中国饭店2014年会简介(9 67mb)

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中国饭店 2014 年会暨第十四届中国饭店全球论坛 th

2014 Annual Meeting of China Hotel Industry & The 14 China Hotel Global Forum

2014 年 3 月 19-21 日 中国·广州 19th to 21st March , 2014 Guangzhou · China

打造中国饭店产业第一盛会 高规格举办 全媒体关注 享显赫人脉 聚价值平台 发产业强音 塑意见领袖 EXPECTING THE GRAND EVENT OF CHINA HOTEL INDUSTRY High Profile with All Media Focus Valuable Platform by Entrepreneur Connections Strong Voice from Industry Pioneers

Guiding You Into the Most Glorious Circle of People In China Hotel Industry

集结号 组织形式 组织委员会 宗旨/目标/核心活动/适合参会者 日程安排 论坛特色及亮点 金马奖参评须知 中国饭店品牌展参展须知 关于全国工商联房地产商会酒店商会 主席团联席会议 关于中国饭店业名人俱乐部 G100 峰会 关于魅力中国·名流飨宴 关于中国名人高尔夫球邀请赛 关于参观考察 赞助机会 宣传推广计划 领导关怀 往届回顾 联系方式 附件:报名表

03 04 05 16 18 24 26 32 34

Expecting 2014 CHF Organizational Form Organizing Committee Purpose/Goal/Main Activities/Suitable Participants Agenda Forum Features Application for Golden Horse Award Participation Notice to 2014 CHF Expo Conference of the Presidium of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce

36 38 40 42 44 46 48 52 64

G100 Summit of China Hotel Industy Celebrity Club Charming China Celebrity Banquet China Celebrity Golf Tournament Investigatory Tour Sponsorship Opportunity Promotion Plan Leadership Concern Spotlight Reviews Contacts Attached: Application Form

集结号 2014

Expecting 2014 CHF

集结号 2014 Expecting 2014 CHF

马踏飞燕追星月,龙腾沧海写传奇。 这是一次智慧的对话,这是一个思想的盛宴,这是一场饕餮的盛会。

Chasing moon and stars with amazing speed, writing legends with exceptional willpower. Welcome to 2014 Annual Meeting of China Hotel Industry &The 14th China Hotel Global

这是中国饭店人的节日,中国饭店 2014 年会奏响集结号! 中国饭店 2014 年会暨第十四届中国饭店全球论坛将于 2014 年 3 月 19-21 日在广州盛大召开,全国旅游及饭店业各路领军人物将再度聚首, 共同谋求更大的发展!

Forum "2014CHF". It is an intelligent conversation, it is a spiritual grand event. The 2014 CHF is going to be held from Mar 19th to 21th in Guangzhou. All elites in tourism and hotel industry will gather here again for pursuing better development.


On the occasion, there will be over one thousand delegates to attend the meeting, including governmental department principals, executives from famous tourism, hotel and catering


enterprises, real estate developers, hotel and catering investment projects, large-scale tourism and entertainment complex, and elites from financial, investment banks and press circles. It is a

表获邀出席盛会,结识新朋友,拜会老朋友,共建平等交流、洽谈合作、拓宽人脉的商务贸易与资源整合的高端平台,共商中国饭店 2014 年发展

high-end platform for expanding your social circle and business partnership. Besides, we all have the same goal, which is to discuss the future development of China Hotel industry in 2014.


CHF is held every year since 2000. It attracted over 2,000 delegates and celebrities to attend the event in 2013. This year we continue to inherit the purpose High Profile with All Media

中国饭店业年会自 2000 年起,每年度举办一届,至今已连续成功举办了十三届,上届年会与会代表约 2000 人,本届年会将传承“高规格举办、 全媒体关注、享显赫人脉、聚价值平台、发产业强音、塑意见领袖”的宗旨,以“构建中国饭店业最显赫的人脉圈,打造中国饭店产业年度第一盛会”

Focus, Valuable Platform with Social Contacts, Strong Voice from Indastry Pioneers, expecting the grand event of China Hotel Industry. Now, we sincerely invite you to attend this great event, exploring brand-new driving forces for China Hotel industry. Organizing Committee of China Hotel Industry Annual Meeting

为目标,我们诚挚地邀请阁下届时莅临,共襄盛举,共聚人脉,共享商机,一起探寻中国饭店业成长新动力! 中国饭店 2014 年会期待您的参与与分享! 中国饭店业年会组织委员会


Organizing Committee



组织形式 Organizational Form

指导单位 中华人民共和国商务部 中华人民共和国国家旅游局

支持单位 世界旅游组织 中华全国工商业联合会 中国国际文化传播中心

发起单位 中国饭店杂志社

亚太酒店协会 全国工商联房地产商会 中国饭店业名人俱乐部 世界中国烹饪联合会 中国社科院旅游研究中心 北京大学中国职业研究所 中山大学房地产教育中心

协办单位 各地饭店 / 餐饮行业协会 各酒店 / 餐饮集团






第十一届全国人大常委会 副委员长


Zhou Tienong

Guidance Organizations

Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress (NPC)

Huang Mengfu

Vice Chairman of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)

Ministry of Commerce, PRC National Tourism Administration, PRC

Support Organizations

World Tourism Organization All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce China International Cultural Communication Center

Initiate Organization China Hotel Magazine



Jointly Host Organizations

Asia Pacific Hotel Association China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club World Association of Chinese Cuisine Tourism Research Center of CASS China Career Research Center of Peking University Real Estate Educational Center of Sun Yat-sen University


Relative Hotels/Catering Associations Relative Hotels/Catering Groups







刘 毅 原国家商业部部长 国家旅游局原局长 中国饭店业名人俱乐部 总顾问/永远名誉主席

Liu Yi

Former Minister of the Ministry of Commerce & Former Director of National Tourism Administration Chief Consultant of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club


国家旅游局原副局长 全国工商联房地产商会 酒店投资商会名誉会长

Zhang Shiyao

Cheng Wendong

Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce PRC Cha i r man o f Ch i na Cu i s i n e Association






陈 宇

中国社科院旅游研究中心 主任、博导 中国饭店业名人俱乐部 联席主席

国家人力资源和社会保障部 原司长 北京大学中国职业研究所 所长、博导

Zhang Guangrui

Director of Tourism Research Center of CASS Joint Chairman of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club


原国家商业部副部长 中国烹饪协会原会长

Fo r m e r D e p u t y D i r e c t o r o f t h e Na t i o n a l To u r i s m Administration Honorable Chairman of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (CRECC)

Chen Yu

Former Director of National Human Resource and Social Security Administration Director of China Career Research Center of Peking University







冼 锋 张 辉 钟 彬 全联房地产商会秘书长

Zhong Bin

Secretary General of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce


中国金茂(集团)有限公司 总裁 全国工商联房地产商会 酒店投资商会会长

Zhang Hui

President of Jin Mao Group President of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce

中国饭店杂志社出版人/社长 中国饭店业名人俱乐部创办人/主席 全国工商联房地产商会酒店投资商会 执行会长 中商集团(亚洲) 投资管理有限公司 CEO

Xian Feng

President of China Hotel Magazine Founder and President of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club CEO of China Commercial Group (Asia) Investment Co., LTD. Executive President of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce



Organizing Committee


李 庆




粤海(国际)酒店 管理集团董事长


富豪国际酒店集团 执行董事兼首席营运官

隆堡国际酒店集团创办人 及行政总裁

Li Qing

President of Jinling Hotels and Resorts

Yang Biyao

Calvin Mak


钱 进



深圳维也纳酒店集团 董事长

喜达屋酒店与度假村 国际集团大中华区总裁


澳门银河娱乐集团 星际酒店副营运总裁

Huang Deman

Qian Jin

General Manager of Langham Place Guangzhou

President of Guangdong (International) Hotel Group






上海锦江国际酒店集团 首席执行官




Zhuang Qiming

Chen Miaolin

President of New Century Group

Yang WeiMin

Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director of Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group)

Ning Qifeng

Vice President of Wanda Commercial Properties

金 阳


华侨城集团酒店物业事业部总裁 保利商业地产投资管理 有限公司副总经理

Yao Changlin

President of Hotels Div ision of COFCO Limited


Jin Yang

Chairman of OCT International Hotel Management


Li Guohua

Vice General Manager of Poly Hotel Management

Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Regal Hotels International

Founder and CEO of Rhombus Group

General Manager of R&F Hotel Management Company

President of Shenzhen Vienna Hotels Group


Chen Xueming

President in Greater China Area of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide

Zheng Yuedong

Su Zelin

Vice President of Macao Galaxy Entertainment Group General Manager of Starworld Hotel

刘建忠 四川明宇实业集团 总裁助理兼四川明宇地产 总经理

Liu Jianzhong

President Assistant and General Manager of Minyoun Industrial Real Estate Group




Organizing Committee







闫 肃

梁 棣


美心集团 执行董事兼总经理






President of Hong Kong Sportful Garden Restaurant Group

Li YuanKang

Li Yongxing

Li Yongzhou

Yan Su

眉州东坡餐饮集团 首席执行官

Wu Weiquan

Yang Runquan

Li Guoxiong

President of Hongkong Bailemen Group

CEO and General Manager of Maxim Group

President of Hong xing Catering Group

Chairman of Peninsula Catering Group


刘 英




许 鸿


重庆市阿兴记 产业集团董事长


广州侨美发展 饮食集团董事长

上海鼎源石库门 餐饮管理有限公司董事长

山西天星海外海 餐饮集团董事长

Liu Ying

Chairman of Yaohua Catering Group

Yang Haoyi

Huang Dingqi

Xu Hong

He Zhiqiang

President of Choi Fook Enterprise

President of Chongqiong A Xing Ji Industry Group



Chairman of Tsui Wah Group Hong Kong

Ou Yousheng

President of the Board of J·M Development

President of Dingyuan Shikumen Catering Management

(注:以上排名不分先后) (PS: The above are in random orders)

Vice President of X.E.Q. Group

Liang Di

CEO o f Me i z h o u D o ng p o Catering Group

President of Shanxi Tianxing Seafood Restaurant Group




Organizing Committee

发起单位 Initiate Organization

※ 发布权威资讯的高端期刊 《中国饭店》杂志是目前国家旅游局

About China Hotel Magazine China Hotel magazine, the appointed brand publication of Asia Pacific Hotel Association, started publication in 1993 and is published on the 1st day of each month with bilingual version.


