Charlotte Du Reitz China in Print 2018

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China in Print 20 18 H ong Kong M a r i tim e M u se um Fr id ay N ove mb e r 30 4 – 8 pm S aturd ay D e ce mb e r 1s t 12 –7 pm S und ay D e ce mb e r 2 12 –4 pm B A R N U M , P H I N E A S , T. Coloured Lithograph

A BE L - R É M U S AT, J.-P. / RO S N Y, L . DE

… Élémens de la grammaire chinoise, ou principes généraux du Kou-Wen ou style antique, et du Kouan-Hoa, c’est-à-dire, de la langue commune généralement usitée dans l’empire chinois. Paris 1857. € 1 400 Pp. xxii, 240. Includes the Chinese title printed on yellow paper. With two folding plates. Half morocco. Second enlarged edition (first 1822). Abel Rémusat’s grammar was the first usable Chinese grammar printed in Europe. Cordier BS 1662.

A BE L-R É M U S AT, J.-P. ( Trans.) & K L A PRO T H, H .J. & C L E RC DE L A N DR E S SE , E . A . X .( Eds.)

Foé Koué Ki ou relation des royaumes bouddhiques: Voyage dans la Tartarie, dans l’Afghanistan et dans l’Inde, exécuté, a la fin du IVe siècle, par Ch Fá Hian. Paris 1836. € 2 600 Large 4to. Pp. (iv), lxvi, (2), 424. With four maps and one plate. Original printed wrappers, stained, spine partly restored. First edition of Abel-Remusat’s most important work and the first western translation of the Chinese Buddhist monk Faxian’s (Fa-hien) travels to India at the beginning of the fifth century. Faxian describes the various Buddhist countries he visited and their religious practices. Posthumously published, revised and supplemented by Klaproth, and finally completed by Landresse after Klaproth’s death. Cordier BS 264950. Löwendahl 913. Lust 782. Zenker ii, 6793.

A L E X A N DE R , W. (artist)

Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Chinese. Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Engravings. London (about 1827). € 2 600 Pp. (iv). With 50 hand coloured engraved plates with descriptive text. Half vellum. Second edition. The illustrations depict different occupations including entertainers, as well as costumes of royalties and commoners. Alexander, British artist, accompanied as draughtsman on Lord Macartney’s official embassy to Bejing 1792-94. Colas 75. Cordier 1859. Lipperheide 1527.

B A R N U M, PH I N E A S, T.

COLOURED LITHOGRAPH [A group portrait of Barnum’s Chinese family]. New York, N. Currier, ca 1850. € 550 Coloured lithograph (31 x 21 cm). Narrowly cut. Title and publication line missing. Small damage to upper right corner. The print depicts Miss Pwan-Ye-Koo and her entourage. Barnums’ American Museum offered exotic and educational attractions in New York between 1841 and 1865 . Miss Pwans’ Chinese family arrived in New York April 1850, on the ship Ianthe from Canton. They performed and entertained at Barnum’s with their music and answered questions through an interpreter.

B A Z I N, A . P. L .

Mémoire sur les principes généraux de chinois vulgaire. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. Paris 1845. € 400 Pp. (iv), 120. Uncut copy in wrappers. First edition. Cordier BS 1670.

BI R D, I . L . (M rs . Bishop)

The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither. New York 1883.

€ 380

Pp. xvi, 483, (2). With one map and 16 ills. Publisher’s pictorial cloth stamped in gilt. First American edition. This work contains Bird’s letters from her journey to the Far East in 1879. Cordier BI 1471. Robinson pp. 81-3.


China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, &c. Edited Principally from the Originals in the Cabinet of the late M. Bertin. Four vols in two. London 1812. € 3 400 Pp. (iv), 128; (ii), 125; (ii), 135; (ii), 160. With 80 coloured engraved plates. Contemporary full calf, rebacked. First English edition, translated from the original French, of this famous work about Chinese daily life. The charming plates mainly depict various artisans and vendors, costumes of emperors, ladies and soldiers. Abbey Travel 535. Colas 435. Cordier BS 65 (2nd ed.). Lust 1243.

[C A NTO N ES E S I L K FA N] A Chinese embroidered silk fan made for export. Canton late 19th century. € 750 Size: 27 x 35 cm. Embroidered silk fan mounted on ornate sandalwood guards and carved sandalwood sticks. With exquisite floral and bird motif embroidered on silk covered paper, on both sides. Housed in a black lacquer box with gilt decoration.

C A R E Y, W.

