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Artist Naza McFerren Acai Man II Digital work

THE HOTSPOT To process everything we have gone through in the past year and a half, and still do, we need to place life into a different angle and take steps to make sense of everything: the absence, the losses and the mystery of all, the many questions without answer. Nothing scares us more than disease, the unknown virus that killed silently, gradually taking over. A lot of the new scenarios presented during the pandemic were generated by fear, anger and a the need to understand it all, leading to mistakes, to hurtful moments, to despair. Nothing has kept us in the dark and wondering what was happening like COVID. What the future would be like. Death or cure? No generation was ever exposed to such a threat and now what we make of it, is up to us. As an example of our recent pathways, some of them crossed by misfortune ans dispair we can now look at the light at the end of the tunnel.


Considering each one of us was presented with fa limited number of alternatives to face the pandemic, many of us resorted to isolation, found comfort in the solitude, and learned to be a silent partner observers of the is devastating reality. Today a year and a half later and a lot of water under the bridge, it seems we are almost at the end. We are the winners in this war. Hopefully it will end and we all learned the hard way how to survive. To celebrate my victory we decided to bring this magazine back to life. We were the first digital magazine in 2012 and after many years we decided to stop and rethink, we are now, ready to conquer and still have great support, we added an interview monthly spot with TV CNB, the Brazil America Council, The AMPAK Chamber, and The Florida International Chamber of Commerce who are also great source of information and support. In the Brazilian Community, we will always thank BoiBrazil Steakhouse for the undying support for so many years. We hope we enjoy this journey together. It has been great so far. Let’s do this! Laiz AB Rodrigues Editor in Chief TheHotspotorlando http://thehotspotorlando.com



Phone #(407) 505-0519 laizrodrigues@brazilusa.org


US Ambassador To Brazil Todd Chapman Resigns

President Donald Trump-appointed US ambassador to government to support Trump's reelection bid in poBrazil has resigned after just over a year in the position tential violation of the Hatch Act, which bars executive and is leaving the diplomatic service branch employees from partisan politics. Chapman vehemently denied crossing lines. U.S. Ambassador to Brazil, Todd C. Chapman, gives a thumbs-up as he arrives to a ceremony where the companies selected to operate the Alcantara space launch site in Maranhao state were announced, at the Air Base in Brasilia, Brazil. Chapman tendered his resignation after just over a year in the position of ambassador to Brazil and is leaving the diplomatic service, he said in a statement on Thursday, June 10, 2021. The U.S. ambassador known for friendly ties with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tendered his resignation after just over a year in the position and is leaving the diplomatic service, he said in a statement on Thursday.

An avid birdwatcher, Chapman this year increasingly shared photos and comments on social media lauding Brazil's nature and wildlife, and called for sustainable development. That jibed with Biden's demands for Bolsonaro to take decisive action to halt surging deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Data in recent months have signaled the continued increase of destruction, after Bolsonaro at the U.S.-led climate summit in April shifted his tone on Amazon preservation and showed willingness to step up commitment.

Thomas Traumann, a Brazilian political consultant, said by phone that Chapman's departure could signal more Ambassador Todd Chapman said that he wrote to Presi- U.S. pressure on Brazil regarding environmental issues. dent Joe Biden on Wednesday to inform him of his decision and that he would be moving to Denver to be near More importantly, Traumann said, Chapman is perhis children and pursue other professional opportuni- ceived in Brazil as pro-Trump and pro-Bolsonaro, which ties. would have limited his ability to make inroads with challengers to Bolsonaro's 2022 reelection bid. His appointment in Oct. 2019 came as Bolsonaro was projecting ideological alignment with the U.S. and Chapman was deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Emthen-President Donald Trump. bassy in Brasilia from 2011 to 2014 and U.S. ambassador to Ecuador before that. In a diplomatic career spanning After Chapman's arrival in the capital, Brasilia, in March three decades he has been posted to Afghanistan, Nige2020, he quickly made headlines by cozying up to Bol- ria and Taiwan. sonaro's administration, particularly by hosting the president at a July 4 barbecue at his residence in the The Texas native highlighted in his statement that he midst of the pandemic. Photos showed him wearing a had served under three Democratic and three Republicowboy hat and no mask, leaning in to hug Bolsonaro can presidents. and posing with him and top aides. "In my letter to President Biden,? he wrote. ?I wished His access built on friendly relations, but also raised him God's blessings of wisdom and strength as he leads concerns he was perhaps drawing too close. One per- the American son who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of people. anonymity last year confirmed local press reports that Chapman suggested Brazil could influence Iowa's vote SOURCE:ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP) in the U.S. presidential election by lifting ethanol tariffs. That prompted the Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to demand Chapman provide written assurances he wasn't urging Bolsonaro's

