳政府資助的科研項目,資助金額 達人民幣四千三百八十八萬元。除了 「低碳環保 科技」及「健康科學」兩個研究平台之外,深圳基地 亦獲深圳政府資助人民幣五十萬元,建立「知識轉 移中心」。該中心將成為理大學者和內地企業的 溝通橋樑,以促進專利申請、技術授權、合作研究 和顧問服務方面的發展。
同濟大學是理大在上海的策略夥伴,該校於二零 一二年十一月十四日在理大設立了辦公室。其後, 理大亦於二零一三年的暑假在同濟大學的上海校 園成立了上海聯絡處。(圖八)
In 2012/13, in collaboration with elite Chinese mainland universities, PolyU offered 29 classes across 12 different academic programmes on the mainland. Subject areas included business, social work, hotel and tourism, real estate and information systems. Enrolment for the programmes stood at more than 1,200 students, with some 960 attending classes in PolyU’s Outposts, mainly in Xi’an and Hangzhou. Since 2000, over 6,500 students have graduated under the programmes. During the year, PolyU collaborated with Zhejiang University and Sichuan University to develop five new PolyU award programmes which were approved by the Ministry of Education. These programmes are in the disciplines of Hotel and Tourism Management, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Disaster Nursing, Physical Therapy and Occupational
理大於二零一二/一三年與內地頂尖大學合作, 在內地提供十二項學術課程共二十九班,科目涵 蓋商業、社會工作、酒店及旅遊、房地產及資訊系 統等。學生人數超過一千二百名,其中約九百六十 名學生主要在理大位於西安和杭州的基地上課。 自二零零零年以來,共有超過六千五百名內地課 程畢業生。 過去一年,理大與浙江大學及四川大學推出五項 頒授理大學銜及獲國家教育部認可的嶄新課程,
包括酒店及旅遊業管理、義肢矯形、災害護理、物 理治療及職業治療。截至二零一二年底,理大共有 二十三項國家認可開辦的內地課程。此外,理大與
理 大 年 報 2012/13 環 球 網 絡
Discipline choices expanded for mainland talents
Therapy. By the end of 2012, the total number of state-approved PolyU programmes on the mainland is 23. Also, PolyU entered into agreements on dual PhD students with Sun Yat-sen University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Sichuan University, Tongji University and Zhejiang University, with 43 students admitted.
Summer service-learning in mainland expanded
及浙江大學共同培育博士生,並錄取了共四十三 名學生。
Supported by the Education Bureau’s Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students, PolyU launched its first Mainland Experience Scheme in 2012, with more than 700 students taking part in 15 trips.
During summer 2013, student outreach activities were further expanded. Under the programme “Summer in Mainland China” and with the assistance of the regional bases and mainland partners, further activities and courses were held. These included Mainland Cluster Area Requirements Subjects, Mainland Service Learning Subjects, Mainland Study Tours and a new advanced student leadership scheme titled “Global Youth Leadership Programme” in collaboration with Peking University. Altogether, the 20 courses/ activities attracted more than 800 participants. (Photo 9)
在二零一二年首推其內地體驗計劃,安排了十五 個內地交流團,供超過七百名學生參加。
活動。名為「向華夏出發」的一系列活動,得到內地 發展基地及內地夥伴的支持。活動性質包括四大 範疇:內地通識科目、內地服務學習、內地學習之 旅,以及一項與北京大學合辦,名為「全球青年領 袖計劃」的嶄新學生領袖訓練。這計劃涵蓋二十個 課程或活動,參加者超過八百人。(圖九)
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
World Connections
Expansion in mainland and Taiwan exchanges A road map for gradual expansion in student exchange opportunities has been drawn up to stimulate mainland and Taiwan student exchange programme towards 2014/15. Student exchange numbers have already risen following the signing of Student Exchange Memoranda of Understanding with four university partners in Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Altogether 110 outbound and 127 inbound students were respectively sent and received in 2012/13, representing increases of 13% and 14% over the previous year.
理大已經制訂了一個發展藍圖,從去年至二零一四 至一五年度,逐步擴大與內地及台灣大學的交換 生計劃。年內理大與四所內地及台灣大學簽訂合 作備忘錄,增加交換生人數。在二零一二至一三 年度,理大安排了一百一十名學生前往內地及 台灣進行交流,並接待了當地一百二十七名交換生 到理大,人數比去年分別增加了百分之十三及百分 之十四。
Scholars’ visit boosts exchanges and collaboration
訪問學人 促進交流合作
On 28 November 2012, PolyU honoured six renowned scholars from the Chinese mainland through the Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholars Scheme. All are either members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering. They were (from left) Prof. Chen Junshi, Senior Research Professor of the Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Prof. Cheng Ping, Chair Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University; Prof. Zhu Shining, Professor of Nanjing University; Prof. Hu Haiyan, President of Beijing Institute of Technology; Prof. Ye Shenghua, Professor of Tianjin University; and Prof. Zhai Wanming, Professor of Southwest Jiaotong University.
二零一二年十一月二十八日,理大透過傑出中國訪 問學人計劃表彰六位知名學者,他們俱為中國科 學院或中國工程院院士。他們是: (左起)中國疾病 預防控制中心營養與食品安全所研究員陳君石院 士、上海交通大學教授鄭平院士、南京大學教授 祝世甯院士、北京理工大學校長胡海岩院士、天津 大學教授葉聲華院士、以及西南交通大學首席教授
理 大 年 報 2012/13 環 球 網 絡
campus development & environmental protection 校園發展與環境保護
shaping a green campus
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Campus Development & Environmental Protection
Through campus expansion and green initiatives, PolyU has been developing a sustainable environment in support of its core mission in learning, teaching and research. 理大持續擴建校園和實施環保措施,以期開發可持續發展的環境, 支援學與教和科研上的核心使命。
Expanding and improving campus
Capital projects
Significant progress was made on major capital projects during 2012/13. The Phase 8 Development was completed in stages starting from the third quarter of 2012, and all classrooms and lecture theatres were available for use in January 2013. In March, the occupation of offices and other areas also began. The building will provide around 26,000 square metres of net floor area for general teaching and research, conferences, staff offices and communal use.
二零一二至一三年度,主要大型工程取得顯著進 展。第八期校園發展計劃由二零一二年第三季起 分階段完成,教室和演講廳於二零一三年一月起 全面使用,而辦公室及其他設施亦於三月起相繼 投入服務。此項目提供實用面積約二萬六千平方 米的空間,用途包括一般教學及科研設施、會議設 施、辦公室及公用空間。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護
The Jockey Club Innovation Tower on the north-eastern side of the campus was also close to completion. It will provide about 15,000 square metres of net floor area, of which 3,000 square metres will be self-financed. While the School of Design is the major user, the Tower was to provide facilities and space for other departments and the PolyU community upon coming into full use in September 2013. (Photo 2-4)
位於校園東北面的賽馬會創新樓,工程亦幾近完 成。大樓將提供實用面積約一萬五千平方米,其中 三千平方米為自資興建。大樓主要供設計學院使 用,亦會為其他部門及理大社群提供設施及空間, 並已於二零一三年九月開始啟用。(圖二至四)
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Campus Development & Environmental Protection
The Student Hostel Phase 3 project was completed in July 2012. Situated at the junction of Chatham Road North and Fat Kwong Street, the hostel provides 1,650 places for students and comprises six halls that share three “gardens-in-the-air” on bedroom floors. (Photo 1)
A revamp of the Library, including the addition of another floor, has been proposed to transform it into an Interactive Learning Hub. Subject to Government and Legislative Council approval, the extra floor will be completed in mid-2015, and the whole project finished by mid-2016.
位於漆咸道北及佛光街交界,為學生提供一千六 百五十個宿位,並設有六個舍堂,共用三個空中 花園。(圖一)
及增加空間提出建議。建議如能獲政府及立法會 通過,在現有圖書館加建頂層的工程計劃將於二 零一五年中旬完成,而整個計劃預期於二零一六 年中旬竣工。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護
Driving sustainability
A green IT campus
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Campus Development & Environmental Protection
The newly developed website of the University’s Health, Safety and Environment Office won a Gold Award in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme jointly organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission. (Photo 5)
大學健康安全及環境事務處全新推出的部門 網頁,榮獲政府資訊科技總監辦公室聯同平等機 會委員會舉辦的「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」的金獎。 (圖五)
The Student Record System launched in 2012 won the Best Green ICT (Adoption – Organizations) Silver Award in the Hong Kong ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Awards 2013. The system helped digitize and archive paper student records, resulting in higher work efficiency and the reduction in paper printing. (Photo 7)
The year saw the University’s continued efforts to explore appropriate cloud-based server architecture using server virtualization technologies. Private cloud services have been strengthened to provide server rental service options to departments thereby enabling more effective use of servers, space and power resources, and so contributing towards a green campus. In addition, implementation of the University Information Security Management Framework was in full swing to strengthen information security governance.
