Postharvest Directory 2015

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The Directory for Growers, Packers, Processors and Distributors

Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamentals

Coordinated by:

Alicia Namesny Antonio Delgado

Editor: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, S.L. Coordination: Alicia Namesny / Antonio Delgado / Pere Papasseit Realization & Design: Carácter Gráfico, S.L. / Virgilio Creativo Production, Distribution and Copyright: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, S.L.

Doctor Manuel Candela 26, 11ª 46021 Valencia - Spain Ph. +34-649 485 677 -


Member of: Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas, SECH International Society for Horticultural Science, ISHS Asociación para la Promoción del Consumo de Frutas y Hortalizas «5 al Día» Asociación de Periodistas y Escritores Agrarios de Cataluña, Agropress Asociación Iberoamericana de Periodistas Especializados y Técnicos, AIPET



The Postharvest Directory, state of the art of main providers The Postharvest Directory was first published in 1988 and until last year has been a bilingual edition, predominantly in Spanish, with English abstracts. This is the second edition of the Postharvest Directory, entirely in English. We are very glad being able to tell that it got over 10,700 visitors and downloads exceeded 1,700. The information of the participating companies reflects the demands of modern horticultural industry. Seeds of varieties with good organoleptic characteristics, particularly good flavour, and good postharvest behavior. Agrochemicals in the range of "green" products increases, in parallel to the difficulty for the registration of new synthetic products. Cold storage systems and controlled atmospheres that allow take advantage of a reduced metabolic activity induced by cold and extreme gas combinations. The packinghouse machinery, to select and grade, is increasingly versatile and accurate and does its job more gently, also allowing separate excessively soft fruit, which is not suitable for prolonged storage or transport. The availability of equipment for “starters” (low capacities) increases, allowing the automation of all ranges of exploitation. Also the manufacturers of equipment for minimally processing, ready to eat, packaging, … pay attention to low / medium capacity units. The packaging materials have extended their services beyond the mere physical protection, functioning as an selective barrier. Modern flexible plastics with selective permeability enable sea transportation of perishable fruits such as cherries from Chile to markets as far away as Japan. Also considered materials for the construction of appropriate facilities, with good fences, doors save energy by avoiding thermal bridges, tools for assessing the quality in a simple way, … Other sources of update are other media and trade shows, also present in the Postharvest Directory.

Technology for root vegetables The particularities of the cleaning, grading, storage … of potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, ... is the reason for the pdf document "Info Root Vegetables”. The Postharvest Directory incorporates information from participating companies to its contents.

Information updated daily The Postharvest Directory is part of the Postharvest website, www.postharvest. biz,where you find daily updated information on equipment, materials and technology. Once a week, the newsletter Postharvest News summarizes it. You are kindly invited to subscribe, HERE,



Summary of SPE3 websites with information about fruits, vegetables and ornamentals growing, postharvest and marketing Postharvest, Daily updated, Postharvest News, Weekly newsletter Postharvest Directory, Yearbook, phd_14?e=8490508/7073350

Info Root Vegetables, Continuous updating, docs/info_root_vegetables_2015?e=8490508/12053730 Biblioteca de Horticultura, Monographic articles, mostly in Spanish language, but not only, Biblioteca News, Spanish language, THM, HorticulturaBlog, Daily updated, Spanish language, field & greenhouse technology & marketing, THM News, Fortnightly, Kiosko, Links to profesional media, Poscosecha, Daily updated, postharvest information in Spanish language, Poscosecha News, Weekly newsletter, Spanish language, Directorio Poscosecha, Yearly updated, pdf document, Spanish language, http://issuu. com/horticulturaposcosecha/docs/dpc_14?e=8490508/8518703........ Info Espárrago y Alcachofa, Spanish language, continuous updating, horticulturaposcosecha/docs/alcachofaesparragoinfo?e=8490508/3719602 Info Hortalizas Subterráneas, Spanish language, continuous updating, http:// ticulturaposcosecha/docs/info_hor talizas_subterraneas_20141?e=8490508/10746643 Info Pimiento, Spanish language, continuous updating, Info Tomate, Spanish language, continuous updating, Info Melón y Sandía, .Spanish language, continuous updating, Info Berries, Spanish language, continuous updating, 7




General Index

Activity sectors.............................................................................................. 10

Enterprises listed by alphabetic order.................................................... 13 Outstanding international enterprises................................................... 16

Enterprises, products and services.......................................................... 19



Activity sectors


Agrochemicals (Phytosanitary products) ●

Cooling and controlled atmosphere ●

Packinghouse machinery

Minimally processed, ready to eat, and processing equipment ●

Packaging and labelling Equipment ●


Varieties of fruits, vegetables or ornamental species with outstanding characteristics for the consumer or the distributors: long life, taste, flavour, nutritional content, etc. Postharvest fungicides; waxes; hormons, cleaning products and products to disinfect packinghouses, grading lines, cool chambers, etc.; products to preserve flowers, cool chambers, sanitizers, etc. Humid air precooling systems, vacuum coolers, hydrocoolers, cool chamber equipments, icing machines, isolating panels, thermic aisling, aisling doors, CA generators Fungicides dosifier equipments, lines for conditioning produce and flowers, bunching machines, machines to take the leaves away, bin dumpers, washers, transport chains, color selectors, waxers, cleaners, brushers, fruit labellers; tray, box or bin fillers, etc., graders, shell brokers

Washers, cutters, dryers; lines to produce juices; freezing, canning, pastes; hotel, restaurant and catering machines

Wrapping and packaging machines, 2nd. peel, netting machi­nes, sewing machines, weighers, flow pack, thermoforming, vertical packaging, labellers (except fruit labellers), pricing, label printers, code machines, palletizers, etc.


Packaging and labelling Materials and Auxiliary equipment ●

Consumer packaging: punnets, trays, bags, flexible plastics, papers, etc. Transport packaging: boxes, crates, bins, pallets, corners, palletizing materials (netts, plastics), strapping machines and materials, stapling machines and staples, labels, etc. Machines to open plastic boxes, to conform carton boxes, to recicle boxes, to clean boxes, etc.

Logistic and distribution

Palletizing, cool transport (refrigeration equipment for trucks, trains, containers, etc.), controlled atmosphere transport, containers, racks, separating materials (blowed bags), forklifts

Point of sale

Bar code readers, weighers; normal or refrigerated showcases, posters for shelfs, vending machines, illumination, other decoration elements, promotional articles, floral foam, decoration for ornamentals (ribbons, decorated papers, etc.)

Information, administration, planning and services ●

Control and measuring devices ●

Laboratories, consultings and engineering (plant design and turn key projects), techniciens, quality control and certification, magazines, videos, internet sites, software, research institutes, work wear, credit companies, insurance companies, banks, exhibitions

Laboratory equipment, glass materials, refractometers, thermometers, ripening determination, etc.





Enterprises listed by alphabetic order






Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. ..........................96, 110

Fam n.v. ........................................99, 124

Janssen PMP Argentina.................... 62

Fam-Stumabo Ibérica s.l. ............................................. 99

Janssen PMP Belgium....................... 62

Agro-Technologie ............................139 Analytica Alimentaria ....................... 20

Fomesa Fruitech, s.l. .......40, 105, 128

Janssen PMP Singapore................... 62

Ángel Mir - Porbisa ........................... 22

Forigo Roteritalia .............................130

Janssen PMP US.................................. 62

Janssen PMP Japan............................ 62 ................................... 46


Fruit Attraction ................................... 50

BioXTEND Co. ...................................... 97

Ftnon - Food Technology Noord-Oost Nederland b.v. ..........132

Brifer Services, s.l. .............................. 52 BrimaPack b.v. ..................................104

Fruit Logistica Messe Berlin GmbH .................52, 105


C Growpack, Ltda. ...............................105 Citrosol .......................................... 24, 98

Giró GH, s.a. (Central Ventas Iberia)....................... 57

Compac Sorting Equipment Ltd ..........................28, 114

Giró GmbH ........................................... 57

Constructie Bruynooghe ...............112

D Decco Ibérica Post Cosecha, s.a.u....................34, 116 Domca, s.a. ........................................118

Giró Pack Inc. ...................................... 57 Giró Pack, sa de c.v. ........................... 57 Grupo Giró (Oficinas Centrales)............ 54, 57, 121

Lockwood Press Ltd. - FPJ................ 44

M Macfrut - Cesena Fiera S.p.A........... 64 Marrodan, s.a. ............................66, 140 Moelco Levante, s.l. ........................... 71

P Pac Life ................................................101 Palempordanes, s.l. .........................103


Domenico Brancato s.n.c. .............104

Helios International ..................................... 48



Ejido Cartón, s.l. ...............................122

Ingemaq .............................................134

Ellips b.v. ............................................... 38

Ingeniería Prodol s.a. ...............72, 127 Interko .................................................. 61 Intersemillas ...............................58, 136 Isolcell Italia S.p.A. ...........................100



Prodol ...........................................72, 127 Plastidom Plásticos Industriais e Domésticos s.a. .............................102 Productos Citrosol, s.a. ............. 24, 98

R Revista de Fruticultura ..................... 76


S Shams Media ...................................... 78 Sifel Agadir .......................................... 80

T TECNIDEX, Fruit Protection, s.a.u. ...................... 82 THM, Tecnologías de Horticultura Mediterránea ....................................106 Tomra Sorting Solutions ...............142 T.R. Turoni s.r.l. .................................... 86

U ULMA Packaging ......................88, 144 Unitec s.a. ............................................. 92 Unitec s.p.a. ......................................... 92 Unitec Chile S.p.A. ............................. 92 Unitec France s.a.s ............................. 92 Unitec Ibérica s.l. ................................ 92 Uniservice Sicilia s.r.l. ........................ 92 Unitec USA Universal Technologies .................... 92

V Van Wamel b.v. .................................103 Visar Europe ......................................146

W Wyma Engineering (NZ) Ltd. ........148



Outstanding international enterprises Varieties Intersemillas ................................................58

Interko ...........................................................61 Isolcell Italia s.p.a. ....................................100 Moelco Levante, s.l. ...................................71

Agrochemicals (phytosanitary products) Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. .........................96 Decco Ibérica Post Cosecha, s.a.u. ...................................34

Packinghouse machinery Compac Sorting Equipment ...................................................28 Ellips b.v. .......................................................38

Fomesa Fruitech, S.L. ................................40

Growpack, Ltda. .......................................105

Janssen PMP ................................................62

Ingeniería Prodol, s.a. ...............................72

Productos Citrosol, S.A. ...........................24

Unitec s.p.a. ..................................................92

Tecnidex, Técnicas de Desinfección, S.A. ..............82

Van Wamel b.v. ..........................................103

Cooling and controlled atmosphere BioXTEND Co. ..............................................97 Productos Citrosol, s.a. ............................98 Domenico Brancato ................................104 Fomesa Fruitech, s.l. ...............................105


Minimally processed, ready to eat, and processing equipment Fam n.v. .........................................................99 Marrodan, s.a. ..............................................66


Packaging and Labelling Equipment BrimaPack b.v. ...........................................104 ULMA Packaging .......................................88

FPJ - Loockwood Press Ltd. ....................44 ...........................................46 Fruit Logistica ....................................52, 105 Helios International ..............................................48 Fruit Attraction ...........................................50

Packaging and Labelling Materials and auxiliary equipment Grupo Giró (Oficinas Centrales) ............................ 54, 57

Macfrut Cesena Fiera S.p.A. ....................................64 Revista de Fruticultura..............................76 Shams Media................................................78

Pac Life ........................................................101

Sifel Agadir ...................................................80

Plastidom - Plásticos Industriais e Domésticos, s.a .....................................102

THM - Tecnologías de Horticultura Mediterránea..............106

Logistic, distribution and point of sale Ángel Mir - Porbisa ....................................22

Information, administration, planning and services Analytica Alimentaria ...............................20

Control and measuring devices T.R. Turoni s.r.l. .............................................86

Info Root & Vegetables Enterprises by Alphabetic Order ........109





Enterprises, products and services



Analytica Alimentaria “WE ENSURE FOOD SAFETY” ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA is an internationally operating company dealing with food safety issues. We have established ourselves as an independent laboratory, specializing in the analysis of pesticide residues, pathogen germs and other food contaminants, mainly on fruit and vegetables. We combine testing strategies, onsite presence in cultivation areas and first-class analysis. This 3-stages approach enables us to offer strategic advice and food analysis across the entire supply chain. Analytica Alimentaria is a leading company and a first-choice consultant for all matters involving safety and risk avoidance in the food industry. We help to identify and prevent food crises at an early stage. The key factors in our success are: strategy, speed, communication, independence and trust. Analytica Alimentaria provides across-the-board expertise and formidable resources, and together with our team we guarantee compliance with the most demanding standards of the global markets. Analytica Alimentaria helps market participants to ensure food safety and transparency across the entire supply chain, thus meeting customer and consumer demands. We sample and analyze food, develop and implement customized food safety concepts, research and develop new analytical methods and provide independent consulting on food safety issues. Analytica Alimentaria holds ISO 17025 accreditations from European and international accreditation bodies for all relevant sampling and testing activities.

ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA GMBH Berlin-Brandenburg site Dreilinden Technology and Industry Park Fahrenheitstr. 5 14532 Kleinmachnow, Deutschland Ph. +49-33203 88480

ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA Polígono Industrial, Sector 20, C/ Carbón Portal 2 04009 ALMERÍA - SPAIN Ph. +34-950 622 809 Fax +34-950 220 522





Ángel Mir Àngel Mir - Portes Bisbal SL is the largest company in Spain specialising in the manufacture and assembly of industrial and residential doors, in addition to logistical equipment. We are strongly committed to business excellence, quality, after-sales service and to upholding our reputation as a door manufacturing company that offers its customers the very best products and service. Àngel Mir has more than 140 staff in Spain and its products are marketed internationally through distributors in 50 countries. We have more than 45 years of experience in the manufacture and assembly of doors, loading docks and other products for both private and public business and industrial sectors. One of the keys to our success is our ongoing investment in research and technological development, in order that we may continue to stand out as the leading manufacturer of quality in our sector. Our highly qualified and competent team of staff ensure that our customers take full benefit of our products, offering a personalised, quality service, tailor made to meet their needs. At Àngel Mir, each door is unique and designed to fulfil the specific requirements of our customers. In short, the quality of our products and services provides a guarantee that the needs of our customers receive comprehensive and individualised attention. We also provide our customers with practical advice on how they can add to their installations, and our products are supported by an efficient and flexible after-sales service.

PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. IFCO SYSTEMS ÁNGEL MIR - PORBISA ESPAÑA, S.A. Partida parcela C parc. B-6 PoI. Ind.Alameda, Pol. Rissec de Picassent (Corçà) - C/ 6, 46721 (VALENCIA) - ESPAÑA (Spain) 46220 Potríes 17121 Picassent LA BISBAL (VALENCIA) D’EMPORDÀ - ESPAÑA (Girona) (Spain) - SPAIN Tel./Ph.: +34-96 Ph. +34 972 640280 124 62005 18 12 00 Fax: +34-96 21 Fax +34 972280 124 64208 19 451 30 E-mail:

More in Postharvest





Productos Citrosol At CITROSOL, for over 50 years we have devoted ourselves to research and to development, introduction and commercialisation of post-harvest technology and treatments to maintain the commercial quality of fresh fruit and vegetables. We ensure that fresh fruit and vegetables reach the consumer without losses, with all their flavour, with maximum life, at the best moment for consumption. Our ADVANCED POST-HARVEST SOLUTIONS are blazing the trail for post-harvest technologies and treatments: CITROSOL A S UE wax for citrus products, with its low drying temperature, which achieves considerable energy savings and a remarkable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the ZERO SPILL SYSTEM®, which maintains initial treatment effectiveness without generating fungicide suspension residues, the Fortisol Ca and Fortisol Ca PLUS plant strengtheners, hydrosoluble salts of Ca, P and Na that stimulate the natural defences of the product, helping to control post-harvest decay and rind breakdown, and the combination of X3 NEBULIZER + GLOCUAT PC or QUACIDE PQ60 EC, a simple but innovative technology for disinfecting packinghouses. We are currently working on the control of post-harvest diseases in other fruits and vegetables, including peppers and tomatoes. We will soon be marketing an integrated system for washing peppers that ensures the food safety of the product, controls decay in all varieties of peppers and achieves a considerable reduction in water consumption. Citrosol has treated over 200 million tons of fruit (citrus, pears, apples, bananas, etc.), and this has enabled us to offer the best solutions to thousands of customers all over the world and to design new developments in more effective and more efficient postharvest systems. We have a multidisciplinary team specialising in postharvest technology and biology, electromechanics and engineering, quality control, chemistry and microbiology, working in a matrix organization system, constantly alert to detect and satisfy the needs of our customers and society in our area of activity.

PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. Partida Alameda, s/n 46721 POTRÍES POTRIES (Valencia) - SPAIN ESPAÑA (Spain) Tel./Ph.: Ph. +34-96 +34-96 280 05 2801205 12 Fax:+34-96 Fax +34-96280 28008 0821 21

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Productos Citrosol X3 NEBULIZER + GLOCUAT PC

Effective disinfecting has never been so easy and cheap as nowadays

The winning combination that CITROSOL has developed: the X3 Nebulizer mobile unit together with Glocuat PC, a “ready to use” biocidal disinfectant. The nebulizer mist behaves like a gas that can reach any area or surface in the packinghouse, and on contact with walls or objects it becomes a liquid with practically total fungicidal/bactericidal effectiveness. The mobile unit allows the introduction of sequential C+D (cleaning+disinfection) programs in all rooms and areas in the packinghouse, with very low structural costs.

greenhouse gases (CO2, CO, etc. ) during this process is, as a consequence, also lower.


A new system for on-line application of fungicides which reduces treatment variability by keeping the concentration of fungicide constant


CITROSOL has developed a complete line of citrus covering waxes that is also effective at much lower drying temperatures This low drying temperature wax allows energy savings of 60-70% compared to traditional waxes. The amount of energy needed for drying the wax is therefore reduced. Emission of


This fungicide application system is very superior to other systems presently used in pre-grading – both pools and on-line systems. It reduces treatment variability and keeps constant fungicide concentration. Besides, consumption of those agrochemicals is sharply reduced. It includes our technology ZERO SPILLAGE SYSTEM®.



Phytofortifiers against postharvest decay and rind breakdown


Excellent efficiencies in environmental Citrosol has developed FORTISOL® Ca Plus water-soluble salts of Ca, K and P that produce greater stimulation of the fruit’s natural defences against active pathogens in postharvest treatment of citrus. Fortisol® Ca has proven effectiveness in reduction and control of postharvest discolouration and in decay control. Fortisol® Ca PLUS has an enhanced efficiency in decay control. Both phytofortifiers are effective in controlling postharvest decay and rind breakdown.

disinfection and surface disinfection of cold stores


Is the first industrial system that has a maximal efficiency and homogenity in controlling rot and decay It keeps the fungicide mixture in the drencher and deposit unchanged, allowing its continuous recycling and obtaining a constant efficiency in the treatment. At the same time, the need to treat surplus mixes is avoided, because their composition remains unchanged. The mixes can be recycled and used again during the whole citrus harvesting season.

FUMISPORE® has excellent efficiencies in environmental disinfection and surface disinfection of cold stores and several items of packinghouses, including machinery, as it is not corrosive or toxic, neither for humans or the environment (the security time is 4 hours). The combination active substance + ignition system can achieve high biocide efficiencies in any area due the high diffusion of the produced gas. Its efficacy in disinfecting field boxes and bins is also particularly high and relevant.



Compac Sorting Equipment Compac design, install and maintain end-to-end packhouse solutions that reduce labour, increase throughput, improve accuracy and consistency and provide market compliance and traceability. They invest heavily in developing leading-edge technology to ensure optimized performance potential for every packhouse and back this up with advanced training programs and on-going support. Compac’s European operations are based in Valencia, Spain, the birthplace of global postharvest machinery experts, Fomesa Group, a company acquired by Compac in 2013. Established in 1955, Fomesa was originally focused on citrus within the Valencia region but over time expanded to be active in over 57 countries and recognized as a leader in the design and manufacture of quality equipment.

COMPAC SORTING EQUIPMENT LTD 11 Spring Street - P.O. Box 13516 ONEHUNGA - AUCKLAND - NEW ZEALAND Ph. +64-9-634 0088 Fax +64-9-634 4491

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Avocado Solutions

Our turnkey packhouse technology is designed with your produce in mind - from infeed through to after sales support.

Apple Solutions

Compac works with the world’s leading apple packers. We deliver unrivalled performance in terms of speed, handling, blemish detection and sorting accuracy. Compac has over 25 years experience designing and building turnkey apple packhouse technology; from infeed through to our world class after sales support. The benefits of our end-to-end apple solutions are: Gentle handling Grading speeds of 12 apples a second Minimized product giveaway World-leading blemish detection Unrivalled internal quality sorting Full traceability from orchard to supermarket Packing performance metrics and compliance Lower labor requirements Greater crop returns

Compac works alongside avocado packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit weight grading, colour sorting, internal quality and blemish detection. Our end-to-end avocado solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent apple quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Backed up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability requirements. We have installations in 40 countries and specialise in designing and building packhouse technology solutions; from infeed through to our worldclass after sales support.

Cherry Solutions



COMPAC works with the world’s high performance cherry packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit sizing, colour sorting and blemish detection. Our end-to-end cherry solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent cherry pack quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Backed up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability requirements. We have installations in 40 countries and specialise in designing and building packhouse technology solutions; from infeed through to our worldclass after sales support.

Citrus Solutions

Compac works with the world’s high performance citrus packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit weight grading, colour sorting, internal quality and blemish detection. Our end-toend citrus solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent citrus quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Backed up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability requirements. We have over 25 years experience designing and building complete turnkey citrus packhouse technology solutions; from in-


feed through to our world class after sales support.

Kiwifruit Solutions

Compac works with the world’s high performance kiwifruit packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit weight grading, colour sorting, internal quality and blemish detection. Our end-toend kiwifruit solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent kiwifruit quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Backed up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability requirements. We have over 25 years experience designing and building complete turnkey kiwifruit packhouse technology solutions; from infeed through to our worldclass after sales support.

Stonefruit Solutions Compac works with a variety of stonefruit packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit weight grading, colour sorting, internal quality and blemish detection. Our end-to-end stonefruit solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent stonefruit quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Bac-


ked up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability requirements.

quirements. We have installations in 40 countries and specialise in designing and building packhouse technology solutions; from infeed through to our worldclass after sales support. TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS

We have installations in 40 countries and specialise in designing and building packhouse technology solutions; from infeed through to our worldclass after sales support.

Tomato Solutions

At Compac we’re committed to smart, innovative research and product development. As a market leader, our focus is on continual innovation that meets and exceeds our customers’ expectations and raises the benchmark for the industry as a whole. Our R&D focus allows us to meet the current demand of today, as well as accurately forecast future packhouse trends. Our ability to stay ahead of the market has contributed to our success. Our award-winning team of highly skilled engineers, design, build and install Compac turnkey solutions that reduce costs and increase packhouse profitability for our customers.


Compac works along side the tomato packers to deliver them outstanding performance in terms of fruit weight grading, colour sorting, internal quality and blemish detection. Our end-to-end tomato solution ensures our customers experience gentler handling, greater throughput, lower labor requirements and improved, consistent tomato quality, resulting in a greater return from their packed crop. Backed up by packing performance metrics from their system and compliance with traceability re-

Infeed is the first stage of our packhouse solution and is the method by which produce is transferred onto the line. Beginning with tipping, the infeed process includes small fruit eliminator, washing and treatment, a chemical treatment, waxing, polishing and drying.



Sorting & Grading

Data & Analytics

Sorting and grading is central to Compac’s turnkey packhouse solution and incorporates our industry-leading InVision and Taste Tech NIR systems. These innovative systems allow packhouses to reduce labor required for sorting, whilst significantly improving the consistency and accuracy of the sorted product.

Compac’s data and integration solutions track and record all produce as it crosses the sorter. This information can be shared with other packhouse systems for improved operations and reporting.


Bagging and Packing

Compac provides a wide range of products to cater for the demands of different packhouses including bag, tray, box, punnet, bin filling and pattern packing options. As with all of our solutions, we can customize the way the produce is packed to meet your requirements.


Compac’s robotics solution is the final piece of your complete turnkey packhouse solution. Our system is designed increase efficiency within your packhouse and is ideal for high volume operations.



Compac New Zealand (Bay of Plenty) 560 Jellicoe Street PO Box 564 Te Puke Bay Of Plenty 3153 NEW ZEALAND Craig Hart +64 7 573 0100 Service & Support: +64 7 573 0100 Hawkes Bay - New Zealand 15 Barnes Place Hastings, Hawkes Bay

A Compac retrofit enables you to get the most up-to-date Compac Sizer and InVision software with features such as multipack weight optimization and smart outlet allocation strategies. OUR LOCATIONS Compac Australia (VIC, SA, NSW) Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales Ben Aldridge +61 428 627 572 Service & Support: 1800 682 857

New Zealand Allan Mouat +64 21 503 307 Compac New Zealand (head office) 11 Spring Street PO Box 13 516 Onehunga Auckland 1643 +64 9 634 0088

Compac Australia (QLD. WA, NT, TAS) COMPAC SORTING EQUIPMENT LTD Shop 31C, 25 Mitchell Street Shepparton Victoria 3630 AUSTRALIA Grant Konias +61 3 5822 0466 +61 418 269 233 Service & Support: 1800 682 857



Decco World leader in post harvest solutions since 1934. For decades growers and packers have trusted Decco, and Decco has come through with quality post harvest products, equipment and services, helping process countless billions of citrus, apples, stone fruits, potatoes and many others... treating each piece like it was the most important one ever grown. At our Decco manufacturing and research facilities we constantly strive to improve our formulations, product and equipment services.

PRODUCTOS DECCO IBÉRICA CITROSOL, POST COSECHA S.A. S.A.U. Villa de Alameda, Partida Madrid, 54s/n - Polígono Ind. Fuente del Jarro 46721 PATERNA 46988 POTRIES (Valencia) (Valencia)--ESPAÑA SPAIN (Spain) Tel./Ph.: Ph. +34-96 +34-96 13 44280 01105 12 Fax:+34-96 Fax +34-9613 280 4308 907 21

More in Postharvest







- NATURCOVER. Edible coating (citrus, pears, apples, potatoes..). Decconatur Waxes: CITRASHINE PLUS NATURE & CITRASHINE NATURE DOBLE. DECCO STORAGE SOLUTIONS

Liquid formulation of micronized calcium carbonate. It reduces crop stress face to high temperatures and drought, protects against sunburn, acts as a barrier against fungi and improves postharvest quality extending shelf life of treated products. Recommended for melon, watermelon, apple, pear, olive trees, citrus, vineyard, mango, avocado, pineapple and other vegetables (tomato, pepper..).


Line of products that provide protection for the flowers, fruit and vegetables in post harvest. DECCO- ADSORB. Combination of high porosity zeolite with potassium permanganate. Delays ripening and aging by oxidation of ethylene and volatile. Tubes for trucks and containers. Sachets individual boxes. Machines for cold storage or market. DECCOPAC. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). DECCO-SENSORS. Temperature recorders for transportation and storage. DECCOPOT

Alternative Product line with Zero Synthetic residue. Decconatur cleaner: DECCOSOL. Decconatur Disinfectant: DECCOSAN FH. (Hydrogen peroxide + Peracetic acid). Decconature treatments. - DECCONATURE. Strengthener vegetal extract - DECCOFITO. Potassium phosphate. - DECCOPLUS. Food additive for decay control


Product line of fumigants for disinfection of empty rooms, trucks and containers. Allowed in food industry and livestock.


Deccofenato POT. Orthophenylphenol Deccoamonio Pot. Quaternary ammonium DECCO AEROSOL PLUS. NEW!!!

DECCO AEROSOL PLUS is an innovative system of disinfection by cold fumigation using a full-discharge aerosol. This aerosol pot is fitted with a valve that is pressed until trapped, staying then opened until all the content in the pot is released and diffused into the air. Full-discharge pots Decco Aerosol Plus contain E-202 preservative. This food additive is effective against fungi, bacteria and yeasts. It is used in food industry as a preservative in refrigerated dough, pasta, prepizza, frozen pizza, beverages, tomato sauce, margarine, cheese, stuffing, yogurt, nuts, ice creams, sausages, etc, and it is authorized for fresh citrus treatment. Consequently, Decco Aerosol Plus can be used in empty rooms in any type of food and/or agriculture industry.

Decco Aerosol Plus full-discharge system is comfortable and safe for the user. It does not require any application equipment nor represents any risk for the facilities, since there is no combustion. Pots can be applied in any closed environment or room

such as cold rooms, chambers, manipulation rooms, cooled trucks, etc. Using preservative E-202 does not trigger the appearance of resistant strains of microbial flora; therefore, pots can be periodically used. Its frequent use allows reducing or maintaining low contamination levels, (avoiding fruit inoculation during fruit and vegetable postharvest period), as well as avoiding food contamination in food industry. Industrial applications in cold rooms or trailers showed a reduction of ambient contamination between 70-80%. Having in mind that this is a food preservative with the mentioned advantages, we can consider Decco Aerosol Plus as a powerful tool to be used in food industry at a low cost. MELANITE

Formulation EC - Propiconazole 10%

Decco New postharvest synthetic fungicide developed for Geotrichum and Penicillium control of citrus fruit. Melanite is formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (EC) with propiconazole. Melanite used in in-line drench application acts on citrus cell membrane with protective and curative action against sour rot and green mold development. Melanite residue is authorized in the EU, United States and Canada. MRLs: EU 6ppm USA and Canada 8 ppm It shows low toxicity and it is compatible and shows a positive synergy with other fungicides.



Ellips Accurate grading At Ellips, we have a passion for optical technology. We develop software for sorting machines that is more user-friendly, and more accurate than ever before. TrueSort, our passion Our software TrueSort, which has been developed entirely in-house, improves the performance of new and existing sorting machines. TrueSort grades crops (such as apples, asparagus, cherries, dates, lemons, limes, onions, oranges, peaches, pears, potatoes, and tomatoes)based on weight, size, color, external and internal quality. The software runs on any sorting machine, of any brand. Allowing you to grade fruit and vegetables more accurately than ever before.That is our passion! Passionate team Ellips was founded in 1989. In 2014, we celebrate our 25th anniversary, with countless software systems installed all over the world. Today we have a passionate team of highly qualified employees.We also have partners worldwide, providing support for our systems. Working with local service teams enables you to better reap the full benefits! Passion = power! We believe that our passion for optical technology is our power. Get the best out of your sorting machine and take advantage of our 25 years’ experience!