Adventures in Tibet. Including the Diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor’s Remarkable Journey from Tau-Chau to Ta-Chien-Lu through the Heart of the “Forbidden Land”. Boston and Chicago 1901. € 280 Pp. 285. With 75 ills. Original decorated cloth. First edition. Annie Taylor was a missionary who came to China in 1884. In 1899 William Carey visited Annie who was then running a shop in Yatung. Robinson p. 172. Yakushi C 35a.


An Abstract of the Orders and Regulations of the Honourable Court of Directors of the East-India Company, and of other documents relating to the Pains and Penalties the Commanders and Officers of Ships in the Company’s service are liable to, for breach of orders, illicit trade, &c. + An Appendix, … No place (London 1788). € 2 000 Pp. (viii), lxxx, 56. Modern green morocco. First edition. A manual for East India Company officers, mainly focused on their private trade compiled by Cartwright, the Deputy Accountant-General. The extent of the Abstract suggests a remarkable range of illicit commerce. Scarce.

C H I A NG, H . F.

Popular Chinese Tales. Second edition. Peiping 1935.

€ 70

Pp. (x), 62. With ills. Original half cloth. A charming collection of Chinese stories published to raise funds for the Tsunhua Hui Wen School in Hebei province.

[C H I N ES E PAGO DA S ] Collection of Chinese Pagodas Achieved by the Siccawei Catholic Mission, Industrial School, near Shanghai, to the World’s Panama Pacific Exposition 1915. [Shanghai ?] 1915. € 3 400 Titlepage and 18 pages with text and photographic ills on recto, folded in leporello style. Text in Chinese and English. Introductory pamphlet in English of 13 pages inserted. With one folded coloured map. Original cloth binding printed in gilt. This thorough study of Chinese pagodas comprises photographs of 80 detailed wooden models, executed to 1/50 of natural size, created by students at the school of authentic pagodas throughout China.

[C H I N ES E PA PE R- C U T S ]


Paper-cuts of Weihsien, Hopei Province. Two parts. Peking 1956. € 500 Two portfolios: The first set covers paper-cuts depicting birds and flowers. With 22 hand-coloured paper-cuts. Together with a 3-page description printed in Chinese, English, French and German, and a 5-page booklet on Chinese paper-cuts in general. The second set covers paper-cuts depicting characters in classical Chinese operas. With 17 (of 20) hand-coloured paper-cuts. Housed in original decorated paper folders.

[C H I N ES E PA PE R- C U T S ]


Paper-cuts of Shantung Province. Peking 1956.

€ 300

With 20 mounted hand-coloured red paper-cuts. Together with a 3-page description and a 5-page booklet on Chinese paper-cuts in general. (Complete). Housed in original decorated paper folders. This set comprises two different styles of Shantung paper-cuts.

[C I B O T, P.-M .]

Lettre de Pekin, sur le génie de la langue chinoise et la nature de leur écriture symbolique comparée avec celle des anciens égyptiens … Bruxelles 1773. € 1 900 Small 4to. Pp. xxxviii, 46, (i), (6). Complete with 29 engravings. Contemporary half calf, worn, library markings. First edition of Cibot’s letter dealing with Needham’s Hypothesies on the resemblance of Chinese characters to Egyptian hieroglyphics. The first section includes Cordier BS 1735-6. De Backer-Sommervogel II, col. 1168. Löwendahl 568. Morrison II, 46.

C L E M E N T I, C . (Transl.)

Cantonese Love-Songs. Oxford 1904.

€ 380

Pp. (iv), 151, (1). Publisher’s cloth. A thorough study of Cantonese love songs, here translated into English for the first time. Cordier BS 1802.

C OBB OL D, R E V. R . H .

Pictures of the Chinese. Drawn by Themselves. London 1860.

€ 580

Pp. vi, 219. With front and many ills. Near contemporary half calf. First edition of a charming work about different Chinese professions each accompanied with a pen-and-ink etching by a native artist. Cordier BS 90.

[M A N U SC R I P T ]


Calls, Sounds and Merchandise of the Peking Street Peddlers. Submitted to the California College in China in part fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. (April 1936). € 6 500 Tall 8vo. A very neat manuscript comprising 10 preliminary leaves (title, introduction, index) and 103 lvs with typewritten text on thin, delicate paper, Chinese characters added by hand. With 14 original photographs, 62 full page illustrations (hand drawn?) on blue background paper and another three smaller ills pasted in. Contemporary half morocco. A charming work describing 54 different kinds of Peking peddlers including their characteristic sound or call, and what they have to sell, buy or exchange. Each is accompanied with

an illustration of the peddler himself and his commodity. This original manuscript was presented as part of Constant’s Master degree at the California College in China. It was published in Peking (the Camel Bell) in 1936. The printed copy has coloured lithographed plates, unlike the ms, but the text is identical. A unique and impressive work.

