INFO Root Vegetables 2017

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Editor: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l. Coordinación: Alicia Namesny / Antonio Delgado / Pere Papasseit Claudia Conesa / Cynthia Namesny / María Rodríguez Realización y Diseño: Hector Carrillo Producción, Distribución y Copyright: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l.

Doctor Manuel Candela 26, 11ª 46021 Valencia - España Tel.: +34-649 48 56 77 /


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General Index

Articles: Growel trial in potato cultivation in Morocco ........................................... 4 Sidi Mohamed Kedir, Agr. Eng. Potato fertilisation – Potassium and Magnesium for high yield and good quality .................................................................. 10 Olivier Goujard (K+S KALI France) / Carlos Bayón (K+S KALI GmbH) Companies ........................................................................................................ 17 News.................................................................................................................... 32 Links .................................................................................................................... 62 Trade fairs and other meeting...................................................................... 66

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Growel trial in potato cultivation in Morocco Sidi Mohamed Kedir, Agr. Eng.

Introduction: I. Importance of potato cultivation in Morocco Potato cultivation dates back to Morocco since the French colonization period (Anonymous, 1991). It currently ranks first among vegetables grown in the country (Skiredj, 2005).

II. Evolution of the surface Currently in Morocco, the area devoted to plant production varies between 180 and 200,000 ha each year, of which between 50 and 60,000 ha are potato, or 25% of the plant area (Lowell, 1999). Table 1. Evolution of the potato surface in Morocco

(Source: MADRPM, DPV/DH, 2007)

III. Potato Production Areas The potato crop is distributed in all regions of Morocco: mountain areas, plains and coastal areas. The distribution of the production by zones of DPA and the surfaces is given in table 2.


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Table 2. Area and production in the main areas: 2005/2006 season

(Source: MADRPM, DPV/DH, 2007)

IV. TYPES OF POTATO CULTIVATION IN MOROCCO IV.1. Early potato or primor IV.2. Semi early potato IV.3. Late potato

Material and Methods The objective of the trial is to compare the production and regularity of the size of plots treated with GROWEL® and untreated controls. GROWEL® will be applied at the dose of 3 kg / ha, making 3 applications distanced 15 days between them, to the 2 varieties existing in the trial: Desiré (to

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the CASEM area) and Red Fantasy (to the FELLAH ATLAS area). I. Experimental Characteristics I.1. Experimental plot The trial was carried out in open field in two plots, with irrigation located in the area of Massa, located in the south of Agadir. The type of soil is of sandy and with an area of two hectares. The cultural precedent was the cultivation of wheat in 2011 and watermelon in 2012. I.2. Irrigation water analysis According to producer Hassan, the electrical conductivity of the irrigation water is of the order of 3 mmhos / cm.

II. Factors studied II.1. Varietal factor The farmer Mr. Hassan chose two varieties: the Desirée variety (of Dutch origin) and the Red Fantasy variety (of German origin). According to Mr. Hassan, the Desirée variety is widely used and appreciated by farmers in the region because of its high productivity. Agronomic characteristics: varieties of high yield and uniform size; the tubers may be irregular in heavy soils under high humidity conditions.

Figure 1. Both varieties, Desiré and Red Fantasy


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III. CULTIVATION MANAGEMENT III.1. Preparation of the soil Ploughed land with a deep work, to later draw the ridges to a meter of distance between them. III.2. Plantation The planting was performed on 02/22/2013 manually at a density of 33,334 plants / ha, with a plant spacing of 30 cm. III.3. Herbicidal treatments A single herbicide treatment was carried out by mixing two active substances: Rimsulfuron at a rate of 60 g / ha and Metribuzin at a rate of 1 kg / ha. III.4. Parameters of evaluation To better understand the response of the potato to the treatments, we monitor the plants during their development cycle. By choosing three plants at random (one plant per treatment) and by experimental unit, they randomly selected the observation areas. See diagram 1. The observations started after the first application and a thorough performance evaluation is performed 15 days before the date of harvest.

Diagram 1: Experimental unit

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III.5. Performance parameters • Number of tubers per plant We chose at random three plants per elemental plot (one plant per treatment), proceeding to count the number of tubers of each plant. • Weight of tubers All tubers of each plant were weighed.


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Data expressed in grams per plant

Extrapolation of production in kilograms per ha

Trial by: Sidi Mohamed Kedir, Agr. Eng.

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Potato fertilisation – Potassium and Magnesium for high yield and good quality Olivier Goujard (K+S KALI France) Carlos Bayón (K+S KALI GmbH)

Yield and quality dictate the profitability of potato production and fertilisation plays a major role in determining these parameters. Therefore, it is vital that fertiliser programmes are optimised. Of all nutrients, it is potassium, which is absorbed by the potato crop in the greatest quantities. At the same time, potatoes are particularly susceptible to magnesium deficiency. Therefore it is essential to include magnesium in a balanced fertiliser programme.

Nutrient Demand of the Potato Crop Fertiliser is applied in order to maintain the fertility of the soil so that its natural yield potential can be protected over the long term. This requires the maintenance of an optimal nutrient content in the soil. Nutrients removed with the harvest have to be replaced through an adequate application of fertiliser. Together with the replacement of removed nutrients adjustments have to be added for site specific losses (for example: leaching or erosion). The total removal of a plant results from the nutrient uptake of the main crop (tubers) and the uptake of harvest residues (leaves, stems and roots). If the harvest residues remain on the field, only the removed nutrients by the main crops have to be replaced. The table below shows the nutrient removals at the average potato yield of 46 t/ha.


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Different requirements on potato quality The desired quality of potato crops depends on the intended use (table, processed, starch or seed potato). For example, processed products such as crisps and chips require a medium starch content, while starch production requires a high starch content. The starch content is less important for cooking potatoes. However here cooking quality of potatoes is very important. This means that potatoes should not disintegrate when cooked and should not discolour. To meet these diverse demands on the quality of potatoes, the selection of suitable varieties as well as adequate fertilisation are important. Potassium is a major determinant of yield and quality. It has a very positive effect on the production, translocation, conversion and storage of carbohydrates through the activation of the plant’s enzyme systems. Potassium regulates the osmotic turgor of the cells and the water balance. Crops grown with adequate K availability use less water per unit weight of plant biomass and are therefore better able to survive periods of drought. Potassium is involved in the activation of the most important metabolic processes and thus has a major influence on tuber quality. Several field trials demonstrated the effect of potassium fertilization on tuber dry matter content as well as starch content. An adequate potassium fertilisation reduces the susceptibility of the tuber to discolouration (internal bruising, black spot, discolouration of the raw tuber and aftercooking discolouration – see photos below) and increases the content of both citric acid and vitamin C. Also, Potassium improves resistance to harvesting/handling damage and storability by allowing tubers to fully mature. The graph below shows a field trial result from Germany. Here, the effect of potassium (SOP) on yield and on the black spot incidence has been proven.

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Securing to meet the plant’s demand for potassium minimises the content of reducing sugars thereby ensuring that tubers are better suited for processing (crisps, chips). Beside Potassium, Nitrogen also has an impact on reducing sugar content but it is reverse to K: the lower N content, the lower reducing sugar content in the tuber. The graph below illustrate the relation between tuber K content and tuber reducing sugar content: the higher K content in tuber, the lower rate of reducing sugar.

Reducing sugar content and colour of fried products are closely connected. This is part of the Maillard reaction while being fried. The higher the reducing sugar content, the browner the color of fried potatoes. (see below)

Effect of various Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K) rates on frying colour of French fries. (GerendĂĄs et al., 2007. J. Plant Nutr 30, 1499-1516)


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Magnesium plays a primary role in photosynthesis, protein synthesis and in the activation of various enzymes. In case of Magnesium deficiency growth is stunted and results in reduced yields and crop quality. A considerable area of potatoes is grown on light soils which are inherently low in magnesium and therefore require Mg fertilisation. On light soils, it is particularly advisable to apply Mg and K fertiliser in spring for agronomic and efficiency reasons. The table below shows the effect of fertilizers on various quality parameters of potato. Potato fertilisation needs to be adjusted to the expected yield and to the intended end-use of the crop.

In potatoes, the main part of potassium and magnesium are stored in the tubers. This is particularly true for potassium : 89% in tubers, 11% in leaves, stems and roots whereas magnesium is shared at 71% in the tubers and 29% in aerial parts. Vascular examinations show that of all the nutrients, magnesium has the greatest influence on an infection by Alternaria. Deficiencies in other nutrients led to the respective deficiency symptoms but only a deficiency in magnesium caused further infections. Only a magnesium deficiency resulted in a huge population of Alternaria on the haulm as showed by the beside picture.

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Several field trials have also demonstrated that a balanced fertilisation in potato helps to strengthen crop resistance to many biotic stresses such as fungi. This is especially true for tuber skin diseases as shown in the next graph: adequate N+P+K and also Mg supply to the crop, reduces the severity damages induced by black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) as well as common scab (Streptomyces scabies).

K fertilizer form Three forms of single Potassium fertilizers are available in the market: the most common one in agriculture is the chloride from (KCl) also called Muriate of Potash (MOP) which contains 60% K2O; Sulphate of potash (SOP – K2SO4) which is almost free of chloride, contains 50% K2O + 45% SO3 ; the third one is Potassium nitrate (NOP - KNO3) which contains 46% K2O additionally with 13.5% N under nitric form. Since potatoes are susceptible to chloride toxicity, SOP and NOP are the preferred potassium fertilizer form. However, for soil application, granular form of SOP is more likely to be used by growers who can then manage nitrogen fertilisation independently of K supply. NOP is more used for fertigation systems thanks to its highly soluble form. In the graph below the effect of different potassium fertilizers on yield and starch content is impressively shown. Independent of the K form which is supplied (either as SOP (K2SO4) or as MOP (KCl)), the yield is increased after fertilization. However, fertilization with KCl reduced the starch content of the potatoes by about 2% finally leading to a starch yield, which was about 1 t ha-1 lower than after SOP fertilization.


