Editor: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l. Coordinación: Alicia Namesny / Antonio Delgado / Pere Papasseit Claudia Conesa / María Rodríguez Realización y Diseño: Hector Carrillo Producción, Distribución y Copyright: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l.
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General Index
Technical Articles: Yearly evolution of onion prices in Germany ............................................ 4 Dr. Miguel Merino - Pacheco Sweetpotato - Facts, figures and postharvest ......................................... 14 By CIP, International Potato Center, & Postharvest Center, UC Davis How to get the best out of your carrots ................................................... 18 A resource by Peter Knotts, Group Project Delivery Manager, Wyma Aviko Snowvalley teams up with TOMRA Sorting Food for its state-of-the-art french fry plant in China ..................................... 22 TOMRA Sorting Solutions Companies ........................................................................................................ 27 News.................................................................................................................... 43 Links .................................................................................................................... 64 Trade fairs and other meeting...................................................................... 68
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Yearly evolution of onion prices in Germany
Dr. Miguel Merino – Pacheco
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1.- Introduction Measured in planted area, onions are the second crop in Germany, after asparagus and close over carrots (11293 ha in 2017). Yearly production is about 500.000 t. Planting starts in March/April and the produce is cropped between August and October. Being a product of easy storage – over seven months -, consumption can be regulated along the year. In spite of that, domestic production does not cover consumption. Between 2012 and 2016, average yearly imports amounted to 238.000 t. Another fact conditions the onion market in Germany. As a matter of fact, there are two markets in the country. Sweet onions, which have a good caliber and a soft taste, do not grow in Central Europe and must be imported all year round. From Mediterranean countries – mostly Spain – or from the Southern hemisphere in the offseason. Domestic produce (“Haushaltware”) with much intense taste can be stored. In spite of that, in a long storage organoleptic properties spoil. New Zealand becomes then an important supplier. Its produce is on the market between March and July. Spanish produce is all year round available, even when it also suffers when submitted to long storage periods. In spite of those complexities, the good storage characteristics of the onions help to keep the German market somehow stable all year round.
2.- The present analysis The present price analysis is based on figures gathered by the Federal Institute for Agriculture and Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung), a department within the federal government with numerous tasks related to agriculture, averaged between 2014 and 2018 – current months. Among them the close observation of market developments in the five most important central agricultural markets in Germany y, from which the following price notations are obtained and averaged (Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt , Hamburg, Munich). Stuttgart. Those are central markets. That means that the price arrangements met behind closed doors by the large supermarket chains are not included. But being prices build under free market conditions, are a good reflex of the supply and demand on the market in general. And, as a matter of fact, these notations are also used as orientation in private arrangements. The method used for this first approach is simple: we are discussing the average prices of those five venues for imported sweet onions and for the pro-
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duce of local origin – German, Dutch, Austrian- traded during the season; and New Zealand and Australian during offseason. Comparisons are made, in the first place, between prices for the produce of different national origin. Averages from 2014 to 2017 and the current months of 2018. The price development for each country within the considered years is described in the second section of the study. The idea is to establish price differences for the produce of different sources and the developments within and among years. The figures considered are current prices. They are not corrected by inflation. Due to the low inflation experimented in the Eurozone during the period considered, this procedure is acceptable. At least as a first approach.
3.- Sweet onions market As stated, in Central Europe there is no possibility to grow onions of these taste and quality. Main imports originate in Spain – the main player all year round in this market – and in Chile, when quality drops. Other suppliers, like Italy, show up sometimes in the market but are quantitatively irrelevant. Chilean produce is present in the market between the end of February and the middle of July. Figure 1 shows the average produce price for the five years considered – 2018 until June, like in all other cases for both main suppliers of sweet onions: Spain and Chile.
Figure 1: Yearly price evolution of Chilean and Spanish imports (sweet onions €/100 kg; average 2014 - 18)
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Spain dominates absolutely this market, being present the whole year round. Either with fresh or stored produce. Sometimes the usual quality gives in, which produces some price lowering. As the graphic shows, the Chilean produce obtains higher prices during all the time it is present in the market – something that happens normally and in a significant amount from the beginning of April onwards. But in 2016, when the first Chilean sweet onions showed up in February. In that year, the good quality of the South American produce commanded very good prices. In April Chilean and Spanish sweet onions use to share the market, with good quality level. Spanish produce is taken from the fridge. One month later, Spanish produce is decreasing in importance and quality. Against June the imported onions start to grow scarce, and by the middle of July, they disappear of the market. Going the control of the market again to the regular Spanish presence, which in July is again firmly established. Spanish prices are consistently inferior to the Chilean. Both price series, however, move in parallel tracks (Figure 1). Between middle May and the end of July, prices for Spanish produce fall slowly but consistently. To start a modest recovery from August onwards. A recovery slowed down by the important supply reaching the market. During summer some minor players like Turkey and Italy show up, but without quantitative importance.
Figure 2: Spanish onions - Yearly price development and average (â‚Ź/100 kg)
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The price development across the years (Figure 2) is all other as smooth. 2016, for instance, started high, to go further in a not very steep but constant negative slope. 2015 was the opposite: a weak start, a bumpy year to be finished with a relatively good level of €60/100 kg. Confronted with a steady demand and good storage possibilities, these ups and downs must be explained from the side of an uneven supply. The traders could eventually correct that. Early supply of Chilean produce can get real interesting prices – close to €100 / 100 kg -, but those prices sink rather fast and move a little over €80 for the rest of the season. As already stated, Spanish produce supplies the market the whole year around, but at a rather inferior price. In the first half of the year, it moves around €50/100 kg, dropping to €40 during the second half. Figure 3 shows the price evolution of Chilean produce in Germany in the considered years.
Figure 3: Chilean onions - Yearly price development and average (€/100 kg)
3.- Domestic produce market (“Haushaltsware”, HHW) The development of the supply of domestic produce is rather more complex. Due to the fact that we have an important domestic production and storage and five important foreign suppliers. Three European – Austria, Italy and The Netherlands – and two from the Southern hemisphere –Australia and New Zealand.
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Figure 4: Yearly price evolution for domestic produced onions (€/100 kg, average 2014 – 2018)
The market is supplied – on average, - all year round with domestic produce. But that does not mean that those supplies are even or of homogenous quality- Storage plays a key role. Domestic produce does not cover domestic needs. Between 2012 and 2016 some 238.000 t of onions were imported yearly – sweet onions included. On the other hand, even when onions are easy to store, product quality deteriorates. In storage, already in February, some sprouting starts. And in April the quality of stored produce has deteriorated visibly. Then is the moment when produce from the Southern hemisphere appears. In most years, local produce disappears completely from the market for one of two months, at the beginning of the summer. Regarding the price evolution, average prices of domestic produce are low, scratching the €40/100 kg most of the time. But in the moment of the new crop, at the beginning of June, the price of domestic produce shoots up to €70/100 kg. Briefly. Then starts to sink again, being by middle August at the “normal” level again. As figure 5 shows, the price behavior of domestic produce is very similar year after year. Including the price jump at the moment of the appearance of the first loads of domestic produce at the beginning of the summer, followed by a slow decay down to “normal” levels about two months later. This sudden increase is explained by a large demand for local produce. Which is not repeated for onions from other origins. It seems that the advertising efforts for “local” produce show some results.
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Figure 5: German onions (HHW) - Yearly price development and average (€/100 kg)
The Netherlands is also an all year supplier. With low, stable prices, that never go far beyond €40/100 kg. But only in the last years – from 2017 onwards - have the Netherlands extended their supply to the whole year (figure 6). And even then, disappearing occasionally from the market. A strategy oriented to cover occasional market opportunities seems to be at work.
Figure 6: The Netherlands onions (HHW) - Yearly price development and average (€/100 kg)
Austria is the second main European partner at the German onion market. Even when considered in the four and a half years average studied Austrian produce seems to be covering all the weeks in Germany, these average numbers mask the fact that Austrian produce goes on and off the market all the time. But the fact is that it is present, ready to use the opportunities created by poor supply. Even in small quantities. As it is the case in 2016 when Austrian onions are sold in Germany each week of the year. Though very often in limited markets and in small amounts.
Figure 7: Austrian onions (HHW)- Yearly price development and average (€/100 kg)
Austrian prices are in line with the prices obtained by Germany and The Netherlands. Normally low, but steady. Constantly under €40/100 kg, but for an ephemeral peak with the new crop at the beginning of July. Australia, an overseas supplier, covers spring and summer when the quality of the stored European produce goes down. The loads start regularly in the last week of March and go to the end of July or August. This regularity is also determined by the overseas origin of the Australian produce. You cannot take notice of a sudden lack of produce somewhere and react in consequence within a couple of days. Sometimes the season starts a couple of weeks before or later, but then shipments are constant Average prices are high; between €95/and €85/100 kg approximately. The price level suffers little change from year to year (figure 8). And those averages mirror also steady prices in all four and a half years considered.
Figure 8: Australian onions - Yearly price development and average (â‚Ź/100 kg)
New Zealand is also a very compact supplier, starting in March and ending in August at the latest. In the central weeks of this period, the onions from New Zealand dominate the market, in spite of their high price. That pictures repeat itself year after year.
