G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西 编辑 / 宗文 Edited by Anna
巴西有万种风情,因此免不了万种标签的冠冕。即使存在不为人知的一面或几面,巴西人四溅 的喜感和奔放的情感让巴西总有一种神奇的磁场,让人禁不住几近狂欢地品味巴西,纵情巴西。 Brazil is a country that no one in the world would like to miss any single opportunity to experience its incredible charm. Born with a magnetic attractiveness, Brazil can easily make people crazy about everything of it.
巴西人最乐于称道的那句话是“上帝是巴西人”,不管是过去、现在还是将来,巴西人都一直在探索和发掘上帝馈给予他们的 丰厚馈赠。上帝给了巴西世界上最大的森林,伴以可爱的蓝色海湾;他在山陵中埋下了黄金和蓝宝石,又在江河中撒下了钻石和黄 金;他安排了免受飓风和地震袭击的气候,以及能生长任何一种你能想象出来的果品的土壤。总之,这里包罗了一切撩人心魄的元 素,让人们不得不深感着巴西是上帝的宠儿。
Brazilians' most favored saying is that “God is Brazilian”. True as it is, Brazilians are always exploring what God has gifted to them, such as the world’s largest forest, lovely blue gulf, abundant gold and sapphire, safe and comfortable climate and the soil which can produce any kind of fruit.
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
irst HeartBeat
认同似乎超越了种族的界限。要成为地地道道的巴西人,不在于你的 肤色、血统和家庭出身,而在于你是否融入巴西人互相认定的社会心 理,在这块被上帝垂青的土地上放纵你的快感,学会生活的艺术。 巴西人在自己的国歌里形容自己“永远斜躺在光辉的摇篮里”。 巴西人认为这份光辉来自于上帝的恩赐。为了答谢耶稣这位伟大的“老 乡”给巴西带来的美丽、平和,巴西人在里约热内卢的科科瓦多山立 了一座重达一千多吨的耶稣像。耶稣像面向大西洋,微微颔首,面容 柔和,像是在慈爱地包容一切似的。
Brazilians are living in a racially democratic country as they themselves admitted. It is said that the strong self- identification of Brazilians has gone beyond the people themselves. Here, only the social psychology accounts. That is to say, all you have to do is just be a part of it and have fun. There is a lyric in the national anthem goes like “Let’s lie in the cradle of glory forever” . And the glory comes straightly from God as Brazilians believe. To express their gratefulness, Brazilians have built a statue of Jesus to bring them beauty and peace. Jesus is facing the Atlantic Ocean, nodding slightly with kindness.
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
ovely Beach 倾情海滩
但是在里约,一切都是那么的自然。 里约热内卢 72 个海滩是浩瀚大西洋的慷慨馈赠,在烈日骄阳下,戈巴卡瓦那海滩和依 巴内玛海滩那冰冷的海水无论对于谁,都是难以抗拒的诱惑。 戈巴卡瓦那的海滩沿线漫长,海水蓝蓝,沙滩柔软,天水一色。全年没有台风,也没 有鲨鱼,真是人间天堂。蓝天白云海水细沙,海滩上躺着许多享受日光浴的游人,五彩缤 纷的泳衣,构成一幅艳丽的图画。巴西人说,只有在此时此刻,大家都赤裸身子,分不出 贫富,上帝才是公平的。
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
Imagine you have only two days to live, you can spend the first day reveling in Rio, and the second bathing in the sun. The 72 beaches in Rio de Janeiro are the generous gifts by vast Atlantic. Walking along the beach, stepping in the soft sands and with blue sky overhead, whoever comes here would feel like being in paradise.
mazon Rain Forest
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
巴西的自然风情体现在原始神秘的亚马逊森林, 和仙境般的伊瓜苏瀑布。 亚马逊森林从安第斯山脉低坡延伸到巴西的大 西洋海岸,覆盖了巴西等 7 个南美国家的大片土地, 被称为“地球之肺”和“绿色心脏”。伊瓜苏瀑布 气势最宏伟的“魔鬼喉”,在巴西这边从下往上看, 水幕自天而降,犹如天泻银河,另有一番感受。空 气中弥漫着水雾,阳光出来,七色彩虹挂在透明的 蓝天上,宛如仙境,美得让人眩目。
亚马逊是太阳神留给人类的一个巨大的自然宝库,这里有最 丰富的物种、最繁多的灌木和最新鲜的空气,可以说地球“绿色 之星”的美誉绝大部分是拜亚马逊丛林所赐。不身临其境,你是 无法了解那些被《美国国家地理》杂志反复提及的地球上最古老 的动物、最庞大的爬行类动物和昆虫,还有地球上最繁多的鱼虾 的⋯⋯因此,对户外探险爱好者来说,这里具有强大的吸引力和 挑战性。
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
Known as “lungs of the Earth” and “Green Heart”, Amazon rain forest extends from low slope of Andes to Brazil’s Atlantic coast covering seven South American countries. The magnificent Iguazu Falls is the “Devil’s Throat”, Looking from the bottom up in Brazil, the water curtain filled with mist as if it was coming from the sky. When the sun comes out, rainbow will hang in the transparent blue sky, like a fairyland. Amazon is a huge natural treasure given by Solar deity. You can find the most abundant species, the most numerous shrubs and freshest air here, thus it deserves to be called the “Green Star”. You would never know everything you’ve seen from National Geographic Magazine unless you immerse yourself in it.
