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SEA HEALTH & WELFARE for seafarers

STENA LINE prioritizes SEAFARER safety with PFAS-free foam 04 Do you know about our Helpline for Seafarers? 11 Join a tasty cookery course with your fellow AB’s 14 Ask the consultant: The 8 Safety Links make a difference 16 Issue 03 | 2023

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Højnæsvej 56 2610 Rødovre, Denmark Editor in chief René Andersen Executive editors Jacob Christensen Torsten Mathias Augustsen Contact Troels Leth / +45 2469 3081


Authors Ester Ørum, Irene Olsen, Anna Bergmark og Troels Leth Design and Graphic Production Kailow A/S, CSR & Environmental & OHS certified Print run 3.000 Published three times a year Subscribe/unsubscribe: Front cover: SEA HEALTH & WELFARE

– Wo r k e n v i r o n m e n t –


CHOOSES PFAS-FREE FIRE EXTINGUISHING FOAM A severe environmental case in Denmark has inspired Superintendent Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen at STENA LINE to replace the fire extinguishing foam on the company's Danish-flagged ferries. With the help of SEA HEALTH & WELFARE, that task is now well underway.


In 2021, it attracted much attention when tests for so-called PFAS substances in the soil around a firefighting school in Denmark revealed PFAS substances at levels significantly higher than the permitted limit values. The following summer, several local beaches were also tested for PFAS substances, which are harmful to humans and nature.

PFASs are a large group of fluorinated chemicals. Common to PFAS substances is that they are difficult to degrade and, therefore, remain in the environment around us for a very long time and can accumulate in animals and humans. PFASs do not cause acute illness, but there is concern about how they may affect our health in the long term.

Private photo


Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen, Marine Superintendent, Company Security Officer, and Designated Person Ashore at STENA LINE followed the news coverage of the PFAS case with interest. Both because he remembered the fire school in question from his education and because the fire foam stored and trained with on the company's ferries contains PFAS substances.

"I believe we should do everything possible to ensure our employees are not working with harmful chemicals. The problem with PFAS substances is that the crew uses it in training and may get skin contact, and afterward, we wash it into the sea. Because of the news about PFAS substances, I started looking into whether there were new variants of firefighting foam on the market that were PFAS-free," says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen.

SEA HEALTH & WELFARE JOINED THE SEARCH His search for PFAS-free firefighting foam variants was unsuccessful. So, he contacted Anne Ries, Senior Consultant at SEA HEALTH & WELFARE, who had previously helped him with chemical advice and guidance. "This is one of the types of inquiries we can help shipping companies with. I checked

Source: Danish Health Authority At STENA ESTELLE, chemicals are stored in a large, bright room with easy access to personal protective equipment.


– Wo r k e n v i r o n m e n t – Photo: SHW Before choosing suppliers, the STENA ESTELLE crew tested several types of PFAS-free firefighting foam. The new foam prevents PFAS substances from being washed into the marine environment during onboard drills.

a shipping company like STENA LINE in if somebody had registered any PFAS-free reducing the environmental impact and firefighting foam variants in our Chemical Database in the @SEA-@SHORE platform. helping protect seafarers better," says Anne Ries. There were none. All products the shipping companies had registered in the database contained PFAS substances," says Anne Ries. Anne Ries provided of the names of the two companies and their PFAS-free products to Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen. A call to Esbjerg Fire School paid off. The school was able to provide the names of two companies, Falck Teknik and Lotek Safety, which sell firefighting foam without PFAS. That helped us," says Anne Ries.

we should ”doI believe everything possible

The two companies sent Anne Ries the safety data sheets for the products. She forwarded the information to the chemical specialists at the consultancy and research institution DHI, which SEA HEALTH & WELFARE uses for the daily operation of the Chemicals Database. DHI was able to confirm that the products do not contain PFAS substances. "Therefore, we can now recommend these products as a good substitution for the fire foam with PFAS substances found on Danish ships. It is gratifying that we can support

to ensure our employees are not working with harmful chemicals.

"The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has talked about phasing out the use of firefighting foams containing PFAS substances. But it will take a long time before this is decided. That's why it's great that some shipping companies are at the forefront. Other shipping companies have


now also purchased foam without PFAS substances, but STENA LINE started it," says Anne Ries. Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen appreciates Anne's help in finding these products. "We wanted to test them on one of our ships. If we hadn't had Anne's help, we probably wouldn't have been able to proceed with that project. We would have waited until a law banning PFAS substances," says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen.

IT MAKES SENSE TO REPLACE THE FOAM The crew of the STENA ESTELLE tests the two types of firefighting foam, and they both meet the requirements. The PFAS-free firefighting foam is also at the same price level as the foam they have used so far. "STENA LINE has already allocated money for environmental improvement projects on the ships, and I present the test to the local management in Denmark, where I

– Wo r k e n v i r o n m e n t – recommend that we switch to this foam," says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen, Superintendent at STENA LINE. The management decided to run a pilot project on STENA ESTELLE, a new ferry from 2022. They are now replacing all fire foam on the ferry, and the other Danish-flagged ferries will follow suit in 2024. The plan is to replace all fire foam on the company's 35 ferries in the long term. "Most foam is used for exercises. Some might point out that throwing away a

legal product and buying something new that you hopefully will never need is inappropriate. We don't profit from it either; we can't sell more tickets, but we remove the risk of being in contact with PFAS substances, and we don't flush it into the sea. Therefore, it makes sense," says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen.

SUSTAINABILITY IS ON THE AGENDA ON STENA ESTELLE Captain Greg Pasternak and his crew on STENA ESTELLE have engaged in several environmental improvement projects on the vessel.

"Of course, buying firefighting foam without PFAS substances is a good idea. We must do everything we can to protect marine life, and I'm glad that STENA LINE is focusing on that. Anything that can make a difference is very welcome. The company is well on its way to being an industry leader, and I feel good about that," says Greg Pasternak. The safety organization meets on board every three months, and sustainability is always on the agenda.

Photo: SHW

"We talk a lot about life on board and how we can make a difference. For example, we have decided to limit plastic consumption by installing water dispensers in a number of places on the ship where the crew is present. The dispensers are equipped with filters that purify the water so that it can be drunk. In this way, we significantly reduce the consumption of water bottles. In the long run, I hope we won't have plastic bottles on board," says Greg Pasternak. On STENA ESTELLE, Captain Greg Pasternak strongly focuses on safety on board, and the entire crew supports the switch to PFAS-free firefighting foam. On the STENA ESTELLE, dangerous goods are placed on the aft deck, where the crew can suppress fire from multiple sides. Photo: SHW


– Wo r k e n v i r o n m e n t – Photo: STENA LINE

STENA ESTELLE sails on the Karlskrona-Gdynia route.

Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen came up with sourcing firefighting foam without PFAS substances.

One of many environmental


The investment in PFAS-free firefighting foam is just one of many environmental projects and one of the relatively inexpensive ones - that STENA LINE is working on, says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen. "It is the shipping company's strategy that we want to be environmentally conscious. We think a lot about the environment," he says. Another project is implementing frequency control of the ventilation on board the company's ferries. Usually, when you start the system, it runs at full power and blows in tons of air. Afterward, the level is adjusted according to the temperature outside.

"We work to ensure the ventilation is adjusted before it starts. That way, we use less power and reduce the noise from the system. It's quite noisy," says Lars Bjørn Thorkilsen. The company has also decided to use a new type of silicone paint – a project that can save 1-2% on fuel. That adds up to many tons of fuel saved per year. The large ferries will also be equipped with deck washing machines that collect wastewater. The wastewater is stored in tanks that are emptied on land and cleaned instead of being poured into the sea as it is now.

STENA ESTELLE: • Danish-flagged RO/RO freighter on the Karlskrona-Gdynia route. • The ferry was delivered and put into service in 2022. • The ferry is 240 meters long and can accommodate 200 vehicles and 1,200 passengers. • There are 70 crew members, all of whom are from Poland.


Photo: Sisse Stroyer



A DEEPLY COMMITTED COLLEAGUE AND A GOOD PERSON With great sorrow and heavy hearts, we received the news that our dear colleague, senior consultant Cand. Pharm. Anne Ries peacefully passed away after a brief illness. With Anne's loss, we lost a fantastic person and a dedicated colleague. Our deepest sympathy goes to Anne's family and loved ones. A safe work environment for seafarers was a cause close to Anne's heart. With her expertise in chemicals and the physical work environment, she played a significant role in advancing the efforts of SEA HEALTH & WELFARE in this area.

Anne was widely recognized and respected by everyone who knew and worked with her, both her colleagues and external collaborators. As one of her last tasks, she was responsible for assisting a shipping company in finding producers of firefighting foam without PFAS substances. Anne was a warm and generous person. We are grateful to have been a part of her life on this earth. May Anne's memory be honored.


