Happy 2013 ! We hope that you will find the rightpath, that you will conquer all your dreams and that, if you haven’t found the love of your life you will, but above all, make sure you have God in your heart first, and he will always be the orchestrator in your universe. We have a whole new year ahead, lots of good surprises, and several plans to bring new things to all of you, but keep it in mind, that we all need each other and we would not have got this far without our collaborators and fans. So here are our thanks to all of you, and let’s get going to enter this new Year with a great perspective ! As you know our biggest and strongest ally is photography and we are constantly looking for the best image and focus for every situation, reason why, more and more we are welcoming the collaboration of different photo graphers and looking always for better quality. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, we need powerful good, images.
Being a digital Magazine places us in a hotspot, not only with the commitment to give the best image and information but also to keep up with all the reading gadgets out there so we are always at reach to all our readers. Reason why we can be seen in your smartphone,iPhone, iPad and all readers out there, that is our commitment to you Besides the many requests to print we are firm believers that online, and digital is the best position we chose, we need our trees and we do not wish to add any more unnecessary clutter to your day by day. Nature is important So keep in mind to renew, refresh and recycle, and get as greener as you can ! Happy New Year!
Laiz Rodrigues Editor AboutUS/Hotspotorlando www.thehotspotorlando.com Please help protect Earth!
OUR COLLABORATORS THIS MONTH January 2013 CEO Ademar Rodrigues Editor Laiz Rodrigues International Business Sean Slack Eco Tourism-Local Art Brazil Edmundo Cavalcanti Life and other sweet things Elita Freitas Treats Come True Marta Tompson The Orlando Music Scene Larry Poynter Jr. Life Coaching and Guidance Amy Litter Community Leader TAUBATE’ Tania Dam Child Orientation Deo Britos Show Biz-Entertainment Vicky Talking a Lot (as herself) Our Special thanks to Visit Orlando, Bisbee&Co, Richeson Communications, PRNews, Disney. Our Special thanks to Luiz Piquet for the constant support and great advice. Thanks to all our writers for your constant dedication.
Our cover: The art of Andre Luiz Muniz (DALATA)- On top another art work from the Artist.
Table of Contents
Why Visit Orlando in 2013.............................................................................................................Page 10
Downtown Food & Wine Fest..................................................................................................................Page 16 AVANTI Resort-Orlando...........................................................................................................................Page 18 Hard Rock Rewards.................................................................................................................................Page 22 Fresh to Order..........................................................................................................................................Page 24 The Brazilian Flavor Invades Orlando......................................................................................................Page 26 Monster Truck..........................................................................................................................................Page 34 Orlando Phillarmonic Orchestra...............................................................................................................Page 36 The Ringling Brothers Barnun&Bailey......................................................................................................Page 38 Amy Litter-A Clear Path...........................................................................................................................Page 46 Treats Come True....................................................................................................................................Page 50 Ecoturismo...............................................................................................................................................Page 52 Tania Dami Up-Casa da Mulher e Vida...................................................................................................Page 56 Miss America sponsored by AMWAY.......................................................................................................Page 64 Victoria’s Secret 2013-Swim....................................................................................................................Page 70 About Time Pieces...................................................................................................................................Page 78 Sephora Hot.............................................................................................................................................Page 80 Kate Moss for Stuart Weitzman...............................................................................................................Page 82 Baby GAP- Inspired on Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potters..........................................................................Page 88 The Fiat 500E..........................................................................................................................................Page 96 About Vicky............................................................................................................................................Page 100 2 CELLOS..............................................................................................................................................Page 104 Larry Poynter Jr......................................................................................................................................Page 108 All that Jazz............................................................................................................................................Page 110 Janis Joplin-Pearl Sessions...................................................................................................................Page 114 FRACKNATION-Documentary...............................................................................................................Page 118 Comming UP on DVD............................................................................................................................Page 124 Zhang Dali expo@ Eli Klein...................................................................................................................Page 126 Andre Luiz Muniz DALATA.....................................................................................................................Page 130 A Arte de Sandra Gobert........................................................................................................................Page 138 By Elita...................................................................................................................................................Page 148 Disney News..........................................................................................................................................Page 152
GLOBAL REACH LOCAL EXPERIENCE Miami 1331 Brickell Bay Dr. Suite CU-2 Miami, FL 33131 (305) 373-0102 Orlando 9350 Conroy Windermere Road Windermere, FL 34786 (407) 909-5980 New York 160 Varick Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013
Missão business relations and The CFBACC mission isNossa to facilitate A missão da Central Florida Chamber of Commerce partnerships in order to Brazilian create American or increase trade, commerce é facilitar o relacionamento e parcerias comerciais, para criar ou incrementar o and investments among its members comércio e investimentos entre seus membros. 4630 South Kirkman Road #183-Orlando-Fl-32811 7512 Dr. Philipd Blvd #50-354 Orlando, FL 32819 Phone407 # (407) 610-7158 690-9722 www.cfbacc.net www.cfbacc.com
Photos and Text by Visit Orlando
2013, um ano Sensacional para Orlando Expansões sem precedentes nos parques temáticos, novas atrações e hotéis estão entre as novidades no destino predileto das familias By Visit Orlando
2013 é um ano de sorte em Orlando, que dará aos turistas mais razões para visitar um dos destinos mais populares do mundo. Neste ano, expansões sem precedentes e avanços tecnológicos serão realidade para quem visita este destino mágico. Novas atrações nos parques temáticos, novidades em hotéis, refeições e lojas darão ainda mais motivos para colocar Orlando no topo das listas de destinos de férias em 2013. Com a abertura de novas atrações durante todo o ano, os visitantes ficarão cara a cara com a realeza, uma colônia de pinguins e Transformers imensos.
eles acompanham e vivem as aventuras de um jovem pinguim. Além disso, a nova área traz um novo habitat de pinguins que levará os visitantes mais perto do que nunca de uma colônia de pinguins, uma loja de presentes e um conceito inovador de gastronomia, que traz no cardápio pratos internacionais preparados com ingredientes frescos.
Após um 2012 repleto de novas experiências de entretenimento apresentadas no Universal Orlando Resort com Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, o show noturno Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular, o desfile Universal’s Superstar Parade e a reabertura de The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman (As Incríveis Aventuras do Homem Aranha), 2013 traz TRANSFORMERS: The Ride – 3D. Com abertura prevista para o verão de 2013 nos EUA, a atração alia os personagens TRANSFORMERS a um enredo emocionante com mídia ultrarrealista HD CGI, o grau máximo de inovação em tecnologia 3-D e efeitos especiais surpreendentes para colocar os visitantes no meio de uma batalha épica entre os Autobots e os Decepticons.
Princesinhas e pequenos príncipes terão experiências ainda mais encantadoras à sua espera no Walt Disney World Resort, com a maior expansão da história do Magic Kingdom, na Fantasyland. Outra atração recém-inaugurada em dezembro de 2012 é Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid, um show musical que traz Ariel e amigos, além dos Enchanted Tales with Belle, onde visitantes de todas as idades reviverão "a história tão antiga quanto o tempo" ao lado de Belle, e o restaurante Be Our Guest, o primeiro restaurante no Magic Kingdom a servir bebidas alcoólicas.
Os visitantes embarcarão em uma jornada rumo às profundezas do mundo, até o continente mais gelado, assolado por ventos implacáveis, quando o SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment inaugurar a maior expansão feita até hoje em todos os parques. Na primavera de 2013 nos EUA será inaugurado Antarctica - Empire of the Penguin (Antártida - Império do Pinguim) no SeaWorld Orlando. Mais do que apenas uma nova atração, o novo "reino" será a atração mais fria do mundo em Com abertura prevista para 2013, o Princess Faium parque temático, e oferecerá aos visitantes uma rytale Hall permitirá aos visitantes interagir com princesas queridas por todos como Aurora e Cinvariedade de experiências inéditas. derela no pátio do castelo, localizado no coração Um passeio interativo de vanguarda levará os visi- da Fantasyland. tantes em uma viagem emocionante pelos perigos e belezas impressionantes da Antártida, enquanto
Ficar esperando na fila será uma coisa do passado quando o Walt Disney World Resort lançar MyMagic+, nesta primavera nos EUA. Através do MyMagic+, um novo site e aplicativo que oferece aos visitantes a chance de garantir lugares para desfiles, shows de fogos de artifício e interações com personagens, ou mesmo os cobiçados FastPasses, antes mesmo de saírem de casa. Quando estiverem em Orlando, os visitantes usarão pulseiras chamadas de MagicBands, que servem como chave de quarto, ingresso e FastPasses. O sistema opcional também permite fazer mudanças e personalizações através do aplicativo, e com isso os personagens poderão até dar cumprimentos personalizados aos visitantes.
Os fãs de montanhas-russas clássicas não vão querer perder a nova montanha-russa de madeira, White Lighting, localizada no Fun Spot America (conhecido anteriormente como Fun Spot Action Park), que foi expandido para 10 acres (3,9 hectares), e cuja primeira fase será inaugurada na primavera de 2013 nos EUA. A primeira fase inclui também a maior Skycoaster do mundo, uma nova montanha-russa suspensa chamada Vekoma, e uma grande variedade de pistas de corrida e passeios para toda a família. A segunda fase será inaugurada em 2015, com o acréscimo de um parque aquático, jantar-show e praça de alimentação.
lenia, vão inaugurar novas opções de luxo. A loja do designer Michael Kors, além da loja de acessórios e joias Tous, agora fazem parte das mais de 250 lojas do The Florida Mall. The Mall at Millenia, que figura entre os 10 shoppings de maior sucesso do mundo segundo a Shopping Centers Today, apresentará uma nova leva de lojas de prestígio internacional, como Prada, YSL, e os relojoeiros suíços Hublot, Omega e Breitling.
Orlando Premium Outlets – Vineland Ave, um dos dois locais do Orlando Premium Outlets em Orlando, está se expandindo, adicionando 7.200 metros quadrados e 12 novas lojas. A nova expansão, chamada The Promenade, terá como loja principal à Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th e incluirá restaurante e um Centro de Informações.
Para fazer companhia aos quase vinte resorts de luxo e spas de Orlando, o Grand Floridian Resort da Disney dá boas vindas ao Senses — um spa de propriedade e administração da Disney. A nova unidade combina a elegância da virada do século com acessórios modernos e uma pitada de extravagância Disney. Desde terapia de água, tratamentos faciais cítricos de rejuvenescimento cítricas, Pedicure de Princesa ou até Manicure Mágica para crianças entre 4 e 12 anos, as 15 salas de tratamento oferecem inúmeras opções para os visitantes que procuram um carinho e um trato no O Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex irá visual. O spa no Saratoga Springs Resort da Disney está inaugurar a nova casa com 8.100 metros quadra- temporariamente fechado para reforma e reabrirá no dos do ônibus espacial Atlantis, que foi aposentado em verão dos EUA sob o nome Senses – um Spa da Disney 2011. Com inauguração prevista para julho de 2013, a no Saratoga Springs Resort da Disney. exposição avaliada em US$ 100 milhões dará a oportunidade de conferir o ônibus espacial de perto, além de ter recursos interativos que mostram as grandes conquistas do Programa Espacial, incluindo o Telescópio Espacial Hubble e a International Space Station (EstaO Universal Orlando Resort oferece duas noção Espacial Internacional). vas experiências gastronômicas para os visitantes no parque Universal Studios Florida. COMPRAS O café da manhã com personagens Superstar Character Fazer compras é uma das atividades preferidas Breakfast oferece aos visitantes a oportunidade de condos que visitam Orlando, e 2013 proveerá ainda hecer os personagens da Universal Superstar Parade, mais opções para esses compradores em busca de lan- como os Minions do Despicable Me (Meu Malvado Façamentos e produtos de alta qualidade. Dois dos shop- vorito), SpongeBob (Bob Esponja) e Dora the Explorer pings de Orlando, The Florida Mall e The Mall at Mil- (Dora, a Aventureira).
Os visitantes também terão acesso a uma área especial para assistir o desfile mais tarde naquele dia. A outra novidade é a Cinematic Spectacular Dining Experience, onde os visitantes desfrutarão de um jantar no Lombard’s Seafood Grille em uma área reservada para assistir o Cinematic Spectacular, um novo show noturno apresentado na lagoa central do parque Universal Studios Florida.
Com abertura prevista para a primavera de 2013 nos EUA e localizado no Audubon Park, em Orlando, um centro de pequenas empresas. O East End Market abrigará 10 empresas de alimentação da região, incluindo uma peixaria, açougue, padaria e mercado de frutas e verduras. Neste mercado, Henry Salgado, chef indicado ao prêmio James Beard, abrirá em parceria com a esposa Michele o Txokos Kitchen (pronuncia-se show-kohs), um restaurante que oferecerá almoço e jantar preparados com ingredientes frescos.
área para reuniões. Todos os lucros irão para um fundo que visa custear bolsas de estudo integrais para os estudantes universitários da Rollins que mais se destacarem.
E quem visita o centro de Orlando terá um lugar novo e moderno onde se hospedar a partir de 22 de agosto de 2013, com a abertura do Aloft Orlando Downtown Hotel. Próximo do Amway Center, do Dr. Phillips Center for Performing Arts e de uma variedade de restaurantes e de opções de entretenimento noturno, o hotel terá 118 quartos, bar com cocktails e música, um lounge, acesso Wi-Fi gratuito e mais de 464 metros quadrados de espaço para reuniões e banquetes.
Para obter mais informações sobre férias em Orlando, para solicitar um kit para planejar férias que inclui um Guia Oficial de Férias Orlando Magicard™, ou para comprar ingressos com desconto, os visitantes podem acessar o site oficial de Orlando, VisitOrlando.com ou HOTÉIS telefonar para um Agente de Viagens Oficial no telefone 1-800-551-0181 (Estados Unidos e Canadá) ou A encantadora cidade de Winter Park, ao norte 407-363-5872. Para obter atualizações em tempo real, do centro de Orlando, recebe o Alfond Inn at siga-nos no Twitter em Twitter.com/VisitOrlando ou Rollins. Com abertura em 2013, o hotel-boutique lo- Facebook em Facebook.com/VisitOrlando. Em Orlancalizado no terreno da prestigiada escola de artes Rol- do, os visitantes podem ir até o Centro Oficial de Visilins College oferece 110 quartos, e terá piscina, fitness tantes, localizado na 8723 International Dr. center, restaurante, lounge e 836 metros quadrados de
Unprecedented Theme Park Expansions, New Attractions and Accommodations Among 13 New Additions to The Country's Most Popular Destination
Little princesses and princes will have even more magical experiences awaiting them at the Walt Disney World Resort, as Fantasyland is undergoing the largest expansion in Magic Kingdom's history. Fresh off the December 2012 opening is Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid, a musical showcase featuring Ariel and friends, as well as Enchanted Tales with Belle where guests of all ages reenact "the tale as old as time" alongside Belle and Be Our Guest Restaurant, the first restauIt's a lucky year in Orlando, as 2013 offers visitors more rant in Magic Kingdom to serve alcohol. Opening in 2013 reasons to visit the country's most popular travel desti- Princess Fairytale Hall will allow guests to interact with nation as unprecedented expansions and technological beloved princess like Aurora, Cinderella and others in the advancements come to fruition. New theme park at- Castle Courtyard located in the heart of Fantasyland. tractions, accommodations, dining and shopping, proWaiting in line may be a thing of the past, when Walt vide more reasons to put Orlando at the top of vacation Disney World Resort launches MyMagic+ later this lists in 2013. Visitors will come face to face with royalty, spring. Through MyMagic+, a new Web site and app will a colony of penguins and larger than life Transformers as new attractions and thrills open throughout the year. give guests, prior to leaving their homes, the opportunity to lock in seating for parades, fireworks and character interactions or even coveted FastPasses. Once in Orlando, THEME PARKS guests will wear wristbands called MagicBands, serving Visitors will embark on a voyage to the bottom-of- as room keys, tickets and FastPasses. The optional system the-world, to the coldest and windiest continent as also allows for changes through the app and customization SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment welcomes their biggest so that characters may even be able to provide personalexpansion to date across all parks with the spring 2013 ized greetings. opening of Antarctica – Empire of the Penguin at SeaWorld Orlando. More than just a new ride, the new "realm" will be the coldest theme park attraction in the world and ATTRACTIONS Fans of classic rollercoasters won't want to miss the include a variety of new experiences for guests. A statenew White Lighting wooden coaster coming to Fun of-the-art interactive ride will take guests on an exciting Spot America (formerly Fun Spot Action Park) as part of journey through the dangers and wondrous beauty of the Antarctic as they follow and mimic a young penguin's ad- its 10–acre (3.9-hectare) expansion with the first phase ventures. Additionally, the new area will include a new opening spring 2013. Phase one also includes the world's penguin habitat that will bring guests closer than ever to a biggest SkyCoaster, a new suspended family coaster called colony of penguins, a gift shop and a new dining concept Vekoma and a wide range of family friendly racetracks and rides. Phase two will open by 2015 with the addition of a featuring market-style, international food. water park, dinner show and food court.
Following a packed 2012 with more new entertainment experiences unveiled in Universal Orlando Resort's history with Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Universal's Cinematic Spectacular nighttime lagoon show, Universal's Superstar Parade and the reopening of The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, 2013 brings TRANSFORMERS: The Ride – 3D. Opening in summer 2013, the attraction combines the larger-than-life TRANSFORMERS characters and an exciting storyline with life-like HD CGI media, state-of-the-art 3-D technology and amazing special effects to place riders right in the middle of an epic battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons.
Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex will unveil the 90,000-square-foot (8,100-meter) home for the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which retired in 2011. Opening July 2013, the $100 million exhibit will provide views of the vehicle up close, along with interactive features reflecting major accomplishments of the Space Shuttle Program, including the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station.
With shopping one of the top activities for visitors to Orlando, 2013 will provide more options for savvy shoppers seeking high-end products. Two of Orlando's malls, The Florida Mall and The Mall at Millenia will debut new luxury offerings. Clothing retailer Michael Kors, along with accessory and jewelry retailer Tous will be added to the more than 250 retailers a The Florida Mall. The Mall at Millenia, ranked in the top 10 among the world's most successful shopping centers by Shopping Centers Today, will open a new wave of internationally recognized retailers including Prada, YSL and Swiss watchmakers Hublot, Omega and Breitling.
Opening in spring 2013 and located in Orlando's Audubon Park, a hub for eclectic, unique and funky small businesses, East End Market will house 10 local, independently owned food enterprises, including a butcher, seafood merchant, produce vendor and baker. Inside the market, James Beard Nominated Chef Henry Salgado , alongside is wife Michele will open Txokos Kitchen (pronounced show-kohs), a dine-in restaurant featuring farm-fresh lunch and dinner options.
The charming town of Winter Park, just north of downtown Orlando welcomes the Alfond Inn at Rollins. Opening in 2013, the boutique inn on the propOrlando Premium Outlets - Vineland Ave, one of two erty of nationally ranked liberal arts school, Rollins ColOrlando Premium Outlet locations in Orlando, is ex- lege, offers 110-rooms that feature a swimming pool, fitpanding by adding 80,000 square feet (7,200 square me- ness center, restaurant, lounge and 9,000 square feet (836 ters) and 12 new stores. The expansion, to be named The square meters) of meeting space. All profits will go into Promenade, will be anchored by Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th an endowment to provide full scholarships for top Rollins and will include additional dining as well as an Informa- College students. tion Center. SPA Visitors to downtown Orlando will have a new
Joining Orlando's nearly two dozen luxury resort and day spas, Disney's Grand Floridian Resort welcomes Senses – A Disney-owned-and-operated spa. The new facility blends turn-of-the-century elegance with modern accoutrements and a dash of Disney whimsy. From water therapy and rejuvenating citrus facials, to a Princess Pedicure or Magical Manicure for little ones ages 4 – 12, the 15 treatments rooms offer a wide variety of options for visitors looking for a little pampering. In addition, the spa at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort is temporarily closed for renovation and will reopen in the summer as Senses – A Disney Spa at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort. DINING
modern place to stay with the August 22, 2013 opening of Aloft Orlando Downtown Hotel. Located within walking distance of the Amway Center, Dr. Phillips Center for Performing Arts and a variety of restaurants and nightlife options, the 118 guest-room property will feature a bar with cocktails and music, a lounge, free Wi-Fi and more than 5,000 square feet (464 square meters) of meeting and banquet space.
For more information about vacation experiences in Orlando, to order a complimentary vacation planning kit that includes a comprehensive Official Vacation Guide the Orlando Magicard™, or to purchase discount attraction tickets, visitors can log onto Orlando's official Web site at www.VisitOrlando.com or call an Official Travel Counselor at 1-800-551-0181 (United States and Canada) or 407-363-5872. For real time updates, follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/VisitOrlando or Facebook at facebook. com/VisitOrlando. While in Orlando, visitors may stop by the Official Visitor Center located at 8723 International Dr. SOURCE Visit Orlando
Universal Orlando Resort offers two new dining experiences for guests at its Universal Studios Park. The Superstar Character Breakfast offers guests a chance to meet characters from the Universal Superstar Parade including Despicable Me Minions, SpongeBob SquarePants and Dora the Explorer. Guests also receive access to a special viewing area for the parade later that day. The second addition is the Cinematic Spectacular Dining Experience where guests enjoy dinner at Lombard's Seafood Grille followed by dessert in a private viewing area RELATED LINKS for Universal's Cinematic Spectacular nighttime lagoon http://www.visitorlando.com/ show. PR Newswire
Downtown Food & Wine Fest at Lake Eola “A Treat for the Senses� on February 23 and 24, 2013 Produced by MIX 105.1, 1059 SUNNY FM, and 102 JAMZ in partnership with the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association
for $2 each; food and wine offerings range from one to four tickets. New for 2013, VIP ticket packages include parking, a private pavilion, and additional Fest perks and privileges. A limited number of VIP tickets are availableonly at Mercedes-Benz of Sanford, Mercedes-Benz of Orlando, and MercedesBenz of South Orlando.
