Continued Professional Development Preparation for 2021 Session
Who is the training for?
Inclusion Needs Training (SEND)
Mon 26th April 4-5pm
Mon 10th May 4-5pm
Nicola Metcalfe and Alison Loughnane
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
What are the needs of our learners? Do you know what is categorised as a ‘high need’? Discussions will take place around the use of learning support in the classroom and how to maximise the effectiveness of using a Learning Support Assistant in supporting learners with additional needs. Intent and Sequencing
Thurs 22nd April 4-5pm
Sue Hadfield
This session will provide an overview of the Intent and Implementation in the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework. The session will explain the importance of sequencing when planning and writing your Scheme of Work.
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
Tues 4th May 4-5pm
How to Improve Your Questioning
Mon 26th April 4-5pm
Liz Duncan
“If sessions are planned effectively, questions will come naturally”. This session will look at any problems you might have when using questioning to challenge learning. We will provide guidance and strategies on how to further develop your questioning skills.
Tues 11th May 4-5pm
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
How to Build Long Term Memory
Weds 12th May 4-5pm
Andrea Murphy
How do you stimulate recall of prior learning? This session will look at the strategies to support the embedding of knowledge into long term memory.
Mon 7th June 4-5pm
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
Craft of Teaching
Mon 17th May 4-5pm
Angie Simms
Helping all our learners to learn. This session looks at some of the differences between our adults and our younger learners, and considers strategies to help us meet their needs. Come and explore what great teachers do well, and take away some ideas to try in your own classroom.
Thurs 20th May 4-5pm
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
SPaG - How’s your SPaG?
Mon 24th May 4-5pm
Angie Simms
Come along to this light-hearted session that will help you to identify some of our learners’ most common errors and support them to improve their written work.
Thurs 24th June 4-5pm
For curriculum staff who are yet to complete training
Who is the training for?
Invigilator Training
Tues 20th April - 4-5pm
Alison Bentley
This training will ensure all staff are trained to meet JCQ requirements for invigilating written timetabled examinations. Topics covered are; roles & obligations, preparation, starting the exam, during the exam, at the end of the exam, ‘what if’s, access arrangements, readers & scribes, Q&A.
All staff who have not yet completed the training
Weds 28th April - 4-5pm
Introduction to Digital Accessibility
Thurs 29th April 4-5pm
Jane Beresford-Sale
This session is to familiarise staff with the general principles of digital accessibility and the standards used to assess if content will be accessible to all users in line with the new Accessibility Directive. We will look at how to make your resources accessible for all to improve the experience for all users, as well as ensuring that individuals with disabilities can gain equal access.
Tues 18th May 4-5pm
All staff who have not yet completed the training
Cloud Training- Moving from the S:Drive to One Drive
Please see Cloud Storage Training Guidance 4-5pm
Helen Green
All staff
College Careers Programme
Tues 8th June - 4-5pm
Kath Wilkes
Curriculum Staff
The Careers & Work experience team will be hosting a series of four CPD workshops to ensure you are getting the most out of the support that we can offer your learners. We will be covering topics such as UCAS, Gatsby benchmarks, Careers standards and how your curriculum content relates to these and using your feedback to shape the careers programme for the next academic year.
Thurs 10th June - 4-5pm
The Advanced Practitioner Team
Curriculum Staff
This essential session is to update staff and provide support with the college-wide migration from network storage options (H and S Drives) to cloud storage options for individuals (OneDrive) and groups (Teams).
Tues 15th June - 4-5pm Thurs 17th June - 4-5pm Tues 22nd June - 4-5pm Thurs 24th June - 4-5pm Tuesd 29th June - 4-5pm Mon 1st July - 4-5pm
Scheme of Work – Topic Outlines, Sequencing etc.
Mon 10th May 4-5pm
We will reflect on the current Scheme of Work, their purpose, and any improvements you could make. This will include how the audit framework is used. We will also be explaining the integration of employability and Gatsby benchmarks in a scheme of work.
Weds 19th May 4-5pm Tues 25th May 4-5pm Mon 7th June 4-5pm Weds 23rd June 4-5pm
Who is the training for?
Writing an effective SAR (for Curriculum Managers)
Fri 25th June 3-4:30pm
Liz Duncan
Programme Managers and Centre Directors
Weds 28th April 1212:30pm
Abbie Hawthorn
Staff who feel they need some more support with the HOW2 System
The iLearn Team
Curriculum Staff
Hayley Phare
Curriculum Staff
The SAR writing session will support Programme Managers in writing their annual self-assessment report, what evidence is required to support the judgements and produce a report that is easy to read and judgmental. HOW2 Drop-In Sessions Need some more support with using the HOW2 System? Come along to this light hearted session to discuss all things HOW2!
Thurs 13th May 8:30-9am Tues 25th May 2-2:30pm Fri 11th June 4-4:30pm
itsLearning, Planners etc.
Tues 20th April 4-5pm
The itsLearning planner is a central hub to organize all your teaching materials, from assignments, to tests, resources and iLearn activities. It enables you to schedule the presentation and delivery of work, acting as a roadmap for your learners. As the lesson planner can be customized to the needs of the user, it increases organization and provides a coherent framework for smooth efficient teaching and learning.
Weds 12th May 4-5pm
This training will take you through, setting up a planner and inform you how to populate the matrix correctly. You will learn how to add dates and timeframes, in order to schedule your course content. Finally, you will learn how to select resources and add them to your schedule. Developing English and Maths Skills
Weds 9th June 4-5pm
In line with the requirements set out in the EIF, looking at schemes of work and how to maximise opportunities for developing English and maths skills in vocational sessions. Please bring a scheme of work/topic outline along with you.
Thurs 17th June 4-5pm