BAC News

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Senator Alvaro Dias


WWW.BOIBRAZIL.COM PH # (407) 354-0260

From My Desk The Brazil America Council proudly presented its Summit 2019, An event done with the support of several government agencies, and local support as well. The event was at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, on September 5, from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Senator Alvaro Dias from Brazil, Senator Rick Scott and City Commissioner Tony Ortiz, were all recognized for the Pursuit of Democracy and for their outstanding job.

There is never enough words to describe the results of our work. It was a great day and the We prepared an event with a variety of speak- results were xcellent for everyone. It was a ers from several segments. As the public pleasure to have everyone. It was three very arrived, and the event started we noticed a intense days of work. very high interest in the expo area. As many tables as there were, guests couldn’t get away, We hope to see you soon i our next event on always coming in and out to network and to October 10 - 6:00 pm at BoiBrazil find out what every business had to offer. The event opening started with the Presentation of Colors by the Sheriff’s Office, followed by the Brazilian and American National Anthem, closing with an Aretuza Garner Ballerina Project performance for the public.

Fonte: Senador Alvaro Dias Facebook Page

O senador Alvaro Dias (Podemos-PR) protocolou, esta semana, um ofício e um memorando, destinados respectivamente ao ministro das Relações Exteriores, Ernesto Araújo, e ao presidente da Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional, senador Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS), no qual apresenta demanda de brasileiros pela abertura de um consulado do Brasil em Orlando, Flórida, nos Estados Unidos. Nos documentos, o líder do Podemos destaca que a medida representaria um grande benefício para os brasileiros residentes e visitantes do estado.

Alvaro Dias apresenta demanda de Brasileiros por abertura de consulado em Orlando

“A ausência de uma repartição consular em Orlando é motivo de queixas em todas as esferas locais. Atualmente os brasileiros em situação de emergência são amparados por igrejas e associações, conforme testemunho que colhi junto às lideranças religiosas com as quais me reuni”, afirma Alvaro Dias, que no início do mês foi um dos principais palestrantes no evento Brazil America Summit, promovido pela Brazil America Council. O senador foi convidado da organização do evento, portanto não utilizou recursos públicos na viagem. O parlamentar explica que, hoje, o consulado brasileiro de Miami atende à Flórida inteira. “O deslocamento até àquela repartição consular é de quatro horas de viagem e o custo entre pedágio, combustível, estacionamento e alimentação é de aproximadamente US$ 200 dólares. Se houver necessidade de pernoite esse valor pode quase duplicar”, diz.

Segundo ele, os residentes na Flórida Central são “submetidos ao inconveniente de perder um ou dois dias de trabalho, escola ou atividade empresarial para viajar até Miami, para resolverem suas pendências”. “O inconveniente não é apenas dos brasileiros que moram em Orlando, mas em outras cidades ainda mais distantes. Não há escolha, a não ser procurar atendimento fora”, ressalta o senador. Desde 2007, é expressivo o aumento do afluxo de visitantes e novos residentes vindos do Brasil. Segundo o site Statista, a expectativa é de 1,84 milhão de brasileiros em 2022 – hoje são cerca de 1,6 milhão –, sendo que esse destino é concentrado em 55% no Estado da Flórida e, mais especificamente, 35% em Orlando. Já de acordo com a “Visit Orlando”, maior organização de turismo da Flórida, o volume de turistas à Orlando, em julho, foi superior ao registrado para Miami. No primeiro semestre de 2019, 850 mil turistas brasileiros visitaram os parques temáticos daquela cidade.

To Everyone who wa

as part of our event

Senator Alvaro Dias Visit to Orlando The visit of Brazilian Senator Alvaro Dias to Orlando, had a tough agenda. with several meetings. The first in our agenda was a Luncheon with the Partors Leadership of Orlando: President-Pastor Rita Fernandes, Secretary: Sylvia Pinto and Pastor Fernando Pinto of Seara Church. Pastora Renata Loyola e Andre Loyola from Grace Fellowship, and New Hope Assistance Center. The meeting was scheduled to discuss the Brazilian Community needs, due to the growing number of tourists, 2 Million in 2018 aded to the nunber of new Brazilian residents (25K) this year, more than 2018 alone, we opened the discussion exposing concerns. When these visitors come into difficult situations and need assistance, there is no way to

get the right assistance unless you travel to Miami and to do that without money, id or credit cards you have to depend into someone’s will to drive you and help you. The biggest need for the Brazilian Orlando Community is a Consulate, where they can get all the help they need and aassist the Brazilian Tourists in case of problems. Senator Alvaro Dias understood the problem and agreed to help and push the idea into the Senate. It will take time, and hope it will be possible to make the dream come true. We will keep contact with the Senator and work with him to bring this gift to the community. Pastor Fernando Pires e Pastora Sylvia Pires, Senador Alvaro Dias Nelson Ramos, Pastora Rita, Pastora Renata Loyola e Pr Andre Loyola

Photos TV CNB

Pr. Fernando Pires, Pr. Sylvia Pires, Sen. Alvaro Dias e Debora Dias

Pr. Andre e Pra Renata Loyola, Lizzy Del Ciel e Eduardo Del Ciel, Gerson Issa TV CNB

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It is with great pleasure we have finished our event with flying honors. For he BAC right now it is important to thank all who participated and made this event such an important part of our communit. The BAC would like to thank: GOD Verbatim Languages Columbo Hurd Immigration and Business Attorneys Larson Accounting Group Witer DeSiqueira Advogados Duo System NL Insurance Boi Brazil Steakhouse Hyatt Regency Orlando Aretuza Ballerina Project The Hotspotorlando Freedom Group Abdin Law NOVA Solutions New York Life

X World Properties RB World Travel Westchester Financial Group Brazilian Business Group Brazil International Foundation Free Way Vacation Homr NI-Vinny Photo & Video BRISA Software USA Believe credit solutions UF Innovate-Jim Bowie UCF Incubator and All its members MCO, City of Orlando, Orange County, Port Canaveral, CFITO, US Trade and Development, US Department of Commerce, Florida State Minority Supplier, Enterprise Florida, Fusion Fest. Brazil USA Media Group, Orlando Brazil USA, Gospel Brazil USA. Our special Thanks to TV RADIO CNB Gerson Issa, for being the Liaison between the BAC and Senator Alvaro Dias,

DINNER EVENT AT BOIBRAZIL STEAKHOUSE The visit of Brazilian Senator Alvaro Dias to Orlando was very important for the community, who had the opportunity to meet him and to know him better. He is a humble man, with many qualities, a man from the people, who is ready to help. for the first time we had the opportunity to meet such a distinguished Senator, we were very fortunate and will be always thankful for his visit. We thank all who were present, and all the business community in Orlando. The Summit took place on the next day, on September 5, despite the weather , and hurricane previsions we were able to keep our schedule. All speakers made excellent presentations, informative, great content, offering the attendants opportunity and new avenues to succeed. The day was a day of hard work, as the Senator mentioned in this closing speech. Sometimes we think about the work and all the aspects involving an event like this, but at the end it is all worth it.

Fotos in this Page by TV CNB

Thank you for all who joined us for this experience.

Photos in this Page by TV CNB

Tarcisio Ximenez Aguiar Jr-X World Properties Stand

Brisa Software Stand

Colombo Hurd Immigration & Business Attorneys Stand

Larson Accounting Stand - The Crew with Senator Alvaro Dias

Carina Mellado NY Life Agent

Vanise Moraes- Believe Credit Solutions

SenatorAlvaro Dias closing remarks

Josie, Laiz e Vanise- Trio BAC

FFREEDOM GROUP- Immigration and Accounting Carlos Hurst and Pedro Torres

NL Insurance -Helena Oliveira

RB World Travel Seu destino nas mãos de excelentes Profissionais! Passagem Aérea

Pacotes para a Disney

Ligue-nos Hoje Mesmo e obtenha as melhores cotações! Cruzeiro


Aluguel de carro

Ph: 305.967.9930 rbworldtravel


How to Keep the Economy Growing Tarcisio Ximenes Jr.