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Patentkali (30% K2O, 10% MgO, 42% SO3) is a unique granular fertilizer containing three nutrients potassium, magnesium and sulphur in the sulphate form, which are immediately available to the plant. High pH soils are, in the main, low in magnesium availability and need additional magnesium fertilisation to meet potato crop requirements. Magnesium sulphate, being completely water soluble irrespective of pH, is therefore ideal in high pH soils. Patentkali is the K-Mg reference fertilizer for potato growers, with its 3 for 1 K/Mg ratio which is particularly adapted to potato requirements. The graph below illustrate the results obtained in United Kingdom with Patentkali compared to SOP at the same K2O dose: the additional Mg and S supply through Patentkali promotes higher yield (and quality).

For more information on Potato fertilization:

Olivier Goujard (K+S KALI France) / Carlos Bayรณn (K+S KALI GmbH)

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Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. ................................................................................ 18 Agrosta ............................................................................................................... 28 Daype 98 s.l. ...................................................................................................... 20 Fam n.v. .............................................................................................................. 22 Tomra Sorting Solutions ............................................................................... 24 Visar Europe ...................................................................................................... 30 Wyma Engineering (NZ) Ltd. ........................................................................ 26 Urschel International Ltd. ............................................................................. 29

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Agricoat AGRICOAT NATURESEAL Ltd., manufactures specialty products for processors, grocery / detail, and foodservice, counting also with Kosher certified formulations. Natureseal is a line of products that keep cut produce fresh. All the products are allergen and sulfite-free. Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. is part of the Mantrose-Bradshaw-Zinsser Group (MBZ). Mantrose (UK) is the British based subsidiary of the American MBZ Group. MBZ have over 100 years of experience in formulating natural, edible coatings and specialty films for a variety of aesthetic and functional benefits for fruits, nuts, confectionary, baked goods, and other food products. Freshseel, specialty coatings for the postharvest protection of melons. Semperfresh, sucrose ester based fruit coating for the post harvest protection of fruits and vegetables during packing, storage, shipping, and marketing. Specialty coatings for the post harvest protection of melons, fruit and vegetables. In addition, Natureseal FS has been added to this range of products as a result of the demand of processors after a chlorine free product for washing the produce before cutting. FS is a blend of different acids that could be used to substitute traditional chlorine wash while processing fruit and vegetables. Its sulfite-free (GRAS) ingredients continue to be recognized for meeting the industry’s highest standards for quality, performance, consistency and functionality. Agricoat has made a long term commitment to superior research and development, quality control and good manufacturing practices.

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL LTD. 7B Northfield Farm - Great Shefford RG17 7BY BERKSHIRE - UNITED KINGDOM Ph.: +44-(0)1488-648988 Fax: +44-(0)1488-648890


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Daype 98 At DAYPE 98 SL we produce products for the agricultural sector as the spare parts for the leek and tender onions washing machines, which we have already sold in some countries of Europe and Mexico. We also make plastic boxes for strawberries and cherries, which have the advantage of being able to use them more often. We have been dedicated to plastic injection since 1998 and continue to manufacture plastic products for sectors such as agriculture, poultry, industry, construction, home, decoration, and so on. We also dedicate ourselves to the molding (molding of steel molds to shape the pieces of plastic), among which we highlight the mold we made for the vegetable boxes of Mercadona supermarkets.

DAYPE 98 S.L. Pol. Ind. Castilla 46380 CHESTE (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-962 512 096 Fax: +34-962 514 016


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FAM N.V. Neerveld 2 2550 KONTICH - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-(0)3-450 92 20 / Fax: +32-(0)3-450 92 50

FAM - European Market Leader. Present in the Entire World FAM is the European market leader for industrial food cutting solutions. World-wide, customers in 72 countries use more than 4.500 operational food cutting machines. FAM is known for its customer-oriented philosophy, its many innovative applications and its product quality.

Stumabo - The One-stop-shop for Precision Blades in the Food Processing Industry For more than 65 years, we have been designing, manufacturing and selling industrial precision blades for the food processing industry, covering both food processors and machine manufacturers. With an annual turnover of more than 1.4 million blades, Stumabo is a wellreputed, leading supplier, active worldwide. We are proud to serve both local processors and well-known international customers in 5 continents.

The FAM Tridis™ 240, perfect performance made easy

FAM is proud to present the FAM Tridis™ 240 high capacity dicer – Bringing capacity, efficiency and quality to a new level. The FAM Tridis 240 marks a new generation of tridimensional dicers designed by FAM to excel in the most crucial performance indicators. The FAM Tridis 240 is designed for the very demanding frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. This dicer increases the maximum capacity known in the industry with at least another 10%, while maintaining an excellent cut quality. FAM started working on a new high-capacity tridimensional dicer in close consulta-


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tion with leading companies in the industry. Together with these partners we sought out the key performance indicators in order to provide a better answer to the key issues in the frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. We deducted five areas of importance: capacity, cut quality, hygiene, simplicity and maintenance.

The FAM CentrisÂŽ 315, a brand new centrifugal slicer

The machine is very compact and has the smallest footprint of any industrial centrifugal shredder in the market. A patent pending cutting head technology guarantees a consistent slice and shred thickness throughout the slicing process. The unique design of the cutting head (*) will facilitate change of blades, handling and cleaning. The product can be cut into a variety of shapes. Both slices (flat cut, crinkle cut and V-shaped ) and strips ( Vshaped , oval, julienne and wide ribboncut ) are available on a wide range of products. The machine, its cutting head(s), knives and parts are all offered at a very competitive price.

FAM has developed the innovative FAM CentrisÂŽ 315, a new centrifugal slicer & shredder with a high-quality execution.

The FAM Mantis.2, slice cross cutter with V-belt

A number of new patents and innovations lead to improved ways of centrifugal slicing and shredding.

for spicy potatoes, potatoes in slices, and potatoes in halves. It also realizes straight or wavy cuts.

The capacity of the FAM Mantis.2 varies between 500 and 6000 kg per hour depending on the product and form of feeding. The FAM Mantis.2 is the first cutter with touch screen and PLC, allowing easy storage and retrieval of production data and cutting programs. The FAM Mantis.2 is a cross cutter with Vconveyor belts, highly flexible, hygienic, used to cut a wide range of vegetables and fruits. It cuts any product with a firm texture to 115 mm in diameter, and compressible leafy vegetables to 160 mm in diameter. It also specializes in cutting potatoes

The FAM Mantis.2 has a good reputation for its safe and accurate operation, even in harsh factory conditions, and the hygienic design makes it very suitable for various food sectors.

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TOMRA Sorting Solutions TOMRA SORTING FOOD With more than 5,000 of its systems installed at food growers, packers and processors worldwide, TOMRA Sorting Food is a global market leader. The company provides high-performance optical sorters, peeling and process analytics systems for nuts and seeds, dried fruits, potato products, fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood. Its sorting machines ensure optimal quality and yield, resulting in increased productivity, throughput and an effective use of resources. Its distinct development of advanced technologies supported by excellent customer care to deliver increased yields, improved food safety and enhanced profitability is entirely unified across the company. This proposition sits at the heart of TOMRA Sorting Food and ensures the company continuously improves for the benefit of its customers. “TOMRA Sorting Food offers sorting equipment for a multitude of food applications, from fresh whole products to processed food, from farm to fork.” SENSOR TECHNOLOGY TOMRA Sorting Food’s focus on research and development has enabled it to develop a range of innovative sorting machines which are able to detect and remove the smallest of defects and foreign material from production lines. Its range of sensor-based solutions transforms how the world optimizes its precious resources, allowing for sustainable growth and maximum profit while reducing environmental impact. TOMRA Sorting Food’s machines use a variety of sensors which go far beyond the common use of color cameras. Near Infra-Red (NIR) spectroscopy enables an analysis of the molecular structure of a product whilst x-rays, fluorescent lighting and lasers measure the elemental composition of objects. The internal composition and surface structure of objects can also be analyzed to determine good or bad produce. “TOMRA Sorting Food’s machines are not only the most efficient way to sort products; they are also a smart investment.”

TOMRA SORTING SOLUTIONS Research Park Haasrode 1622, Romeinse Straat 20 3001 Leuven - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-16 396396 Fax: +32-16 396390


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Wyma WYMA designs, manufactures, distributes and services post-harvest vegetable handling equipment and solutions worldwide. When you buy Wyma, you buy proven technical quality as well as a deep understanding of post-harvest handling. From consultation through to design, manufacture, installation and support; you know that with Wyma, you get the benefit of our fresh thinking culture wherever you are in the world.

Whether your pack-house handles, potatoes, carrots, onions or other bulk vegetables, our fresh thinking is always available to help you keep improving the way you handle and process your vegetables.

WYMA ENGINEERING (NZ) LTD. 27 Foremans Road - PO Box 16-707 HORNBY - CHRISTCHURCH - NUEVA ZELANDA Ph.: +64 3 344 6403 Fax: +64 3 344 6407


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AGROSTA SARL 13 Rue du Bastringue 76440 SERQUEUX (FRANCE) Ph. +33-(0)6 89 49 43 40 Today, AGROSTA is the most innovative company in electronics for fruits and food business, and provides reliable instruments worldwide. Our instruments are produced in France, and have all been designed with users, and modified according to their requirements. Each new model is tested directly on several batches of fruits or food in our lab Each device is seriously tested and calibrated before expedition. Every day, we work at improving our instruments, and we propose new generations according to the progress of electronics and computers. The next step for Agrosta is to design instruments dedicated to surgery, medicine and veterinary research - We have started several projects in this field.

