hog_39 de intrebuintari pentru o sotie

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Pentru Judy, folositoare ¿i frumoaså. ­–T.M.

39 USES FOR A WIFE Text copyright © 2005 by Harriet Ziefert Illustrations copyright © 2005 by Todd McKie This Romanian edition was published by arrangement with Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NT 10016 © 2008 House of Guides Tel.: (0040)21-317 91 31, Fax: 224 31 86 E-mail: office@houseofguides.ro www.houseofguides.ro © Toate drepturile în limba românå apar¡in în exclusivitate Editurii House of Guides. Este interziså reproducerea integralå sau par¡ialå a lucrårii sub orice formå, fårå permisiunea scriså a Editurii House of Guides.

© All Romanian rights reserved. Copyright by House of Guides. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor.

ISBN: 978-606-513-007-4

39 de întrebuin¡åri pentru o

SOºIE Harriet Ziefert desene de

Todd McKie

1. doctor

2. fizioterapeut

3. robot de buc책t책rie

4. comediant

5. termometru

6. balast

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