古币、金银锭、机制币 Ancient Coins/ Gold&Silver Sycees / Milled Coinage
2014年7月20日 星期日 上海 J u l y 2 0 , S u n d a y, 2 0 1 4 S h a n g h a i
泓盛2014春季拍卖 Hosane 2014 Spring Auctions
Ancient Coins/ Gold&Silver Sycees/ Milled Coinage
Lots 7601 - 8581 拍卖 2014年7月20日 09:30 上海建国宾馆 Auction 09:30 July 20, 2014 Jianguo Hotel Shanghai 现场电话 +86-21-64270050 网络直播 www.hosane.com
Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel Shanghai
Jianguo Hotel Shanghai
1376 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai
439 Caoxi North Road, Shanghai
Fine Paintings and Calligraphy by Painters in Shanghai
Bao Zhen Tang Treasure Collection
9:30 June 26, 2014
9:30 July 18, 2014
Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy
Chinese Banknotes
13:00 June 26, 2014
9:30 July 19, 2014
Fine Chinese Modern Paintings and Calligraphy
Stamps & Postal History
Following the Previous Sale June 26, 2014
9:30 July 18-19, 2014
Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art
Paper Collectibles
16:30 June 26, 2014
9:30 July 20-21, 2014
Oil Painting & Sculpture
Ancient Coins/ Gold & Silver Sycees
19:15 June 26, 2014
/ Milled Coinage
Trace of the Time - Important Private Collection of 20th
9:30 July 20, 2014
Century Chinese Oil Painting
Gold & Silver Coins of PRC
Following the Previous Sale June 26, 2014
18:00 July 20, 2014
Contemporary Art
Bronze Mirrors and Later Bronzes
Following the Previous Sale June 26, 2014
10:30 July 21, 2014
Exquisite Tea Wares
13:30 July 21, 2014
From June 24 To One Day Before Each Sale
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2014 Spring Auctions will be broadcast live at www.hosane.com
上 海 建 国 宾 馆
2014年6月26日 9:30
2014年7月18日 9:30
2014年6月26日 13:00
2014年7月19日 9:30
2014年6月26日 时间顺延
2014年7月18日-19日 9:30
王氏伉俪及其家族珍藏 怡尔雅集 放山居鉴赏 纸杂文献
2014年6月26日 16:30
2014年7月20日-21日 9:30
2014年6月26日 19:15
2014年7月20日 9:30
时代印迹 --重要私人收藏20世纪中国油画专场
2014年6月26日 时间顺延
2014年7月21日 10:30
2014年6月26日 时间顺延
2014年7月20日 18:00
2014年7月21日 13:30
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Front Cover Illustration is Lot 8408、8409、8410、8413、8414
Back Cover Illustration is Lot 8090
古代钱币 Ancient Coins
先秦魏“安邑一斤”背安一枚。高51mm,宽30mm,厚1.5mm。极美, 少见。
先秦“尖足布兹氏半”一枚。GBCA50006601 美78。
Wei Dynasty (Pre-Qin Period), An Yih coin reverse with "An", height: 52mm, width: 30mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Pre-Qin Dynasty, Tsi Shih coin in GBCA holder graded 78 (#50006601).
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*7602 先秦“方足布安阳”一枚。GBCA50006599 上55。
Pre-Qin Dynasty, An Yang coin in GBCA holder graded 55 (#50006599).
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
"Chin Hoh Chung Pao", gilded, diameter: 44mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
先秦“桥足布安邑一斤”一枚。GBCA50008421 上68。
先秦“尖足布平陶”一枚。GBCA50006602 上72。
Pre-Qin Dynasty, An Yih coin in GBCA holder graded 68 (#50008421).
Pre-Qin Dynasty, Ping Tao coin in GBCA holder graded 72 (#50006602).
RMB 2,200 US$ 349
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7609 *7607 先秦“尖足布大阴”一枚。GBCA50006600 美75。 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Dah Ying coin in GBCA holder graded 75 (#50006600).
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
春秋大型包金鲁贝一件。长42mm,宽25mm。极美品,少见。此件包金 贝整体以大型鲁贝为胎,包以金箔,当非为实用货币,礼器之属耳。此 件包金贝保存完整,完好如初的保存三千年前入土时的现状,向世人展 示着古人高超的金箔制造技术。 Spring & Autumn Period coin, length: 42mm, width: 25mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*7610 先秦大篆大半两一枚。 Pre-Qin Dynasty half tael coin.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
春秋大型耸肩空首布一件。高147mm,宽56mm。极美品,稀见。此类 空首布属春秋早期周王畿铸造,两肩与两脚极易折损,此件历经数千年 而不折损变形,且铜性依然,实属不易。
秦汉半两铜祖范一件。长157mm,宽83mm。是品为陕西渭河水坑所 出,品相较好,保存相对完整。美品,少见。
Spring & Autumn Period coin, height: 147mm, width: 56mm, rare, XF.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
RMB 9,000 US$ 1,429
Pre-Qin Dynasty half tael coin, length: 157mm, width: 83mm, nice condition, rare, VF.
*7615 先秦方足布“襄坪”一枚,高41mm,宽26mm,美品 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Siang Ping coin, height: 41mm, width: 26mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7612 战国刀币一组八把(含明刀三把、尖首刀五把)。 Warring States Period coin group of 8.
RMB 2,100 US$ 333
*7616 先秦尖足布“蔺半”一枚,高56mm,宽27mm,极美品 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Lin Pan coin, height: 56mm, width: 27mm, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7613 春秋战国平肩空首布一枚。高66mm,宽43mm。美品。 Warring States Period coin, height: 66mm, width: 43mm, VF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*7617 先秦尖足布“平周”一枚,高48mm,宽25mm,美品,少见 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Ping Chou coin, height: 48mm, width: 25mm, rare, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7614 战国水坑“楚大布”一枚。高104mm,宽30mm。美品,少见。 Warring States Period (Chu Dynasty) coin, height: 104mm, width: 30mm, rare, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7618 先秦尖足布“梁邑”一枚,高44mm,宽26mm,美品 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Liang Yih coin, height: 44mm, width: 26mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7619 先秦尖足布“陶阳”一枚,高42mm,宽26mm,美品 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Tao Yang coin, height: 42mm, width: 26mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7623 战国“齐之法化”四字刀一把,日本回流品,长182mm,极美品,极罕 见 Warring States Period, "Tsi Fa Hwa" coin, lenght: 182mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*7620 先秦尖足布“齐贝”一枚,高45mm,宽26mm,美品 Pre-Qin Dynasty, Tsi Pei coin, height: 45mm, width: 26mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
战国“共字环钱”一枚,日本回流品,直径46.8慢慢,厚1.6mm ,极美 品,极罕见
Pre-Qin Dynasty, Siang Ping coin, height: 40mm, width: 25mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Warring States Period, "Kong Tsi Huan Chien" coin, diameter: 46.8mm, thickness: 1.6mm, rara, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*7625 *7622
王莽“一刀平五千”金错刀一把,日本回流品,长75mm,极美品,极罕 见
West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang), "Yih Tao Ping Wu Chien" coin, lenght: 75mm, rare, XF.
Warring States Period, "Tsi Fa Hwa" coin, lenght: 184mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*7626 战国“梁充釿”,高61.2mm,宽 32.5mm,美品 Warring States Period coin, height: 61.2mm, width: 32.5mm, VF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7627 战国“素璧”一件。此件为战国水苍料,璧内穿修整典型战国工,在没 有当代机械设备的两千年前亦可达到此等效果,见证着那个时代高超特 有的手工工艺。 Warring States Period jade plate.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
西汉“白金三品”之“龙币”一枚。直径55mm,厚5mm。极美品,罕 见。“中国钱币大辞典·先秦篇”原物。《汉书·食货志》载:“造 银锡为白金。以为天用莫如龙,地用莫如马,人用莫如龟,故白金三 品。” ;《史记·平準书》:“又造银锡为白金。以为天用莫如龙,地 用莫如马,人用莫如龟,故白金三品:其一曰重八两,圜之,其文龙, 名曰‘白选’,直三千;二曰以重差小,方之,其文马,直五百;三曰 復小,撱之,其文龟,直三百。”;《资治通鉴·汉武帝元狩四年》: “又造银锡白金三品:大者圜之,其文龙,直三千;次方之,其文马, 直五百;小者椭之,其文龟,直三百。”;由此可见白金三品是汉武帝 元狩四年(前119年)发行的铅锡合金货币(另有银锡合金者)。所谓白 金三品是指:圆形龙币,又名白选、白馔,圆形而有龙纹,重八两,值 三千;方形马币,方形而有马纹,重六两,值五百;椭形龟币,肉圆好 方,币形像龟,以龟甲为币文,重四两,值三百。此枚为铅锡合金之龙 币,外形为圆形凸起,呈饼状(仿同时期金饼形制铸造),凸面饰有螭 龙纹饰,凹面铸有古希腊文字母(白金三品或为丝路流通货币)。 West Han Dynasty, Dragon coin, diameter: 55mm, thickness: 5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*7628 春秋战国“双面纹饰龙形磬币”一枚。长137mm,高62mm。极美品, 罕见。方药雨旧藏。此种类型的磬币多见素身无纹抑或单面纹饰者,有 如此枚双面带工者罕见。
Spring & Autumn Period Dragon coin, height: 62mm, length: 137mm, rare, XF.
Yan State coin set of 4, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 1,300 US$ 206
*7632 战国磬币一组四枚。此组货币铸地为周王畿附近,仿礼磬形制铸造,很 好的向世人反应了两千多年前周代礼治天下的治国国策。 Warring States Period coin group of 4.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7633 战国魏币“梁充斤五十当百孚”传形一枚。附拓片。此币传形仅见。高 62mm,宽38mm。罕见,极美品。 Wei States (Warring States Period), Liang Chung Kin Wu Shih Tang Pah Fu coin, height: 62mm, width: 38mm, rare, XF.
RMB 40,000 US$ 6,349
*7631 汉代摇钱树一件。图案和同时期铜镜上的雷同,羽人和瑞兽相呼应于摇 钱树周边,反映了汉时的人们烂漫天真以及其内心世界的恢宏壮阔。此 件钱树保存相对完整,十分难得,堪称同时期铜器平面线条图案铸造艺 术的代表之作。
*7634 战国燕布“陶阳”背左一枚。高45mm,宽24mm。极美品,少见。
Han Dynasty, Money Tree.
Yan State (Warring States Period) coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7635 战国“宅阳”一枚。高46mm,宽24mm。极美品,少见。“中国钱币大 辞典 • 先秦篇”原物。 Warring States Period "Tsai Yang" coin, height: 46mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7639 战国燕布“陶阳”背左十一枚。高45mm,宽24mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period (Yan State), "Tao Yang" coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7636 秦早期厚重半两一枚。直径36mm,厚1.5mm。重11左右(标准秦半两 重7.8克左右)。极美品,少见。“中国钱币大辞典 • 先秦篇”原物。
*7640 战国灵石坑赵布“平阳”方足一枚。高45mm,宽24mm。极美品,少 见。
Pre-Qin Dynasty half tael coin, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 1.5mm, weight: 11g, rare, XF.
Warring States Period (Zhao State) "Ping Yang" coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 700 US$ 111
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7637 战国灵石坑赵布“蔺”方足一枚。高45mm,宽24mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period (Zhao State) "Lin" coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*7641 战国大方足“安阳”一枚。高50mm,宽30mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period, "An Yang" coin, height: 50mm, width: 30mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
Warring States Period "Chung Tu" coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
Warring States Period, "Liang Yih" coin, height: 53mm, width: 29mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7643 战国“虑虎”尖足布一枚。高55mm,宽28mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period, "Lu Hu" coin, height: 55mm, width: 28mm, rare, XF.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*7646 战国“授氏”方足布一枚。高46mm,宽27mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period, "Shou Shih" coin, height: 46mm, width: 27mm, rare, XF.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
*7644 战国“中都”方足布一枚。高45mm,宽24mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period, "Chung Tu" coin, height: 45mm, width: 24mm, rare, XF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7647 战国“平阳”方足布一枚。高48mm,宽28mm。极美品,少见。 Warring States Period, "Ping Yang" coin, height: 48mm, width: 28mm, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7648 五铢面九星连珠一枚。直径26mm,厚1.5mm。美品。 Wu-Chuh coin, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7645 战国楚大布“殊布当斤”背十货一枚。高108mm,宽32mm。极美品, 极罕见。此币一说为战国末年楚国所铸;一说为秦末项羽建立的西楚所 铸;一说为战国宋国所铸,楚灭宋后此币归楚,故此币偶有在楚国境内 出土。综合此币币形、货币单位及字体,宋铸说较可靠。“中国钱币大 辞典 • 先秦篇”原物。 Warring States Period (Chu State), "Shu Pu Tang Kin" reverse Shi Huo, heigth: 108mm, width: 32mm, rare, XF.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*7649 新莽“大泉五十”陶质母范一件。美品,保存较完整。少见。此范由阴 文铜质祖范翻出,呈阳文,称为母范,再由此翻出阴文陶质子范用于直 接铸币。此过程所铸得的货币称为“泥范”币;与之相对应的是直接 用阳文铜质母范翻出的阴文陶制子范所铸得的货币,后一类货币称之为 “铜范”币。 West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang), Dah Chuan 50 Cash die proof, nice condition, rare, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7653 西汉三铢一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 West Han Dynasty 3-chuh coin, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7650 新莽“大泉五十”陶质母范一件。美品,保存较完整。少见。此范由阴 文铜质祖范翻出,呈阳文,称为母范,再由此翻出阴文陶质子范用于直 接铸币。此过程所铸得的货币称为“泥范”币;与之相对应的是直接 用阳文铜质母范翻出的阴文陶制子范所铸得的货币,后一类货币称之为 “铜范”币。 West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang), Dah Chuan 50 Cash die proof, nice condition, rare, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7654 铜鎏金熊纹席镇一件。 Bear seal, gilded.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7651 新莽“小泉直一”陶质母范一件。美品,保存较完整。少见。此范由阴 文铜质祖范翻出,呈阳文,称为母范,再由此翻出阴文陶质子范用于直 接铸币。此过程所铸得的货币称为“泥范”币;与之相对应的是直接 用阳文铜质母范翻出的阴文陶制子范所铸得的货币,后一类货币称之为 “铜范”币。
魏晋南北朝十六国后赵“丰货”一 枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。美品。
南朝宋“四铢”一对,直径 21.5mm,厚1mm,美品
Later Zhao Dynasty, Fung Huo, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
Southern Song Dynasty, Sih-Chuh coin set, diameter: 21.5mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 200 US$ 32
West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang), Siao Chuan coin die proof, nice condition, rare, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang) Huo Pu.
RMB 300 US$ 48
West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang) Huo Pu, lenght: 57mm, VF.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*7652 新莽“中布六百”陶质母范一件。新莽十布陶质母范除大布黄千外皆罕 见。美品,保存较完整如此者难得。此范对研究新莽货币铸造工艺流程 有极其重要的实物价值。此范由阴文铜质祖范翻出,呈阳文,称为母 范,再由此翻出阴文陶质子范用于直接铸币。此过程所铸得的货币称为 “泥范”币;与之相对应的是直接用阳文铜质母范翻出的阴文陶制子范 所铸得的货币,后一类货币称之为“铜范”币。 West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang) coin die proof, nice condition, rare, VF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7659 魏晋“玉蝉”一件。此件通体鸡骨白,造型风格 类似汉代玉蝉,然工艺与汉八刀略有别,为典型 东汉末年至魏晋时器物。 Wei & Jin Dynasty, Cicada shaped jade plate.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7660 新莽“货泉”合面、合背、传形一组三枚。极美品,少见。罗伯昭旧 藏。 West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang) Huo Chuan group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7661 稀见古钱五枚一套:汉“小泉直一”、“五铢”鎏银钱两枚一套,金“大 定通宝”白铜一枚(疑为样币),清“咸丰通宝”宝福小平钱铁范铜一 枚,清“光绪通宝”宝福小平钱鎏金一枚。 Ancient coin set of 5.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7662 金“大定通宝”折二白铜样币一枚。直径28mm,厚1.5mm。极美品, 罕见。“中国钱币大辞典·辽金西夏卷”原物。附拓片。“大定通宝” 铸于金国世宗大定十八年(公元1178年)。钱文仿瘦金体书版式,有小 平,折二两种。还铸有铁钱。折二大钱铸量罕少,色灰白,世传其钱料 微含银。大定二十八年(公元1188年)铸造的钱币有干支背文。“大 定通宝”钱,造型简练、形貌大方、字仿“瘦金”,精美程度比“大观 通宝”有过之无不及。“大定通宝”与唐开元、宋大观钱相比,洗练 凝重、文字秀美,规格严谨更胜一筹。体现了中华民族的美学意识。这 和金代造钱善于汲取历代特别是宋钱精华以及君臣热爱文化艺术密切 有关。“大定通宝”对后世各代钱币制造产生的影响极为深远。元代的 “至大通宝”“至元通宝”“至正通宝”文字酷肖“大定”。元末起义 军“天启通宝”“天定通宝”亦以效尤。明初的“大中通宝”“洪武通 宝”都以大定为楷模。“永乐通宝”更近似,可谓影响至深至远。金世 宗即位后停止侵宋战争,励精图治,革除海陵王统治时期的弊政。生活 十分朴素,不穿丝织龙袍,使金国国库充盈,农民过上富裕的日子,天 下小康;并且在经济政治文化等各方面锐意革新,消除女真建国以来的 种种弊政,完成金由奴隶社会向封建社会的最终转型,“大定通宝”折 二白铜样币就是他在货币经济领域革新的历史遗留,他在位期间使中国 北方实现了“大定之治”的繁荣鼎盛,是辽金西夏时期中国北方少数民 族政权中为数不多的“明君”,被史家称为“小尧舜”。 King Dynasty, Tah Ting Tung Pao 2 Cash white copper coin proof, diameter: 28mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*7663 唐“开元通宝”白铜权一枚。直径24mm,厚3.1mm。极美品,罕见。罗 伯昭旧藏。附拓片。此枚开元通宝厚重异常(重10克左右,折合三四枚 开元官钱重量),其光如银,呈白铜质。非为常见之流通货币,当为唐 代货币经济领域的“权”,是研究唐代货币经济难得的金融文物。 Tang Dynasty, Kai Yuan Tung Pao white copper coin, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 3.1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
唐“建中通宝”一枚。直径22mm,厚1.2mm。极美品,稀少。唐朝德 宗李适建中年间(公元780--788年)西北安西都护府地区地方铸币,中 原比较少见,面文旋读,重约3克,制作粗陋,铜色昏浊,钱体薄小,文 字晦漫,好品难求。隶书“建中通宝”四字旋读,书体朴实有力,有大 小两种样式。 如今存世量已较少,古泉珍品。此币铸造时唐王朝已无力 控制西北地区,安西都护府只是名义上依附于唐,然而从此币的铸造我 们可以看出当时的西北政权依然是“心向王化”,奉中原唐王朝为正统 的。这也与史料记载西域节度使的履职是需中央政府册封相吻合的
唐“突骑施钱”一枚。直径25mm,厚1.5mm。极美品,稀见。“中国 钱币大辞典·唐篇”原物。该钱为唐代西域突骑施汗国仿开元通宝所铸 青铜货币,正面铭文为栗特文,由四个单词组成,直译是“天(神)的 突骑施可汗钱”,意译为:“强大的突骑施可汗之钱币”。背面有个类 似弓形的图案纹饰,为突骑施族族徽。此钱铸造年代为公元690年-766 年之间,铸地在突骑施汗国的牙帐“碎叶城”。贞观三年(公元629年) 唐军大破突厥以后,突厥余部一部分西迁至西亚、欧洲,另一部分为唐 帝国招抚,或入长安受爵为官,或建汗国于西域(今中国西北、中亚一 代),臣属大唐,突骑施汗国就是西域大唐附属国之一,其铸币有别于 西域诸国中的打制货币,突骑施钱无论是形制、铸造工艺、钱径大小、 钱币重量都深受唐朝铸币“开元通宝”的影响。突骑施钱主要出土于中 亚楚河流域阿克贝西姆古城遗址,在我国发现较少,仅十余枚。突骑施 钱体现了唐帝国对西域的影响,具有重要的历史价值。
Tang Dynasty, Chien Yuan Chung Pao, diameter: 22mm, thickness: 1.2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
Tang Dynasty, "Tu Tsi Shih Chien", diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7665 历代货币一组数百枚。 Group of hundreds ancient coins.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7668 西夏神宗“光定元宝”小平一枚。华夏:上美(VF)75 640003324。 少见,“中国钱币大辞典•辽金西夏篇”原物。“光定元宝”四字俊逸潇 洒,微含行书气韵。铜赤而纯,制艺精湛,边廓峻深优美,颇可与平钱 佼佼者大定通宝媲美。既标志西夏铸钱工艺已达顶峰,同时亦宣告夏之 消亡,遂成西夏最末一代钱币。 West Xia Dynasty, Kwang Ting Yuan Pao 1 Cash.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7666 五代马殷“乾封泉宝”背“天、策”一对。极美品,罕见。“中国钱币 大辞典•五代篇”原物。公元907年,梁太祖朱温封马殷为楚王,定都潭 州(今长沙)。910年,又加天策上将军,开天策府,分封百官。马殷听 从高郁献策,铸“乾封泉宝”大钱,有铜、铁两种,背面有天、策、天 府、天策、策府等字,币文多为隶书。此种货币带有纪念性质。 Five Dynasties, Chien Feng Chuan Pao group of 2 reverse with "Tien" & "Tse" respectively, rare, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7669 唐“顺天元宝”一枚。直径37mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。 Tang Dynasty, Shun Tien Yuan Pao, diameter: 37mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,500 US$ 873
*7670 天赞通宝(虎尾通)背上月。直径 23mm,厚1mm。极美品,少见。 Tien Tsan Tung Pao reverse with moon, diameter: 23mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7671 得一元宝一枚。直径 36mm,厚2mm。极美 品,少见。 Teh Yih Yuan Pao, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7675 唐末五代素镜一面。直径134mm,厚6mm。极美品。千百年间,白光依 稀,铜质细密,铸造精细,手感厚重,在唐末五代乱世将铜列为战列物 资而严禁他用时,此镜铸造尚且如此不惜铜料,十分难得。 Later Tang Dynasty mirror, diameter: 134mm, thickness: 6mm, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7672 五代十国南汉“乾亨重宝”铜钱一 枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。极美,少 见。 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (Southern Han Dynasty), Chien Heng Chung Pao, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7673 五代十国蜀国铁钱“广政通宝”不同版别一 套两枚,直径25mm,厚1.3mm。罕见,极 美品。 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (Shu Dynasty), Kwang Cheng Tung Pao set of 2, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1.3mm, rare, XF.
