BURG magazine

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Foreword It is with great gratitude that we present this magazine by Burg Machinefabriek. From the one man business our father started in 1954, we have grown to the innovative machine factory that you know today. Although we still spell Fruit with a capital ‘F’, we are realising total projects in the international fruit and vegetable branch and other related sectors. We have reached a new milestone in our history with our new location in Kruiningen and we are now able to grow even more. We could not have done this without the services of our motivated (previous) employees, accurate suppliers and renowned customers. We sincerely thank them for this. Above all we thank our Lord, God. The history of our company has already been illustrated in a previous brochure. In this magazine you can read all about our employees, customers, assortment and vision for the future. If you read the articles and look at the photos, you will understand why we’re so proud of our company. Burg Machinefabriek has been well known for its service, quality and innovation for years. We hope to supply this for many years to come! Enjoy, The management of Burg Machinefabriek Arjan and Piet van Burg







Index Arjan and Piet van Burg




Techno Service ’s-Gravenpolder BV


Customers Van Damme


Vogelaar Vredehof


Georges Moret et fils














Food industry




The management of Burg Machinefabriek about the past, present and future “Burg Machinefabriek was founded in 1954, by our fa-

“We didn’t hire sellers until the ‘90’s. Later on there

ther, Maarten van Burg,” Piet starts. “The company ini-

was a vision in the area of acquisition and market re-

tially focussed on field machines for the fruit sector. It

ach and the turnover steadily grew. The generation

sold weeding machines and lawnmowers, which mo-

before us visited fairs, but we were more active in

wed the grass under and around the fruit trees. Even

this,” adds Arjan. “There was a desire from the fruit

then, innovations were held in high esteem and the

tipplers for more products and we grew towards acti-

assortment steadily grew, with lifting frames, trans-

vities in box handling in the entire fruit and vegetable

port trolleys, cuttings sliders and picking devices. At

(and food) industry.”

this time the prices for fruit were usually good, which meant growers could invest in their scant collection

Vision from harvest to trading product

of machines.”

“We define ourselves with a vision from harvest to trading product. There is an entire process between har-

Turning point

vest and trading product. We focus on the peripheral

Arjan mentions the period from the end of the 70’s

equipment for this. That sorting machine is the core of

to the beginning of the 80’s as an important turning

the sorting hall and we feel at home around this,” says

point for the company. “This was when the fruit gro-

Piet. “We offer a total package from the washing and

wers switched to 350 kg boxes and this was a big

nestling of the boxes, to underwater fillers and palle-

change for the cultivation. Handling boxes manually

tisers. We mainly work based on module building, so

in the orchard was no longer an option with these

that sieve belts and box clamps can be fit into other

big boxes, so this labour had to be done with lifting


frames. Our solution, the dosage box emptier, was an excellent way of getting fruit out of the box without

According to the brother the growth that Burg Ma-

damaging it, and our product range grew from there.

chinefabriek went through in all those years, is mainly

This was also when we as a company made to switch

due to the robustness and reliability of the machines.

to sorting and packaging instead of working on the

“Price-quality ratio also plays a role, and thanks to our


innovative machines, we have gained a lot of trust from the sector and a large customer base,” says Arjan.

Arjan and Piet van Burg are the second generation of Burg, which has been managing the current machine factory since 1990. Their brother Hans is a shareholder, but has consciously chosen not to take a place in the management. The third generation of Burg also entered the company a few years ago. We take a short look at the history of Burg with Arjan (general affairs) and Piet (technical affairs) , but above all look towards to future of the company.


“We then introduced the water dumpers over the course of the years. This is around the ‘90’s,” adds Piet.