FORMER US AMBASSADOR TO BRAZIL TODD CHAPMAN Brasília, June 2021 – I am immensely proud to be a citizen of the United States and to have the opportunity to serve and represent my country. Having spent over 12 years in Brazil over my lifetime, this beautiful nation too is also forever etched in my heart. And this has made serving as U.S. Ambassador to Brazil since March 2020 an especially tremendous honor. It has given me the opportunity, together with the Brazilian and American professionals at the U.S. Embassy and Consulates, to be a part of remarkable moments in our partnership. Working side by side with the Brazilian Government and our Brazilian friends, I have been privileged to witness and play a part in helping to shape this relationship into what I genuinely believe our nations are meant to be – strategic and equal partners. Even while we confront the most devastating pandemic in over a century, we continue building an ever-stronger alliance and partnership with Brazil, the largest and most influential democracy in Latin America. And this is why it was with mixed emotions that I wrote yesterday to President Biden to inform him of my decision to retire from government service after a 30-year career with the Department of State. Following careful consideration, my wife Janetta and I are convinced that this is the right time, for several positive personal reasons, to move to Denver, Colorado – to live closer to our two sons and daughter-in-law and pursue new professional opportunities and longstanding personal interests about which we are genuinely excited. Janetta and I served our country together in eight countries throughout Latin America, Africa, and Asia. As a professional diplomat I have served under six U.S. Presidents, three Republicans and three Democrats. In my letter to President Biden, I reminded him of his words to us when my wife and I first met him in 2011 – that our service was important to our nation. I thanked him for that recognition then, and believe it still holds true, and I will look forward to continuing to serve our nation, though in a private capacity. Having spent so much of my life in Brazil, I have great admiration, respect, and affection for Brazil and the Brazilian people. While my time as U.S. Ambassador will conclude, my relationship with Brazil will continue in the years ahead, thanks to the wonderful friendships I have formed here over a lifetime. So, as I would say to my closest Brazilian friends, “a gente se ve” or “we will be seeing one another”. I will spend my next 30 days in Brazil energetically doing my part as U.S. Ambassador to continue advancing the U.S.-Brazil relationship, stronger than ever, in the positive direction it is headed. In my letter to President Biden, I wished him God’s blessings of wisdom and strength as he leads the American people. May the strong friendship between the American and Brazilian people continue to flourish in the years ahead, a task to which I will remain devoted for the rest of my life. Source US Embassies and Consulates in Brazil


Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1963, Ambassador Forster graduated from the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (Instituto Rio Branco) in 1986. As a diplomat, he served in Canada, Costa Rica, and the United States, where he was posted three times to the Embassy in Washington, as well as to the Brazilian consulates in Hartford (CT) and New York (NY). His diplomatic experience covers areas such as trade negotiations, intellectual property, financial policy, political affairs, international law, consular affairs, administration, and information technology. After starting his career in consular affairs, Forster was posted twice to the Office of the President of Brazil (1990-92 and 2002), having also served as chief of staff at the Office of the Attorney General. Most recently, he headed the Foreign Ministry’s Information Technology Division. Ambassador Forster has led numerous Brazilian delegations to regional and multilateral meetings. In 2006, Nestor Forster successfully concluded his high studies dissertation on “Development Finance” at the Rio Branco diplomatic academy. He also co- authored the Official Style Guide of Brazil’s federal administration, in use for almost 30 years, and participated in the first institutionalized Brazilian presidential transition team in 2002, which resulted in the book “Transition and Democracy: institutionalizing the transferring of power.” He has also appeared as guest speaker at Columbia University, Toronto University, University of Alberta, Université Laval à Montreal, and Instituto Rio Branco. Ambassador Forster was the Chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Brazil in Washington from June 2019 to October 2020. He is the Ambassador of Brazil to the United States of America since October 2020.

What’s Next for US-Brazil Relations? By Laiz Rodrigues Recently in an event organized by the World Affairs Council Atlanta, US Ambassador in Brazil Todd Chapman, Brazilian Ambassador in the US-Washington Nestor Forster, Jr. discussed the several points of strenght between Brazil and the US. It was undeniable that both Ambassadors were ready to embrace in person events and a more personable contact among peers and embassy employees. due to the positive moment we are living in the battle against COVID 19. In the US Embassy in Brasilia Capital of Brazil, they have a total of 1500 (one thousand and five hundred) eemployees. From thia total, 500 (Five hundred) are American and 1000 (one thousand) are Brazilian and ninety percent of them don’t have personal contact with the Ambassador. US Ambassador Todd Chappman says he is looking forward to meet and interact with all his personel. It is time. Brazil today has ten Consulates in the US, under the command of Brazil Ambassador to the US Nestor Forster. Whwn asked about the relationship between the US new Administration he said that President Bolsonaro has an open door policy to the US Embassy and that the Administration is already cooperating with each other. SPEAKING ABOUT THE COVID CHALLENGE One of the biggest challenges for the Brazilian Administration was to tackle the pandemic in the Amazon. With an area eight times larger than the State of Texas and innumerous tribes embedded in the jungle, it is a sensitive matter to plan and execute. The vaccination was and is a major concern, along with food and avoid as much as possible the pandemic in large scales in the region. Between the big centers and the Amazon population the challenge is a serious matter for the government. Brazil has today 38000 (Thirty-eight Thousand) vaccination posts, where One Million vaccines have been administered daily Right now millions of vaccines are brought into Brazil and all citizens with age over 18 are starting to be vaccinated. Today Brazil has over 13 Million pacients cured and 500.000 (Five hundred Thousand deaths. EMPLOYMENT Brazil has been trying toa strong position through the pandemic period, going against lockdowns and economical prying to avoid econmical failure has been a top priority for the Bolsonaro Administration. BRAZIL and USA The partnership between Brazil and the USA is still strong dispite the strong bonds that existed between President Bolsonaro and President Trump. Brazil and the USA have a 200 years strong relationship

As part of this friendship and important alliance in Business and Trade a lot has still to be tuned and advanced, Here is so far what was discussed agreements were signed due to this iniciative. Free Trade is still an idea and supported. Brazil has today a large number of USA Investors with 145 Billion invested so far by the USA, 56 Billion from Spain and 28 Billion from China. Four hundred Fortune 500 companies are in Brazil. Venture Capital investiments ar doubling each year making us believe that Venture Market and FINTEC found a strong market in Brazil. Brazilian Companies in The USA had a 400% increase. Trade facilitation is a preocupation for Brazil and three new Trade It would be great to see the lwo largest Democracies in the worl to get to far ahead in trade. By volume today China is the largest Trade partner. DOING BUSUNESS WITH BRAZIL How difficult it is to do Business with Brazil? Considering the economy there has never been such a positive alignment Government in the Private sector and American Investors. The Bolsonaro Government has an open mind and it is working hard to reach for this desired open market and open business mind. Before that, there are a few important steps to follow such as Tax Redorm and administrative reform. The most important aspect of Brazil is that embracing not only its booming Agriculture but also manufacturing which is the greatest job creator. Brazil is a great Country and growing. We are walking towards a great future.