– We lf a r e –

JOIN OUR GOLF AND FOOTBALL TOURNAMENTS IN 2024 The dates for our sporting events 2024, MARITIME GOLF and MARITIME FOOTBALL, are ready. If you want to test your handicap or score a hattrick, read on. We hope for many entries and look forward to seeing you compete for the trophies next year.

MARITIME GOLF Maritime golf occurs on 21 August 2024 at Golfklubben Lillebælt, near Middelfart, Denmark.

MARITIME FOOTBALL We are hosting two maritime football tournaments on 7 May and 10 September 2024 at FC Kurant's pitches in Svendborg.

Seafarers and their spouses/partners, both active or retired, students at maritime schools, pilots, offshore, and shipping company employees can participate in the tournament.

Maritime education programmes, ships and shipping companies can enter as many teams as they wish. A team consists of 7 players + 2-3 substitutes.

Read more and sign up on our website:

Read more and register your team on our website: We look forward to seeing you at golf and football in Middelfart and Svendborg.



FOR SEAFARERS Need someone to talk to? Reach out to Helpline for seafarers to receive confidential and neutral support and counseling. +45 6015 5824 or

– Congratulations –

AMANDA CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF SEAFARER WELFARE From her first day at SEA HEALTH & WELFARE, the common thread in Amanda Gam's work life has been seafarers’ welfare. The daily contact with seafarers and the feeling of making a tangible difference to their well-being on board has meant that she has never looked for another career path. On 3 October 2023, Amanda Gam celebrated her 40th anniversary at SEA HEALTH & WELFARE. By Troels Leth, SEA HEALTH & WELFARE

For 40 years, Amanda has made a big difference for many seafarers on Danish-flagged ships around the world from her office at SEA HEALTH & WELFARE. She has helped make the distance small by facilitating entertainment and inspiring a healthy and meaningful leisure life on board. The contact with seafarers is the element that Amanda attributes the greatest importance to her long working life in their service. First in the Danish Government’s Seamens’ Center and since 2018 in SEA HEALTH & WELFARE after the merger with Sea Health. "I have always been in dialogue with the seafarers and appreciated assisting them as best I could. That's probably the main

The traveling book scheme was discontinued ten years ago when the Seafarers’ Library merged with the Danish Government’s Seamens’ Center. The TV programme still exists, and shipping companies can register their ships for the programme.

reason why I've stuck with it for 40 years. Initially, it was all about our TV and video subscriptions and traveling book schemes. As the internet became more widespread, our offerings have changed, and today, there is a lot of focus on physical and social activity on board, especially around our FIT4SEA platform," says Amanda Gam.

IT WAS NATURAL FOR AMANDA TO TAKE ON NEW TASKS On 3 October 1983, at the age of 20, Amanda was employed by the Danish Government’s Seamens’ Center as an office assistant responsible for reception and switchboard. She had previously completed her training at the Directorate of Seafarers, a precursor to the Danish Maritime Authority. Pretty soon, Amanda also became responsible for keeping track of the video scheme and, for example, sending invoices to shipping companies and ships. "It was two extremes. First, I was answering phones and being a receptionist. Then, suddenly, I was doing accounting. My job has changed many times, and I've learned how to do it myself each time.


I've never taken continuing education. On the other hand, I've always had good colleagues who have taught me the things I needed to learn," says Amanda Gam and elaborates: "Throughout the years, I've been given new tasks that were relevant and didn't bore me. Therefore, I haven't felt the need to look for another job or had an ambition to move up the ranks." Some seafarers wrote to Amanda with specific requests for leisure activities. "In the past, seafarers needed us much more to have something meaningful to do in their spare time on board. They asked for everything from private shopping to language courses and video films, which in most cases we could help with," she says. The video subscription scheme was one of her time-consuming tasks. Her task was to purchase new films, ship them to ships worldwide, and collect payment from subscribers. "We prioritized buying the best films, and we got them six months before they premiered in the cinema. Therefore, the

– Congratulations – Phpto: SHW

For 40 years, seafarers on Danish-flagged ships have had Amanda Gam as a fixed point of contact when at sea.

scheme was a great success, and many ships participated. So, we had to deal with a lot of letters, cheques, giro cards, and shipping notices," says Amanda Gam and continues: "Back then, we would wait for the postman to arrive with a sack full of letters that had to be opened and read by the CEO before we could process them. It was a completely different time."

THE INTERNET CREATED NEW WELFARE OPPORTUNITIES In the 1990s, access to email and the internet significantly impacted seafarers' well-being and leisure life on board. A development that Amanda has followed closely. "It became easier for seafarers to keep in touch with family and friends back home, and we were able to respond to inquiries faster and offer new services. For example, we developed FIT4SEA, where seafarers

can register their workouts and win prizes," says Amanda.

It's a development she doesn't particularly appreciate.

The number of seafarers using FIT4SEA is growing steadily, and Amanda is pleased and proud of this. Because one of the most essential tasks for SEA HEALTH & WELFARE is still getting seafarers out of the chambers and spending time with their colleagues on board.

"There aren't as many seafarers I write to as there used to be. Both Danish and foreign seafarers wrote to me, and it was nice. But now that much of the communication has been digitalized, there is not so much dialogue anymore. But as long as they feel that we make a difference and have relevant welfare services, I'm fine with it," says Amanda.

"We want to inspire seafarers to be social and active with each other, for example, with FIT4SEA, puzzles, darts, etc. It's essential that seafarers enjoy each other's company both at work and in their free time. I'm all about not burying your head in your phone. It's a shame when people are more busy looking at their phones than being with the people around them. I say the same thing to my colleagues in the office." With the internet and new digital offerings, fewer seafarers are contacting her directly.


FIT4SEA now has 2,700 users. Until 2023, seafarers can submit their training results by email, which Amanda then enters into the program. From 2024, everyone must register their training in the FIT4SEA platform.

– We lf a r e –

SIMON IGNITES YOUR TASTE BUDS AND ACTIVATES THE LANGUAGE OF FOOD Simon Philipsen is a chef and instructor at the SEA HEALTH & WELFARE's Cookery course for ship's assistants. He will also be at the helm of the 2024 courses, which focus on food that tastes good and teach participants to talk to their colleagues about the food they are served on board. Here, Simon answers four questions about the course. Here, Simon answers four questions about the course. By Troels Leth, SEA HEALTH & WELFARE · Photo: Helle S. Andersen

Do you need a celebrity chef like Søren Gericke or Jamie Oliver in your stomach to enjoy the cookery course? "The course teaches all participants how to prepare healthy and tasty food - even everyday food. However, the course concerns something other than gourmet food, Michelin stars, or being the most vocal. The course is at eye level with the participants and the reality in which they work, and the focus is on preparing food that tastes good and follows the official dietary guidelines. For example, I focus on making good bread. Wholemeal bread tastes and smells better than white bread. The same goes for vegetables, which have unique flavors. I introduce participants to this world of scents and colours. The flavor is the fundamental essence of the course."

What is the most important takeaway from the course? "I want to teach the AB's how to talk to their colleagues about the food so that they are in a good position to talk about

It's important to

emphasize that regardless of your skills in the kitchen, you can get something out of the course. As long as you belong to the part of the population that eats food, you will benefit.

the food and flavor. Especially when cooking for others, it's important to have a dialogue about taste and what tastes good.

Often, conversations about food are about whether it tastes good, and there can be many opinions. Therefore, the dialogue about when food tastes good is essential, and it requires that you, as a chef, have a knowledge of taste that you can use to talk about food. That's why I focus on the participants learning what flavor is and at the same time becoming aware of the importance of food tasting good." What is it like for you as a chef to teach ship assistants about flavor and healthy eating? "I enjoy organizing the courses because the AB's are curious and interested and want to learn about food and expand their food world. At the same time, it adds an extra dimension to the training that, as seafarers, they are well equipped to cook food that takes time. They are on the ship all the time, so it only takes a little effort to go down and soak a bag of beans or prepare a dough that needs to rise for a few hours. So, life as a seafarer fits really well with the food I use in my classes, which is flavorful and requires time to prepare but not a lot of labor."

Participants in the course work with a wide variety of ingredients and flavors.

What are the most important skills you want seafarers to take away from the course? In short, they should be able to talk to their colleagues about flavor, and cook food that tastes good, and bake a loaf of bread. They


– We lf a r e – During the course, participants learn about ingredients, taste, and planning.

shouldn't cook food that I think tastes good but that they and their colleagues on board think tastes good. It should be so that everyone can quickly start making minor adjustments, such as more flavor, more whole grains, etc. In my experience, once you start making food that tastes like something, food without flavor can be quite striking."

