Dr. Michelen 2018 Reception Program

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Biography of Dr. Nasry Michelen.1924 Dr. Michelen was born in San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic into a dis nguished family. He received his ini al schooling in the Dominican Republic but obtained his medical degree at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. He married Marie Armaly and established a prac ce as a surgeon in Bethlehem, Pales ne. He returned to his na ve country a er a few years where he prac ced in the San Juan region’s public hospital system. His administra ve skills and acumen were recognized by the Minister of Health, who awarded him a scholarship to obtain his Master’s in Public Health at Columbia University, New York.


Upon his return from studying, he was appointed Superintendent of Hospitals during President Trujillo‘s dictatorship. Dr. Michelen was a fierce cri c of the regime, during and a er Trujillo’s reign. He was one of the leaders of the opposi on to the new government that was formed a er Trujillo’s death. The government’s persecu on was such that he was forced to leave the country, along with his family, which by now comprises his wife and three sons. He returned to New York, where he was appointed Associate Director of Elmhurst Hospital in Queens and later Execu ve Director of Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx. He was the first Hispanic and Dominican in New York State to be an execu ve director of a hospital. As execu ve director of the hospital, Dr. Michelen recruited a cadre of La no physicians to the medical staff in an effort to provide culturally appropriate care and be er serve the predominantly La no popula on of the South Bronx. He successfully advocated for the building of a new Lincoln Hospital at 149th St. and the Grand Concourse. He was also part of a group of community ac vists that fought for be er services in the South Bronx. In 1968, Dr. Michelen was one of the founders of Hostos Community College of CUNY and its first president. Hostos’ focus was to train a cadre of healthcare para‐professionals that would serve the South Bronx and other underserved areas. His dream was for it to become a medical school. He le Hostos a er some years in order to pursue other interests. He was the execu ve director of the Regional Medical Program in Delaware. He was also director of the Division of Hospital Accredita on of the New York State Department of Health. As director, he was a strong advocate for the pa ents. He was responsible, among other achievements, for the department’s requirement that all hospitals post the Pa ent’s Bill of Rights in a visible loca on. He was a professor of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. He founded and/or led numerous Dominican organiza ons, including the Dominican Medical Society in NY, (where he served as president), Asociaciones Dominicanas, La Casa Dominicana, and Alianza Dominicana, among others. Moreover, a Day Care Center which is located in Hamilton Heights, NYC , carries the name of this visionary leader, “Dr. Nasry Michelen Day Care Center.” He was one of the founding members and the first Grand Marshal of the Dominican Day Parade. He is most proud of his three sons, seven grandsons and three great granddaughters, who will carry on his tradi on. His beloved wife who always felt very proud of him passed away in 2016. Bio wri en by Walid Michelen Program revision design—AGR


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2018 6:00 PM HOSTOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE /CUNY 475 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York 10451 A-Atrium (Between the A & C buildings)


ABOUT THE NASRY MICHELEN FOUNDATION INC. NMF Mission Statement Founda on Nasry Michelen supports undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in the Allied Health sciences. By promo ng excellence through mentoring and financial support via scholarships, the founda on seeks to create an atmosphere that will encourage lifelong learning and commitment to diverse underrepresented communi es. The founda on seeks to foster the con nued growth of its’ award recipients by recommending prospec ve students to internship opportuni es. It also seeks to iden fy Dominican ‐ American students and other underrepresented groups with high academic poten al who wish to pursue careers in Allied Health. NMF Vision Statement The Nasry Michelen Founda on envisions the highest quality of professional mentoring and advising to students who are majoring in Allied Health careers. The founda on envisions sponsoring and suppor ng events that will preserve and elevate the legacy of Dr. Nasry Michelen. The Nasry Michelen Founda on strives to become a highly recognized na on‐wide organiza on. ABOUT EUGENIO MARÍA DE HOSTOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Hostos Community College is an educa onal agent for change, transforming and improving the quality of life in the South Bronx and neighboring communi es since 1968. Hostos serves as a gateway to intellectual growth and socioeconomic mobility, and a point of departure for lifelong learning, success in professional careers, and transfer to advanced higher educa on programs. The College’s unique "student success coach" program, which partners students with individualized guidance, is emblema c of the premier emphasis on student support and services. Hostos offers 27 associate degree programs and 2 cer ficate programs that facilitate easy transfer to The City University of New York’s (CUNY) four‐year colleges or baccalaureate studies at other ins tu ons. The College has an award‐winning Division of Con nuing Educa on & Workforce Development that offers professional development courses and cer ficate‐bearing work‐ force training programs. The Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture (HCAC) is one of the pre‐eminent La no arts centers of the northeast. The HCAC has dis nguished itself for showcasing tradi onal art forms as well as emerging and interna onally renowned ar sts. Hostos Community College is part of CUNY, the na on’s leading urban public university, serving more than 500,000 students at 24 colleges. For addi onal informa on, please visit www.hostos.cuny.edu

