Sep-Dec 07 Brochure

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27/7/07 1:53:32 pm

Karen Dunbar + Elkie Brooks


The Demon Barber

Schubertiad Singing Kettle + The Human League

Blind Boys of Alabama + Asia

Abigail’s Party

Mozart Matinee! + The Stylistics Scottish National Orchestras + Capercaillie

Alan Carr + Operantics Beth Nielsen Chapman + Ocean Colour Scene The programme 01: 06: 20: 30: 32: 36: 38: 40: 41:

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At a glance

Horsecross Arts Ltd Perth Concert Hall Mill Street Perth PH1 5HZ

Perth Theatre 185 High Street Perth PH1 5UW sep-dec programme.indd 2

27/7/07 1:53:44 pm

Camerata Scotland

CLASSICAL Camerata Scotland

Mozart Matinee!

Perth Concert Hall £12: £6 concessions student £2

Perth Concert Hall £15/£12: £13/£10 concessions High tea £8.50

Tue 28 Aug: 7.30pm Mendelssohn Sibelius Beethoven

The Fair Melusine Pelléas & Mélisande Symphony No.4

William Conway, conductor Attended by His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex KG, KCVO, Patron of NYOS William Conway conducts Camerata Scotland in two wonderful works based on forbidden, doomed love stories: Mendelssohn’s often underrated masterwork, The Fair Melusine, and Sibelius’ Pelléas & Mélisande. Although frequently overshadowed by the more dynamic 3rd and 5th symphonies, Beethoven’s Symphony No.4 is in many ways an ideal example of Beethoven’s style, blending the gracious Classicism of his early years with the grand orchestrations of his later works.

“Brilliant young orchestra, brilliant Beethoven… Exciting, passionate, completely focused and obviously enjoying themselves, the superb Camerata Scotland couldn’t have given us a finer concert” The Courier Camerata Scotland is the widely travelled pre-professional chamber orchestra of NYOS and successfully bridges the gap between a youth orchestra and a professional ensemble.

Sun 16 Sep: 4pm

Don Giovanni Overture Violin Concerto No.1 in B flat La Clemenza di Tito Overture Violin Concerto No.3 in G Scottish Chamber Orchestra Louis Langrée, conductor Renaud Capuçon, violin The last time Louise Langrée conducted the SCO in Perth, we had letters from members of the audience to say that it was the best concert they had ever heard! So do not miss this perfect little Sunday matinée concert — a little over an hour of top drawer Mozart, then time for tea! Renaud Capuçon is a stunning young violinist who may not have been seen too much in Scotland yet, but he is already a major star on the continent.

Make a meal of it!

High tea: Come to the concert and enjoy afternoon tea before or after the concert for only £8.50. Choose a main course plus toast, tea and cakes. Can be booked in advance through box office. Afternoon tea: On the day, ticket holders can have tea and shortbread for £2.

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1 27/7/07 1:53:50 pm

Scottish Ensemble



Royal Scottish National Orchestra Thu 4 Oct: 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £22/£19/£17/£13.50/£8.50 students/children £5 Mahler

Symphony No.3

Stéphane Denève, conductor Irina Tchistyakova, mezzo soprano Ladies of the RSNO Chorus RSNO Junior Chorus The RSNO and its critically acclaimed Music Director Stéphane Denève, have been garnering praise for their recent performances of Mahler’s mighty symphonies. Together they unite for the opening performance of the Perth Concert Series with the most expansive of these. The Third is a unique and uplifting masterpiece, demonstrating Mahler’s genius for stirring the soul. The work develops gracefully towards an incredible, emotionally overwhelming conclusion. Definitely not to be missed!

“With the RSNO and its chorus in radiant form in the closing pages, this was an unforgettable experience.” The Herald (of Mahler 2) Book for all six concerts in the Perth Concert Series and save money - see p42 for details.

Scottish Ensemble Tue 9 Oct: 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £14.50/£12.50: £11.50/£9.50 concessions under 18 £3: under 26/students £5 family ticket £32/£28

Passionate Romantics Chausson Finzi Walton

Concert for Violin, Piano and Strings Op.21 Romance Op.8 Sonata for Strings

The season opens with Chausson’s exotic Concert for Violin, Piano and Strings, a highly charged emotional journey filled with perfume and longing. Continuing this theme, the music of Finzi’s Romance unfolds from the stillness of the opening, reaching a peak of intensity before returning to its roots. The programme concludes with Walton’s Sonata for Strings, a powerful composition full of colour and virtuosity.

Perth Symphony Orchestra Sat 17 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £8: £5 concessions Mozart Finzi Brahms


Overture Clarinet Concerto (Soloist: Andrew Mann) Symphony No.2

Allan Young, conductor Lorna McGovern, leader

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A Celebration of Schubert

In his own lifetime Schubert’s music was often performed in special evenings devoted to his music. These ‘Schubertiads’, as they were called, started a tradition that has continued and spread worldwide to this day.

Fri 12-Mon 15 Oct Perth Concert Hall

We’re delighted to present this first Scottish Schubertiad and to welcome back the Belcea Quartet to the hall for the occasion. Their guests include the tenor Mark Padmore, pianists Paul Lewis and Steven Osborne, cellist Natalie Klein and the Da Vinci Trio. Between them they will perform some of Schubert’s most popular works!

buy for all concerts, get Monday concert FREE

This Schubertiad is presented in association with BBC Radio 3, and many of the concerts will be recorded for future broadcast.

Fri 12 Oct, 7.30pm

Sun 14 Oct, 1pm

To open with, a varied evening of music of piano, cello and string quartet. Steven Osborne joins members of the Belcea Quartet for the grand finale: The Trout Quintet.

For their final performance in this Schubertiad, the Belcea Quartet turn to Schubert’s last string quartet: D887 in G major. We do not even know if Schubert ever heard this masterpiece played. It was written in the year he died, and then lay undiscovered for more than 20 years before at last taking its place on the concert platform.

£15: £12 concessions

Sat 13 Oct, 1pm £10: £8 concessions

“…Schubert is a wanderer. He likes to move at the edge of the precipice…” Alfred Brendel Brendel’s words apply so well to Schubert’s Death and the Maiden. This is driven, thrilling, risk-taking music. It gained its title from a short song which Schubert features in the slow movement, but that Romantic sense of foreboding it suggests suits all of this music superbly.

Sat 13 Oct, 7.30pm £15: £12 concessions

At the heart of this first Schubertiad lies arguably his finest chamber work: his Quintet in C. It is an immense piece, longer than most symphonies of its day. In it Schubert expresses feelings of a profundity beyond words, not least in the famous slow movement. Time stands still.

£10: £8 concessions

Sun 14 Oct, 3pm £10: £8 concessions

Die Schöne Müllerin No one who attended Mark Padmore’s superb performance of Winterreise in 2006 will need any encouraging to return as he performs Schubert’s other great song cycle. To tell this story of young love he is joined by pianist Paul Lewis - last heard in this hall performing Beethoven’s last piano sonatas, and a superb Schubertian in his own right.

Mon 15 Oct, 1pm

£9.50: £8.50 concessions (meal deal) £6: £5 concessions (ticket only)

The Da Vinci Trio bring the Schubertiad to a close with another work of Schubert’s last year – the marvellous B-flat Piano trio.

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3 27/7/07 1:54:07 pm

MUSIC CLASSICAL BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Wed 28 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £22/£19/£17/£13.50/£8.50 students/children £5 Bartók Beethoven Brahms

Dance Suite Symphony No.2 Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor

Christoph König, conductor Nelson Goerner, piano

Perth Choral Society Perth Concert Hall £10: £8 concessions


Guiseppe Verdi Requiem This is Verdi’s most inspired work: everything is on a grand scale, combining stunning theatrical effects with a strong and pervasive devotional tone. Soloists include Perth’s own Donald Maxwell with Rebecca Rudge returning as soprano soloist. (others TBA) Come along and be terrified!

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Mon 17 Dec: 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £14.50/£12.50: £11.50/£9.50 concessions under 18 £3: under 26/students £5 family ticket £32/£28

Darkness and Light Britten Monteverdi Woolrich Britten Schubert

Bartók’s Dance Suite perfectly exemplifies the composer’s synthesis of joyous Hungarian folk music with the sophisticated rhythms and harmonies of the 1920s. Not such a contrast then to the boundless humour and vitality of Beethoven’s 2nd Symphony, described by Berlioz as “smiling throughout”. In Brahms’ Piano Concerto No.1, Nelson Goerner turns his considerable abilities to one of the most ravishing works in the piano repertoire.

Sun 2 Dec: 7.30pm

Scottish Ensemble

Simple Symphony Two Madrigals Ulysses Awakes Three Divertimenti (arr J Morton) Death and the Maiden (arr Mahler)

Music spanning four centuries can be heard in this concert. The evening opens with the light and playful Simple Symphony, and closes with the gloriously poetic Death and the Maiden in Mahler’s lush transcription – a magical experience by candlelight.