The tradition continues as more than 20,000 foodies and wine lovers experience unique local cuisine paired with wines from around the globe at the Downtown Food & Wine Fest, Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2013.
The Fest is presented and produced by CBS RADIO, led by Orlando favorites MIX 105.1, 1059 SUNNY FM, and 102 JAMZ in partnership with the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association. Located in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola on Robinson Street, the two-day Fest features mouth-watering dishes from 40 of Orlando's premier restaurants, domestic and international wines, and live entertainment.
The Fifth Annual Downtown Food & Wine Fest (previously known as The Orlando Food and Wine Fest) has established itself as a signature event for Orlando. Date / Time: Saturday, February 23 (noon to 9 p.m.) and Sunday, February 24, 2013 (noon to 7 p.m.) Location: Located in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola along Robinson Street Tickets: Admission is $10 per person, per day with advance online purchase beginning January 15, 2013 atwww.DowntownFoodAndWineFest.com. Advance tickets are also available at Mercedes-Benz of Sanford, Mercedes-Benz of Orlando, and Mercedes-Benz of South Orlando. Admission at the door is $15 per person, per day. Admission for children under age 12 is free. Food tickets are available at the event
A portion of the proceeds benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and the FRLA Educational Foundation. "The Fest is the perfect combination of divine food, unique wines, and headliner entertainment right in the heart of downtown," said Nicole Dipietro, participating restaurateur and president, Central Florida Chapter, FRLA. "Orlando has emerged onto the national culinary stage with award-winning restaurants and memorable events to showcase the spirit of the City Beautiful." Forty top restaurants are scheduled to present culinary tastings including the return of the 2012 Foodie Award winners as honored by a panel of Orlando elected officials, food writers and reporters, and celebrity chefs.
New International Drive Resort Opens sort’s “Best Available Rate” plan. To qualify for the 30% discount, guests need to stay at in February least 2 nights, 2/25/13 - 12/20/13. Reservawith 30%-Off Pre-Opening Offer Paramount Hospitality Management, LLC announced today that the 652-room Avanti Resort Orlando, will open on February 25, 2013, and is offering a limited-time “PreOpening Sale,” with discounts up to 30%.
tions may be made online at
www.AvantiResort.com, or toll-free: 855-8-AVANTI (855-828-2684).
The all-new Avanti Resort Orlando is located in the heart of the most desirable section About Paramount Hospitality Management: of International Drive, near dozens of shop- Paramount Hospitality Management is a ping, dining, and entertainment activities. full-service management organization for Not only is it most appealing for vacation hotels, resorts, condo-hotels, vacation owntravelers to Orlando, but convention attend- ership and a combination of mixed-use. Its ees will appreciate it being walking distance, Executive Team consists of well-recognized, less than a half mile, from the Orange Coun- award-winning hospitality industry veterans ty/Orlando Convention Center. Those famil- with more than 150 years of combined hotel iar with the area will recognize its location at and resort management experience. “Austrian Court,” just south of Sand Lake The Company applies the strictest traditionBoulevard, with quick access to I-4. al hotel operating standards in both full-serThe multi-million-dollar renovation of this International Drive Orlando hotel includes a sleek new look for all rooms and suites, and an all-new, enhanced and expanded pool/recreational area. Guest services include on-site dining, property-wide WiFi and scheduled theme park shuttles. The new interactive game room, state-of-the-art fitness center and poolside Bar & Grill will be completed in April, 2013, shortly after the February 25, 2013 hotel opening date.
vice and mixed-use properties, which include the highest level of guest service, establishing the criteria that would eventually become a standard in the hospitality industry. The result has been top guest review rankings on TripAdvisor for each of the hotels managed by the organization. For more information, contact
Marco Manzie at Phone # 321-329-4054 or visit
As the resort builds up to offering all its services, guests can take advantage of this limit- http://www.ParamountHospitality.com ed-time “Pre-Opening Sale,” which will give or http://www.AvantiResort.com. vacationers discounts of 25-30% off the re-
Novo Resort na International Drive podemos oferecer, por tempo limitado os esabre em Fevereiro com 30% Off-oferta peciais de "Venda de pré-abertura", que oferece descontos de 25-30% para que nossos de pré-abertura futuros hospedes possam tomar vantagem A Paramount Hospitality Management, LLC da "Melhor Tarifa Disponível" no mercado. anunciou hoje que os 652 quartos do Avanti Resort Orlando, serão abertos no dia 25 de Para se qualificar para o desconto de 30%, fevereiro de 2013, e está oferecendo por tem- os clientes precisam ficar pelo menos duas po limitado "Venda de pré-abertura", com noites, a partir do dia 2/25/13 - 12/20/13. As reservas podem ser feitas online no descontos de até 30%.
www.AvantiResort.com, ou toll-free: O novo Avanti Resort Orlando está localiza- 855-8-AVANTI (855-828-2684). do no coração da área mais procurada da International Drive, perto de dezenas de atividades de compras, restaurantes e entretenimento. Não só será mais atraente para os viajantes de férias em Orlando, mas também os participantes das convenções, irão apreciar a curta distância, de menos de uma milha do Centro de Convenções do Condado de Orange. Aqueles que estão familiarizados com a área irão reconhecer a sua localização na Austrian Court" ao sul da Sand Lake Boulevard, com acesso rápido a I-4. A renovação de vários milhões de dólares do novo resort da International Drive-Orlando inclui um visual elegante e novo para todos os quartos e suítes, e uma piscina totalmente nova, melhorada e expansão da área de lazer. Os serviços ao cliente incluem jantar no hotel, WiFi de largo alcance, Shuttle de ônibus com hora marcada para os Parques, uma área de jogos interativos, Centro de Fitness de alto nível, e ainda um Bar & Grill que será concluído em abril de 2013, logo após a abertura do hotel no dia 25 de fevereiro de 2013 . Como o resort esta em fase de construção
Sobre o Hospitality Management Paramount:
Paramount Hospitality Management é uma organização de gestão de serviço completo para hotéis, resorts, condo-hotéis, propriedade de férias e uma combinação de uso misto. Sua equipe executiva é composta de bem-reconhecidos e premiados veteranos da indústria de hospitalidade, com mais de 150 anos do hotel com combinada experiência em gestão de resorts. A Companhia aplica as mais rigorosas normas operacionais tradicionais de hotel em ambas as propriedades de serviço completo e de uso misto, que incluem o mais alto nível de serviço ao cliente, que estabelece os critérios que acabaria por tornar-se um padrão na indústria da hospitalidade. O resultado tem sido altos rankings de comentário dos hóspedes no TripAdvisor para cada um dos hotéis administrados pela organização. Para mais informações, entre em contato com Marco Manzie pelo telefone 321-329-4054 ou visite os sites: http://www.ParamountHospitality.com ou http://www.AvantiResort.com.
Hard Rock International presta homenagem a fãs leais de todo o mundo com o lançamento do Hard Rock Rewards(TM) A Hard Rock International - com localizações de Londres a Nova York, Singapura e Dubai - anunciou hoje o lançamento do seu novo programa global de fidelidade, o Hard Rock Rewards(TM), um programa unificado de afinidade de clientes desenvolvido para reconhecer e premiar os fãs dedicados do Hard Rock com privilégios exclusivos, quando se hospedam e jogam nos Cafés, Rock Shops, Hotéis e Cassinos participantes em todo o mundo.
Com dois níveis de participação disponíveis, os fãs do Hard Rock têm a opção de se unir ao Hard Rock Rewards de maneira gratuita ou subir para o nível VIP da afiliação para obter vantagens e benefícios exclusivos, dignos de uma estrela do rock. Todos os novos membros têm a chance de ganhar experiências únicas arrasadoras, como uma viagem com tudo pago para o Hard Rock Hotel Orlando - para desfrutar de um ambiente inspirado no Hotel Califórnia e acesso VIP ao parque temático Universal Studios. “O Hard Rock Rewards é a resposta aos gritos dos nossos fãs enlouquecidos”, afirmou John Galloway, diretor de marketing da Hard Rock International. “Como uma empresa que proporciona mais de 79 milhões de experiências de clientes a cada ano, através de uma rede de estabelecimentos de rápido crescimento em 60 países, estamos muito felizes por implementar um programa que nos permite apoiar de verdade os fãs leais do Hard Rock na sua jornada por todo o mundo.”
benefícios excepcionais do programa, inclusive ofertas mensais de Cafés, Rock Shops, Hotéis e Cassinos Hard Rock participantes em todo o mundo, filas exclusivas para check-in, check-out após o horário padrão e itens de cortesia de boas-vindas nos Hotéis participantes - bem como um espaço exclusivo no hardrockrewards.com para acessar facilmente os detalhes da conta, monitorar as recompensas e ver os locais dos Hard Rock visitados em um mapa de propriedade personalizado. Os membros que optarem pelo Programa VIP desfrutarão de benefícios adicionais por uma taxa anual de US$ 24,95, incluindo acúmulo mais rápido de pontos em compras selecionadas, uma afiliação ao Clube de Colecionadores, com acesso ao catálogo global da Hard Rock contendo mais de 44.000 itens icônicos, atendimento prioritário ilimitado nos Cafés participantes, upgrade de cortesia nos Hotéis participantes, um presente VIP de boas-vindas com um broche de edição limitada e afiliação designada ao Clube de Jogadores do Cassino. Os membros VIP também têm a oportunidade de receber Milestone Rewards - um recurso exclusivo do programa, criado para celebrar e reconhecer as visitas feitas aos locais únicos da Hard Rock em todo o mundo. Todos os membros VIP podem ganhar peças comemorativas de coleção da Hard Rock em homenagem a cada marco alcançado, que podem ser facilmente monitorados online através do seu mapa de propriedade personalizado.
Os clientes internacionais podem unir-se ao Hard Rock Rewards ao inscrever-se em um lo- Para mais informações sobre o Hard Rock Recal participante ou pela internet em hardrock- wards, acesse www.hardrockrewards.com. rewards.com - onde os fãs escolhem entre um nível de afiliação gratuito ou pago. Após a inscrição, os participantes obtêm acesso a Source:Hard Rock International
About Hard Rock Rewards Hard Rock International Pays Tribute to Loyal Fans Around the World with Launch of Hard Rock Rewards™ Hard Rock International – with locations from London to New York, Singapore and Dubai – today announced the launch of its new global loyalty program, Hard Rock Rewards™, a unified guest affinity program developed to recognize and reward Hard Rock's dedicated fans with exclusive privileges, when they stay and play at participating Cafes, Rock Shops, Hotels and Casinos worldwide.
tions visited on a personalized property map.
Members choosing to participate in the VIP Program enjoy additional benefits for an annual fee of $24.95, including faster point accrual on qualified purchases, a Collector's Club membership with access to Hard Rock's global pin catalog containing more than 44,000 iconic items, unlimited priority seating at participating Cafes, complimentary upgrades at participating Hotels, a VIP welcome gift with limited edition pin and designated membership to the Casino Players Club. VIP members also have the opportunity to receive Milestone Rewards – an exclusive feature of the program, created to celebrate and recognize visits made to unique Hard Rock locations around the globe.
With two levels of participation available, Hard Rock fans have the choice of joining Hard Rock Rewards for free, or upgrading to the VIP level of membership for exclusive perks and benefits fit for a rock-star. All new members have the chance to win one of a kind experiences that rock, such as an all-expense paid trip to Hard Rock Hotel Orlando – to enjoy the Hotel California-inspired vibe and VIP access to Universal Studios theme park. All VIP members have the ability to earn commemorative Hard Rock collectibles in honor of each milestone "Hard Rock Rewards is the answer to the cry of our rav- reached, which can be easily tracked online through ing fans," said John Galloway , chief marketing officer their personalized property map. of Hard Rock International. "As a company that pro- For more information on Hard Rock Rewards, please vides more than 79 million guest experiences each year visit www.hardrockrewards.com. across a rapidly growing network of venues in 60 coun- SOURCE Hard Rock International tries, we're thrilled to implement a program that allows us to truly support Hard Rock's loyal fans on their journey RELATED LINKS http://www.hardrockrewards.com around the world." http://www.hardrock.com
Global customers can join Hard Rock Rewards by registering at a participating location or online at hardrockrewards.com – where fans choose between a free or paid level of membership. Once enrolled, all participants gain access to rockin' program benefits, including monthly offers from participating Hard Rock Cafes, Rock Shops, Hotels and Casinos around the world, dedicated checkin lines, late check-outs and complimentary welcome amenities at participating Hotels – as well as a dedicated space on hardrockrewards.com to easily manage account details, track rewards and view Hard Rock loca-
Fresh To Order Signs 8 Restaurant Deal in Orlando
Also Announces Hometown Openings franchising f2o in 2011 and expects to in Emory Point and Atlanta Hartsfield grow his well-received chain to 50 resJackson International Airport taurants with an additional 50 in development over the next five years. Fresh To Order f2O is paving the path with its cutting-edge approach to a new “This is a new niche which is two steps segment that it continues to pioneer, above fast casual when it comes to qual“fast fine.” f2O is growing outside its ity. We intend to bring really fresh, really Atlanta base, most recently with its de- fine, really fast to our guests,” says Pavelopment agreement with Giriam Pa- nos. tel, an experienced restaurant operator who plans to open eight restaurants in Fresh To Order, which specializes in Orlando, a new market for f2o. flavorful, fresh and affordable traditional favorites with a creative twist, is Fresh To Order will also open locations actively pursuing franchisees in Georin Atlanta at Emory Point, located across gia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and from the CDC and on Concourse B at the Carolinas. In 2013, f2o will open up Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson International markets in the mid-Atlantic and lower Airport. The Emory location is the third Midwest. Total costs for a franchisee to location for franchisees Narendra and open a 2,500 to 3,000-square-foot locaJay Patel with units in Johns Creek and tion (after average landlord tenant imSandy Springs. Atlanta-based Conces- provement allowance) are expected to sions International, owned by business- be between $450,000 and $650,000, with man and restaurateur Herman J. Rus- the average around $550,000. sell, is opening the unit in the airport. For more information, visit Founder and CEO Pierre Panos, a www.freshtoorder.com or veteran fine-dining restaurateur, began www.facebook.com/fresh2order.
It is proven that Orlando is the number one destination to tourists, and that Central Florida Economy has bounced faster because of the tourism in this area. But we all know how important it is to recognize how much Brazilian tourists have contributed for this accelerated growth in consume, hotels revenue, shopping and taxes, generated by the constant growth of visitors. Whirly Dome is one of the latest places that surrender to the Brazilian appeal, when they trust a very talented Brazilian to turn things around. Marcia Godoi is the new face at Whirly Dome, serving Brazilian food, caipirinha and appetizers to blow your mind. As we can all see, they have the best of both, American and Brazilian, characterized by the name “Soul Samba Orlando� it came to prove the idea that will become a Samba house, with great food and also has lots of games to offer. It has plenty of space, and excellent installations, with space for small and large private parties. They have a Brazilian Menu with moderate prices and lunch special at US$6.99 daily. Souls Samba Orlando is located at : 6464 International Drive-Orlando-Fl-32819 from 11AM to 12AM daily
The Brazilian Flavor invades Orlando
Introducing The 2013 Florida State Fair "DISCOVER THE FUN"
• TICKETS to see Leann Rimes are on sale now: • $25, $35 for individual tickets and $140 per Featuring 110 Fun Rides, Funky table (seats 4) • Concert tickets may be purchased ONLINE, Food AND Grammy Award at Fairgrounds Box Office or by phone (813Winning Singer, LeAnn Rimes 740-4640). • Tables may be purchased at the Fairgrounds Celebrating the 500(th) anniversary of the arrival Box Office or by phone only 813-740-4640). of Juan Ponce De Leon in Florida, this year's 109th Annual Florida State Fair invites everyone to "Dis- The 2013 Florida State Fair will showcase new and cover the Fun." "Florida: 500 Years In the Making" unique agricultural and cultural exhibits such as the recognizes the statewide, year-long celebration of new “Discovery Center,” a Tampa Bay History CenViva Florida 500, a commemoration of Florida's ter curated exhibit, and a traveling exhibit celebratrich heritage and diverse cultural history through- ing “Florida Agriculture: 500 Years in the Making” out 2013. From February 7 - 18, the Florida State hosted by the Florida Department of Agriculture Fair deserves a top spot on the calendar as THE and Consumer Services. Get a map at the entrance go-to destination for fun in February. and explore the “ConquistaTOUR,” a self-guided The Florida State Fair is pleased to announce that two-time Grammy Award winner LeAnn Rimes will perform one show on February 18, 2013 at 7:30 pm in the Entertainment Hall. Table seating will provide an intimate setting for this rare Fair appearance.
adventure through the State Fair including the new Florida Cattlemen’s Museum, Florida’s Learning Garden and Cow Hunter’s Camp in Cracker Country. In addition, fairgoers will “Discover Florida” with a Broadway-style musical performance certain to please those who want to learn more about Florida.
To purchase tickets or to reserve tables for four, visit www.floridastatefair.com. It's a bit of homecoming for the fair and Ms. Rimes, who last performed at the Florida State Fair in 1997. Just a few months after that performance, she won her first Grammy. She was only 14 years old. If you missed her most recent performance in the Tampa Bay area, this past November, here's a chance to see her for a THIRD of the cost of her last show.
Fairgoers can also expect the traditional favorites such as thrilling rides, shopping in Expo Hall, arts and crafts, a giant sand sculpture, tropical fish, the “Mooternity Ward,” horse shows, lots of animals and live entertainment. Visitors will also find a variety of extraordinary foods, from the traditional corn dog to chocolatecovered bacon and a line-up of new Fair burgers by Carousel Foods
LeAnn Rimes' appearance is a terrific highlight of the other fantastic shows expected in this year's new concert series to includeStarship Featuring Mickey Thomas and the Bellamy Brothers, among others.
- this year - it’s the “Burger with Red Neck Attitude” that’s making a statement -- a fresh burger with cheese, bacon, fried bologna, baked beans, and topped with potato sticks. Yummy Yehaw! - This year’s fair provides many new ways to “Discover the Fun”.
- this year - it's the "Burger with Red Neck Attitude" that's making a statement -- a fresh burger with cheese, bacon, fried bologna, baked beans, and topped with potato sticks. Yummy Yehaw! - This year's fair provides many new ways to "Discover the Fun".
• • • •
THREE WAYS TO BUY TICKETS TO THE FAIR : Online until February 6 at www.floridastatefair.com. At Walgreens stores. At Florida State Fairgrounds Box Office (discounts through February 6)/By phone -(813740-4640).
The State Fair's "COWquistador" logo is a tribute to the European's influence in the Sunshine State, Parking: FREE as well as a symbol of the state's rich agricultural For more information, go to www.floridastatefair. heritage. com and Like the State Fair on facebook.com/floridastatefairgrounds. "The Florida State Fair is not only a destination The Florida State Fair Authority (FSFA) operates where families can find good food and great adven- from revenues generated from the annual State Fair tures; it's also a celebration of Florida's rich agri- and other ongoing operations during the year. Alcultural heritage," said Florida's Commissioner of though the FSFA is an instrumentality of the state Agriculture Adam Putnam. of Florida, it does not receive any annual tax appropriations from the City of Tampa, Hillsborough • When: February 7-18 County or the state of Florida. The FSFA operates • Where: Florida State Fairgrounds - 4800 US the Florida State Fairgrounds under the direction Hwy. 301 North, Tampa 33610 of the Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Put• Admission Tickets and Ride Armbands: $8 nam and the Florida Department of Agriculture and adults or $4 ages 6-11. Children 5 and under Consumer Servi are FREE. • Ride armbands - $25 SOURCE The Florida State Fair Authority
It is TaxTime Orlando! Larson Accounting & Consulting Services 8615 Commodity Circle, Suite 06 Orlando, FL 32819 407-370-3686 407-370-3120 carol@larsonacc.com http://larsonacc.com
Tropical Ford, 9900 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32837 3-7 pm -War Wizard Learn more about each truck at http://www.monsterjam.com/Bios/Trucks/
MONSTER JAM® TRUCKS ON FREE DISPLAY TO THE PUBLIC-FRIDAY, JANUARY 25TH The Advance Auto Parts MONSTER JAM® makes its return to the Orlando area when the annual motor sports spectacle drives into the Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium on Saturday, January 26th. Many of the trucks appearing in this event will be on display around Central Florida on Friday, January 25th. All displays are free and open to the public. Truck Displays: Advance Auto Parts 5924 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32809 2-6 pm - Grinder Advance Auto Parts, 3189 13th St., St. Cloud, FL 34769 2-6 pm - Bad Habit Advance Auto Parts, 2406 Church St, Orlando, FL 32805 2-6 pm - Stone Crusher Kangaroo Express, 17503 W State Road 50, Oakland, FL 34787 2-6 pm - El Toro Loco Metro PCS, 1453 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809 3-7 pm - Iron Man Walmart, 1700 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703 3-7 pm - Max D
Monster Jam is one of Orlando’s most popular and largest single day stadium Jam :events, attracting capacity crowds of over 60,000 fans. A huge field of sixteen monster trucks will compete in side-by-racing and the fan-favorite freestyle competition. One of the many highlights of this year’s event is the 10th anniversary of the sport’s 10-time World Champion Max D. Show Time: One show only: Saturday, January 26th. Gates Open at 5 pm. Opening Ceremonies at 6:30 pm. Racing Starts at 7 pm. Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium, 1610 W. Church Street, Orlando, FL 32805 Ticket Prices Advance purchase SuperValue Tickets are ONLY $15. $35 VIP / $25 Sideline.& Purchase: Tickets are on sale now at all Ticketmaster outlets, the Amway Center Box Office, or charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or ticketmaster.com. Tickets will also be available day of show at the Citrus Bowl. All seats reserved. Subject to facility fee, plus convenience and handling charges. Don’t wait – buy tickets in advance as prices go up $5 more day of show. Get more show information at www.MonsterJam.com (click on “Tickets” and search for Orlando January 26th).