張學生紀錄數字化和存檔,從而提升工作效率和 減少打印用紙。這系統獲得香港資訊及通訊科技 獎的最佳綠色科技(應用-組織機構)銀奬。(圖七)
端為基礎的伺服器架構。同時進一步提升私有雲 端服務,向各部門提供伺服器租用服務,讓大學能 更有效地運用伺服器、空間及電力資源,促進綠色 校園。此外,理大亦正全力推行大學資訊安全管理 架構,以加強資訊安全的管理。
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PolyU staged the Campus Sustainability Weeks from 22 April to 3 May 2013, with the theme “Sustainable Campus; Sustainable World”. The event featured a wide array of theme-based activities including Design Competitions, Exhibitions and Seminars, Veggie Weeks, Car-Free Day, Green Office, Horticulture Therapy and Food Waste Dyeing Workshops. (Photo 6 & 8) In particular, a Green Exhibition was held in collaboration with the C Y Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies, CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd, Hotel ICON, School of Design of PolyU, the Green Society of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union and World Green Organisation. Topics covered in the exhibition included green tips for bettering our daily lives, eco-tourism in Hong Kong, up-cycling products, low-carbon logistics and energy poverty. (Photo 9)
Commitment to reduce food waste In May 2013, PolyU President Prof. Timothy W. Tong signed the “Food Wise Charter” and the University joined 150 organizations to promote best practices and behavioural changes to reduce food waste. Activities included drawing up and implementing waste-related plans; conducting an in-house waste audit; adopting and promoting recipes that use leftovers; and supporting food donation activities.
理大於二零一三年四月二十二日至五月三日舉辦以 「可持續發展的校園;可持續發展的世界」為主題 的校園可持續發展雙周。活動包括:設計比賽、展 覽及硏討會、素食周、無車日、綠色辦公室、園藝治 療及廚餘染布工作坊。(圖六及八)
其中,綠色展覽是與董浩雲國際海事硏究中心、 中華電力有限公司、唯港薈、理大設計學院、理大 學生會綠行社及世界綠色組織聯合舉辦的。內容
包括綠色生活小貼士、香港生態旅遊、升級再造 產品、低碳物流及能源貧窮。(圖九)
理大校長唐偉章教授於二零一三年五月簽署「惜 食約章」。此外,理大亦聯同其他一百五十個機構 推廣減少廚餘的最佳守則和行為上的改變。活動
包括制定和實施減廢計劃、進行校園廢物審核、 採用及推廣使用盛餘食材的食譜,以及支持食物 捐贈。
Recycled waste turns useful products
Waste-collection services on campus would be revamped to include food waste from catering outlets that will be recycled into fish or animal feeds, compost or other useful products.
大學籌劃聘請承辦商收集校園內食肆的食物渣 滓,並將之再造成魚糧或動物飼料、堆肥或其他
Energy savings achieved
PolyU joined the Power Smart Energy Saving Contest 2012 organized by Friends of the Earth (HK) and succeeded in reducing electricity usage on main campus by more than 2% for 92 consecutive days.
理大參加香港地球之友舉辦的二零一二年「知慳 惜電–節能比賽」,並成功連續九十二天令主校園
Green building materials used
As part of our continuous efforts to achieve sustainable development, only building materials with no/extra-low volatile organic compound have been used in maintenance works.
為致力可持續發展,大學的維修工程只會採用不含 揮發性有機化合物或其含量極低的建築材料。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護
Campus Sustainability Weeks
university governance 大學管治
Council and Court
校董會及 大學顧問委員會
The Council is the governing body of the University. Established under the PolyU Ordinance, the Council comprises the President and Deputy President of the University as ex-officio members, 17 lay members from the business, financial and industrial sectors, and the professions, three elected staff members, a member from the alumni and two elected full-time students.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
University Governance
The University mourned the sad demise of its Deputy Chairman of Council, Ir Dr Ng Tat-lun, in January 2013. Mr Chan Tze-ching was subsequently appointed by the Chief Executive to assume the role of Deputy Chairman. During 2012/13, Dr Patrick Poon Sun-cheong was re-appointed as Treasurer of the University for a further term of two years. The Council also welcomed the joining of Dr Raymond Leung Siu-hong, Ms Amy Lung Pui-ying, Mr Augustus Tang Kin-wing, Prof. Michael C.K. Tse and Mr Wong Chun-long as new members. During the year, Mr Dennis Chan Shui-lun, Mr Ng Wai-hung, Dr Loretta Yam Yinchun, Mrs Betty Yuen So Siu-mai, Prof. Louis Cheng and Mr Andy Chan Man-fai retired from Council upon completion of their respective term. (See p.94 for the Council members as at 30 June 2013.) There are 12 committees under the Council, namely the Audit Committee, Campus Development Committee, Council Membership Nominations Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Fund-raising Committee, Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee, Investment Committee, Knowledge Transfer Committee, Senior Executives Evaluation and Compensation Committee, and Staffing Committee.
成立,其組成包括:校長和常務副校長為當然成 員;十七名來自商業、金融、工業及專業界別的校 外成員;三名由選舉產生的教職員;一名校友和兩 名全日制學生。
校董會副主席伍達倫博士工程師於二零一三年一 月去世。副主席一職其後由行政長官委任陳子政 先生出任。於二零一二至一三年度,潘燊昌博士亦 獲委任繼續擔任大學司庫兩年。新任校董會成員
包括梁少康博士、龍佩英女士、鄧健榮先生、 謝智剛教授及黃俊瑯先生。離任成員為陳瑞麟 先生、伍偉雄先生、任燕珍醫生、阮蘇少湄女士、 鄭子云教授及陳文煇先生(校董會成員名單見 第九十四頁)。
在校董會轄下設有十二個委員會,包括:審核委 員會、校園發展委員會、校董會成員提名委員會、 紀律委員會、常務委員會、財務委員會、籌募委員 會、榮譽學位及榮銜委員會、投資委員會、知識轉 移委員會、管理層評核及薪酬委員會,以及聘任事 務委員會。
大學顧問委員會是校董會的最高諮詢機構,負責 就大學方向性的事項提供意見,以推動大學的發 展。其組成包括主席、八位當然委員(校董會主席、 校董會副主席、 司庫、校長、一位由校長指派的大 學高層人員、校友會聯會會長、學生會會長和上任 校董會主席)及最多三十六位校外委任成員。
Mr Chan Tze-ching became an ex-officio member of the University Court upon his appointment as Deputy Chairman of Council. Mr Wong Chunlung upon taking up the role as President of the PolyU Students’ Union also took over the ex-officio membership of Mr Andy Chan Man-fai in the University Court. The Court welcomed Dr the Hon. Lam Tai-fai as a new member while Dr Raymond Leung retired during the period. (See p. 95 for a list of Court members.)
The Senate is the highest authority on all academic-related matters within the University. It is chaired by the President, and its membership includes representatives from all Faculties and academic Departments as well as from the student body. Under the Senate, there are a number of Faculty/School Boards, and standing committees looking after various policy/functional areas, including the Academic Appeals Committee, Academic Planning Committee, Academic Regulations Committee, Faculty/School/College Boards, Learning and Teaching Committee, Quality Assurance Committee (Academic Departments), and Research Committee.
會當然成員。大學二零一三至一四年度的學生會 主席黃俊瑯先生亦接替陳文煇先生為顧問委員會 當然委員。新任顧問委員為林大輝議員,離任成員 為梁少康博士(大學顧問委員會成員名單見第九 十五頁)。
教務委員會是大學內處理學術事務的最高決策單 位,由校長擔任主席,成員包括各學院、學系和學 生組織代表。轄下設有多個學院院務委員會及常 務委員會,負責不同範疇的政策與職能,包括教務 申訴委員會、教務策劃委員會、教務規章委員會、 學院院務委員會、教學委員會、質素委員會(教學 部門)及研究委員會。
Internal controls and audit
While the University has in place policies and guidelines for enabling management to operate and monitor effectively through checks and balances, it has also appointed an Audit Committee to ensure the effectiveness of internal control systems, internal audit processes and financial reporting. The Internal Audit Unit provides independent appraisals within the University to ensure and improve the quality of PolyU operations. To maintain independence, the Unit reports directly to the Audit Committee.