COOKERY COURSE for able-bodied seamen Are you responsible for the daily cooking on a small ship - and do you need inspiration and knowledge about food and flavor? Then, join a cookery course with SEA HEALTH & WELFARE in 2024.

Photo: SHW

Together with chef Simon M. Philipsen, SEA HEALTH & WELFARE has developed a 2-day cookery course for ship's assistants who are responsible for the daily cooking on board a small ship.


Even if you are used to preparing tasty food and know how to organize it, this course will give you new ideas and knowledge and make you even better in a galley. The course is based on the official Danish dietary guidelines, and the central theme is food flavor.

ABOUT SIMON M. PHILIPSEN Simon has been a chef for 20 years and has worked in upscale restaurants and canteens that serve good everyday food. For many years, he has taught both children and adults how to cook. Simon believes private individuals and professionals benefit from attending a course and learning something new. Simon is very interested in taste, and in 2020, he published "SANS - a book about food and taste."

"On the food course, you will learn how to organize everyday cooking to give you a better overview and more time to prepare tasty and varied food for your colleagues on board. All meals are important, so we will practice both hot dishes and incorporating freshly baked buns and rye bread into the daily cooking," says Simon M. Philipsen. The course provides you with food, recipes, kitchen tricks, and exercises that you can easily take home with you on the ship.



p repare varied and healthy food that tastes good o rganize and prepare food so that you can also take care of other tasks on the ship s poil yourself and your colleagues on board with sensuous food

INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEXT COURSE When we are ready with the date for the next course in 2024, you can find the information at­kursus If you are interested in participating in an upcoming cookery course, you are welcome to fill out a form on the website. We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about the course, please get in touch with health consultant Pernille Nordstrand at SEA HEALTH & WELFARE at or phone +45 31 40 65 00.

– Ask the consultant –

SAFE BEHAVIOR AND SAFETY ON BOARD HI ESTER In 2024, our shipping company will focus on safe behavior and how we can work together to increase safety on board. A few years ago, I heard you had a tool or system to measure the safety culture on board. What does it consist of, and how can we put it into practice on board? With kind regards Kapt. Christian Højby

HI CHRISTIAN It's great that you want to focus on the safety culture onboard. Yes, we have developed a tool called "The 8 Safety Links" that can help the safety organization on board map the safety culture, identify areas of challenge, and guide you through the process. The tool is designed to allow both ship management and crew to identify and assess various topics relevant to the safety culture on board. Together, your responses form a graphical presentation of your overall assessment of the safety culture on the ship. The 8 Safety Links consist of five parts: • Dialogue sheet with questions for management

• Dialogue sheet with questions for the crew/employees • A game board • Dialogue cards • sAction plan

Once all questions in a category have been assessed and scored, you add them together to create a total score for the category. Plot the total score in the "spiderweb."

The tool is divided into steps that you can complete separately.

Once you have assessed all questions and plotted each category's total score in the spider's web with a line drawn between each dot, you have an overview of your safety culture.

STEP 1: HOW TO USE THE DIALOGUE SHEET: Start by gathering everyone on board and then divide into two groups. The ship's management should be in one group, and the rest of the crew should be in the other group. Each group now has a dialogue sheet with questions in eight different categories: 1. Commitment & Responsibility 2. Communication & Information 3. Framework & Resources 4. Involvement & Ownership 5. Leadership & Key People 6. Feedback & Evaluation 7. Support & Co-operation 8. Knowledge & Training. For each category, there are five questions. The group must collectively assess each question and give it a score between 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Write the score for each question.


It's important to remember that management and crew have different questions on their dialogue sheets and that management and crew may have different opinions on various topics.

STEP 2: DIALOGUE CARDS AND GAME BOARD: Take out the game board and dialogue cards. The game board is divided into four fields: Agree or Disagree and No Action or Action Required. The dialogue cards are divided into the same categories and colors as in the dialogue sheet. Now select the cards in the colour(s) that received an overall low score from the dialogue sheet. Shuffle the cards. Now, draw one dialogue card at a time and read the question aloud. Discuss where

– Ask the consultant –

N and meaningful m - On a scaleO of 1-10 (10 1is10 10 NecessaryNecessary and meaningful - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): highest): m and targets? • Does the company have m a clear strategy with mission, vision

R and competencies m - On a scaleO of 1-10 (10 1is10 10 ResourcesResources and competencies - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): highest): m m m m • Areequipped managerstoequipped to handle safety management general management? • Are managers safety management and general and R handle m O management? 1 10 10 Arecompetencies crew trained in acting Resources - Onsafely? a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Are crew•and trained in acting safely?


Ressourcer and competencies

• issues Are safety issues considered work planning? - On m • Are safety considered in Resources andin competencies a scale (10 mis highest): mwork planning? m of m Resources and competencies - Onofand a1-10 scale ofmanagement? 1-10 (10 is 1-10 highest): • Resources Are managers equipped to handle safety general and competencies - Onmanagement aprocedures scale (10 isfithighest): Are users involved in planning so fit they get today-to-day in with day-to-day • Are users• involved in planning procedures so they get to in with • Are crew trained in acting• safely? practicalities? Are managers equipped to handle safety management and general management? practicalities? • Are managers equipped to handleand safety management -and Resources competencies On general a scalemanagement? of 1-10 (10 is highest): Aresafety managers to handle safety management and general management? • • Are issuesequipped considered in work planning? • Are trained in acting safely? • Are crew trained increw acting safely? Resources and competencies - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Areusers crewinvolved trained plan: in safely? • Are managers equipped handle safety management and general management? Action • •Action Are in acting planning so they get to fit withplanning? day-to-day plan: • Areprocedures safety issues considered intoin work • Are safety issues considered in work planning? • practicalities? Are safety issues considered• inAre work planning? •managers Are crew trained in safely? equipped to acting handle safety management and general • Are in users involved in planning procedures sointhey to fit inmanagement? with day-to-day • Are users involved planning procedures so they get toplanning? fit withget day-to-day •crew Are safety considered workday-to-day • Are users involved in planning procedures soinissues they get to fit ininwith • Are trained acting safely? practicalities? practicalities? practicalities? Areissues users involved in planning procedures so they get to fit in with day-to-day Action plan: • Are •safety considered in work planning? practicalities?

Action plan: Action plan:

• Are users involved in planning procedures so they get to fit in with day-to-day Action plan: practicalities?

Action plan:

• Does the company haveNa clear strategy with mmission, visionOand targets? 1 10 m10 Necessary meaningful - have On m aan ofof1-10 is highest): Does the company overview accidents and the human • Does the•and company have an overview ofscale accidents and the(10 human and financialand financial consequences? consequences? Necessary and - of On1-10 a scale (10 is highest): m meaningful m of Necessary and meaningful -mission, Onabout a1-10 scale (10 is 1-10 highest): m and meaningful On a scale of (10 is highest): • Necessary Does the company have a clear strategy with vision and targets? • Do crew and other personnel know the company’s objectives • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s objectives and what it and what it

Necessary and meaningful

m m wants from them? m m wants them? • Does thefrom company have an accidents andathe human andwith financial • overview Doeshave theofcompany have clear strategy vision and targets? • Does the company a clear strategy with mission, vision mission, and targets? • consequences? Does the company have a clear with -mission, vision targets? Necessary and strategy meaningful On a scale ofand 1-10 (10 is highest): • Doeshave the company have an overview of the accidents human and financial mand • Does the company an overview of accidents and human andthe financial • • DoDoes crewthe and otherplan: personnel know about the objectives and what it company have overview of -accidents andofthe human financial Necessary andanmeaningful Onmcompany’s a scale 1-10 (10 and is highest): consequences? m Action consequences? Action plan: wants from them?• Does the company have a clear strategy with mission, vision and targets? consequences? • company Do crew and other personnel about the company’s •• Do and personnel know about theknow company’s objectives and objectives what it and what it •crew Does theother have an overview accidents and and the targets? human and financial Does the company have afrom clear strategy withofmission, vision • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s objectives and what it wants them? wants consequences? from them? wants from them? • Does the company have an overview of accidents and the human and financial • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s objectives and what it consequences? wants from them? • Do crew and other personnel Action plan:know about the company’s objectives and what it Action wantsplan: from them? Action plan:

Action plan:

Action plan:

N and -meaningful m -ofOn1-10 O of 1 is 10highest): 10 Action plan: Necessary a scale (10 Necessary and meaningful On a scale (10 is 1-10 highest):

S wa scaleO of 1-10 (10 1is10 10 Spread - Onof Spread the word the - Onword a scale 1-10 (10 is highest): highest): • Are successes celebrated and is attention drawn to them?