*7676 唐“乾元重宝”背下祥云一枚。直径29.5mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。 Tang Dynasty, Chien Yuan Chung Pao reverse with clouds, diameter: 29.5mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7674 高古货币三枚:蜀汉“直百五 铢”背为一枚,新莽“大泉 五十”传形一枚,北周“五行大 布”一枚。少见,极美品。 Shu-Han Dynasty, Chih Pai Wu Chuh coin; West Han Dyansty (Wang Mang) Dah Chuan coin; Northen Zhou Dynasty coin, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7677 “统和元宝”背移范一枚。直径26mm,厚1mm。美品。 Tung Hoh Yuan Pao, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7682 五代闽国“永隆通宝” 行书折十铁钱背闽星月 一枚。直径41mm,厚 4mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。
*7678 得壹元宝背右月一枚。 直径36mm,厚3mm。美 品。 Deh Yih Yuan Pao reverse with moon, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
Min State (Five Dynasties Period), Yung Lung Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 4mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 700 US$ 111
*7683 乾元重宝小平背右上洪一 枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。
Chien Yuan Chung Pao reverse with "Hung", VF.
助国元宝一枚。直径 24mm,厚0.8mm。美品。
RMB 500 US$ 79
Chuh Kwo YuanPao, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 0.8mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7684 乾元重宝重轮(当五十) 背右月一枚。美品,孙仲 汇藏。 Chien Yuan Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse with moon, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7685 “千秋万岁”背龙纹。 直径26mm,厚2mm。美 品,孙仲汇藏。 "Chien Chiu Wan Sui" charm money reverse with Dragon, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
辽金“双龙镜”一面。直径176mm,厚8mm。美品。 Liao Dynasty, Double Dragon mirror, diameter: 176mm, thickness: 8mm, VF.
RMB 25,000 US$ 3,968
*7681 早期仿辽金“双龙镜”一面。直 径135mm,厚6mm。美品。 Early counterfeit, Doulble Dragon mirror, diameter: 135mm, thickness: 6mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7687 *7686 水坑钱一组两枚。
新莽货泉连钱一枚,公博评级 60002724,上70
Coin group of 2.
West Han Dynasty (Wang Mang) Huo Chuan group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7688 唐“顺天元宝”光背大样一枚,直径39.2mm,厚3.2mm,美品 Tang Dynasty, Shun Tien Yuan Pao proof, diameter: 39.2mm, thickness: 3.2mm, VF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7692 货布大观一套四枚。 Huo Pu Tah Kwan set of 4.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7689 金“泰和重宝”一枚,直径44mm,厚3.8mm,极美品 Jin Dynasty, Tai Ho Chung Pao, diameter: 44mm, thickness: 3.8mm, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*7690 “开元通宝”折十一 枚。直径42mm,厚 2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Kai Yuan Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 42mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7691 会昌“开元通宝”背永一枚。直 径23.5mm,厚1mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。 Kai Yuan Tung Pao reverse with "Yung", diameter: 23.5mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
宋代选仙钱“琴仙”一枚。长39mm,宽30mm,厚2mm。极美品,罕 见。罗伯昭旧藏。附拓片。宋代,在文人雅士中非常流行用花钱博戏, 这种花钱一种名为“打马钱”,另一种名为“选仙钱”。宋代王珪在 《宫词》中写道:“尽日闲窗赌选仙,小娃争觅到盆钱。上筹得占蓬莱 岛,一掷乘鸾出洞天。”诗中描绘的就是这种流溢出仙界浪漫与诗意美 感的游戏“选仙”。“选仙钱”为一套,有诗仙、酒仙、琴仙、棋仙、 散仙、王母、双成、曼倩、壶中仙、拔宅仙、龟鹤仙等十余种。有方形 与圆形两类,圆形又分方孔、无孔(现见传世者多为后代打孔佩戴)两 种。 Song Dynasty, God of Psalterium money, length: 39mm, width: 30mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*7694 元八思巴文“大元通宝”母钱一枚。直径41mm,厚3.5mm。极美品,少 见。“中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。方药雨旧藏。 Yuan Dynasty, Tah Yuan Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 3.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7697 历代古币铜母坯五十种一组,与前两期的不重复,为同一藏家一个系列 藏品。(详见附单) Ancient proof coin group of 50.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*7695 元“至正通宝”背八思巴文巳折三型一枚。直径35mm,厚2mm。美 品,少见。“中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。罗伯昭旧藏。 Yuan Dynasty, Chih Cheng Tung Pao, diameter: 35mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7698 北宋“崇宁通宝”白铜样币一枚。直径34mm,厚2.2mm。极美品,稀 见。“中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。 Northern Song Dynasty, Chung Ning Tung Pao proof, diameter: 34mm, thickness: 2.2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7696 元末“大义通宝”折三一枚。直径31.2mm,厚2.8mm。极美品,少见。 GBCA70009652 美75。“中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。 Yuan Dynasty, Tah Yih Tung Pao 3 Cash in GBCA graded 75, diameter: 31.2mm, thickness: 2.8mm, rare, XF (#70009652).
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*7699 北宋“政和通宝”文政篆书样钱一枚。华夏评级:极美(XF)84,为目 前最高分。 Northern Song Dynasty, Cheng Ho Tung Pao proof.
RMB 2,200 US$ 349
*7700 “太货六铢”同坑两枚一套。 Tai Huo 6-chuh coin set of 2.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7704 嘉定元宝背折十一枚。直径52mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。 Kia Ting Yuan Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 52mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7701 宋“宣和元宝”篆书小平一枚。直径24mm,厚0.5mm。美品,少见。 Song Dynasty, Huan Ho Yuan Pao 1 Cash, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1/2mm, rare, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7705 至正通宝背戊十一枚。直径46mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。 Chih Cheng Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 46mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
南宋古币88枚一套。极美品,少见。 Souther Song Dynasty ancient coin group of 88, rare, XF.
RMB 2,600 US$ 413
*7706 宋“宣和通宝”背陕铁母一枚。直径 25mm,厚1mm。极美,少见。 Song Dynasty, Suan Ho Tung Pao reverse "Shensi" die proof, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7707 宋“重和通宝”篆书一枚。直径24mm, 厚1mm。极美,少见。
*7703 大元通宝合背一枚。直径40mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。 Tah Yuan Tung Pao, diameter: 40mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Song Dynasty, Chung Ho Tung Pao, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7712 元“至正通宝”背八思巴文“十”一枚。GBCA50006617 上65。
*7708 元“大元通宝”八思巴文四枚一套。美品。 Yuan Dynasty, Dah Yuan Tung Pao coin set of 4, VF.
Yuan Dynasty, Chih Cheng Tung Pao reverse 10 Cash in GBCA holder graded 65 (#50006617).
RMB 1,600 US$ 254
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7709 宋“宣和元宝”真篆两枚一套。美品,少 见。 Song Dynasty, Suan Ho Tung Pao set of 2, rare, VF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7713 早期“绍圣元宝”折二铁母一枚。直径35mm,厚2mm。美品。 Early "Shao Sheng Yuan Pao" die proof, diameter: 35mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7710 宋至清历代花钱一套六枚。少见,美品。 Song Dyansty to Ching Dynasty charm money set of 6, rare, VF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7714 早期“永安五男”背四灵一枚。直径55mm,厚3mm。美品。 Early "Yung An Wu Nan" coin, diameter: 55mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7711 元“至正通宝”背八思巴文“午”钱坯一枚。直径:41mm,厚2mm。 此钱为脱模钱坯,未加修整,少见。
Yuan Dynasty, Chih Cheng Tung Pao reverse "Wu" die proof, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 2mm, rare.
Suan Hoh Yuan Pao, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7720 元代“大朝通宝”银钱一枚。直径22mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Yuan Dynasty, Tah Chao Tung Pao, diameter: 22mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7716 历代花钱一组四枚。 Ancient charm money group of 4.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7721 宋“嘉定元宝”光背折十一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。
*7717 至和重宝一枚。直径30mm,厚2mm。美品。
Song Dynasty, Kia Tung Yuan Pao reverse 10 Cash, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Shih Hoh Chung Pao, diameter: 30mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7718 元末“天佑通宝背三”一枚。直径34mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 附拓片。 Later Yuan Dynasty, Tien You Tung Pao reverse 3 Cash, diameter: 34mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7722 宋“元祐通宝”行书折二铁母一枚。直径33.5mm,厚1.5mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。 Song Dynasty, Yuan You Tung Pao 2 Cash die proof, diameter: 33.5mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 700 US$ 111
*7719 宋“淳祐通宝背小字当百”一枚。直径51mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。
Song Dynasty, "Chun You Tung Pao" reverse 100 Cash, diameter: 51mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Song Sheng Yuan Pao 1 Cash, VF.
RMB 700 US$ 111
*7728 “宣和元宝”一枚。直径24mm,厚1.2mm。美品。
"Huan Hoh Yuan Pao", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
大观通宝背半钱一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Tah Kwan Tung Pao, VF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7729 古钱一组四枚。 Ancient coin group of 4.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
“崇宁重宝背密戏图”一枚。直径36mm,厚2mm。美品,少见。 Chung Ning Chung Pao, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7730 古钱一组四枚。 Ancient coin group of 4.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7726 “大观通宝”鎏金一枚。直径41mm,厚3mm。美品。 Tah Kwan Tung Pao, gilded, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
"Chung Hoh Tung Pao", diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
Southern Song Dynasty, Double Phoenix mirror, diameter: 137mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7735 宋“淳祐通宝”当百小型版一枚,直径35.2mm,厚3mm,公博评级 80023147,上68 Song Dynasty, Chun You Tung Pao 100 Cash in GBCA holder graded 68, diameter: 35.2mm, thickness: 3mm (#80023147).
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ma Ku Sian Shou charm money reverse with Chinese Zodiac Signs, diameter: 57mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
Song Dynasty, Chun Sih Yuan Pao reverse "Chuan", diameter: 29mm, thickness: 1.2mm, rare, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7737 元末“天定通宝”折三厚肉版一枚,直径33mm,厚3mm,少见 Later Yuan Dynasty, Tien Ting Tung Pao 3 Cash, diameter: 33mm, thickness: 3mm, rare.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
“靖康元宝”一枚。直径30mm,厚1.1mm。美品。 Ching Kang Yuan Pao, diameter: 30mm, thickness: 1.1mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ornament, made of White Jade. Pls Preview.
Song Dynasty, Kia Sih Chung Pao & Kia Tai Tung Pao.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7739 元末“至正通宝”背上十一枚,直径45mm,厚4mm,极美品 Later Yuan Dynasty, Chih Cheng Tung Pao reverse 10 Cash, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 4mm, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7740 宋“大观通宝”一枚,直径41.5mm,厚3mm,极美品 Song Dynasty, Tah Kwan Tung Pao, diameter: 41.5mm, thickness: 3mm, XF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7743 明“大中通宝”折十背桂一枚,直径46mm,厚2.4mm,极少见 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Kwei", diameter: 46mm, thickness: 2.4mm, rare.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*7744 明“大中通宝”折五光背一枚,直径40mm,厚2.6mm,美品 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao 5 Cash, diameter: 40mm, thickness: 2.6mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7741 宋“淳化元宝”缩水版一枚,名誉品,直径24.5mm,厚1.2mm,极美品 Song Dynasty, Chun Hwa Yuan Pao, diameter: 24.5mm, thickness: 1.2mm, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
明“大中通宝”折五下豫一枚,直径40mm,厚2.2mm,极美品 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao 5 Cash reverse with "Yu", diameter: 40mm, thickness: 2.2mm, XF.
RMB 5,500 US$ 873
Song Dynasty, Tah Kwan Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
Ming Dynasty, Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Yu", diameter: 46.5mm, thickness: 2.6mm, XF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7747 明“洪武通宝”背五钱一枚,直径40mm,厚2.8mm,美品 Ming Dynasty, Hung Wu Tung Pao 5 Cash, diameter: 40mm, thickness: 2.8mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7751 “龟龄鹤算”背双龙戏珠一枚。直径50mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Kwei Ling Ho Suan charm money reverse with Double Dragon Playing Ball, diameter: 50mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7748 宋铸大泉五十背日月星辰一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Song Dynasty, Tah Chuan 50 Cash reverse with moon & star, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7752 “至正通宝背戊十”一枚。直径47mm,厚4mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Chih Cheng Tung Pao reverse with Wu, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 4mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7749 宋铸大泉五十背龟蛇星剑一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Song Dynasty, Tah Chuan 50 Cash, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7753 “大观通宝”折二铁母一枚。直径29.5mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Tah Kwan Tung Pao 2 Cash die proof, diameter: 29.5mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Horse money, diameter: 30mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
Chung Ning Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 33mm, thickness: 2.2mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7755 “太平通宝”铁母一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Tai Ping Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7759 辽代挂花一枚。 Liao Dynasty charm money.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7756 “重和通宝”小平一枚。直径26mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Chung Ho Tung Pao, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7760 龙凤通宝折三一枚。 Dragon & Phoenix Tung Pao 3 Cash.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7757 “正隆元宝”五笔正一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Cheng Lung Yuan Pao, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
大泉五十背日月星辰一枚。 Dah Chuan 50 Cash reverse with sun, moon & star.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*7758 “大定通宝”铁母一枚。直径25mm,厚1.5mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。
*7762 南宋“淳祐通宝”背当百一件。直径37mm,厚2mm。美品。
Tah Ting Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
Southern Song Dynasty, Chun You Tung Pao 100 Cash, diameter: 37mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7763 明“大中通宝”背浙左下月折五型样币一枚。直径40mm,厚3mm。极 美品,少见。“中国钱币大辞典•元明卷”原物。附拓片。大中通宝背 浙折五型是大中背浙系列中最少见的品种。此枚铸造精整异常,当为样 币。
明清古代珍稀货币两枚:明大理土司铸币“太平通宝”,稀见,极 美品,此钱为八分书,乃明代弘治年间大理国铸币,铸工粗糙,币 文多模糊不清,品相若此清晰者罕见。此钱为中国古代大理政权存 世不多的铸币之一。 清“咸丰通宝”内廷制钱(宝泉出头宝版)。 GBCA80040829 美75。少见。此钱为内廷制钱,较之市面流通货币而 言体型硕大,铸造不惜铜料。 Ming Dynasty, Tai Ping Tung Pao, rare, XF; Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao reverse with "Paochuan Bureau" in GBCA holder graded 75, rare (#80040829).
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao proof reverse wtih "Chekiang", diameter: 40mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
明末“永昌通宝”折五、“永历通宝”大样背一分等一套两枚。美品, 少见。
后金努尔哈赤铸满汉文“天命通宝”一对。GBCA80040827 美75。 GBCA80040828 美75。其中汉天命为大样,稀见。“中国钱币大辞 典•清篇”原物。“天命通宝”为女真首领努尔哈赤于公元1616年称帝 建国号“金”时所铸得年号钱,堪称大清朝的龙兴祖钱,是名符其实的 “天命通宝”。
Later Ming Dynasty, Yung Chang Tung Pao 5 Cash proof, Yung Lih Tung Pao 1 Cent proof, rare, VF.
Later Jin Dynasty, Tien Ming Tung Pao group of 2 in GBCA holder graded 75, rare (#80040827 & 80040828).
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7767 青金石108朝珠式念珠一串。 Ching Dynasty bracelet with 108 beads.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7770 清“光绪重宝”宝苏当五一枚。直径29mm,厚2mm。“中国钱币大辞 典•清篇”原物。少见,极美品。此钱完全未流通,呈原始状态,光绪 苏五在晚清地方局钱币中为仅见特有的面值。钱史纲目意义重要。 Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Chung Pao 5 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 29mm, thickness: 2mm.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7768 南明“永历通宝”背督一枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。“中国钱币大辞 典•元明篇”原物。此钱为二水永版,稀见,字为隶体(在同时期钱中 较为独特),不易铸造清晰,有此熟美,殊为难得。 Ming Dynasty, Yung Lih Tung Pao reverse with "Tu", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7771 清“咸丰宝昌当十、乾隆通宝小平宝台、康熙通宝小平小台”三枚一 套。极美品。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 10 Cash reverse with Paochang Bureau, Chien Lung Tung Pao 1 Cash reverse with Paotai Bureau, Kangsih Tung Pao 1 Cash, set of 3, XF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7769 明代稀少货币:青白铜“嘉靖通宝”“洪武通宝背下福”六枚一套。 GBCA评级,上美至极美。“中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。美品至极 美品。
*7772 咸丰元宝宝河当百精铸一枚。直径47mm,厚4mm。极美品,少见。
Ming Dynasty, Kia Ching Tung Pao & Hung Wu Tung Pao coin set of 6, VF-XF.
Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with Paoho Bureau, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 4mm, rare, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7773 朝鲜“常平通宝”背忠二母钱一枚。直径32mm、厚2mm。极美品,少 见。 North Korea, Chang Ping Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 32mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
道光通宝宝源小平母钱一枚。直径24mm,厚2mm。极美品,罕见。民 国旧藏。
明末“西王赏功”银币一枚。直径51mm,厚2mm。罕见,极美品。 “中国钱币大辞典•元明篇”原物。钱面文字“西王赏功”以楷书书 写,从上而下而右而左直读。字体浑朴,笔画挺拔,边廓精整,品相 佳美。钱背光而无文。该币两面的包浆沉着,呈古银色和黑色,包浆虽 薄,却异常坚硬,没有脱落,由此可见该币当为出水的古钱币。1644 年,明末农民起义军首领张献忠据川时,自称“大西王”,在成都建大 西国,改元大顺,铸有“西王赏功”大钱,分金、银、铜三品,以奖励 有军功者,存世极罕见。该钱币钱体比“天启通宝”当十钱略大,直径 5.1厘米,币
Tao Kwang Tung Pao 1 Cash die proof reverse with Paoyuan Bureau, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
Later Ming Dynasty, Sih Wang Shang Kong silver coin, diameter: 51mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 70,000 US$ 11,111
*7775 清宝福局开炉钱“孔固其昌”背上福一枚。直径27mm,厚1mm。罕 见,美品。方药雨旧藏。 Ching Dynasty, Kong Ku Tsi Chang coin, diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, VF.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
明初玛瑙念珠一串(琥珀及其余为后配后串)。此串玛瑙念珠于民国时 出自古都南京明代皇家寺院的地宫之中,为皇家开光供奉之物。十分难 得。
Early Ming Dynasty agate bracelet.
RMB 8,800 US$ 1,397
Ancient coin group of 3.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7779 咸丰重宝宝苏当三十一枚。直径45mm,厚2mm。美品,少见。 Sien Fung Chung Pao 30 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 45mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, VF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7783 历代古币四十四枚一组。 Ancient coin group of 44.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7780 道光通宝小平阿克苏部颁样一枚。直径27mm,厚2mm。极美品,罕 见。 Tao Kwang Tung Pao 1 Cash reverse with Aksu, diameter: 27mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7781 明“大中通宝”背十豫早期精铸一枚。直径47mm,厚2mm。 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2mm.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
Ancient coin group of 30.
Ancient coin group of 120.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7789 嘉庆通宝母钱一枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。极美品,少见。 Kia Ching Tung Pao die proof, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7785 清“咸丰元宝”源百精铸样币一枚。直径50mm,厚3mm。极美品,少 见。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao proof, diameter: 50mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*7786 清“乾隆通宝”宝泉小平鎏金一枚。直径26mm,厚1mm。极美品,少 见。 Ching Dynasty, Chien Lung Tung Pao 1 Cash reverse with Paochuan Bureau, gilded, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*7787 清“乾隆通宝”宝泉出头宝大样母坯一件。直径27mm,厚1.5mm。极美 品,少见。 Ching Dynasty, Chien Lung Tung Pao die proof reverse with Paochuan Bureau, diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7790 咸丰元宝宝陕当千一件。直径71mm,厚5mm。极美品,少见。 Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash reverse with Paoshen Bureau, diameter: 71mm, thickness: 5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*7788 咸丰元宝宝泉出头宝当五百一件。直径59mm,厚3mm。极美品,少 见。
Sien Fung Yuan Pao 500 Cash reverse with Paochuan Bureau, diameter: 59mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
奉天省造20文一枚。GBCA80027572 XF40。
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 700 US$ 111
Mukden 20 Cash coin in GBCA holder graded XF40 (#80027572 ).
*7795 清“咸丰重宝”白铜宝昌当十样钱一枚。直径37.5mm,厚2mm。极美 品,少见。“中国钱币大辞典•清篇”原物。方药雨旧藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash proof reverse with "Paochang Bureau", diameter: 37.5mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
清吉语花钱“家业兴隆,财源茂盛”一枚。直径28mm,厚2.4mm。美 品,稀见。GBCA70009665 上72。此钱小巧精致,寓意吉祥,题材少 见。 Ching Dynasty, Kia Yeh Sing Jyung, Tsai Yuan Mao Sheng charm money in GBCA holer graded 72, diameter: 28mm, thickness: 2.4mm, rare, VF (#70009665).
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7796 清“顺治通宝”宝宁局开炉试铸特厚样钱。直径31mm,厚4mm。美 品,极少见。罗伯昭旧藏。旧谱有载。 Ching Dynasty, Shun Chih Tung Pao proof reverse with "Paoning Bureau", diameter: 31mm, thickness: 4mm, rare, VF.
RMB 1,300 US$ 206
*7793 清代桂炉挂花“招财进宝,黄金万两”一枚。高59mm,宽46mm。极美 品,少见。此类挂花体现了中国古代叠字和借偏旁的美术字体效果。流 传至今,实为佩戴之嘉物。 Ching Dynasty, Chao Tsai Kin Pao, Hwang Kin Wan Liang charm money, height: 59mm, width: 46mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7797 清咸丰重宝宝德当五铁钱一枚。直径29mm,厚2mm。美品。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 5 Cash reverse with "Paoteh Bureau", diameter: 29mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
清“咸丰重宝”宝川当十样钱一枚。直径36.5mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。
清“咸丰元宝”宝苏、宝武一套两枚。直径59mm、57mm,厚3mm、 3mm。美品。略不平。
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 36.5mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao group of 2 reverse with "Paosu Bureau" & "Paowu Bureau", diameter: 59mm, 57mm, thickness: 3mm, 3mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7802 *7799 清“咸丰元宝”宝苏当百一件。CNCS美品70 600001023 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau" in CNCS holder graded 70 (#600001023).