AGROSTA® CrispLab is a complete high tech system to evaluate maturity and physical characteristics of crisp fruits and vegetables. Equiped with 2 microprocessors, a colorimeter and a stepper motor, it works connected to a PC thanks to a powerful software compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. It measures the firmness by penetrometry in Grams, Lb or Newtons. The size is measured in motor steps (To be converted to mm or inches) and the color in RGB (Red, Green and Blue on a scale of 250 units). A spring pushes on the fruit / vegetable in order to remove the tip when sensor is going up. You don’t need to keep the sample in hand. The software provides statistics, and you can export data to Excel.


Measures firmness, size and color of crisp produce like onions, carrots, radish, potatoes, ... and much more


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URSCHEL INTERNATIONAL LTD Urschel, headquartered in the U.S.A. is the global leader in food cutting and milling technology. Since 1910, Urschel has been designing and manufacturing precision size reduction equipment including: commercial potato chip slicers, high capacity cheese shredders, dicers for a wide array of fruits and vegetables, high speed french fry cutters, meat dicers, peanut butter manufacturing mills, fish processing equipment, poultry dicers, precision lettuce shredders, crumblers for bakery rework, bulk bread cubers, wet and dry milling equipment for the food and pharmaceutical industries, and a wide array of other cutting applications.

The latest addition to the Urschel line of dicers, the Sprint 2 builds on the technology of the DiversaCut Sprint® Dicer and is inspired by the longstanding Model G. Accepting an infeed product up to 6.5” (165.1 mm) in any dimension, the dicer offers a stainless steel sanitary design throughout with the food zone completely isolated from the mechanical zone. The new Sprint 2 offers an alternative for the Models G, G-A, GK-A, H, or H-A Dicers with increased horsepower and benefits, and is available in two versions – with and without a builtin conveyor.


With over 100 years of experience, Urschel has a global network of experts in services, sales and support to assist you with any cutting application.

Worldwide With a range of over 50 different models of cutting machinery, URSCHEL processing equipment is used by leading manufacturers of food processing in the United States and throughout the world.

Engineered to produce continuous precision slices with extensive detail given to key elements throughout the machine, the efficient E TranSlicer® Cutter represents the smallest footprint in the production-proven TranSlicer series in the Urschel line-up. The E TranSlicer uses interchangeable 20” (508 mm) diameter cutting wheels (MicroSlice®, slicing, shredding, and julienne) to produce a full range of cuts at high capacities. The machine accepts firm infeed products up to 4” (102 mm) and compressible products up to 6” (152 mm).

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Visar ELECTRONIC SORTING SYSTEMS The Visar Sortop is the latest, fully automatic electronic vegetable sorter that can be specified for high quality optical sorting, grading and weighing of carrots and potatoes. The Visar Sortop can sort any batch of carrots or potatoes consistently and efficiently, completely removing the need for manual sorting. With the capability to automatically sort any batch of crop, the Sortop optical sorter offers the highest quality sorting, increasing the percentage of crop sold by up to 5%, without the need for any manual labour. This unique machine can significantly reduce labour costs whilst facilitating increased crop sales. With Visar optical sorters you can rest assured your crop will be sorted with the highest accuracy, so you can concentrate on getting more value from your sorted crop. Offering significant labour savings alongside increased crop revenue, the Sortop could be the best investment you make within your carrot handling facility.

VISAR SORTING La Tuilière 8 1047 Oppens - SUIZA Tel.: +41-(0)21 887 03 01 Fax: +41-(0)21 887 70 30


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News University of Baja California Postharvest Team uses F-750 to perform Onions & Date Fruit models - Felix Instruments ............... 36

Affinity® Dicer - Urschel International ...................................................... 36 Sanitizing treatment + elevated carbon dioxide and reduced oxygen extends till 2 weeks the minimally processed onion shelf life ................................................................................................. 37 Fruitfog-CIPC - Fomesa Fruitech ................................................................. 37 APETIT PLC, Finland, frozen vegetable products, frozen ready meals and ready-to-use fresh vegetables - Tomra Sorting Solutions ........... 37 Nedato, The Netherlands, potatoes across the world - Tomra Sorting Solutions ............................................................................................ 38 Flume Destoner - Wyma ................................................................................ 39 Lutosa Mini Pom’Churros .............................................................................. 39 AK-CC 038 (Sprinter)* - Akira Seeds ........................................................... 39 The FAM Tridis™ 240 - Fam n.v. .................................................................... 40 Home News Europatat Congress 2017 ...................................................... 40 Potato Day ......................................................................................................... 41 Great success at Potato Europe 2016 - Visar Sorting ............................. 41 Tomra launches Tomra 5A ............................................................................. 42


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Book “The potato in Belgium, land of fries” ............................................. 42 Model CCL Lattice. Potato Chip Slicer - Urschel International ............ 43 Four Sortop Potatoes assembled in Luxembourg - Visar Sorting ..... 43 Top Star from Akira Seeds ............................................................................. 43 Ventilation and climate technology for potatoes, onions, fruits & vegetables - Gaugele ....................................................................... 44 Tomra to reveal latest food sorting machine at SIAL 2016 - Tomra ....................................................................................... 44 Sormac will be present in INTERPOM with its new generation of inspection tables - Sormac ...................................................................... 45 New carrot line in Poland tops the bill ...................................................... 45 An agri E-Nose device can detect diseases by smell ............................. 46 Will laser marking replace sticky labels on fruits and vegetables? ... 46 RUCIP 2017 move of RUCIP European Committee secretariat & new rules and practices of the inter-European trade in potatoes ............................................................................................. 47 Global Survey on potato, and other extensive crops, losses .............. 47 Packaging prevents potatoes from going green .................................... 48 Top Spring, super early onion, scallion since the beginning of January and dried onion since early April - Akira Seeds ................. 48 New transparent packaging for potatoes - “grab & go” ........................ 48

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Indian farmers will get top quality of potato seeds .............................. 49 In sweetpotato cv. Covington, ethylene applied post-dormancy inhibited sprout growth as much as continuous ethylene .................. 50 Potato Harvesters Market Witness Double Digit Growth by 2022 ..... 50 AK-0034 (ATILA)*, early onion, excellent for green onion and dried onion - Akira Seeds ..................................................................... 51 Visar optical sorters for carrots and for potatoes: And it works! Visar Sorting ..................................................................................................... 51 Key Technology will be present in Interpom with its new VERYX® .... 51 Intake of fibre has better results than light products ........................... 52 Successful edition of INTERPOM PRIMEURS with 20.000 visitors ...... 52 Hyperspectral imaging, potential to detect contaminants, chemometrics, bacteria ... ............................................................................. 53 “How to reach today’s and tomorrow’s consumer?”, matter of the Freshfel Europe & Europatat first combined annual event ..... 53 Ethylene is a potential sprout inhibitor in sweetpotato ...................... 54 Sensors allow discrimination between soft rot uninfected and diseased tubers ....................................................................................... 54 Strong potential of CIPC vapour in efficiently preventing sprouting - Fomesa Fruitech .................................................. 55 Korean breeder releases purple vegs ........................................................ 55


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The scale P15-126 for onions, potatoes, citrus and exotics Sorma Group .................................................................................................... 56 Nedato, The Netherlands, potatoes across the world - Tomra ............ 56 Ecological, economic and recyclable packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables - Sarco Packaging .............................................................. 57 Pulsed Electric Field for French Fries and Chips: Quantify your benefits with Solidus ............................................................................ 57 Radish Watermelon, originally from Japan, now is grown in Mexico ........................................................................................................... 57 Peeling improves carrot shreds health benefits while preventing discoloration .................................................................................................... 58 Research on electrically-charged solution that kills bacteria ............. 59 Onion, ‌ and other round fruits and vegetables selection Multiscan ........................................................................................................... 59 New ULMA VTC800 VFFS, designed for continuous packing at high production speeds - ULMA............................................................. 60 New onion optical grader for external characteristics and internal defects - Eqraft .......................................................................... 60

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University of Baja California Postharvest Team uses F-750 to perform Onions & Date Fruit models

Affinity® Dicer

Superior sanitation and precision dices at high capacity throughputs

By Margarita García-Guerrero, Undergraduate Student Associate to Dr. Alejandro M. García-López

The new Affinity® Dicer manufactured by URSCHEL was awarded ‘Outstanding Innovation in Cutting Technology’ by Fleischerei Technik at the IFFA international trade fair for processing, packaging, and sales in the meat processing industry.

Dr. Alejandro García from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of Baja California is using the FELIX INSTRUMENTS F-750 Produce Quality Meter on Mexicali onions and date fruit. Accurate, robust NIR models for non-destructive quantification of soluble solids content, dry matter, pH and possibly color in “Rasta” and “Kristal” onions will be developed in 2016 to be applied by growers, plant breeding, sellers and processors. The F-750 is also being used to measure date fruit postharvest quality. It could provide a non-destructive way to quantify moisture, soluble solids content and browning index in “Deglet Nour” and “Medjool” varities. This study will provide predictive models which could be used by growers and retailers to assess date maturity.

The Affinity earned this accolade due to the overall hygienic design, excellent cutting results, and high output capacity. Matters taken into account during the evaluation included quality improvement, cost reduction, sustainability, and effective process design. The Affinity is the largest dicer Urschel manufactures. The dicer has become widely known for superior sanitation and precision dices at high capacity throughputs. Originally designed for the stringent sanitation standards of the cheese and meat sector, the dicer has also found applications in fruits, vegetables, and breads.

