Michael Steinbach China in Print 2018

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Michael Steinbach – Rare Books Freyung 6/4/6 – 1010 Vienna – Austria Tel. +43-664-3575948 - Email: Michael.steinbach@antiquariat-steinbach.com Books to be exhibited at the Hong Kong Rare Book Fair 2018 – Hong Kong Maritime Museum Ferry Pier No. 8 Man Kwong Street, Central Hong Kong – 30.11. 4-8 pm – 1.12. 12-7 p.m. – 2.12. 12-4pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some autographs to begin with

1 Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre, French sinologist and librarian (1788-1832). Autograph letter with signature. Paris, 19.VI. 1822. 25 : 21 cm. 2 pages HK$ 13.500 1 500,-To Mr. Hugot, 'Consul de France en Escosse, etc', the French counsel in Scotland, in which Abel-Rémusat recommends M. Dondey-Dupré, the Editor and librarian of the "Journal Asiatique" (the journal of the Societé Asiatique). Dondey-Dupré is on a business trip in Great Britain and Scotland and is asking through Mr. Hugot, to be introduced to the most important trading houses (specially Edinburgh), to establish connections for the benefit of both sides.; "M. Dondey-Dupré, libraire-éditeur de notre Journal Asiatique, voyageant en Anglaterre et en Ecosse pour les intèrès de son commerce et pour les affaires de la societé, désiroit `´etre introduis auprès desprincipals maisons de commerce de la villa que vos habitèz, dans la vue d'ouvrier avc elles desrapports qui peuvent devenir avantageux aux uns et autres (...). - Abel-Rémusat is using this opportunity of the letter of recommendation, to let Mr. Hugot know, that he gets news from the foreign ministry concerning him and his family...Abel-Rémusat hopes that Dondey-Dupré can give to the counsel un scientific work, that Abel-Rémusat has had printed and that "la bien vieille diplomatic"concerns, which he thinks has so far not been treated in the French history and would deserve an appreciation. Further on Dupré should bring some copies of the publications aof the Asiatique Societé and he asked to distribute those to friends in Edinburgh. Specially on copy should be given to the "Société des Highlanders". In this case Rémusat is sorry that he has no continuous relations with M. Macleod. - He sends him greetings from his mother. - Abel-Rémusat in 1822 was co-founder of the Asiatiques society and was his secretary until his death. with printed letter-head of the "Société Asiatique. Paris, le (...). Le Secrétaire de la Société, (..)

2 Dvorak - Dvorak, Antonin. Czech composer (1841-1904). Portrait (cabinet photograph), signed with autograph musical Quotation (on reverse). Prag, 23.XII. 1897 14,4 : 10,5 cm HK$ 75.000 8 . 0 0 0 ,--

8 000,--

Three bars from his oratorio Saint Ludmilla. - From the studio of Edmund Tietz, Vienna. - Slightly stained on cardboard (not touching text).

3 Richard Wilhelm - Hesse, Hermann, Swiss writer and Nobel Laureate (1877-1962). Autopgraph postcard, signed. (Altenburg, 7.VIII, 1927). With autograph address. Altenburg 1927. 14,5 : 10,5 cm. 1 page HK$ 22.000 2 200,--

2 200,--

To the German sinologist, theologian, and missionary Richard Wilhem, being sorry to have missed a concert with Chinese music. "Dieser Tage dachte ich sehr an Sie. Erstens beim Lesen des 'Priesters' in dem Europa. Revue, zweitens u. mit Sehnsucht bei der Lektüre Eures chinesischen Mu(sik)programmes. Das hätte ich, der ich Chinamusik nur aus den Waiangs von Malaka kenne, sehr genossen (...)". - With punched holes (slightly touching text).

To the Sinologist Richad Wilhelm - Jung, C(arl) G(ustav), Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology (1875-1961). Autograph letter signed ('Jung') Küsnacht-Zürich, 27.VII. 1929. 27 : 22 cm. 1 1/4 page HK$ 36.000 4 000,-To the German sinologist, theologian, and missionary Richard Wilhelm, on publishing a book, probably "Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte. Ein chinesisches Lebensbuch": "Besten Dank für Ihren Brief und die guten Nachrichten von Ihrem Gesundheitszustand, der m ir nachgerade ernste Sorgen gemacht hat. Bitte enthalten Sie sich zu grosser Geschäftigkeit. Der Actionsteufel sollte Sie nicht nach Barcelona verführen. Dort giebt (sic) es Mayonnaisen, die Seele und Gedärm vergiften. Wenn ich Ihre Vorschläge recht verstehe, so handelt es sich 1. darum, das Meditationsm(anu)s(kript), das ich gegenwärtig bebrüte, im Verlag der Grete Ullmann in Buchform herauszugeben, nach dem es seine erstmalige Ausgabe in der E(uropäischen) Revue erlebt hat, und 2. darum, dass Ihre Deutung der Chakrams (woran ich nicht beteiligt bin) ebenfalls im selben Verlag herauskommen (...)". - On headed paper, with punched holes (not touching text).