• Are successes celebrated S and is attention w drawnO to them? 1 10 10 Spread the•word -bonuses, On a scale 1-10 (10 is achieving highest): Doget personnel get bonuses, gifts or social events forgood achieving good results? • Do personnel gifts orofsocial events for results? m • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to draw attention to safety? Spread the word On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to draw attention to safety? m Spread the word - Onofa1-10 scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): the word On a scale (10 is highest): • Spread Are successes celebrated and is attention drawn to them? m m m • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the company forum used to provide information?

Spread the word

m • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the company forum used to provide information? • Do personnel get bonuses, social events for achieving good results? • gifts Areofor successes and is attention Are -successes celebrated isisattention drawn to them?drawn to them? Spread the•word On a scale 1-10 (10celebrated highest): m and • Are successes celebrated and is attention drawn to them? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used get to draw attention safety? • get Dobonuses, personnel bonuses, gifts to orfor social eventsgood for achieving good results? •- On Doapersonnel or social events achieving results? Spread the word scale of 1-10 is gifts highest): m(10 m m m Domagazines, personnel get bonuses, gifts or social achieving results? Are successes celebrated and isAre attention drawn to them?for forum Action plan: • ••Action Are bulletins, or theevents company usedgood toused provide information? plan: •newsletters campaigns, posters, happenings to draw attention to safety? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to draw attention to safety? • Do Arepersonnel campaigns, posters,gifts happenings used draw attention to safety? get bonuses, or social events fortoachieving good results? • Are •successes celebrated and is attention drawn to them? • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters the company forum used to provide information? • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters ortothe companyorforum used to provide information? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to draw attention safety? • Are magazines, newsletters the company forum used to provide information? • Do personnel get bonuses,bulletins, gifts or social events for or achieving good results? •campaigns, Are plan: magazines, bulletins, newsletters the attention company to forum used to provide information? Action • Are posters, happenings used toordraw safety? • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the company forum used to provide information?

Action plan: Action plan:

Action plan:

Action plan: m a clear strategy with mission, vision m and targets? • Doeshave the acompany have plan: Action plan: • Does the company withmmission, vision and S w1-10 O of 1 is 10highest): 10 RAction m -ofOn1-10 O of 1 is 10highest): 10 N clear strategy O targets? 1 10 m10 Spread thea word a scale (10 Resources and competencies a scale (10 Spread the word - On scale-ofOn (10 is 1-10 highest): m Resources and competencies - On a scale (10 is 1-10 highest): Necessary and meaningful On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Doeshave the an company have an overview of the accidents human and financial • Does the company overview of accidents and humanand andthe financial Necessary and meaningful consequences? consequences? Necessary and meaningful m m m m m m Necessary and meaningful Necessary andm meaningful - Onofa1-10 scale(10 of 1-10 (10 is highest): m Necessary and meaningful - -On isishighest): • equipped Are managers equipped to handle safetyand management and general management? • celebrated Are successes celebrated and is attention drawn to them? • Are managers general management? • Are successes m and Necessary andother meaningful Onaascale scale of 1-10 (10 highest): Does theand company have clear strategy with mission, vision •other Do crew personnel know the10 company’s objectives and what it S and is attention w drawnOto them? 1 10 10 Udb dRtob handle d bsafety management nm h1 10 10 Oh • Do crew and personnel know abouta the company’s and what it targets? 10 about objectives the word -social On aevents scale ofachieving 1-10 (10 highest): 10 mm m •Resources Are in acting safely? - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): •Spread Dobonuses, personnel getor bonuses, gifts orforsocial events foris achieving good results? and competencies from them? m • Are crew trained in crew actingtrained safely? • Do personnel get gifts good results? wants from them? • wants Does the company have an overview of accidents and the human and financial Does the company a clear mission, vision • Does the •company have a clear have strategy withstrategy mission, vision andntargets? m ndwith m u and targets? • Areconsidered safety issues considered in work planning? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to draw attention consequences? Spread word Onofaattention scale of 1-10 (10 to is safety? highest): • Does the companyand have ameaningful clearN strategy with mission, visionnand targets? • Are safetyResources issues in m work planning? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used to- draw to safety? m m m m Resources and competencies - Onofa1-10 scale(10 of 1-10 (10 ismhighest): Spread the -the (10 Necessary and competencies - On scale highest): Does the company have an overview of accidents and the financial human and financial Spread theword word -On Onaascale scale of1-10 1-10 (10istoishighest): highest): m and • Are managers equipped to handle -safety and general • Are successes and is attention drawn them? Resources and competencies Onaamanagement scale of 1-10 (10isismanagement? highest): • Does the •company have an overview of accidents and the human mcelebrated m used to m • Are in users involved in planning procedures • Are magazines, newsletters the company forum provide information? m Do crew other personnel know the company’s objectives what • • Does the company have an overview ofmeaningful accidents and the human andand financial • Are C users involved planning procedures so they get to fitso1 inthey withget day-to-day • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the company used to provide information? andabout m consequences? 10 it Spread the word m Necessary Osafely? 10 10to fit in with day-to-dayResources Kbulletins, Oorforum 1is10 10 10Necessary Action plan:and 10 m Resources and competencies consequences? and meaningful 10 Action plan: Culture providing support On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Key personnel On a scale of 1-10 (10 highest): 10 Necessary and meaningful • Are crew trained in acting • Do personnel get bonuses, gifts or social events for achieving good results? and competencies Spread the word practicalities? 10 wants from them? and meaningful re - providing support On •a scale of 1-10 (10 safety istohighest): Key• personnel - On a scale ofis1-10 (10drawn highest): Are managers handle safety management and general management? • Are successes celebrated and is is attention drawn to them? practicalities? Resources and competencies 10 consequences? Spreadobjectives the word Necessary • Are- managers equipped to equipped handle management and general management? Are successes celebrated and attention to them? 10 m Necessary and meaningful m m mæ m m • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s and what it • • Are equipped to handle safety management and general management? • • Are celebrated and is attention to them? • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s objectives and what it 10 Aremanagers safety issues considered in work planning? Aresuccesses campaigns, posters,get happenings useddrawn tosocial draw attention toachieving safety? good results? 10 • Do crew and other personnel know about the company’s objectives and what it • Are crew trained in acting safely? • Do personnel bonuses, gifts or events for wants from10 them? • Are crew trained • Do personnel get •bonuses, gifts or social aboard events and for achieving results? mshow Are there personnel the organisation (ambassador who wants from them? m mgood m m a 10 mtrained min acting msafely? m Do work teams and crew consideration for each other that they support • personnel Are there personnel aboard and in events the organisation (ambassador teams) who teams) are • • Are acting safely? • •there Do get bonuses, gifts social forinachieving goodtowho results? wants from them? work •teams and crew consideration forin each other so that theyso support • Are aboard and newsletters in theor organisation (ambassador teams) are information? 5 Arecrew users involved inissues planning procedures so they get to Arepersonnel magazines, bulletins, orOthe company forum used Action plan: Action plan: in, keep an eye on, to activities? C show Owork 1 10 10fit in with day-to-day Kinterested 1to10 10provide Action plan: plan: 5 •acting Are safety considered in work planning? • Are posters, campaigns, posters, happenings used draw attention to safety? R u nd Action mp n Sp d h wAction d Key AreOn safety issues considered in planning? •personnel Are campaigns, happenings used toactivities? draw attention safety? and back each other up safely? interested in, keep anand eye on, 5 plan: 10 Spread the word each other up in• acting safely? interested in, keep anand eye on,1-10 activities? e back - providing support ain scale of 1-10 support (10 -and On aposters, scale of 10 and competencies practicalities? • -Are safety issues considered in is work planning? • Are campaigns, happenings usedistohighest): draw attention to safety? 10 Culture -highest): On a scale of 1-10 (10 get is Resources highest): Key personnel - •On a scale of safety 1-10 (10 is (10 highest): 5 Spread the word m m•involved m procedures •groups Do groups have the status tocompany make them function and enjoy information? the necessa Are- providing users involved in planning procedures sofitthey to fit in with day-to-day Resources and competencies 10 Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters orthem the forum used to provide 5 • Are users in planning so they get to in with day-to-day • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the company forum used to provide information? • Can management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? • Do safety have the status to make function and enjoy the necessary n management and work stressful safely? • Do• safety groups have the status to make them function and the 5 5 •teams Aresupport users involved insituations planning procedures soof they get in day-to-day magazines, bulletins, newsletters or the1-10 forum used tonecessary provide information? m plan:Action plan: 10 Spread the word Culture -mhandle providing support --mof On scale 1-10 (10 iswith highest): Key personnel - of On acompany scale ofisenjoy 1-10 (10 is highest): respect both upwards Resources and Action competencies practicalities? 10 Spread 510 m 10 the -mproviding On aascale of 1-10 (10to isfithighest): Key personnel -Are Onboth a respect scale ofboth 1-10 isaand highest): Culture - providing - On scale 1-10 (10 is highest): Key personnel -(10 On scale (10 highest): 1010 5 Resources andcompetencies competencies word practicalities? Resources and Spread upwards downwards in the organization? m Culture m H- On respect upwards downwards in the organization? 10 Spread re providing support aDo ofasupport 1-10 (10 is highest): personnel - On aand scale of (10 is(ambassador highest): 10 Action plan: ork -teams crew show consideration for each other so thatperformance they support Are there personnel aboard the1-10 organisation teams) who are • Isand management toscale hold employee annual reviews which practicalities? Resources and competencies the wordthe word • plan: work teams and crew show consideration for each other so that they support •• Key Are there personnel aboard and inand the in organisation (ambassador teams) who are management equipped toequipped hold employee annual performance reviews which Action Action plan: m union/msafety and personnel representatives 5 5 backother? each other up in acting safely? andIs keep an aeye on, activities? ack each other up consideration in for acting safely? interested in, and keep an eye on, activities? can boost forand each there group with management/ boost consideration each •interested Is therein,a•aboard group with management/ union/ safety andwho personnel representatives •work Doother? work teams and crewshow showconsideration consideration forfor each other so that they support • Are there personnel and in the organisation (ambassador teams) arein the • Do teams and crew each other so that they support • Are there personnel aboard and organisation (ambassador m m m m m • Do work teamsAction and crew show consideration for each other so stressful that they supportsafely? • Are there personnel aboardfunction and inand theenjoy organisation (ambassador teams) who areteams) who that is running project? 5 m m m •back management and work teams handle situations •• • Do safety have the status tothe make the necessary Action plan: Action plan: 5 that isgroups running the plan: Action plan: 5 and each other upininamong acting safely? interested in, and keep an eye on,project? activities? management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? DoAre safety groups have the status to make them function andon, enjoy the necessary • Istoitand possible build up aCan safety culture work -too or is there too much work teams crew consideration for each other so they there personnel aboard and inthem thein, organisation (ambassador teams) who are 5 55 and back each other up acting safely? interested and an eye activities? t possible build up show ato safety culture among work teams - that or isteams theresupport much 5 Action plan: Action plan: and back each other in safely? interested in, and keep eye on,keep activities? respect both upwards and downwards in the an organization? Culture Culture 10 5 0 55 10 10 Key personnel 5 m up mIsacting m m •management management equipped hold employee annual performance respect bothin, upwards in the crew turnover? back each other up in acting safely? interested and andownwards eye activities? 0 5 • Can andperformance work teamstohandle stressful situations safely? reviews which Culture • Do safety groups have the statuskeep toand make themon, function and organization? enjoy the necessary wnagement turnover? Key personnel equipped to Can hold employee annual reviews which 10 10 Key 10 0 5 providing support 5 personnel • management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? • Do safety groups have the status to make themenjoy function and enjoy the nece can boost consideration for each other? • Is there a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representatives m m Action plan: 5 5 providing support • Can management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? • and Dodownwards safety groups the status to make them function and the necessary respectAction both upwards in thehave organization? 5 plan: - providing support 5 5 • other? Is management equipped to hold employee oost consideration for each • Is there a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representatives management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? annual performance reviews which • Do safety groups have the status to make them function and enjoy the necessary 5 that is running the project? respect both upwards and downwards in the organization? 5 respect both upwards andpersonnel downwards in the organization? Is itconsideration possible to build up aother? safety culture amongperformance work teams - orreviews is there which too much plan: • Isequipped management equipped to hold employee mannual m can •boost for each • Is there that a respect group with management/ union/ safety and representatives 5 5 plan: •Action Is management to hold employee annual performance reviewsm which is running the project? both upwards and downwards in the organization? Culture crew turnover? Cu u possible to build up a safety culture among workfor teams - other? or isreviews there too much management equipped to hold employee annual performance which 10 10 Key personnel 0 that is running the project? can boost consideration each • Is there a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel 5 can boost consideration for eachtoother? • Is there a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representativesrepresentati • Is it possible build up a safety culture among work teams - or is there too much Culture - Culture providing K p Action 5 0 N and5 meaningful nd m 10 n10 n Key u personnel turnover? boost consideration for each other? •nnIsplan: there a group with management/ union/ the safety and personnel representatives p10 dsupport n 10upp is running project? Necessary 5 crewAction turnover? Necessary and that is running that the project? 0 meaningful 5 it possible toplan: build up aamong safety culture among teams or is there too much support Key - providing • Is it possible• toIsbuild up a safety culture work teams - orwork is there too- much is running the project? 5 5 personnel Action Action plan:thatplan: - providing support 5 5 Culture 5 5 possible to build up a crew safetyturnover? culture among work teams - or is there too much Culture 5 10 10 0 5 10 5 crew turnover? Action plan: Key personnel plan: Culture 10 10 Key personnel 0 10 w turnover? Action plan: providing support 10 10 0 Action plan: - providing 5 5 meaningful - On a5scaleN5of 1-105(10 is highest): Action plan: - providing support supportNecessary and nd m n nKey u personnel 5 55 Action plan: Action plan: Necessary and meaningful plan: 5 5 5 5 5have • Doesnd the company a clear strategy with mission, visionand and targets? Udb d b d b n h h C O 1 10 10 K O of 1 is 10highest): 10 10 R u mp n Sp d h w d Necessary meaningful 10the Culture - providing -ofOn1-10 of (10 is highest): Keya- personnel -ofOn1-10 a scale (10 and Necessary meaningful -scale On scale of(10 1-10 is highest): 10 10 Necessary Resources and competencies Spread the wordand Spread 10 lture - providing support Onsupport aand scale isa1-10 highest): Key On a scale is 1-10 highest): 10 the personnel word - On scale of 1-10 (10 is(10 highest): Resources and Feed-back competencies word 10 and assessment Involvement ownership 5 Resources and-competencies - aOnscale a(10 of 1-10 is (10 highest): 5 10 10 Spread 105 Necessary andmeaningful meaningful 10 the Feed-back and assessment and ownership • Does company have an overview of accidents and financial Involvement Feed-back and assessment Involvement and ownership 55 and the human 10 55 10 105 10 Involvement and ownership Feed-back and assessment consequences? 10 m m m •• Do teams and crew show consideration for each with other so that they support • Are there personnel aboard and in the organisationteams) (ambassador •show Does the company have aother clear strategy mission, vision and targets? Do work teams and crew consideration so support there personnel aboard indrawn the organisation (ambassador who areteams) who are Arework managers equipped handle safety general • Are successes celebrated and is attention to them? 5of 51-10 objectives Ceach Othat ntheyand 1 10management? 