Discounts: Fans can save $15 with a Buy 3 Get 1 FREE 4-pak ticket voucher deal at area Metro PCS locations while supplies last. Fans can save up to $5 on individual tickets with a Coupon available from area Advance Cowboys, 1108 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Auto Parts stores while supplies last. FL 32805 7-11 pm - Gunslinger
Photo Credit: Feld Motor Sports The official title of the event is Metro PCS, Show Details: 1-800-Ask-Gary, Budweiser & Your Southern Central Florida will heat up this January when Ford Dealers present The Advance Auto Parts 1,500 horsepower, 10,000-pound monster trucks MONSTER JAM®. compete in side-by-side racing and the fan-favorite freestylecompetition where each monster truck Preview Fans can go behind the scenes, meet the gets up to 120 seconds to “wow” the crowd with drivers for autographs and photo ops, and see huge jumps, wheelies, truck-spinning donuts, flips, Opps/ the monster trucks up close at the World’s and the destruction of cars, vans, buses, motor Ultimate Pit Party at Tinker Field from 2-5 pm. Contests: homes and more. Four-time World Champion GRAVE DIGGER returns, along with the debut appearance of SON UVA DIGGER driven by Ryan Anderson. The event will also feature 10-Time World Champion MAX D with an all-new truck design celebrating the team’s 10th anniversary, plus the return of GRINDER, Latino favorite EL TORO LOCO, SPIDERMAN, IRON MAN, MADUSA, MONSTER MUTT ROTWEILLER, and more.
Purchase a pit pass for only $10 more when making your ticket purchase, or pick up a free pit pass at participating Orlando area Southern Ford Dealers while supplies last. Pit Passes, along with a valid event ticket, get fans into the Pit Area. Fans can also go for a ride in a real monster truck before the show by picking up a free Monster Truck Ride Pass at any Advance Auto Parts location while supplies last. Monster truck rides begin at 1 p.m. in the lot across from Gate D and run until 7 p.m. Valid only with a Saturday, January 26th event ticket. Follow on Twitter: @MonsterJam, #MonsterJam
Source: Bisbee&Company PR
Contact: Emily Lindahl Director of Public Relations Ph: 407-896-6700 x223 Fax: 407-896-5512 elindahl@orlandophil.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [photos available online, here]
Violin Prodigy Sarah Chang to perform with Orlando Philharmonic January 26 & 27 (Orlando, – December 2012) – Onsuperstar January 26Sarah & 27, violin OnFLJanuary 26 &5, 27, violin Chang
will visitSarah Orlando with the Orlando willtwo visitperformances Orlando for twoonly performances only superstar Changfor Orchestra. with thePhilharmonic Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Under the direction of guest conductor Alasdair Neale, the orchestra will perform “Chang &
Under the direction of guest conductor Alasdair Neale, the orchestra will perform “Chang & Tchaikovsky,” featurSemiramide Overture, and Sarah Chang performing the Barber Violin ing Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, Rossini’s Semiramide Concerto. Performances will be 8 p.m. Saturday, January 26 and Overture, and Sarah Chang performing the Barber Violin 3 p.m. Sunday, January 27 at Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre in Concerto. Performances will be 8 p.m. Tchaikovsky,” featuring Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, Rossini’s
Downtown Orlando. Tickets are $17-$70, available at 407-770-0071 or www.OrlandoPhil.org. Saturday, January 26 and 3 p.m. Sunday, January 27
atSarah Bob Carr Performing Arts in Downtown Chang is recognized asCentre one of the world’s greatOrlando. Tickets are $17-$70, available through the Orlando violinists. Since her debut with the New York Philharmonic at the Philharmonic Box Office at 407-770-0071 or age of 8, she has performed with the greatest orchestras, conductors www.OrlandoPhil.org. and accompanists internationally in a career spanning more than Call for details about student and group discounts. two decades. She has recorded exclusively for EMI Classics for 20 PHOTO: CLIFF WATTS
years. In 1994,Chang she wasishailed as “Newcomer thethe Year” by the great Sarah recognized as oneof of world’s
international Classical Awards. In 1999, she York became the violinists. SinceMusic her debut with the New Philharmonic
youngest artist ever to receive the Avery Fisher award. In 2006, as one of 20 Women in at theMs. ageChang of 8,was shehonored has performed withTopthe greatest
orNewsweek Magazine’s “Women and Leadership, 20 Powerful Womenconductors Take Charge” issue. In March 2008, Ms. Chang in chestras, and accompanists internationally a career spanning decades. She has rewas honored as a Young Global Leader for 2008 by the World Economic Forum more (WEF) than for hertwo professional corded EMI Classics for 20 years. achievements, commitment to society and potential in shaping theexclusively future of thefor world.
Photo Cliff Watts Ms.hailed Changas will“Newcomer be availableoftothe signYear” CDs following both performances Bob Carr CentreInin1999, January. In 1994, she was by the international ClassicalatMusic Awards. she became the youngest artist Now evercelebrating to receive the Avery Fisher award. In 2006, Ms. Chang was honored as one of 20 resident Top Women in Newsth Anniversary Season, the Orlando Philharmonic is Central Florida’s its 20 week Magazine’s “Women and Leadership, 20 Powerful Women Take Charge” issue. In March 2008, Ms. Chang was honored professional orchestra, appearing in over 125 performances each year. The orchestra offers a variety of programs, from as a Young Global Leader for 2008 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) for her professional achievements, commitment to and pops concertsthe to future chamber music, staged musicals and opera productions. Education programs and societyclassical and potential in shaping of the world. community coreinpart theCarr Philharmonic’s programming. Concert schedule and information at Ms. Chang will beconcerts availableare to also sign aCDs the of Bob Centre lobby following both performances. Now celebrating its 20th Anniversary Season, the Orlando Philharmonic is Central Florida’s resident professional orchestra, www.OrlandoPhil.org. appearing in over 125 performances each year. The orchestra offers a variety of programs, from classical and pops con***Education programs and community concerts are also a certs to chamber music, staged musicals and opera productions. core part of the Philharmonic’s programming. Concert schedule and information at www.OrlandoPhil.org. www.Orlandophil.org
Sarah Chang by Cliff Watts
On January 10th 2013, The Ringling Broth- France Czech Republic. Middle East Moers Circus had it’s Grand Opening in Orlan- rocco, China, Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago, Isdo at the Amway Arena. rael, and the United States. The Greatest show on Earth, was surprisingly unique and with a renewed and modern approach. It felt like a Broadway show, with beautiful costumes, music, and vibe, filled with the amazing acrobats, animals and a true Circus energy. For sure a delight for the kids that were watching it for the first time, and for the old Circus fans a great beautiful surprise, from the beginning to the end. This year they brought the idea of building the Circus from the ground up, had an opening coreography to enhance the theme and the setting was perfect! The Ringling Bros Barnun & Bailey has amazing number of performers and among them a great mixtures of nationalities, including countries in South America such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Equador. In Europe, Russia, Kazakhistan, Ukraine,
Many Continents and countries represented in a beautiful spectacle. They have 22 Brazilians on Board, 1 clown, 17 dancers, 1 horse rider, 1 wheel acrobat, and 2 on the footloop act. The Greatest Show on Earth presented, not only clowns and animals but also music, dance, happiness and eveything a circus shold bring . Below Joey Fatone (former N’Sync) and his daughter Briahna welcoming everyone to the Circus.
For more pictures vis
sit www.thehotspotorlando.com
The focus will be to perfect the attention. Our goal will be to increase the personal ability of:
As we speak about attention, its nice to know that, after a month has passed, your attention has kept intense and ◊ perceive the world in its real colors, dedicated to the subject, which we visited a month ago, in the previous ◊ perceive the connection between the article. events ocurrung in your life, We will stay the course, continue where we stopped and, just in case your memory has erased what was said before, it will be worth to revisit the subject and go through the previous article one more time.
◊ perceive the level of your participation/ responsibility in your own future and ◊ recognize the tools which might help you to build your real life.
Starting the journey is probably the Here, the development of the self most difficult part … because, by habit, discipline will be the basic tool to we are not used to pay much attention conduct you to your destiny, the to whatever happens around us. destiny you want to meet … To work Usually, we choose very carefully the in acquiring the ability to develop and subjects which interest us and don’t utilize the fine tuning, the use of intense pay much attention to anything else. discipline is basic, paramount! Only the Curiously, the more attractive subjects constant, daily work will capacitate us are usually the ones of lesser impact in to reach the needed level of perfection our personal growth and evolution as human beings. to reach the desired goal.
By Amy Litter Among all the subjects that are meant to bring meaningful and relevant transformation to our lives, very few will call our attention or interest us. Those are the subtle issues, uninteresting most of the time, not attractive at all, and we just don’t pay any attention to them. Due to lack of knowledge of the Laws of Life, without even been aware of it, throughout our existence, we throw away the greatest opportunity that was bestowed to us ‌ the opportunity to build our own desired destiny, at the same time that we participate in our personal growth, as human beings! Learning to concentrate, and dedicate our best attention to the world around us, is just the starting point. The power of complete focusing is, at the same time, one of our biggest challenges and at the same time the most important quality to help us train our total attention. The first step, to start the process of perfecting our attention is to learn how to concentrate. It is basic to understand the role of learning to concentrate; only this understanding will help us treat the exercise of concentration with the due relevance.
All that requires the act or activity of concentrating in relevant aspects of our lives should, from now on, reach a priority level, and be treated in a serious and dedicated way. We may achieve that goal, as we begin to identify which are those relevant aspects, according to our personal set of values. As we follow it, we will notice a few changes in our perceptions as some of the points of view seemingly important in the past begin to be dislodged by new values and perspectives. Determining which aspects have the biggest impact in our destiny, triggers internal change of values, maybe a process never spotted before. Observing the process carefully we will notice the personal research capturing only the most relevant aspects of life.
Before evaluating what are the main aspects of your life, consider carefully which ones will be included in your list. To begin with, any subject that is not integral part of your life should not be included in your exercise of concentration, so just leave it out ‌ (To be continued on next issue)
Um Claro Caminho (FERRAMENTAS ESPECIAIS, SINTONIZANDO) 2ª Parte E, por falar em atenção, depois de um mês, espero que sua atenção tenha se mantido intensa e dedicada ao assunto que dividimos em nosso artigo anterior. Vamos continuar de onde paramos e, se sua memória houver apagado o que foi dito, vale a pena, para relembrar, voltar e reler o artigo anterior. O desenvolvimento da auto-disciplina é a ferramenta básica que nos conduz a nosso destino, ao destino que desejamos atingir. Para adquirirmos a capacidade de utilizar a sintonia fina, a aplicação da disciplina é básica. Só seu desenvolvimento constante e diário poderá nos capacitar a atingir o nível de percepção necessário ao cumprimento da meta. Seu foco será aperfeiçoar a atenção. Nossa meta é a ampliação da capacidade pessoal de: ◊ perceber o mundo em suas cores reais,
Perceber a conexão entre os eventos que ocorrem em sua vida,
Perceber o nível de sua participação/ responsabilidade em seu próprio futuro e
Reconhecer as ferramentas que podem ajudar a construir sua vida. O início do caminho é a parte mais difícil ... porque nos acostumamos a não prestar muita atenção ao que se passa a nossa volta. Normalmente, escolhemos a dedo os assuntos pelos quais nos interessamos. Os que se mostram mais atraentes para nós, na maioria das vezes, são os de menor impacto em nossa evolução e crescimento como seres humanos. Daqueles que podem fazer a completa diferença em nossa vida poucos são os assuntos que despertam nosso interesse. Porque são sutis, aparentemente desinteressantes, sem graça nenhuma, não prestamos neles qualquer
atenção. E por desconhecimento de certas leis da vida, sem o querer, ao longo de nossa existência, jogamos fora a grande oportunidade que nos foi concedida de construirmos o destino desejado, ao mesmo tempo em que crescemos, como seres humanos. Aprendendo a concentrar é exatamente o ponto de partida. O poder da concentração absoluta é um de nossos maiores desafios e ao mesmo tempo a qualidade mais necessária quando tratamos de treinar a atenção. Então, o exercício inicial, que vai dar a partida para o aperfeiçoamento de nossa atenção, é o aprendizado da concentração. É importante entendermos o papel da concentração e tratarmos o exercício da concentração com a devida importância. Tudo o que encerra o ato ou atividade de nos concentrarmos em aspectos importantes de nosso dia a dia deverá ter prioridade e ser tratado com seriedade e dedicação. Para tanto temos que começar identificando quais seriam tais aspectos importantes, dentro de nossa escala de valores. E tal exercício irá, provavelmente, desalojar pontos de vista que mantivemos por um longo tempo. O exercício de determinar quais os aspectos de maior impacto em nosso destino, inicia um processo interior com o qual, talvez, nunca tenhamos lidado anteriormente. Por essa razão, é fator da maior importância observar com cuidado, antes de chegarmos a conclusões. Devemos ter em mente que, nesse caso, a pesquisa interior irá capturar somente aspectos de real importância. Antes de decidir sobre o que é da maior importância em sua vida, considere bastante se assuntos que não dizem respeito a sua vida serão incluídos nessa lista ou não. Para começar, se o assunto não lhe diz respeito, pode ficar de fora de seu exercício de concentração. (continua no próximo mês)
By Amy Litter
Ingredientes *marshmallow cream 7 oz *cream cheese 8 oz *vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon *assorted fruits *granola if making parfaits * cake if making push up pops
All you need to do is :
Soften the cream cheese really well in a medium sized bowl, add marshmallow cream, add vanila and mix togther.You can add food coloring and other flavor to make it even more intersting. Here are some sugestions on how to serve: You can serve it in a fruit plate, or as parfait alternating layers of granola,cream and fruit. You also can alternate layers of cake and cream in a push up container that you can decorate for a birthday party. It is easy and fun to make! LOOK and TASTE delicious! Always a hit, and the kids will LOVE IT !!! Have fun with your kids!!!
Marta Thompson " Treats come true"
(visitantes e visitados)
“Ecoturismo é o segmento da atividade turística que utiliza, de forma sustentável, o patrimônio natural e cultural, incentiva sua conservação e busca a formação de uma consciência ambientalista por meio da interpretação do ambiente, promovendo o bem-estar das populações”.
Ecoturismo no Brasil
Este segmento é caracterizado pelo contato com ambientes naturais, pela realização de atividades que possam proporcionar a vivência e o conhecimento da natureza e pela proteção das áreas onde ocorre. Ou seja, assenta-se sobre o tripé: interpretação, conservação e sustentabilidade. Assim, o ecoturismo pode ser entendido como as atividades turísticas baseadas na relação sustentável com a natureza, comprometidas com a conservação e a educação ambiental.
No Brasil, no âmbito governamental, o ecoturismo é discutido desde 1985, quando a Embratur –Empresa Brasileira de Turismo, iniciou o projeto "Turismo Ecológico". A primeira iniciativa de ordenar a atividade ocorreu em 1987 com a criação da Comissão Técnica Nacional, constituída por técnicos do Ibama-Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e da Embratur, para monitorar o Projeto de Turismo Ecológico, em resposta às práticas existentes à época - pouco organizadas e nada sustentáveis.
Deve-se destacar que o que se entende ou se define como "ecoturismo" ou "turismo ecológico", na realidade uma coletânea de princípios, é utilizado de forma generalizada e "comercial" como forma de Deste modo, o Ecoturismo promover viagens, transforestá diretamente relacionado mando-o em segmento turísticom o conceito de turismo co, assim como o turismo rusustentável, que relaciona as ral, esportivo, etc. Esse é um necessidades dos turistas e ponto de vista destorcido, que das regiões receptoras, proquando utilizado sem respeittegendo e fortalecendo oporar os critérios sustentáveis, com visão comercial e tunidades para o futuro. Contempla a gestão dos "ecoportunista" deve ser evitado e combatido. recursos econômicos e sociais e necessidades estéticas, mantendo a integridade cultural, os proces- Os principais destinos de ecoturismo no Brasil no sos ecológicos essenciais, a diversidade biológica Norte,no Nordeste e no Centro-Oeste do Pais,como e os sistemas de suporte à vida. Pantanal (MT/MS),Chapada Diamantina(BA), MaEcoturismo deve: ceio (AL) e Barcelos (AM),ideal para pesca esportiva.As cidades de Bonito(MS) e Foz do Iguaçu(PR) - utilizar de forma sustentável o patrimônio natural também encantam turistas brasileiros e estrangeiros - utilizar de forma sustentável o patrimônio cultural com suas belas paisagens naturais,daremos mais - incentivar a conservação do patrimônio natural informações nas próximas matérias. - incentivar a conservação do patrimônio cultural Brotas(SP) e Visconde de Maua(RJ) são também - buscar a formação de uma consciência ambien- excelentes opções,já mencionadas em matérias antalista através da interpretação do (meio) ambiente teriores. - promover o bem-estar das populações envolvidas
Ecoturismo Ecotourism
Ecotourism in Brazil
In Brazil, at government level, ecotourism is dis"Ecotourism is the segment of tourism that uses a cussed since 1985, when Embratur-Empresa sustainable, natural and cultural heritage, encour- Brasileira de Turismo, initiated the project "Ecoages conservation and seeks the formation of an en- Tourism". The first initiative of ordering activity vironmental consciousness by interpreting the envi- occurred in 1987 with the creation of the National ronment and promoting the welfare of the people." Technical Committee, composed of technicians This segment is characterized by contact with natu- from IBAMA, the Brazilian Institute of Environral environments, by performing activities that can ment and Embratur, to monitor the Ecotourism provide the experience and knowledge of nature Project, in response to existing practices at the time - little organized and nothing sustainable. and the protection of the areas where it occurs. That is, rests on the tripod: interpretation, conservation and sustainability. Thus, ecotourism can be understood as tourism activities based on sustainable relationship with nature, committed to the conservation and environmental education.
Ecotourism should:
- Sustainable use of the natural heritage - Sustainable use of cultural heritage - Encourage the conservation of natural heritage - Encourage the conservation of cultural heritage - Pursue the formation of an environmental consciousness through the interpretation of the (half) environment - Promote the well-being of the people involved (visitors and visited)
The major ecotourism destinations in Brazil in the North, Northeast and Midwest Parents as Pantanal (MT / MS), Chapada Diamantina (BA), Maceio (AL) and Barcelos (AM), ideal for fishing esportiva.As cities Bonito (MS) and Foz do Iguaรงu (PR) also enchant Brazilian and foreign tourists with its beautiful natural landscapes, we will give more information in coming issues. Sprout (SP) and Viscount Maua (RJ) are also excellent choices, as mentioned in previous issues. Email: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com Praia campo Brasil Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura www.bandeiraazultombo.com Facebook: Edmundo Rafael de Araujo Cavalcanti Twitter: @EdCavalc
Edmundo Cavalcanti
Thus, ecotourism is directly related to the concept of sustainable tourism that relates to the needs of tourists and receiving regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. Include the management of economic and social resources and aesthetic needs while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems.
It should be emphasized that what is understood or defined as "ecotourism" or "eco-tourism", in reality a collection of principles, is used widely and "commercial" as a way to promote travel, turning it into tourism sector as well as rural tourism, sports, etc.. This is a distorted view, that when used without complying with the sustainability criteria, with business acumen and "ecoportunista" must be prevented and combated.
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Estava brincando, interagindo no facebook, no início de uma noite de Dezembro de 2012, quando uma mensagem caiu como um torpedo em meu mural, era a presidente da Casa Mulher e Vida, Vera Datola Iqueda, Instituição que acolhe portadores do vírus HIV, em Taubaté, uma cidade do interior de São Paulo, uma das metrópoles mais importantes do mundo. Na mensagem, a responsável pela ONG, me perguntava se eu fotografava, sugeri que conversássemos pelo inbox, então, ela me explicou que precisava de fotógrafos voluntários, para ajudá-la na campanha pela causa, Eu visto, um evento criado pela entidade, para arrecadar dinheiro, pois a instituição sobrevive com constantes dificuldades. Atendi ao apelo dela com tranqüilidade, em um feriado, aniversário da cidade e para lá fui, dedicar algumas horas do meu dia, da minha vida, às pessoas que precisam de apoio humano, um feito que tornou-se em uma experiência gratificante, ao ver o sorriso de tanta gente e de diversas idades participando, contribuindo para o trabalho dos voluntários da Casa, que lutam contra a maré, devido a falta de recursos, um evento que contou com as presenças, inclusive, de crianças autorizadas pelos pais e tantos outros adultos.