Coming Soon

Viennese New Year’s Concert Scottish Chamber Orchestra Fri 4 Jan, 7.30pm

Operantics - Big Sing

Sat 19 Jan (instrumentalists only) and Sun 20 Jan (singers + instrumentalists) see p36 for more info

Romantic Valentine’s Classics Royal Scottish National Orchestra Wed 13 Feb, 7.30pm 27/7/07 1:54:08 pm


CONCERTS MONDAYS AT 1 at Perth Concert Hall

£9.50: £8.50 concessions (meal deal) £6: £5 concessions (ticket only)

buy all 6 and get one FREE KIDS GO FREE

Mon 24 Sep: 1pm

Mon 5 Nov: 1pm

in the build up to the start of their new concert season, which opens in October with Passionate Romantics.

most successful Scottish exports of recent years. He’s a virtuosic and charismatic performer, in demand the world over. During the 2007/08 season we’re proud to have him as an artist in residence at Perth Concert Hall. As well as giving several concerts he will be leading a major new schools project – to be unveiled in April. This first event of the year puts the man himself centre stage – not to be missed.

Scottish Ensemble Members of the Scottish Ensemble perform Mon 1 Oct: 1pm

Beethoven before he was 30! Over the coming months, pianist Llyr Williams and violinist, Alexander Janiczek will be giving three lunchtime concerts featuring sonatas for piano and violin that were written by Beethoven just as he was coming up to his 30th birthday. Nowadays it is Beethoven’s symphonies, string quartets and concertos that hog the limelight, but none of them was performed until he was over 30. So what was he doing before then? Come and find out!

Mon 15 Oct: 1pm

Da Vinci Trio

The bring the first Scottish Schubertiad to a close with Schubert’s miraculous Piano trio in B-flat.

Mon 29 Oct: 1pm

Marina Poplavsakaya is one of the rising stars in the world of

opera. This wonderful young Russian mezzosoprano has already made her debut in such prestigious opera houses as Covent Garden, and for this BBC recording she brings songs of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov that suit her down to the ground.

Colin Currie Percussionist Colin Currie is one of the

Mon 3 Dec: 1pm

Beethoven before he was 30! Part two of Llyr Williams and Alexander

Janiczek’s survey of Beethoven’s sonatas for piano and violin delves into two sets of sonatas dedicated to a wealthy Viennese couple who were great supporters of Beethoven in his early years.

meal deal

£9.50: £8.50 your soup and sandwich is already paid for you to enjoy in the cafe. £6: £5 turn up on the day, pay £3.50 for

soup and a sandwich, or enjoy 10% off in the restaurant. soup and sandwich must be booked by 10am on the day of the concert

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5 27/7/07 1:54:09 pm

Aly + Phil

Elkie Brooks

MUSIC Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham Fri 7 Sep: 8pm

Perth Concert Hall £18: £16 concessions

Fri 14 Sep: 7.30 pm

In 1988, two members from two of Scotland’s leading bands, The Boys of The Lough and Silly Wizard, came together to work on a television series. You could say the rest is history. Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham enjoyed performing together so much that they decided to have a small tour that year. Their first tour to 8 small venues across Scotland was a resounding success, and the beginning of a remarkable working relationship and friendship that has endured and continued to thrive taking them all over the world. 20 years on, they are filling not only small village halls, but all of our major performance venues. In these years their dedication to their music has earned them both the title of Dr and the honour of an MBE. Attending an Aly and Phil show is an unforgettable experience. Not only have they been described as “the best traditional musicians you are ever likely to hear” they also have a reputation for their irrepressible sense of fun and quick-witted story telling.

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An evening with Jambouree Choir and Friends Perth Concert Hall £5: £3 concessions

Formed 2 years ago, this choir of young people aged from 7 to 17 has already made its mark on the musical scene in Perth. Tonight they are joined by some of their musical friends in a programme of songs from the shows, operatic arias, traditional ballads and an ever popular selection of Scottish tunes.

Elkie Brooks Fri 21 Sep: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £20: £16 concessions

Along with her extremely talented band, Elkie Brooks brings a concert packed with hits such as Pearl’s A Singer, No More The Fool, Don’t Cry Out Loud, Lilac Wine, material from her acclaimed album Electric Lady, plus jazz, rock and blues numbers guaranteed to leave you begging for more! Elkie is a stunning performer and whatever she does, she does it best live. Don’t miss the chance to see a truly great artist in action.

“Still one of the great British voices.” The Guardian 27/7/07 1:54:13 pm

The Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust presents

A National Treasure A celebration of the music of Gordon Duncan

Sat 29 Sep


Dougie MacLean Session A9 Kris Drever Duncan Chisholm Maggie MacInnes Jock Duncan Allan MacDonald Ross Ainslie Jarlath Henderson Ali Hutton Gerry O’Connor Sylvain Hamon Xose Manuel Tejedor National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland The Atholl Highlanders Pipe Band

Date: Time: 7.30pm Venue: Perth Concert Hall Price: £15: £12 concessions

Gordon Duncan, from Pitlochry, was widely regarded as one of the most skilled and innovative traditional music performers and composers of modern times. While steeped in the art of traditional highland piping, his approach to his music was always imaginative, fresh and at times radical, to the extent that his influence can be heard within an entire generation of younger musicians across Scotland and well beyond. Gordon died in December 2005, aged 41. Many of his own original and hugely distinctive tunes have entered the traditional repertoire and have become session standards with players of all instruments and been recorded by countless artists. Tonight’s concert features many performers who played with Gordon over the years as well as those who have been inspired by his music. This promises to be a very special evening and an unmissable treat for all fans of piping and traditional music.

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7 27/7/07 1:54:17 pm

MUSIC MUSIC+ MUSIC Oxjam music festival

An evening with

Perth Concert Hall £7: £5 child

Thu 11 Oct: 7.30pm

Sun 7 Oct: 7.30pm

Make Music – Raise Money – End Poverty Oxjam is Oxfam’s most ambitious music festival ever. The beauty of Oxjam is that hundreds of small events make one huge party. Many celebrities lent their support to Oxjam in 2006, including Kaiser Chiefs, Embrace and Goldfrapp. It raised an amazing half a million pounds in total – a total worth repeating! That’s enough to provide water and sanitation for nearly 700,000 people, or to build 294 classrooms, equipping a new generation of children with the necessary skills to overcome poverty. We want Oxjam to be even bigger and better in 2007!

Charlie Landsborough Perth Concert Hall £18/£16/£14

Singer songwriter Charlie Landsborough’s music ranges from inspirational to country, from ballad to anthem, and he is as entertaining on stage as he is melodic. His own personal songwriting blends easy on the ear, folk, country, inspirational, ballads and blues with a strong and often personal lyric content, and this mixed with his ready wit and repartee is a winning formula. His songs have been covered by artists including Jack Jones, Pat Boone, Foster and Allen, George Hamilton IV, Daniel O’Donnell and many more.

Perth’s Oxjam - a night not to be missed Taking inspiration from Radio One’s live lounge and Marc Ronsons’ album Version local bands will not only play their own music but also cover well known tracks in their own style. The night will be unique with a completely varied range of artists and genres, from Brass Bands, Choirs and Pipers to Indie Rock, Acoustic and Samba; showcasing the true diversity of Perths’ talents. Oxjam is in conjunction with MTV and will be filmed on the night with the opportunity for the best acts to be shown on MTV as part of their “get seen, get heard” campaign.

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Musical Gala by the Band of HM Royal Marines Scotland Wed 17 Oct: 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £14 (with concessions and group rates) Perth Choral Society Dir of Music RM Band: Captain Tony Smallwood If you think this sounds like a concert of military band music – think again! The wonderfully versatile musicians of the Royal Marines have a treat in store for you with light classical music and music from the shows combined with exquisite solo pieces on a range of instruments. If you are a regular, the programme this year is better than ever. If you have never before attended one of these concerts you can be assured of a musical feast and an evening to remember!

Matt Monro... His Life... His Music... Portrayed by... Matt Monro Jnr

Mon 22 Oct: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £17.50

A portrait of a singer’s musical journey through his life and that of the person who was hugely influential in his career… his father. Travel through the years with Matt Jnr as we rediscover the superb hits of his legendary father and be serenaded by Matt’s own repertoire of music that has established him as a remarkable artist in his own right. Inspiring orchestrations from Colin Keyes (Matt Monro Snr’s original musical director) and his wonderful band combine to create an emotional, entertaining and dazzling performance.

Proceeds to: Seafarers UK

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Blind Boys Of Alabama plus very special guests

Black Voices Tue 23 Oct: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £20: £16 concessions

Formed some six and a half decades ago, gospel vocal group The Blind Boys of Alabama predate Elvis, Little Richard, Sam Cooke and Al Green. Even in their 70s they are still at the top of the gospel charts and have achieved the amazing feat of winning three Grammy Awards in the past five years! In recent years, The Blind Boys have proven themselves masters of bringing out the most spiritual aspects of mainstream music, while at the same time bringing the music of the church straight to the roadhouse. In recent years, they’ve recorded moving renditions of songs by everyone from Tom Waits to Prince side by side with their traditional gospel material to amazing effect.