How to Keep the Economy Growing

war. President Trump and President Xi Jinping should lift the tariffs hurting both economies and U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. with hazy clouds restart trade negotiations immediately. behind it. Depending on whom you talk to, the economy Second, approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreeis either soaring or sinking. Which side is right? ment (USCMA) as soon as possible. Updating Well, both ... North American trade relations for the 21st century will grow the digital economy, protect intelThe consumer side of the economy remains lectual property, and strengthen American agristrong. The unemployment rate is at a generation culture. Most important, it will protect 12 million low, and take-home pay is steadily rising. In fact, U.S. jobs and boost business confidence at a critwe’re in the third straight year of wage growth. ical time for our economy. With greater job security and more income, people are spending money. Retail sales beat expec- Third, revitalize our nation’s infrastructure. Entations in June. actment of an infrastructure bill – such as the bipartisan surface transportation proposal in the On the business side, however, the picture is less Senate – would support the economy in the short bright. Companies are taking stock of the uncer- term and contribute to long-term growth. Moretainty at home and abroad – most notably the over, it would signal that Washington is capable escalating trade war with China – and sitting on of taking necessary steps to tackle tough issues their cash. This has resulted in the first decline and support economic growth, which would go a in business investment in three years. The man- long way in bolstering business optimism. ufacturing sector has been in a downturn since December, and farm incomes have plummeted. Following through on these priorities will help Wild swings in the stock market are amplifying restore business certainty. If our leaders in Washconcerns. And inverted yield curves in the bond ington do their jobs and make smart choices, market have some warning that a recession is im- businesses can keep doing what they do best: inminent. vest, grow, hire, and keep the economy working for all Americans. Whether our economy expands or contracts depends largely on what our leaders do next. As Congress reconvenes today and Washington of- Tarcisio Ximenes Jr. ficially gets down to business for the rest of the year, we are urging leaders on both sides of Penn- Chief Economist sylvania Avenue to focus on three priorities. MBA-AEA-CRE-CIPS-TRCFirst, de-escalate trade tensions with China. U.S. ASTA-CLIA-MRP executives are overwhelmingly concerned with the impact of tariffs on business performance. The uncertainty stemming from deteriorating U.S.-China relations is driving away business investment and inching us closer to a recession. The solution? A détente in the tit-for-tat trade

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Your Life Can Be Better

MACY’S NEW FURNITURE LEVEL During the last three months with so many things happening in our community, one of the best was The grand opening of Macys furniture Level. It is on the third Floor and is able to cover everything in decoration.

Matty Frias, Anna Duncan, Florencia Sapkovski and Specialists

They have even different fabrics to cover the sofa you desire. All styles, all colors, accessories, the most beautiful china. You can actually go crazy with so much beauty. The BAC, congratulates Macy’s in this new great Department.


Main Speaker Brazilian Senator Alvaro Dias

Alfredo Scaff Filho Scaff International Consulting

Regional Vice President at Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council

Jim Bowie UCF Incubator Program

Michael Schiffhauer Enterprise Florida VP

Commissioner Tony Ortiz

Rick Singh OC Property Appraiser

Carol Palacio Kim King Maysonet Orange County Business Development Economic Trade & City of Orlando Tourism Development

Samantha Cornelius Port Canaveral

Chris Leggett CFITO Program Manager

Luis Perlingeiro Westchester Financial Group

Terry Olson OC Office of Arts & Culture

T. Gabrielle Mandel Country Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean-USTD Laiz Rodrigues BAC Executive Director


Caters BAC event at Macy’s What makes a great event ? Great Food, Music and people. We had it all, but as guests arrived, and looked at the food table, they were in love, From decoration, to the different items and tates, everything was great. Tey had salty butter cookirs, Brie Mousse, Jams, cheeses and meats, It was an amazing variety of delights. If you are planning a gathering or a Holiday party, Call them at (561) 452-0693 speak with Maria Riecken


FOREIGN TRADE ZONE #136 Making International Commerce Flow Smoothly, At Lower Cost Port Canaveral’s Foreign Trade Zone #136 provides distinct advantages for businesses either currently engaged in international trade, or considering the possibilities. We can help you take advantage of the benefits to enhance your competitive edge in the international import/export arena. Multimodal transportation options, receiving and warehousing facilities, and affordable services are available to help you extend your market reach and improve your bottom line. Current operators such as American Cruise Aid and SeaPort Canaveral are utilizing FTZ #136 to strengthen their international competiveness.

• • • • • • • • •

Cuts the cost of free trade Duty-free storage No duty on domestic content or value added No duty on re-exports and sales to U.S. Military or NASA Relief from inverted tariffs No duty on rejected or defective parts No duty on waste and scrap Reduced processing time and fees Reduced transit time

Consider the benefits of using Foreign Trade Zone #136 if you, Port Canaveral

• • • • • •

Import materials and export finished products... Finished goods carry a lower tariff rate than their imported parts... Imported raw materials as waste or scrap... Sell goods with imported components to the U.S. military or NASA... Receive multiple import shipments in a week, or... Reject or return defective imported items, a foreign trade zone can lessen the hassles and save you money.

Contact our Business Development representatives to learn more at: or visit our website:

Aretuza Garner One of our main objectives is to create awareness to the Art. Our biggest treasures are the Brazilian Artists who made their home in America, but never forgot their roots. Aretuza studied Ballet in Brazil, after she graduated went to Turks and Caicos Islands, teach Ballet and then she came to America. Here in Orlando, she has always been faithful to her mission, her love for Dance and Ballet has been her North and she has touched the lives of many students who learned from her the Art of Dancing. Whether in the US, Mexico or where she is, her dedication and professionalism is her trade mark. Her Company Aretuza Ballerina Project is a part of the BAC and we are very proud to have her.

Thank You Ballerina Project For the Beautiful Choreography

A Business is an extension of ourselves, as we create along its time, it becomes a different creature, evolving, better, sharper. I met Sundax a few years ago, when it was awarded Business of the Year at HBIF, today PROSPANICA. Since then, Mr Daxel, has gown, but his greater call was Art, creation, and now we have a unique product, DAX Art in Glass, still the best he can give you, Because if is not the best he won’t do. So here is our way to say thank you to greatness, dedication and talent. Thank you ! The BAC is at your service. Thank you for being a member. Muchas Gracias

What is in our Luggage?

The biggest challenge when you leave your country, wherever that may be is the way you will adapt. The many changes in climate, language, strange surroundings, learning your way around town, or depending a lot more on others than you ever expected, are just the initial obstacles. The main objective is to learn the language well, to become self sufficient in business and in daily life. Have the common sense to obey the rules, laws and learn costumes of the land.. Do not make the mistake to limit yourself to the Brazilian Market only. You are in America, and you should explore all possibilities. Get off the Bubble, cross the Bridge. We are here to help.

If you consider purpose, we think success, if you think aboutmotivation, our driven force, is what comes to mind, but if you think our nature we can say Brazilian endurance. We have talent, intelligence and beauty, what else do we need? Tools! The idea we come all the way to America to learn, o be part of something great! Success is hard to reach, it depends on hard work, money and strength, but dedication is the main ingredient. Without dedication no effort will ever be enough to lead you to success. With that in mind, I go back to why the BAC was created, and it was for purpose and to be somehow loyal to our main principle, which is to be Brazilian, to be faithful to our roots, and to never forget where we come from. Forget the Brazilian Way, keep the Brazilian heart, the force, the will, and the reason which will determine where you will get. Be proud! We see so many young Brazilians that loose their fire, getting lost in so many scenarios, why? Because they loose touch with their roots, they forget where they come from, sometimes even ashamed, and that is the first step to fail. We can’t allow our children to make that mistake. Always remember where you come from, be thankful for America but remember Brazil with pride, because regardless, there is where we were born. It is our Mother land. So our nature, our organization the Brazil America Council was created to remind you how important it is to respect our true self and to help you through the transition from Brazil to America. We want you to succeed, but also to be happy.