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7800 清“平安吉庆”背如意图一件。GBCA美78 50016745 Ching Dynasty, Ping An Kih Ching charm money in GBCA graded 78 (#50016745).
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7801 清“福山寿海背龙凤”一枚。直径53mm,厚2mm。美品。
清“咸丰重宝”宝昌当五十一枚。直径51mm,厚3mm。美品。略不 平。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paochang Bureau", diameter: 51mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7803 日本花钱“富国强兵”背虎图一件。GBCA上72 80033843 Japan, Fu Kuo Chiang Pin charm money in GBCA holder graded 72 (#80033843).
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Ching Dynasty, "Fu Shan Shou Hai" charm money reverse with Dragon & Phoenix, diameter: 53mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
Ching Dynasty, Shan Kwei charm money.
Tsi Ling Song Tsi silver plate.
Doulbe Happiness silver charm money.
RMB 200 US$ 32
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7806 八卦银花一件。 Pakua silver charm money.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7810 铜生肖挂花一件。 Chinese Zodiac Sign money.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7807 清“咸丰重宝”宝昌当五十刻花一套两件。GBCA上72 50008980 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash set of 2 reverse with "Paochang Bureau" in GBCA holder graded 72 (#50008980).
*7811 银花钱两枚。 Silver charm mo
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
长命富贵花钱一件。GBCA美78 50008982
Chang Ming Fu Kwei charm money in GBCA holder graded 78 (#50008982).
Chang Ming Pai Sui locker.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
清“龙凤花钱”方孔花钱一枚。 钱肉有铸漏。
Silver box.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
Ching Dynasty, Dragon & Phoenix charm money.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7815 咸丰宝源当五百私铸一枚。 Sien Fung 500 Cash reverse with "Paoyuan Bureau", private mint.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7816 咸丰宝泉当五十精铸一枚。 Sien Fung 50 Cash reverse with "Paochuan Bureau".
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7818 *7817 日本“文久永宝”背水波纹样钱一枚。 Japan, Wen Kiu Yung Pao die proof.
RMB 500 US$ 79
清“咸丰元宝”宝泉当五百雕母一枚。直径56.6mm。此钱为缶宝八贝 足。表面曾镀锡,作进呈之用。极美品,罕见,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 500 Cash die proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 56.6mm, rare, XF.
RMB 600,000 US$ 96,495
*7823 *7819 “乾隆通宝”背天下太平一枚。直径31mm,厚2mm。边有铸伤。美 品,孙仲汇藏。 Chien Lung Tung Pao reverse with "Tien Sia Tai Ping", diameter: 31mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
清“咸丰重宝”宝川样钱一枚。直径36mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7824 咸丰宝泉小平精铸一枚(疑似样钱)。右下角边缘有伤。直径25mm,厚 1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Sien Fung coin reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7820 “洪武通宝”背童子骑牛一枚。直径35mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Hung Wu Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 35mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
天国太平小平背满文宝福一枚。美 品,孙仲汇藏。
天国太平小平背满汉文川一枚。 美品,孙仲汇藏。
Tien Kuo Tai Ping 1 Cash reverse with "Pao Fu", VF.
Tien Kuo Tai Ping 1 Cash reverse with "Chuan", VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7821 “嘉庆宝泉饼子钱”一枚(重15.3克)。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Kia Ching Paochuan coin, weight: 15.3g, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
清“嘉庆通宝”宝直局鎏金宽缘刻花一枚。直径27mm,厚1mm。美 品,孙仲汇藏。
明铸君宜侯王五铢一枚。美品, 孙仲汇藏。
Ching Dynasty, Kia Ching TUng Pao, gilded reverse with "Paochih Bureau", diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
Ming Dynasty, Jun Yih Hou Wang 5-Chuh coin, VF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 100 US$ 16
ROC, Song Dynasty jade accessory.
*7829 清“双面铭长春翡翠玉锁佩”一件。 Ching Dynasty jade plate.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7832 清“玉带钩”一件。 Ching Dyansty jade accessory.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7833 清“翡翠黄金万两牌”一件。 Ching Dynasty jade plate.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7830 清“多层套料鼻烟壶”一件(缺盖)。多层套料工艺为明清料器工艺中 的亮点,一般使用于生产精制器物,非当时市面常见料器商品可比,多 流行于上层社会。此种工艺制作的图案立体感强,画面生动。 Ching Dynasty, snuff bottle without cap.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7834 清末民国“料仿琥珀”一件 Later Ching Dynasty & eary ROC amber piece.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7831 明代“和田玉墨床”一件。其上刻有赤壁泛舟图,古人将山水田园之趣 容于尺寸之间的文房器中,体现着古人对自然地崇尚,同时也映寸他们 生活品质的细腻。
*7835 清“翡翠马鞍戒指”一件。此件翠戒戒面阳绿鲜艳且面广阔,十分难 得。
Ming Dynasty jade accessory.
Ching Dynasty jade ring.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7836 清“和田玉双面工叶形佩”一件。 Ching Dynasty jade accessory.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7840 民国“福在眼前镂空佩”一件。 ROC, Fu Tsai Y an Chien accessory.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7837 清代“翡翠水滴形佩”一件。 Ching Dynasty jade accessory.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7841 清“玛瑙手链”一串。 Ching Dynasty, Agate bracelet.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7838 清“银戒指(戒面为料器)、银鼻烟壶”一件两套。 Ching Dynasty silver ring & snuff bottle.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7842 清“翡翠翎管”一件。 Ching Dynasty, Jade plate.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
ROC, Han Dynasty cicada like jade accessory.
Ching Dynasty, Jade plate.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7848 清“年年有余玉牌”一件。
Ching Dynasty, Nian Nian You Yu jade pendant.
Ching Dynasty accessory.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7845 清“翡翠戒指”一件。 Ching Dynasty, Jade ring.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7849 清“和田玉蝶佩”一件。 Ching Dynasty, jade plate.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7846 明“荷包扣”一件。 Ming Dynasty accessory.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7850 清“和田白玉坠”一件。 Ching Dynasty, jade plate.
RMB 2,800 US$ 444
Ching Dynasty, Double Dragon accessory.
Ching Dynasty, jade ring.
RMB 700 US$ 111
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7852 明“天启通宝”背十一两嘉靖版一枚,直径43.2mm,厚3.2mm Ming Dynasty, Tien Tsi Tung Pao 11 Tael, Kia Ching version, diameter: 43.2mm, thickness: 3.2mm.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7855 清“咸丰通宝”福局当五十一枚,直径57mm,厚6mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paofu Bureau", diameter: 57mm, thickness: 6mm, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7853 明“昭武通宝”背一分一组八枚,极美品 Ming Dynasty, Chao Wu Tung Pao 1 Cent group of 8, XF.
RMB 3,200 US$ 508
清“咸丰通宝”福局当五十一枚,直径57mm,厚7mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paofu Bureau", diameter: 57mm, thickness: 7mm, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7854 明“永历通宝”背一分一组二十二枚,极美品
*7857 清“咸丰通宝”福局当二十一枚,直径46mm,厚3.5mm,美品
Ming Dynasty, Yung Lih Tung Pao 1 Cent group of 22, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 20 Cash reverse with "Paofu Bureau", diameter: 46mm, thickness: 3.5mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 700 US$ 111
*7858 清“咸丰通宝”直局五十一枚,直径47mm,厚3.6mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paochih Bureau", diameter: 47mm, thickness: 3.6mm, XF.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*7861 清“咸丰重宝”泉局当五十大样一枚,直径56mm,厚4mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 56mm, thickness: 4mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7862 *7859 清“咸丰元宝”、“咸丰重宝”克勤郡王当百当五十一对,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao & Sien Fung Chung Pao reverse with "Prince Kechin Bureau", XF.
清“咸丰元宝”陕局当百一枚,直径58mm,厚3.6mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paoshensi Bureau", diameter: 58mm, thickness: 3.6mm, VF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash proof reverse with "Paoyuan Bureau", diameter: 56.8, thickness: 4.4mm, VF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paoshensi Bureau", diameter: 51mm, thickness: 4.5mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7864 清“咸丰重宝”昌局当五十一枚,直径52mm,厚3mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paochang Bureau", diameter: 52mm, thickness: 3mm, XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7865 清“咸丰元宝”河局当百一枚,直径50mm,厚4.8mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paoho Bureau", diameter: 50mm, thickness: 4.8mm, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7867 清“咸丰元宝”苏局当百一枚,直径59mm,厚3.8mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 59mm, thickness: 3.2mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7868 清“十二生肖”背八卦苏炉花钱一枚,直径46mm,厚3.2mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Chinese Zodiac Signs charm money reverse with Pakua, diameter: 46mm, thickness: 3.2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7869 清“龙凤花钱”苏炉花钱一枚,直径44.5mm,厚2.2mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Dragon & Phoenix charm money, diameter: 44.5mm, thickness: 2.2mm, VF
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7866 清“咸丰重宝”巩局当十二十枚一组,未留通,极美品
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 10 Cash group of 20 reverse with "Paokong Bureau", XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Shan Kwei charm money, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 2.4mm, VF.
*7871 明“洪武通宝”背十福小字版一枚,直径39.8mm,厚2.2mm,极罕见 Ming Dynasty, Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 39.8mm, thickness: 2.2mm, rare.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*7875 明“兴朝通宝”、“永历通宝”4枚一组 Ming Dynasty, Sing Chao Tung Pao & Yung Lih Tung Pao group of 4.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*7872 “金奖百年一壶风雅范伟群设计紫砂壶” 容量350cc。 2014中国紫 砂荣获巴拿马国际博览会金奖100周年。凤凰藏品特为人先,联合“范家 壶庄”趁势推出紫砂精品“一壶风雅•金奖百年”。 由中国紫砂一代宗师 范大生之孙,“范家壶庄”传承人范伟群大师亲自设计,借以纪念中国 紫砂荣获金奖百年。 范伟群简介:中国工艺美术学会会员,研究员级高 级工艺美术师。 Boccaro Teapot, designed by Fan Wei-qun.
RMB 25,000 US$ 3,968
*7876 明“永昌通宝”襄阳版一枚,直径38mm,厚2mm Ming Dynasty, Yung Chang Tung Pao, Siangyang version, diameter: 38mm, thickness: 2mm.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7877 *7873
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paowu Bureau", diameter: 56mm, thickness: 4mm.
Ming Dynasty, Tien Tsi Tung Pao 11 Tael, diameter: 48mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ming Dynasty, Chao Wu Tung Pao reverse with 1 Cent, diameter: 35mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 47.5mm, thickness: 3.2mm.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7883 明“崇祯通宝”背京一枚,大名誉品,极罕见,直径23.9mm,厚1mm Ming Dynasty, Chung Chen Tung Pao reverse with "King", diameter: 23.9mm, thickness: 1mm, rare.
RMB 800 US$ 127
清“咸丰重宝”各局当十10枚一组 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash group of 10.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7884 清“太平通宝”光背花钱一枚。改范花钱,极少见,直径39mm,厚 1.5mm
Ching Dynasty, Tai Ping Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 39mm, thickness: 1mm, rare.
RMB 400 US$ 63
Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Chung Pao 10 Cash group of 3 reverse with "Paochuan Bureau".
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7881 清“十二生肖”苏炉花钱一枚,直径46.5mm,厚2.5mm Ching Dynasty, Chinese Zodiac Signs charm money, diameter: 46.5mm, thickness: 2.5mm.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7885 清“咸丰重宝”泉局当五十大样一枚。直径56mm,厚3.7mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 56mm, thickness: 3.7mm, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7886 *7882 清“一团和气”苏炉花钱一枚。直径45.5mm,厚2mm,美品
清“咸丰重宝”苏局当十曲笔满文苏版一枚,直径33mm,厚2.4mm,美 品
Ching Dynasty, Yih Tuan Ho Tsi charm money, diameter: 45.5mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 33mm, thickness: 2.4mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7891 *7887
Ching Dynasty, Tai Ping Tien Kwo 100 Cash reverse with Sheng Pao, diameter: 52mm, thickness: 2.2mm, VF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash group of 15 reverse with "Paosu Bureau", XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7888 清“嘉庆通宝”源局母钱一枚,直径23mm,厚1.2mm Ching Dynasty, Kia Ching Tung Pao die proof reverse with "Paoyuan Bureau", diameter: 23mm, thickness: 1.2mm.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7889 清“以介眉寿”背如月之恒花钱一枚,直径35.5,厚2.2mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Yih Chie Mei Shou charm money reverse with Ju Yue Chih Heng, diameter: 35.5mm, thickness: 2.2mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7892 明“洪武通宝”背京十一枚,直径46mm,厚3.5mm,极美品 Ming Dynasty, Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "King", diameter: 46mm, thickness: 3.5mm, XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7893 明“天启通宝”背上十一枚,直径45mm,厚3mm,美品 Ming Dynasty, Tien Tsi Tung Pao reverse 10 Cash, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7890 清“咸丰通宝”陕局小平阔缘铁母一枚,次品在同类母中已属上美品, 极少见。直径24.7mm,厚2mm
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao die proof reverse with "Shensi Bureau", diameter: 24.7mm, thickness: 2mm, rare.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash group of 4 reverse with "Paosu Bureau".
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash proof reverse with "Paochang Bureau", diameter: 53mm, thickness: 3.5mm.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paochih Bureau", diameter: 49.5mm, thickness: 4mm, rare, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7896 清“咸丰元宝”河局当百一枚,直径50mm,厚5mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paoho Bureau", diameter: 50mm, thickness: 5mm, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7900 明“洪武通宝”背五福一枚,直径41mm,厚2.8mm,美品,极少见 Ming Dynasty, Hung Wu Tung Pao reverse five good creatures, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 2.8mm, rare, VF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7897 清“咸丰重宝”苏局当十刻花一枚,直径40mm,厚2.5mm,少见 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 40mm, thickness: 2.5mm, rare.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
清“咸丰元宝“苏局当百一枚,直径60.5mm,厚3mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 60.5mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7898 清“咸丰元宝“苏局当百二枚,直径59mm,厚3mm;直径58mm,厚 2.5mm,美品
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash group of 2 reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 59mm, 58mm, thickness: 3mm, 2.5mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ching Dynasty, Dragon & Phoenix charm money, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 1.8mm, VF
*7907 清“咸丰重宝”蓟局当十一枚,直径35.5mm,厚3.5mm,极少见
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Paokih Bureau", diameter: 35.5mm, thickness: 3.5mm, rare.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ming Dynasty, Tien Tsi Tung Pao, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2.5mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7908 清“咸丰通宝”小平母钱一枚,直径22.2mm,厚1.5mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 1 Cash die proof, diameter: 22.2mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7904 清“十二生肖”背八卦苏炉挂花一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Chinese Zodiac Signs charm money reverse with Pakua, XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7909 清“咸丰通宝”苏局小平常平式一枚,直径29.8mm,厚1.8mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 1 Cash reverse with "Paosu Bureau", diameter: 29.8mm, thickness: 1.8mm, VF.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*7905 清“乾隆通宝”源局折十一枚,直径32mm,厚2.8mm,极少见 Ching Dynasty, Chien Lung Tung Pao 10 Cash reverse with "Paoyuan Bureau", diameter: 32mm, thickness: 2.8mm, rare.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*7910 清“光绪通宝”源局小平母钱一枚,直径21.9mm,厚1.5mm,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Tung Pao 1 Cash die proof reverse with "Paoyuan Bureau", diameter: 21.9mm, thickness: 1.5mm, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*7906 清“咸丰元宝”泉局星月当千一枚,直径59mm,厚4mm,极美品
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 59mm, thickness: 4mm, XF.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
RMB 25,000 US$ 3,968
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 20 Cash, Set of 59.
"Tai Ping An Lok" charm money reverse with "Fu Shou Tuo Nan", diameter: 42.5mm, thickness: 3.5mm, rare.
"Pu Erh Fa Men" charm money, diameter: 41mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7917 “祺祥重宝”一枚。直径34mm,厚2mm。美品。 "Tsi Siang Chung Pao", diameter: 34mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7913 清“明命通宝”花钱一枚,直径49.5mm,厚1.2mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Ming Ming Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 49.5mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7918 *7914 清安南“景盛通宝背鱼化龙”一枚。直径45mm,厚1.2mm。美品。 Ching Dynasty, Annan, "Ching Sheng Tung Pao" reverse with Fish, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7915 “康熙重宝背宝泉龙凤纹”一枚。直径55mm,厚3mm。美品。少见。
“咸丰元宝”克勤郡王(即星月版)当千一枚。直径61mm,厚3mm。 美品,少见。 Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash reverse with "Prince Kechin Bureau", diameter: 61mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Kang Sih Chung Pao reverse with Paochuan Bureau, diameter: 55mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
Charm money group of 2.
*7924 *7920
清朝鲜国王大婚吉语钱“富贵多男,寿福康宁”一枚。直径34mm,厚 1.5mm。极美品。
Ching Dynasty, "Fu Kwei Tuo Nan, Fu Shou Kang Ning" charm money, diameter: 34mm, thickness: 1.5mm, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Chien Lung Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 54mm, thickness: 1.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7925 “嘉庆通宝背满载而归图”一枚。直径28mm,厚1.5mm。美品。 Kia Ching Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 28mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
银竹饰一件。 Silver accessory.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7926 明万历通宝背下倒“公”。极美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ming Dynasty, Wan Lih Tung Pao reverse with "Kong", XF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7922 长命富贵福禄寿三星挂牌一件。 Chang Ming Fuk Kwei Fuk Lu Shou plate.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Silver charm money group of 2.
Ming Dynasty, Wan Lih Tung Pao reverse with moon, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7928 明万历通宝背上江一枚。极美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ming Dynasty, Wan Lih Tung Pao reverse with "Kiang", XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7933 清咸丰宝伊局当百、五十、四一组三枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 100 Cash, 50 Cash, 4 Cash reverse with Paoyih Bureau group.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7929 “天启通宝”“背横一钱一枚”。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Tien Tsi Tung Pao reverse 1 Cash, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7934 清咸丰阿克苏局当百、五十一组两枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung coin 100 Cash & 50 Cash reverse with Aksu Bureau group, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7930 “天启通宝”“背左一钱一枚”。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Tien Tsi Tung Pao reverse 1 Cash, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7935 清咸丰乌什局当百一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 100 Cash reverse with Wushih Bureau, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
乾隆宝川小平样钱一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Chien Lung proof coin reverse "Paochuan Bureau", VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7936 *7932 嘉庆背天子万年一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。
清“咸丰元宝”叶尔羌局当百一枚。直径52mm,厚1.8mm。美品,孙仲 汇藏。
Kia Ching coin reverse "Tien Tsi Wan Nien", VF.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash reverse with Yarkant Bureau, diameter: 52mm, thickness: 1.8mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7940 清咸丰宝福局五十一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 50 Cash reverse with "Paofo Bureau", VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
清“咸丰重宝”宝泉局当十母钱一枚。直径35mm,厚2.5mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。附拓片。 Ching Dynasty, "Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash" die proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 35mm, thickness: 2.5mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7941 清咸丰宝福局边记重五十一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 50 Cash reverse with "Paofo Bureau", VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7938 清咸丰宝福局一十、边计重一十、二十一组三枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung coin group of 3 reverse with "Paofo Bureau", VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7942 清咸丰宝福局一百一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 100 Cash reverse with "Paofo Bureau", VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*7939 清“咸丰通宝”宝福局小平铁母一枚。直径27mm,厚1.5mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao die proof reverse with "Paofo Bureau", diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung 50 Cash & 100 Cash reverse with "Prince Kechin Bureau", VF.
*7944 清“咸丰元宝”宝泉局当千一枚。直径61mm,厚3mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 61mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 600 US$ 95
*7947 清“咸丰元宝”宝泉局当百样钱一枚。直径53mm,厚3.5mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。附拓片。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 100 Cash proof reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", diameter: 53mm, thickness: 3.5mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7948 明“万历通宝”(湘版)样钱一枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ming Dynasty, Wan Lih Tung Pao proof, Hunan Province version, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7945 清咸丰宝德、巩、晋、陕、武、昌局当十、五十一组八枚。美品,孙仲 汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung coin group of 8, VF.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*7946 清“咸丰重宝”宝蓟局当五十一枚。直径43mm,厚4mm。美品,孙仲 汇藏。
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse with "Paokih Bureau", diameter: 43mm, thickness: 4mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 300 US$ 48
Ching Dynasty, Shun Chih Tung Pao, VF.
*7950 清“顺治通宝”同一厘一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Shun Chih Tung Pao 1/10 cent, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7953 “正德通宝”背龙凤纹折十大钱一枚。直径64mm,厚2mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。 Cheng Teh Tung Pao reverse with Dragon & Phoenix 10 Cash, diameter: 64mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7954 清“光绪通宝”背满东汉临、满东汉江套子钱一组两枚。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Tung Pao set of 2, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
清“雍正通宝”宝南局一枚。直径27mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 附拓片。 Ching Dynasty, Yung Cheng Tung Pao reverse "Paonan Bureau", diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7955 安南“景统通宝”深字样钱一枚。直径24.5mm,厚1.5mm。美品,孙仲 汇藏。 Annan, "King Tung Tung Pao" proof, diameter: 24.5mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7952 清“咸丰重宝”宝泉局当五十一组两枚。美品,孙仲汇藏。
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao 50 Cash group of 2 reverse with "Paochuan Bureau", VF.