Since their inception in 1987, Black Voices have forged their own dynamic way of distilling and re-presenting black music from a Caribbean British perspective that energises, uplifts, challenges and educates. Grounded in the black church, the group perform a cappella songs, both sacred and secular including Gospel, spirituals, Caribbean, African, jazz and blues.



10 sep-dec programme.indd 12 27/7/07 1:54:27 pm

MUSIC The All Scotland Accordion and Fiddle Festival

produced and presented by Bill Wilkie MBE

Sat 27 Oct: 6.45pm Perth Concert Hall £12

Contests all day Sat 27 Oct from 9am in Perth Concert Hall and North Church Hall. Founded and first presented by Bill Wilkie in Oct 1950, he has organised and presented it every year since. The accordion contests embrace both Scottish and classical music. The fiddle classes are for Scottish music only. People travel from all over the UK and Ireland for this prestigious event. The festival shows are of the highest standards and consistently play to packed houses. Artistes include: International virtuoso accordionists Domi Emorine from Paris and Roman Jhbakov from Russia, the Caledonian Tenors, Perth’s Julie Young Dancers, The Bill Wilkie Accordion Orchestra and Minstrel singers, comedian Eddie Rose, The Sandra Wright Show Dancers, James Coutts and his broadcasting country dance band, John Scrimger and many more

Voulez Vous: ABBA - The Story Sun 4 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £18: £15 concessions

The best ABBA tribute in the business return for what promises to be another sellout celebration of one of the greatest pop acts in history. Voulez Vous will have you singing and dancing in the aisles throughout two hours of pure, heady nostalgia and are absolutely the most fun you can have with your flares on! Always updating and improving their show, Voulez Vous perform a non-stop barrage of ABBA hits, enhanced by multi-screen projections, a voiceover narration describing ABBA’s rise to stardom and eventual split, and new and even more glamorous authentic costumes.

Booking opens Wed 1 Aug at Wilkie’s Music House, 2/4 Canal Crescent 01738 623041 e-mail Book early as tickets sell out quickly.

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MUSIC Regular Music present

Kennedy St presents

The Proclaimers plus support

The Stylistics plus special guest

Marvin Ruffin Mon 5 Nov: 8pm

Wed 7 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall


Perth Concert Hall £20: £16 concessions

With their trademark charisma, style and harmony, Philadelphia’s Stylistics evolved into one of the best-selling soul groups ever, scoring 14 Top 40 UK hits throughout the 70’s including Betcha By Golly Wow, I’m Stone In Love With You, You Make Me Feel Brand New, Sing Baby Sing, Na-Na Is The Saddest Word and Can’t Give You Anything (But My Love). What started as the innocent union of two ex-high school bands, developed into one of the longest standing, most accomplished and versatile soul bands ever to grace the R&B scene. They continue to perform as only they can, bringing with them the sweet, soulful memories of years past with an undimmed energy and intensity.

What a year for The Proclaimers! They’ve topped the singles chart with the official charity single for Comic Relief, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) (and also charted with the original version of the song), the musical Sunshine On Leith has opened to huge acclaim, their live appeal is even stronger than ever with their UK tour heading for a complete sellout – and their beloved Hibs won the CIS Cup!

Dominic Kirwan Sun 11 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £16: £14 concessions

Dominic Kirwan is undoubtedly one of Ireland’s most dynamic and versatile performers. A true Irish star, with the looks and the voice to match, he enthrals audiences with his fast moving and spectacular show. Performing songs from his latest album A Little Bit More together with many classic favourites this is sure to be a show not to be missed. Dominic’s tremendous popularity and appeal continues to extend to all age groups making him one of today’s most widely appreciated and respected artists.

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Capercaillie plus special guests

With a long awaited new album to air, Scotland’s foremost celtic band return to Perth in a thrilling double bill with the superb Anglo Swedish group SWÅP

SWÅP Fri 16 Nov: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £18: £14 concessions


HOME WAY A Since Capercaillie’s first innovative recordings of 1984, they have toured in 30 countries across the world, released 10 award-winning albums (notching up over a million sales worldwide) and had the first Gaelic top 40 UK single, Coisich a Ruin. Capercaillie includes some of the finest musicians on the scene: Manus Lunny on bouzouki, Charlie McKerron on fiddle and Donald Shaw on keyboards and accordion. While touring the band have Ewen Vernal on bass, and the ubiquitous Michael McGoldrick on flute and pipes, David Robertson on percussion and the glorious drumming of Che Beresford. The line-up is completed by the exquisite voice of Karen Matheson. She has been called ‘the finest Gaelic singer alive today’ and most of the material recorded by the band she learned as a child from her grandmother on the Hebridean island of Barra.

The half English half Swedish quartet of Karen Tweed (accordion), Ian Carr (guitar), Ola Bäckström, (fiddle) and Carina Normansson (fiddle and voice) are one of the most exciting live acts on the European traditional scene and will ensure a night of music that will linger long in the memory.

“The whole zany, playful, energetic, instrumentally brilliant and, vocally, ever so slightly otherworldy adventure should be sampled at full length and full strength.” The Herald “Great musicians, great entertainers and full of passion, inspiration, inventiveness and intimacy too. There’s no other band like them.” Songlines

“Their seductively contemporary sound and production, their mastery of traditional instruments and the voice of Karen Matheson have helped Capercaillie re-model the Celtic landscape... Nobody does it better.”Q

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13 27/7/07 1:54:41 pm

Beth Nielsen Chapman: The Prism Tour plus special guest

Julie Fowlis

Thu 22 Nov: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £20: £16 concessions

Renowned for her pure, powerful songs and clear voice, Beth Nielsen Chapman is one of the pre-eminent singer-songwriters of her generation. Echoing her own eclecticism, she has written songs for some very prominent artists whose styles span country, pop, folk, blues and jazz, such as Bonnie Raitt, Emmylou Harris, Neil Diamond, Trisha Yearwood, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Bette Midler, and Ute Lemper, including the Grammy-nominated, smash for Faith Hill, This Kiss. But it is the music she writes and records for herself that has quietly found a deep connection to so many people healing through life’s journeys of love and loss. Having lost her husband to cancer in 1994 and since survived the disease herself, her songs have a way of expressing hope and grace in the face of grief.

Julie Fowlis Voted Gaelic Singer of the Year at the

Scots Trad Music Awards by public vote in 2005, 2006 BBC Radio 2 Horizon Award winner and nominated as Folk Singer Of The Year at the 2007 Radio 2 Folk Awards, Julie Fowlis’ career continues to go from strength to strength.

“Young, gorgeous and inordinately talented… utterly captivated the audience from start to finish” Sunday Herald

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Hells Bells

Stairway to Zeppelin

Spirit of Scotland

MUSIC Masters Of Rock III: Hells Bells Stairway To Zeppelin

Scottish Brass Band Championships

Perth Concert Hall £12: £10 concessions

Scottish Open Brass Band Championships

An unmissable treat for anyone who likes their rock hard and heavy, Masters Of Rock brings together superb tributes to two of the greatest bands to ever walk the earth - AC/DC and Led Zeppelin.

Scottish Youth Brass Band Championships

Fri 23 Nov: 8pm

Supported by BESSON

Sat 24 Nov: from 9am

The show features the most unforgettable riffs of all time including Whole Lotta Rosie, Black Dog, Let There Be Rock, Rock ‘N’ Roll, You Shook Me All Night Long, Kashmir, Riff Raff, Whole Lotta Love, Hells Bells, Stairway To Heaven and many, many more. Hells Bells cover both the Bon Scott and Brian Johnson eras in a stunning set stuffed with all your favourite AC/DC tracks while Stairway To Zeppelin faithfully recreate every facet of Led Zep’s music from the monumental rockers through the darker, keyboard-led tracks to their mellow acoustic moments.

Sun 25 Nov: from 11am Perth Concert Hall full day tickets £7: £5 concessions More information after 1 October on SBBA website

Spirit of Scotland on St Andrews Night Fri 30 Nov: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £15: £12.50 concessions


Harry MacFadyen’s Spirit of Scotland Show is a special event to celebrate St Andrews day and promises to be a great evening of Scottish entertainment. Acts include famous duo The Tartan Lads, the Julie Young Dancers and producer and director Harry MacFadyen accompanied by accordion player Sandy Brechin. New acts include celtic drumming group Albannach and soprano Cheryl Anne Easton from Dumfries.

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15 27/7/07 1:55:06 pm

Scottish Fiddle Orchestra


Scottish Fiddle Orchestra

Wed 5 Dec: 8pm

Sat 1 Dec: 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £22.50: £18 concessions

Perth Concert Hall £15/£12.50/£10 Musical Director Leader Singers Compere

John Mason, MBE Bill Cook Debra Stuart Dennis Haggerty Jim McColl

Another superb night of Scottish music and fun with swinging versions of toe-tapping jigs, reels, marches, strathspeys and polkas, acclaimed singers Debra Stuart and Dennis Haggerty, some community singing and the usual Glee Club feature. The Orchestra’s trademark instrumental showpieces will include two John Mason compositions, Death Of A Queen (inspired by Mary Queen of Scots) and The Lord Lieutenant (written in honour of Lord Elgin, who will be in attendance), and his stunning arrangement of Highland Cathedral.