Being the core journal of national tourism and hotel industry, adhering to the purpose of "Being


the influential voice of the industry by transmitting the strongest notes", China Hotel magazine issued


towards renowned units and institutions including 36 ministries and commissions like the Ministry of Commerce, National Tourism Administration, relevant provincial and municipal government departments, 16,500 star hotels around China, over 10,000 well-known catering enterprises,

※ 发行量最大的国家级期刊


embassies, celebrities clubs, office buildings and other high-end places, upstream and downstream chain

心 权 威 审 核,2012 年 1 月 —12 月, 月 均

suppliers of the hotel industry. China Hotel magazine provides authoritative, professional and timely

发 行 量 达 16 万 册, 阅 读 的 商 旅 及 行 业 精

information service for tens of millions of business travelers and industry elites and has undoubted brand

英群体突破 1000 万人次。

中国饭店——中国崛起的缩影! 中国饭店,是中国近三十年社会发展最敏感的窗口。一切重要的交往在这里发生,一切惊喜的观察在这里完成,一

※ 联合国世界旅游组织、亚太 酒店协会指定中英双语品牌刊物 《中国饭店》杂志是目前联合国世界





远远超过它的名称;它留给人们的记忆,又超过了它的功能。 《中国饭店》杂志见证中国速度,记载中国饭店业的发展,秉承“发产业强音、塑意见领袖”的办刊宗旨,向国家 各部委办及各省市相关政府主管部门,全国各地 1000 多家有投资酒店或有餐饮品牌招商需求的商业地产开发商、500

representative tourism colleges. Meanwhile it’s welcomed by travel agencies, airport lounges, foreign


appeal as well as influence on public opinions.

The most authoritative high-end journals in China hotel industry The only journal with Year-round column from three famed think tanks comprising China National Tourism Administration, China Tourism Research Institute, CASS Tourism Research Center.

The largest circulation among industry journals Verified by the authority of the State Press, the circulation of January to December in the year of 2012 is 160,000.

The only bilingual authoritative journal in China Hotel Industry China Hotel Magazine was revised into a bilingual magazine in 2010 in order to provide better

多家旅行社、16500 多家星级饭店、10000 多家知名餐饮企业,以及具有代表性的旅游院校、名流会所、高级写字楼等

service to domestic and overseas readers, marking its position as the only bilingual magazine in China


Hotel Industry.

权威、专业、及时的资讯服务,具有不容置疑的品牌号召力与舆论影响力。 《中国饭店》杂志创刊于 1993 年,中英文双语,月刊,每月 1 日出版。




联合主办单位 Joint Organizations

Organizing Committee


全 联 房 地 产 商 会 China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce

全联房地产商会是在中华全国工商业联合会(简称“全国工商联”)直接领导下的大型国际化行业商会, 商会拥有会员企业 5000 多家,其中以房地产企业为主。同时还包括 30 多个省、市房地产商会团体会员。会 员来自房地产开发、部品生产和集成、建筑设计、金融投资等产业链各个方面。 全联房地产商会酒店投资商分会(简称“酒店商会”)是全联房地产商会的直属机构,由投资旅游地产、 商业地产或“酒店+房地产”发展模式的开发商、国际著名投行、酒店与餐饮业投资商及上下游产业链商家, 与本行业领域相关的企业、团体和个人自愿结成的行业性、全国性、非营利性社会团体。


China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce is an international industrial chamber of commerce. Now, it has over 5000 members which include real estate development enterprises and other group members of real estate chamber of commerce from over 30 provinces. CRECC is constituted by property developers who invest in tourism real estate, commercial property and “hotels plus real estate” development mode, and also by international famous investment banks, hotel

中国饭店业名人俱乐部(简称“名人会”)由原国家商业部部长、国家旅游局局长、全国政协常委刘毅 倡导发起创办,是全国旅游及饭店业具有影响力的名流会。 目前,名人会在北京、上海、广州、香港等地设有会籍管理部。第十一届全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农、

and catering industry investors, upstream and downstream industry chain merchants, and enterprises, organizations in related industry. The Hotel Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce is one of the directly affiliated institutions in China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce(hereinafter referred to CRECC), formed by tourism real estate, commercial real estate investment or the developer with a "hotel + real estate" development mode, the related industry field included hotel and catering industry, merchants and upstream and downstream industry chain.

第十一届全国政协副主席黄孟复任荣誉主席,国家民政部原副部长徐瑞新、文化部原常务副部长高占祥、教 育部原副部长章新胜、国家旅游局原副局长程文栋、中国旅游研究院院长戴斌、国家旅游局监管司副司长张 海燕、广东省旅游局局长杨荣森、香港特别行政区立法会议员张宇人太平绅士、著名作家余秋雨、著名经济 学家厉以宁、著名学者魏小安、著名美食家蔡澜、唯灵、杨维湘、庄臣等任顾问,中国饭店杂志社社长、全 国工商联房地产商会酒店商会执行会长冼锋任主席,原国家旅游局管理司司长、中国旅游饭店业协会副会长 兼秘书长袁宗堂和中国社会科学院旅游研究中心主任张广瑞任联席主席。目前拥有个人会员 6000 多人,企 业会员 1000 余家。


China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club (referred to as the "celebrity") was approved by the Government , the initiated founderare former State Minister of Co mmerce, the State Tourism Bureau, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Liu Yi.It is an influential club appeal to celebrities in this industry. There are many influential members like NPC Vice Chairman Zhou Tienong,Former deputy director of the China National Tourism Administration, Che ng Wendong,Famous writer Yu Qiuyu,The famous scholar Wei Xiaoan,President of Asia Pacific Hotel Association , Executive President of China Hotel magazine, Executive President of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate chamber of Commerce ,Xian Feng. At present, it has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangz hou, Hong Kong and other places .Currently has more than 6000 individual members and more than 1,000 corporate members.

中国社会科学院旅游研究中心是中国社会科学院专门从事旅游研究的学术机构,创建于 1999 年。中国旅游协 会理事单位,世界旅游教育与研究协会(ATLAS)的成员。创建旅游研究中心的宗旨是为适应中国旅游业发展的需要, 进一步加强旅游学术研究,促进与国内外旅游学术界、政府机构和实业界的联系与交流,进而促进中国旅游业的健 康发展。旅游研究中心坚持理论联系实际的原则,与政府、产业密切结合,坚持服务政府、服务企业、服务社会的 方针。

Tourism Research Center of CASS Tourism Research Center of CASS is an academic institution specialised in tourism research , founded in 1999.It is one of the units of the China Tourism Association and the member of World Tourism Education and Research Association (ATLAS).It amis to promote the communication between the academy,the government and the industries.




联合主办单位 Joint Organizations

世界中国烹饪联合会简介 世界中国烹饪联合会 ( 简称世烹联 ),是世界性的中餐业促进组织。1991 年经中国政府正式批准成立,总部设 在北京。世界中国烹饪联合会由各个国家和地区从事中国烹饪文化、烹饪技术研究与教育、厨师与饮食业经营管理 者的社会团体 / 企业和个人自愿组成的世界性非营利性组织。 世界中国烹饪联合会的宗旨是:继承、发扬中国烹饪文化和技艺,扩大中国烹饪在世界上的影响,提高中国餐 饮和中餐厨师在国际上的地位,推动中国烹饪在世界范围内的发展,密切国家和地区之间烹饪界的联系与合作,增 进烹饪团体和饮食业同行之间的团结与友谊,为人类健康和丰富饮食文化生活,为促进世界和平事业做出贡献。 世界中国烹饪联合会自成立以来积极稳健地开展多种国际交流活动,促进中餐文化在世界各地的影响。目前世

Organizing Committee

北京大学中国职业研究所简介 北京大学中国职业研究所是国内首家以职业、职业活动和职业科学为主要研究对象的科研机构。在管理上,它隶属北 京大学管理科学中心(光华管理学院)领导,管理科学中心主任为厉以宁教授,副主任为王其文教授、朱善利教授和鲁宁 教授。所长为陈宇教授(中国就业促进会副会长、中国就业培训技术指导中心学术委员会主任),副所长为陈李翔(常务)、 王明舰、李杰。专家团队由经济学者、人力资源专家、职业教育专家和教育界、产业界的知名人士组成,其中许多人长期 从事职业分类、职业标准制定、企业岗位和工作分析,以及职业科学理论研究等工作,积累了丰富的经验。 研究所将着重研究我国职业发展与科技、经济、社会,特别是与教育和就业的关系,推进职业活动与教育、就业、生 产的良性互动和有机结合,直接为企业人力资源管理、院校职业课程改革和政府促进就业服务。

烹联海内外会员遍及中国、美国、加拿大、阿根廷、法国、荷兰、英国、德国、奥地利、西班牙、比利时、日本、 新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰以及香港、澳门、台湾等 30 多个国家和地区。

World Association of Chinese Cuisine (WACC) World Association of Chinese Cuisine (WACC) is a world-wide non-government and non-profit organization. Officially ratified by the Chinese government, WACC was established in 1991, headquartered in Beijing. WACC is voluntarily formed by worldwide societies, enterprises and institutions engaged in management, operation, research and education on Chinese culinary culture and skills. The mission of WACC is: to inherit and promote Chinese culinary culture and skills, to expand the worldwide influence of Chinese cuisine, to improve the

China Career Research Center of Peking University China Career Research Center of Peking University is the first ooccupational science research institutions whose main object of study is occupation. it is attached to the Management Science Center of Peking University.There are a group of professionals in the field of economics and education to name a few.The chief president is Professor Chenyu,the director of China's employment training technical guidance center , The Institute will focus on the relations between career development and technology, economics, society, especially with education and employment, in order to promote the positive interaction between professional activities and education.Thus direct services will be provided to human resources management and the Government employment reform.

status quo of Chinese catering industry and its chefs, to push forward the development of Chinese cuisine, to strengthen the culinary relations and cooperation in different countries and regions, to promote the unity and friendship among culinary groups and catering industries, and finally to make contributions to the human health and world peace through richer culinary life and catering culture. Since it establishment, WACC carried out various activities to strengthen the contacts and influence of worldwide Chinese cuisine industry. By now it has members from many countries and regions, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, U.S.A, Canada, Argentina, France, Holland, U.K, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium, , Australia, etc.

