1 minute read
Velvet finish
Hamburger Mary’s - Jaidynn Diore Fierce Hamburger Mary’s - Jaidynn Diore Fierce

Pub on the Drive, in association with Kimberly Venom, presents a benefit to send Calypso Monroe Lords (Miss Noche Latina 2022) to Miss Florida F.I. 2022/23. The benefit starts at 11pm and features performances by some of south Florida's favorite entertainers, silent auctions, live auctions and raffles.
Saturday, September 3
City Commissioner Chris Caputo presents a celebration of love and life for his partner, Leo Peralta, from 4:30 to 6pm at Richardson Historic Park.

Ramrod presents their monthly Pig Dance from 10pm to 3am with no cover.
The Box Gallery will be presenting Gartel: Media Blitz Palm Beach, a fine art exhibition and experience with live music by DJ VButterfly. La Mariposa opens with a reception today at 7 pm and continues through October 1st. Laurence Gartel, known as the Father of Digital Art has been pioneering the Computer aesthetic for over 45-years. Visitors to The Box Gallery will witness numerous posters, and media announcements to which Gartel says are the Art itself. “Media is the breath and voice of the Artist,” says Gartel. Laurence Gartel has been a South Florida Resident for over 28-years. More information contact: Rolando at 786-5211199, or email: PalmBeachFineArtGallery@gmail.com