Contact Us (407) 654-6500

Our Thanks To BrazilUSA Media Group

Thais Capecci

Bia Voguel

Top US EB-5 Visa Attorney Carlos Colombo to Provide Seminars for Foreign Investors in Wake of Increase in EB-5 Visa Minimum Threshold to $900,000 and $1.8M to take effect November 21, 2019

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carlos M. Colombo, one of America’s top Immigration Attorneys specializing in the filing of EB-5 Visas and other employment and investment based visas, will be providing a series of seminars to inform potential investors, developers, realtors, attorneys and those affected by this change about US Immigration options in the wake of the recent announcement increasing the minimum investment threshold for an EB-5 Visa from $500,000 to $900,000 for targeted employment areas (TEAs) and up to $1.8 million for all other investments effective November 21, 2019.

“opportunity for potential investors and those involved in the EB-5 program to understand the impact of the changes to the EB-5 program and get a sense of their options for a green card before the November deadline.” The EB-5 Visa allows foreign investors and their immediate family members to obtain a green card in the US through an investment among other requirements. On July 24th, DHS announced the upcoming increase along with many other changes to the EB-5 program. Attorney Colombo explained that he has received dozens of calls from clients following the announcement and that the seminars will provide an “opportunity for potential investors and those involved in the EB-5 program to understand the impact of the changes to the EB-5 program and get a sense of their options for a green card before the November deadline.” Mr. Colombo, who has successfully filed hundreds of EB-5 Visas for clients in over two decades of legal experience, expressed that it was important for potential EB-5 investors to understand the changes as quickly as possible in order have the best opportunity to file a successful application.


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Family Petitions Investor Visas Marriage & Fiance Visas Waivers Work Visas

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2503 W Swann Ave #108 Tampa, FL 33609 (813) 444-1114

BRAZIL AMERICA SUMMIT 2019 September is Brazilian Independence Month, on September 7, 1822, Don Pedro First proclaimed Brazilian Independence by the Ipiranga River in SĂŁo Paulo.

event, suitable for all who are involved with the community. This year, the event will be at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on September 5, 2019. From 8AM to 5PM. Registration starts at 8AM. The theme for our Summit will be a Look into the Partnership Between Brazil and the USA. We are offering local and foreign speakers who will givehe best information through their own experience. Our main speaker will be Brazilian Senator Alvaro Dias, alongwith deveral other professionals and government agencies representatives.

We celebrate this year 197 years of a celebrated Independence. With that in mind, one of the things we are proud of is our diverse culture and the way all this Diversity has influenced how we live. The most important aspects of Brazilian History is how we relate to other countries and the many Partnerships we have. This is why we are celebrating our partnership with the USA. We hope to see you there! The Brazil America Summit is an informative

Senator Alvaro Dias-Brazil Keynote Speaker

Álvaro Dias was born in Quatá, in the countryside of São Paulo state, to farmer Silvino Fernandes Dias and housewife Helena Fregadolli. He was raised in the city of Maringá, Paraná, and attended the State University of Londrina, where he graduated with a degree in history in 1967 In the present, he is in his fourth senatorial term - he was reelected in 2014 with almost 80% of valid votes - he is the current Leader at his party Podemos. He was a councilman, state representative, a Congressman and Governor of Paraná, named the best governor of Brazil, before he became a Senator and Candidate to the Presidency in 2018.

ry from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the State University of Londrina. In July 2007, he received an honorary doctorate in Doctor of Government Administration from Southern States University in San Diego, California. Senator Alvaro Dias is a man in tune with his times, when in Brazil, right now, is so important to be transparent, reliable and honest, he has made his flag the fight for a better Brazil, more responsible and fighting corruption. At the moment, the people of Brazil await in three important reforms, Criminal Justice Package, Retirement Package and The End of Political Privilege to Elected Officials, this one by the Senator.

Indicated by the DIAP in recent years, as one of the most influential parliamentari- We will be honored to have him at our ans in the country, was also chosen through event, and hope many will have the oppora vote held by the Congress in Foco site, the tunity to see him speak, country's best senator in 2006. Senator Alvaro Dias holds a degree in Histo-

Will Be Represented By Mr. Barry Cotton

Senator Rick Scott

Rick Scott was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2018 and is currently serving his first term representing the state of Florida. Prior to his election to the U.S. Senate, Rick Scott served two terms as the 45th Governor of Florida, working every day to turn around Florida’s economy and secure the state’s future as the best place for families and businesses to succeed. Scott grew up in public housing in the Midwest as his adoptive father, a World War II veteran and truck driver, and his mother, a store clerk, struggled to financially support their family.

Rick Scott knows firsthand that a good paying job is one of the most important things for a family, and following Florida’s economic collapse ten years ago, he made the decision to run for governor as a businessman with no political experience. During his term as Governor, he successfully championed more than $10 billion in tax cuts and cut thousands of burdensome regulations that led Florida businesses to create nearly 1.7 million new jobs. Under his leadership, the unemployment rate dropped from 11 percent to 3.3 percent, Florida paid down $10 billion in state debt, and record investments were made in After marrying his high school sweetheart, Ann, what matters most to Floridians – education, the Scott joined the Navy, where he served active environment, and public safety. duty as a radar man aboard the USS Glover. He used the G.I. Bill to attend the University of Mis- Rick Scott and his wife, Ann, have been married souri, Kansas City, and eventually opened his first for 47 years and have two daughters, Allison and business – a donut shop. Scott went on to run Jordan, and six grandsons, Auguste, Quinton, Sethe world’s largest healthcare company and con- bastian, Eli, Louie and Jude. tinues to fight every day so families across the state can have the same opportunities he had to live the American dream.

District 2

Commissioner Antonio “Tony” Ortiz was born in Puerto Rico, moved to Florida in 1984, and has been residing in the City of Orlando since 1989. When he moved to Florida he enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, beginning his career in public service. During his time in the USMC, Commissioner Ortiz served the country for nine years between active duty and the reserves, also fighting in the Persian Gulf War. After serving, Commissioner Ortiz attended the University of Central Florida and graduated with his Bachelor of Science. In addition to his degree, Commissioner Ortiz also became a certified Crime Prevention Practitioner in the state of Florida, specializing in Elder and Disabled Crime and Prevention through Environmental Design. After graduating, Ortiz strayed off the path of public service and worked in accounting and banking for four years. When Commissioner Ortiz realized his true passion for public service could not be dismissed, he joined the Orlando Police Department and served for 14 years. During his time at OPD he served in a number of specialized units including the Gang Unit, Drug Unit, S.W.A.T. and the East Patrol Task Force (EPTF) working tirelessly against crime in the city. Then, in 2008, Commissioner Ortiz ran and became elected City of Orlando District 2 Commissioner. Commissioner Ortiz worked proactively in his community and pioneered the implementation of the concept of Neighborhood and Business Councils. He believes in taking a proactive approach to maintain communities and merchants involved with city government and law enforcement while keeping the local government abreast of the community issues and merchants’ problems. Due to his belief, Commissioner Ortiz further drove the Business Council to become the first business association in District 2, known as Gateway Orlando, formerly, the Semoran Business Partnership. Soon after, Gateway Orlando successfully obtained the Market Street Program designation which works to enhance businesses in certain areas of the City.

Commissioner Antonio Ortiz Commissioner Ortiz led the revitalization of the City of Orlando District 2 by initiating a Vision Plan to re-develop the Semoran corridor. This corridor is the main gate to the City of Orlando from Orlando International Airport and his initiative has created over 1,600 jobs.

Finance, Taxation Committee Member, 2013

Commissioner Ortiz continued his work as an elected official and opened the first Seniors vs. Crime Office in Orlando; a special project of the Florida Office of the Attorney General. The Seniors vs. Crime Project was created to reinforce the message of crime prevention and to provide methods by which Florida’s senior population could be alerted to consumer fraud, con games, and other criminal acts. In partnership with Valencia College and the Orange County School Board, Commissioner Ortiz also created the Central Florida Public Service Career & College Readiness Program, whose goal is to establish a path for younger generations to start familiarizing themselves with public service disciplines while in preparatory school.

