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Sailing the Pacific
Pride Skate Pride Skate Kravis Center for the Performing Arts Kravis Center for the Performing Arts

Larue in the main room along with Chef Vctor Lords serving delicious food.
The 24th annual Black Party Fort Lauderdale festival, A Gary Santis event, presents the main event with music by DJs Ana Paulo and Paulo at the Manor Complex. Tickets, which includes a VIP option, available in advance at Blackftl2022.eventbrite.com or at the door.
Wednesday, September 7th
Hotspots Magazine and Happening Out TV present Pride Skate which this month celebrates the South Florida Flag Football League at Xtreme Action Park from 710pm (the first Wednesday of every month) and is a fundraiser for Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade and Street festival. The event features DJ T-Pro mix, divas Velvet Lenore and Rianna Petrone, skating, and a full liquor bar. For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to: Xtremeactionpark.com/stonewall-prideskate-nights.
In preparation for its sensational 30th Anniversary Season, the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts is seeking interested Volunteers. “With over 400 volunteers, the Kravis Center knows that the show would not go on without the dedicated corps of people who donate their valuable time to the Center,” says Event Manager Karole Cooney. The next New Volunteer Orientation will be held at the Kravis Center's Rinker Playhouse today at 10am and Tuesday, September 13th at 6pm. Anyone interested in becoming a Volunteer is encouraged to download a printable Volunteer Application from the website fill it out and bring it to the orientation program. For information about volunteering at the Kravis Center call 561.651.4294 or to access the online application, go to kravis.org/volunteer.
Friday, September 9
The Foundry (2306 N. Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors) presents “The Actors” through October 2. "The Actors" – which has been produced nationally – makes its South Florida debut. The award-winning comedy is about a man so grief-stricken by the death of his parents that he hires two actors to come in once a week and pretend to be his parents. Of course, things don't go quite as