5 A man selling umbrellas. Three man are watching him. 20 : 31 cm. Coloured aquatint on rice paper. In a contemporary wooden frame. HK$ 7.000 750,-Very beautiful image in shining colours. The delicate plate in perfect condition. In an carved black wooden frame.


6 A merchant selling bred to two ladies with a child. 20 : 31 cm. Coloured aquatint on rice paper. In an contemporary wooden frame. HK$ 7.000 750,--


Very beautiful image in shining colours. The delicate plate in almost perfect condition, just a small pressure mark not effecting the image. In a carved black wooden frame.

7 A scholar is looking at a picture scroll which is hold by two man, another one is standing with some scrolls in his hand. 20 : 31 cm. Coloured aquatint on rice paper. In a contemporary wooden frame.


Very beautiful image in shining colours. The delicate plate in perfect condition. In a carved black wooden frame.

HK$ 7.000


8 Butterflies - Wang Cheng-pei (?-1805). 8 Chinese paintings from Wang Cheng-pei and 7 poems from Su Dong-bo 29 : 18 cm. 8 painted in colours plates by Wang Cheng-pei and 2 plates written in gold letters with the poems of Su Dong-bo. Contemporary cloth.

15 000,--

Very rare beautiful original painted plates with butterflies by the famous Chinese artist Wang Cheng-pei.

HK$ 140.000

15 000,--

9 Chase - Three hunter looking at a lady in a costume like a deer, one deer looking out of a cave. 20,5 : 31 cm. Coloured aquatint on rice paper. In a golden frame. HK$ 7.000 750,-Lovely scene of three hunters and a deer, in the background a lake and mountains. Framed.


10 China - - Chinese lady playing the flute, a woman with a child are watching her. ca. 1900 9 : 15 cm. Colour Aquatint Framed under glass. HK$ 5.500 600,--


Lovely scene of a woman playing the flute, another woman with a child is watching her. Unfortunately, this aquatint was not finished. On the reverse side with inscription.

11 China - Japan - Toshimitsu. Fighting scene from the Chinese-Japanese war. ca. 1894. 38 : 71 cm. Coloured original woodcut by Joshi Hide? HK$ 8.000 900,-The fighting scene was in Pjรถnyang, todays capital of North Korea. - Some small tears.

12 China - Collection of 8 aquatints on rice-paper. China ca. 1880. 8,5 : 6 cm. 8 colour aquatints on rice-paper and mounted on stiff-paper. Housed in a contemporary glass-box. HK$ 7.000 800,--


The beautiful elaborated aquatints show different professions and trades. - Some plates a bit damaged.

13 - - Collection of 9 aquatints on rice-paper. China ca. 1880. 11,5 : 8 cm. 9 colour aquatints on rice-paper. Housed in an contemporary glass-box.


The beautiful elaborated aquatints show Mother and child, children playing and others. - One plate a bit damaged.

HK$ 8.500


14 - Montanus. Fu Chew fu, of Hoksyew, hoofdstad van Fo-Kyen, uit Monatanus. ca. 1635. 24,5 : 30 cm Cooper engraving by G.v. Schley after Montanus. HK$ 1.500



15 - - Gezigt der groote Muur, van de zyde waardoor de Ambassadeur in China Vue de la Grande Muraille, ducoté par lequel il Ambassadeur entra a la Chine. ca. 1635. 24,5 : 30 cm Cooper engraving by G.v. Schley after Montanus. HK$ 2.300



16 Chinese children - Collection of 12 coloured aquatints on rice paper 13,5 : 10 cm. 12 coloured aquatints. Original cloth.


The delicate illuminated plates show Chinese children playing different plays.

HK$ 8.500


17 Cortly scenes - - 8 different coloured paintings showing courtly scenes. ca. 1880 33 : 22 cm. 8 coloured paintings on stiff paper, mounted under Passepartout.


The beautiful aquatints show courtly scenes: A servant bringing tea to the empress - A servant bringing a flower arrangement to the empress. - The Emperor sitting at a table and writing - All very detailed elaborated.

Each: HK$ 3.500


18 Dschao-Lin, Yang. Suns Rückkehr zur LPG. Peking, Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, 1955. 13 : 18 cm. 2 leaves, 54 pages with many illustrations by Hao and Tscheng Schi-Lin Coloured illustrated original boards. HK$ 500 50,-19 Erotica - Scroll with 8 erotic scenes. China? ca. 1900 30 : 240 cm. 8 scenes on paper mounted on paper scroll. With detailed erotic scenes. - Paper a bit browned, some minor tears at the edges, not efacing the images.