理大除了制定各項政策和指引及採取制衡措施, 協助有效管理及監察大學運作外,亦委任了一個 審核委員會,確保大學的內部監管制度、內部稽核 程序及財務報告制度行之有效。內部稽核組是校 內一個獨立的稽核機制,確保及提高大學的營運 質素。為保持內部稽核運作的獨立性,該組的工作
理 大 年 報 2012/13 大 學 管 治
The University Court is the supreme advisory body to the Council on matters of direction, with the objective of promoting the well-being of the University. Headed by the Court Chairman, the University Court consists of eight ex-officio members (Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council; Treasurer; President of the University; a member of Senior Management nominated by the President; President of the Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations; President of the Students’ Union; and the immediate past Council Chairman) and up to 36 appointed lay members.
The Unit is responsible for conducting regular audits to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of controls established by Management to safeguard the University’s assets, to secure the accuracy and reliability of its records, and to promote the efficiency of its operations.
The Unit performs audits in accordance with the plan approved by the Audit Committee and makes recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the areas being reviewed.
Human resources management
To enhance its performance-oriented culture, the University refined the Staff Appraisal System for Staff other than Heads of Department and above levels having regard to operational experience as well as comments obtained through staff consultation. Under the refined system, staff appraisal will be conducted annually and its outcome will serve as a major source of input on human resource functions including salary adjustment, contract renewal, staff development, etc. The refined system was introduced in March 2012, and the first appraisal under the system is expected to take place in summer 2013.
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
University Governance
To encourage staff members to continuously upgrade their competency, training and development programmes are organized throughout the year by the Human Resources Office for them. A total of 61 in-house training programmes were conducted for 1,723 staff members totalling 7,038 training hours for the year. The University also provides financial support to staff members for taking short courses, programmes leading to higher degrees and to attend academic conferences.
系統定期稽核,以確保制度有效,亦會考核校內報 告的準確和可靠性,以及提高營運制度的效率。
工作,並就審核的範疇提出改善工作效能和經濟 效益的建議。
經驗,以及經由員工諮詢而獲得的意見,對有關教 職員(系主任、部門主管及以上職級除外)員工評 核制度作出修訂。修訂後,員工評核將每年進行。 評核的結果將為薪酬調整、續約、員工發展等人力 資源相關運作提供依據。新修訂的制度已於二零 一二年三月正式實施,而在制度下的首次評核, 預期將於二零一三年夏季進行。
為鼓勵員工不斷提升才能,人力資源處在年內舉辦 了六十一個校內培訓課程,供一千七百二十三位 員工參與,合共有七千零三十八個培訓小時。 此外,本校亦資助教職員報讀短期課程、深造課程 及參加學術會議。
Internal communication
PolyU seeks to provide ways to enable communication to flow across the different sections of the University, thus allowing Management to gather opinions and listen to feedback from staff and students. Among these channels are regular meetings between Management and representatives of the Polytechnic University Staff Association, Postgraduate Association, and the Students’ Union. Open forums are also held to facilitate discussion on University issues.
理大積極提供不同渠道與本校各階層溝通,讓管 理層收集及聽取員工及學生的意見。其中的渠道
包括管理層與教職員協會、研究生會和學生會的 代表定期會面,並舉行公開論壇,就大學事宜進 行討論。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University University Governance Statement *
香港理工大學 管治原則和架構*
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is committed to the principles of good governance so as to ensure that the University is ‘fit for its purpose’ – as an institution of teaching and research, which also provides consultancy and other professional services to the community. These principles emphasize academic freedom and autonomy, performance in terms of added value to student education and academic advancement, public accountability and social responsibility, transparency, ethics and professionalism. These principles are to be upheld through the following provisos:
1. Academic freedom and autonomy
一. 學術自由和自主
2. Performance, ethics and professionalism The University will strive for exemplary performance with the highest possible standards of professionalism and ethics and seek to provide high quality services at a reasonable and affordable cost.
3. Transparency and public accountability The Council and the Management of the University will conduct their activities in a transparent manner, subject to legal restrictions and the need to protect the overall interests of the University.
4. Social responsibility The University will strive to fulfil its social responsibilities. As such, the University will, as far as is reasonable and possible, facilitate the participation of its staff and students in community development activities and public services.
問及專業服務的既定目標。理大重視學術自由和自 主、致力在教學及學術發展方面作出貢獻、肩負對 公眾和社會的責任、並確保有高透明度、合乎道德 標準和專業水平的運作。本校將通過以下條目維 護此等原則﹕
理大堅守和捍衛學術自由和制度上的自主,以 確保教育和學術追求不會受到不適當的干預。
二. 表現、道德和專業
理大以最高的專業和道德標準為依歸,追求 卓越的表現,並以合理和可負擔的成本提供 高質素的服務。
三. 透明度和公眾問責
大學校董會和管理層執行職務時,當在法律 約制和維護理大整體利益的前提下,保持適 當的透明度。
四. 社會責任
理大致力履行其社會責任,據此,理大會盡量 在合理和可能的情況下,為教職員和學生參 與社會建設活動及公眾服務提供方便。
Structures and processes
PolyU is committed to the mission of achieving academic excellence in a professional context. The emphasis is to provide holistic education and training so as to equip students with all-round personal development as well as professional knowledge and
理大致力追求以專業為基礎的卓越學術成就。 我們著重提供全人教育,培育學生的全面發展, 並透過以應用為本的課程,向學生傳授專業知識 與技能。同時,理大亦致力進行應用研究,以配合
理 大 年 報 2012/13 大 學 管 治
PolyU will uphold and defend academic freedom and institutional autonomy so as to ensure that its education and academic pursuits are not subject to undue intervention.
skills through application-oriented programmes, and to undertake research, emphasizing those of an applied nature which are relevant to industrial, commercial and community needs. Towards this end, the University recognizes the importance of establishing and implementing an effective framework of governance and management in directing and monitoring its operation and financial performance. The University has put in place the following governance structures and processes:
1. Council The Council of PolyU is composed of members appointed in accordance with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ordinance. The majority of Council members, including the Council Chairman, are external to the University. As the supreme governing body of the University, Council will do its best to govern the University by ensuring effective management of the University by the University Management team led by its President who is the Chief Executive Officer of the University. All Council members are expected to provide support and advice to the University so as to ensure its well-being and sustainable development. Council members will diligently and faithfully discharge their duties in the best interests of the public, the University’s students, employees and other sectors of the University community.
2. Council committees The Council will appoint standing Committees to support the governance of the major activities of the University. These Committees will include, but not be limited to, an Executive Committee, a Campus Development Committee, a Finance Committee and an Audit Committee. These committees will discharge their responsibilities according to the terms of reference prescribed by Council. The Council may also appoint ad hoc Committees or equivalent to take on matters of particular importance.
3. Senate
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
University Governance
The Council will appoint a Senate, as provided in the University’s Ordinance, to act as the supreme body in the academic governance of the institution. Senate is chaired by the President, with membership drawn from different quarters of the University community.
4. Management The University adopts an executive-led management system in which executives will assume full responsibility and accountability for their respective portfolios and will be given corresponding authority for the purpose of discharging their responsibilities. University executives are expected to exercise their authorities in an equitable, fair and compassionate manner, and to make decisions after adequate consultation in a collegial spirit through various formal and informal processes which cover diverse perspectives to facilitate executives in reaching balanced and informed decisions.
工商界及社會的需要。為達致以上目標,大學必須 建立有效的管治及管理架構,藉以指導及監察大 學的運作與財政管理。理大的管治架構及治事程 序如下﹕
一. 校董會
理大校董會成員乃按照《香港理工大學條例》 委任。大部分校董會成員,包括主席,均為校 外人士。作為大學最高的管治機構,校董會 須盡力執行管治工作,藉以確保以校長為首 的大學管理層能夠 有效地管理大學。校董會 成員有責任向大學提供意見和協助,務求為 大學謀福祉及確保其持續發展。校董會成員 須忠誠地盡力履行職務,並以公眾、學生、
二. 校董會轄下委員會
校董會可委任常設委員會,以支援大學主要 活動的管治工作。這些委員會包括常務委員 會、校園發展委員會、財務委員會、審核委員 會等。委員會數目可按需要而增加。各委員會 按照校董會訂下的職權範圍執行職務。校董 會亦可以就個別重要事項設立臨時委員會或
三. 教務委員會
校董會依照大學條例設立教務委員會,作為 管治大學學術事務的最高組織。教務委員 會由校長擔任主席,成員則來自大學不同的 單位。
四. 管理層
理大採取行政主導的管理模式,管理人員獲 賦予相關權力執掌職務,同時亦須為其職務 問責。他們須以公平、公正及體恤的態度執行 職務,在制定政策時,須透過正式及非正式渠 道進行適當諮詢,廣納意見,務求作出深思 熟慮、不偏不倚的決定。
五. 內部監管及對校外的披露
The University Management will ensure high-level performance and cost-effectiveness in all aspects of the University’s academic and service operations through appropriate delegation of responsibility and authority as well as the deployment of checkand-balance mechanisms. It will also maintain an effective internal control system to appropriately monitor the exercise of executive authorities, safeguard the university’s assets and ensure their appropriate use or disposition, maintain proper accounts and records, and comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements as well as to ensure appropriate risk management.