ELLIPS B.V. Esp 300 5633 AE EINDHOVEN - THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-(0)40-245 6540 Fax +31-(0)40-246 7183





Fomesa Fruitech Fomesa Fruitech, S.L., is a world-leading group in postharvest treatments of fruit and vegetables. Fomesa´s commitment goes beyond the sale of its products. Fomesa Fruitech also offers professional advice in various fields, such as diseases and pathologies caused by pathogen agents, on the application of authorized products for post-harvest treatments for different varieties of fruit, as well as on systems and treatments for fruit and vegetables in cold storage. Fomesa Fruitech also manufactures and installs equipment for degreening chambers and different models of control equipment and automatic dosage of gases required in the degreening process. One of our best assets is the technical support that we offer to our customers around the world to solve each of the problems that arise in the daily task of lengthen the shelf life and improve the quality and presentation of fruit and vegetables.

FOMESA FRUITECH, S.L. Camí del Racó, 10 - Pol. Ind. Norte 46469 BENIPARRELL (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34 963 211 862 Fax +34-961 214 113

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Fomesa Fruitech FOODWAX

Edible coating for postharvest treatment of citrus and other fruits and vegetables

Composition based on edible products, extends on the surface of fruit and vegetables and forms a glossy film, improving their appearance and delaying aging of the produce. Weight losses are reduced due to lower respiration and transpiration rates, lengthening the shelf life of fruit and vegetables. Composition: Edible products, water and other inert substances. Characteristics: Aspect: Brown liquid. Smell: Agreeable. pH (20ºC): 7.0 – 8.5. Density (20ºC, kg/l): 1.030 – 1.065. Packaging: Bags in 20 l boxes.


Fumigant fungicide based on Imazalil

It comes in cans which are used for postharvest treatment of citrus, apples and pears in storage or maturation chambers. It controls the main rot causing fungi in citrus and pip fruit: Penicillium, Phomopsis, Diplodia, Gloesporium, etc. GREENGARD-SCALD

Keeping the original color of the fruit


Protection for harvested fruit and vegetables FRUITCARE – SK protects harvested fruit and vegetables improving its response to aggressive environments. Composition:Potassioum sorbate (E 202) 30 % P/P. Characteristics: Aspect: Yellow – orange liquid. pH: 9.40 – 11.00. Density: 1.110 -1.150 g/mL. Packaging: Plastic carafe. Net contents: 25 kg.


New Product of the Green-Line Series, to reduce the incidence of storage scald in apples cv. Golden Delicious and pears (cvs. Blanquilla, Rocha and Conference). It presents an anti-senescent effect, acting on the ripening process, consequently helping to maintain freshness and the initial color of the fruit.



Based on Imazalil and tiabendazole


Increases resistance to disease

Concentrated fungicide suspension for postharvest treatment of citrus and pip fruit.

FRUITGARD -70 (T) controls the main fungi causing rots: Penicillium, Alternaria, Botrytis cinerea, Diplodia, Phomopsis, Gloesporium, etc.. It inhibits sporulation of existing fungi, thus preventing its spread. FRUITCLEANER-FP

Increases resistance to disease of fruit and vegetables. Composition: Essential oil 25 % P/P Characteristics: Appearance: Spongy powder. Density: 0.750 Âą 0.050. Presentation: Tin cans. Net content: 300 and 600 g of fumigant. WATERWAX

Used to brighten, polish and preserve citrus

Detergent for fruit and vegetables It is a detergent for fruits and vegetables with food preservative. Composition: Food preservative: 20% food preservative. Characteristics: Appearance: Reddish- brown clear liquid. pH: 10.50 12.50. Density: 1050-1110 g / mL (approx.). Presentation: Plastic drums. Net content 200 lbs. GREENGARD-EO

Increases resistance to disease Increases resistance of fruit and vegetables to post-harvest diseases caused by certain types of microorganisms. Composition: Essential oil 20 % W / V. Characteristics: Appearance: yellowish liquid. pH: 7.20 - 8.70 (approx.). Density: 1050-1090 g / mL. Presentation: Plastic carafe. Net content: 10 l.s.

WATERWAX is used to coat the citrus fruit, enhancing its appearance and lengthening its conservation. The product is for treatment of citrus to be traded within the European Union. The wax is sprayed on the fruit through the nozzles of an applicator placed on a mechanical brush.



Fresh Produce Journal - FPJ Your fortnightly window on the world of fresh produce ·.The Fresh Produce Journal is essential reading for the UK and global fruit and vegetable business and support industries. ·.Published since 1895 with an unrivalled readership of 15,000+ across more than 55 countries. ·.Global news, views and analysis with a UK market perspective. ·.Spanning the entire supply chain from seed breeder to in-store produce manager. ·. Bi-monthly supplements provide in-depth coverage on categories, sectors and sources. ·.Unrivalled coverage of current affairs, retail pricing and company news - together with market leading comment and analysis.

LOCKWOOD PRESS LTD. - FPJ 132 Wandsworth Road SW8 2LB LONDON - UNITED KINGDOM Ph. +44-(0) 207 501 0300 Fax +44-(0) 207 501 0306




POSTHARVEST DIRECTORY 2015 is operated by Froutonea Magazine. Froutonea Magazine is the leading fresh produce magazine in Greece and one of the most important publications of the sector in Europe and Worldwide. Our company owns and operates a list of online websites and services like and also produces various publication in Greek, English and Russian languages. The company was established in 1999.

FROUTONEA.COM Kefallinias 6 18345 MOSCHATO - GREECE Ph. +30-210-4812212 Fax +30-210-4827089




POSTHARVEST DIRECTORY 2015 The Leading International Guide for Fruit and Vegetable Buyers Information remains more than ever the key to success in business; it must be up-todate and certified. Markets as sensitive to the latest developments in the fresh fruit and vegetable industry, so our users and subscribers require information ever more reliable and well researched. To meet these expectations, our work takes place in markets around the world and our teams are present in all the areas we cover. We firmly believe that the reliability of the information we bring to the market can only be validated by meeting professionals in their workplaces. A tool and a database that cater to the needs of both the global market for fruit and vegetables and also local and national markets. Unique in the world, comes in 5 volumes, covers 138 countries and contains more than 20 000 addresses : - More than 150 tradeshows around the world listed - Alphabetical list of companies (producers, shipping companies, importers, exporters, wholesalers, buying groups, supermarkets, transporters, activities: supplies, materials, services) by country. Our global sales network and ever increasing presence in all major international trade events, makes a valuable database that is complete and reliable. A team always ready to be at your service. Our strengths lie in our willingness to help your business and our sales team in the field. Buyers can send us their specific research requirements and they are treated in the shortest time possible. In the Internet age, we are committed to being the source of information to deliver the information you need, even for the most complicated searches.

HELIOS INTERNATIONAL BP 51269 84911 AVIGNON CEDEX 9 - FRANCE Ph. +33-(0)4-90 89 33 00 Fax +33-(0)4-90 88 28 49





Fruit Attraction FRUIT ATTRACTION, annual, professional International Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Organised by: IFEMA & FEPEX (Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers and Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants) Dates: From 28/10/2015 to 29/10/2015. 09:30 to 19:00 hours. Professional 30/10/2015. 09:30 to 16:00 hours. Professional Venue: Avenida del Partenón nº 5, Feria de Madrid 28042 Madrid Edition: 7ª Trade Fair growth: Exhibitors: 24% (834 in 2014) Exhibition area: 27% (27,110 in 2014) Participation figures: 40,528 professional participants from 88 countries in 2014

IFEMA CALL CENTRE International calls: +34-91 722 30 00 FOLLOW US: @FruitAttraction





Fruit Logistica This specialist trade fair offers the sectors connected with the fresh fruit and vegetable business an ideal opportunity to present their products across the entire added-value chain, from growing to the point-of-sale. Compact duration, focused appeal to target groups and maximum effectiveness are the key features of FRUIT LOGISTICA. Products on show include fresh, unprocessed fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, herbs and spices, organic products and self-service flowers and potted plants. Suppliers of products and services for packaging, storage, transport, warehousing and product presentation also exhibit their offerings. A further important element of FRUIT LOGISTICA is the service market with IT solutions. FRUIT LOGISTICA: The whole spectrum of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector Fresh fruit and vegetable Dried fruits and nuts Packaging & labelling Transport and logistical systems Produce handling and storage Press and media Computer and internet solutions Cultivation systems Represented in Spain By Brifer Services, s.l.

BRIFER SERVICES, S.L. Representante oficial de Messe Berlin en EspaĂąa, Andorra y Gibraltar Arturo Soria, 320 - 9ÂşD 28033 MADRID - SPAIN Ph. +34-917 672 767 / Fax +34-917 669 932 /





Grupo Giró The Giro Group is a worldwide leader in horticultural packaging systems. More than 50 years in the industry guarantees our reputation in the development and distribution of net packaging solutions for the fresh produce. Giro offers the widest range of systems to fit the needs of different markets through the largest production capacity of knitted tubular nets and printed films for packaging. Our business model is unique in the world that provides an integrated solution in our industry where the packaging system (machinery, consumables and after-sales) is designed, produced and marketed under a single business group, ensuring a perfect harmony.

GRUPO GIRÓ (OFICINAS CENTRALES) Jaume Ribó, 35-37, 1º B 08911 BADALONA (Barcelona) - SPAIN Ph. +34-933 841 011 Fax +34-933 899 066

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Packaging Technology

The GIRÓ GROUP provides the complete solution to the whole process of packing fruit and vegetables, manufacturing and selling inputs -nets, films, labels, clipping wire-, and machinery to automatizing the packaging process. GIRO is a world leader in the production of knitted nets and is able to dispatch on demand its nets all over the world. A complete infrastructure and an extensive commercial network in more that forty countries throughout the 5 continents, enables the company to offer integrated solutions for each case. GIRFILM Printed band label used as a support for information and as top and bottom closing of the bag. Allows closing the bag by thermal welding and also offering a full recyclable bag since one single material is used. The Giró Group is the largest manufacturer of printed band for horticultural net packing in the world. The Girfilm printed band is a laminated complex formed by two layers.



Grupo Gir贸

Grupo Gir贸

ULTRABAG PACKAGING Packaging system with verticality and strong impact at the point of sale. Giro Ultrabag system represents a packaging solution with high added value. Its wide band longitudinally welded to the bag gives a more upright shape and allowing great communication capability. This system can be made using different band and net width combinations to fit the packaging size for every need. Dies or handle can be incorporated for easy transport.

GIRBAGGER RANGE Represents a complete revolution in packing machinery for fresh produce. Thanks to the high productivity , reduced layout and modular design of the different versions it allows to adapt the machine to every single market need. The new Girbagger range allows to produce a wide variety of bags, using different film width and film type possibilities, and knitted or extruded net with holes or handle options.



GRUPO GIRÓ (OFICINAS CENTRALES) Jaume Ribó 35-37, 1ºB 08911 BADALONA (Barcelona) SPAIN Ph. +34-933 841 011 Fax +34-933 899 066 Manufacturer Tubular net and plastic materials for packing of fruits and vegetables. Nets for packaging and palletization.

GIRÓ GH, S.A. (CENTRAL VENTAS IBERIA) Camí d’ Albalat, s/n (CV-505; Km 1,5) 46600 ALZIRA - (Valencia) SPAIN Ph. +34-961 410 511 Fax +34-961 411 316 Trader Tubular net and plastic materials for packing of fruits and vegetables. Nets for packaging and palletization. Packaging machinery.

Giro Branches

GIRO PACK INC. 2305 Industrial Lane GA 30474 VIDALIA - USA Ph. +1-912-537 4748 Fax +1-912-537 0858

GIRO GMBH Dürener Straße, 434 50858 KÖLN - Marsdorf GERMANY Ph. +49-221-9486440 Fax +49-221-9486444

GIRO PACK, SA DE C.V. Av. Industrias 1020 Bodega H 9 Colonia Bella Vista 64410 MONTERREY - NUEVO LEÓN MEXICO Ph. +52-81-833 13 008 Fax +52-81-833 14 184



in order to improve the quality and variety of our products.

INTERSEMILLAS Calle nr. 2, esquina con Calle nr. 5 Polígono Industrial de Loriguilla 46393 LORIGUILLA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-961 640 101 Fax +34-961 668 483 INTERSEMILLAS was created 30 years ago in Valencia, a region of Spain with strong agricultural traditions and with the aim of producing and trading seeds. From the beginning of the company we began developing a selection of vegetable materials which enables us to produce varieties of interest to the agricultural market, and so becoming consolidated as one of the major national seed-producing companies. INTERSEMILLAS is a young and dynamic company which is directed towards offering the most efficient and productive service to its customers, with seeds which are highly resistant to sickness and plagues. Expertise: producing vegetable seeds We have a very large variety of species now available for professional use. We are strong mainly in onions, watermelons, broccoli and processing tomatoes. Our varieties are supplied by INTERSEMILLAS’s own production in Spain and supplemented by hybrid varieties obtained from both Spain and breeders worldwide. Commitment: Quality All our seeds are required to undergo rigorous trials to attain the optimum physiological and genetic quality of each commercial batch. In this way we can guarantee the purity and uniformity of our hybrids. Research and Development We are constantly conducting research


Seedless watermelon

Triploide variety of small size. Crisom Sweet type darker and attractive. Round shape, slightly elongated, very uniform in shapes and sizes. Weight between 3.7 -4.5 kg, very nice internal colour. It is noted for its great earliness which allows to be harvested as the blacks. High ºBrix level, wall of 8 mm, and very resistant to cracking. SHINTOZA F1 Interspecific hybrid of Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata

Vigorous plant with strong root system. It interferes nothing with the grafted variety. So the results from the field are good with regard to the quality and yield. In the nursery a high uniform germination is achieved, which increases the yield in grafted plant. It is recommended the graft method by “approximation”. RESISTANCES: Fusarium oxysporum sp. niveum (Fon).

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ROBUSTA F1 Var. Citrullus lanatus

It also develops vigorous plants but unless that Shintoza F1. It is recommended for growers who need a smaller size than that provided by pumpkin. It is also recommended for fields with problems of nematodes. It has been proven that it increases more than 1º Brix with respect to the same variety without grafting and 1.5º Brix respect to pumpkin graft (which don’t increase ºBrix). Its performance in the nursery is very good with rapid and uniform germination. It provides plants with a good diameter which can be grafted using any method. It is necessary to sow at the same time as the variety. RESISTANCES: High resistance (HR) to Nematodes and Fusarium.


SQUASH CZI-10094 Variety of WHITE fruit Vigorous plant, dark and healthy. It is notable for its lacks mottling on its leaves, and its low density which allows it to be grown in greenhouse. The fruit is slightly bulbous without edges, high uniformity, extremely virus resistance. RESISTANCES: (IR) CMV, WMV-2, ZYMV, PM. The plant is not vigorous, although it is resistant to nematodes. However, the fruit has a very good shape and size. It produces 2-3 flowers per node. Good early and final production.



that is ready to use off the shelf: the Lock-Sock速 system. This moveable system offers numerous possibilities for semi-permanent configurations with low installation costs.