Figure 9: New Zealand onions - Yearly price development and average (â‚Ź/100 kg)
5.- Final considerations The price developments on the onion market in Germany show a rather stable behavior along the years. The good storage traits of the produce and the extensive use of storage facilities help to iron out the price ups and downs that haunt other products. Also, the changes from year to year do not seem to be very large. The market is split between the two main kinds of onions. sweet and home grown. The first one is supplied from Spain – and most of the year dominated by Spanish produce. Chile is the supplier from the Southern hemisphere, entering the market when the quality of the Spanish produce allows for a higher price competitor. Spanish sweet onions show the largest spread in prices, within and between years, indicating the possibility of smoothing those prices with some more market intelligence (figure 2). Storage – which is manageable - plays a large role in the marketing of both kinds of onions. The sources for home grown onions (“haushaltsware”) are more numerous. Being the German production the most important, but in need of support due to the quality loss at the end of winter and early spring. The most important supplier is New Zealand in offseason. The Netherlands, Austria and occasionally Italy are the most important European suppliers. ****
Sweetpotato - Facts, figures and postharvest
By CIP, International Potato Center, & Postharvest Center, UC Davis
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Sweetpotato is one of the world’s most important food crops in terms of human consumption, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, parts of Asia, and the Pacific Islands. First domesticated more than 5,000 years ago in Latin America, it is grown in more developing countries than any other root crop. Despite its name, sweetpotato is not related to the potato. It is a root, not a tuber, and belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. Many parts of the plant are edible, including leaves, roots, and vines, and varieties exist with a wide range of skin and flesh color, from white to yellow-orange and deep purple.
Facts and Figures - Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. In spite of its name, it is not related to the potato. Unlike the potato – which is a tuber, or thickened stem – the sweetpotato is a storage root. Despite a physical similarity, yams are not related either. - Sweetpotato can grow at altitudes ranging from sea level to 2,500 meters. It requires fewer inputs and less labor than other crops such as maize, and tolerates marginal growing conditions (e.g., dry spells, poor soil). - Sweetpotato comes in varieties with skin and flesh color that range from white to yellow, orange, and deep purple. Orange-fleshed sweetpotato is an important source of beta-carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A. Just 125 g of fresh sweetpotato roots from most orange-fleshed varieties contain enough beta-carotene to provide the daily pro- vitamin A needs of a preschooler. - Sweetpotato is also a valuable source of vitamins B, C, and E, and it contains moderate levels of iron and zinc. - Though its origins lie in Latin America, Asia is now the largest sweetpotato-producing region in the world, with figures showing over 90 million tons produced annually. China is the world’s biggest producer and consumer of sweetpotato, where it is used for food, animal feed, and processing (as food, starch, and other products). - The importance of sweetpotato as a food crop is growing rapidly in some parts of the world. In Sub-Saharan Africa, it is outpacing the growth rate of other staples. - Sweetpotato is used for both human consumption and as a healthy, cheap source of animal feed. Recent studies suggest that animals fed on high protein sweetpotato vines produce less methane gas than with other feed, potentially contributing an important reduction in harmful global emissions.
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- Sweetpotato has a long history as a life saver. The Japanese used it when typhoons demolished their rice fields. It kept millions from starvation in famine-plagued China in the early 1960’s and came to the rescue in Uganda in the 1990’s, when a virus ravaged cassava crops.
Sweetpotato and nutrition Sweetpotatoes produce more edible energy per hectare per day than wheat, rice or cassava. They are good sources of carbohydrates, fiber, and micronutrients. The leaves and shoots, which are also edible, are good sources of vitamins A, C, and B (Riboflavin). Orange-fleshed sweetpotato is an important source of beta-carotene (the precursor to Vitamin A). Just 125 g of fresh roots from most orange-fleshed varieties contain enough beta-carotene to provide the daily pro-vitamin A needs of a preschooler. This is particularly important in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia where vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of blindness, disease and premature death among children under five and pregnant women. Nutritionists identify different levels of beta-carotene according to varying pigmentation in orange-fleshed varieties by means of a color chart. Sweetpotatoes also contain phenolic compounds that provide the root with antioxidant properties that have health promoting and disease preventive benefits. Purple fleshed sweet potatoes contain a significant content of anthocyanins comparable to that of other high anthocyanin containing fruits and vegetables such as grapes, plums, sweet cherries, raspberries and eggplant al., 2010). Anthocyanins from purple fleshed sweetpotato have been shown to exhibit stronger radical scavenging activity than anthocyanin pigments from red cabbage, elderberry, grape skin and purple corn. A recent study to evaluate the biotransformation of anthocyanins from two purple-fleshed sweet potato accessions in a dynamic gastrointestinal system shows that unabsorbed anthocyanins and their metabolites protect intestinal cells against reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated within the gut and attenuate ROS-mediated gut inflammatory conditions. The original information also contains the average Micronutrient Content of Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato.
Sweet potato postharvest Recommended conditions for commercial storage are to keep roots cool and dry. Sweet potato roots are chilling sensitive and should be stored between 12.5°C and 15°C (55°F to 59°F) with high relative humidity (>90%). A very careful handling is important. A storage life of 6-10 months can be expected under these conditions, although sprouting may begin to occur after about 6 months depending on cultivar. Temperatures above 15°C (59°F) lead to more rapid sprouting and weight loss. The relative humidity should be >95% for long-term storage; 70-90% for short-term handling for marketing Before storage sweet potatoes are cured. The process of curing the damaged skin or “wound healing” can be achieved by holding roots at 25-32°C (7790°F) under high relative humidity (>90 to 100%) for several days to 1 week. The original information, available as Produce Fact Sheet at the University of California Postharvest Center, written by Marita Cantwell and Trevor Suslow, also informs about the Maturity Index, Quality Indiex; rates of respiration, to calculate the heat production; rates of ethylene production and responses to ethylene (which increases respiration rates and phenolic metabolism), responses to CA, physiological and pathological disorders (chilling injury and Rhizopus are, respectively, the main), and goes deeper in the curing conditions.
Sources Facts and Figures about the Sweetpotato CIP, Centro Internacional de la Papa, the International Potato Center (known by its Spanish acronym CIP) is a research-for-development organization with a focus on potato, sweetpotato, and Andean roots and tubers. CIP is a member of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future. Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality, Marita Cantwell & Trevor Suslow, Postharvest Center UC Davis
Pictures 1 - Nutritional facts, source CIP 2 - Disorders, source Postharvest Center UC Davis
How to get the best out of your carrots Ideas for growers on improving carrot quality from harvest to processing
A resource by Peter Knotts, Group Project Delivery Manager, Wyma
For many families, carrots are a household staple and have been for thousands of years. Carrots are so versatile that they remain at the forefront of many dishes from dips and salads through to boiling and roasting. Consumers expect their carrots to be in the best possible condition. They buy carrots that look good on the shelf, and expect carrots to retain their quality until they are ready to eat them. Unfortunately, dehydration, decay and rotting are all potential threats to carrot quality. The condition of the carrots can be traced right back to the harvesting and pack-house processes.
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The best practice for carrot harvesting and processing varies from region to region around the globe depending on their unique conditions and carrot varieties. This guide has been put together to provide some insights and tips to answer some of the questions Wyma often receives from our carrot customers around the world. Peter Knotts, the Group Project Delivery Manager at Wyma Solutions, offers ideas for growers on improving the quality from harvest to processing. He starts with nine tips for improving carrot quality: 1 - Harvest in cooler parts of the day. 2 - For delays between harvesting and washing, place carrots in the shade or in a temperature-controlled area. 3 - Use liners during storage and transportation to increase moisture retention. 4 - Polish carrots so the outer skin is fully removed 5 - Cool produce using a Hydro-Cooler, forced-air cooling or hydro-vacuum cooling. 6 - For long-term storage, use a controlled atmosphere with high humidity to avoid dehydration. 7 - Store and transport carrots in a controlled atmosphere. 8 - For best results, ensure you have a ‘cool chain’ all the way to the supermarket shelf. Chill carrots in a cool store → Transport in a refrigerated truck → Utilise supermarket cool store → Ensure your produce is arranged on a cooled shelf or spray with cold water periodically. 9 - If you experience dehydration with your carrots at home, place them in a bowl of icy water for 15 minutes. Alternatively, store carrots in the fridge in cold water so there is no further chance of dehydration.
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Peter Knots focus on how to avoid carrot silvering. Carrot silvering is the white film that sometimes appears on carrots. The white film (also known as scaling or blushing) occurs as the carrot’s outer skin (periderm) becomes dehydrated. This is the carrot’s natural response and acts as a protective measure to stop the carrot becoming more dehydrated. Carrots are a root vegetable so while they are growing they hold a lot of water. This water nourishes the carrot as it grows. After the carrot is picked from the ground, the moisture evaporates into the atmosphere causing the carrot to start to dehydrate. Dehydration causes carrot cells to die. When the cells die, they detach from the carrot - like dandruff - causing the ‘white blush’. This leads to rapid deterioration of the carrot’s visual appearance. Even though the white film (or blush) is safe to eat, the whiteish appearance lowers the perceived quality of the carrot, making them harder to sell. This can be devastating to growers. When produce quality is low, the sell-price is low. Growers want to make sure their produce is the highest possible quality. The resource explais what can growers do to reduce carrot silvering. It are a set of measures during: - Harvesting - Storage before processing - Processing - Storage after processing To get the resource, click HERE, WYMA also counts on following resources - Investing in a post-harvest processing line - Reduce the impact of potato bruising on profitability Reach it by clicking HERE,
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About the Author: Peter Knotts is the Group Project Delivery Manager at Wyma Solutions. He has held various positions in the Engineering sector including Senior Design Manager and Engineering Project Manager. Having joined Wyma in 2009 he has a thorough understanding of the industry, machinery and best practice processes. Peter is passionate about innovation and thoroughly enjoys helping customers to reach their full potential in their business.