The University will publish an annual report and audited financial statements after the end of each financial year. To provide an objective and independent review of the financial reporting of the University and to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of financial resources, an external auditor is appointed by the University to conduct an annual audit of its financial statements.
The Audit Committee will provide an independent review of the effectiveness of the financial reporting process, internal audit process, internal control system and risk management of the University. The Audit Committee will receive reports from both the internal and external auditors and will ensure their adequate and fair disclosure in the University’s annual accounts, and the appropriate development, maintenance and implementation of control measures to address risks.
6. Human resources management
確保大學在學術及各項服務均能達致高水準 及符合成本效益。大學設有有效的內部監管 制度,以監察行政權力的運用;保護大學資產, 並確保資產恰當運用;保持清楚賬目及紀錄﹔ 遵守有關法律及規管條文,以及確保適當的 風險管理。
的財務報表。為確保大學以高透明度及問責 態度運用資源,大學每年均委任校外核數師, 負責審核大學的財務報表,並就大學的財務 報告方式提供客觀和獨立的意見。
審核委員會須就大學的財務匯報程序、內部 稽核程序、內部監管制度及風險管理的成效 進行獨立檢討。校內的稽核處和校外核數師 須向審核委員會提交報告。審核委員會須確 保核數師報告中的資料在大學的年度賬目適 當披露,並確保大學採取適當行動及執行監 管措施管理風險。
六. 人力資源管理
The University is a caring employer for all its employees, offering equal opportunity to qualified and suitable persons. It will provide a favourable and facilitating environment and opportunities for employees’ career advancement.
The University will endeavour to provide competitive compensation and benefits to its employees so as to attract and retain quality employees to provide high quality education services.
The Council will determine the employment policy and terms of employment of the University’s employees while the President, under delegated authority of the Council, will determine the terms of employment of individual employees in accordance with established regulations and procedures.
Management will establish and implement an effective system and mechanism to handle staff grievances and appeals in a fair and reasonable manner.
* The Chinese translation is based on the original draft in English endorsed by the Council.
適的人士提供平等機會,並為員工提供有利 環境及機會,協助他們個人事業的提升。
吸引及保留優秀員工,為社會提供優質的教 育和服務。
政策。校長獲校董會授權,根據規例及程序決 定個別員工的聘用條款。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 大 學 管 治
5. Internal control and external reporting
MEMBERSHIP OF COUNCIL (as of 30 June 2013) 校董會成員(二零一三年六月三十日名單) Chairman 主席
Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak 楊敏德女士, GBS, JP *
Deputy Chairman 副主席
Mr Chan Tze-ching 陳子政先生, BBS, JP *
Treasurer 司庫
Dr Patrick Poon Sun-cheong 潘燊昌博士*
Members 成員
a. The President and the Deputy President 校長及常務副校長
Prof. Timothy W. Tong, President 校長唐偉章教授, JP Prof. Philip C.H. Chan, Deputy President and Provost 常務及學務副校長陳正豪教授, BBS
b. Three elected staff members appointed by Council 三位經推選並由校董會委任的員工成員
(i) elected by and from full-time staff 由全職員工從全職員工中選出
Dr Rodney Chu Wai-chi 朱偉志博士 Dr Justin Law King-wai 羅敬偉博士 (ii) elected by and from the Senate 由教務委員會從教務委員會中選出
Prof. Michael C.K. Tse 謝智剛教授 Seventeen members who are not employees or students of the University or public officers, of whom
University Governance
Prof. John Chai Yat-chiu 查逸超教授 Ms Irene Chow Man-ling 周雯玲女士 Mrs Yvonne Law Shing Mo-han 羅盛慕嫻女士 Dr Raymond Leung Siu-hong 梁少康博士 Dr Lawrence Li Kwok-chang 李國祥醫生, JP Mr Alex Lui Chun-wan 雷震寰先生 Ms Amy Lung Pui-ying 龍佩英女士 (1 vacancy 一 空缺) c. One member from the alumni who is not an employee of the University and who shall be appointed by the Council 一位由校董會委任而不是大學職員的校友代表
Ir Prof. Johnny Fan Siu-kay 樊紹基教授、工程師 d. Two members from the full-time students appointed by the Council
(i) nine shall be appointed by the Chief Executive
(i) elected by and from undergraduate and sub-degree students
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
(ii) eight shall be appointed by the Council
The Hon. Chan Kam-lam 陳鑑林議員, SBS, JP Mr Jimmy Kwok Chun-wah 郭振華先生, BBS, MH, JP Mr Billy Lam Chung-lun 林中麟先生, GBS, JP Mr Laurence Li Lu-jen 李律仁先生 Prof. Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing 彭贊榮教授, SBS Mr Augustus Tang Kin-wing 鄧健榮先生
Secretary 秘書
Miss Connie Chan Yuk-wa 陳育華小姐
* Members appointed under category (c)(i) 根據類別(c)(i)獲委任的成員
由全日制本科生及學位以下程度課程學生從全日制本科 生及學位以下程度課程學生中選出
Mr Wong Chun-long 黃俊瑯先生 (ii) elected by and from postgraduate students 由全日制研究生從全日制研究生中選出
(to be elected 有待選出)
MEMBERSHIP OF university COUrt (as of 30 June 2013)
大學顧問委員會成員(二零一三年六月三十日名單) Chairman 主席
Prof. Roy Chung Chi-ping 鍾志平教授, BBS, JP
Ex-officio members 當然成員 Chairman of Council
President of Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations
Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak 楊敏德女士, GBS, JP
Ir Prof. Johnny Fan Siu-kay 樊紹基教授、工程師
Deputy Chairman of Council
President of Students’ Union
Mr Chan Tze-ching 陳子政先生, BBS, JP
Mr Wong Chun-long 黃俊瑯先生
Immediate Past Chairman of Council
Dr Patrick Poon Sun-cheong 潘燊昌博士
Dr Victor Lo Chung-wing 羅仲榮博士, GBS, JP
President of the University 香港理工大學校長
Prof. Timothy W. Tong 唐偉章教授, JP A member of Senior Management nominated by the President 由校長指派的大學高層人員
Prof. Angelina Yuen 阮曾媛琪教授, BBS, JP Vice President (Institutional Advancement & Partnership)
Appointed members 委任成員
Mr Victor Cha Mou-zing 查懋成先生 Dr Raymond Chan 陳煒文博士, JP Dr Francis Choi Chee-ming 蔡志明博士, GBS, JP Dr Jonathan Choi Koon-shum 蔡冠深博士, BBS, JP Mr Oscar Chow Vee-tsung 周維正先生 Dr Patrick Fung Yuk-bun 馮鈺斌博士, JP Ms Pansy Ho 何超瓊女士 Dr the Hon. Stanley Ho 何鴻燊博士, GBM, GBS, OBE Ms Katherine Hung Siu-lin 洪小蓮女士 Mr Kenneth Lam Yiu-kin 林耀堅先生 The Hon. Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung 林健鋒議員, GBS, JP Dr the Hon. Lam Tai-fai 林大輝議員, SBS, JP Mr Lawrence Lam Yin-ming 林彥明先生, PMSM Dr Allen Lee Peng-fei 李鵬飛博士, JP
Secretary 秘書
Miss Connie Chan Yuk-wa 陳育華小姐
Prof. Liu Sing-cheong 廖勝昌教授, JP Mr Joseph Lo Kin-ching 勞建青先生 Dr the Hon. Lui Che-woo 呂志和博士, GBM, MBE, JP Ir Prof. Ng Sai-ho 吳世豪教授、工程師 Ms Winnie Ng 伍詠梅女士 Dr Danny Ngai Kam-fai 倪錦輝博士, JP Mrs Katherine Ngan Ng Yu-ying 顏吳餘英女士, JP Mr Cliff Sun Kai-lit 孫啟烈先生, BBS, JP The Hon. James Pei-chun Tien 田北俊議員, GBS, JP Mr Kenneth Ting Woo-shou 丁午壽先生, SBS, JP Dr Henry Tseng Chee 曾琦博士 Dr Allan Wong Chi-yun 黃子欣博士, GBS, JP Dr Jose Yu Sunsay 楊孫西博士, GBS, SBS, JP Mr Yu Kwok-chun 余國春先生, GBS, SBS, JP
理 大 年 報 2012/13 大 學 管 治
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
The University had a good start financially in 2012/13, the first year of the University Grants Committee (“UGC”) funding triennium 201215. The year not only marked a new era for local tertiary education, with the new four-year undergraduate curriculum being smoothly implemented in the University, but also the launch of the University’s Strategic Plan 2012/13-2017/18 and a set of re-aligned investment strategies. The re-start of the Matching Grant Scheme, already into its 6th phase, by the government contributed to the increase of income in 2012/13.