中山大学房地产教育中心简介 亚太酒店协会简介

中山大学房地产 教育中心

中山大学房地产教育中心自 2002 年成立至今,已有 10 余年时间。享有“华南第一学府”之美誉的中山大学地理科学 与规划学院房地产教育中心秉承中山大学“博学、审问、慎思、明辩、笃行”的校训,依托中山大学雄厚的师资力量和先 进的教学管理经验,整合理论专家、实战导师、政策顾问以及行业领军人物、大师于一体,经过多年实践,已经形成了完

亚太酒店协会(Asia Pacific Hotel Association,缩写:APHA)是世界旅游组织成员机构,由亚太地区的著




梁和纽带。APHA 的宗旨是号召亚太区酒店及餐饮业联合起来,共促行业发展,共建平等交流、互通信息、共享商


机的高端平台。APHA 将集合各地政府及民间的力量,不断推动亚太区饭店业的可持续增长,价值和品质的提升。

核心竞争力”为己任,与数家企业达成长期战略合作关系,为房地产企业解决内部管理及全员培训问题。第一、房地产知 识系统学习教育项目(学制一至两年):“中山大学房地产企业家工商管理 EMBA 班”;第二、短期公开课及学习卡;第三、

Asia Pacific Hotel Association (Abbreviation for APHA) Asia Pacific Hotel Association(abbreviation for APHA) is a member of World Tourism Organization which is jointly promoted by famous multinational hotels groups, high star hotels and well-known food & beverage enterprises within the Asia-Pacific region. Based in Hong Kong, APHA is a bridge for communication between hotels and catering enterprises in Asia-Pacific region aiming at calling for the unity of hotels and catering industry for better development and to establish a platform of communication, information, friendship and business opportunities. In partnership with government force and nongovernmental efforts, APHA continues to enhance the sustainable growth, enhancement of value and quality.


Real Estate Education Center of Sun Yat-sen University Real Estate Education Center of Sun Yat-sen University has been established for ten years since 2002.It is based on real estate industry and has held numerous training courses for a systematic support.This center adhere closely to the tenet of Sun Yat-sen University. It provides the real estate industry with all around training services including strategic management, managing skills, marketing practice and professional plan.There are strong teaching resources with influential experts who are academics, industrial managers and Policy Advisers,etc.As we can see,it is well combined by theoretical system and practice experience. Real Estate Education Center of Sun Yat-sen University aims to become the best real estate education brand.



宗旨 / 核心活动

Purpose/Main Activities

核心活动 1、第十四届中国饭店全球论坛


2、2013 - 2014 年度中国饭店业指数排行榜发布会

宗旨 高规格举办 全媒体关注 享显赫人脉 聚价值平台 发产业强音 塑意见领袖

宗旨/目标 Purpose/Goal

Main Activities


权威发布:中国饭店英才榜——年度影响力 100 人 中国酒店百佳 中国餐饮百佳







4、2014 中国饭店品牌展


构建中国饭店业最显赫的人脉圈 打造中国饭店产业年度第一盛会

5、2014 魅力中国·名流飨宴




7、中国饭店业名人俱乐部 G100 峰会






Main Activities


Purpose High Profile with All Media Focus Valuable Platform By Entrepreneur Connections Strong Voice from Industry Pioneers

Goal Building the Most Eminent Social Circle Expecting the Grand Event of China Hotel Industry


1. The 14th China Hotel Global Forum 2. 2013-2014 Annual China Hotel Industry Index Ranking List Press Conference Authority Release: China Hotel Industry 100 Elites China Hotel Top 100 China Catering Top 100 China Supplier Top 100 3. 14th China Hotel Industry Golden Horse Awards Ceremony 4. 2014 China's Top Brand Expo (2014 CHF Expo) 5. 2014 Charming China·Celebrity Banquet 6. Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Presidents Joint Meeting

10、酒店设计机构负责人、设计师,重点高校旅游学院院长、副院长、 酒店管理系主任、学科带头人、科研机构负责人等专家学者 11、相关行业权威媒体、大众主流媒体等新闻界朋友 12、特邀嘉宾

Suitable Participants


1. President, Vice President, Consultant, Directors and Members of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club 2.President ,Vice Presdent, Consultant, Directors and Members of Hotel Investors Associatioin of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce 3. President ,Vice Presdent, Consultant, Directors and Members of World Association of Chines Cuisine 4. Owners of Hotels or Restaurants/ Investors or Developers of Hotel Projects, General Managers, Directors and Senior Management of Hotels or Restaurants 5. Chiefs of Real Estate Corporate Who Intend to Develop Hotel Business 6. Chiefs of Real Estate Corporate Who Intend to Develop Catering Business 7. Chiefs of Distinguished Suppliers 8. Chiefs of Banks, Investment Group, Accounting Firm and Law Firms Who Focus on the Development of Hotel and Catering Industry 9. Employment Guidance Center & Personnel Services 10. Scholars Who are the Directors of Tourism Faculties, Directors of Hotel Management Department, Leaders of Relative Subjects, and Chiefs of Research Institute 11.Authoritative and Mass Media 12.Special Guests

7. G100 Summit of China Hotel Celebrity Industry Club 8. The 8th China Celebrity Golf Tournament 9. Investigatory Tour (Successful Tourism, Commercial, Hotel and Catering Properties aroud Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao)





2014 年 3 月 19 日 8:00 - 18:00


14:00 - 17:30


(14:00 - 15:30)【圆桌论坛①】酒店品牌论坛 探讨话题: 1. 国际酒店品牌的中国市场前景

10:00 - 10:30

【权威发布】 1.2013 全球与中国饭店业经营业绩对比分析报告及 2014 年预测

2. 中国民族酒店品牌的使命和愿景

——全球最大的酒店数据专业研究机构 STR Global 发布

(14:00 - 15:30)【圆桌论坛②】 餐饮发展论坛

2.2013 年度中国饭店业薪酬调研报告



1. 餐饮企业如何应对“三高” 2. 餐饮企业“抱团”发展模式探讨 10:30 - 11:00

茶歇 / 快速社交 ( 此专场社交可为您与众多参会者提供快速互换名片的氛围与机会 )

(15:30 - 16:00) 茶歇 / 快速社交

参观 2014CHF 展会

( 此专场社交可为您与众多参会者提供 快速互换名片的氛围与机会) 11:00 - 12:30 (16:00 - 17:30)【圆桌论坛③】

【圆桌会议】著名地产开发商与饭店领导人对话 探讨话题:新时期政策,旅游及饭店业如何寻求突破


探讨话题: 1. 利用设计提升酒店盈利能力

12:30 - 14:00

午宴 / 午休

2. 设计成本的控制 (16:00 - 17:30)【圆桌论坛④】资产管理论坛

同步分会场环节(14:00 - 15:00) 【圆桌论坛⑤】



1. 如何当好酒店业主


2. 如果评估酒店业绩

1. 全球视角下的中国酒店业投资前景 2. 综合旅游地产、大型商业地产项目的酒店投资策略 【圆桌论坛⑥】


14:00 - 17:30


18:00 - 20:00




1. 中国特色的管理合同执行

中国饭店业名人俱乐部 G100 峰会

2. 管理合同的变化趋势

19:00 - 21:00

6:00 - 12:00

2014 中国饭店品牌展(简称:2014CHF 展会)布展

2014 年 3 月 20 日

15:00 - 15:30 茶歇/交流联络

同步分会场环节(15:30 - 16:30) 【圆桌论坛⑦】

07:00 - 08:15 早餐/交流时间


主会场环节 (08:30 - 12:30)


08:30 - 09:00


1. 新能源在酒店业的运用


2. 酒店如何运用科技提升顾客满意度

09:00 - 10:00

【专家演讲】 【圆桌论坛⑧】 名厨论坛

1. 环球经济走势及中国经济前景展望



1. 菜式创新理念

2. 中国房地产市场形势分析与展望

2. 如何通过有效的厨政管理提升利润

——全国工商联房地产商会报告 3. 中国酒店业市场形势分析与展望 ——中国旅游研究院产业所报告 4. 中国餐饮业市场形势分析与展望 ——中国社科院财经院报告

集体活动环节(17:00 - 22:00) 17:00 - 19:00

2014 魅力中国·名流飨宴

19:00 - 19:30

全体与会代表及领导嘉宾千人大合照 地点:广州大剧院正门广场

19:30 - 20:00

中国饭店英才榜 ——年度影响力 100 人星光大道入场仪式 地点:广州大剧院

20:00 - 22:00

第十四届中国饭店金马奖颁奖晚会 地点:广州大剧院

日程安排 Agenda


时间:2014 年 3 月 19 日 --21 日 地点:广州 Mar.19th - 21st, 2014 Guangzhou




19th Mar. 2014 8:00 - 18:00 14:00 - 17:30 (14:00 - 15:30)

(14:00 - 15:30)

Registration Forum Session 1 Hotel-Branding Forum Topics: 1. International hotel brand with a Chinese market developments and prospects 2. Mission of Chinese national hotel brand Session 2 Food and Beverage Development Forum Topics: 1. Catering enterprises breakthroughs: How to deal with high cost of Human resources, payment of rentals, material? 2. A study on “Alliance” Developing mode of catering industry

(15:30 - 16:00)

Coffee Break/ Networking Express

(16:00 - 17:30)

(Session3) Hotel Design Forum Topics: Profit your hotel Project through hotel design How to fusion culture elements in hotel design

(16:00 - 17:30)

(Session4) Assets Management Forum Topics: 1. How to be a good hotel owners 2. On hotel performance assessment

