Luxury Concierge
ime is our most precious resource. When you’re always connected and, on the go,, your time is the one thing you can never get back. To help you save time and get privileged access to private events that money can’t buy; a luxury concierge is your perfect companion. Built from the desire for experiences over ownership, modern concierge
HOT Magazine
companies are radically evolving to deliver, exceptional services 24/7 to their affluent clients. The word concierge derives from the old French word “comte des cierges.” The comte des cierges referred to a servant responsible for maintaining the lighting and cleanliness of medieval palaces. Eventually, the name
“concierge” came to stand for “keeper of the keys” at public buildings, particularly hotels. Nowadays the concierge is much closer to a luxury lifestyle manager, seeing that travelers and hotel guests get the absolute most out of their stay. Concierges are highly skilled people who can add real value to your life by taking care of some essential and time-consuming tasks