本校於 2012/13 財政年度財政穩健,奠定了大學教
The year ended with a healthy surplus and stronger balance sheet as at 30 June 2013. The University and the Consolidated Entity recorded a surplus of $514.4 million (2012: $154.4 million) and $729.7 million (2012: $280.5 million) respectively in 2012/13. Net assets of both the University and the Consolidated Entity had a positive growth of 15% and 18% to $4,029.9 million (2012: $3,515.5 million) and $4,762.7 million (2012: $4,029.4 million) respectively.
營運結果及 財務狀況
In 2013, the total income of the University rose by $750.1 million to $4,997.1 million (2012: $4,246.0 million), an increase of 18% over the previous year. The key contributors to this growth in revenue were the $448.2 million increase in Government Subventions and the $117.5 million rise in Tuition and Other Fees, which were due to the implementation of the four-year academic structure and the double cohort of first year students, resulting in a record high UGC undergraduate student body of 13,000. An increase in Net Investment Gain by around $100.0 million to $132.0 million (2012: $32.1 million) was the positive outcome after the implementation of the new investment strategies. With the launch of the Sixth
2013 年本校總收入增長了7.501 億港元至 49.971億
育資助委員會 「教資會」 ( ) 2012-15 三年撥款期首 年的良好開端。隨著新四年制本科課程順利推行, 本年度不僅是香港高等教育邁進新里程的重要時 候,也是大學策略性發展計劃 2012/13-2017/18 和新投資策略執行的開端。政府重新啟動配對補 助金計劃並已踏入第 6 期,促進了2012/13 財政年 度收入增長。
務狀況。本校與綜合體分別錄得盈餘 5.144 億港元 ( 2012 : 1.544 億港元)及 7.297 億港元( 2012 : 2.805 億港元)。本校與綜合體的淨資產增長率分別約 為 15% 及 18% ,分別增長至 40.299 億港元( 2012 : 35.155 億港元)及 47.627 億港元( 2012 : 40.294 億 港元)。
港元(2012 : 42.46億港元),較去年同期上升 18%。 增幅主要來自政府額外撥款 4.482 億港元及學費 和其他收費增長共 1.175 億港元,由於四年本科學 制的開展與同年招收兩批新生的關係,今年教資 會本科生創新紀錄,總人數多達 13,000 餘人。 大學投資淨收益增長了近1億港元至 1.32 億港元 ( 2012 : 3,210 萬港元),是實施新投資策略的正面 成果。受惠於第 6 期配對補助金計劃的推行,外界 捐助增至 2.201 億港元( 2012 : 1.355 億港元)。然 而為了實施新本科學制,本校總開支較去年同期
Matching Grant Scheme, Donations and Benefactions in the year reached $220.1 million (2012: $135.5 million). The expenditure of the University increased by an overall rate of 10% to $4,478.2 million (2012: $4,088.2 million), mostly due to the implementation of the new academic structure. Following the completion of the Phase 8 Development Project (Block Z), a number of consequential works were carried out to suitably furnish the available space for our staff and students. Taking into consideration the associated renovation costs, as well as the cost incurred in the purchase of office/classroom furniture and equipment items, moving and facilities management, the Premises and Related Expenses amounted to $906.6 million (2012: $720.3 million), an increase of 26%.
上升 10%,增至 44.782 億港元( 2012 : 40.882億
The total operating income of subsidiaries was $1,324.1 million (2012: $1,181.9 million) and total operating expenditure was $1,108.0 million (2012: $1,108.8 million), achieving a surplus from operation of $216.1 million (2012: $73.1 million). The 12% increase in total operating income was mainly due to the increase in post-secondary education places offered by Hong Kong Community College (“HKCC”) in response to market demand in this unique double cohort year and the continued business growth of Hotel ICON. The corresponding higher level of expenditure in these two subsidiaries was partly offset by the expenditure eliminated after the selling off of a number of subsidiaries in the previous year. Total expenditure of the subsidiaries, net of their donation of surpluses to the University, increased 5% in the year.
年內附屬公司的總營運收入為 13.241 億港元( 2012
港元)。隨著第 8 期校園發展計劃(教學樓Z 座)的 竣工,校園內展開了一系列相關工程以確保員工 及學生有足夠及適合的使用空間。其中包括相應 的裝修費用、購買辦公室/課室傢俬及設備費用、 搬運費用與設施管理費,導致校舍及有關開支較 去年同期上升 26%,增長至 9.066 億港元( 2012 : 7.203 億港元)。
: 11.819 億港元),總營運開支為 11.08 億港元( 2012 : 11.088 億港元),因而錄得營運盈餘 2.161億港元 (2012 : 7,310萬港元)。本年度總營運收入較去年同 期上升 12%,主要由於雙班年帶動的市場需求造 就了對香港專上學院專上教育學位的增長,以及 「唯港薈」持續增長的業績。而支援香港專上學院 與酒店營運而相應增加的各項開支,跟去年度出 售了部分附屬公司而減退的營運開支互相抵銷。 除去附屬公司對本校的捐款,附屬公司於 2013 年 度的開支實較去年同期上升 5% 。
* The University and Consolidated Income and Expenditure Analyses are provided in Figures 1-4. 本校及綜合體之收入及開支分析詳情載於圖一至四。
Income Analysis 收入分析
Consolidated 綜合
University 大學
Government Subventions
Tuition and Other Fees
Net Investment Gain
Donations and Benefactions
Other Income
學費及其他收費 投資淨收益 外界捐助 其他收入
total 總數
理 大 年 報 2012/13 財 務 概 況
Income 收入
Figure 1 圖一 2012/13 Consolidated Income Analysis 2012/13 年度綜合收入分析
12.0% 3.7%
Figure 2 圖二 2012/13 University Income Analysis 2012/13 年度大學收入分析
KEY 圖例 Government Subventions 政府撥款
Tuition and Other Fees 學費及其他收費
Net Investment Gain 投資淨收益
Donations and Benefactions 外界捐助
Other Income 其他收入
expenditure Analysis 開支分析 expenditure 開支
Consolidated 綜合
2013 HK$’m
University 大學
2012 %
2013 %
2012 %
Learning and Research 學習及科研
Instruction and Research
Central Computing Facilities
Other Academic Services
教學及科研 圖書館
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Management and General
Premises and Related Expenses
Student and General Educational Services
Other Activities
學生及一般教育服務 其他活動
total Expenditure excluding finance costs and income tax 財務費用及所得稅以外開支
Figure 3 圖三 2012/13 Consolidated Expenditure Analysis 2012/13 年度綜合開支分析
Figure 4 圖四 2012/13 University Expenditure Analysis 2012/13 年度大學開支分析
65.0% 20.3%
4.6% 0.1%
6.1% KEY 圖例 學習及科研
Management and General
Premises and Related Expenses 校舍及有關開支
Student and General Educational Services 學生及一般教育服務
In 2013, the total number of on-going research projects was 2,679 (2012: 2,457), out of which 645 (2012: 592) were new projects. The total number of candidates registered for research degrees was 1,495 (2012: 1,504).
於2013 年進行中的科研項目共計 2,679 項( 2012 :
In addition to the UGC’s recurrent grants supporting general research activities, the University also secured funding from different sources to support other specific research projects. Total grants of $91.4 million (2012: $107.0 million) were received from UGC and its Research Grants Council. Another $188.1 million (2012: $185.4 million) of research funds came from contract research, sponsorships or donations. Total expenditure on research projects and studentship for the year, irrespective of funding sources, was $423.0 million (2012: $436.9 million).
The University has a robust research ethos, with researchers undertaking projects at internationally recognized levels. We have strong focus on application–oriented research and a good track record of developing innovations for industries. During the year, the University teamed up with The Boeing Company of USA to establish Hong Kong’s first Aviation Services Research Centre, for which Government funding and sponsorship from other industrial partners will be solicited to support its activities.