Florida Abolitionist – Board Member, 2016 – Present

Recently, in alliance with the Trust Orlando Coalition, Commissioner Ortiz led the efforts to pass the Trust Act Policy and Resolution with the hopes of creating a better sense of trust between OPD and undocumented citizens.

Hispanic Elected Local Officials (HELO) Member

Alumni of University of Central Florida

Central Florida Chapter, Treasurer, 2004 – 2006 “Trabajando Juntos” (Working Together Group), Member

Chairman of Transportation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee Board of Directors, 2011- Present

Tri-County League of Cities Board of Directors, 2013 President Board of Directors, 2012 Vice President City of Orlando, Mayor Pro Tem 2009 – 2010 and 2010 – 2011 After School All Star Board of Directors, Member Heart of Florida United Way Board of Directors, 2014 & 2015 Member

Earthweb Foundation Board, Member

Central Florida Marine Corps Foundation, Member National Latino Peace Officer Association – Commissioner is highly involved and has been a part of Former President of the Central Florida Chapter 2007 many organizations: – 2008

2015 Mayor Pro Tempore of the City of Orlando Florida League of Cities –2nd Vice President, 2018 Executive Board Member, 2016 – Present Transportation and Intergovernmental Relations Legislative Policy Committee, 2014 & 2015 Member International Relations Committee Member, 2013

Member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner Florida Elder Crime Prevention Practitioner

Orange County Commissioner Mayra Uribe-District 3

Commissioner Mayra Uribe is a dedicated wife, mother, and business owner. She is a first-generation American born and raised in District 3 of Orange County. For nearly 8 years, Commissioner Uribe served as an aide to U.S Senator Bill Nelson, where she helped the citizens of Florida deal with issues they had with the military, FEMA, immigration, transportation, and labor matters. That experience hardened her resolve to serve her community. Commissioner Uribe has dedicated her life to help others by working with nonprofit (Catholic Charities, Christian Service Center, Healthy Start and Boot Camp for New Dads) charities and churches, as well as raising awareness for Central Florida’s homeless children and families through various campaigns and efforts. She also co-hosts a nightly radio show on ESPN 580 Orlando. As a business woman, she understands the concerns of those calling Central Florida home. While the economy has strengthened for some, not everyone is feeling that their county government has done enough to address their needs. Commissioner Uribe has had the great pleasure of raising her family in this vibrant and diverse community. Her family, faith, and focus for our community’s future gives her the strength and encouragement to make a difference.

Laiz de A. B. Rodrigues Brazil America Council Founder President Brazil-USA

Born in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Studied Law at PUC-RJ, graduated in 1985. Married that same year, arrived in the US in1986. As an Attorney in Brazil, used her education to serve the community where she acted as a Learning Attorney for the Brazilian Government in the Family Practice area. In the United States, completed her English Education, lived in South Florida until 2005 and moved to Orlando that same year, where she discovered a great community, and a vibrant city where Diversity and Inclusion were respected. Laiz was a volunteer for the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, as Secretary, Vice-President and President from 2012 to 2016. In 2017 created the Brazil America Business Council, today the Brazil America Council, with the support of Family and great partners that she values. Today the BAC is an organization that is active and has a strong structure. She is also the Editor for The Hotspotorlando, since 2011, creator of the first Digital Magazine in the Brazilian Community “AboutUS� and editor at the BAC News,

T. Gabrielle Mandel USTDA

Country Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean Gabrielle Mandel currently serves as the Country Manager for the Latin America and Caribbean region at the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). In this capacity, she is responsible for business development, project preparation and evaluation, and supervision of USTDA activities in Brazil and the Southern Cone region. Prior to joining USTDA in February 2007, Ms. Mandel was a Senior Program Coordinator at the U.S. Energy Association. In that capacity, she managed eleven utility, transmission, and regulatory partnerships in Africa, Latin America, and the Philippines. Ms. Mandel holds a Master's Degree in International Relations, with a concentration in International Development from the Elliott School of the George

Washington University. She earned a Bachelor's Degree from The University at Albany, where she graduated with honors in Latin American Studies. She speaks Portuguese and Spanish. Ms. Mandel is from Oyster Bay, N.Y. and has studied overseas in Brazil and Portugal. About USTDA The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority development projects in emerging economies.

Carol M. Palacio Nasseh Orange County-FL

Office of Economic Trade and Tourism Development

marketing, strategic planning, relationship building, problem solving and strong work ethic. Ms. Palacio attended the University of South Florida Carol Milena Palacio Nasseh works in the Office of for her Bachelor of Arts degree and pursued a Economic Trade and Tourism Development for Or- Master of Public Administration at the University ange County Government in Orlando, Florida. Her of Central Florida. role is to develop and foster partnerships through international trade and investments within Orange Ms. Palacio lived abroad in Colombia, providing County and the surrounding region. her with an international and global perspective of diversity, international trade and business Carol fosters and grows strategic relationships in development. Orange County with organizations such as The Orlando Economic Partnership, Enterprise Florida, Current & Past Memberships the Regional Chambers of Commerce, The Central *Executive Board Member- National Entrepreneur Florida International Trade Office, The Consular Center Corps, local companies and regional economic de- *Board Member - Central Florida International velopment institutions. Trade Office *Advisory Council Member- World Affairs CounMs. Palacio’s mission is to cultivate exchanges be- cil of Central Florida tween entities to connect them with local and *Committee Member- “Red Team” Regional Ecointernational partners that share the same values nomic Developers and economic interests. These partnerships will in- *Committee Member- Florida Simulation Summit crease entrepreneurship, job creation, foreign direct *Committee Member- Metro Orlando Defense investment and trade. Furthermore, Carol connects Task Force businesses and entrepreneurs with local resources *Past Chair & Mayor’s representative- Citizen that focus on helping their companies to grow. Corps Council, Office of Emergency Management *Past Co-Chair- Diversity Recruitment, Girl Carol’s vast experience with the non-profit, private Scouts of Citrus and government sector provides her with a unique *Co-Founder & Secretary- Ser Colombia approach to unify and create collaborative opportunities within industry clusters. Her skills include

Chris Leggett CFITO

Chris Leggett, Program Manager, Central Florida International Trade Office Founded in 2014, the Central Florida International Trade Office (CFITO) provides a single point of contact for navigating international trade resources available in Central Florida. As Program Manager, Chris leads the CFITO efforts to help businesses in Central Florida take advantage of the opportunities available from importing and exporting. He raises awareness of the benefits of trade and improves trade literacy by offering educational seminars; promotes networking with incoming foreign trade delegations; and helps direct local business leaders to the programs and resources available to assist them in accessing the global marketplace. With over twenty years’ experience in international trade, Chris Leggett joined CFITO as Program Manager in 2018. For the previous ten years, he enjoyed the privilege of representing the interests of exporters in the Canadian Embassies in Washington, DC, and Brussels, Belgium (Mission to the European Union), with a focus on reducing unfair and unnecessarily burdensome trade barriers to agri-food exports. Chris began his career in Ottawa with the Government of Canada working in the agriculture and food sectors.

Jim Bowie Business Incubator Program Jim Bowie was the Site Manager of the UCF Business Incubator in Kissimmee / Osceola County. He has been coaching entrepreneurs and small business for over a decade in Georgia and Florida. The over 100 companies that have been mentored by Jim have created over 1,000 jobs in the Georgia/Florida area. His location in Kissimmee is the premier ‘Soft Landing’ facility where international companies come to set-up their USA presence and test the waters to see if their products and services can sell here in America. Jim has an undergraduate degree and a graduate MBA degree from Texas Christian University and was raised in Washington, D.C. He sits on several boards and is very active in the international chambers here in Central Florida and recently has moved on to UF Innovate-Gainesville FL. Jim‘s More Colorful Background…. · Jim was raised in Alexandria, VA. He wasn’t good enough to be on the football team…

from ‘Frogs’ to ‘Bugs’…. and did his Corporate Career at Orkin Exterminating Co. rising to National Sales Manager in Atlanta. (He remembers telling Harvey Massey in 1982 that he would have a tough time with owning a pest control company in FL!) · In the 80s & 90s he was involved with 4 start-up companies – 2 were successful and 2 that tanked! · One was a dental products company. As president, he took them public on the NASDAQ and then sold to Johnson & Johnson! · One brilliant move he made was when he turned down the rights to market the first electric toothbrush …that eventually made OralB a Gazillion Dollars! · In this past decade, he was an AT&T Business Manager & then managed a Technology Business Incubator for GA Tech in Columbus, GA.

