JoiN IN HorsEcross CrEativE CoursEs agEs 4-21 yEars
01738 621031 ★ Horsecross Arts Ltd is a charity registered in Scotland, no SC022400
Class pricEs frozEN for 2014:2015
WElcomE to our JoiN IN ProspEctus for 2014 : 2015
Creative Learning is at the heart of everything we do at Horsecross. We are committed to providing life-enhancing drama, music and dance courses for children and young people aged 4-21 years. Our Join In courses are created and delivered by professional, dynamic and inspiring tutors, all of whom work professionally in the Arts Industry when not working for Horsecross. Whatever your area of interest; from drama to singing to dance and music-playing, we have a course for you. Each of our courses is specially designed to inspire creativity, fire the imagination, develop talent and build confidence. At Horsecross we are dedicated to training performers and artists of the future. As such, all of our courses have progression routes and participants from each course will have the opportunity to perform at the Horsecross Arts Youth Showcase, held at Perth Concert Hall w/c 15 June 2015.
ClassEs aNd workshops ruN duriNg tErm timE: SEp - Nov: 10 wEEks JaN – Mar: 10 wEEks apr – JuN: 10 wEEks LocatioNs:
Currently Perth Theatre has gone dark for a period of restoration and redevelopment and is scheduled to reopen in Spring 2017. As a result our courses are taking place at the following venues: Perth Concert Hall (PCH) North Inch Community Campus (NICC) Glenearn Community Campus (GCC) Both community campus venues are easily accessible from the city centre on foot, by bus or by car (free parking is available at both venues).
PERTH YOUTH THEaTRE Learn about all aspects of theatre including performance, direction and stage management from theatre professionals. We also run Perth Autism Youth Theatre in partnership with Perth Autism Support, for details please contact
JuNiors p1-3:
Through creative play activities the course will: « « « « «
Introduce vocal work Introduce working with sound effects Introduce performing as part of an ensemble Include story making/role play Develop basic movement
JuNiors p4-7:
Through creative play activities the course will: « « « « «
Introduce script work Develop working with sound effects Introduce creative writing Introduce character development Introduce physical theatre
SENiors s1-2:
Through focused creative exercises the course will: « « « «
Introduce devising Focus on stage craft Develop physical theatre skills Develop theatrical vocabulary
SENiors s3-4:
Through focused creative exercises the course will: « « « « «
Focus on different ways of generating materials (devising) Explore different performance spaces (site-specific performance) Develop advanced vocal work Develop advanced movement/physical theatre skills Introduce set/costume design
SENiors s5-6:
Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « « « «
Further develop vocal/movement skills Develop in-depth script work Develop an understanding of stage craft Develop in-depth character development Support participants applying/auditioning for drama school
Class pricEs frozEN for 2014:2015
PERTH YOUTH DaNCE COMPaNY Develop your dance skills and coordination through sessions led by our professional dance tutors. Sessions are social in nature encouraging interaction and contact with other dancers. Perth Youth Dance Company provides a range of dance styles including street, modern and contemporary. Groups are open for all with no entrance audition.
STREETCREW P1-3: Through creative dance activities the course will: « « « «
Introduce basic warm-ups/dance health & safety Introduce basic street dance moves including tutting, popping and breaking Introduce dancing as an ensemble Improve coordination
STREETCREW P4-7: Through creative dance activities the course will: « « « «
Develop street dance moves including tutting, locking, popping and breaking Introduce basic choreography skills, including story-telling through dance Develop musicality and listening skills Develop an understanding of different dance styles including: street, commercial hip hop and break dance
Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « « «
Introduce and develop dancers’ skills in a range of dance genres including contemporary, street, modern and ballet Develop basic choreography skills (including choreographing as an individual and as an ensemble) Increase fitness Audition and performance techniques
HORSECROSS GLEE Improve your vocal skills through learning popular chart songs and how to you create your own music arrangements. Horsecross Glee offers participants opportunities to sing in large groups, smaller ensembles and as soloists. Groups are open for all with no entrance audition.
Through creative singing activities the course will: « « «
Introduce rhythm, breathing and pulse Introduce the importance of vocal health Introduce the importance of dynamics in singing
Through creative singing activities the course will: « « « «
Develop rhythm, breathing and pulse Develop dynamics and diction Introduce harmony Offer soloist opportunities to singers with promise
Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « « «
Develop each singers’ voice (sound and range) Develop voice vocabulary Encourage participants to take responsibility for arrangements Offer soloist opportunities to singers with promise
HORSECROSS GLÈ Develop your singing ability while learning a new language. Our experienced Glè tutors take current chart songs and translate them into Gaelic to make the course relevant and fun. You do not need to speak Gaelic to take part. Groups are open for all with no entrance audition.