Fruit and vegetable wide

“There were already tipplers, but people didn’t want

Although its roots are in fruit processing, Burg now

to damage the carefully grown fruit in the last phase

has a vast amount of references in the greenhouse

of the process. Unloading in water was a great idea,

and agricultural sector and in the area of total pro-

especially for pears. We quickly saw the benefits of

jects. “You work with the same kind of people, fruit

emptying them wet, such as the high capacity, fruit

and vegetable sector wide, from grower to packager.

friendly treatment, continuity in the supply to the

And whether a box is 1.20 wide, such as is common

sorting machine, less pollution of the connecting ma-

in fruit, or 1.60 meters in agriculture, we can apply

chines and a better product presentation and work

the same techniques and stay in our element,” says


Arjan. “Whether there are onions or broccoli in the box,


we can empty them both without damage. We have

isn’t always good, but it’s a part of it. We are feeling

also done some nice projects in the greenhouse sector

the economic crisis too, and there has been a huge

in recent years, with emptying and filling boxes in pep-

sanitation among the growers. But we kept on gro-

pers and cherry tomatoes.”

wing. The sector keeps growing against the crisis and is looking for automatizing solutions in difficult times.

Burg Machinefabriek is now works with ten dealers. This isn’t a recent development. In the 70’s and 80’s fa-

“The focus is on supplying total projects and is always

ther Maarten van Burg worked with Kent Fruit Services

aimed at the flow to the sorting machines,” emphasi-

in selling box tipplers in the United Kingdom. “Our fa-

ses Arjan. “We won’t stop until the broccoli has been

ther sold a lot individually abroad, usually just by pho-

weighed, has a sticker, and the packager can put it in a

ne. It was easy to do that back then, because the de-

final package. But if a machine exists, we’re not going

mand was bigger and there was less competition. We

to invent it again, we’ll buy it. Collaborating with other

just saw, but never experienced it,” reminisces Arjan.

suppliers is definitely an advantage.”

“We’ve been working with dealers in Canada for thirty years, but there are also dealers of our machines active

When asked what Burg Machinefabriek will look like in

in West European countries and South Africa. You just

ten years, Arjan answers: “We hope to continue gro-

have to know your network. And of course the growth

wing steadily. Just like the fruit cultivation and agra-

abroad has greatly widened our market area. We are

rian sector our own production process will also be

widely orientated and don’t say ‘no’ quickly. Whether

automatized further. And we hope for a good conti-

it’s a line of citrus in South Africa or a line of broccoli in

nuation of the company. The years go on. I hope that

Holland. If we had focussed solely on the fruit cultiva-

we have heirs in the family. The most important thing

tion, we would have faced deeper dips.”

is that the boys are suitable and love their work.”

“On the other hand Burg Machinefabriek won’t for-

Rinus van de Plasse jr, Wim Koster and Jaap de Pater

get its home market,” says Piet. “Being active far away



Rene Koster, marketing / sales I began my career at Burg during my studies. First in

Arie Verhoef representative / export manager

the production, but because of my Autocad experien-

Since April 2007 I have worked at Burg as a repre-

ce I moved on to engineering. After my graduation,

sentative responsible for sales in the Netherlands, the

when we developed and delivered the first apple and

German-speaking countries, Slovenia, Czech Republic,

pear sorting line, I started working as a draftsman,

Slovakia, Hungary, Scandinavia and South Africa. This

that was over fifteen years ago.

means in practice that every day we maintain direct contact with customers in the Netherlands, but also

Also on an ICT level there have, over the years, been

through our dealer network abroad.

substantial steps forward. We now have an up-to-date automation system whereby the information from the

In the last five years developments within Burg have

different departments come together in our ERP sy-

gone quickly. The product range of robust and reliable


machines has greatly expanded as you can read in this magazine, so we can respond to questions and trends

Through the steady growth came increasing demand

in the market. Whether it is a simple box emptier or

from sales for devising technical solutions and the as-

a complete project, Burg realizes customized soluti-

sociated calculations and tenders. Currently I support

ons in the broadest sense of the word in almost the

our sales team and herein I am partly responsible for

entire fresh produce industry. It’s great to have both

part of the sales. All in all a challenging job in a com-

technical and commercial advisors searching for the

mitted and motivated team.

best solution for the end user and to achieve this in collaboration with a team of colleagues.

Joan van Burg, overseas salesperson After school I started off doing experience at Gebr. Weststrate in Krabbendijke. I wanted to try different things, and learned a lot there, but when there was a vacancy as a salesperson I seized it with both hands. I sell in the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, North America and Canada, but can only do this due to a great cooperation with the rest of the team. Thanks to this cooperation the business which I promise to customers can be realised. I could hardly speak English, but my father sent me out and I learnt on location. That was quite exciting to start with, but it has literally been fruitful!