Simple solutions INTERKO Nijverheidstraat 8 2751 GR MOERKAPELLE THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-(0)79-593 2581 Fax +31-(0)79-593 1204 Chris Maat Managing Director/Partner

Revolutionary ripening Interko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of state-of-the-art ripening systems for fresh fruit. Founded over 40 years ago, Interko develops reliable systems that are built to last. Since its creation, the company has installed over 5,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes and papayas, the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today.

Interko has a well-earned reputation for quality ripening at attractive overall costs and the development of systems that require only minimal maintenance. Clear instructions mean that the systems can be up and running quickly. Gassing systems and gas-tight doors can be delivered as part of the package. Installation can be coordinated by one of our local partners. Assembly can also be arranged. By choosing Interko you benefit from premium fruit quality, a longer shelflife, minimal product losses and lower operational costs.

Clients Interko works with a wide range of clients throughout the world, from family-owned businesses and service providers to large distributors, the big banana brands and retailers. Please contact us to find out how you could benefit from quality ripening systems you can trust.

State-of-the-art systems Interko offers everything from a plug and play ripening solution in a basic room to high-end, multi-layer ripening rooms for big distribution centres used by established retailers, distributors and importers. We are proud to provide custom-made solutions to ripen just a few boxes of bananas in the smallest room to as many as 72 pallets in a large room and everything in between. In addition to conventional systems, Interko also produces a unique system More in Postharvest



Janssen PMP JANSSEN PMPŽ (Preservation and Material Protection) a division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV in Beerse, Belgium is a long-established world leader in devising and formulating new and highly effective compounds to protect the produce and products on which we rely. We have a parallel and equally important focus, which is to protect the health and well-being of the people that use and benefit from our products and the environments in which they are used, from initial application to consumption or disposal. FROM HARVEST TO HOME: Our products are working around the world to protect fresh fruit and vegetables along the Food Chain from processing through transport, storage and shelf, to the consumer’s home; reducing waste and preserving nutritional value. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Your reliable worldwide partner in developing sustainable and high performance solutions for the prevention of biodegradation.

Global presence of Janssen PMP Janssen PMP Belgium Turnhoutseweg 30B-2340 Beerse TAV BE 0403.834.160RPR Turnhout - BELGIUM,

Janssen PMP US 1125 Trenton-Harbourton Road Titusville, NJ 08560-0200 - UNITED STATES,

Janssen PMP Argentina Mendoza 1259C1428DJG Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA,

Janssen PMP Singapore No. 2 International Business Park,Tower One, The Strategy, #07-01 SINGAPORE 609930,

Janssen PMP Japan 5-2,Nishi-Kanda 3-chomeChiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0065 - JAPAN,

JANSSEN PMP Preservation and Material Protection Division Janssen Pharmaceutica NV Turnhoutseweg 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM TAV BE 0403.834.160 RPR Turnhout /

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Janssen PMP


40% w/v pyrimethanil PENBOTEC® 400 SC is a Janssen PMP product with a novel mode of action in the area of postharvest treatments. It is an ideal solution in case of resistant strains in pome fruits as well as in citrus fruits. FUNGAFLOR® - FUNGAZIL® 75 SG

75% w/w imazalil FUNGAFLOR® - FUNGAZIL® 75 SG are water-soluble granules recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits and bananas. FECUNDAL® 50 EC

50% w/v imazalil FECUNDAL® 50 EC is a Janssen PMP formulation recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits. The product contains 50% w/v imazalil and its dose rate is 100 cc/hl when applied as a high-volume spray, 200-300 cc/hl in a lowvolume spray and 400 cc/hl when mixed into a wax.


20% imazalil + 20% pyrimethanil PHILABUSTER® 400 SC is a new and reliable tool for the control of resistant strains of Penicillium against the currently known and used products in postharvest of citrus fruits. Seen the fact that PHILABUSTER® 400 SC contains two active ingredients, included at Annex I, it can be seen as the solution for the future of the citrus sector for the control of the major diseases.


10% w/v imazalil-sulphate FECUNDAL® S7.5 is a formulation recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits, melons and bananas. The product contains 10% w/v imazalilsulphate and is applied at a dose rate of 500-600 cc/hl. The use of the product is permitted in IPM production and it has the necessary MRL’s available in a large number of destination countries like the once grouped in EU and Codex Alimentarius.



Macfrut Fruit & Veg Professional Show International Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Services for the Production, Conditioning, Marketing and Transport of Fruit and Vegetables.

MACFRUT - CESENA FIERA S.P.A. Via Dismano 3845 47020 PIEVESESTINA DI CESENA (FC) - ITALY Ph. +39-0547-317435 Fax +39-0547-318431





Marrodan MARRODAN has more than 65 years of experience manufacturing machinery for the food processing industry specializing in the areas of vegetables, refrigeration and dehydration of products, canned fish, and precooked meals, ready to eat product, meals and sauces. During the last years MARRODAN also started to provide processing lines for minimally processed products (IV range). MARRODAN is based in a main area of the Spanish food processing industry and works worldwide. MARRODAN also counts on a pilot plant for the development of new products.

MARRODAN, S.A. PolĂ­gono Industrial Los Cabezos Ctra. de Mendavia s/n 31580 LODOSA (Navarra) - SPAIN Ph. +34-948 693 142 / Fax +34-948 693 532

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MOELCO LEVANTE S.L. C/ Plomo 9 - Pol. Ind. La Hita 30700 TORREPACHECO (Murcia) SPAIN Ph. +34-968 336 175 Fax +34-968 336 198 Moelco Levante specializes in fast cooling or precooling. Its products are: “Vacuum Cooling� or vacuum precoolers, refrigeration chambers for cooling and storage, control and automation systems, and services related to refrigeration: chamber sizing, upgrading of existing chambers, design, construction and installation of refrigeration equipment; legal questions.

The vacuum precooling brings the product to the optimum storage temperature in less than half an hour. Cooling speed is very important today, due to the commercial dissemination of fresh cut presentation for fruit and vegetables and increasing demand for fresh produce throughout the year. This implies production of the same vegetable species in different climates according to season and also to displace the location of produce handling facilities. The shelf life of the product becomes an essential aspect for companies engaged in international trade of horticultural products. The faster a low temperature is achieved, longer is the average shelf life of the produce.

The largest vacuum precooling facility in Europe

Vacuum Cooling Vacuum pre-cooling is the most effective way to cool leafy vegetables such as lettuce Iceberg, Romaine, Batavia, Trocadero, chicory, cabbage, endive, or spinach. It also cools mushrooms, flowers, strawberries, etc. Cooling time is less than 25 minutes; equipment with capacity ranging from one to thirty pallets is available, also with vacuum coolers with capacities between 7-150 m3 .

Moelco, as a specialist in vacuum precoolers, has build the largest facility of this kind in Europe for Urcisol Group, located in Murcia, Spain. With a turnover capacity of 60 pallets/hour, the facility processes and trades 800.000 lettuce units a day, keeping the highest quality for each one unit.

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Ingeniería Prodol INGENIERIA PRODOL manufactures complete processing lines for citrus, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, mangoes, kiwis, melons, watermelons, …Processing lines for vegetables, including leaf vegetables. And also for grapes, juice processing, and graders for small fruits like cherries, cherry tomatoes, etc. Smart chain sizers, sorting by weight, diameter, volume, shape and quality (external defects). Citrus: detection of frost damaged fruit. The lines are build in modules and include continuous and discontinuous crate dumpers, discontinuous bin dumpers with tape cover, continuous bin dumpers with destackers/stackers. Washing/waxing machines for fungicide application, drying tunnels, grading tables, electronic cup sizers for large fruit, the already mentioned smart chain electronic sizers, and electronic systems sorting for defects, shape, diameter, color, etc.; tray filling packing belts, rolling drums, crate and bag fillers working by weight or quantity, crate fillers for citrus fruits, and hydro bin fillers for delicate fruit. Ingeniería Prodol also manufactures high pressure pumps, speed reducers, and sprayers.

INGENIERÍA PRODOL, S.A. Ruta 25 a 1,6 km Panamericana hacia Matheu B1625BZP BELÉN DE ESCOBAR (BS.AS.) - ARGENTINA Ph. +54-348 4420175 / Fax +54-348 4421288

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Ingeniería Prodol


Pre Grading Lines

For citrus

emptier of bins, with destacker/stacker and a water channel linking to a roller elevator and a washer machine. A pre-drying tunnel, a waxer and a drying tunnel follow. A four lane electronic grader classifies after weight, diameter, color and quality, including sorting out of frost damaged fruit. Processing lines

For round and elongated vegetables The citrus pre-grading lines provided by Ingeniería Prodol have a continuous water bin delivery system with destacker/stacker and a water channel. From the later the fruit goes to a roller elevator and to the washing machine. After being washed, the fruit proceeds further to a six lane electronic sizer, being graded after diameter, weight, color and quality. The line is completed with bin fillers, fed by an empty bin automatic feeding system. Ingenieria Prodol manufactures packing lines for all kinds of fruits and vegetables: citrus, stone fruit, including plums, grapes; and also all kinds of vegetables: garlic, onions, potatoes. As well as juice extraction machines. All solutions are tailored for specific production needs.

Processing lines for vegetables like tomatoes, zucchini, (courgette), cucumbers, eggplant…, manufactured by Ingeniería Prodol, are designed with modular elements, to fit the needs of each client. They are usually composed of a bank where the bins are dumped, a roller elevator that carries the fruit to the washer – waxer. A four lane electronic sizer also makes an electronic selection of defects and sorting by weight, size and, optionally, by color. The resulting packages contain fruit of homogeneous size, color and quality. Processing lines

For apples and pears

Processing lines

For citrus

Ingeniería Prodol manufactures citrus processing lines adapted to the needs of each client. A typical line counts on an hydraulic


Ingeniería Prodol manufactures processing lines for apples and pears. A standard line has a system to dump fruit in the water channel, continuous/discontinuous hydroimmersion system for apples and pears, bin conveyors with stacking/destacking systems, washing and waxing sections, drying tunnels, grading tables where the fruit goes further to the four lane grader and is selected by weight, color and quali-


ty and goes out through different exits to be packed in cell trays. The resulting packages show homogeneous fruit size, color and quality.

Grading systems

Weight, diameter, color, quality

.Smart chain electronic sizer

Precision for a large number of kinds of fruit

The smart chain electronic grader assesses weight, quality, color and dimension in species of various shapes and is adapted also to work with very delicate fruit. The fuit acceses the intelligent electronic sizer on a sloped surface, being pushed by rubber fingers to the entry of weighing scales and going on further through an ejecting mechanism. The ejecting mechanism pushes the fruit to the side, resting on a soft nylon brush, avoiding in that way hits and blows. The conveying system allows the processing of any kind of fruit and vegetables, getting for them the desired weight. Computers and different kinds of electronic sensors are used. They are coordinated by a special software. The system is able to measure weight, quality, color, size (length, width, area). A camera and electronic platelet obtain up to 50 pictures/second.

The electronic selector of defects, shape, color, diameter and weight by IngenierĂ­a Prodol works based on specifications in order to obtain optimal results in the measurements to perform. The quality and color system is based in the use of CCD color cameras that allow the detection of major basic colors, secondary colors and four different defects, being able to tell apart up to three different spots for each defect. The fruit is turned around under the camera to show its whole surface and that examination can be seen in the monitor. The grading system by diameter rests on the use of black and white CCD cameras. It has specific algorithms for calculating diameter and has the ability to measure diameter, length or both. In the grading system by weight, a digitalizing process eliminates signals generated by vibration of the machine. Each conveyor cart is dynamically weighted to establish the tare, which is subtracted from the measured value in the conveyor cart loaded. All variations in tare are automatically compensated.



Revista de Fruticultura The reference Spanish magazine for fruit industry. Revista de Fruticultura offers every two months the latest innovations and trends in fruit growing, from the scientific aspects to the most commercial ones. 7 issues per year, includes a special edition. Published in Spanish.

REVISTA DE FRUTICULTURA Editorial Tècnica Quatrebcn, S.L.L. Ptge. del Dos de Maig, 18 b 08041 BARCELONA - SPAIN





Shams Media 1-Shams Magazine: it is an Arab scientific agricultural magazine comes out every month in both Arabic and English, and it distributes about 22657 copies locally and internationally. 2- Feed& Fish Magazine is issued by Shams Media and Publishing Est. (since 1998). Fish & Feed Magazine is a quarterly magazine published in Arabic and English concerned with Fisheries, Aquaculture and Feed sectors in Egypt and Middle East, and it distributes about 7900 copies locally and internationally. 3- Gardens & Homes Magazine is a specialized magazine in Gardening, landscaping and décor world; it is published every two months in Arabic and English. It is considered as an important reference for all who are interested in gardens coordination as well as interior decoration. It introduces the scientific bases and defines each sector, and it distributes about 13760 copies locally and internationally. 4-Shams Annual agricultural book: it is the only specialized directory in Egypt that covers all the agricultural fields, comes out in Arabic and English.

SHAMS MEDIA EGYPT – CAIRO – Heliopolis 3rd zone, Commercial Center 5 th floor Ph. +20-1221633000





Sifel Agadir Sifel Morocco has throughout its history a rich event highlights the fruit and vegetables in Morocco on. Accompanying the Morocco Green Plan, the international exhibition of fruits and vegetables has been punctuated by the signature of aggregation agreements, supply agreements, and participation of country of choice, for the first time, such as Chile, Peru, China, Russia, etc..

SIFEL AGADIR IEC Maroc 6, Rue Farabi, RĂŠsidence Toubkal 20 070 Casablanca - MOROCCO Ph. +212 (0)5-22 47 06 00 / Fax +212 (0)5-22 47 06 01 /





Tecnidex TECNIDEX is a Spanish company with a high international presence, specialist in products, technologies and services in order to guarantee the Fruits and Vegetables’ Health and Quality as well as ensuring Food and Environmental Security. This company, specialist in citrus treatments and a referent in kaki, stone fruit and pome fruit, also has new formulations which are more effective and safe in its two big product lines Textar® (treatments and disinfectants) and Teycer® (waxes and detergents). Moreover, TECNIDEX has unique technologies, CONTROL-TEC®, which guarantees the best application of its phytosanitary products, waste-waters reuse and the atmosphere control in chambers, with the highest food and environmental safety. The company complements its products and technologies catalogue with VíaVerde®, a technical team that help its clients anywhere in the world, assessing them in the different aspects that their activity or packhouse may require in post harvesting. TECNIDEX has its own laboratories (chemical analysis laboratory, agri-biological laboratory and electromechanical laboratory) and also works together with research centers and universities. In addition, it participates in international projects with other companies and research centers from different countries. TECNIDEX invests more than 6% of its sales in innovation, research and development, creating products, equipment and machinery that have been or are in the process of being registered in the following areas: • Wax and detergents • Disinfection treatments • De-greening/ ripening • Preservation •.Re-use and phytosanitary water treatment. All of their products are developed in their laboratory with the corresponding registrations and homologations, and they all have their own individual brand. At present, TECNIDEX is involved in more than ten innovative projects that provide new solutions in the field of fruit and vegetable health, with the aim of providing added value to its clients. As a part of its business model and its internationalization plan –its headquarter is in Spain but it has a prominent international implantation, with 100% owned companies in Morocco, Turkey, South Africa and Italy-, TECNIDEX develops, adapts and register its products in every country in which it operates, giving cover to all the active substances which come into force and which are necessaries to provide solutions to the main postharvest problems and diseases.