Perth Amateur Operatic Society

Christmas Carols

Tue 4 + Wed 5 Dec, 8pm

Redrooms, Perth Theatre £10: £9 horsecrossregulars Wine + Dine £25: £22.50 horsecrossregulars Soak up the Christmas spirit in the intimacy of Redrooms. The wine and dine option lets you enjoy a delicious festive 3 course dinner for only £15: £13.50 horsecrossregulars

16 sep-dec programme.indd 18

Formed from classic rock titans Yes, Emerson Lake & Palmer, King Crimson and Buggles, this tour marks the first time all four of Asia’s founder members - Geoff Downes, Steve Howe, Carl Palmer and John Wetton - have played together since 1983. In addition to Asia favourites such as Heat Of The Moment, Only Time Will Tell, Sole Survivor and Don’t Cry, the band will also play selections from their individual careers. Audiences can expect to hear such rock radio staples as Roundabout (Yes), In The Court Of The Crimson King (King Crimson), Video Killed The Radio Star (Buggles), Fanfare For The Common Man (Emerson Lake and Palmer) alongside other rock classics performed by this genuinely world-class supergroup.

Childline Christmas Concert Thu 6 Dec: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £7.50: £4 child

Talented musicians and singers from Perth & Kinross schools join together to provide a joyous evening of Christmas music, carols and popular classics. Organised by ChildLine Scotland NSPCC and Perth & Kinross Council’s Education Services. 27/7/07 1:55:06 pm

The Dare! Tour 2007 Including for the first time a complete performance of the classic album Dare!

plus special guests For the first time ever, The Human League give a complete live performance of their classic 1981 album Dare! Stuffed with classic tracks, this breakthrough Number One album was crowned by the untouchable Top Ten trilogy of Open Your Heart, Love Action (I Believe In Love) and Don’t You Want Me. It went on to sell five million copies and produce a remix album that also made the Top Ten and still stands up today as one of the finest albums of the 80’s.

The Human League The Dare! Tour plus special guests

Mon 10 Dec: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £22.50 seated £20 standing

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17 27/7/07 1:55:07 pm


MUSIC MUSIC+ MUSIC Dollar Academy Annual Carol Concert

Carol Service

Perth Concert Hall £7

Perth Concert Hall

Wed 12 Dec: 7pm

After the success of their debut in 2006 the Choirs and Orchestra of Dollar Academy return to Perth with what promises to be a feast of festive music. Book early to avoid disappointment.

Regular Music present

Ocean Colour Scene plus special guests Sun 16 Dec: 7.30pm Perth Concert Hall £25 including booking fee

Wed 19 Dec: 7.30pm

Free admission but a collection will be taken for local charities or current disaster fund. Speaker - Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrew’s, Dunkeld and Dunblane Praise led by a special “Churches Together” choir under the direction of Craig Dennis. PACT is an association of 28 local church congregations and religious organisations established in 1963.

The Bethlehem Experience featuring the Watoto Orphan Choir from Uganda

From their debut single Sway to million selling Britpop superstars to long-term touring allies with Paul Weller, the OCS story is a rip-roaring rock’n’folk odyssey. Throw in eleven top twenty singles such as The Day We Caught the Train and The Riverboat Song and hundreds of righteous gigs and they could be forgiven for resting on their (tailored) laurels. But with OCS - now a nucleus of Simon Fowler (vocals/guitar), Steve Cradock (guitar/ vocals) and Oscar Harrison (drums)- the urge to seek out new horizons always wins out. Hence a new back-to basics album, On The Leyline, and new additions to the live lineup for this rockin’ full-band tour.

Perth Action of Churches Together

Sun 23 Dec: 6pm Perth Concert Hall Free

Traditional carol singing and drama

COMING SOON CMP Live presents Paul Carrack Fri 18 Jan: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £24.50

The former frontman of Mike and The Mechanics performs great songs from his forthcoming Greatest Hits album.

18 sep-dec programme.indd 20 27/7/07 1:55:11 pm

Horsecross Hogmanay! with

Blazin’ Fiddles Southpaw

special guest Jim Malcolm and compere Bruce Fummey

Mon 31 Dec One of Scotland’s very best traditional groups and the cream of Perthshire performers come together for a good old-fashioned Hogmanay party for all the family. Blazin’ Fiddles

Like rare single malts, each member of Blazin’ Fiddles draws the distinct flavour of music from their part of the highlands and islands. From solo to ensemble sets, they all come together in a fiery blend that raises the roof. Fiddlers Catriona Macdonald, Bruce Macgregor, Allan Henderson, Iain Macfarlane and Aidan O’Rourke are joined by Marc Clement on guitar and Andy Thorburn on keyboard to form the perfect band to see out the old year and bring in the new.


doors 9.30pm / show 10pm

Perth Concert Hall seated £15: £12 concessions standing £12: £10 concessions

Jim Malcolm

Tall, fair and handsome, Jim Malcolm will be our first foot this year. Jim is one of Scotland’s finest traditional singers and songwriters and recently left top folk band Old Blind Dogs to concentrate on his booming solo career.

Bruce Fummey

Keeping things moving along nicely will be master of ceremonies and gifted comedian Bruce Fummey.

Since the release of their acclaimed Buffalo Mansions album last year, Perth country rockers Southpaw have established themselves as one of Europe’s leading Americana acts thanks to their rousing live shows.

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 21

19 27/7/07 1:55:13 pm

London Classic Theatre

Abigail’s Party

written by Mike Leigh directed by Michael Cabot


Fri 7 - Sat 22 Sep £5 preview Thu 6

FREE Director’s Take Thu 6 + 20

Time: 7.45pm, 2.30pm Sat mat Venue: Perth Theatre Price: Tue-Thu £15.50: £9.50 concessions



Fri-Sat £16.50: £10 concessions Sat mat £13: £8.50 concessions children £6.50




first timer

see p42 for info




A biting social

comedy of 70s suburbia

It was 1977, the year of skin-tight polyester, the Queen’s Silver Jubilee and Saturday Night Fever. The Sex Pistols

were storming up the charts, skateboarding was the latest craze and at Hampstead Theatre, Mike Leigh was putting the finishing touches to Abigail’s Party, his ferocious black comedy and landmark of twentieth century theatre. In her suburban living room, Beverly prepares for the arrival of her guests. She and husband Laurence will play host to neighbours Angela, Tony and Sue. As the alcohol flows and the ‘nibbles’ are handed around, Mike Leigh’s ruthless, achingly funny examination of suburban life begins to bite... Abigail’s Party was first produced at Hampstead Theatre in 1977, with the role of Beverly immortalised by Alison Steadman. A record sixteen million people watched its broadcast as Play for Today, underlining its status as a true modern classic and national treasure. Audio description: last Thu and last Sat matinee Sign language interpretation: last Sat matinee

20 sep-dec programme.indd 22 27/7/07 1:55:15 pm




A story about passion and fashion

and hearts and soles

“hilarious and impressive” Sunday

Siobhan McClusky is 13 and passionately politically aware. She spends her nights online, signing petitions against US conglomerates and protesting against climate change. She also fancies Shaun Holmes... Shaun is also 13 but passionate about just one thing — shoes. With more than 60 pairs, shoes express who he is and mark out his whole life philosophy.

Visible Fictions presents

Shopping Shoes for written by Tim Crouch

Thu 20 - Fri 21 Sep

Date: Time: 7.30pm Venue: Perth Studio Theatre Price: £8: £6.50 concessions


A piece of Siobhan’s heart belongs to Shaun, but he’d have trouble even recognising her. However, our girl’s determined to prove to Shaun that there’s more to life than shoes and so, with a little planning and some nifty footwork, Siobhan soon helps him discover that a pair of shoes can do so much more than just help a person express themselves.

A funny, heart warming tale of new found teenage love... and a lot of shoes!

see p42 for info

A passionate punk comedy set to the “A magnificently simple, hear tfelt

Middle Ground Theatre Company Ltd presents

Meeting Joe Strummer written and directed by Paul Hodson Fri 12 Oct

Date: Time: 7.45pm Venue: Perth Theatre Price: £12: £8 concessions £6.50 children


see p42 for info


first timer

music of The Clash.