A presidente da organização, Srª Iqueda, é uma mulher que divide o seu tempo em família e esse projeto, para isso conta, apenas com voluntários, ou seja, não recebe nenhum incentivo de governos ou empresas e para realizar essa pequena campanha, ela e a psicóloga voluntária da instituição, Bruna Falleiros, invés tiram dinheiro do próprio bolso, para confeccionar algumas camisetas, com as quais diversas pessoas pousaram para uma sessão de fotos, para que posteriormente fossem vendidas. Motivos políticos, nunca devem sobrepor às necessidades humanas, entretanto o que observamos em alguns setores da nossa região, até mesmo por todo o País e provavelmente um problema crônico mundial, é o contrário. Siglas de partidos, estados psicológicos afetados de alguns representantes políticos, motivados às vezes por outros interesses, acabam impedindo o alcance do cumprimento do seu verdadeiro papel. A partir desse mês de janeiro de 2013, uma nova administração tomou posse da Prefeitura da cidade de Taubaté-SP e segundo informações obtidas, pelas organizadoras desse projeto, o novo prefeito, Ortiz Junior, incluirá apoio aos serviços prestados por essas voluntárias, já que a gestão municipal anterior, sempre ignorou a existência desse trabalho que equaliza em muito empe nho, renúncia, luta, coragem, preconceito e dificuldades.
positivas (HIV/AIDS) e seus familiares do município de Taubaté e região. A instituição possui toda a documentação que a habilita a funcionar, além de Certificados de Utilidade Pública Municipal e Estadual. A organização iniciou suas atividades no ano de 2004, após a colaboradora de uma ONG de atendimento a mulheres, em situação de violência perceber um crescente número desse gênero descobrindo-se com HIV/ AIDS e nenhuma oferta de suporte na região.
Em 03 de Fevereiro de 2005, a entidade foi oficialmente fundada para que mulheres, mães, profissionais do sexo, donas de casa, BRUN trabalhadoras, usuárias de substâncias psicoativas e moradoras de rua tivessem um local de acolhida e atendimento específico para elas e suas famílias, entretanto, no decorrer de suas atividades, a instituição passou a ser procurada também por homens e pela população LGBTT. Assim sendo, ampliou seus serviços para todas as pessoas vivendo e convivendo com HIV/ AIDS. Segundo a ONU (OMS/WHO), o vírus da AIDS matou 25 milhões de pessoas pelo mundo desde o seu descobrimento nos anos 80. Estima-se que no Brasil, existam cerca de 530.000 pessoas infectadas pelo vírus HIV.O Brasil hoje esta perdendo a batalha contra a AIDS que já foi apelidada de Epidemia InvisívelMuito pode ser feito para ajudar a CASA M&V Para mais informações visite o Blog da ONG http://casamulherevida-vera.blogspot.com
A Casa de Apoio Mulher & Vida é uma Orga- Texto e Fotos Tania Dam (UP)
Blog: http://www.blogdataniaup.blogspot.com
nização Não Governamental, de assistência https://www.facebook.com/taniamara.pauladamiao social, sem fins lucrativos, que tem como missão acolher e atender às mulheres soro
- PS
À ESQUER DA - MON IQUE TOP Modelo, M - Jornalista iss, Perform , Escritora, a nce, Hostes FALLEIRO s // À DIRE S, PSICÓL ITA - BRUN OGA // NO TOLA IQU A CENTRO: EDA, PRE VERA DASIDENTE DA ONG
hours of my day, to people who needed human support, a day that became a rewarding experience just to see the smiles of so many people, all of different ages participating and contributing to an Organization, which struggles against the tide, due to lack of resources, an event that was attended, by children, parents and other people.
HOME, WOMEN & LIFE A STORY OF LOVE AND STRENGTH IN BRAZIL I was on facebook, one night in early December 2012, when a message came like a torpedo on my wall, was the president of Home Women &Life, Vera Datola Iqueda, institution that welcomes people with HIV in Taubate, a town in the interior of São Paulo, one of the Brazil’s major cities. The organization’s President, Mrs. Iqueda, is a woman who divides her time between In the message, the Organization asked me family and this project, counting only with if I could photograph, I suggested us to talk volunteers, that receives no support from inbox by then she explained to me that they government or corporations, and to organize needed volunteers to help on her campaign this small campaign, her and the voluntary for the cause, It was an event created by the psychologist, Bruna Falleiros invested their entity to raise money, for the institution due own money, designing some t-shirts, and to the constant struggles. several people posed for a photo shoot, and I agreed to attend and the day was the City’s the pictures were subsequently sold to raise Anniversary and there I was, to devote a few funds.
Political reasons, should never override human needs, however what we observe in some sectors of our region, even by other Countries, probably a chronic problem worldwide, is the opposite, politicians are affected by many influences, and sometimes motivated by other interests, eventually prevent the achievement of fulfilling its true role.
are, mothers, workers and abused housewives, drug addicts, prostitutes, or living in the streets had a place of welcome and specific care for them and their families, however, in the course of its activities, the institution was also sought by men and by population LGBTT. Thus, expanded its services to all people living with HIV / AIDS.
Starting this month, January 2013, a new administration took office in City Hall Taubaté-SP and according to information obtained by the organizers of this project, the new mayor, Junior Ortiz, will add support services to these volunteers, as previous county administration, always ignored the existence of this work that falls victim to commitment, resignation, struggles, lack of courage, prejudice and difficulties.
According to the UN, the AIDS virus killed 25 million people worldwide since its discovery in the 80s. Today Brazil is losing the battle against AIDS which has already been dubbed as an Invisible Epidemic Much can be done to help CASA M & V For more information visit the NGO Blog http://casamulherevida-vera.blogspot. com Text and Photos Tania Dam (UP) Blog:http://www.blogdataniaup.blogspot.com
The House of Women & Life is a non- Facebook: governmental organization, non-profit, https://www.facebook.com/taniamara.pauladamiao whose mission is to welcome, meet people living and living with HIV / AIDS at the city of Taubaté São Paulo-Brazil. The institution has all the documentation that enables them to work, and Certificates of Written By Tania Dam Public Utility Municipal and State. The organization started its activities in 2004, after collaborating with an Non Government Organization assisting women in situtions of violence that are discoved with HIV / AIDS and have no support in the region. On February 3, 2005, the organization was officially founded so women that
Translated By Laiz Rodrigues All photos by the Author.
cosmetics.” The Miss America Organization is one of the nation’s leading achievement programs and the world’s largest provider of scholarship assistance for young women.
Miss New York Crowned Miss America 2013 and Provided $50,000 Amway Scholarship Mallory Hagan Named Miss America 2013 in Las Vegas on January 12 Amway, the proud sponsor of the Miss America Organization, awarded a $50,000 scholarship to the new Miss America 2013, Mallory Hagan. More than $300,000 in scholarship funding was awarded to the other Miss America contestants on January 12, 2013 during the Miss America Competition. The Amway scholarships help empower women to achieve their personal and professional goals. With her scholarship, Hagan plans to pursue a degree in cosmetics and fragrance marketing. Prior to the competition, Hagan earned an undergraduate degree at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, New York. “For the fourth consecutive year Amway has had the privilege to be a proud sponsor of the Miss America Competition, a longstanding tradition that continues to be rich in history and community service,” comments Jori Hartwig, Vice President of Marketing for Amway North America. “The Miss America Competition has proven to be a great sponsorship to Amway and provides us a vehicle to support women, their education and their dreams, while helping them look their best with our ARTISTRY® brand of skincare and
During her year of service, Hagan will serve as an ambassador for Amway and its flagship brands, ARTISTRY and NUTRILITE® vitamins and dietary supplements. ARTISTRY is among the world’s top five largest selling premium skincare brands* and is proud to be the official skincare and cosmetics provider of Miss America. Amway’s breakthrough technology and skin care solutions have empowered women around the world to realize their own vision of beauty, just as the Miss America Organization has empowered women to promote their viewpoints, talents and accomplishments. Miss America Organization President and CEO Art McMaster adds, “The Miss America Organization is excited to have crowned our new Miss America 2013, and as we continue our commitment to promoting education, we are so proud to have Amway’s support of our scholarship program, which helps so many young women across the country further their education and achieve their goals.” For more information about Miss America, Amway, and its ARTISTRY brand, find an Amway Independent Business Owner near you or visit Amway.com/MissAmerica. Additional information can be found by following @AmwayUS on Twitter or visiting Facebook.com/AmwayUS.
Photos & Text by Amway
For more information about Miss America, Amway, and its ARTISTRY brand, find an Amway Independent Business Owner near you or visit Amway.com/MissAmerica. Additional information can be found by following @AmwayUS on Twitter or visiting Facebook.com/AmwayUS.
by dermatologist testing, advanced science, unparalleled proof of performance, and personalized service. The ARTISTRY brand generates more than $1 billion in annual global sales and is among the world’s top five, largest-selling premium skincare brands.* It’s also among the world’s top 10 largest-selling premium cosmetic ABOUT AMWAY brands.* ARTISTRY is the official skincare and Established in 1959 as a seller of household cosmetics provider of Miss America. cleaners, Amway expanded and diversified over the years and today sees its sales led by NUT- ABOUT MISS AMERICA ORGANIZATION RILITE food supplements, herbals, and vita- The Miss America Organization is one of the mins, and ARTISTRY skincare and cosmetics. nation’s leading achievement programs and Amway has helped millions of people lead bet- the world’s largest provider of scholarship aster lives through consumer products, business sistance for young women. Last year, the Miss opportunities, and generous sharing with the America Organization and its state and local AMWAY ONE BY ONE® CAMPAIGN FOR organizations made available more than $45 CHILDREN program. million in cash and scholarship assistance. For more information, go to www.missamerica.org. ABOUT ARTISTRY The ARTISTRY brand, exclusively from Am- *Source: Euromonitor International way, is a global leader in premium beauty, of- Limited fering unprecedented skincare solutions backed
Miss Nova Iorque foi coroada Miss América 2013 e foi a recipiente de uma Bolsa da Amway de $ 50.000 Dolares Mallory Hagan foi nomeada Miss America 2013, em Las Vegas no dia 12 de janeiro A Amway, orgulhosa patrocinadora da Organização Miss América, premiou com uma bolsa de US $ 50.000 a nova Miss América 2013, Mallory Hagan. Mais de US $ 300.000 em financiamento de bolsas foi concedido às outras concorrentes do Miss America em 12 janeiro de 2013 durante o Concurso de Miss América. As bolsas da Amway ajudam a capacitar as mulheres a alcançar seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais. Com sua erudição, Hagan planeja perseguir um grau em cosméticos e marketing de fragrâncias. Antes da competição, Hagan conseguiu uma graduação no Fashion Institute of Technology, em Nova York, Nova York. "Pelo quarto ano consecutivo, a Amway teve o privilégio de ser a orgulhosa patrocinadora do Concurso Miss América, uma longa tradição que continua a ser rica em história e serviços à comunidade", comentou Jori Hartwig, Vice-Presidente de Marketing da Amway América do Norte. "O concurso de Miss América provou ser um patrocínio para a Amway e nos serve como um veículo para apoiar as mulheres, em sua educação e seus sonhos, ajudando-as a se embelezar com o melhor da nossa linha ARTISTRY ® marca de pele e cosméticos. " A Organização Miss América é um dos principais programas da nação e o maior fornecedor do mundo de bolsas de estudo para jovens.Durante seu ano de serviço, Hagan servira’ como uma embaixadora para a Amway e suas marcas emblemáticas, ARTISTRY, e NUTRILITE ® vitaminas e suplementos dietéticos. A ARTISTRY está entre as 5 marcas mais vendidas do mundo e se orgulha de ser fornecedora oficial de cosméticos do Miss América. O
avanço tecnologico da Amway em soluções com cuidados da pele têm dado as mulheres de todo o mundo a chance de realizar a sua própria visão de beleza, assim como a Organização Miss América tem dado as mulheres a chance de promover seus pontos de vista, talentos e realizações. O Presidente e CEO da Organização Miss America, Art McMaster acrescenta, "A Organização Miss America está feliz de ter coroado a nossa nova Miss América 2013, e à medida que continuamos o nosso compromisso de promover a educação, estamos orgulhosos de ter o apoio da Amway ao nosso programa de bolsa de estudos, que ajuda a tantas mulheres jovens em todo o país em sua educação e a alcançar seus objetivos. " Para mais informações sobre a Miss América, Amway, e sua marca ARTISTRY, encontrar uma Amway Independent Business Owner perto de você ou visite www.Amway.com / MissAmerica. Informações adicionais podem ser encontrados seguindo @ AmwayUS no Twitter ou visitar www.Facebook.com / AmwayUS. Sobre a Amway Fundada em 1959 como vendedora de produtos de limpeza domésticos, a Amway expandiu e diversificou ao longo dos anos e hoje vê suas vendas lideradas pelos suplementos alimentares NUTRILITE, ervas e vitaminas, e pele ARTISTRY e cosméticos. Amway tem ajudado milhões de pessoas a levar uma vida melhor através de produtos de consumo, oportunidades de negócios, e partilha generosa com a AMWAY UM POR UM CAMPANHA ® PARA CRIANÇAS programa. SOBRE ARTISTRY A marca ARTISTRY, exclusivamente da Amway, é líder global em beleza premium, oferecendo soluções para a pele sem precedentes apoiada por testes dermatologicos de ciência avançada, prova inigualável de desempenho, e serviço personalizado. A marca ARTISTRY gera mais de US $ 1 bilhão em vendas globais anuais e está entre os cinco maiores, de maior vendagem das marcas pele premium. * Esta também entre os melhores do mundo, 10 de maior vendagem e maiores marcas de cosméticos. ARTISTRY * é o sprovedor oficial de kincare e cosméticos de Miss América. SOBRE A ORGANIZAÇÃO Miss América. A Organização Miss América é um dos principais programas da nação e maior fornecedor do mundo de bolsas de estudo para jovens mulheres. No ano passado, a Organização Miss America e suas organizações locais e estaduais disponibilizaram mais de US $ 45 milhões em dinheiro e bolsas de estudo. Para mais informações, acesse www.missamerica.org. * Fonte: Euromonitor International Limited
Victoria's Secret Launches Swim Collection And Angels & Artists Swim Video Series Angel Candice Swanepoel appears on cover and video series to feature top musical artists
Customers can create their perfect suit by mixing and matching an array of colors, prints, styles and sizes to show off their personality and shape.
Victoria’s Secret launches the sizzling swim 2013 collection, which coincides with the release of the brand’s coveted swim catalogue. The first of four highly anticipated 2013 Victoria’s Secret Swim catalogues hit mailboxes nationwide January 4th.
Candice Swanepoel was born in Mooi River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She has walked in the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show since 2007 and can be seen in a variety of their print and television campaigns.
Shot by fashion photographer Russell James on the sunny beaches of Turks and Caicos and Miami, the catalogue features the sexiest swimsuits, inspired by old Hollywood, glamorous starlets and their chic escapes to the most luxurious destinations in the world.
Candice counts being featured on the cover of Victoria’s Secret Swim Catalogue as one of the highlights of her career. “It feels amazing being on the cover of the Swim catalogue! Before I was a model, I used to see Gisele [Bundchen], Tyra Banks and all of those iconic women on it. It is amazing that a little South African girl can get on the The brand, known for launching the ca- cover,” says Candice. reers of the most iconic supermodels in the world, selected Angel Candice Swanepoel The 2013 swim collection is available at Victo appear on the cover of the first Swim toriasSecret.com, in the Victoria’s Secret catalogue cover of the year. The cover suit Catalogue, select Victoria’s Secret stores is the new Very Sexy Bandeau bikini, a ret- nationwide, and on the Victoria’s Secret All ro inspired push-up bandeau available in Access iPad and iPhone apps. an assortment of colors, prints and embellishment fabrics. Below is a link to the new must-see swim video, “Bikinis & Bruno Mars.” Additional catalogues shot in Tulum and St. Barths will hit mailboxes throughout the URL: season. The trends featured in this year’s http://youtu.be/3u9VCJV07oc VS swim collection include embellishment, novelty fabrics, seductive prints, neon, and mix and match pieces.
Source Victoria’s Secret-Photos By photographer Russell James
Victoria Secret lança a Coleção de Banho 2013 O primeiro dos quatro mais altamente antecipados dos catálogos de Banho da Victoria’s Secret chegaram nas caixas de correio em todo o país no dia 04 de janeiro de 2013. Com fotografias tiradas pelo famoso fotógrafo de moda James Russell nas praias ensolaradas de Turks, Caicos e Miami, o catálogo apresenta os mais sexy swimsuits, inspirados pela velha Hollywood, glamourosos e chiques a altura dos destinos mais luxuosos do mundo.
O bikini da capa é o novo Very Sexy Bandeau biquíni, inspirado no push-up bandeau disponíveis em uma variedade de cores, estampas e tecidos As Angels & Artistas do vídeo: Primeiro vídeo da série, "Bikinis & Bruno Mars," lançado em 4 de janeiro de 2013 com imagens de mergulho das Angels Candice Swanepoel e Doutzen Kroes tudo pronto para o Bruno Mars hit "Locked Out of Heaven Video:
Angel Candice Swanepoel aparece na primeira Web Site: http://www.victoriassecret.com/VSswim capa do catálogo doano.
STEELIO® Launches New Line of Retrograde Chronograph Watches
STEELIO Überspeed Retrograde Chronograph (Steel-Black)
About Time Pieces STEELIO® is proud to announce that it has launched its new line of racing-inspired retrograde chronograph watches. The first model available is the UBERSPEED™ Retrograde Chronograph watch in five different colors and accents.
fiber and silicone rubber. Designs inspired from racing, aviation and marine seek to capture a wide array of styles which range from traditional horological influences to the evolution of modern design.
STEELIO® watches are designed to attract watch enWith this initiative, and thanks to the ever growing thusiasts, as well as pragmatic wearers. With the hynumber of watch collectors worldwide, STEELIO® poallergenic qualities of its surgical stainless steel dehas created sign, individuals an affordable with allergies or retrograde skin sensitivity to chronograph certain metal elewatch. ments find it a great benefit that they STEELIO® can wear a offers its line STEELIO® watch of watches at with lasting coma mid-level fort. price range, with many Steelio, Inc. is a deof the same signer and distribufeatures tor of the STEEand quality LIO® brand of fine craftsmanwatches, headquarship of the tered in San Franestablished cisco, California, luxury watch U.S.A. with adbrands, all ditional offices in the while London, U.K. and embodyTokyo, Japan. ing its own unique style The company was and characlaunched in 2012 teristics. by its CEO, Henry Horn , an invesRetrograde watch hands sweep a segment of a circle tor and watch aficionado who was inspired to create before springing back to their initial position to begin an American brand of fine watches that would appeal their movement again. Their visual choreography is globally to all demographics alike. an inspiration for highly spectacular dials. Retrograde hands lend themselves to all types of indication, for STEELIO® timepieces are marketed globally in over example the hour, minute, second and date. The retro- 12 countries and are available for sale online at Steelio. grade movement is especially impressive with quick- com and through authorized dealers worldwide. moving indications such as the seconds. The STEELIO® collection of watches are created from www.steelio.com 316L surgical stainless steel combined with other innovative and unique materials such as aluminum, carbon SOURCE Steelio, Inc
The HOTTEST Beauty Picks:
Whether backstage at fashion week, rubbing shoulders with the stars at film festivals or bringing clients the latest and greatest from beauty brands both big and small, SEPHORA is on top of every beauty trend. Looking for help with which products to choose? Each month, we bring you SEPHORA HOT NOW, the most buzzed-about beauty handpicked by our experts. From behind the scenes to the doctor’s office, these top six picks will easily show you what’s at the forefront of our minds and the beauty landscape.
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A powerful, skin-clearing mud treatment that visibly draws out dirt and congestion with Activated-X Charcoal that’s practically magnetic to dirt clearing it from your pores. Also formulated with a proprietary six-acid blend, this clearing super-mud dramatically brightens and softens skin.
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Go naked from hand to toe URBAN DECAY NAKED NAIL POLISHES $26.00
The top six shades from the bestselling Naked eyeshadow palette are now available for your nails in universal neutrals with glitter, shimmer, and matte finishes. The fully customizable set allows you to mix or match for a completely unique design.
Prime hair for double performance LIVING PROOF PRIME STYLE EXTENDER™ $20.00
This first of its kind hair primer is compatible with any type of pre- or post-styling product and keeps any style looking fresh for twice as long. TWICE!
Blue no-peel peel resurfaces skin— without redness DR.PERRICONE BLUEPLASMA $95.00
This potent yet gentle leave- on enzymatic peel targets only dead cells while its Cooling Water Plasma Delivery System infuses skin with extreme hydration. L-Carnitine resurfaces, purifies, and promotes cell turnover on even the most sensitive skin without producing any redness.
Source: Sephora
International fashion icon, wife,
mother and entrepreneur, Kate Moss has been named the new face of Stuart Weitzman and will be showcased in the brand's global print campaign for spring 2013, photographed by Photo grapher Mario Testino. "I had a great time shooting the Stuart Weitzman campaign and I'm so happy to be the face of the brand this season," said Kate Moss. "Working with Mario Testino is always fun and it was wonderful meeting Stuart on set." This is the first time that Kate Moss has modeled in an American shoe designer advertising campaign that is strictly devoted to shoes in her two decade modeling career. She was selected as the new face of the brand because of her international fashion status as well as her personal trend-setting cult style. Kate Moss exudes a fashion sense that every woman aspires to emulate. Women want to dress like her, look like her and walk in her shoes... and now she's walking in Stuart Weitzman's. The Weitzman campaign, already regarded as breaking new ground for the industry with a unique visual vocabulary, becomes iconic with the “Kate” factor. The rare chemistry between photographer and subject is evident in the campaign shots. With its black & white photography, the imagery highlights the fact that Stuart Weitzman’s are the first thing you put on in the morning and the last thing you take off at night.