14:00 - 17:30 18:00 - 20:00 19:00 - 21:00

Meet with your potential business partner(advance reservation required) Welcome Reception Conference of the presidium of Hotel Investors Association of CRECC G100 summit of China Hotel industry Celebrity Club

6:00 - 12:00

Prepare for 2014 CHF EXPO

20th Mar. 2014 07:00 - 08:15 08:30 - 12:30 08:30 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

Breakfast Key Session Opening Remarks of The 14th China Hotel Global Forum Guests to be invited: Leaders from The Ministry of Commerce of PRC /National Tourism Administration /All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Key-note Speech 1.Global Economic Trends and China’s Economic Prospect Forecast ——Reported by Goldman Sachs Asia 2. Market analysis and prospect of China real estate ——Reported by Hotel Investors Association of CRECC 3.China Hotel Market Analysis and Forecast ——Reported by China Tourism Research Institute 4.China Catering Market Analysis and Forecast ——Reported by National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS Authority Issued 1.2013 Global and China Hotel Business Performance Contrast Analysis Report and Forecast ——Released by STR Global

注 : ①本日程安排如遇特殊情况,主办方将作相应调整。

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break/ Networking Express 2014CHF EXPO

11:00 - 12:30

Keynote Panel Dialogue Between Famous Real Estate Developers And The Hotel Leaders Topics: Breakthroughs for tourism and hotel industry under new policy

12:30 - 14:00

Gala Luncheon

14:00 - 15:00

Concurrent Breakout Session (Session 5) Investment and Financing Forum Topics: 1.China's hotel industry investment under the global perspective 2. Hotel investment strategy towards tourism real estate and large commercial real estate projects 3. Overseas hotel market investment strategy (Session 6) Law Forum Topics: 1. The Chinese characteristic management contract execution 2. Tendency of the management contract

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break/ Networking Express

15:30 - 16:30

Concurrent Breakout Session (Session 7) Innovative Technology Forum Topics: 1. The use of new energy/new technology in the hospitality industry 2. How to improve customer satisfaction by applying technology (Session 8) Celebrity Chef Forum Topics: 1. Innovation of catering industry 2.How to boost profits through effective kitchen administration management

(17:00 - 22:00) 17:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 19:30 19:30 - 20:00 20:00 - 22:00


Group Activity Session 2014 Charming China·Celebrity Banquet Group Photo Locale: Square of Guangzhou Opera House Elites of China Hotel Industry Opening Ceremony Locale: Guangzhou Opera House The 14th China Hotel Industry Golden Horse Awards Locale: Guangzhou Opera House


Mainly in Chinese with simultaneous interpretation.


Mainly in English with simultaneous interpretation.


2014 年 3 月 21-22 日 主题特色活动环节 ( 自选项目,费用另计 ) 21st and 22nd , Mar. 2014 Theme Features (Additional Fees should be charged) 时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 17:00


Itinerary A

时间:3 月 21 日 8:00 - 15:00 第八届中国名人高尔夫球邀请赛


Itinerary A

Itinerary A: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:00 - 15:00 8th China Celebrity Golf Tournament

B线 Itinerary A

时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 17:00 广州具有代表性的商业地产项目、知名酒店与餐饮企业参观考察 及美食体验

Itinerary B: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30 - 17:00 Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in Guangzhou

深圳具有代表性的旅游地产项目、知名酒店与 餐饮企业参观考察及美食体验

Itinerary C: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30 - 17:00 Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in Shenzhen


Itinerary A

时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 3 月 22 日 17:00 香港具有代表性的酒店与餐饮企业参观考察 及美食体验

Itinerary D: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30- 22nd Mar. 2013 17:00 Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in Hong Kong

① There will be readjustments in case of special circumstances.

② ④


2.2013 Salary Survey Report of China Hotel Industry ——Released by China Career Research Center of Peking University

In both Chinese and English with simultaneous interpretation.



Forum Features

The information exchange would give you a better perspective of the future development of China hotel and catering industry. The Forum will release the latest, the most authoritative all-round



1. Global Economic Trends and China’s Economic Prospect Forecast

Forum Features

World famous investment bank Goldman Sachs is invited to talk about global economic


trends and China's macro economic performance, giving forecast of the economic development,


and evaluating the crucial factors that might affect the market.

2. Investment Opportunities of China Real Estate

面向世界,聚焦行业热点,关注发展趋势,纵论产业经济,发布 行业指数研究报告,昭示中国饭店业发展风向标。

China Hotel Global Forum, as the opening of the annual gala of China hotel industry, is organized by China Hotel Magazine, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Peking University. It focuses on the hottest trends and development in the industry, looking into industrial economics by releasing index research report, forecasting the future of China hotel industry.

第十四届中国饭店全球论坛 The 14th China Hotel Global Forum

World famous investment bank Bain Capital is invited to talk about investment opportunities of China Real Estate, which will give you inspiration and direction in investment.

3. China Hotel Market Analysis and Forecast

2013 Hotel Industry Statistics Report made by the Hospitality Industry Research Center,

通过这些信息和资讯的交流和掌握,有助您更好地 洞察中国饭店及餐饮业发展的未来前景和蓝图。本届论 坛将发布以下七大类行业最前沿、最权威以及最全面信 息和资讯:

( 一 ) 环球经济走势及中国经济前景展望 邀请世界著名投行“高盛”评述全球经济走势及中国宏观经济表 现,预测经济发展趋势,评估影响市场表现的关键性经济因素。

( 二)中国房地产市场形势分析与展望 步入“白银时代”,中国房地产行业将呈现出何种特征?下一个 十年,房地产行业将产生何种变化?房企应如何应对以谋求发展?由 全国工商联房地产商会为我们解读。

( 三)中国饭店业市场形势分析与展望 由中国旅游研究院产业所进行 2013 年饭店发展数据分析并评论 影响 2014 年行业发展的关键性因素。

( 四)中国餐饮业市场形势分析与展望 由中国社科院财经院进行 2013 年餐饮业发展数据分析并评论影 响 2014 年行业发展的关键性因素。

China Tourism Academy will give analysis and comment on the crucial factors in 2014.

4. China Catering Market Analysis and Forecast

2013 Catering Industry Statistics Report made by National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS will give analysis and comment on the crucial factors in 2014.

5. 2013 Global and China Hotel Business Performance Contrast Analysis Report and Forecast STR Global will give full-scale analysis on the performance of hotel industry in major cities around the world, and forecast the performance and influencing factors in 2014.

6. China Hotel Salary Report Press Conference

Salary showcases not only the individual survival condition, but also the development and future of the industry. Starting from 2007, China Hotel Magazine and China Career Research Institute of Peking University release annual report on China hotel salary condition, which become the guidelines for payment regulation.

7. China Hotel Industry Index Ranking List Press Conference China Hotel Industry Index Ranking List is organized by China Hotel Magazine and Tourism Research Center of CASS, with technical and statistic support from Asia Pacific Hotel Association and State Statistics Bureau. It releases annual ranking since 2000 and has become the guidelines for development strategies. The ranking includes: China Hotel Top 100, China Catering Top 100, China Supplier Top 100 and China Hotel Industry 100 Elites.

( 五)2013 全球与中国饭店业经营业绩对比分析报告及 2014 年预测 由全球最大的酒店数据专业研究机构 STR Global 全面分析全球具 有代表性城市与中国主要城市饭店市场业绩表现,并预测 2014 年饭 店业绩表现并评论影响各市场的主要因素。

( 六)中国饭店业薪酬调研报告发布 当薪酬不仅仅关乎于从业者的个体生存状态,更关乎整个产业的 发展与未来时,从 2007 年开始由中国饭店杂志社与北京大学中国职 业研究所共同开展的《中国饭店业薪酬调研报告》每年度发布一次, 成为行业制订或调整员工薪酬的参考指南。

( 七)中国饭店业指数排行榜发布 “中国饭店业指数排行榜” 调研活动是由中国饭店杂志社、中 国社科院旅游研究中心等机构共同组织进行,并得到世界旅游组织亚 太酒店协会提供的技术指导及国家统计局的数据支持。该指数排行榜 自 2000 年开始每年度发布一次,至今已连续发布了 13 年,成为指导 行业企业制定发展策略的参考指南。 “中国饭店业指数排行榜”包括:中国酒店百佳、中国餐饮百佳、 中国供应商百佳(饭店业),以及中国饭店英才榜——年度影响力 100 人。




Golden Horse Award of China Hotel

中国饭店金马奖颁奖盛典/晚会 China Hotel Golden Horse Award Ceremony


中国饭店金马奖源自中国优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,象征行业先导,是饭 店业至高荣誉,被媒体视为行业发展的风向标,获奖企业被业界公认为行业的丰碑。 本届中国饭店金马奖参照国际评选惯例,将从入围 2013-2014 年度中国酒店百 佳/中国餐饮百佳/中国供应商百佳,以及中国饭店英才榜——年度影响力 100 人遴 选产生。 Inspired by the excellent China Tourism City logo , which means a horse stepping on flying swallow, China Hotel Golden Horse Award choose the same image as the award shape to symbolize the highest honor of China Hotel Industry. In reference to the international selection practice, The China Hotel Golden Horse Award will select China's top-100 hotels, China's top-100 catering, China's top-100 suppliers, China Hotel Industry 100 Elites, etc.


酒店类奖项 酒店集团/酒店管理公司奖、 单体酒店奖、名菜名点奖等 Hotel Awards: Hotel Group / Hotel

评选规则 主办方本着“权威公正、公平公开”的原则进行评比

Management Company Award , Monomer


Hotel Award , Famous Dishes Award, etc;

餐饮集团/餐饮管理公司奖、 餐饮名店奖、名菜名点奖等


Catering Awards : Catering Group /

主办方将根据参评企业或个人的水平,决定最终颁发 的奖项及数量;

Catering Management Company Award,


Catering Boutique Award, Famous Dishes Award, etc;

评规则; 主办方保留取消违约参评企业评选资格的权利;



终身成就奖、白金五星勋章 中国饭店英才榜 ——年度影响力 100 人


Personal Awards: Lifetime Achievement


Award, Platinum Stars Medal, China

The organizer will hold the appraisal activities in line with “authoritative fair and open" principle. The organizer will decide the final award according to the level of enterprise or individual. The organizers reserves the right of canceling the selection qualifications of default enterprises.