§ At his famous, ‘Remember The Titans’ High School! · UCF hired him away from GA Tech almost 7 years ago.

· He didn’t think about the mascot in choosing a · Jim is on the advisory board of the Downcollege and he has been known since as… town Kissimmee Chamber Area Council § A ‘Fighting Horned Frog’ from TCU – that’s Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, TX! · He is a 6th Generation Descendant of the Jim Bowie of Alamo Fame and the Bowie Knife …. · He earned his BBA & MBA there, then switched

Kenneth R Mouradian Director of the Orlando U.S. Export Assistance Center

The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service is a Foreign Affairs Agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Commercial Section of a U.S. diplomatic mission (i.e., embassy, consulate, U.S. representative office, mission), the Commercial Service has offices in 77 foreign countries, 6 multilateral development banks, and operates 85 domestic field offices, called U.S. Export Assistance Centers. The Commercial Service’s mandate is the promotion of U.S.-origin commodities, services and technologies in foreign markets; the defense of U.S. commercial interests abroad; and, the attraction of in-bound Foreign Direct Investment.

(Washington, DC), where he worked on special projects, such as the development and administration of a specialized version of the Foreign Service Exam for the recruitment of Foreign Service Officers into the Commercial Service. Prior to joining the U.S. Department of Commerce, Mr. Mouradian was Marketing Specialist at Trellis Communications Corporation (Manchester, NH); Editor of the IBC USA BioMedical Library Series and Editorial Assistant of Drug and Market Development at IBC USA (Marlborough, MA); and Lead Analyst for European Markets and Biotechnology at GIC Trade / GIC Agricultural Group (Alexandria, VA). He also worked on the MacSharry Reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy for a field office of the European Commission, Directorate - General Agriculture (LaRochelle, France); and he helped to develop a citywide recycling program for the City of Nashua, NH.

As the Director of the Orlando U.S. Export Assistance Center, Kenneth R. Mouradian is responsible to facilitate the export of U.S.-origin commodities, services and technologies from eleven counties in Central Florida. He is also the Executive Secretary of the Central – North Florida District Export Council. Mr. Mouradian came to Orlando in 2002 as a Foreign Service Officer (U.S. diplomat) on Mr. Mouradian possesses a Master of Arts in Euroa two-year tour-of-duty. pean Studies from the Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University (WashHis previous assignments were as Second Secretary ington, DC) and a Bachelor of Arts in International for Commercial Affairs at the U.S. Mission to the Affairs from The George Washington University European Union, where he was responsible for the (Washington, DC). Mr. Mouradian reads, writes biotechnology, pharmaceutical medicines, customs and speaks French fluently. and taxation portfolios; and Management Program Analyst in Career Development and Assignments

Samantha Cornelius

Senior Director, Cargo Business Development Cape Canaveral, Florida

Samantha Cornelius joined the Canaveral Port Authority team in March 2017 and is the Senior Director of Cargo Business Development. She is responsible for attracting new cargo investments to Port Canaveral and ensuring retention of existing business. Prior to handling trade development for Canaveral, she served as Senior Customer Service Manager Government Cargo for global shipping line Hapag Lloyd, USA where she managed the company’s premier customers including the U.S. Department of Defense. She has an extensive customer service background and nearly two decades of experience in commercial shipping and trade logistics. Samantha has a degree from Hillsborough Community College and holds multiple certifications from Digital Marketer. She is a on the Board of Directors for World Trade Center Orlando, a member of the National Defense Transportation Association and volunteers for The Propeller Club of Cape Canaveral. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, hiking, fitness, gardening and spending time with her family.

Kim C. King-Maysonet Business Development Assistant Manager City of Orlando

Kim C. King-Maysonet Business Development Assistant Manager City of Orlando Kim C. King-Maysonet currently serves as Business Development Assistant Manager for the City of Orlando Business Development Division. In this role, Ms. King-Maysonet is a main point of contact, helping guide businesses through the City’s various departments, regulations and processes. Kim promotes and manages the City's business assistance programs and maintains/ fosters relationships with partner economic development organizations. Ms. King-Maysonet also serves as a liaison for Spanish speaking business owners for the division. Kim was an Economic Development Coordinator with the City from 2004-2012. Kim previously worked as a National Urban Fellow with the San Jose Redevelopment Agency in San Jose, California, a Program Officer for Young Citizens, Inc. and as a public elementary school teacher with the New York City Board of Education. Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Pomona College, a Master ofPublic Administration from Baruch College, City University of New York and is a graduate of Leadership Orlando, Class 83.

Johanna De La Cadena Florida Minority Supplier Regional Vice-President

With almost 15 years of experience in business development, marketing, and business consulting Johanna brings vitality, professionalism, a comprehensive approach to business growth and management. In her tenure she has impacted thousands of firms in Central Florida and conducted hundreds of seminars on Business Development. Her dedicated and skilled mindset to service and advocacy with the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC), makes her a valuable ally to business owners and corporations alike. Her primary focus is to build awareness in supplier diversity, increase procurement opportunities, and develop strategies for entrepreneurs. As an advocate of the FSMSDC’s vision to connect minority-owned businesses enterprises with Corporate America, Johanna finds the results of her efforts the most rewarding and fulfilling. Johanna us very active in the community and currently serving on several small business focused boards. She has been acknowledged by resource partners throughout Central Florida. In 2015, Johanna was recognized as one of Orlando’s Top 25 Influential Hispanics in Central Florida by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando (HCCMO). Johanna is a driven executive with proven abilities to build collaborative partnerships with a diverse network of stakeholders across the country.

Michael A. Schiffhauer Vice President, International Trade & Field Operations Orlando, Florida Area

matic relations, trade/foreign direct investment Location lead generation, 100% cost-recovery and targeted 800 N. Magnolia Ave., Suite 1100, Orlando, Florida performance results. 32803 Michael was instrumental in the creation of the Michael Schiffhauer is Vice President, Internation- Target Industry Trade Show Grants program, the al Trade & Field Operations with Enterprise Flor- Export Marketing Plan Service program, which has ida, Inc. (EFI). Michael manages six regional field been implemented in seven SBA-Small Business offices, the targeted industry sectors (i.e. Aviation/ Development Centers in key markets throughout Aerospace & Defense, ICT-Computer, LS-Medical Florida and is a national model. He spearheaded and Marine industries) trade promotion and is the the PIYI Investment Conference with the Governor contact liaison for trade development with Europe. of Florida, which paired well-qualified Chinese VC This requires export services coordination, pro- investors with various pre-qualified development gram development, implementation and training projects throughout the state. Michael implementof personnel. ed the World Bank, Private Service Liaison Officeinternational development bank financial programs Additional, areas of responsibility consists of direct in Florida. Florida is one of only 14 states who have promotion of the Life Science-Medical industries been admitted in the World Bank program. globally. This requires the development and implementation of three to four major Florida Pavilions Enterprise Florida has recognized Michael with an in key international industry focused trade fairs Employee of the Year Award and numerous emabroad. This entails market selection(s), marketing/ ployee spot opportunity awards. promotion/business development, fostering diploENTERPRISE FLORIDA

Esther Vargas UCF Incubator Kissimmee Soft Landing Program Site Manager

BEsther Vargas is currently managing the University of Central Florida (UCF) Business Incubator located in the City of Kissimmee in Osceola County. She was most recently the Director of the Emerging Ventures Ecosystem (EVE) at Rensselaer PolytechMark D. Webster, nic Institute (RPI) M.B.A, in Troy, C.F.E. NY, where she directed the creation, growth, and commercialization of high-growth Mark Webster is Manager of Exemptions, Tax technologies and startups venRoll Administration andthrough Deeds innovative & Research at ture development programs and partnerships. the Orange County Property Appraise’;s office

in Orlando, Florida.