C OU V R E U R , L E P. S.

Langue mandarine. Guide de la conversation francais-anglais-chinois contenant un vocabulaire et des dialogues familiers / Mandarin language. Guide to Conversation in French, English and Chinese Containing a Vocabulary and Familiar Dialogues. Ho Kien Fou dans le Tcheu Li, de la Mission catholique, 1890. € 1 500 Royal 8vo. Pp. (iv), x, 286, (1). With parallel text in French and English. Modern half calf. Second enlarged edition (first 1886). Couvreur, French sinologist and Jesuit, came to China in 1870 where he spent the greater part of his life at the Jesuit residence at Sien-hsien. Couvreur was the creator of the EFEO Chinese transcription method which was used in most of the French speaking world to transliterate Chinese until the middle of 20th century when it was replaced by Hanyu Pinyin. Cordier 1648.

DA N B Y, H . & H AV E R S, G. M . (Ill.)

In Charming Peking. A Diary of Seven Days spent in the old Chinese Capital. (Peking), North China Standard, 1930. € 480 Small 4to. Pp. (x), 44. Foreword by L.C. Arlington. With twelve hand-coloured tipped-in illustrations by Havers. Original decorated yellow silk covered boards, rubbed. Inscribed by the author. First edition, probably printed in a small number.

DAW S ON, M . M .

The Ethics of Confucius. The Sayings of the Master and his Disciples upon the Conduct of “The Superior Man”. Arranged according to the Plan of Confucius. With a Foreword by Wu Ting Fang. New York 1915. € 280 Pp. xxii, 323, (4). With one front portrait. Publisher’s green cloth. First edition. Dawson (1863-1942) was an American author of poetry and philosophy.

D OR É , H .

Researches into Chinese Superstitions. Translated from the French with Notes, Historical and Explanatory by M. Kennelly. First part: Volume IV (of five volumes). Shanghai 1917. € 175 Pp. (ii), xxv, pp. 321-464. With one table and 31 coloured plates. Original printed paper covered boards. This volume is devoted to “Divination” in China.


A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese System of Writing, in a Letter to John Vaughan, esq … To which are Subjoined, a Vocabulary of the Cochinchinese Language by Father Joseph Morrone,.. And a Cochinchinese and Latin Dictionary. Philadelphia 1838. € 680 Pp. (ii), xxxii, 375, (1). With 10 plates. Original cloth backed boards. First edition. (“Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Phil. Society. Vol. ii. “). Cordier BS 1739-40 & BI 2281-82. Löwendahl 926. Lust 982. Vater p.18.


Resa till Kap, Ostindien och Kina, 1844-1846. Stockholm 1847.

€ 400

Pp. viii, 159. Contemporary half calf, rubbed. This is a narrative of a voyage to China on behalf of Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Düren was a Swedish medical doctor and anthroposophist. Includes an interesting description of Canton. Cordier BS 2505.

[E N G R AV I N G – C H I N ES E J U N K] [Titled:] The Chinese Junk, Keyring, … Captain Kellett. The first Junk that ever rounded the Cape of Good Hope, or appeared in British waters. As she appeared off Gravesend 28th March, 477 days from Canton. … Published by Rock, Brothers & Payne, London May 20th 1848. € 950 Original aquatint engraving. Size: 28 x 37 cm. Keying, a typical Chinese coastal junk, sailed from China via New York and Boston to England between 1846 and 1848. After a short stay at Gravesend she was towed up the river to the East India Docks at Blackwall, east London, where she became a popular visitor attraction.

F O S T E R , A . (M rs A rnold)

An English and Chinese Pocket Dictionary, in the Mandarin Dialect. Third edition. Published by Kelly & Walsh, Ltd. Shanghai 1903. € 300 12mo. Pp. (ii), viii, 184, (2). Printed in Roman and Chinese characters. Contemporary half morocco. A useful manual for traders and administrators in Southern China, first published in 1893. Cordier BS 1622.

GI NGE L L , W. R . (Transl. & Ed.)