Time To Do Business


5668 International Drive - Orlando FL 32819 Ph

h# (407) 354 0260 www.boibrazil.com


CHAMBERS MEET & GREET By Laiz A Rodrigues Brazil America Council About a year and a half ago we planned to organize a meeting among Chambers. If you think why, we thought it was needed, not only to reunite, but also to find a way to help each other succeed. Then the pandemic arrived, we were put in the parking lot for a long time. Finally, after so many months taking care of many things we could finally meet each other. It was a great night at BoiBrazil Steakhouse, delicious food, great service, the usual atmosphere, and we had the opportunity to listen to everyones introduction and their main goals. We are hopeful for many more meetings to come. We would like to thank, Luis Martinez Multicultural Director City of Orlando, Commissioner District 4 Maribel Gomez Cordero, the Lake Nona Chamber of Commerce, Pakistani Chamber, Indian American Chamber, British American Chamber of Commerce, Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, Asian American Chamber of Commerce, The Orlando Regional Chamber, The Haitian American Chamber of Commerce, Central Florida International Trade Office-Chris Leggettt, French American Business Council, American Pakistani CC -AMPAK, Khalid Muneer, and Central Florida International Chamber of Commerce .

Photo credits: The Hotspotorlando and Cinthya Bahury

Trade among Brazil Pakistan and the United Estates. These are the most recent numbers according to the Central Florida International Trade Office - CFITO

“The goal of this initiative is to accelerate international trade as our region’s economy continues to grow.” Mayor Teresa Jacobs, Orange County Government Founded in 2014 with the generous support of Orange County Government and J.P. Morgan Chase, the Central Florida International Trade Office (CFITO) provides a single location to connect with a variety of trade resources in Central Florida! Our region is home to over 2 million residents, and represents a vibrant business community and a climate that is bathed in sunshine. We receive over 65 million visitors per year, and are conveniently located in the “I-4 Corridor” between Port Tampa Bay and Port Canaveral.

Orlando is really in the center of it all!

By accelerating access to our existing resources, providing relevant connections, highlighting our region’s superior infrastructure, and emphasizing our collaborative approach to business development, the Central Florida International Trade Office is well positioned to engage The CFITO resides in the National Entrepreneur Center international trade opportunities for both the importers which houses a variety of business support organizations and exporters who wish to do business in Central Florto serve our business community. ida. Our office is designed to accelerate the access and activity for companies interested in trade in Central Florida including Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia counties. Metro Orlando is dedicated to strengthening Central Florida’s position as a world-class center of international trade, in a region that already hosts the largest number of visitors in the United States.

Did you know? The CFITO hosts international trade delegations interested in doing business with our region. Visit our Events page regularly to see if there are any scheduled delegation visits.


unfinished, while governors pocketed the money. The Administration stopped it but woke a number of press and leftists adversaries who are aggressive, and don’t even feel ashamed of such a strong opposition. Corruption took the pandemic funds, which By Laiz Rodrigues was misuse by governors and nobody does anything since the Supreme Court is in rampant to protect anything but the ConWe live in a situation where the world has change its face and stitution. feelings. After the elections and pandemic in 2020, we are experiencing an inversion of behavior and attitudes. The people of Brazil is tired of all the actions taken by the SuAs for some, depression sinked in bringing many negative side effects, such as domestic violence, enhanced drug and alcohol abuse, even suicide. Isolation for teens, children and elderly are devastating and a culprit to a high level of youngsters suicide.

preme Court to control their freedoms. The right wing media representatives are constantly arrested, defunded, and it doesn’t end there, they are desperately trying to make President Bolsonaro ineligible so he won’t run for reelection and Lula the Nation’s biggest thieve could come back to reestablish his new season of distributing the People’s money to all his equals.

The language of love gave place to doubt, uncertainty and fear. First the pandemic along with politics, invasions, revolts, un- Brazil has just lost a battle in Congress to approve Auditable employment, and to top the cake lots of deaths. voting. Yes, I am not lying, President Bolsonaro has become one of the largest vocal leaders to reach this goal and guarantee After one year of fighting an invisible enemy by air, we finally clean elections and auditable to the people, but after all the presreceived the vaccines in a warped speed and took the shot to be sure on social media and street manifestations with millions of able to fight. Unfortunately before we even started celebrating supporter, still was not enough. a long awaited break we received the Delta Variant, a more potent, and lethal form of the COVID. Of course the tension is high and headed to a paralyzation of Did you ever stopped to think the decadence we have witnessed? We are truly in a fight against good and evil. Now the challenges: or what we are supposed to expect from the future. Back to square one, mask mandates, Vax passport possibility, and maybe a lock-down down the road and more businesses maybe struggling will finally succumb to the chaos.

the country on September 07, Brazil Independence Day, where the people and some professional segments will stop to pressure Congress and change the supreme court. In a small resume the Supreme Court allowed Lula to become free, even after convicted in two instances so he could run for President and supposedly defeat President Jair Bolsonaro.

Meanwhile, parents are supposed to decide what they want their children to wear, masks or no masks. Nobody else should interfere in this matter, or what else are they going to decide for our children? No Thank you!