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Sanitizing treatment + elevated carbon dioxide and reduced oxygen extends till 2 weeks the minimally processed onion shelf life

to avoid potato sprouting

Source Fresh Plaza

A team of Michigan State University researchers with the School of Packaging, have shown that packaging improvements can enhance the safety and improve the quality of onions. “We focused on ready-to-use onions, which have grown to become one of the five most commonly sold vegetables in the last decade,” said Eva Almenar, who also is an MSU AgBioResearch scientist. “We’ve found a package and sanitizer combination that led to diced onions being acceptable for purchase after two weeks of storage.” Typically, preprepared onions have short shelf lives. Once packaged, they quickly turn color, go soft, lose nutrients and flavor, and become translucent. Microorganisms also thrive as onions decompose, and pathogens, such as salmonella, can cause severe problems. Controlling the package’s atmosphere and sanitizing vegetables are not new techniques. However, finding the optimum combination of existing methods has never been tested.

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Fruitfog-CIPC, by Fomesa Fruitech, is an antigerminant fumigant for treatment of stored potatoes; the active component clorprofam (CIPC). Used for treating potatoes, except seed potatoes, in cold rooms, packinghouses and storage rooms. It avoids the sprouting of potatoes during long conservation. Sold in metal tins of 600, 2400 or 6000 g.

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APETIT PLC, Finland, frozen vege-

table products, frozen ready meals and ready-to-use fresh vegetables Success Story Apetit Plc is a Finnish producer of convenient fresh and frozen vegetable based products that are healthy, tasty and based on locally sourced raw materials such as potatoes, leeks, carrots, peas, swede, parsnips, celery, beetroot, and spinach. Its aim is to become the leading brand in frozen vegetable products, frozen ready meals and ready-to-use fresh vegetables. Petri Pyysalo, technical manager at Apetit

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(picture), says: “Apetit has worked closely with contract growers in the Satakunta region in south-western Finland for more than 60 years. Essentially, good food is made from good ingredients, so the quality of the vegetables we use is the most important factor affecting our product quality.

Nedato, The Netherlands, potatoes across the world

Success Story - A potato stream much cleanear and less damaged with TOMRA´s FPS

For over 50 years, the Nedato cooperative of 500 farmers has been producing quality potatoes to customers across the world.

“As a company, we have become extremely familiar with the local suppliers and growers and sign agreements with around 140 contract growers every year. We also select quality suppliers outside the Satakunta region, from European and international markets, because Finland is situated too northern for farming e.g. corn and peppers. We purchase vegetables from Finnish, European and international suppliers depending on the season”.

GREAT TASTE Petri explains why its vegetables have such a great taste: “Finland is the northernmost agricultural country in the world and this is something that you can taste in our vegetables. “We try to harvest when the vegetables are at their best in order to keep that wonderful taste.

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Nedato evolved and grew against the changing backdrop of the potato industry into a sustainable, customer-focused, innovative and cooperative potato organization worldwide. Today, Nedato is a large sales and packaging organization that annually sells 250,000 tons of potatoes to the processing industry in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, and packs about 100,000 tons in different packages for the home-market and for export. By holding onto a number of important principles, Nedato has been able to continuously grow within the industry and the key to this success is down to the bond between the potato and the grower. Nedato is an innovative organization and this is reflected in the policy of production optimization, corporate philosophy, registration and monitoring of quality data and the deployment of the latest technologies.

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Flume Destoner

Lutosa Mini Pom’Churros

To prevent damage to produce and equipment

The WYMA Flume Destoner removes stones and clods from your vegetables, mainly carrots and potatoes, to prevent damage to equipment and produce further down the processing line. Potatoes, carrots or other fresh vegetables are gently conveyed through water flow. The destoning system comprises a stone chute and a stone elevator. Water is pumped up the stone chute at a controlled flow rate. As the upstream water meets with the incoming produce, stones and mud clods sink down the chute and exit via the stone elevator. Due to its lower density, produce floats over the chute space and progresses towards the out-feed.

The Lutosa Mini Pom’Churros perfectly join the current snacking and tapas trends. The Mini Pom’Churros revisit the traditional sweet Spanish churros, but this time in a salty variant, based on a slightly seasoned mash made from flavourful Bintje potatoes. After the initial crispy bite, you will be melting by the smoothness of the inside. AK-CC 038 (SPRINTER)*

Extra early onion for green onion and dry onion

The flume destoner has a water re-circulation system. Water can be pumped via an existing equipment tank such as a Wyma Vege-Polisher or Barrel Washer, via a separate tank or integrated water tank (custom design). Models with capacities 15 to 35 t/h.

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AK-CC 038 (SPRINTER)* from AKIRA SEEDS, is an extra early onion. It´s 10 days earlier than the Top Spring. (*) Pending record

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The FAM Tridis™ 240

Heavy-duty dicer for high capacity applications

FAM is proud to present the FAM Tridis™ 240 – Bringing capacity, efficiency and quality to a new level. The FAM Tridis 240 marks a new generation of tridimensional dicers designed by FAM to excel in the most crucial performance indicators. The FAM Tridis 240 is designed for the very demanding frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. This dicer increases the maximum capacity known in the industry with at least another 10%, while maintaining an excellent cut quality. FAM started working on a new high-capacity tridimensional dicer in close consultation with leading companies in the industry. Together with these partners we sought out the key performance indicators in order to provide a better answer to the key issues in the frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. We deducted five areas of importance: capacity, cut quality, hygiene, simplicity and maintenance. To improve the cut quality we had to address the product guidance. The geometry of the slicing knife was optimized to produce a cleaner first cut.

Home News Europatat Congress 2017–Registrations open!

Annual Europatat Congress in Antwerp (Belgium) from 15 to 17 June 2017

Belgapom, the Belgian Potato Traders and Processors, and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, are pleased to confirm the dates for the annual Europatat Congress, that this year will take place in Antwerp (Belgium) from 15 to 17 June 2017, at the beautiful Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel, located in the city centre of Antwerp. Under the provocative slogan “Making the European Potato Trade great again! (it’s gonna be huge, it’s gonna be great, it’s true!)”, the Congress will focus on two major current issues for the potato sector: plant, health and trade. Among the keynote speakers are Harry Arijs (European Commission, DG SANTE) and Cedric Porter (World Potato Markets) who will talk about the new European plant health Directive and the Brexit effect on trade respectively, and its impact on the potato sector. Further speakers will be announced soon. Romain Cools, Secretary General of Belgapom, stated: “We are delighted to be part of the organisation for the 2017 Europatat Congress that will be held in Antwerp, this major port city on Belgium’s River Scheldt, at the heart of European trade.

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Potato Day

Great success at Potato Europe 2016

Huge number of visitors for our dynamic installation!

Border Organic Gardeners Potato Day and Green Fair is one of the biggest potato days in the UK and very possibly the oldest one still running every year. Even better, it is one of the cheapest too! This year’s Potato Day is on 5th March. We open the doors at Springwood Park, Kelso at 11am and start wrapping up at 3pm.

What is Potato Day? First a bit of history. A little over 20 or so years ago, as part of the HDRA’s (now Garden Organic) commitment to biodiversity, the first Potato Day was held at their base, Ryton Gardens near Coventry. This was the brainchild of Jackie Gear MBE, formerly joint director, with husband Alan of HDRA to provide an opportunity for people to choose from as many varieties as possible when buying their seed potatoes, and be able to buy them in small quantities if they wanted to squeeze several varieties into a small space – seed potatoes being traditionally sold in bags of 30 or more tubers. Several local organic gardening groups including us here at BOG (and latterly allotments, other gardening groups and garden centres) around the country picked up on the idea, with Borders Organic Gardeners being one of the first. BOG’s potato day remains one of the largest and busiest in the country.

VISAR SORTING was able to show its machine to a wide public in conditions close to production in Potato Europe 2016, the international event dedicated to potatoes that takes place each year in one of the event’s four partner countries (Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands). With more than 10,000 visitors, this experience went very well and Visar thanks you if you came to see its installation. The interest for the sorting of unwashed potatoes is real, especially among plant producers. With this asset, the Sortop Potatoes gets even more performant!

About Visar Sorting The Visar Sortop is the latest, fully automatic electronic vegetable sorter that can be specified for high quality optical sorting, grading and weighing of carrots and potatoes. The Visar Sortop can sort any batch of carrots or potatoes consistently and efficiently, completely removing the need for manual sorting.

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Tomra launches Tomra 5A

Book “The potato in Belgium, land of fries”

For the potato processing industry at Pack Expo 2016

33% discount on Interpom

TOMRA Sorting Food is set to launch the TOMRA 5A at Pack Expo 2016 in Chicago, November 6-9. Processors can visit booth E 7335 (Upper Lakeside Center) to learn more about the brand-new sorting machine and witness it first-hand.

Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processig industry, and the editor Canalazzo, have jointly edited the wonderful book ‘The potato in Belgium, land of fries’.

The TOMRA 5A, a state-of-the-art machine for the potato processing business, supports processors by combining a straightforward and brand-new graphical user interface with stable sorting performance, while increasing the level of food safety and quality with minimal product waste. With food safety and quality being a top priority for consumers and processors alike, this innovative machine goes the extra mile to achieve optimum performance with the new peel control module, an extra add-on system. The TOMRA 5A also boasts the industry’s highest sort capacity, namely 55 tons of potatoes an hour, which is a very high capacity combined with a small footprint. The peel control module, which can connect to multiple sorting machines, takes potato data from the TOMRA 5A sorter for dependable measurements of the peel removal levels.

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This book gives an overview of the history of the potato in Belgium, from the Inca period in Peru over the Belgian ‘frites shop’ culture and the Belgian top restaurants and their chefs, till the worldwide export of frozen potato products and the future plans of this dynamic sector. The book offers a view over the complete potato chain. The Belgian Queen Mathilde has received the first issue of this book during her visit of the World Expo in Milano, where the Belgian fries sector is present in the Belgian pavillon with a very successful fries shop and the new campaign with “James Bint”. The book is one to read and to look at, with wonderful illustrations and numerous testymonies from several angles and is available in Dutch, French and English. This book has its place in the library of every potato professional and/or lover.