HK$ 22.500


2 500,--

20 - - Scroll with 9 erotic scenes. Japan ca. 1880 25 : 260 cm 9 scenes on paper mounted on paper scroll. Cloth binding.

2 800,--

With detailed erotic scenes in the typical 'Shunga' manner.

HK$ 25.000

2 800,--

21 Erotica -Vertes - Special Binding - Mac Orlan, Pierre: Les jeux du demi-jour. Paris, Les arts et le livre 1926. 39,5 : 29 cm. 45 pages, 1 leaf With 12 original lithographs by Vertes. Full red morocco with brown inlead frame, silk endpapers, original illustrated wrappers bound in, slipcase (signed Winkelmann, Vienna). HK$ 7.000 750,--


Numbered copy of a small edition, in an perfect handmade morocco-binding by a well-known Viennese binder.

22 Erotica - (Voltaire). Die Odaliske. Ein erotisch, schwül komisches Buch, übersetzt aus dem Türkischen von einem außerordentlichen Mitglied der lustigen Fakultät für die unterhaltichen Wissenschaften vom Phallus, vom weiblichen Schoß, von runden Hinterbacken und züngelnder Kunst. Konstantinopel (Vienna-Leipzig), Anzengruber, 1797 (1920) 12,5 : 9 cm. 75 pages, with 4 plates. Original half calf, gilt title on spine. HK$ 2.000 220,-220,-Numbered deluxe edition for subscribers only. - Title-page with small collector’s stamp, Exlibris. - Plate opposite page 48 on the side stained, not affecting the image.

23 Erotism - Collection of 7 coloured paintings mounted on silk. Housed in original cloth box. The beautiful elaborated aquatints show delicate erotic scenes. The box damaged.

HK$ 32.000

3 500,--

3 500,--

24 Keim, Franz: Die Nibelungen dem deutschen Volke wiedererz채hlt. Vienna and Leipzig, Gerlach & Wiedling (1909). 15 : 14 cm. 67 pages With 8 coloured double-page plates by Carl Otto Czeschka. Original half cloth, title on spine and front cover. HK$ 7.500



First edition of one of the most beautiful illustrated books of its time. The illustrations by Carl Otto Czeschka are one of the most outstanding of the Austrian art nouveau. With eight stunning double page and 18 vignette illustrations lithographed in black, blue, red and gilt by Czeschka, a member of the Klimt group and co-founder of the Wiener Werkst채tte. He designed books, painted, and worked in metal, stained glass, jewellery and interior design. A small but splendid masterpiece of Vienna Secession design. - Binding dusty, edges a bit rubbed. Gerlachs Jugendb체cherei Vol. XXII. - Heller 22; Klotz 3304/I.

25 Klinger - Eulenberg, Zelt. Eine Folge von 46 Radierungen. Mit Versen: Berlin, Amsler & Ruthardt (1923). 36,5 : 26 cm. Title, 76 pages, 2 leaves With 46 original Aquatint-etchings by Max Klinger. Original blue morocco, spine and boards with gilt fillets, inside dentelles. HK$ 110.000

12 000,--

The most important suite of etchings from the late work of Max Klinger. Its a fairy-tale in 46 aquatint-etchings of obsessive fantasies. Klinger himself writes about this suite: 'Sengen, ein bischen Morden, ordentlich lieben und lieben lassen, und das alles bei allerhand Wetter in hibscher Gegend und gar nicht vegetarisch, sondern Fleisch. Viel Fleisch'. (A little bit of killing, plenty of loving, all this with all kinds of weather in nice settings and not at all vegetarian, but rather flesh, a lot of flesh). At that time Klinger got to know the 17-year old girl Gertrud Bock, to whom he develop a deep friendship and she was his preferred model. This friendship arouse his passion again. The most important late wok of Max Klinger a romantic-symbolistic fairy-tale, one of the most sought after works by Klinger. - One of only 110 numbered copies, imprint signed by Eulenberg. The etchings in strong imprints. The binding was made under the supervision of Paul Kersten by members of the Javoc-Krausse association. Occasionally some minor stains, front and back fly-leaf with small stamp; binding with some minor rubbing. - Beyer 323-377.

26 Rom - Poeschel, Georg. Polybiou Megalopolitanou Polemika Romaion epitedeumata; Polybii...De militia Romana libellus versione Latina, commentatione perpetua & iconibus illustratus... N체rnberg, Felsecker, 1731. 26,5 : 10 cm. 12 leaves with engraved title-vignet, 342 pages, 45 leaves index, 14 (10 many folded) cooper engravings and 11 woodcuts vignetts. Contemporary calf, spine richly gilt, back label. HK$ 7.000 750,-Latin edition about Roman art of war. The cooper plates show soldiers in their armament, battle plans etc. - Partly browned and stained; left joint carefully repaired.