The Ceremonial Usages of the Chinese, B.C. 1121, as Prescribed in the “Institutes of the Chow dynasty strung as pearls”; or, Chow le kwan choo …, being an abridgement of the Chow le classic by … Hoo Peih Seang. London 1852 € 750

Pp. (vi), iv, 107, (8). With Chinese characters and ills. Publisher’s yellow blind stamped cloth, lightly soiled. A translation of a classic Chinese work dealing with the ceremonies of the Chow dynasty accompanied by notes by the editor. Cordier BS 1408. Löwendahl 1778.

GU É R I N, A .

Kiao-yi Tch’ang-t’an … Dialogues chinois. Guide de la conversation a l’usage des commerçants. [Shanghai, La Presse Orientale, 1910-11]. € 900 Oblong folio. Lvs (v), 114. Comprises Chinese characters, Chinese phonetics, the proper French, and finally the “traduction littérale” (pinyin version). Original half green cloth. Inscribed by the author. First edition. The dictionary comprises twenty chapters of which some are devoted to different trade items. Other chapters include conversation about commodities from different countries. In 1883 Guerin came to Peking as interpreter, and he stayed for more than twenty years in China. Bensacq-Tixier, 276-78.

GÜ T Z L A F F, K . F. A . & L I N D S AY, H . H ., etc.

Ship Amherst. Return to an Order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 17 June 1833; - requiring, A Copy or Extract of any Despatch which may have been addressed by the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Supra-cargoes at Canton, in reference to the Voyage recently undertaken by the Ship Amherst to the North-East Coast of China; together with a Copy of any Reports of Journals of the said Voyage. [ … signed] Sir. R.H. Inglis. London 1833. € 1 000 Folio. Pp. 108. Uncut copy bound in modern half calf. In 1832 the British East India Company sent a commercial mission along the northern coast of China with the aim of opening up new markets for Britain. Lindsay was in charge of the expedition and Gützlaff was the interpreter. The reports give a description of the situation in the northern ports on the China coast and Korea. The reports are here published for the first time. They were republished in book form in 1833 and again in 1834. Löwendahl 1732 (this copy). Cf Lust 619.

[H A A N, P. DE]

Gedachten over den Chinahandel en den Theehandel, strekkende ten Betoge, dat alle belangen zich vereenigen tot de oprigting van eene Sociëteit, op Vereenigd Kapitaal handelende, aan welke bij uitsluiting die takken van commercie over­ gedragen worden. Te Rotterdam 1824. € 850 Pp. (ii), 95, (1). Printed on good quality paper. Contemporary crimson morocco. First and only edition. Contains proposals for a revival of the Dutch tea trade with China. The Dutch had lost the valuable tea imports from China to the British East India Company in the 18th century and the VOC was dissolved in 1798. Boxer (1965), p. 177. Cordier BS 2177. Löwendahl 1706.

H E DI N, S.

History of the Expedition in Asia 1927-1935. In Collaboration with Folke Bergman. Parts i-iv. Four volumes. Stockholm 1943-45. € 1 200 4to. Pp. xxviii, 258 + one map, one front portrait, 52 full page plates and many ills; pp. xvi, 215 + 60 plates and ills; pp. xvi, 346 + one large map, 56 plates and ills; and pp. (viii), 449 + five folding maps, 83 plates and ills. Original printed wrappers. Library stamps. These parts bearing the common title “History of the expedition in Asia 1927-35” may be regarded as an introduction to the whole series “Reports from the scientific expedition to the north-western provinces of China under the the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin”. This work comprises a survey of the course and organisation of the expedition and a description of the circumstances under which the expedition travelled, lived and worked. [Included in “Reports from the scientific expedition … The Sino-Swedish expedition publications 23-26”]. Hess p.55-56. Yakushi (1984) H122.

H E RV E Y DE S A I N T-DE N Y S, M .J. L . DE (Transl. & ed.)

… Le Li-Sao. Poème du IIIe siècle avant notre ère. Traduit du chinois accompagné d’un commentaire perpétuel et publié avec le texte original. Paris 1870. € 300 Pp. liv, (ii), 66, (ii) and 28 pages with the original text. Original printed wrappers. A French translation of the famous ancient poem Li Sao (Encountering Sorrow) by Qu Yuan. Cordier BS 1793.

H UC , É . R .

A Journey through the Chinese Empire. Two vols. New York 1855.

€ 280

Pp. 421; 422. With one folding map. Publisher’s blindstamped cloth, rubbed. First American edition. Huc was a French missionary who served in China between 1839 and 1846. Cf Cordier BS 2120.

I NGL E , J. A .