Kate Moss Debuts in St
A Fashion Icon
triking Stuart Weitzman Spring 2013 Campaign
In the Stuart Weitzman world, sexy means being comfortable and confident in your own skin. The campaign captures the sexiness of the brand in a natural, classic, chic way while clearly showcasing the stiletto and shoe styles. With a reputation for merging fashion and function, Weitzman has embarked on a retail expansion strategy to bring his shoes to all corners of the global market. The international advertising campaign will launch in March in the United States, Italy, France, Canada, Dubai, Germany and Asia. In the US, print ads will be a combination of spreads and single pages, in books with a fashion authority including: Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, W, Interview, V Magazine, New York Times, Du Jour, and InStyle. Outdoor advertising (billboards and kiosks) will run in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Milan and Paris. Behind the scenes video and additional creative will be featured on www.stuartweitzman.com and in Stuart Weitzman boutiques worldwide. Stuart Weitzman is a division of The Jones Group Inc. (NYSE: JNY). SOURCE Stuart Weitzman
5472 International Dr, Orlando, FL. (407) 447-8946
babyGap Introduces Limited Edition Collection Inspired by Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit The collection is available starting today in babyGap stores and online at Gap.com. Since its first publication in 1902, Potter's classic tale of Peter Rabbit's adventures in the English countryside has been beloved around the world by children and adults alike. In celebration of the book's 110(th) anniversary in 2012, actress Emma Thompson wrote a sequel, The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit, which provided additional inspiration for the babyGap collection. Peter Rabbit books are published by Frederick Warne, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group. "Peter Rabbit is a timeless character that generations of children have enjoyed, so we're thrilled to offer a babyGap collection inspired by characters and scenes from the books," said Lexi Tawes, Vice President of Merchandising for Gap North America. "We think babyGap customers will love the playful designs - from Peter Rabbit's iconic blue sweater to the whimsical, bunny-inspired patterns babyGap Introduces Limited Edition Collection - whether they're looking for a special baby gift or Inspired by Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit the perfect addition to their own little one's wardExclusive babyGap Collection Celebrates be- robe." loved Characters and Scenes Drawn From Potter's Timeless Children's Tale The collection, ranging in size from newborn to 24 months, is rooted in an assortment of soft knit Gap just introduced a limited-edition collection for graphic bodysuits, brightly colored denim, whimsibabyGap inspired by world-famous author Beat- cal one-pieces and patterned dresses. The Rabbit rix Potterand her captivating children's book, The Whiskers Sweater ($34.95)and Quilted Barn Jacket Tale of Peter Rabbit. Drawing from Potter's mis- ($44.95)are available for girls and boys. For baby chievous characters and magical adventures, the girls, highlights include colored and printed denim babyGap collection brings to life a modern inter- ($24.95-$29.95); cable knit cardigans ($34.95); pretation of the enchanting world of Peter Rabbit and billowing dresses in chambray eyelet and pink through imaginative gifts for girls and boys from bunny print designs ($36.95-$39.95). newborn to 24 months.
For boys, key styles include Peter's Jacket ($34.95), a navy chunky knit cardigan; oxford shirts ($19.95); colored denim ($24.95); and one-pieces in chambray and plaid ($29.95 - $34.95). For newborns, bodysuits adorned with various Peter Rabbit illustrations are sold separately or as sets ($19.95$55.00). Clothing and accessory prices range from $6.99 to $55.00. To celebrate the collection, Gap will host a special reading series for children and parents on January 26th at select babyGap stores in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Toronto and Washington D.C. During the events, guests will be treated to a reading of Emma Thompson's sequel, The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit, while enjoying activities and snacks that bring the world of Peter Rabbit to life. In addition, Gap has partnered with Milk + Bookies, a non-profit organization that encourages children to donate books to children in need, to host instore book drives where shoppers can donate their literary favorites for others to learn and enjoy. All books collected through the book drives will be donated to local Boys & Girls Clubs. More information about the in-store events is available on Gap's Facebook page. About Gap Gap is a global apparel and accessories brand focused on delivering casual, American style. The brand offers classic, iconic clothing that helps customers express their individuality through its Gap, GapKids, babyGap, GapMaternity and GapBody collections.
With an optimistic point of view and belief that everyone can make their creative mark in the world, Gap embodies what it means to be bright. Founded in San Francisco in 1969 by Donald G. Fisher and Doris F. Fisher, the brand has grown from one store to over 1,500 company-operated and franchise retail locations around the world. Gap is the namesake brand for leading global specialty retailer, Gap Inc. (NYSE: GPS) which includes Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Piperlime, Athleta, and INTERMIX. For more information, please visit www.gapinc. com. About Beatrix Potter The Tale of Peter Rabbit, written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, was published by Frederick Warne in 1902. It went on to become one of the bestselling children's classics of all time. The World of Beatrix Potter(TM), initiated by Potter herself, is now one of the world's longest running and largest international literature-based licensing programmes with more than 350 licensees worldwide. Over 150 million Peter Rabbit(TM) books have been sold worldwide in more than 35 languages The Tale of Peter Rabbit has never been out of print since it was first published www.peterrabbit.com attracts more 50,000 unique visitors per month Frederick Warne & Co. is the owner of all rights, copyrights and trademarks in the Beatrix Potter character names and illustrations. Š Frederick Warne & Co., 2013 SOURCE Gap Inc.
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MPGe is the EPA-devised measure for determining how many miles an EV can travel on a quantity of battery-generated electricity that has same energy content as a gallon of gasoline. EPA testing also has indicated that, when fully charged, the Fiat 500e will travel about 87 miles, which is best-in-class and better than all U.S.-market EVs produced by highvolume manufacturers.In addition, the EPA estimates the annual cost to power the Fiat 500e is, coincidentally, $500. The estimate is calculated by factoring electricity price projections into 15,000 miles of travel at a vehicle's combined
city/highway performance rating. The Fiat 500e has a 116MPGe city/highway rating; its city-cycle rating is 122 MPGe. "The FIAT brand is about unique Italian style, fuel efficiency and great value. Now we have taken a page from our own playbook to change the expectations of what an electric vehicle can be," said Tim Kuniskis, Head of FIAT Brand North America. "Our environmentally sexy Fiat 500e offers a design proposition like no other, while delivering unsurpassed MPGe and class-leading range making our 500e a serious contender in the market."
• Industry-best 108 MPGe highway rating • Best-in-class EPA combined city/highway estimated driving range of 87 miles • Unsurpassed frugality with EPA-estimated annual fuelequivalent cost of $500 • EPA fuel consumption rate of just 29 kilowatt hours (kWh) per 100 miles • Fiat 500e arrives at FIAT Studios in California in second-quarter 2013 • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has rated the stylish Fiat 500e's highway-cycle performance at 108 MPGe, which is unsurpassed by any electric vehicle (EV) on the U.S. market. EPA testing estimates the car's energy-consumption rate at just 29 kilowatt hours (kWh) per 100 miles. Further, the Fiat 500e scores a perfect "10" on two EPA scales that reward vehicles for low tailpipe emissions. The battery-electric Fiat 500e is, of course, a zero-emissions vehicle. The 2013 500e builds on the Fiat brand's successful smallcar formula, while adding an all-new, battery-electric powertrain that produces 111 horsepower (83 kW). It recharges in less than 4 hours with its Level 2 (240 volt) on-board
charging module (OBCM). Supplementing its distinctive styling cues are eight efficiency-inspired exterior enhancements that contribute to a 13 percent improvement in aerodynamics, compared with the already fashionable Fiat 500 Lounge. The Fiat 500e arrives at FIAT Studios in California in second-quarter 2013 SOURCE Chrysler Group LLC
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Bem pessoal mais uma vez eu quero agradecer a amizade e carinho de vocês e desejar que 2013 No dia 11 de janeiro foi a vez nhecer e entrevistar a abençoa seja um ano de grandes conquistas para nos! pastora e cantora Nívea Soare Para começar eu quero contar para quem ainda não viu que em dezembro de 2012, foi lançado um video com a retrospectiva dos meus melhores trabalhos e graças a Deus caiu no gosto do povo e tem sido um grande sucesso, inclusive quem ainda não viu pode conferir visitando o meu site, ou acessar no link abaixo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs3BXspF5jQ Graças a Deus iniciei bem meu ano! Na primeira semana de janeiro já iniciei meus trabalhos entrevistando uma dupla de muito sucesso, João Lucas e Marcelo a dupla que ganhou fama com o Hit que virou a dancinha do jogador Neymar estavam em turnê pelos EUA fazendo o povo dançar o Tchu,Tchu, Tchu, Tcha, Tcha, Tcha, e eu não podia perder a oportunidade de estar com eles, descobrir umas coisinhas e mostrar tudo para vocês.
de uma voz maravilhosa Nívea por sua doçura, humildade e m ção, eu confesso ter ficado muito da em tê-la conhecido e estar p mostrar também o lado Gospel pessoas.
Dia 26 de janei encontro será cantor Israel N a dupla Humbe tos em turnê aq lá conferindo tu NOVIDADES
*Ainda em ja VIcky Talkin novidades e p
*Agora os EUA e um sucesso, sã qualidade e ainda tem a opção d
Novidades da Vicky ! fazer o seu oferecimento, essa e a minha dica do mês tenho certeza que vocês vão amar, visite www.studiomegafm.listen2myradio.com
z de coadissima es, dona encanta ministrao honrapodendo para as
iro meu com o Novael e erto e Ronaldo, eles estarão junqui na América e eu claro, estarei udo!
Facebook VIcky Show.
Espero que vocês continuem ligadinhos na minha coluna e para saber mais sobre mim e ver minhas entrevistas e só visitar www.vickyshowusa.com e adicionar no
aneiro estreia o novo ng a Lot Show, com muitas parceiros.
A ganhou uma rádio online que já ão 24 horas de musica da melhor do ouvinte pedir a sua musica e
Well folks once again I want to thank the NEWS friendship and affection and wish that 2013 will be a year of great achievements for us! * Also in January the new debut Vicky Talking a Lot Show, with To begin with, I want to share with those many new and partners. who have not seen that in December 2012, I released a video with a retrospective of my best moments and thank the Lord everyone fell in love with and has been a great success, if you have not seen it yet, you can check it visiting my site, or access the link below
* Now the U.S. has won an online radio and already a success, 24 hours of music with the best quality and the listener can show their preference of music and do some bidding, my tip this month and I'm sure you will love, visit
http://www.youtube.com/ www.studiomegafm.listen2myradio.com watch?v=Zs3BXspF5jQ Thank God my year started right! I hope you continue tuned in my column and In the first week of January I already start- to learn more about me and see my intered working interviewing a very successful, views visit me at www.vickyshowusa.com Duo, John Lucas & Marcelo who gained Facebook Vicky Show. fame with the Hit and moves that became https://www.facebook.com/vicky.show Neymar’ theme. They were touring the U.S. making people dance Tchou, Tchou, Tchou , Cha, Cha, Cha, and I could not miss the opportunity to meet with them, and figure out a few things to show you everything. On January 11 it was time to meet and interview the Blessed Pastor and singer Nivea Soares, owner of a wonderful voice Nivea’s success comes from her gentleness, humility and ministry, I confess I have been very honored to have known her and be able to also show the music’s Gospel importance to people. January 26th will be my meeting with the singer Novael Israel and the duo Humberto and Ronaldo, they will be together on tour here in America and I of course will be there giving everything!
2CELLOS Return With Their Second Album - IN2ITION works
FEATURES GUEST ARTISTS ELTON JOHN, cal instrument a more contemporary, rock STEVE VAI, NAYA RIVERA, LANG LANG, sound.” The duo recently released the ZUCCHERO AND SKY FERREIRA music video for “Supermassive Black Hole” to rave fan and press reviews. NEW MUSIC VIDEO FEATURING GLEE STAR NAYA RIVERA ON MUSE HIT "SUPERMAS- The galactic themed music video for their SIVE BLACK HOLE" OUT NOW second single is a flirtatious and “comehither” version of Muse’s hit and showcases Croatian cellists Luka Sulic and Stjepan Rivera on vocals as you’ve never seen nor Hauser, known as 2CELLOS are back with a heard her before. new album. Entitled IN2ITION (pronounced Intuition) and produced by the legendary The new 2CELLOS album offers a fresh Bob Ezrin, the album is set for release on and unique twist on classics such as FleetJanuary 15, 2013 through Sony MASTER- wood Mac (“Oh, Well” feat. Elton John), WORKS. The Prodigy (“Voodoo People”), Coldplay (“Clocks” feat. Lang Lang) Rihanna (“We The label released 2CELLOS' self-titled de- Found Love”), AC/DC (“Highway To Hell” but album last year, establishing Sulic and feat. Steve Vai), Muse (“Supermassive Black Hauser as an innovative classical-pop/rock Hole” feat. Naya Rivera), Cher and Nancy duo who took their classical instrument to Sinatra (“Bang Bang” feat. Sky Ferreira), the contemporary repertoire. The Police (“Every Breath You Take”) and Elton John (“Candle In The Wind”). On IN2ITION, 2CELLOS take their original concept even further by including guest “Elton suggested that we cover ‘Oh Well’ artists like Elton John, guitarist Steve Vai, because he thought it would be perfect for Glee’s Naya Rivera, classical superstar the cello. We said we’d do it if he sang on it Lang Lang, legendary Italian vocalist Zuc- and he agreed!” says Stjepan. “It’s a fairly chero and pop artist Sky Ferreira. IN2ITION unknown Fleetwood Mac song and Elton’s was recorded in Zagreb, Rome, Nashville, voice sounds amazing on the track.” Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The first music video released from IN2I“Both Luka and I love classical music and TION was a powerful and intense rendition have studied it since childhood,” notes of AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” featuring guiHauser. “But we are really excited to put our tar great Steve Vai. “Our fans love this song own take on some of our favorite pop and at our live shows and we really wanted to rock songs.” add it to the album,” says Stjepan. “It was very exciting to work with an amazing muThe 2CELLOS’ career received a substantial sician such as Steve and we really want to boost in January 2012 when they performed show the people that the cello can rock as “Smooth Criminal” with actress Naya Rive- hard as the guitar!” says Luka. ra’s character “Santana” in Glee’s Michael Jackson tribute episode. It was the first time IN2ITION also features 2CELLOS original that the blockbuster hit show featured an in- track aptly named “Orient Express”. The strumental group as the guest artist. While Orient Express was a legendary train from on set they struck up a friendship with Rive- Paris to Istanbul that passed through the ra, who appears on Muse’s “Supermassive Balkans, including Croatia. “We drew our Black Hole.” “We love Naya’s sexy voice - inspiration for the melodies from our Balkan it’s perfect for this song!” says Stjepan. roots,” says Luka. “The continual persistent rhythm of the track resembles a train, hence “We recreated Muse’s amazing guitar riff the title.” on the cello and by using different sound effects, we gave this traditionally classi-
Photography credit Smallz & Raskind
Tracklisting: 1. Oh, Well (feat. Elton John) 2. We Found Love 3. Highway to Hell (feat. SteveVai) 4. Every Breath You Take 5. Supermassive Black Hole (feat. Naya Rivera) 6. Technical Difficulties 7. Clocks (feat. Lang Lang) 8. Bang Bang (feat. Sky Ferreira) 9. Voodoo People 10. Candle in the Wind 11. Orient Express 12. Il Libro Dell 'Amore (feat.Zuchero) 13. Benedictus For updated tour dates visit: 2CELLOS.com facebook.com/2cellos twitter.com/2cellos Link to "Highway To Hell" music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTQQycaBmQ&list=UUYpdHLYhFchZ1tKO9 TaOqWw&index=1&feature=plcp Link to "Supermassive Black Hole" music video: http://youtu.be/jbLEA0AmfAw SOURCE Sony MASTERWORKS Photography credit Smallz & Raskind
By Larry Poynter Jr.
Hey Orlando? I hope you all had a great Xmas and New Year. Since we all survived DEC 2012, end of the world predictions, it looks like we are still rocking and rolling and making new music for our city in 2013.
to see some great live music, you can go to "The Social" or "Club Firestone" downtown, or the "Hard Rock" at universal and you wont be disappointed. With the increase of Indie labels making big noise, we have been blessed with less "Bubble Gum music" and more TalI'm not originally from here but for the ent that is not water downed just for the last 13 years I've seen our city explode radio. musically. Orlando has been cranking out industry professionals for decades Internet radio is starting to fill the gap for though. Indie artist and less artist depend on or even expect traditional radio play. With I firmly believe that we under estimate that being said, I'm very proud to say the talent that has actually come from that I live in Orlando and truly blessed here, but what about the future? Do we to be apart of the music scene here. Alstill have what it takes as a city to pro- though we are thriving as a city, it is imduce industry leaders in music. portant that we don't take anything for granted. Well if you ask me, yes. Orlando is better then ever and if you want to see We must continue to support local talent some really good local talent, just go to by going out to see them play live whenDowntown Orlando or to the many mu- ever you can. I can't say enough about sic festivals that our city puts on. Our our city and I hope you all feel the same. city has blossomed into a hub for some On behave of my label South Coast Reof the best talent in the business. cords and also for Orlando "The City Beautiful" we think you for supporting If you are visiting Orlando and want Indie music.
The Orlando Music Scene
Text & Images by Larry Poynter Jr
Miles Davis Quintet — LIVE IN EU- Miles Davis Quintet – Live In Europe 1967: ROPE 1969: THE BOOTLEG SERIES The Bootleg Series Vol. 1, this new set moves ahead VOL. 2 two years and presents the ‘third great quintet’ of Miles, Wayne Shorter, Chick Corea, Dave Holland, and Jack DeJohnette, a lineup of the world’s most highly-regarded jazz musicians, then and now. This 3-CD + DVD box set will be available everywhere January 29, 2013, through Columbia/Legacy, a division of SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENTLive In Europe 1967 (released September 2011), the debut entry in the Miles Davis Bootleg Series, was by far the most acclaimed historic jazz box set of 2011. It received a “5-star” review from Down Beat magazine, and was voted Historical Album of the Year in the Down Beat Readers and Critics Poll.
Live In Europe 1967 was ranked the #1 reissue in both the Critics and Readers polls of JazzTimes magazine, and the Jazz Journalists Association voted it Best Historical or Boxed Set. The package received an “A” from Entertainment Weekly, and Pitchfork.com said “At its heart, jazz thrives on bold, sensitive interaction in the moment, and Live In Europe 1967 represents the pinnacle of that practice.” Rave reviews appeared in a wide array of publications including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, Slate, and many others.
Available everywhere January 29, 2013, through Columbia/Legacy Columbia/Legacy again pays tribute to musical legend Miles Davis with the release of MILES DAVIS QUINTET – LIVE IN EUROPE 1969: THE BOOTLEG SERIES VOL. 2, the second edition in the label’s widely-heralded Miles Davis Bootleg Series. The se- In his Sunday “Arts & Leisure” rave review of Live quel to 2011′s critical and commercial blockbuster, In Europe 1967, New York Times critic Nate Chinen
all that Jazz
concluded: ”It’s humbling to think that a release like Live in Europe 1967 might help illuminate jazz’s present as well as its past, but that’s what great archival work can do. So congratulations, Columbia/Legacy. Now, what’s next?” The answer to his question is: LIVE IN EUROPE 1969.
land on acoustic bass, and DeJohnette on drums.
The Miles-Shorter-Corea-Holland-DeJohnette lineup (in tandem with other players) began to solidify during the 1968-’69 recording dates that became the Filles De Kilimanjaro and In a Silent Way albums. And they were at the core of the dozen or so musicians joined “After we finished In a Silent Way,” Miles told his together by Miles in August 1969, for the principal biographer Quincy Troupe (in the definitive Miles The sessions that became the landmark turning point of his Grammy Award®-winning Bitches Brew. But the ‘third great quintet’ by itself was never documented in the recording studio. Their European tours of 1969, represented on this new package, are some of the only existing recordings of the group, and the first legitimately released audio recordings by this stellar lineup. Underscoring their official debut here, over 43 years later, is a superbly shot multi-camera color DVD of the band at its hottest in Berlin in November, 1969. Miles is seen in the best of health in 1969, eating a macrobiotic diet (along with the other band members), and avoiding drugs. As a result, his playing was never stronger than on these 1969 conAutobiography, Simon & Schuster, 1990), “I took the certs, with his chops at an absolute peak. band out on the road; Wayne, Dave, Chick, and Jack DeJohnette were now my working band. Man, I wish LIVE IN EUROPE 1969 captures the short-lived quintet this band had been recorded live because it was really in three separate concert settings, starting with two fulla bad motherf–ker. I think Chick Corea and a few length (one hour-plus) sets at the Antibes Jazz Festival in other people recorded some of our performances live, France on CD One (July 25(th)) and CD Two (July 26(th)). but Columbia missed out on the whole f–king thing.” The locale moves to Stockholm on November 5 for the
program heard on CD Three. In Stockholm, the quintet performed as part of “The Newport Jazz Festival In EuLIVE IN EUROPE 1969 lives up to the Miles Davis rope” and they are introduced (on the CD) by the festival’s Bootleg Series mission of presenting live performanc- producer and founder, George Wein.
es that are previously unreleased, have previously only been bootlegged, or are very rare. The new box represents the first major collection to be devoted exclusively to the short-lived ‘third great quintet,’ sometimes referred to as Miles’ ‘lost band’ of 1969-70: Shorter on soprano and tenor saxophones, Corea on electric piano (and occasionally acoustic piano), Hol-
The DVD is the complete 46-minute color performance of the quintet at the Berlin Philharmonie on November 7, 1969. As with Live In Europe 1967, the paradox of LIVE IN EUROPE 1969 is the fact that the concerts were recorded by state-owned radio and television outlets
- a case of European bureaucracies (thankfully) preserving our American jazz heritage. This has also enabled Legacy to have access to the best-sounding original masters in each case.