The Supreme Court has interfered with other powers to manipulate the results in Congress. The Supreme Court now arrests, accuses and judges without shame. They arrested several journalists, a member of Congress was arrested and even after pay his fine, still in jail, just for expressing his opinThere was a parenthesis in this wild period to just give us ion, without any justification. a breather. We all continue working, trying to make a living, make sense, make love make ends meet or not make anything Journalist Oswaldo Eustaquio was arrested by the supreme at all. Who can guarantee the future? Who is on the chain of court’s order and tortured in prison. He is now free but paraCommand? Just to fall in the common place, how did we loose plegic. He suffered so much along with his wife who is battling borders completely safe? How are we going to be safe in the next cancer and his children growing in the middle of so much unelections? Will there be Law&Order? God has to help us and certainty. make our Faith survive, otherwise we will succumb. Without At the end the people are getting to a point where they can’t Faith, nothing is possible. support their meddling with the people’s freedoms. Our rights are guaranteed by the Constitution, they must be respected. In South America, Venezuela and Argentina already deep into Social Communism, feels anger, desperation, no guns, no food, Bolsonaro said It is easy to be a communist in a free Country. and all leading the way to total misery, without defending Difficult is being Free in a Communist Country. themselves, no choice but to accept what is handed to them if they do NOT like it. Untill next time, thank you for reading The oppression imposed by Maduro only helps him and his army to take over rapidly, since all he cares is to dominate. In Argentina, Alberto Fernandez took the country to poverty, the most expensive gas in the world and people eating from the garbage. Look around carefully, Freedom these days has a very expensive tab at the peoples cost. Corruption and socialism walk along and after all the money is gone they move on, leaving the sick and the starved behind to fix the mess. After 14 years and more under a systematic corruption, Brazil votes President Jair M Bolsonaro in 2018, who stopped members of Congress, Judges and other actor’s from robbing the country blind. Bolsonaro and members of his government have worked hard to fix all the mistakes and structural projects left behind

INTELECTOS & BRAZIL The INTELECTO Institute was created to inform and clarify the many questions on Environment. It is a partnership among the biggest Brazilian researchers and cientists in the world. The INTELECTO Institute mission is to provide Education, Environmental and Historic rescue.Welcome to intelectos.org

Forest Alliance of BC he appears on national television and radio and is often quoted in the press. As Director and Vice-President, Environment and Government Affairs for Waterfurnace International 1995-1998 he worked to build awareness of the benefits of renewable earth energy technology. He is an accomplished author and photographer and recently published “Green Spirit – Trees are the Answer”, a book on forestry and the environment. Dr. Moore believes strongly in the multi-stakeholder, consensus-based approach to resolving conflicts involving environmental, social, and economic issues.In 1991 Dr. Moore founded Greenspirit, a consultancy focusing on environmental policy and communications in natural resources, biodiversity, energy and climate change.

Through its scientific committee produces articles, audio-visual content, studies, presentation of lectures, workshops, courses in addition to didactic material for young people and adults, aiming at elucidating topics related to Brazil, environment climate change and CO2 emissions; especially topics constantly listed by Patrick Michaels (PhD) the mainstream media that cause disinformation in the lay pub- Scientific advisor lic. Patrick J. Michaels is a Senior Fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the CO2 Coalition. He was Director of the Also in the same line, we are a bridge in the approximation of Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, research potential national and international partners through consul- professor of Environmental Sciences at University of Virginia tancies, case studies and comparative work that will help in the for 30 years, and Virginia State Climatologist for 27 years, Presprogress and development of our partners and, consequently, of ident of the American Association of State Climatologists, and Brazil. program chair for the Committee on Applied Climatology of the American Meteorological Society. INTELECTOS & BRAZIL Our team of experts is constantly in action writing articles, children's literature, workshops, lectures He has published numerous articles on climate or its impact in and consulting. the peer-reviewed scientific literature and is author of nine books on climate, its effects, and science itself, including the newest, “Scientocracy”, published by Cato Books, and co-author of the climate “Paper of the Year” awarded by the Association of American Geographers in 2004. He holds AB and SM degrees in biology and biological sciences from University of Chicago, and a PhD in Ecological Climatology from the University of Wisconsin A new Brazil is coming out of the ashes left by so many years at Madison. of darkness in education in our Universities and schools. Today Brazilian leaders know how important it is to confront our main issues and learn about them. There is enough misinformation NASCIMENTO, Rafaella O. do (PhD) around, and we should know better when it comes to the Envi- Director of the scientific committee ronment. Rafaella Nascimento is PhD in Science (Chemistry) and perINTELECTOS AROUND THE WORLD We are in direct contact with the best non-governmental organizations and soon the fruits of these partnerships will be available to the public.

formed postdoctoral training at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Alan Lopes is the soul of this movement and had this idea to cre- and University of Montreal. She contributed to the development ate an entity to bring the truth to people of nanosensors and nanomaterials suitable to environmental deHere is INTELECTOS ScientificCommittee contamination, bio-imaging and additive manufacturing. Gregory Wrightstone Scientific advisor Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, He is also the author of the bestselling book Inconvenient Facts – the science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. Greg’s expertise on climate change was recently confirmed by his acceptance as an “Expert Reviewer” for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR-6). His philosophy concerning climate, CO2 and humanity can be summed up in one sentence: “We should use all of Earth’s resources for the betterment of mankind, and do it as good stewards.” Patrick Moore (PhD) Scientific advisor Dr. Patrick Moore is an internationally renowned ecologist and environmentalist. Beginning his career as an activist/leader in the Greenpeace movement he now concentrates on collaborative efforts aimed at finding environmental solutions. He speaks and lectures frequently at universities, community meetings and conferences. As a public figure and a senior spokesperson for the

Author of scientific articles, book chapters and inventor of numerous intellectual property, Dr. Nascimento works as research associate in the private sector developing nanomaterials. She is also consultant to high-tech companies, expert advisor at Propel (X) and a member of CO2 Coalition.