Arie Verhoef, Joan van Burg and RenĂŠ Koster



Peter van Burg, project engineer After my training I started working in production at Burg. I gained a lot of experience, due to having built the machines and installing them at the customer’s premises. After having worked in production for a number of years, I moved to the engineering department. Here we develop the machinery and drawings for various projects. We also work on specific customer

Peter van Burg

requirements on the drawings. Larger projects are handled, drawn up and installed by the project leader. These projects are prepared as much as possible at the sales stage so that the details and customer requirements can be achieved. Through this approach to the project an optimal production time is realized and the customer gets what he expects to get.

Kees Kaan

Kees Kaan, electrical engineer I have been working for Burg Machinefabriek since 2000, and this way I made the big step from hydraulics to electrics. After a project has been developed at the engineering department we take care of the electric controls of the project. We design the control panel and draw up the electrical schemes. When the ordered components are in, we build the control panel. The project is built up in the work place and all electronics are fitted and tested by our department.

Jaap de Pater

One of the new developments is that we have the option to take over the control and operation from the customer at a distance. If there’s a problem we can assist the customer in solving this problem remotely. We make fantastic machines! The new building has greatly improved the working conditions. We have a lot more space and can set up and test the machines much better.

Jaap de Pater, purchaser I’ve been working at Burg Machinefabriek since 1988. I started on the work floor and have been responsible for purchasing and inventory management since 1997. The company has grown greatly in those years. But one thing has never changed: I enjoy going to work every day. The new building has only strengthened this, because we can work faster and more efficiently.



Adriaan Nieuwenhuijse, lathe employee I started working for Burg Machinefabriek straight out of school. I’m proud to work with the company and enjoy the variation in the work with the different kinds of machines we make. Also with processing machines we are prepared for the future, recently we added an automatic milling machine. What the future will bring, I do not know, but I believe our ‘hand work’ will still be

Adriaan Nieuwenhuijse

needed as well as all the automation.

Rinus van de Plasse sr, lathe employee I have worked for Burg since 1965. I am the oldest employee with the most years of service. I do my job with pleasure every day. I’ve seen a lot change, in a positive way. My job has been a turner for all these years and I have made many components for the machines. I have always worked with my colleagues and Rinus van de Plasse

bosses as friends.

Johan Sinke water cutting machine employee I have been working for Burg Machinefabriek with great pleasure since 2003. From May 2009 I have been the operator of the water cutting machine. During water cutting, cutting sand is added to the water, which makes it possible to cut pretty much any material: from metal, stainless steel, plastic, glass, rubber and from wood to stone. This has its benefits compared to

Johan Sinke

the regular laser cutters.

Peter Smit workplace chief and service coordinator When I was hired in 1990 I started out as a construction bench fitter. After that I was the service and maintenance mechanic, after which in mid 2011. I succeeded my predecessor who retired, as the workplace chief. As well as this the coordination of serPeter Smit

vice department belonged to my duties. The biggest change has been that the machines are now easier to use, with pretty displays, despite becoming much bigger and much more advanced. At the new location we can, in the coming years really get to work. Fruit and vegetables will keep coming and they have to be processed.


Hans van Burg, spray painter I am a share holder in the company, along with my brothers Arjan and Piet, but I feel most at home in the work place. I’m responsible for spray painting, foreseeing the machines of the Burgh colour, or the colour the customer wants. At our previous location in Oostdijk we also had a paint department, but we can operate continuously now with the current transit

Hans van Burg

cabin, which has a good rail system. We paint everything ourselves, if the size of the machine allows it. I have been a part of our family company since 1990. The biggest change has to have been to move to Kruiningen.

Erik Wagenaar, electrical engineer As an electrical engineer I have a varied job, ranging from design and implementation to testing of control cabinets. The wiring of machines and testing of

Erik Wagenaar

PLC programs is also in my job description. Part of the work consists of providing service to customers at home and abroad, both by telephone and on-site by the customer. It’s always a challenge to help the customer as quickly and effectively as possible!