At no other time did Miles perform compositions from his be-bop era (“‘Round Midnight”), modal era (the 1958 “Milestones”), ballads and blues of the early ’60s era (“I Fall In Love Too Easily,” “No Blues”), material from the ‘Second Great Quintet’ mid-to-late ’60s era (“Footprints,” The audio and video sources of LIVE IN EUROPE 1969 “Nefertiti”) and late ’60s-early ’70s electric era (“It’s have been remastered from the best available masters, About That Time,” “Spanish Key”), all in the same set prowhich Legacy has secured from the European broadcast gram, as he did at Antibes. centers who originally documented the material. As with all of Legacy’s Miles Davis historic projects over the past It is crucial to note that the versions of “Miles Runs The two decades, the remastering has been done by multi- Voodoo Down” and “Spanish Key” at Antibes were perGrammy Award®-winning Sony engineer Mark Wilder. formed live in July, well before the historic August 1969 The audio and video is far superior to any previous circu- Bitches Brew sessions, where they were first recorded in lating [bootleg] versions of this material. the studio. Likewise, the versions of “Bitches Brew” from Stockholm and Berlin are heard here several months beIn the tradition of Legacy’s historic releases, LIVE IN EU- fore the album was released on Columbia Records in April ROPE 1969 will include a booklet with comprehensive 1970. As with Live In Europe 1967, the interpretations of liner notes. The box also includes full discographical data, the compositions are not only strikingly different than the as well as rare or uncirculated photography and memora- original studio versions by other configurations of Miles’ bilia. groups, but differ wildly even from night to night on these four shows, again demonstrating the extraordinarily high For this package, an expansive 3,000-word essay (“Field level of creativity among these musicians. Recordings from a Future-Leaning Past”) has been written by noted journalist Josef Woodard, winner of the ASCAP The box set also contains multiple examples of Wayne Deems Taylor Award for jazz writing in 1998, best known Shorter’s unparalleled composing skills, from “Footprints” for his jazz writing in the Los Angeles Times. The es- (dating back to 1967′s Miles Smiles) to multiple perforsay features quotes from an interview with Miles in 1989, mances of his gems, “Nefertiti” and “Masqualero.” On the and interviews at various times (up through 2012) with extremely rare and mostly acoustic set from Stockholm, all of the surviving members of the band. Shorter, Corea, there is a bonus track version of “This,” a Chick Corea Holland, and DeJohnette, whose contributions to Miles’ composition that was never officially recorded by Miles bands are legendary, are among the most prominent and Davis. MILES DAVIS QUINTET – LIVE IN EUROPE acclaimed living jazz artists, still recording classic music 1969: THE BOOTLEG SERIES VOL. 2 is an indispensand touring all over the world. able link between the work of our most important and influential jazz musician at the end of the ’60s, and the road LIVE IN EUROPE 1969 was produced for release by mul- ahead to what the ’70s would bring. tiple Grammy Award® winners Richard Seidel and Michael Cuscuna, and was co-produced by multiple Grammy As Jack DeJohnette told Woodard a few months ago, Award® winner Steve Berkowitz, the same team respon- “Miles just keeps growing and growing and growing,” a sible for Live In Europe 1967. surprising thing to say about any musician more than 20 years after his passing. But with MILES DAVIS QUINThe tracklisting for LIVE IN EUROPE 1969 reveals that TET – LIVE IN EUROPE 1969: THE BOOTLEG SEthe Quintet was playing an inspired, wide-ranging rep- RIES VOL. 2, Legacy once again digs deep to reveal a ertoire. Material ran the gamut from 1969′s In a Silent little known period in the work of a giant, seen and heard Way (“It’s About That Time”) and Bitches Brew sessions performing with an amazing band, music that was unlike (“Miles Runs the Voodoo Down,” “Sanctuary,” “Spanish anything he recorded before or after. Key,” “Bitches Brew”) all the way back in time to standards like “I Fall in Love Too Easily” (from 1963′s Seven “And so,” Woodard concludes, “these important ‘field reSteps To Heaven) and Thelonious Monk’s “‘Round Mid- cordings,’ from a mysterious past and unfolding future, night.” take us to a place and a time between the cracks of the Miles Davis story as it is commonly understood. For that
alone, never mind the rattling, exploratory poetry of this band’s sound, this is a significant cultural document for the ears and the ages, not just the archives.”
CD One
– Selections: 1. Introduction by André Francis * 2. Directions * 3. Miles Runs The Voodoo Down * 4. Milestones * 5. Footprints * 6. ‘Round Midnight * 7. It’s About That Time * 8. Sanctuary * 9. The Theme. (Recorded 7/25/69 at Festival Mondial du Jazz d’Antibes, La Pinède, Juan-les-Pins, France.)
CD Two
– Selections: 1. Introduction by André Francis * 2. Directions * 3. Spanish Key * 4. I Fall In Love Too Easily * 5. Masqualero * 6. Miles Runs The Voodoo Down * 7. No Blues * 8. Nefertiti * 9. Sanctuary * 10. The Theme. (Recorded 7/26/69 at Festival Mondial du Jazz d’Antibes, La Pinède, Juan-les-Pins, France.)
CD Three
– Selections: 1. Introduction by George Wein * 2. Bitches Brew * 3. Paraphernalia * 4. Nefertiti * 5. Masqualero (incomplete) * 6. This. (Recorded 11/5/69 at “The Newport Jazz Festival In Europe,” Folkets Hus, Stockholm.) DVD – Selections: 1. Introduction by John O’Brien-Docker * 2. Directions * 3. Bitches Brew * 4. It’s About That Time * 5. I Fall In Love Too Easily * 6. Sanctuary * 7. The Theme. (Recorded 11/7/69 at Berliner Jazztage in the Berlin Philharmonie.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9ci4Sz7Lbg SOURCE Legacy Recordings
Janis Joplin
Legacy Recordings Commemo- terial. rates Janis Joplin's 70th Birthday Honoring Iconic Singer As Label's First Artist Of The Month In January 2013 The Pearl Sessions Nominated For 2013 Best Album Notes Grammy Award Legacy Recordings, the catalog division of Sony Music Entertainment, commemorates the life and music of Janis Joplin on the occasion of the singer’s 70th birthday and celebrates the iconic electric blues singer as the label’s first Artist of the Month in January 2013.
The Pearl Sessions includes a new essay penned by Holly George-Warren, currently in the running for this year’s Best Album Notes Grammy Award. In her notes, George-Warren zeroes in on “A Woman Left Lonely,” one of the last songs recorded by Joplin, observing, “For Janis, though, the song’s sentiments seemed a fact of life. For us, an ultimate sacrifice that resulted in some of the best music of the 20th century: ‘They asked me, “How did you learn to sing the blues like that?”’ Janis said, a mere three months before her death. ‘I just opened my mouth and that’s what I sounded like ... you can’t make up something that you don’t feel. You give up every constant in the world except music. That’s the only thing in the world you got.’”
Legacy’s Artist of the Month will provide fresh perspectives on musical legends whose sounds continue to effect people’s lives. Each month, the series will offer new fans and deep aficionados alike the opportunity to focus on an essential cornerstone catalog of Born January 19, 1943, in Port Arthur, pop music history. Texas, Janis Joplin possessed one of Columbia/Legacy Recordings marked the most distinctive, influential and 2012 with the release of two essential unconventionally beautiful voices in new titles in the catalog of the quint- pop history. Pure honey sweet and essential blues-rock-country-soul soul-ravaged raw, her voice was full of singer:Janis Joplin - The Pearl Ses- power and longing and heartbreak and sions, a two-disc set premiering new- triumph. She sang a mixture of blues, ly discovered studio recordings pro- soul, gospel, jazz, country and rock that duced by Paul Rothchild, was released transcended genres and connected to in April, preceded by Big Brother and the core of the cosmos. Earthy yet notthe Holding Company Featuring Janis of-this-world, Janis Joplin embodied Joplin - Live at the Carousel Ballroom the primordial “rock mama” paradigm 1968, an electrifying full-length con- and the blues have never sounded the cert recorded and produced for release same. by the legendary soundman Owsley A self-described “misfit” in high school, (“Bear”) Stanley. she fell under the sway of Lead Belly, An historic expansion of Joplin’s final Bessie Smith and Big Mama Thornton studio album, The Pearl Sessions pro- in her teens, dabbling in folk music and vides fascinating new insight into Ja- painting. nis’ creative process through a range of rare and previously unreleased ma-
In 1963, she headed to San Francisco, where she met guitarist Jorma Kaukonen, her first link to the HaightAshbury underground music scene. By 1966, Janis had joined, and was ostensibly fronting, the psychedelicrock band Big Brother and the Holding Company.
Big Brother's "Piece of My Heart," on 1968's Cheap Thrills LP, shot to #12 on the Billboard Hot 100, the album sold a million copies in a month, and Joplin became a sensation - earning rapturous praise from Time and Vogue, appearing on The Dick Cavett Show and capturing the imagination of audiences that had never experienced such fiery intensity in a female rock singer.
Janis Joplin’s recordings and filmed performances have secured her status as an enduring cultural con, inspiring countless imitators and musical devotees. Myriad hit collections, live anthologies and other repackaged releases have kept her legend alive, as have one-woman shows such as the hit Love, Janis (which Joplin’s sister, Laura, helped create) and 2009’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe “Best Solo Performance” nominee Janis. A documentary produced by Alex Gibney, Susan Lacy and Jeff Jampol, directed by Amy Berg (“West Of Memphis”) is now in production. One Night with Janis Joplin, a critically acclaimed currently touring production, has played to soldout houses in Portland, Cleveland and Washington, DC, and has received nine Broadway World and two Cleveland Critic Circle Awards nominations.
Her emergence as a solo star was inevitable; she put together her own outfit, the Kozmic Blues Band, and in 1969 released I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama! which went gold. That year also saw her perform at the WoodIn 1988, the Janis Joplin bronze sculpture stock festival. by artist Douglas Clark, was unveiled in Port Arthur. Joplin was inducted into the
Joplin assembled a new backup group, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 and got the Full Tilt Boogie Band, in 1970; she a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in also joined a bill with the Grateful Dead, 2005. Janis Joplin will be given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2013.
pearl sessions
She was developing an extravagant persona, both on-stage and off, her passionate performances matched by an iconic sartorial splendor that's become visually synonymous with the era. Janis and Big Brother's increasingly high-profile shows earned them a devoted fan base and serious industry attention; they signed with Columbia Records and released their major-label debut in 1967. Joplin's seismic presence, as evidenced by her shattering performance at the Monterey Pop Festival, was captured for posterity by filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker.
the Band and other artists for the “Festival Express” railroad tour through Canada. Her final studio album, the landmark Pearl, introduced signature material including Kris Kristofferson’s “Me and Bobby McGee” and her own a cappella plaint, “Mercedes Benz,” while showcasing her mastery of virtually all pop genres. The latter song was, along with a phone-message birthday greeting for John Lennon, the last thing she recorded; she died in October of 1970, and Pearl was released posthumously the following year. The quadrupleplatinum set became the top-selling release of Joplin’s career and, in 2003, was ranked #122 on Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Albums of All Time.”
Legacy Recordings, a divisão de catálogo da Sony Music Entertainment, comemora a vida e a música de Janis Joplin, por ocasião do 70 º aniversário do cantor e celebra a cantora de blues elétrico como primeira artista da gravadora nesse mes O legado da artista fornecerá novas perspectivas sobre lendas musicais cujos sons continuam a afetar a vida das pessoas. A cada mês, a série vai oferecer aos fãs e aficionados novas oportunidades de se concentrar em um catálogo a pedra angular da história da música pop. Columbia / Legacy Recordings marcaram 2012 com o lançamento de dois novos títulos essenciais ao catálogo rock-soul de blues por excelência: Janis Joplin - Pearl Sessions, um conjunto de discos de estréia de duas gravações de estúdio recém-descobertas produzidas por Paul Rothchild , foi lançado em abril, precedido pelo Big Brother & The Holding Company com Janis Joplin - Live at the Ballroom Carousel 1968, um concerto de corpo inteiro eletrizante gravado e produzido para a liberação pelo lendário engenheiro de som Owsley
("Bear") Stanley. Uma expansão histórica do álbum de estúdio de Joplin, Pearl Sessions fornece uma nova visão fascinante sobre o processo criativo de Janis "através de uma variedade de material raro e inédito. Pearl Session inclui um novo ensaio escrito por Holly George-Warren, atualmente na corrida para Best Album Notes Grammy Award. Em suas notas, George-Warren denota em “A Woman Left Lonely,”uma das últimas músicas gravadas por Joplin, “Para Janis, porém, os sentimentos da canção pareciam um fato da vida. Para nós, um último sa crifício que resultou em uma das melhores músicas do século 20:. Ele relata ‘Eles me perguntaram: “Como você aprendeu a cantar o blues assim?”’ Janis disse, apenas três meses antes de sua morte “Eu só abri a boca e isso foi como soou ... você não pode fazer algo que você não sente. você desiste de cada constante no mundo, exceto a música. isso é a única coisa no mundo que você realmente tem. “
SOURCE Ann and Phelim Media, LLC
World Premiere of “Pro-Fracking” Documentary
FrackNation, the controversial film that will tell the truth about fracking, will premiered in Manhattan at 7:30 pm ET on Monday, January 7, at the Chelsea Cinema. The red carpet premiere in Manhattan came as Promised Land, Matt Damon’s anti-fracking movie partially funded by the United Arab Emirates, opens across the country.
FrackNation features investigative journalist Phelim McAleer on a journey that takes him across America to find the truth about fracking. As he asked environmentalists difficult questions about their often emotional campaigns against fracking, McAleer was met with bogus lawsuits, slammed doors and gun threats. The film is co-directed by a tightly knit “It’s time Hollywood celebrities and en- team of three directors: Phelim McAleer, vironmentalists were asked some diffi- his wife Ann McElhinney and their colcult questions about their anti-fracking league Magdalena Segieda. activities and ideologies. And that’s what FrackNation does,” said Phelim “New York is a city built on energy. McAleer, co-director and presenter of People need to know how important the documentary. “I’m particularly glad it is,” said Ann McElhinney, co-director. FrackNation is premiering in New York. “Getting the truth out there about enNew Yorkers are especially tuned in to ergy production, exposing propaganda, arguments about fracking. But the film asking challenging questions of cele could premiere anywhere in America brities and politicians--that’s what because fracking is such an important FrackNation does. issue.” It’s genuine journalism, and it’s exactly what the fracking debate needs.” To mark the premiere, FrackNation has released a TV spot that exposes the FrackNation was funded through the alleged misinformation and misrepre- crowdsourcing website Kickstarter. The sentation at the heart of the Dimock, filmmakers raised $212,265 from 3,305 PA lawsuit by anti-fracking activists. backers on Kickstarter on April 6, 2012. The ad shows one family’s anger after It was one of the most successful they were told their water was not con- documentary campaigns in the history taminated. FrackNation exposes the of Kickstarter. alleged misinformation behind the envi- For more information about FrackNaronmental campaign that made Dimock tion, visit the website, Facebook, or the poster child for anti-fracking scare- Twitter pages. mongering. Web Site: http://www.fracknation.com
AboutUS Asked the Directors How did the making of Fracking impacted your view of the issue?
have thin skins and they don’t like hard questions. And then there was the one person who warned me that he had a gun!
I was totally surprised to learn just how little science is actually behind those who oppose Has the issue become a bigger prefracking. There is absolutely no science that occupation that will continue with demonstrates that fracking has ever contam- other pressing environmental issues inated water. In fact, some of the arguments against fracking – like the presence of meth- documentaries? ane gas in water – are naturally occurring and I think I could spend a lifetime examining the misrepresentations of the environmental have been for hundreds of years. movement. But time will tell about what my next project will be.
Did you already know about it or you learned much more as you reIf you had more funding, what would searched for the movie? you add to the documentary?
I already had a general understanding of the Nothing. I think it is perfect! If it wasn’t, I’d still issue, but as I researched the movie, I really be working on it. learned how strongly scientific the fracking industry is. I also learned how many people What outcome do you expect as a reacross the country are benefitting from frack- sult of the documentary? ing, and their stories are detailed in my film. I would hope that my film will encourage journalists to ask environmentalists hard quesHow many people were involved in tions. And I would especially hope that Josh the documentary's production and Fox, the director of GasLand, will be forced to put facts in the sequel to Gasland, which is execution ? currently being produced by HBO. There were three directors – my wife Ann McElhinney, and Magdalena Segieda and me. But we We would like to thank Lauren M. Pratapas had thousands of credited producers – those Senior Director SOURCE Ann and Phelim Mewho contributed to our Kickstarter fund raiser dia, LLC and Directors Phelim McAleer, his – and were aided by the countless people who wife Ann McElhinney and their colleague Magwe interviewed, who lent their personal voices dalena Segieda also a Director for answering and scientific experience to the project. all our questions and send us all the materials
How much was the total cost? Roughly $150,000.
Were there any pressure against the making of the documentary, like you had with the videos? Any threats ?
We faced threats of lawsuits - just for asking questions - because the media is generally so soft on the environmental movement. We found that the opposition to fracking tends to
necessary for this article.
Here are some of the testimonies and pictures they sent us:
Being new to the subject we researshed and found definitions only and all of it shows the division in opinion to many asked about. We believe that the documentary will bring lots of clarification to the subject. Nothing is as clear as the testimonies of people that live the situation. “So what exactly is fracking? It is a method of extracting under-ground natural gas and oil. Water mixed with sand and chemicals is injected into the ground at high pressure to fracture the rock around wells drilled for this purpose.
contamination in the process. Fracking presents a host of dangerous environmental and public health threats, including: Each fracking site requires 2-4 million gallons of fresh water. The demand would place additional heavy burdens on Flori-da’s communities and economy. A number of toxins, often including diesel fuel, benzene and pesticides, are added to water before it is injected into the earth. Few formal studies have been conducted to assess the impacts of to drinking water of potential contamination.
The process releases the gas or oil, which is then pumped out. Fracking for oil and gas has been used for many years, but new technology Already, communities across America are being now supports wells that reach as far as a mile divided on the issue of fracking. underground. The oil and gas companies continue to create hype about the number of jobs created at While drilling at this depth may allow companies fracking sites and other possible local economic to reach new deposits of oil and gas, it also benefits. greatly increases the risk of local water supply
Como somos novatos ao assunto fizemos uma breve pesquisa e constatamos uma vasta divisão de opiniões. Acreditamos que o documentário esclarecera muitas duvidas . Nada como o testemunho de pessoas que viveram a situação. “Então,o que exatamente é fracking? É um método de extração de gás natural e do petróleo do subsolo. Uma mistura de água com areia e produtos químicos é injetada no solo a uma pressão elevada que leva à fratura da rocha em torno de poços perfurados com a finalidade de libertar o gás ou o óleo, que é então bombeado para fora. O Fracking de petróleo e gás tem sido utilizado por muitos anos, mas a nova tecnologia agora suporta poços que chegam tanto quanto uma milha embaixo da terra. A perfuração em grandes profundidades podem causar o alcance de novos depósitos de Petróleo e gás, mas também aumentar o risco de abastecimento de água local e contaminação do
mesmo durante o processo. Fracking apresenta uma série de ameaças ambientais perigosas e de saúde pública. Para se utilizar a técnica de fracking são necessários que o local possua de 2 a 4 Milhões de Litros de água, mas a demanda dessa iniciativa colocaria pesados encargos financeiros tanto na comunidade como na economia. Um número de toxinas, incluindo muitas vezes diesel, benzeno e pesticidas, são adicionados à água antes de ser injetado para dentro da terra. Poucos estudos formais têm sido realizados para avaliar os impactos da contaminação potencial da água potável. Já, as comunidades em toda a América estão divididos sobre a questão do fracking. As companhias de petróleo e gás continuam a criar hype sobre o número de empregos criados e eventuais benefícios econômicos.
