Continued Professional Development - January & February 2021

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Continued Professional Development - January & February All sessions will be delivered remotely between 4-5pm. Please book onto the sessions via the HR system. Staff will receive a calendar invite on the day of the training with a link to join. Date


Who is this for

13th January 2021

ItsLearning courses minimum requirements

A representative from every curriculum area that has not yet met the minimum requirements on the VLE is required to attend.

20th January 2021

27th January 2021

3rd February 2021

10th February 2021

Tidy up your courses

Importance of a well organised and managed VLE course

Minimum requirements information and Q&A

MS Teams including new features •

Teams basics and features

New features in Teams meetings e.g. Breakout rooms, together mode

ClickView Teaching Online Masterclass •

Intro to ClickView

Intro to the benefits of video learning

Using seamlessly through ItsLearning

Assessment using Clickview

Effective use in the classroom and for teaching online

ItsLearning Assignment Tool •

What is assignment tool

Why use assignment tool

Setting up your assignment

Marking online – including giving audio/visual feedback

Teacher perspective/learner perspective

Nearpod •

Intro to Nearpod

Benefits of Nearpod

Using seamlessly through ItsLearning

Importing existing MS PowerPoints

Effective use in the classroom and for teaching online

Live and Student-paced Nearpods

Assessment using Nearpod

Recommended for all staff with a responsibility of contributing to and maintaining an ItsLearning course. All staff interested in upskilling and finding more out about Teams and Teams video conferencing meetings

All teaching and learning support staff (Inc. Progress Tutors) interested in using and finding more out about ClickView and video learning

All teaching and learning support staff (Inc. Progress Tutors) interested in using and finding more out about ItsLearning assignment tool for formative and summative assessments

All teaching and learning support staff (Inc. Progress Tutors) interested in using and finding more out about Nearpod and creating interactivity in their classrooms




Who for?

Mandatory/ Optional

Introduction to Digital Accessibility

Wed 13th January

Jane Beresford-Sale


This session is to familiarise staff with the general principles of digital accessibility and the standards used to assess if content will be accessible to all users in line with the new Accessibility Directive. We will look at how to make your resources accessible for all to improve the experience for all users, as well as ensuring that individuals with disabilities can gain equal access.

Wed 20th January

All Business Support Staff

How to Build Long Term Memory

Tues 19th January

Andrea Murphy

New Staff and those who are yet to complete the training


Tues 26th January

Liz Duncan

New Staff and those who are yet to complete the training


Every Monday throughout January and February

Alison Bentley

All staff except Functional Skills Tutors and Invigilators


The Craft of Teaching

Mon 18th January

Angie Simms

Mon 1st Febuary

New Staff and those who are yet to complete the training


Helping all our learners to learn. This session looks at some of the differences between our adults and our younger learners, and considers strategies to help us meet their needs. Come and explore what great teachers do well, and take away some ideas to try in your own classroom. Intent and Sequencing

Wed 10th February

Sue Hadfield

New Staff and those who are yet to complete the training


Thurs 21st January

Angie Simms

New Staff and those who are yet to complete the training


Wed 27th January Wed 3rd February

How do you stimulate recall of prior learning? This session will look at the strategies to support the embedding of knowledge into long term memory. How to Improve Questioning “If sessions are planned effectively, questions will come naturally”. This session will look at any problems you might have when using questioning to challenge learning. We will provide guidance and strategies on how to further develop your questioning skills. Invigilator Training This training will ensure all staff are trained to meet JCQ requirements for invigilating written timetabled examinations. Topics covered are; roles & obligations, preparation, starting the exam, during the exam, at the end of the exam, ‘what if’s, access arrangements, readers & scribes, Q&A

This session will provide an overview of the Intent and Implementation in the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework. The session will explain the importance of sequencing when planning and writing your Scheme of Work. SPaG - How’s your SPaG? Come along to this light-hearted session that will help you to identify some of our learners’ most common errors and support them to improve their written work.

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