Hans van Beek, service technician I have been working at Burg Machinefabriek as a service technician since 1995. My work involves placing new installations and maintenance of existing equi-

Hans van Beek

pment. As engineers, we are close to the customer, so if there are any questions we immediately try to answer them. My goal is reached when our customers are satisfied. As engineers, we get a lot of freedom in our work, and thus responsibility. For me this means a great job. We are provided with good tools and a good service van and that gives job satisfaction!

Service team: Lennart v.d Schelde, Marnix van Burg, Leo Verschuure, Hans van Beek, Arjan Bal and Chris Koopman



Jan Willem Pieper, TSG:

“Our bond is deeper than a suppliers relationship”

Techno Service ‘s-Gravenpolder Ltd (TSG) was founded in 1979 and is specialised in industrial automation and control technology for, among others, the fruit and vegetable sector. For Jan Willem Pieper of TSG, Burg Machinefabriek is

“The start of our collaboration was also the beginning

control of the these systems at a distance for service

a familiar company. He has been working there for

of Burg Machinefabriek’s period in which they started

purposes. We came up with a solution for this.”

four and a half years after all. The manager of TSG

to automatize and use the first PLC-techniques. This

has been supplying the machine factory with soft-

took flight. Now Burg Machinefabriek makes a large

Jan Willem is confident about the collaboration with

ware and control panels for years now. “But our rela-

amount of machines on a yearly basis, and they are

Burg Machinefabriek in the future. “Despite the com-

tionship is more than that of an average supplier. We

now almost all PLC controlled,” says the manager of

pany outgrowing the national level, they’re not sin-

know each other through and through and regularly

TSG. “The electro department at Burg has now consi-

king to a lumbering, bureaucratic firm. For Burg it’s

consult, when there are questions or when new plans

derably grown and therefore they now do more them-

a question of staying sober and doing what needs to

have to be made.”

selves that when they started. We now mainly develop

be done. They make sure problems are solved and are

software, but whenever we’re needed, we make a con-

constantly innovating. All I want to say is stick to this!

trol panel or lead a complete project.”

They are real pioneers and with the customisation in

“Burg Machinefabriek and TSG have been working together since 1997. I had just left school back then,

the area of control techniques that we’re used to sup-

and wanted to work with a different employer than

“From the local supplier Burg Machinefabriek was in

my father, who founded TSG. Burg had a vacancy for

the past, the company has grown to an international

an electrician, and that’s how I started out there. At

player in the fruit and vegetable branch. We love to

the same time Arjan van Burg was looking for a new

help with this, because as TSG we also have years

‘home installer’. When I was hired he was just con-

of experience with international projects in the fruit

tacting my father to buy software from home. This

and vegetable sector. For instance, we recently hel-

happened at the same time without our knowledge,”

ped Burg think about control of complete new lines

reminisces Jan Willem.

abroad. On of Burg’s wishes was to be able to take


plying, I could see us realising great project together.”






Sjaak Wagenaar, Vogelaar Vredehof

“Burg thinks with you” Vogelaar Vredehof & Burg

Vogelaar Vredehof is a trading and packaging compa-

Van Damme & Burg

ny with a strong specialisation in top fruit. Large volu-

• Portalunloader apples and pears • Waterpurification • Packaging machinery

mes of fruit are treated and distributed all year round.

• • • •

The main location in Krabbendijke is in the middle the

Portalunloader apples and pears Binlayer extractor Presorting-line Packaging machinery

Zuid-Bevelands fruit area, close to the roots of Burg Machinefabriek. “We have been Burg’s customer for years, about 25 I think,” says Sjaak Wagenaar. “Burg started supplying box tipplers and we now have three water dumpers, which they supplied complete with supply and drainage, and dryers to the sorting machine. They also don’t shy away from special construction. The men know where the obstacles are, and what to look out

Rogier van Damme, fruit growing company Van Damme

“We like to test the machines on our company” The firm Van Damme from Nisse grows apples and

Therefore, Burg developed a bag machine and we

pears on around 50 hectares. Besides cultivation, the

now have four of them running. In the testing phase

daily production process also contains picking, coo-

of machines, Burg often asks us for a favour. We love

ling, and sorting and packing. The Van Damme bro-

helping with this, because we only benefit from ma-

thers were born among the orchard tress and the Burg

chines we enjoy, and if its good we save money.”