Through creative singing activities the course will: « « «
Introduce Gaelic song and learning by ear Introduce rhythm, breathing and pulse Encourage participants to select repertoire for the group to cover
Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « «
Develop each singers’ voice (sound and range) Develop Gaelic vocabulary Offer soloist opportunities to singers with promise
Class pricEs frozEN for 2014:2015
HORSECROSS YOUTH MUSIC THE GORDON DUNCAN EXPERIENCE The Gordon Duncan Experience (GDE) is a Celtic big band for young people playing a mixture of Scottish traditional and jazz music. S e còmhlan mòr Ceilteach a th’ anns an Gordon Duncan Experience, gu h-àraidh do dh’òigridh, a chluicheas measgachadh de cheòl tradaiseanta Albannach agus ceòl jazz. All instruments are accepted from fiddles and pipes to saxophones and French horns. The band performs in Perth Concert Hall annually and also does smaller gigs at venues throughout Scotland. GDE Seniors is entrance by audition – please contact Creative Learning for audition details.
GordoN DuNcaN ExpEriENcE TraiNiNg BaNd 12-16 yrs (Grade 3+): Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « «
Introduce a repertoire of Scottish traditional music arranged for a big band setting incorporating influences from other styles Introduce playing by ear Introduce music theory
GordoN DuNcaN ExpEriENcE 13-18yrs (Grade 6+):
Through focused rehearsal room techniques the course will: « « « «
Introduce and develop a repertoire of Scottish traditional music arranged for a big band setting incorporating influences from other styles Develop playing by ear Develop performance playing skills Develop repertoire in smaller sectional groups (e.g. pipes)
HORSECROSS YOUNG CREaTIVES (16-21 YEars) To develop senior members’ skills further we offer two specialist theatre and dance courses plus a traineeship opportunity for young people who are interested in working as Youth Theatre, Dance or Music Tutors in the future.
HORSECROSS YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS Focusing on script writing for theatre, you will work with a playwright to develop your own writing style and scripts which will then be showcased in an end of year production.
HORSECROSS YOUNG CHOREOGRAPHERS Focusing on contemporary choreography by professional choreographers, you will learn choreographic craft and have opportunities to create and perform your own creations during the year. Horsecross Young Choreographers runs in partnership with Perth and Kinross Council Active Schools Team.
CREaTIVE aSSISTaNTS (agEs S6– 21) During this 30-week traineeship you will work alongside a professional Horsecross Tutor to learn and develop the skills needed to write, create and deliver a dynamic youth theatre, singing or dance workshop programme. Contact for details of how to apply.
Booking will open on Saturday 5 July at 10am. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Fees must be paid at the point of booking (either in full or in two instalments, the second due no later than Monday 12 January 2015). A Sibling Discount of 10% is available and will apply to the cheapest fee. Reduced rate annual Hardship Bursaries are also available. To book, please call our box office on 01738 621031 or visit us in person at Perth Concert Hall. There will be a cooling off period of 21 days from the first session during which new participants can cancel through the box office. If your child joins a course for the first time in January you will be required to pay two-thirds of the yearly cost. No payment instalments are available for those joining in January. Any questions? Email or call 01738 477729
10 – 11am 11.15am – 12.15pm
£105 £105
£55 £55
£50 £50
Juniors P4 – 7 Sat
10 – 11am 11.15am – 12.15pm
£105 £105
£55 £55
£50 £50
Seniors S1-2 Tue
5.30 – 7pm 7.15 – 8.45pm
£135 £135
£70 £70
£65 £65
Seniors S3-4 Wed
5.15 – 7.15pm 7.30 – 9.30pm
£150 £150
£80 £80
£70 £70
Seniors S5-6
6.30 – 9pm
HORSECROSS GLEE Glee P1 – 3 Glee P4 – 7 Glee S1 – 6
Sat Sat Mon
10 – 11am 11.15am – 12.15pm 7 – 9pm
£105 £105 £150
£55 £55 £80
£50 £50 £70
Tue Tue
5.30 – 6.20pm 6.30 – 8.30pm
£95 £115
£50 £65
£45 £50
5.15 – 6.15pm 6.30 – 7.30pm
£105 £105
£55 £55
£50 £50
7 – 9pm
£30 £80
£30 £45
£10 £35
PErth Youth DaNcE CompaNy Streetcrew P1-3 Fri Streetcrew P4-7 Fri Perth Youth Dance Company S1-6 Fri
HORSECROSS YOUNG CREATIVES (fORTNIGHTLY) Choreographers Fri 50.30 – 7pm Playwrights Mon 6 – 7.30pm GORDON DUNCAN EXPERIENCE (fORTNIGHTLY) GDE Training Group Sun 1.30 – 4pm Gordon Duncan Experience Sun 10am – 4pm
Weekly = 30 sessions per year Fortnightly = 15 sessions per year
with thanks to our funders
01738 621031 ★ Horsecross Arts Ltd is a charity registered in Scotland, no SC022400