Hankow Syllabary. With References to Giles’ Dictionary. Prepared for use in the American Church Mission. Hankow, the N.B.S.S. Mission Press, 1915. € 360 Pp. (ii), iv, 195. Slightly later half cloth. Second edition. The characters are written in four columns giving the sounds and tones as heard in Hankow. Provenance: Richard S. Björkdahl (1888-1980), Swedish missionary to China 1913-45.

J U L I E N, S. (Transl.)

San-Tsze-King … The Three Character Classic Composed Towards the End of the XIII Century by Wang-Pih-How. Published in Chinese and English with the Table of the 214 Radicals. Paris 1864. € 500 Pp. (ii), 3-15, (1) + pp. 20 with Chinese characters. Uncut in original printed wrappers, some stain. “The Three Character Classic” commonly known as San Zi Jing is one of the classic Chinese texts attributed to Wang Yonglin (1223-96), a renowned Song scholar. During the Ming and Qing dynasties it formed the basis of elementary education. The text is arranged in three-character verses for easy memorisation. A Chinese / Latin edition appeared in the same year. Löwendahl 1813 (this copy). Cordier BS 1436.

J U L I E N, S. (Transl.)

Si-Siang-Ki ou l’histoire de Pavillon d’occident. Comèdie en seize actes. Extrait de l’Atsume Gusa (1873-78). Genève 1872-1880. € 220 4to. Pp. (ii), iv, 333, (1). Publisher’s printed wrappers. Introduction by Francois Turrettini. Cordier BS 1759.

K L E C Z KOW SK I, M . A . L E C OM T E

Cours graduel et complet de chinois parlé etécrit. Parts i-ii in Volume one. (All publ.). Phrases de la langue parlée. Tirées del’Arte China du P. Goncalves. Paris 1876. € 800 Tall 8vo. Pp. (viii), lxxii, part I: Partie francais pp.(ii),102; part II: Partie chinois (iv), double pages 1-115 + p.116. Many tables with Chinese characters. Contemporary red morocco. Copy of Charles Schefer, French orientalist. With dedication to Schefer by the author. Count Kleczkowski, former French charge d’affaires in Beijing and later professor of Chinese at the School of Oriental languages in Paris. Cordier BS 1664.

L A NGL È S, L .-M .

Alphabet mantchou, rédigé d’après le syllabaire et le dictionnaire universel de cette langue. Troisème édition. Paris 1807. € 1 800 Pp. xvi, 208. With one large folding plate and one folding table. Contemporary paper covered boards, rubbed. Third enlarged edition, first 1787 (only comprising 23 pages). The second edition was included in Amiot’s “Dictionnaire tartare-mantchou” 1789-90 edited by Langlès. Cordier BS 2753. Lust 1076. Löwendahl 736. Zenker BO ii, 6921.

L E G GE , J. (Transl.)

The She-king, or the Book of Poetry. The Chinese Classics. Volume IV:III. Two volumes. London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press & Hongkong, Printed at the London Missionary Society’s Printing Office, no date (about 1875-80). € 750 Pp. xii, 182, 243 + one map; (ii), 244-785. With text in Chinese and English. Publisher’s brown cloth. Comprises: The first part of the She-King, or the Lessons from the States; and the Prolegomena. The second, third and fourth parts of the She-King, or the minor Odes of the kingdom, the greater Odes of the kingdom, the sacrificial Odes and the Praise-songs; and the Indexes. This set of works titled the Chinese Classics was first published in seven volumes at Hong Kong in 1871. We believe this is a reprint, and the first British edition. Another revised edition appeared in 1893-5 at Oxford (Clarendon Press). Legge, Scottish sinologist who served as a missionary in China for 34 years, and later was appointed the first Professor of Chinese at Oxford University. Scarce. Cf. Cordier BS 1368. Not in Löwendahl.

M AG A L H Ã E S (M AG A I L L A N S), G. DE

A new history of China, containing a description of the most considerable particulars of the vast empire. London 1688. € 3 800 Pp. (xxiv), 1-148, 193-352. With one large engraved plan of Beijing and two ills. Contemporary full mottled calf, rebacked. First English edition of “Nouvelle relation de la Chine” published in Paris the same year, translated by John Ogilby. It is based on the Jesuit missionary Magalhães’ Portugese ms which was carried back to Europe by Philippe Couplet in 1682. In Rome it was translated into French by Claude Bernou who also made the plan of Beijing on the basis of information in Magalhães’ ms. Cordier BS 36-7. Cf De Backer & S. 5, co. 308. Lach & Van Kley (1993:1),pp. 362 & 424. Löwendahl 189 & 1583. Cf Mungello (1989) p. 91-2 & 95-105. Cf Streit (1929), 2594. Wing M 247.