BUSINESS & COMMERCE 1. Business And Commerce We often come across words like ‘Commerce’ and ‘Business’ in our day-to-day lives. Most of us don’t think of them as different terminologies, and therefore, we often use them interchangeably as per our requirements and comfort. These words are closely related to one another, but they cover different aspects when we study them from different viewpoints.

Therefore, we can say that e-commerce is simply buying and selling goods/services electronically. E-Business refers to a business that takes place electronically, i.e., every process is technology-driven. It will be hard to find businesses that are entirely tech-based. However, it will be easy if we understand it with the help of an example. For instance, the owner of your company processes salary and attendance online.

This means that these processes are conducted electronBy definition, commerce refers to the process of buy- ically and are, therefore, a part of your company’s e-busiing and selling products and services. These products or ness.es are conducted electronically and are, therefore, a services have a specific value in the market, and they get part of your company’s e-business. exchanged between two entities in return for something valuable, like money.

2. Distinguish Between Business And Commerce Business, on the other hand, refers to the process through which a person or company makes a profit. It involves buying and selling of goods/services, but it also involves other things like management of raw materials, handling of various processes, and financial aspects.

4. Primary Difference Between Business, Commerce And Trade

By the basic definition, you will see that trade and commerce are two different names of the same term. However, there are many differences here, as well. Trade happens between two parties, i.e., a buyer and a sellHowever, it is not as simple as this. Therefore, let’s dif- er, whereas commerce connects a manufacturer to the ferentiate them on the basis of some other factors and end-user. viewpoints to properly define the difference between business and commerce: For example, to sell a product to a customer, a company has to store it in a warehouse, transport it to the nearest 3. Difference Between E-Business and E-Commerce sales point, and only after that, the customer gets to buy Like business and commerce are two different words that product from the market. with different meanings, ‘E-Business’ and ‘E-Commerce’ are also entirely different concepts. It involves many other processes, as well. From this, we can conclude that where commerce is a subset of busiFor example, when we say that someone is using an ness, trade is a subset of commerce. In simple words, e-commerce website to run their business, we mean that everything that is needed to buy or sell a product comes they are using e-commerce as a tool to enhance their under commerce. Also, everything that is needed to profits in business. However, their business may not be manufacture, sell, and take care of the processes that entirely dependent on e-commerce. handle these activities comes under business.


In this blog we cover the major aspects of difference be- Therefore, we can say that business is a wider concept, tween commerce and business. whereas commerce is just a part or a subset of it.

Q. What are the types of commerce? Some of the existing types of e-commerce are: B2A (Business-To-Administration) C2A (Consumer-To-Administration) B2C (Business-To-Consumer) B2B (Business-To-Business) C2C (Consumer-To-Consumer) C2B (Consumer-To-Business)

Q. How can commerce be classified? Commerce can be further classified into trade and other activities that facilitate smooth trading.

Q. What is the meaning of business and commerce? Commerce indicates the purchasing and sale of goods and services for cash or in kind. It is a section or division of the business. Commerce can also be called Trade. Q. What are the 3 types of e-commerce? The 3 main types of e-commerce are: B2C (Business-To-Consumer) B2B (Business-To-Business) C2C (Consumer-To-Consumer) Q. Are trade and commerce different activities? Ans: No. Both trade and commerce involve the same activities, but trade is only an exchange of products/services for money, Source: OK Credit whereas commerce takes care of the entire buying and selling process.


We are thrilled to celebrate the opening of a corporate office for Sonesta Hotels in downtown. Sonesta expects to bring 50 employees to downtown Orlando and expects more growth in the future. The City of Orlando supports businesses interested in moving to downtown and offers programs that serve to help a business move, grow, and stay in downtown. The City of Orlando supported with STRIVE funding to assist in increasing business investment and job creation in downtown Orlando. Sonesta also received High Wage High Value funding, a program that aims to increase business investment and job creation in downtown Orlando by providing up to $4,000.00 per job in total incentives. Downtown Orlando continues to enjoy its reputation as a world class urban core with residential, retail and commercial development with a thriving, diversified economy. Welcome to downtown, Sonesta!

Renowned Artist Naza decides to Tell Her Story and creates a Partnership with Novelist Marcos H. N. Rossi The renowned Brazilian plastic artist Naza (http://www.naza. Marcos, for his part, is honored with the choice; “I've been com/) , who lives in Florida, has come to the conclusion that the specializing in historical novels. My new book, for example, time has come to share her life trajectory with the world. From talks about the saga of an Italian immigrant who arrived in Brathe girl born in Nazareth, interior of Piauí, Brazil, to world zil at the end of the 19th century. renown artist with incomparable expression and creativity, it is time to reveal what brought her between these two extremes. Writing a biography will be a tremendous challenge. We've done months of interviews and now we're in full development on the Every story has a story teller, and to achieve this goal, Naza book, and it's getting pretty interesting. Among the many writteamed up with Brazilian writer Marcos HN Rossi, also resident ers who could have been selected, I was chosen, and I will do in Florida, author of Flores na Varanda and Os Caminhos do my best to make Naza happy with the final result”. Amor in Bread & Joy, as well as his new novel entitled “A Mais Bela Travessia ” to be released in the coming months by Underlined Publishing (https://underlinepublishing.com/) by BrazilThe book is expected next year, but Naza is so excited about ian writer Nereide Santa Rosa. the new project that she wanted to share the news with her followers; "It will be a long journey, but we hope to have more news to share soon." Naza explains her new initiative and how it differs from previous works; “There are existing works about me, such as O Figurativo Abstract of Naza, which addresses my artistic side. But About Marcos H. N. Rossi – Executive, Life-coach, Professor this new book will be a romanticized biography where I tell all and Writer, lives in Doral-Fl my wanderings in Brazil, Panama, the United States, and I talk about my personal, family, loving life, and all the challenges I About Naza – Brazilian plastic artist who lives in Hollywood, encountered to become who I am today.” Fl. Website www.naza.com. About Marcos, Naza comments; “I am very grateful to have met Marcos. His style is dynamic and always makes us curious to know what will happen next”.