RMB 400 US$ 63
RMB 100 US$ 16
"Chou Yuan Lih Yung" charm money, diameter: 35mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
*7961 清“咸丰重宝”宝巩局宋体当五一枚。直径28mm,厚1.2mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 5 Cash reverse "Paokong Bureau", diameter: 28mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7957 中国金银镍币图说一册(蒋仲川著,孙仲汇藏)。 Chinese Gold, Silver & Nickel coin presentation pack.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7962 清“咸丰重宝”宝蓟局当十一枚。直径28mm,厚3mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 10 Cash reverse "Paokih Bureau", diameter: 28mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7963 清“咸丰通宝”背天下太平连体福一枚。长87mm,厚2mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。
*7958 1940年“中国泉币学社”木匾拓片一张。 1940, China Coin Society wood rubbing.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao reverse "Tien Sia Tai Ping", length: 87mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7959 清“咸丰重宝”克勤郡王局当五十去星月版一枚。直径43mm,厚 3.5mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse "Price Kechin Bureau", dameter: 43mm, thickness: 3.5mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7964 清“咸丰通宝”背方胜葫芦花钱一枚。直径23mm,厚1mm。美品,孙 仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao charm money, diameter: 23mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7969 清“道光通宝”背满宝汉苏套子钱一枚。直径27mm,厚1mm。美品, 孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Tao Kwang Tung Pao, diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
清“咸丰重宝”宝桂局当五十一枚。直径55mm,厚3mm。美品,孙仲 汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash reverse "Paokwei Bureau", diameter: 55mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7970 清“道光通宝”背天下太平一枚。直径46mm,厚2.2mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Tao Kwang Tung Pao reverse "Tien Sia Tai Ping", diameter: 46mm, thickness: 2.2mm, VF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*7966 清“咸丰元宝”宝源局当千一枚。直径63mm,厚5mm。美品,孙仲汇 藏。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash reverse "Paoyuan Bureau", diameter: 63mm, thickness: 5mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7971 清“天国背圣宝”一枚。直径38mm,厚2.5mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, "Tai Ping" charm money reverse with "Sheng Pao", diameter: 38mm, thickness: 2.5mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
清“道光通宝”背天子万年一枚。直径25mm,厚1.2mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, Tao Kwang Tung Pao reverse with "Tien Tsi Wan Nien", diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1.2mm, VF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*7968 清“道光万年”背吉祥一枚。光字右下边缘有修,直径24mm,厚1mm。美 品,孙仲汇藏。
*7972 清“太平天国背圣宝”隐起文折十一枚。直径36mm,厚2mm。美品, 孙仲汇藏。附拓片。
Ching Dynasty, Tao Kwang Wan Nien charm money, diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
Ching Dynasty, "Tai Ping Tien Kwo" reverse with "Sheng Pao 10 Cash", diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7973 清“太平圣宝背天国”一枚。直径27mm,厚2mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Ching Dynasty, "Tai Ping Sheng Pao" reverse with "Tien Kwo", diameter: 27mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7977 早期“百禄是荷,万福同修”一枚。直径47mm,厚2mm。美品。 Early "Pai Lu Shih Ho, Wan Fo Tung Siu" charm money, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7974 “嘉靖通宝”折十大钱一枚。直径53mm,厚1mm。美品,孙仲汇藏。 Kia Ching Tung Pao 10 Cash, diameter: 53mm, thickness: 1mm, VF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
咸丰元宝宝泉五百一枚。直径58mm,厚3mm。美品。 Sien Fung Yuan Pao 500 Cash reverse Paochuan Bureau, diameter: 58mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7975 清“乾隆通宝”(小乙版)一枚。直径26mm,厚1mm。极美品,少 见。 Ching Dynasty, Chien Lung Tung Pao, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*7979 早期“福随在尔,指日高升”一枚。直径46mm,厚3mm。美品。 Early "Fu Sui Tsai Ni, Chih Jih Kao Sheng" charm money, diameter: 46mm, thickness: 3mm, VF.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*7976 咸丰重宝昌五十、泉五十一套两枚。
Sien Fung Chung Pao 50 Cash set of 2 reverse with "Paochang" & "Paochuan" respectively.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 800 US$ 127
Early period "Fu TsaiYan Chien, Cun Sin Jen Nai" charm money, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
*7984 清代鎏金顶戴一件。高41mm。金水保存非常完整,完整的体现了明清时 期鎏金艺术的美感,十分难得。
*7981 早期方孔花钱“二十四局”背吉语一件。直径48mm,厚2mm。美品。
Ching Dynasty, gilding official cap, height: 41mm.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Early period Twenty-four Bureau charm money, diameter: 48mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*7985 *7982 早期方孔花钱“当朝一品,禄位高升”一枚。直径36mm,厚2mm。极 美品。 Early period "Tang Chao Yih Pin, Lu Wei Kao Sheng" charm money, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, XF.
清代红木雕件“太师(狮)少师(狮)”一件。高60mm,宽115mm。 通体镂雕,寓意吉祥。 Ching Dynasty rosewood art, height: 60mm, width: 115mm.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7986 早期金刚菩提子一百零八颗念珠一串。 Early bracelet with 108 beads.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
清代寿山石雕捧鼠财神一件。高132mm(不含座),宽54mm。底座后 配。
清代橄榄核微雕婴戏图一件。一角微损。长43mm,高20mm。配有老穗 子,可为扇坠,为难得的雅玩之物。
Ching Dynasty, Shoushan stone carving "God of Wealth", height: 132mm, width: 54mm.
Ching Dynasty olivary nucleus made carving art, length: 43mm, height: 20mm.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 800 US$ 127
清末诗文墨盒一件。长75mm,宽74mm。保存完整,为难得的文房用 具。
清“咸丰元宝”宝源一枚。GBCA50010326 上60。
Ching Dynasty ink box, length: 75mm, width: 74mm, nice condition.
Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao reverse "Paoyuan Bureau" in GBCA holder graded 60 (#50010326).
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*7989 清代多功能文房器一件。长97mm,宽18mm,高20mm。此件文房器具 设计匠心独具,合而为笔架一件,分而为镇纸两片。设计独特,一器多 用,动笔之时可将其分而为二,作镇纸之用;停笔之后又可将其合而为 一,当笔架之用。此件多功能文房器不失为文案上一件妙品。
Ching Dynasty multi-functional stationery.
清“平安吉庆”背必定如意一枚。GBCA50010334 上55。
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Ching Dynasty, Ping An Kih Ching coin reverse with Pih Ting Ju Yih in GBCA holder graded 55 (#50010334).
RMB 1,300 US$ 206
*7990 明“大中通宝”背上十一枚。GBCA50010306 上68。
*7993 清“二十四福寿”一枚。GBCA50010330 上70。
Ming Dynasty, Dah Chung Tung Pao in GBCA holder graded 68 (#50010306).
Ching Dynasty, Erh Shih Sih Fo Shou charm money in GBCA holder graded 70 (#50010330).
RMB 1,100 US$ 175
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*7998 *7994 明“大中通宝”背上十一枚。直径:45mm,厚4mm。极美品。 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao reverse with 11 Cash, diameter: 45mm, thickness: 4mm, XF.
清“光绪通宝”宝源雕母一枚。直径22mm,厚1mm。极美品。 Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Tung Pao reverse with Paoyuan Bureau, diameter: 22mm, thickness: 1mm, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*7995 明“大中通宝”背十豫一枚。直径47mm,厚2mm。美品。 Ming Dynasty, Tah Chung Tung Pao, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2mm, VF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7999 清代大型川炉花钱两枚,直径52mm,厚2.2mm,直径53mm,厚2mm。 少见,极美品。 ChingDynasty, Szechwan Province charm money group of 2, diameter: 52mm, thickness: 2.2mm, diameter: 53mm, thcikness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*7996 明“崇祯通宝”背嘉一枚。直径24mm,厚0.9mm。极美品。 Ming Dynasty, Chung Chen Tung Pao reverse with "Kia", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 0.9mm, XF.
RMB 300 US$ 48
*8000 *7997 清代“合和二仙”背“早生贵子连中三元”一枚。直径45mm,厚 1.5mm。美品。 Ching Dynasty, "Ho Ho Erh Sien" charm money reverse with "Tsao Sheng Kwei Tsi, Lian Chung San Yuan", diameter: 45mm, thickness: 1.5mm, VF.
RMB 400 US$ 63
清“同治通宝”川炉背篆书福寿套子钱两枚一套。直径26mm,厚 1.3mm。少见,极美品。 Ching Dyansty, Tung Chih Tung Pao set of 2 reverse with "Fu Shou", diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1.3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8001 清“咸丰通宝”宝陕小平样钱一枚。此钱铜质精黄细腻,铸造精整,与 常见的咸丰陕局小平子钱明显有异,直径24mm,厚1.4mm。少见,极美 品。 Ching Dynasty, Sien Fung Tung Pao proof coin 1 Cash reverse "Shensi Bureau", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1.4mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8005 清“长命百岁”背八卦图花钱一枚,直径53.3mm,厚3.3mm,公博评级 50014245,美80 Ching Dynasty, "Chang Ming Pah Sui" charm money reverse with Pakua in GBCA holder graded 80, diameter: 53.3mm, thickness: 3.3mm (#50014245).
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8002 清“道光通宝”云局小平样币一枚,“光绪通宝”刻花川局小平开炉币 一枚。少见,美品。 Ching Dyansty, Tao Kwang Tung Pao proof reverse with "Yunnan Bureau"; Kwang Hsu Tung Pao reverse with "Szechwan Bureau", rare, VF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8006 清“太平天国”背圣宝宋体当百一枚,直径52.8mm,厚2.6mm,美品 Ching Dynasty, Tai Pin Tien Kuo 100 Cash reverse with Sheng Pao, diameter: 52.8mm, thickness: 2.6mm, VF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8004 明末清初佛教法印“佛法僧宝”一枚。高53mm,长58mm,宽57mm。 少见,极美品。字体笔画之间朱砂依稀。
Later Ming Dynasty & Early Ching Dynasty, "Fo Fa Seng Pao" buddhsim seal, height: 53mm, length: 58mm, width: 57mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
Han Dynasty, Sih Chuh Wu Chuh & Yuan Chuan coin set, rare, XF.
*8011 清安南“景盛通宝”背鱼化龙一件。直径46mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。 Ching Dynasty, Annan, "Ching Sheng Tung Pao" reverse with Fish, diameter: 46mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8008 战国魏国桥足布“安邑二斤”一件。高63mm,宽39mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨、剑花楼递藏。 Wei States (Warring States Period), An Yih Erh Kin coin, height: 63mm, width: 39mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8012 “泰和重宝”合背一件。直径44mm,厚2.5mm。极美品,少见。方药雨 旧藏。 Tai Ho Tung Pao, diameter: 44mm, thickness: 2.5mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8009 明清爵杯一件。高98mm,长80mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Ming Dynasty-Ching Dynasty cup, height: 98mm, lenght: 80mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8013 清“百禄是荷,万福修同”一件。直径47mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。 Ching Dynasty, "Pai Lu shih Ho, Wan Fu Siu Tung" charm money, diameter: 47mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8014 *8010 沉香、檀香珠串一套两件。
清“顺风大吉,一本万利”一件。直径49mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。
Agilawood & sandalwood bracelet.
Ching Dynasty, "Shun Fung Tah Kih, Yih Pen Wan Lih" charm money, diameter: 49mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8015 “开和通宝”一件。直径24mm,厚1mm。极美品,出谱品,稀见。方 药雨旧藏。 "Kai Ho Tung Pao" diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8019 清“平安吉庆,必定如意”吉语花钱一件。GBCA60005464 (03)。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
Ching Dynasty, "Ping An Kih Ching, Pih Ting Ju Yih" charm money in GBCA holder graded 72, rare, XF (#60005464).
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8016 “加官进禄,禄上封侯”背十二生肖一件。直径56mm,厚2mm。极美 品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 "Kia Kwan Kin Lu, Lu Shang Fung Hoh" charm money reverse with Chinese Zodiac Signs, diameter: 56mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8020 日本古代“文武七福神”背福寿万年一件。高57mm,宽39mm。极美 品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Ancient Japan, "Wen Wu Tsi Fu Shen" reverse with "Fu Shou Wan Nian", height: 57mm, width: 39mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8017 “正德通宝”背单龙图一件。直径26mm,厚1mm。极美品,少见。方 药雨旧藏。 Cheng Teh Tung Pao reverse with Dragon, diameter: 26mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8018 宋“淳化元宝”缩水淳版一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。极美品,稀见。 方药雨旧藏。
*8021 方药雨藏雪舟款山水画一件。
Song Dynasty, Chun Hwa Yuan Pao, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
Landscape painting, collection of Fang Yao-yu.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8022 清末民国小佛三件。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Later Ching Dynasty and ROC buddha statue group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8023 历代钱古币一批千余枚。上品至极美品。方药雨旧藏。 Group of thousand ancient Chinese coins, VF-XF.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8024 战国赵国大尖足“甘丹(邯郸)”一件。高88mm,宽39mm。极美品, 稀见。方药雨旧藏。
*8025 咸丰元宝宝陕陕千、陕五百一组两枚。
Zhao State (Warring States Period) Hantan coin, height: 88mm, width: 39mm, rare, XF.
Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash & 500 Cash reverse with "Shensi Bureau" group.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 100,000 US$ 15,873
*8026 得一元宝、顺天元宝一对两枚。 Teh Yih Yuan Pao; Shun Tien Yuan Pao.
民国仿“宝”“宁”字币一组三枚。此套币为“古钱大辞典”中所载原 物。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。虽为旧仿,不失其趣,体现了民国古 玩界金石仿件的水平和工艺。 ROC coin group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8030 西周鱼形“金箔币、铜币、蚌壳质币”一组三枚。极美品,少见。方药 雨旧藏。 West Zhou Dynasty fish shaped coin group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8027 咸丰元宝克勤郡王局当五百一件。直径56mm,厚4mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。 Sien Fung Yuan Pao 500 Cash reverse with "Prince Kechin Bureau", diameter: 56mm, thickness: 4mm, rare, XF.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8031 天佑背三一枚。直径34mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Tien You 3 Cash, diameter: 34mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 12,000 US$ 1,905
*8028 得壹元宝背左星一枚。直径36mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。
*8032 至正折二、折三背午一套两枚。
Teh Yih Yuan Pao reverse with star, diameter: 36mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
Chih Cheng Tung Pao 2 & 3 Cash.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8033 大观折三一枚。直径33,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Tah Kwan Tung Pao 3 Cash, diameter: 33mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8036 “光绪通宝”背天下太平一枚。直径44.5mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。 方药雨旧藏。 Kwang Hsu Tung Pao reverse with "Tien Sia Tai Ping", diameter: 44mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8034 虞一斤一枚。高55mm,宽38mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Yu Yih Kin coin, height: 55mm, width: 38mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8037 “太平天国”当五十一枚。直径48mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药 雨旧藏。 Tai Ping Tien Kuo 50 Cash, diameter: 48mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8038 “顺天元宝”上月左星一枚。直径37mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方 药雨旧藏。 Shun Tien Yuan Pao reverse with star diameter: 37mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8035 宋“麻姑献寿”背十二生肖一枚。直径60mm,厚2mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。
Song Dynasty, "Ma Ku Sian Shou" charm money reverse with Chinese Zodiac Signs, diameter: 60mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Huan Ho Tung Pao die proof reverse with Shensi, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
*8044 “宣和元宝”一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。
*8040 清“大清一统,咸丰万年”一枚。GBCA上70(03) 80040832。极美 品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
Huan Ho Yuan Pao, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Ching Dynasty, "Tai Ching Yih Tung, Sien Fung Wan Nian" in GBCA holder graded 70, rare, XF (#80040832).
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8045 “货泉”背“新泉流布”一枚。直径25mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。 方药雨旧藏。 Huo Chuan reverse with Sin Chuan Liu Pu, diameter: 25mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8041 清末小刀会“太平通宝”背武一枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。 Later Chind Dynasty, Tai Ping Tung Pao reverse with "Wu", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8046 *8042 清末小刀会“太平通宝”背明一枚。直径24mm,厚1mm。极美品,少 见。方药雨旧藏。 Later Chind Dynasty, Tai Ping Tung Pao reverse with "Ming", diameter: 24mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
明“天启通宝”背府一枚。直径46mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药 雨旧藏。 Ming Dynasty, Tien Tsi Tung Pao reverse with Fu, diameter: 46mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8043 “端平重宝”一枚。直径33mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。
*8047 “大观通宝”背“长寿”符纹图一枚。直径41mm,厚2mm。极美品, 少见。方药雨旧藏。
Tuan Ping Chung Pao, diameter: 33mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
Tah Kwan Tung Pao reverse with "Chang Shou", diameter: 41mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8048 “大义通宝”折三一枚。直径32mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨 旧藏。 Tah Yih Tung Pao 3 Cash, diameter: 32mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8051 镜子两件一组。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Group of 2 mirrors, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8049 日本二铢金币两枚。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Japan, 2-chuh gold coin group of 2, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8052 “义记金钱”一枚。直径39mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。 Yih Kih Kin Chien, diameter: 39mm, thickness: 2mm, rare, XF.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*8050 清代葫芦形吉语花钱一枚。高78mm,宽40mm。极美品,少见。方药雨 旧藏。
*8053 吉语花钱四枚一组。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
Ching Dynasty charm money, height: 78mm, width: 40mm, rare, XF.
Group of 4 charm money, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8054 觚一件。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Drink vessel, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8055 各种银币一组十六枚。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Group of 16 silver coins, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8057 民国“太平通宝”背玄武图特大型花钱一枚。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。 ROC, Tai Ping Tung Pao charm money, rare, XF.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8056 “康熙通宝”折十铁钱一枚。直径54mm,厚3mm。极美品,少见。方 药雨旧藏。 Kang Sih Tung Pao 10 Cash die proof, diameter: 54mm, thickness: 3mm, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8061 “壮泉四十”一枚。直径23mm,厚2mm。极美品,少见。方药雨旧 藏。 Chuang Chuan Sih Shih, diameter: 23mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 40,000 US$ 6,349
*8059 方药雨款红木藏泉匣一件。 Rosewood box by Fang Yao-yu.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8062 日本“文久永宝”背水波纹锡母一枚。直径27mm,厚1mm。极美品, 少见。方药雨旧藏。 Japan, Wen Kiu Yung Pao die proof, diameter: 27mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8063 民国张晋(絅伯)编“咸丰大钱考”一本。杨自范、陈旻声、方药雨递 藏。内含陈旻声批校及提拔、衿印。 ROC, Sien Fung Coin Collection by Zhang Jin.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
民国廿六年黄霄鹏“故宫清钱考”一本。张晋(絅伯)藏书章两处。极 美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
Sien Fung Yuan Pao 1,000 Cash reverse with "Paokong Bureau".
ROC, 1937, The Forbidden Palace Coin Collection by Huang Xiao-peng, rare, XF.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
清同治癸酉本“虞夏赎金释文”一本。李之鼎(民国藏书家、目录学 家,堂号:宜秋馆)、马定祥、陈旻声、方药雨递藏。书前有“宜秋馆 藏书”衿印一方,书后有“吉斋藏书”衿印一方。
民国赵权之手拓珍稀机制币一册;“古钱大辞典拾遗”一套两卷。丁福 保著,张絅伯作序,赵权之(斋号:辰斋、涌泉源)、方药雨递藏。书 中有“权之、涌泉源、吉斋藏本、吉斋藏书”等藏家矜印,传承有序, 品相极美,少见。方药雨旧藏。
Ching Dynasty, Tung Chih period, "Yu Sia Shu Kin Shih Wen".
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
ROC, "Rare Machinery Coin" by Zhao Quan-zhi; "Dictionary of Anicent Coins" set of 2, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8066 民国“泉币珍藏”机制币原拓两册一套。分别由郭若愚、何瀚题签为 “泉币藏珍”“泉币珍赏”。两书前分别衿有“一榴斋藏”“若愚藏 书”。由王敦庆(中国最早的漫画家,斋号:一榴斋)、郭若愚(文 字、钱币学家)、何瀚(画家)、方药雨递藏。
*8069 民国金维城(丁福保弟子)编“古钱小辞典”一本。丁福保校对。极美 品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
ROC, "Chuan Coin Collection" machinery coin book set of 2.
ROC, "Dictionary of Ancient Coin", edited by Jin Wei-cheng, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8067 吉斋(方药雨斋号)藏民国十八年“新莽货布范”一本。书后衿有“吉 斋藏书”印一方。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
*8070 清末民国鲍康、李竹朋、杨继震等金石古泉学家珍贵手拓一册。
ROC, 1929, "Sin Mang Huo Pu Fan", rare, XF.
Later Ching Dynasty and ROC period rubbing collection.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 35,000 US$ 5,556
清道光本“货布文字考”两册一套。书前衿有“燕庭藏书、观古阁藏、 延青阁、自适斋珍藏、子年(鲍康字子年)读过”名家藏书印数方。传 承有序,品相极美,少见。方药雨旧藏。
民国郭若愚鱼鳞装手拓古钱拓片及题记一卷。传承有序,品相极美,少 见。方药雨旧藏。
Ching Dynasty, Tao Kwang period, "Huo Pu Research" set of 2, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
ROC, ancient coin rubbing by Guo ruo-yu, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8072 民国方药雨款山水一轴。传承有序,品相极美,少见。方药雨旧藏。 ROC painting by Fang Yao-yu, rare, XF.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8073 民国张伯驹款朱竹一轴。此画为张伯驹临宋画朱竹赠方药雨所做,见证 着两位古泉大师的友谊,传承有序,品相极美,少见。方药雨旧藏。
*8075 丰秋楼藏原装历代古钱一册。传承有序,品相极美,少见。方药雨旧 藏。 Ancient Coin Collections, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8076 天保咸丰钱盘一件。
ROC painting by Zhang Bo-ju, rare, XF.
Tien Pao Sien Fung coin bowl.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8077 清钵式香炉一件。高90mm,宽130mm。传承有序,品相极美,少见。 方药雨旧藏。 Ching Dynasty burner, height: 90mm, width: 130mm, rare, XF.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8080 宋代海兽葡萄镜一面。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。 Song Dynasty mirror, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8078 清末仿大明宝钞一件。剑花楼、方药雨递藏。传承有序,品相极美,少 见。 Ching Dynasty counterfeit, Ming Dynasty money, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8079 “日月光金”一枚。直径25mm,厚1mm。极美品,罕见。方药雨旧 藏。
*8081 民国通宝当十钱树一件。极美品,少见。方药雨旧藏。
"Jih Yue Kwang Kin", diameter: 25mm, thickness: 1mm, rare, XF.