From Golden Globe Award®-nominated director Joe Wright (Atonement) comes a thrilling new vision of the epic story of love, Anna Karenina, adapted by Academy Award®-winning screenwriter Tom Stoppard (Shakespeare in Love) from Leo Tolstoy's timeless classic novel. Academy Award(®) nominee Keira Knightley (Pride & Prejudice), Academy Award(®) nominee Jude Law (Cold Mountain), and Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Savages) lead an allstar cast in a story powerfully exploring the capacity for love that surges through the human heart, while illuminating the lavish society that was imperial Russia. Anna Karenina has been hailed as "extraordinarily bold and exciting!" (Vogue). Anna Karenina will be available on Blu-ray((TM)) Combo Pack, DVD, On Demand and Digital Download on February 19, 2013 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. At the twilight of an empire, Anna Karenina (Knightley), the beautiful wife of one of Russia's most esteemed men (Law), has it all. But when she meets the dashing cavalry officer Vronsky (Taylor-Johnson), there is a mutual spark of instant attraction that cannot be ignored. Anna is swept up in a passionate affair that will shock a nation and change the lives of everyone around her. The visually enchanting Anna Karenina is "ecstatic" (Time), "rapturous" (MSN Movies) and "a spectacle that has to be seen to be believed!" (The Huffington Post) This "instant Oscar contender" (Pete Hammond, Deadline)is a must-have addition to any DVD collection, with Bonus Features detailing the stunning artistry of the cast and crew. The Blu-ray((TM) )Combo Pack allows consumers to view Anna Karenina anytime, anywhere on the platform of their choice. It includes a Blu-ray((TM) )disc, a DVD, a Digital Copy and UltraViolet((TM)) for the
ultimate, complete viewing experience. • Blu-ray((TM) )disc unleashes the power of your HDTV and is the best way to watch movies at home, featuring perfect hi-def picture and hi-def sound. • DVD offers the flexibility and convenience of playing movies in more places, both at home and away. • Digital Copy provides consumers with a choice of formats from a variety of partners, including options to watch on iPhone(®), Android((TM)), computers and more. • UltraViolet((TM) )is a revolutionary new way for consumers to collect their movies and TV shows in the cloud. UltraViolet((TM)) lets consumers instantly stream and download to tablets, smartphones, computers and TVs. Now available in both the United States and Canada. BONUS FEATURES: • • • • • • • •
Deleted Scenes Anna Karenina: An Epic Story About Love Adapting Tolstoy Keira as Anna On the Set with Director Joe Wright Dressing Anna Anna Karenina: Time-Lapse Photography Feature Commentary with Director Joe Wright
Eli Klein Fine Art Presents Zhang Dali: A Retrospective Eli Klein Fine Art, one of America's leading galleries specializing in Chinese Contemporary Art, is pleased to announce it will present a retrospective exhibition featuring the work of one of China's most dynamic artists, Zhang Dali.
nese migrant worker’s dedication to China’s growth. In these pieces, he explores the massive disparity between poverty and wealth. Since 2003, he created over 100 of these life-size, resin-cast figures and each one possesses a unique tattoo--the artist issues each with a number, title, and his S h o w c a s i n g own signature of legitimacy. pieces from his most cele- In his Slogan series, Zhang Dali appropribrated series, ates various Chinese propagandistic slothis exhibition gans from the streets of Beijing into his reflects on the paintings. Though civilians feeling numb unprecedent- to these omnipresent slogans, they are, ed growth and subconsciously deeply influenced. development China experi- In 2003, Zhang Dali started researching enced when it historical photographs released by offiexpanded its cially sanctioned publications and created contacts with Second History, a series of 130 works. the rest of the world in the The artist collected these historical im90s. ages-which were altered by the government for propaganda purposes--and then This exhibition will be on view at Eli matched them with images originating Klein Fine Art through February 18, from the same negative, examining the ways the alterations were utilized. This 2013. body of work allows many Chinese to see Much of Zhang Dali’s art focuses on the for the first time the reality behind the imrapidly changing environment in China. ages they are so familiar with. His series, Dialogue, and the slightly later series, Demolition, highlight the forced The most recent series, World’s Shadow, modernization of Beijing. His spray-paint- brings the artist to a new medium. Phoed outlines of human heads-which evolved tograms allow Zhang Dali to explore the into the series Demolition, where the inner physical and allegorical interaction besection of his heads were physically de- tween shadows and objects. The transient molished--make a silent but biting protest nature of shadows plays with Zhang Daabout the destruction of traditional Beijing. li’s central themes; nature is replaced by concrete and steel, tradition is replaced Zhang Dali’s work is extremely versatile by modernization, and each only leaves a as his sculpture, Chinese Offspring, il- shadow of their passing. lustrates. The artist created this body of work to recognize and celebrate the Chi-
Zhang Dali was born in Harbin, China in 1963, and earned his Bachelors in Fine Arts from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. His work has been exhibited in museum shows around the world including recent exhibitions "Zhang Dali: A Second History," Les Rencontres d'Arles, 41st Edition (2010); "The Original Copy: Photography of a Sculpture, 1839 to Today," MoMA, New York (2010); The 54th Venice Biennale (June, 2011); "New Photography 2011," MoMA, New York (2011); and "Faking it: Manipulated Photography before Photoshop," The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2012). Photo courtesy of Eli Fine Arts - Slogan C7
Eli Klein Fine Art is committed to exhibiting and promoting Chinese contemporary art to a global audience. Through museum exhibitions, gallery shows, and the publication of exhibition catalogues and academic essays, we wish to stimulate inter-cultural dialogue and to promote an academic approach to China's most ground-breaking talents.
Founded in 2007, Eli Klein Fine Art is now internationally considered to be one of the foremost galleries specializing in Chinese contemporary art and represents artists Liu Bolin, Han Yajuan, Zhang Gong, Shen Shaomin, Li Hongbo, Li Hui, Zhang Peng, Gao Rong, Miao Xiaochun, Cui Xiuwen, Han Yajuan and Lu Zhengyuan.
The artists we represent exemplify the cutting edge of Chinese contemporary art, employing various media and techniques representative of a rapidly changing culture. Our artists are carefully selected for their uniqueness of vision and far-reaching potential -- qualities that we foster through close and supportive relationships.
Eli Klein Fine Art 462 West Broadway, New York, NY 10012 212-255-4388; info@ekfineart.com http://www.ekfineart.com
Eli Klein Fine Art Apresenta Zhang Dali: Uma Retrospectiva Até o dia 18 de fevereiro de 2013 Eli Klein Fine Art, uma das mais importantes galerias de América especializadas em arte contemporânea chinesa, tem o prazer de anunciar que irá apresentar uma exposição retrospectiva que caracteriza o trabalho de um dos artistas mais dinâmicos da China, Zhang Dali. Apresentando peças de sua série mais célebre, esta exposição reflete sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento sem precedentes que a China experimentou quando expandiu seus contatos com o resto do mundo nos anos 90. Esta exposição poderá ser vista na Eli Klein Fina Arte até 18 de fevereiro de 2013. Grande parte da arte de Zhang Dali centra-se no ambiente em rápida mutação na China. Sua série, Diálogo e um pouco mais tarde, a série Demolição, destacam a modernização forçada de Pequim. Seus contornos de cabeças-humanas pichadas que evoluiram para a série demolição, onde a secção interior de suas cabeças foram fisicamente demolidas criando um protesto silencioso, mas cortante sobre a destruição da tradicional Pequim.
de vários slogans propagandísticos chineses das ruas de Pequim em suas pinturas. Embora civis sentem-se dormentes a esses slogans onipresentes, eles estão, inconscientemente, profundamente influenciados. Em 2003, Zhang Dali iniciou sua pesquisa a fotografias históricas divulgados por pu blicações oficialmente sancionados e criou Segunda História, uma série de 130 obras. O artista coletou essas imagens históricas - que foram alteradas pelo governo para fins de propaganda politica - ele então combinou com imagens originárias do mesmo negativo, examinando as formas como as alterações foram utilizadas. Este corpo de trabalho permite a muitos chineses para verem pela primeira vez a realidade por tras das imagens tao conhecidas por eles. A série mais recente, Shadow World, traz o artista para um novo meio. Fotogramas permitem Zhang Dali a explorar a interação física e alegórica entre sombras e objetos. A natureza transitória das sombras brinca com temas centrais para Zhang Dali; a natureza é substituída por concreto e aço, a tradição é substituída pela modernização, e cada um só deixa uma sombra de sua passagem.
Zhang Dali nasceu em Harbin, na China, em 1963, e ganhou seu Bacharelado em Artes Plásticas da Academia Central de Belas Artes de Pequim. Seu trabalho tem sido exibido em exposições de museus de todo o mundo, inO trabalho de Zhang Dali é extremamente cluindo exposições recentes “Dali Zhang: uma versátil como ilustra sua escultura, “Cinese segunda história,” Les Rencontres d’Arles, 41 Offspring”. O artista criou este corpo de trabal- edição (2010), “A cópia original: Fotografia de ho para reconhecer e celebrar a dedicação do uma escultura, de 1839 Hoje,” MoMA, Nova trabalhador migrante chinês ao crescimento York (2010), A 54 ª Bienal de Veneza (Junho de da China. Nessas peças, ele explora a enorme 2011), “Fotografia de Novo 2011”, MoMA, Nova disparidade entre a pobreza e a riqueza. York (2011) e “Fingir que: Fotografia manipulada antes de Photoshop,” O Museu MetropoliDesde 2003, ele criou mais de 100 dessas es- tano de Arte (2012 ). culturas de resina em tamanho real, e cada uma possui uma única tatuagem - o artista atribui, a cada uma um número, título, e sua própria assinatura de legitimidade. Em sua série Slogan, Zhang Dali se apropria
Sobre a Eli Klein Fine Art Eli Arte Klein Fina tem o compromisso de expor e promover a arte contemporânea chinesa para uma audiência global. Através de exposições em museus, mostras de galeria, e da publicação de catálogos de exposições e ensaios acadêmicos, queremos estimular o diálogo intercultural e promover uma abordagem acadêmica para a maioria da China inovadores talentos. Os artistas que representamos exemplificar a vanguarda da arte contemporânea chinesa, que emprega vários meios e técnicas de representação de uma cultura em rápida mudança. Nossos artistas são cuidadosamente selecionados por sua unicidade de visão e de longo alcance em potencial - qualidades que promovem através de relações próximas e de suporte. Fundada em 2007, Eli Arte Klein fina é agora internacionalmente considerado um dos mais importantes galerias especializadas em arte contemporânea chinesa e representa artistas Liu Bolin, Han yajuan, Gong Zhang, Shen Shaomin, Li Hongbo, Li Hui, Zhang Peng, Gao Rong , Miao Xiaochun, Xiuwen Cui, Han yajuan e Lu Zhengyuan. Eli Klein Executive Director Eli Klein Fine Art 462 West Broadway, New York, NY 10012 212-255-4388; info@ekfineart.com http://www.ekfineart.com
Fotos cedidas por Eli Klein Fine Art O nome da arte mostrada nesse artigo “Slogan C7 Zhang Dali Slogan C7, 2008 - 2012 Acrylic and wax on vinyl 87 7/8 x 71 5/8 inches (223 x 182 cm)
Andre Luiz Muniz Gonzaga-Dalata
Andre tells us.
“I started painting just for fun and never thought it would come to the point that I got. Today I know exactly what I want and intend to continue to evolve and walk through this journey!
I also have some projects for 2013.
Actually some exhibitions in Brazil and some projects already confirmed for the summer in Europe. And I am open to proposals. Just be aware that I will disseminating web.
I would like to thank for the opportunity and send good vibes to all readers! thank you! “
Born and raised in Belo Horizonte, Brazil-M.G. André Gonzaga (Dalata), active in the graffiti scene since 1997, well known both in Brazil and abroad, performs his art work which is based in the abstraction and surrealism amid a mixture of a variety of techniques. Strolling by paintings, drawings and sculptures, looks into instigate the curiosity of others. Transmiting a good vibe into the eyes of the beholder is what motivates Dalata to express himself”. Dalata portraits life in a place not too distant, where mutants are brought to light naturally, in scenarios and characters of a playful universe. In his peculiar psychedelic style entitled "Exciting Bizarre". Also recognized for using irregular surfaces, which makes his interventions in degraded sites interactive with the nature of the place.
He explores the nature of stains, mold, cracks and all kinds of deformations that the environment has to offer, the infinite interpretations of his work is one of the his trademarks.Opening the doors for a dialogue between his art and the public. He has participated in many showns and expositions of his work such as : EVENTS, EXPOS & MORE: - Primeira mostra de arte do arena (Arenão
2000) - Quarta mostra Nacional de Graffiti, Sto André S.P 2001 - Primeira mostra mundial de Graffiti Sto André S.P 2002 - Exposição no MUSEU HISTÓRICO ABÍLIO BARRETO em 2003. - Exposição no FAN (Festival de arte Negra) P.B.H 2003 - Exposição e ilustração referente a cartilha dos Direitos Humanos P.B.H 2003 - Exposição feira da URBS em S.P. pela P.B.H 2004 - Participação projetos arena da cultura arte no parque Horizontes do graffiti P.B.H 2004 - Participação no FIT (Festival Internacional de Teatro) 2004 - Participação nas mostras de graffiti Santo André S.P 2005 - Mostra de Macaé RJ 2005 - Exposição modo aberto em bh mostra coletiva 2005 - Indicado melhor graffiti do ano premio Hutus 2005 Rio de Janeiro - Exposição street art no espaço usiminas em ipatinga 2006 - Exposição Aocubo 2006 em São Paulo - Evento 30horas de graffiti cptm em São Paulo 2006 - Evento Meeting of styles mundial de graffiti no Rio de Janeiro 2006 - Evento 100 anos da imigração Japonesa no túnel da Paulista São Paulo 2007 - Exposição e custumização de quartos no ART HOSTEL em S.P 2007 - Participação no evento da Montana Just Writing My Name em S.P 07 - Exposição coletivo “Os brasileiros” em L.A. USA 2008 - Participação na Bienal internacional de graffiti de B.H 2008 - Exposição coletiva “Fine Art”no Museu Mube em S.P 2009 - Exposição coletiva “O Encontro” Brasil França em D.F 2009
bout brazilian art-showing the strength of our artist
- Participação no projeto R.U.A Rotterdam NL 2009 - Exposição coletiva "Seisnasete" em B.H 2009 - Exposiçao na Fnac Paulista DALATA e Onio S.P 2010 - Live paint e workshop na Virada Cultura Cubatão S.P 2010 - Bienal internacional de Graffiti fine art S.P 2010 - Participação no Projeto pintando um novo mundo Goiania 2010 - Participaçao Rua festival Amsterdam Holanda 2011 - Live Paint na Stroke art fair Berlin Alemanha 2011 - Live Paint no projeto Parede no Sesc Paladium B.H 2012 - Participação no Festi Graff Senegal Africa 2012 - Exposição individual na Galeria Matilha Cultural em S.P 2012 - Exposição coletiva Underland Local Art B.H 2012
HERE IS WHAT WE ASKED: At what age you started to paint and drawing? I started as a child early starting at 2 3 years I was already drawing a few things. Did you have an inspiration? A person who encouraged you? In my house my sisters were always related to art, painting and drawing a little.... I have 4 sisters and 1 brother, all my sisters drew, except my brother who never did ... But I am really the only one that kept the dream, until today . You spoke of Europe, where you will expose? We’re talking ... probably Frankfurt, London, and Amsterdam ... in 2013 Where did your art begin? On canvas, paper, or on the streets? I started drawing on the streets ... by 14 with graffiti and street art at 21.
Did you study art? AboutUS by HoyspotOrlando is happy to I was self tought, all by myself
have such a talented artist in our magazine. Despite the taboo that an artist must have an academic backgroung in order to succeed or even to be considered a real Artist, we beg to differ. An artist is a person that can transform an idea, change its surroundings and elevate human nature to a better place.
Art is manifestation of our spirit, and one of the most used to reach out for the masses. By photography, painting, graffity or sculpture, art is above all human, from the heart, and should not require a diploma to be proven real. Art is a legacy, and someone like Andre Dalata is leaving his legacy, his trademark. In a Country where many kids lack of a role model he brings a light to them, and at the same time shows the world what the Brazilian Art has to offer.
ANDRE nos fala.
de abstração e surrealismo em uma mistura a de técnicas variadas.
Eu comecei pintar simplesmente por lazer e nunca imaginei que chegaria ao ponto que cheguei. Hoje sei bem o que quero e pretendo continuar a caminhar e evoluir a cada dia!
Andre Luiz Muniz Gonzaga
By Hotspotorlando
Passeando pela pintura, o desenho e a escultura,o artista cria um mundo próprio voltado para o positivismo, Dalata retrata a vida em um lugar não muito distante, onde seres mutantes trazem a tona naturalmente, cenários e personagens de um universo lúdico, em um jogo de formas pensantes no denominado estilo bizarro.
Eu tenho alguns projetos para 2013. Na verdade algumas exposições no Brasil já confirmadas e alguns projetos para o verão na europa.E estou aberto a pro- Apaixonante e recopostas. nhecido também pelo
seu trabalho em suÉ só ficar atento que perfícies irregulares, vou divulgando na onde faz intervenções em locais degradados web. interagindo com a natureza do lugar, explogostaria rando manchas, bolode agradecer pela res, rachaduras e todo oportunidade e tipo de deformação mandar boas vi- que o ambiente tenha a oferecer.
brações para todos os leitores! A infinidade de inmuito obrigado!” terpretações em Nascido e criado em sua obra é uma das marcas reBelo Horizonte, André Gonzaga (Da- gistradas do seu lata), atua na cena trabalho. Abrindo do graffiti desde 97. as portas para um dialogo entre a Conhecido tanto no Brasil quanto no arte e o público mundo,seu trabalho é um coquetel
A Arte Origami por Sandra Gobert
edmundo cavalcanti
Conheçam agora um pouco mais de Sandra.
Como e quando se dá o seu primeiro contato com as Artes?
Aos cinco anos de idade, neste período meu pai foi procurado por uma pessoa da igreja onde frequentava, para ajudar um homem estrangeiro que estava sem moradia, naquela época abrir as portas da sua casa para ajudar um desconhecido não era algo absurdo, então como esse homem estava desempregado resolveu fazer desenhos para vender e ajudar nas despesas de casa, então me lembro como se fosse ontem (aos cinco anos de idade) esse homem desenhando em uma folha de papel grande com giz de cera, era lindo, diferente e tinha uma força inexplicável, fiquei encantada, ali foi o meu primeiro contato visual com a arte, anos mais tarde, comecei a desenhar como ele e acrescentar novos elementos e enfim dando significado, as formas que ia criando, depois passei a utilizar tinta óleo. Meu trabalho teve grande influência técnica dessa pessoa que passou por nossas vidas e que nunca mais ouvi falar Como foi a escolha do curso de faculdade? Escolhi o curso porque desde muito pequena era apaixonada por desenho, amava co-
lorir, experimentar novos materiais, sempre com o objetivo de deixar minha casa mais bela com cópias de imagens que gostava, tudo muito autodidata, só que em um determinado momento sabia que precisaria me aprofundar no universo da arte. Meus pais não me apresentaram a vida e a obra dos artistas, mais me davam materiais para pintar desenhar e etc., a escola também só se detinha ao “fazer arte”, que na realidade era apenas um fazer manual, sem significado algum, não exigia o pensar e refletir e muito menos criar, na realidade só tive acesso ao conhecimento dos artistas, dos movimentos artísticos da leitura de imagens, interpretação de imagens na faculdade, então percebi o quando esse estudo era importante para o meu desenvolvimento pessoal como artista e principalmente como professora. Foi como se o meu horizonte tivesse aberto uma porta de infinitas possibilidades então eu não podia mais guardar esse conhecimento que abre portas e nos faz enxergar a luz só para mim, tive que expandir.
a arte de Sandra Gobert
Sandra Gobert nasceu em Brasília em 23 de dezembro de 1974. Estudou artes Universidade Católica de Salvador, licenciada em educação artística com habilitação em artes plásticas pela UFPE-Universidade Federal de Pernambuco é também professora de artes. Já aos 5 anos de idade ficava em estado de êxtase diante das cores, na adolescência desenhava e se envolvia com o fazer criativo. Com influencias na abstração de Kandinsky e pinturas com motivações espirituais, Sandra desenvolve um trabalho peculiar.
Quando você começou a trabalhar com artes plásticas? Comecei a pintar mais ou menos aos 18 anos de forma autodidata sem pretensão alguma, experimentando as cores, copiando imagens; mas somente em 2001 que comecei a me aprofundar nessa área e fazer estudos mais profundos sobre os trabalhos que produzia.
Quais são suas principais influências? Influência nas formas e cores foi desse homem desconhecido. Na realidade é difícil falar de influências, pois só fui conhecer a vida e obras de artistas em torno dos 18 anos quando já pintava, mas sempre me encantou a arte Japonesa. Mokiti Okada me influenciou com relação à parte espiritual e sua missão e atualmente Kandinsky e a abstração tem sido minha inspiração.