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Aviko Snowvalley teams up with TOMRA SORTING FOOD for its state-of-the-art french fry plant in China
Partnership team: (left to right) TOMRA Sorting Food’s regional sales director, Steven Van Geel; Don Wang, president, Aviko SnowValley; Tommy Yu, area sales manager, TOMRA Sorting Food; and TOMRA Sorting Food’s agent Luke Qu, general manager, Beijing HMA
TOMRA Sorting Solutions
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SnowValley Agricultural Group and Aviko Group, invested by the joint venture between the two leading potato product brands, have decided to once again team up with their long-term processing partner TOMRA Sorting Food, for the development of a new state-of-the-art French fry processing facility. Both SnowValley and Aviko listed sustainability, quality and processing efficiency as an integral part of their business strategies, and echoing this vision, the 1.2bn RMB (€151m) joint venture aims to deliver the highest standard of potato products to the premium segment of the Chinese French fry market. The new potato processing facility, located at Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China, will have an annual production capacity of 150,000 tons and is expected to be completed by September 2018. TOMRA’s flagship Eco steam peeling line and the recently launched cutting-edge sorting platforms, TOMRA 5A and TOMRA 5B, will play important roles in the facility’s success. Mr. Don Wang, President of Aviko SnowValley and Mr. Joop Van Drunen, General Manager of Aviko SnowValley, both remarks, “We are aiming to build an industry leading French fry processing line in China, that delivers the highest quality and performance, while also reducing waste and impact on the environment. TOMRA has collaborated successfully with both SnowValley and Aviko on previous projects for many years, and we know TOMRA’s solutions are reliable and efficient. We are confident TOMRA’s latest innovations and technologies will be the best choice for us.”
Steam peeling is the most efficient method of removing skin from the surface of vegetables and the latest Eco steam peeler is not only the fastest steam peeler, it is also the most energy efficient in the industry. The peeler uses 28 percent less steam than other peelers of its type and enables customers to peel high volumes of potatoes at very low steam times, with exceptionally low peel loss and waste. Leading peeler: TOMRA Sorting Food’s Eco Peeler (pictured) is the fastest and most efficient in the industry
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Steven van Geel, regional sales director, China, TOMRA Sorting Food, says: “We are very pleased that the Aviko and SnowValley joint-venture selected TOMRA’s latest ground-breaking peeling and sorting technology to achieve their goal to build an industry leading processing line. Quality and reliability are cornerstones of our innovation and we will utilize our global expertise and local resources to make the project a success from both economical and food-safety perspectives.” The TOMRA 5A whole potato sorter removes various defects and foreign material, such as stones, soil, glass and plastics, minimizing the risk of food contamination down the processing line and protecting critical processing components, such as the hydro cutters or fryer. With a peel control module, the TOMRA 5A can evaluate the peeling status of potatoes while sorting them and automatically calculate an optimal steam time. Consequently, the result is lower peel loss with no operator supervision required.
Fighting foreign objects: The TOMRA 5A brings more than 98% removal rate of foreign objects, quality inspection and peel quality control to the table.
The TOMRA 5B is a next-generation sorter featuring a combination of exceptional features. In the new Aviko SnowValley French fry line, two TOMRA 5Bs will be installed to guarantee the quality of the final products. With technological advancements, such as the smart surround view, the machines will ensure high quality levels at a high processing volume, ideal for brand strengthening.
Optimal sorting: The TOMRA 5B helps food processors meet the highest standards for both food safety and quality.
Steven concludes: “To date, TOMRA has installed more than 200 food units in China – including over 20 steam peelers. To support the anticipated growth in food processing in China, TOMRA has established a strong team of local project management and service support across the country. On top of the cutting-edge technology, being close to the customers we serve, and communicating with customers in the way that they feel most comfortable with, are the keys to TOMRA’s successful growth in this country.” SnowValley Agricultural Group is one of the leading brands in China’s potato industry, and is one of the pilot enterprises in agricultural modernization. Its business covers new potato variety breeding, virus-free seedling breeding, development of minituber, commercialization of virus-free seed potato, upgrade of potato plantation and storage and integrated potato product processing. Aviko is one of the top four potato processing companies in the global market. Since its establishment in 1962, Aviko has been striving to create value from potatoes, and is regarded as the best business partner by many retailers and restaurants with global businesses.
About TOMRA Sorting Food
TOMRA Sorting Food designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting machines for the food industry. Over 6,250 systems are installed at food growers, packers and processers worldwide. The company provides high-performance optical sorters, graders, peeling and process analytics systems for nuts, grains and seeds, dried fruit, potato products, fruits, vegetables, tobacco, meat and seafood. The systems ensure an optimal quality and yield, resulting in increased productivity, throughput and an effective use of resources. TOMRA Sorting Food is part of TOMRA Sorting Solutions which also develops sensor-based systems for the recycling, mining and other industries. This powerful combination of technologies makes TOMRA Sorting one of the most advanced providers of sensor-based sorting solutions in the world, with over 11,300 of its systems installed globally. TOMRA Sorting is owned by Norwegian company TOMRA Systems ASA, which is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Founded in 1972, TOMRA Systems ASA has a turnover around €710m (2016) and employs over 3,500 people. For more information on TOMRA Sorting Food visit
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Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. ................................................................................ 20 Agrosta ............................................................................................................... 30 Daype 98 s.l. ...................................................................................................... 22 Fam n.v. .............................................................................................................. 24 Gaugele GmbH ................................................................................................ 31 Tomra Sorting Solutions ............................................................................... 26 Wyma Engineering (NZ) Ltd. ........................................................................ 28 Urschel International Ltd. ............................................................................. 32
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Agricoat AGRICOAT NATURESEAL Ltd., manufactures specialty products for processors, grocery / detail, and foodservice, counting also with Kosher certified formulations. Natureseal is a line of products that keep cut produce fresh. All the products are allergen and sulfite-free. Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. is part of the Mantrose-Bradshaw-Zinsser Group (MBZ). Mantrose (UK) is the British based subsidiary of the American MBZ Group. MBZ have over 100 years of experience in formulating natural, edible coatings and specialty films for a variety of aesthetic and functional benefits for fruits, nuts, confectionary, baked goods, and other food products. Freshseel, specialty coatings for the postharvest protection of melons. Semperfresh, sucrose ester based fruit coating for the post harvest protection of fruits and vegetables during packing, storage, shipping, and marketing. Specialty coatings for the post harvest protection of melons, fruit and vegetables. In addition, Natureseal FS has been added to this range of products as a result of the demand of processors after a chlorine free product for washing the produce before cutting. FS is a blend of different acids that could be used to substitute traditional chlorine wash while processing fruit and vegetables. Its sulfite-free (GRAS) ingredients continue to be recognized for meeting the industry’s highest standards for quality, performance, consistency and functionality. Agricoat has made a long term commitment to superior research and development, quality control and good manufacturing practices.
AGRICOAT NATURESEAL LTD. 7B Northfield Farm - Great Shefford RG17 7BY BERKSHIRE - UNITED KINGDOM Ph.: +44-(0)1488-648988 Fax: +44-(0)1488-648890
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Daype 98 At DAYPE 98 SL we produce products for the agricultural sector as the spare parts for the leek and tender onions washing machines, which we have already sold in some countries of Europe and Mexico. We also make plastic boxes for strawberries and cherries, which have the advantage of being able to use them more often. We have been dedicated to plastic injection since 1998 and continue to manufacture plastic products for sectors such as agriculture, poultry, industry, construction, home, decoration, and so on. We also dedicate ourselves to the molding (molding of steel molds to shape the pieces of plastic), among which we highlight the mold we made for the vegetable boxes of Mercadona supermarkets.
DAYPE 98 S.L. Pol. Ind. Castilla 46380 CHESTE (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-962 512 096 Fax: +34-962 514 016
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FAM-STUMABO IBERICA S.L. C/ Ollers 13, local 15, parcela 12B E-46980 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-961 366 724 / Fax: +34-961 318 638
FAM – Market Leader in Industrial Food Cutting Machines FAM is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of industrial food cutting solutions. The company is present in more than 72 countries and has over 4.500 operational machines worldwide. FAM distinguishes itself with its customer-oriented philosophy, innovative applications and product quality.
Stumabo – High Quality Precision Blades in the Food Processing Industry For more than 65 years, Stumabo International has been designing, manufacturing and selling industrial precision blades for the food processing industry, covering both food processors and machine manufacturers. With an annual turnover of more than 1.4 million blades, Stumabo is a well reputed, leading supplier, active worldwide, serving both local processors and well-known international customers in 5 continents.
The FAM Tridis™ 240, perfect performance made easy The FAM Tridis™ 240 high capacity dicer brings capacity, efficiency and quality to a new level. The FAM Tridis 240 marks a new generation of tri-dimensional dicers designed by FAM to excel in the most crucial performance indicators. The FAM Tridis 240 is designed for the very demanding frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. This dicer increases the maximum capacity known in the industry with at least another 10%, while maintaining an excellent cut quality.
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FAM started working on a new high-capacity tri-dimensional dicer in close consultation with leading companies in the industry. Together with these partners they sought out the performance indicators in order to provide a better answer to the key needs in the frozen vegetable & fruit and French fry industry. Five areas of importance were deducted: capacity, cut quality, hygiene, simplicity and maintenance. The FAM Centris™ product range for high quality centrifugal slicing and shredding
The FAM Lifis.2, highly hygienic, flexible V-belt slicer
The FAM Centris product range consists of high & mid capacity centrifugal slicers and shredders and innovative, patented cutting heads and impellers that improve quality and capacity. The product range offers a very economical operating cost. The FAM Centris 315 – for lower volumes – and 400 – double capacity of the currently available centrifugal slicers – are particularly designed for companies looking for perfect cut quality, long shelf-life, flexibility and speed. The unique design of the cutting heads considerably facilitates the changing of blades, handling and cleaning. The patented cutting head technology guarantees a consistent slice and shred thickness throughout the slicing process. The product can be cut into a variety of shapes: both slices (flat cut, crinkle cut and V-shaped ) and strips ( V-shaped, oval, julienne and wide ribbon cut) are available.