ROC, Charm money 10 Cash, rare, XF.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
银锭 Silver Sycee
*8082 南宋富春郡银锭一枚,重量:381.63克,保存完好 Fu Chun Silver Sycee, Weight: 381.63g, Nice Condition.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8083 南宋嘉泰三年大礼银十两银锭一枚,重量:395.38克,保存完好 Song Dynasty, 10-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 395.38g, Nice Condition.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8084 明代盐税十两银锭一枚,重量:275.71克,保存完好 Ming Dynasty, 10 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 275.71g, Nice Condition.
RMB 16,000 US$ 2,540
清代陕西“富平差徭”三两银锭一枚,重量:110.29克。差徭即徭役的 折银,此制度始于明代,百姓以交钱代替服役。原光,保存完好
Ching Dynasty, Shaanxi Province, 3-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight:110.29g, Nice Condition.
Ching Dynasty, 'Long Chu Chai Kai Shih Yin' Silver Sycee, Weight: 182.06g, Nice Condition.
RMB 28,000 US$ 4,444
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8086 清代陕西“辛亥年 三原刘忠”四两槽锭一枚,重量:153.19克,带干支 年号槽锭少见,保存完好
Ching Dynasty, Shaanxi Province, 4-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight:153.19g, Rare, Nice Condition.
清代河北“万聚号 公十足”十两银锭一枚,重量:371.32克,保存完好
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
Ching Dynasty, Hopei Province, 10 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 371.32g, Nice Condition.
*8089 清代山西“同治年月 祁县 匠立兴”五十两银锭一枚,重量:1890克,保 存完好 Ching Dynasty, Shansi Province, 50 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 1890g, Nice Condition.
RMB 95,000 US$ 15,079
*8090 清代山西“光绪年月 平遥县 永裕昇 镜色”五十两银锭一枚,重量: 1840克,保存完好 Ching Dynasty, Shansi Province, 50 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 1840g, Nice Condition.
RMB 95,000 US$ 15,079
*8091 清代广西“祥珍”十两砝码银锭,重量:384.36克,保存完好 Ching Dynasty, Kwangsi Province, 10-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 384.36g. Nice Condition.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8092 清代四川“西昌县 九年匠 董成林”十两银锭一枚,重量:373.36克,保 存完好 Ching Dynasty, Shansi Province, 10-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 373.36g, Nice Condition.
RMB 17,000 US$ 2,698
*8093 清代四川富顺县十两银锭一枚,重量:359.44克,保存完好 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, 10 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 359.44g, Nice Condition.
RMB 12,000 US$ 1,905
*8096 无字小银锭一枚,重量:125.26克,保存完好 Silver Sycee, Weight: 125.26g, Nice Condition.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
清代四川“重庆府”十两银锭一枚,重量:361.85克,保存完好 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, 10-Tael Silver Sycee, Weight: 361.85g. Nice Condition.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8095 清代云南“朱裕源号 汇号纹银”五两牌坊锭一枚,重量:177.43克,请 预览
*8097 无字银锭一枚,重量:299.26克,保存完好
Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Silver Sycee, Weight: 177.43g, Pls Preview.
Silver Sycee, Weight: 299.26g, Nice Condition.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*8098 清代“匠高明”五十两银锭一枚,重量:1780克,保存完好 Ching Dynasty, 50 Tael Silver Sycee, Weight:1780g, Nice Condition.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
早期“福”字、“禄”字一两银锭两枚,重量:33.62、34.19克,保存 完好
早期“寿”字、“囍”字一两银锭两枚,重量:37.44、33.64克,保存完 好
1 Tael Silver Sycees, Weight: 33.62 &34.19g. Nice Condition. Totally 2 Pcs.
1 Tael Silver Sycees, Weight: 37.44 &33.64g. Nice Condition. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8104 民国时期中央造币厂造一两金条一枚,编码:BC90344,成色:98.25,实际 重量:31.34克 Republic, 1 Tael Gold Bar, No: BC90344, Weight:31.34g.
RMB 16,000 US$ 2,540
民国时期中央造币厂五两金条一枚,编码:CD1626,成色:99.1,实际 重量155.09克 Republic, 5 Tael Gold Bar, No: CD1626, Weight:155.09g.
RMB 85,000 US$ 13,492
民国时期中央造币厂制饰金原料一枚,编码:乙68368,成色:87.46, 实际重量30.52克
Republic, Gold Bar, No: 68368, Weight: 30.52g.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Great Britain, Cigarette Case, Weight:204g, 1920, Nice Condition.
RMB 18,000 US$ 2,857
*8103 民国时期中央造币厂一两金条一枚,编码:BJ13341,成色:99.7,实际 重量30.02 克 Republic, 1 Tael Gold Bar, No: BJ13341, Weight: 30.02g.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8106 民国时期银包金烟盒一件,保存完好 Republic, Cigarette Case, Nice Condition.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8109 民国镶宝石胸针一对,保存完好 Republic, A pair of brooches, Nice Condition.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8107 民国钱币银饰一件,含银币19枚:云南省造光绪元宝、广东省造光绪元 宝、湖北省造光绪元宝、安南坐洋等,请预览 Republic, Silver Accessory, made of Silver Coins. Pls Preview.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8108 早期钱币银饰一件,含银币7枚:唐继尧纪念币、安南坐洋等,请预览 Silver Accessory, made of Silver Coins. Pls Preview.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8110 镶1840年英属印度维多利亚女王像一卢比银币,镶1907年爱德华七世一 卢比银币烟缸各一枚,直径:84mm,保存完好 Silver Plates Mounted ‘ Queen Victoria and King Edward VII, One Rupee’, Dia.84mm. Nice Condition.
RMB 500 US$ 79
清代机制币 Ching Dynasty Milled Coins
光绪年造造币总厂光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,NGC AU55
Ching Dynasty, General Issue, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, XF.
Ching Dynasty, General Issue, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, AU55 by NGC.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 18,000 US$ 2,857
*8115 *8112
宣统年造造币分厂宣统元宝中心“吉”库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS AU58 Details
光绪年造造币总厂光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Branch Mint, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, Central Character 'Kirin', 1910, AU58 Details by CNCS.
Ching Dynasty, General Issue, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
光绪年造大清银币(丁未)壹角银币一枚,环彩包浆,CNCS MS62 Details
Ching Dynasty, General Issue, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Silver 10 Cents, Rainbow Tone, 1907, MS62 Details by CNCS.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8117 宣统年造大清银币壹圆一枚,水龙,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1910, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
宣统年造大清银币伍角一枚,PCGS AU58,金盾
宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Silver 50 Cents, 1910, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8119 宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚, 英文“DOLLAR”后带点版式,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Sliver Dollar, Point after "DOLLAR", 1911, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,PCGS Genuine
RMB 3,200 US$ 508
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, Genuine by PCGS.
*8122 宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,CNCS MS61 Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, MS61 by CNCS.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8125 宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚, 英文“DOLLAR”后带点版式,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Sliver Dollar, Point after 'DOLLAR', 1911, AU.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,PCGS XF45,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, XF45 by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Sliver Dollar, 1911,UNC.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,PCGS XF40
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, XF40 by PCGS.
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar, 1911, AU.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8131 广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,NGC MS61
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, MS61 by NGC.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Sliver Dollar, 1911,UNC.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Rainbow Tone, 1891, AU.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8130 广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
*8134 广东省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8135 广东省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分一枚,镜面版底全龙鳞,NGC AU58 Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, AU58 by NGC.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8137 广东省造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Candareens, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*8138 广东省造光绪元宝库平七分二厘一枚,PCGS MS63 Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, MS63 by PCGS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8136 广东省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分 一枚,极美品,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, XF.
湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8141 广东省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS MS62 Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, MS62 by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8144 湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8146 湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品
*8149 湖北省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,ANACS MS62
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, MS62 by ANACS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8150 湖北省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*8147 湖北省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8148 湖北省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分一枚,NGC AU53
*8151 湖北省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, AU53 by NGC.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
湖北省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,GBCA MS62
湖北省造宣统元宝库平七分二厘一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1909, MS62 by GBCA.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 45,000 US$ 7,143
*8153 湖北省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,CNCS MS62 Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, MS62 by CNCS.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8156 *8154 湖北省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品
湖北省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,光绪元宝库平七钱二分二枚,极 美品,共三枚
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace(2), XF. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8157 光绪三十年湖北省造大清银币库平一两一枚,双龙大字版,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Ta Ching Silver One-Tael, 1904, Large Legend, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 80,000 US$ 12,698
江南省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,俗称“老江南”,NGC VF Details
江南省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,俗称“老江南”,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1898, known as 'Old Kiangnan', VF Details by NGC.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1898, known as 'Old Kiangnan', Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
江南省造光绪元宝(戊戌)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
江南省造光绪元宝(己亥)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,过渡龙,CNCS AU50 Details
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1898, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1899, AU50 Detailsby CNCS.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
江南省造光绪元宝(戊戌)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,直头绪,珍珠龙, CNCS AU50 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1898, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
江南省造光绪元宝(己亥)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,小龙版,PCGS Genuine,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1899, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8162 江南省造光绪元宝(己亥)库平七钱二分一枚,庚子改刻己亥,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1899, XF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平七钱二分一枚,ANACS AU50 Details Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, AU50 Details by ANACS.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8163 江南省造光绪元宝(己亥)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,小龙版,CNCS AU53
*8167 江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平七分二厘一枚,ANACS AU50 Details
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1899, AU53 by CNCS.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1900, AU50 Details by ANACS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8168 江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
*8172 江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace,1900, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS AU58,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, Genuine by PCGS.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 'New Dragon' Type, 1900, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8174 江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平三分六厘一枚,PCGS XF45
*8170 江南省造光绪元宝(庚子)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Candareens, 1900, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, AU.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1901, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
江南省造光绪元宝(辛丑、壬寅)库平七钱二分各一枚,极美品,共二 枚
江南省造光绪元宝(壬寅)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1901&1902, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1902, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
江南省造光绪元宝(辛丑)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,无英文,小龙A型, PCGS MS64
江南省造光绪元宝(壬寅)库平七分二厘一枚,错配老龙版,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1901, MS64 by PCGS.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1902, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus..
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8182 *8178 江南省造光绪元宝(壬寅)库平七钱二分一枚,ACCA AU50 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1902, AU50 by ACCA.
江南省造光绪元宝(己亥、辛丑、壬寅)库平一钱四分四厘银币三枚, 其中己亥为老龙版,极美品,共三枚 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1899&1901&1902, XF, Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 200 US$ 32
江南省造光绪元宝(壬寅)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
江南省造光绪元宝(癸卯)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1902, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
江南省造光绪元宝(癸卯)库平七钱二分一枚,无花版,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 18,000 US$ 2,857
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine VG Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, Genuine VG Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 500 US$ 79
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,GBCA VF35
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,CNCS MS62
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, VF35 by GBCA.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, MS62 by CNCS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8190 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,TH版,ACCA Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 'TH' Type, 1904, Genuine by ACCA.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*8191 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,带点版,PCGS VF35, 金盾 Ching Dynasty,Kiangnan Province,Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver Coin 7.2 Mace, 1904, VF35 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8192 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,TH版,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty,Kiangnan Province,Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver Coin 7.2 Mace, 'TH' Type, 1904, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, AU.
*8195 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904,AU.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8196 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904,AU.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8197 *8193 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品至完全未使 用品
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904,AUUNC.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品至完全未使 用品
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904,AUUNC.
RMB 800 US$ 127
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, AU.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8203 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七分二厘一枚,错配竹叶尾龙,CNCS AU50 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1904, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,完全未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904,UNC.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*8204 江南省造光绪元宝(乙巳)库平七钱二分一枚,SY版,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty,Kiangnan Province,Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver Coin 7.2 Mace, 'SY' Type, 1905, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, AU.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8201 江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分一枚,近未使用品
*8205 江南省造光绪元宝(乙巳)库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1904, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1905, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8206 宣统三年大清银币壹圆一枚,江南省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平七钱二分 一枚,极美品,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Dragon Silver Dollar; Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace,1911&1904, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
*8209 安徽省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1897, AU.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8207 安徽省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1897, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
*8210 光绪二十四年安徽省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, AnHwei Provrince, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1898, XF.
RMB 18,000 US$ 2,857
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
戊戌安徽省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,带戳记,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1897, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Ching Dynasty, Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, with Chop Mark, 1898, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*8212 光绪二十四年安徽省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,完全未使用品
*8215 福建省造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,PCGS MS64,金盾
Ching Dynasty,Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1898, UNC.
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 3.6 Candareens, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 22,000 US$ 3,492
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
光绪二十五年安徽省造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,NGC MS61
福建省造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,五彩包浆,PCGS MS64,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Anhwei Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Candareens, 1899, MS61 by NGC.
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 3.6 Candareens, Rainbow Tone, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8214 福建省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,近未使用品
*8217 福建省造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,五彩包浆,PCGS AU58,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 3.6 Candareens, Rainbow Tone, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8218 福建官局造光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Candareens,Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*8219 福建都督府造中华元宝(辛亥)中心“闽”库平一钱四分四厘一枚,极美 品
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Chung Hwa Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, Central Character "Fukien", 1911, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Fukien Province, Chang Chou Military Ration, 1844, Rare, AU.
RMB 150,000 US$ 23,810
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8221 1838-1850年台湾老公银饼一枚,“二葵”版,少见,ACCA XF Details Ching Dynasty, Taiwan Province, Old Man, Rare, XF Detail by ACCA.
RMB 75,000 US$ 11,905
四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS VF35,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, VF35 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8224 四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,剑毛龙,此枚龙鳞立体,全深打,品相极为难得,NGC MS61,目前 NGC此版别最高分,第二名仅为XF40。 剑毛龙因头顶剑毛得名,共发现42个版别,剑毛龙形态凶猛、威严、变化丰富,极受藏家偏爱,剑毛龙铸造 时间早,文字和内齿普遍保存较好,但龙鳞普遍保存不佳。——《川龙荟萃》 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, MS61 by NGC.
RMB 100,000 US$ 15,873
*8225 四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,大头龙版,近未使用至完全未使 用品 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU-UNC.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8229 张承光著《川龙荟萃》签名版一本,带印章,附珍藏竹制书签 Collection of Szechuen Coins', Pls Preview.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8230 *8226 四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分五枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province,Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, XF. Totally 5 Pcs.
云南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,老龙版,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Old Dragon type, AU.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8227 四川省造宣统元宝库平七分二厘一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
云南省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分二枚,老龙版,ACCA AU53/AU58,共二 枚
Ching Dynasty, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Silver Rupee, Vertical rosette with collar, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, 1907, AU53& AU58 by ACCA. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8235 云南省造宣统元宝七钱二分一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, AU.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8232 云南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,新龙版,PCGS XF40,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, New Dragon type, XF40 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8236 光绪二十二年北洋机器局造一角银币一枚,PCGS VF30,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver 10 Cents, 1896, VF30 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8233 云南省造光绪元宝库平七分二厘一枚,NGC MS64 Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, MS64 by NGC.
RMB 100 US$ 16
云南省造宣统元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
光绪二十三年北洋机器局造壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Yunnan Province, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1897, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 60,000 US$ 9,524
*8241 *8238 光绪二十三年北洋机器局造大清银币壹圆一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1897, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
光绪二十四年北洋机器局造壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details, 金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1898, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 8,500 US$ 1,349
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8242 光绪二十四年北洋机器局造五角银币一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金 盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver 50 Cents, 1898, VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8239 光绪二十三年北洋机器局造五角银币一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver 50 Cents, 1897, AU.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8243 光绪二十五年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1899, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8240 光绪二十四年北洋机器局造壹圆银币一枚, PCGS Geunine VF Details, 金盾
*8244 光绪二十五年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,NGC MS62
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1898, Geunine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1899, MS62 by NGC.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8245 光绪二十六年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,GBCA XF09
Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, XF09 by GBCA.
光绪二十九年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
RMB 100 US$ 16
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8246 光绪二十九年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,GBCA XF40 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, XF40 by GBCA.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
光绪二十九年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8247 光绪二十九年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS AU53,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, AU53 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8248 光绪二十九年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,NGC VF35
*8251 光绪三十一年北洋造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1905, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, VF35 by NGC.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 500 US$ 79
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1907, XF.
*8256 *8253 光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,卷“3”旗“4” 版,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8257 光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,小字版,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8254 光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8258 光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,极美品至近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, XF-AU.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8255 光绪三十四年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1908, AU.
光绪二十四年奉天机器局造壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details, 金盾
光绪二十四年奉天机器局造五角银币一枚,GBCA XF40
Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1898, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Machine Bureau, Silver 50 Cents, 1898, XF40 by GBCA.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
光绪二十四年奉天机器局造壹圆银币一枚,CNCS AU55 Details Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Machine Bureau, Silver Dollar, 1898, AU55 Details by CNCS.
奉天省造光绪元宝(癸卯)库平七钱二分一枚,奉宝版,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
Ching Dynasty, Fung Tien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
光绪二十四年奉天机器局造五角银币一枚,PCGS XF40 Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Machine Bureau, Silver 50 Cents, 1898, XF40 by PCGS.
奉天省造光绪元宝(癸卯)库平七钱二分一枚,宝奉版,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
Ching Dynasty, Fengtian Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1903, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8270 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,米字星,NGC MS66
Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1913, MS66 by NGC.
奉天省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,PCGS Genuine
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1904, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8271 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,中心满文,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*8267 奉天省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS AU50 Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1904, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8272 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,中心梅花版,PCGS Genuine Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 400 US$ 63
*8268 奉天省造光绪元宝(甲辰)库平一钱四分四厘一枚,绪有点版,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Fungtien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1904, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8269 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,中心梅花版,PCGS MS62 Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, MS62 by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8273 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘二枚,近未使用品,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, AU. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8278 吉林省造光绪元宝(己亥)花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS AU50 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1899, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8274 吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七钱二分一枚,土吉缶宝,PCGS Genuine, 金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1898, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8279 吉林省造光绪元宝(庚子)花篮库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
*8275 吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS AU53 Details
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1900, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1898, AU53 Details by CNCS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS AU55
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平一钱四分四厘一枚,吉林省造光绪元宝(庚 子)花篮库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS XF40/AU53,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1898, AU55 by CNCS.
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1898& 1900, XF40& AU53 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 100 US$ 16
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘二枚,CNCS XF40,共二枚
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS VF20;吉林省造光绪元 宝(庚子)花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS AU58,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1898, XF40 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 7.2 Candareens, 1898&1900, VF20& AU58 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8285 *8282 吉林省造光绪元宝(辛丑)太极图库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS AU58 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1901, AU58 by CNCS.
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS XF45;吉林省造光绪元 宝(辛丑)太极图库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS XF45,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 7.2 Candareens, 1898&1901, XF45(2) by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8286 吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS XF45;吉林省造光绪 元宝(辛丑)太极图库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS XF45,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens & 1.44 Mace, 1898& 1901, XF45 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8283 吉林省造光绪元宝(辛丑)太极图库平一钱四分四厘二枚,CNCS AU50 Details/AU55 Details Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1901(2), AU55 Details& AU50 Details by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
吉林省造光绪元宝(癸卯)太极图库平一钱四分四厘一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1903, AU.
RMB 800 US$ 127
吉林省造光绪元宝花篮库平七分二厘一枚,吉林省造光绪元宝(辛丑) 太极图库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS VF25/XF45,共二枚
吉林省造光绪元宝(甲辰)太极图库平七钱二分一枚,短甲版,五彩包 浆,近未使用品
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1898& 1901, VF25& XF45 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Rainbow Tone, 1904, AU.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
*8292 吉林省造光绪元宝(丙午)花篮库平三分六厘一枚,CNCS XF45 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang HsuYuan Pao Silver 3.6 Candareens, 1906, XF45 by CNCS.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8289 吉林省造光绪元宝(乙巳)太极图库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine, 金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1905, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8293 吉林省造光绪元宝(丙午)花篮库平三分六厘一枚,CNCS XF45 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao 3.6 Candareens, 1906, XF45 by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8290 吉林省造光绪元宝(乙巳)太极图库平三钱六分一枚,PCGS Genuine, 金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
吉林省造光绪元宝(丙午)中心花篮库平七钱二分一枚,英文“3.2”错 版,原光,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
吉林省造光绪元宝(丁未)中心花篮库平七钱二分一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, Mint error "3.2", 1906, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Mace, 1907, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
RMB 60,000 US$ 9,524
*8295 吉林省造光绪元宝(丁未)中心花篮库平三钱六分一枚,原光,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3.6 Mace, 1907, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
*8299 西藏乾隆宝藏银币一枚,PCGS XF45,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Tibet, Chien Lung Pao Tsang Silver Coin, 1794, XF45 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8296 吉林省造光绪元宝(己亥、庚子)花篮库平七分二厘各一枚,极美品, 共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1899& 1900, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
西藏章噶噶布一组二十枚,不同年份,CNCS MS60/MS61/MS62/MS63/ MS63 Details
RMB 500 US$ 79
Tibet, Tangka, Group of 20, Different Years, MS60& MS61& MS62& MS63& MS63 Details by CNCS. Pls Preview.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8297 吉林省造光绪元宝(辛丑、乙巳)太极图库平一钱四分四厘各一枚,极 美品,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kirin Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace, 1901& 1905, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
Ching Dynasty, Kashgar Mint, Hsuan Tung Silver 5 Mace, VF35 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8298 西藏乾隆宝藏银币一枚,NGC VF Details
喀什造宣统银币五钱一枚,PCGS VF35,金盾
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8302 喀什造光绪元宝三钱银币一枚,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Tibet, Chien Lung Pao Tsang Silver Coin, 1793, VF Details by NGC.
Ching Dynasty, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 3 Mace, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8307 喀什光绪元宝五钱一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 5 Mace, AU.
RMB 1,800 US$ 286
*8303 喀什光绪银元一钱、二钱、三钱、五钱四枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 1& 2& 3& 5 Mace, XF. Totally 4 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8308 喀什宣统元宝五钱、伍钱二枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 5 Mace, XF. Totally 2 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
新疆喀什壹钱一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Silver 1 Mace, XF.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
*8305 喀什大清银币湘平二钱、五钱二枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang, Kashgar Mint, Ta Ching Silver 2& 5 Mace, XF. Totally 2 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8309 喀什饷银五钱二枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Silver 5 Mace Ration, XF. Totally 2 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 3 Mace, XF. Totally 2 Pcs. Pls Preview.