, clear and brave show” The Scotsma

Huw Higginson (The Bill)


Steve North

(London’s Burning)

the lives Meeting Joe Strummer follows ass, one of two young men, one middle-cl in 1977 working-class, from adolescence med by to middle-age as they are transfor nt mix pote h’s Clas The and er mm Joe Stru l rebe and ery imag ic of rock n’ roll, icon politics. at last Following its enormous success son’s year’s Edinburgh Festival, Paul Hod to move inspirational work is continuing n of an audiences with its honest depictio e. plac and unforgettable time friendship A punk comedy about attitude, the man to te tribu a and and celebrity — ration. who set the agenda for a gene

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 23


21 27/7/07 1:55:18 pm

o tic show as tw ed in this fantas at e. br le ag st ce e is th n to back on, Rikki Fulto his characters g in br A true comic ic s er m or vourite perf of Scotland’s fa


A Comedy Unit production

Rikki & Me written by Tony Roper and Philip Differ

Wed 24 - Sat 27 Oct

Date: Time: 7.45pm: 2.30pm Sat mat Venue: Perth Theatre Price: £16: £14 concessions £6.50 children


n Written by and starring Rab C Nesbitt’s Tony Roper, directed by and guest starring Gerard Kelly, Rikki & Me will take audiences on an amazing journey through Rikki Fulton’s life, and relive the brilliant routines of Francie & Josie, the Rev. I. M. Jolly, Supercop and Dirty Dickie Dandruff. The hit show which last year sold out across Scotland returns. Told from the perspective of the friends who knew him best, and the woman who shared his life for over forty years, Rikki & Me is a celebration of the life, characters and comic creations of Rikki Fulton. The show is written by Tony Roper and Fulton’s former script editor and producer on Scotch & Wry (and writer of Only An Excuse?), Philip Differ. Tony Roper will be taking on the role of Fulton, while Gerard Kelly will direct and appear as Jack Milroy.

22 sep-dec programme.indd 24

see p42 for info

“Brings alive the comic talent of one of Scotland’s best loved entertainers”

The Daily Record 27/7/07 1:55:20 pm


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Music performed live by Michael Marra

Fri 9 - Sat 24 Nov £5 preview Thu 8

FREE Director’s Take Thu 8 + 22

Time: 7.45pm, 2.30pm Sat mat Venue: Perth Theatre Price: Tue-Thu £15.50: £9.50 concessions Fri-Sat £16.50: £10 concessions Sat mat £13: £8.50 concessions children £6.50






see p42 for info




first timer


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0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 25

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The Demon Barber Created by Graham McLaren Date:

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23 27/7/07 1:55:25 pm

PANTO season at Christmas lunch

daily throughout December If you’ve got something to celebrate, why not do it at Redrooms?

We cater for all sorts of functions from corporate get-togethers to after-show shindigs, weddings, funerals and private parties. With our decadent lighting and attentive service it will make that special occasion all the more memorable.

For more info contact Debbie 01738 472709

24 sep-dec programme.indd 26

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

2 courses £12 3 courses £15 children’s menu 10% discount + FREE bottle of bubbly for parties of 10+

Christmas dinner

nightly throughout December ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

traditional festive fayre for all the family panto themed children’s menu free activity pack with every child’s meal 2 courses £15 3 courses £18 under 16s £10 0-3 years FREE! 27/7/07 1:55:27 pm

rt A Pe

Fri 7 Dec Sat 5 Jan

h Th


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and the lost princess written by Ian Grieve and Jimmy Chisholm directed by Ian Grieve

Time: 7.30pm, various matinees Venue: Perth Theatre Price: children £10 adults £12.50-£17.50 family ticket from £44 1 adult free with every group of 10 children offers for schools and youth groups – just ask!

For audio described and signed performances, check with box office.

This thigh-slapping tale of piracy and nautical naughtiness transports the audience to exotic Arabia where treasure and mystery abound, but it’s a chest-full of laughs that will ensure the audience is all-aboard for this fun-filled voyage. Created by Ian Grieve and Jimmy Chisholm, this colourful, comical production stays true to all the very best traditions of pantomime and will, undoubtedly, be a hit with all the family.

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25 27/7/07 1:57:56 pm


A stunning darker side of the

portrayal of the

American dream

DRAMA Perth Theatre production by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Plays Ltd

Of Mice and Men

by John Steinbeck Date:

John Steinbeck’s classic tale is brought to life in this emotive play with friendship at its core. Set against the backdrop of America’s great depression, Of Mice and Men conveys the struggle of two migrant farm-workers trying to start a new life in California and the strains placed on family and friendship. This dramatic work has achieved international acclaim in its big-screen productions and now returns to the stage in an evocative play directed by Perth’s own Ian Grieve.

Fri 1 - Sat 16 Feb

£5 preview Thu 31 Jan FREE Director’s Take Thu 31 + 14 Time: 7.45pm, 2.30pm Sat mat Venue: Perth Theatre Price: Tue-Thu £15.50: £9.50 concessions Fri-Sat £16.50: £10 concessions Sat mat £13: £8.50 concessions children £6.50






first timer

see p42 for info

CLASSIC subscription

Audio description: last Thu and last Sat matinee Sign language interpretation: last Sat matinee

26 sep-dec programme.indd 28 27/7/07 1:57:58 pm

“an amazing set of performances” The Courier on Elaine C Smith and Andy Gray in Two at Perth Theatre



Elaine C Smith and Andy Gray return to Perth Theatre in a brand new production of the hit play which subsequently became a Hollywood blockbuster with Michael Caine, Brenda Blethyn and Jane Horrocks. Jim Cartwright’s acclaimed story of a modern Cinderella tells the extraordinary story of how a young woman discovers an incredible gift to mimic the greatest female vocalists of the twentieth century. Deprived of a father and with an overbearing and abusive mother, Little Voice could have the world at her feet...

RPM Arts Ltd & Michael Harrison present


£5 preview Thu 13 FREE Director’s Take Thu 13 + 27 Time: 7.45pm, 2.30pm Sat mat Venue: Perth Theatre Price: Tue-Thu £15.50: £9.50 concessions Fri-Sat £16.50: £10 concessions Sat mat £13: £8.50 concessions children £6.50

With fantastic songs, powerful drama and big laughs don’t miss the rise and fall of Little Voice. Audio description: last Thu and last Sat matinee Sign language interpretation: last Sat matinee

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 29

Fri 14 - Sat 29 Mar





see p42 for info

CLASSIC subscription 27 27/7/07 1:58:00 pm

Rapture Theatre Company

Shining City

This humorous, haunting and fascinating play will have you gripped right up to the shocking twist in the tale.

by Conor McPherson

After leaving the priesthood, Ian becomes a therapist in Dublin. One of his first clients is John who repeatedly sees the ghostly figure of his dead wife. But surely it must be his imagination… Through taut and witty Irish banter, hidden demons begin to surface as Ian starts to realise that his life parallels John’s in many ways, and that the “ghosts” of his past may yet come back to haunt him too.

Fri 7 - Sat 8 Mar

Date: Time: 7.45pm Venue: Perth Theatre Price: £12: £8 concessions £6.50 children



first timer

see p42 for info

star cast to be announced Robert C Kelly Presents

Date: Time:

Tue 15 Sat 19 Apr

Tue-Thu 7.45pm Fri-Sat 6pm + 8.30pm Venue: Perth Theatre Price: £16: £14 concessions £6.50 children


see p42 for info

Returning for its last ever UK tour, this sell-out comedy is a brutally

honest, wickedly funny and exceptionally touching play about parenting. If you’re a mother, father or even loosely related to one – this hysterically funny and poignant collection of issues will touch you in some way.

A Mull Theatre production

Katie Morag

Thu 24 - Sat 26 Apr

Date: Time: 2pm and 7pm Venue: Perth Theatre Price: £6.50 children; £10 adults

£8 concession £30 family (2 adults + 2 children) babes in arms go free (under 2s not needing a seat)


see p42 for info

28 sep-dec programme.indd 30

Travel on the ferry to Struay to meet Mairi Hedderwick’s lovable rogue Katie Morag McColl. Join her in a fabulous, mischievous adventure. Meet Eriska the horse and the Struay cats, strike out on the treasure trail, stumble across ancient ghosts in spooky places and help Katie Morag find the answers to the tricky riddles. 27/7/07 1:58:02 pm


Subscription … the cheapest ticket in town! If you buy for as few as 4 plays upfront, you can save up to £13 and enjoy other privileges such as priority booking, FREE horsecrossregular membership, first call on limited offers like kids go FREE and family tickets and up to £15.50 off 6 more plays from our Pick n Mix range.

Classic subscription save up to £13! Book the same seat on the same night for 4 plays: Abigail’s Party • The Demon Barber • Of Mice and Men • Little Voice normal full price single ticket

4 show subscription price

4 show subscription

concession subscription price




save £12





save £13


Sat matinee



save £10


Subscribers have the option to save £££s on 6 other great shows over the year

Pick n Mix save up to £15.50! Meeting Joe Strummer • Rikki & Me • Shining City Shopping for Shoes • Mum’s the Word • Katie Morag normal full price single ticket

concession or subscription price each

subscription price

Meeting Joe Strummer



save £4

Rikki & Me



save £2

Shining City



save £4

Mum’s the Word



save £2

Shopping for Shoes



save £1.50

Katie Morag

£10 adults


save £2

Kids Mix

Concessions: please bring ID when you attend. *Senior citizen concession applies at Saturday matinees only for the 4 play subscription. Returns: tickets are non-refundable but for subscribers we’ll do our best to arrange a free exchange for another night (we normally charge for exchanges). All 16 and unders: £6.50

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 31

29 27/7/07 1:58:05 pm

MUSIC COMEDY Mick Perrin for Just for Laughs Live Ltd presents

Sean Hughes

Gilded Balloon presents

Karen Dunbar Sat 6 Oct: 8pm

Sat 15 Sep: 8pm

Perth Concert Hall £18: £14 concessions suitable for 14+

Perth Concert Hall £16: £14 concessions adults only

At the age of 24, Sean became the youngest comedian ever to win the prestigious Perrier Comedy Award. Now aged 41, but “spiritually 11”, he has enjoyed almost 2 decades at the top of the comedy tree. This tour is a long overdue return to the comedy circuit by one of the best stand-ups of his generation. He has retained his distinctly dark, explosive style, his quick-fire banter with the audience and “his piercing eye for the expectation-flipping one liner” (Evening Standard). More topical than tomorrow’s news, his twisted gaze can fall upon anything and everything, from dog death to his love of teenage indie pop.