The FAM Lifis.2 is a highly hygienic, flexible V-belt slicer used for cutting all sorts of elongated vegetables & fruits. Its large product opening guarantees a free and smooth passage of the product towards the cutting wheel, allowing optimal use of the maximum capacity. The machine easily handles products up to 180 mm in diameter and width (220 mm in case of leafy products). It offers an amazing quality and yield of cut products. It is also especially fitting for those who focus on superior sanitation, high machine safety and easy maintenance.
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TOMRA Sorting Solutions TOMRA SORTING FOOD With more than 5,000 of its systems installed at food growers, packers and processors worldwide, TOMRA Sorting Food is a global market leader. The company provides high-performance optical sorters, peeling and process analytics systems for nuts and seeds, dried fruits, potato products, fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood. Its sorting machines ensure optimal quality and yield, resulting in increased productivity, throughput and an effective use of resources. Its distinct development of advanced technologies supported by excellent customer care to deliver increased yields, improved food safety and enhanced profitability is entirely unified across the company. This proposition sits at the heart of TOMRA Sorting Food and ensures the company continuously improves for the benefit of its customers. “TOMRA Sorting Food offers sorting equipment for a multitude of food applications, from fresh whole products to processed food, from farm to fork.” SENSOR TECHNOLOGY TOMRA Sorting Food’s focus on research and development has enabled it to develop a range of innovative sorting machines which are able to detect and remove the smallest of defects and foreign material from production lines. Its range of sensor-based solutions transforms how the world optimizes its precious resources, allowing for sustainable growth and maximum profit while reducing environmental impact. TOMRA Sorting Food’s machines use a variety of sensors which go far beyond the common use of color cameras. Near Infra-Red (NIR) spectroscopy enables an analysis of the molecular structure of a product whilst x-rays, fluorescent lighting and lasers measure the elemental composition of objects. The internal composition and surface structure of objects can also be analyzed to determine good or bad produce. “TOMRA Sorting Food’s machines are not only the most efficient way to sort products; they are also a smart investment.”
TOMRA SORTING SOLUTIONS Research Park Haasrode 1622, Romeinse Straat 20 3001 Leuven - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-16 396396 Fax: +32-16 396390
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Wyma WYMA designs, manufactures, distributes and services post-harvest vegetable handling equipment and solutions worldwide. When you buy Wyma, you buy proven technical quality as well as a deep understanding of post-harvest handling. From consultation through to design, manufacture, installation and support; you know that with Wyma, you get the benefit of our fresh thinking culture wherever you are in the world. Whether your pack-house handles, potatoes, carrots, onions or other bulk vegetables, our fresh thinking is always available to help you keep improving the way you handle and process your vegetables.
WYMA ENGINEERING (NZ) LTD. 27 Foremans Road - PO Box 16-707 HORNBY - CHRISTCHURCH - NUEVA ZELANDA Ph.: +64 3 344 6403 Fax: +64 3 344 6407
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AGROSTA SARL 13 Rue du Bastringue 76440 SERQUEUX (FRANCE) Ph. +33-(0)6 89 49 43 40 Today, AGROSTA is the most innovative company in electronics for fruits and food business, and provides reliable instruments worldwide. Our instruments are produced in France, and have all been designed with users, and modified according to their requirements. Each new model is tested directly on several batches of fruits or food in our lab Each device is seriously tested and calibrated before expedition. Every day, we work at improving our instruments, and we propose new generations according to the progress of electronics and computers. The next step for Agrosta is to design instruments dedicated to surgery, medicine and veterinary research - We have started several projects in this field.
AGROSTA® CrispLab is a complete high tech system to evaluate maturity and physical characteristics of crisp fruits and vegetables. Equiped with 2 microprocessors, a colorimeter and a stepper motor, it works connected to a PC thanks to a powerful software compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. It measures the firmness by penetrometry in Grams, Lb or Newtons. The size is measured in motor steps (To be converted to mm or inches) and the color in RGB (Red, Green and Blue on a scale of 250 units). A spring pushes on the fruit / vegetable in order to remove the tip when sensor is going up. You don’t need to keep the sample in hand. The software provides statistics, and you can export data to Excel.
Measures firmness, size and color of crisp produce like onions, carrots, radish, potatoes, ... and much more
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URSCHEL INTERNATIONAL LTD Urschel, headquartered in the U.S.A. is the global leader in food cutting and milling technology. Since 1910, Urschel has been designing and manufacturing precision size reduction equipment including: commercial potato chip slicers, high capacity cheese shredders, dicers for a wide array of fruits and vegetables, high speed french fry cutters, meat dicers, peanut butter manufacturing mills, fish processing equipment, poultry dicers, precision lettuce shredders, crumblers for bakery rework, bulk bread cubers, wet and dry milling equipment for the food and pharmaceutical industries, and a wide array of other cutting applications.
The latest addition to the Urschel line of dicers, the Sprint 2 builds on the technology of the DiversaCut Sprint® Dicer and is inspired by the longstanding Model G. Accepting an infeed product up to 6.5” (165.1 mm) in any dimension, the dicer offers a stainless steel sanitary design throughout with the food zone completely isolated from the mechanical zone. The new Sprint 2 offers an alternative for the Models G, G-A, GK-A, H, or H-A Dicers with increased horsepower and benefits, and is available in two versions – with and without a builtin conveyor.
With over 100 years of experience, Urschel has a global network of experts in services, sales and support to assist you with any cutting application.
Worldwide With a range of over 50 different models of cutting machinery, URSCHEL processing equipment is used by leading manufacturers of food processing in the United States and throughout the world.
Engineered to produce continuous precision slices with extensive detail given to key elements throughout the machine, the efficient E TranSlicer® Cutter represents the smallest footprint in the production-proven TranSlicer series in the Urschel line-up. The E TranSlicer uses interchangeable 20” (508 mm) diameter cutting wheels (MicroSlice®, slicing, shredding, and julienne) to produce a full range of cuts at high capacities. The machine accepts firm infeed products up to 4” (102 mm) and compressible products up to 6” (152 mm).
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News Selected wastewater parameters from the vegetable washing process .............................................................................................. 46
Real-time postharvest storage infections detection in stored potatoes & onions ........................................................................................... 46 NatureSeal organic line for fresh cut root vegetables and other produce - Agricoat Natureseal ................................................. 47 Irradiation facilities to increase the shelf life of perishable horticultural produce ..................................................................................... 47 46 finalists demonstrate Innovation in Fresh Produce ......................... 48 Tis the Season for Root Vegetables - Agricoat Natureseal ................... 48 HD Printing, a step forward in printed materials - Grupo Girรณ ........... 49 UVA, UVB and UVC Light Enhances the Biosynthesis of Phenolic Antioxidants in Fresh-Cut Carrot through a Synergistic Effect with Wounding ................................................................................... 49 Chlorine dioxide, promising for minimally processed carrots decontamination ............................................................................................. 50 Line upgrade leads to increased shelf life for Abenhardt carrots - Wyma ................................................................................................. 50 Carrots are worth - Ejido Cartรณn ................................................................. 51
Steam can more effectively combat bacteria from fruits & veggies than other traditional removal methods do ............................................ 51 Ozone treatment increased the shelf-life of carrots without altering the weight loss percentage, firmness and color ..................... 52
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AK-0034 (ATILA)*, early onion, excellent for green onion and dried onion - Akira Seeds ..................................................................... 52 Onion, … and other round fruits and vegetables selection Multiscan Technologies ................................................................................. 52 The Naked Onion was presented for the first time at Fruit Logistica .............................................................................................. 53 Pre-harvest irrigation regime has the potential to manipulate onion dormancy, thus, helping to extend storage life ......................... 53 Better postharvest behaviour of onions with neck in ambient temperature storage ...................................................................................... 54 Any electrolyzed water reduced the bacterial counts on fresh-cut vegetables, differing the effectiveness on bacterial with type of water and vegetable ................................................................................. 54 Good effects of fludioxonil, fluopyram/pyrimethanil, and boscalid/pyraclostrobin to control Botrytis Neck Rot in stored onions ................................................................................................................ 55 53301, potato sizers - T.R. Turoni ................................................................. 55 Action of essential oils on sprouting of non-dormant potato tubers ................................................................................................... 55 Eugenol and menthol compounds, effective in sprout suppression, prolonging storage and improving the quality of potato tubers ...... 56 Europatat Congress 2018 – A successful event for the sector! ........... 56 First flexible rolling door to be repeated in Quik’s’ new potato storage - BG Door International .................................................................. 57 FPM Potato Planter - Ferrari Costruzioni Meccaniche ........................... 57 Fruitfog-CIPC, to avoid potato sprouting - Fomesa Fruitech .............. 58
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Gilles Fontaine, new President of Europatat ........................................... 58 Ground-penetrating radar allows to identify early maturing potato cultivars ................................................................................................ 59 Leaf toppers, to make easier the harvesting of potatoes - Forigo ..... 59 Model CCL Lattice Potato Chip Slicer ........................................................ 59 NATURCOVER P, edible coating for potatoes Decco IbĂŠrica Post Cosecha ......................................................................... 60 Studies of 30 years ago could change potato seed production systems ........................................................................................ 60 Testing potato diseases in the Maine Potato Disease Testing Lab .... 61 Ulma Packaging attended BP2017 to promote automation for the potato industry - ULMA Packaging .............................................. 61 Occurrence of Internal brown spot (IBS) increase in tubers showin skin roughness ................................................................................. 62 Centrifugal cutting machine improving quality and product safety used to process beetroot - Fam ...................................................... 62 HDPE film packaging can extend postharvest life of radish while curing might have little but beneficial effects ............................ 63 The branding revolution across Europe .................................................... 63
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Selected wastewater parameters from the vegetable washing process
Real-time postharvest storage infections detection in stored potatoes & onions
Vaculik, P. et al., Agronomy Research 2017
By Rajeev Sinha et al. Elsevier, postharvest biology & technology
This article follows selected parameters in wastewater which arise from the washing process for root vegetables, which is one of those problems which are current in terms of water usage. With a growing population, industrialisation, and urban development, there is also a growing demand for water resources. Industries which are dealing with the processing of agricultural products and food production in general significantly contribute to the growing consumption of water.