Prior to moving to Upstate NY, Esther was Assistant Director of Research and Commercialization He began his public-sector career over 12 years at UCF, where she managed the award-winning ago. After 6 years of outstanding performance, business incubator in Winter Springs for eight Mark years. Webster was promoted to Manager of

Customer Service in spring of 2013.

Before relocating to Florida, Esther was at Indiana Mark graduated from serving Floridaas International University-Bloomington Program DiUniversity with a Bachelor’s Public Adminrector of Aprenda, a statewide in translation service for publicin schools, at increasing parental inistration 2014. aimed He earned an MBA from his volvement participation forCustomer Hispanic alma materand in college 2016. As Manager of families. Service, Mark and his staff achieved a 99.6%

Esther’s diverse background also includes 12 years in the corporate pharmaceutical , Hospitality Industries, and 12 years in the Entrepreneurial Domain as a founder/co-founder of four startup ventures, among them Ideal Language LLC, an executive language instruction and cultural training enterprise. Esther’s of expertise include strategy,tocommerIn Aprilareas of 2017, Mark was promoted Managcialization, business and resource development, syser of Exemptions and Tax Roll Administration. tems and processes, project management. He now manages and a staff of 13 Specialists who

audit nearly 500,000 Exemption applications

She servesover on the Executive of the Board andpost a quarter ofCommittee a million deeds. of the International Business Innovation Association (InBIA), and was also a board member of the BusiMark’s responsibilities also include assisting ness Incubator Association of New York State (BIwith analysis and quality assurance of the annuANYS). She is certified as a Business Incubation Proal Orange County tax roll, the fourth largestand tax fessional and as a Business Accelerator Manager, roll inanFlorida. holds MBA with a dual major in New Venture

In his spare time, Mark enjoys reading, Development and Marketing from the Kelleydiving, School running traveling and personal of Businessmarathons, at Indiana University-Bloomington, and ahome BBA improvement in Managerial Economics projects. from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

customer satisfaction rating while serving more Esther is passionate about managing entrepreneurIn a prior role as Director of Resource Development ship centers, establishing venture development and than 230,000 customers over 4 years. for HOPE (Harnessing Optimism and Potential through Education) in Bloomington, Indiana, Esther led the sales team and co-led a national professional learning community of school leaders in organizational and leadership development.

accelerator programs, helping entrepreneurs realize their vision, and facilitating economic and ecosystem development through assisting emerging high-impact technology and service businesses to become profitable and scalable enterprises.

Darren L'Appanna Assistant Manager, Business & Air Service Development Greater Orlando Aviation Authority at Orlando International Airport-MCO

Darren L’Appanna, Assistant Manager of Business & Air Service Development, joined the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority in April of 2016. In this role, Darren assists in the development of new air service into Orlando International Airport. He also facilitates in the development of business opportunities for the airlines serving the airport. Darren attended the Florida Institute of Technology where he got his undergraduate in Aviation Management, and then continued to get a Master’s Airport Development and Management. While at Florida Tech, Darren held a number of internships at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Orlando International Airport and AECOM in Philadelphia. Since graduating, Darren has held positions at the Dubai Airshow as the Static Display Designer, as well as, in PR and Marketing for F&E Aerospace. Prior to coming back to Orlando International Airport, Darren worked in Dallas, Texas as an Airport Planner designing airports throughout the United States,China, and the Middle East. Darren is originally from England, but now lives in the Orlando area enjoying the mostly year round sunshine and warm weather.

Katia Medina Senior Business Consultant in Central Florida at Prospera,

Katia Medina is the Senior Business Consultant in Central Florida at Prospera, an economic development, nonprofit organization specialized since 1991 in serving Hispanic entrepreneurs. Since 2014, Katia has been providing business consulting to Hispanic entrepreneurs from within the state, Puerto Rico and a variety of Spanish-speaking countries to help them establish or expand businesses in Central Florida. In her role as business consultant, she advises entrepreneurs individually on how to effectively start and operate their business in the country and local region. This includes identifying needs and opportunities, assessing the feasibility of new ideas, serving as liaison for additional professional services, and facilitating access to financing from various lenders. She currently oversees all client programs for Prospera in Central Florida—which serve nearly 2,000 entrepreneurs per year—including relations with volunteers and contracted providers as well as coordinating educational programs in Spanish. Katia has played a key role in assisting people displaced by Hurricane Maria who wish to start, expand or relocate their business to Central Florida. Prior to working at Prospera, Katia worked for eight years for the Puerto Rican Legislative Assembly’s Office of Legislative Services in her native San Juan. She obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a focus on marketing from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, and an MBA with emphasis in marketing from the University of Puerto Rico. She lives in Orange County with her husband and two children.

Carlos M Colombo Immigration Attorney EB-5 Visas and other employment and investment based visas Carlos M. Colombo é sócio-fundador do escritório de advocacia Colombo & Hurd, AV-Rated (o mais alto nível de excelência profissional no qual uma empresa de advocacia pode ser classificada), onde lidera as práticas de imigração corporativa, internacional e empresarial. Com escritórios em Orlando, Tampa e Miami, ele criou um dos escritórios de advocacia de maior sucesso nos Estados Unidos.

pelo mundo e enfrentando pessoalmente as dificuldades do sistema de imigração dos Estados Unidos, o Dr. Colombo tem uma perspectiva única no tratamento de questões de imigração e negócios internacionais e compreende os desafios que as pessoas e as empresas enfrentam. O Dr. Colombo tem ampla experiência na representação de estrangeiros que solicitam vistos EB-1, EB-2, EB-2NIW, EB-3 e EB-5 para obter residência permanente (Green Card) nos Estados Unidos. Na qualidade de advogado dos vistos EB-1, EB-2NIW, EB3 e EB-5, o Dr. Colombo conquistou milhares de casos para estrangeiros em todo o mundo, incluindo clientes da Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Colômbia, Chile, China, Emirados Árabes, França, Índia, Itália, Kuwait, Coréia do Sul, Espanha, Vietnã, Reino Unido e muitos outros.

O Dr. Colombo auxilia pessoas físicas e jurídicas na estruturação de negócios complexos, transações comerciais internacionais e obtenção de vistos temporários ouresidência permanente (green card) em várias categorias, incluindo vistos para negócios, gerentes, executivos, investidores de Tratados de Comércio e inúmeros atletas reconhecidos mundialmente, além de celebridades. Em particular, ele desenvolveu uma prática de representar investidores interessados ​​no Visto EB-5 e apresentou centenas de petições Ele também é um convidado frequente I-526 ao longo de sua carreira. como um dos principais advogados de imigração nos meios de comunicação incluindo Além disso, ele representou várias empresas a CNN, ABC News, Fox News, Univision, da Fortune 500 e tornou-se o advogado Telemundo e TV Globo, oferecendo oriende muitos clientes com patrimônio líquido tação especializada sobre questões como elevado em transações internacionais delar- imigração, transações comerciais internacioga escala. Tendo imigrado para os Estados nais e comércio global. Unidos com sua família após longas viagens

Carlos M. Colombo is a founding partner of the AV-Rated law firm of Colombo & Hurd, PL, where he leads the firm’s corporate, international and business immigration practices. With offices in Orlando and Miami, Mr. Colombo has created one of the most successful boutique law firms in the United States.

Colombo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and immigrated to the United States with his family following extended trips throughout the world, including three years of residency in Europe. Having personally experienced the hardships of the United States immigration system. Mr. Colombo has a unique perspective in handling immigration and international business Mr. Colombo assists both businesses and indi- matters and understands the challenges that inviduals in mergers & acquisitions, international dividuals and companies face in the context of franchise structuring, complex business struc- U.S. immigration and international commerce. turing, international business transactions, obtaining temporary visas and permanent resi- Mr. Colombo has extensive experience repredent status in a variety of categories, including senting foreign nationals apply for EB-5 Visas visas for business partners, managers, execu- in order to obtain permanent residency in the tives, treaty investors and traders, and numer- United States. In his capacity as an EB5 Visa ous world recognized sport figures, entertain- Attorney, Mr. Colombo has filed successful ers and celebrities. In particular, Mr. Colombo applications for foreign nationals all over the has developed a niche practice of representing world including clients from Brazil, China, Kuinvestors interested in the EB-5 Visa and has wait, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Canada, Kufiled a multitude of successful I-526 Petitions wait and the United Kingdom. Mr. Colombo throughout his practice. has also made multiple appearances on major media outlets including CNN, ABC News, Fox Mr. Colombo has represented numerous For- News, Univision, Telemundo and Globo TV to tune 500 companies and has become the person- provide guidance on issues including immigraal attorney in large-scale international transac- tion, international commercial transactions and tions for many high net worth individuals. Mr. global commerce.