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Model CCL Lattice

Potato Chip Slicer

The Model CCL slicer designed by URSCHEL produces lattice cuts of varying thickness. Both sides of the slice have crinkles, with the crinkles on each side of the slice running approximately 90° to each other. Uses involve lattice potato chips and thicker potato waffle fries. Lattice slicing is a unique application. Proper feeding of the machine is necessary to ensure continuous production. Tempered high quality oval or flat shaped potatoes measuring between 2 – 4 inches (51 – 102 mm) are best-suited. Note: The Model CC Slicer can be converted to a Model CCL Lattice Slicer by purchasing the recommended set of parts. Contact your local Urschel representative for more information.

Four Sortop Potatoes assembled in Luxembourg

10 t/h of unwashed potato plants in Luxembourg

VISAR SORTING is currently assembling the first sorting line for unwashed potato plants in Luxembourg, in the cooperative Synplants, with our partner Netagco. The start up is planned for the end of September and the capacity will be 10 tons/hour.

About Visar Sorting The Visar Sortop is the latest, fully automatic electronic vegetable sorter that can be specified for high quality optical sorting, grading and weighing of carrots and potatoes. The Visar Sortop can sort any batch of carrots or potatoes consistently and efficiently, completely removing the need for manual sorting.

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Machine Specs.: - Length: 48.03” (1220 mm) - Width: 35.26” (896 mm) - Height: 32.68” (830 mm) - Net Weight: 540 lb (245 kg) - Motor: 2 or 5 HP (1.5 or 3.7 kW)

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Top Star from Akira Seeds

Short day onion, precocious and with bulbs of very good quality, double use Top Star, from AKIRA SEEDS, is a variety of onion short day, which stands out for its precocity and quality of bulbs. The bulbs are rounded, white at the beginning and yellow straw at maturity. Solid and compact bulbs. It perfectly allows its

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double use as a sweet and as a dry onion.

The recommended planting dates range from mid-August to mid-late September, in areas with good temperatures. Its dry harvesting takes place from midApril to early May, according to growing areas. Its collection for green onion can be started at the beginning of February. Top Star has a good behavior against the rise to flower and is tolerant to root rot.

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and climate technology. The innovative solutions for the storage and processing of potatoes, onions, carrots, other vegetables, and fruits, are used worldwide. Main focus is to provide optimal storage climate for the products to be stored. Gaugele offers sophisticated concepts for any type of warehouse, including: - customised ventilation, - cooling and control systems, - adjusted sorting and conveyor systems for all types of storage (bulk, boxes).

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Tomra to reveal latest food sorting machine at SIAL 2016

State-of-the-art sorter for the vegetable, fresh cut and potato processing industries

Ventilation and climate technology for potatoes, onions, fruits & vegetables

Gaugele, innovative solutions for storage and processing for the best growers worldwide

TOMRA SORTING FOOD will unveil the TOMRA 5B, its new state-of-the-art sorter for the vegetable, fresh cut and potato processing industries, at SIAL 2016 in Paris, October 16-20.

For more than 50 years, GAUGELE has been the specialist for professional agricultural


Processors who visit TOMRA at Booth 7 E 282 will discover more about the company’s latest addition to its family of food sorters. The innovative machine is a highly effi-

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cient, intuitive sorting solution that has been designed to improve yields and product quality, with minimal product waste and maximum uptime. These benefits are made possible via three integral features, namely the delivery of optimum performance, improved ease of use and enhanced hygienic design. To achieve optimum performance, the sorter combines TOMRA’s smart surround view technology with a 360-degree inspection. The technology features high resolution cameras, as well as high intensity LEDs for improved light intensity for optimal product appearance. These features reduce false rejection rates and improve product quality by identifying each object,...

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Sormac will be present in Interpom with its new generation of inspection tables

Sormac will be present this year in Interpom; the 18th European indoor trade event for the potato, fuit and vegetable sector, from growing to precessing and marketing. The fair will be carried out from the 27th until the 29th November. The company which leads in technology, will show their new roller inspection table, trying to demonstrate how small details make a big difference.

New carrot line in Poland tops the bill

As part of an ongoing commitment to the export vegetable market, Tong Engineering has completed another large-scale carrot handling facility, capable of handling 40 tonnes of crop per hour, for Polish fruit and vegetable producer, Polfarm. The custom built stainless steel washing, grading and processing line incorporates some of the largest washing and cooling equipment manufactured by Tong Engineering, including a 12.5 metre long, 15000kg capacity wet hopper which offers effective presoaking of carrots prior to washing. At the infeed of the new carrot line, a high capacity Tong Storemaker hopper-cleaning system with Tong’s market leading EasyClean separator, offers bulk unloading of the company’s carrot crop, and effective removal of soil and haulm from carrots prior to the washing process. The carrot washing line begins with a 40 ton per hour cyclone destoner followed by the large presoak tank which feeds two 5m long stainless steel barrel washers, four polishers and a large Hydro-Cooler which cools crop for increased longevity and shelf-life. Carrots are graded by diameter by a series of Tong’s lift roller graders, and also by length with a number of vibrating length graders, before they are transferred for packing.

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An agri E-Nose device can detect diseases by smell

Will laser marking replace sticky labels on fruits and vegetables?

A new electronic bloodhound capable of sniffing out plant disease will shortly be available for use across the agricultural industry

Food retailers aiming to cut plastic packaging by ditching stickers on fruits and vegetables, instead using hi-tech ‘natural branding’

Dubbed an E-Nose, the equipment has been developed by engineers and scientists to detect crop pathogens by smell weeks before any infection becomes outwardly apparent or evident on any visual basis.

The humble fruit sticker may seem an unlikely cause for environmental concern but removing it from produce could create huge savings in plastic, energy and CO2 emissions.

“It’s an amazing tool for early detection,” commented Kit Franklin, a lecturer of agricultural engineering at Harper Adams University. Mr Franklin revealed the technological advance during a discussion on the latest sensors, robotics and automation at the SRUC and AHDB’s joint Agronomy 2017 (Scotland) forum, staged at Perth Racecourse this week. He said E-Noses will potentially be able to give arable farmers as much as a two-week head start when it comes to controlling a wide variety of plant diseases – from fungi to oomycetes, bacteria, viruses and nematodes.

In response to consumer demand for less packaging, Dutch fruit and veg supplier Nature & More and Swedish supermarket ICA have joined forces to run a trial to replace sticky labels on organic avocados and sweet potatoes with a laser mark. M&S are also using it on coconuts in the UK. Dubbed “natural branding”, the technique uses a strong light to remove pigment from the skin of produce. The mark is invisible once skin is removed and doesn’t affect shelf life or eating quality. “By using natural branding on all the organic avocados we would sell in one year we will save 200km (135 miles) of plastic 30cm wide. It’s small but I think it adds up,” says Peter Hagg, ICA business unit manager.

“The equipment can effectively smell disease long before any human is able to see it coming,” commented Mr Franklin.

The laser technology also creates less than 1% of the carbon emissions needed to produce a sticker of similar size.

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RUCIP 2017 move of RUCIP European Committee secretariat & new rules and practices of the interEuropean trade in potatoes

On the 1st of January 2017 the RUCIP European Committee secretariat will be effectively transferred from Paris to Brussels. From the same date a new set of Rules and Practices of the Inter-European Trade in Potatoes (RUCIP) will also start to apply. The RUCIP European Committee, composed of the European associations Europatat (Potato Trade), EUPPA (Potato Processing) and Intercoop Europe (Cooperatives), has validated in November 2016 the new version, more commonly known as “RUCIP 2017�. For all disputes on contracts signed after the 1st of January only the RUCIP 2017 version will apply. The first European rules were established as early as 1956 through the efforts of the European Union for the Wholesale Trade in Potatoes, in defining professional practices and setting up a simple and efficient procedure for expert assessments and arbitrations. RUCIP has been amended several times since then, in 1972, 1986, 1993, 2000, and 2006. A profound revision was made and came into force on 1 March 2012. The modifications contained in the new RUCIP 2017 version focus strictly on the transfer of the European secretariat to Brussels and on the possibility to create European lists of Experts and Arbitrators for the countries that do not have a National RUCIP secretariat. Both the transfer of the secretariat and the new rules will become effective on 1 January 2017.

Global Survey on potato, and other extensive crops, losses

By members of the ISPP

The Crop Loss Subject Matter Committee of the International Society of Plant Pathology, ISPP, started a Global Survey on Crop Losses, and invites to participate through the following message: We are very pleased to report to you that this effort is encountering a very clear success, with about 450 responses from more than 80 contributing colleagues from all over the world. Turn-out from Brazil, the USA, Australia, or South Africa, for example, is quite impressive. We want to already thank all the colleagues who have contributed. The reach of the survey however intends to be global. Any additional responses, from anywhere in the world, will help generating a better overall image of the importance of diseases and pests on five major world crops: wheat, rice, soybean, maize, and potato. More inputs, especially from key agricultural countries in the world such as China, India, and Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole, would be most useful. If you have not yet contributed to this global effort, we would be very glad if you would consider doing so. The questionnaire developed for this survey has been devised to be simple and flexible, so that you would need as little of your time to provide inputs.

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Packaging prevents potatoes from going green

Top Spring, super early onion, scallion since the beginning of January and dried onion since early April

In a move to “Save Our Spuds”, Sainsbury’s has launched new packaging which will prevent potatoes from going green. The supermarket said its newly developed packaging will prevent potatoes from going green and developing a bitter taste. Designed to be 100% opaque – whilst still breathable – the new packaging prevents any light from reaching the produce, the most common culprit for “greening”.