10 K and 1 10 10 Ntoacting gmforpeach n management h h R and u• competencies ndSpread mpthe n know Sp d h w d • Are ud b Culture word - On5about a scale (10510 is highest): Do crew and10other personnel the company’s and what it 10 and ownership Feed-back Involvement and other up in safely? interested keep eyeOon, and back each otherback up in acting safely? interested in, and keep anin, eyeand on, activities? - providing support -have On an a scale (10and is the highest): Key personnel - On a an scale of activities? 1-10 (10 is highest): 10 Resources Spread Does in theacting company overviewofof1-10 accidents human and financial F and d bassessment ndfrom n the word m n nd h pget bonuses, 10 10 • Are crew•trained safely? • Down personnel gifts or social events for achieving good results? 10 wants them? m n 10 m m m m m Feed-back and assessment Involvement and ownership 10 5 • Canand management and workstressful teams situations safely? • Dohave safety have the status to make and themenjoy function and enjoy the necessary consequences? m handle m stressful mæ m m 10 5 Can management work teams handle • Do safety groups thegroups status to make them the 10 the Culture - providing - On a1-10 scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Key personnel -attention Onofafunction scale of 1-10 (10necessary is highest): Resources and competencies Spread word 10 Spread m -insupport m m • Are- safety issues considered work planning? • Are campaigns, posters, happenings used toadraw to safety? Culture support asituations ofsafely? (10 isishighest): Key personnel -upwards (10 isishighest): mm m 105 Are successes celebrated is attentionas drawn to them? Resources and competencies wordthe and Manager a role model 1010 5 and respect both and downwards the m m objectives 10 Involvement respect both and downwards in the organization? 10 Spread 10Manager Culture -providing providing support -On On ascale scale 1-10 (10 highest): Key personnel -On On ascale scale ofin1-10 1-10 (10organization? highest): 10 Manager rolemodel model • Is Do work teams and crew for each other so that support •upwards Are there personnel aboard and the in organisation (ambassador teams) who are Feed-back and •assessment ownership 10 Involvement Resources and competencies the management equipped to hold employee annual performance reviews which and what m •tomDo crew andshow other personnel know thewhich company’s itFeed-back m m mofabout as a role and assessment andword ownership Is management equipped hold employee annual performance reviews 10 as Manager asmodel aa role 10 mconsideration mthey 10achieving 5 events for m activities? mto safety Feed-back and assessment Involvement • can Areboost userseach involved inupplanning so they get fit in with day-to-day • Are magazines, bulletins, newsletters orand the company forum used provide information? • Do personnel get bonuses, gifts or social good results?and ownership massessment O ofto-1-10 1isof10 10(10 m 1is10 10 and back other in acting safely? interested in,w keep an O eye on, consideration for eachprocedures other? •On Is there aofgroup with management/ union/ and personnel representatives wants from them? can boost consideration for each other? • ownership Is ownership there and a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representatives Feed-back and assessment On a scale (10 highest): Involvement ownership On a scale of 1-10 (10 highest): Action plan: Feed-back and On a scale 1-10 is highest): Involvement and a scale 1-10 (10 is highest): Feed-back and assessment On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Involvement and On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Do and workm teams andconsideration crew show consideration forsoeach so that they support Are there personnel aboard and in the m organisation teams) w m m each other m (ambassador practicalities? Manager a role model • Do work teams crew show for thatother they support • Arethat there personnel aboard and in the organisation (ambassador teams) who are 10 ashappenings is•running thehave project? m m m that is running the project? 5 • Are campaigns, posters, used to draw attention to safety? 5 • Can management and work teams handle stressful situations safely? • Do safety groups the status to make them function and enjoy the necessary • Do work teams and crew show consideration for each other so that they support • Are there personnel aboard and in the organisation (ambassador teams) who are it possible to build up other aamong safety culture among -much or is there too much and back each up in acting safely? in, an eye on, activities? Is it possibleand toIsbuild a safety culture work teams - orwork is there back up each other inmacting safely? interested in,interested and keep anand eye keep on, activities? Feed-back and assessment Onteams a too scale of 1-10 is highest):Culture Involvement and ownership - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): CultureCu u 5 m upup m - in m (10 M n5 5or the m5 d to provide information? 5 respect both upwards and downwards in the organization? back eachbehaviour other in acting safely? interested in, and keep an eye on, activities? m personnel? crew turnover? ptheright nn • hold Is safe behaviour annual involved appraisals ofreviews managerswhich and personnel? •K Are the involved when policies, procedures and instructions 10 Key personnel crew turnover? 10 •10 Are magazines,as bulletins, newsletters company forum Manager a10role Is• safe involved in appraisals of managers and • stakeholders Are the right stakeholders when policies, procedures instructions • and Is •management equipped to employee performance 10d n 0On 10 Oof 01-10 51010 Key personnel p support upp • Is involved inHappraisals of managers personnel? • are Arebeing right stakeholders when policies, procedures Can management and handle work teams handle stressful situations safely? •involved Do safety groups have status to function make them function and enjoy the nec minstructions mand M m aamodel 1 10used Manager as a role model scale (10(10 5is highest): mand æ m m- support Action plan: Action plan: providing • safe Canbehaviour management and work teams stressful situations safely? Do m safety groups have the status tothe make them and enjoy the necessary drawn up? 5 - -On Oforofpromotion? 1 10 10 whave Oand 1 and 10 10 Action plan:•involved model scale of 1-10 - providing plan: Action plan: 5 is highest): 5a role •teams Is used as1-10 am parameter are being up? canand boost consideration each other? • Do IsOn there agroups group with management/ union/ safety Manager Manager as a role as model - On a scale of 1-10 is highest): • Action Can management andas handle stressful situations safely? and personnel? safety the status to highest): make them function and enjoyrepresentatives the necessary m m 5 (10 •work safe behaviour involved in appraisals managers • Are the right stakeholders involved when•policies, procedures and instructions are being drawn up? drawn respect both upwards and downwards in the personnel organization? 5 Feed-back assessment -for On asafety scale of (10 ism highest): Involvement and ownership a scale of 1-10 (10 is æemployee m •used Is• safety used aIs parameter for promotion? respect both upwards and downwards in the organization? Manager as a role model Action plan: • Is safety as a parameter for promotion? Is management equipped to hold annual performance reviews which m m m • Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? 5 Manager as a role model - On a scale ofa1-10 (10 is highest): tion plan:• Is management equipped to hold employee annual performance reviews which Manager asmodel role model that is both running the project? respect upwards and downwards in theassessments? organization? m are being drawn up? •safety Are accident statistics/ analyses made? Cu u • Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk it possible to build up a culture among work teams or is there too much Manager as a role • Is safety used as a parameter for promotion? • • IsIsmanagement equipped to hold employee annual performance reviews which m • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role of managers • Are personnel involved Involvement in •safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? can boost consideration forassessment each other? - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Is there amanagement/ group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representa 5 of managers m • Are accident statistics/ analyses made? m boost consideration for each other? Isownership there a•and group with union/ safety and personnel representatives Feed-back and and ownership On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Culture K p nn • pAre can accident statistics/ analyses made? Nøg Feed-back on m(10 is highest): • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role Feed-back and assessment On a scale of 1-10 Involvement and On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections risk assessments? in the safety culture and their responsibilities? • Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? crew turnover? can boost consideration for each other? • Is there a group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representatives • p Are courses, officer coaching, etc., used to focusO0on the role of managers 10 meetings, 10 Key personnel d n• Are upp Are accident statistics/ofanalyses made? Hbuild thatthe is running project? Action plan: and assessment -m On up a scale 1-10 (10 mis highest): and ownership apolicies, scale of 1-10the(10 is highest): • Is safe behaviour in •appraisals of managers and personnel? • Involvement Are the right stakeholders involved procedures and instructions that-when isOn running project? M m used 10 courses, officer coaching, to focus on the role of managers • involved Is possible a learnt safety culture work - or much is there too much 51 10recruiting the culture and their Action • Are near-misses and from? - providing • Is it possible toitbuild up analysed atolearnt safety culture among work among teams isteams there too 5 that isplan: running the project? 5 responsibilities? insupport the safety and their responsibilities? 5 • safety Issafety the importance ofathe occupational health(10 and safety emphasised when Manager as aininculture role model -meetings, On scale ofetc., 1-10 is highest): • Are analysed from? •near-misses Are managers and recognised praised the work they do on safety? mpersonnel m- or Culture 5 are being drawn up? the culture and their responsibilities? •up Are analysed and learnt from? • near-misses Is it possible to turnover? buildand apromotion? safety culture among work teams - or isand there toofor much Culture 5 • Is safety as acrew parameter for 5 when 10 ofm m recruiting 10 Key 10 0 crewused turnover? 5the occupational managers? Action plan: Culture Key personnel 0and safety emphasised • and Ism safe behaviour involvedofand inmanagers appraisals ofthe managers anddopersonnel? Are the rightinvolved stakeholders involved when policies, m •• support Is10 the importance healthemphasised Aresafe managers personnel recognised praised for they on safety? •• turnover? Is behaviour involved in and appraisals and personnel? • Are the right• stakeholders when policies, procedures andprocedures instructionsand instructions crew • support Is the importance of theManager occupational health and when recruiting Action plan: • Is Are managers and personnel recognised praised for the they dowork on - providing 10importance 10 Keypersonnel 0 Is the of the occupational health and safety emphasised when recruiting mworkand • appraisals Are managers and personnel recognised praised forsafety? the work they do on safety?- providing 5safety Action plan: personnel • •Action Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? as a role model On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • safe behaviour involved in of managers and personnel? Are the right stakeholders involved when policies, procedures and instructions m 5 m m are being drawn up? Manager as a role model On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: plan: managers? • Are accident statistics/ analyses made? 5 - providing support are being drawnAction up? plan: managers? 5etc., used 5 1-10 managers? • as Is asafety used as parameter for promotion? asofficer a role modelcoaching, - On a scale of (10 is highest): • Manager Are courses, meetings, to focus on the role of managers • IsAction safety plan: used parameter forapromotion? are being drawn up? plan: important when ship visits? m m IsAction safety used as a parameter for promotion? mthey make m Action plan: 5are • involved Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? in the safety culture and their responsibilities? • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: Action plan: Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment Action plan: Action plan: • •Action Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? • Are personnel in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are focus on the role of managers plan: plan: involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? Are accident statistics/ • Are accident• statistics/ analyses made?analyses made? •Action Are personnel mthey m • officer Are courses, officer meetings, etc.,on used mship visits? mmade? 5 important when make • when Are courses, meetings, coaching, etc., coaching, used to focus thetorole ofmmanagers important when they make ship visits? Aremanagers accident and statistics/ analyses Action plan: important they make ship visits? • • IsAre thecourses, importance of the occupational and safety emphasised whenof5recruiting officer meetings, coaching, etc., used totheir focus on the role managers 5 • • Are personnel recognised and praised for thelearnt work from? they do on safety? in the safety culture and responsibilities? • Are near-misses analysed and m10 F managers? dand bsafety nd m n health n m nownership nd wn h p 10 Involvement in10 the safety culture and their responsibilities? • Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? 10 assessment and 5 Involvement 5 Feed-backFeed-back and assessment and ownership in the culture responsibilities? • Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? 5 5of the occupational Action plan: and• their Is the importance health and safety emphasised when recruiting • Are managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? m m Action plan: 5 • Is the importance of the occupational health and safety emphasised when recruiting • Are managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? Necessary and meaningful • •Action DoIscompany representatives show the working environment Action Action plan: theplan: importance of the occupational healthand and safety emphasised when recruiting • Areplan: managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? managers? 5 are m that safety m 5 managers? important when they make ship visits? 5 managers? 10 F d b•assessment nd m n representatives m ownership n nd p plan: ng og b plan: Action plan: Do10 company show safety and the workingare environment are n 10 Do company• representatives show that safety and the working environment Action Actionwn plan: hAction 10that Feed-back Involvement and 10and • Do and company representatives show thatwhen safety the working environment are Action plan: Action plan: make ship visits? Necessary and meaningful important whenimportant they make shipthey visits? Action plan: when important make10 ship visits?10 Manager Mmodel n a role model m d10 Involvement 10 Involvement and ownership Feed-back andtheyassessment as Feed-back and assessment and ownership Manager as a role 10 10 10 Involvement and ownership Involvement and N g p - On na scale n 1-10 (10 h10 hFeed-back and assessment m1-10 O of 1 is 10highest): m On a scale w ofOn1-10 O of 1 is 10highest): 10 dbCulture d bud b Feed-back Action plan: and assessment a scale 1-10 (10 Action plan: 10 Spread the word Feed-back assessment - On aofscale (10 is highest): Involvement and (10 is highest): highest): - providingand support - On a scale 1-10of(10 is highest): Key ownership personnel --ownership On a scale -of 1-10 (10 is 10 Resources and competencies Action plan: 10

