Powdery mildew isolates and their use in breeding of mildew resistant hops
Project Management: Team:
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, AG Produktionstechnik (IPZ 5a) [Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Plant Production and Plant Breeding, AG Hop Production Technology (IPZ 5a)] AG Züchtungsforschung Hopfen (WG Hop Breeding Research)
Institut für Hopfenbau, Institute for Production,
Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V. (GfH) (Society of Hop Research) (2013 -2014; 2017 – 2021) Erzeugergemeinschaft HVG e. G. (HVG Hop Producer Group) (2015 - 2016) Dr. E. Seigner, A. Lutz AG Züchtungforschung Hopfen (WG Hop Breeding Research): A. Lutz, J. Kneidl EpiLogic: S. Hasyn Dr. F. Felsenstein, EpiLogic GmbH, Agarbiologische Forshung u. Beratung, (Agri-biological Research and Consulting), Freising January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2021
Objectives Improved resistance to diseases, especially to powdery mildew, is a top priority in the development of new hop varieties. This is why seedlings from all breeding programs are tested for powdery mildew resistance each year. Starting in 2000, powdery mildew isolates with virulence properties have been used for powdery mildew resistance tests in the greenhouse and the laboratory (Seigner et al., 2002). In conjunction with constantly improving test systems in the greenhouse and laboratory, these resistance tests form the backbone of effective resistance breeding (Seigner et al., 2005; Seigner et al., 2006; Seigner et al., 2009). For this purpose, 10 powdery mildew isolates with all currently known virulence genes are obtained from EpiLogic, Agrarbiologische Forschung und Beratung (Agri-biological Research and Consulting), in Freising. These isolates are made available for the various efforts related to mildew resistance breeding.