Other Activities 其他活動
2 ,457 ),其中有 645 項( 2012 : 592 )為新項目。 而註冊研究生的總人數為 1,495 名( 2012 : 1,504)。
外,本校也循其他途徑募集資金用於支持特定的 科研項目。本校從教資會及其研究資助局收到的 撥款為 9,140 萬港元( 2012 : 1.07 億港元)。另外由 其他來源如合約研究、贊助與捐贈所得之研究基 金共計 1.881 億港元( 2012 : 1.854 億港元)。從所有 資金來源計算,本年度用於研究項目與研究生助 學金支出共計 4.23 億港元( 2012 : 4.369 億港元)。
本校的研究風氣濃厚,研究項目亦已達國際水平。 由於本校著重應用為本的科研發展,加上為工業 界創新發明的驕人佳績,本校於年度內和美國波 音公司合作共建香港首間航空服務研究中心,並 將尋求政府及其他業界夥伴資助其運作。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 財 務 概 況
Learning and Research
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
A new set of investment strategies was developed by the Investment Committee, based on the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines approved by Council. In essence, the strategy aligns investments with the cash flow requirements and long term development of the University, with the objective of matching assets and liabilities. Approximately 40% of the investible funds are invested by external investment managers selected by the Investment Committee.
投資 按校董會已審批的投資策略及指引為基礎,投資委 員會制定了一套新的投資策略, 旨在配合本校的現 金流需求及長遠發展作出資產及負債配對的投資 計劃。投資委員會挑選的獨立基金經理的投資資 本佔本校可投資資金的 40%。
As at 30 June 2013, the allocation of the University’s investments was as follows: 78.8% (2012: 99.6%) in fixed income securities and 21.1% (2012: 0.3%) in equities. The University recorded a net investment gain of $132.0 million (2012: $32.1 million) for the year.
截至 2013 年6月30日止,本校投資的分配如下:
For the year, a total of $740.3 million (2012: $1,156.6 million) was incurred in capital development programmes and various alterations, additions and improvement (“AA&I”) projects. The Phase 8 Development Project (Block Z), which accounted for $246.3 million (2012: $507.0 million), was completed and the occupation permit for the entire building was issued in May 2013. Phased move-in of academic and administrative departments had started since March 2013 and the complex would be fully operational in the new academic year 2013/14.
Construction of the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, with the capital expenditure of $389.7 million (2012: $206.4 million) being incurred during the year, was also basically completed and the occupation permit was issued in August 2013. Interior fitting would continue, with gradual move-in of the School of Design during the latter part of 2013. The building with its iconic design will bring an impressive look to the landscape of our campus.
本年度用於賽馬會創新樓的開支為 3.897 億港元
The University continuously reviews its space requirements and utilization with a view to providing a functional and sustainable campus for learning, teaching and research. The Library Extension and Revitalization project has the support of UGC, pending submission for Government funding. Planning for a number of new projects, including the Redevelopment of Block X and the Campus Extension at Ho Man Tin, is now underway.
* The University Capital Development Programmes Analysis is provided in Figure 5. 大學基建項目分析詳情載於圖五。
78.8%(2012 : 99.6%)投放於固定收入證券、21.1% ( 2012 : 0.3% )投放於股票。本校於本年度錄得的 投資淨收益為 1.32 億港元( 2012 : 3,210 萬港元)。
7.403 億港元( 2012 : 11.566 億港元)。本年度用於第 8 期校園發展計劃(教學樓 Z 座)的開支為 2.463 億 港元( 2012 : 5.07 億港元)。該項目已按原定計劃竣 工,而入伙紙亦已於 2013 年5月獲批。各有關學術 及行政部門已於2013年 3月開始陸續遷入新大樓, 預期新校舍將於 2013/14 新學年可全面投入運作。
(2012 : 2.064 億港元)。該項目基本上已竣工並已 於2013 年 8月獲批入伙紙。在其室內裝修工程繼續 進行的同時,設計學院也將於 2013 年下半年逐步 遷入。賽馬會創新樓的獨特設計,將會為理大校園 帶來新面貌。
持續發展及使用的校園供教學與研究之用。圖書 館擴建及改進項目已獲得教資會的支持,正等待向 政府申請資助。若干新項目包括教學樓X座的重建 及在何文田擴建校舍的籌劃工作亦已展開。
capital development programmes analysis 基建項目分析
2013 HK$’m
Phase 8 Development
2012 %
Student Hostel Phase 3 Development 第3期學生宿舍發展計劃 Jockey Club Innovation Tower 賽馬會創新樓
Other Capital Projects & AA&I Works
Figure 5 圖五 capital development programmes analysis 基建項目分析
390 206
42 59
0 Phase 8 Development 第8期校舍發展計劃
Student Hostel Phase 3 Development 第3期學生宿舍發展計劃
Jockey Club Innovation Tower 賽馬會創新樓
Other Capital Projects & AA&I Works 其他基建項目及改建丶 加建丶維修及改善工程
理 大 年 報 2012/13 財 務 概 況
hk$ million 以百萬港元計
Donations raised this year were $220.1 million (2012: $135.5 million). During the year, the University successfully matched and received a grant of $102.2 million under the Government Sixth Matching Grant Scheme. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust donated $84.7 million during the year of which $77.5 million was for the construction of the Jockey Club Innovation Tower; the latter sum was part of the total budget of $218.3 million approved by the Trust for the Jockey Club Innovation Tower capital project. With the help of donors, contributions of the PolyU Development Foundation Fund and the funding from the Matching Grant Scheme, the University established an Endowed Professorship Scheme in 2013 to recognize the elite scholars and to support the continuous advancement of the designated academic and research areas.
本校本年度籌募捐款共計 2.201 億港元( 2012 :
The University is truly grateful to all donors for their generosity and support, which affirms the public’s recognition of the University’s academic and research achievements, activities and administration capabilities.
1.355 億港元)。本校於第 6 期配對輔助金計劃中成 功配對並收到 1.022 億港元。另外,香港賽馬會慈 善信託基金於本年度捐贈了8,470 萬港元予本校, 其中包括為興建賽馬會創新樓的 7,7 5 0 萬港元, 後者屬於信託基金已批核的賽馬會創新樓建築總 預算金額 2 .1 83 億港元之部分。憑著捐款人的支 持、理大發展基金的收益與配對輔助金的撥款,本 校於 2013 年創立了 「勵學教授冠名計劃」,以表彰 頂尖學者並為其在特定學術研究領域的持續提升 提供支持。
贈者對本校的鼎力支持亦證明了本校的學術成就、 科研活動及行政管理能力已被普羅大眾廣泛認同。
* The University Donation Analysis is provided in Figure 6. 大學捐助分析詳情載於圖六。
donation Analysis 外界捐助分析
2013 HK$’m University Development Fund
Donations for Research Activities
Scholarship, Bursaries, Prizes and Loan Funds, and others
Other Earmarked Donations 其他特定捐款 科研活動捐助
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
2012 %
Figure 6 圖六 donation analysis 外界捐助分析
100 hk$ million 以百萬港元計
80 60 40
54 32
34 28
43 21
20 0 Other Earmarked Donations 其他特定捐款
Donations for Research Activities 科硏活動捐助
Scholarship, Bursaries, Prizes and Loan Funds, and others 獎學金、助學金、獎金及 借貸基金,以及其他
To cater for the University’s Strategic Plan and the consolidation of the new four-year undergraduate structure, a higher level of resources demand is expected in the future.
With the aim of recruiting and retaining talent, the Review of the Salary and Reward System currently underway will help enhance the University’s pool of high-quality staff. Long-term Campus Planning will guide the University to provide better environment and facilities to achieve its mission. Our strong financial position will be a good foundation for these various initiatives.
We cannot foresee accurately what the future will be, particularly the condition of the financial markets. The finance team, however, will strive to follow the best risk and financial management practices to ensure that the University’s Strategic Plan is well executed, allowing us to achieve our mission in nurturing talents for the betterment of Hong Kong and our nation.