Dr. João Paulo Campi DuoSystem President

Inovações tecnológicas para o acesso e controle de sistemas de Saúde Technological Innovationsto access and controlon the Health System

Technological Innovations For The Health System JJoão Paulo Campi é graduado pela fac-

João Paulo Campi has a degree from uldade de Ciências Médicas de Santos – the University of Santos Medical SciUniversidade Lusíadas em 1988 e cirur- ences - Lusíadas University in 1988 gião de Cabeça e Pescoço desde 1994. and has been a specialist in Head and Neck Surgery since 1994. He has extenPossui grande experiência no setor sive experience in the public sector, copúblico, coordenando e implementanordinating and implementing various do diversos serviços na área da saúde, services in the health area, such as sevcomo por exemplo, os Centros de Regu- eral Health Centers in Sao Paulo-Brasil. lação Médica, em São Paulo. Além disso, Center for Medical Regulation, in São foi por quatro anos, Paulo, and in addition, he spent four diretor do Hospital do Servidor years as director of the State Public SerPúblico Estadual (HSPE-IAMSPE), um vants Hospital (HSPE-IAMSPE), one of dos maiores hospitais da América Lati- the largest hospitals in Latin America. na. He is currently president of Atualmente, é presidente da empresa DuoSystem technology company, foundde tecnologia Duosystem, fundada em ed in 2006 and specializing in health in2006 e especializada em inteligência e telligence and innovation. Campi is reinovação em saúde. Campi é responsável sponsible for the development of health pelo desenvolvimento de projetos de in- innovation projects and support and imovação em saúde e apoio e implantação plementation of technological tools in de ferramentas tecnológicas nos seto- the public and private health sectors in res de saúde pública e privada do Brasil. Brazil.

Luiz Henrique Perlingeiro Consultant Westchester Financial

Internationalization of Assets, Opportunities and Risks WESTCHESTER FINANCIAL CORP Consultor Chefe - Vice- Presidente do Citibank, Corporate Bank, Brasil; - Diretor do Unibanco - Corporate Bank, Brasil; - Diretor da ABCBT Consulting ( afiliada à ABC Technologies – USA ); - Com a Westchester International desde 2002. Luiz has been with Westchester International’s Rio de Janeiro office since 2002. He specializes in international tax and financial analysis. He focuses on the structuring of international financing, creating corporate structures which minimize the client’s risks and assisting clients with Brazilian tax matters. He is in constant contact with clients and potential clients in Sao Paulo and the southern states of Brazil..

Tarcisio Ximenes Aguiar Jr. CEO - X World Properties

Creative, motivated and proactive entrepreneur with vast experience in investment, hospitality and real estate industries since 1992. Strategizing, global economics, tourism & real estate developer, negotiation, business development. Ability to develop strategic long-term partnerships and communicate effectively fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English with all levels of decision makers. Founder of NSA- Neymar Soccer Academy LLC Founder of Florida Way Development LLC | Founder of Freeway Tourism Corp. | & Founder of X-Real Estate Investments LLC | Present Ceo of Ximenes Real Estate Partners LTDA • Drove revenue growth condo-hotel, resort and retail property portfolio from 27 Million to 234 Million, while raising more than 73 Million in equity capital • Compilated data related to research area such as the migration, cities growth, productiv-

ity, employment, wages • Consolidated brokerage activities, property management, new development marketing and international sales • Managed projects and developed individualized brokerage plans for new team's leaders Ceo of X-Empreendimentos Turisticos e Imobiliarios LTDA, • Acquisition and development of Residential Luxury Single Family Homes; Fortaleza, Brazil • Acquisition Planning – Aided in the development of acquisition strategies for new projects and follow on contracts. Ensure the technical and programmatic basis is consistent with XWP, and XI acquisition and XWP architectural concepts. Developed of acquisition strategy planning briefs and documents. • Support the content acquisition team on their non-sourcing tasks: Tracking, data entry, follow-up, and administration related to the supplier management system. • Founder and Ceo of Catavento Viagens e Turismo LTDA, The Consolation of Fernando de Noronha Islands Tourism Destination, BR

Tarcisio Ximenes Jr - Born in Recife-Pernambuco, Brazil, family from Ceara, State of Brazil., married and father of two girls and one American boy. An economist member of American Economic Association and U.S. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America Washington ,DC.

real estate developer, negotiation, business development. Ability to develop strategic long-term partnerships and communicate effectively fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English with all levels of decision makers. Vast experience in real estate acquisitions and international business . I'm the former president of SKAL international of FortaleCreative, motivated and proactive entrepre- za, Brazil and active member of CLIA Cruise neur with vast experience in investment, hos- Lines International Association . I work pitality and real estate industries since 1992. connecting people, ideas and investments. Strategizing, global economics, tourism &

• Developed hotels projects in Fernando de Noronha Brazilian Island, developed 92 buildings hostels (pousadas domiciliares) and 11 restaurants, generated 17 million of revenue for native people • Developed and set-up all company internal process, internal controls, marketing and sales global events, • Developed cruise lines in northern Brazil to Fernando de Noronha Island • Developed charter flights from Brazil to Orlando visiting Walt Disney World LEADERSHIP Present Kissimmee Florida Ambassador Kissimmee Osceola CO. Chamber of Commerce Economic Empowerment Past President of Skal International Fortaleza, BR SKAL INTERNATIONAL BRASIL Economic Empowerment Treasure Secretary FENACTUR- SINDETUR STATE OF CEARA, BR Economic Empowerment EDUCATION 2016-Present Excellence in Entrepreneurship –UCF Business Incubator Program University of Central Florida; Orlando, FL

2016-Present AS Business Administration Real Estate Specialization Valencia College; Orlando, FL Master Degree in Finance and International Business Fundacao Getulio Vargas,BR Bachelor Degree in Economics Science University of Fortaleza, BR Professional Affiliation's, Communication and Researching Skills • ICREA-International Consortium of Real Estate • CIPS- NAR National Association of Realtors • AEA- American Economic Association • RAMB-Miami Association of Realtors, Global Council • GTR-Great Tampa Realtors Association, Global Council • SKAL-Skal International USA & BR • COFECI-Conselho Federal de Corretores de Imoveis,Br • CORECON-Conselho Federal de Economistas,Br • CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Global Council • Online economics researching as a professional tool • Fluent English, Spanish and Portuguese verbal skills, and written Communication

Larson Accounting International Investment Team

Founded in 2004, Larson Accounting Group has many years of experience providing accounting, tax and business consulting services in the Central Florida area. We excel in providing accounting services for both foreign investors and businesses wanting to become established in the U.S., as well as for U.S. residents and companies. We are fully licensed and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Our reputation for excellence can be demonstrated by our partnerships with influential financial organizations including the National Society of Accountants, the National Association of Tax Professionals and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Whether you are an individual or a business owner, Larson Accounting Group is here for you. We are trusted experts in our industry, helping thousands of clients in the U.S. and overseas each year with their accounting, tax and business needs. Our highly-trained and multilingual team excel in helping businesses, individuals and investors. P: 407.370.3686 - F: 407.370.3120 7901 Kingspointe Parkway Suite 17, Orlando, FL 32819