ot Dance
权广场到马拉卡纳体育场,再到率性自我不娇柔的桑巴舞, 旋律无处不在,律动无止无休。 巴西人需要一种让他们从现实中逃避出来的仙丹,马克 思曾经将这种东西描述成“芸芸大众的鸦片”。马克思说的 是宗教,而在巴西,足球就是宗教。他们需要上帝,需要可 以令他们骄傲的东西,半个世纪前,瓦瓦、加林查和迪迪给 了他们这一切。
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
Brazil is like a piece of passionate dancing music. No matter in the modernism architecture- Square of the Three Powers, or in the enthusiastic Maracana Stadium or in the hot Samba, melody can be heard everywhere. In Brazil, football is their religion, which brings meaning to their life. In another word, it makes it possible for Brazilians to escape from the reality, as Marx once described, it is the “opium belongs to all”.
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
巴西人说,“上帝花了六天时间创造世界,第七天创造了里约热内卢。”而花费了上帝一 天时间的里约热内卢用一个接一个的狂欢塑造城市灵魂。 2 月,人们潮水般涌上里约街头,在全城轰响着欢快的桑巴节奏中尽情地扭动腰肢,挥动 双手纵情舞蹈。不管这个城市曾有过什么样的伤痛,现在,人们为着和平、友爱、生命的活力 而尽情狂欢。 桑巴舞舞步快捷猛烈,伴着极富节奏感的音乐,冲击你的视觉,震撼你的听觉。舞者的笑 明媚灿烂,是一种发自内心的,对生活的热爱,对生命的赤诚,对爱情的期待⋯⋯用巴西人的 话说:“桑巴舞已渗透到巴西人的血液中。”
As believed by Brazilians that God took six days to create the world, the seventh day to create Rio de Janeiro. True as it is, Rio continues to shape the soul of the city by holding carnivals one after another. In February, people would flood into the streets in Rio, twisting their waists and waving their hands in cheerful Samba rhythm, as if the only thing they have here is just vigorous happiness and peace.
weet Stay
度假,是巴西人生活的一部分,一个度假酒店的优劣足以影响整个假期的品质。 当美丽的海滩旁遍布鳞次栉比的豪华酒店和喧嚣的街市时,也许巴西的 Kenoa 度假酒店和 Fasano 酒店能让人们找
回理想中的宁静假期。不论是静谧的夜,还是窗前远阔的海洋,都可以让悸动的脉搏平复下来,徜徉在柔软床榻上,驶 进温情灌注的梦乡。
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
Vacation is a part of Brazilians’ life. In Brazil, there are rows of luxury hotels across the beautiful beach and in bustling downtown. But perhaps Kenoa Resorts and Fasano Hotel are the great choices if anyone wants to enjoy an ideal quiet holiday. When the night falls, the far wide sea is closely beside your window, the restless and the dancing pulse will all be going away, only tranquility stays.
razilian Flavor
没喝咖啡,就等于不了解巴西。不吃巴西烤肉,就等于没到过巴西。 作为世界上最大的咖啡生产国和出口国的巴西,素有“咖啡王国”之称。当你站在巴西的街头,当那浓
郁香醇的味道伴着巴西特有的印第安风味浓厚乐符来到你面前,你一定会感受到那热情的眩晕。巴西是欧、 亚、非移民荟萃之地,饮食文化比较多元,因此,巴西人钟爱花样美食,多以熏烤为主,最著名的则是巴西 烤肉,一般把牛身上分成 9 个部分,这样可以根据客人的需要提供。8 号肉比较好吃,那是牛脖子上方的地方, 因为没有骨头,活动少,所以肉质比较细嫩。
G reat Fun in 纵情巴西
Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer and exporter, thus comes the name “coffee kingdom”. As long as you walk along the streets of Brazil, the strong flavor and authentic Indian taste will come to you immediately. Drawn in the cuisine sea, all you can feel is the dazzling excitement.