for. They stand their ground and have a lot of good ideas. Of course, this is how they grow as a company.” “Burg’s service is excellent and of course, it’s a huge benefit for us that they are so close, because they can be at the location as soon as possible. We might go to them for new machines more often,” concludes Sjaak.


firm has known the fruit cultivation for years. “We used to have a Burg tilter and a lifting frame,” reminis-

Rogier praises the long collaboration. “The lines to the

ces Rogier van Damme.

boys are short. You give them a problem and they get going straight away. I once jokingly said they didn’t

At the moment the fruit grower has dry as well as wet

have to show their faces at the company until they

fillers, an emptier and dryer, all from Burg Machinefa-

had developed a peel catcher. Although they wonde-

briek. “We often tell Burg our problems, and the boys

red whether there was a demand for it at first, they

there get thinking and come up with a design. We fill

developed one anyway and we loved the prototype

a lot of bags of Conference pear with 5, 6 or 8 pieces.

straight away. Now we never have to worry about the

We used to do this by hand, but found it astonishing

bottom skins.

that we still had to put pears in bags by hand in 2012.



Georges Moret et fils& Burg • Portalunloader apples and pears • Presorting-line • Short bufferchannels

Bênoit Moret, Georges Moret et fils Realized projects in the fruit industry

“Very compact combined pre-sorting line with short water channels” Georges Moret et fils is a fruit cultivation company

with the existing installation, we decided to work with

located in Martigny, in the south of Switzerland. The

Greefa and Burg Machinefabriek again. We now own

town is close to the large St-Bernard pass into Italy.

an ultramodern 4-railed Greefa with IQS3 quality sor-

The company has 52 hectares of fruit cultivation of

ting for apples and pears. It’s a combined machine

which they personally own 30 ha. This year Moret’s

with ten short water channels as pre-sorting part and

production is 1,400 tonne of apples, 315 tonnes of

six exits to packaging sets. The underwater drainage is

pears, 200 tonnes of apricots, 25 tonnes of plums, 19

completely automatized and a box washer completes

tonnes of strawberries and 4 tonnes of raspberries.

the installation,” says Bênoit Moret.

Bênoit Moret, financial manager of the company, says

“Thanks to this line we can sort around 4.5 tonnes of

that he has had good contact with Burg Machine-

apples an hour. We chose the buffer channels recently

fabriek since 2004. “In that year we bought our third

developed by Burg. Water currents buffer apples un-

Greefa sorting line with Burg peripheral machinery.

der one another and this way we save a lot of space

We did this on the technical advice of Burg-dealer

storing the fruit before and after sorting, and for pac-

Tecfrut SA.

kaging and the packaged product. We are very satis-

“Last year we decided to purchase a newer, much big-

fied with this customised solution!”

ger sorting line and because we were very satisfied


CZAV & Burg • Bin brushingmachine

Leonard Vos, CZAV

“More flexible and clean work with box brushing machine from Burg” CZAV (Coöperatieve Zuidelijke Aan- en Verkoopver-

to the people from Burg Machinefabriek during the

eniging) in Wemeldinge is the agrarian cooperation

biennial fair held on our grounds. We met a few times,

in the south of Holland to which over 3000 active

and they produced a new machine.”

business owner in arable farming, bulb cultivation, livestock and fruit cultivation are connected. At the

The machine brushes the boxes clean with rotating

beginning of 2012 the cooperation came to Burg Ma-

brushes, of which the corner brushes with come up in

chinefabriek for a dry box cleaner.

a platform, make sure the boxes are cleaned right into the corners. The machine can take six boxes at a time.