“A hugely impressive and intelligent comic... sometimes dark and always very entertaining” Time Out

Karen Dunbar first burst onto the Scottish screen in 1999 in the hit comedy sketch show Chewin’ the Fat and then upped the ante with her own superb TV series. In an all-new show covering everything from Disneyland to dogs eating toffee, Karen also uses her musical edge to breathe life into the morphing of Rabbie Burns and Shirley Bassey!

“Grab a ticket and head for the front” ***** The Scotsman Off the Kerb presents

Alan Carr

Thu 1 Nov: 8pm Perth Concert Hall £19

Alan Carr, the UK’s hottest and brightest comedian hits the road this autumn and visits Perth for the first time. His recent television appearances have received great critical acclaim and include Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, Eight out of Ten Cats, Countdown, and of course as the brilliant co-host along with Justin Lee Collins on Channel 4’s The Friday Night Project.

“Belly achingly funny”

The Sunday Telegraph

30 sep-dec programme.indd 32 27/7/07 1:58:12 pm

Mick Perrin for Just for Laughs Live Ltd presents

Ardal O’Hanlon Sat 10 Nov: 8pm

Perth Concert Hall £17.50: £15.50 concessions suitable for 15+ Multi-award winning comedian and actor, Ardal O’Hanlon is back on the road, with a stunning stand-up show. The star of hit series, Father Ted, My Hero and Blessed, Ardal’s own unique comedy is a spellbinding fusion of offbeat stories and polished material, which fuse to make his act a hilarious journey - touched with life enhancing observations and unexpected twists. His sheer originality and talent ensure that there is no other performer like him.

“There’s a powerful intelligence at work and crucially as well as being very, very funny, he’s also terrifically likeable, recounting tall tales for all the world as if he was chatting to you in a bar. It’s a combination that seems likely to make Ardal O’Hanlon one of the most popular live stand ups in the country” Evening News

Mick Perrin for Just for Laughs Live Ltd presents

Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns Fri 7 Dec: 8pm

Perth Concert Hall £14.50; £12.50 concessions £9.50 under 16’s suitable for 7+ Join Paul Merton as he screens extracts from the very best silent comedians in some of their funniest films. Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy and many others are highlighted by Paul, whose infectious enthusiasm and knowledge of these films means a splendid time is guaranteed for all. In the second half Harold Lloyd’s feature-length comedy Safety Last is shown in its breathtaking entirety. A comic masterpiece, its compelling mixture of thrills and laughter is as potent today as it was in 1923. There are no special effects, Harold really is up that high. See the best of the silent comics on the big screen with fantastic live accompaniment by world renowned pianist Neil Brand.

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31 27/7/07 1:58:16 pm

KIDS + FAMILIES Musical Minors

Jewellery workshops: Scottish Bead Fair

Block 1 (5 wks):

Perth Concert Hall

Block 2 (5 wks):

Bracelet and Ring Making for 6-8yrs

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall

Tigertail Necklace Making for 10-12 yrs

£17.50 for 5 wk block of 30 min class £20 for 5 wk block of 45 min class adults free

Sun 9 Sep

children must be accompanied by an adult 12-12.45pm + 12.45 -1.30pm: £7 per child

Mon 10 SepMon 8 Oct Mon 19 NovMon 17 Dec

3.30-5pm: £7 per child

Hot ticket: book early!

Tiny Treasures

4-15 mth 15 mth-2 yrs 2-3 yrs 15 mth-2yrs 3-5 yrs 2-3 yrs

1.45-3.15pm (1.45, 2, 2.15, 2.30, 2.45, 3) Six 15 minute places available. £18 per place

Dragons, Dogs and Fairies - Margaret Ryan Sat 15 Sep: 11am + 2pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £3.50, 4 for £12 Age: 5-8 years Margaret Ryan used to be a primary teacher, but gave it up because she didn’t like sums. She plays the piano very badly, which is useful for scaring the crows out of her garden. She lives in an old mill near St. Andrews with her husband, John, a collection of teddy bears, and a multicoloured dinosaur called Spike. She has two, very sensible, grown up children. When Margaret grows up, she’s going to be sensible too. Probably. Margaret will be dressing some of the children up as characters in the stories.

32 sep-dec programme.indd 34

9.45-10.15am 10.30-11am 11.15am-12pm 12.15-12.45pm 1-1.45pm 2-2.45pm

2 blocks of 5 weekly workshops of music and percussion with Yasmin Fraser. Each session introduces music and percussion in a relaxed and informal way. Workshops focus on nursery rhymes, playing percussion and moving to music. A perfect opportunity for children to socialise and meet new friends.

For all children’s events, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult 0845 612 6320

311 27/7/07 1:58:22 pm

Blood Guts and Gore

Sat 22 Sep 8-11yrs 12+

11am-12.30pm 1.30-3.30pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £5 Scars, scabs and open wounds: how do they make it look so realistic? Find out from Susan McClymont, professional make up artist. You’ll be shown some of the clever techniques of stage and TV make-up before trying it out for yourself. Fun and gore guaranteed!

Mini Music Makers

Sat 6 Oct, 3 Nov and 1 Dec 0-12 mth 1-2 year 2-31/2 31/2-5

10-10.30am 10.45-11.15am 11.30am-12pm 12.15-1pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £2.50 each session: adults free Hot ticket: book early!

Join Nicola Killean and her puppet friends as she opens up the world of music to your tiny ears. Through her great repertoire of musical games, songs and activities she’ll have your child enjoying music and learning creative skills at the same time! Music and song are great for the soul and an easy way to make new friends.

Storytellers - Julie Lacome

Sat 13 Oct, 2-3pm

Norie Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £3.50, 4 for £12 age: 5 - 9 years Come and join in the fun while author/illustrator Julie Lacome reads a selection of her popular childrens’ books and discusses the process involved from start to finish to produce an illustrated book. Discover the true story behind her award winning book Ruthie’s Big Old Coat. You could be chosen to dress up as Ruthie to help act out the book and give everyone a case of the ‘Big Old Coat’ giggles!

Sunny African Songs Sat 17 Nov, 11am-12.30pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £4 7-10yrs Bring a drink Let music leader Irene Railley transport you to the sunny sounds of Africa. You’ll learn all sorts of brilliant African songs and tribal calls as well as accompanying beats with percussion instruments. You don’t need to have sung in a group before or be able to read music — this will be fun for everyone.

Organised by the National Youth Choir of Scotland.

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 35

For all children’s events, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult

711 13 3 33 27/7/07 1:58:30 pm

Christmas Fun KIDS + FAMILIES Sparkly Songs at Christmas Sat 15 Dec 2-3 4-5 2-3 4-5

10-10.45am 11-11.45am 12-12.45pm 1-1.45pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £3: adults free Join Nicola Killean with her musical friend Jo the violinist in great Christmas singing games and fun. We’ll have you right in the Christmas spirit with plenty of songs to sing over the holidays. Come dressed with a bit of sparkle for extra fun if you like!

Lunch time entertainers

Christmas Storytelling Janet MacInnes Writer and Teller of Tales

Sat 15 Dec, 3-4pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall 5+ £3.50 or 4 for £12 Janet is a traditional story-teller who tells stories to children aged from 4 to 94, in schools and libraries, clubs and theatres, care homes, ceilidhs and festivals throughout Scotland as well as in Cavan and Roscommon in Southern Ireland. She has gathered her stories from the Scottish tradition and tale of the Travelling Folk or “Summer Walkers”, though she also has a repertoire for tales from other countries and cultures from all five continents.

Sat 15 Dec, 1pm-3pm Perth Concert Hall foyer FREE

She conducts story-telling workshops with playgroup leaders, teachers and children’s librarians as well as both primary and secondary school pupils.

Get in the Christmas spirit with FREE lunchtime performances in Perth Concert Hall’s foyer from the Jambouree Choir and the Parish of Dunkeld Bell Ringers.

This Christmas come and hear stories of surprises, of mysterious visitors, of Christmas fairies and miracles, of snow and ice and of unexpected gifts.