TECNIDEX, FRUIT PROTECTION, S.A.U. Ciudad de Sevilla, 45A Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro 46988 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-96 132 34 15 / Fax +34-96 132 10 77 /

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Tecnidex TECNIDEX is a Spanish company with a high international presence, specialist in products, technologies and services in order to guarantee the Fruits and Vegetables’ Health and Quality as well as ensuring Food and Environmental Security. This company, specialist in citrus treatments and a referent in kaki, stone fruit and pome fruit, also has new formulations which are more effective and safe in its two big product lines Textar® (treatments and disinfectants) and Teycer® (waxes and detergents). Moreover, TECNIDEX has unique technologies, CONTROL-TEC®, which guarantees the best application of its phytosanitary products, waste-waters reuse and the atmosphere control in chambers, with the highest food and environmental safety. The company complements its products and technologies catalogue with VíaVerde®, a technical team that help its clients anywhere in the world, assessing them in the different aspects that their activity or packhouse may require in post harvesting. TECNIDEX has its own laboratories (chemical analysis laboratory, agri-biological laboratory and electromechanical laboratory) and also works together with research centers and universities. In addition, it participates in international projects with other companies and research centers from different countries. TECNIDEX invests more than 6% of its sales in innovation, research and development, creating products, equipment and machinery that have been or are in the process of being registered in the following areas: • Wax and detergents • Disinfection treatments • De-greening/ ripening • Preservation •.Re-use and phytosanitary water treatment. All of their products are developed in their laboratory with the corresponding registrations and homologations, and they all have their own individual brand. At present, TECNIDEX is involved in more than ten innovative projects that provide new solutions in the field of fruit and vegetable health, with the aim of providing added value to its clients. As a part of its business model and its internationalization plan –its headquarter is in Spain but it has a prominent international implantation, with 100% owned companies in Morocco, Turkey, South Africa and Italy-, TECNIDEX develops, adapts and register its products in every country in which it operates, giving cover to all the active substances which come into force and which are necessaries to provide solutions to the main postharvest problems and diseases.

TECNIDEX, FRUIT PROTECTION, S.A.U. Ciudad de Sevilla, 45A Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro 46988 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-96 132 34 15 / Fax +34-96 132 10 77 /

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T.R. Turoni For over thirty years T.R. Company has satisfied the needs of all who are involved in fruit-growing, horticulture and floriculture, by manufacturing analysis, control and measurement instruments which have become well-established in the Italian and foreign markets, thanks to their precision and reliability. The T.R. Company offers a complete range of instruments helping the customer in all phases of agricultural production: Instruments for the analysis of the chemicalphysical characteristics of soil and water such as pHmeter (acidity), conductivitymeter (salinity), soil moisture meter, etc; Meteorological instruments such as thermometers, hygrometers, electronic frost indicators, anemometers, pluviometers, etc; Harvest control instruments such as refractometers for reading the sugar concentration, fruit pressure tester to detect proper picking ripeness and control fruit softening during cold storage, etc.; Control instruments for the preservation and transport of goods both in refrigerators and in refrigerating trucks such as highprecision thermometers, hygrometers, psychrometers, thermographs, etc.

T.R. TURONI S.R.L. Via Copernico 26 47122 FORLI (FO) - ITALY Ph. +39-0543-724848 Fax +39-0543-774670

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ULMA Packaging Due to more than 50 years of experience, ULMA is able to offer the widest range and most innovative solutions for packaging equipment and systems, providing a shure added value to his customers. ULMA Packaging can now be found in a wide range of markets thanks to its unique multiline offer: - Stretch Film - Flow Pack - Thermoforming Tray sealer - Shrink Vertical. This offer is complemented by a Packaging Automation Service which gives solutions to integrated systems from product loading to palletising. Products: Flow Pack (HFFS). Thermoforming and Blister. Traysealing. Vertical (VFFS). Shrink -Side seal. Stretch film. Shring - Sleeve wrapping. Integral solutions. Lid machines. Stretch bundlers. Shrink tunnels. Packaging solutions: Fresh Food Packaging. Food Packaging. Medical Packaging. Non Food Packaging. ULMA Packaging is the only company in the sector that is able to offer such a variety of packaging solutions in a complementary or alternative manner, providing a singular and customized offering, with innovative applications, adapted to the client needs.

ULMA Packaging , S. Coop. Barrio Garibai, 28 - Apdo. de Correos, 145 20560 OĂ‘ATI (GuipĂşzcoa) - SPAIN Ph. +34-943 739 200 Fax +34-943 780 819

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ULMA Packaging Sleeve wrapping

Wrapping in shrink film, single or multiple units, stacked or not

Packed with flat shrink film, cross weld to pack multiple units and stack the product. Normally, complete closing of the pack it is not needed, but this operation is possible using sleeve wrapping with four weldings. The machine is useful to pack canned food on a cardboard sheet.

Flow Pack wrappers (HFFS)

The machines use a single coil for wrapping

Automatic machines for high productions. Horizontal packing using a single film coil with three weldings: two cross-weldings and one longitudinal welding. This type of machine is aimed at food and non - food markets. Thermoforming

Package shaping within the machine

Stretch film

High yield wrappers

Highly flexible automatic machines to pack fresh products in trays using stretch film. This type of machine is exclusively aimed at the food market.


Horizontal automatic packing machines characterized by package shaping within the machine using two film coils normally made of different materials. Depending on the material used, packages can be flexible or rigid. This type of machine is aimed both at food and non-food markets.


Thermic tray sealing

Heat sealing of various products, possibly with modified atmosphere (MAP) within the trays

Tray automatic sealing machines with facilities for vacuum and/or gas injected packages. This type of machine is exclusively aimed at the food market.

Shrink – side sealing

The machine obtains a high quality package without folds

Vertical wrappers (VFFS)

Its main field of application includes loose products, granulated products, doughy products or products difficult to handle

Vertical automatic packing machines for flow pack wrapping with the possibility of using modified atmosphere (MAP). This type of machine is aimed at both food and non-food markets. Delegations in Spain: - Northern dealership - Central Spain dealership - Galicia dealership - Catalonia dealership - Levante dealership - Southern Spain dealership - Canary Islands dealership International sales network

Automatic machines and shrinking tunnels that work with all kinds of shrink films when a total sealing is not required. Two cross sealing coils obtaining a shrinking packaging around the shape of the product.

- France - United Kingdom - The Netherlands - Germany - Italy - Poland - Russia - Portugal - USA - Mexico - Brazil - Argentina - South Africa - Rumania - Australia - Ucrania - Belgium



Unitec Unitec is a company specialized in designing and manufacturing technologies for the processing, sorting, selecting and packing for more than 35 kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables. For almost a century, Unitec has been improving the fruit and vegetable processing quality in 50+ countries all over the world, providing technologies and services based on innovation and the highest standards of reliability and profitability. Focusing on the needs of our customers and the market by designing suitable solutions to increase efficiency and reduce costs of manufacturing processes for fruit and vegetables is the core mission of Unitec, the only Italian company capable to design and manufacture all the technologies that cover the entire processing cycle. On the international level, Unitec has a network of subsidiaries operating in some of the most important countries in the production of fruit and vegetables (Washington and California in United States, France, Spain, Chile, South Africa and Argentina) and a sales structure that allows it to connect to the customers’ individual needs in the over 50 countries in which it operates.

Unitec S.p.A.

Italy - 48022 Lugo RA - Via Prov.le Cotignola, 20/9 Ph. +39 0545 288884

Uniservice Sicilia S.r.l.

Italy - 97012 Chiaramonte Gulfi RG - Via G. Martino, 6 Ph. +39 0932 921644

Unitec Ibérica S.L.

Spain - 30169 San Ginés, Murcia - P.I. Oeste, c/Amistad Mod. A-2, Parc. 19 - Ph. +34 968 882952

Unitec France S.A.S.

France - 84911 Avignon Cédex 09 - Bât. B de Créativa 200, Rue Michel de Montaigne - Site Agroparc - BP 31222 Ph. +33 4 37642460

Unitec Chile S.p.A.

Chile - 4060 Rancagua, Bodega Rancagua Barrio Industrial KM 90 Bodega 1, Manuel Montt Ph. +56 72 242 7359

Unitec S.A.

Argentina - Cipolletti, Río Negro R8324JUK Tres Arroyos, 535 Ph. +54 299 4774044

Unitec USA Universal Technologies, Inc.

USA - Lodi CA 95240 - 310 N. Cluff Avenue, Suite 117 Ph.: +1 209 369 6200 /+1 209 369 6201 USA - Wenatchee WA 98801 - 2623 Euclid Avenue, Suite B Ph. +1 509 888 9938

South Africa Fruit Technology Ltd

South Africa - 7646, Paarl Western Cape 7A Zuidmeer Street Ph. +27 (0) 21 862 1974

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UNITEC Innovative sorting and processing lines for over 35 kinds of fruit and vegetables. We design and manufacture innovative technologies which automate the entire processing cycle, from bin dumping to defect selection, sorting and packing through to traceability. Some of our technologies are able to increase the efficiency processing stage inside packing houses. Cherry and Cherry Tomato technologies

Cherry Vision and Cherry Tomato Vision Unitec Technology are the vision system that guarantee non-destructive detection of the internal and external quality of cherries and cherry tomatoes. These technologies are versatile and customizable for any packing house on the basis of end user requirements and reduce the work of identifying fruit defects manually, with marked savings in processing costs. Thanks to these technologies, packers can improve their quality selection regime and increase market profitability thanks to accurate quality selection never reached before.


Apple technologies

The development of new systems which are ultra-gentle in apples handling has allowed us to create high-capacity systems for the various different apple varieties, addressing the problem of their delicate nature. Apple Vision Unitec Technology is the vision system for non-destructive detection of the apples external quality.

Supersoft Exit is the ultra-gentle system that guarantees zero damages to apples during the unloading from sorter. Stone Fruit technologies (apricots, avocado, flat peaches, nectarines, peaches, plums)


Apricot Vision and Plum Vision Unitec Technology are the vision systems which allow the non-destructive detection of internal and external quality of apricots and plums. These technologies are able to select the fruit according to quality parameters not detectable by the human eye such as excessive softness of the flesh and dents or damage to the pulp of the fruit. The systems also detect the presence of external peel and shape defect.

Kiwi Vision Unitec Technology is Unitec exclusive technology for the detection of the internal and external quality of kiwis. It enables to detect: weight, size, colour, internal and external defects, degree of hardness, Brix degree, shape and symmetricity. That is, it allows quality assurance.

Uni Fill Punnet, automatic filler for apricots and other stone fruits.

Lines for tomatoes are extremely flexible and versatile, indeed they can also be used to process 6/7 other kinds of fruit and vegetables. They can be equipped with automatic quality selection (Ultravision Unitec Technology) that greatly enhances the final product quality being presented to the market.

Tomato technology

Blueberry technologies Peach lines offer high-precision processing, guaranteeing an extremely accurate grading process with the possibility of using either optical or calibration sorting systems. Lines can be equipped with automatic quality selection systems, (Peach Vision Unitec Technology) designed to greatly enhance the end-product quality being presented to the market. Kiwi technologies

With Blueberry Vision Unitec Technology the quality selection of blueberries is based on a non-destructive methodology that analyses the entire fruit surface and identifies all the parameters that determine its quality: size, colour, brix degree, external peel defects, softness selection on 100% of the fruit surface, internal defects. All of this with high gentleness during transportation and fruit treatment during the phases of analysis.




Special coating for fruit

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL LTD. 7B Northfield Farm - Great Shefford RG17 7BY BERKSHIRE UNITED KINGDOM Ph. +44-(0)1488-648988 Fax +44-(0)1488-648890 Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. manufactures special coatings for the postharvest protection of fruits and vegetables during packaging, storage, and trading. Semperfresh is a coating based on sucrose esters. Natureseal is used to slow down darkening and other ageing symptoms in apples, pears, carrots, celery and other ready to eat fresh cut products. Natureseal FS has been added to this range of products as a result of the demand of processors after a chlorine free product for washing the produce before cutting. FS is a blend of different acids that could be used to substitute traditional chlorine wash while processing fruit and vegetables. Its sulfite-free (GRAS) ingredients continue to be recognized for meeting the industry’s highest standards for quality, performance, consistency and functionality. Agricoat has made a long term commitment to superior research and development, quality control and good manufacturing practices.

Semperfresh is a coating developed by AgriCoat for the postharvest protection of fruit like pears, melons, pineapples or cherries. Its components are approved by the European Union and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States for the superficial treatment of produce. In order to obtain the best results it should be applied after hydrocooling. It can be applied at the same as fungicides, for instance.


Natural coatings for shelf-life extension

Natureseal is easy to apply and does not contaminate the fruit with smell or flavor. Using Natureseal, the fruit keeps its taste and natural color, texture and firmness. Packaging under modified atmosphere is not necessary. Shelf life is extended up to two weeks beyond normal, lengthening available time for product distribution, improving production and processing efficiency.

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• Close protection from packing to supermarket • Ideal combination with MAP Technology and vacuum pack to control the ethylene gas within produce packaging

BIOXTEND CO. 15275 Collier Blvd. Ste #201/273 Naples, FL 34119 - USA Ph. +1-239-288 6351 Fax +1-239-288 2603 We manufacture a wide range of upscale air purification systems & filters designed to remove ethylene, bacteria and molds from storage & transit facilities to protect and preserve the commodities. We manufacture widely used strip chart temperature recorders to simply and efficiently monitor the temperature of in-transit perishables. Our experts have a strong knowledge & a long-term experience of the global post-harvest challenges related to ETHYLENE issues. They took their classes and broadly contributed to the business development of some of the industry’s main players.

BXT100 Filters

Ethylene filters for containers & trailers

• The in-transit atmosphere is kept free of bacteria, ethylene and fungi spores. • Freshness, original color and weight of produce are maintained and shelf life is extended • Environmental pollution, crossed contamination and odor contents are strongly reduced. • Mold development is contained. BioXTEND® Temperature Recorders

BioX® Sachets

Sachets for produce & floral BioXTEND® Single Use Strip Chart Temperature Recorder.

• The in-transit atmosphere is kept free of bacteria, ethylene and fungi spores • Freshness, original color and weight of produce are maintained and shelf life is extended • Mold development is contained

Single-Use PDF USB Temperature Data Logger.




Allows automatic control of working / environmental conditions in rooms for cold storage and degreening/ripening of fruit PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. Partida Alameda, parcela C 46721 POTRÍES (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-962 800 512 Fax +34-962 800 821 At CITROSOL, for over 50 years we have devoted ourselves to research and to development, introduction and commercialisation of postharvest technology and treatments to maintain the commercial quality of fresh fruit and vegetables.

It is a system for control and regulation of cold storage and degreening rooms. Electronic sensors that measure humidity, temperature and infrared CO2 sensors are used for automatic management of fruit storage and degreening/ripening rooms. Chambers equipped with CITROGAS-CONTROL achieve a more precise control of temperature and relative humidity. Besides, measurement and control of CO2 levels allows for optimal ventilation, reducing the operating time of the humidity, warming and refrigeration systems and thus achieving important energy savings.