Field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) was evaluated towards rapid and non-destructive detection of storage infections under varied storage conditions.
Technology which is used for cleaning vegetables also significantly affect this growth in water consumption. Increasing demands on the quality of vegetables (eg. the cleanliness of vegetables at the point of sale), also leads to the necessity for more effective post-harvest cleaning, something which is carried out both with dry and wet methods. This article examines the cleaning process for selected root vegetables, particularly carrots and potatoes, by determining selected properties of the output process water in an assessed technological line.
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Potato tubers and onion bulbs were inoculated with P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (causing soft rot) and B. cepacia (causing sour skin), respectively; and were incubated at room (around 25 °C) and reduced temperature condition (4 °C). Additional tubers and bulbs were inoculated with sterile water, which served as healthy controls. At room temperature, FAIMS could detect potato soft rot and onion sour skin pertinent volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as early as 1 and 3 day(s) after inoculation (DAI) for potato tubers and onion bulbs, respectively. At a reduced temperature (4 °C), the respective detection time frames were 11 and 16 DAI. Principal component analysis (PCA) based contribution analysis on FAIMS dispersion field data revealed a significant range of dispersion field (DF) intensity...
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Irradiation facilities to increase the shelf life of perishable horticultural produce
NatureSeal organic line for fresh cut root vegetables and other produce
Agricoat Natureseal Ltd.
NatureSeal has developed organic certified formulations to extend the shelf life of organic produce. This ever-expanding OMRIcertified line currently treats a variety of organic produce with a simple blend of vitamins and minerals. With up to 21 days of extended shelf life, processors can treat organic produce at their facility, drastically reducing food waste. As with all other formulations, the organic produce maintain their natural color and texture and there is absolutely no alteration in the natural flavor of the organic fruits and vegetables. NatureSeal Organic Certified Formulations treat the following organic root vegetable produce: Parsnips, Beets, Carrots, Potatoes, Radishes, and Turnips. Other NatureSeal Organic Certified Formulations include for Apples, Green Peanuts, Melons, Brussel Sprouts, Butternuts Squash, Pineapple, Cabbage, Plantains, Celery, Pumpkin, Coconut, Corn on the Cob, ‌
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Cooling, ripening, degreening, CA
The recent crisis in Madhya Pradesh where farmers had to sell onions at throwaway prices or dump it in farms due to bumper production has prompted the government to look at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) to set up irradiation facilities in the state and elsewhere in the country to deal with the problem of plenty by increasing the shelf life of perishable horticultural produce. Though BARC has a small facility in Lasalgaon in Nasik which caters to farmers of nearby districts, other parts of the country face storage problems during high production years. Irradiation works by disrupting the biological processes that lead to decay. In case of onion and potato, the irradiation process causes the death of microorganisms and insects and impair their ability to sprout. During irradiation, the horticultural produce is exposed briefly to radiation energy which not only helps in killing harmful bacteria but also increases the shelf life of the produce.
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46 finalists demonstrate Innovation in Fresh Produce Information & services
Agricoat Natureseal Ltd.
United Fresh this week announces 46 new products as finalists for the United Fresh Produce Association’s 2017 Innovation Awards. This year’s finalists will compete in five categories for the title of Best New Product at United Fresh 2017, June 13-15 in Chicago, where attendees will be able to vote for those winners during the trade show.
With the cooling temperatures comes the desire for warm, hearty meals. This makes stews, soups and one-pot dinners very popular during the cold winter months. The challenge for the time-constrained cook is the preparation of the vegetables that make up these muchloved comfort foods.
“Once again, we have 46 finalists for our United Fresh Innovation Awards – a clear indicator that the fresh produce industry maintains a healthy competitive edge, pushing itself in new and creative ways,” said John Toner, United Fresh’s Vice President of Convention & Industry Collaboration. “We’re proud to showcase these innovative products at United Fresh 2017, which continues to be the industry’s home for innovation in fresh produce.” “Innovative new products like these are an essential element of the success of the fresh and fresh-cut produce industry,” said Tom Stenzel, United Fresh’s President & CEO. “Innovation starts at United Fresh and these finalists exemplify the ingenuity of our industry to remain on the front lines of creativity.”
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Tis the Season for Root Vegetables
Produce processors can now offer their customers prepackaged, fresh-cut root vegetables to make those home cooked meals when they have little time to chop and dice the staple ingredients. From potatoes to turnips to beets, the most appetizing and freshest looking root vegetables can be maintained with our NatureSeal solutions. There are various approaches to enhancing the appearance of these root vegetables making them more convenient to use and thereby marketable. Sliced, diced, whole peeled and French fry cut potatoes can be dipped in our PS-10, 12 or 13 inhibiting the discoloration after processing. The same goes for turnips, parsnips and beets. The extra shelf life the NATURESEAL products provide can give you the time you need to transport these processed products and offer fresh-cut, value-added root vegetable options to supermarkets and the foodservice market alike.
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HD Printing, a step forward in printed materials
Grupo Girรณ
The HD, High Definition, printing technology is used by GIRO both in Girfilm printing and label printing. It offers a big step forward in printed materials for horticultural packaging manufacture. HD main printing features are: - Higher definition: more dots per surface unit gives high precision images - Natural colours: images with greater realism - Better contrast: allow much better colour gradient and soft transitions. HD technology by Girรณ offers images very close to the reality and highly fidelity with the original graphics to enhance the packages.
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UVA, UVB and UVC Light Enhances the Biosynthesis of Phenolic Antioxidants in Fresh-Cut Carrot through a Synergistic Effect with Wounding
By Bernadeth B. Surjadinata, Daniel A. Jacobo-Velรกzquez and Luis CisnerosZevallos, Molecules 2017
increased with wounding intensity. It was also reported that UV radiation may trigger the phenylpropanoid metabolism in plant tissues.
Here, we determined the combined effect of wounding intensity and UV radiation on phenolic compounds, AOX, and the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity of carrots. Accordingly, phenolic PAL activity increased the duration of UVC whole carrots showed pies showed a higher to slices and shreds.
content, AOX, and in cut carrots with radiation, whereas no increase. Carrot increase compared
Phenolics, AOX, and PAL activity also increased in cut carrots exposed to UVA or UVB. The major phenolics were chlorogenic acid and its isomers, ferulic acid, and isocoumarin. The type of UV radiation affected phenolic profiles. Chlorogenic acid was induced by all UV radiations but mostly by UVB and UVC, ferulic acid was induced by all UV lights to comparable levels, while isocoumarin and 4,5-diCQA was induced mainly by UVB and UVC compared to UVA. In general, total phenolics correlated linearly with AOX for all treatments. A reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated hypothetical mechanism explaining the synergistic effect of wounding and different UV radiation stresses on phenolics accumulation in plants is herein proposed.
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Previously, we found that phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (AOX) in carrots
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Chlorine dioxide, promising for minimally processed carrots decontamination
Sthitaprajna Moharana, Seminar on Shelf-life extension of minimally processed carrots by gaseous chlorine dioxide
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a decontaminant for vegetables, as its efficacy is less affected by pH and organic matter. It does not react with ammonia to form chloramines, as do liquid chlorine and hypochlorite. It is a strong oxidizing and sanitizing agent that has a broad and high biocidal effectiveness, because gas has greater penetration ability than liquid. The evaluation included involved respiration rates, ClO2 degradation, headspace O2 and ClO2 concentrations, microbial analysis during shelf life, and sensory analysis during shelf life. Conclusions are that: - Gaseous ClO2 is a promising alternative to prolong the shelf life of MP carrots. - Under the condtions used in this work, a treatment with gaseous ClO2 does not affect the respiration rate nor the sensory attributes of MP carrots. - It decontaminate them and prolong theis shelf-life for 1 day. - Yeast growth limited the shelf life of treated samples.
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Line upgrade leads to increased shelf life for Abenhardt carrots
The family business, one of the largest packhouses in Germany, chooses WYMA
Processing 70,000 tons of carrots per year, including 20,000 tons in a specialised organic processing plant, Abenhardt is one of the largest carrot pack-houses in Germany. The family business dates back to the 16th century, but has specialised in cultivating and processing carrots since 1950. In the Datteln region, carrots are harvested between June and December, with storage carrots processed between January and May. Contractors Europe-wide also supply carrots to Abenhardt to meet quantity requirements and ensure year-round supply. For Mr. Abenhardt and for his food retail customers, “quality of carrot supply is mandatory”. Gentle handling and effective processing equipment are crucial to meeting that quality expectation. The company invested in a Wyma Vege-Polisher™ five years ago and experienced first-hand its smart engineering and reliable operation. When a major upgrade of the plant was planned to increase capacity to 30t/hr, Wyma was contacted. “We had an intensive, constructive and innovative collaboration with Wyma from initial consultation to installation. It is a pleasure to work so well with a supplier, and it provides a basis for a continuous partnership”.
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Carrots are worth
Ejido Cartón
For carrots, as is the case with all products, adding value is the way to get a differentiated product, with option to better prices. It is a process that starts with the variety and is accompanied in the remaining stages through good farming practices and careful postharvest handling. The finishing touch is the packaging, which function is not only to contain the product, but to focus on the content and add value through the aspect, information, keeping the fresh aspect, etc. Ejido Carton is specialized in consumer packaging in microwave cardboard, with customized design and high quality printing, based on PEFC and FSC certified cardboard, a packaging material that respects the environment.