1 34 sep-dec programme.indd 36

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For all children’s events, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult

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ww 0845 612 6320

3 27/7/07 1:58:33 pm

The Singing Kettle’s Christmas Party

Mon 24 + Thu 27 Dec: 12 + 3pm

Perth Concert Hall

Mon 24 Dec (xmas eve)

£11: family ticket (min 1 adult) £38 groups of 10+ £8 and 1 free for every 10 babes in arms (under 1 yr) £2


Thur 27 Dec

£10: family ticket (min 1 adult) £36 groups of 10+ £7 and 1 free for every 10 babes in arms (under 1 yr) £2

Cilla, Artie, Gary and Kevin are back this year with a sensational Christmas Party and you are all invited! Superb audience participation, non-stop favourite songs and amazing costumes offer the perfect treat to get everyone in the festive spirit. The Singing Kettle will be at their breathtaking best for this electrifying Christmas Party and Cilla, Artie, Gary and Kevin will play the most fantastic giant party games that will delight and mesmerise all ages. There’s even a visit from a very special guest with a white beard and a red suit! Don’t delay, book today and join the Singing Kettle for the Christmas Party of the year.

Early booking offer - all tickets £8 if purchased before Saturday 15th September (both days) Remember to dress in a santa hat & tinsel

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 37

35 27/7/07 1:58:37 pm

COMMUNITY/JOIN IN Horsecross Voices

Wednesdays: 5, 12, 19, 26 Sep, 17 + 24 Oct, 14 + 21 Nov 7.30-9.30pm Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £4 per session, £3 concessions Age 16 + For full programme details contact

Join us for this pick and mix of group singing styles. As well as learning vocal techniques and warm ups, you’ll sing a variety of musical styles including jazz, musicals, Scottish Traditional, world and classical, with experts in each field. We welcome all levels, including newcomers to group singing and music reading is not necessary. This is a drop in group so please come as often as you like.

In the Mood

Mondays: 17 Sep, 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec 3-4.30pm Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £3 per session, including refreshment

Coming up Operantics

Sat 19 Jan (instrumentalists only) Sun 20 Jan (singers + instrumentalists) Sat: 10am-5pm Sun: times tbc Concert 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall and various Instrumentalists £25: £10 concessions Singers £10: £5 concessions info: age 12-100 pre-booking is essential

Following on from the Big Sing series, join us in Operantics for singers and orchestral musicians. Mark Hindley and members of Scottish Chamber Orchestra will lead you through memorable opera numbers and great choral repertoire with a performance on the main stage. Operantics is in collaboration with Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s Education Department and Making Music.

Join in!

In the Mood is an informal afternoon of sing-a-long and entertainment with a variety of musicians over the programme. Most of the music is from the 1930s-1960s as well as traditional. We’ll have jazz musicians playing standards, Scottish Traditional musicians and much more to join in with as it varies from session to session.

36 sep-dec programme.indd 38 0845 612 6320

3 27/7/07 1:58:48 pm

“The venue was fantastic and the staff very friendly. We’ll be back!” British Association of Social Workers

meeting + fair + agm + gala + dinner dance + fashion show + prizegiving + team building + wedding reception + seminar training day + press launch + hairdressing + demonstration exhibition + sports event

Conference pack available For information + inspiration contact:

01738 472707 Perth Concert Hall, Mill St, Perth PH1 5HZ





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Perth Concert Hall

Perth Theatre, 185 High Street, Perth, PH1 5UW Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth, PH1 5HZ

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37 27/7/07 1:59:01 pm

Switch Over©Kosta Tonev

Franca!©Silvana Macedo

Hypomania©Sam Spreckley

Horizon©Claude Closky La Cochita Mon Amour©Christina McPhee


Last chance to see this group show about the way we communicate.

60 artists’ artspace for free and look out for more than

New commissions by Claude Closky, Su Grierson, Matt Hulse and Kosta Tonev + guest-curated projects by Nadia Rossi and Martin Parker.

works as part of

Scotland’s only permanent collection and archive of

All created as spectacular 22-channel

video art installations, interactive soundscapes, live Internet transmissions or art game projections.

s pm all area

aily 10am-7 Until 4 Oct D


a Body Langu

urites ow with favo A group sh llection + new co e th from additions

A new exhibition about how artists reinvent the tradition of landscape in art by exploring far-flung places and cultures. New works by Rob Kennedy, Silvana Macedo, Christina McPhee, Lala Rascic and Mare Tralla

5 Oct - 31 Mar Daily 10am – 7pm all areas Preview DJ Party 5 Oct 9pm–1am all areas

Bon Voyage


38 sep-dec programme.indd 40

Exciting show with new arrivals + old favourites from the collection.

3 27/7/07 1:59:06 pm

Wee Views©Mare Tralla

“Threshold artspace is a hint of a world to come” Sund ay Herald

sky hee

Selected works change throughout the day and some stay on 24/7 as part of our curated exhibitions. Go online for full exhibition details including free downloadables. Pick up a free exhibition guide at Threshold artspace information point or check with box office.

24 Sep + 1+15+29 Oct 2-3pm all areas + 5 Nov + 3 Dec 16 + 23 Apr + 7 May

Curator’s Tours

Iliyana Nedkova

Inspired or mystified by new media art? Join us for a guided tour. Meet at foot of stairs

Collect affordable contemporary art + support our exhibition programme. Own an inkjet print, signed by the artist, edition of 20, £200 each or £700 for a set of 4 unframed.


Ongoing daily | 10am-7pm | Redrooms

Specially designed, each issue features an essay about a selected work from the Threshold artspace collection. Recent issues on Claude Closky, Olle Essvik + Catherine-Anne Lee. Forthcoming: Thomson & Craighead + Mare Tralla. Contributing writers: Lindsey Morse + Iliyana Nedkova.


Glenlandia Susan Collins For sales and dispatch enquiries please contact Iliyana Nedkova

Ongoing 24/7 free downloads online

Read More

+ our journal for new critical writing

ls + ion.

0845 612 6320 sep-dec programme.indd 41

3 39 27/7/07 1:59:12 pm


Pan’s Labyrinth

The Death of Mr Lazarescu Pan’s Labyrinth

MUSIC FILM The Beat That My Heart Skipped

The Death of Mr Lazarescu

Handsome Romain Duris glistens in this Paris gangland thriller, (French with subtitles)

Cert 15, 102 mins

Acclaimed black comedy about the unwell Mr Lazarescu, (Romanian with subtitles) Cert 15, 150mins

Red Road

L’enfant/The Child

Acclaimed Scottish film set in a Glasgow high rise. Andrea Arnold directs.

Cert 18, 110 mins

Story of a new born child, this film is both sensitive and gripping, (French with subtitles) Cert 12A, 100mins



Bollywood comes to Perth, with mega-stars Amitabh Bachchan and Hrithik Roshan in this war epic (Hindi with subtitles)

Vibrant, warm, witty Almodovar film. And Penelope Cruz too! (Spanish with subtitles) Cert 15, 121 mins

Thu 6 Sep

Thu 13 Sep

Thu 27 Sep

Thu 1 Nov

Thu 22 Nov

Thu 13 Dec

Cert 12, 185 mins + interval

Pan’s Labyrinth Thu 18 Oct

Visually stunning fantasy about the Spanish civil war, (Spanish with subtitles) Cert 15, 119 mins

Perth Film Society All films start at 7.45pm

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £4.50 at the door or £20 for all 7 films: seniors/unwaged £3.50 or £15 for all 7 For more info, please call Susannah (01738 636339) or Lis (01821 642195)

40 sep-dec programme.indd 42 27/7/07 1:59:17 pm

EVENTS The Scottish Bead Fair Sun 9 Sep, 12-5pm

Perth Concert Hall £4: under 16 free The first fair in Scotland devoted entirely to beads and jewellery making components. Jewellery making classes for kids on the day (see p32 for details).

Acari Stage Hypnotist Sat 29 Sep, 7.30pm

Perth Theatre £10: £8 concession: group discount available A sought-after entertainer who creates a lively, comedy-laced, fun-filled hypnosis stage show. All shows involve voluntary participation by the audience. Acari always perform to the guidelines of the hypnotic act of 1995.

Keeping the Faith

Fri 16 Nov: 10am-4pm

Conference fees apply; access to displays etc FREE A conference on the history and records of organised religion in Scotland and a chance to discuss local and family history research with archivists and experienced researchers.

RSGS lectures

Tuesdays 16 Oct, 13 Nov, 11 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 11 Mar, 7.30pm

Perth Concert Hall £5: members and students free 16 Oct Alison McCleery: France in America: St Pierre and Miquelon Exploring the remote and little-known French islands of St Pierre and Miquelon which lie off the coast of Newfoundland. How have these curious islands survived and thrived as a geopolitical anomaly and cultural oddity?

13 Nov John Dunn: Devon Island... Journeys on the Wild Side Arctic traveller and photographer John Dunn gives a richly illustrated lecture about his ski expeditions on the eastern half of Canada’s Devon Island: a classic High Arctic wilderness. 11 Dec

Paul Gogarty: The Coast Road TV presenter and former chief travel writer for the Telegraph, Gogarty takes us on a journey following the varied coastline of Britain.