[M A L ACC A] Historical Guide of Malacca (Published by the Malacca Historical Society). Singapore 1936. € 280 Pp. (viii), 91, (4) adv. With 16 ills, one sketch map, one folding coloured map of Malacca town, and one plate. Original blue cloth, rebacked. Second revised edition.

M A RT I N I, M .

De bello tartarico historia. Antverpiæ 1654.

€ 2 900

Pp. 156, (3). With one folding map “Situs provinciarum imperii sinici 1654”. Contemporary or near contemporary full calf. Scarce first edition of this important work about the history of the Manchu invasion and conquest of the Chinese empire in the first half of the 17th century. Martini was an Ital-

ian born Jesuit, historian and cartographer who spent many years in China and he is considered to be the first European to study the history and geography of China with accurate scientific objectivity. Cordier BS 623. De Backer & Sommervogel V, 647. Lust 440. Löwendahl 107. Streit (1929) 2232. Walravens (1897) 101.

M A RT I N I, M .

De bello tartarico historia. Editio altera, recognita & aucta. Antverpiæ 1654. € 1 500 16mo. Pp. 166, (2). With one folding map “Situs provinciarum imperii sinici 1654”. Contemporary full vellum. Early edition, issued the same year as the first. The text is revised throughout, the preface expanded, and with an appendix (pp 159-66) not present in the first edition. Cordier BS 623. De Backer & Sommervogel V, 647. Lust 440. Löwendahl 1562. Streit (1929) 2232. Walravens (1897) 101.

M AT E E R , C .W.

A Course of Mandarin Lessons, Based on Idiom. Revised edition. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1903. € 850 4to. Pp. (ii), iv, 3, 781. With one large folding plate showing the sounds of five dialects. Original black cloth, expertly rebacked. Third edition (first 1892). Calvin Mateer died in Tsingtao in 1908 after 44 years of missionary work in China. Cordier 1705.

N E U M A N N, C . F. (Transl.)

[Zhong-guo Xuetang] Lehrsaal des Mittelreiches. Enthaltend die Encyclopädie der chinesischen Jugend und das Buch des ewigen Geistes und der ewigen Materie… München 1836. € 800 4to. Front portrait, pp. (ii), 45 + 19 (Chinese text). Contemporary marbled boards, rubbed. Contains the “San zi jing” (Three Character Classic) originally compiled in the 13th. Included in this copy is a 11 pages Chinese manuscript titled: “Din 214 Pu, d.i. Klassenzeichen der chinesischen Sprache”. In addition, our copy has one more manuscript of 13 folding lvs with annotations in Chinese connected to the “Din 214 Pu” etc. Cordier BS 1412. Löwendahl 915. Walravens, China Ill. p. 76.

[NOË L , A .]

La bonne foy des anciens Jesuits missionaires de la Chine sur l’idolatrie des chinois dans le culte qu’ils rendent à Confucius & aux morts…. No place or date (ca 1700). € 600 12mo. Pp. 22. Paper boards. A tract regarding the Chinese rites controversy written by the French Dominican Noël Alexandre. Not in Cordier or Löwendahl.

PAU T H I E R , J.-P.- G.

L’Inscription syro-chinoise de Si-ngan-fou, monument nestorien élevé en Chine l’an 781 de notre ére, et découvert en 1625. Texte chinois accompagné de la prononciation figurée, d’une version latine verbale, d’une traduction française de l’Inscription et de commentaires chinois … Paris 1858. € 600 Pp. iii-xvi, (ii), 3-96 (series title missing). With one engraved plate. Contemporary quarter green morocco, worn. Copy of Li Shaobai (Ly Chao-pée), one of the first Chinese to teach Chinese in France.The Nestorian stele (which describes the existence of Christian communities in northern China) was erected in A.D. 781 in Xi’anfu and buried in 845 probably during religious suppression. It was rediscovered in 1625 by the Jesuits proving that the Christian religion had already made its entry into China several centuries earlier. Cordier BS 776-7. Löwendahl 1796.

[PH R A S E B OO K F O R TR A D E R S ] An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Nichi-kan-ei gogen goheki. Tokyo 1915 (Taisho 4). € 850 Oblong 8vo. Pp. (viii), viii, 195, (1) blank, (1). Characters written in three columns, also including phonetics. Contemporary half cloth. Third edition (first 1888). The first part comprises a vocabulary divided by subjects. The second part contains conversation helpful for visitors and traders. Scarce.