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Steam can more effectively combat bacteria from fruits & veggies than other traditional removal methods do
Dennis O’Brien, Agriculture Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Steam can more effectively combat E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria on cantaloupes than traditional removal methods. That’s the finding of an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist in Pennsylvania.
Dike Ukuku and his colleagues at the ARS Food Safety and Intervention Technologies Unit in Wyndmoor has demonstrated that a relatively inexpensive steam cleaner designed to remove wallpaper and clean outdoor grills can rid cantaloupes of E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria more effectively than existing washes and chlorine treatments. The ARS study involved submerging cantaloupes in a bath inoculated with E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria strains. After drying and refrigeration at 41 °F for 7 days, the cantaloupes were cleaned with a commercially available power steamer. The spray nozzle was swept across the fruit for 3 minutes. They placed the nozzle 3 inches from the cantaloupe, a distance that produced 154 °F steam at the point of contact. The technique produced sufficient heat to kill surface pathogens but not enough heat to damage the fruits. They used a 915 Wagner Power Steamer, but any steamer generating the same heat would likely produce similar results. Some cantaloupe were cut up immediately after being steamed. Others were stored for 7 days at 41 °F and then cut up. Pathogen levels on the surfaces of the steam-treated melons were generally 1,000 times lower than those on untreated melons. Pathogens on cut-up pieces of the cantaloupes were reduced beyond detection.
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Ozone treatment increased the shelf-life of carrots without altering the weight loss percentage, firmness and color
Lauana Pellanda de Souza et al., LWT - Food Science and Technology
Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidant and is used in water treatment, pest disinfection and the removal of pesticides, mycotoxins and other contaminants from fruits and vegetables. However, the treatment conditions should be specifically determined for all types of products for the effective and safe use of ozone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ozone applied as gas (0–5 mg L−1) and dissolved in water (0–10 mg L−1) on the quality of carrots. The exposure of carrots to ozone as gas and dissolved in water did not alter the weight loss percentage, firmness and the color of the vegetable.
AK-0034 (ATILA)*, early onion, ex-
cellent for green onion and dried onion Akiras Seeds
AK-0034 (ATILA)*, by AKIRA SEEDS, is an early onion, one month later than Top Star. It is excellent for green onion and dry, with bulbs of great caliber (*) Pending register
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Onion, … and other round fruits and vegetables selection
Multiscan Technologies
The O3 treatments as gas also did not affect the pH of the carrots. However, in treatments with O3 dissolved in water, the ozone concentrations and its interaction with temperature temporarily affected the pH of carrots. Moreover, O3 as gas prevented the sharp increase in soluble solids during storage for five days (18 ± 2 °C, 80 ± 5% RH), thereby increasing the shelf-life of carrots.
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Multiscan S80, by MULTISCAN TECHNOLOGIES, S.L., is the developed to sort fruits and vegetables up to 150 mm in diameter according to color, quality, shape or size.
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Main features include: - Built in stainless steel and food approved polymeric materials. - Transport over roller belt. - Vision with a high-resolution digital camera. - Flexible platform, able to be adapted to latest technology. - Pneumatic expulsion system with two or three exits. - Adequate for any kind of product (40mm up to 150mm). - Possibility of remote connexion with the Communications Option. - Simple and versatile handling through a tactile screen. - Multiproduct: onions, tomato, oranges, lemon, …
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The Naked Onion was presented at this year’s trade show for the first time and is already available in Dutch supermarkets. The company has already planned to be present in France and Great Britain and more other countries will shortly follow.
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Pre-harvest irrigation regime has the potential to manipulate onion dormancy, thus, helping to extend storage life
Ikenna C. Ohanenye et al., VIII International Postharvest Symposium, Cartagena, Spain, 21-24 June 2016
The Naked Onion was presented for the first time at Fruit Logistica
Minimally processed and Processing Bulb water content and water loss has previously been linked to post-harvest sprouting. We hypothesise that pre-harvest controlled irrigation can influence onion endo and ecodormancy.
Right after the onion is harvested it is peeled and thanks to its packaging the Naked Onion stays fresh for weeks. The Naked Onion” is ready to eat! It only needs to be washed before the consumption. According to WiskerkeOnions, it is a solution for both; private customers and largescale consumers like restaurants and the best of all: “This will give end users no reason to cry,” said Chayenne Wiskerke from Wiskerke Onions.
Two onion cultivars viz. ‘Sherpa’ and ‘Red baron’ were planted in John Innes compost (No 3) and grown in the glasshouse for five months. Plants were exposed to differential irrigation upon appearance of 8th and 9th leaves. Soil moisture content (SMC) was the main criterion used for irrigation scheduling and the exact amount of water applied was determined gravimetrically. Control plants were maintained at near 100% field capacity (FC), while 50% FC was used for test plants. Bulbs were harvested at 100% fall-down and cured for six weeks. Yield (bulb weight per pot), respiration rate, sprout and root emergence were as-
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sessed throughout storage. Abscisic acid (ABA) in the baseplate tissue was also quantified using mass spectrometry. Yield was 17.4% higher in the control bulbs compared to those subjected to deficit irrigation. After one week of curing, water loss was 3-fold higher in the control compared to test bulbs.
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Better postharvest behaviour of onions with neck in ambient temperature storage
Surbhi Sharma, College of Agriculture, Indore, India
The present investigation entitled “Studies on post-harvest management of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.)�was carried out in Kharif during the year 2016-17 at the research farm of Department of Horticulture, college of agriculture, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore, (M.P.). The experimental material for the present investigation comprised of eight treatments (figure). These treatments were in Completely Randomized Design with three replications to observe Physiological loss in weight, rotting, sprouting, black mould incidence and bulb circumference, after 3 months of storage at ambient temperature.
The highest temperature recorded was in the month of June i.e. 39.6 degree Celsius while the lowest temperature was seen in the month of July ranging 23.1 degree.
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Any electrolyzed water reduced the bacterial counts on fresh-cut vegetables, differing the effectiveness on bacterial with type of water and vegetable
Hidemi Izumi, Ayano Inoue, VIII International Postharvest Symposium, Cartagena, 21-24 June 2016
Electrolyzed water containing 10-60 ppm available chlorine is being used in some commercial plants as an alternative disinfectant to sodium hypochlorite because it may be more effective without any damage to the product. In 2012, electrolyzed middle acidic water (pH 2.7-5.0) was approved as a food additive by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan in addition to electrolyzed strongly acidic water (pH<2.7), weakly acidic water (pH 5.06.5), and alkaline water (pH>7.5) that had previously been approved. In this study, effects of the four types of electrolyzed water containing 30-50 ppm available chlorine on fresh-cut lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, and welsh onion were determined based on bacterial enumeration and identification.
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The fresh-cut vegetables had 5.1-8.0 log CFU/g for mesophiles and 3.4-7.0 log CFU/g for coliforms, with the counts being higher in cucumber or welsh onion than in lettuce or cabbage.
- water-only and an - untreated entry.
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53301, potato sizers
T.R. Turoni Good effects of fludioxonil, fluopyram/pyrimethanil, and boscalid/ pyraclostrobin to control Botrytis Neck Rot in stored onions
Manish K. Bansal et al., HortTechnology
tr Turoni, the specialist in instruments, counts on manual potato sizers, composed by 11 squared rings. Vidalia onions (Allium cepa) are very susceptible to infection from pathogens and diseases compared with other types of onions. Botrytis neck rot (BNR) (Botrytis allii) is the most common and destructive storage disease, whereas sour skin (Pseudomonas cepacia) can cause significant bacterial losses, particularly, for late season cultivars. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of different fungicide and bactericide drenches on marketability of Vidalia onions using the cultivar Savannah Sweet grown, harvested, and graded for high-quality onions. Six different fungicide treatments were evaluated, including - fludioxonil at two different rates, - fluopyram and pyrimethanil in combination, and - pyraclostrobin and boscalid in combination with a
Easy to handle, manufactured in aluminium, in sizes 30 to 80 mm in steps by 5 mm.
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Action of essential oils on sprouting of non-dormant potato tubers
Mirelle N. de S. Santos et al., IX Congreso Iberoamericano TecnologĂa, Postcosecha y Agroexportaciones
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The breakdown of dormancy and early sprouting is one of the main causes of losses of stored potatoes. Sprouting control becomes important especially when tubers are submitted to longterm storage for further processing.
accompanied by the shoots growth and increased water loss and respiration, being one of the main causes of potato losses during storage for the industry.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of organic sprout inhibitors, eugenol and menthol essential oils, on the suppression of growth on non-dormant ‘Asterix’ tubers stored at 8 °C. The tubers were exposed to the compounds by vaporization. For each treatment, samples were collected in six different periods, before application (day 0) and 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days after application, in order to verify possible differences between treatments.
Therefore, proper storage management is necessary to keep the tubers marketable. Several techniques have been used to increase the shelf life of tubers, including the addition of chemicals in conjunction with refrigeration.
Administration of eugenol and menthol essential oils reduced the number and the length of sprouts during storage up to fifty days, but stimulated the break of apical dominance.
Previous research has revealed the efficacy of plant derived volatile compounds such as mint, peppermint and clove oil, allowed by federal organic standards, due to the high volatility leaves little or no residue.
The effect of the oils was restricted to the necrosis superficial sprout cells without any apparent effect on the periderm.
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Europatat Congress 2018 – A successful event for the sector!