Khalid Muneer Jupiter Properties CEO

Khalid Muneer is the Founder and President of Jupiter Properties inc ,commercial,residential and Business Brokerage company which he started 17 years ago.In his previous career he was an investment banker working in 10 countries in over a period of 17 years.He has also been a Board member of the BAC since its inception 3 years ago and a very much part of the Central Florida Brazilian business community.He traveled with our Board to Sao Paulo in 2016.Cueerntly he also serves as the President elect of the Asian American Chamber of Commerce CFL. He is no stranger to the area and has been a central Florida resident for 28 years and his real estate company with 32 agents with heritages from 18 different countries speaking 17 different languages makes his company very unique to take advantage of the demographics of Central Florida which is 58% minorities.His unique position in services in Leadership roles with the Asian,Brazilian,Hispanic,Puerto Rican,Muslim and African American communities has been instrumental in his decision to run for Public office in 2020 as Orange county property appraiser. Khalid Muneer,CIPS,TRC,ABR,GKC. Broker/Owner Jupiter Properties Inc. Central

Florida. Chairman Monessar & Muneer Consulting 2016 & 2020 President, Asian American Chamber of Commerce CFL Chairman American Chinese Chamber of Commerce FL. Chairman !st Veterans Kids Care Inc 2018 Co Chairman Ambassadors,Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Advisory Board Brazilian American Council 2017-Present 2018 Chairman,City of Orlando,Mayors Minority Certification Board Leadership Orlando Class 97. President Cricket Orlando. President Aston University Alumni ,Florida Chapter. Board Member,Harbor House Orlando Sentinel Central Florida 100 Most influential people List 2018 President American Muslim Chamber of Commerce GO. 2015 Latino Leadership council Award 2016 Emotional Intelligence Leadership Award. 2017 Distinguished Asian American Leadership Award,Orange County. 2017 International Leadership Foundation Award. Washington Past Executive committee / Board Member Orlando Economic Development Commission

Helen Oliveira President Senior Principal Agent

Helen Oliveira is the president and senior principal agent of NL Insurance & Accounting Solutions Inc, an independent insurance agency and financial consulting firm, located in Winter Garden and Tampa, serving all of Florida. Helen was born in Boston, MA and raised in a small town of central Portugal. In 2005 returned to United States to attend college. Helen graduated from Bentley College with a degree in Accounting and Finance. Years later, she obtained her Florida State 2-20 Property and Casualty license and 2-15 Life, Health and Annuities license. Moved to Orlando 14 years ago from Boston. Since then, Helen has been passionate about giving back to the community and involved in local charities, like Christian HELP Foundation, a board member for over 8 years. She is also a volunteer at the First Baptist Church Pregnancy Center. After 25 years in the accounting field and helping small to medium size businesses, Helen decided to become an independent insurance agent. Her accounting and finance expertise together with her knowledge of small/medium business insurance needs, has enabled her to assist clients in making the right decisions when it comes to protecting their personal and business assets. Helen has been married to Marcos Oliveira for 23 years. They love to spend time with family and friends, love Portuguese food and travel!

Vanise Moraes Believe Credit Solutions CEO

We Are Certified Credit Managment Experts Believe Credit Solutions is a company that offers the opportunity for its clients to gain a better life through their financial solutions like opening, development and recovery of credit, besides the renegotiation of interest and debts. A simple and straightforward company to advise your clients to solve their financial problems. Contact Believe Credit Solutions and find out what we can do to make your life better! E-Mail Ph# (407) 826-1911 - (407) 452-9197 7362 Futures Drive #24 Orlando, FL 32819

Yazen Abdin US Immigration Attorney


U.S. Immigration Attorney Yazen Abdin has successfully represented numerous individuals and corporations in acquiring residency and citizenship in the United States. He focuses exclusively on immigration matters, and is an Immigration Attorney at Abdin Law and is also of-counsel to both Brink Immigration and NeJame Law. Attorney Yazen has been featured on channel 6 and channel 13 news stations to advise about the latest developments in Immigration Law. Moreover, Yazen is a lecturer at various organizations to provide the community with regular legal updates. Published articles by Attorney Yazen can be found on the web and in various legal journals. Some of his accolades include: 10 Best Attorneys as published by American Institute of Legal Counsel, Florida Trend’s Legal Elite, UCF’s 30 Under 30, and Martindale Hubbell’s AV Preeminent rating. Moreover, Yazen was appointed by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to serve on the Civil Service

Board. Mr. Abdin has worked with and continues to work with clients from around the world including, but not limited to the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. As the son of two immigrant parents, Attorney Yazen Abdin understands the difficulties immigrants can face when transitioning to a new country. His goal is to provide answers and solutions to those seeking immigration benefits, in order to make the process as simple as possible. Yazen received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Central Florida in 2012 and continued on directly to law school thereafter. During law school, he participated in the immigration clinic where he assisted indigent clients with their immigration cases. Moreover, attorney Abdin is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)and the Orange County Bar Association (OCBA).

Witer DeSiqueira & Mara Pessoni Lead Attorney At Witer DeSiqueira Advogados Brazil & USA

MARA PESSONI specializes in Foreign Trade, graduated from the University of ParanĂĄ, focused in Business Plan Preparation and implementation of Brazilian Companies in the United States, has completed several specialization classes provided by government entities.

zilian companies in the United States. PhD from the University of Southern California - USA. Specialized in International Corporate Law, with extensive experience in international litigation, since they started to implement Brazilian companies in the US and vice versa.

Her objective is to stimulate, guide and enable small business in the American market, teach how to enter the export market and the internationalization of companies. For the last 10 years, she has lead the management at the LAW OFFICES OF WITER DESIQUEIRA as a partner at CNI - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTING. Specialized in Corporate Law and American Immigration.

He has advocated and held positions with US insurers and financial such as CNA Insurance Co. (Glendale-CA), AIG Insurance Co. (Los Angeles-CA), American Home Loans (Riverside-CA), among others. Member of the experienced law team of the renowned MALMQUIST FIELDS & CAMASTRA Law firm, having as CEO and Master, PhD. Ralph Malmquist. As Defense Attorney on this team, he worked for Seven years in fraud prevention ranging from insurance fraud to immigration fraud. For 12 years at LAW OFFICES OF WITER DESIQUEIRA he specialized in Internationalization of Companies, Academic Entities, Immigration to the United States, among other specializations

Witer DeSiqueira is the Main partner at the Law office that carries his name, with headquarters in Goiânia (Brazil), Los Angeles and Orlando (United States). With 31 years of practice in internationalization of Bra-

Pedro Torres

Executive Director Freedom Immigration

Pedro Torres, is a former Agent for the Department of Homeland Security and a retired Immigration Officer. He currently serves as Executive Director of Freedom Immigration. Freedom Immigration provides services as well as technical knowledge to the community, attorneys and businesses throughout the United States.

Olisnei Nascimento CEO

Nova Soluções esta no mercado a mais de 11 anos, temos as melhores soluções no mercado de tecnologia, com link de internet Banda Larga, Link Dedicado corporativo Full Duplex via Rádio ou fibra óptica, interligamos sua empresa Matriz com as Filiais (Ponto a Ponto), serviços de Cabeamento estruturado, soluções especializadas em Linux para sua empresa, desenvolve soluções sob medida e presta serviços de suporte técnico em redes, servidores e estações de trabalho Linux, bem como em projetos de virtualização e hospedagem corporativa.

Nova Soluções has been in the market for over 11 years, we have the best solutions in the technology market, with broadband internet link, full duplex corporate dedicated link via radio or fiber optic, we connect your company head office with branch offices (peer to peer), Structured Cabling services, specialized Linux solutions for your company, develops bespoke solutions and provides technical support services on Linux networks, servers and workstations as well as virtualization and corporate hosting projects.

Desenvolvimento de Site, Sistema de telefonia PBX Digital e analógica, Implantamos links de voz E1 e R2 Digital, bem como integramos seus sistemas atuais a troncos de Voz Sobre IP para que você obtenha os melhores serviços com redução de custos operacionais. Sistema de CFTV.

Website Development, Digital PBX and Analog Telephone System, We have deployed E1 and R2 Digital voice links, as well as integrate your current systems with Voice Over IP trunks so that you get the best services with reduced operating costs. CCTV system.



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