S AG A NG SE C H E N / S C H M I D T, I .J. (Transl. & ed.)

Geschichte der Ost-Mongolen und ihres Fürstenhauses, verfasst von Ssanang Ssetsen Chungtaidschi der Ordus; aus dem mongolischen übersetzt, und mit dem Originaltexte, nebst Anmerkungen, Erläuterungen und Citaten aus andern Originalwerken herausgegeben. St. Petersburg & Leipzig 1829. € 3 400 4to. xxiv, 509 + errata. Contemporary boards, worn. Old stamp removed from title leaf with loss of some letters. First half of the book with marginal damp staining. This history of the Mongols called “Erdeni-yin tobchi” (The Jeweled Button) was originally compiled in 1662 by Sagang Sechen, an Mongolian prince from the Ordos region in China. Emperor Ch’ing-lung arranged with translations to be made into both Manchu and Chinese. However, these two translations are missing two episodes compared with the Mongolian original. In 1817 Schmidt was presented by a copy acquired in Peking of the Mongolian edition and in 1829 Schmidt published the original text together with a German translation, followed by an appendix of explanatory notes (pp. 300488) and an index. First edition, an English edition appeared in 1964. Bawden (2985), pp. 110-11. Cordier BS 2775.

[S E R R A N O, F.] & etc.

Relazione del martirio de’ Padri F. Pietro Martire Sans Vescovo Mauricastrense, F. Francesco Serrano eletto Vescovo Tipasitano, F. Giovanni Alcober, F. Giovachino Royo, e F. Francesco Diaz. … Accaduto nella Provincia di Fokien nell’ impero della Cina negli anni 1747. e 1748. Roma 1752. € 1 500 Pp. 483. Contemporary vellum, worn. Light water staining. An account of missionary activities and persecution of five Spanish martyrs and some Chinese Christians in Fujian province of China. This is an enlarged version of a work titled: “La christiandad de Fogan en la provincia de Fo kien en el Imperio de China cruelmente perseguida … “ published in Manila 1748. Cordier BS 1210. Löwendahl 462. Palau 260616.

S H U- C H I U NG (M rs . W u L ien-teh)

Yang Kuei-Fei. The Most Famous Beauty of China. Shanghai 1923.

€ 100

Tall 8vo. Pp. (xviii), 102. With front (loose) and five ills. Original pictorial boards, cloth spine. Illustrated dust-jacket. The famous Chinese tale of Yang Kuei-fei (Yang Gufei) dates back to the eighth century. She was one of the Four Beauties of ancient China and the beloved consort of emperor Xuanzong.

S TAU N T ON, SI R G.T. (Ed.)

Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, in the Years 1712, 13, 14, &15; by the Chinese Ambassador, and Published, by the Emperor’s Authority, at Pekin. Translated from the Chinese, and accompanied by an appendix of miscellaneous translations. London 1821. € 1 800 Pp. xl, 330. With one large folding map. Contemporary calf gilt, expertly rebacked. First English translation of a narrative by a Chinese envoy, Tulisen, who participated in a mission to the Khan of the Torguts in southern Russia. The Torguts, or Volga Kalmyks, had migrated from Kokonor region of Chinese Turkestan to the lower Voga valley in the earlier half of the 17th century. This work was first published as Yiyu-lu [Report of Strange Regions] in Chinese and Manchu (?) in 1723, and a French version appeared in 1726. Cordier BS 637. Lust 495. Löwendahl 826.

[ S U N F O N G L I N / PH OTOG R A PH O F C H I N ES E AC TO R S ]: Signed: “To the Palladium staff, with success from Sun Fong Lin & Company”. Chicago, dated 24/9/28. € 220 An original photograph depicting the Imperial Pekinese Troupe named Sun Fong Lin & Co who performed in the US and Canada in the beginning of the 20th century. The photograph measures 26.5 x 34 cm. and is in very good condition. Embossed stamp at bottom right reads: Theatrical Studio 359 No. Clark St. Chicago.

S U T H E R L A N D E DWA R D S, H .