Top Spring, from AKIRA SEEDS, is a variety of onion of short day, which stands out for its extraordinary precocity. It is one of the earliest varieties on the market.

The green discolouration develops thanks to a build-up of solanine, a naturally occurring chemical which is triggered by too much light. Not only can it produce a green affect, but also bitterness, contributing to 5.8 million of veggies being destined for the bin each day.

Its recommended planting date is from the second decade of August to the beginning of September, depending on growing areas.

The humble potato remains a staple for the British menu. Indeed, to meet the popular demand, British farmers produced over 5.4 million tonnes of the vegetable last year alone . But the UK’s love for potatoes also means that they are the most commonly wasted vegetable, with an estimated 730,000 tonnes binned by British households each year, according to WRAP.

The bulbs are rounded and very homogeneous. With a white color in its beginning and attractive straw yellow in its maturity.

Its dry harvest begins in the first days of the month of April, prolonging in this month. For scallion the collection can begin in the first dates of January.

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New transparent packaging for potatoes - “grab & go”

Jane Skelton, Head of Packaging for Sainsbury’s said: “Exposure to sunlight means many of our spuds never make it to the table.

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“The trend for smaller packaging has been happening for a while. We always want to

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help our customers find new solutions. In order to catch the eye and be distinctive in this specific segment on the potato shelves, the choice was made to use an upright bag this time. This is being used more and more often within the fresh produce sector,” says Peter van Steenkiste from WARNEZ. “As pioneers in the segment of small potato packaging, we recently introduced this new packaging.” Van Steenkiste emphasises that the upright bag for potatoes is new on the Belgian potato market. “We saw this kind of packaging at the Fruit Logistica several years ago and we also regularly saw this upright bag via photo reports on But it is still relatively unknown on the potato market. That is why we introduced this new packaging in consultation with a retailer. The upright bag concerned is partially transparent and holds one kilogram of potatoes.” Van Steenkiste explains that this packaging offers many advantages, both for consumers and retailers. “The bags are part of the ‘grab & go’ category: they have been shaped in such a way that they can be placed upright, and the handle invites shoppers to pick up the bags. In principle, the bags can also be hung up on shelves or in displays. The bags are very firm, which means they will practically never break in shops. The user-friendly packaging can also be resealed.” According to Van Steenkiste, the visibility of the product can also be played with very well. “It is a flexible packaging with variations, such as perforations, the colouring of transparent areas, or the building in of filters for optimum shelf life. The clearness of the print on this type of film is ideal for us.

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Indian farmers will get top quality of potato seeds

Mahindra HZPC Aeroponics Facility

MHZPC, a 60:40 JV of Mahindra Agri Solutions Limited (MASL) and HZPC, today inaugurated its modern and state-of-the-art Aeroponic facility in Mohali. The facility was inaugurated by Alphonsus Stoelinga, the Honourable Ambassador of the Netherlands in the presence of Ashok Sharma, MD & CEO-MASL and Gerard Backx, CEO HZPC Holding B.V. The new facility will produce the best of its kind potato seeds by using an innovative process and latest technology. This will translate into the best quality potatoes for the Indian consumer. Speaking on the inauguration of the facility, Ashok Sharma, MD & CEO- Mahindra Agri Solutions Ltd. said: “As pioneers of farming technology in India, Mahindra is committed towards building disruptive innovations that bring significant benefits for our farmer community as well as end consumers.” “Aeroponics is one such example – it will drastically change the landscape of agriculture by providing world class seeds to our farmers ...

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In sweetpotato cv. Covington, ethylene applied post-dormancy inhibited sprout growth as much as continuous ethylene

Robert S. Amoah et al., Postharvest Biology and Technology

Potato Harvesters Market Witness Double Digit Growth by 2022

Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2016 - 2022

The potato harvesters market is expected to see a double digit year on year growth globally in the next six years. The effects of continuous supplemental ethylene (10 ¾L L-1) timing on the physiology and biochemistry of sweetpotato roots during storage at 25 °C were examined. Alongside continuous ethylene or air treatments, a subset of the roots were transferred at dormancy break, from those previously stored in ethylene into air and vice-versa. The study showed distinctive ethylene-induced effects on the metabolism of individual sugars, phenolic compounds and phytohormones (abscisic acid and zeatin riboside) across the spatial gradient of the root flesh and skin tissues. Although ethylene flushing doubled root respiration, sprout growth was significantly suppressed.

This is particularly due to increasing production of potatoes and organic foods globally. In addition, farmers in India and China are rapidly shifting towards modern farming methods. All these factors represent a positive outlook for potato harvesters and related equipment manufacturers and suppliers. This research study on the Potato Harvester Market highlights key trends in the global industry. The study determines key influencing and inhibiting factors related to potato harvesters industry. The report also includes market trends in the global as well as regional potato harvester industry market. This report provides exhaustive information of new product development, technology, pricing and demand-supply trends in the regional markets.

Supplementation of roots with ethylene after dormancy break effectively inhibited sprout growth as much as continuous ethylene alone.

The study also provides high level analysis such as PESTEL analysis, competitive analysis and key opportunity analysis to highlight key investment areas in the global market.

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AK-0034 (ATILA)*

Early onion, excellent for green onion and dried onion

Fruitlogistica with a demo machine on the stand in hall 4.1. Don’t miss it! Sortop Potatoes and Sortop Carrots allow a 360º vision, from all angles; it count on 6 outputs, allowing more grading posibilities. The 3 quality levels sorting posibilities allow to sell carrots and potatoes at their correct price.

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Key Technology will be present in Interpom with its new VERYX®

AK-0034 (ATILA)*, by AKIRA SEEDS, is an early onion, one month later than Top Star. It is excellent for green onion and dry, with bulbs of great caliber (*) Pending register

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Visar optical sorters for carrots and for potatoes: And it works!

Visar Sorting is the swiss manufacturer of the optical sorter: Sortop Carrots and Sortop Potatoes

The system is fully automatic and allows to sort, weigh and grad any batchs of carrot and potato with the best efficiency on the market. It has already been proven in many countries such as Germany, France, Canada, Finland and more and is currently creating a buzz with more and more of producers. As past years Visar will be present at

Key Technology introduces its VERYX® beltfed digital sorters to the European food processing industry at Interpom. Like the chute-fed VERYX sorters introduced in 2015, the new belt-fed VERYX sorters set new standards of performance. With a highly innovative mechanical architecture, sustainable all-sided surface inspection, multi-sensor Pixel Fusion™, the highest resolution cameras and laser sensors available on a digital sorter and extreme ease-ofuse, VERYX maximizes foreign material (FM) and defect detection and removal while virtually eliminating false rejects. As the world’s most intelligent sorter, VERYX improves product quality, increases yields and reduces the need for labor.

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Intake of fibre has better results than light products

Food with plenty of fibre creates a more satiated feeling than food with little fibre. This applies even when the food contains fewer calories. This emerged from a study using dairy-based drinks containing 100 or 500 calories, both coming in a thin and a thick, high-fibre variant. It turned out that test subjects felt fuller 40 minutes after drinking the thick milkshake with 100 calories than after the thin shake with 500 calories. This is remarkable because food with fewer calories actually passes through to the large intestine faster. That means than even though thick food with fewer calories goes through the stomach faster, it still creates a fuller feeling. Researchers call this ‘phantom fullness’. The test subjects did not make up for the difference in calories by eating more at their next meal. The study by Wageningen University & Research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The main role of fibre is to give you the feeling of satiety. Fruits and vegetables are the only aliments able to provide you the fibre that your body needs, but not only fibre, also they have many positive features like being rich in water, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants; low calories; etc.

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Successful edition of INTERPOM PRIMEURS with 20.000 visitors

Happy faces all round after the doors closed on INTERPOM | PRIMEURS 2016! The trade fair in Kortrijk Xpo was the prime spot to talk about the past season, which was characterized by extreme weather conditions, to examine hi-tech innovations and keep up with price movements and of course to launch the new season with confidence! Both exhibitors and visitors appreciate the specialized focus of INTERPOM | PRIMEURS, the participation of the whole chain and the professional approach. The theme of the event: ‘Growing through precision technology’ underlined the increasing importance of smart technology in agriculture and this was clearly reflected in the many innovations on show on the stands. This 18th edition of the event once again set a new record with 19 938 visitors from no less than 55 different countries. Interest in INTERPOM PRIMEURS is clearly growing far beyond the Belgian borders! Visitors from 55 countries reinforce the internationalization of the event. We had a full house at INTERPOM PRIMEURS 2016. This year there were 312 exhibitors from 15 countries and 19938 visitors from no less than 55 different countries: 9333 visitors on Sunday, 5632 on Monday and 4973 on the closing day.

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Hyperspectral imaging, potential to detect contaminants, chemometrics, bacteria ...

By Rob Ashwell, Imaging and Machine Vision Europe: June/July 2016

Until relatively recently, hyperspectral imaging was more normally associated with NASA, military or geoscience imaging programmes; however, the technology is now starting to be adopted for agricultural use. For the majority of applications it is still in its infancy, but the technology is already promising impressive results, for aspects such as identifying contamination in food – physical or bacterial – or sorting fruit and vegetables according to ripeness and quality. Hyperspectral imaging, like other spectral imaging, collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. The goal is to obtain the spectrum for each pixel in the image of a scene, with the aim of finding foreign objects or identifying the chemical composition of food. Whereas the human eye sees colour of visible light mostly in three bands – red, green, and blue – spectral imaging divides the spectrum into many more bands. This mode of dividing images into bands can be extended beyond the visible. In hyperspectral imaging, the recorded spectra have fine wavelength resolution and cover a wide range of wavelengths.