科學制的鞏固期,本校預期未來的資源需求會持 續增加。
酬及獎勵制度檢討以改進大學的人力資源管理。 長遠校園發展計劃可為大學提供更佳的空間及設 備以助實現其使命。本校穩健的財務狀況為以上 各項目提供了良好基礎。
但我們的財務團隊致力遵行良好的風險及財務管 理,確保大學的策略性發展計劃能夠 有效地執行, 以達成為香港及國家作育英才的使命。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 財 務 概 況
University Development Fund 大學發展基金
income and expenditure analysis for 2009-2013 (at university level) 二零零九至二零一三年度收支賬項分析 (大學層面) 2009
2,123 1,137 (472) 135 323 3,246
2,147 1,198 136 193 315 3,989
2,256 1,264 138 131 339 4,128
2,339 1,362 32 136 377 4,246
2,787 1,480 132 220 378 4,997
2,492 128 109 187
2,605 135 137 222
206 638 181 15 5 3,961
248 906 206 5 14 4,478
income 收入 Government Subventions 政府撥款 Tuition and Other Fees 學費及其他收費 Net Investment Gain/(Loss) 投資淨收益/(虧損) Donations and Benefactions 外界捐助 Other Income 其他收入 total income 總收入
35.0 (14.5)
4.2 10 100
30.0 3.4 4.9 7.9 100
30.6 3.3 3.2 8.2 100
32.0 0.8 3.2 8.9 100
29.6 2.6 4.4 7.6 100
expenditure 開支 Learning and Research 學習及科研 Instruction and Research 教學及科研 Library 圖書館 Central Computing Facilities 中央電腦設施 Other Academic Services 其他教學服務
2,574 137 115 196
217 666 197 10 4,112
3.3 2.8 4.8
3.2 2.8 4.7
2,476 133 112 196
213 638 189 18 8 3,983
3.3 2.8 4.9
2,483 135 118 201
221 720 188 10 12 4,088
3.3 2.9 4.9
3.0 3.1 4.9
Institutional Support 教學支援 Management and General 管理及一般項目 Premises and Related Expenses 校舍及有關開支 Student and General Educational Services 學生及一般教育服務 Other Activities 其他活動 Finance Costs 財務費用 total expenditure 總開支
16.2 4.8 0.2 100
16.1 4.6 0.4 0.1 100
Figure 7 圖七 university income and expenditure analysis for 2009-2013 hk$ million 以百萬港元計
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
二零零九至二零一三年度大學收支賬項分析 5,000 4,800 4,600 4,400 4,200 4,000 3,800 3,600 3,400 3,200 3,000
16.0 4.7 0.5 0.2 100
17.7 4.6 0.2 0.3 100
20.3 4.6 0.1 0.3 100
KEY 圖例 Total Income 總收入
Total Expenditure 總開支
* Note: Deficit recorded in 2008/09 was mainly due to the planned deployment of the reserves accumulated in the past years, to support various strategic initiatives for strengthening the University’s teaching and research development as well as preparation for the new 4-year undergraduate programme.
註: 2008/09年度錄得之虧損主要是因為本校調配 過往數年累積之儲備應付多項策略性的計劃,以加 強本校教學及科研的發展,同時亦為迎接新大學四 年制作好準備。
income and expenditure statement (for the year ended 30 june 2013) 收支賬項 (截至二零一三年六月三十日止年度) In thousands of Hong Kong dollars 以千港元計
Consolidated 綜合
income 收入
University 大學
2,794,474 2,082,425 167,572 223,549 720,025 5,988,045
2,343,327 1,915,737 36,792 88,685 637,319 5,021,860
2,787,565 1,479,833 132,015 220,078 377,580 4,997,071
2,339,447 1,362,339 32,101 135,495 376,598 4,245,980
2,838,683 149,664 155,226 262,025
2,692,741 147,324 130,458 241,272
2,604,721 135,136 137,177 221,641
2,482,933 135,046 117,914 200,822
320,391 995,163 222,415 299,074 5,242,641
292,997 778,266 201,209 281,134 4,765,401
247,741 906,554 205,948 5,538 4,464,456
221,335 720,273 187,892 9,482 4,075,697
13,775 5,256,416
12,550 4,777,951
13,775 4,478,231
12,550 4,088,247
Share of Loss of Associates 應佔聯營公司虧損
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Jointly Controlled Entities
734,501 (4,774) 729,727
284,650 (4,192) 280,458
519,165 (4,774) 514,391
157,733 (3,289) 154,444
Government Subventions 政府撥款 Tuition and Other Fees 學費及其他收費 Net Investment Gain 投資淨收益 Donations and Benefactions 外界捐助 Other Income 其他收入
expenditure 開支 Learning and Research 學習及科研 Instruction and Research 教學及科研 Library 圖書館 Central Computing Facilities 中央電腦設施 Other Academic Services 其他教學服務
Management and General 管理及一般項目 Premises and Related Expenses 校舍及有關開支 Student and General Educational Services 學生及一般教育服務 Other Activities 其他活動
Finance Costs 財務費用
Surplus from Operations 營運盈餘 Gain/(Loss) on Disposal of Subsidiary/Associates /Jointly Controlled Entities
Surplus before Taxation 除稅前盈餘 Income Tax 所得稅 Surplus for the Year 本年度盈餘
* The above Income and Expenditure Statement is extracted from the audited financial statements for this year ended 30 June 2013. 以上收支賬項摘錄自二零一三年六月三十日止年度經核數師審核之財務報表。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 財 務 概 況
Institutional Support 教學支援
statement of financial position (as at 30 june 2013) 財務狀況表 (截至二零一三年六月三十日止年度) (Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars 以千港元計)
Consolidated 綜合
non-current assets 非流動資產 Fixed Assets 固定資產
Investments in Subsidiaries 附屬公司之投資 Interests in Associates 聯營公司權益 Interests in Jointly Controlled Entities 共同控制實體權益 Non-current Financial Assets 非流動金融資產 Employee Benefits Assets 員工福利資產
5,544,767 2,548 37,737 328,248 5,737 5,919,037
University 大學
5,226,650 2,650 33,697 488,594 6,849 5,758,440
5,325,284 175,999 328,248 5,737 5,835,268
4,985,736 170,947 488,594 6,849 5,652,126
2,461,734 42,150 3,814 469,161 2,955,281 5,932,140
54,573 48,120 2,791 400,210 4,209,886 4,715,580
2,461,734 134,810 42,150 446,836 2,790,351 5,875,881
54,573 187,080 48,120 385,350 4,058,180 4,733,303
42,150 66,311 837,740 352,410 374,433 187,507 5,795 1,866,346
48,120 53,711 788,251 293,144 218,490 285,420 1,626 1,688,762
42,150 66,311 1,547,672 291,208 365,036 142,956 5,795 2,461,128
48,120 53,711 1,332,073 241,910 210,954 227,609 1,626 2,116,003
4,065,794 9,984,831
3,026,818 8,785,258
3,414,753 9,250,021
2,617,300 8,269,426
1,289,813 383,052 78,864 1,751,729
1,356,124 338,214 90,067 1,784,405
1,289,813 381,106 78,850 1,749,769
1,356,124 336,370 90,038 1,782,532
3,470,397 4,762,705
2,971,430 4,029,423
3,470,397 4,029,855
2,971,430 3,515,464
3,852,755 909,950 4,762,705
3,220,786 808,637 4,029,423
3,119,905 909,950 4,029,855
2,706,827 808,637 3,515,464
Current Assets 流動資產
Current Financial Assets 流動金融資產 Loans to Subsidiaries 附屬公司貸款 Staff Loans 教職員貸款 Inventories 存貨 Accounts and Other Receivable 應收賬項 Cash and Deposits with Banks 現金及銀行存款 Current Liabilities 流動負債
Bank Loan for On-lending to Staff 轉貸予教職員之銀行貸款 Loans and Borrowings 貸款 Accounts and Other Payables 應付賬款 Provision for Employee Benefits 員工福利撥備 Deferred Income 遞延收入 Receipts in Advance 預收款項 Tax Payable 應付稅項 Net Current Assets 淨流動資產 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 總資產扣減流動負債 Non-current Liabilities 非流動負債 Loans and Borrowings 貸款
Provision for Employee Benefits 員工福利撥備 Deferred Income 遞延收入 Deferred Capital Funds 遞延資本基金
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Net Assets 淨資產
Representing 相當於 General Funds 一般基金
Restricted Funds 特定基金 total 總額 Ms Marjorie Yang Mun-tak 楊敏德女士, GBS, JP Chairman of Council 校董會主席
Professor Timothy Tong Wai-cheung 唐偉章教授, JP President 校長
Dr Patrick Poon Sun-cheong 潘燊昌博士 Treasurer 司庫
Mr Louis Heung Sai-kit 香世傑先生 Director of Finance 財務總監
* The above Statement of Financial Position is extracted from the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013. 以上財務狀況表摘錄自二零一三年六月三十日止年度經核數師審核之財務報表。
I. Senior Staff Appointments and Movements 高級職員人事變動
Prof. H.C. Man, as Chair Professor of Materials Engineering and Dean of Faculty of Engineering on 1 August 2012 文効忠教授:
Prof. John Xin, as Chair Professor of Textile Chemistry and Head of Institute of Textiles and Clothing on 1 October 2012
二零一二年十月一日出任紡織及製 衣學系講座教授兼紡織及製衣學系 系主任
Prof. Tim Shi Dingxu, as Chair Professor of Chinese Linguistics and Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies on 1 August 2012 石定栩教授: 二零一二年八月一日出任中國語文學
Appointments 委任 Dr Shirley Chiu-wing Wong, as University Librarian on 3 July 2012