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 2& 3& 5 Mace, XF. Totally 3 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8311 喀造光绪银圆叁钱一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 3 Mace, AU.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8315 新疆饷银一两一枚,PCGS Genuine Sinkiang Province, Silver One Tael Ration, 1905, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8312 阿城光绪银元二钱、三钱、五钱三枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 2& 3& 5 Mace, XF.Totally 3 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8316 清代新疆饷银一两一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 1 Tale Ration, 1905, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Tihwa Mint, Kwang Hsu Silver 2& 2& 3& 3& 5 Mace, XF. Totally 5 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8317 清代新疆饷银一两一枚,PCGS AU58,金盾
*8314 新疆光绪银圆壹钱、贰钱、叁钱、伍钱四枚一组,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Kwang Hsu Silver coins 1& 2& 3& 5 Mace, XF.Totally 4 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 1 Tale Ration, 1905, Genuine AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8318 清代新疆饷银一两一枚,CNCS XF45 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 1 Tale Ration, 1905, XF45 by CNCS.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8322 新疆饷银五钱一枚,添福版,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 5 Mace Ration, XF.
RMB 8,500 US$ 1,349
*8319 新疆饷银一两一枚,背回文龙无圈版,NGC VF Details Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver One Tael Ration, 1910, VF Details by NGC.
RMB 16,000 US$ 2,540
*8323 新疆饷银四钱一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 4 Mace Ration, AU.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
*8320 新疆饷银一两一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 1 Tale Ration, XF.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8324 新疆饷银二钱一枚,下回文,极美品
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 2 Mace Ration, XF.
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 5 Mace Ration, Different Types, F. Totally 4 Pcs. Pls Preview.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
湖北省造光绪元宝库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS XF45;湖南省造光绪元 宝库平七分二厘一枚,双花,CNCS VF35,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 2 Mace Ration, AU.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province& Hunan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, XF45& VF35 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8326 新疆饷银二钱一枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 2 Mace Ration, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8330 东三省造宣统元宝库平一钱四分四厘一枚,CNCS AU55;福建官局造光 绪元宝库平七分二厘一枚,CNCS XF40,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Manchurian Provinces, Hsuan Tung Yuan Pao Silver 1.44 Mace; Fukien Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, AU55& XF40 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8327 新疆饷银一钱一枚,近未使用品 Ching Dynasty, Sinkiang Province, Silver 1 Mace Ration, AU.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*8331 *8328
西藏乾隆宝藏银币一枚,GBCA AU06;四川省造光绪像卢比一枚,有领 直花,GBCA AU50,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Tsingtao, Ta Teh Kuo Pao Nickel 5 Cents, 1909, MS65 by NGC.
Ching Dynasty, Tibet, Chien Lung Pao Tsang Silver Coin; Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Silver Rupee, Vertical rosette with collar, 1796& 1906, AU06& AU50 by GBCA. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 100 US$ 16
1909年青岛大德国宝伍分镍币一枚,NGC MS65
*8332 浙江省造光绪元宝当十铜元一枚,极美品;广东省造光绪元宝一分铜币 一枚,近未使用品,共二枚 Ching Dynasty, Chekiang Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Copper 10 Cash; Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Copper One Cent, XF& AU. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8335 宣统年造大清铜币已酉度支部中心“川”当制钱二十文二枚,极美品 Ching Dynasty, Tu Chi Poo, Ta Ching Copper 20 Cash, Central Character "Szechwan", 1909, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8333 北洋造光绪通宝零用一文铜币一枚,PCGS MS63 Ching Dynasty, Chihli Province, Kwang Hsu Tung Pao Cooper 1 Cash, MS63 by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
1909年大清铜币一文一枚,PCGS MS64
宣统三年大清铜币五文一枚,PCGS SP55,金盾
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Brass 1 Cent, 1909, MS64 by PCGS.
Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Copper 5 Cash, 1911, SP55 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8337 光绪戊申中心“总”一文铜币一枚,PCGS MS63,金盾 Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Copper 1 Cash, 1908, MS63 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8340 宣统年造大清铜币已酉当制钱二十文一枚,鸡爪龙,中心带点,PCGS MS63BN, 金盾 Ching Dynasty, Ta Ching Copper 20 Cash, Point at Center, 1909, MS63BN by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
光绪戊申中心“宁”一文铜币二枚,PCGS MS62、MS63各一枚,共二枚
江南省造光绪元宝(乙巳)当十铜币一枚,PCGS AU55,金盾;光绪年 造大清铜币丙午户部中心“淮”当制钱十文一枚,CNCS AU58,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Copper 1 Cash, Central Character "Kiangnan", 1908, MS62& MS63 by PCGS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 800 US$ 127
Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kuang Hsu Yuan Pao Copper 10 Cash, 1905, AU55 by PCGS Security Plus; KiangSu Province, Ta Ching Copper Coin 10 Cash, 1906, AU58 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
光绪戊申中心“宁”一文铜币三枚,PCGS MS62、MS63、MS64各一 枚,共三枚
清代光绪通宝机制方孔铜币一枚,“广”字库平一钱一枚,PCGS MS63,金盾,共二枚
Ching Dynasty, Kwang Hsu Copper 1 Cash, Central Character "Kiangnan", 1908, MS62& MS63& MS64 by PCGS. Totally 3 Pcs.
Ching Dynasty, Kwangtung Province, Kwang Hsu Tung Pao, Cooper Coins, MS63 by PCGS Security Plus. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
RMB 100 US$ 16
民国机制币 ROC Milled Coins
*8343 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,下五星版,NGC AU Details Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, with Lower 5-pointed Stars, 1912, AU Details by NGC.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,下五星版,CNCS AU50 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, with Lower 5-pointed Stars, 1912, AU50 by CNCS.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8346 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,NGC MS65 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, 1927, MS65 by NGC.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*8344 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,下五星版,CNCS AU55 Details
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, with Lower 5-pointed Stars, 1912, AU55 Details by CNCS.
中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS63+
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, 1927, MS63+ by CNCS.
*8348 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS64 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, 1927, MS64 by CNCS.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8351 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币三枚,近未使用品,共三枚 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, AU. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8349 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS62 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Silver Dollar, 1927, MS62 by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,五彩包浆,PCGS Genuine
中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币三枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details(2)/AU58,金盾,共三枚
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rainbow Tone, 1927, Genuine by PCGS.
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, 1927, Genuine UNC Details(2)& AU58 by PCGS Security Plus. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8355 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念币二角一枚,NGC MS64 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver 20 Cents, 1912, MS64 by NGC.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
*8353 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币三枚,极美品,共三枚 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, XF. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8356 *8354 中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币三枚,极美品,共三枚 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, XF. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
中华民国孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币二枚,民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币 三枚,极美品,共五枚 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar(2); Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914(3), XF. Totally 5 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, AU.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8358 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 500 US$ 79
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
*8359 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,环彩包浆,PCGS MS63,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Rainbow Tone, 1914, MS63 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8362 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, MS64 by PCGS.
RMB 8,500 US$ 1,349
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS63 Details
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,O版三角圆,PCGS XF45,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, MS63 Details by CNCS.
Republic, Yuan Shih-Kai Silver Dollar, 'O'Mint Mark, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, XF45 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8367 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,双0三角圆,GBCA XF45 Republic, Yuan Shih-Kai Silver Dollar, Double 'O'Mint Mark, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, XF45 by GBCA.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8364 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS64 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, MS64 by CNCS.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8365 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,O版,PCGS XF45,金盾
*8368 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,五彩包浆,近未使用品
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 'O' Mint Mark, 1914, XF45 by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character ‘Yuan’ , Rainbow Tone, 1914, AU.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,PCGS MS62,金盾
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,PCGS MS61,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, MS61 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8370 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,PCGS MS61,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, MS61 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8371 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,PCGS MS62,金盾
*8373 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,近未使用品 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, AU.
RMB 100 US$ 16
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 100 US$ 16
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, AU.
*8375 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,三角圆,近未使用品 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Triangular Character 'Yuan', 1914, AU.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8378 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,甘肃版,GBCA XF40 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Kansu Mint, 1914, XF40 by GBCA.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8376 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,云南版,GBCA AU50 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, Yunnan Mint, 1914, AU50 by GBCA.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8377 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,山东大扣,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
*8379 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,加字甘肃版,NGC XF40
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914, Kansu Mint, XF40 by NGC.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
*8383 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,极 美品,共二枚 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914&1921, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
民国三年袁世凯像中圆银币一枚,PCGS AU55,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Half Dollar, 1914, AU55 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8381 民国三年袁世凯像中圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Half Dollar, 1914, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8384 民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币二枚,民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,极 美品,共三枚 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1914(2)&1921, XF. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8382 民国三年袁世凯像贰角银币三枚,其中两枚为大胡须,民国五年袁世凯 像贰角银币一枚,极美品,共四枚
*8385 民国三年袁世凯像壹角银币一枚,近未使用品;民国十五年龙凤贰角银 币一枚,极美品,共二枚
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver 20 Cents, 1914(3) &1916, XF. Totally 4 Pcs.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver 10 Cents; Dragon and Phoenix Silver 20 Cents, 1914&1926, AU& XF, Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 200 US$ 32
民国八年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,CNCS AU58 Details
民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1919, AU58 Details by CNCS.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 500 US$ 79
民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS AU58,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, AU.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 400 US$ 63
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8388 民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,缺口“造”,PCGS MS62,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-Kai Silver Dollar, 1920, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 500 US$ 79
民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,缺口“造”,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
民国九年袁世凯像贰角银币一枚,“鄂造”版,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver 20 Cents, Hupeh Mint, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Silver Dollar, 1921, AU.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8395 民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1921, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 9,000 US$ 1,429
*8399 民国九年袁世凯像壹圆银币二枚,民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币二枚,极 美品,共四枚 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1920(2)&1921(2), XF. Totally 4 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8396 民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币二枚,近未使用品,共二枚 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Silver Dollar, 1921, AU. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8400 *8397 民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,近未使用品
民国十年袁世凯像壹圆银币一枚,民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币 一枚,有“囍”“禧”字戳,GBCA MS囍戳/MS 禧戳,共二枚
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Silver Dollar, 1921, AU.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Silver Dollar, 1921; Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934; MS 'XI' by GBCA. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8401 民国十二年造龙凤壹圆银币一枚,大字版,NGC UNC Details Republic, Dragon and Phoenix Silver Dollar, Large Legend 'One Yuan', 1923, UNC Details by NGC.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
*8402 民国十二年造龙凤壹圆银币一枚,大字版,近未使用至完全未使用品 Republic, Dragon and Phoenix Silver Dollar, Large Legend 'One Yuan', 1923, AU-UCNC.
RMB 80,000 US$ 12,698
*8405 民国十七年广东省造孙中山像贰毫银币一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details, 金盾
Republic, Kwangtung Province, Sun Yet-sen Silver 20 Cents, 1928, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
民国二年广东省造二毫银币二枚,CNCS MS63,共二枚
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
Republic, Kwangtung Province, Silver 20 Cents, 1913, MS63 by CNCS. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8406 民国十七年广东省造孙中山像贰毫银币一枚, 此年份较少见,PCGS MS62 Republic, Kwangtung Province, Sun Yet-sen Silver 20 Cents, 1928, Rare Date, MS62 by PCGS.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
民国十三年广东省造孙中山像贰毫银币一枚,PCGS MS63,金盾
民国十八年广东省造孙中山像贰毫银币一枚,PCGS MS64,金盾
Republic, Kwangtung Province, Sun Yat-sen Silver 20 Cents, 1924, MS63 by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Kwangtung Province, Sun Yet-sen Silver 20 Cents, 1929, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8408 民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,英国版,NGC MS63 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, British Mint, 1929, MS63 by NGC.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8409 民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,日本版,PCGS SP63,金盾 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, Japan Mint, 1929, SP63 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8410 民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,奥地利版,PCGS SP62+,金盾 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, Austria Mint, 1929, SP62+ by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,奥地利版,GBCA PF63
民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,意大利版,PCGS SP63
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, Austria Mint, 1929, PF63 by GBCA.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, Italy Mint, 1929, SP63 by PCGS.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8414 *8412 民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,奥地利版,近未使用品
民国十八年孙中山像背三帆船壹圆银币一枚,美国版,PCGS SP62,金 盾
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, Austria Mint, 1929, AU.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Silver Dollar, Rev. Three Sails, America Mint, 1929, SP62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64,金盾
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8416 民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
*8419 民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟壹圆银币一枚,PCGS AU58,金盾
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
*8417 民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar (Birds over Masts), 1932, UNC.
*8421 民国二十二年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64,金盾 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1933, MS64 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8424 民国二十二年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币二枚,近未使用品 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1933, AU. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8422 民国二十二年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details, 金盾 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1933, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8425 民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, MS64 by PCGS.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8423 民国二十二年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,领后飘带版,PCGS Genuine,金盾
*8426 民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1933, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8430 民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS65 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, MS65 by PCGS.
RMB 6,000 US$ 952
民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚, PCGS Genuine Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, Genuine by PCGS
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8428 民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,CNCS MS64 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, MS64 by CNCS.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8431 民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币三枚,极美品 Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, AU. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
民国二十三年孙中山像船洋壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS64
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, MS64 by PCGS.
Republic, Sun Yat-sen Junk Silver Dollar, 1934, AU. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8433 中华民国黎元洪像无帽开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,近未使用品
*8435 中华民国黎元洪像无帽开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,PCGS XF45,金盾
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Silver Dollar, w/o Hat, 1912, AU.
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Silver Dollar, w/o Hat, 1912, XF45 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
中华民国黎元洪像无帽开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
中华民国黎元洪像无帽开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS63+,金盾
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1912, w/o Hat, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Commemoration Silver Dollar, w/o Hat, 1912, MS63+ by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 7,000 US$ 1,111
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
中华民国黎元洪像无帽开国纪念壹圆银币一枚,H少横版,PCGS MS63,金盾
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1912, w/o Hat, MS63 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Li Yuan-hung Commemoration Silver Dollar, with Hat, 1912, AU.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8439 1914年袁世凯像共和纪念币壹圆一枚,签字版,黄华枢旧藏,NGC MS61 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Republic Commemoratioin Silver Dollar, 1914, with Signature 'L.GIORGI', Collection of WA SHE WONG, MS61 by NGC.
RMB 60,000 US$ 9,524
1914年袁世凯像中华民国共和纪念币壹圆一枚,PCGS Genuine,金盾
1916年袁世凯像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙银币一枚,NGC MS64
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Republic Commemoratioin Silver Dollar, 1914, Genuine by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Flying Dragon Silver Dollar, For the Inauguration of Yuan Shihkai as Emperor Hung Hsien, 1916, MS64 by NGC.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
RMB 40,000 US$ 6,349
*8444 *8441 1914年袁世凯像中华民国共和纪念币壹圆一枚,高边初铸,NGC MS63 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Republic Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1914, MS63 by NGC.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
1916年袁世凯像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙银币一枚,PCGS Geunine UNC Details,金盾 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Flying Dragon Silver Dollar, For the Inauguration of Yuan Shihkai as Emperor Hung Hsien, 1916, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
1914年袁世凯像中华民国共和纪念币壹圆一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
1916年袁世凯像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙银币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai Republic Commemoratioin Silver Dollar, 1914, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Flying Dragon Silver Dollar, For the Inauguration of Yuan Shihkai as Emperor Hung Hsien, 1916, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
1916年袁世凯像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙银币一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
唐继尧正面像拥护共和纪念库平三钱六分一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Flying Dragon Silver Dollar, For the Inauguration of Yuan Shihkai as Emperor Hung Hsien, 1916, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
Republic, Yunnan Province, Tang Chi-yao Protector of the Republic Commemoration Silver 3.6 Mace, 1917, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 7,500 US$ 1,190
*8447 1916年袁世凯像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙银币一枚,近未使用品 Republic, Yuan Shih-kai, Flying Dragon Silver Dollar, For the Inauguration of Yuan Shihkai as Emperor Hung Hsien, 1916, AU.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8451 唐继尧正面像拥护共和纪念库平三钱六分二枚,极美品 Republic, Yunnan Province, Tang Chi-yao Protector of the Republic Commemoration Silver 3.6 Mace, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8448 唐继尧侧面像拥护共和纪念库平三钱六分一枚, 极美品 Republic, Yunnan Province, Tang Chi-yao Protector of the Republic Commemoration Silver 3.6 Mace, XF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
唐继尧侧面像拥护共和纪念库平三钱六分一枚,CNCS AU55
唐继尧正面像拥护共和纪念金币拾圆一枚,“1”字版,PCGS AU58, 金盾
Republic, Tang Chi-yao Protector of the Republic Commemoration Silver 3.6 Mace, 1916, AU55 by CNCS.
Republic, Yunnan Province, Tang Ji-Yao Commemorative Gold Coin,10 Yuan,1919, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8453 民国十年徐世昌像“仁寿同登”纪念银币一枚,光边无纪念,少见,陈氏家族旧藏,NGC MS62 Republic, Hsu Shih-chang Commemoration Silver Dollar, Collection of CHIN Family, rare, 1921, MS62 by NGC.
RMB 50,000 US$ 7,937
*8454 民国十年徐世昌像“仁寿同登”纪念银币一枚,镜面,五彩包浆,PCGS AU58,金盾
Republic, Hsu Shih-chang Commemoration Silver Dollar, Rainbow Tone,1921, AU58 by PCGS Security Plus.
民国十年徐世昌像“仁寿同登”纪念银币一枚,NGC MS61
RMB 40,000 US$ 6,349
RMB 60,000 US$ 9,524
Republic, Hsu Shih-chang Commemoration Silver Dollar,1921, MS61 by NGC.
Republic, Hsu Shih-chang Commemoration Silver Dollar,1921, AU.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
Republic, Tsao Kun, Military Uniform Commemoratoin Silver Dollar, 1923, AU.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8457 1923年曹锟武装像宪法成立纪念币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details, 金盾 Republic, Tsao Kun, Military Uniform Commemoratoin Silver Dollar, 1923, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
*8460 1923年曹锟文装像宪法成立纪念币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details, 金盾 Republic, Tsao Kun, Civil Uniform Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1923, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
1923年曹锟武装像宪法成立纪念币一枚,PCGS MS63
1923年曹锟文装像宪法成立纪念银币一枚,PCGS AU50,金盾
Republic, Tsao Kun, Military Uniform Commemoration Silver Medal, 1923, MS63 by PCGS.
Republic, Tsao Kun, Civil Uniform Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1923, AU50 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8462 1923年曹锟文装像宪法成立纪念银币一枚,近未使用品 Republic, Tsao Kun, Civil Uniform Commemoration Silver Dollar, 1923, AU.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8465 民国九年安庆造币厂造倪嗣冲像银质纪念章一枚,NGC AU58 Republic, Anqing Mint, Ni Si-Chong Commemorative Silver Medal, 1920, AU58 by NGC.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8463 1924年段祺瑞像“和平”中华民国执政纪念币一枚,PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾 Republic, Tuan Chi-jui Silver Commemoration Dollar, 1924, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
*8466 *8464 1924年段祺瑞像“和平”中华民国执政纪念币一枚,近未使用品
民国九年安庆造币厂倪嗣冲像银质纪念章一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
Republic, Tuan Chi-jui Silver Commemoration Dollar, 1924,AU.
Republic, Anqing Mint, Ni Si-Chong Commemorative Silver Medal, 1920, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
RMB 25,000 US$ 3,968
*8467 1932年鄂豫皖省苏维埃政府工农银行造壹圆银币一枚,少见,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Republic, Hupeh-Honan-Anhwei Provinces Soviet Farmers & Industrial Bank, Silver Dollar, Rare, 1932, XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100,000 US$ 15,873
*8469 1933年中华苏维埃共和国贰角银币一枚,PCGS AU55,金盾 Chinese Soviet Republic, Copper 20 Cents, 1933, AU55 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*8468 1932年鄂豫皖省苏维埃政府工农银行造壹圆银币一枚,少见,NGC Fine Details
*8470 民国十一年湖南省宪成立纪念壹圆银币一枚,近未使用品
Republic, Hupeh-Honan-Anhwei Provinces Soviet Farmers & Industrial Bank, Silver Dollar, Rare, 1932, Fine Details by NGC.
Republic, Hunan Province, Commemoration of the Provincial Constitution Silver Dollar, 1922, AU.
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8471 福建造币厂造中华癸亥库平一钱四分四厘一枚,英文“MADE”错写 “MAIE”,PCGS MS62 Republic, Fukien Mint, Chung Hwa Kwei Hai Silver 1.44 Mace, Mint error, 1923, MS62 by PCGS.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8475 民国元年军政府造汉字四川银币壹圆一枚, PCGS Genuine UNC Details,金盾 Republic, Szechwan Military Administration, Silver Dollar, Central Character 'Han', 1912, Genuine UNC Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8472 民国二十年福建省造黄花岗纪念币壹角一枚,PCGS Genuine Republic, Fukien Province, Hwanghuakang Uprising Commemoration Silver 10 Cents, 1932, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8476 民国元年军政府造汉字四川银币壹圆一枚, PCGS Genuine Republic, Szechwan Military Administration, Silver Dollar, Central Character 'Han', 1912, Genuine by PCGS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8473 民国三十八年孙中山像台湾省伍角银币二枚,PCGS MS65,共二枚 Republic, Taiwan Province, Sun Yat-sen Silver 50 Cents, 1949, MS65 by PCGS. Totally 2 Pcs.
*8477 民国元年军政府造汉字四川银币壹角一枚,极美品 Republic, Szechwan Military Administration, Silver Cent, 1912, XF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8474 民国三十八年广西省造“象鼻山”贰角银币一枚,NGC AU Details
*8478 四川省造光绪像卢比二枚,有领直花,GBCA VF35/XF45,共二枚
Republic, Kwangsi Province, Silver 20 Cents,1949, AU Details by NGC.