27 SchĂźtz, Julius Franz: Briefe an die Prinzessin Wu. Vienna and Leipzig, Wiener literarische Anstalt n.d. 31,5 : 25,5 cm. 16 pages Text and illustrations lithographed, partly in colours by Mara SchrĂśter-Malliczky. Original coloured illustrated half cloth. HK$ 5.200 580,--


One of 300 numbered copies, imprint signed by the author and artist. Wonderful illustrated Chinese fairy tale in almost perfect condition. Endpapers also illustrated in colours.

28 Shanghai - So - this is Shanghai. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore Kelly & Walsh, ca. 1930. 16 : 22 cm. 24 sepia images. Original boards. HK$ 3.500 380,--


A small album with 41 photographic illustrations of Shanghai on 24 plates: The Bund, International Settlement - The Bund from the River (4)- The Bund, French Concession - Air View, the heart of the city - Air View, Whangpoo River - Shanghai Club - Yokohama Specie Bank -Soochow Creek and many others.

29 - - So - this is Shanghai. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore Kelly & Walsh, ca. 1930. 16 : 22 cm. 24 sepia images. Original boards. HK$ 3.500 380,--


A small album with 24 photographic illustrations of Shanghai: Bird's eye view of Shanghai - The Harbour - Public Gardens Administration Building - Municipality of Greater Shanghai - Quai de France - Garden Bridge and Broadway Mansions - Hongkew Market - Shanghai Race club - Chinese Temple and many others.

30 Tientsin - Koberstein, F. Tientsin und Umgebung. With 21 Photographs and 1 map. Tientsin, Verlag der Brigade-Zeitung, 1906. 30,5 : 24,5 cm. 4 leaves, 41 pages, 21 mounted photographs, 1 many folded map. Red original silk binding. HK$ 29.000 3 200,-One of only 800 numbered copies, printed by E. Lee in Tientsin. With a history of Tientsin as a place of commerce, the city during the confusion of 1900, German princes in Tientsin, the German troops in Tientsin. The mounted photographs show the city of Tientsin. Back fly-leaf with many mounted red papers with names in Chinese. - Binding partly rubbed, silk on spine missing. - Rare.

31 Trade-pictures - Portfolio with 8 coloured paintings with trade pictures. 37 : 28 cm. 8 coloured paintings on thin paper. Contemporary original cloth. HK$ 42.000 4 800,-4 800,-Eight beautiful elaborated plates showing different trades. The following trades are present: Dan San Shui, Carying mountain water - Tseng Su, Making combs - Dän Jan, Cariing rice - Mai Hai, Selling crabs - Tso Mo, making the Grinding stone - Tsui Teng Mao, Hammering hats - Tse Yan Wor, Picking swallos nest -Chii Shi Don, Lifting the Block. - All plates in lvely colours depicting in detail the different trades. - The very delicate plates with some tears at the edges. Edges of the binding a bit rubbed.

32 Vogeler - Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. Der Kaiser und die Hexe. Mit Zeichnungen von Heinrich Vogeler-Worpswede. Berlin, Im Verlag der Insel bei Schuster & Löffler, 1900. 24 : 15 cm. 58 pages, 1 leaf, with coloured, illustrated double-title and book-design by Vogeler-Worpswede. Original vellum, gilt title on spine, inside dentelles, ornamental endpapers in green, red and gold. HK$ 125.000 14 000,-The emblematic book of the German 'Jugendstil'. Not only because of the wonderful title by Vogeler-Worpswede in gold, red, green, brown, violet and light-blue, but also for the entire artistic design of the book, makes it one of the most desirable books of the beginning of the 20th century. This book represents a 'Gesamtkunstwerk of illustration, printing, colours, types etc. everything together forms 'a work of art'. - One of only 200 numbered copies. - Small dedication on the second fly-leaf, dated 1900. - A perfect copy.

33 Wiener Werkstätte - Mell, Max. (Redaktion). Almanach der Wiener Werkstätte. Vienna Rosenbaum (1911) 16,5 : 13,5 cm HK$ 8.500 950,-126 pages with 12 (4 coloured) plates Original cloth, illustrated boards designed by Josef Hoffmann Important almanac with graphic contributions by C.O.Czeschka, A.P. Gütersloh, J. Hoffmann, G. Klimt, O. Kokoschka, B. Löffler and K. Moser. Literary contributions by Altenberg, Blei, Brod, Czokor, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Roessner a.a. Beautiful printed with green-black lines surrounding the text, ornamental initials. Important document of the Wiener Werkstätte. - Schweiger, Wiener Werkstätte S. 92 (with Illustration).

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