A religiosidade também é outro traço marcante em seus trabalhos. Como isso começou? Na realidade desde muito jovem busquei respostar para a minha existência, a busca pela espiritualidade, pelos conhecimentos espirituais, a liberdade para escolher o caminho espiritual que queria seguir em casa me proporcionou essa liberdade, a evolução sempre foram e são importantes para minha vida. Nós estamos aqui para evoluir e colocar em prática diariamente aquilo que aprendo com a espiritualidade independente da religião, pois aprender com tudo e todos e principalmente praticar o que aprendi e se possível transformar isso em arte, para que mesmo de forma inconsciente atinja a alma de cada pessoa, isso é o importante para o meu ser e daqueles que me rodeiam. Como é o seu processo criativo em si? O que te inspira... um filme, livro... De onde vem esse primeiro impulso para produzir. Meu impulso e ou processo criativo vem da necessidade de dividir com as pessoas, algo que foi importante para o meu crescimento espiritual, mesmo que as pessoas não compreendam a energia positiva e transformadora ao observar a obra está lá de forma invisível na pintura. Jamais pinto quando não estou muito bem, pois quero dividir com as pessoas essa energia positiva da criação. E se consigo também uma forma bela e iluminada fico satisfeita. Os textos, ensinamentos, situações que vivi, um filme, tudo pode me inspirar, normalmente escolho o conteúdo da obra (espírito) depois crio a forma da obra (matéria), lei da ordem espírito precede matéria. Se você fosse resumir em poucas palavras o significado das Artes na sua vida... Quando se trata de uma arte de alto nível espiritual ela representa em minha vida uma ponte para o infinito a luz que acolhe a alma, e que deveria se expandir por todas as partes. A arte é uma produção intelectual primorosa, onde as emoções estão inseridas no contexto da criação, porém na historia da arte, vemos que muitos artistas são derivados de outros, seguindo técnicas e movimentos artísticos através do tempo, você possui algum modelo ou influencia de algum artista? Quem seria? Não posso dizer que derivei de nenhum movimento artístico, pois nunca me preocupei com isso, ape-
nas pintava, Wassily Kandinsky na realidade tem uma afinidade muito grande com os meus pensamentos, mas penso que devo começar um novo movimento artístico, uma nova forma de pensar sobre as artes, por isso que criei esse nome arte transmaterial ou movimento transmaterial da arte, minha preocupação é no rumo que muitos seguimentos da arte têm tomado e a péssima influencia que tem dado aos jovens e adolescentes. Nós artistas somos sim responsáveis pelo que produzimos como arte, pois temos o poder de elevar o ser humano aos níveis mais elevados da alma e para isso devemos polir em primeiro lugar o nosso ser ou degradar o ser humano aos níveis mais baixos. O que a arte representa para você? (Pois é sabido que muitos artistas usam a arte para expressarem seus sentimentos e impressões de mundo, porém existem aqueles que apenas o fazem como forma de hobby ou passa-tempo, para dar uma pausa no estresse do dia-a-dia).Se estivermos falando da arte que é socializada com um grande número de pessoas, a arte se torna algo mais sério do que as pessoas imaginam, pois não se trata de uma simples ação ou expressão dos sentimentos, emoções, paixões ou indignação do artista, mas ela é simplesmente o veículo que contribui para a evolução ou degradação do ser humano, neste caso a arte tem um peso grande. não possui o peso do conteúdo, ou seja, do espírito da obra que se comunica com o espírito do contemplador (então ela não possui a dimensão e o peso da mensagem).
Você trabalha e faz origami, inclusive, incorporado aos seus quadros. Por quê? Qual o significado disso? O origami na realidade é considerado artesanato, normalmente, quando faço uma peça ela não é única e se repetirá quantas vezes eu achar necessário, isso é uma característica do artesanato, a maioria deles não possui significado é apenas uma peça decorativo, muito diferente das pinturas que faço. São várias coisas que me encantaram e me encantam no origami, entre elas é a capacidade de uma única folha de papel se transformar em várias
sandra gobert São várias coisas que me encantaram e me encantam no origami, entre elas é a capacidade de uma única folha de papel se transformar em várias formas diferentes e sair do bidimensional para o tridimensional, me faz refletir e comparar ao ser humano quanto mais se estuda e mais conhece as coisas, mais profundo ele fica, ou seja, ele sai da bidimensão para a tridimensão. Outra característica é que para se dobrar uma peça de origami é necessário respeitar a ordem, dobrando etapa por etapa, caso contrário não conseguiremos chegar a um resultado final, assim é a vida, quando desrespeitamos a ordem natural das coisas o resultado não é bom e por último o origami me ensinou que apesar de ser feito em um material frágil como o papel e possui um curto período de vida, isso não o faz menos importante e ou de pouco valor, mas o tempo que nos encantou; assim é o ser humano, frágil, e nem por isso tem menos valor. Futuramente penso em transformar essa técnica artesanal do origami em arte conceitual. Quais as técnicas que você usa para expressar suas ideias?
Todo artista tem seu mentor, aquela pessoa a quem você se espelhou, que te incentivou e te inspirou a seguir essa carreira, indo adiante e levando seus sonhos a outros patamares de expressão, quem é essa pessoa e como ela te introduziu no mundo das artes? Acredito que Mokiti Okada me inspirou e me inspira e provavelmente tenha de certa forma me introduzido sim no mundo das Artes, através de seu exemplo de vida (palavras, pensamentos e principalmente a ação, e pela incessante busca da verdade, do bem e do belo). A busca pelo simples, porém profundo, fazer o máximo utilizando o mínimo, não ficar preso a forma, são ensinamentos Importantes desse Mestre que visa à qualidade de vida do ser humano através, da arte, terapia e agricultura natural. Mas, temos mestres em todos os lugares basta ter sensibilidade na alma. Sandra mostra em seu perfil do Facebook, muitos de seus trabalhos.
Escrito por Edmundo Cavalcanti Email: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com Todas as técnicas e materiais podem ser utiliza- Site: www.artedeedmundo.blogspot.com dos. Dependerá do local, situação ou ocasião, Facebook: mas gosto de trabalhar com tintas, tela ou pa- Edmundo Rafael de Araujo Cavalcanti pel. Twitter: @EdCavalc
Sandra Gobert Sandra Gobert was born in Brasilia on December 23rd, 1974. She studied arts at the Catholic University of Salvador, graduated in visual arts and specialization in arts education UFPE-Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. She also teaches Arts. Even at 5 years old she was in a state of amaze whenever she encountered colors. During adolescence she started drawing and got involved with her creative mind. With influences in the abstraction of Kandinsky and paintings with spiritual motivations, Sandra developed a unique line of work. Know a little more about Sandra. How and when you had your first contact with the Arts? When I was age five, I remember that my father was approached by a person from church, to help a foreign man who was homeless. At that time it wasn’t unusual to open the doors to help a stranger, it was not an absurd, then the unemployed man resolved to make drawings to sell and help with the expenses at our home, and I remember like it was yesterday (at age five) this man drawing on a large sheet of paper with crayons, it was beautiful, and had a different inexplicable force, I was blown away! That was my first contact with visual art. Years later, as I started drawing more, adding new elements giving meaning, and creating forms, I introduced using oil paint to my work, and things started changing . My work had a great influence from that person who went through our lives and we never heard from him again. How was your choice of College subject made? I chose the course because since very little I was passionate about drawing, loved coloring, tried new materials, always aiming to make my home more beautiful with copies of pictures I liked, all very self-taught, except that at a certain moment I knew I needed to dive into the world of art. My parents introduced me to the life and work of artists, gave me more material to draw and paint etc., At school we only had to "make art", which in reality was just a manual meaningless, iniciative, that did not require to think and reflect and create. Actually we only had access to knowledge of artists, art movements, image reading, and image interpretation in college. When I realized that the study was important for my personal development as an artist and especially as a teacher, it was like my horizon
had opened, and a door with endless possibilities along with it. Soon I could not keep the knowledge that these opens doors gave me, or all the light that came to me. I had to expand. When did you start working with arts? I started painting at about 18 years of age, self-taught, without any pretense, experiencing the colors, copying images, but only in 2001 that I began to dive into this area and make deeper studies of the work I produced. What are your main influences? Influence on the shapes and colors were all from the unknown man. In reality it is difficult to speak of influences, because only I know the life and work of artists around the age of 18 when he painted it, but I was always enchanted with the Japanese art. Mokiti Okada influenced me regarding spiritual part and its mission and currently Kandinsky and abstraction has been my inspiration. Religiosity is another striking feature in his works. How did it start? In fact since very young I looked for answers for my existence, the quest for spirituality, the spiritual knowledge, the freedom to choose the spiritual path I wanted gave me this freedom, evolution always were and are an important ipart n my life. We are here to develop and put into practice what we learn daily with spirituality, regardless of religion, as we learn from everything and everyone and especially to practice what we learn and if possible turn it into art, so even unconsciously reach out for the soul of each person, it is important for myself and those around me. How is your creative process ? What inspires you ... a movie, book ... When comes this first impulse to produce art?. My impulse and creative process come from the need to share, something that was important to my spiritual growth, even if people do not understand the positive and transforming power when they observe my work it is there, in invisible form. I never paint when I'm not well, because I want to share with people that positive energy of creation. And if I can transcend beauty and clarity I’m satisfied. The texts, teachings, lived situations, a movie, anything can inspire me, usually I choose the content of the work (spirit) then I create the shape of the work (matter), in the law of order spirit precedes matter. If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning
of the Arts in your life ... When it comes to art with a highly spiritual level it represents a bridge to the infinite light that welcomes the soul, and should expand everywhere. Art is an exquisite intellectual production, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from others, following technical and artistic movements through time, do you have some type of influence of an artist? Who would it be? Â I can not say I derive from any artistic movement, because I never bothered with that, just painting, Wassily Kandinsky actually has a great affinity with my thoughts, but I think we should start a new artistic movement, a new way of thinking about the arts, so I created this name transmaterial art or transmaterial art movement. My concern is the direction that many segments of art have taken and bad influences that have given to youth and adolescents. We artists are responsible for what we produce as art, because we have the power to lift the human being to the highest levels and for this we must first polish our being or we degrade the human being at the lower levels. What does art mean to you? (For it is known that many artists use art to express their feelings and impressions of the world, but those who will only do so as a hobby or pastime, to take a break from the stress of day-to-day). If we're talking about the art that is socialized with a large number of people, art becomes something more serious than people realize because it is not a simple action or expression of feelings, emotions, passions or anger, but it is simply a vehicle which contributes to the development or deterioration of the human being, If art is just a hobby, it probably is a decorative art, which works only technical issues, and does not have the weight of important contents, the work spirit has no meaning What techniques do you use to express your ideas? All the techniques and materials may be used. Depend on the local situation or occasion, but I like working with paint, canvas or paper. Every artist has his mentor, the person to whom you mirror yorself, you're encouraged by and inspired you to pursue this career, going ahead and taking your
dreams to new heights of expression, who is that person, and how he introduced you to the world of arts ? I believe Mokiti Okada inspired me and probably has introduced me to some extent to the world of Art. Through his example of life (words, thoughts and especially actions, and the relentless pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty ). The search for simple, yet profound, making the most using the least, are Important teachings that the Master that envisions the quality of human life through art, natural agriculture and therapy. But we can find teachers everywhere we just have to be sensitive. You work and make Origami and even incorporated into your paintings. Why? What does it mean? The origami is actually considered a craft, normally, when I make a piece, it will be repeated as many times as I find it necessary, it is a feature of the craft, most of them have no meaning it is just a decorative piece, a lot different than the paintings I do. There are several things that enchant me and I am delighted with origami, It is the ability of a single sheet of paper to transform into several different forms and go from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, it makes me reflect and I compare it to human nature, the more we study, the deeper it gets. Another feature is the folding of an origami piece, it is necessary to comply with the order, folding step by step, otherwise we can not reach a final result, so is life when disrespecting the natural order of things the result is not good and finally origami taught me that despite being made in ​​ a brittle material like paper and has a short life span, that does not make it any less important and or of little value, but the time that enchanted us, and so is the human, fragile, and even so it has less value. I think in the future this technique transforming origami craft in conceptual art. Sandra Gobert Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandra.gobert.9?fref=ts Written by Edmund Cavalcanti Email: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com Site: www.artedeedmundoblogspop.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edmundo.cavalcanti?fref=ts Twitter: @ EdCavalc
By Elita ! Olá meus amigos, Pois e o Ano Novo chegou e já estamos no meio de janeiro, parece que o tempo esta passando tão rapidamente que como dizia mamãe, “O mês parece que já começa no meio! ”A correria do Natal passou, e agora já vamos nos preparando para mais uma comemoração!!!!!
VALENTINES DAY ! Logo que cheguei aos Estados Unidos, e lá se vão quinze anos, fui estudar inglês, pois só conhecia Mesmo o básico da língua…. :”the book is on the table” rssssE na escola comecei a aprender sobre as festas e os costumes do Pais, eu como sou muito festeira……já Disse que festejo ate aniversario de boneca hehehe…., adorei conhecer o Valentines Day, pois eu Imaginava que seria como o Dia dos Namorados no Brasil, mas não!!!!! Adorei saber que e um dia que podemos homenagear todo mundo, amigos, namorados, família etc….. um dia pra falar para as pessoas com as quais convivemos diariamente ou não , do nosso amor por elas……
na prisão o cumprimento da sua sentença, ele se apaixonou pela filha cega de um carcereiro e, milagrosamente, devolveu-lhe a visão. Antes da execução, Valentim escreveu uma mensagem de adeus para ela, na qual assinava como “Seu Namorado” ou “De seu Valentim”. Hoje o dia de São Valentim, um dia de festa oficial na Comunhão Anglicana, assim como na Igreja Luterana e Ortodoxa, sendo que a ultima comemora em 06 e 30 de julho. A associação do dia com o amor romântico cresceu na Idade Media, quando a tradição do amor floresceu. Por volta do seculo XV, evoluiu para uma ocasião em que os amantes expressavam seu amor um pelo outro, oferecendo flores, doces, bombons, cartões etc....Os símbolos utilizados hoje em dia são..... Corações, pombas e a figura do cupido com asas. No Brasil a data é comemorada no dia 12 de Junho por ser véspera do dia 13 de Junho, Dia de Santo Antonio, santo português com tradição de casamenteiro. A data provavelmente surgiu no comércio paulista, quando o comerciante João Dória[ trouxe a ideia do exterior e a apresentou aos comerciantes.
O Dia de São Valentin, comemorado no dia 14 de A ideia se expandiu pelo Brasil, amparada pela corFevereiro de cada ano, começou como uma celebra- relação com o Dia de São Valentim. ção litúrgica de um santo cristão nomeado ValentiE é sempre muito bom festejarmos o AMOR, e com no. isso todos ganham, pois por um momento paramos O bispo Valentim lutou contra as ordens do impera- para pensar em alguém querido. E se vocês precisador Cláudio II que havia proibido o casamento du- rem de umas caixas de bombons lindas para homerante as guerras acreditando que os solteiros eram nagear alguém, visitem o meu website melhores combatentes. www.culinariafacil.com . Além de continuar celebrando casamentos, ele se casou secretamente, apesar da proibição do impe- Um beijo e ate o próximo mês......Elita rador. A prática foi descoberta e Valentim foi preso e condenado à morte. Enquanto estava preso, mui- Happy Valentine’s Day! tos jovens lhe enviavam flores e bilhetes dizendo que ainda acreditavam no amor. Enquanto aguardava
Hello my friends,
While in prison awaiting the fulfillment of his sentence, he fell in love with a jailer's Because a New Year has arrived and we are blind daughter and miraculously restored in the middle of January, it seems that time is her vision. passing so quickly as Mom said, "The month looks like it is starting in the middle! "The Before execution, Valentine wrote a farewell Christmas rush has passed, and now we are message to her, which signed as "Your Boypreparing for another celebration!!! friend" or "From your Valentine." Today, Valentine's Day, an official feast day in VALENTINES DAY! the Anglican Communion, and the Lutheran Church and Orthodox, that celebrates it on When I first came to the United States, and the days July 06 and July 30. there goes fifteen years, I went to study English because I only knew just the basics The association of the day with romantic love of the language .... : "The book is on the in the Middle Ages grew when the tradition table" rssss At school I started to learn about of love flourished. the festivals and customs of the country, and By the fifteenth century, evolved into an I love to celebrate! ......I already said that occasion on which lovers express their love even birthday celebration for dolls are im- for each other, offering flowers, sweets, chocportant .... hehehe, I loved learning about olates, cards etc .... The symbols used today Valentines Day because I imagined it would are ..... hearts, doves and figures of winged be like Valentine's Day in Brazil, but no!!! I Cupids. love the fact that this day exists so we can In Brazil the date is celebrated on June 12th, honor everyone, friends, boyfriends, family the eve of June 13, Day of St. Anthony, a etc ..... a day to talk to people we live with Portuguese saint with a tradition of matchevery day or not, our love for them ...... maker. The date probably arose in Sao Paulo trading, when the trader John Doria brought The Day of Saint Valentin, celebrated on the idea from abroad and presented to merFebruary 14 each year, began as a liturgical chants.The idea expanded all over Brazil, celebration of a Christian saint named Val- supported by correlation with Valentine's entino. Day. Bishop Valentine fought against the orders of Emperor Claudius II who had prohibited It's always celebrate LOVE, and thus evmarriage during the wars believing singles eryone wins because we stop for a moment were better soldiers. to think of someone dear. And if you need pretty boxes of chocolate to honor someone, Besides continuing celebrating marriages, please visit my website he married couples secretly, despite the ban www.culinariafacil.com. of the emperor. The practice was discovered and Valentine was imprisoned and sentenced A kiss and until next month ...... Elita to death. While imprisoned, many young people sent him flowers and notes saying Happy Valentine's Day! they still believed in love.
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Since the opening of Disneyland in 1955, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts has continued to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation to connect guests with the stories and characters they cherish most and deliver legendary guest service. Disney Cast, Crew and Imagineers constantly ask themselves, “How can we take what we do and do it even better?”
Recent Disney Innovations: A Holistic Approach
Disney Parks continually evaluate all aspects of a guest’s visit – from vacation planning to resort hotels to attractions and entertainment – with the goal of creating a seamless, worry-‐free experience that enables them to focus on creating memories with family and friends. Recent examples of Disney Parks’ efforts to take the guest experience to the next level include:
Evolution of the Guest Experience 1963 Audio-‐Animatronics characters (Enchanted Tiki Room) 1975 First computer-‐controlled thrill ride (Space Mountain) 1979-‐ Ride system innovations: 2001 Star Tours, Indiana Jones Adventure, The Twilight Zone® Tower of Terror, Soarin’ 1999 FASTPASS 2004 PhotoPass 2005 Disney’s Magical Express
2011-‐ Interactive queues: Haunted 2012 Mansion, Dumbo the Flying Elephant Interactive queues at Walt Disney World attractions like Haunted Mansion, Under the Sea – Journey of the Little 2012 Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom Mermaid and Test Track immerse guests in the story before they ever set foot in the attraction. Guests don’t feel like they are waiting in line at all at Dumbo the
top while their children play. Flying Elephant, where parents can relax in the air-‐conditioned big Creativity and technology merge seamlessly in attractions like Radiator Springs Racers and shows like World of Color at Disney California Adventure. At Walt Disney World Resort, Turtle Talk with Crush and Enchanted Tales with Belle offer a personalized experience with favorite characters that is different every time a guest visits.
• Interactive experiences like Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, Disney Phineas & Ferb: Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure at Epcot and The Cast of the Stolen Show starring the Muppets on the Disney Fantasy cruise ship enable guest to explore their Disney destination in new ways. “Over the past few years, we’ve continued to build on our legacy of innovation to take the entire Disney Guest experience to a new level. Our goal is to deliver a more immersive, more seamless and more personal experience to each and every Guest who spends time with us.” -‐ Tom Staggs, chairman, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.
The Disney Guest Experience Evolves One tap of the MagicBand and Guests access their Disney FastPass+ attractions which can be secured before they even leave home. (Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort) (Kent Phillips, photographer)
Florida Residents Find Something New for Everyone – and Special Value – with the New Discover Disney Ticket There is something new for everyone at Walt Disney World Resort in 2013. With the new Discover Disney ticket, Florida residents have even more reason to experience more magic than ever before. The Discover Disney ticket offers Florida residents three days of theme park-going fun for $119 (plus tax) for adults and children ages three and up. Or, add an extra day for only $10 more (plus tax). Add access to the Disney Water Parks with the 3-or-4 day special offering for just $28.50 (plus tax). The Water Park Fun & More option gets you 3 or 4 days admission to Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park or Disney’s Blizzard Beach Water Park through June 7, 2013. Here’s just a snapshot of what’s new: Magic Kingdom: Two new castles in the Magic Kingdom, joining the beloved Cinderella Castle, help anchor New Fantasyland. Bringing to life the Disney hit movies The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, Prince Eric and Beast have palaces. Epcot: A celebration of African American history debuts in late winter with the Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Collection inthe American Adventure Pavilion. Monsieur Paul restaurant welcomes guests to the France pavilion in the World Showcase, featuring a new menu celebrating the authentic taste of French cuisine. Create your own virtual concept car and put it through its paces in the re-imagined Test Track Presented by Chevrolet. Disney’s Hollywood Studios:
See if you’ve got what it takes to be a buccaneer. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow is a new experience now on view at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Guests will enjoy a 2013 filled with Limited Time Magic from limited-release merchandise, dance parties, and experiences that could last a day or a week. The 3-day Discover Disney ticket is available to Florida residents for purchase from January 5-June 3, 2013 for any of the Walt Disney World theme parks, excluding block-out dates, for $119 (plus tax) for adults and children ages three and up. The four-day ticket costs just $129 (plus tax). (Limited one park per day, some exclusions apply, proof of Florida residency required). For more information, guests can log onto www. disneyworld.com/deal. Weekly Surprises, Delights for a Limited Time in 2013 Guests will find an extra sprinkle of pixie dust each week when they visit Walt Disney World and Disneyland resorts in 2013. Imagine an Independence Day celebration - only it lasts an entire week...Main Street mainstays the Dapper Dans rocking out with boy band hits in barbershop style...a Valentine’s Day that becomes Valentine’s Week with Disney castles blushing pink, surprise meet-and-greets with Disney princes and princesses, and candlelit dinners for couples in love. These and many more spe-
cial experiences to surprise and delight Disney Parks guests will roll out each week in 2013. Unique, magical, memory-filled - and each for a limited time only. (David Roark, photographer)
Have a Great Month and Happy Valentine’s Day !