Hotel Industry 100 Elites

其他类奖项 设计机构奖、 供应商奖项等 Other Awards: Design

The organizer reserves the right to use the information of the

Agency Awards, Suppliers

submitted materials in any time and do not need to get any enterprise

Enterprise Awards.

(注:详细请登录组委会官方网站 ,或 致电会务组 020-89899000 咨询)

(Please visit, 020-89899000 for more details)





Golden Horse Award of China Hotel

需递交的 参评材料 Application Materials

参评企业/机构奖项 1、完整填写“2013-2014 年度企业/机构大奖”参评表格,提供营业执照副本及单位法人组织机构代码证复印件(复 印件上加盖红色公章,必须有当年的年检章); 2、参评企业自身宣传资料一套、LOGO(AI 格式); 3、酒店提供外观、大堂、客房、餐厅、配套设施等照片共 10 张(JPG 格式,精度要求 300DPI 或以上),餐饮企 业提供外观、大厅、包间等照片共 5 张(JPG 格式,精度要求 300DPI 或以上),供应商、设计机构等提供企业形象照片、




由各省市政府主管部门、行业协 会,以及本活动组委会主席团成员或 专家顾问提名推荐,参照“奥斯卡” 评选等国际惯例,获提名名单与最终 获奖名单的比例约为 5 ∶ 1;

组委会会务组向获提名者发送获 提名通知函;

获提名的单位/个人及时向组 委会递交参评表及相关参评材料;

Nominees will receive the nomination notice from the organizing committee.

Nominees should submit necessary materials in time.

Stage 1: Nominee Recommended

Stage 2: Nomination Notice

Stage 3: Material Submitted

Nominee should be recommended by its governmental competent department. Taking the international selection tradition, the portion of nominees and winner is 5:1.

代表作品或主打产品照片 5 张(JPG 格式,精度要求 300DPI 或以上);


4、1000 字以内企业介绍;

根据获提名单位/个人所提交的 参评材料经组委会初评,确定入围名 单;

5、参评酒店须提供普通客房体验券 3 张及套房体验券 2 张(含早餐),住房券含早餐并有效期为一年,节假日均 可体验; 6、报集团或品牌奖项的酒店集团,需提供在行业内外影响深远的项目图文介绍及旗下 3 家有代表性酒店的入住体 验券各 3 张(其中普通客房券 2 张、行政套房券 1 张),房券含早餐并有效期为一年,节假日均可体验。




在主办方官方网站及合作媒体刊 登投票信息,接受大众微博、微信/ 手机短信/网络在线投票推选,该项 投票结果在最终评选结果中占评分的 20%;

由中国社科院旅游研究中心、北 京大学中国职业研究所对入围名单进 行专业测评,“第三方”专业测评结 果在最终评选结果中占评分 30%;

Stages6: Public Vote

1、完整填写“2013-2014 年度人物大奖”参评表格;

This event accept public vote in official website, media partnership, Weibo, Wechat and SMS, which is accounted for 20% of the result.

2、清晰的半身个人近照一张(照片应为 JPG 格式,精度要求 300DPI 或以上); 3、1000 字以内个人及企业介绍; 4、所属企业 LOGO(AI 格式);

Stage 4: Primary Selection

Selecting the primary list according the submitted materials.

Stage 5: Expert Evaluation

The expert evaluation, held by Tourism Research Center of CASS and China Career Research Center of Peking University, accounts for 30% of the result.


评选流程 Procedures

参评名菜名点奖项 1、完整填写“2013-2014 年度中国名菜名点大奖”参评表格;

递交材料:自 2013 年 11 月 1 日起接受 参评登记;

2、参评名菜或名点的成品照片一张(照片应为 JPG 格式,精度要求 300DPI 或以上); 3、每个菜品 / 菜点填写一张参评表,复印有效。

奖项揭晓:2014 年 3 月; 颁奖典礼:2014 年 3 月 20 日。

第七阶段:“金马客”体验 由组委会挑选的“金马客”以顾 客的身份对参评酒店及餐饮企业进行 入住或消费体验,他们的体验结果在 最终评选结果中占评分 20%;

Stage 7: Golden Horse VIP Experience The organizing committee will select some VIPs to consume in the nominated hotels or restaurants, which is accounted for 20% of the result.

For Enterprises/Institutes Awards 1.Complete “2013-2014Annual Enterprise/Agencies Award” application form; provide the duplicate of its business license (Red Seal necessary with the yearly check Seal.) 2.The contestant enterprises' own publicity material and LOGO(AI) 3.The hotels provide 10 photos of appearance, the lobby, guest room, restaurant, supporting facilities ( JPG, more than 300dpi). Catering enterprises provide with five photos of appearance, hall, restaurant rooms ( JPG, more than 300dpi), Suppliers and design institutions provide 5 photos of enterprise image, and representative works(JPG, more than 300dpi). 4.Introductions within 1,000 words . 5.The contestant hotel must provide three tickets of hotel common rooms and two tickets of suites (including breakfast). Room vouchers include breakfast shall be valid for one year, available on holidays. 6.Hotels which summit application for group or brand award need to offer farreaching programs with graphic introduction and 3 room tickets of its three representative hotels (2 standard rooms and 1 suite).


第八阶段:评委会投票 特邀国家级注册考评委、省市行 业协会会长、权威媒体记者、商旅人 士代表等组成的评审团将综合评核各 个候选名单,此部分结果在最终评选 结果中占评分 30%;

Stage 8: Judge Panel's Vote

The authoritative judge panel will have a comprehensive judging on the nominated list, which is accounted for 30% of the result.

组委会综合各方面测评、投票、 体验、评审情况,统计获奖结果,得 出最后榜单;

Stage 9: Statistical Result

The final result will be made by the Organizing Committee through integrated evaluations.

For Personal Awards 1.Complete “2013-2014 Personal Awards” application form. 2.Clear and recent bust personal photo. 3. Individual introduction within 1,000 words . 4. Corporate Logo (AI). 5.Honorary Certificate copies (The original one for future reference).


For Famous Culinary Awards 1.Complete “2013-2014Annual Culinary Awards ”application form. 2.Provide name and high-resolution photos of contestant dishes(JPG, more than 300dpi). 3.Copy for application form is available.


Date of Submitted Materials: Since 1 Dec, 2013; Result release: Mar, 2014; Ceremony: 20th Mar.2014

Stage 12: Mass Promotion



在相关行业权威媒体及大众主流 媒体上公布获奖名单,为获奖者进行 全国整合传播品牌推广,提升品牌影 响力,提高品牌知名度和美誉度。

Final list will be announced in mainstream media for a deep brand spread.

在 2013 年 度 中 国 饭 店 业 年 会 上 举行隆重的颁奖典礼,由本活动支持、 指导、主办、协办单位联名为获奖者 颁发荣誉证书、奖牌/勋章勋带(或 奖座);

Stage 11: Awarding Ceremony

The Awarding Ceremony will be held during the 2013 China Hotel Annual Meeting. Relative certificate or prize medal will be awarded to winners.

第十阶段:获奖通知 组委会向获奖者发送获奖及会议 通知;

Stage 10: Awarding Notice

Awarding Notice will be sent by the Organizing Committee.



Golden Horse Award of China Hotel

中国饭店金马奖名录(部分) LOGO of China Hotel Golden Horse Awards (section)

优秀品牌在这里得到权威认可,众多成长性品牌在这一平台上 起飞,如今己经享誉中外⋯⋯ This is a platform of excellent brands of China




2014CHF 展会

2013 China's Top Brand Expo

沟通零距离 商洽面对面 2014 中国饭店品牌展(简称:2014CHF 展会) Face to Face Communication 2014 China's Top Brand Expo(2014 CHF Expo) 2014CHF 展会将与规模盛大、巨头云集的中国饭店产业第一盛会“中国饭店 2014 年会暨 第十四届中国饭店全球论坛”同场同期举行,是投资方和管理方形象展示与交流合作的平台, 是饭店及餐饮业产业链供应商和采购商“沟通零距离·商洽面对面”的展示与洽谈合作的最佳 机会。 2014 China's Top Brand Expo is a high-end platform to communicate with the investors and the catering industry, which has annually held since 2001. 2014 CHF Expo will be held during the 2014 China Hotel Industry Global Forum.The participant gains the most direct and highly-qualified sourcing channel and the latest information of product and technology.

参展须知 Participation 费用标准 1、标准展位(特别设计的异形标展) 人民币:20000 元 / 个 2、空场地 人民币:2000 元 / 平米 说明: (1)标准展位配置包含:1 桌 2 椅 2 射灯,围板, 220V5A 插座,地毯,纸篓 (2)特装展位(18 平方米起租):不含任何设施 , 展商负责设计搭建或委托组委会搭建。 (3)含 1 位代表参加中国饭店 2014 年会的会议费(包括日程安排表列明的活动内容及用餐、 茶歇,和一份完整的论坛议程及年会相关资料,不含住宿费),每个展位另可安排多名工 作人员协助,工作人员不享受参会代表待遇。

Expense Standard 1. Standard Booth RMB 20,000/per booth 2. Empty field RMB 2,000/m2





(1)Standard booth allocation: 1 table, 2 chairs and shoot the light, 220 V5A socket, carpet, litter box; (2)Extra booth allocation: Excluded any facilities, exhibitors are responsible for building or entrusted by the organizing committee for building; (3)Including fee for one representative to the 2014 CHF(Excluding accommodation) Each booth can arrange


many other employees to help, but not equal with CHF entrance fee.