We ensure that fresh fruit and vegetables reach the consumer without losses, with all their flavour, with maximum life, at the best moment for consumption. Service managers in charge: Valencia (Spain): Javier Monzonís, Castellón (Spain): Cristian Ortells, Murcia (Spain): Raúl Ortiz, Málaga (Spain): Francisco Palomo, Sevilla (Spain): Antonio Herrera, Internacional: Julio Marín,

In those degreening/ripening processes, the equipment also regulates automatically ethylene levels, adjusting its consumption and keeping the right concentration to make the process develop correctly. This leads to better degreening or ripening and longer shelf life, without decreases in the organoleptic traits, weight or skin appearance of the fruit. This system permits connection to a PC on which all the relevant parameters of its functioning are recorded.

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FAM Dorphy

The small giant among cutters

FAM N.V. Neerveld 2 2550 KONTICH - BELGIUM Ph. +32-(0)3-450 92 20 Fax +32-(0)3-450 92 50

FAM-STUMABO IBÉRICA, S.L. Ronda Narciso Monturiol nº 4 Bloque A, Ofic. 207A 46980 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-961 366 724 FAM is the European market leader for food cutting solutions on an industrial scale. Customers in 72 countries worldwide use more than 4.500 food cutting machines operational today. FAM is known for its customer oriented philosophy, its many innovative applications and the quality of its products. FAM develops customer-oriented innovative solutions for the precision cutting of food products. Our standard excels in reliability, maintenance friendliness, hygiene and safety. When designing FAM machines and their cutting tools, we consider all factors that determine the cut quality to ensure our customers the highest yield with a minimum amount of residues. Our machines are fully tested in a production environment. This is an essential link to achieve the highest possible cut quality before the machine comes to the market.

The FAM Dorphy is the answer for those who need a solution for low cost cutting with perfect quality of cut. Dorphy has the ruggedness and reliability of a high strength cutter combined in a very compact and flexible design. The machine can perform a large variety cuts on a large number of products: flat slices, strips and cubes, obtained from vegetables like potatoes, beets, carrots, onions , mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers and from fruits like apples, pears, strawberries , mangoes or papayas. Providing always a high percentage of useful product and little waste. Dorphy can make cubes in a range of sizes between 3 and 20 mm starting from vegetables and fruits as long as 135 mm. Maximum output is 1.500 kg / hour, depending product and cutting size. This versatile cutter is especially designed for new projects, for processors with small to medium capacity and for caterings. It is also used in pilot plants and research and development centers. In addition, large processors use it for special, small volume productions.

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ISOLCELL ITALIA S.P.A. Via A. Meucci, 7 39055 LAIVES (BZ) - ITALY Ph. +39-0471-954050 Fax +39-0471-953575 ITALY’s ISOLCELL develops and manufactures high quality systems for controlled atmosphere: nitrogen generators, oxygen and CO2 adsorbers, ethylene adsorbers and converters, analysis of O2 and CO2, insulation panels. Isolcell Italy has conceived and developed several high quality storage monitoring and control systems that control and generate the desired atmosphere. The most important ones are N2 separators, O2 and CO2 scrubbers and ethylene converters, O2 and CO2 analyzers and the related automation systems. DCA, an exclusive Isolcell product

Scald control without postharvest chemical treatments

DCA allows to control scald, avoiding at the same time the use of chemical antioxidants - like DPA (diphenylamine ) and ethoxyquin – in the postharvest treatments. The system, patented by the Government of Canada and developed by Dr. Angelo Zanella, is distributed throughout Europe exclusively by ISOLCELL ITALIA SpA. This method replaces the static conservation parameters with dynamic ones resulting from the response given by the fruit itself. It uses a special sensor that measures the fluorescence emitted by apples, thereby identifying the minimum threshold of oxygen tolerated by the fruit. The AC conservation takes place at a value slightly above that threshold, dynamically adjusted throughout the storage period. By lowering the level of oxygen in the storage chambers, internal metabolic activity is drastically reduced, which results in a better maintenance of internal and external characteristics defining product quality. Using this technology, ISOLCELL meets the growing consumer´s demand requiring produce free of chemical residues. Another advantage of DCA is the drastic reduction of internal browning in varieties like Granny, Braeburn, Pink Lady and Fuji. And also the exclusion of drencher as post-harvest treatment to apply antioxidants, significantly reduces the percentage of rotten apples in storage. Due to this experience and to the close cooperation between research institutes, technology companies and customers, ISOLCELL has demonstrated once again to be at the forefront of fruit storage technology. This new storage technology is used with commercial purposes since 2003 and its use is extending rapidly overseas. The graph shows the development of DCA cameras in the last 7 years in Italy (blue), other countries (gray) and the sum of both values(green)..

In the industry sector of the storage of apples and pears, a new technology called “DCA Conservation” (Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere) is being increasingly used. More in Postharvest



PAC LIFE Nueva Central N° 4431 CONCHALI - CHILE Ph. +56-2-820 0400 PAC LIFE has its origin in the name given to a new generation of high permeability packaging material to be used in the preservation of fruit and vegetables. Bags made of such material are “ACTIVE VESSELS” that interact with the products they contain, changing the composition of the atmosphere inside them and increasing in that way the postharvest life of fresh fruits and vegetables.

organoleptic characteristics. Inside the bag, high relative humidity is kept, allowing for firmness of the produce and to reduce dehydration and weight losses. Much more effectively than an usual perforated bag. Besides, the additives included in the material take care of excess humidity, avoiding condensation and reducing the appearance of produce rotting. Pac Life, modified atmosphere vessels

Preserve quality

The Pac Life technology, modified atmosphere packaging of PSS Packages Spa for the manufacturing of active packaging materials, is a last generation polymeric blend that improves permeability, and includes special additives in its molecular structure. Ethylene absorbers among them. The final result is an optimal balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, eliminating humidity inside the bag, avoiding condensation and rotting. The Pac Life technology is available for the main kinds of fruit (apples, kiwis, cherries, peaches, nectarines, avocados, asparagus and other vegetables and flowers).

The technology is a new development patented by the company that starts working since the moment of the sealing of the Pac Life bags. The fruit or vegetable goes on breathing, lowering the oxygen and increasing the CO2 concentrations inside the package. Inside, a balanced atmosphere develops, increasing shelf life of the produce, keeping its taste and also its More in Postharvest



PLASTIDOM - PLÁSTICOS INDUSTRIAIS E DOMÉSTICOS, S.A. Rua Flores, Carreira de Água-Barosa 2400-016 BAROSA (Leiria) - PORTUGAL Ph. +351-244-880 160 Fax +351-244-880 161 Plastic products for agricultural and domestic use and also for the general industry. Boxes, containers and plastic pallets Domplex.

Foldable, low priced box

Export of fruit and vegetables

Domplex ITC Ref. 845E0N1

Bin G4 1.2/1.2-0.76 CA The boxes sized 60 x 40 cm at the base and 20 cm deep and the boxes sized 50 x 30 cm at the base and 15 and 20 cm deep are made of first, food use raw materials. Pallete DLP 1.2/0.8 c/ 3 Trav. Inj.

Domplex ITC Ref. 620F Size: 1200 x 1200 x 760 Capacity: 795 l Colors: White and grey

Foldable plastic box

Available in different shapes The boxes sized 60 x 40 cm at the base, are 11, 18 or 23 cm deep; and the boxes sized 30 x 40 cm at the base have a depth of 18 cm. The boxes are made of first, food use raw materials.

Ideal for storage and transportation of agricultural products. It has three rungs across that give it solidity. Size is 1200 x 800 x 165 mm.

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Sorting by size and color

VAN WAMEL B.V. Energieweg 1 6658 AE BENEDEN - LEEUWEN THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-(0)487-59 29 44 Fax +31-(0)487-59 29 70 The PERFECT brand has a worldwide reputation among fruit and vegetable growers due to its high quality and excellent performance. Its extensive product range includes equipment for sorting and packaging of fruits and vegetables. Our cup grader are specially designed for the careful handling of all kinds of fruits and vegetables , including elongated shapes, pears, etc...

The optical sorter Perfect, sorting fruits and vegetables by diameter and color, are available in configurations with 2, 3, 4 or 6 lanes. It is equipped with a brush singulator with rotation speed control for the brushes and an optical measuring system (OMS) with a high resolution camera. All electronic “Perfect” sorting machines are equipped with a proven and extreme user-friendly Windows 7® Interface. The sorting programs can easily be modified, re-named and re-stored by the user at his convenience.

Distributor for Spain:

PALEMPORDANES, S.L. Tramontana 13B Pol. Ind. Pont del Príncep 17469 VILAMALLA (GIRONA) - Spain Móvil: +34-610 299 934 Ph. +34-972 525 980 Fax +34-972 525 980

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DOMENICO BRANCATO S.N.C. Zona Industriale ASI Capannone 40/D1 98129 LARDERIA - MESSINA - ITALY Ph.: +39-090-7381057 Fax: +39-090-7381184 / BRANCATO develops equipment for speeding up fruit ripening and for controlling preservation processes of fruit and vegetables. Among them are included ripening systems for bananas, for supplementary ripening for fruit and vegetables and for citrus degreening. And also for preservation of fruit, vegetables and flowers through modified or modified dynamic atmosphere, for ethylene elimination, and for pre-cooling, and humidification. Tornado

Mobil controlled ripening & precooling system

TORNADO is a patented system by Brancato, for the controlled accelerated ripening of Bananas.


‘t Goor 18 NL-7071 PB ULFT - THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-315-640 731 Fax +31-315-640 700 BrimaPack is a company with over 60 years experience in the development and production of customer oriented solutions in the agricultural and food industry. During those years BrimaPack has become a leading player for vegetable packing solutions. The range comprimises the following product groups: VePack S series: StretchPack, Stretch film packaging machines VePack P series: NicePack, C-PP film packaging machines VeSort: Sorting systems for vegetables VeCode: Inline labelling & printing VeTrans: Logistics for BrimaPack systems BrimaPack stands for high-quality packaging systems based on innovative technology, resulting in premium packaging solutions at unbeatable low packaging costs. BrimaPack can offer you several types CPP film. Film is non-oriented polypropylene film produced by the flat die, chill roll process what makes it very suitable for fruits and vegetables packaging.


FOMESA FRUITECH, S.L. Camí del Racó, 10 - Pol. Ind. Norte 46469 BENIPARRELL (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34 961 211 862 Fax: +34 961 214 113 Chemicals for postharvest treatment of fruit and vegetables. Coating waxes, fungicides, disinfectants, detergents, and the range of smoke “FRUITFOG”. Equipment for automatic control of cold rooms. Our commitment goes beyond the sale of our products. We also offer professional advice on diseases and pathologies caused by pathogen agents, on the application of authorized products for post-harvest treatments , as well as on systems and treatments for cold storage of fruit and vegetables. Fruitcontrol - Etilene Plus

FRUIT LOGISTICA MESSE BERLIN GMBH Messedamm 22 14055 BERLIN - GERMANY Ph. +49 (0)30 3038-0 Fax +49 (0)30 3038-2325 Fair specializad in fresh fruits and vegetables and its technology. Annual. Represented in Spain for Brifer Services.

GROWPACK, LTDA. Feliciano Rodriguez, 2664 11600 MONTEVIDEO - URUGUAY Ph. +598-2-706 7992 Fax +598-2-706 7992 Representation, advising and services for post-harvest materials and equipment for fruits and vegetables. Specialized in citrus fruits.

An integrated management of the fruit chambers, measuring and controlling both temperature and relative humidity, as well as CO2 and also include for the first time the analysis of the ethylene in the air inside the room and control of the ethylene injection.



THM - TECNOLOGÍAS DE HORTÍCULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Dr. Manuel Candela 26, 11ª 46021 VALENCIA - SPAIN Ph. +34-630 871 738 THM group, Mediterranean gardening technologies, is an initiative of a group of companies to contribute to knowledge on technologies and trends in the horticultural industry. Companies participating in the THM group, Mediterranean gardening technologies, adopt a commitment to create synergies and complementarities between private and public, among horticultural producers, companies and scientists, and thus contribute to creating opportunities in a concept of horticulture as a development factor. THM Group provides consulting deals and aim to fulfill our commitment to contribute to an efficient and modern horticulture.







Enterprises listed by alphabetic order Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. ..................................................................110 Agro-Technologie ..............................................................................139 Compac Sorting Equipment ...........................................................114 Constructie Bruynooghe .................................................................112 Decco Ibérica Post Cosecha, s.a.u. ................................................116 Domca, s.a. ..........................................................................................118 Grupo Giró ..........................................................................................121 Ejido Cartón, s.l. .................................................................................122 Fam n.v. ................................................................................................124 Ingeniería Prodol, s.a. .......................................................................127 Fomesa Fruitech, s.l. .........................................................................128 Forigo Roteritalia ...............................................................................130 Ftnon - Food Technology Noord-Ooost Nederland b.v. .........132 Ingemaq ..............................................................................................134 Intersemillas .......................................................................................136 Marrodán, s.a. .....................................................................................140 Tomra Sorting Solutions .................................................................142 ULMA Packaging, S. Coop. ..............................................................144 Visar Europe ........................................................................................146 Wyma Engineering (NZ) Ltd. ..........................................................148



AGRICOAT NATURESEAL LTD. 7B Northfield Farm - Great Shefford RG17 7BY BERKSHIRE - UNITED KINGDOM Ph.: +44-(0)1488-648988 Fax: +44-(0)1488-648890

Agricoat Natureseal offers products to maintain quality in freshcut fruit and vegetables Natureseal dips are composed of food grade vitamin and minerals, developed and formulated specifically for various freshcut products. Natureseal PS10 has been used for some years by processors of a variety of vegetables, but specifically roots, including potato, parsip, celeriac, and sweet potato. The formulation has also been used successfully on some varieties of pepper, and cucurbits such as butternut squash. Although good technical results are seen, and customers do use the products on some of these vegetables, the relatively high cost has meant processors of lower value products, such as whole peeled, or quartered potato, have struggled to make the change from the industry standard for these products, sodium metabisulphite. Although sulphites are still widely used, there is a growing demand for sulphite free alternatives, and Agricoat Natureseal have been working hard to develop a solution that will give comparable results on potato at a lower cost than our PS10 solution. The company is now testing with industry partners new formulations that show promise, especially when used in combination with vacuum packaging or a microperforated MA film.

The use of Natureseal™ PS10 to extend the shelf life of fresh cut parsnip This trial was used to verify the effectiveness of Natureseal™ PS10 when used on parsnips. Different concentrations of PS10 were tested with prepared samples, and the samples evaluated over four days. The results suggest that treatment Natureseal™ PS10 solution at approximately 8 % w/w concentration is effective as way of extending the shelf life of peeled and cut parsnip pieces.

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Natureseal™ PS10 en nabos More information:,seccion:news,no ticia:77119/

SR1 as alternative to the sodium metabisulfite in ready to use potatoes The use of sodium metabisulfite to maintain the quality of peeled and fresh cut potatoes has the advantage of the economy but it use is increasingly questioned in certain markets. Current technology offers potential alternatives as are other types of preservatives and modified atmospheres. An essay evaluates Agricoat SR1 as dip solution, and Amcor plastic packaging with selective permeability. This study suggests that King Edward not only have a longer shelf life than Maris piper when untreated, but they also respond better to the treatments. The trial indicates that a shelf life of P+7 for King Edward, and P+4 for Maris Piper can be achieved when using SR1 at 2.5 % with Amcor microperforated film.