Root Vegetables Eugenol and menthol compounds, effective in sprout suppression, prolonging storage and improving the quality of potato tubers
Mirelle N. de S. Santos et al., IX Congreso Iberoamericano Tecnología, Postcosecha y Agroexportaciones Although usually freshly consumed, potato tubers can be directed to processing of frozen, fried or dehydrated potato products, among other derivatives. After the tuber maturation, the dormancy is spontaneously broken and this rupture is
Last Friday 4 May, the European potato community gathered in Brussels for the Europatat Congress 2018. Under the slogan “Potatoes: a healthy, sustainable and responsible sector”, the annual event focused on the many assets of the sector in the areas of health, nutrition, sustainability
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and social corporate responsibility, and how they feed into the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. The keynote speaker in the morning session, digital strategist and reputation management specialist Christophe Ginisty, gave to the participants an insight about social media trends and the most looked after consumers, known as millennials: “Try to educate, partner and listen to your audience” he highlighted. He also pointed out the need for associations of diversifying messages on the different social media platforms and the role of ensuring that people are still “critical” thinking.
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“We’ve now been completely satisfied with the door for five years. It’s not in the way of anything, rolls up easily and looks good. The door is also well-isolated for the potato storage,” Gerrit says. Quik’s has also chosen six Isoroll doors of BG Door from Barendrecht for the new company building, which has now been taken into use. “The price wasn’t a showstopper, it was in conformity with the market of other isolated doors.” BG Door was surprised by Quik’s’ choice for their doors, because these door are mostly used by auctions and fresh produce distribution companies. The door therefore was a first for potato storage.
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First flexible rolling door to be repeated in Quik’s’ new potato storage
FPM Potato Planter
Ferrari Costruzioni Meccaniche
BG Door International
Gerrit Oomen: “Doors aren’t in the way and are very sturdy” Limited space in the reception hall was the reason to purchase a flexible rolling door for potato wholesaler Quik’s Verse Aardappelen in 2013. “We were looking for a sturdy door that wouldn’t be broken the minute a fork-lift truck accidentally bumps into it,” says manager Gerrit Oomen. “That’s why we went to the Belgian auction to see the doors in action, and we immediately bought one.”
The FERRARI potato planter mod FPM is a very simple and functional machine, each element is equipped with a large turning carousel that allows the tubers to drop down into the furrow. The Semi-automatic potato planter is driven by the driving wheel of the element. The earthing-up of the tubers is made either by discs with adjustable angle or by ridgers with adjustable wings. FPM potato planter has been designed for planting either potatoes or other tubers or bulbs, whole or cut in pieces.
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The distance between the rows is adjustable and the seeding distance can be altered from 17 to 45 cm.
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the coming next years. Following this, Europatat welcomes Gilles Fontaine as new President, as well as Domenico Citterio and Heero Gramsma, in the rol of Vice-president and Treasurer respectively.
Fruitfog-CIPC, to avoid potato sprouting
Fomesa Fruitech
Fruitfog-CIPC, by Fomesa Fruitech, is an antigerminant fumigant for treatment of stored potatoes; the active component clorprofam (CIPC). Used for treating potatoes, except seed potatoes, in cold rooms, packinghouses and storage rooms. It avoids the sprouting of potatoes during long conservation. Sold in metal tins of 600, 2400 or 6000 g.
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Gilles Fontaine, new President of Europatat Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, celebrated the 3 May, its 70th Assembly General Meeting where a new Board has been elected by the membership to channel and lead the association for
In addition, during the AGM held yesterday at the Hotel Amigo in Brussels, the accounts and a New Europatat Strategy were approved by the members. This Strategic Plan, describing the vision and mission of Europatat, as well as the key fields of action and priorities for the next three-year period (2018-2020), will serve as the guideline for the association to serve the interest of the sector during the coming years. Gilles Fontaine, new Europatat President, welcomed the new Strategy of the association, which will mark a common direction to achieve progress in all of the major objectives of Europatat. Mr. Fontaine is the Chief Executive Officer of Desmazières SA (Agrico Group), a company specialized in potato plan trading and organic consumption. Member of the board and Treasurer of Europatat since 2016, he is also an Administrator Member and former President of FEDEPOM, the organization representing potato breeders and suppliers in France, as well as Vice President of the potato seed section of the GNIS. “I would like to talk all Europatat members for the trust placed me. As the new Europatat President I undertake to raise the voice of our organization on the international stage and to represent the collective interest of all members as part of the new strategy recently launched by the board”.
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Ground-penetrating radar allows to identify early maturing potato cultivars
By Potato Pro
Ground-penetrating radar might help the potato industry save water, according to Dr. Dirk Hays, Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant geneticist in the soil and crop sciences department at College Station. Hays’ latest project utilizes ground-penetrating radar to select early maturing potato cultivars, which can help producers make harvest decisions and increase water-use efficiency. His project is in coordination with AgriLife Research and the department of horticultural sciences potato breeding program conducted by breeders Dr. Creighton Miller and Dr. Isabel Vales, both at College Station.
Leaf toppers, to make easier the harvesting of potatoes
The leaf toppers, by FORIGO, are specific machines for the foliage and stalks shredding on the potato beds surface, allowing an easier harvesting process. The high raised shape of the frame and the blades length and their position on the rotor allow a precise and fast cut matching the bed profile. A unique fixed machine model is suited for the three-main seeding beds interaxis (75/80/90 cm) and it can be front driven or pulled by the tractor.
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Model CCL Lattice Potato Chip Slicer
Dirk Hays, Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant geneticist explains “We know radar will work on potatoes. Radar works on detecting objects that are denser than the soil environment they are in. Potatoes are very moist versus the sandy soils they are grown in, so it’s relatively easy to image the potatoes with the ground-penetrating radar.”
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The Model CCL slicer designed by URSCHEL produces lattice cuts of varying thickness. Both sides of the slice have crinkles,
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with the crinkles on each side of the slice running approximately 90° to each other. Uses involve lattice potato chips and thicker potato waffle fries. Lattice slicing is a unique application. Proper feeding of the machine is necessary to ensure continuous production. Tempered high quality oval or flat shaped potatoes measuring between 2 – 4 inches (51 – 102 mm) are best-suited.
Studies of 30 years ago could change potato seed production systems
Jorge Luis Alonso G., Lukas Bertschinger, Gregory A. Forbes and Paul C. Struik
Note: The Model CC Slicer can be converted to a Model CCL Lattice Slicer by purchasing the recommended set of parts. Contact your local Urschel representative for more information.
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Naturcover P, edible coating for potatoes
Decco Ibérica Post Cosecha
Naturcover P, by DECCO, is an edible coating for potatoes, belonging to the DeccoNatur alternative treatments range of products. Main effects are: Avoid greening Reduce weight loss Prevents blackening.
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The requirements of formal systems of potato seed production are impractical in the Andes and almost impossible to put in place due to the low incidence of virus permitted in the marketed seed and strict formal procedures. A recent study that analyzed the results of research done 30 years ago refutes the belief that all progeny tubers from plants grown from virus infected tubers will generally also become infected. This finding would affect the current formal systems as they all rely on that assumption. The present article describes the research done and suggests possible scenarios in which to apply the results. Background According to the Compendium of Potato Diseases, pathogens that attack the potato crop can be: fungi, viruses and viroids, bacteria, phytoplasmas and oomycetes Many of these pathogens spread through the plant and infect tubers. The percentage of infected tubers may accumulate across generations, resulting in seed lots with an increasing proportion of infected tubers, and in reduced vigor and productivity of the crop.
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Testing potato diseases in the Maine Potato Disease Testing Lab
Root Vegetables
The Maine Potato Disease testing lab is located in the basement of the Maine Potato Board building in Presque Isle. That’s where they do seed certification testing for the State of Maine for viruses and bacterial pathogens. Jaylee Fox is a lab technician. “With seed, whenever you replant it if you have a small percentage of virus or bacteria whatever you plant is going to become a lot more the next year. So what could be a small amount of virus infection one year could become a significant problem,” said Fox. They also do some voluntary testing for growers. Right now Plant estimates they work with about 1,000 disease samples per year - but that number is about to increase significantly, as the seed certification process requires that all post harvest testing be full lab testing. Right now they send their samples to be grown on a farm in Florida for potato virus testing. When the certification process changes, all the samples will come to this building. That could be as early as 2018. “Being able to test stuff with a machine and being able to say with absolute certainty this is how much virus is in there, is very important as opposed to just looking at it and ...
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Ulma Packaging attended BP2017 to promote automation for the potato industry
ULMA Packaging
BP 2017, the biennial show brings the multi-billion pound potato industry together for a unique ‘seed to shopping trolley’ event and ULMA’s technical team attended, last November, to discuss the advantages of the company’s high-speed packaging technology for handling, processing and retailing the crop. Among the systems available for packing potatoes is ULMA’s horizontal offering for tray-less baking potatoes through the Atlanta flow wrapper. Potatoes are fully regimented through the folding box via an adjustable overhead brush device. This has the capability of sealing various types of packaging materials. Also of interest to potato growers will be ULMA’s Vertical Form Fill and Seal (VFFS) range, particularly the flexible VTC 800 (2nd. picture) and VTI 600 – vertical packaging machinery (1st picture) designed for harsh environments and demanding cleaning processes. Machines are controlled via ULMA’s industrial PC.
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Occurrence of Internal brown spot (IBS) increase in tubers showin skin roughness
Raimo F., et al., Potato Research
Internal brown spot (IBS) is a physiological disorder of potato tubers consisting in the appearance of punctiform and/or enlarged rust-coloured necrosis in parenchymal tissues. The IBS disorder leads to important economic impact and yield depreciation since quality, sensory and processing features of tubers may be highly compromised. Nowadays, the causes of IBS are still debated; however, the combination of several genetic, nutritional and environmental factors seems to have a relevant role in modulation of symptoms. In the current work, IBS occurrences together with skin roughness were monitored in potato tubers of different cultivars harvested in 2 years of field trials under different field conditions (environment, irrigation rate). All three IBS-susceptible cultivars used, Luminella, Majestic and Ricciona di Napoli, showed significant IBS incidence. Importantly, incidence and severity increased with tuber size.