Prof. Min Wang, as Chair Professor of Communication Design on 2 January 2013
二零一三年一月二日出任傳達設計 講座教授
Mr Simon K.W. Lau, as Head, Mainland and International Student Services on 13 August 2012
Dr Terence L.T. Lau, as Director of Innovation and Technology Development on 14 January 2013
Prof. Alex Molasiotis, as Chair Professor of Nursing and Head of School of Nursing on 10 September 2012
Mrs Georgina Chan, as Director of Advanced Executive Education on 11 March 2013
Prof. Y.S. Li, Chair Professor of Coastal and Environmental Engineering, retired on 18 June 2013 海岸及環境工程學講座教授 李毓湘教授: 二零一三年六月十八日榮休
Departures 離職 Prof. John Heskett, Chair Professor of Design, left the University on 31 July 2012 設計學講座教授 Prof. John Heskett:
Mr Alan Li, Director of Human Resources, left the University on 29 June 2013
Prof. Alain Bensoussan, Chair Professor of Risk and Decision Analysis, left the University on 31 December 2012
Prof. Feng Dagan David, Chair Professor of Information Technology, left the University on 30 June 2013 資訊技術講座教授馮大淦教授:
Prof. Alain Bensoussan: 二零一二年十二月三十一日離職
Dr Tony H.J. Shieh, Director of Advanced Executive Education, left the University on 22 January 2013
Prof. James Xing, Director of General Education Centre, left the University on 30 June 2013
Prof. James Xing:
Ms Melina Lai, as Director of Careers and Placement Services on 10 December 2012
Prof. Jason D. Shaw, as Chair Professor of Management on 13 May 2013 Prof. Jason D. Shaw:
Mrs Winnie Eley, Director of International Affairs, left the University on 24 May 2013
Retirement 退休
通識教育中心總監 理 大 年 報 2012/13 附 錄
Promotion 擢升
II. Scholarships, prizes and financial assistance for students 獎助學金及貸款
Scholarships and prizes 獎學金
Government’s Tertiary Student Finance Scheme: Publicly-Funded Programmes 政府資助專上課程學生資助計劃
Awards 名額
Applicants 申請人數
5,054 4,582 4,567 1,751 $170,029,300 $50,485,974
5,942 5,375 5,354 1,905 $200,362,147 $57,430,972
Successful applicants 受惠人數 Students receiving grants 獲發助學金人數 Students receiving loans 獲貸款人數 Total amount of grants paid 發放助學金總額 Total amount of loans paid 發放貸款總額 Total amount of grants and loans paid 發放助學金及貸款總額
$220,515,274 $257,793,119
Government’s Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (full-time government-funded students) 政府免入息審查貸款計劃
Applicants 申請人數 Students receiving loans 獲貸款人數
974 881
1,597 1,389
Total amount of loans paid 發放貸款總額
PolyU student financial assistance
Applications 申請個案
883 455 $3,487,651 $409,500
1,161 662 $5,241,325 $608,500
理大學生資助 PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Successful applications 成功申請個案 Total amount of bursaries disbursed 發放助學金總額 Total amount of loans paid 發放貸款總額 Total amount of bursaries and loans paid 助學金及貸款總額
III. Library statistics 圖書館書刊及資料統計 Library collection
Serials bound volumes 期刊合訂本
984,664 248,684
1,014,345 249,022
Current print serials
Titles 種類
Electronic resources
e-Databases 電子數據庫 e-Journals (unique titles) 電子期刊(種類)
389 45,916 375,939 11,825
419 49,272 475,362 12,012
1,462 270,566 7,298 63,306 1,069
1,496 318,219 62,030 79,530 1,098
total volumes 圖書總冊數
Monograph 書籍
e-Books 電子書籍 Computer files 電腦數據
Audio-visual materials 視聽資料
Cartographic materials 地圖及圖表資料 Graphic materials 圖形資料 Audio materials 錄音資料 Film and video materials 影片及錄像資料 Others 其他
Microforms 縮微複製資料
total library holdings 全館收藏資料總數
Use of the Library
Facilities & Equipment
2011/12 User entrance 進館人次 Circulation & in-house use 借閱及館內使用量 E-books accessed 電子圖書使用量 E-Journal articles: full-text downloaded 電子期刊文章: 全文下載量
2,681,892 937,669
2,869,118 768,357
1,173,084 2,822,370
1,584,291 2,978,556
2011/12 Study spaces 座位數目 Public computers 公用電腦 Public photocopiers & printers 公用複印機及打印機
3,697 399 54
3,871 418 54
理 大 年 報 2012/13 附 錄
The year 2012/13 has witnessed the many achievements of PolyU in realizing our vision. The year started with the implementation of our new strategic plan for the coming six years to 2017/18. Anchored by our vision of being a leading university that excels in professional education, applied research and partnership for the betterment of Hong Kong, the nation and the world, we also successfully launched the four-year undergraduate curriculum, made significant progress in research and innovation, and established important facilities in collaboration with our partners. Looking ahead, our exploration beyond limits continues as we contribute to the sustainable development of society and the world. Putting students at the centre of education, we strive to provide the professional backbone in supporting the growth of business and industry. We are committed to fostering a culture and an environment for sustainable research and
PolyU Annual Report 2012/13
Moving Forward
innovation. In our efforts to help shape the future, we will continue to engage in knowledge transfer activities for a better world. Further, we believe that PolyU has a strong foundation for advancement on various fronts. As we empower our next generation, we go hand in hand with world improvement. Let our worthy endeavours continue to turn vision into reality.
二零一二至一三年度,理大在多個範疇中均取得長足發展,逐步實 現願景。年內,大學制訂了直至二零一七至一八年度的六年策略發 展計劃,致力成為一所在專業教育、應用研究及夥伴協作方面表現 卓越的大學,為香港,國家及世界作出貢獻。此外,我們成功推行了 四年制本科課程,更在創新科研上成果累累,並與合作夥伴建立了 多項重要設施。
展望將來,理大會繼續在各個領域中跨步向前,亦為社會和世界的 可持續發展作出貢獻。我們以學生為教育的中心,致力培育專業人 才以支援工商界的發展。我們決心營造合適的文化與環境,推動創 新科研的可持續發展。此外,我們亦將繼續積極推動知識轉移,為未
理大深信在堅實的根基上,各個範疇定必穩步發展。我們不僅矢志 培育優秀的下一代,且與世界同步邁進。讓我們繼續努力,實踐遠大 理想。
理 大 年 報 2012/13 邁 步 向 前
the hong kong polytechnic university annual report 香港理工大學年報
We would like to express our gratitude to all staff members, students, alumni and friends of PolyU who have contributed to the preparation of this report. 特此嗚謝所有協助籌備本年報的教職員、學生、 校友及理大友好。
Published by authority of the Council 本年報由校董會授權出版
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學
Tel 電話 (852) 2766 5101 Fax 傳真 (852) 2364 0246 Email 電郵 paadmin@polyu.edu.hk Website 網址 www.polyu.edu.hk
Managing Editors 執行編輯 Tracy Ng 吳麗娟 Florence Chan 陳毓秀 Cynthia Lee 李德貞 Communications and Public Affairs Office 傳訊及公共事務處
designers 設計 Vicky Wong 黃苑珊 Communications and Public Affairs Office 傳訊及公共事務處 Malou Ko at THE CABINET PolyU Design Graduate 理大設計學院畢業生
Copyright © 2013 版權所有 © 二零一三年
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is the largest government-funded tertiary institution in Hong Kong, with total student numbers of more than 32,000. Through our faculties and schools – the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Construction and Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, School of Design, and School of Hotel and Tourism Management, the University connects education and research to the real world as manifested in our motto “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”. PolyU has developed a close partnership with industries and commerce, and collaborated with numerous universities worldwide. All these efforts have enabled PolyU to make significant contributions to the development of Hong Kong, the nation and the world, as reflected in the theme of the Strategic Plan 2012/13 - 2017/18, “Soaring with a Vision”.
香港理工大學 理大 是香港最大的政府
資助高等院校 學生人數超過三萬二千名。 透過多個學院 ̶ 應用科學及紡織學院、 工商管理學院、建設及環境學院、工程學
院、醫療及社會科學院、人文學院、設計學 院和酒店及旅遊業管理學院 理大致力將
教育及科研與現實社會聯繫起來 發揚校訓
「開物成務 勵學利民」的精神。理大與工商 界建立了緊密的夥伴關係 並與世界各地
本港、國家及世界的發展作出重要的貢獻。 二零一二/一三至二零一七/一八年度的 策略發展計劃之主題 「高瞻遠矚」正好反