Republic, Szechwan Province, Kwang Hsu Silver Rupee, Vertical rosette with collar, 1930, VF35& XF45 by GBCA. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8479 民国十二年云南省造壹毫镍币一枚,PCGS MS63 Republic, Yunnan Province, Nickel 10 Cents, 1923, MS63 by PCGS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
1943-44年云南“富”字正银一两一枚,PCGS AU58 French Indo-China, Yunnan Province, 'Fu (Wealth)' Silver One-Tael, 1943-44, AU58 by PCGS.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8480 民国二十一年云南省造双旗贰角银币一枚,极美品 Republic, Yunnan Province, Double Flag Silver 20 Cents, 1940, XF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8483 1943-44年云南“富”字正银一两一枚,PCGS AU55,金盾 French Indo-China, Yunnan Province, 'Fu (Wealth)' Silver One-Tael, 1943-44, AU55 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8484 1943-44年云南“富”字正银半两一枚,PCGS AU55,金盾 French Indo-China, Yunnan Province, 'Fu (Wealth)' Silver Half Tael, 1943-44, AU55 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8481 1943-44年云南“富”字正银一两一枚,环彩包浆,强车轮光,PCGS MS62,金盾
*8485 1943-44年云南“大鹿头”正银一两一枚,少见,CNCS MS62
French Indo-China, Yunnan Province, 'Fu (Wealth)' Silver One-Tael, 1943-44, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Yunnan Province, Large Deer Head Silver One-Tael, 1943-44, Rare, MS62 by CNCS.
RMB 20,000 US$ 3,175
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8488 民国十七年贵州省政府造贵州银币壹圆一枚,俗称“汽车币”,NGC VF30 Republic, Kweichow Province, Silver Dollar, known as 'Auto Dollar', 1928, VF30 by NGC.
RMB 25,000 US$ 3,968
*8486 民国十七年贵州省政府造贵州银币壹圆一枚,俗称“汽车币”,三根草 版,原味,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Republic, Kweichow Province, Silver Dollar, known as "Auto Dollar", 1928, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
民国十七年贵州省政府造贵州银币壹圆一枚,俗称“汽车币”,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾
民国十七年贵州省政府造贵州银币壹圆一枚,俗称“汽车币”,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
Republic, Kweichow Province, Silver Dollar, known as 'Auto Dollar', 1928, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Republic, Kweichow Province, Silver Dollar, known as 'Auto Dollar', 1928, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 10,000 US$ 1,587
RMB 30,000 US$ 4,762
*8493 1937、1938年西藏雪山狮子图桑松果木银币各一枚,CNCS MS62+/ MS62 Tibet, Lion Silver 2 Srang, 1937& 1938, MS62+& MS63 by CNCS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8490 西藏章噶噶布一枚,CNCS MS63;1936年西藏雪山狮子图桑松果木银币 一枚,CNCS MS62+ Tibet, Tangka; Lion Silver, 1936, MS63& MS62+ by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8494 1947年西藏三山双日狮子五钱铜币一枚,NGC PF68RD Republic, Tibet, Cooper 5 Mace, PF68RD by NGC.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8491 1936、1938年西藏雪山狮子图桑松果木银币二枚, PCGS MS62,金盾, 共二枚 Republic, Tibet, Lion Silver 3 Srang, 1936&1938, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 800 US$ 127
民国元年新疆壬子双旗饷银一两一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Republic, Sinkiang Province, Double Flag Silver One-Tael Ration, 1912, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 5,000 US$ 794
*8492 1937年西藏雪山狮子图桑松果木银币二枚, CNCS MS61/MS62 Republic, Tibet, Lion Silver, 1937(2), MS61& MS62 by CNCS.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8496 民国元年新疆壬子双旗饷银一两一枚,PCGS Genuine XF Details,金盾 Republic, Sinkiang Province, Double Flag Silver One-Tael Ration, 1912, Genuine XF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
*8500 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚, 近未使用品 Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, AU.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8497 民国元年新疆壬子双旗饷银一两一枚,PCGS AU53,金盾 Republic, Sinkiang Province, Double Flag Silver One-Tael Ration, 1912, AU53 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 15,000 US$ 2,381
*8501 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚, 极美品 Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8498 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚,PCGS AU50,金盾 Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, AU50 by PCGS Sscurity Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
*8502 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚, 极美品 Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8499 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚,空心壹圆,方足“1”版,极 美品
*8503 民国三十八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚,CNCS XF45
Republic, Sinkiang Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, XF.
Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, XF45 by CNCS.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8507 *8504 一九四九年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币一枚,双面“1949”,近未使用品 Republic, Sinkiang Provincial Mint, Silver Dollar, 1949, AU.
RMB 8,000 US$ 1,270
民国二十五年孙中山像布图二十分镍币一枚,NGC MS61;民国三十年孙 中山像布图五分镍币一枚,NGC MS63,共二枚 Republic, Sun Yat-sen "Spade Money" Nickel 20 Cents& 5 Cents, 1936& 1941, MS61&MS63 by NGC.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8508 中华民国开国纪念币十文铜币一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾 Republic, Birth of Republic Memento Copper 10 Cash, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8505 江南省造光绪元宝(癸卯)库平七分二厘一枚;民国元年新疆壬子双旗饷银 五钱一枚;民国元年军政府造汉字四川银币伍角一枚;极美品,共三枚 Ching Dynasty, Kiangnan Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Silver 7.2 Candareens, 1903; Republic, Sinkiang Province, Double Flag Silver 5 Mace Ration, 1912; Szechwan Military Administration, Silver 50 Cents, Central Character "Han", 1912. XF. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8509 民国三十八年贵州省造“黔”字当银元半分,PCGS Genuine VF Details,金盾 Republic, Kweichow Province, Brass half-cent, 1949, Genuine VF Details by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
*8506 民国元年军政府造汉字四川银币壹圆一枚,近未使用品;中华民国七年 迪化银元局造壹两一枚,极美品,共二枚
Republic, Szechwan Military Administration, Silver Dollar, Central Character "Han", 1912, AU; Sinkiang Province, Tihwa Mint, Silver 1-Tael, 1918, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
民国元年军政府造四川铜币当制钱五文铜币一枚,PCGS AU58
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
Republic, Szechwan Military Administration, Copper 5 Cash, AU58 by PCGS.
*8511 民国山西省造中华铜币当制钱十文一枚,PCGS MS63BN,金盾 Republic, Shansi Province, Chung Hwa Copper 10 Cash, MS63BN by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*8514 江西省造光绪元宝当十铜币一枚,蛟龙版,极美品;湖北省造光绪元宝 当十铜币一枚,大火珠,极美品;民国十七年福建省造黄花岗纪念币贰 角一枚,近未使用品;民国十八年广东省造孙中山像贰毫银币二枚,近 未使用品;共五枚 Ching Dynasty, Kiangsi Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Copper 10 Cash; HuPeh Province, Kwang Hsu Yuan Pao Cooper 10 Cash; XF. Republic, Fukien Province, Hwanghuakang Uprising Commemoration Silver 20 Cents; Kwangtung Province, Sun Yatsen Silver 20 Cents(2)
RMB 300 US$ 48
*8512 民国十年广西省造壹毫银币铜质样币一枚,NGC UNC Details Republic,Kwangxi Province,Pattern Copper 10 Cents, 1921, UNC Details by NGC.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
铜币一组34枚,内含:光绪年造、宣统年造大清铜币;湖北省造、江南 省造、湖南省造、福建官钱局造光绪元宝、中华民国开国纪念、日本明 治十年一钱等,请预览 Cooper Coins Group of 34, Pls Preview.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8516 *8513 民国二十六年布图壹分铜元二枚,PCGS MS65RD,金盾,共二枚
错版铜币一组三枚:湖北省造十文铜币一枚,NGC VF Details;湖南省 造当制钱二十文铜币一枚,ACCA VF Details;1999年美国林肯一分纪念 铜币,NGC MS64RB,共三枚
Republic, 'Spade Money' Copper 1 Cent, 1937, MS65RD by PCGS Security Plus. Totally 2 Pcs.
Cooper Coins Group of 3. Mint Error. Ching Dynasty, Hupeh Province, Copper 10 Cash, VF Details by NGC; Republic, Hunan Province, Copper 20 Cash, 1919, VF Details by ACCA; USA, Cooper 1 Cent, 1999, MS64RB by NGC. Totally 3 Pcs.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8517 民国二十九年华兴银行拾分镍币一枚,NGC MS65 Republic, Hwa Hing Bank, Nickel 10 Cents, 1940, MS65 by NGC.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8520 老银币一组十二枚,含参考品。含四川光绪元宝库平三分六厘一枚,民 国九年广东省造贰毫银币,孙中山像开国纪念币,袁世凯像壹圆银币五 枚,不同年份;墨西哥鹰洋二枚,香港站洋二枚,请预览 Old Coins Group of 12, Pls Preview.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8518 康德十年伪满洲国壹分一枚,NGC MS65 Manchuria, One Cent, 1943, MS65 by NGC.
RMB 200 US$ 32
*8521 清代、民国银币一组十枚,内含参考品,请预览 Ching Dynasty and Republic, Silver Coins(10), Pls Preview.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8522 *8519 清代、民国钱币一组79枚,请预览
日本明治三年十钱龙洋银币一枚;民国三十八年云南省造贰角银币一 枚,极美品,共二枚
Ching Dynasty and Republic, Coins (79), Pls Preview.
Japan, Dragon Silver 10 Sen, 1870; Republic, Yunnan Province, Silver 20 Cents, 1949, XF. Totally 2 Pcs.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 100 US$ 16
古丝绸之路钱币 Ancient Silk Road Coins
*8527 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8523 古丝绸之路货币工具书一册:“丝绸之路古代国家钱币”一册。 Ancient Silk Road coin reference book; "Ancient Coins of the Silk Road".
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8528 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8525 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8531 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8535 古丝绸之路小金币一组九枚, 总重:3.43克, 极美品 The Ancient Silk Road, Gold Coins (9), Totally Weight:3.43g, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
*8532 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8536 古丝绸之路帖木尔金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road Timur gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*8533 古丝绸之路金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
*8537 古丝绸之路阿拔斯王朝拉希德金币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road Rashid gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,800 US$ 444
Ancient Silk Road gold coin, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Khalid ibn Walid gold coin, rare, XF.
RMB 2,500 US$ 397
RMB 2,800 US$ 444
*8543 古丝绸之路早期银币一枚。极美品,少见。
*8539 古丝绸之路银币一枚。极美品,珍贵。
Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8544 古丝绸之路早期银币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
古丝绸之路早期银币一枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8545 *8541
Ancient Silk Road silver two coins, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ancient Silk Road silver coin, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Delhi Sultanate silver coin group of 2, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
Ancient Silk Road Parthia silver coin set of 2, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Alexander silver coin group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
*8548 古丝绸之路亚历山大三世小型银币三枚(不同版式)。极美品,极少 见。 Ancient Silk Road Alexander silver coin group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 4,000 US$ 635
*8552 古丝绸之路亚历山大银币三枚(不同版式)。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road Alexander silver coin group of 3, rare, XF.
RMB 4,500 US$ 714
*8549 古丝绸之路银币一组四枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road silver coin group of 4, rare, XF.
RMB 500 US$ 79
*8553 古丝绸之路银币一组十枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road silver coin group of 10, rare, XF.
RMB 400 US$ 63
Ottoman Empire Silver coin group of 11, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Bactria silver coin, rare, XF.
RMB 100 US$ 16
RMB 600 US$ 95
Ancient Silk Road Scythia silver coin group of 2, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Khukuri, Sikh & Heyerdahl silver coin group of 6, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
RMB 600 US$ 95
*8556 古丝绸之路安息帝国帝国银币不同版式两枚一套。极美品,少见。
Ancient Silk Road Parthian Empire silver coin set of 2, rare, XF.
RMB 800 US$ 127
Ancient Silk Road Mahmud silver coin group of 4, rare, XF.
RMB 1,600 US$ 254
*8561 古丝绸之路埃利美王国奥罗德斯一世、二世、三世铜币一组四枚。极美 品,极少见。 Ancient Silk Road Orodes, OrodesII & OrodesII coin group of 4, rare, XF.
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8557 古丝绸之路波斯萨珊银币一组四枚。极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road Sassanian silver coin group of 4, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
*8562 古丝绸之路埃兰王国弗拉特斯卡曼斯克力斯一二三四世铜币一组五枚。 极美品,少见。 Ancient Silk Road Elamite Empire coin group of 5, rare, XF.
RMB 1,200 US$ 190
Ancient Silk Road silver coin group of 5, rare, XF.
Ancient Silk Road Mongolia Genghis Khan coin group of 3, XF.
RMB 1,600 US$ 254
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
1867年香港壹圆银币一枚,PCGS Genuine AU Details,金盾
1930年英国“站洋”壹圆银币一枚,PCGS MS62,金盾
Hong Kong, Silver Dollar, 1867, Genuine AU Details by PCGS Security Plus.
Great Britain, Silver Trade Dollar, 1930, MS62 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 3,000 US$ 476
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
1871年英属泽西群岛1/13先令,ACCA MS63BN
日本明治四十五年一圆银币一枚, 完全未使用品
Jersey, Victoria Bronze 1/13 Shilling, 1871, MS63BN by ACCA.
Japan, Silver One Yen, 1912, UNC.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 500 US$ 79
日本明治三十一年五十钱龙洋一枚,NGC MS63
Great Britain, Gold Pound, 1887, XF. Totally 7 Pcs. Pls Preview.
Japan, Dragon Silver 50 Sen, 1898, MS63 by NGC.
RMB 3,500 US$ 556
RMB 1,000 US$ 159
*8573 1648年荷兰金币一枚,NGC AU58
日本昭和十年五十钱一枚,PCGS MS66,金盾
Netherland, Gold Coin, 1648, AU58 by NGC.
Japan, Silver 50 Sen, 1935, MS66 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8571 日本昭和十二年五十钱一枚,PCGS MS65,金盾 Japan, Silver 50 Sen, 1937, MS65 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 100 US$ 16
*8574 1650年荷兰金币一枚,PCGS AU50,金盾 Netherland, Gold Coin, 1650, AU50 by PCGS Security Plus.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
1893年法属安南“坐洋”壹圆银币一枚,CNCS XF45
Mexico, Eagle Silver Peso, 1898, UNC.
French Indo-China, Seated Liberty Silver Dollar, 1893, XF45 by CNCS.
RMB 500 US$ 79
RMB 100 US$ 16
1903年法属安南“坐洋”壹圆银币一枚,CNCS AU53
French Indo-China, Seated Liberty Silver Dollar, 1903, AU53 by CNCS.
1980 Current Coins.
RMB 200 US$ 32
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
*8580 *8577 娱乐代用币一组五枚,GBCA F/XF(2)/AU/MS60,请预览 Token Coins, F& XF(2)& AU& MS60 by GBCA. Totally 5 Pcs. Pls Preview.
1983年上海造币厂造中国流通币一套。 1983 Current Coins.
RMB 2,000 US$ 317
RMB 100 US$ 16
1980 Current Coins.
Silver Proof Medal, 1999, Nice Condition.
RMB 1,500 US$ 238
RMB 800 US$ 127
第一章 总则 第六条:委托程序
拍 卖 规 则
本《拍卖规则》(“本规则”) 根据《中华人民共和国拍卖
份证件,并与本公司签署委托拍卖合同;若为法人或者其他 组织的,应凭有效注册登记文件、法定代表人身份证明或者
据中国法律规定具有完全民事行为能力的参加竞购拍卖品的 自然人、法人或者其他组织。竞买人应当具备法律、法规规
需要,委托人均包括委托人的代理人; (五)“拍卖品”指委托人委托本公司拍卖的物品和其他可
(十一)“各项费用”指本公司对拍卖品进行保险、制作拍 卖品图录及其他形式的宣传品、包装、运输、存储等所收取
定的拍卖品最低售价; (十三)“参考价”指在拍卖品图录或其他介绍说明文字之后
本公司对下列事宜拥有完全的决定权: (一)通过拍卖品图录、新闻媒体或其他合法的方式对任何
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效,该竞买人即成为该拍卖品的买受人。因此产生之法律 后果,由委托人与买受人各自承担。
第二章 关于委托人的规定
(四)有证据表明委托人已经违反本规则的任何条款; (五)存在任何其他合理原因。
的委托拍卖合同自委托人领取该拍卖品之日解除。若在上述 第二十条:竞投限制
第三章 关于竞买人和买受人的规定
卖品价值的保证或担保,也不意味着该拍卖品由本公司拍 第二十四条:延迟付款
额)百分之一的保险费。 第二十五条:交易撤销
已付清全部购买价款,委托人撤销交易的通知视为自动废 止,相关交易应按照本规则第二十四条等规定继续履行,委
由委托人自行承担,且委托人应随时承担以下 责任(除非法
第三十四条:竞买人登记 竞买人为自然人的,应在拍卖日前凭有效身份证或护照或中
(二)对因任何原因造成拍卖品损毁、灭失,而致使本公司 或任何权利人所遭受的全部损失及所支出的全部费用承担赔
蛀、大气(气候或气温) 变化、湿度或温度转变、正常水位变
(一)同意以特殊付款条件支付购买价款; 第十九条:保险赔偿和修复
第四章 其他
公司亦不承担责任。 第五十四条:鉴定权
拍卖师有权代表本公司提高或降低竞价阶梯、拒绝任何竞 第五十条:拍卖品出境
第四十条: 影像显示及货币兑换显示
品的交易,并保留追索因撤销该笔或任何其他交易致使本公 司所蒙受全部损失的权利;
人应当支付的酬金/佣金及其他各项费用并承担再次拍卖或以 第四十七条:风险转移
第六十四条:施行时间 本规则于2007年12月20日起施行。
(一)买受人已领取所购拍卖品; (二) 拍卖成交日起七日届满。
若买受人未能按照本规则第四十四条规定的时间领取其购得 第四十八条:领取拍卖品
除本公司垫付的保管费、保险费、搬运费、公证费及本公司 因处置该拍卖品而产生之全部费用后,若有余款,则余款由
第四十九条:包装及搬运 本公司应买受人要求代为包装及处理购买的拍卖品,本公司
第六十五条:投诉举报 本次拍卖会如有违反拍卖法的情况,致使您的权利遭受侵 害,可以向上海工商行政管理机关(0086-21-54236686) 投诉举报。 第六十六条:解释权 本规则的解释权属于泓盛拍卖有限公司
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 Governing Law This Conditions of Business (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions") are made in accordance with the Auction Law of People's Republic of China, other relevant laws and regulations with reference to international auction business practices. Article 2 Definitions and Interpretation The terms used in these conditions and other documents of our company shall have the following meanings: (1) "Our Company/We/us/Auctioneer" means Shanghai Hosane Auction Co., Ltd.. (2) "the Bidder" means a natural person, legal person or any other organization that has gone through necessary formalities and has full capacity of civil rights to bid at auction according to provisions of Chinese laws. The Bidder shall satisfy the requirements of any provision set by Chinese Laws. In these Conditions, the Bidder shall include any of its agents unless otherwise provided there under or in a particular context. (3) "the Buyer" means the person who offers the highest bid accepted by the Auctioneer. (4) "the Consignor" means a natural person, legal person or any other organization who consigns Lots to us for auction in accordance with this Conditions. The Consignor shall include any of its agents unless otherwise provided there under or in a particular context (5) "Lot" means any item(s) deposited with us for sale at auction. (6) "Auction Date" means the published date on which the auction will formally begin. In the case of any discrepancy between the actual date of auction and the published date, the actual date of auction shall prevail. (7) "Sale Date" means the date on which the auctioneer confirms the sale of any Lot by striking his hammer or in any other openly showed manners. (8) "Hammer Price" means the amount of the highest bid accepted by the auctioneer in relation to a Lot. (9) "Proceeds of Sale" means the net amount owed to the Consignor, which includes Hammer Prices less commission pro rata, all expenses and other amount owed to us by the Consignor. (10) "Purchase Price" means the total amount payable by Buyer for its bid, including Hammer Price, commission and other expenses payable by Buyer as well as the charges caused by Buyer's defaults. (11) "Expenses" means charges and expenses including but not limited to expenses with respect to Lot insurance, catalogue and other advertisement, package, transportation and storage and any other expenses pursuant to relevant laws, regulations and provisions hereof. (12) "Reserve" means the price below which we agree with the Consignor in writing that the Lot cannot be sold. (13) "Reference Price" means the price of the Lot provided in the catalogue or other descriptive materials and estimated prior to the Auction. Subject to possible changes from time to time, the Reference Price can not be deemed as the fixed sale price. The reference price is for the reference only and has no legal binding effect. Article 3 Inurement We organize auction pursuant to Chinese laws, regulations and policies. This Conditions shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Consignor, Bidder, Buyer and any other concerned parties participating in the auction held by us. Article 4 Special Notice When the auctioneer confirms the highest bid by striking his/her hammer or in any other openly showed manners, the Bidder with the highest bid shall be the Buyer of the Lot and the sale contract concerning the Lot between the Consignor and the Buyer shall come into effect immediately. Any legal effect accrued thereupon shall be born by the Consignor and the Buyer respectively. These conditions are the terms on which we contract, as the Auctioneer, with the Consignor and with the Buyer as well as the terms on which the Consignor and the Buyer conclude a contract concerning the Lot. Therefore, any Consignor, Bidder, Buyer and other concerned parties participating in the auction should read the Conditions carefully and conform to the provisions hereof. All parties shall be liable for its own actions at auction and any loss caused by failure to read the Conditions carefully.
person. A valid certificate of registration, ID of legal representative or other legal authorization documents is required in the case of the Consignor being a legal entity or other organization, and sign a consignment contract with us. When the Consignor arranges for consignment, we shall be automatically authorized to make pictures, illustrations, catalogue, or other video images of the Lot. Our company shall have the copyright on all of such pictures, illustrations, catalogue and other video images. Article 7 The Consignor's Agent When arranging for consignment, the Consignor's Agent shall submit to us a relevant authorization letter and hold a valid identity card or passport or other certificates approved by the Chinese government in the case of a natural person. A valid certificate of registration, ID of legal representative or other legal authorization documents is required in the case of a legal person or other organization. We reserve the right to examine and amend the above arrangement in any manner we consider reasonable. Article 8 The Consignor's Warranties The Consignor hereby makes irrevocable warranties as follows to us and the Buyer with respect to the consigned Lot: (1) the Consignor has exclusive and absolute ownership and legal right to dispose of the Lot. Without prejudice to any legal interest (including copyright) of any third party, the auction of the Lot shall not violate any relevant law and regulation; (2) the Consignor has, to the best of its knowledge, made a full, complete and truthful disclosure and described to us with respect to the origin and any flaw or defect of the Lot without any concealment and fabrication; and (3) the Consignor shall indemnify and hold us and/or the Buyer from and against any claims, losses and damages or actions incurred or brought by the actual owner or any third party who claims to be the actual owner of the Lot and all expenses and costs incurred in connection therewith arising out of or in any way attributable to any breach of the above warranties. Article 9 Reserve All Lots are offered subject to a Reserve, unless otherwise agreed by the Consignor and us. The Reserve shall be determined by the Consignor and us in writing and no modification or amendment of the Reserve shall be binding upon the parties unless subject to prior written consent of the other party. In no circumstances, shall we accept any liability for failure in sale due to bidding lower than the Reserve at the auction. Article 10 Our Discretion We may decide the followings at our absolute discretion: (1) explanation and appraisal of any Lot made by the catalogue of Lot and/or news media and/or in other ways; (2) the arrangement of the order, location, page size of illustration of the Lot in Catalogue and relevant expenses incurred therefore; specific means of exhibition/display of the Lot and all relevant arrangement and expenses incurred therefore. (3) Unless otherwise agreed by the Consignor and us, we shall at our own discretion decide on whether the Lot is appropriate to be auctioned by us as well as the place of auction, the date of auction, the conditions of auction and the way of auction. Article 11 Unauctionable Lot After the Consignor has signed the sales contract with and delivered the Lot to us, if for any reason we believe that the Lot is not suitable for auction, the Consignor must collect the Lot within 30 days from the date of our notice being dispatched (fees for the packaging and handling shall be paid by the Consignor), the contract between the Consignor and us will cease on the date the Consignor collects the Lot. In the case that the Consignor fails to collect the lot within the aforesaid period, our Company is entitled either to escrow the lot with a notary office or to dispose of the lot by any means that our Company considers appropriate. The Consignor shall bear all costs and expenses caused by such disposal.