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Centrifugal cutting machine improving quality and product safety used to process beetroot
FAM Centris 400 is the solution
Baltussen Konservenfabriek may the oldest cannery in the Netherlands, but it is still going strong. Not only when it comes to innovative products, but also on a technical level. They have recently starting using a new cutting method for beetroot. Baltussen supplies a wide range of processed fruits and vegetables. The original cannery factory was founded in 1868, making it the oldest factory of this kind in the Netherlands. Since the demand for apple syrup, jam and other fruit preserves is decreasing, they are gradually switching to vegetable preservation. All their products are marketed in glass jars of various sizes. A large part of their assortment is organic products. A number of products, such as beetroot and red cabbage, are processed directly after being harvested. They recently started using a new cutting machine for the processing of beetroot.
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HDPE film packaging can extend postharvest life of radish while curing might have little but beneficial effects
Dulal Chandra et al., Journal of Food Quality
The branding revolution across Europe
Produce Business UK interviews Jaime Sanfelix, founder and MD of Laser Food
If you visit the fresh produce aisles of an ICA supermarket in Sweden or a Marks & Spencer store in the UK in the near future, you might be surprised by a small, subtle change in appearance that in reality is revolutionising the way fruit is being sold across Europe. To investigate the effects of packaging on the quality aspects of radish, Korean radish roots (Raphanus sativus L. var. Kwandong) were stored at 0°C after different packaging treatments such as keeping in: - paper cartoon box (control), - keeping in plastic crates (PC), - packaging with micro perforated HDPE film in PC (HDPE + PC), - curing followed by keeping in PC (Curing + PC), - and curing followed by packaging with micro perforated HDPE film in PC (Curing + HDPE + PC).
The laser labelling of fruit is a cost-effective, environmentally friendly means of drastically reducing the carbon footprint of both retailers and producers, while at the same time providing shoppers with a solution to an age-old problem: how to know where a product comes from and whether it is of good quality? Laser labelling offers a safe, indelible means of adding a brand name or product origin to fruit skin without damaging the contents in any way whatsoever.
The cured treatment consisted to allow to cure at room temperature (about 26–28°C) for one day using electric fans by arranging roots on a polyethylene sheet on the floor and then packaging treatments were applied.
Perhaps more importantly, the introduction of laser labelling means wasteful, costly paper labels and increasingly needless plastic packaging can be effectively eliminated, enabling retailers and producers to make substantial material savings to say nothing of the resulting environmental benefits.
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Links AHDB, to make the potato industry more competitive and sustainable AHDB Potatoes is a division of the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board, and is committed to making the potato industry more competitive and sustainable through factual, evidence-based advice, information and activity.
Dacomex, import & export of onions and vegetables Dacomex is a family-owned and ?run Business which has been growing, processing, and selling onions and potatoes for generations. We began exporting under the Dacomex name in 1961, and through our experience of many years we have grown to be one of the biggest exporters in The Netherlands. Our Green Star Brand is known world-wide for its good quality and its affordable prices.
Dauchy Potatoes is exporting its products to numerous European and African countries Potato wholesaler Dauchy Potatoes from West Flanders has already included the third generation in its activities. The family business is centrally situated between the major suppliers in Belgium and France. Dauchy Potatoes has more than 50 years of experience in the trading of potatoes, onions and carrots. Thanks to this long experience, the company has developed a thorough knowledge and expertise, and knows how to be flexible all the time.
Euro 5, vacuum packed potatoes Vacuum packed potatoes, carrots and sugar beets.
Europatat, European Potato Trada Association Europatat has been established in 1952 and was one of the first European organisations in the agriculture wholesale trade. Initially set up by national organisations to protect the interests of the wholesale potato merchants, its membership is now open to individual companies active in the potato trade.
Imperio Garlic â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Imperio Garlicsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is a company founded in 1970 by D. Francisco Mira Hernandez, dedicated to the production and marketing of garlic and onions in conventional and organic farming.
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Jaguacy Holland, Fruits & Vegetables Jaguacy Holland sells: Hass and Fuerte avocados, orange, limes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, pineapple, pomegranate and ginger produced in Brazil and other countries and carefully selected according to the most stringent international certifications, such as Globalgap.
Konaxx, onions and potatoes Konaxx Trade BV is a packer, grader and exporter of Dutch Onions, Potatoes, Cabbages, Carrots, Beetroots, Celeriac, Swedes and Leeks. We are located in Sint Jacobiparochie, in the north of The Netherlands. A young and enthusiastic team is ready to serve you as good as possible. Also Beetroots, celeriac, swedes and leeks, carrot, ?
Maine Potatoes are fresh, sustainable, delicious, and nutritious! The Maine Potato industry prides itself on producing a high-quality product, whether that product is potatoes destined for your table, french fries, potato chips, or other processed potatoes. The Maine Quality Trademark is your guarantee that the contents are only the highest quality. In fact, before those potatoes can bear that trademark, they are inspected and pass requirements stricter than the United States Department of Agricultureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U.S. No. 1 grade. Just look for the red, white and blue State of Maine trademark the next time youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re shopping for potatoes.
Nature Iblea, the best partner for organic Organic producers of fruits (apples, cantaloupe melon, gialletto melon, grapes and oranges) and vegetables (artichoke, asparagus, butternut squash, carrots, cherry tomato, cucumber, egg tomato, eggplant, endives, fennel, french beans, lemons, mini plum tomato, parsley, peppers, potato, tomato on the vine and zucchini).
Potato Goodness, with recipes, nutrition, potato tips, ... Anchored by a strong foundation of market and consumer research and analysis, the USPB domestic and international potato marketing programs include: advertising, nutrition science, public relations, retail and foodservice marketing, and issues management. Whether the potato is grown for fresh, frozen, chip, dehydrated or seed use, the USPB is dedicated to positioning potatoes as a nutrition powerhouse?truly, goodness unearthed.
Roha, production, packaging, storing and export of Cyprus potatoes We specialise in the potato industry and since 2005 we have managed to become one of the biggest exporting companies of potatoes in Cyprus. We are able to provide customers fresh potatoes all year round, when asked and agreed with them. We work with wholesalers, resellers and chain supermarkets. Our products are mainly intended for exports but we also
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supply the local market. We currently export to Greece, UK, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Croatia and Moldova.
SOREGI, Fruits and Vegetables The “SOREGI - Frutas e Legumes, Lda.” it is fruit of the company in individual name António José Relógio, that it initiated its activity in 1980 and that up to 1988 if dedicated exclusively to the agricultural production, essentially of carrots and potatoes.
Sweetpotato knowledge portal The global meeting place for people interested in all things related to sweet potato. Information include breeding, seed systems, crop management, postharvest, nutritrion and uses.
Sweet Potatoes, natural health food nutrition value Our company is located in the Jining city, Shandong province of China. We mainly export sweet potatoes to overseas. We have a wide varieties of sweet potato that can meet your requirements according to your needs.
Taktikos: production, packaging and trading Producers, packagers and traders of strawberries, watermelons, melons, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflowers.
Van den Elzen, specialist in leek Presentations and recipes of a Dutch specialist in leek; web site in dutch.
Viva Tierra Organic, organic fresh fruits and vegetables Viva Tierra Organic is a leading brand of certified organic fresh fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, stone fruit, kiwis and onions.
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Trade fairs and other meetings Specific fairs Europatat Congress
Last Congress was May 3 & 4, 2018 Brussels, Belgium
10th World Potato Congress y XVIII Congreso de la AsociaciĂłn Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) May 27 - 31th, 2018, Cuzco, Peru
AHDB Potatoes event - Post-Harvest Technologies; Keeping Crops Clean, Cool and (High) Quality 20th Jun 2018, Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research, Lincs., United Kingdom
Potato Europe
September 12 & 13, 2018, Rittergut Bockerode bei Springe (near Hannover), Germany, annual, itinerant
2nd. International Symposium Carrot and other Apiaceae September 19 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22th, 2018, Cracow, Poland
Potato Variety Presentations in The Netherlands November 6th, different places
Interpom Primeur
November 25-17th, 2018, Kortrijk, Beligum, biannual
Potato Expo
January 9 & 10, 2019, Austin, Texas, USA
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EAPR, European Association for Potato Research 21st EAPR Triennial Conference, Warsaw, Poland 6th July, 2020 - 10th July, 2020
No upcoming date yet APA, African Potato Association
Three-year event. The next, in 2019, will take place in Rwanda, on a date to be fixed
China Potato Expo
The previous one was in March 2018; itinerant
IOM 2017, II International Onion Meeting The previous one was in November 2017
National Sweet Potato Convention
The 56th convention was last January 2018 in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Simposio Internacional de Raíces, Rizomas, Tubérculos, Plátanos, Bananos y Papaya
Each two years, organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT), Ministerio de la Agricultura de la República de Cuba. The last, the VI, was in October 2017
South-Eastern Europe Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes With participation of the ISHS, the last was 2017
UK Onion & Carrot Conference & Exhibition The last was November 2017
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Exhibitions showing produce Macfrut 8 - 10 May 2019, Rimini, Italia
Asia Fruit Logistica
September 5 – 7, 2018, Hong Kong
PMA Fresh Summit
October 18 – 20th, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fruit Attraction
October 23 – 25th, 2018, Madrid, Spain
Fruit Logistica
February 7 – 9th, 2019, Berlin, Alemania
February 23 – 24th, 2019, Pune, India
Exhibitions showing machinery Agritechnica
The last was 12 -18th November 2017. Hannover, Germany
The last was February 2018, Zaragoza, Spain
Del 24 -28th February 2019, Paris Nord Villepinte, France
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If your exhibition is not here, please, send to us the information using SPE3, s.l. -
Doctor Manuel Candela 26, 11ª - 46021 Valencia España (Spain) Tel.: +34-649 485 677 -
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