An Authentic Account of the Chinese Commission which was sent to Report on the Great Exhibition; wherein the Opinion of China is Shown as not Corresponding at all with our Own. London(1851-2). € 1 200 Pp. 32. With 8 tinted lithographed plates. Original decorated wrappers, rubbed. A satirical pamphlet by Sutherland Edwards in which the Chinese rulers were presented as ruthless and despotic. The narrative is about two Chinamen sent by the imperial court to report about the Great Exhibition in London 1851. One is a wise and learned mandarin, the other a criminal. The mandarin praised what he saw, but upon his return home he was misunderstood and cruelly punished. The criminal, by contrast, made a report in which he fully disapproved the show and thus was rewarded by the emperor. The moral of the story was that although China was able to make wise thinkers, its people were hold back by a rigid and cruel governing system. See Louise Tythacott “The lives of Chinese objects: Buddhism, Imperialism and Display” (2011), pp. 89-91.

[ S W E D I S H E A S T I N D I A CO M PA N Y ]

BR E L I N, J.

Beskrifning öfver en äventyrlig resa til och ifrån Ost-Indien, Södra America, och en del af Europa, åren 1755,56,och 57. Upsala 1758. € 2 000 Pp. (xii), 144, (6). Contemporary paper boards, rebacked. First edition of an adventurous voyage to the East Indies and China. The expedition sailed via Cadiz and Java arriving in Chinese waters in August 1755. Brelin’s account vividly describes Canton with its people, housing and customs. Borba de Moraes p. 124. Holmberg pp. 43–44. Löwendahl 492.

TA N A K A , Y.

Kogei Shinzu (New Designs for Applied Arts). Two vols. Kyoto (1892). € 2 000 Complete set with forty leaves of colour woodblock-printed patterns depicting plants, birds, flowers, etc. With eight text leaves. Text in Japanese. Original decorated wrappers.First edition. A beautiful collection with patterns based on traditional Japanese motifs and nature scenes clearly inspired by the Art Nouveau ornamental style that became so popular at the time. The printer Yamada Naosaburo was the founder of Unsodo publishing company in Kyoto, known for high quality pattern books.

T HOR BE C K E , E .

Shanghai. Photographed & Depicted by Ellen Thorbecke with Sketches by Schiff. Shanghai 1941. € 500 Small 4to. Pp. 83. Richly illustrated with photographs by Thorbecke and colour sketches by the Austrian artist Friedrich Schiff. Original pictorial coloured paper boards, extremities rubbed. No d/j. A fine copy of this charming and informative work on Shanghai.

[ TR A D E C ATA LOG U E O F LU X U RY F U R S ] Revillon Frères Fourrures Hiver 1913-1914. Paris, New York, London, Moscou. Paris 1913. € 3 000 Folio. With five exquisite pochoir plates of elegant fur coats placed on an intense yellow background and five b/w plates with fifteen photographs in heliogravure by Felix within yellow frames. Bound in sophisticated yellow embossed paper boards. First and only edition of this stunning fashion catalogue. Revillon Frères, originally founded as Maison Givelet in 1723, was a famous French fur and luxury goods company. In the early 1900s, French fashion designers such as Madame Isidore Paquin and Paul Poiret introduced stylish fur garments in their regular fashion collections. Mme Paquin had developed a method of processing fur so that it would be softer and more comfortable to wear. Her fur coats and other fur decorated clothing were in great demand by the socially prominent women of that period (Hansen, 1956, Costume cavalcade, p. 100).

W E S T ON, S.

A Chinese Poem, Inscribed on Porcelain, in the Thirty-Third Year of the Cycle, A.D. 1776. With a double translation and notes. London 1816. € 500 Pp. 16. With engraved vignette and three engraved plates with Chinese characters. Original green wrappers. Stephen Weston was an English antiquarian, clergyman and man of letters. Provenance: Copy of Sir Charles William Rouse Boughton. Cordier BS 1791. Löwendahl 1700.

W I L L I A M S, C . A . S.

Outlines of Chinese Symbolism, an Alphabetical Compendium of Antique legends and beliefs, as Reflected in the Manners and Customs of the Chinese. Beijing 1931. € 980 4to. Lvs (iv), xxv, 423 printed on rectos only. With 200 illustrations. Original blue cloth. Scarce first edition, limited to 250 copies, signed by the author. This comprehensive and useful handbook of symbolism in Chinese art and culture has been reprinted many times.

YOU NG, E . (Ill. & Ed.)

“Chinese Babies” A collection of Chinese Nursery Rhymes in English. Tientsin 1933. € 680 Oblong 4to. Lvs. (16). With seven full page coloured illustrations and many more illustrations in the text. Original paper covered boards. Reprinted edition (first 1932). A lovely copy.

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