The picture belongs to the discolouration assessments in King Edward. More information:,seccion:news,n oticia:77118/



CONSTRUCTIE BRUYNOOGHE Bruggestraat 74 B-8840 STADEN - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-51 70 50 88 Fax: +32-51 70 51 40

PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FRESH CARROTS GENERAL Constructie Bruynooghe has a long term history in the supply of complete processlines for fresh carrots. In our range we can deliver lines or individual machines from 5 up to 25 tons per hour. Our machines are simple in operation and of the highest quality. In our latest developments we included new features and we adapt constantly our designs according our customers experience and advice. Our complete range can be designed in a flexible way and delivered at different sizes.

We are a family business with 45 experienced employees that are building processlines for vegetables since 1976. Based in the South-West of Belgium, we realise a turn-over of 8 million Euro and export worldwide. We keep our experience indoors and have proper trained salesmen, engineers, constructors and mounting crews. All machines are build in our modern equipped workshop where we are able to assemble complete lines, since we have big and high buildings.

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PRODUCTS Our range of machines to process fresh carrots: - dry or wet reception of carrots coming from the field in walking floor trucks, pivoting trailers or crates - boxtipper - even flow system - dry desander - conveyor- and elevatorbelt - cyclone- and boxdestoner - drumwasher - dry or submerged - separatingsystem floating objects - soakingtanks - wet buffertanks - weedremover - belt or rollers - rollergrader - gradingshaker - inspectionbelts and -rollertable - in-line hydrocooler - coolingtanks with big buffercapacity of the packable product - falling film coolingsystem - mechanical filtering - static or rotative - dry buffertanks of the packable product - hydraulic systems

Generally we can say the models vary on capacities from 5000 kg up to 15 T/h. Integration of optical sorters. Complete lines including gangways, stairs, electrical cabling and automation.




COMPAC SORTING EQUIPMENT 11 Spring Street - P.O. Box 13516 ONEHUNGA - AUCKLAND - NEW ZEALAND Ph.: +64-9-634 0088 Fax: +64-9-634 4491 Compac Sorting Equipment manufactures high speed, high precision sorting equipment for fruit and vegetables. Its permanent compromise with research and development, coupled with its desire to be your best international supplier of graders have turned Compac Sorting in the world leader of that industry. Compac graders are high quality systems, reliable and easy to maintain; and its programs and technologies are developed according to each client´s needs. In this way, the Compac systems reach the highest levels of efficiency and processing, obtaining the best possible result for each crop. Besides, Compac has a technical team and a network of agents all over the world. After sales support is considered of vital importance. Products: graders for fruits and vegetables, sizers and sorters after types; single, double and multiple line graders, electronic retrofitters, classification systems using color and spots, NIR (near infrared) technologies, taste technologies, packaging systems and different solutions for packaging plants.

Selection and grading of white and pink washed potatoes The efficiency of Compac solutions for washed potatoes is the reason of its success since 1997. Through the exact weighing systems of InVision 9000 of Compac, it is possible to classify the crop after external quality, shape, size, colour and individual weight before manual classification comes to play. Compac reachs a yield of 3.5 metric tons / hour (3.8 tons / hour in the USA).

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Grading system for onions

Working along the whole process with Compac technology, the final processing stage results in bags with exact weights and uniform shapes, obtaining a final product with a unique quality, with onions showing an excellent external aspect.



Decco For decades growers and packers have trusted DECCO with the fruit of their labor. And Decco has come through with the quality post harvest products, equipment and services, helping process countless billions of citrus, apples, stone fruits, potatoes and many others... treating each piece like it was the most important one ever grown. Whether you are packing citrus, apples or other fruits and vegetables, the Decco post harvest solutions provides you with coatings, cleaners, sanitizers, fungicides, growth regulators and antiscald. In several countries Decco has also developed equipment solutions with teams of mechanical representatives available to assist you with your packing needs. The Decco quality does not end with the product sale. We back all of our treatments with the most knowledgeable, most experienced technical service teams in the industry. We also provide assistance with residue analysis and monitoring of fungicide residues, tank concentrations and weight loss studies to spore assays, resistance management and IPM programs.

DECCO IBÉRICA POST COSECHA, S.A.U. Villa de Madrid, 54 - P.I. Fuente del Jarro 46988 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-961 344 011 Fax: +34-961 321 532

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DOMCA, S.A. Camino de Jayena, s/n 18620 ALHENDĂ?N (Granada) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-958 576 486 Fax: +34-958 576 389 Peeled potatoes processing plant

DOMOX BASE DMC Product presentation (peeled potato, peacemeal, cutted or whole) is a relevant aspect that can improve consumption of such product.DOMOX BASE is an effective product against oxidation of peeled potatoes, extending noticeably the shelf life of the tubers. The present report is based in the present conditions of the industry and on potato production in the area, and also on the technological traits of the produce and on its demand, focusing on a high quality product to be adapted to that demand system and its requests.

Potato varieties to be chosen A determinant factor is the chosen potato variety (Solanum tuberosum L) to be used. A great number of potato varieties are available and their relevant traits are also very numerous. Color and texture of the skin, color of the flesh, number of eyes, shape of the tuber, cooking characteristics, type of sprouts, aerial stems, productivity, precocity in sprouting, tuber growth and cropping season, resistance to disease, etc. But the most commonly used agronomic trait in order to establish potato varieties is the duration of the cropping cycle: extra-early, early, average length and late varieties.

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As a rule, the variety Agria is a convenient one to be used, because is rather resitant to oxidation. More than other varieties, like Monalisa, for instance. Though Mona Lisa is easier to clean.

Temperature and storage time for potatoes

Fuente: P. Rouselle, Y. Robert, J.C. Crosnier. 1999

Description of peeled potato processing plant Regrading process technology, following stages are to be considered: - Supply and unloading of raw materials: It can be done in bulk or unloading using a hopper. It can also happen in crates, through special mechanisms designed for direct unloading. It is more convenient to unload directly at the processing plant, because it makes the storage procedure easier in case they are not sent directly to the processing lane. At the same time, the industrial facilities needed are more simple. - Storage of the raw material: the potatoes are stored in the cold chamber loaded in the same crates in which they were taken to the facility. They can also be directly processed. Taking into account the behavior of the potatoes under storage and possible losses during that time, it is decided to keep them in crates during its storage period. - Peeling: Potatoes can be peeled using different procedures. Most commonly used are procedures base on steaming, bleaching or abrasion. Abrasive peeling is done through contact of the tubers with rolls of silicon carbide, an abrasive material made of carbon and silicon.



Advantages of these procedure is its low energy cost (it is made at room temperature), low investment required and good external appearance of the produce peeled in that way. The skin is gathered in two buckets and the water from the peeler is collected, filtered and 50 % of it recycled. In the next step, the peeled potatoes are inspected on a conveyor belt, where a worker can remove damaged tubers or tuber parts. Those damaged units, and also not processed ones, are sold to the food industry as raw materials for mashed potatoes, soups and other processed products. Resiudual water goes to the sewage system, after being freed from grease and mud. - Fresh cut. Wet or dry industrial procedures can be applied at this manufacturing stage, depending on the raw material to be used. A soft wash, through water immersion, takes place at the beginning of the process, in order to get rid of peel and starch reminders from the surface of the potato slices. These procedure does not damage the raw material and does not involve the use of chemicals.The peeled potatoes go to a hopper and from the hopper to a variable speed vertical conveyor, that takes the input to a cutting machine. The cutter has stainless steel rotating blades that cut to pieces the potatoes moving below them. The blades give a clean cut, giving the potato slices a thickness of about 1.2 and 3.5 mm. After cutting, starch still present in the potato slices must be removed. The slices are submerged in water again, a soft washing procedure. In order to recycle that water, it must be freed of starch. The water is gathered and filtered, and 50 % of it reused in the process. The starch is also collected. - Drying: the potato slices are spread on a conveyor belt and the remaining water is taken away using a drying fan. - Packaging: the finished product is packaged in flexible bags using a packaging weigher, either automatic or manual. Preferably under vacuum. Packaging material should be the right one for the product and also be accepted by the market. - Storage and dispatch: For manufacturing and processing, an advanced technology should be used, in order to obtain a high quality product, competitive on both national and international markets. - Application of DOMOX BASE DMC. Due to its contents on antioxidants and preservatives, and also to its antimicrobial properties, it is possible to lengthen the conservation time of peeled potatoes and other vegetables. Up to 30 days, depending on storage conditions. (Use 1.3 kg DOMOX BASE DMC in 100 liters water) With one immersion it is possible to process five times its weight oh potatoes or other vegetables.

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Grupo THM


GRUPO GIRÓ Jaume Ribó, 35-37, 1º B 08911 BADALONA (Barcelona) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-933 841 011 Fax: +34-933 899 066 / Giró is a group of enterprises whose aim is to supply technology and advanced systems for the industry of packaging of fruits and vegetables, leading the development of modern distribution and creating value added along the supply chain. Today Giró is present in more tan 50 countries in the five continents and is the world leader in packaging of fruit and vegetables.

HD Printing, a step forward in printed materials The HD, High Definition, printing technology is used by GIRO both in Girfilm printing and label printing. It offers a big step forward in printed materials for horticultural packaging manufacture. HD main printing features are: - Higher definition: more dots per surface unit gives high precision images - Natural colours: images with greater realism - Better contrast: allow much better colour gradient and soft transitions. HD technology by Giró offers images very close to the reality and highly fidelity with the original graphics to enhance the packages.



EJIDO CARTÓN, S.L. Pol. Ind. La Redonda, 95 04700 EL EJIDO (Almería) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-950 580 712 Fax: +34-950 580 669 The products of Ejido Cartón are specially designed for pre-packaging, made of microcorrugated board – the picture shows one of many possibilities – or of moulded cellulose. Punnets made of microcorrugated board are ecological vessesl 100 % recyclable, with large capacity, humidity resistant, versatile, that could be printed in high quality using a large range of colours that enables to convey messages to the consumer. It is also possible to use them in different forms of packaging. Heat sealed or horizontal flowpack, among those forms. Packaging of agricultural products is our main market, but we also deliver to the packaging industry. Packages with special shapes for any kind of fruit and vegetables are our main field of interest. We have more than 50 models, but we consider each client a special case, in order to provide a taylor made solution, if no one of our available options fit his/her their needs..

Carrots are worth For carrots, as is the case with all products, adding value is the way to get a differentiated product, with option to better prices. It is a process that starts with the variety and is accompanied in the remaining stages through good farming practices and careful postharvest handling.

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The finishing touch is the packaging, which function is not only to contain the product, but to focus on the content and add value through the aspect, information, keeping the fresh aspect, etc. Ejido Carton is specialized in consumer packaging in microwave cardboard, with customized design and high quality printing, based on PEFC and FSC certified cardboard, a packaging material that respects the environment.

Onion punnet with a personality Onions are a rather common vegetable. Growers make an important effort to supply new varieties according to the consumer´s needs: taste, season, color….in summary, product differentiation.

Correct packaging goes together with all these efforts, adding value to the product. Cardboard trays made by Ejido Cartón – like the one shown below -, can be made more personal with all kinds of pictures or messages, printed in high quality colours. The trays are made with water resistant cardboard and environmentally friendly “Kraft” paper – whose raw material is obtained in sustainable woods, FSC and PEFC certified.

Vessels, trays and punnets….very useful and environmentally friendly, at the same time.,seccion:catalogodeproducto s,producto:9887/



FAM N.V. Neerveld 2 2550 KONTICH - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-(0)3-450 92 20 Fax: +32-(0)3-450 92 50 FAM and Stumabo are specialized in precision cutting of food products. Both companies are integrated in the Hiffermann Group. FAM develops and manufactures precision cutters for the food industry. More tan 50 years of innovation and work in the industry speak for us. Presently we are leading the European market. We command an extended net of dealers and spare parts suppliers that allow us to support our customers all around the world. Stumabo leads in precision blades for industrial food processing machines. The company has more than 60 years of experience and sells each year more than 1.2 million blades for industrial cutters. Stumabo offers blades made of stainless steel for uses where hygiene and cut quality are of utmost importance. The company has dealers in France, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.

Stumabo, leading the market of precision blades Stumabo offers longlasting blades, made of very special kinds of steel. Some special blades are used by manufacturers of potato peeling machines. Stumabo has also designed special blades for cutting and peeling of onions.

All Stumabo blades are made of specially selected stainless steel.

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Grupo THM


FAM Centris® 315, a Brand New Centrifugal Slicer / Shredder, for small to mid-sized companies FAM has developed the innovative FAM Centris® 315, a new centrifugal slicer & shredder with a high-quality execution. The machine is very compact and has the smallest footprint of any industrial centrifugal shredder in the market. A patent pending cutting head technology guarantees a consistent slice and shred thickness throughout the slicing process. The unique design of the cutting head (*) will facilitate change of blades, handling and cleaning. The product can be cut into a variety of shapes. Both slices (flat cut, crinkle cut and V-shaped ) and strips ( V-shaped , oval, julienne and wide ribbon-cut ) are available on a wide range of products. The machine, its cutting head(s), knives and parts are all offered at a very competitive price. The Centrifugal Slicing and Shredding Principle improved by FAM A number of new patents and innovations lead to improved ways of centrifugal slicing and shredding.

FAM ILC.2, a flexible, high capacity cutter for dices and other shapes The FAM ILC.2 is a versatile and accurate high-capacity food dicing machine. It can easily be integrated into a production line because of its compact design. This heavyduty machine is available in different executions for e.g. French fries, tomatoes and curly kale.

The applications of the of the FAM ILC.2 cutter cover slicing in dices, slices and strips, according to the different kinds of fruits to be processed: apricots, cherries, strawberries, pomegranates, green mangos, apples, different kinds of peaches, quince, oranges, papaya, pears, pineapples, watermelons, coconuts….

Among vegetables, the machine works with sweet potatoes, potatoes, celery, aubergine, courgette, pumpkins, onions, mushrooms, chicory, different kinds of cabbage, cauliflower, endives, green beans, turnip, cucumber, peppers, leek, radish, beets, tomatoes, carrots…



The FAM Mantis.2, slice cross cutter, with V-belt, is designed for precise cutting of elongate and oblong products The FAM Mantis.2 is a cross cutter with V- conveyor belts, highly flexible, hygienic, used to cut a wide range of vegetables and fruits. It cuts any product with a firm texture to 115 mm in diameter, and compressible leafy vegetables to 160 mm in diameter. It also specializes in cutting potatoes for spicy potatoes, potatoes in slices, and potatoes in halves. It also realizes straight or wavy cuts.

The capacity of the FAM Mantis.2 varies between 500 and 6000 kg per hour depending on the product and form of feeding. The FAM Mantis.2 is the first cutter with touch screen and PLC, allowing easy storage and retrieval of production data and cutting programs. The FAM Mantis.2 has a good reputation for its safe and accurate operation, even in harsh factory conditions, and the hygienic design makes it very suitable for various food sectors.