8 Jan Paul Harris: India - Tribal Frontiers 12 Feb Mike Bentley: The Antarctic Ice

Sheet and Climate Change

11 Mar

Christmas Arts & Craft Exhibition

Travellers Club Programme

Perth Concert Hall Free An exhibition by local artists and craftspeople: an ideal place to seek out that unusual and unique Christmas gift in the company of local performing artistes.

Norie-Miller Studio, Perth Concert Hall £5: members and students free

Sat 8 Dec, 10am-4.30pm Sun 9 Dec, 10am-4pm

James Raffan: Emperor of the North

Tuesdays 30 Oct, 27 Nov, 29 Jan, 1 Apr, 7.30pm

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341 27/7/07 1:59:21 pm

TICKETS + INFO Tickets + Info Kids go free Not sure if the kids will like it? Give KIDS GO FREE it a go. Bring two for every adult Tue-Thu FREE! Limited availability.

Membership Pay £10 for a year’s horsecrossregular membership and save 10% on shows and food. Discount applies where you see this logo.

Theatre ticket offers Check the information panel by each show to see what applies.

5 £5 preview Come to any preview for a fiver A tenner a ticket Never been to theatre 10 before? Try our first timers’ offer – £10


Group bookers For schools, clubs, works nights out – book for 10 and one goes free (that could be you if you organise it!) For bigger groups, phone and we’ll sort you out a deal!

first timer

Concessions Where they are available concessions


usually apply to 16 and under, Young Scots, unwaged, students, people with disabilities and senior citizens (only Saturday matinees at the theatre). Carers go FREE.Bring your ID when you collect tickets. Not every show offers concessions and they are subject to availability.

Perth Concert Series Buy for all 6 concerts by

the Scottish Orchestras between October and April and save 25%. Ask at box office for info.

Tours Want to see behind the scenes at the theatre or concert hall? Come on a tour of the buildings. Contact the Front of House Manager for the building to organise. Charges apply.

a ticket.

FREE Director’s Take Each preview night and last Thursday of Classic Subscription shows stay on after the show to hear our director’s take on it. The cast will join in the after show chat too!

Classic Subscription (See p29 for info) Save CLASSIC subscription up to £13 when you book for 4 shows.


Pick n Mix Subscribers can select from 6 other shows and save up to £15.50


Pick n Mix Kids Family friendly theatre: child tickets £6.50

Car parking Kinnoull Street multi-storey is a few

minutes walk from both venues. Open Mon-Sat 7am-midnight, Sun 10am-midnight. Charge from 6pm-midnight is £1 In the interest of customer service and only when the show is sold out we may allow tickets to be returned to pass on to those who are desperate to attend, giving the original customer a credit. Our administration charge for exchanges is £1. Exchanges are free for subscribers within the subscription season.

42 sep-dec programme.indd 44

Drinks policy

You may be allowed to take a drink into the auditorium, depending on where you sit and what sort of event it is — check at the bar. For safety, we never allow drinks in the balcony at the concert hall. PS save queuing by pre-ordering interval drinks; just ask at the bar. 0845 612 6320

9 27/7/07 1:59:27 pm




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Front of House Contacts:

Front of House Manager, Perth Theatre: Jen Hoy 01738 477748

Front of House Manager, Perth Concert Hall: Phil Persoglio 01738 472700

Have a nice day!

We want your visit Perth Theatre or Perth Concert Hall to be a delight. If you find anything puzzling, unhelpful, mysterious or just plain bad, please tell us and we’ll try to help.

Disabled friendly

Both buildings are designed to be disabled friendly and have stair lifts, lifts, induction loops, infra-red enhanced hearing system and staff who are trained to help.

Visually impaired

We have an audio version of this brochure.

Touch Tours

Visually impaired people can feel the set and costumes before the performance. These are held the last Thursday and last Saturday matinee of each show at 6pm on Thursday and 1pm on Saturday. Tours are free but must be reserved with box office. Audio Description (for 4 Classic Subscription plays) Visually impaired people listen to a description of the action on stage as it happens via headsets linking them to trained describers watching the show. This happens the last Thursday and last Saturday matinee of each show. Transport (for 4 Classic Subscription plays) Visually impaired people can use a special bus to come to the last Thursday and last Saturday matinee of each show for only £2 return. To find out about pick-up points contact Jen Hoy, Front of House Manager on 01738 477748.

Hard of hearing

We now have a mini loop system installed at point of sale in both the theatre and concert hall. This will allow both the customer and the staff member, who wear hearing aids, to communicate better. Hard of hearing can use our Infra Red Enhanced hearing headsets or our induction loop. Signed Performances (for 4 Classic Subscription plays) People who are Deaf or hard of hearing can enjoy performances interpreted using BSL the last Saturday matinee of each show.

Guide/hearing dogs

All guide and hearing dogs are welcome in our buildings.

Family friendly

We have booster seats for little ones; our restaurants provide high chairs, bottle warming, and we’re breast-feeding friendly; and there are baby-changing facilities for men and women to use in both buildings.

If there’s something we’re missing, ask to speak to the front of house manager in either building. We want to be the best!

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43 3 27/7/07 1:59:33 pm

date event AUGUST



28 Aug

Camerata Scotland



5 Sep from 6 Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep from 10 Sep 7-22 Sep 12 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 20+21 Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 24 Sep 26 Sep 29 Sep 29 Sep

Horsecross Voices Perth Film Society Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham Scottish Bead Fair Musical Minors Abigail’s Party Horsecross Voices Jambouree Choir and Friends Dragons, Dogs and Fairies Sean Hughes Mozart Matinee In the Mood Horsecross Voices Shopping for Shoes Elkie Brooks Blood, Guts and Gore Lunchtime Concert Horsecross Voices A Tribute to Gordon Duncan Acari Stage Hypnotist

join in film music event kids+families drama join in music kids+families comedy classical join in join in drama music kids+families classical join in music event

36 40 6 41 32 20 36 6 32 30 1 36 36 21 6 33 5 36 7 41

1 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 12-15 Oct 13 Oct 15 Oct from 16 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 22 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24-27 Oct 24 Oct 27 Oct 29 Oct

Lunchtime Concert Royal Scottish National Orchestra Bon Voyage Mini Music Makers Karen Dunbar Oxjam Music Festival Scottish Ensemble Charlie Landsborough Meeting Joe Strummer Schubertiad Julie Lacome – storyteller Lunchtime Concert

classical classical threshold kids+families comedy music classical music drama classical kids+families classical event music join in join in music music drama join in music classical

5 2 38 33 30 8 2 8 21 3 33 5 41 9 36 36 9 10 22 36 11 5



44 sep-dec programme.indd 46

Royal Scottish Geographical Society lectures

Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Horsecross Voices In the Mood Matt Monro Jnr Blind Boys of Alabama Rikki and Me Horsecross Voices Wilkie’s Accordion and Fiddle Festival Lunchtime Concert 27/7/07 1:59:33 pm

date event NOVEMBER



3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 5 Nov 7 Nov 9-24 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 14 Nov 16 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 17 Nov from 19 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 24+25 Nov 28 Nov 30 Nov

Mini Music Makers Voulez Vous Lunchtime Concert The Stylistics The Proclaimers SOLD OUT The Demon Barber Ardal O’Hanlon Dominic Kirwan Horsecross Voices Keeping the Faith Capercaillie Sunny African Songs Perth Symphony Orchestra Musical Minors In the Mood Horsecross Voices Beth Nielsen Chapman Masters of Rock Scottish Brass Band Championships BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Spirit of Scotland on St Andrews Night

kids+families music classical music music drama comedy music join in event music kids+families classical kids+families join in join in music music music classical music

33 11 5 12 12 23 31 12 36 41 13 33 2 32 36 36 14 15 15 4 15

1 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4+5 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 7 Dec-5 Jan 8+9 Dec 10 Dec 12 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 17 Dec 19 Dec 23 Dec 24+27 Dec 31 Dec

Mini Music Makers Scottish Fiddle Orchestra Perth Choral Society Lunchtime Concert PAOS Christmas Carols Asia ChildLine Christmas Concert Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns Sinbad and the Lost Princess Chrismas Arts + Craft Exhibition The Human League - The Dare! Tour Dollar Academy Annual Carol Concert Christmas Fun Day Ocean Colour Scene In the Mood Scottish Ensemble Carol Service – PACT The Bethlehem Experience The Singing Kettle Horsecross Hogmanay!

kids+families music classical classical music music music comedy panto event music music kids+families music join in classical music music kids+families music

33 16 4 5 16 16 16 31 25 41 17 18 34 18 36 4 18 18 35 19


Sat 19 Jan: Ballet West dance Coppelia in Perth Concert Hall

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45 27/7/07 1:59:34 pm


balcony side balcony

side balcony

raised side


stage upstairs downstairs

email me!

For just-announced news, info and ticket offers, get on our email list. Email your name and phone number to

sep-dec programme.indd 48

centre side

raised stalls centre

centre stalls centre

raised side

centre side

orchestra stalls


0845 612 6320 0845 0845 612 6320 6320 27/7/07 1:59:48 pm

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