Naza Painting: Woman and Cat

Scotty the Blue Macaw

19th Annual Global Peace Film Festival Live on September 21 – 26 Virtually on September 27 – October 3

Following a successful pivot in 2020 to both safely distanced in-person events combined with virtual online feature and short films to be enjoyed from the comfort of home, the 19th annual Global Peace Film Festival (GPFF) returns this year with a similar hybrid format to deliver a robust program that includes thought-provoking films and art exhibits for people all over the world.

Tickets: Both passes and individual film tickets go on sale in July at GPFF. Tickets for in- person films are $10 each. Patrons may purchase a $100 White Dove Pass that provides access to all films both in person and on the virtual platform during the availability window (certain geographic restrictions apply) as well as other ticket and pass options.

Starting on the International Day of Peace, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021, running through Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, a selection of feature and short films will be presented in person at locations in Winter Park and Orlando. These films highlight Official GPFF Event: themes such as civil rights, environmental justice, ethics, human rights, immigration, LGBTQ+, music, social justice, HEAL THE WORLD: Make it a Better Place, an exhibition voting, wellness and wildlife. by Leonardo Bianchi to be presented at CityArts, at 39 S. Magnolia Ave. in downtown Orlando. An illustrator and artist, Leonardo Bianchi creates images that he hopes will catalyze and empower social change, encourage empathy In years past, this unique festival has brought filmmakers and for others and respect for social justice. His thought-profilmgoers from all walks of life to Central Florida, inspiring voking illustrations -- inspired by rubber-hose style of earthem to take action in their daily lives and to leave the world ly-era cartoon animations from the 1920s and 1930s -- ada more peaceful place than they found it. GPFF continues dress essential themes of humanity and injustice worldwide. this tradition with a full in-person program as well as vir- Through art and music, his messages help viewers develop tually through online feature, documentary and short film empathetic understanding for social and cultural issues screenings, panel discussions and art exhibits. through indelible metaphors and an economy of line, color, and text. As last year, there will be both a ticketed and a free way to watch the virtual films that will be available from Monday, On View: September 16 through October 17, 2021 @ CitySept. 27 through Sunday, Oct. 3. Both ticketed and free films Arts will be accessible at the GPFF website – as will the filmmaker interviews and information about the in-person events.

USA Volleyball has selected Orlando-FL to host the 2022 USA Volleyball Open National Championship May 27-June 1, 2022

USA Volleyball has selected Orlando, Fla., to host the 2022 USA “We look forward to welcoming the 2022 USA Volleyball Open Volleyball Open National Championship, May 27-June 1, 2022. National Championship and corporate annual meetings to Orlando in May of next year,” said Casandra Matej, president  The event was last held in Orlando in 2016 with a record num- and CEO of Visit Orlando. “Orlando has been successfully and ber of 578 teams in attendance. USA Volleyball also operates safely hosting in-person group events since reopening over a the Sunshine Classic Girls Junior National Qualifier annually in year ago. From professional sports to youth tournaments, sports Orlando in early spring. tourism has been an important force in our destination’s recovery, and we are thrilled that USA Volleyball has selected Orlan“USA Volleyball is thrilled to be bringing the USA Volleyball do for their event next year.” Open National Championship back to Orlando in 2022,” said Jamie Davis, USA Volleyball president and CEO. “Visit Orlan“We are so pleased to welcome our good friends at USA Voldo, the Greater Orlando Sports Commission, and the Orange leyball back to Orlando for the 2022 Open National ChampiCounty Convention Center always prove to be wonderful hosts onship, banquet and corporate meetings in May of 2022. Our for our athletes, officials, coaches and fans. I am sure that in community has a long history of hosting premier volleyball addition to experiencing the best volleyball has to offer in the events, and we know that our guests and their families will have United States that our group will thoroughly enjoy their stay in a tremendous experience while visiting us in Central Florida,” the destination.” said Jason Siegel, president and CEO of the Greater Orlando Sports Commission. USA Volleyball will hold its annual meetings in Orlando ahead SOURCE: Greater Orlando Sports Commission of the event and celebrate annual inductees and award honorees at the USA Volleyball Hall of Fame presented at the Dorothy C. Boyce Banquet on May 25.

Brazil Makes Progress Never Seen Before in the World Market

bodies. Minister Carlos França spoke with OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann last week, they addressed the broad cooperation agenda between Brazil and the OECD, which includes economic recovery, fighting the pandemic, and promoting #sustainabledevelopment.