Culture - prov d ng suppport

Key personnel

Feed-back and assessment

nvolvement and ownersh p

Manager as role model

Masna role10model m d m m Manager • Isshow safeconsideration behaviour involved appraisals ofm managers and personnel? 10 O • teams Is safeand behaviour in appraisals ofinmanagers and personnel? • Do work crew each som that theyOsupport Mas mOn1-10 1 isis 10highest): 10 10 1 1010hPsychologist 10Spread m n involved ng g for Health bother h m a -role scale of 1-10 (10 highest): Key personnel On aascale (10 10 the word Manager asManager ources and competencies a role model On amodel scale (10of is1-10 highest): 5 --of Development: Occupational Consultant Bøge Søren Diederichsen mOnnaSøren m ofPedersen and -promotion? scale 1-10 and (10Industrial is highest): and back other upas in asafety acting safely? •Feed-back Is used as apromotion? parameter for Manager asmodel a role model • Iseach safety used parameter forassessment Manager as Manager asaarole Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen 5 role model • Can managementDevelopment: and• work handle stressful situations safely? Are teams accident statistics/ made? m Feed-back andanalyses assessment -mOn a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest):

• Are accident statistics/ and analyses made? m(10 is highest): Feed-back - -On ofof1-10 Are courses, meetings, used focus on the role of managers • officer Are there personnel aboard etc., and on in the to organisation (ambassador teams)mwho are • Are courses,•officer meetings, coaching, etc., coaching, used the role of managers Feed-back andassessment assessment Onaascale (10 is highest): • Istosafe behaviour involved in appraisals of managers and personnel? M 5culture m to focus 1 10 10 m m1-10 5scale • Is management equipped hold employee annual performance reviews in theand safety and their near-misses analysed and learntmfrom? in, and-responsibilities? keep eye O on,ofactivities? in the safetyManager culture their responsibilities? m which m m • Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? as ainterested role model On aanscale 1-10 (10 is highest): m æ m • Are Development: Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen andPsychologist Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen can boost consideration for each other? • Is safety used as a parameter for promotion? nt: Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Søren Diederichsen m m m æ m m • Is safe behaviour involved in appraisals of managers and personnel? m recognised m5forpersonnel? • Is the importance of thehealth occupational safety emphasised recruiting Are personnel managers and personnel recognised and praised theonwork they do on safety? • Do safety havesafety thehealth to make them functionwhen the necessary • •Is and safe behaviour involved inand appraisals and • Is the importance of the occupational and emphasised when recruiting • Are managers praisedof formanagers the m work they do safety? Manager as agroups role model -status Onofaand scale of 1-10 (10and is enjoy highest): • •up IsAre behaviour involved personnel? m respect ma and m Manager as - -On 1-10 is 5in appraisals • Is it possible to build asafe safety culture among work teams - orof ismanagers there tooand much accident statistics/ made? both upwards downwards in (10 the organization? managers?Manager Is as safety used analyses as a parameter for promotion? asaarole rolemodel model On ascale scale 1-10 (10 ishighest): highest): 5 to • managers? Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc.,of used focus on the role of managers Is safety •used a parameter Culture mH forforpromotion? m crew Nøg turnover?p • •on safety used as aanalysed parameter promotion? 10 10 are 0show m m personnel Key in the safety culture and their responsibilities? • IsAre near-misses and learnt from?made? Do company that safety and the working environment plan: • representatives Is there a group with management/ union/ safety personnel representatives • Do company•representatives show that safety and the working environment areand Action plan:•mAction • Are accident statistics/ analyses providing support Are accident statistics/ analyses made? 5 • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role m m mrunning m Pedersen : Occupational Health Consultant Sørenstatistics/ Bøge and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen • when Areimportant courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role ofmmanagersof managers when make ship visits? • • Are accident analyses made? thatthey isof the project? important they make ship visits? • Is the importance the occupational health and safety emphasised when recruiting • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role of managers Are managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? Action plan: the safety culture and their responsibilities? • Are near-misses and learnt from? m in the safetyinculture and their responsibilities? 5 • Are near-misses analysed andanalysed learnt from? Culture Development: inmanagers? the safety culture and their responsibilities? • 10 Are near-misses analysed and learnt from?0Bøge Occupational Health Consultant Søren Pedersen and IndustrialSøren Psychologist 10 Søren Development: Occupational Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Diederichsen KeyDiederichsen personnel • Action • Is the of importance of the occupational healthemphasised and safety emphasised when • Søren Are managers personnel recognised and praised for the they do on safety? m m recruiting HHealth nt: Occupational Health Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen plan: Action plan: importance the occupational health and safety when recruiting • Consultant Are managers personnel and praised for the work they dowork on safety? oviding support Action plan: • •IsIsthe 5 andrecognised Do representatives showmthat safetyand the working environment are plan: and thecompany importance of the occupational health emphasised when recruiting • Action Are managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? 5andsafety m managers? managers? important when 5they make ship visits? managers? • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: • Do company representatives show safety and the working environment are Action plan: important whenship they make visits? 5 thatship important when they make visits? 5 Action plan: important when they make ship visits? 5

Are right stakeholders involved when policies, procedures and teams) instructions • Are the right••stakeholders involved policies, Arethe there personnel aboard andwinprocedures the organisation (ambassador who are mwhen Oand instructions 1 10 10 are being drawn up? are being drawn up? Involvement and ownership - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): interested in, and keep an eye on, activities? m •• involved Are involved safety reviews, and risk • Are personnel in safety reviews, andinspections risk assessments? Do personnel safety groups have in theinspections status to make them function and assessments? enjoy the necessary

Involvement and ownership - Onofa1-10 scale(10 of 1-10 (10 is highest): Involvement and ownership - -On aascale respect both upwards andinvolved downwards in the organization? Involvement and ownership Onwhen scale ofprocedures 1-10 (10is ishighest): highest): • Are the right stakeholders policies, and instructions

being adrawn up? • are Is there group with management/ union/ safety and personnel representatives • Are the right stakeholders involved when policies, procedures and instructions m • Are that the right stakeholders involved when policies, procedures and instructions isright running the project? Arethe personnel involved ininvolved safety reviews, inspections and riskand assessments? • • Are when policies, procedures instructions arestakeholders being are being drawn up? drawn up? are being drawn up? • Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? plan: Are personnel in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? Action plan:• •Action Action plan: involved Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments?