Chapter II Conditions Mainly Concerning the Consignor
Article 12 Suspension of Auction We may suspend any auction at any time under any one of the following situations and are entitled to request the Consignor to bear corresponding legal responsibilities: (1) we have objection to the ownership and authenticity of the Lot; (2) any third party has objection to the ownership and authenticity of the Lot with undertakings to provide relevant evidence, make security pursuant to our provisions and take all legal responsibilities for all legal repercussions and losses due to suspension of auction; (3) we have objection to the explanation of the Consignor or the accuracy regarding the Consignor's warranty provided in Article 8; (4) we have any evidence to prove the Consignor has already violated or is to violate any term of this Conditions; and (5) any other reasonable causes.
Article 6 Consignment Procedures When arranging for consignment, the Consignor shall hold a valid identity card or passport or other certificates approved by the Chinese government in the case of the Consignor being a natural
Article 13 Withdrawal of Lots by Consignor The Consignor may withdraw the Lot at any time prior to the Auction Date subject to our consent and a written notice stating the reasons. In the case that the catalogue or any other advertise-
Article 5 Exclusion of Liability We shall undertake no guarantee for the authenticity and/or quality of any Lot. The Bidder and/or its agent shall bear the responsibility of carrying out its own inspection and investigations as to the nature of the Lot and shall be liable for its bid.
ments of the Lot have begun to print upon the Consignor’s withdrawal, the Consignor shall pay an amount equal to 20% of the Reserve of the Lot (if no Reserve, the agreed insurance amount shall be applicable) and other Expenses in connection therewith. In the case that the catalogue or other advertisement has not been printed, the Consignor shall pay an amount equal to 10% of the Reserve of the Lot (if no Reserve, the agreed insurance amount shall be applicable) and other related Expenses. No dispute or claim arising out of the Consignor's withdrawal shall be born by auctioneer. Article 14 Insured Automatically Unless otherwise instructed by the Consignor in writing, all the Lots will be automatically covered under the insurance of our company as soon as the Consignor signs the consignment contract with us and delivers the Lot to us. The insurance premium shall be borne by the Consignor. The insured value shall be based on the Reserve agreed by the Consignor and us in the consignment contract (if no Reserve, the insured value is the one agreed by both parties; if the Reserve is adjusted, the insured value shall be the original Reserve). The insured value is only subject to insurance and claim other than our warranty or security for the value of the Lot and the Hammer Price of the Lot. Article 15 Insurance Premium Unless otherwise agreed by the Consignor and us, the Consignor shall pay the insurance premium equal to 1% of the Hammer Price of the Lot after sale. In the case that the Lot fails to sell, the insurance fee payable by the Consignor shall be 1% of the Reserve (if no Reserve, the agreed insurance amount shall be applicable). Article 16 Insurance Period In the case that the auction of the Lot succeeds, the insurance period shall terminate on the earlier of expiry of seven days after Sale Date and the date when the Buyer collects the Lot. In the case that the auction fails, the insurance period shall terminate upon the expiry of seven days after the Consignor has received our notice to take back the Lot. Article 17 Insurance by Consignor In the event that the Consignor notifies us not to arrange insurance for the Lot in writing, it shall undertake to bear all the risks and the following liabilities (unless otherwise judged by court or arbitration commission): (1) to indemnify us from and against any claims or actions incurred or brought by any third party with respect to the losses or damages of the Lot; (2) to hold us and/or any other parties from and against any losses and expenses in relation to the damages and/or losses of the Lot caused by any reason; and (3) to notify the terms of indemnity hereunder to any insurer of the Lot. Article 18 Uninsured We will not be liable for the damages or losses of the Lot caused by the Consignor, the Bidder, the Buyer, natural wear, inherent flaws, inherent or potential defects, inherent material changes, self-combustion, self-warming, oxidation, rust, leakage, rat-bite, woodworm, changes in atmospheric (climate, temperature or humidity) conditions, changes in normal water level, or other reasons of natural changes and caused by earthquake, tsunami, war, actions similar to war, hostile actions, armed conflicts, terrorism, rebellion, coup, strike, riots, or nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear weapon, nuclear radiation, or radioactive pollution. We will also not take responsibility for any damages to or any losses of frames, glass, drawer, bottom mat, trestle, mounting, insert pages, roller or other similar accessories caused by any reason. Article 19 Insurance Indemnity and Repair Any damages or losses of the Lot caused by incidents or disasters covered by insurance we purchased for the Lot shall be handled in accordance with the contract between us and the insurance company and Chinese laws and regulations regarding insurance. We shall pay insurance indemnities less all expenses incurred by us (except for commissions) to the Consignor after we obtain such indemnities from insurance company. In no circumstance shall we be responsible for any repair or damages occurred before the delivery of lot from the Consignor to us. Article 20 Non-Bidding The Consignor shall not bid for the Lot consigned to us by itself, nor authorize any other person to bid on its behalf. The Consignor shall be liable for and indemnify us for any losses and damages caused by violation of this provision. Article 21 Commission and Expenses Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Consignor and us, the Consignor shall authorize us to deduct 10% of the Hammer Price as commission and any other Expenses from the Hammer Price. Nevertheless we act as the agent of the Consignor, the Consignor agree that we may be entitled to the Buyer's remuneration and other Expenses payable by the Buyer in accordance with provisions in Article 48 hereof.
Article 22 Service Fee for Unsold Lot In the case that the auction of the Lot fails to be sold because the bidding price is lower than the Reserve, our Company will charge the Consignor a service fee of unsuccessful auction equal to 3% of the Reserve and other expenses payable by the Consignor, including but not limited to insurance premium, advertising fee, catalog fee and storage fee. Article 23 Payment Proceeds of Sale In the case that the Buyer makes full payment to us in accordance with provisions in Article 48 hereof, we shall pay the Proceeds of Sale to the Consignor in RMB after 35 days since the Sale Date. Article 24 Deferred Payment If full payment by the Buyer is not received by the expiration of the payment period under ARTICLE 44 thereof, the Buyer shall bear all legal responsibilities caused by such deferred payment. Our company will pay the Sales Proceeds to the Consignor within seven (7) business days (meanwhile such payment shall be made after 35 days of the Sale Date as well) after receiving the full payment from the Buyer.
Article 25 Cancellation In the event that the Buyer not making full payment to us within 30 days from Sale Date, the Consignor is authorized to cancel the transaction after giving us a notice in writing and receiving prior approval from us. A cancellation notice is to be dispatched to the Buyer within seven (7) working days after such decision approving the cancellation is made by us. In the event that the Buyer make full payment and/or finish collect procedure before the service of the cancellation notice of the Consignor to us, such notice should be deemed to be terminated automatically, and the transaction is to be carried out in accordance with regulations stipulated in Article 24, on which the Consignor should cooperate with us and under no circumstance to raise any objection. In the event that the Consignor cancel the transaction, the Consignor must collect the Lot within 30 days from the date of our notice being dispatched (fees for the packaging and handling shall be paid by the Consignor). In the event that the Consignor fails to collect the Lot within the aforesaid period, we shall be entitled to escrow the Lot with a notary office or to dispose of the lot by any means that our company considers appropriate. Article 26 Taxes The Consignor shall be solely responsible for paying any tax imposed on its Sale Proceeds in accordance with the relevant law. We are entitled to deduct the tax from Sale Proceeds directly in accordance with the relevant taxation law of the nation and district. Article 27 Assistance in Collecting Deferred Payments In the event the Buyer fails to make full payment to us within seven days of the Sale Date, we are entitled to recover the remuneration and other Expenses payable by the Buyer in accordance with provisions in Article 51 hereof and to take necessary measures to assist the Consignor in collecting deferred payments upon the Consignor's request as soon as practicable. However, we shall have no obligation to sue the Buyer on behalf of the Consignor in any circumstances. Article 28 Our Discretion We may determine the following matters, as the case maybe, upon authorization of the Consignor (at the Consignor's expense): (1) to agree special terms on how to make the payment of Purchase Price; (2) to remove, store and arrange insurance for sold Lot; (3) to settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Consignor in accordance with relevant terms and conditions hereof; (4) take other necessary steps to collect the deferred payment by the Buyer to the Consignor. Article 29 Unsold Lot In the event that the Lot is not sold in its first offering, the Consignor shall take back the Lot within 30 days after receipt of our notice (packing and shipping at the Consignor's own expense) and pay us fees for failed auction and all other expenses. If the Consignor fails to do so, we reserve the right to resell the Lot by public auction or in other ways under the conditions we consider appropriate and pay to the Consignor the Sale Proceeds, after having deducted the all agreed upon fees and other expenses accrued in the first auction and all costs incur in the resale of the Lot. Article 30 Risks and Losses The Consignor shall take liability for any risk and /or loss occurred after the period mentioned above in case of failure in taking back the Lot in such period. In the case that the Consignor requires us to assist in returning the Lot, the Consignor shall be liable for all risks and/or all losses, bear all the expenses. Generally, we are not responsible for arrangement of transportation insurance unless the Consignor specifically instructs us to do so and bears the insurance premium.
Chapter III Conditions Mainly Concerning the Bidder and the Buyer Article 31 Catalogue of Lot We will prepare a catalogue to introduce the status of the Lot with words and/or pictures for the convenience of Bidders and Consignors. The words, Reference Price, pictures of the catalogue and other images and advertisements are only for reference for Bidders and are subject to revision before auction. We provide no guarantee for the authenticity, value, tone, quality and flaw or defect of any Lot. Article 32 Uncertainty of Catalogue In case that the tone, color, graduation and shape shown in catalogue and/or any other illustrations, images and advertisements differ from those of the original of the Lot due to print, photograph and other technical reasons, the original shall apply. Any statement and appraisal in any ways (including but not limited to the certificate, catalogue, slide show, news media) of any Lot made by us and our employees or their agents are only for reference and should not relied on as any guarantee for the Lot. We and our employees or its agents shall undertake no liability for any inaccuracy and omission in the statements and appraisal mentioned above. Article 33 Inspection by Bidder We hold no responsibility for guaranteeing the authenticity and/ or quality of a Lot. It is the responsibility of the Bidder and/or its agents to personally inspect and investigate the actual status regarding the Lot. The Bidder shall judge the Lot themselves in addition to the catalogue, other images, and advertisements of the Lot issued. Article 34 Registration of Bidders The Bidder shall register and receive a paddle affixed with number before the Auction Date with a valid identity card, or passport or other certificates approved by the People’s Republic of China in the case of a natural person, or a valid certificate of registration, ID of legal representative or other legal authorization certificates in the case of a legal entity or other organization, otherwise it will not be deemed as a legal Bidder. The paddle affixed with number is the only evidence of the Bidder’s participation in bid. Each Bidder shall take good care of his or her paddle affixed with number and may not lend it to any third person. In case of losing such paddle, the Bidder shall go through the procedure for report of losing in the form of writing agreed by the Company. The person holding the paddle is deemed to be the registered owner of the paddle, whatever he/or she is entrusted by the Bidder or not. The Bidder shall be liable for using his or her paddle bid in the auction process, unless the Bidder goes through the procedure for report of losing in the form of writing agreed by our Company and such paddle affixed number has been cancelled by the auctioneer’s announcement in the auction process. Article 35 Deposit We will charge a deposit before the Bidder receives bidding number. The amount of deposit will be announced before Auction Date. We will refund all the deposit mentioned above with no interest to the Bidder within five business days after auction in case it fails in auction. In the event that the Bidder succeeds at auction, the deposit will be taken as part of Purchase Price payable by the Buyer and the balance (if any) will be refunded with no interest at collection. Article 36 Our Option We may forbid any one from participating in auction, taking a picture , making sound recording or making a video recording during auction. Article 37 Abnormal Events In case of any abnormal events at auction, we may take necessary actions. In case of any dispute at auction, we have rights to mediate and settle. Article 38 Bidding as Principal Any person who bids shall be deemed as principal, unless the Bidder represents to us a written certificate showing that it is the agent of a principal and subject to our approval in written before Auction Date. Article 39 Auctioneer's Discretion The auctioneer is entitled to represent us to increase or decrease the bidding ladder, refuse any bidding, or restart auction in case any dispute arises. Article 40 Screen of Video Images At some auctions, there will be a video screen or other screens in operation for the convenience of Bidders, which is only for reference. However, there are maybe errors in amounts, numbers or pictures of the Lot, or foreign exchange rate on the screen. We shall not be liable for any losses and damages caused by such errors.
Article 41 Successful Bid When the highest bidding is confirmed by striking the auctioneer's hammer or in other openly showed manners, the Bidder with the highest bidding succeeds in the bid and the sale contract of the Lot between the Buyer and the Consignor is concluded. Article 42 Auction Record We will prepare a written record of the auction signed by the auctioneer and the recorder. In case of conclusion of auction, the buyer shall also sign the record. At the auction, the Buyer shall sign the written record showing the successful bid after the highest bid is confirmed the Auctioneer. Article 43 Remuneration and Expenses The Bidder will be deemed the Buyer of the Lot after succeeding in bidding and shall pay us a remuneration equal to 15% of Hammer Price and other Expenses. Article 44 Payment The Buyer shall make full payments in a lump sum and collect the Lot (package and transportation at the Buyer's expense) within seven (7) days after the Sale Date; otherwise, the Buyer shall be liable for breach of contract. Article 45 Currency All payments shall be made in the currency, Chinese RMB, as designated by our Company. In the event that the Buyer wishes to make payment in a currency other than Chinese RMB, the buyer shall inform our Company in advance, and the currency shall be converted by our Financial Department at the rate announced by the bank of deposit. The Buyer shall reimburse our Company for any bank charges, commission, and other expenses incurred while converting a foreign currency into Chinese RMB. Article 46 Passing of Title The Buyer will acquire ownership of the Lot after having paid full Purchase Price. Article 47 Transfer of Risks After a successful bid, any Lot purchased shall be entirely at Buyer's risk as early as one of the following appears: (1) the Buyer collects the Lot purchased; or (2) the Buyer pays to us full Purchase Price for the Lot; or (3) expiry of seven days after Sale Date. Article 48 Collection The Buyer shall collect the purchased Lot at our company’s domicile or other place appointed by us no later than seven days after Sale Date. In case of failure to do so, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for all risks and losses of the Lot and bear all expenses for transportation, storage and insurance in connection therewith due to delay. Nevertheless the Lot is still preserved by us or any other agents, we and our employees or its agents shall not be liable for any losses and damages of the Lot caused by any reason. Article 49 Package and Transportation We may arrange packing and handling of the purchased Lot on behalf of the Buyer as the case maybe on its request and the Buyer shall be liable for any loss arising thereupon. In no circumstances shall we take any liability for any damages or losses of glass, frames, drawer, bottom mat, trestle, mounting, insert pages, roller or other similar accessories arising out of any reason. In addition, we shall undertake no liability for any fault, omissions, damages and losses caused by the packers or carriers we recommended. Article 50 Export of Lot We will make explanation in the catalogue or at the auction to the Lot prohibited to be exported pursuant to the Protection Law of Cultural Relic of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations. The Buyer shall be responsible for applying for export license in accordance with Chinese laws for the Lot permitted to be exported pursuant to the Protection Law of Cultural Relic of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations. Article 51 Remedies for Non-payment In the case that the Buyer fails to make full payment within the period provided in Article 44 hereof, we shall be entitled to exercise one or more of the following remedies: (1) not to refund the deposit and the ownership of the deposit shall transfer to our Company, if the Buyer fails to make full payment within the stipulated period and the Buyer shall undertake any liability that may occur in accordance with this Conditions. In the event that the Buyer fails to pay any one purchase price of the lot on time according to the Conditions after successful bidding on seeral lot with the same one paddle affixed with number, all of the deposit shall not be refunded. In the event that the deposit is insufficient to cover all losses suffered by our Company, the Buyer shall make further compensation for the balance between the deposit and the actual losses suffered by our Company ; (2) If following a successful bid the Buyer fails to pay us the purchase price in full according to Article 44 of these Conditions of Business, we shall have the right to provide all or part of the data or information about the Buyer to any third party in cooperation with
us for purposes of entrusting such third party to collect all or part of the default payment from the Buyer; (3) charge the Buyer an interest rate of 0.1% per day on the due and unpaid amount until such payment is made in full, to the extent it remains unpaid for more than seven (7) days after the Date of Sale, unless otherwise agreed upon by both the Buyer and us. (4) commence lawsuit proceedings against the Buyer for any damages caused by the Buyer's breach of contract, including but not limited to the losses of interest on deferred or unpaid payment by the Buyer. (5) exercise a lien on the purchased Lot or other properties of the Buyer which may be in our possession for any reason. The Buyer is responsible for all expenses or risks occurred during the period of lien. In case the Buyer fails to perform all relevant obligations hereunder within the period we designated, we shall have the right to dispose of such property in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In case the proceeds cannot cover the amount outstanding, we are entitled to claim for the balance; (6) in the event that the Buyer not making full payment to us within 35 days from Sale Date, to cancel or approve the Consignor to cancel the sale of the Lot and/or other Lots sold to the same Buyer at this auction or any other auctions and reserve the right to claim for any losses caused by such cancellation. (7) carry out a re-sale of the Lot by public auction or other ways according to this Conditions subject to the consent of the Consignor. The original Buyer shall be liable to the Consignor for the remuneration/commission and other Expenses occurred at such auction as well as all Expenses for re-sale by public auctions or other ways. In addition, the original Buyer shall also be liable for the difference, if the Purchase Price actually received by the Consignor for re-sale by public auctions or other ways of such Lot is lower than the original Purchase Price that would have been receivable hereunder had the Buyer made the full payments.
Article 52 Remedies for Deferred Collection In case the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Lot within the period provided in Article 44 hereof, we shall be entitled to exercise one or more of the following remedies: (1) arrange storage of the Lot at our company or any other places at Buyer's risk and expense. The Buyer shall not collect the Lot unless the full Purchase Price is paid (package and transportation at the Buyer's expense); (2) exercise a lien on the purchased Lot. After 30 days from the delayed collection by the Buyer, we may, as the case maybe, dispose of such Lot in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and apply the proceeds to compensate for the amount outstanding owed to us including but not limited to fees of storage, insurance, transportation, notarization and all expenses occurred in relation to disposal of the Lot. The Buyer should collect the balance (if any) at its own expenses.
Article 66 Right to Interpret Within the permission by laws, our Company has the right to interpret these Conditions at our own discretion.
Chapter IV Miscellaneous Article 53 Confidentiality We shall be obligated to maintain the confidentiality of any information provided to us, and indemnify all legal rights of Consignor, Bidder, Buyer and our company against any damages according to the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. Article 54 Identification We may identify the Lot if necessary, as the case maybe, at our own discretion. All expenses in with respect to the identification shall be borne by the Consignor. In case of any discrepancy with respect to the status of such Lot between the identification and the consignment contract, we shall be entitled to modify or rescind the consignment contract without bearing any responsibilities. Article 55 Copyright We shall be entitled to take photographs, make illustrations, catalogue or other images relating to the Lot consigned to us for auction and shall have the copyright for such photographs, illustrations, catalogue or other images mentioned above. Article 56 Exemption We shall undertake no liability for any breach of contract by the Buyer or the Consignor. Article 57 Notice in Written Both the Bidder and Consignor shall notify us their valid and regular contacting address and . No change in any of the particulars will be effective until it has been notified in writing as soon as possible. All notices referred in this agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by post or transmitted by fax. A notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been sent on the date we give it to post office and received by the addressee via normal mail service. A notice sent by fax, shall be deemed to be received on the date when it is faxed. Article 58 Severability If any provision or part of this Conditions is deemed invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by a competent agency of Chinese government, this Conditions shall be ineffective to the extent of such unlawfulness or unenforceability without invalidating or affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this
Article 59 Settlement of Disputes If any dispute arises from participation in the auction pursuant to this Conditions, all concerned parties shall submit such dispute to a Chinese court or of the place where our Company domiciles. Article 60 Language This Conditions is written in Chinese and English. The English version is only for reference and is not legally valid. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. Article 61 Copyright of these Conditions We have the copyright of these Conditions. Article 62 Singular and Plural In the provisions of this Conditions, the singular includes the plural and vice versa where the context requires. Article 63 Right to alternation In case of any alternation to this Condition, our Company has the right to publish the altered version in any way the laws permit. We will not inform each individual who has read the former versions of conditions. Article 64 Date of Effectiveness This Conditions of Business takes effect on December 20, 2007. Article 65 Contact Information As for this auction, if you have any complaints, you can report to Commercial and Adminstative Authorities of Shanghai (0086-2154236686).
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