In the International Trade market, Brazil continues to strive in The Minister reaffirmed the interest of the Brazilian government its growth among other Nations with treaties and close partici- in beginning the process of accession to the OECD as soon as pation in OECD possible. Brazil is fully in line with the organization’s principles of democracy, market economy, and promotion of sustainable development. Organisation for Economic Co-operation

and Development

In the next Ministerial Meeting of the OECD Council on OcThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development tober 5th and 6th, chaired by the USA, Brazil will be invited to (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build bet- participate as a key partner and prospective member. ter policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that fosThe @OECD is a forum made up of 38 countries devoted to ter prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. the promotion of converging standards on economic, financial, Brazil is one of 6 countries keen to join the OECD. They have al- trade, social and environmental subjects. Its meetings and deready significantly ramped up their engagement with us, adher- bates allow for the exchange of experiences and coordination of ing to 100 out of 245 OECD legal instruments and participating government policies. in 37 OECD

Brazil and Pakistan talk Business The Secretary for Bilateral Negotiations in Asia, the Pacific and Russia of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Additional Secretary (Americas) of the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-chaired the fifth edition of Brazil-Pakistan political consultations They discussed topics of bilateral interest such as the expansion of #trade and #investment, agricultural trade, technical cooperation, and opportunities related to the expansion of production and consumption of #ethanol. #BrazilPakistan They also exchanged views on the regional landscapes in Asia and the Americas, the fight against #COVID19, post-pandemic economic recovery, and sustainability matters, such as #COP26 on climate change and the Global Biodiversity Framework.

The first meeting of the MERCOSUR Leadership

Underscoring its commitment to the modernization agenda, Brazil will continue its efforts to transform the bloc into an effective instrument to increase competitiveness and improve integration into regional and global markets. The Brazilian presidency will seek to promote an agenda of free trade agreements with foreign partners, continue to revise the Common External Tariff CET and converge on “non-tariff ” matters, such as trade in services, investments, and digital economy.

Common Market Group Coordinators during the rotating presidency of Brazil was held yesterday. At the meeting, Brazil indicated that economic and trade advances will be a priority, focusing on concrete gains for citizens

On the citizenship agenda, the country will prioritize health, post-pandemic recovery, and the bloc’s contributions to the areas of justice and security, in addition to continuing the celebration of 30 years of MERCOSUR.

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Aamir Waheed & Home Constructors LLC is proud to announce that it will soon be breaking ground for its affordable housing project in Deltona, Florida, outside of Orlando, Florida. The move is necessitated by the growing demand for affordable housing in Orlando and throughout Central Florida. To achieve this goal, the company is leveraging its many years of experience in the industry, and the latest building technologies. So far, the plan layouts are complete, and the groundwork on the first batch of homes will start soon. Besides the affordability part of it, the homes are set to incorporate sustainable energy solutions. The company President and Founder, Aamir Waheed, has partnered with a Turkish company to start building solar roofing. The partnership will produce enough renewable energy to make all the homes his company builds self-sustaining in terms of energy. This is a big deal for residents of Central Florida. On top of getting these homes affordably, they will also have the advantage of having zero-cost electricity thanks to the solar panels. The affordable housing project is the brainchild of Aamir Waheed and is based on his many years of experience in the real estate industry. He got into the industry 25-years and has perfected his skills in buying and selling homes and building high-quality homes that meet and exceed the laid down regulations on home construction. His understanding of the industry has given him foresight on affordable housing and the use of renewable energy in line with the current global need to save the planet from the effects of climate change. Besides affordability, clients can expect many other benefits from buying a home from Home Constructors LLC. The first one is customer service. The company takes customer service seriously and is the reason Aamir Waheed has started and run multiple real estate companies successfully. At Home Constructors LLC, they make sure that clients get the information they need before they get involved in a real estate transaction. They aim to ensure that anyone who gets involved with the company is happy at the end of every transaction. The company’s customer service also encompasses after-sale services. If you buy a property from them, they help you link up with experts who can help you out with everything from repairs to upgrades. The company also has an elaborate system that allows customers to request customizations on their projects. The idea is quite simple. You can buy a home and request them to customize it for you to meet your design needs. This aspect of their services will be included in the project that it is about to launch in Central Florida. This is a big deal because it means that buyers will have a say in the designs they get, while at the same time getting them affordably. The customization aspect is one factor that has endeared this company to real estate clients over the years and will be one of the key selling points in the upcoming project.


There is also the aspect of material quality. Since it started operations, Home Constructors has taken pride in providing customers with homes that are built to last. It has contacts with some of the best material suppliers in Florida. The only reason it can provide its homes affordably is its economies of scale when purchasing materials. Unlike an individual building a home, this company has the leverage to negotiate for the best prices in the market and pass the same to its clients. Essentially this means that clients can expect even lower costs in the long run on home renovations. It is one of the factors that has helped the company grow to where it is today as a quality yet affordable home builder. People buying from Home Constructors will also take pride in the fact that they are buying from a company whose founder believes in philanthropy. Of the profits he makes from his companies, Aamir spends a sizeable chunk of it helping the less fortunate in society. One of his core areas of focus when it comes to philanthropy is on the homeless. He has, over the years, been giving them food, clothes, and other basics. Since the pandemic started in 2020, Aamir has doubled his charity efforts, driven by the awareness that this group of people is at risk and needs the most help. With the money that he will make from the current project, he hopes to double down his efforts on this front. Aamir is also a firm believer in reversing the effects of climate change. He understands that a sizeable portion of the problems

Source FTP Free Press Tampa

that the world is facing today can be linked to this issue. On this basis, he has contributed thousands of dollars to this course. By buying from them, you will be facilitating him to give even more to courses that help fight climate change and make the world a much better place for all. One of the areas he wants to channel his energies is on educating builders on the importance of using renewable energy sources. He is already leading the way through the partnership to use renewable energy sources in the current project. Home Constructors is a residential home construction company. It is specialized in the provision of affordable homes all across Florida. You can learn more about Aamire by viewing his Crunchbase profile or aamirwaheedorlando.medium Aamir was also recently featured in Inspirery. For more information, visit www.aamirwaheedorlandoflorida. com