Participation procedures






Booth Booking

Fill in the booth application form (Please see attachment)

Pay the fees

Formal exhibition


酒店投资商会 The China Hotel Celebrity Club

关于全国工商联房地产商会酒店商会 主席团联席会议 Conference of the Presidium of Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce 全联房地产商会是在中华全国工商业联合会(简称“全国工商联”)直接领导下的大型 国际化行业商会,商会拥有会员企业 5000 多家,其中以房地产企业为主。同时还包括 30 多个省、 市房地产商会团体会员。会员来自房地产开发、建筑设计、金融投资、供应商等房地产产业 链等各个方面。 全联房地产商会酒店投资商分会(简称“酒店商会”)是全联房地产商会的直属机构, 由投资旅游地产、商业地产或“酒店+房地产”发展模式的开发商、国际著名投行、酒店及 餐饮业投资商及上下游产业链商家,与本行业领域相关的企业、团体和个人自愿结成的行业性、 全国性、非营利性社会团体。 酒店商会旨在以构建酒店投资商资源共享、信息交流的平台为目的,推动酒店投资方与 管理方之间的交流与合作,提升房地产企业投资酒店的成功率。酒店商会将在中国饭店 2014 年会期间举行主席团联席会议及高端私享晚宴。

China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce is an international industrial chamber of commerce. Now, it has over 5000 members which include real estate development enterprises and other group members of real estate chamber of commerce from over 30 provinces. CRECC is constituted by property developers who invest in tourism real estate, commercial property and “hotels plus real estate” development mode, and also by international famous investment banks, hotel and catering industry investors, upstream and downstream industry chain merchants, and enterprises, organizations in related industry. The Hotel Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce is one of the directly affiliated institutions in China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce(hereinafter referred to CRECC), formed by tourism real estate, commercial real estate investment or the developer with a "hotel + real estate" development mode, the related industry field included hotel and catering industry, merchants and upstream and downstream industry chain. This time, China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Presidents Joint Meeting and Celebrity Banquet will be Hotel Investors Association of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce


held simultaneously during 2014 CHF.


中国饭店业名人俱乐部 The China Hotel Celebrity Club


Former Director of National Tourism Administration Liu Yi presented medals to Vice Presidents of the Celebrity Club

关于中国饭店业名人俱乐部 G100 峰会 G100 Summit of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club 中国饭店业名人俱乐部(简称“名人会”)由原国家商业部部长、国家旅游局局长、全国政协常委刘毅倡 导发起创办,是全国旅游及饭店业具有影响力的名流会。 目前,名人会在北京、上海、广州、香港等地设有会籍管理部。第十一届全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农、 第十一届全国政协副主席黄孟复任荣誉主席,国家民政部原副部长徐瑞新、文化部原常务副部长高占祥、教育 部原副部长章新胜、国家旅游局原副局长程文栋、中国旅游研究院院长戴斌、国家旅游局监管司副司长张海燕、 广东省旅游局局长杨荣森、香港特别行政区立法会议员张宇人太平绅士、著名作家余秋雨、著名经济学家厉以宁、 著名学者魏小安、著名美食家蔡澜、唯灵、杨维湘、庄臣等任顾问,中国饭店杂志社出版人/社长、全国工商 联房地产商会酒店商会执行会长、世界旅游组织亚太酒店协会轮值主席冼锋任执行主席,原国家旅游局管理司 司长、中国旅游饭店业协会副会长兼秘书长袁宗堂和中国社会科学院旅游研究中心主任、博导张广瑞任联席主席。 目前拥有个人会员 6000 多人,企业会员 1000 余家。 名人会旨在整合优势资源,联动业界品牌企业及知名人士,共同搭建平等交流、互通信息、共建友谊、共 享商机的高端平台,名人会将在中国饭店 2014 年会期间举行隆重的中国饭店业名人俱乐部八周年庆典& G100 峰会,领您迈入中国饭店业最显赫的人脉圈。

In order to strengthen the communication and promote the development between China and the world hospitality industry, supported by National Department of Commerce, National Tourism Administration Bureau, China Committee of the UNESCO, Asia Pacific Hotel Association and China Hotel Magazine, The China Hotel Celebrity Club (short for “the Club”)was founded in March 2006, with approval of the government , which was supported by former National Ministry of Commerce Minister, , and People's Political Consultative Conference Mr. LiuYi. And the club, with members of over 6,000 people, and enterprise members with over 1,000, is the most influential club in the hospitality industry. The purpose of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club is to establish the most eminent social relationship circle of hotel industry in CHINA HOTER INDUSTRY CELEBRITY CLUB


China, and during 2014 CHF. The G100 Summit of China Hotel Industry Celebrity Club and Celebrity Banquet will be held.


魅力中国 . 名流飨宴 The China Hotel Celebrity Club Golf Tournament

关于魅力中国·名流飨宴 Charming China·Celebrity Banquet 建友谊桥梁,享显赫人脉! “魅力中国·名流飨宴”是历届中国饭店业年会最值得期待和最受青 睐的活动内容之一,每届都有别出心裁的主题及创意,上届以岭南风韵为 宴会布景主调,菜肴设计以春季养生食材为特色,味蕾与视觉的盛宴,令 饕餮唾涎三尺!

Charming China Celebrity Banquet is one of the showstoppers of China Hotel Annual Meeting every year. With the unique theme and original creativity, the celebrity banquet last year featured in Lingnan style food, especially in healthy food of Spring. The gluttonous banquet is definitely a perfect gathering of both delicious food and visual shock.



名人高尔夫邀请赛 Sponsorship Opportunities


关于中国名人高尔夫球邀请赛 China Celebrity Golf Tournament

中国名人高尔夫邀请赛以“平台决定视野,视野提升财富”为宗旨,为与会者创造一个 “共建友情、共享商机”的交流平台。本活动进一步彰显了组委会“享显赫人脉,聚价值平台” 的办会宗旨。第八届中国名人高尔夫邀请赛将于 2014 年 3 月 21 日在广州隆重举行,期待您 的支持和参与!

The China Celebrity Golf Tournament is one of the high-end activities in hotel industry, which committed to "form the friendship, sharing business opportunities" within this high-end platform. Let’s look forward to the more exciting journey in 2014, the club will hold the golf tournament on 21st March in Guangzhou.




Promotion Plan

关于参观考察 Investigatory Tour

中国饭店 2014 年会的考察访问活动安排在 3 月 21-22 日举行,以为参会 者提供“学习交流的机会、商务合作的平台、友谊升华的桥梁、投融资对接的 纽带”为出团理念,本次考察活动分为三条线路,以供个性选择。 线路一: 时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 17:00 广州具有代表性的商业地产项目、知名酒店与餐饮企业参观考察及美食体验 线路二: 时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 17:00

The Investigatory Tour of 2014 China Hotel Industry Annual Meeting will be held from March 21st to 22nd which aims at "Building a solid platform for business information exchanges and communication and bridging investment and financing sections". There three optional routes available to the guests. Itinerary A: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30 - 17:00 Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in Guangzhou Itinerary B: Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30 - 17:00 Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in Shenzhen


Itinerary C:



Time: 21st Mar. 2013 8:30- 22nd Mar. 2013 17:00

时间:3 月 21 日 8:30 - 3 月 22 日 17:00

Site Inspection of Commercial Real Estate Projects, Hotels And Restaurants in


Hong Kong



Sponsorship Opportunities

赞助机会 Sponsorship Opportunities 1、全程战略合作伙伴 ( 总冠名赞助 ); 2、子项目冠名赞助:第十四届中国饭店全球论坛、第十四届中国饭店金马奖颁奖晚会、欢迎 酒会、主题午餐、全国工商联房地产商会酒店投资商会主席团联席会议、中国饭店业名人俱乐部 G100 峰会、中国名人高尔夫球邀请赛、2014CHF 展会; 3、合作伙伴(大会指定供应商/服务商)。 4、优惠套餐: 钻石级合作伙伴(16.8 万)、白金级合作伙伴(9.8 万)、金牌级合作伙伴(6.8 万)、银牌 级合作伙伴(3.8 万)、铜牌级合作伙伴(1.8 万)。

赞助效应分析 赞助商按赞助级别的不同有权独家享有或优先享受本届会提供的各种资源。赞助商可利用活 动创造的各种商机,树立企业形象和影响力、推广品牌和产品、宣传理念和文化。

赞助商将获得以下回报 (一)提升行业知名度与美誉度

据国家统计局数据显示,目前全国共有 16500 家星级饭店、3200000 家餐饮企业(不含个体户), 通过本活动的合作,进一步提升赞助商在中国酒店及餐饮业的知名度与美誉度。 (二)获得人脉

赞助商主要负责人获邀出席中国饭店 2014 年会暨第十四届中国饭店全球论坛,作为贵宾与 相关领导一起出席开幕式、名流飨宴等各项重要活动。 (三)获得宣传



Sponsorship Package


了解全国旅游及饭店业发展的最新资讯及市场需求。 作为中国饭店产业第一盛会的支持赞助商,贵


公司将享有此次活动提供的首要资源及最佳的展示平 台,这些宝贵的宣传资源无疑将对赞助单位在大会期

赞助商将被重点推荐给国际及国内旅游企业、商贸流通企业、全国及亚太地区的星级酒店及 著名餐饮连锁企业,获得直接的终端客户,增大市场覆盖面及占有率。

间及全国旅游饭店业树立企业形象、扩大产业和市场 影响力产生巨大的效果。充分利用这些会议现场的现 有资源及会后的广告宣传回报将为贵公司提供独一无

Sponsorship Opportunities 1The Strategic Cooperation Partners (Title Sponsor)

二的商机,而您也在最大范围内获得相应回报。 如果您希望通过获得这些珍贵的资源获得商业机 会并保证公司最佳的宣传效果,请不要忽视特别赞助 商的价值所在 , 您所得到的将是无价的!

2 Sub-project sponsors: The 14th China Hotel Global Forum, China Hotel Golden Horse Award Ceremony, Welcome Dinner, Theme Lunch, Charming China Celebrity Banquet, China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Presidents Joint Meeting, The China Hotel Celebrity Club G100 Summit, China Celebrity Golf Tournament, 2014 CHF Expo. 3. Cooperative Partner(Congress designated suppliers) 4. Discount packages: Diamond partner(16,8000), Platinum partner(9,8000), Golden partner(6,8000), silver partner(3,8000), Bronze Partner(1,8000)

Sponsorship Effect Analysis 具体的赞助回报内容及详情请联系:尹欣小姐 电话:020-89899338 传真:020-89899555 手机:18688903821

According to the different level, sponsors shall have the right to enjoy the priority recourses for a better spread of enterprise brand culture.