“We had been working internally on a solution for

“We can now do this work on the side. One forklift

cleaning our grain boxes for years. In the past we

driver can keep track of everything and the boxes are

spent two to three months with forklift driver and

cleaned much faster. This means we’re working more

someone with a hoover, but we wanted a more eco-

flexibly and cleaner,” says Leonard enthusiastically.

nomic and ergonomic solution,” says Leonard Vos. “There were no existing machines available, so I spoke






Jonika & Burg • Dosing bintipper onions • Filling systems • Palletising with robotics

Realized projects in agriculture

Jaap Nieuwenhuijse, Jonika

“Beautiful small packaging onion line” Jonika is located in Oostdijk, just like Burg Machinefa-

The machine counts and collects the small packages

briek’s last location. The third generation of the Nieu-

of 250 grams to 2kg and puts them in bags, boxes or

wenhuijse family now has control of the onion sorting

EPS-futs and then stacks them on the desired pallet. It

and packaging station, which exports its onions itself

was the first machine that could do this.”

to six different continents. Jonika’s company motto is: Our Onions Make You Smile! Burg Machinefabriek

“We are extremely satisfied with this small packaging

provided a good small packaging line for Jonika’s on-

line,” continues Jaap. “It’s a no-nonsense company. It’s


obviously good for us that they’re close, but you can find Burg’s machines anywhere in the world, just like

“In the past we bought box emptiers from Burg, and

our onions. They supply good, solid machines, which

we always liked them. That’s why we sat down with

are great to use. That’s why we love to do business

them in 2007 to talk about a small packaging line

with them. A deal is a deal!”

for our onions,” says Jaap Nieuwenhuijse.. “The box emptiers, the supply and outlet lines of the small pac-


kaging lines and the palletising robot are all from Burg.


Rainbow & Burg • Dosing bintipper • Binhandling • Dosing transportconveyors

Marcel Kortekaas, Rainbow

“Simplicity attracted us for a box tippler for peppers”

Nedato & Burg • Dosing bintipper • Binhandling • Dosing transportconveyors

Rainbow Kleinpak Ltd is growers union Rainbow from De Lier’s central sorting project. The growers union

Tijmen Reemst, Nedato

consists of 23 members, who account for 110 hectares of high value greenhouse vegetables. Burg Machine-

“Potato friendly box tippler”

fabriek supplied two emptying systems for the two pepper sorting lines. “The first tippler was installed in 2006 and now there’s also one on our British location Thanet Earth, where we use smaller boxes,” says CEO Marcel Kortekaas.

Nedato is an organisation of potato growers from

boxes of potatoes are heavy. Burg was the only one

“Our growers supply the peppers in big bulk boxes

mid and south Holland, located in Oud-Beijerland.

who could supply a box like that.”

and Burg’s tippler systems take care of the supply to

The core activities are processing and packaging con-

the sorter. There may be alternatives on the market,

sumption potatoes and potatoes for the processing

“Two bands pull the potatoes from the box, and this

but the simplicity of this system was what attracted

industry at home and abroad. Nedato consciously

is done neatly. The potatoes don’t fall, they float from

us,” says Marcel. “Those bulk boxes are very heavy and

chose a box emptier line by Burg Machinefabriek in

the box. The line can tip 40 to 45 boxes of 1,100 kilos

that’s why we were looking for a solution like this. All


per hour and we are very happy with it,’ confirms Tij-

our peppers go over this line, so we can’t afford any

men. “Working with the people from Burg also went

standstill.” The Rainow director has nothing but prai-

“Burg Machinefabriek has a lot of experience in emp-

very well. There’s a reason we’ve also purchased a big-

se about the collaboration with the machine builder.

tying boxes of fruit and greenhouse vegetables. The

bag emptier from them.”

“They are honest, helpful people!”

principle is same though,” says company leader Tijmen Reemst of Nedato. “We needed a potato friendly


box tippler, and it needed to be a strong line, because




Fruitgrowing Multihead-weigher Waterunoaders

Portalunloader apples and pears

Tracibility system

Palletising systems





Forklift on tractor



Binlayer extractor

Dosing bintipper

Complete sortinglines Fruitcounter Forklifts


Drying systems

Makro or mini presorting-line with wet binfiller


Realized projects in the fruit industry



Agriculture Robotics

Binfiller Palletising



Dosing bintipper

Portalunloader big bins


Complete full automatic sorting- and packing lines


Food industry Buffering


Dosing bintipper


Post-harvest treatment


Filling Washing

FDA approved


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