Aamir Waheed Home Constructors LLC Email us HERE

Red Bull Racing Honda and Scuderia Alpha Tauri Honda Max Verstappen-The Storm

Red Bull Racing Honda and Scuderia Alpha Tauri Honda qualifying quotes. Max Verstappen cruised to his second 2021 pole position in succession at the Red Bull Ring as the Dutchman finished ahead of the two Mercedes cars in Saturday qualifying for the Styrian GP. The Red Bull Racing Honda driver currently leads the championship and is in a good position for more crucial points tomorrow with Mexican teammate Sergio Pérez fifth on the day, but starting fourth on the grid for Sunday after a grid penalty for Valtteri Bottas dropped him down. Scuderia AlphaTauri Honda duo Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda also impressed to reach Q3 with the Frenchman sixth on the grid and the Japanese rookie eighth on the day, but starting 11th after a grid penalty. Red Bull Racing Honda MAX VERSTAPPEN - 1st "It is of course a great result to take the Team's first pole position at our home track and I feel very good about that. We made a big step forward in qualifying this year and although the car has been competitive and pretty easy to set-up all weekend we still made some good changes for qualifying. From my side, the first lap in Q3 felt pretty good. Around here you don't have many corners but it is actually quite hard to nail the lap because of the braking up to Turn 3 and 4 where it is easy to lose a tenth if you make a tiny mistake. When I started driving in F1 this was always one of the tracks that I felt good at and as there aren't many corners the driver can make a big difference, which I like. Some tracks are pretty straight forward on how you take corners but here there are a few options for that which makes it more enjoyable. I expect it will be super tight again tomorrow. We know Mercedes have a strong race car and they are pretty good on the tyres so it will be very close, which I think is also good for the fans and the way everyone likes it." Source: Red Bull

Double Guinness World Record holder discovers challenging Dolomites trails. By Tom Ward

Double Guinness World Record holder discovers challenging Dolomites trails. Double Guinness World Record holder Tom Oehler has taken trial mountain biking to new heights again in his brand new video as the 37-year-old Austrian headed to the Italian mountain range of the Dolomites to discover challenging Italian trails. Oehler, who holds the world records in bike high jump and 400m hurdles on a bike, rode around the decadent, historic Grand Hotel de l'Europe in the Austrian resort of Bad Gastein last year and has followed up with another visually pleasing project. Here is what Oehler had to say about how the film came together, the challenges and the tricks you didn't see: The Dolomites form a stunning backdrop, but why did you choose to shoot there? I already knew the general area from mountain biking there previously. But going up to the hut we shot from is quite unusual. It's an unusual location to take your bike as it's right at the top of the mountains. Usually, the huts are a little lower but here you have to climb up to the peak if you want to have nice views. This was one of the main reasons we chose to go there, because it was so high. You've ridden similar sections before. What was your experience riding there for this video?


It's similar to other areas I've ridden so I know how the rocks and the trails would look, approximately. Obviously I didn't know what the sections would be like exactly. It wasn't all shot on one location either; we changed locations to have more exposed, high alpine trails with no room for error. I love all kinds of mountain biking, but alpine riding is my favourite field. I have a strong trials background so when I stepped forward to the mountain biking scene I knew that with my technique I could ride a lot of trails that would be challenging for other riders with a different background. What were the challenges riding in such a remote location? Well, I slept really badly up there because of the high altitude. It's more than 3,000 feet. I was in Nepal and Kurdistan before where we did some really high altitude routes and I was almost OK with the altitude, but still not really great. Usually (being at altitude) costs me a lot of sleep. In the Dolomites I would get up in the morning and it would be freezing. There's a picture of me wrapped in blankets because it was super cold. It was very cloudy too. We were hoping for clear weather to have the most beautiful sunrise but it didn't work out that way. What other challenges did you encounter? We went in late August which is a busy time in Italy. The weather was good so there were hundreds of Italians walking up the mountains. Usually when you take your bike up on the high alpine trails in Austria people aren't happy to see you because it's supposed to be a foot trail. When you do the same thing in Italy, they go crazy about it, they love it. They would stop and watch us. I'm used to bike trial demos with big audiences but when I do alpine riding I want to be by myself so it was a bit weird to have 20-25 people standing watching, then applauding when I did the section.

Did having a crowd put pressure on your performance? No. You have to get a feel for your comfort zone. You usually don't go over that comfort zone in alpine riding because the consequences can be serious. Usually when I'm doing demos I want to leave my comfort zone because of the spectators. So when we were filming I had to make sure I wasn't doing it for the camera or the crowd, instead I had to only ride stuff that I would normally ride so it didn't get too dangerous.

With those exposed trails where I'm riding in the wall on a half metre of trail, it was quite a mind game. It was quite risky. I'd walked the trails before we went there to shoot and afterwards I had the section in my mind for a few weeks. At the time I wasn't sure if I was going to ride certain sections and then on the shooting day, when we climbed up there, I was a little bit ahead of the crew so I thought 'OK I can just go and ride it right now without the video or anyone watching'. The first thing I did when I got up there was put my helmet on and get it done for myself so I knew it was doable. Then we did everything again for the video. Were there any cool moments that didn't make the final edit? There was one section around a hut by an old lift which they used to use to transport food up to the huts. The hut was small and quite wobbly. I made a little kicker of some rocks to get up there and back down. Unfortunately this didn't make the final film because something didn't work out well (from a filming perspective), I guess.


Some of the sections look very gnarly. Were there any scary moments?

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