Sponsors will gain returns as follows:


① Improve popularity and reputation of the enterprise.


② Contact with VIPs in the industry by attending various activities such as Celebrity Banquet .

The specific content and details sponsored return please contact: Ms Nancy Yin Tel:+8620 89899338 Fax:+8620 89899555

③ Strengthen the enterprise's brand awareness and reputation by press release. ④ Gain information of the latest news released by National Tourism Bureau and market demand of the industry. ⑤ Increase market coverage and share.

Mobile:18688903821 QQ:780236430




Promotion Plan

宣传推广计划 Promotion Plan





Propaganda Stage



Media 30 多家大会签约合作媒体

前期 中国饭店业年会自 2000 年以来,已经连续成功举办了十三届,与相关行业权威媒体及大众主流媒体建立


2013 年 11 月 - 2014 年 3 月 Dec. 2012 - Mar.2013


2014 年 3 月 19 - 21 日

了良好的合作关系,为参会、参展、参评企业提供有效的整合传播方案,通过持续的深度宣传报道提升企业 的知名度和美誉度,增强市场竞争力。 CHF has been successfully held for over 12 years since 2000, which has built good relationship with mainstream media and set up an


Mar. 23rd -25th 2013

excellent platform for Integrating Distinctive Resources, allying branded corporate & celebrities within the industry to establish a channel for business opportunities. Thus it’s a great opportunity for strengthening enterprises reputation.


2014 年 3 月 - 4 月

Later Period

Mar.- Apr.2013

年会形象广告 新闻报道

Over 30 signing cooperation media


The official website

论坛、晚宴、发布会、 颁奖盛典

Forum, Banquet, Conference 新闻通稿发布、年会现场盛 况软文报道、公布获奖名单

News release conference and soft article reports, Announced the winners

回访参会、参展、 参评及赞助企业 , 深度推广参与品牌

延续 Afterwards

2014 年 4 月 - 6 月

Apr- Jun. 2013

Paying visit to participants and sponsorship enterprise, brand promoting

主办方官方网站 100 多家特邀出席媒体现场采访、电视转播、网络直播、 平面宣传报道

More than 100 invited media to attend the interview on TV broadcast and relative network 主办方官方网站

The official website 大会签约合作媒体

The signing cooperation media 其他出席大会的相关媒体

Relative Media

国家行业核心期刊《中国饭店》杂志 关于本届年会的增刊 / 特辑

China Hotel Magazine CHF Special Issue 主办方应参展及获奖企业要求,可为其量身定做在央视、 凤凰卫视、旅游卫视、广州日报、北京晚报、上海新闻晨报、 香港大公报、澳门日报等媒体以最优惠团购价格提供广泛 有效的整合传播套餐

The lowest price on the cooperated media

上届签约合作 / 到场媒体(部分) The Press

首席网络合作媒体: 首席电视合作媒体: 首席专业报纸合作媒体: 特邀新媒体: 电视: 报纸: 杂志:





Leadership Concern

领导关怀 中国饭店 2014 年会暨第十四届届中国饭店全球论坛的筹办,有赖于政府相关领导的支 持与指导。组委会多年来,始终坚持贯彻中共中央、国务院关于加快服务业发展的要求和部署, 以推广政府政策、推动行业发展为己任,十多年来,中国饭店全球论坛亦伴随着中国饭店业 优秀知名企业的高速发展而共同茁壮成长。

Leadership Concern

2014 CHF would not be successful without the support and direction of the government leaders. The organizer has been adhering to the CPC and State Council’s disposition about speeding up the development of service industry, promoting governmental policy and industrial development. Over a decade, CHF has been growing along with the high-speed development of famous hotel enterprises.

图 4. 中国饭店全球论坛组委会特别顾问:塔勒布·瑞法依(右, 前联合国世界旅游组织秘书长)关注并支持论坛筹备工作 Pic 4: Taleb Rifai (right, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization of the UN), the special counsel of China Hotel Global Forum is visiting the preparation of the Forum. 图4

图 1. 第十四届中国饭店全球论坛组委会执行主席冼锋 (左)向组委会荣誉主席黄孟复(右,第十一届全国政协副主 席)汇报论坛筹备情况 Pic 1: Xian Feng (left), executive chairman of 14 th China Hotel Global Forum Organizing Committee is reporting about the preparation of the meeting to Huang Mengfu (right, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC and Chairman of the National Association of Industry), Honorary Chairman of the Organizing 图1


图 5. 第十四届中国饭店全球论坛的筹备工作获得国家旅游局局长 邵琪伟(右)的关注和支持 Pic 5: Shao Qiwei, Director of the National Tourism Administration support and concern about the preparation of the 14th China Hotel Global Forum.

图 6. 第十四届中国饭店全球论坛的筹备工作获得广东省委常委 /


广州市委书记万庆良(左)的关注和支持 中国饭店全球论坛由原国家商业部部长 / 国家旅游局局长 刘毅先生(左)倡导发起举办,并任首届组委会主席,以及历

Pic 6: Wan Qingliang, Secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee is concerning about the preparation of the 14th China Hotel Global Forum.

届组委会总顾问 / 永远名誉主席 Pic 2: China Hotel Global Forum is initiated by Liu Yi, the Former Minister of National Department of Commerce,Former Director of the National Tourism Administration, who is also the General Counsel and Forever Honorary Chairmanof the Organizing Committee. 图 7. 中国饭店全球论坛组委会预备会议:国家旅游局原副局长程 文栋(左 5)、原广州市政协主席陈开枝(左 4)、广东省旅游局局长


杨荣森(左 3)、原广东省经委主任彭书宝(右 4)、原教育部高教司 副司长杨志坚(右 2)、原广东省旅游局副局长王禄良(左 2)、全球 知名华人代表 / 美国首位华裔市长黄锦波(右 3)、亚太酒店协会轮值


主席 / 中国饭店杂志社社长冼锋(右 1)、中国旅游报社社长陈志学(左 1) Pic 7: The preparation meeting of the China Hotel Global Forum Organizing 图 3. 第十四届中国饭店全球论坛组委会执行主席冼锋 (左)向国家商务部副部长蒋耀平(右,时任)汇报论坛筹备 情况 Pic 3: Xian Feng (left), Executive Chairman of 14th China Hotel Global Forum Organizing Committee is reporting about the preparation of the meeting to Jiang Yaoping, Vice President of National Department of Commerce.

Committee: Cheng Wendong (5th left), Former Deputy Director of the National Tourism Administration; Chen Kaizhi (4th left), Former Chairman of Guangzhou CPPCC; Yang Rongsen (3rd left), director of Guangdong Tourism Administration; Peng Shubao (4th right), Former Director of Guangdong Economic Committee; Yang Zhijian (2 nd right), Deputy Director of Higher Education Department of National Education Department; Wang Luliang (2nd left), Deputy Director of Guangdong Tourism Administration; Huang Jinbo (3rd right), Famous Global Overseas Representative and the first overseas Chinese mayor in USA; Xian Feng (1st right), Chairman of China Hotel Magazine; Chen Zhixue (1st left), Chairman of China Tourism Newspaper.






Leadership Concern

上图:中国国家旅游局局长邵琪伟、 联合国世界旅游组织秘书长塔勒布·瑞法 依、广东省省长黄华华(时任)等领导为 获奖者颁奖 Left: Shao Qiwei, Director of the National

领导关怀 Leadership Concern

Tourism Administration; Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization of the UN; Huang Huahua, Governor of Guangdong Province presented awards to the prize-winners.

下图:中国国家旅游局局长邵琪伟(前 排左 9)、广东省省长黄华华(时任,左 8)、 联合国世界旅游组织秘书长塔勒布·瑞法 依(左 7)、广东省副省长雷于蓝(时任, 左 10)、广东省政协副主席汤炳权(时任, 左 11)、广州市市委书记万庆良(左 6) 等领导与获奖者合影 Below: Shao Qiwei (9th left at front), Director of the National Tourism Administration; Huang Huahua (8 th left), Governor of Guangdong Province; Taleb Rifai (7th left), Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization of the UN; Wan Qingliang (6 th left), Secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee; Lei Yulan (10 th left), Vice-governor of Guangdong Province; Tang Bingquan (11th left), Vice-president of Guangdong CPPCC took photos with the prizewinners.

上图:国家商务部副部长蒋耀平(时 任, 左 4)、 澳 门 特 首 崔 世 安( 左 5) 等 领导出席论坛开幕式 Top: Jiang Yaoping (4 th left), Vice Minister of Commerce; Chui Sai On(5th left), Chief Executive of Macao SAR attended the opening ceremony.

右图:国家商务部副部长蒋耀平(时 任,左 3)等领导参加投融资论坛 Right: Jiang Yaoping (3 rd left), Vice Minister of Commerce attended the Investment and Finance 主办方领导及特邀嘉宾祝酒仪式 Toast of Banquet





Spotlight Reviews

中国饭店 2013 年会(简称上届年会)于 2013 年 3 月 23 日至 25 日在广州四季酒店、广州富力君悦大酒店、广州大剧院、 广东碧桂园假日半岛高尔夫球会同步盛大举行,来自美国、法国、英国、加拿大、西班牙、日本、荷兰、新加坡、马来西亚、 韩国、台湾、香港、澳门等 30 多个国家和地区以及中国国内各省市共 2000 多位杰出人士出席了本届盛会。青梅煮酒侃美食, 花城论道话岭南。 The 2013 China Hotel Annual Meeting was held on Mar. 23rd and 25th in Four Seasons Guangzhou, Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, Guangzhou Opera House and Country Garden Holiday Islands Hotel with over 2,000 distinguished guests from China and abroad.




Spotlight Reviews

China Hotel Global Forum

During the 13 th China Hotel Global

Forum, several key-note speeches and reports were published which were focusing on the Opportunities and Challenges after the 18th CPC National Congress. Conversations were full of mind blowing ideas and creativities with senior executives from esteemed investment banks and high-end hotels. The 2012-2013 China Hotel Salary Survey Report, leading by Mr. Chen Yu from Beijing University, is one of the highlights among industrial researches and reports.