Action plan: STEP 4: FOLLOW-UP 2-3 are done in a subsequent meeting. Step the card should be placed on the game Action plan:Action plan: Action plan: 4 follow-up should be done at a safety board based on what action you think is Once you've completed your work on a Action plan:Action plan: o ng og necessary. b 5 10 plan: taking stock of the process 10 Involvement and ownership committee meeting. focusAction area, Feed-back and assessment 10 and assessing whether the initiatives have 10 Involvement and ownership ed-back and assessment 10 Manager as a role model helped is crucial. I hope this review has encouraged you to map Repeat this process either until there are m n ng g b n h h Development: Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen 10 pment: Occupational Healthand Consultant Søren Bøge Psychologist Søren Diederichsen Feed-back assessment - OnPedersen a scaleandofIndustrial 1-10 (10 is highest): Involvement and ownership - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): your safety culture using the 8 Safety Links no more cards in the or until you have Manager as adeck role model • Is safe behaviour involved in appraisals of managers and personnel? • Are the right stakeholders involved when policies, procedures and instructions m Involvement and ownership On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Manager as a role model - On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): Development: Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen are being drawn up? • Is safety used as a parameter for m promotion?number of challenges m can order the complete package found a suitable You can do this by returning to the dialogue tool. You • Are personnel involved in safety reviews, inspections and risk assessments? Development: Occupational Health Consultant Bøge Pedersen andPsychologist Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen Development: Occupational Healthanalyses Consultant Søren Bøge Søren Pedersen and Industrial Søren Diederichsen • Are accident statistics/ made? • Are the right stakeholders involved whentopolicies, instructions • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used focus onprocedures the role of and managers Development: Occupational Health Consultant Søren Bøge Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen Manager as a role model On a scale of 1-10 (10 is highest): are beingand drawn up? in the safety culture their responsibilities? • Are near-misses analysed and learnt from? where action is required. sheet, •reviewing the questions inandthe selected from our website: Are personnel involved in safety inspections risk assessments? • Is the importance of the occupational healthreviews, and safety emphasised when recruiting • Are managers and personnel recognised and praised for the work they do on safety? • Are courses, officer meetings, coaching, etc., used to focus on the role of managers managers? in the safety category, and giving a new score. Add up the H culture and their responsibilities? • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: Action plan: • Is the importance of the occupational health and safety emphasised when recruiting important when they make ship visits? managers? numbers and see if you've made progress. If you have any further questions about using • Do company representatives show that safety and the working environment are Action plan: Action plan: important when they make ship visits? .... the tool, implementing action plans, or other STEP 3: ACTION PLAN Action plan: Sometimes, more focus time is needed, or health and safety issues, I'm here to answer Now, choose one, two, or three of the the working method needs to be changed. them. challenges where action is needed and fill out the action plan provided. It is important It's also an option to choose new focus areas. We recommend completing the Remember, the safety culture on board is toHealth involve and the entire crew about elopment: Occupational Consultant Søren Bøgeinform Pedersen and Industrial Psychologist Søren Diederichsen which focus areas are chosen, how the ship dialogue sheet and going through the entire never stronger than its weakest link. richsen process every two years. wants to work on the focus area, and how long. I wish you calm sea and fair winds. With kind The total labor time for a complete review regards. of the 8 Safety Links can take 3-5 hours. Working on a focus area can last anywhere The process can be split into two sessions: from weeks to months. Ester Ørum step 1 is done in one meeting, and steps Occupational health and safety consultant.



FOR EVERYONE Do you like reading magazines? Then you must check out the Libby app. Read here, how to get the most out of this free app. By Irene Olsen, Librarian and Head of The Seafarer’s Library

In the Libby app, the digital version of The Seafarers Library, you have free access to approx. 2,600 magazines – both magazine series and a lot of exciting special issues. Most magazines are in English, but you can also find magazines in other languages. When you have internet access, you have unlimited access to all magazines. You can also download issues and read them when you are offline. You have access to a downloaded magazine for seven days. If you’re not finished reading, you can borrow it again.

You can also subscribe to your favorite magazines. Then the issue you've downloaded will stay on your shelf until the next issue is published. You must subsequently download the new issue if you want to read offline. To be able to borrow magazines and books, you need a library card. Read how to get a library card on the next page. Once you have downloaded Libby and registered your library card, you have access to these magazines, and many more:


• • • • • • • • •

62 titles about News & Politics 233 titles about Health & Fitness 189 titles about Travel & Outdoor 177 titles about Tech & Gaming 376 titles about Food & Wine 130 titles about Cars & Motorcycles 284 titles about Home & Garden 28 titles about Hunting & Fishing 1 48 titles about Crafts (E.g., model trains, model planes, and model boats, needlework, woodwork).

Enjoy reading

At SEA 2023: 3 DK Kom godt i gang med Libby – de søfarendes digitale bibliotek

GET STARTED WITH LIBBY - the seafarers' digital library

Søfartens Biblioteks digitale bibliotek ligger i app’en Libby. Her kan du låne e-bøger og e-magasiner, lydbøger og sprogkurser. Biblioteket er for alle om bord uanset nationalitet. Sådan kommer du i gang:

1: Få et lånerkort Send en mail til med nedenstående information: • Navn • Personlig e-mail • Pinkode (personlig pinkode på fire bogstaver/tal) • Navnet på det skib, du er påmønstret • Rederi • Ønsker du at modtage information fra biblioteket? Ja/nej Vi sender dig en mail, når dit lånerkort er oprettet.

You can access The Danish Maritime Library's digital library in the Libby app. You can borrow e-books, e-magazines, audiobooks, and language courses here. The library is for everyone on board, regardless of nationality.

2: Download din app to storebrowse, download, and read! Now youLibby arefraready Søg efter “Libby, by OverDrive” 3: Åbn Libby og registrer dig:  ou question: need to while then you • YFirst “Dobe youonline have a library card?downloading – Tryk: Yes • Gå til: You can look up your nearest library by name, or city, or zip code can read offline. Tryk: Search for a Library • You can search for your library by name or branch location  BSkriv ooks areThe available for 28 days. Magazines are i boxen: Seafarers’ Library” – vælg biblioteket • Tryk: “Sign in with my card” available for 7 days, but you can “re-borrow” all • Indtast e-mailadresse • magazines Indtast pinkode and issues without any limitations. • Tryk: Next

How to get started:

 You can use Libby on your phone and tablet.  If you want to use your PC, go to ➔ Du skal være online imens du downloader, herefter kan du læse offline. and in. men du kan genlåne alle magasiner og ➔ Bøger lånes i 28 dage. Magasiner låneslog i 7 dage, numre uden begrænsning.  nfortunately, notogpossible to read via Kindle. ➔UDu kan bruge Libby på it dinis telefon tablet.

Nu er du klar til at browse, downloade og læse!

1: GET A LIBRARY CARD Send an email to with the following information: • Full name • Your personal email address • Pin code (personal 4-digit pin code) • The ship that you are signed on • Name of shipping company • Do you allow the library to send you information regarding the library? Yes/no We send you an email when your library card is created.


➔ Hvis du vil bruge din pc gå til og log ind. ➔ Desværre er det ikke muligt at læse med Kindle.

Navigating the app Navigation i appen In the footer I sidefoden

• Tap Search to search for titles. • Tryk på for at søge efter titler: • Tap Library to open the library collection you • Tryk på biblioteket for at åbne den bibliotekssamling, du senest har været inde i. were most recently browsing. • Tap Shelf to see your loans, holds, magazines and tags for all your libraries. • Tap Watch to see your timeline. See your options in the menu


Search for “Libby, by OverDrive” • Tap Settings to customize your experience in Libby. Here you can choose the language you want to see in Libby. • Tap Get some help to search for answers to your questions, find solutions to common problems, or suggest an idea.

3: OPEN LIBBY AND REGISTER: • First question: Do you have a library card? – Press Yes • Go to: You can look up your nearest library by name, or city, or zip code Press: Search for a Library • You can search for your library by name or branch location In the box, type: "The Seafarers’ Library” – and choose the library shown in the box • Press: “Sign in with my card” • Enter your email address • Enter your pincode • Press: Next

You are also always welcome to contact the library at This applies both if you have problems with Libby or if you would like to read that is not available in the library.


Sign up and get a library card for The Seafarers’ Library. With a library card you have easy access to electronic books and magazines, and you can listen to audiobooks


magazines are in Danish).

material is in English (some

and Faroese. Electronic

in English, Danish, Polish

Printed books are available


Put this poster on a wall

Tag ud og hæng op

and language courses.

magazines, audiobooks,

electronic books and

Library and start borrowing

card for The Seafarers’

Sign up and get a library

You can also contact the librarian and order books in print for your library on board. All seafarers on board Danish-flagged ships are welcome to use our library and services.

or learn a language with our electronic language courses.

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