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SCENE 2 Look out fo r the first solo exhibit Threshold a ion in Scotla r t space, Pe n d b y p r om r th Concer t connect th inent Sloven Hall. Major w e t wo ar t sp ian ar tist V orks are sit ace location UK COSIC sho e d on t he b s wing at anner post s o u t d oo r s w h ich visually

Inga Darguzyte | Anita Hutchison | Joanna Kessel Frances Law | Judith MacLachlan | Gayle Nelson | Jackie Smith

exhibition open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm or late on performance evenings. admission always free the second of a two-part exhibition by Perthshire Visual Arts Forum members selected by Diana Sykes

1 Aug – 1 Nov 09 free exhibition guide

FREE EVENTS Brunch preview: Sat 1 Aug 09 11am-1pm. RSVP Curator’s Guided Tours By prior arrangement through e-mailing

Scene 2 is the latest collaborative project between Horsecross and Perthshire Visual Arts Forum (PVAF). It was with Remix, a PVAF exhibition, that the new extension of the artspace to Perth Theatre was launched in May 2008. A year later, Remix was followed by Scene Without Scene – the first and now Scene 2 – the second in a two part exhibition featuring solo statements by selected PVAF artists selected by guest curators. The Scene in both titles references the theatrical context of the new home of the Threshold artspace. The seven solo statements from Scene 2 are complimented by Onscreen – a slide show of digital images representing work by other PVAF members. Onscreen is running on a loop throughout the exhibition on a specially mounted flat screen at the artspace. Diana A Sykes, Director, Fife Contemporary Art & Craft who selected the works for Scene 2 says: ‘PVAF is to be admired and respected for its activities – not only does it show how Perthshire based artists can promote high quality visual art in this mainly rural area, but it also constantly looks outwards as can be seen from the make up of its membership and its international projects. This is reflected in the selection for Scene 2 with artists from Lithuania to Skye. Personal taste and interests have guided the selection from a broad range of artists – many thematic exhibitions could have been mounted. The work in Scene 2 is varied in media but there are links which can be made between approaches and subjects. Drawing is often combined with printing and stitched threads thus bringing together elements of visual art and craft in the contrastingly colourful pieces by Jackie Smith and the miniature monochromatic studies by Anita Hutchison. Both are exploring memory in different ways and Jackie Smith’s garden excavations are echoed in the ‘relics’ discovered along the seashore by Frances Law and incorporated in her poetic boxed compositions. Subtly abstracted and dissolving seascapes have been painted by Judith MacLachlan. Observation of the natural details in the landscape by Joanna Kessel has led her to photograph a striking pair of stones and transform the motif through drawing into mosaic. Drawn lines are again strong in the dynamically abstract Orbit prints of Inga Darguzyte and the suburban scenes of Gayle Nelson which surprise with their pin beads on satin’. Fife Contemporary Art & Craft is an agency based in St Andrews which promotes high quality activity across Fife through partnerships. This includes exhibitions, artist in residence schemes, offsite projects, educational programmes and support for artists. Perthshire Visual Arts Forum (PVAF) was established in 2005 as an artist led group that stimulates and networks local career oriented artists with other national and international artists providing inspiration, information and opportunities.

Threshold artspace | Bold contemporary art by Scottish and international artists in Perth since 2005 Pioneered and managed by Horscecross | Core funded by the Scottish Arts Council and Perth and Kinross Council | Long-term partnership with 55degrees

to onday Open M on or late isit v FREE to


– 6pm ay 10am venings Saturd e mance perfor xperience e FUN to

| Perth t e e r t hS 185 Hig | s s o r r Horsec www.ho | e r t .uk Thea Perth | e c a sp info@ old art Thresh 1738 621031 ) 0044 (0

artspace All 42 works featured in Scene 2 are available to purchase as part of Horsecross’ new initiative for collectable contemporary art COLLECT + SUPPORT.

Check out Read More: Horsec ross’ journal for critical wri ting for in-depth analysis of art. Latest issues feature contemporary contributing writers Jonath on Blackwood, Angela Dimitr and November Paynter. FRE ikaki, Piotr Krajewski E to download | ISSN 1755-0866 |

For sales inquires please contact the artists direct through their websites below or box office.

Inga Darguzyte


Orbit 6 | Orbit 7 | Orbit 10 | Orbit 32 | Orbit 8 | Orbit 14 | Orbit 16 | Orbit 34 Born in Lithuania, Inga Dargutzyte is working from Perthshire with a local PVAF member on a collaborative project this summer. The Orbit series of linocut prints were inspired by Icelandic nature during a Residency programme in Reykjavik, Iceland. A fragment used in a piece of work, a tiny part of the creative cosmos, is expanded into a broad concept of existence. The idea of landscape is expressed in a purified line and symbols.

Anita Hutchison

Judith MacLachlan Blue Painting | Landscape With Paper Boat Hidden Landscape Judith MacLauchlan lives and works in Skye. Her work is about landscape in a broad sense. It is based on shapes, colours, textures, natural or manmade, observed in her surroundings. Her abstract work often develops in a totally unforeseen way from the original idea which will remain as the basis.

Gayle Nelson

Threads Of Time: Balmedie Anita Hutchison focuses on the preservation of and communication of memories. The six works from Threads of Time are surface stitched relief prints from a larger series The Sands of Things Which Didn’t Stay the Same Balmedie referring to the area where Donald Trump is going to build a new golf complex. The memories of patterns left in the sand by the wind and the sea formed the basis for this new body Gayle Nelson works with found photographs and of work. stories from her own experiences and those of others to create visual narratives which illustrate our fragility and hopefulness as human beings. The work consists of a series of ten small drawings on satin, which are coloured in parts with Quern Stone | Wick | Thule Wick tiny glass beads and fragmented memories of a The three different media artworks together illustrate Joanna Kessel’s creative process during her once-familiar environment.

Joanna Kessel

residency in Shetland where she immersed herself in the landscape and recorded her responses through writing, drawing and photography. It starts from a slow process of observation and investigation using photographs then charcoal drawings are translated into the final piece in mosaic imagery. She says “I sensed the thrill of clarity of vision that one gets at points of total Above And Below | Big Spiral | Angeltracks immersion”. Chinaballs | Waterone | Willowplate

Jackie Smith

Frances Law

Far Far Away | Seascape | Forgotten Time | Remnants From A Holy Isle | Earth | Gentle Voices A series of poetic boxes reflect on the experiences of places Frances Law had explored along the coastal edge of Scotland often working in situ. Re-constructed fragments bear witness to history where the spiritual and natural aspects were intertwined. The works investigate the practical and pragmatic relationship that once existed between our culture and its environs and the possibilities that lie therein.

Works created in response to a collection of artefact relics excavated in Errol. Jackie Smith utilizes the print media to make representations in an abstract environment in combination with other techniques exploring the theme of discovery. She uses layering as a central metaphor.

Scene 2 is produced by the artists and Horsecross for Threshold artspace in partnership with Perthshire Visual Arts Forum and Fife Contemporary Art and Craft, St. Andrews.


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