NETWORK /COCKTAIL ‐6:00 ‐6:30 PM ‐ FOLLOWED BY CEREMONY ‐6:30 7:30 PM OPENING & POWER POINT PRESENTATION ‐ MC ‐ MR. FRANCIS MÉNDEZ WELCOMING REMARKS ‐ DR. MARCOS CHARLES, PRESIDENT THE NASRY MICHELEN FOUNDATION NMF MISSION AND VISION ‐ VICE PRESIDENT CIRA ÁNGELES GREETINGS ‐ DR. DAVID GÓMEZ – PRESIDENT, HOSTOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE REMARKS ‐ NASRY MICHELEN JR. ELECTED OFFICIALS’ CITATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS & INTRODUCTIONS DR. RAFAEL LANTIGUA AND MR. EDDIE CUESTA:  CONSUL GENERAL OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC , HON. CARLOS CASTILLO  U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER, HON. ADRIANO ESPAILLAT REPRESENTATIVE  U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER, HON. JOSÉ SERRANO REPRESENTATIVE  NYS SENATE MEMBER, HON. MARISOL ÁLCANTARA  NYS ASSEMBLY MEMBER, HON. VÍCTOR M. PICHARDO  NYC COUNCIL MEMBER, HON. YDANIS RODRÍGUEZ  NY CITY COMPTROLLER, THOMAS DI NAPOLI REPRESENTATIVE PRESENTATION OF NMF AWARD ‐ BOARD MEMBERS: DR. BIENVENIDO FAJARDO AND DR. AMARILIS JACOBO CLOSING / REMARKS ‐ BOARD MEMBERS: DR. MANUEL ACEVEDO AND DR. TEODORO REGUS CULTURAL ENTERTAINMENT ACKOWLEDGEMENTS This event is possible thanks to the uncondi onal commitment and sponsorship of the Nasry Michelen Founda on Inc. Board Members: Dr. Marcos Charles, Dr. Bienvenido Fajardo, Dr. Rafael Lan gua, Dr. Teodoro Regus, Dr. Amarilis Jacobo, Dr. Juan Tapia Mendoza, Dr. Manuel Acevedo, Licdo. Eddy Cuesta, Licda. Cira Ángeles, Dr. Walid Michelen, and Nasry Michelen Jr. Gracias to A orney Oscar Michelen and Associate Dean Ana García Reyes for the orienta on and advice. Special thanks to Hostos President, Dr. David Gómez; SVP Esther Rodríguez Chardavoyne; VP Nathaniel Cruz, VP Ana Mar nez; Deputy to the President Dolly Mar nez, Ms. Soldanela Rivera, Mr. Fabian Wander, Mr. Nelson Or z, Mr. Víctor Santana, Mr. Rafael Torres, Mrs. Idelsa Méndez, Mr. José García, Mrs. María Cano, The 50th Anniversary Commi ee and 809 Restaurant for the catering service. Thanks are also due to Mr. Gerson Peña from the Office of Community Rela ons, as well as the Division of Ins tu onal Advancement staff for their support. Last but not least, gracias to all the elected officials and representa ves who joined this wonderful celebra on.

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