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“How to reach today’s and tomorrow’s consumer?”, matter of the Freshfel Europe & Europatat first combined annual event

Consumers more and more connect their purchase decision to the accompanying immaterial values of the product

The first common event of Freshfel Europe & Europatat took place this week: “Doing something good to yourself and to others will be the driver for the purchasing decision of fresh-produce customers”, concluded the associations Freshfel Europe and Europatat celebrated their first-ever combined annual event on 2nd of June 2016 in Brussels. Under the theme “Not business as usual”, following the European Commission’s work plan 2016, the conference hosted speakers from the European policy sphere as well as innovative business pioneers. With over 170 participants from both sectors, the event looked into the upcoming political and business-driven challenges for both industries.

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Ethylene is a potential sprout inhibitor in sweetpotato

P. Pankomera et al., IHC 2014

Sensors allow discrimination between soft rot uninfected and diseased tubers

Massimo F. Rutolo et al., Postharvest Biology and Technology

This study investigated the effects of ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene (1MCP) on sweetpotato storage root quality. Sweetpotato roots of cultivar ‘Owairaka Red’ were cured at 30ºC and 90% relative humidity (RH) for 4 days. Subsamples of roots were treated with 1-MCP (1ppm) for 24 hours. Thereafter, the treated or untreated roots were stored at 25ºC and 85% RH in continuous ethylene (10 ppm) or air for 4 weeks. Ethylene treatment with or without 1-MCP inhibited sprout growth, whereas 1-MCP treatment alone was not different from the control (neither ethylene nor 1-MCP) as sprouting started 1 week after storage in both treatments. Additionally, ethylene treatment increased root respiration rates and weight loss, whilst also leading to formation of callus on root stem ends. Contrary to expectations, ethylene induced responses were not stopped by 1-MCP. The flesh colour of cooked sweetpotatoes was darker in ethylene treated roots than the control or 1-MCP alone.

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Soft rot is a widespread potato tuber disease that causes substantial losses each year to the UK potato industry. In this work, it was explored the possibility for the early detection and monitoring of this disease by means of gas sensing in a laboratory setting. Potato tubers were inoculated with one type of bacterium which can cause soft rot, Pectobacterium carotovorum, and stored in controlled conditions conducive to rapid disease progression. Two time points were selected for sampling; one for pre-symptomatic early disease detection and the other corresponding to when symptoms of infection first become evident. In both cases, results showed discrimination between uninfected and diseased tubers following analysis of 40 potato tuber samples for each of the two time points with a commercial array of 12 MOX sensors (AlphaMOS Fox3000). A subset of sensors has been identified from the original array while retaining the same results.

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Strong potential of CIPC vapour in efficiently preventing sprouting

O. Gouseti et al., Postharvest Biology and Technology

Korean breeder releases purple vegs

Source: HortiBiz

There are tons of Japanese green leafy vegetables for the salad in the world, but there are very limited varieties for different colors. Isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamate (CIPC) is a growth inhibitor typically applied as a hot fog (spherical particles of about 5 μm diameter) on harvested potatoes to prevent sprouting during prolonged storage.

Asia Seed in Korea has bred and released special purple color vegetables for the Japanese green baby-leaf and fresh market. There are about 33 varieties in the Asia Seed breeding program.

Although particularly efficient in sprout control, deposition of solid CIPC particles on the potatoes increases the residue levels of the chemical on the tubers. The potential of CIPC to be used in the vapour phase for efficient sprout control at significantly lower application rates has been evaluated.

Asia Seed breeders are striving to develop darker purple and red color ones for human being’s health. The pigments of plants consist of chrorophyll, carotene, antocyanin, and xanthophyll. Most of special colors, especially carotene & antocyanin, contain a great amount of antioxidants and anti-carcinogens, which helps main functions of the human body.

First, CIPC vapour release rates from different hydrocolloid formulations were evaluated. From the investigated formulations (agar, gellan gum, κ-carrageenan, alginate), 1% gellan gum set with 0.002 M calcium ions appeared to result in the fastest vapour releasing formulation. At industrially relevant storage conditions (8°C, 90% relative humidity) CIPC vapour release was significantly reduced.

According to one of the breeders in Asia Seed, Mr. Yoon Soo Nam, purple varieties will bring an evolved concept to the world vegetable market. Thus, salad and candy are categorized into snack vegetables with the concept “Take-out Purples” like a to-go coffee. Furthermore, Asia Seed has introduced a newly-bred Korean traditional radish, “Sweet baby,” “Bora King,” and “Bora Nam.”

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The scale P15-126 for onions, potatoes, citrus and exotics

Sorma Group will be present in INTERPOM - Stand 695

Nedato evolved and grew against the changing backdrop of the potato industry into a sustainable, customer-focused, innovative and cooperative potato organization worldwide.

The Sorma Group has a wide range of electronic scales in the package. The company will be present in the next INTERPOM Fair (Stand 695) which will be held from the 27th until the 29th November this year. For products such as potatoes, onions, citrus and (hard) exotics there is now a very interesting new option; the scale P15-126. Actually, the P15-126 Sorma scale created from two existing Sorma weighers. The P15-126 scale has 15 large weighing bins, it is possible to work at high speeds, and it may be combined with multiple packaging machines under the weigher. Standard can be met with three or four packing under the weigher. Packaging at 500 g t / m 25 Kg. Nedato, The Netherlands, potatoes across the world

Success Story - A potato stream much cleanear and less damaged with TOMRA´s FPS For over 50 years, the Nedato cooperative of 500 farmers has been producing quality potatoes to customers across the world.


Today, Nedato is a large sales and packaging organization that annually sells 250,000 tons of potatoes to the processing industry in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, and packs about 100,000 tons in different packages for the home-market and for export. By holding onto a number of important principles, Nedato has been able to continuously grow within the industry and the key to this success is down to the bond between the potato and the grower. Nedato is an innovative organization and this is reflected in the policy of production optimization, corporate philosophy, registration and monitoring of quality data and the deployment of the latest technologies. Heero Gramsma, managing director at Nedato, explains: “We are continuously looking into improving the quality of our potatoes and recently felt the time was right to invest in innovative technologies to update our existing grading lines. “It’s a quite simple story. TOMRA Sorting Food is a very wellknown brand to French fries producers.

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Ecological, economic and recyclable packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables

Sarco Packaging presents their environmentally friendly packaging for many different types of fresh produce. The REV packaging is extremely ecological, economic and 100% recyclable. The very strong extruded net is surrounded with a label, so there is plenty of space to show the product characteristics and allows the product to be lifted. This package is specially designed for fruit and vegetables as peach, nectarine, kiwi, tomatoes, pears, carrots, peppers, grapes, citrus, plums, apricots, zucchini and all other products that are packaged in a punnet. The REV Punnet techniques are applied to various sizes and types of packaging. Yet it is possible to use one machine for five completely different types of packaging. The benefits of this packaging are: - No closing clips needed - The color of your product is enhanced by the extruded net - Excellent ventilation through the extrathin, strong net.

Pulsed Electric Field for French Fries and Chips: Quantify your benefits with Solidus

The innovative Dutch company Pulsemaster introduces a surprisingly effective Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) pilot-scale batch unit under the brand name Solidus to determine the effects of PEF on whole potato tubers to make French fries and crisps. New is you avoid tissue damage prior to PEF treatment. For the first time the food and scientific sectors have an instrument to determine the impact of PEF on plant cell viability in intact plant tissues or whole solids, such as large whole potato tubers, prior to installing industrial sized PEF systems. To produce your industrial scale numbers on benefits throughout the whole production of French fries, crisps and specialty potato products or any other raw material such as sweet potatoes, cassava, beetroot and carrots which provides new shapes and product opportunities. Solid plant materials that have been mechanically fragmented prior to PEF treatment, such as plant tissue slices, cylinders, strips, cubes or discs, will have already experienced considerable tissues damage which is likely to impact on the nature of the PEF induced changes. New is this problem is solved by using the Solidus unit. Pulsemaster’s Solidus PEF pilot-scale batch unit allows you to determine the impact of PEF on plant cell viability in intact solid plant tissues or whole organs.

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Radish Watermelon, originally from Japan, now is grown in Mexico

Eugenio A. López Bórquez, of Bórquez Export

Watermelon radish is a product of Asian origin which is consumed in Japan, but is relatively unknown in the rest of the world. It was, until recently, only grown in China, but is now also grown in Mexico. Unique in America The Mexican company Bórquez Export is the only producer and exporter of watermelon radish in the Americas. It also grows Chioggia beets and red carrots known as “Atomic carrots”. “Our main market is Asia, mainly Japan, as they are products of high commercial value, and we have a very large market in Mexico,” explains Eugenio A. Lopez Bórquez, executive director of Bórquez Export. Gourmet product The trader affirms that the Japanese consume this product often and use it for many things, including decoration. It is completely unknown outside of Asia, and even in many parts of the continent itself, because it is a high-end product. The company is seeking new markets for export. “We have been organising promotions in Hong Kong, and next year we will go to Berlin and Moscow. Many Europeans liked it, particularly the Spanish and the Italians,” assures López.

Peeling improves carrot shreds health benefits while preventing discoloration

Carla Alegria et al., Postharvest Biology and Technology, October 2016

In this study we evaluated the effect of abiotic stresses, peeling and shredding, in different carrot tissues as a phenolic synthesis elicitor to improve bioactive quality of shredded carrot as a fresh-cut. The phenolic content (TPC) present in carrot peels (2954 mg kg-1) is up to ~6 times higher than that of inner tissues (762 and 510 mg kg-1 for cortical parenchyma and vascular tissues, respectively). However, the effect of peel removal is mitigated by the respective tissue proportion in the root (~11% for peel and ~89% for inner tissues). Phenolic biosynthesis was verified in all carrot tissues and even when peel was removed, inner tissues were able to significantly accumulate phenolics during low temperature storage (5 °C, 10 d), with increases of 155% (compared to day 0).