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Grupo THM


INGENIERÍA PRODOL, S.A. Ruta 25 a 1,6 km Panamericana hacia Matheu B1625BZP BELÉN DE ESCOBAR (BS.AS.) - ARGENTINA Ph.: +54-348 4420175 Fax: +54-348 4421288 Ingeniería Prodol develops packaging lines for fruit and vegetables. In 1988 it developed the first electronic size sorter by weight. Afterwards new improvements and installations were build in more than 135 countries: Australia, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panamá, Brazil and Chile. Including smart chain electronic sizers. In 1999, Ingeniería Prodol starts the marketing of the sorting system by weight and color, taking a step forward against competitors and obtaining a clear mprovement in export conditions. Presently, the company also works in internal quality.

Processing lines for garlic and onions Prodol´s garlic and onions processing lines have a Smart chain electronic sizer designed for those products. It is a high precision piece of equipment. The result is a line with a high production capacity and a very low operational cost. The classified product is packed automatically with crate or bag fillers. The lines are build in a modular way and can be adapted to different production capacities.



Fomesa Fruitech FOMESA FRUITECH, S.L., is a world-leading Group in post-harvest treatments of fruit and vegetables. Their commitment goes beyond the sale of our products. We also offer professional advice in various fields, such as diseases and pathologies caused by pathogen agents, the application of authorised products for postharvest treatments for different varieties of fruit, degreening, as well as systems and treatments for cold storage of fruit and vegetables. Technical Assistance. FOMESA FRUITECH manufactures postharvest chemicals for fruits and vegetables. Waxes, fungicides, disinfectants, detergents and the range of smoke cans “Fruitfog”, with fungicide and disinfectant formulations for application in cold rooms and transport. Automatic control equipment for cold rooms.

FOMESA FRUITECH, S.L. Camí del Racó, 10 - Pol. Ind. Norte 46469 BENIPARRELL (Valencia) - ESPAÑA Ph.: +34 96 121 18 62 Fax: +34-96 121 41 13

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FORIGO ROTERITALIA Via Brennero Nord, 9 46035 OSTIGLIA (Mantova) - ITALIA Ph.: +39-0386-32691 / Fax: +39-0386-31250 Roter Italia is a young and dynamic company still led and managed by Forigo brothers and family. More than 80% of the turnover is given by the export in the whole Europe, North, Central and South America, North and South Africa, Asia and Australia/New Zealand. The most important feature – especially for the horticultural sector – is the attention paid to the specific needs of the market with a tight focus on the final user, providing “tailored” solutions to satisfy the requests of this highly specialized and performing field. Nowadays the horticultural world considers the brand Forigo - Roter Italia as a leader of the innovation and development in the manufacturing of machinery for soil preparation and sterilization before seeding or transplanting, thanks to an efficient and skilled technical staff. Our range is divided into two main product lines. The first line for traditional agriculture is made by power harrows, rotary tillers, universal shredders for grass and pruning and straw choppers for crop residues (i.e. corn, rice, wheat stubbles etc.). The second line includes horticultural machines i.e. stone buriers, bed formers, sterilizers for the distribution of solid or liquid fumigating products and other special machines for gardening, landscaping and soil renovation.

The Mix Tiller Dry - Specific machine specialized in distribution of micro-grains (Basamid or Dazomet) and granular products. - Mechanical batcher and pneumatic sorter (Venturi System) projected to work with micro-grains and granular products. - The machine has the Possibility of modifying the rate during the work progress. - Its distributors located before the rotor of the stones burier (mixing in all the worked soil). SPE3, s.l.


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FTNON – FOOD TECHNOLOGY NOORD-OOST NEDERLAND B.V. Bedrijvenpark Twente 20 7602 KA ALMELO - SPAIN Ph.: +31-546-574 222 Fax: +31-546-574 875 FTNON – Processing equipment for fresh salads, herbs, aromatics, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, mushrooms etc.: pre-process, slice, wash, dry, mix, blanch, cover, chill, decontaminate, clean, package.

Versatile solutions for potato based products FTNON has a deep knowledge and large experience, especially obtaining better quality and yields, low residues and cost efficiency in all steps of the processes.

Energy efficient steaming, blanching and cooking Steam cookers, screw or tape conveying, using the Dynamic Cloud Control System (DCC System). Even quality and energy savings between 30 and 40 % are obtained. SPE3, s.l.


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Blanching systems with screw and belt conveyors Blanching with energy efficient systems and a constant product flow.

Cooling systems with belt and screw conveyors for fried potatoes and other potato based products Efficient flow through the product, resulting in better heat removing and more efficient use of cold water.

Excellent de-stoning Obtaining a safer process and less weight in the subsequent production stages.

For each kind of contamination, the best cleaning method available The FTNON drum cleaning systems clean all potatoes perfectly well.



INGEMAQ Ruta 60, km. 22 QUILLOTA - CHILE Ph.: +56-33-2-314 924 INGEMAQ-SAIMÂŽ, is an engineering company established in Quillota in 1995, dedicated to design, fabrication and sales of industrial and agroindustrial machinery. The implementation of complete lines for the selection, grading and conditioning of whole fresh products for the agroindustry and of machinery and equipment for the food industry guarantees quality, efficiency, dependability and sound technology of our products.

Grader for onions and other round products The grader for onions and other fruits and vegetables is a machine designed according to each customer´s needs. Ingemaq designs and supplies equipment with production capacities between 1.500 and 20.000 kg/h. The type of grading net is chosen according to product and variety. They are made of galvanized steel, with clasps made of stainless steel.

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Grader for carrots, lemons and potatoes The Ingemaq graders used for carrots, lemons and potatoes are pieces of equipment designed and developed to classify round, semi-elongated or elongated products with irregular shapes according to their size. Sizes and grading outlets are chosen according to each client´s needs.

String crate dumpers The string crates dumper of Inquemaq measures 1300 x 1300 x 3000; it is filled at floor level and unloads at 900 mm. The dumping system works with galvanized steel wires of Ø3/8”.



INTERSEMILLAS Pol. Ind. de Loriguilla - Calle Nº2, esquina con Calle Nº5 46393 LORIGUILLA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-96 164 01 01 Fax: +34-96 166 84 83 INTERSEMILLAS was created 30 years ago in Valencia, a region of Spain with strong agricultural traditions and with the aim of producing and trading seeds. From the beginning of the company we began developing a selection of vegetable materials which enables us to produce varieties of interest to the agricultural market, and so becoming consolidated as one of the major national seedproducing companies. INTERSEMILLAS is a young and dynamic company which is directed towards offering the most efficient and productive service to its customers, with seeds which are highly resistant to sickness and plagues.

Expertise: producing vegetable seeds We have a very large variety of species now available for professional use. We are strong mainly in onions, watermelons, broccoli and processing tomatoes. Our varieties are supplied by INTERSEMILLAS’s own production in Spain and supplemented by hybrid varieties obtained from both Spain and breeders worldwide.

Commitment: Quality All our seeds are required to undergo rigorous trials to attain the optimum physiological and genetic quality of each commercial batch. In this way we can guarantee the purity and uniformity of our hybrids.

Research and Development We are constantly conducting research in order to improve the quality and variety of our products.

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Grupo THM




Intersemillas RADISH R-10035 F1 - Red round radish Hybrid variety of red round radish. Perfectly round root of deep red colour, clean and shiny, completely white flesh. It is very sweet and doesn’t burst. The plant has medium vigor. Intensive production is therefore recommended, even in seedbed where it offer exceptional uniformity.

SPRING STAR F1 - Yellow hybrid onion of short day. Extra early variety It is suitable for spring onions and dry bulbs. Spherical shape, half flattened, uniform caliber. Medium yellow external colour and yellowish white internal colour. Short storage period and delicate and mild flavor, very high production. Tolerance to bolting. On the Mediterranean coast it is sown in September for harvesting early April.

RED MOON F1 - Red hybrid onion of short day On the Mediterranean coast it is sown at the end of September and harvested at the beginning of June. It is noted for its high production of large bulbs with pear shape, slightly flattened, and intense red colour in all its layers. It endures well bolting, still in early sowing.

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Grupo THM


AGRO-TECHNOLOGIE Zone industrielle 76440 FORGES LES EAUX - FRANCE Ph.: +33-(0)2-35 09 20 35 Fax: +33-(0)9-72 26 19 91 Designer and manufacturer of quality control devices for food: Fruits and vegetables, cheese, meat and alive animals, yeast, mushrooms, fishes. Scientific instruments for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, universities and research centers. Direct sales worldwide.

AGROSTA®100Touchscreen The latest innovation from the creators of the “DUROFEL” connected to a tactile console with 32GB memory, the AGROSTA®100Touchscreen measures the firmness of soft-skinned and soft fruit. It stores and analyses a huge amount of data. It is the most technologically advanced instrument on the market to measure fruit and soft and semi-hard materials.



MARRODAN, S.A. PolĂ­gono Industrial Los Cabezos - Ctra. de Mendavia s/n 31580 LODOSA (Navarra) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-948 693 142 / Fax: +34-948 693 532 MARRODAN has more than 65 years of experience manufacturing machinery for the food processing industry specializing in the areas of vegetables, refrigeration and dehydration of products, canned fish, and precooked meals, ready to eat product, meals and sauces. During the last years MARRODAN also started to provide processing lines for minimally processed products (IV range). MARRODAN is based in a main area of the Spanish food processing industry and works worldwide. MARRODAN also counts on a pilot plant for the development of new products. Processing lines Lines for preparation of minimally processed products (IV Range); Canning lines for tin, glass, flexible packaging, etc.; Lines for processing frozen foods; Lines for dehydrating vegetables; Complete lines for the production and processing of compost for growing mushrooms, etc. Equipment Cleaning systems, silos, peeling, elimination of skins/peel, cutting (slices, strips, cubes). Equipment for concentrating, drying, packaging, grading, to cool the preparation of syrup for canning. Product transport (fruit and packaging, etc.). Washing machines, dryers, pallet cage, palletising of packages. Vectro, a modern sterilisation systems (under pressure and atmospheric) that mantains the quality of the products. Technical Assistance Service, based on the repair and maintenance of machines, both in and out of our installations.

The VECTOR range of retorts is a system designed for pressure sterilizing of preserved vegetables, fish and meats; children meals, ready cooked dishes, etc. SPE3, s.l.


Grupo THM




Tomra SENSOR BASED SORTING AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FRESH AND PROCESSED FOOD INDUSTRIES TOMRA Sorting Solutions has unified two champions, ODENBERG and BEST, to become undoubtedly the preferred supplier for the food market’s sensor-based sorting and peeling needs. ODENBERG and BEST have created an invincible alliance when it comes to delivering sorting, safety and quality solutions throughout the process chain, as well as solutions for peeling, process analytics and chilling & freezing. TOMRA Sorting Solutions now has more than 6,500 machines installed worldwide in the food market. Customers are reassured by the company’s even more comprehensive support and service network, close to its customers. TOMRA Sorting Solutions now offers a wider segment of application coverage and expertise, as well as boasting the leading sector experts and knowledge in research and development. This will enable the company to continue producing efficient, reliable state-of-the-art and customized solutions. In addition, the company has eight test and demonstration centers worldwide, where customers can trial their own products. TOMRA Sorting Solutions can offer a complete sorting solution for different industries; one example is the potato industry, where we propose solutions in different positions in the process line. We offer a holistic approach maximizing yield and efficiency; collecting real-time information from the farm to the end of a French fry line. We provide high quality equipment to optimize the production flow, resulting in consistent high quality final consumer product.

TOMRA SORTING SOLUTIONS Research Park Haasrode 1622, Romeinse Straat 20 3001 Leuven - BÉLGICA Ph.: +32-16 396396 Fax: +32-16 396390

SPE3, s.l.


Grupo THM




ULMA PACKAGING, S. COOP. Barrio Garibai, 28 - P.O. Box 145 20560 OĂ‘ATI (GuipĂşzcoa) - SPAIN Ph.: +34-943 739 200 Fax: +34-943 780 819

ULMA Packaging, S. Coop., Packaging solutions With more than 50 years of experience and a team of high qualified professionals, as well as the most advanced design and manufacturing technologies, ULMA offers extensive and innovative solutions in packaging equipment and systems with a main objective: providing additional value to its customers ULMA Packaging is currently focused on a wide variety of markets, including machinery, integral solutions and inputs; which it addresses through its eight product lines: Flow Pack, Thermoforming, Traysealing, Vertical, Dairypack, Shrink Wrap, Stretch Film and Sleeve Wrapping.

4 potatoes packaging in gusseted pack with laminated film The 4 potatoes packaging in gusseted pack, by ULMA PACKAGING, used laminated film. It is a high speed packaging, by a continuous motion machine at 100 pack/min. The machine is a VTC 700, a vertical packaging machine (VFFS) which makes a three sealing pack. Designed for continuous packing at high production speeds up to 140 cycles/min.

SPE3, s.l.


Grupo THM


Carrot packaging in traysealing in rigid trays The packaging in traysealing allows an attractive printing of the sealing film, on top of a rigid tray containing the carrots. The machine used is a Scorpius 400, by ULMA PACKAGING. It is an automatic single line traysealing machine for all kind of preformed regular trays. Can make modified atmosphere (MAP) and vacuum packing. Tray transport system with arms. Suitable for first steps in integrated process automation.

Cutted carrot, ‌ and a range of other vegetables minimally processed The cutted carrot and a list of different minimally processed vegetables are packed by a vertical machine (VFFS). Formats with an average useful life of 10 days, which can be longer by MAP, modified atmosphere packaging. The VTI 200 is a vertical packaging machine (VFFS), by ULMA PACKAGING, which makes a three sealing pack. Medium production speed performance up to 70 cycles/minute with an excellent quality/price ratio.



Visar ELECTRONIC SORTING SYSTEMS - SORTOP CARROT VISAR EUROPE is active in the agri-food industrial field having designed an automatic carrot sorting machine: the Sortop Carrot system. Our electronic carrot sorter sorts, grades and weighs with the highest efficiency in the market! The accuracy of this system means that it is the only one capable of efficiently sorting any type of carrot, whatever the quality of the batch. Not only will you find fewer rejected carrots, but you will gain in the long term because of the consistency of the system, not to mention the elimination of labour costs! Sortop Carrot is a response to market requirements in offering a reliable and economically profitable system.

VISAR EUROPE La Tuilière 8 1047 Oppens - SWITZERLAND Ph.: +41-(0)21 887 03 01 Fax: +41-(0)21 887 70 30

SPE3, s.l.


Grupo THM




Wyma WYMA designs, manufactures, distributes and services post-harvest vegetable handling equipment and solutions worldwide. When you buy Wyma, you buy proven technical quality as well as a deep understanding of post-harvest handling. From consultation through to design, manufacture, installation and support; you know that with Wyma, you get the benefit of our fresh thinking culture wherever you are in the world.

Whether your pack-house handles, potatoes, carrots, onions or other bulk vegetables, our fresh thinking is always available to help you keep improving the way you handle and process your vegetables.

WYMA ENGINEERING (NZ) LTD. 27 Foremans Road - PO Box 16-707 HORNBY - CHRISTCHURCH - NUEVA ZELANDA Ph.: +64 3 344 6403 Fax: +64 3 344 6407

SPE3, s.l.


Grupo THM






Doctor Manuel Candela 26, 11ÂŞ - 46021 Valencia Spain Ph.: +34-649 485 677 -




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