高峰论坛 【圆桌论坛(一)】全球著名投行与地产及酒店业领导人对话 探讨话题:后十八 ,旅游及酒店业的机遇与挑战

上届全球论坛围绕“后十八大,中国旅游及酒店业的机遇与挑战”这一主题,邀请了行业 精英和专家,集思致远。“我非常高兴来到广州,与关心餐饮及饭店业发展的朋友们相聚一堂, 深入探讨应对行业危机、迎接挑战、把握机遇、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的战略意义。” 原国家商业部副部长张世尧为论坛开幕致辞,对中国饭店全球论坛举办的意义和重要性做了高 度的评价。高盛集团、卓越集团、万达地产、富力地产、中粮集团、华侨城集团等国内外知名 投行、房地产企业的酒店版块负责人悉数到场,并展开了深入的探讨。 中国就业促进会副会长、北京大学中国职业研究所所长、博导陈宇在上届论坛上正式发布 了备受业界关注的《2012-2013 年度中国饭店业薪酬调研报告》,这是目前中国饭店业最具权 威性的薪酬评价体系,再度引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

【圆桌论坛(二)】投融资论坛 探讨话题:1. 商业地产、旅游地产投资前景探讨 2. 餐饮连锁、快餐业蕴含的市场机遇与投资策略


【圆桌论坛(三)】人力资源论坛 探讨话题:饭店业人才荒与人才危机管理

【圆桌论坛(四)】设计论坛 探讨话题:1. 数字化、低碳、新科技在酒店设计中的运用 2. 主题酒店设计新风尚

专题演讲嘉宾 上排左起:高盛高华证券有限公司董事总经理索莉晖,国家旅游 局中国旅游研究院产业所负责人、清华大学博士后杨宏浩,北京 大学中国职业研究所所长、人力资源和社会保障部职业技能鉴定 中心学术委员会主任陈宇,中国社科院财经院副院长、博导荆林波, 全球最大的酒店数据专业研究机构 STR Global 中国区市场开发负 责人何雯

【圆桌论坛(五)】营销论坛 探讨话题:1. 如何利用新媒体工具提升酒店运营能力与收益 2. 每年主要节假日酒店的特别营销策略

【圆桌论坛(六)】名厨论坛 探讨话题:1. 美食潮流与时尚消费取向 2. 菜式创新的理念和方法 3. 集团中央厨房的管理及营运

At the same time, forums on subjects such as hotel and catering investment and financing, overcome human resources challenges, hotel design, new media and holiday marketing, chef focuses, new technology applications are oriented for different participants.

【圆桌论坛(七)】新技术论坛 探讨话题:适合推荐给酒店及餐饮业的新科技、新技术



Spotlight Reviews

原国家商业部副部长、 中国烹饪协会会长张世尧为嘉华集团主席吕志和博士颁发中国饭店金马奖—— “中华英才终身成就奖”

Brilliant Ceremony Inspired by the excellent China Tourism City logo that means a horse stepping on flying swallow, the China Hotel Annual Meeting Committee choose the same image as the award shape to symbolize the highest honor of China Hotel Industry. The selected procedures with an international standard includes nominee recommended, material submitted, expert evaluation and public vote golden horse VIP experience. with the official release of the 13 th Golden Horse Award China Hotel enterprise list, hotel groups like Marriott International, Starwood Hotels and Resorts Accor Hotels gained several Hotel Horrors and Awards.. In addition, the organizer also formally announced the "2013 China hotel elites list", Dr. Lui Che-woo, Chairman of K. Wah Group, . was awarded supreme honor award "Chinese elite lifetime achievement award".


辉煌盛典 中国饭店金马奖源自中国优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,象征行业先导,

酒店及度假酒店品牌、万豪国际酒店集团 - 万丽品牌、洲际酒店集团 - 英迪


格品牌、法国雅高酒店集团 - 铂尔曼品牌荣获最受瞩目年度品牌大奖,喜达







3 月 24 日,中国饭店杂志社、中国社科院旅游研究中心隆重发布了:


2012-2013 年度中国酒店百佳、中国餐饮百佳、产业链供应商 / 设计机构、中

为行业标杆典范,起到了领头和模范的作用。主办方把 2013 年度中华英才终

国饭店英才榜等四大榜单。其中,喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团 - 豪华精选






Spotlight Reviews

产业互动 与上届年会同期同场举办的 2013CHF 展会,由国家相关部委支持指导,亚太酒店协会、 中国饭店杂志社、中国饭店业名人俱乐部、中国饭店业采购经理联谊会等单位举办,自 2001 年至今每年举办一届,致力于为中国饭店业品牌企业与房地产开发商、品牌供应商与采购商 创造一对一合作交流平台。

Industrial Exchange 2013 CHF E x po w ith the aim to streng then the communication between China Hotel Industry brands and commercial real estate developers, brand suppliers and buyers was held simultaneously with the 2013 China Hotel Annual Meeting. CHF Expo has been annually held since 2001.




Spotlight Reviews

辉煌十三载 中国饭店全球论坛风雨同舟十三载,足迹踏遍全国,吸引了众多国内外饭店业同行的关注与参与,多 年的努力与收获离不开所有饭店业精英的支持,感谢一路有您们,也让我们共同期待和参与第十四届盛典!


Amazing 13 Years China Hotel Global Forum has been held for 13 years with growing focuses and eyesights from the China Hotel Industry as well as supports and participants from abroad. We are expecting great progress next year.



Spotlight Reviews

中国饭店英才榜获奖代表:洲际集团大中华区总裁黄德利(左 1,时任)、万豪国际集团中国区高级副总裁林聪(左 2)、美国贝斯特韦斯特国际酒店集团大中华区总裁董卫民(左 3)、香 港霍英东集团董事兼副总裁林锡鎏(左 4)、上海锦江国际酒店集团 CEO 杨卫民 ( 左 5)、广州南丰朗豪酒店总经理郑越东 ( 左 7)、如家酒店集团 CEO 孙坚(左 9)等

国家旅游局原局长刘毅为美心集团主席伍沾德(右 1,时任)和广州白天鹅宾馆总经理 杨小鹏(右 2,时任)颁发中国饭店英才奖

国家旅游局原局长刘毅为开元旅游业集团董事长陈妙林(中) 利苑酒家集团董事长陈树杰(右)颁发中国饭店英才奖

中国饭店英才榜获奖代表:中国酒店用品协会会长张汉泉(左 3)、著名美食家杨维湘(左 6)、著名美食家唯灵(左 7)、香港立法会议员张宇人(左 9)、香港酒店业协会执行 总干事吕尚怀(左 11)、广东省旅游协会秘书长李进茂(左 12)

亚太酒店协会轮值主席 Shahram Saber(左,时任) 为富力地产集团执行董事吕劲颁奖



2013 年会特别支持 / 赞助:

2013 年会赞助鸣谢 SPONSORSHIP

场地支持 / 赞助:





唯一指定月饼 OEM 厂商:


金钥匙赞助商: 白金赞助机构: 黄金赞助机构:





Spotlight Reviews

背景链接: 第一届







(2001 年 3 月,北京人民大会堂) 1st March 2001 Beijing's Great Hall of the People

(2002 年 8 月,北京钓鱼台国宾馆) 2nd August 2002 Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse

(2003 年 8 月,广州中国大酒店) 3rd August 2003 China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel Guangzhou

(2004 年 8 月,深圳五洲宾馆) 4th August 2004 Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel

(2005 年 12 月,广州花园酒店) 5th December 2005 Garden Hotel Guangzhou

(2006 年 8 月 ,东莞索菲特御景湾酒店) 6th August 2006 Sofitel Dongguan

(2007 年 9 月,广州香格里拉大酒店) 7th September 2007 Shangri-la Guangzhou


2002 2003





2008 2009





第十三届 第八届





(2008 年 2 月,广州东方宾馆) 8th February 2008 DongFang Hotel Guangzhou

(2009 年 6 月,广州香格里拉大酒店) 9th June 2009 Shangri-la Guangzhou

(2010 年 3 月,广州香格里拉大酒店) 10th March 2010 Shangri-la Guangzhou

(2011 年 3 月,广州长隆酒店) 11th March 2011 Chime Long Hotel Guangzhou

(2012 年 3 月,广州长隆酒店) 12th March 2012 Chime Long Hotel Guangzhou

(2013 年 3 月,广州大剧院、广州四季酒店、 广州富力君悦大酒店)

13th March 2013 Guangzhou Opera House Four Seasons Guangzhou Grand Hyatt Guangzhou

详情请访问 查询,多谢垂注! Please check for more information!


Application Form


Registration Hotline 陈丽群 小姐 /Ms Cheryl 电话 /Tel:020-89899000-885 手机 /Mob:15920341988 电邮 /E-Mail:


Meeting Consultant 区伊捷 先生 /Mr Osman Ou 电话 /Tel:020-89899000-813 手机 /Mob:15915760502 电邮 /E-Mail: 周淑圆小姐 /Ms Angel Zhou 电话 /Tel:020-89899000-815 手机 /Mob:13711591938 电邮 /E-Mail:


Exhibition Consultant

联系方式 Contacts 组委会秘书处

The Secretariat of Organizing Committee

林勇坚 先生 /Mr Lam 电话 /Tel:020-89899000-816 手机 /Mob:13533923686 电邮 /E-Mail:


Sponsor Support 尹欣 小姐 /Ms Nancy Yin 电话 /Tel:020-89899338 手机 /Mob:18688903821 电邮 /E-Mail:

地址:广州市海珠区琶洲大道东 1 号保利国际广场 608 Room 608, South Tower of Poly International Plaza, No.1 Pazhou Avenue East, Haizhu District, Guangzhou


邮编 /Postcode: 510308 电话 /Tel:020-89899000 传真 /Fax:020-89899555 / 89899473 / 89898338 官方网站 / Web: 电子邮箱 /

高瑜遥 小姐 /Ms Joya Gao 电话 /Tel:020-89899000-835 手机 /Mob:13250207833 电邮 /E-Mail:


Media Cooperation


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