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Research on electrically-charged solution that kills bacteria

Onion, … and other round fruits and vegetables selection

UWE Bristol

Raw fruit and vegetables saw their shelf life increase by up to one day in a study which involved produce being sprayed with an electrically-charged solution that kills bacteria responsible for spoilage. Testing carried out in cold storage revealed that use of the novel system, developed at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), had no effect on the taste or appearance of the produce. UWE Bristol’s Professor of Health and Environment, Darren Reynolds, says the technology could be implemented commercially within a year if the food industry is convinced by its benefits. He believes the approach could reduce waste, save millions of pounds and even play a role in helping resolve world hunger. Tomatoes and cucumbers responded particularly well to treatment with the solution, which is produced by passing salty water through an electro-chemical cell. The activated solution, which is inexpensive to make can be created on demand, kills bacteria commonly found on the surface of fresh produce but is harmless to human skin. The recent trials – which involved treating produce post-harvest – also saw carrots, peppers, potatoes and tropical fruit doused in the activated liquid.

Multiscan S80, by MULTISCAN, is the developed to sort fruits and vegetables up to 150 mm in diameter according to color, quality, shape or size. Main features include: - Built in stainless steel and food approved polymeric materials. - Transport over roller belt. - Vision with a high-resolution digital camera. - Flexible platform, able to be adapted to latest technology. - Pneumatic expulsion system with two or three exits. - Adequate for any kind of product (40mm up to 150mm). - Possibility of remote connexion with the Communications Option. - Simple and versatile handling through a tactile screen. - Multiproduct: onions, tomato, oranges, lemon, …

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Designed for continuous packing at high production speeds

New onion optical grader for external characteristics and internal defects

Hygienic design vertical packaging machine (VFFS) with easy change of forming tube. Designed for continuous packing at high production speeds.

The EQRAFT onion optical grader, exhibited for the first time during Fruit Logistica 2017, grades onions at a high capacity, both internally and externally.

ULMA’s new family of vertical machines has been devised with and for customers. The optimised work performance and new features of the machine help to obtain the best production rates with the highest quality container.

It calibrates on size, form, color and weight and on internal defects.

Main features - Hygienic design, prepared for harsh environments and demanding cleaning processes. - Very accessible machine with full visibility. - Possibility of changing format on one side: practical, safe, ergonomic and simple. - Control by 10� industrial PC touch screen: screen integrated features (production data, test screen, machine manuals, videos, driver download...). - Easy to use for the machine operator: simplified daily adjustments without tools. - Low maintenance costs: optimised designed to minimise maintenance costs and with full accessibility for any adjustment or maintenance task.

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The onions are calibrated in 3 stages: The first stage is the internal defect detection with the near infra-red sensor. The near infra-red sensor detects the light spectrum that is transmitted through the onions. Defects not visible on the outside of the onion can be detected in early stages. The next two stages are for the external quality, form, color and size. In between these last two stages the onion is tipped upside / down so that 100% of the surface is visible to the cameras and laser. The optical grader uses state of the art data analysis and image recognition due to the implementation of a neural network. The neural network teaches the machine not only to recognize the data but to understand it as well.

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Links AHDB, to make the potato industry more competitive and sustainable AHDB Potatoes is a division of the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board, and is committed to making the potato industry more competitive and sustainable through factual, evidence-based advice, information and activity.

Dacomex, import & export of onions and vegetables Dacomex is a family-owned and ?run Business which has been growing, processing, and selling onions and potatoes for generations. We began exporting under the Dacomex name in 1961, and through our experience of many years we have grown to be one of the biggest exporters in The Netherlands. Our Green Star Brand is known world-wide for its good quality and its affordable prices.

Dauchy Potatoes is exporting its products to numerous European and African countries Potato wholesaler Dauchy Potatoes from West Flanders has already included the third generation in its activities. The family business is centrally situated between the major suppliers in Belgium and France. Dauchy Potatoes has more than 50 years of experience in the trading of potatoes, onions and carrots. Thanks to this long experience, the company has developed a thorough knowledge and expertise, and knows how to be flexible all the time.

Euro 5, vacuum packed potatoes Vacuum packed potatoes, carrots and sugar beets.

Europatat, European Potato Trada Association Europatat has been established in 1952 and was one of the first European organisations in the agriculture wholesale trade. Initially set up by national organisations to protect the interests of the wholesale potato merchants, its membership is now open to individual companies active in the potato trade.

Imperio Garlic ‘Imperio Garlics’ is a company founded in 1970 by D. Francisco Mira Hernandez, dedicated to the production and marketing of garlic and onions in conventional and organic farming.


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Jaguacy Holland, Fruits & Vegetables Jaguacy Holland sells: Hass and Fuerte avocados, orange, limes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, pineapple, pomegranate and ginger produced in Brazil and other countries and carefully selected according to the most stringent international certifications, such as Globalgap.

Konaxx, onions and potatoes Konaxx Trade BV is a packer, grader and exporter of Dutch Onions, Potatoes, Cabbages, Carrots, Beetroots, Celeriac, Swedes and Leeks. We are located in Sint Jacobiparochie, in the north of The Netherlands. A young and enthusiastic team is ready to serve you as good as possible. Also Beetroots, celeriac, swedes and leeks, carrot, ?

Maine Potatoes are fresh, sustainable, delicious, and nutritious! The Maine Potato industry prides itself on producing a high-quality product, whether that product is potatoes destined for your table, french fries, potato chips, or other processed potatoes. The Maine Quality Trademark is your guarantee that the contents are only the highest quality. In fact, before those potatoes can bear that trademark, they are inspected and pass requirements stricter than the United States Department of Agriculture’s U.S. No. 1 grade. Just look for the red, white and blue State of Maine trademark the next time you’re shopping for potatoes.

Nature Iblea, the best partner for organic Organic producers of fruits (apples, cantaloupe melon, gialletto melon, grapes and oranges) and vegetables (artichoke, asparagus, butternut squash, carrots, cherry tomato, cucumber, egg tomato, eggplant, endives, fennel, french beans, lemons, mini plum tomato, parsley, peppers, potato, tomato on the vine and zucchini).

Potato Goodness, with recipes, nutrition, potato tips, ... Anchored by a strong foundation of market and consumer research and analysis, the USPB domestic and international potato marketing programs include: advertising, nutrition science, public relations, retail and foodservice marketing, and issues management. Whether the potato is grown for fresh, frozen, chip, dehydrated or seed use, the USPB is dedicated to positioning potatoes as a nutrition powerhouse?truly, goodness unearthed.

Roha, production, packaging, storing and export of Cyprus potatoes We specialise in the potato industry and since 2005 we have managed to become one of the biggest exporting companies of potatoes in Cyprus. We are able to provide customers fresh potatoes all year round, when asked and agreed with them. We work with wholesalers, resellers and chain supermarkets. Our products are mainly intended for exports but we also

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supply the local market. We currently export to Greece, UK, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Croatia and Moldova.

SOREGI, Fruits and Vegetables The “SOREGI - Frutas e Legumes, Lda.” it is fruit of the company in individual name António José Relógio, that it initiated its activity in 1980 and that up to 1988 if dedicated exclusively to the agricultural production, essentially of carrots and potatoes.

Sweetpotato knowledge portal The global meeting place for people interested in all things related to sweet potato. Information include breeding, seed systems, crop management, postharvest, nutritrion and uses.

Sweet Potatoes, natural health food nutrition value Our company is located in the Jining city, Shandong province of China. We mainly export sweet potatoes to overseas. We have a wide varieties of sweet potato that can meet your requirements according to your needs.

Taktikos: production, packaging and trading Producers, packagers and traders of strawberries, watermelons, melons, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflowers.

Van den Elzen, specialist in leek Presentations and recipes of a Dutch specialist in leek; web site in dutch.

Viva Tierra Organic, organic fresh fruits and vegetables Viva Tierra Organic is a leading brand of certified organic fresh fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, stone fruit, kiwis and onions.


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Trade fairs and other meetings Potato Expo

Tuesday, January 9, 2018 to Thursday, January 11, 2018

APA - African Potato Association

October 9th to 13th, 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Triennial Conference

Potato Europe

13 and 14 September 2017, Emmeloord - World Potato City - The Netherlands

The International Potato Processing & Storage Convention 31-05-2017 - 01-06-2017, Portland, OR, United States

World Potato Congress 2018 / ALAP 2018

Sunday, May 27, 2018 to Thursday, May 31, 2018 in Cusco, Peru.

BP2017: The Potato Industry Event

22 November 2017 to 23 November 2017 - Yorkshire Event Centre, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, HG2 8QZ, United Kingdom

China Potato Expo 2017

30 March 2017 - 31 March 2017, 100125 Beijing

20th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research 9 July 2017 to 14 July 2017, Versailles Congress Center, Paris, France

VII South-Eastern Europe Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes Maribor, Pivola, Slovenia, June 20, 2017 - June 23, 2017

Onion & Carrot Conference Tuesday 14th November 2017

The UK Onion & Carrot Conference & Exhibition

East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham NG7 2RJ, United Kingdom


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Potatoes in Practice 2017

10 August 2017, Balruddery Farm, The James Hutton Institute, Dundee United Kingdom

Postharvest Showcase - AHDB Potatoes event

8 June 2017, SUTTON BRIDGE (Potatoes): Eastbank, Wingland, Sutton Bridge, SPALDING, Lincolnshire, PE12 9YD - United Kingdom

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